#communicate before it's too late
ping-ski · 1 month
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eclipse and y/n are finally done!! (you can find EBY sun & moon here)
these refs aren't that much different from the old ones aside from small changes :3
(old) EBY DCA ref
(old) Y/N ref
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luckyartdrawer · 1 month
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Eclipse was a little late, but he finally found a candle to celebrate your birthday with!
(It turned out to be one of those joke candles that never blow out...)
vvvv Yapping and extras below the cut! vvvv
Sketch and Close up
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Alternate sketch colors
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I don't know why exactly I really like the glowy sketch version, but even if it doesn't even look like the outline stuff the vanny mask adds onto things in the dlc, it reminds me of it lol
I think it's neat!
I recently saw this art post where they drew and mentioned cannon Eclipse barely getting love and I immediately agreed. I just had to contribute ASAP. Gotta give this kind robo man a forehead smooch. v3v
I don't mean for the image to come off as entirely creepy, I just wanted it to feel like you've been staying in the dark plex with your best buddy eclipse! Stuck but at least not alone. :)
Plus I gotta let the creepy robots be creepy sometimes. It makes the sweet personalities feel even sweeter imo :P
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miutonium · 5 months
🏃‍♀️Hi hi I'm reopening my commission again since I am in the middle of my final year project and I needed funds to support my art project _(:'3」∠)_
*also if you see my previous commission post minutes ago, please disregard that I put the wrong info there ;w; Also appreciate if you guys delete my previous post too if you reblogged it 🥲
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Please take note that since I am in the middle of my final year and I also have 3 pending commissions to go right now, I only be able to fully commit to this slot around the end of July!
*Taken slots will be updated from time to time!
🔷️My TOS, art samples and additional rules/info can be read on my carrd here.
🔷️No rush orders will be accepted as I am currently in the middle of my final. If you need an estimate for commission turnarounds please refer to my Trello! I date stamp all of my progress from start to finish! Please commission me only if you don't mind waiting for me!!
I'm also posting my art samples (personal art) undercut!
And as always, reblogs are highly appreciated 🥰💕💕
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🔷️Please DM me if you're interested or have any inquiries regarding my commission!
🔷️There’s no pressure at all if you don’t want to reblog/share but I greatly appreciate it very much if you do
🥺👉👈Reblogs are definitely very much appreciated 🥰💕💕
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gooperts-gunk · 7 months
im so crazy over the tragedy of everything q!bbh does being under a demon pretense even though he's a fallen angel.
do u think he just accepts the demon label because it's easier. do u think he believes it too, and catches himself in his thoughts with "oh, right. im not exactly that". and maybe he believes that he did this to himself? do u think what he did was to protect himself or someone? no matter the fall, he still has so much kindness to give and his brain just isn't wired the way a natural-born demon would be, he can't hold back instincts when time demands it, maybe that's why he fell in the first place.
and when he's finally bad, not good, it's treated like the end of the world, without empathy on why he would act out. do you think this keeps happening? the same scenario, multiple times, every timeline? he has to be used to it. so he has to take it in stride. he's good until he lashes out under extreme pressure, and suddenly he's called demon. and once again he's what heaven made him out to be. what he made himself to be, his brain would ruthlessly provide...
i don't think he wants to be that, though he hides secrets behind secrets of which neither identity is a home... but i don't think he wants to have to change, either. and i don't think that's wrong of him.
...you collapse atlantis ONE TIME and all of a sudden YOU'RE the bad guy and SURE it was FUN but REALLY now,--
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otherside-picnic · 4 months
I have found more happiness associating with trans women are the "creeps", the "freaks" and the "weirdos" of the community than I ever did pretending to hate them. be yourself if it makes you happy, not who others want you to be, and beat them back with sticks when they come to take your happiness away
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revvywevvy · 6 months
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hiiiiii guyyyyyys its been a while huh :] heres some pyrrlinas since its taking me forever to finish the other things i've been drawing of them and im impatient and cant wait anymore <3 (AND THIS TIME I REMEMBERED TO ADD THE WATERMARK LOL)
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solradguy · 1 year
The hell's up with all these anti-trans men/masc memes lately because I'm getting real sick of it real quick. It's not cute and it was never funny.
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lungfuls · 15 days
Maybe I'm projecting and being hopeful but I mentioned to M that I don't even get to shit by myself in peace lmao and I feel like something clicked for him. Bc I was like hey, at least you get private bathroom breaks at work (noncombative). And since then he's been a lot more acquiescent when I ask if I can nap and stuff
#he's never rly said no he just used to be like 'well whaf if i want to nap' like in the early parenting days#which evolved into 'yeah i guess'-type responses#lately he's more like 'yeah!' like his tone is less. whatever it was before#same with any requests i make in general like if he'll put e down for bed and stuff#idk my weird episode epiphany thing i went through last week has me feeling much less patient and self-questioning#it's just a fact that constantly asking myself if i'm being considerate enough of others has done nothing for me#like it hasn't even improved my relationships.. i don't really have any lol#like i'm done biting my tongue bc idk if i've properly considered their perspective.. i end up blowing up at minor things as a result anyway#like it makes me a worse partner fr#i also really feel like i've been putting daggers thru my own spirit by doing this for so long#like i need to stop troubleshooting my existence like 'what if i conform this way' 'what if i conform that way'#here's what if: you will be profoundly unhappy and no one who you love will truly know you#this is such a tangent off what i started talking about but basically i'm done reflexively wondering#every time i feel wronged disrespected etc. if actually i'm the one in the wrong. it really is reflexive#the way m's mom responded to me setting a boundary was a wake up call like apparently she just read into what i was saying too much#so hypothetically it wasn't the boundary she was angry about but how she thought i set it#but like i don't have any time for you if my extremely sincere and straightforward communication isn't good enough for you#like i'm not going to be understanding of your inability to take me at face value we didn't both fuck up. You did#and that's how i'm going to act. like You fucked up. yk
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good-beanswrites · 11 months
Hello! I'd like to request "There's an 80% chance of this working out" from List 5 with Mahiru and Mikoto! Horoscope Girl and Tarot Boy...what will they do...
Ooh this one was so fun, thank you!! It was really neat learning about tarot :0 (It'll take a bit longer, but I got carried away with the idea and also started writing something of Mikoto doing a reading for Fuuta hehe). It always makes me sad that Mahiru doesn’t trust Mikoto at first, so it was really fun to picture them bonding over things like this during T1! I never thought of them having that in common and my mind has been opened to this duo asdfsdfds
“Alright, I’m going to need you to manifest your energy as hard as you can.”
Mahiru squeezed her eyes shut. Her face scrunched up in concentration. She let out a little hum of effort as she poured all her emotions into the card deck under her fingertips.
“Uh… maybe not that hard, Mappi.”
She looked up with a giggle. “Right, right! I’m just so curious!” Well, she was curious about how a tarot reading itself would go, not about what it would tell her. Mahiru was fairly confident of her upcoming verdict, and the cards would only confirm it. So far only one prisoner had been named guilty, and everyone could see he was just a bully. Mahiru was nothing like him. She would be forgiven. She just knew it. 
Mikoto started shuffling the cards. “Are you ready?”
“Oh, yes!”
To be honest, she’d had her suspicions about Mikoto for a while. His smile was too perfect at all hours of the day. (Even someone as cheery as her knew a smile like that couldn’t be consistently real.) She’d seen enough cheaters who chatted as easily as he could with everyone here. His nicknaming habit was a cute one, but she was keeping her eye on how informally he acted with little basis for friendship. She knew for sure he was a dangerous flirt when he’d grabbed her palm to read her fortune, launching into talk of life and love lines. However, none of that meant he was lying about his tarot expertise -- so who was she to refuse his offer to read her cards?
Her eyes glimmered as she watched Mikoto lay out three cards before her. Though he used the same theatrics he had for the others, she was just as entranced. It was just so magical, she thought.
Mikoto circled his palms over the cards. “We’re going to begin by looking at the past and present to get a bit of perspective before we move on to what your future will hold, alright?” He’d already explained that the cards couldn’t read one’s future as much as they offered self-awareness. He said it was all about being in tune with oneself, and the world. She was sure someone like him was already perfectly aligned within himself, but she could admit her heart carried her away at times…
Mahiru held her breath as he flipped the first card. She studied his face for any trace of negativity. Seeing her worry, he slipped back into his usual smile. “For the past, we have the Reversed Page of Cups,” he said. “This suit deals with emotions and intuition.”
Mahiru nodded, excited at the accuracy. Her past certainly had its share of intense feelings. 
“This card in particular may mean emotional insecurity, or immaturity. It could also point to an avoidance of reality, something that’s not being faced head-on.”
She nodded, with a little less excitement this time.
“It also represents a specific person who influences you.” His face lit up, recalling Mahiru’s favorite topic. “Pages can represent a companion! Is there a romantic someone in your life who may have been causing some emotional insecurity?”
Picking up on the way her face paled, he said quickly, “or maybe not! They could be a messenger, or a childlike figure, or…” He reached for the next card. “Moving on, uh, to the present. Ah! This is a really good sign.”
She perked up.
“Here’s Justice. It’s fairly self-explanatory, representing the consequences that follow your actions. It’s about cause and effect, and accountability. It means things are happening according to karma, which is natural.”
He turned over the last card. “And finally, when looking to the future, we’ve got the Two of Swords. Swords deal with the mind -- conflict and communication. That’s… interesting.”
Mahiru’s eyes grew round. “What’s interesting?” She slid the card closer to herself, studying the picture. A blindfolded woman with two swords. There was water, and the moon. Was that bad? Was the woman unhappy? She was all alone. What did that mean?
“Don’t worry,” Mikoto soothed. “It just means you’ll make a big choice. Well, actually, it means you’ll get stuck, so you need to make a choice. I just thought it was funny, we’re here wondering about Es’ decision, but it turns out you’re the one who needs to make a decision.”
“Ah,” she breathed a sigh of relief.
“Now we can look at the big picture. It seems like some of your past problems may have come from emotional issues, so you’ll want to keep an eye on your emotions going forward.” Mahiru shifted. “The fact that we pulled Justice should reassure you about being here. I’ve heard some of the others complain that they don’t belong here, or it’s all a mistake, but this card is showing you that it’s just cause and effect. The events of your life are running their natural course.”
It was true, even she had been unhappy that her actions were being labeled that of a murderer. After all, those were an entirely different breed of people, right? Someone like Fuuta, who was guilty. People like her and Mikoto could never raise a hand to another. It was good to know, then, that this was all meant to be.
“And going forward, you’re gonna want to make sure you’re being decisive. Face your problems head-on, and communicate. If you can do that, things will be alright.” He folded his hands on the table, finished his reading. 
Mahiru thought for a moment. A smile crept onto her face, growing larger and brighter by the second. She clasped her hands together. “That’s wonderful! Thank you so much for doing this. It’s told me everything I need to know.”
“Yeah?” He picked the cards up, shuffling them back into the deck. She pulled a slip of paper from her pocket, pointing to some lines scribbled down.
“Yes. I’ve been jotting down some birthdays, see? I’ve had to make a few guesses until I get more information, but if Es is either a Scorpio or a Virgo… as a Capricorn myself… we’re very compatible, look! Capricorns have excellent communication with both of those signs, and you said that’s what I’ll need to get through this tough decision.” She turned the paper over to reveal more notes. “On top of that, my extraction is scheduled right before my birthday, during Capricorn’s governing period. At that time, things will be aligned more in my favor.”
Mikoto’s eyebrows raised at her notes, impressed. “Wow! You have this all worked out, huh? If that’s the case, you seem very prepared to have a successful interrogation.”
She steepled her fingers. “I’d say there’s an 80% chance of this working out!”
He returned her beaming smile. Things would be perfect. Nothing to worry about.
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starlooove · 5 months
Duke should have a chain with a lil bat on it and that’s all I can really say about fashion
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faaun · 7 months
she's so arrogant and annoying and hot it pisses me off !!!
#like have some shame omg . have some respect#shes soooo certain i will date her she keeps saying shes not worried she doesnt care etc etc bc she knows i want to date her#not even that. she Declared we were dating. like when i was like do u even want this. not just going on dates but acc dating. and she was#like wdym? im already dating you . like ok??? i wasnt informed ig#anyway i said she was arrogant and she said she knows so.#also she did several things when she was drunk that i found cringe/i personally would b embarrassed if i was her but she just found it funn#like genuinely does she have no sense of shame#also her reasoning is that shes too hot to be rejected and since im talking to her instead of... not that makes her certain that#no matter what i say i wont reject her#WHICH MAKES ME WANT TO REJECT HER. DONT TELL ME WHAT I WANT OR WHAT TO DO. UGH.#I WANT TO FIGHT HER FR MEIN GOTT#also i want her to be more romantic i literally told her im not asking her out on the next date lmao#also if we do end up dating properly i have to swear and oath never to argue w her and just communicate slowly and clearly bc imagine#lawyer and philosophy student get into an argument and theyre both scorpios. insane combination imo#INSUFFERABLE. she was also 40 mins late and tbf she did warn me and keep me updated but i was still rly mad at her bc#i was waiting for so long . and i was like . listen im gonna leave. and she walked thru the door. but anyway she apologised but also she#said no ones ever threatened to leave her b4. what do you mean before?? anyway i told her to respect my time more and she was like i cant#believe im being told off by a 21 yr old like bitch ur literally 24 stop acting ancient fuck off#UGH SHES SO IRRITATING. WHY DOESNT SHE CALL ME MORE.#crushposting
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lochlander · 7 months
Help, it's almost midnight, and I'm crying about how much I miss the Sims 2 Exchange.
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exlimix1a · 11 months
Hey Hey hey hgey hey guys. have you heard that sheezy.art is coming back
#HONEST TO GOD I REALLY REAAALLAY WOULD BE STOKED TO BE ON SHEEZY WITH ALL OF YOU!!#idk how many people who follow me know what sheezy art is#but its a website that was an homage to the original sheezyart that i was never on bc it was before my time#but its an art sharing platform that ran from 2020 to 2022 (when it started popping off as a bunch of artists began to share it and also#when i joined the website)#but shortly after the devs decided to close it bc they were all college students and the website was exploding faster than they could keep#p#but after some time. they have graduated#and they missed sheezy so much#that theyre bringing it back and wanting to dedicate their careers to it#Sheezy was legitimately the first website i ever truly felt excited to post my work to#You would get people liking your work and you could see other people's work and it was so friendly and beautiful and customizable#like an art sharing website would be#and i was sooo heartbroken to have it shut down but ofc i was happy for the devs for setting that boundary and leaving when they had to!!#but im SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR IT TO BE BACK#legitimately i promise you the community is better than any art site ive ever been on since then#the discord for it has opened again and in late November the website will open again#first in beta for the people who already had accounts when it closed but then itll open for new folks#oh im so fucking excited#and i want you guys to be excited too!!!!!#im so stoked#i love you guys ok#mwah ah
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vancouvery · 8 days
Why am I posting a page of old radio cryptography units? A friend’s father died last night. Friend’s father was long-retired from the No Such Agency and this was his (supposed) field. Things are unclear b/c ofc he couldn’t say exactly what he did at work, but he was excellent at math, electronics, and radio tech, so you do the (ha ha) math. Not James Bond stuff, think more one of Q’s minions, if one of those minions was a quiet, humble, aw-shucks midwestern American who liked country line dancing and logic puzzles. Which now that I think of it, is a bit plausible. My friend’s entire family moved to England for a few years when he was between 4 and 7 years old as his father was assigned there by his (cough) employer.
My friend is adopted, as is his sister (not related to each other), and had just returned from a trip to the UK as part vacation, where we caught up with each other whilst I was on vacation too, and part meeting his birth mother(! When family was there when he was a child they didn’t know his birth mom was English). Meeting his birth mom was a mixed bag for him. She seemed aloof he thought, but the circumstances of his birth were slightly fraught (late ‘60s) and she has two grown kids from a later marriage, so… He met his birth dad in California a few years ago and my friend’s one of about a dozen (yes) half siblings on that side of the family. Birth dad was somewhat famous in the offroad racing circuit.
Friend returned from UK with COVID, and was out of commission for a week or so, then his adoptive father, and mother, were both in the hospital for a sudden (non COVID) illness, complications to a possible bladder infection for both (UTIs in the elderly are bad, pls look it up). His father had just been discharged to a rehab facility in his retirement community*, but his mom is still in the hospital. My friend got his bad news while at my place, visiting me. He had put his phone on automatic do not disturb after 11pm, but didn’t get the call until 6am, and the nurse had been trying to call all night. His father died at midnight. He called his sister while I scrambled to make him a rudimentary breakfast to go.
I guess I’m posting all this b/c I can’t help. I met his adoptive parents a few times and they were always gracious and caring, in an elderly nerd sort of way, if you know what I mean. I liked them, and they were much more knowing and shrewd than I think my friend would acknowledge to himself. They’re the kind of people that if I had gotten to know them, we would be able to have had silent conversations just looking at each other, whilst my friend, their son, would be none the wiser. I guess I’m mourning both the person of his dad, and the potentials lost in not knowing him longer.
*If you’re not familiar, continuing-care retirement communities are a newish American thing, catering to the huge numbers of aging boomers. It’s a 60+ retirement village about the size of a medium college campus. You buy a condo onsite and as you age and debilitate you gradually move to higher & higher levels of care on campus: assisted living, rehab, nursing, and/or dementia care. There’s multiple dining halls and entertainment onsite, like a cruise ship. When you die the facility sells your condo and rinse/repeat.
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devilmass · 9 months
you guys should know that rodrick smokes weed
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Never mind I’m scraping the fairy thing my trollsona is a hybrid between funk and pop trolls
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