#comment on my poems from hallziespoetrycorner when you get to that site
iamrhyme · 2 years
Thursday warm up
Seeing isn't always believing.
Being knowledgeable doesn't always mean that you know.
It is the spirit that guides you and the soul helps you become fully and grow.
Education is essential but experience is mandatory.
Take in as much you can while traveling along you path.
Experience life, learn, love, teach, and laugh.
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Thursday warm up
You had work to do but you didn't understand the assignment.
You had no clue.
You over thought and ruined something very easy and meant just for you.
Learn from your mistake or destin to keep repeating it.
Hearts like mine only come along once in a life time.
Don't compromise it.
Don't loose it.
You need it.
Trust and believe it.
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Saturday warm up
I already know.
For quiet some time I've been entering your mind.
You thoughts have become transfixed on me.
You got some new things going on and feel that's not where their supposed to be.
But yet they are.
The Mello tone of my voice soothes you.
My thoughts process moves you.
My eyes captivate.
You are ensnared in my gaze.
I have you.
Just counting the days.
I'm pure poetry.
More than wonder.
Beyond intrigue.
pure delight.
guilt satisfaction.
I'll be your secret.
Keep enjoying from afar.
We both know who you are.
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Thursday warm up
You can't hurt someone who never felt anything for you in the first place.
I knew what is was from the very beginning.
I say what you were and knew what you were about.
I made a conscious decision not to tricked.
I the game from a mile away.
When you left I celebrated.
I get back to me.
I glad you found someone else.
Good for you.
A couple things real quick about me.
I can always finish but never be through.
Theirs only on me but I find a million and one yous.
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Saturday warm up
I don't know why you are the way you are but just stop it.
You know perfectly well what your trying to do to me but it won't work.
You'll never see signs of regret from me, any type of sddness, or hurt.
Stop monitoring me.
Stop checking on me.
Stop asking people that know me about me because you don't care.
You never did.
You just just feel guilty.
( as you should)
If you remeber anything about me then you know I always stay good.
My purpose in your life was to show you what true love is and what passionate intimacy feels like and how to obtain bliss without giving up your flesh and committing the physical act.
You closed the door because you were afraid of that.
I captured your heart and illuminated your soul and offered you my healing and protection.
You did not appreciate the goodness and purity that it represented and now you are pleagued with memories.
You created a new dream world but your new house was built on lies.
You can pray all you want to. You can read every verse in that book but you will find nothing to save you from you.
My one day you truly find peace.
You had key to the lock you were trying to open.
I was that missing piece.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Another on
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