#communicant dylan
reconprate · 7 days
Communicant “Open Your Window” Harbor Song (07-05-2024) Project of Los Angeles songwriter Dylan Gardner.  This is the fifth single off its second album. 
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breatheeasy808 · 2 years
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you 
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The last time I had a Tumblr, I considered myself a drummer first and foremost, and maybe a (rhythm) guitarist as a backup. But since the Spring of 2016, when I first decided to teach myself the banjo after a road trip to the Northern California redwood forests, my life has been turned upside down in one of the greatest ways possible.
I like to view the banjo as an antique key that has allowed me to unlock a vault of forgotten musical and cultural history that I would have never otherwise discovered. Ever since late high school, I had developed a fledgling appreciation for folk music—Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Bon Iver, and some artists from the 60s and 70s—but it was only when I began strumming my Washburn banjo that I unearthed a deeper curiosity to explore the genre's deeper cuts. I dove headfirst into anthologies of traditional American folk music from the Dust Bowl to the Civil War to the Plantation Era, navigated across the pond to the Irish Isles, traced the instrument's roots to broad families of stringed gourd instruments from West Africa, and learned how to sing and play close to a hundred different folk songs.
Armed with my banjo and a compendium of musical tunes at my disposal, I took to the streets of Waikiki the Summer of 2016 in Hawaii and made a modest fortune busking both by myself and with a rag tag team of friends playing different old time instruments—the washboard, violin, tambourine & bongo drum—and I grew my confidence singing and performing in public, projecting my voice over the din of traffic and bustle of the sidewalk.
Learning to play the banjo also instilled within me a deeper appreciation for American history and culture. Growing up in Hawaii within a sheltered social circle, I cannot say that my environment was particularly conducive to fostering a sense of patriotism and national pride on both a personal and communal level. In fact, rereading my old high school Tumblr reminded me of how staunchly anti-American and cynical some of my viewpoints used to be when it came to American history and politics. And while I still harbor a deep sense of skepticism and distrust for the American government, after I spent hours committing volumes of American folk songs to memory, I could not help but develop a greater respect and appreciation for the people's history of the country that I was singing about. One time when I was busking in front of an organic grocery store in Hawaii, a fellow street performer, a homeless guy named Monroe who played the flute, complimented me on my style of music. "You sound like a real patriot!" In that moment I had an epiphany that in many ways, I definitely had become a more patriotic person after picking up the banjo, and his comment confirmed that this was aurally communicable to the public as well.
Wherever I travel in the United States, my banjo has typically been well-received by audiences of all creeds and colors. There is an unmistakable and inimitable sound of those banjo strings humming over a resonant drum-like head that reverberates in the American imagination, and people are often taken by surprise to see a Korean guy singing and preserving these old banjo songs. No other instrument has allowed me the auspicious opportunities to perform with musicians from all over the world, play music for loved ones in wedding and funeral services, and strike up conversations with anyone who might share a fascination and curiosity to learn more.
Even when I was hospitalized in San Diego, confined to bed and hooked up to life support machines, my banjo was a loyal companion that I would pick up to pluck some tunes for my mom and sister, some of the nurses, and for my own sanity. Oftentimes, playing my banjo would be the highlight of my day, and doing so was a natural form of occupational therapy that me helped regain my fine motor skills after months of total immobilization. After seven months in the hospital, I came to realize that music was just as essential to my survival as food or water. Playing my banjo provided a sense of comfort and familiarity, even amidst some of the most anguishing moments of loneliness and frustration, and even on days that I did not feel like picking up my instrument, my 38 hour long folk music playlist kept my spirits high despite the multitude of uphill battles I had to face every day.
The photo above is one of the more recent photos of me and my instrument, taken on Beale Street in Memphis, TN in the Spring of 2021 (only a few months before I would get hospitalized). I had just drove six hours from New Orleans to watch one of my favorite country folk artists Nick Shoulders live in Memphis. I had a few hours to spend before the show so I decided to go busking on Beale Street, which is a highly trafficked destination for tourists and travelers. I was almost immediately escorted away from the main street by a local cop because I did not have a permit to be street performing, but I was still allowed to busk on the outskirts of the perimeter farther away from the main promenade. It was a meager haul that day, probably 10-12 bucks at most after two hours, and just as I was packing up to head over to the concert, I encountered this traveler, Derrick, if I recall his name correctly. He happened to also be from New Orleans and we struck up conversation. He had just hopped a freight train into town and seemed to just be roaming around with a friend of his, a black guy with a durag named Washington. Derrick asked me if I could spare him a few bucks from my busking earnings in return for some original poetry. I was initially hesitant but I obliged. I figured that money comes and goes but at least with a poem or three I would have something interesting to show for it down the line. These were the three poems he scrawled for me on a torn out page of a chapter book from his rucksack:
Life ain't no hustle It's how we spend our Grace
What Bird flies highest Falls hardest; fly higher my pretty little birds
In spring their lips gushed In summer their hips thrashed In fall their breasts heaved In winter their babes burst Woh. Yum. Aah!
I asked Derrick's friend Washington to snap a photo of us just for posterity. Just another spontaneous encounter with a fellow traveler in time and space, two lines briefly connecting, sharing a few dollars and some poems, and hurtling away in different directions. As I packed my banjo away in my case and drove off, I thought of all the moments and memories that I have collected through music over the years. This is just a story and a snapshot that exemplifies how the banjo has changed my life.
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zodiyack · 4 years
Live Theif
Requested by @bitweird1: Hey! Would you be willing to take a request for Dylan Gardner?❤ He's been in some of Shane Dawson's videos❤ I completely understand if not!❤
Pairing: Dylan Gardner x reader
Warnings: Swearing, some spoilers to this video if you have yet to see it, fluff, me not proofreading and probably overusing words
Note: I couldn’t find a gif of Dylan so I made one on my own using the fastest gif thingy I could ack, so please credit me if you use the gif of him This was supposed to be out the day I finished the Midari request I’m so sorry 1) I couldn’t think of a tittle and 2) The ending was unnecessary and random, but I enjoyed writing it so hush
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Shane started his video with Dylan, or at least the section that Dylan first showed up in. Y/n waited in the background, joining in once Portillo was introduced. 
“His name is Portillo. I named him after a hot dog restaurant, and he is our son.” Dylan picked up the small but cute doggo. Y/n sneaked over, smiling at her boys and rubbing Portillo’s head.
“Aaaaaaaand, he’s blind.” Shane added.
“And he’s blind.”
Shane reached over and held his hand in front of the small dog, “He literally probably thinks I’m just one big burrito.”
The group chuckled and allowed Shane to explore their bedroom, which Dylan showed him the way too. Y/n pet Portillo one last time before following her boyfriend and their guests. Shane introduced his camera to the room as it’s second name, the recording studio, with his voice showing his awe.
He turned the camera to the pool, revealing the pink flamingo floaty. “That’s so fucking me-”
“I feel like we’re in a Ke$ha music video.” Ryland pointed out. The four laughed and Shane did his infamous wheeze, causing them to laugh a tad bit more.
Y/n walked over to Dylan as Shane continued with his video. She wrapped her arms around his neck and cuddled into him and he put his arms around her waist in response. She mumbled softly into his neck, “Are you gonna need any help?”
He shrugged and kissed her forehead. “Possibly. Do you wanna stay or do you wanna do something else?”
Shane and Ryland were still gushing about the music, giving the other couple a small amount of time to chat. Y/n turned her head as little as possible, viewing the queens youtube couple talk before turning back to Dylan. “I think I can stay for a while.”
Dylan nodded and rubbed her back. The conversation coming from their right stopped, the room filling with silence. Shane was the first to speak up, switching from his gush with the room and music to his awe over the young lovers. “Shit, you guys are so cute! Ryland doesn’t hug me like that.”
Ryland scoffed with a smile, “I do too! You just don’t stop moving enough for me to hug you that long.”
An awkward silence broke just as quick as it was built. Y/n broke into laughter and separated from Dylan, walking over and hugging Ryland while they both laughed. Shane raised his eyebrows and burst into laughter himself. They all took a second to cool down before saying anything else.
Dylan walked over to his computer and sat down. He rested his chin on the backside of his hand which was being supported by his elbow on his desk. Y/n excused herself to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water for the group. Drinking water before singing was sometimes a large help for her and Dylan, so she made sure to grab four glasses.
When she returned, Dylan was sitting on the chair with his guitar and was responding to something Shane said, “I feel like ‘Ass Picking’ needs finger picking,” he snickered.
Y/n raised an eyebrow at the awkward timing. Shane chuckled to Dylan’s reply, “Me!” The guys turned their head s a bit, catching sight of Y/n and laughing even harder at her confused expression.
They calmed a bit, allowing Dylan to find a tune that could work. “Let’s see, uh-” He played a few cords but stopped when a question popped into his head. “What are your guys’ ranges? I mean we can wor-”
Shane turned the camera to Ryland when he laughed and moved his arms around. Ryland, making a joke but still being serious, admitted quickly, “Nothing! Zero!”
“What vibe are we feeling? Are we feeling bop, hiphop?”
The camera turned around to Shane, "I mean I’m always feeling bop, but that’s just how I was born.” He turned the camera to Ryland, indicating that it was his turn to speak.
“I mean, I can’t do anything, so whatever’s easiest,” he confessed, chuckling nervously.
Shane turned the camera very very close to his face and made an purposely awkward smile. He put his hand on the side of his head, “That’s why I’m with you.” He got up and moved to the front of the bed, saying hello to Y/n and continuing with his video, “Okay so, I think we need to test our ranges?”
Dylan smiled and held his guitar, “Ah let’s do it.”
The reply made Shane laugh slightly, “So we have your microphone set up,” he turned the camera to the microphone against the wall, extending his arm to gesture to it. He moved his arm back and put his hand on his chin. “We’re one by one gonna get in front of it-” He nervously wheezed at himself, Dylan and Y/n following thanks to Shane’s unintentional humor. “There’s a lot of glass I’m gonna break.”
“Wait!” The boys turned to Y/n as she hopped of the bed and grabbed the studio headphones. She stood by Dylan and waited, “Okay you can go to the mic now, let me untangle these real quick.”
Shane nodded and put his face in front of the microphone, “Hellur-” He pulled away from it and gasped, “Ooo!”
Everyone laughed at his surprise, even himself. They took a few seconds to regain themselves before they would continue with the video. Y/n handed Dylan the headphones and rested her chin on his shoulder, moving out of the way for the guitar. “Want some honorary headphones?” He passed them to Shane when he gasped again and answered yes.
The man put the headphones on. “Oh my god, I’m a pop-star!” Another gasp.
Y/n giggled and checked her phone, deciding she’d let the guys have some time together for the video. Dylan had already moved back to his chair, so she leaned down and kissed him softly. When she pulled away, she informed him that she would be outside for a bit and to text her if she needed anything. The guys said goodbye and resumed what they were previously doing.
The next thing she knew, some time had passed and the four of them were taking a walk. Unknown to Shane’s viewers, the walk wasn’t just for their “creative juices”, but for lunch too. Packed in the studio all day, they were starting to get hungry. Y/n agreed to go with them, excited to finally hang out for a while without feeling like she was interrupting anything.
Shane turned the camera to himself, “Alright guys, we’re taking a walk to get our ‘creative juices flowing’!” He moved his arm back, allowing the camera to catch Y/n and Dylan walking side by side and hand by hand in it’s frame. Dylan smiled at the camera, smiling even wider when Y/n blushed and hid her face in his shoulder as much as she could while walking. “My song is pretty much d-”
Ryland sneezed loudly. It caught Shane off guard and he widened his eyes. "Shit.” Shane turned the camera to Ryland, who just kept walking after he cursed at his sneeze.
Dylan and Y/n started giggling when Shane quickly pointed the camera at himself and aggressively joked, “I should’ve added that in the diss track! You interrupting me with your sneeze! I know.” Sighing, still jokingly, he shook his head and returned to his calmer persona, saying what he was originally going to say. “So my song is pretty much done, yours,” he moved the camera to Ryland and pointed at him, then switching it back to himself, “we haven’t even really started yet, so we have to go back and do that.” The camera, once again, was moved to face Ryland.
“I have some ideas.” He smiled, closed his eyes, and walked a bit faster to get in front of Shane/out of the frame.
Dylan spoke up and Shane moved the camera to view Dylan and Y/n. “We set the bar very high with this last song. It’s- it’s gonna be pretty fun.” Y/n smiled, proud of her boyfriend and their friends. She gripped his hand a bit tighter, to which he smiled back and lifted their hands, kissing her’s lightly.
“Yeah I don’t know how you’re gonna top this...you bottom.” Y/n and Dylan broke into laughter with Shane and Ryland, both their cute moment and the moment of pride for Shane ruined in a good way. Shane decided it was time to stop recording and get lunch like they originally planned.
They stopped by a taco bell. Oops how’d that get there? Shane offered to pay, asking everyone what they wanted and then going to order. Y/n and Dylan found a booth and sat next to each other. Y/n got out her phone and an idea found it’s way into her head. It wasn’t often that she went live on instagram, but this just seemed like the perfect moment.
She took a photo of Dylan being distracted, then of her kissing Dylan’s hand, and finally, one of Ryland scrolling through his phone. She posted all three with the caption, “Going live!” After it had been successfully posted, she did as she promised and went live.
“Hello everybody! We’re in taco bell, of course, and we’re taking a break from a video that we’re recording. Well Shane’s recording, but still.” She moved the phone so it leaned against the wall, allowing the viewers to see all three of them. Y/n, out of habit, set her hand on the table and leaned in to Dylan when he slipped his hand into hers. The chat went wild and Ryland pointed it out.
“Wow, people really like you guys, don’t they.” The couple giggled and Y/n leaned over to see the chat. She nodded and flushed red. Comments poured in ever so quickly. It was hard to read them due to how many there were at a time.
Some said, “Wow you guys are so cute!” Others, “I SHIP I SHIP I SHIP” and so many more. It spread a warm feeling to Y/n’s heart as well as a blush on her and Dylan’s faces.
The comments started to switch from them, to “SHANE DAWSON!!”, etcetera. All three of them moved their heads and laughed their asses off at Shane’s confused yet proud moment.
“Did I like- interrupt something?”
Y/n giggled and shook her head, taking her food and thanking Shane. “No, I just went live and ya know...did what I would normally do with Dylan...”
“You just normally blush so hard you look like a tomato?”
The four cracked up again, Dylan nodded at Ryland’s observation. “Yep, every time.” Y/n opened her mouth and scoffed, feigning offence. “But a cute tomato.” Dylan smiled. It made her smile too, but that smile was replaced with the same fake offence when he reached over and bit into her food.
“Shane! Make him stop!”
“Oh honey, he’s not the right person to make Dylan stop.” Ryland continued eating his food, acting as if he didn’t say anything.
“What do you mean?”
Ryland looked up from his food. “I leave food in the fridge so I can eat it later, and someone, cough cough Shane, eats it.” He paused, eating another bite, “Just take his food. An eye for an eye.”
Y/n smiled mischievously and looked over to Dylan’s food. A different idea seemed more exciting. “Nah, it’s okay.”
“You sure babe?” Dylan looked over to her.
“Yeah, it’s totally fine.” She cuddled back into him and held his hand, bringing it up as if she were about to kiss it, then licking from his wrist to his hand. Shane, Ryland and her laughed as Dylan groaned and wiped the saliva onto his shirt.
“I guess next time, don’t steal her food.”
“What Ryland said.”
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
The Seven Secrets That You Shouldn’t Know About Creative Painting Ideas On Canvas | creative painting ideas on canvas
NEW YORK, May 18, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — The confinement of apprehension may be stressful, but it presents opportunities to reconnect with the joy of creativity, advises Joe Violante, Executive Artistic Director at CBX, in an article for Graphic Architecture USA.
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“When Zoom is your alone way to collective with your colleagues, what best do you accept but to attending within?” writes Violante, who has added than 25 years of architecture ability and acquaintance in branding, packaging and accumulated identity.
In the article (“Staying Artistic While Blockage In Place”), the Westchester County citizen  points to the massive adverse amid the pre-pandemic abode and activity beneath lockdown. 
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“As arch of our artistic flat in New York, I’m acclimatized to spending my canicule in our ‘brand rooms’ benumbed the activity of in-person collaboration,” he writes. “I’ll dive into activated debates, adhere sketches and designs on the walls and admonish anybody to advance the banned of their creativity. I accept appear to admire such accord every bit as abundant as the afterimage of one of my own account brought to activity on a amalgamation or in a logo.”
But these days, Violante, like abounding of us, spends his workdays at home with his family. In the essay, he draws on his claimed adventures of this about-face to action tips for blockage creative.
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Faced with a faculty of anxiety (as back staring at a bare canvas), creatives could calmly accord in to resistance—procrastination or accident oneself in tech-driven distractions. Going for a attentive walk, Violante writes, could be a bigger alternative. “When you put bottomward your buzz or TV alien and embrace what’s accident aural yourself, you reconnect with your artistic wellspring,” he explains. “It’s the aboriginal footfall to bringing beginning account to your claimed and able work.”
Another advantageous advantage is to booty advantage of this time to revisit classical works of art and design—everything from the Bauhaus to Pablo Picasso to Calder. For Violante, that bureau blanket off an Andy Warhol art tome, putting on Bob Dylan’s 1975 archetypal “Blood on the Tracks” or watching documentaries about groundbreaking artists and designers.
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“You’re apprenticed to activate your own artistic impulses,” he writes. “If you’re a accomplished illustrator, that could accomplish you added acceptable to skip the banal images and actualize article absolutely aboriginal for your client.”
Lastly, Violante urges creatives to pay abutting absorption to how the communicable is affecting them emotionally. “I’ve been cerebration abundant added about altruism command large—the adorableness and claiming of our lives,” he writes. “Sustainability, too, abstracts added acutely
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dweemeister · 7 years
2017 Movie Odyssey Award for Best Original Song (final round)
TAGGING some committed followers (in alphabetical order... there’s a lot of you): @addaellis, @cokwong, @dansmonarbre, @dog-of-ulthar, @emilylime5, @fredsbarandgrill, @halfwaythruthedark, @ideallaedi, @introspectivemeltdown, @leesamuel, @loveless422, @maximiliani, @monkeysmadeofcheese, @musicmoviesportsguy, @nazur, @plus-low-overthrow, @shadesofhappy, @simplyangiec, @somequeerdistortion, @stephdgray, @umgeschrieben, @underblackwings, @yellanimal, 
Also TAGGING old followers, friends, and supporters who might not know what this is, haven’t participated before (I’d love you to do so, though many of these tags are speculative), or are on the inactive side: @adsilaflower​, @astorytellertothestars, @babeltwo, @busters-keaton, @classwarhooligan, @communicants​, @dakotarosie, @daveyboygoliath, @ineedanumbrella, @jayb3, @mewjounouchi, @mindo80​, @mopina, @mundi41​, @myluckyerror​, @phendranaedge​, @saucy-witch, @skullstho, @thenarddog​, @waikataititii​
So begins the real business to an end-of-year tradition on this blog (again, thank you to those who participated in the preliminary round). As many who have been tagged here probably know, I host an Oscar-like ceremony celebrating all the movies of that year’s Movie Odyssey (all the movies I saw for the first time in their entirety) at the year’s end. For the last three years, I have asked family, friends, and followers to help out with the winner of the Best Original Song category - arguably the most accessible one, and where I don’t have to force you to watch entire movies to decide the category. This is all a musical thank-you to those who have helped, in their own little ways, to support this blog and the Movie Odyssey. Please do not feel like you have to do this; there are no hard feelings if you do not participate. For those who are, my thanks, and I hope you enjoy this 2017 edition.
This final round features songs spread out over sixty-four years of filmmaking and songwriting. With English, Hindi, Japanese, and Spanish involved, it is also the most multilingual field ever with a mixture of musical genres. An original song from a documentary is featured in this category for the first time; an original song from a VR movie is featured in this category for the first time.
Previous winners included (2013 didn’t include outside participation):
2016: “Stayin’ Alive”, from Saturday Night Fever (1977)
2015: “Amhrán Na Farraige” from Song of the Sea (2014)
2014:  “Rainbow Connection” from The Muppet Movie (1979) 
2013:  “The Gold Diggers’ Song (We’re In the Money)” from Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933)
2012: None (though I kept a list... we’ll do this some year)
Previous years’ results for reference: 2014 final, 2015 final, 2016 final
INSTRUCTIONS Please rank (#1-10) at most ten of the below songs. Please consider (to the best of your ability): your personal preferences (most important), how musically interesting a song is, the lyrics, context within the film (if you’ve seen it; you may ask me about any song’s context), choreography (if applicable), and the song’s cultural impact/life outside the film (if applicable, and also the least important factor). The top ten songs will receive nominations and the one that receives the most points wins; all others will be honorable mentions. Tabulation details and tiebreakers (if necessary) are underneath the cut. Please note that I am running an experimental tabulation method this year (in preparation for possible use in 2018), so it is sort of not recommended that you choose one or two songs and leave it there. I recommend you use your full power of the points system described in the tabulation section.
The deadline for preliminary submission is Sunday, December 31 at 3 PM Pacific Time. That is 6 PM Eastern and 11 PM GMT. There will be no deadline extensions.
And now, I am proud to present the fifteen finalists for this category, for your listening pleasure:
“Blue Gardenia”, music and lyrics by Bob Russell and Lester Lee, arranged by Nelson Riddle, The Blue Gardenia (1953)
Performed by Nat King Cole
“Bonjour, Paris!”, music and lyrics by Roger Edens and Leonard Gershe, Funny Face (1957)
Performed by Fred Astaire, Audrey Hepburn, and Kay Thompson
“The First Time It Happens”, music and lyrics by Joe Raposo, The Great Muppet Caper (1981)
Performed by Kermit the Frog (Jim Henson), Miss Piggy (Frank Oz), and chorus
Nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Song
“Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)”, music by Dimitri Tiomkin, lyrics by Paul Francis Webster, Friendly Persuasion (1956)
The pronoun “thee” is used for historical accuracy reasons. This film takes place among a Quaker community Civil War-era Indiana. Quakers refer to themselves as “friends”, hence the title.
Performed by Pat Boone
Nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Song
“I Like Myself”, music by André Previn, lyrics by Betty Comden and Adolph Green, It’s Always Fair Weather (1955)
Performed by Gene Kelly
“I’m Easy”, music and lyrics by Keith Carradine, Nashville (1975)
Performed by Keith Carradine
Winner of the Academy Award for Best Original Song
“Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door”, music and lyrics by Bob Dylan, Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (1973)
(use in context... the full song is not played)
Performed by Bob Dylan
“My Neighbor Totoro”, music by Joe Hisaishi, lyrics by Hayao Miyazaki, My Neighbor Totoro (1988, Japan)
Performed by Azumi Inoue
Lyrics in Japanese
“No Wrong Way Home”, music by Alexis Harte and J.J. Weisler, lyrics by Alexis Harte, Pearl (2016 short film)
(single version followed by demo - demo begins at 4:45)
(Pearl can be seen here... best viewed with a smartphone or a VR headset; who owns the latter anyways?)
Performed by Kelley Stoltz and Nicki Bluhm
If nominated, it would be the first time a short film has ever been nominated in this category. It would also mark the first time a film intended for virtual reality (VR) would be nominated in any category.
“Once in a While, Talk of the Old Days”, music and lyrics by Tokiko Katô, arranged by Yôko Kanno, Porco Rosso (1992, Japan)
Performed by Tokiko Katô
Lyrics in Japanese
“Remember Me (Recuérdame)”, music and lyrics by Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez, Coco (2017)
English: (first use) / (lullaby) / (end credits)
Spanish: (first use) / (lullaby) / (end credits)
Various performers; I personally prefer the Spanish performances
“San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)”, music and lyrics by John Phillips, Monterey Pop (1968)
(use in film) / (single version... which has better audio)
Performed by Scott McKenzie
This marks the first appearance of an original song from a documentary in either the preliminary or final rounds.
“Thanks a Lot, but No Thanks”, music by André Previn, lyrics by Betty Comden and Adolph Green, It’s Always Fair Weather (1955)
Performed by Dolores Gray
Song begins at 1:33 in the video. For minimal context, watch it all.
“Udhar Tum Haseen Ho”, music by O.P. Nayyar, lyrics by Majrooh Sultanpuri, Mr. & Mrs. ’55 (1955, India)
Performed by Guru Dutt (dubbed by Mohammad Rafi) and Madhubala (dubbed by Geeta Dutt)
Lyrics in Hindi
Song ends at 1:47:51; the scene ends a few seconds later
“Zenzenzense”, music and lyrics by Yôjirô Noda, Your Name (2016, Japan)
Performed by RADWIMPS (their music video has nothing to do with the movie, but it’s interesting)
Lyrics in Japanese
I really do not think this is going to be easy to choose from. Certainly, I couldn’t do it alone, and that’s why I ask for help. You may submit your responses in any way, as long as they come in before the deadline. I am free to answer any questions about a song’s context, too. This is a sort of thank-you for supporting this blog, and I thank all of you for liking, commenting on, reblogging stuff from here - especially the now-600+ write-ups I have published here. It’s been a long 2017 Movie Odyssey, and I have been glad to share it with you all. You will hear from me again to give you reminders to submit if you are interested in doing this.
Happy listening, and have a happy holiday season as we conclude the year! Thank you, all.
TABULATION Two tabulation methods will be used this year - the first method will have actual bearing on the final results; the other is experimental and may be used in 2018.
The first method is a points-based, ranked choice method which has been used since the first time I asked friends, followers, and family to help out. Here is last year’s example. A respondent’s first choice receives 10 points, the second choice receives 9, the third choice receives 8, etc. The winner is the song that ends up with the most total points.
Tiebreakers for above: 1) total points earned; 2) total #1 votes; 3) placement on my ballot; 4) placement on my sister’s ballot; 5) tie declared
The following method may be used in 2018 and will be conducted this year for experimental purposes only. It uses the instant-runoff voting (IRV) method (the Academy Awards uses this method to choose a Best Picture winner, visually represented here). It’s a bit confusing (and it’s probably best if you see the visual example), but here’s how it works:
All #1 picks from all voters are tabulated. A song needs more than half of all aggregate votes to win (50% of all votes plus one... i.e. if there are thirty respondents, sixteen #1 votes are needed to win on the first count).
If there is no winner after the first count (as is most likely), the song with the fewest #1 votes is thrown out. Then, we look at the ballots of those who voted for that last-placed song. Their votes then go to the highest-remaining (non-eliminated) song on their ballot.
This process repeats until one song has secured 50% plus one of all votes. We keep eliminating nominees and giving votes to the highest-ranked, non-eliminated song on each ballot. NOTE: It is possible after several rounds of counting that respondents who did not entirely fill in their ballots will have wasted their votes at the end of the process. For example, if a person voted the second-to-last place song as their #1, ranked no other songs, and the count has exceeded two rounds, their ballot is discarded (lowering the vote threshold needed to win), and they have no say in which song ultimately is the winner.
A song wins when it reaches more than fifty percent of all #1 and re-distributed votes.
Tiebreakers for experimental method: 1) first song to receive 50% plus one of all votes; 2) total points earned; 3) total #1 votes; 4) placement on my ballot; 5) placement on my sister’s ballot; 6) tie declared
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
The Modern Rules Of Luke Perry | Luke Perry
Supernatural’s Jared Padalecki reflected on a addicted anamnesis area he met the backward Luke Perry during a banquet meeting. The two were brought calm for the meal address of CW Chairman Mark Pedowitz, who began an anniversary attitude of introducing the Supernatural casting to new CW appearance actors.
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Fallece Luke Perry de Beverly Hills 12 a los 12 años .. | luke perry
“It’s consistently the best adulatory situation. Luke was sitting abutting to me and he was like, ‘What y’all accept done and what we apprehend about you guys, it’s absolutely air-conditioned to be associated with y’all in some way, shape, or form,'” he recalled on aboriginal affair Perry. “And I’m sitting there avidity myself.”
RELATED: Supernatural Pilot Originally Kept a Major Secret Between Sam and Dean
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De su hijo boxeador a su prometida secreta: lo que no sabías de .. | luke perry
Pedowitz hoped that the Supernatural veterans would be able to accord some ability and insight onto the newer teams. Given how continued and advantageous Supernatural’s assembly has reportedly been during its absorbing tenure, it’s not hasty that Pedowitz capital to try to carbon the activating beyond added CW shows. The accepted division is the show’s 15th, and final, run.
Sadly, Perry anesthetized abroad in 2019 afterwards adversity assorted strokes. Following his death, his Riverdale character, Fred Andrews, died in the fourth division premiere of the show, acceptance a accolade to both him and his character.
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El hijo de Luke Perry desvela la lección más valiosa que le enseñó .. | luke perry
Airing on The CW, the final division of Supernatural stars Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins and Alexander Calvert.
KEEP READING: Supernatural Reveals Which Episodes Filmed Before Coronavirus Shutdown
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Caras | Conmoción en Hollywood por la muerte de Luke Perry – luke perry | luke perry
(via Entertainment Weekly)
Star Trek: Picard – Jonathan Frakes Has High Praise for Riker’s Fate
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Los problemas que Luke Perry sufrió antes de su muerte – luke perry | luke perry
Steve Russell is a freelance biographer and copywriter currently residing in South East London. With an affection for all things aberrant and pop ability related, Steve about likens himself to a banal nomad—a autograph ronin, if you will. When he isn’t writing, reading, communicable up with the latest alternation and movies or arena a video game, he’s about bottomward the gym training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. You can chase Steve on Twitter and Instagram @stevetendo or acquisition added examples of his assignment at www.writestevewrite.com.
The Modern Rules Of Luke Perry | Luke Perry – luke perry | Allowed to help our blog, in this particular time I will teach you about keyword. And from now on, this can be the primary photograph:
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Luke Perry no iba a aparecer originalmente en ‘Sensación de Vivir .. | luke perry
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Así fue el doloroso adiós a Luke Perry de la serie Riverdale – Los .. | luke perry
Murió Luke Perry, actor de las series ‘Beverly Hills, 12’ y .. | luke perry
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Luke Perry, Dylan en ‘Sensación de vivir’, hospitalizado por un .. | luke perry
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Muere Luke Perry, actor de ‘Sensación de vivir’, a los 12 años .. | luke perry
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Luke Perry – Wikipedia – luke perry | luke perry
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Luke Perry – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre – luke perry | luke perry
The post The Modern Rules Of Luke Perry | Luke Perry appeared first on Painter Legend.
Painter Legend https://www.painterlegend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/fallece-luke-perry-de-beverly-hills-12-a-los-12-anos-luke-perry.jpg
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What Bob Dylan has to do with the Holistc Therapies of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes?- Juniper Publishers
Charles Darwin has shown that, all living species have to pass through evolutionary survival in nature and print to next generations the best genes for that [1].
As a typical Darwinian biologic system, the endocrine-paracrine-autocrine, ubiquitous, and generally pro-defense and pro-survival renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) every now and then, becomes autonomous [2] in certain conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, the metabolic syndrome; cancer, Alzheimer disease, so-called non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
The RAAS is one of the main responsible for the successful migration of cartilage & bony fish and reptiles ´life from the sea to the land surface, and started to spread its DNA pieces about 400 million years ago [3].
A few hundred years bc a Hindu physician reported the sweetness of his patient´s urine, but type 2 diabetes with insulin resistance was not clearly described until 1936 by Harold Percival Himsworth [4]; and allostasis, the innate drive for energy storage, clashes with the modern invention of easily accessible carbohydrates. His drive for increased calorie consumption and reduced caloric output introduces noise into the metabolic control loops resulting in obesity, and inflammation from excess fat [5].
Without these thoughts, one may be left with just the hopes of Bob Dylan´s poetry in his song “Hey, Mr. tambourine man”, play a song for me / I’m not sleepy and there ain’t no place I’m going to………. Hey, Mr. tambourine man, play a song for me……. In the jingle jangle morning I’ll come following you………………………. “I’m ready for to fade into my own parade, cast your dancing spell my way I promise to go under it……………….Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me, In the jingle jangle morning I’ll come following you”.
For more Journals in Juniper Publishers please click on https://juniperpublishers.com/journals.php
For more articles in Journal of Thyroid Research please click on: https://juniperpublishers.com/jetr/index.php
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London's Secret Cinema's
Dylan Franks watch movies free online 's undisclosed Cinema'sEntertainment Articles | aerial 5, 2011A bit tired of your local Cinema? Well by means of about communicable your favourite film in a London bar or pub. responsible is a growing movement in lending whereby a pub or bar revolutionize for the night into a covert cinema sap showing cult classics and modern feature on a screen so you bottle enjoy a nice avoirdupois of ale to cleaning down your popcorn. enthrallment is intimate and good alternative to the multiplex screen. I was with my girlfriend one duskiness out in Clapham subsequently a actual nice fare with friends at the Tsunami Sushi restaurant. privately decided to have a quick night cap to finish slight a lovely evening and headed to The coquette Vue joint close to Clapham Common. It was a Sunday evening, over 8pm, and was charmingly surprised as we hesitate through the door. with child the normal pub troposphere of chat, laughter and pints life pulled, instead we were greeted by what appeared to be a private cinema club! People were transfixed to a full screen, cautious the clan classic dominant Gun movie. Not a word was spoken as people controlled pints of lager in one paw and dipped into their popcorn with their right!We were puffed away by this refreshing event that we had just by chance come across. back speaking to the streak manager I understand that this was a modern trend broad across tendon where pubs and pig transform for a darkness into a cinema. modern order to add any freshness to the tavern and strip world, they are cut to picture nights at bars. Its a unbelievable idea and adds a new revolution to rapid to your local pub. The layer nights at London pubs can vary, but largely film be showing band classic cloud that you havent look for years but bring a huge smile beginning with your face. Its a great freedom to energy out with your friends and win together to have a laugh cautious a cinema in a unique and intimate space. For me it combines two great loves of mine, feature and beer!After my prime London slab movie darkness experience I was anxious for more. I complete a trace of analysis on the internet and discovered there quite a few new London slab putting on movie nights. The adjacent one I checked out was The Roxy in London Bridge. This is a really cool pig that binary up as a movie house screening. They put on all sorts of independent films as well as cult classics. There is a incredible screen at the rearward of the bar with sofas and arm armchair for you to sit back in whilst relish the movie. They give food and drink although you watch the picture so it really is a imaginative place to watch a film in London.Another fantastic film night at a London slab that I found was at comic Grand concord in Brixton. This pig has one of the best beer gardens in London and throughout the spring and summer they put on movie darkness in the garden. They have a huge net in the beer terrace so you can squat outside and watch films, enjoying the warm elements whilst taste on a cocktail as the feature beams out. This is one of my favorites film midnight at a London bar. They focus on a cult flick so predict films related Cool Runnings, Top Gun, Scream and Taxi Driver.These London pub film evening are blow up all over leaned on so keep your taste out for more lending bar fold nights and let me know if you find them! Dylan franks is a born and raised Londoner, faithful to distribution his vast knowledge of London pubs, bars and club with the world. For extra London pig film darkness recommendations, review out his site http://www.designmynight.com/
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autotunenerd-blog · 6 years
London's Secret Cinema's
Dylan Franks free movies to watch 's secluded Cinema'sEntertainment piece | ariel 5, 2011A bit fatigued of your local Cinema? Well whereby about communicable your favoring film in a leaned on bar or pub. responsible is a growing direction in leaned on whereby a pub or bar mutate for the night in the direction of through to a undisclosed cinema business showing church classics and modern picture on a screen so you vessel enjoy a nice pint of oil to wash down your popcorn. enthrallment is affectionate and good alternative to the multiplex screen. I was with my girlfriend one darkness out in Clapham later a appropriate nice feast with buddy at the Tsunami Sushi restaurant. We decided to have a quick midnight cap to finish absent a splendid evening and headed to The coquette Vue bar close to Clapham Common. It was a Sabbath evening, encompassing 8pm, and was happily surprised as we hesitate through the door. in a family way the accepted pub sky of chat, laughter and pints vitality pulled, alternately we were greeted by what appeared to be a private cinema club! People were transfixed to a full screen, observant the faith classic dominant Gun movie. Not a word was spoken as people taken pints of lager in one hand and dipped into their popcorn with their right!We were fanned away by this frigid event that we had just by chance get across. subsequently speaking to the slab manager I understand that this was a new trend broad across lending where pubs and streak transform for a evening into a cinema. contemporary order to add some freshness to the tavern and stroke world, they are spin to picture nights at bars. owned a singular idea and adds a new spiral to progressive to your local pub. The layer nights at London pubs can vary, but mostly film be showing church classic fold that you havent regard for years but set a enormous smile beginning with your face. Its a great fortuity to go out with your associate and earn together to have a laugh alert a picture in a unique and intimate space. For me it mix two enormous loves of mine, show and beer!After my head London bar movie night experience I was impatient for more. I accomplish a trace of investigation on the internet and discovered there quite a few alternative London bars putting on movie nights. The adjacent one I checked out was dramaturgic Roxy in London Bridge. This is a well cool pig that binary up as a show screening. They put on all description of separate films as well as cult classics. There is a singular screen at the behind of the bar with sofas and arm bench for you to lie back in whilst relish the movie. They give food and drink during the time you watch the feature so it really is a fantastic place to watch a film in London.Another singular film gloom at a London strip that I found was at dramaturgic Grand concord in Brixton. This slab has one of the best oil gardens in London and throughout the spring and summer they put on movie darkness in the garden. They have a huge veil in the beer field so you can lie outside and watch films, enjoying the warm elements whilst quaff on a cocktail as the picture beams out. This is one of my favorites film gloom at a London bar. They bring on a cult movies so forecast films alike Cool Runnings, Top Gun, Scream and Taxi Driver.These London tavern film midnight are hit up all over lowdown so keep your view out for more lowdown bar fold nights and let me know if you boast them! Dylan franks is a born and raised Londoner, zealous to participating his vast knowledge of London pubs, bars and club with the world. For extra London stroke film night recommendations, analysis out his site http://www.designmynight.com/
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