#getting the creative juices flowing
jenzpanderart · 19 days
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Where it all began
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Saturday warm up
I already know.
For quiet some time I've been entering your mind.
You thoughts have become transfixed on me.
You got some new things going on and feel that's not where their supposed to be.
But yet they are.
The Mello tone of my voice soothes you.
My thoughts process moves you.
My eyes captivate.
You are ensnared in my gaze.
I have you.
Just counting the days.
I'm pure poetry.
More than wonder.
Beyond intrigue.
pure delight.
guilt satisfaction.
I'll be your secret.
Keep enjoying from afar.
We both know who you are.
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ren-054 · 5 months
Tiny AIW Excerpt…
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(This doesn’t guarantee a bigger story in the future, have mercy on me pls /lh)
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
(prologue thing?)
They took away everything I had left to hold onto. Everything but them, at least. It almost felt freeing, a relief, in a strange way.
The scent of flowers was thick and sweet to my senses. My thoughts slowly blur together as I drowned in the heavy aroma.
No longer did I have to uphold myself as a person. In this land, responsibility was merely a word. A silly word, at that. I was being offered the chance to be freed from the pressure of my former life on a silver platter by the people who have unfailingly proved their devotion to me again and again. Who would I be to deny them?
Gentle hands of cool metal joints and warm motors take my own of flesh. There is an unspoken promise in our grasps.
Out there, there wasn’t anything waiting for me. Really, I had submitted to my fate long before I came here. Before I met them.
I would miss the surface.. My friends.. My brother..
If I just stayed right where I was, surely I’d be happy. He said so. They both did. And I believe them, as much as they believe in me that I’ll stay. I have nowhere to run, therefore I’d never think to walk.
Here, I’ll be safe. Here, I’ll be happy.
• • • • •
(Main excerpt)
“Sugarcube!~ It’s time for tea!”
I shift as a voice rouses me awake and I groan in protest. I felt so warm… I didn’t want to get up… Get up…
Get up from where?
Eyes snapping open, I sit up, finding myself on a grass and wool-stuffed mattress. A warm blanket made of soft fibers had been wrapped around my body, shrugged off when I began to scan my surroundings.
The room was dimly lit and the air was crisp, making me imagine the walls were made of stone or perhaps bricks. Unfortunately my vision wasn’t the best without my glasses. Candles were lit about the room. There were no windows, but there was a lone door on the far wall. Was I underground?
“There’s my little sunshine!” The same voice from before warbled, followed by the clinking of porcelain. “Come! Come! Before your tea gets cold!”
With bleary vision, I turn toward the voice. At a small wooden table set in the middle of the room sat a familiarly flamboyant red-clad figure with their knees up to their chest as they tried to sit in one of the child-sized chairs. I began shuffling off the bed, brushing myself off.
“M-Mister Hatter?” I mumbled as I walked over. “Wher—“
The Hatter tutted at me before I could finish, placing a delicate finger up to my lips. “Dearest little dewdrop, I told you, you can just call me Sun!”
“Uh, Sun?” I eyed the liquid the bot was pouring into the cups. Yellow flower petals and flecks of green herbs floated prettily along the surface of the unknown brew.
“Hmmm?” Hatter hummed, the swirls in his eyes seeming to glow with warmth at the sound of his name.
“Where am I? I didn’t fall down another hole again, did I?” I rubbed at my eyes. “And have you seen my glasses anywhere?”
“Oh! Those are right here!” Dodging my first question, the Hatter pointed at the other side of the table which sat the other teacup along with the distinct sheen of my lenses against the candlelight. “Come on! Have a sit with this lonely hatter!”
“Ah, right.” I nodded before taking my seat across from the bot, putting my glasses back on once I sat. Ah, vision at last.
The first thing I realized was the room was dingy, dustier than I expected. Before I could really notice any other finer details, Sun piped up once again.
“Very good, my dear,” he praised with a light laugh that made me nearly blush. “Now then, where you are. That’s a simple one!”
I leaned in with anticipation. With a relaxed—almost smug—gaze, the Hatter answered.
“I brought you home.”
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happyheidi · 2 years
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read. write. create. repeat
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melonsharks · 1 year
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Who's that hiding in the apple tree, clinging to a branch?
Don't be afraid it's only me, hoping for a little romance.
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wickedfreakho · 4 months
shower thoughts:
imagine one day you’re scrolling through tiktok or ig reels and all of a sudden this video comes across your feed telling you that in 5 seconds your fictional crush (f/c) will be right behind you. you don’t pay it any mind and but you play along anyway and after a few moments you look behind you only to actually see your f/c.
“hi baby” they say in the most soothing voice possible to not scare you.
but BITCH !
the way you jumped up, your heart dropping down to the bottom of your stomach said too much.
“what the fuck!?” you exclaimed, backing up into the corner of your bed. the both of you just stared at each other waiting for the other to make the next move.
“okay this isn’t real, i’m just delusional as hell…” you say out loud. you then close your eyes. “when i count to five you’ll be gone because you’re just a figment of my imagination.”
after a little more than 5 seconds you open your eyes to see nothing but the door of your room wide open revealing your hallway and no one there.
so they were just a figment of your imagination all along, huh ?
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nounaarts · 1 year
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Art block is killing me. So it's just this loser
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You left and took my heart with you.
Do you still feel it beat for you?
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knifefightandchill · 1 year
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FINAL FANTASY XV ↳ Title screens
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zerozeroren · 5 months
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Well this was fun to do XD
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Alright bestie I’m on that shit again
So yandere Superman, right? Like obviously your fucked. The only other yandere in existence that might just be able to keep you from him is Batman, but even then he’d probably sooner work together just to ensure your safety- but that’s a prompt for another day.
Back to yan Superman, imagine you’re his darling and he is “keeping you safe”. But one day, you get snatched up by some organization that wants to use you as leverage or some shit, but you are just sobbing in relief at maybe being free- only to have Superman show up and do some not so super things to everyone who “stole” you
There are just so many casually horrifying things about Superman that people don't realize until you start like digging into his lore. "Oh he's super strong and a super fast flyer" actually he can do basically anything at those super speeds to the point he can literally even PROCESS THOUGHTS at near light-speed which means he has Absolutely Terrifying reaction times and can make plans and schemes on a dime, which, you know, can be even better utilized by him being intelligent. He has natural invulnerability so if you throw a punch at him too hard you could literally shatter the bones in your hand and he can't even control that, like you could literally hurt yourself with him on accident! He can see across INSANE DISTANCES and his x-ray vision doesn't have like a set range so he could do anything from, peep inside buildings to spy on you, to looking under your clothing for any bruises or injuries or even self harm marks, to peeking behind your hero disguise to learn your true identity, to seeing if there's anything inside your stomach and seeing if you're eating properly. Like jesus christ he literally found out Lois was pregnant from waking up one morning and suddenly hearing the heartbeat of the FETUS, there's literally nothing from him pulling that stereotypical "I know you're nervous or lying or afraid because I can literally hear your heartbeat increase" scary bullshit
And let's talk about Lois for a sec because my god her death was literally what kicked off the Injustice timeline? And there are other forms of Superman media where she just straight up dies naturally of cancer! Sure we could take the easy way and say "in this au Lois never existed or was just Clark's friend and he loved YOU" (which is my preferred default tbh bc, no competition for Reader lol) but I mean if you're going for that angst, that real whump, a yandere Clark Kent that just lost his wife/unborn child to either the Injustice incident or cancer, now overcome with grief? And in those cancer timelines they usually already have a son, Jonathan, and sometimes Jordan, and here's Clark thinking, well, his boy needs a mother, and he's got these weird feelings for you, and lil Jonny clearly has affection for you, maybe bring a bit of a platonic yan himself who sees you as either a big sister or even a secondary mom, so... be his wife maybe?
Like my god if Reader somehow helped him through the grief of losing Lois and managed to avoid "fully activating" Superman's anime villain arc, like he's going full fascist in the Injustice 2 Bad Ending, then some shit DEFINITELY goes down when Reader gets taken away. It just reactivates all his trauma. No! He can't lose anyone else! Jonathan can't lose anyone else! You're not just someone he loves, you're his FRIEND!
You're just huddled in whatever cell you've been kept in with your black eyes and bruises and knuckles bloodied from trying to fight back when you hear Clark's voice and you look up with excitement that just falls immediately off your face because holy shit did he just unlock that thumbprint scanner with a severed arm, and suddenly you're realizing there are other shades of red on his costume and dripping from his fingers
I can only imagine like, ngl I considered a sequel to my fic Doubt where Reader escapes the manor and runs into Supernan as the only other person who can protect you, so here we would have the inverse: you're the only one who knows about Clark's increasing instability and, while you still have your own freedom and autonomy, try to speak to Bruce about it, and now you have Batman Vs Superman: Competing For Your Heart Edition. I can only imagine what sort of unhinged reactions there would be if you think you've got Batman alone and you're beginning to cry all "Bruce I'm really worried about Clark, he isn't acting like himself, there's something wrong with him" and. Clark is like literally using his x-ray vision to read lips through the walls if he can't use his super hearing to outright eavesdrop.
Of course as you suggested, I'm always a slut for ideas with"oh shit I ran to this guy to help me and he's ALSO crazy, now they're teaming up and I'm in some weird shared/poly situation with TWO nutjobs". Lmao you go to Bruce concerned about Kal and Bruce goes to confront him and Clark just drops "did you know Y/N has been hiding self harm cuts under their hero suit also wow they smoke HELLA weed and im worried about their lungs and all the stuff they do when they're alone that no one else knows about 🥺" and suddenly here's Bruce " thanks i hate this actually :)" and there's a scheme concted to spy on you or move you elsewhere.
I've even thought of "Reader oh nooOoooOo, that, giant monster or villain attack or whatever also coincidentally destroyed your shitty little apartment complex? You mean Clark 'accidently' got sent flying into your building or smacked some giant creature into it and now you don't have a place to live? And you're broke too? Oh no 🥺 Well, BATMAN has this nice big house with lots of room in for you to stay toooootally 'temporarily', we PROMISE uwu"
Batman is the one who can put a tracking chip injected into your skin or even disguised as a filling in one of your teeth, and Superman is the one who can zoom off to rescue you/retrieve you "faster than a speeding bullet". I think one of the only people who could bring them down together at that point would be like. Fucking DARKSEID and, Jesus no, you definitely don't want HIM treating you as a pet 😭 the evil Batman that was brainwashed by him in the Apokolips War movie was scary enough (and scary HOT, lmao, let him keep me as some sort of prize and the only luxury Darkseid will allow him as a reward for his obedience. Lord Batman goes from having a meeting talking about like enslaving people to returning to his quarters and railing tf outta you because he's still holding onto some slim vestiges of humanity where he cares about you but also using you as his personal anti stress fuck toy)
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slowcatsworld · 30 days
I can’t decide if Noel Noa would have cold hands or warm hands.
I wanna lean towards cold but imagine his hands were always warm, even from childhood. All those nights spent without the proper protection from the elements, his best source of warmth sometimes became his own two palms.
Pressing them against his face and his neck, trying to focus on their warmth and not the cold biting at his feet. He would cover his ears for long periods of time until they felt warm enough for him. Imagine if this became a comfort gesture to him- you could spot him warming up on the field with one of his hands rubbing and resting on his neck. What if he does it so often that it becomes normal for his teammates to see but they don’t question it.
•but if they were cold?
You would always rub his hands together, bathing them in the warmth that your palms provided. Its late spring, the weather so far has been the warmest it has this year. Still, his hands remain he same. Cold as ever. You press kisses to them while taking note of the cracks along his knuckles. He hasn’t moisturized yet today.
Normally Noel is devoted to taking care of his body. If he let himself succumb to the trap that is ‘rotting’ he would never be able to perform as perfect as he needs to.
You like to intertwine your hand in his and shove it into your coat pocket. He might gaze at you with a slight questionable expression, but he generally doesn’t try to fight you on it. It’s warm with you.
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Thursday warm up
Seeing isn't always believing.
Being knowledgeable doesn't always mean that you know.
It is the spirit that guides you and the soul helps you become fully and grow.
Education is essential but experience is mandatory.
Take in as much you can while traveling along you path.
Experience life, learn, love, teach, and laugh.
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glossysoap · 5 months
hmmmm orc price saying stuff like "gotta break you in".
yay or nay?
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randomest-art · 10 months
Could you draw Kinger with Pomni?
why not lol, a guy whos half aware and almost twice ur size would make a decent barricade i think
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nahoyasboyfriend · 6 months
You're a shivering, sniffling mess. Laying on your back, belly up. You're stuck and vulnerable like a fish on a chopping block. His incisions are getting deeper. The sting has your cunt clenching around nothing. The melange of pain and pleasure makes you dizzy. You can barely see past the tears, and you can't think straight. Pathetically, you whimper, "James— ah, oh god, stop!"
He pauses.
"You want me to stop?" He croons, dark and low. His hand settles on your neck. Slowly, you shake your head, and he gives you a sharp smile. "That's right, because if you truly wanted me to stop. You would've said our safe word," his grip tightens around your neck, and you barely focus on his words as the lack of oxygen makes your vision swim.
"The word you specifically choose to halt this when it gets too much. but you didn't say it, did you?" He purrs, and somehow through sheer will you manage to give him a weak, little head shake 'no.'
You can feel your consciousness slipping, dripping through the cracks like water. He lets go of your throat, and you sputter, the oxygen rushing to your brain has you feeling like you're floating. "Then you can take more, you will take more. Won't you, pet?"
You don't respond too busy enjoying the ability to breathe freely, but he doesn't seem to take kind to that.
"Say you will." The look in his eyes is dangerous and his strict tone yanks a whine out of you. "I— fuck, I will. I'll take it."
He leans forward to press a kiss on your damp forehead, "very good, dear."
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