#commerical pilots
woodsfae · 3 months
B5 S03e15 Interludes and Examinations  previous episode - table of contents 
I don't think we've heard from Ivanova's personal diary before....it's totally possible that I'm forgetting one, but still! Exciting! Hearing a personal entry isn't common on B5 iirc. I will never turn down a peek into Susan Ivanova's head. 
And it's factual, bad news. The shadows have been attacking openly for ten days, randomly, all over the place. And there's an older guy looking suspicious on B5! The younger guy he's talking to I thought was Morden The Asshole at first, but that was just my moderate faceblindness tricking me, I think. 
Ooooo I am excited for the return of Adira! I'm tired, very very tired, of sad genocide Londo. Let's get some character arc in here, and I liked Adira. 
Wait no it is Mordan! Ah! That asshole! 
There's a new alien species reaching out for aid that Sheridan isn't giving much inspiration or help to. Well, I typed too soon: he has contacts and negotiations in his toolkit of resources. 
"I'm not questioning you, I'm saying you're flat wrong!"
is a great line. 
Dr Franklin is definitely still on the sims, but Garibaldi should have been yelled at. The security chief has no place tyring to talk to the emergency room doctors trying to save a patient's life. Get out of there Michael Garibaldi. No room for cops in the operating room, scoot. 
Morden: make your government start more wars or else Londo: I have stared death in the face and said "meh"
Garibaldi: I think you should do less legal speed and sleep more. Dr Franklin: I'm going to do more legal speed and sleep less, actually. 
Delenn and Sheridan's interaction made me laugh. And perhaps it foretells of the return of Kosh to the main storyline? 
This Garibaldi/Sheridan foreplay is getting intense. Garibaldi is staging a full-on intervention on the legal level. The hamfisted AA commerical is a little dull for me but could be way more annoying, as far as a storyline goes. 
Morden the asshole is continuing to be an asshole, charming the caterer slash personal shopped Vir was meeting with on Londo's behalf. 
lmao dr franklin. staring into the cold abyss of realizing you really really like coke. 
So Sheridan slash humans see an angelic, glowing figure when they see Kosh. Which doesn't explain why the original doctor from the pilot movie was so affected by a glimpse. Me, I'd be more "huh, glowing kinda looks like an angel...the universe is weird. Stitch him up!"
"You said you wanted to teach me to fight legends? Well you're a legend too." 
LEGENDARY. So legendary that's Sheridan's going to have to fight himself. 
"You do not understand. But you will."
Yeah I wouldn't like to hear that after making a bargain with an inexplicable and incomprehensible higher being. 
I'm too high to follow this space battle at all so it's great to hear Ivanova report that the Vorlons engaged the Shadows and were winning. 
o.O they brought back Adira just long enough to have her killed before she arrived! Morden, you asshole. 
Well, Lord whatshisface of Centaur who Londo half-poisoned. But Morden, ultimately, I'm sure. 
Bye Adira, sorry you got fridged. 
Sheridan's bargain with Kosh paid off, and now he will be alone and without Kosh's help when he goes to die on Z'ha'dum. 
Which is almost as ominous as Sheridan's dream vision. Seeing Kosh, Shadows appearing and disappearing, and then his father-bit-actually-Kosh apologizing for not believing him and ...dying? Seems like if Kosh could see this coming, then he could also arrange for some like, shielding, or some other Vorlon tech for protection. But it is about time for the stakes to be raised and the mentor figure to be killed off in this hero's quest, I suppose! 
The Vorlons think it's a bad idea to announce that Kosh slash a Vorlon? has died. So they're going to send a new Vorlon to replace him?? new character alert! I look forward to meeting Kosh-notKosh-Kosh. 
Londo still buying Morden's shit! Londo's revenge arc is, I glumly foresee, going to include more war crimes, and continue to be sad.  
Hmmm. I didn't expect Dr Franklin to resign! I'll be interested in finding out what he gets up to while he tries to do less speed. 
But not in the next!
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thebinkinator-3000 · 10 months
here is my story snippet haha i kind of hate it but oh well. maybe i'll like it more tomorrow but who knows. ive stared at this page too long today i think
In 1989 space flights became commerical. They were a huge success among the upper-class and became a regular vacation trip. In 1991 the first Mars colony was established, and by 1996 everyone who could afford to move there did. Then they went further into the stars.
In 1997 Earth was ravaged by aliens. It wasn't exactly an unprovoked attack, they didn't like humans poking around in space. After three months of hell, the humans on Mars decided to show a scrap of humanity and help the remaining Earthlings out. They destroyed the alien's ships, but were unaware of how many remained elsewhere on the planet. A reluctant treaty was formed from the human's need to survive and the alien's need for preservation. With the condition of Earth, adjustments needed to be made. They combined their science and technology and began experiementing. Humans and aliens alike were cross-bred, mutated, and even roboticized. After a decade of failures and causalites, they finally suceeded in a mutation without physical or mental side effects. The missing key had been a child. They were mutating beings too old, it had to be done young.
Click. Bzzz. The shuttle room was filled with cold air, accompanied by bright lights. Glen stood, the baked moss of his terrarium crunching under his feet. It was about two and a half months overdue for replacement, but he didn't care. It was good enough for him. He stepped over the short glass barrier of the terrarium and picked up his clothes off the floor. He donned them quickly and began walking to the next room whilst trying to tie his thick black hair back. After a minute of wrangling he finally suceeded and heated one of his few remaining food canisters. He crossed the shuttle room to a scrawny desk that looked as if it might topple if you looked at it wrong. Atop the desk sat piles of papers, machinery and metal scraps, and a big white computer monitor. There was a keyboard and mouse too, somewhere. He carelessly shoved aside the junk to reveal them, then turned on the computer. He sat in the equally scrawny chair in front of the desk and ate his food. The computer was an old model, late 1990s, and despite its numerous upgrades it still took about 10 minutes to turn on. Once it had finally booted up, the computer automatically opened a tab showing Glen all of the latest scumbags and criminals on the run. While the humans in space were attempting to establish a federation of somesort, bounty hunters thrived on backwater planets like Earth. "1,000 tok. Zirsk, Loth. . ." The computer began to list off several bounties and Glen listened half-heartedly, picking at the scraps of his meal. He listened on for about two minutes before one caught his interest, ". . .24 (custom). Maid equipped with Artificial Intellegence. . ." Before the computer even finished talking, a quick tap on the mouse revealed more information alongside a full body picture of the robot. It had a very unique build, largely decorative but it still had a full range of movement. That was a big design flaw in a lot of HS-class bots. The bot had a sleek, curvy body with pointed joint plates. The head was topped with a black visor-dome, under which were dainty lips painted a shimmery purple. He didn't like robots much, they made him uneasy, but they were one of the few beings capable of fighting and quick thinking without being trained. That made them fun to fight. He got the robot's last known coordinates from the computer and went to the cockpit. He flopped down in the pilot's seat, hit a few buttons, and he was off.
heres art of glen ig. i dont have much art of kyrie (the robot, its her nickname) on my phone atm so you get a kinda half-assed animation
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angstics · 2 years
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a long introspective post because i know with time i will forget this and i want to remember it all.
night of june 30th, technoblade's death was announced. i didnt believe it for a few minutes because i couldnt watch the video (i still havent). but it was true -- he passed away age 23 from cancer he discovered *less than a year* before his death. i keep quiet about how much i liked minecraft youtubers 2020 - 2021 because that turned out to be a DISASTER. but technoblade was one of the shining beacons. genuinely always the best, completely outside of post-death rose-tinted glasses. always.
before that, i was kind of getting into my chemical romance. id known of them my whole life. from dan and phil references to annoying ass g-note jokes to the twenty one pilot's cancer cover. i heard the Big Three hits but couldnt tell you what they were (except for "welcome") before listening to three cheers for the first time at the end of june. i dont know why i decided to start them. i wasnt really into music -- my top albums the last couple years included burnham's inside, starkid's twisted, and falsettos (2016). i wish i remembered better. if listening to them for the first time isnt a core memory, this is:
after 6 months of relative stability, i understandably hit a depressive episode in july. i would lie on my couch into the early morning for no reason. i wasnt trying to distract myself from his death ... there were no thoughts to be distracted from. it isnt a headspace i understand, especially since i never left it.
but for another unknown reason i thought to watch those mcr live shows. mind, at this point id only listened to three cheers. no exaggeration, i was betwitched by their performance. i most vibrantly remember gerard's eyes. crazy fucking eyes.
i'd forgotten cancer was an mcr song. when top released their cover, i listened to the original. i decided i liked twenty one pilots' more. i switched on that when i saw my chem on snl (i didnt watch BPID all the way through til a week later). it's the stripped down song, it's the direct lyrics, it's the crazy eyes. like he's trying to communicate EVERYTHING through his eyes.
the intro to BPID was like that too. when he ripped the hospital dress off and did the ghoul scream. had that feeling when i saw frank perform vampire money in glasgow. just. completely uninhibited. performace to say something truthful. unlike anything ive ever seen. from someone who wasnt very into music or live performance or theatre, much less the mechanics of it, i suddenly understood it all.
that screenshot is an abridged version of my actual search history. this is how it went.
june 26 i watched ->
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side bar, thinking about it now, my interest in pink floyd directly lead to my interest in mcr. early morning july 1st, this is what i was watching (alan parsons project great reccomendation from my friend bink bonk):
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july 2 i was watching videos a friend of techno's publicized to commerate him. the mcr video was in the reccomended tag -- a combo of the live pink floyd video and the im not okay mv. crazy how influenced my life is by where youtube leads me.
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then i saw a LITTLE bit of BPID before seeing my chem in 2022 for the first time. this was just weeks after bonn. i didnt watch the full eden either. but i did watch all of "welcome" at milton keynes, based on the time stamps
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this whole fucking day spent watching mcr videos. reading 2011, zack sang clip frank iero explains reading 2011 drama, mcr iceberg explained, "mcr best perfomance", "mcr best moments", mcr on letterman, mcr snl, "understanding the black parade" (i had not listened to black parade) -- then i left at 4pm. probably to sleep.
july 2nd was The day. i remember while watching these videos a realization hugging me. i knew that i was struck. from july until november, the majority of my conversations had something to do with my chem.
at the very beginning, i texted people about them to gage modern attitudes. growing up, they were adjacent to bands i thought sold out or lost their spark -- panic!, twenty one pilot, fall out boy. as ive said a million times, there is a Reason i didnt get into my chem earlier. just the other day on a SPECIFICALLY EMO SUBREDDIT there were people talking about how they "weren't ashamed to like mcr". where does this shame come from!!!!!! too mainstream for punk, too punk for mainstream. everyone knows this.
well anyway, july 2nd was just the first layer: the performance. july 11 (/early july 12) was another big day. the second layer: gender and sexuality. literally my tags on the first mcr post i reblogged ->
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then i saw the great collection by flockofdoves and. well.
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same day i found out about "i wanna be your joey ramone" and sleater-kinney, though i wouldnt listen to the song for a short while. that's layer 4: branching out to other music.
layer 3 was music appreciation. i listened to each of their albums in full sequentionally (KIND OF since i relistened to bullets 3 times were i only listened to the others in full 2 times max), purposuefully holding off for weeks between each album. i remember the first time i sat down to listen to black parade. i was buzzing at like 12:30 am because id decided that was the night. the end -> dead rocked my whole world. never got the instinct to bang your head around til those songs. the whole album was fucking amazing but something aboout famous last words got to me. id be sitting in the car with my sister and singing the bridge over and over. the perfect string of words -- with words i thought id never speak: awake and unafraid, asleep or dead.
i used to hate live performances because the music sounded worse than the studio version while giving me nothing performance-wise. id never wanted to go to a concert in my life. but not only did they sound GOOD live, it was a whole different experience. an adaptation that added to the experience in ways entirely different to what is lost. like i said, crazy eyes. and smiles like flowers and the audience louder than the amps and movement led by sound and memory. like. like nothing else. you cant understand this unless youre in love -- completely dedicated to it.
sometime in august i discovered they were coming to my town the next month. the first concert i ever wanted to go to. my parents were a nightmare about it the whole month until i got the permission to go. ive said also said this a million times: it was like rapture.
i dont understand why you would want to do anything that doesnt work towards that same feeling. my parents didnt get that feeling and i couldnt go to another show. it's been months and it still drives me insane. it drives me fucking insane. it drives me insane.
so those are the core memories related to my chem that got me here. it's a lot of love. love so big i cant even hold. it's belief. something close to religious. it's a lot of fear too -- fear the feeling will go away, that i'll "wake up", fear that they'll be taken. one reason i dont like music is the feelings i attach to it are so profound that i cant listen to it without feeling what i felt in the past. it's why i limit how much i listen to my chem. that's another fear -- though i attach positive feelings to the band, im engaging in it while depressed. more than engaging, obsessing. i cant focus on much else.
i hope as i get better mentally, this doesnt leave me. i got into it to cope. it showed me another dimension of art and life and emotion. it's a hard thing to navigate. i want the good, healthy parts of this to be my life. i hope i can figure that out. i hope it works out.
july 26 2020, i looked this up:
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i have no memory of this at all.
the night before, i was on a technoblade binge that ended with me watching one of his seminal videos that i remember beat for beat.
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i love technoblade forever. i cant watch his videos right now, but i hope i can someday. i love my chem forever. i hope-
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jamisonwieser · 1 year
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Between Market and 15th streets in San Francisco, the Valencia Street bike lanes run along the curb, protected from motor vehicle traffic by parked cars, parklets, and boarding platforms. It's also painted green the entire length to make clear this is a bike lane, letting pedestrians know they shouldn't block it and should watch out for cyclists.
Instead of extending the protected bike lanes from 15th to 23rd Street – sigh – SFMTA is experimenting with a two-way center-running bikeway.
Unlike the protected bike lanes, the two-way bikeway is only marked in green at the intersections where its now illegal to make a left turn for eight blocks. The interesections are also where cylicts traveling to a destination on Valencia are expected transition from the bikeway to the mixed-traffic shared traffic lanes or get off and walk the rest of the way to any mid-block destination. Plastic posts will be added to prevent delivery drivers from using them as a parking lane.
In their own surveys and study, the SFMTA found only 13% of respondants supported this design. Merchants and motorists oppose the parking removal and turn restrictions while cyclists fear its unsafe and make accessing local merchents inconvenient over the side running lanes.
In response to concerns, SFMTA cut the bikeway pilot project down from 18 to 12 months.
And it's not like curb-running bike lanes aren't without issues. Including dozens of temporary parklets which would need to be removed, relocated away from the curb, or weave the bike lane around the parklets. And that's not even feasible along much of the corridor, where parklets are sparated by enough room to add a space or two of parallel parking, but not enough space to safely shift the lane to the curb and back.
San Francisco is not in the financial situation for a ground up rebuild of Valencia Street – rebuilding intesections, consolidating parking spaces, widening the sidewalks to create outdoor public space. Add some public amenities like seating, tables, green space, and we'll spare a lot of merchants the cost of doing it themselves while creating a more desirable and succesful commerical corridor.
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pyaasa · 2 years
You are aware that its a private jet not a commercial flight. Private jets use less fuel for many major reasons per eg. 10km per person. Its designed like that and most if not all private jets use less fuel on average.
Legitimately. Those articles talk bs and they have no knowledge on aerodynamic, Aerospace Engineering, pilot, aviation etc.
If she was using commercial flights her CO2 emission would be tenth fold than the "not fact checked" numbers the article states.
Someone (sisters friends father) that specializes in aerodynamic engineering field, father + sister who specialize in engineering are a bit piss off about these incorrect articles.
the numbers from that article are sourced from @celebjets on twitter and it takes into account the type of private jet and the amount of fuel used to calculate the amount of co2 emissions, you can read about it here: https://www.protocol.com/bulletins/kylie-jenner-private-jet-climate
and you can't seriously be trying to say private jets are more eco-friendly than commercial flights when commerical flights carry hundreds of passengers whereas private jets carry like 3. get real here. i don't care what your sister's friend's father thinks when thousands of environmental experts say otherwise
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chronal-anomaly · 2 years
It should also be known that Lena is capable of piloting almost anything that moves. She recieved her wings first, allowing her to fly the tight and small fighter jets. She then was certified for transport ships and helicopters.
Later, Lena learned how to ride motorcycles, including sportbikes that go up to 900cc. The bike pictured in Storm Rising is a custom-made craft for her by Overwatch research and development that she was able to reacquire after the explosion.
Additionally, she knows most water crafts. She can pilot a jekski/waverunner and smaller speedboats/pontoon boats almost as well as she can fly. Lena also knows how to pilot bigger watercrafts, including freighters and submarines, but those require a larger crew to do so.
Another notable crafts include: hot air balloons, commerical planes, dune buggys/dirt bikes, and pretty much anything that moves. If Lena wasn't taught how to pilot it, she can figure it out shortly given her previous knowledge.
Lena also has a knowledge of how most of these crafts work. She enjoys working on her own planes and motorcycles when possible, though will absolutely had them over to the Overwatch mechanics if the resources were there.
Finally, she knows how to hotwire and sabatoge crafts. Once, when Cassidy was getting on her nerves, she stole the timing chain from his bike and then didn't tell him what was wrong when he realized it wouldn't start.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Netherlands confirms purchase of 6 more F-35 fighters and 4 Reapers
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 06/25/2022 - 12:38 PM in Military
The Dutch Ministry of Defense has revealed plans to accelerate the purchase of six additional F-35 fighters, as well as four more unmanned MQ-9 Reaper aircraft.
Although the increase in numbers has already been announced in the country's defense memorandum in 2022, the Ministry of Defense has now said that it wants to order the aircraft as soon as possible in connection with the overloaded defense market.
The Ministry of Defense made a similar move in April this year, when it advanced €450 million in ammunition purchases to replenish its stocks.
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Additional aircraft purchases will eventually bring the Royal Dutch Air Force's F-35 fleet to 52 fuselages, while the Reaper fleet will grow to 8 systems.
For the delivery of the six additional F-35s in 2025, the order must be placed before mid-July 2022.
"If this does not happen, there will be a gap in the delivery schedule of the devices. The completion of the third squadron and the additional operational benefits will be postponed for at least 2 years. This is partly due to the global increase in demand for F-35," said the Ministry of Defense.
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The additional MQ-9 Reapers are being purchased due to operational needs, according to the Ministry of Defense. As the current version production line (MQ-9A) is coming to an end, the United States has indicated that the order must be shipped by August 31.
It should be noted that the weapons for the F-35 and MQ-9 Reaper are not part of this purchase. These purchases will be discussed through regular procedures in 2023, the Ministry of Defense noted.
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The Royal Dutch Air Force will receive more fifth-generation fighter jets after reaching the initial operational capacity (IOC) for the aircraft at the end of 2021.
The IOC statement meant that the country's air force can now deploy a squadron of four F-35s with personnel and equipment anywhere in the world for a short period of time. Earlier this year, the squadron was sent to Bulgaria after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, where it supported NATO's air policing mission in the region.
Tags: Military AviationLockheed Martin F-35A Lightning IIMQ-9 ReaperRNLAF - Royal Netherlands Air Force / Royal Netherlands Air Force
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in a specialized aviation magazine in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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brick1458 · 2 months
Triple d wiki page
Destiny, Dallas and Déjà Vu Dalmatian, collectively known as Triple D, are triplet dalmatians and supporting characters in 101 Dalmatian Street. They are three of the 99 puppies among Delilah and Doug. They work as popular internet influencers, often starring in web videos and commericals.
Character origins
Storyboards for the 101 dalmatian street pilot
show Triple D in prototype form, with many of their design traits carrying over to their final designs. However, Déjà Vu wears a bow as opposed to a more traditional collar like her sisters. In later concept arts, the triplets were shown to wear pearls instead of collars. They also would have had dark grey eye shadow. Concepts show different collar designs, with Déjà Vu having meant to wear a collar with a '?' tag.
Triple D have identical designs, with the only way of differentiating them being their collars; Destiny has a heart tag, Dallas has a diamond tag, and Déjà Vu has a circle tag. Unlike other dalmatians, the triplets are given prominent eyelashes and highlights in their eyes. They each have a small spot on their right cheek that resemble beauty marks.
Triple D are pompous yet caring stars of commercials that advertise pizza, shampoo, and perfume, among other things. Because of their identical appearances, they are prone to getting mixed up by members of their family. As triplets, the three usually say sentences together in turn. They also have a tendency to ask “You called?” whenever they are cued into a scene. Along with Doug and Delilah, Triple D are a main source of income for the Dalmatian family.
"It's My Party" reveals that they each have distinct personalities: Destiny describes herself as a "deep intellectual who cares about the world," wanting to help those in need (specifically baby foxes); Dallas is glam with a heart, doesn't like it when others touch her fur and is the most serious out of the three; and Déjà Vu mimics anything her sisters do, often getting off track and causing awkward situations. "The Walls Are Alive" shows that Déjà Vu doesn't work well without her sisters.
Triple D have a brief line in the series premiere, "Dog's Best Friend." They are later given a prominent role in "The Woof Factor," where Dylan, Dolly, and Deepak impersonate them after they realize they've been double-booked for shooting commercials. In "A Date with Destiny... Dallas and Déjà Vu," Dylan follows Triple D around their commercial set after worrying about their saftey while Hunter tries to get a DNA sample from them. In "It's My Party," Dylan, Dolly and Diesel host a birthday party for each individual triplet, learning more about them in the process. Triple D also star in the Gigglebug Guarantee short, "Diva Pups."
Lines from each episode
Dog's best friend
Destiny " Yeah couldn't you
Dallas"have found like a
Deja vu" shinier one?
Boom night
Destiny " we're too young
Dallas " and beautiful
All3 " too die
Power to the puppies
Destiny " things are heating up here at 101 Dalmatian Street as Dylan and Dolly battle for top dog spot Dallas what's your take on the two contestants
Dallas " no idea I've been in makeup for the last hour how's my spots?
Deja vu " Wonder Fab Dolly's all freewheeling fun but Dylan's got some tricks of his own
Dallas "The only way to decide this popularity contest is for Dylan and Dolly to go muzzle to muzzle ... Dante you are so ruining my close-up
Destiny " the wag o meter has called it diesel is top dog
Destiny " we want walkies
Dallas" is there a kibble shortage
Deja vu" When's breakfast
All3 we gotta know
Destiny" uugghh I never thought I'd have to live through a kibble shortage
Dallas" What will become of us?
Deja vu " oh we're puppies in peril
Destiny " cause diesel's top dog
Dallas everything has gone to the dogs
Deja vu " you and Dylan just gotta
All3" bring back the normal
Destiny ( sarcastic tone) " in his new presidential digs
Dallas" my fur
Deja vu" I'm drenched
Destiny" to the bone
Snow day
Destiny " gasp our puppy shampoo
Da Dallas " that's like soooo expensive
Deja vu" the big bucks baby
Destiny "Woah he's gonna have
Dallas"such a glossy coat
Deja vu" totes
Perfect match
Destiny "What's up sis? Nah uh girlfriend
Dallas" fight for what's yours
Deja vu " yeah teach him a lesson
Destiny " woah woah woah woah woah!
Dallas " looks like your love birds
Deja vu" have built a love nest
Destiny " Uh oh here they come ... there she goes
All 3 awww
Crushed out
Destiny " you called
Dallas " we answered
Deja vu " bring bring
Destiny " roses are red
Dallas " violets are blue
Deja vu " Dylan sends frilly love hearts
All3" to you hoo
The Woof Factor
Destiny " Dylan where are my pro- biotic beauty kibble
Dallas " Dolly I want a paw massage
Deja vu " my paddy pads are Uber chaffed
Destiny " but we work hard
Dallas " we need pampering
Deja vu" what they said
Destiny " harder than you think
Dallas " and FYI cute keeps the roof over our heads
Deja vu " like yeah
Dallas " jump jet pizza
Destiny " scent of a manly man
Deja vu " oh no
Destiny and Dallas " we're overbooked
Deja vu " we're what now?
Destiny " it's tough to be this wonder fab in one place but two!
Dallas " at the same time
Deja vu " so that's what doublebooked means
Destiny " Ugh I'd like
Dallas " to see
Deja vu " you try
Destiny " ok you do Woof we'll do jump jet pizza
Dallas " do you have altitude training?
Deja vu" plus we don't like barf on take off
Destiny " besides any old dog can nail woof
Destiny " jump jet pizza delivery team
Dallas " to the rescue
Deja vu " at pizza
Destiny " peppy pizza
Dallas " packed to you
Deja vu " with puppy pizzazz
Destiny " Peppy
Dallas " puppy
Deja vu " pizza
Destiny nailed it
Dallas " like always
Deja vu " Wonder how our b team is making out with woof
Destiny " huh we should let you guys
Dallas " almost ruin our careers more often
Deja vu " a little to the left Deepak
Destiny " what what
Deja vu " Hey come back here
The nose job part1
Destiny " you are
Dallas " like so
Deja vu " b b b b busted
My fair dolly
All3 " you called
Destiny " atta Diva
Dallas " take it
Deja vu " to the street
Destiny " do something
Dallas " humans break up
Deja vu " pup fams
Destiny " no
Dallas " don't cross
Deja vu " the line
Destiny " what
Dallas " what
Deja vu" what
Flea Magedon
Destiny " why are you wearing your space suit?
Dallas " and hanging around in the bathroom?
Deja vu " classic Dylan
Destiny " it's just an itsy bitsy
Dallas " reaction to a new
Deja vu " grooming product?
A Date with Destiny, Dallas and Deja vu
Destiny " grrr * giggles*
Dallas" Nobody touches the fur!
Destiny " we went viral
Dallas "It's like exploded online !
Deja vu" Ka boom a boom!
Destiny " oh scratch that
Dallas " Ugh as usual
Deja vu " I'm with her
Destiny " are these like totally necessary?
Dallas " there isn't even any water in here
Destiny " just
Dallas " plain
Deja vu " nnnuuuuuttts
Destiny " not Dylan
Dallas " sooo embarrassing
Deja vu" yeah Dila ding dong
Destiny " yay
Dallas" later
Deja vu " later yay
Destiny " guess word got out that we're here today
Hmm I smell a leak
Dallas " so sue me I'm not fully limo-trained
Deja vu " oopsie I put it on the socials
Dallas " hey ! Nobody touches the fur
Destiny " gasp this chew toy's already been chewed
Dallas " What? no bows for our bones?
Deja vu " and look at this messy mess
Destiny " why is it so hard to train a human?
Dallas " I say we rub their nose in it
Deja vu " old school * giggles * me likey
Destiny " be nice they're just poor dumb creatures
Dallas " Nobody touches the fur!
Destiny " too pink not pink enough too pink not pink enough
Deja vu " mud pack ! mud pack! Awhoooo
Dallas "Okay you ... you can touch the fur
Dallas " Uh heee so he's got great taste
All3 whoo hoo
Destiny " just
Dallas " plain
Deja vu nuuuutts
Destiny " ha ha that was awesome
Dallas " heh heh yeah that was awesome
Deja vu " awesome sawesome
Destiny " say what!?
Dallas " that's like the whole point more danger means more hits
Destiny " you just don't get it
Dallas " stop cramping our style
Deja vu " style cramp ouchy
Destiny " oh no Dylan
Dallas " pretend we don't know him
Deja vu " yeah who is that?
Destiny " now there's someone
Dallas " who like properly
Deja vu " gets us
All3" yay
Destiny " this is way high
Dallas " I kind of wish Dylan was here
Deja vu "Oopsie sorry I'm not fully helicopter trained
All 3" whoo hoo
Deja vu " Hey!
Destiny and Deja vu " Dallas
Dallas " Hey ! * growls and bites hunter*
Destiny " Dylan
Destiny " so then with no chute
Daring Dylan skydived down to save Dallas
Dallas " with the bubble wrapper
Deja vu " going boing boing
Destiny " yep ! He was the real star today
Dallas " can I have your autograph
Wow of miaow
Destiny screaming as she and Dallas were fighting over who was more stressed
Destiny " that's mine
Dallas " I'm so stressed
Destiny " I'm more stressed than you!
Dallas " No your not
Destiny " yes I am
Dallas "No your not
Destiny " yes I am" she said arguing as Deja vu was just bouncing around
Dallas " not
Destiny "am
Dallas " not
Deja vu " ow* gets swung to the door*
Destiny " am
The dog house
Destiny " pest control is coming for us
Dallas " I'm not a pest
Deja vu " mmmm sometimes you are
Destiny " every dog knows that humans wear too many clothes so voila
Dallas next humans have stupidly big head heads check out the balloon noggin
Deja vu "and last up humans never stop talking
Long tongue day.
Destiny " have you not heard about it?
Dallas " oh my dog
Deja vu " ha have you been living under under a rock
Doggy Da Vinci
Déjà Vu " let me translate Destiny and Dallas have lost their voices and I uh had a grooming fail
Deja vu " no pictures Da Vinci its evidence
Destiny " aha genius
Dallas " wonderfab
Deja vu I knows what I like
Deja vu " bad news Destiny's voice is back
Destiny " Hey !
Destiny " Da Vinci broke the internet
London we have a problem ( part one)
Destiny " I'm hungry
Dallas " I want a paw- dicure
Deja vu "Dorothy bit my tail
Deja vu " tra a la la la la come on in the water's fi-ine
Deja vu " sorry cuddle?
London we have a problem ( part 2)
Destiny " so
Dallas " not
Deja vu " cool
It's my party
Destiny " stop blinking
Dallas " we can't picture ourselves in those dresses
Deja vu " if you blink
Destiny " that was so crazy
Dallas " can you believe it?
Deja vu " no way
Destiny " I'm smelling major weirditude
Dallas " yeah what's your deal?
Deja vu " yeah like your deal is weirdly major
All 3"* screams in shock*
Destiny " wait
Dallas " you wanted to skip
Deja vu " our b day !
Dallas " I'm not Destiny
Destiny " I'm Destiny
Destiny " uuggh
Dallas " that's it
Deja vu " Wait I thought I was Deja vu?
Destiny " no one
Dallas " treats us
Deja vu " like individuals
All3" I want my own party ... me too
Dallas " uuggh
Destiny and Deja vu oohhh
Destiny " woah woah woah diesel? So not doing my party you are
Dallas " BTW I wanna cover everyone of my spots with diamonds
Dallas "and I want an ice sculpture
Dallas " OMD how square can you be? No I mean a sculpture of me
Dallas " oohhh this his one's one's a keeper I want it for my selfie cake
Dallas " moi , photo, on a cake
Dallas " make it happen oh and most important it should be a surprise party
Dallas " duuuuhh for me
Destiny " Glam? But I'm not glam that's Dallas I'm the deep intellectual who cares about the world
Destiny " OMD I so am and my party is going to be a fundraiser for cutesy wild baby foxes
Destiny there will be the most totes adorbs wild fox babies at my party and I will look incredible and caring I I I mean incredibly caring in the middle of them UNDERSTAND
Destiny " uuuggghh I am so not wearing this
Deja vu " my party needs to be a surprise for wild fox babies yeah ok like Destiny said Widdle wild foxes, but Dallas is like no puffy dresses, right? Yeah, Wild! No dresses! Digging! OMD Totes adorbs gotta tell my dogettes
Dallas " I Said Diamonds! Why am I wearing a fishbowl? No, it isn't I look like your doll, whatever it's name is! I am not an interplanetary princess! I am the glam one You don't get me at all
Destiny " it's bad enough that our fans don't see us as individuals, but our own family? I
mean how hard it to see that you're glam with a heart
Dallas "Right? and you're all about helping others while still being pretty
Deja vu " Dallas, Destiny party's ginger to be totes wild dogettes like the dig dub little wild foxes OMD totes adorbs
Destiny and Dallas " huh?
Destiny " uuggghh no one's ever gonna out diva you your the biggest bossiest one on the planet enjoy your Diva party queen d because I wouldn't be there even if it was being broadcast from space
Destiny " best
Dallas " party
Deja vu " ever
Dallas " right? Totes cray cray but I still look awesome
Destiny " and wild
Deja vu " awesome wild
Fox in the Dog House
Destiny " aww poor little wounded fox
Dallas " here you go
Deja vu foxie woxie chickie wickie
Destiny " oops
Dallas " our bad
Deja vu " sorry
Destiny " you monsters!
Dallas "How could you!
Deja vu " Poor little fox!
Destiny " poor little wounded fluffy tails!
Dallas "Come on in!
Deja vu "Aww your poor paw!
don't push your luck
Destiny " RAT!
Deja vu " Cow! Moo, chicken ba caw what? We're doing animal impressions right?
The Curse of the Ferry Dog
All3" three three three three-headed dog coming through the mist
Destiny " it's a prank
Dallas " to be frank
Deja vu " With your spooky spooky swank
Destiny " it's a prank to be frank with your spooky swank
Dallas and Deja vu " it's a prank to be frank with your spooky swank
All 3" it's a prank to be frank with your spooky swank it's a prank to be frank with your spooky swank it was all a prank your chain to yank she's an Uber crank
The Walls Are Alive
Destiny " maybe he went and...
Dallas " you know, like hid.
Deja vu " with pumpkins.
Destiny" you hear that?
All3" ahhhh
Dallas " the wall just like moved
Deja vu " Where's Destiny?
Deja vu " They never leave me alone, because I work better in a group
Deja vu " Destiny? Dallas?
Deja vu " what was that?
Deja vu " the wall ate him
Deja vu " it's just you and me now
Deja vu " does this mean we're wall food now?
Deja vu " how much do the walls need to eat before they get full?
Deja vu " what happens if the walls eat everyone up and there's no one left to build more walls and the walls they have to eat each other?
Deja vu " mm fishy fresh
Deja vu " pumpkins
Ride along
Dallas " who would do this to me?
Destiny " your sparkly collar
Deja vu " bye-bye sparkle
D factor
Destiny " Yeah uh your kind of like
Dallas I don't know furniture comfy
Deja vu " yeah and just like there?
Dante's Inferno
Destiny " are they back?
Dallas " I'm getting Deja vu
Deja vu " you called?
The de vil's wear puppies part 1
Destiny " it's too toasty
Dallas " can we open a window?
Deja vu " window window
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smokymtnnotary · 5 months
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Did you know that we offer photo services for real estate and commerical inspections? Whether you're a real estate investor, wholesaler, or buyer located outside the area, we can provide photos of properties in Knoxville and the surrounding areas. Our services extend to conducting walkthroughs of homes and businesses that pique your interest. Additionally, we can capture progression photos for new construction projects, catering to both commercial and resdential builings. For lenders, we can provide photographic evidence to assist in determining property occupancy. As an FAA Part 107 Certfied drone pilot, we have the capability to capture aerial photos using our DJI Drones. If you have any questions about how our services can benefit you, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at 865-386-7398 #commercialinspections #dronepilot #photoinspections #realestateinvestor #KnoxvilleTN #SmokyMountains #SevierCounty #Realestatephotos #FannieMaeGreenCertified
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jimsmovieworld · 2 years
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A group of horny bank robbers are flying on a commerical plane with there money when the pilot announces a storm ahead and they have t9 turn back. They hijack the plane and crash it into a crocodile infested swamp. Interestingly the swamp is filled with both normal crocodiles and supernatural crocodiles for some reason.
The film is about the robbers and there hostages trying to find a way out before being eaten to death.
Martin Kove plays a local man tasked with tracking them down.
Film starts off with a hilariously stupid bank robbery and the parts on the plane before it crashed were very entertaining. Most of the film after the crash is a bit forgettable, but still a lot of fun. If youre looking for a silly cronk movie with bad cgi this isnt a bad option.
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miairaviation · 4 years
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So proud if our multi-commerical students! It will be sad to see them leave soon!
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ducksoup17 · 3 years
Shy away probably just got leaked?????
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chocolatecakecas · 3 years
hi! when you say they used the series finale to promote w*lker, do you mean them showing ads for it during the two weeks? sorry i’m just confused because i didn’t watch it live.
hii anon
so during the finale airing pretty much every single commerical was for w*lker, the finale was also shorter so it really just felt like we got more w*lker commericals than episode. And also theres the whole "the finale was a backdoor w*lker pilot" since pretty much the entire episode was centered around sam alone, therefore more screentime for j*red(even a shirtless scene)
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers: The Case of the Cola Cult Review: Come Along, You Belong! (Comission for WeridKev27)
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Come along, you belong you happy people! If your just seeing this blog for the first time I”m Jake and i’m an aging nerd who reviews cartoons, comics and other stuff 3 times a week. And after a few days off to recharge that ended up being “Me sitting in bed with a cold watching old simpsons, playing animal crossing and getting ready for next week..” it’s time to come back and just in time as sometimes, some films drop on Disney +, but your producer/patron/guy what hires you for work the most wants to do a tie in. Yes today marks the release of the new Chip N Dale film. And granted I COULD just review that day one.. but i’d rather let the film sit for a bit... or more likely for me forget to watch it for some time and still haven’t months later like Turning Red, which you are free to boo me on as you should. 
So instead since i’ve already looked at the pilot, Kev is having me look at one of the series most infamous and most loved episodes: The Case of the Cola Cult. Just in case you thought the movie was insane what with it’s having an evil peter pan clone voiced by bojack horseman as an antagonist, cgi timone or just in general existing, here’s a friendly reminder the orignal series not only tackled cults, but did so mostly straight. I mean it still involves soda jingles, ninjas and a suction cup tank, but the fact the show not only went after such a dark topic but did so brilliantly for the time is amazing. Just amazing. So i’m more than happy to share this milestone of television with ya’ll after the cut! Content Warning: This episode being reviewed was about cults. It’s in the title. So if you’ve had a bad past experince with cults or have a loved one who has best steer clear of this one. 
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So the story begins as you’d expect a story about a cult to start.. with our heroes rolling around at the speed of sound, got places to go gotta follow their rainbow as they test out gadget’s newest baby: the Rescuemobile, aka a roller skate with some sort of engine. Contrary to what I expected the plot dosen’t kick off because Gadget forgot to install breaks.. but instead the more clever “They fell off about two miles back”. 
Our heroes crash and two towns over a himbo duck feels like he missed something. They’ve ended up in the Coo Coo Cola Factory, where they nearly get attacked by ninjas
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And get attacked by Bubbles, a large intimidating rat in a mask who couldn’t be screaming “i’m the bad guy can ya tell?” any harder if he’d come in riding the Jokermobile, blaring “I can’t decide” and throwing the mouse equilvent of a puppy out the window while he did. 
He’s stopped by Pop Top whose our cult leader for the episode. Pop Top is voiced by Dale’s VA Corey Burton while Bubbles is voiced by Disney GOAT Jim Cummings pre taking over as montery again later in the series. Sadly he did NOT show up on Amphibia before it bowed out, but he might have some time for Owl House. We still got 5 episodes to go.... god we have only five episodes left...
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Anyways Pop Top, love the name, shows them around and as one article pointed out, the cult’s design is based heavily of the ranjesshe cult from the robes, which get colorful during a cermony using soda, the way they operate and just general design. When asked about this one of the writers of the ep said it wasn’t WRITTEN that way.. but he can’t speak for design, and given said cult was one of the more promient at the time, i’m thinking this is less a concidence
Speaking of which while the episode’s anti cult message is about as subtle as a Ralph
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There is a nice little consmuerum dig at how marketing can sometimes go to extremes, with a WHOLE ASS CULT forming.. because a bunch of mice saw a catchy jingle that says “come along, you belong” and that you “belong” to it. It honestly dosen’t sound that out of bounds for the 80s, especially given Spuds McKckenzie exists.. and in case your wondering who that is here’s the webcomic something positive to fill you in
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So yeah cult like cola commericals are entirely plausable. It’s only a small jab but it works. 
The Rangers are naturally suspcious because unlike most cults they don’t even bother to hide the name. They literally just call themselves the cola cult. Even fi it dosen’t hlep them get more cultists I gotta admire their honesty. Most cults take the side door, this one comes up front and knocks. The fact it’s various cola cultists give up everything just sets off more alarm bells but with nothing other than 
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They depart, though Pop Tart offers to let them come back any time. 
So at home Gadget works on another new invetion with low saftey percuations: a really big magnet. Perfect for fighting Rom, Space Knight. The boys razzing her abou tit naturally going haywire gets to gadget a bit, and as you can probably tell this is a gadgetcentric episode: while the others have plenty to do this focuses on her and does so VERY well. It takes what seems to be a common trope, her invetions having some flaw to them and deconstructs it: for one science is built on trying and trying again... but it can be hard when you have two voices in your ear telling you your a screw up. The boys don’t mean anything by it, paticuarlly Dale whose just always like this. But you can only hear this sort of thing so long before it brekas you a bit and this episodes going to break gadget hard. 
But first one of the cultists shows up, needing their help. Said magnet incident distracts them and this is par tof WHy the episode works: our heroes do’nt snap at gadget for no reason or to be dicks. Her invetions have geninly backfired and put a client in danger. At the same time though she coudln’t of KNOWN a client could walk in and testing these things out is important. It’s not some one sided making a character dick for funsies nonsense. It’s well thought out. 
So naturally the fall comes when Bubbles, as we find out later, sabotages her rescue rover, her new baby that’s basically a giant wheel with plungers on it. 
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Causing them all to tumble and barely be saved by Zipper... who at least shows himself to be a true badass by stretching a blanket himself, with all his strength across bottles to make a makeshift parachute. 
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Like I didn’t expect zipper, who I frequently forgets exists, to be THIS badass. 
Gadget is crestfallen and retires... and her depression is just.. heartbreaking. To see this vibrant young lady just.. broken, feeling useless, and the next day planning on LEAVING, feeling she has nothing to offer without her invetions.. it’s heartbreaking and once again Rescue Rangers avoids the pitfalls other shows have slammed into with this type of plot: the rest of the team is devistated, feels bad for what they caused, and TRIES to cheer her up. She leaves not because of any silly misunderstanding but because their man on the inside of the cult shows back up and Gadget slips out because they HAVE to tend to him, and even then it’s clear they’d rather make sure she stays. 
So our heroes plan to sneak into the cult as Cult Guy Whose Name I Forgot And didnt bother to look back up leads them. Meanwhile we get at truly heartening scene with Gadget as she mopes in the rain.. and right into the arms of the cola cult who are capering with music outside in the rain
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And take her in. And this again shows how the episode gets cults: They take in people who need to feel they belong, who need to fill the void in their lives somehow, and often they find the people most lost in some way and fill that void. Granted in the case of this cartoon Pop Top is GENUINELY trying to help her, more on that in a minute, but it still works: a lot of cultists often bring people deeper without realizing what their doing till it’s too late. 
So she goes in and her friends are geninely shocked she’s doing this.. but have no way to help her. Their sneaking in and hopefully what their doing will stop this. It parallels how many people feel helpless to help their loved one incults.. or maybe it’s just mildly sloppy writing in a children’s show that’s already done this well so far out of their depth. I dunno. 
So they end up getting fizzed, while Gadget decides she dosen’t belong.. and then gets kidnapped by Bubbles. Our heroes naturally find everyone’s stuff and assume pop top did it.. as did I. 
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Yeah turns out Bubbles is behind it.. because of course he is. 50% of all Jim’s roles have him playing some evil bastard. It’s in his resume: Jim cummings, plays evil bastards and also a duck. This is mixed for me. On the one hand the swerve, having the Cult exploited is neat.. but it also kinda muddies the message. Cults.. arne’t innocent. They take people’s lives away, scam innocents, and generally are predatory scum. Simpsons got this with the movementarians episode while still being hilarous.. in part because they made the mistake of trying to recruit homer and had to put in the extra work. That and it has Hans Moleman getting eaten by rover. Some things you don’t know you need til lthey happen even when your a 12 year old who has no idea what the prisoner is and as an adult still hasn’t seen it. 
So he plans to drown their asses, this time putting them in bottles but gadget escapes.. and then gets EXCEPTIONALLY badass as she procedes to make her gyrothing into a FUCKING TANK SUCTION CUP TANK, armoring it and arming herself to the teeth with her gadgets, mowing down the cult’s ninjas with her magnet, other gadgets and sheer badassery. There is only one god.. and it’s her. 
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It’s also cathartic as hell after an episode of watching her beat up. It helps bubbles.. is a very stupid villian. He has no real plan for a smooth transition of cult leadership, outright TELLS GADGET WHAT HE DONE DID, and looses the tape.. thanks to gadget I feel or just it going out but still... the only reason he got as far as he did is he’s voiced by jim cummings and that only gets you so far. 
So Gadget exposes bubbles and kicks his ass and then she fucking kicks his ass, and Pop Top wonders what now, while the rangers say you don’t need a cult as long as you belong somewhere. 
Final Thoughts: 
This was a REALLY good episode. The concept is both silly and really nicely takes cults apart and I supsect pop top being innocent was simply the need for a more black and white morality in these types of cartoons. There wasn’t room for any moral greys in a cartoon like this.. yet. Still it’s a great episode and Tress really gets to show off her range as gadget, the koo koo cola song is now embeded in my head and it eased me back into work nicely. All in all a solid review and if you’d like to comission one just like it, hit me up in my ask box and come along with coo coo cola. 
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kodzuken · 2 years
flight crew au??? 👀
oh im OBSESSED with this fic ok so basically eddie trained as a pilot before he became a combat medic, so when he retires from the army, he decides to become a commerical pilot; shannon lives and takes care of chris while eddie is away. buck wanted to keep traveling but he ran out of money, so he started flight attendant training and became a flight attendant, and they are on the same airlines, so they see each other all the time, and hang out on layovers, and every city they go to, buck gets a postcard and writes what happens in the city on it!! it's based off a voltron au I'm ngl but it fits buddie so perfect that i can't help myself. i only have the smallest snippet available:
He first meets Evan Buckley during a layover in Houston and thinks, somehow, that something tectonic is about to shift in his life.
Evan Buckley, on the other hand, doesn't have the same idea.
"I get you're a pilot," he's saying, hands waving wildly through the air, "and that you think you're some big hotshot, but I've been flying with the 118 for years, and I'm not going to take shit from a washed-out air force pilot who misses shooting at random people from the sky."
"Army," Eddie cuts in, his stupid pilot hat hanging from his finger.
Buck blinks. "What?"
"I was in the army, not the air force. Combat medic," he offers.
Something flashes in Buck's eyes. "That was so not my point."
ask me about the wips from the list!
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boeing747 · 2 years
got you the crunchiest commerical pilot birthday card I could get. happy birthday! have a blast
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my two life goals are to drive a little plane for a little bit one day and also to be an uncle, so you know! setting the life goals
also thank you <3
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