#comeback special
lustnhim · 4 months
elvis in the 68’ comeback special) 𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
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𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
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coolthingsguyslike · 1 year
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valkaryah · 1 year
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"Well, I was a virgin hooker. I kinda take pride in that. That was my part that I had interviewed for. I walked into rehearsal, we were to prepare how we were going to dance, and he [Elvis] was just standing there in his jeans. And it was, I mean, it was too tempting. I hadn’t seen him for a couple of months. So, I just kind of tiptoed up. It wasn’t work. NBC was paying me, but I think it was apparent to everybody that we very much enjoyed what we were doing. And we had fun dancing and practicing and being silly. Steve was one of the best directors I’ve ever had. He definitely was in control of everything. But he allowed that free liberty for us to express ourselves. It was just natural. And I think allowing Elvis and I to be natural and play how we did, it brought out more in us. When there is a chemistry - he was very sensuous, very masculine -, and it elicited the femininity and the flirt and the coy and the tease in me. And I think we played off each other." - Susan Henning, Reinventing Elvis: The 68’ Comeback
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Record Collector No. 357, dated Christmas 2008. The Elvis Presley Comeback Special featured here first aired in the US on 3 December 1968.
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vintagepresley · 2 years
68' Comeback Special... Part 10.1
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader
Word Count: 5,952 Words
Warnings: 18+ Pregnancy complications, talks of blood, cursing, mentions of a emergency c-section, panic attack, and tons of cute fluff, typical Elvis stuff.
Author's Notes: ELVIS IS A DADDDY. Hi y'all, sorry this took me so long to get out. I will be splitting this last part into two because it became so long. But I promise to get that out faster than I did this one. But thank you for being so patient. I promise some smut will be in the next one!! Check out the Elvis song ‘My Happiness’ if you haven’t heard it already! Possible spelling errors. (side note: @moonchild-daniella I used one of the baby names you suggested! thank you!)
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My Happiness...
“E-Elvis… W-Where’s Elvis…” you repeated over and over unaware of what was happening around you as the paramedics wheeled you out the ambulance into the hospital. Your mother was at your side trying her best to stay calm and reassuring you that Elvis would be there. She was shaken up even more when the doctors wouldn’t allow her into the operating room with you. She stood in the hallway pacing back and forth nervously as she waited for your father to arrive at the hospital, but who she saw instead was Jerry the man she remembered who brought you home. She quite relieved to see a familiar face and she ran over to him giving him the tightest hug. “I came as soon as I heard. What happened?!” he said worriedly as he pulled back from the hug. “I-I don’t know. One minute she was fine and then the next she wasn’t and there was so much blood.” She cried and Jerry embraced her into another hug and soon after your father arrived and the three of them waited patiently for answers. Jerry was waiting to hear any updates from some of the guys who were in California and had been in contact with Elvis from the plane. Jerry hoped that nothing would happen to you or the baby. He knew Elvis would blame himself and he wouldn’t be able to handle it which only send him down a dark spiral. Tenses were on high and by now your mother was inconsolable because of how long they were taking to let them all know what was going on. 
In the operating room where you were less than coherent you just couldn’t stop mumbling on about Elvis and how he needed to be here until they had sedated you and began to work hard at trying to stop the bleeding and finding the source of the problem and after about an hour of waiting and no answers your mother, father, and Jerry hopped to their feet the moment they saw the doctor walking to them and it was hard to tell if he had good news or bad news. As the doctor approached, he let out a soft sigh. “Well, we’ve got the bleeding to stop, but we did discover that she had an infection and severe inflammation. Had she been complaining about any kind of unusual pain?” he asked. Your mother shook her head. “N-No, she seemed to have the usual problems back pain, swelling if there was anything else going on she hadn’t told me.” She responses. “So, what does that mean doctor? Is she and the baby going to be alright?” your father chimes in. “For now, she and the baby are both stable, but we’re still looking to see just how much the infection spread and if it’s affected the baby and if so, we unfortunately may have to do an emergency c-section, if we can’t stop it.” He says softly.  “What?! She’s not due for another month. What will happen to the baby?” your mother says frantically. “If all goes well the baby should be fine, it may have to spend some time in the NICU but that’s normal with premature babies.” He said trying to assure your mother of her fears before he went back to the operation room.
Your mother couldn’t believe what she was hearing, and your father consoled her that the doctors know what they are doing and that they will both be okay. Jerry didn’t know what to do and he was so worried that Elvis wouldn’t make it in time if they did have to perform an emergency c-section, he quickly walked off to find a payphone to see if there were any other updates on Elvis’ flight. He dialed the number to the phone on his private plane and nervously holding the phone up to his ear as the line trilled quietly and suddenly Charile picked up the phone. “Hello?” he said. “Charlie, it’s Jerry, how much longer until you guys get here?” Jerry asked. “Oh hey, Jerry, it’s lookin’ like another hour or two. How is she? The baby?” he says he looks over at Elvis who was staring out of the plane window with a look of worry and panic on his face, but he tried to keep it together. But when he heard Charlie speaking about you, he jumped out of his seat and demanded for him to give him the phone. Charlie handed the phone over to him and his voice was shaky and frantic sounding. “Jerry? What’s going on? How’s my girl?” he asks nervously. “Doctor said she had some kind of infection or inflammation and that they’re checking to see if it’s affected baby.” He paused for a moment and let out a soft sigh. “What? What is it?” Elvis panicked. “Listen man.. They said if the infection has spread, they’re going to have to get baby out.” Jerry said hesitately. “What?! But it’s not time! W-What if something happens to the baby? H-How can they just do that!?” his voice shaky and he was nearly on the verge of tears. “Elvis, listen to me, the doctors say the baby should be fine it’ll have to spend some time in the hospital. But things should be fine.” Jerry tried to reassure him not really feeling confident about things himself, but the last thing he wanted was for Elvis to drive himself mad with worry. 
Elvis exhaled softly as he nodded at Jerry’s reassuring words. “T-Thank you, Jerry. Thank you for being there for her. I.. I’m sorry for everything.” He said softly. “Ah, I forgotten all about that. It’s all in the past and you don’t need to thank me I care about her and you. You’re my best friends.” Jerry smiled. Elvis chuckled softly with the first smile he’s had all day. “I’ll see you soon and if anything changes call me right away.” He says. “Of course, man.” Jerry responded before hanging up the phone and heading back over to your parents as the three of them continued to wait for more answers. Elvis had several things going through his mind and speaking with Jerry helped him a bit, but he was still so worried. You were the love of his life the woman that was going to make him a father and he lost you he’d have nothing. He didn’t care about anything else in his life especially if you weren’t around. Now with the possibility of you having the baby early he was just a nervous wreck. But the only thing he could do, what he knew that could help was praying and that’s what he did the entire way to California. Joe and Charlie wished that there was something that they could do, but neither of them knew what to say or how to even comfort their friend. But much like Jerry they were going to do their best to reassure him that you would be okay. 
Another long hour had passed and as the doctor came walking back out your parents, and Jerry all stood up hoping to hear good news, but as the doctor let out a sigh they couldn’t tell if what he was about to say was good or bad. “Just tell us straight out, doctor.” Your father said nervously. “Unfortunately, it looks like an emergency c-section is our only option due to the infection spreading to the baby. So far, the baby from what we could tell is okay, again once we do this the baby will need to be in NICU for a bit. But mother and child should be okay, it’s good thing you brought her to the hospital when you did.” He nodded. Your mother and father were beside themselves but trusting that their daughter and grandchild were in good hands. Jerry was completely panicked still seeing there was no sign of Elvis. “I-I’ve gotta call Elvis... He needs to be here.” Jerry says before running off to the payphone. Jerry frantically adding money into the payphone and dialing the number to Elvis’ plane, nervously waiting for someone to pick up as the line shrilled, once again Charlie answered. “Hello?” he said. “Charlie, put Elvis on the phone now.” Jerry said frantically. Charlie quickly let Elvis know Jerry was on the phone and Elvis took the phone quick. “What’s the matter? What happened?” Elvis says panicked. “Where are you? How long until you get here? They’re going through with the c-section.” Jerry blurts out. “Goddamn it! We should be landing in about 20 minutes. You gotta try to get them to wait, man... I-I-I can’t miss the birth of my child. I need to be there for Y/N.” he said with a sadness in a voice but still freaked out. 
Jerry sighs. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to do that, Elvis. I don’t know if they can wait. But I guess I’ll try.” He says unsure of himself. “Please Jerry, please..” Elvis pleads. “Okay, okay, just hurry.” Jerry says before hanging up, he was going to do everything he could to try to slow the process, but if there’s no chance of that Jerry didn’t know what he was going to do and he knew Elvis would feel even worse about this situation if he couldn’t be there for you when you would need him the most. He had just caught the doctor before he was about to walk away as he came back over to your parents. “Doctor?” Jerry calls out to him. The doctor stopping in his tracks and turning back around to catch Jerry’s worried gaze. “I know this is gonna sound crazy, but is there any way to hold off until the father is here? He’s landing in 20 minutes and shouldn’t take him long to get here.” Jerry asks quite nervously. “Uh, I don’t know.. The sooner we do this the better.” the doctor insists. “I-I know, but he doesn’t want to miss the birth of his child. If it’s no harm to her or the baby, is it possible?” Jerry asked. The doctor exhaled softly. “I’ll see what I can do..” he says softly before walking away. Jerry let out a relieved sigh, hoping that they’d be able to, he nervously continued to check his watch waiting for Elvis to show up. 
You were still under the anesthesia having no idea what was going on in outside world but as you were knocked out on that cold table with doctors and nurses buzzing around you, your mind was still running and you had no idea that you were in a dream the last moments you remember calling out to Elvis and in your dream Elvis never makes it to the hospital and it was turning into a nightmare, taking the turn for the worse the very thought of losing your child crept into this dream and all you felt was guilt. That this was all your fault, that if you hadn’t angered him, left or if you had gone back when he asked, he would’ve been here for you, maybe none of this would’ve happened. You’d have your happy little family with Elvis. You were wavering in and out of your dream and sometimes hearing the faint sounds of the beeping hospital machines, distant chatter, but unable to open your eyes and you’d eventually fall back into that deep slumber until you could no longer hear the noises. 
Jerry was a nervous wreck as if he was the one becoming a father as he stared at his watch and the entry way of the hospital hoping Elvis would be walking through it. Elvis had landed and he was on his way as quick as he could be to the hospital, the guys doing their best to avoid the pesky LA traffic. The doctor came walking back out and feeling that he had held off on the operation long enough, telling Jerry and your parents that he understands the situation, but they need to operate for the sake of the mother and child. Just as Jerry was about to give up and agree for them to do what they need to do; Elvis came bursting into the hospital like a bat out of hell with the rest of the guys and his father following behind him and he came rushing over to Jerry and your parents’ side. “Where is she? Where’s my girl?!” he said frantically. The doctor in shock to see who the father was, and he was starstruck for just a moment. Jerry felt so relieved to see Elvis and felt like he could finally relax for a moment. “Thank god, you made it!” Jerry says with a soft sigh. Once the doctor got control of the room and setting aside who was standing before him. His tone was quite serious. “She’s in the operating room right now. We need to do the c-section; we will not wait any longer. We can get you in the proper attire to be with her in the room.” The doctor said with a nod. Elvis nodding swiftly to the doctors’ words. “Well, let’s not wait any longer, doc, let’s go.” Elvis said calmly, but still visibly nervous. 
Everyone looked on as they watched Elvis headed back with the doctor and he was taking slow breathes trying to keep calm, not only was he nervous for your wellbeing and his child’s, but he was nervous about also becoming a father. As they suited him up in the proper PPE he could see you through the little glass window lying on the operating table asleep, he clenched his jaw at the sight and then he was following the doctor inside, the nurses and doctors fully aware of who he was but treating him like any concerned father-to-be, he rushed to your side, taking your left hand into his as his other hand gently brushed over your hair, giving your cheek soft kisses and remembering that your father had told him you were calling out for him as they took you to the hospital.  “I’m here, little one, I’m here. I wouldn’t dare let you do this alone...” he whispered in your ear as he grasped your hand tighter, continuing to gently stroke your hair. He looked on nervously as he watched the doctors begin the operation, they had put a separation curtain to shield Elvis from seeing them cut you open. He was doing everything he could to not let his nerves get the better of him, “You’re gonna be okay, little, I just know it. The baby’s gonna be okay.” He whispered unsure if he was trying to convince himself more than you, he was scared. He'd never been more scared of anything in his entire life until this moment. This was supposed to be a happy moment, he had planned on passing out cigars and celebrating. But all he could feel was fear, fear that the worse would happen. But he had prayed, prayed so hard on that plane that you and the baby would be okay. 
Your parents, Vernon, Jerry, and the other members of the Memphis Mafia were waiting anxiously in the waiting room, desperately wanting some sort of update, but it would be another hour or two before they got any answers. Elvis was never let go of your hand as he continued to whisper into your ear how much he loved you and that you’d be okay. “I promise you things are going to be different... I promise…” he mumbled, he still blamed himself for all of this, he should have never put his hands on you, maybe you would’ve stayed, and this wouldn’t be happening, but he couldn’t dwell on that. He needed to be in this moment with you, he needed to be here for you even if you couldn’t hear him or feel that he was right by your side. After for what seemed like a lifetime the doctors were finally able to get the baby out and Elvis’ face lit up when he heard the cutest little cry the moment, they had the baby in their arms. “Congrats, Mr. Presley, you’re the father of a little girl.” The doctor said happily. Elvis smiled proudly as he let out a shaky sigh as his eyes began to well up with tears and he leaned back down toward you, running his hand gently along your face. “Ya hear that, baby? It’s a little girl! We made a beautiful little girl.” He said happily, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek. “Would you like to cut the umbilical cord, Mr. Presley?” the doctor asked. Elvis laughed nervously, nodded excitedly. He brought your hand up to his lips and giving it a gentle kiss before he had let it go and went over to the doctor who had handed him a pair of clamps and Elvis like a proud daddy cut the cord as he beamed down at his tiny child. 
He watched as the nurses took her to clean her up so Elvis would be able to hold her before they took her down to the NICU. He walked back by your side smiling and leaning back down toward you as the doctors began to clean you up and close you back up. “She’s beautiful, Y/N. I-I can’t wait for you to see her when you wake up..” He whispered. One of the nurses happily carrying the swaddled little baby came over to Elvis. “Ready to hold your newborn, Mr. Presley?” she asked. He nodded quickly; a bit nervous about holding such a tiny human. “Uh, I guess so..” he chuckled softly. He held his arms out and she carefully placed the little baby in his arms, he had a protective hold over her, still so nervous about holding such a delicate little thing, she was so tiny, he was afraid of hurting her, but when he looked down at her and saw her little face that was freshly cleaned, all those nerves had washed away, it felt as if he was falling in love all over again, now those tears that welled once again in his eyes and they began to stream down his face and all the nurses watching the sweet moment in awe. “Do you have a name for her?” One of the nurses asked. Elvis carefully wiped the tears from his eyes as he continued to stare down at his little girl and then he looked at the nurse and let out a soft chuckle. “No, actually... I mean, my wife and I made a list of names dependin’ on if it were a boy or girl. But we never actually chose anythin’.” He said softly, glancing over at you and then back at the nurses. “I-I think I’ll wait until I can talk to her.” He nodded, staring back down at the little angel in his arms, giving her the gentlest kiss. “Beautiful... Just like your mama.” He whispered to her. 
But before he knew it that precious moment was over as the nurses had to take her back to get her down to the NICU, though she was only a month early, they still wanted to make sure she was health and fully developed, he didn’t want to let her go, but he knew she’d be in the best care and that now he needed to be with you when you woke up, the doctors had finished getting you all stitched up and now pulling you from under the anesthesia, but the doctor said it would probably be a few hours before you actually woke up because it affected everyone differently. He followed them out of the operating room as they began to transfer you to a room, Jerry having taken the liberty to getting you a private room like Elvis would’ve done himself. Once they got you to the room Elvis had made himself comfortable in the chair that sat beside your hospital bed, holding your hand in his, and the doctor said he’d let everyone know the news. Elvis nodded, thanking the doctor for all his help and then he turned his attention back to you once the doctor had left. He didn’t know how long it would be before you woke up, but he was going to be by your side the entire time. The doctor had let everyone know the good news and allowed them all to come back to where you and Elvis were and allowing you all to have time with each other and the moment, they saw Elvis he got up from where he was sitting and embracing your parents and his father in a tight hug. “You’re all grandparents of a little girl!” he said happily with a soft chuckle. “Congratulations, son.” Vernon said with a smile. Your mother rushed to your side, kissing your forehead, and letting out a relieved sigh seeing that you were okay. “Where’s the baby?” your mother asked. “She’s down in NICU. I think once they’ve got her settled down there, we can all go visit her. She’s angel... A beautiful little angel. That I can’t believe I had hand in making.” Elvis said so proudly. 
Everyone was happy for the both of you and seeing how happy Elvis was and the smile that couldn’t seem to leave his face. They could tell that seeing that little baby had completely changed everything for him in one instant. After while everyone had left and Elvis had told your parents to go home and get some rest after they had spent hours at the hospital, he assured your parents that he’d be by your side the entire time in case anything happened and that when you woke up, they’d be the first to know. As Jerry was getting ready to head up Elvis had stopped him as he followed him out of the room. “Jerry?” Elvis said softly. “Yeah, E?” he answered tiredly. “Will you stay? I-I feel like she’d like it if you were here too. You really looked out for her, and I’d appreciate it.” He said, giving Jerry’s arm a pat. “Of course, Elvis.” He smiled and though they never really hugged each other, Elvis couldn’t stop himself from pulling Jerry into a hug, the two men embracing and forgetting why they even were mad at each other in the first place. Elvis knew he could always count on Jerry to look after you and there wasn’t anyone else, he’d want doing it, he also knew he’d be there to look after your daughter if he ever needed to. Elvis pulled back with a smile and nodded at him the two of them headed into the room and Elvis sat back in the chair beside your bed and Jerry sat in the chair by the door, taking the time to get a bit of sleep. But Elvis couldn’t sleep, he wouldn’t, he just wanted you awake. So, for the next for hours Elvis held your hand and spoke softly to you in hopes that you’d hear him. 
A few hours had passed, and Elvis had dozed off without having realized it. You had finally woken up from what felt like an eternity of sleep, but you weren’t aware of where you were or what was happening that when you did finally open your eyes, you thought you were still in that terrible nightmare, and you woke up in such a panic and in pain, crying hysterically and calling for Elvis. You scared Elvis out of his sleep and when he saw you were awake and in such a state of shock, practically hyperventilating and throwing yourself into a panic attack. He climbed into the bed with you as quick as he could, cupping your face in his hands, trying his best to soothe you “B-Baby, baby, I’m here… I’m right here, honey. Shhh.. I’m right here. Look at me, baby. I’m right here.” He said softly, Jerry had woken up from all the commotion, half asleep unsure what was happening. You were breathing heavily, your chest heaving rapidly as you slowly raised your head up to see Elvis through your teary eyes. When his gaze met yours, he smiled. “Just breathe, baby.. I’m here, see?” He hummed as the pad of his thumbs grazed gently along your flush cheeks. You took deep breaths when you realized Elvis was truly there and you flung your arms around him as you cried softly into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head as he rubbed your back soothingly. “Oh, Elvis, you’re really here..” you said softly trying to choke back your quiet sobs. “Of course I am, little one.. I wouldn’t be anywhere else.” He mumbled softly, looking over at Jerry and signaling for him to get the doctor. Jerry nodded and slowly got up from his seat and leaving the room to find the doctor. 
“I had the most terrible dream... You weren’t here and the baby... I-“ you couldn’t finish your sentence because you had begun to realize something about you was different, it felt different, you pulled back from Elvis and ripping your blankets off, seeing your once swollen stomach was no longer there. “W-Where’s the baby? What happened?!” you began to spiral and panic again. Elvis quickly went to calm you, taking your face in his hands again. “Baby, listen to me, everything is okay, the baby she’s okay.. They had to do an emergency c-section. You had some sort of infection. But you’re okay and so is she.” He smiled. You took a deep breath as you calmed yourself as you stared up at Elvis. “S-She? It’s a girl?” you asked with tears in your eyes, but this time they were happy tears. “Yes, darlin’, it’s a girl. A beautiful little girl. She’s so tiny.” He smiled widely. “Where is she? I want to see her. I want to hold her. Where’s my baby?” you asked frantically. “Y/N, she’s down in NICU. She’s okay, but since she was born a bit early, they had to take her down there.” He says calmly, trying to keep you from having another panic attack. “I wanna see her, can I see her?” you asked still a bit frantic. Before he answered Jerry had finally found the doctor and when he came walking in, he was happy to see you were awake. “Mrs. Presley, how are you feeling?” The doctor asks. “I want to see my daughter.” You said sternly. “Alright, honey, we can arrange that. But I just want to see how you’re doing and discuss some things with the both of you.” He said with a nod. Elvis raised an eyebrow. “Is everything alright, doc?” Elvis asked. 
You laid back against the bed as you winced in pain, staring up at the doctor as he checked your vitals and your stitches, seeing that everything seemed to be holding up. “Is something wrong with our daughter?” you asked. Jerry felt a bit awkward being in the room, but he knew Elvis wanted him to stay so he sat back down quietly in his chair. “Your daughter is doing okay, she was having some issues with her breathing, but that is normal with premature babies. She will need to stay in the hospital for a weeks, just so we can monitor her. But she’s doing okay.” He said and you squeezed Elvis’ hand tight as you got filled with worry. “Can we see her? Please?” Elvis said. “Of course, I’ll have one of the nurses bring in a wheelchair and they’ll take you down.” He said with a nod. “Thank you, doctor.” Elvis said, bringing your hand up to his lips and giving it a few light kisses as he watched the doctor leave. “Hey Jerry, could you give us a moment?” Elvis asked. “Sure, E.” he said, getting up and closing the room door behind him as he headed out, stood outside the room. You stared at Elvis. “W-What’s wrong, Elvis?” you asked nervously. “Nothing, baby. I just…” he took both of your hands into his and suddenly he began to cry. “Elvis?” you said a bit concerned. You’ve never seen him break down like this before. “Y/N, I’m so sorry for everything... I-I thought I was going to lose you, our daughter. I was so scared that I was going to be alone, losing the two most important people in my life. I can’t tell you how sorry I am. I prayed, baby… The whole flight here to not lose you either of you. I-.. This is my fault... You should’ve been in Memphis.” He said between his soft cries, his head hanging low. 
You stared at him for a moment and wiggled one of your hands out of his grip and brought it up to gently comb through his hair, letting out a soft sigh because you had also blamed yourself for this situation. “Elvis.. This is not your fault. You hear me? I blamed myself for this as well.. Maybe if I didn’t get you angry or if I had just stayed. But either way, neither one of us could’ve known that I had some sort of infection. All that matters is that you made it here. That’s all I wanted. I was so scared because you weren’t here. There was no one else I wanted but you, baby. Of course, you found a way to be here and see the birth of our little girl. I can always count on you to be there.” You smiled tiredly. He slowly lifted his head as he wiped his eyes, nodding. “I’m always going to be here for you, Y/N. No matter what I will always be here. For you and our little girl. I swear to you that things are going to change when we get back home.” He nodded, kissing your hand over and over. You smiled at his words and quickly wiping your tears that streamed down your face. “I love you so much.” You said softly. He smiled and he leaned forward and being careful not to hurt you he pressed a soft kiss to your lips, and you lightly cupped his face in your hands. “I love you so much more.” He mumbled on your lips, a light knock at the door and Elvis slowly pulled back as the nurse came inside with a wheelchair for you, Elvis quickly wiping the rest of his tears when Jerry followed behind her, Elvis got out of the bed and gestured for Jerry to help him get you into the wheelchair and the two of them carefully helped you out of the bed, your arms draping over either one of them and you smiled. “Hi Jerry..” you said softly. “Hi, Y/N.” he smiled as they got you into the chair and the nurse wheeling you out and Elvis wrapped his arms around Jerry with a smile. “Let’s go see my little girl.” He said with a grin as the two of them followed behind the nurse who was wheeling you down to the NICU. Your heart was racing because you were finally going to see your little baby, something you had been dreaming of for months. When you reached the NICU the nurse had wheeled you inside the room where all the little premature babies were, and the nurse turned to Elvis and Jerry. “Only one of you will be able to come inside with her.” She spoke. Jerry patted Elvis’ back with a smile. “Go see your daughter. I’ll wait here.” He said softly. Elvis smiled widely and nodded before going inside and joining you, the two of you needing to wash your hands and she handed you both gloves and Elvis a gown as well to put on, once you both had those things on, the nurse wheeled you over to the little incubator that she was lying in and a soft gasp left your lips as tears filled your eyes at the sight of her, the nurse leaving you two alone with her. “Oh my god..” you mumbled.
Elvis grinned widely seeing his little girl again. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” he beamed. “She’s perfect… A splitting image of her daddy.” You said as you smiled up at him. He laughed softly. “I thought she looked more like you.” He grinned. “Not a chance... That’s all you.” You whispered with a soft laugh. “Did you get to hold her?” you asked him. He nodded slowly with a smile, though he could see the sadness on your face because you wanted to hold her as well. You let out a soft sigh. “Elvis, I want to hold her.. Do you think they will let me?” you asked softly. “I’ll ask her, baby.” He said, leaning down to kiss the top of your head as he went to find the nurse and you stuck one of your hands through the little holes that were on the sides of the incubator, gently touching her little hand and smiling when she grasped one of your fingers, watching kick her little feet. “Hi baby, it’s mommy.” you whispered, smiling at her. Elvis had come back with the nurse who he had convinced to let you hold her for a few minutes. She carefully opened the incubator and scooped the little newborn into arms and putting her into a nice little swaddle before she carefully handed you your little baby. Your face completely lit up the moment you cradled her in your arms and Elvis smiled happily, thanking the nurse. “Oh, Elvis, she’s so cute.. she’s your twin.” You giggled quietly. He chuckled softly, smiling down at the both of you. He had never felt more happiness than what he felt in the moment he held her and this moment now being with his two favorite girls. He kneeled beside you as the two of you fawned over your little bundle of joy. “She needs a name.” you whispered softly. “What did you have in mind, baby?” he whispered. “Hm.. How’s Ada Elvira Presley? She is your twin after all.” You laughed. Elvis grinned. “I love it.” He hummed as he kissed your cheek. “Little Ada.” you whispered to her as you brushed a finger along her little cheek. 
“Our precious little Ada..” Elvis whispered. “Did you wanna hold her again before the nurse came back?” you asked him. “Oh, uh, yeah..” he laughed nervously, he was so afraid of hurting her, but he knew those nerves would go away like they did the first time. He stood up and carefully scooped her out of your arms and he cradled her in his and he was smiling so wide his face hurt. “She’s so tiny..” he mumbled. You smiled watching Elvis with little Ada and seeing how adorable he was with her as he carefully rocked her in his arms. “Why don’t you sing one of your songs to her? Like you did when she was in my tummy. She always loved hearing her daddy sing.” You said with a smile. He nodded at your words with a smile, and he thought for a moment of what he could sing to her, but then it came to him, and he began to hum an old song of his, ‘My Happiness’ and then he softly began to sing a few of the lyrics to her as he continued to rock her gently he sung:
There’ll be no blue memories then whether skies are grey or blue, any place on earth will do, just as long as I’m with you... My happiness...
Tagging: @elvisgirl35 @godlypresley @lindszeppelin @kaitaesupremacy @powerofelvis @re3kin @elvisdoll @pennyroyalcreep @ilovehobi101 @presleyturner @presleybewbie @samfangirls @peaceloveelvis @moonchild-daniella @generoustreemystic @urlittledairyqueen @kingdomforapony @prayerstopresley @ccab @literally-just-elvis-fics @bigromansgirl-blog
sorry if I missed anyone, I've made so many new friends since I wrote part nine. But let me know if you want to be tagged in the last part!
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suraemoon · 1 year
Elvis Outfit Spotlight V1
thought i'd start off with a bang ;)
'68 Comeback Special Black Leather Suit
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Worn: For the ‘68 Comeback Special, airing December 3, 1968
Designed by: Bill Belew
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perfectpresley · 1 year
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The 68 special
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lizziexmeow · 5 months
[ SVT UPDATE 🌟 TWITTER ] 240501 - 18:00 KST
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[ SVT MEDIA 🌟 YOUTUBE ] 240501 - 18:00 KST
[ SVT UPDATE 🌟 TWITTER ] 240501 - 19:00 KST
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seredelgi · 2 years
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Requested: Elvis and Susan Henning during the Outtakes of “Let yourself go”, ‘68 Comeback special.
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alienelvisobsession · 2 years
My favorite favorite part of the production numbers in the Comeback Special, but Agent Elvis version… ❤️
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ryansholin · 1 year
Me: Gosh, I wonder which New Wave band sang that ‘80s song that just popped into my head?
Literally The Monkees:
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valkaryah · 1 year
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"It wasn’t work. NBC was paying me, but I think it was apparent to everybody that we very much enjoyed what we were doing." - Susan Henning, Reinventing Elvis: The 68’ Comeback
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caitlin1996 · 2 years
id like to formally change my opinion i used to be strongly jailhouse rock but now I’m in the trying to get to you camp
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vintagepresley · 1 year
I just wanted to take a minute to say that today is officially the day I posted the Comeback Special fic and I can’t believe it’s been a WHOLE YEAR. A whole year since writing it and whole year since reviving my tumblr account to join the fandom here.
I did not expect so many people to love that story especially one that was written by me and few others in a GC. It was originally only supposed to be two to three parts. But y’all wanted more! It’s blossomed into something more and into different universes with Elvis, the reader, and their children. I’m so grateful that it’s helped me meet so many of you and also was the doorway to me writing more stories! So thank you.
Now if anyone is interested I may write a little story in the comeback special universe. But you decide what you’d like.
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goldiesay · 2 years
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I'm back
did you miss me bc i missed you 💋xoxo luca
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