#come to shame his shige for being such a pain in the ass
thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
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lan wangji, who thinks about literally nothing else except rabbits: no
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kanisuru · 6 years
The remaining questions (or ones you want to answer if that's too much).
Get to know my character - Accepting 
01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?Akira’s name has many translations depending on the kanji used such as clear, bright, and intelligent. In Sanskrit, his name means graceful strength, and in Thai (a language and culture important both Akira and his spirit twin Amory) his name means sun or sunlight. Needless to say, all of these descriptors fit my boy to the letter. I actually don’t remember how or why I stuck with the name Akira. It just fit and I didn’t have the heart to change it. 05. Are they sexually confident or more of the shy type?Akira is most definitely sexually confident. Given his track record, probably a little too sexually confident. He is willing to try nearly anything just as long it doesn’t go against any of his morals or makes either party uncomfortable. Since coming into his own as a person and coming to terms with his sexuality, Akira has experimented freely with his body and what turns him on. He has no shame in what turns him on. 
09. Do they have a favorite season? What about a favorite holiday?Akira loves all seasons, but his favorites would have to be the fall and summer. Fall mostly for the change in the colors of his leaves (which are symbolically special to him) and he can comfortably eat all the corn chowder his heart desires. Summer because it’s festival season, and the sun is out for much longer. 10. Is your character more feminine or masculine?I think Akira is a good blend of the two? He’s not some hyper-alpha male, and he isn’t incredibly feminine either. He is comfortable in the middle, sometimes leaning in either direction depending on the situation. Akira enjoys looking good and receiving compliments. He wears jewelry including bracelets and rings on his fingers and keeps his eyebrows relatively neat. He also tries to take care of his skin and keeps his fingernails trimmed and neat. 12. Is there some particular talent, skill, or attribute that they simply could not give up?If asked, Akira would jokingly say that he could never give up his talent for making stupid faces in pictures, but in reality, he could not simply give up his musical talent. While growing up music, whether it was playing his bass or messing around on the piano, was his emotional outlets. They paved the way to finding freedom as a young adult. He couldn’t turn his back on it. 14. Do they live alone or with family? How do they feel about their family/roommates?He lives with his roommate and close friend Shige whom he has known since high school. He loves Shige, and couldn’t see his life without him at this point. Their history is long and at some points quite complicated, but they never gave up on each other. Akira likes the change that he sees happening in Shige and how he views the world, and himself. He wants to be around for all of it. 15. Is there a certain person in this world that they cannot stand? The very mention of this person’s name makes them tremble with anger or fear.I answered this before, but I realized I was not completely honest. After thinking about it, the one person that Akira cannot stand is a person that has died many years ago. After learning of Luci’s history with her father, and meeting some of her remaining relatives, Akira realized that there are certain people he’d bury if he could. 17. Does your character have dreams of getting married and/or having children?Akira would love to get married and have children in the future. That has always been in the back of his mind. The guy loves babies and dotes on his niece and nephew as if they were his own. As it stands, Akira does not see himself getting married on anytime soon. He’s not anywhere close to comfortable in his career, and as modern, as Akira likes to believe he is, he does want to be able to provide for his family. He is very much like his mother in that things need to be lined up and accounted for before he can settle down. But that also doesn’t mean that things could change. Akira has surprised himself over the years quite a bit. 19. Would your character be the kind to get into fights? (physical or verbal) Would they be a good fighter or cave in rather easily?Akira avoids getting angry in general, so avoiding any kind of fight is high up on his list of priorities. When pushed, Akira fights dirty. He knows exactly what to say to rip someone to shreds and will not feel guilty about it. Akira can hold his own despite his stature and weight. You’re not taking him down easily. 22. What kind of tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, freckles, and other such unique physical features do they have?Akira has his right ear lobe pierced, a line tattoo of a pinky promise (matching one shared with Amory) inside of his left bicep, a birthmark on the right side of his neck (it has been mistaken for a hickey on too many occasions), and a few freckles on his face. 23. What is your character like when it comes to school? What subjects are they good/bad at? Do they get in trouble a lot or are well behaved?Akira did exceptionally well academically and was in his school’s natural science program where he thrived. Even though he excelled, Akira placed high pressure on himself to maintain a certain image academically, and whenever that slipped, it was a heavy blow for him emotionally. Like a number of his peers, Akira cracked badly in the last two years of high school but managed to make his mother proud by being accepted into Kyoto Unversity. There he would study industrial chemistry before dropping out two years into his grad program.  Akira was very well behaved and never gave his teachers any real trouble. 24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like?”I’ve said it since the beginning, but I’ve always felt a kindred spirit in Luci. Meeting her was like meeting another bird in my flock, as weird as that sounds.” He laughed, a soft smile soon following, “She’s the type of woman you can’t help but notice, even with her ever-changing hair color. She’s bright, energetic, and with a mouth on her. She’s the kind of person that I could just as easily drag her into the middle of mosh pit, as I could sit quietly beneath a tree with a book to share. All the traits that I enjoy being around, but most importantly, Luci is real. She is human in all perfect imperfections. What you see is most definitely not all that is there. She’s a kaleidoscope, and with each turn, you get to see all the brightness and even some darkness too. Just like anyone else, Luci has her secrets and she has her bruises. Life hasn’t always been too kind, but even in the face of that pain, Luci found a way to dust herself off and keep going. She still found a way to keep laughing and to keep her heart open. Rainbow has a killer sense of humor if you ever get a chance to get her going. Snarky as fuck when pushed, so watch out! Truthfully, that’s what I admire the most about her, really. She didn’t allow her history to sweep her away. She’s still passionate about the things that make her heart beat faster. She still loves freely and with every fiber of her being, at least, with me she does and I’m still so honored by that blessing. Luci inspires me to become more. More for myself and more for what I could be for her. She was a wild energy that I didn’t see coming, but I knew from the moment she allowed me to compliment her ass and socks, that she was going change my life. I think she said it best, we’re a match we haven’t had before. She’s certainly shaken up my world, and I like to think I’ve added something to hers as well.” - @neonlucija
26. What is their lover like sexually? How do they feel about their lover’s quirks, needs, etc?Sexually, Luci is unlike anyone he has ever slept with before. She pulls things to surface inside of him that are very new, and this has been something that has caught him by surprise. They are passionate and intense when they are together, and border on insatiable when they get going. They’re terrible and have not been above teasing each other about it, too. Akira is convinced that Luci could look at him from across the room, and he’d instantly go find somewhere suitable for them hide and make it happen. Luci has been unafraid to explore with Akira both things that he is already aroused by, and things they as a couple or as individuals have not tried. Honestly, she is just as perverted as he is and actually might be worse, which she has shown on many occasions. They make for quite the pair both romantically and sexually. For them as a couple, sex and romance/intimacy are one and the same. Akira has not run into anything with Luci that has made him uncomfortable. She has been upfront with her needs for the most part and as stated has been open to exploration. Luci has even surprised him with some of the things she has suggested, almost as if she’s read his thoughts, or at worse, to push his buttons. Akira is willing to try whatever Luci is interested, but he also doesn’t want her to do things because she feels that they’ll please him. They are partners. Each person will get what they need without question. Most recently, he’s seen a change in Luci that he wants to explore further, but will go at her speed. 27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it?
Probably for doing something dumb in public while drunk. His friends have never let him live down the time he urinated in the potted plant, and killed it. So…yeah. Something along those lines. 28. If your character became a celebrity, what would they be famous for?Akira is not looking for fame or celebrity status, but if he were then it would be because of his music/producing and his band. Simple. 31. Would your character be the kind capable of killing? Would they enjoy killing or only use it when necessary or, perhaps, refuse to kill no matter what?Akira likes to think he wouldn’t be capable of killing, but if it came down to protect himself and the people he cares for/innocent lives than he’ll do what he needs to be done.  He would not enjoy it though. He doesn’t celebrate death even if the person deserved it. 34. Does your character have favorite foods? (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks, etc)He does and his favorites include corn chowder, green curry, apples (any fruit really), and street tacos. 35. Is your character afraid of death? If they got to choose how to die, how would they want to go?He isn’t afraid of death. Death is part of the natural cycle of life. If he could choose, Akira would want it to be quick and without suffering. If there is a next life in the cards for him, Akira hopes that one is exciting as this one has been. 36. Does your character have any medical conditions? Are they serious or minor? Do they affect their day to day life?Akira has asthma, but it isn’t as bad as it was when he was a child. It doesn’t really affect his day to day life at all if he doesn’t take care of himself. 38. What kind of weather does your character like? Cloudy skies, rainy days, sunshine, etc?Sunny days, a nice breeze and the kind of weather that you can get away with no jacket or a light one. He also loves the first snowfall of the season, and when it’s thick enough on the ground that he can go snowboarding and have snowball fights. 39. When people look at your character, is there some assumption they might make about them just by appearance? Is that assumption correct?I think people assume that just because he dresses eccentric and has a pretty bright disposition that he isn’t capable of malice or depressive thoughts. That wouldn’t be true at all and isn’t true for a lot of people. Akira can be vindictive when pushed or when he feels slighted. He is very much human with flaws and hangups that he needs to continue to work on. 41. Does your character’s family affect your character in any way?His family is the most important people in Akira’s life, and their opinions outweigh anyone else’s. He has spent a good chunk of his adult life unlearning old habits in regards to them, and learning that his opinion is just as important. It is fine to take someone’s words into consideration, but you do not have to apply it unless you believe them to be true to your reality. 42. Is there anything in your character’s past that they regret, haunts them, or they wish they could change?Akira would change certain paths that he went down in regards to some relationships and how he reacted to certain revelations, but in the end, for better or for worse, they have all lead them to where he is today. 43. Does your character have a switch that changes aspects of their personality whether they are around friends, family, etc. Is there someone who gets to see their true self?Everyone acts differently depending on who they’re around, and Akira is no different. It all depends on the situation and who he is around. The people who get to see Akira at his most authentic are his circle of close family members and friends. With them, he doesn’t have to edit himself, even if they may wish he had. Ha! 44. Is there a particular event that would emotionally devastate your character?It’ll always be losing someone he cares for unexpectedly or in a horrific way. That would take a while to recover from, and even then, he’s not coming out of the other side the same. 45. Is your character the kind to hide their true emotions or do they wear their heart on their sleeve?For as long as he can remember, Akira has always had a habit of editing his feelings and hiding things. He allows people to see as much as he thinks is necessary even to the detriment of his own emotional or psychological state. Akira is still learning to be more true to his emotions, and that is okay to do so. 
46. What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover?Akira is big on physical touch, so when he’s around their lover he’s more likely to wrap his arms around them from behind and nuzzle the back of their neck or kiss whatever skin he can get to. He also likes to send random quotes, songs or pictures that remind him of them, whether it be humorous or sweet. 47. Is your character outgoing? Would they be the leader of the friend group, or the quiet one that gets dragged along?Very much outgoing! He’s spent enough time following behind. He loves getting his group of friends together for a random trip or live show in town. He also very much enjoys their monthly family-style, potluck dinners. There is nothing quiet about Akira when he is feeling good. 50. If your character confessed love to their crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc, what would they say?“I have feelings for you”  
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lunosamentelunitoo · 7 years
Gintama 629 spoilers
TITLE: Logic is really important in detective stories”
Sonroshi: So you are Hirata Genkai, I can’t believe i am getting to know the one guy, that helped the humans to archieve the defeat of the liberation army that way, the fact is that is quite surprising that the person we looked for in all galaxy that was able to sink such fleet in just one day and restore it back is someone like you
Genkai: Hey you old jeez, i don’t have any paper to wipe my ass, do you want to wipe it?? I only helped to kick the liberation army’s butt, aren’t you guys courious to see how they are doing where are they now?
Sonroshi: We are not interested to the situation in the main stroghold, they understimated the enemy, and we are not interested to fight alongside those idiots. If we stay with them we will be intossicated by their poison and our limb would rot and fall. But us, will by no means look down to you, It was on this planet that our compatriot.. the king of the yato was... Rearranging the army and defeat you will come later... But now.. genkai you have to stop that nanomachines.
Toshi; Big trouble!! THe old genkai!! Genkai fell in enemies’ hands...
Tsukuyo: eh? What do you want??
Toshi: No.. nothing
Matsudaira: Good job, thanks for providing us the enemies’ movments for all this time. Even if it’s night, such quiet is so weird, this is a good time for that party to cool their heard after all this heat. Watching without moving.. Keep their breath, they sure will come somehow, but we are waiting for them. We will rpvide tehm a bonus stage, how much it will last? But a little of rest will be good for us too.
Soyo: I can’t sleep, you too Nobume san?
Nobume: My injuries are keeping me up, i really can’t rest. But at least in this way I can keep watch over you princess and made you sleep without worries.
Soyo: I am so sorry, I ididn’t realized that, but I am ok, the one that should rest it’s you Nobume san.
Nobume: If the peincess will fall i asleep I will fall...ZZZ
Soyo: Well, you already sleeping Nobume san, I am sorry, you should be really tired, while I am getting more wake up.. When it comes to watcho over we can leave all to the yorozuya, and with such of a bodyguard we are just ok, he is looking over my bed now, so you can sleep Nobume san.... It’s ok!! Please don’t give him that kind of rest!!
Nobume: Awww.. it feels so goodz...
Soyo: I am sorry Nobume san, but I don’t knpw how to do tsukkomi on this... but this really feels so good. if we sleep near to this... That remind me.. we already did something like that. I was so selfish and couldn’t sleep alone, so i slept with all of you. Who could image that a night like that would come then.. A really lonley night.
Nobume: Princess, you two siblings, opened those eyes, we are Hitotsubashi’s faction, No one of us is useless, Shige shige sama.. me... I really have now the quaifications to be by your side.
Soyo:... This night we can have a proper sleep after a long time,from that time , i always have a good bodyguard next to me, i am not able to understand difficult things, but i know who was protecting us for all this time. Isn’t that good Nobume san? You know my pain and I know yours, Isn’t that a good reason to spend the night together? Isnt’t that enough? So let’s go throught this night togetherz...
Nobume: Princess, I don’t knoew how to tsukkomi too... WHAT!! A radio? Did someone of the guards put this radio here??
Dude: A..an... answear
Soyo:  A communication? Weren’t all the communications in Edo down, cause all the machine were stopped?? And then.. this voice..
Dude: Someone.. there is some one? answer..
Soyo: Yes!
Dude: Rogetr that! You are...?
Soyo: I am Shigeshige’s sister, Nobunobu sama is that you?
Dude: It.. it’s back!! Communications with earth are back!! Form the analysuis it results that the nanomachines didn’t destroy all the machines! The collegues from the tech group prob thought of some means to contrast the effects in such a short time... maybe taking the central sistem that is being affected is taken in a different place..
Enshou: That makes me so happy!! I don’t care how!! Nothing is settled donw yet, Wwe can’t still get near that planet!! The grop letf behind is still in danger!  Soon check the situation on earth and then decide how to move!!
Dude: Yes!
Toshi: What? communications are back? Is that possible? That the enemy got it from Genkai?  I can’t believe it, that gives to our enemies more weapons and chance of victory! Soon!! Doesn’t matter how !! Let’s go to search for Genkai, and take him away from the enemies!!
Gintoki: Calm down you idiots, ther eis no change that the old man told something to the enemy, the granpa is not like that. He is surely silent and cold now
Shinpachi; Do you mean he is dead???
Gin: I told it’s ok! His sense of community is hight both in space than in the underworld.
Shinpachi: So that means he is dead???
Gin: SO first of all, we should take some Heparize, prepare some vomit bag and go to sleep. God, all this shaking is making me feel sick gorgorgorgoro...
Shinpachi: Kyahahahaha!!!
Toshi: Oi!! you bastard why did you drank until to feel so sick during war!!
Gin: ‘Cause I thought that i saved before to face the last boss! I thought I had recover all my HP!!
Yamazaki: Oi please, wake up...
Gin: But I fell into a pond of poison as i woke up... and instead to recover HP the screen became green.
Toshi: Real life doesn’t have save points! n life every progress hurts! And the damage zone is really wide!
Gin: And the fact that the old man is been took by the enemy is a proof.
Okita: Somehow he left a trace made of shit... where he is been caught he didn’t had paper and could not move...
Gin: Of course, that is such a proper way to die too, old man!
Okita: On the place there are still some remains of poop left, this is a proof that he didnt wiped his ass. SO the remains left on his ass is leading us
Gin: Somehow this makes so much sense... Did you called the old man by name? Did you put him on shame?
Shinpachi: SO do you really think that that was a way for Genkai to leave some trace?
Okita: His hands were cuffed, Somehow we been invested in luck!
Shinpachi: Okita san... actually we got invested in shit
Okita: Look there!
Shinpachi: The poop is keeping going..
Okita: While he was kidnapped by the enemies he showed his position to us. He didn0t had nothing with him, so he left this mark.
Shinpachi What kind of Hansel and Gretel is that??
Okita: If we follow that we can reach Genkai!
Toshi: Oi Sougo! Did you just called the old man by name? is that good??
Gin: What if that is just poop by a really big dog?
Shin: Other than that, isn’t all of this against every conventions?
Toshi: Is even possible for a single human being to poop tht much?
Okita: Probaly not in a normal situation, but now he is in danger...
Kondo: It was so long i didn’t meet that person and I drunk too much, to think it was prune’s juice... Anyway.. it doesn’t matter in how deep the forest where i am is, I knew you will surely found that out.. can you go to bu me some pants?
Okita: So it asn’t a poop trail
Toshi: Well it was a gorilla trail. There, there was no human, understand??
Shin: Well that was your general gorilla trail! Are you ok with that???
Gin: I thought from the start that he was running in strage way... but he was going headed from us just to wash his pants.
Toshi: Forget all of that!!
Gin: I wanted to.. but that made me feel sick again
Shin: What do we do now? We have no clue left.
Toshi: look there
Shin: Blood? that means...
Toshi: Maybe that is a trail left by Genkai.
Shin: That means that Genkai san is...
Toshi: I don’t know. ut this is a race against time for sure!
Okita: Hijikata san, call for some gopchang
Toshi: Why I should be the only one to call for intestines?? I want to call for the old man too
Shin: Look! the amount of blood is getting bigger!!
Toshi: That’s bad! move!!
Zenzou: I drank too much and my hemorrhoids exploded. But I knew that you would notice that... please move, put that into my ass...
Toshi: Oi! That’s all cause your drinking party!! You all have some leak, manly from your lover body!
Gin: Don’t deceive things with tsukkomi! Move! use some logic and pull out the intestines!
TOshi: So Okita should pull out the old man tho!
Okita: I am sorry Hijikata san, but my granpa died a really long time ago, so die now Hijikata san
 Toshi: What logic is that?? You have no qualifications to tell mistery stories!!
Shin: Hey!! Are things to say in this situations!!
Toshi: If every one is abl to use communication of us is over!!
Kagura: It’s here
Shin: Kagura chan?
Okita: Do you know what it’s happening?
Kagura: It’s only my intuition, but I trust it.. a night like that yato become hunters
Enshou: Sonroshi, from Daikini to Shinra I collected the stronger, but in the end only the yato are left. Is that the man?
Sonroshi: Yes, he still have ears and mounth , but the only thing that we really need it’s his head and skills. As we will lead him to torture he will beg let us know where his companions are.
Genkai: SO you are the liberation army’s boss? happy to talk with you
Enshou: Yeah, where is the thing that is blocking all battleships. arms and communications?
Genkai: well, communications seems to be back. Prob you were once worshipped, you look to have such sweet establishment. A for the nanomachines they can be stopped only by the bees. And I can’t grant your wishes to come near earth cause I don’t know a way to stop them too
Enshou: Is that so? As I though, That means that weliberation army can’t be stopped too earthling. we, the altana liberation army, got this from the Tendoshu collecting it from various stars in order to release it against the one that will refuse this holy war, so if you don’t want to grant our wish and fight with us, the best thing will be to reduce to dust all the life in the entire universe.
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