#commercial setups
earl-of-221b · 8 days
Honestly, the most shocking part of this iwtv2 ep was that Louis announced truthfully he was real good at running things and then failed his social contract to Armand who pledged eternal loyalty to him by ruining the man’s two hundred year old business by giving shit business advice that allowed for a hostile takeover of a coup I’m—
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ls-tbl · 10 months
Weird mash of gigglers
Apologies for da weird computer screen effect thing </3
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blue-grama · 5 months
The more I think about it, the more I like episode 11
Maybe I'm just a sucker for pain, but I think this whole Last Twilight episode 11 thing is very well-constructed:
The surgery had to happen and fail because Day needed to really come to terms with what his life looks like now in order to actually live. And he does! He grieves and then he gets the white cane, which he resisted before, and this setback does NOT send him spiralling back in his room. Character growth! (Also, how about his mom still trying to cling to that last hope with "we'll get another eye donation"? Such a good like character moment. She's growing, too, but she's still got that Mom response of wanting to just make things right for her kid.)
The slow-motion train wreck of it all was incredibly well set-up. They showed us Mhok's overprotectiveness with the car accident, they showed us that they haven't quite figured out how to be a couple (Day's just hanging out in the room all day, and Mhok freaks out when he's gone), we even have a conversation reinforcing that Day is sensitive to feeling pitied, and in fact has trouble interpreting people's actions as anything but pity.
Everyone's baggage is intersecting in a way that makes sense. Mhok doesn't want to lose time with his loved one, not after what happened to his sister. A reasonable response to that situation! Not so smart: Lying to your boyfriend. But Mhok has already been established as pushing down his own vulnerability and pain so this is not surprising. Day, of course, reads this as pity and it kind of is, Mhok, because relationships should be mutually supportive, so jot that down, but Day's not listening to Mhok try to explain because he gets so defensive around being seen as less than fully adult.
Unpopular opinion, but I am actually much more fine with a last-minute breakup with these two than I usually am. First, because it doesn't feel manufactured to me, and second, because they're what, 22 and 25ish(?) coming out of a hell of a couple of years. I am fucking delighted to see Day in graduation cap in the next episode preview, and Mhok could honestly stand to do some thinking about who he is when he's alone in a room, you know? I like when both parts of a couple realize they can stand on their own two feet but still decide to be together.
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syncopatedid · 9 months
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I am watching all the Link Click endorsed CMs, Part 5: Link Click X 华帝 VATTI Induction & gas cooker dual purpose stove
(It's the perfect pairing, geddit?) Come to overthink, this is probably the most AU version of the lot, the one where their studio has a kitchen.
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whimsical-sonic · 5 months
hmm... much to think about
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asiassindustries · 9 months
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inhydro · 1 year
Find the Best Hydroponic Hobby Setup | Inhydro
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If you decide to create a Hydroponic hobby setup, you will need to select plants that are adapted to this environment and that can flourish without soil. A great choice for a hydroponic garden kit is lettuces and other leafy greens, such as kale, spinach and chard. These greens are particularly well-suited for hydroponic systems, since they require minimal maintenance and can grow quickly.
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5 Steps for Mainland Business Setup in Dubai, UAE
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If you're thinking about setting up a mainland business in Dubai, UAE, there are a few things you should know to ensure a smooth and successful process. Here are five steps you can follow to set up a mainland business in Dubai:
Step 1: Determine the Business Activity
The first step in setting up a mainland business in Dubai is to determine the business activity you want to undertake. You need to select a business activity from the Dubai Department of Economic Development’s (DED) list of permitted activities. 
Make sure that your chosen activity is aligned with your interests and skills. This will also ease up the process of obtaining a Dubai commercial license as business activities dictate your license allowance. 
Step 2: Choose a Legal Structure
Once you have determined the business activity, you need to choose a legal structure for your business. The most common legal structures for mainland businesses in Dubai are Limited Liability Company (LLC), Sole Proprietorship, and Civil Company.
Each structure has its own set of requirements and benefits, so it's important to consult with a legal expert to determine the best option for your business. A mainland or a freezone company formation in Dubai is suitable for companies looking to expand in a shorter time frame. This entails the decision-makers choosing a legal structure that suits the business in the mainland, and/or freezone. 
Step 3: Reserve a Trade Name
The next step is to reserve a trade name for your business. The name must be unique and comply with the DED's naming conventions. You can reserve the name online through the DED website or in person at the DED service centers. A mainland business set up in Abu Dhabi or Dubai requires attention for naming. It would decide the growth trajectory as well. 
Step 4: Submit Required Documents and Obtain Approvals
After reserving the trade name, you need to submit the required documents to the DED and obtain the necessary approvals. The documents include the Memorandum of Association (MOA), Articles of Association (AOA), and other relevant documents. The approvals include a commercial permit, initial approval, and trade license.
Step 5: Register with Relevant Authorities
Finally, to successfully establish a mainland business in Dubai, it is imperative to register with the appropriate authorities. These include the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Dubai Municipality, and the Ministry of Labor. These registrations are essential to ensure adherence to the legal requirements and regulations of the UAE.
It’s Time to Move Forward with your Business Venture
Setting up a mainland business in Dubai requires careful planning and execution. By following these five steps, you can establish a successful business in Dubai and contribute to the thriving business community in the UAE. But, to be in the right direction, it is always recommended to consult legal experts and business setup consultants in the UAE. 
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priceairhvac · 2 years
HVAC Anaheim CA | Price Air
Residential and Commercial HVAC Service
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At Price Air, we have a professional team for providing HVAC Anaheim CA services for both residential and commercial setup.
Give a call to us for a quote or consultation.
We do not just do HVAC setups in Anaheim, as we have a wide range of services.
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un-pearable · 2 years
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love n thunder how could you do this to me
#sorry to be a marvel fan on main i grew up reading old thor comics and he’s dear to me. jane as well#also i’m. extremely susceptible to armor <3 and ladies <3 and superhero ladies in armor so this should be unsurprising#look i know. i know. it’s on a downward trend of bloated budgets and over demand from their workers and commercialization and profitability#obliterating attempts to tell genuine heartfelt stories and as a result almost every movie they release is inevitably going to fail in some#way. too many cooks in the kitchen and half those cooks care more about money than character development or arcs#but GODDAMNIT. i should have known it was coming#i’ve been hyped for this movie for YEARS bc of taika and the promotional material talking about valkyrie getting an arc and being a major#player in this movie. ESPECIALLY her bisexuality. and god it’s so frustrating. i’m 99% certain they actually filmed the movie with that plot#line there. but boy did it not end up in the final product. and it SHOWS#it is painfully obvious that SOMETHING important is missing. and notoriously absent is valkyrie having an actual arc#the setup is there. the pieces are all in place.#there’s so many scenes where awkward cuts and jumps are made. mostly with her#that fight scene?? with her in her pjs?????? traditionally mcu there would be a joke there#there’s so many scenes where something WOULD happen. but doesn’t. and she ends up with so few lines#and while yeah she is confirmed to have had a gf. the overall focus promised to her is so ruthless stripped from the narrative#goddamnit. why did i get my hopes up.#in the end still a more fun and interesting film than MoM. but no where near lives up to#ragnarok which i stand by as a genuinely solid film. the mcu sucks but that one was actually a solid story that fulfilled its goals#anyway. idk im annoyed. which i expected. but also :(. so close#capes cowls and crimefighting#i made more sense on discord lol i’m just whining now#it very much feels like the crew and The Company had very different goals for the movie. and The Company won#unlike with other recent ones where the whole thing was a mess#still a fun experience esp with my bro but really making me feel the mcu badness:/
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nortusfitness · 3 days
exercising in gyms during hot summer days requires special attention to hydration, temperature control, and overall well-being. check out these tips by a leading fitness brand that offers the best complete gym setup in India. hydrate properly by drinking water before, during, and after your workout. it's important to keep your body hydrated, especially in hot weather when you sweat more.
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energiefitness · 6 days
Unlocking Your Core Potential: The Fitness Power Wheel
In the ever-evolving world of fitness, finding versatile equipment that can help you achieve a full-body workout is a game-changer. One such piece of equipment that has been gaining popularity for its effectiveness and convenience is the Fitness Power Wheel. Available on Energie Fitness, this revolutionary tool is a must-have for anyone serious about enhancing their core strength, balance, and overall fitness.
What is a Fitness Power Wheel?
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Benefits of the Fitness Power Wheel
Enhanced Core Strength The core is the powerhouse of the body, crucial for stability, balance, and overall strength. The Fitness Power Wheel engages all the major core muscles, including the abdominals, obliques, and lower back. Regular use can lead to improved posture, reduced risk of injury, and a stronger, more defined midsection.
Full-Body Workout Unlike traditional ab rollers, the Fitness Power Wheel allows for a wider range of exercises. You can perform rollouts, pikes, knee tucks, and even push-ups, targeting different muscle groups. This versatility makes it a valuable addition to any workout routine, ensuring you get a comprehensive, full-body workout.
Improved Balance and Stability Exercises performed with the Fitness Power Wheel require balance and coordination, challenging your body to maintain stability. This not only improves your overall balance but also enhances proprioception – your body’s ability to sense its position in space. These improvements are beneficial for daily activities and sports performance.
Convenience and Portability One of the standout features of the Fitness Power Wheel is its portability. It’s lightweight and compact, making it easy to carry and store. Whether you’re working out at home, in the gym, or on the go, the Fitness Power Wheel is a convenient tool that can be used anywhere.
How to Use the Fitness Power Wheel
1. Ab Rollouts:
Kneel on the floor and hold the handles of the Fitness Power Wheel.
Slowly roll the wheel forward, extending your body while keeping your core tight.
Roll back to the starting position, using your core muscles to control the movement.
2. Pike:
Start in a plank position with your feet on the pedals of the Fitness Power Wheel.
Lift your hips towards the ceiling, rolling the wheel towards your hands to form an inverted “V” shape.
Return to the plank position with control.
3. Knee Tucks:
Begin in a plank position with your feet on the pedals.
Draw your knees towards your chest, rolling the wheel forward.
Extend your legs back to the starting position.
4. Push-Ups:
Place your hands on the handles and perform a standard push-up.
The instability of the wheel will add an extra challenge, engaging more muscles.
Incorporating the Fitness Power Wheel into your workout routine can take your fitness to the next level. Its ability to provide a full-body workout, improve core strength, and enhance balance and stability makes it an invaluable tool for fitness enthusiasts of all levels. Explore the range of Fitness Power Wheels available on Energie Fitness and start unlocking your core potential today.
Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a beginner, the Fitness Power Wheel offers endless possibilities to keep your workouts challenging and effective. Embrace the power of this versatile tool and witness the transformation in your strength, stability, and overall fitness.
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sffgtrhyjhmnzdt · 11 days
The Future of Commercial EV Charging Points
As the world accelerates towards a sustainable future, electric vehicles (EVs) are at the forefront of this revolution. One of the critical elements driving this transition is the availability and accessibility of EV charging stations, particularly in commercial settings. The deployment of the best commercial EV charging stations is essential for supporting the growing number of electric vehicles and ensuring a seamless transition to green transportation.
The Rise of Commercial EV Charging Points
Commercial EV charging points in Hyderabad are becoming increasingly vital as businesses recognize the need to support employees, customers, and fleet vehicles. Installing these stations not only enhances the appeal of a business but also demonstrates a commitment to sustainability. From shopping malls to office complexes, the best commercial EV charging stations are now an integral part of the infrastructure, catering to the needs of the environmentally conscious public.
Selecting the Best Commercial EV Charging Stations
Choosing the best commercial EV charging stations involves several considerations. Key factors include charging speed, compatibility with various EV models, ease of use, and the integration of smart features such as remote monitoring and payment systems. Top-rated stations offer fast charging capabilities, ensuring that vehicles are charged quickly, minimizing downtime for users.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Setup Cost in Bangalore
One of the critical aspects of installing commercial EV charging points is understanding the electric vehicle charging station setup cost. This cost can vary widely depending on several factors:
Hardware and Equipment: The price of the charging units themselves can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per station, depending on the technology and features.
Installation: Costs can include electrical work, trenching, and construction, which may vary based on site-specific requirements.
Permitting and Inspection: Local regulations might necessitate permits and inspections, adding to the overall cost.
Maintenance and Operation: Ongoing costs for maintaining and operating the stations must also be factored in, ensuring they remain functional and reliable.
Incentives and Rebates
To offset the electric vehicle charging station setup cost, numerous incentives and rebates are available from federal, state, and local governments. These programs can significantly reduce the initial investment required, making it more feasible for businesses to adopt this green technology.
The Business Case for Commercial EV Charging Stations
Investing in commercial EV charging points can yield substantial benefits for businesses. They attract a growing segment of EV-driving consumers, enhance employee satisfaction by providing charging at work, and help businesses meet sustainability goals. Additionally, charging stations can generate revenue through usage fees, providing a return on investment over time.
As the demand for electric vehicles continues to rise, the need for accessible and reliable EV charging infrastructure becomes more critical. The best commercial EV charging stations in Bangalore not only support this growing demand but also offer significant benefits to businesses and the environment. Understanding the electric vehicle charging station setup cost and leveraging available incentives can help businesses make informed decisions, paving the way for a greener future.
By integrating EV charging solutions, businesses can play a pivotal role in the global effort to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable transportation.
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startanybusinessuae · 20 days
Dubai Mainland Business Activities: A Comprehensive Overview 
Discover a comprehensive guide to Dubai Mainland business activities. Learn about opportunities, regulations, and benefits for businesses in Dubai. Read more!
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Some options, like interlocking tiles, offer flexibility in configuration and design. You should always pick flooring that fits your gym’s layout and looks good.This means you can make your gym look cool and unique while still having safe with the best Commercial Gym Setup Services. When choosing flooring, think about how you can customize it to match your gym’s design and layout.
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templatefactory · 1 month
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"Unleash your inner strength with our dynamic workout template on Notion! Transform your fitness journey with organized routines and track your progress effortlessly. Get ready to crush your goals and sculpt the best version of yourself! 💪 #FitnessGoals #NotionTemplate #WorkoutMotivation
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