#common birdwing
fromtraveldiaries · 3 months
Butterflies have a similar courtship ritual as that of birds. In video: Common birdwing butterfly (male and female)
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heartnosekid · 10 months
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the common green birdwing (ornithoptera priamus) | source
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podartists · 3 months
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Priamus or the Imperial Trojan, Papilio priamus [Pl. 15]
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herpsandbirds · 11 months
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Common Green Birdwing (Ornithoptera priamus), male, family Papilionidae, Kutini-Payamu (Iron Range) National Park, Queensland, Australia
photograph by James Cornelious
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silkwhim · 4 months
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a late afternoon in Orus Hycea
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Thylacoleo carnifex
Somehow survived weather changes in this alternate universe - huzzah! they live in woodlands and shrublands, but may travel to hunt prey much larger than themselves like diprotodon which more commonly live in plains (if they're truly desperate). Walaba generally avoid them even if they're not a common prey item, but you can never be too careful
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Phyllurus platurus/ broad-tailed gecko
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Todiramphus sanctus/ Sacred kingfisher
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Xylotrupes ulysses/ Rhinoceros beetle
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Ornithoptera alexandrae/ Queen Alexandra's birdwing
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histsciart · 2 years
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Lepidopterans from the Edinburgh Journal of Natural History and of the Physical Sciences, Vol. 1 (1835-1839).
"Lepidopterans" includes both moths and butterflies. The moth in the bottom middle is the lovely Madagascan sunset moth (Chrysiridia rhipheus), which was once classified as a butterfly. The butterfly in the middle is the male common green birdwing (Ornithoptera priamus). This species exhibits sexual dimorphism in which the female is larger than the male and has brown and white coloring.
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teknikolor-walters · 7 months
do you have any birdwing fun facts?
Orthinoptera alexandrae is the biggest butterfly in the world, it's wingspan is 11 inches! The atlasmoth is still the biggest lepidoptera in the world tho
They're swallowtails! This is significant to me personally because swallowtails are really common where I live and birdwings feed on the same vine (pipevine) which a species of swallowtail around here eats (the pipevine swallowtail)
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Pipevines are also poisonous so it's theorized that birdwings are poisonous as well!!
Most birdwings live in the rainforests of New Guinea but there's one species that lives on mainland Australia (orthinoptera richmondia)
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mysticdragon3art · 8 months
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Faebruary 2024, day 13. Chibi Ambrosius and Ballister fairies checking flowers for nectar.
Every Faebruary, I draw chibi butterfly fairies of my current OTPs. This year, it's Goldenheart.
Unsure how Ballister would get his cybernetic arm in this AU. So I skipped the whole subject by not drawing it.
2/13/2024. Platinum Preppy fountain pen, using Noodler's Ink. Used pencil underdrawings only for their bodies; but erasing it caused a lot of ink smudging so I might return to my usual of skipping underdrawings. Colored with Copic markers and ShinHanArt Touch markers. Some corrections made with white-out and digitally with Krita.
References for Ballister's wings: "Black Heart" butterfly
References for Ambrosius's wings: "Wallace's golden birdwing" butterfly"
References for paulownia flower: https://thegardenstrust.blog/2015/05/16/paulownia/ I was going to choose a flower common in deciduous forests, since fairy stories are often set in deciduous forests. Almost wnet with the weeping lilac. But paulownia have been on my mind lately and I like flowering trees.
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sir-squibbly · 7 months
Big Bug Appreciation Post! (1/2)
For anyone who’s been on my blog, or has interacted with me, it’s no surprise I’m a bug enthusiast. But I don’t think I’ve ever made an official bug appreciation post, and there are a lot of bugs in my state that I think are super neat, so I wanted to briefly talk about them here. Not all of them will be insects though.
Unfortunately, I won’t be putting in any isopods or roaches because my state doesn’t have a whole lot of those guys that I would consider “particularly special.” But just note that I do appreciate isopods and roaches, and think that they have a great impact on their natural environments.
Anyway, onto the bugs!
Blue-Winged Wasp
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These babes usually hang out in the dog fennel near my yard, and I think they’re very pretty wasps. Their wings are an iridescent blue (hence the name), and their yellow spots are quite cute. They're also relatively chill, so you can stand pretty close to them and they wouldn’t care.
2. Common Paper Wasp
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They’re everywhere, but I’d be lying if I said they weren’t pretty either. I think that they have a really neat color palette and super cool pattern to them. I’ve had personal experience with them, and I’ve always made sure that when I went on my balcony, that I didn’t present as a threat to them. Overall, I enjoyed sitting with these pretty critters.
3. Giant Leopard Moth
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They look like snow leopards! Ironically enough, similar to how snow leopards are closely related to tigers, leopard moths are closely related to tiger moths (in fact, they’re in the same family). I raised one of these guys. His name was Napoleon, and he was the fanciest little guy 🩵.
4. Amber Snail
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It’s usually stated online that amber snails are a pretty rare species. So I think it was pretty neat how I once found five or six on my mom’s calla lilies. They’re very tiny and very adorable, ‘nuff said.
5. Golden Sill Orb Weaver
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A huge species of orb weaver that I think is absolutely gorgeous. These gals can get big, and I mean BIG. But no matter the size, it’s always a treat to see them during walks into the woods.
6. Agapostemon Sweat Bee
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Agapostemon is actually just a genus of sweat bee, and I’ve personally come across at least two species. All I really need to say about these guys is that they’re metallic green bees, and the ones that live near my house are surprisingly mega chill (I still wouldn’t hold one tho lol).
7. Bee Fly
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Maybe not as cute as their Japanese relatives, but they’re still whimsical little fairy creatures that I would absolutely pet in a heartbeat (if given the chance).
8. Flatback Millipede
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I just wanted to bring up how metal I think these guys are. 10/10, absolutely fire little guys 🔥🔥🔥.
9. Eastern Pondhawk
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They’re everywhere in the local pond and I love them. They’re one of my favorite examples of dimorphism because of how cool the females look (they’re the green ones). But sometimes it can be hard to distinguish a male and a female because younger males are more green. Still, they’re cool bugs.
10. Violet Dancer
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In my opinion, one of the prettiest species of damselflies. I’ve encountered one of these before (at a swamp). They’re just as vibrant as in the pictures 💜.
11. Ebony Jewelwing
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Another beautiful damselfly! This time, on a larger scale. These can also be found in swamps, and their metallic green color is super cool.
12. Swallowtails (Just in General)
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(Pipevine Swallowtail in the picture)
Swallowtails are my state’s official butterfly, and the reason for that is pretty simple: They’re literally everywhere. The most common is the Eastern Tiger, but there are other species, such as: The Black Swallowtail, Zebra Swallowtail, Pipevine Swallowtail, and probably even more. Another neat thing about them is that they’re in the same family as the world’s largest butterfly species: The Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing. So there’s some fun lil trivia for ya 👍.
13. Golden Northern Bumblebee
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They’re very friend-shaped, and also very big. In fact, some of them can get bigger than carpenter bees. They don’t visit very often, but I really like them.
14. Variegated Fritillary
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A very close relative of the gulf fritillary. In fact, I found caterpillars of both species eating passion vine together.
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You can usually tell them apart pretty easily since Variegated caterpillars are lined with white dots. Also, fun fact: Their spines are non-stinging and completely harmless in general.
15. Larger Elm Leaf Beetle
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Super friend-shaped, and extremely lightweight (you will barely feel them on your hand). They're pretty easy to handle since they’re very docile. But they’re considered pests to certain plants, so they’re not very liked by gardeners.
16. Golden Tortoise Beetle
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Also friend-shaped, but very tiny and super skittish. One really interesting thing about them is that their larvae use their own feces as a shield. So, yeah, that’s a thing that they do.
17. Imperial Moth
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A close relative of the Luna Moth (they’re in the same family). They might not be the most extravagant moths, but they have a rustic charm to them, and they remind me of bananas. Also, they’re fluffy, so they’re automatically cute.
18. Pink-Striped Oakworm Moth
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A much smaller relative of the Luna Moth (also in the same family). These babes are nocturnal and absolutely adorable.
19. Antlion
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Despite being shaped like a damselfly, these fellas are more closely related to lacewings and mantidflies. You may recognize their name, and that’s because the most notable thing about antlions is their larvae (also called “doodlebugs”).
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Y’know, these silly lil guys. The ones that make pit traps to eat their favorite food: Ants. They're funky. I love them.
20. Spring Fishfly
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I just think they’re cool. They come from water.
21. Woolly Apple Aphid
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Adorable, fluffy, whimsical fairy creatures. I had the pleasure of holding one once. You can’t even feel them on your finger.
22. Red Velvet Ant/ Cow Killer
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Despite her name, she’s not actually an ant. She’s a type of wasp in the family Mutilidae, where females are wingless. These wasps (specifically the males) are called “cow killers” because of a myth that said their stings were so powerful, they could kill a cow. This isn’t true tho.
23. Crane Fly
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They look like giant mosquitoes, but fear not! They won’t hurt you! In fact, one of their nicknames is “mosquito eater.” But they don’t actually eat mosquitoes. At least, the adults don’t. They don’t even have the proper mouthparts to do that. Instead, Crane Flies feed on nectar, which makes them minor pollinators. So while they can get everywhere once they spawn, they’re not actually that big of a problem. And they’re super frail, so please be gentle if you want to hold them🤎.
24. Two-Spotted Longhorn Bee
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Absolutely adorable! They don’t visit very often, but when they do, they like to visit the sage in the garden. I usually find them frequently the same plants as the Leafcutter bees.
25. Giant Water Bug
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One of the coolest dudes ever. You’ll always find them anywhere wet, but please know that they can get BIG. They won’t charge after you, but they will bite if they feel threatened, and it will hurt. I’ve encountered these funky guys before, and I just admire them from a good distance.
26. Promachus Robber Flies
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Promachus is also just a genus of robber fly (I don’t know how many species live in my state tho). I just think they look cool. And they’re good for pest control 👍.
27. Common Checkered Skipper
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Cute little babies that are slightly blue. I have one in my bug collection.
28. Long-Tailed Skipper
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Another cute little baby. And also blue! These things are pretty common in the garden, and I’m always happy to see them.
Reached the image count limit. I’ll post the second part in a bit.
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worldsandemanations · 5 months
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the common green birdwing (ornithoptera priamus) | source
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🐝Send in a number + Character and I'll draw them in an outfit or as a creature based on that insect🦋
Allotopus Beetle
Apollo Butterfly
Assassin Bug
Atlas Moth
Bald-Faced Hornet
Banded Darter
Banded Demoiselle
Beautiful Demoiselle
Bhutan Glory Swallowtail
Black Swallowtail Butterfly
Bullet Ant
Butterfly Dragonfly
Cabbage Butterfly
Cattlehearts Swallowtail
Common Batwing
Common Bluebottle Butterfly
Common Brimstone
Common Rose Swallowtail
Conehead Mantis
Cream-Spot Tiger Moth
Cuckoo Wasp
Death's-Head Hawkmoth
Devil's Flower Mantis
Differential Grasshopper
Drain Fly
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Eighteen-Spotted Ladybird
Elephant Hawkmoth
Elephant Mosquito
Emerald Bee
Emperor Dragonfly
European Hornet
European Mantis
Eyed Ladybug
Fire Ant
Five-Spotted Hawkmoth
Fork-Horned Stag Beetle
Fourteen-Spotted Ladybird
Ghost Mantis
Giant Leopard Moth
Giant Long-Legged Katydid
Giant Malaysian Leaf Insect
Glasswing Butterfly
Goliath Beetle
Golden-Ringed Dragonfly
Great Black Wasp
Green Grasshopper
Green June Beetle
Green Snaketail
Green Stag Beetle
Halyzia Sedecimguttata (aka orange ladybird)
Hercules Beetle
Honey Bee
Hummingbird Clearwing
Hummingbird Hawkmoth
Impatiens Hawkmoth
Jerusalem Cricket
Jewel Beetle
Lime Hawkmoth
Long-Legged Fly
Luna Moth
Monarch Butterfly
Mosaic Darner
Mud Dauber
Oleander Hawkmoth
Orchid Mantis
Painted Lady Butterfly
Paper Wasp
Peacock Butterfly
Pharaoh Ant
Picasso Bug
Pipevine Swallowtail
Poplar Hawkmoth
Queen Alexandra's Birdwing
Question Mark Butterfly
Red Admiral
Rosy Maple Moth
Ruddy Darter
Scorpion Fly
Small Tortoiseshell
Southern Hawker
Southern Flannel Moth
Spicebush Swallowtail
Spiny Leaf Insect
Sunset Moth
Tailed Jay Butterfly
Tarantula Hawk
Thorn Bug
Tiger Mosquito
Twentytwo-Spot Ladybird
Ulysses Butterfly
White-Lined Sphinx
White Witch Moth
Yellow Jacket
Zebra Swallowtail
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heartnosekid · 9 months
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the common green birdwing (ornithoptera priamus) | source
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podartists · 19 days
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Priamus or the Imperial Trojan, Papilio priamus | The Naturalist's Miscellany v.1 | Biodiversity Heritage Library | Flickr
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Citrus Locust - Chondracris rosea
What a large, bright green specimen! With its grand size (based on the description I received), I initially thought it would turn out to be a specie of Birdwing Grasshopper. Research deeper to discover the identity of this insect, the only thing that was correct in my assumption was the family of Grasshopper (Acrididae) that this find belongs to. In fairness, it is a large family with around 10,000 members so the statistics were favorable. As a member of Acrididae - the Short-Horned Grasshoppers - it shares lineage with some of the North American Grasshoppers that we find familiar such as the Red-Legged Grasshopper. Those red spiky hindlegs only deepen the similarities! Though not a Birdwing, this Grasshopper does possess large wings: those green forewings cover a pink-red tinged hindwing. However, from my own investigations it is unclear whether those wings are used for distanced flight or just to slow descent after launching under normal conditions. I'm leaning towards the latter at time of writing, but any confirmation on the use of this Grasshopper's wings would be appreciated. Large species are certainly quite capable of distanced flight, such as the Carolina Locust (another Acrididae member). But that specie doesn't have the "eyes and markings" that this one does on the side of the thorax.
Remember earlier when I said that I thought this was a Birdwing Grasshopper? It seems others think the same way, as one of the informal names of this Grasshopper's subfamily is "Bird Locust" due to their large size. This subfamily also includes prominent pest species that can undergo swarming behavior, travel great distances via wind riding and devour their fill of crops. Though the term 'Locust' evokes a swarming picture, this Grasshopper fortunately doesn't appear to be one of the species that can enter a gregarious phase. Perhaps conditions aren't right to facilitate this morphological and behavioral change where it lives? Or perhaps it just isn't capable of such a transformation. No matter the case, I think we would have our hands full if this insect was capable of swarming. In fact, I'm certain that the situation would be quite dire, especially with the crops it feeds on! As the common name suggests, citric plants could be on the menu within its range, but it has also been reported to defoliate sweet potatoes, cotton, rice and sugarcane; all are important agricultural resources for humans. Though it doesn't seem to be able to swarm, more modest aggregations could be possible. With bright green coloration, they would have a camouflaged head-start when crops are plentiful.
Pictures were taken on October 3, 2019 in China with a Google Pixel.
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saintgoths · 2 years
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɴɪɴᴇ
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WORD COUNT - 2,015.
SUMMARY - isabella leaves to miami to retrieve her evidence while the rosalind children adapt to not having their mother around as a certain citizen barely hides her jealousy towards ivy and ellie while the youngest rosalind begins her piano classes in the lorde Household.
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It was going to take a good temporal length to get to Miami, and Isabella had to come to terms with the length of the upcoming period, the woman discerned that throughout her journey, she would achingly miss her children. Nevertheless, her trip to Miami was specifically for her children’s safety; heretofore Isabella left Jackson, she had a conversation with Maria and Tommy, she had explained to them that her trip was to get supplies that she needed, that evidently weren’t in Jackson, she felt bad lying to them, but her excuse wasn’t a complete lie.
They did offer her men and women to come with her, but Isabella had told the couple that she thought it would be best to go on her own. However, out of kindness the two had supplied Isabella of a horse she named Lana to help her get to her location quicker and Isabella was utterly grateful for what they have provided to her.
They provided the woman two pistols, a hunting rifle, a bunch of Molotov cocktails and melee weapons, Isabella had her own shiv but was very appreciative of the weapons they furnished for her. It had been around forty-five minutes ever since her departure and the matriarch guessed it would take less than four days to get to Miami unless her trip was disrupted besides from the obvious infected.
It didn’t surprise her that she would run into some infected immediately, Isabella had observed that they were Runners, meaning that they were weaker than other infected, Runners were pale, mottled and covered in wounds with handful of their hairs falling out of their head. They were known to have poor eyesight and maintained human-like vocals like their groans.
Isabella quietly hopped off Lana and tied her reins around a tree ere she used her stealth to attack one Runner with her shiv. She hastily grabbed the infected with her left arm and suffocated the being prior to stabbing the zombie numerous of times till it demised.
-As the body lifelessly dropped, Isabella sighed consoled and mollified that she was able to have a plethora of action. She turned to another Runner who was a couple of steps away from her, its back faced towards Isabella, in a hunched position, motionless; Isabella sneakily crept towards the Runner in attempt to smother and stifle it to death.
It began to moan loudly, its body moved passively, attempted to resist Isabella along with the fungus’ influence. Though, the Runners defence was in vain as it simply died in Isabella’s arm, after she acknowledged that the infected was now dead, Isabella pushed the deceased Runner away. Noticed a badge that was under dirt just beneath her.
She simply crouched down and picked it up, discerned that it appeared like one of the badges Ivy collected. Ivy collected Butterfly badges, Isabella remembered how Ivy used to go on about the butterfly being her spirit animal, the woman then examined the badge and checked that it was a Common Green Birdwing Badge before she pushed the object into her bag.
Unaware that she left one infected alone that soon picked up on Isabella’s arrival, the moment it’s groan became louder, Isabella quickly turned her body towards the direction of the infected, quickly pulled out her pistol and relieved at least two bullets into its head then watched it collapse against the field.
Apprised that the sound of bullets might’ve alerted other infected, Isabella quickly made way back to Lana, untied her from the tree she assigned the horse to then hurriedly climbed onto the steed’s back and urged the colt to continue their trip.
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Maria stood in front of the three Rosalind children as she were one of the three adults, besides Tommy and Joel who took the responsibility to look after Isabella’s children. Even though Maria had a whole community to look after, she did have other people who could take on stuff she did, plus, Maria also did this out of the fondness she had for Isabella.
“Just because your mother isn’t here doesn’t mean there’s no school for you guys,” Maria jokingly pointed out, her hands awkwardly on her hips as she gestured them to come closer to her. “Robin, after school you have training with Joel, and Venus is going to start her piano lessons with Kaylee.”
“Ivy,” Maria then skewed to the oldest Rosalind child, “I was told your skills have improved so you will be able to pick your patrol partner soon,” Ivy smiled at the new knowledge accustomed to her, “now get to class,” she light-heartedly directed the three children who then scurried out of the Rosalind building.
Ivy was pleased that she was soon able to do patrols out of Jackson, yet, it’ll most likely start when Isabella returned back to the society. The last thing the matriarch want is to hear that Maria didn’t promise her wishes and let one of her children out.
“Why do you think mum’s gone?” Venus inquired the two of her siblings, her innocent tone contrived her two older siblings to mentally seek for answers to ooze her curious mind. However, the two couldn’t find an appropriate answer.
“Ah, I don’t know, it’s just mum being secretive again,” Ivy lightly mumbled, lightly greeted a few citizens who bid them a good-morning as they walked by.
“I wonder when mum will finally trust us with her secrets,” Robin casually said, he curved his head to briefly look at his older sister, “I know mum trusts you with her secrets.”
“Well, she didn’t tell me the reason for this one,” Ivy bluntly foretold which caused Robin to make a perplexed expression due to her curt manners. Forthwith, Jesse sauntered his way towards the three Rosalind siblings, merrily greeted the three of them ere he took Ivy away from her folk and walked with her to their school building, left Venus and Robin to kick off their own conversation.
“A little birdie told me you and Ellie made up,” Jesse facetiously brought up.
Ivy gently hurtled her shoulders, “the argument wasn’t big enough for there to be any making up, it was just you two behaving like two idiots over a guy who’s barely done anything.”
Jesse jeered, entertained by Ivy’s arrant and impudent attitude. “As funny as the guy is, he is a dick,” Jesse facilely mentioned as their presences towards the school neared, “I mean I don’t mind you being friends with him, but mixing him with our friendship is a big no.”
It was Ivy’s turn to jeer at Jesse, she looked up at him in disbelief, “friendship?” Ivy repeated in distrust.
“Aren’t we friends?” Jesse genuinely questioned whilst they entered the school building at the same time Robin and Venus trailed behind them and then made way towards their own classes.
Ivy hummed not aware of her own answer. “I don’t know, perhaps acquaintances,” she sassily joked during the moment she made way into their classroom, Jesse snickered at her answer then hiked towards his seat.
Dina and Ellie were already in the classroom, they seemed to be having their own conversation, Ellie afflicted and Dina peeved and fidgety.
“Hey,” Ivy hindered the miffed conversation the two women shared and Ivy could see Dina drop her shoulders, peeved and wired.
“Hi,” she greeted evidently tormented.
Ellie looked back at Ivy with an instigative smile, the four of them all sat down on their seats, Ivy glanced behind her and noted that Rowan was either late or was not coming in, soon after she turned back to the front, she could feel the uncomfortable glances almost all of them shared with one another.
It was clear to Ivy that it must’ve been about Ellie and her spending the night together, this was what Ivy was uneasy about, petty disputes because of romance. Dina was surely territorial to things or people she believed was hers, keep in mind, Dina is a good person, the young girl was just very possessive.
Ivy lightly breathed through her nose before she turned to face the front of the class during the time that their teacher prepared for their English class.
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As soon as school was finished for the day, the youngest Rosalind kin was dropped off to the Lorde household, it had been about an hour since the young girl’s arrival and the young teenager was already brought to the big piano and shaped to already press her fingers against the keys.
Venus was adept and efficient for a beginner, but Kaylee cited that there was still a lot of work Venus had to exercise.
In the atmosphere, Venus had acclaimed that the Lorde cabin had a darker tone compared to her home. There were more maroon, brown and black colours, moreover, if Venus was being genuine, she’d say that these colours did bring comfort to her drab aesthetic.
After a long period of playing with the keys to a melody Kaylee had strictly fashioned her to practice, the girl was finally allowed to take a break, Venus was grateful that Kaylee’s optimistic and bright attitude was dimmer and dourer when it came to lessons; at least Venus’ mother would be paying for the lessons for a good upshot.
“I’ve heard your mother has gone on a trip.”
Venus had forgotten that it wasn’t only Kaylee and her downstairs, the practice room was mutual by Adam who sat down and read a book that Venus observed had a very interesting cover, Venus had considered on asking what book he was reading after she responded to his question, “yes,” Venus simply answered, “what book are you reading?”
Adam made an “oh” noise ere he hid the cover of his book with an abashed expression on his face as if he has been caught red-handed. Venus peered her head to the side, luckily, she was able to catch the title of the book, her nose scrunched in confusion as she sounded out the letters. “F—Fifty? What is Fifty Shades of Grey?” Venus curiously investigated which caused the man to sit down silently, unprepared with what to say, but Kaylee returned back to the practice room in time with a bunch of freshly-baked cookies which easily caught the attention of the young girl.
Kaylee looked back at Adam with a balked and foiled expression as she watched her brother silently apologise.
“Does your mother like the flowers Adam gifted her?” Kaylee inquired the young girl whilst she placed the batch of cookies on the low table.
Venus swiftly prodded herself of the sweet pea flowers Robin informed Venus the Lorde man gifted their mother. “Oh right, yes, she did,” Venus nonchalantly reacted, “she likes flowers and is gardening in our backyard, she was very grateful for it.”
Adam looked delighted at the young girl’s answer who was agile and astute enough to know what was going on.
“Do you like my mum?” Venus bluntly asked the man, easily observed how the two Lorde twins became stiff, caught in the act of their code hastily revealed by the curt and keen little girl. With their awkward kickback, Venus’ answer was commonly answered; Venus found Adam aberrant there was something about him that was different and off but the girl couldn’t place her finger on what was the mystifying thing about him. With a smirk that provoked the man that sat down a handful of paces before her, Venus leaned forward with a new-fangled face on her expression. “I hope you know that you’re not the only one in line,” Venus rudely teased, “and I hope you know that you’re not even first or second in line.”
Kaylee coughed to put a halt at the young girl’s mannerless comment. “I’m sure that your mother taught you manners,” the female twin retorted during the moment Venus picked up a cookie and munched it away, the woman then gestured Venus to return back to the piano and resume committed to the instrument ere she looked back at Adam and shooed him out of the practice room.
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thank you @ash37474 and @panemedited for the support!
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if you wanted to hear what the song venus played sounded like here it is!
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eunchancorner · 1 year
I'm now trying to picture what kinds of wings everyone would have if they had butterfly wings
so far I have Ethan as the pink rose butterfly
Ethan would look even prettier with those wings I ain't gonna lie-
I feel like Confi would be a common brown butterfly, and Leon would be a cabbage white butterfly. They're so smol and pretty, such a contrast to the big buff boi
Diego is absolutely a Queen Alexandra's Birdwing, Liv would so be a monarch butterfly (the one everyone knows), Steber would be a tailed jay and I am having the hardest time figuring out what Kevin would be
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