#these are my lrycial thoughts.
iamrhyme · 2 years
Saturday warm up
I already know.
For quiet some time I've been entering your mind.
You thoughts have become transfixed on me.
You got some new things going on and feel that's not where their supposed to be.
But yet they are.
The Mello tone of my voice soothes you.
My thoughts process moves you.
My eyes captivate.
You are ensnared in my gaze.
I have you.
Just counting the days.
I'm pure poetry.
More than wonder.
Beyond intrigue.
pure delight.
guilt satisfaction.
I'll be your secret.
Keep enjoying from afar.
We both know who you are.
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Thursday warm up
Seeing isn't always believing.
Being knowledgeable doesn't always mean that you know.
It is the spirit that guides you and the soul helps you become fully and grow.
Education is essential but experience is mandatory.
Take in as much you can while traveling along you path.
Experience life, learn, love, teach, and laugh.
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Thursday warm up
You had work to do but you didn't understand the assignment.
You had no clue.
You over thought and ruined something very easy and meant just for you.
Learn from your mistake or destin to keep repeating it.
Hearts like mine only come along once in a life time.
Don't compromise it.
Don't loose it.
You need it.
Trust and believe it.
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Sunday warm up
I let them stream.
I let them drip.
I let them flow.
They cleanse my thoughts and my spirits.
They realease my hurt.
They release my pain.
They activate my gratitude.
They cancel out my solitude.
I find a quite spot.
I just stand here and I cry.
Oh yeah.
Bruh man cries.
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Monday warm up
Confide in me when you need an ear to hear.
I will relax your anxiety.
I will ease your worries.
I will wipe away the tears.
I can't solve all your problems.
Lord knows I have plenty of my own.
I definitely don't have all the answers but have and incredible knack of fulfilling what's missing.
I can't help you through all your battles but I can just listen.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Friday warm up
I appreciate you.
I appreciate the way you show your concern.
I appreciate you for checking up on me.
I appreciate all the love and support.
I appreciate the way you defend my name.
I appreciate your smile.
I appreciate your form.
I appreciate you for offering me your warmth.
If ever seem more distant than usual don't worry it's not because of you.
I"m probably just taking some time to reflect on all I have before me.
I appreciate you for being in this chapter of my story.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Monday warm up
Who are you trying to convince...me are you?
If it's so great then why you so smug?
It seems like your rehearsing for a really bad play.
You say your happy with with your him yet you have time to think of me.
You post glimpses of joy you claim he fills you with but you it's a facade.
I respect your situation.
Truly I do.
I don't mean to cause conflict.
I just want you to be true to you.
I wish nothing but the best for you.
I want you to experience how blissful true happiness can be.
If you need to reminded you know how to find me.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Friday warm up
Does ecstasy lie on other side pleasure or is it on the port side of delight?
Tempted by the apple you desire to be quenched.
Low hanging fruit can be oh so tempting but if if the fruit is ripe yet it be bitter.
If it's meant for you it will be.
What's understood doesn't have to be explained.
I am what you seek.
I am companionship.
I am intimacy.
I am that confidant.
I am that kindered spirit.
I've always been here.
I've always been in reach.
You know what you must do.
You know where to find me.
Just speak.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Wednesday warm up
I'm still here.
You got out of your way to mock me.
I'm still here.
You got of your way to employ the aide of others in to your sadistic fray.
I'm still here.
I'm still here
I'm still alive
I'm still smiling
I'm still getting stronger.
I'm still still getting smarter
I'm still maintaining.
I"m still building.
I'm evolving.
I'm still manuvering around all your obstacles and traps you set for me.
I'm getting up every time I get pushed down.
I'm still proving I can do everything you said I can never do and having everything you said I can will never have.
I"m being everything you said I'll never be
I still will never let you or anyone your working through stop me.
I'm,m still and will always be me...your worst nightmare.
Something you will never be.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Monday warm up
Every day and every way I just keep on improving.
I'm constantly elevating.
I'm constantly moving.
I'm continuously evolving.
I change daily.
I repurpose.
I reposition
I refocus and repeat.
What I don't do is shy away or retreat.
I take my lumps.
I learn from my mistakes.
I fine tune my statergy.
I continuously clean my plate.
I welcome all challenges.
I dictate my own fate.
My progress is only for me to see.
My never ending daily goal is to an improved version of me.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Sunday warm up
Trust in all things.
Trust in the process.
Trust in yourself.
Trust journey.
Trust in your help.
Trust in your light.
Trust in your guiding star.
Trust in your obstacles.
Trust them to be who they are.
Trust you will experience loss.
Trust you will sacrifice.
Trust you will love again.
Trust your desire.
Trust in your ability to supply your own needs.
Trust in everything precious to you and all that you hold that is sacred.
Trust you will find the answers you seek.
Trust you will make it.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Saturday warm up(late post)The
I'm in the perfect postion.
Everything is perfectly in alignment for me.
The heavens opened up.
The starts pointed the way.
All the storms that brewing doesn't matter.
Bring on the thunder.
Bring on the rain.
Let all your the thunder crackle.
Let your foul winds houl and hiss.
It won't do a bit of good because it'sy time now.
I've been chose.
I'm the one.
I've already exepirerenced all the lows.
It's my time now.
I'm my moment on the sun.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Tuesday warm up
Why do you give them so much attention?
Their not even worthy.
You gave them your all but appreciate any of it.
Your racking your brain wondering what you could have done.
Your trying to hold on and it can go back to how it used to be.
Now your asking for answers to questions that you already know the answers to.
Stop beating yourself up by looking back.
They deserved you.
Delete all the old text and pics and emails.
Erase the digital paper trail.
Reset and let go of what was and embrace what is.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Wednesday warm up
I created this my own space.
Nothing penetrate it while I'm here.
I can't distracted.
I can loose focus.
My peace can not be disturbed.
While I'm in my space I can never become perturbed.
My space is warm others want to get close to it.
Some can't understand and want to destroy it.
Yet any efforts to attempt it would be in vain.
This space I'm in shields me from all attacks and transmutes pain.
When I enter this place I'm always protected and I'm always safe.
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Wednesday warm up
I give it all away.
I release my frustrations
I release my anger
I release my pain.
I release my sorrows
I release my doubt.
I hereby sever any and all ties with anything and anyone that no longer serves or aides in the construction of the kingdom that richly deserve.
No more hesitation.
No more seking validation.
I now know my place world and do not care if I am accepted or rejected.
Time to move forward fearlessly.
RIP to everything that ever hindered me or failed me.
They are now cleared out the road and obselete.
I'm moving forward now and will let nothing stop me.
Here's to future and me heading to the T-O-P.
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Sunday warm up
Let no stone go uncovered.
Let no truth be unearthed.
Leave no emotion buried.
Never let your passion become inert.
Push through your pain.
Embrace your flaws.
Time will reveal everything.
You unwaivering faith will manifest into law.
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