#complete organic fertilizer recipe
gardenholic · 9 months
5 Type of Best Organic Fertilizers That You Must Have for Your Home Garden
Organic fertilizers are a substance composed of animal or vegetable matter used alone or in combination with one or more non synthetically derived elements or compounds.  These fertilizers are naturally produced and are materials that can be added to soil or plants, in order to provide nutrients and sustain growth.  Typical organic fertilizers include all animal waste including meat processing…
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turtlesandfrogs · 2 years
A basic starter project if you want to start growing your own food but have no money & no experience, assuming you like green onions.
Supplies needed: Dead potted plant from free pile/dumpster/friend or family member, used food container, green onion ends.
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1. Remove lid from container, it's now your plant pot's saucer
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2. Either poke holes very carefully and slowly (not ideal) or slice the corners off with scissors (better)
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3. Remove soil from the dead plant's pot, put in container. This one was super heavy in perlite (the white stuff, helps with drainage), so I mixed in another pot that had more organic matter (brown stuff, mostly helps retain moisture, sometimes provides nutrients). Water until water comes out the bottom, then let drain in sink until until it's done. Put pot on lid:
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4. Stick the green onions in, deep enough that they can stand up on their own, or until the white part is covered:
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5. Stick in window, water when dry, and wait:
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Why not just stick them in water?
Because they make the water really smelly.
Just change the water often, then it won't stink.
I will forget, and then it will stink. Plus, I prefer growing in soil.
Why do you prefer soil?
Thanks for asking! I started because growing them in water didn't work well for me. But on top of that, if you regrow in water, eventually their growth will peter out. This is because in addition to water and carbon dioxide, plants need other nutrients. These are stored in the bulbs of green onions, but they will be depleted by growth if the plant can't replace them. Potting soil often has leftover nutrients, and if you've got compost you can also mix that in.
Why not just put fertilizer in the water?
Two reasons. First off, that's a great way to grow algea, unless you make sure the water isn't getting light. Secondly, most cheap, widely available fertilizers are meant to be used for plants that are in soil, so they're not complete (they're missing iron and maybe some other things? It's been a while since i looked it up). So eventually, if you use water and normal ferts, the plant will stop growing. If you have access to hydroponic ferts, those would work, but you also have enough money that you're not the target audience for this post.
I don't trust the potting soil from random plants.
Completely understandable, and probably smart too. In that case, you have a couple other options if you want soil for free. First off, you could look for dead vegetable or other edible plants in pots, and know that those will not have been treated with something that makes them inedible to humans. You can also look for free bags of partially used potting soil in your local buy-nothing/free stuff groups/craigslist/nextdoor/mutual aid groups.
What if I have some money for soil?
Then you can look for potting soil, or make your own (plenty of recipes online for this)
Help! There are tiny flies that look like fruit flies!
Those are probably fungus gnats, and there's plenty of ways to get rid of them. My two favorites are watering a bit less and adding half an inch of sand to the top, making your plants an unsuitable habitat, or getting a mosquito dunk and keeping it in your watering can. Mosquito dunks have Bt, a type of bacteria that kills mosquitos, fungus gnats, and other related insects. There are other types of Bt that go after other types of insect, such as cabbage moths. It's considered an organic treatment.
What about other pests?
I've literally never seen them get other pests indoors.
How much light do they need?
As much as you can give them, probably. If you have a window that gets midday sun, use that. Or a grow light. If they don't get enough light, they'll be floppy and pale, still edible, but not as flavorful.
When can I harvest?
When it wouldn't look silly to harvest them. I generally wait until they're at least a foot tall (30cm). I'll post an update when I do.
Why didn't you just use the dead plant's pot, dumbass?
A) it didn't have a saucer to protect the surface underneath, B) this is a concept post, and often plant pots are too wide to fit in window sills, and C) I didn't like the pot.
Won't it just grow into a bulb?
Nope, green onions are actually usually a different type than bulbing onions. Usually. And they're perennial! I've never had one try forming a bulb, but you can just eat them if yours do.
Can I ask you another question?
Yep! I'll add it to the update.
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mulberrytreegranola · 10 months
Why Quinoa Flour is Your New Gluten-Free Go-To
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Quinoa flour is a bit of a newcomer but is already proving to be a popular choice amongst those in the know. For those navigating the world of gluten-free cooking, getting to grips with gluten-free flour can sometimes be a daunting task. Packed with all the goodness of quinoa, this flour is a game-changer for those on a gluten-free diet. In this post, we will explore everything you need to know about this fantastic flour alternative. And, for good measure, throw in some tips about how to use it in your favourite recipes.
Introducing Quinoa Flour
Quinoa may be absolutely everywhere but it turns out that it also happens to make a surprisingly good gluten-free flour. Quinoa flour, made from quinoa grain, is rising in popularity due to its excellent nutritional profile and gluten-free credentials. Made by grinding whole quinoa grains into a fine powder, it has a subtle, nutty flavour and can be used as a direct substitute for wheat flour in many recipes. Its versatility makes it an essential ingredient in gluten-free baking, allowing for the creation of delicious, nutrient-dense food items that cater to the needs of gluten-sensitive and health-conscious individuals alike. Organic quinoa flour Organic quinoa flour, as the name suggests, is derived from organically grown quinoa grains. This means they are cultivated without the use of synthetic pesticides, or fertilizers, and are non-GMO, ensuring you get the purest form of this nutritious superfood. By choosing organic quinoa flour, you are not only making a healthier choice for your body but also supporting sustainable farming practices that benefit our environment. Check out our organic quinoa flour
The Nutritional Value of Quinoa Flour
You don't need us to tell you that quinoa is really really good for you, but just in case here's a recap. Rich in Protein Quinoa flour stands out in the world of gluten-free alternatives primarily due to its high protein content. Quinoa is in fact made up of 22% protein. Unlike many other actual grains, quinoa is a complete protein, which simply means it contains all nine of the essential amino acids. Pretty exceptional for a plant-based protein! Each serving provides a substantial amount of protein, making it an excellent choice for vegetarians, vegans, or anyone looking to add more plant-based protein to their diet. Unlike traditional grain flours, this high protein content also contributes to the feeling of fullness, making meals more satisfying and aiding in weight management. This powerful little pseudo-grain is a particularly potent source of the amino acid lysine, which aids in tissue repair. Vitamins and Minerals Quinoa flour is not only protein-rich but packed with a variety of essential vitamins and minerals. It contains significant amounts of B vitamins, a wide spectrum of E vitamins, plus a host of minerals including iron, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. A  rich source of silica, it can help keep skin strong and elastic. It also has powerful antioxidant properties provided by the E vitamins and flavonoids that appear in high concentrations. Omega-3 and Fatty acids Also rich in essential fatty acids, and particularly anti-inflammatory omega-3s, quinoa flour is a rich source of oleic acid which is thought to help lower LDL cholesterol. Fibre Content A fantastic source of dietary fibre. Fibre not only keeps everything moving along nicely but also helps to control blood sugar levels by slowing the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. Plus, high-fibre foods like quinoa flour can help to manage weight by promoting a feeling of fullness and reducing overall calorie intake. So, not only does it provide a gluten-free, protein-packed alternative to traditional flours, but can also contribute to digestive health, blood sugar control, and weight management with its high fibre content. Gluten-Free And of course, one of the best things about quinoa is that it is gluten-free. Is Quinoa Low-Carb? Quinoa is often thought to be a great choice for those following a low-carb diet. Yet it is important to understand that while quinoa is lower in carbs than some types of grains, it is not strictly a low-carb food. A cup of cooked quinoa contains around 40 grams of carbs, which is more than the daily intake suggested by some low-carb diets. That being said, it's a complex carbohydrate, which means it digests slower than simple carbs and offers sustained energy without causing a rapid spike in blood sugar. Therefore, while not a low-carb food in the strictest sense, it can still be a healthier choice compared to many other grains and is enjoyed by many people following a balanced, healthy diet.
Cooking and Baking with Quinoa Flour
So, while it is good to know just how nutritional this stuff is, what we really want to know is how to cook with it. Right? We will be looking at these things in more detail over time, but here's a quick overview to get you started. The basics of cooking and baking with quinoa flour In the realm of gluten-free flour, quinoa flour is high in protein and has a high absorption rate. If you remember from our in-depth guide to using gluten-free flours, these flours can be grouped into two categories. These are protein flours and starches. High protein flours often have more pronounced flavours than starches but they do lend strength and elasticity to a bake. Starches, on the other hand, contribute little in the way of flavour yet they add a fluffy light texture to the heavier protein flours. Just as some quinoa can be slightly bitter, but not all, the same goes for its flour. Again, the flavour can range from profoundly earthy to pleasingly nutty. As with most gluten-free flours, this flour is best used alongside other varieties to get the best balance between texture and flavour for your particular recipe needs. That said, your choice of flour will depend very much on what you are making, so there are times when you can directly substitute for all-purpose wheat flour. Substituting quinoa flour in recipes Getting to grips with using gluten-free flour is always a bit of a baptism by fire. Recipes and suggestions should be used as a guideline only, largely because such flours can be wholly unpredictable. There is nothing more frustrating than a tried and tested recipe that does not deliver results. There will be some cases where it is safer to begin with a 1:1 substitution for wheat flour than others. Remember that the protein content makes it denser, and also means it will absorb more water. Gluten is required to build strength, elasticity, and structure into a bake so it is really important in bread making yet can lead to toughness in a pastry. Cakes need little in the way of gluten, yet also require a certain amount of bulk and fluffiness. And then there is flavour. Quinoa flour has a pronounced flavour. If you find that it tends towards bitterness, then it can be toasted in a moderate oven for about 10 to 15 minutes before cooling and using. So, whilst you may not want to make a delicate Victoria sponge with quinoa flour, it could be perfect for that parmesan pastry you have in mind. Or a more robustly flavoured banana muffin. So our advice is to begin with a 1:1 ratio in recipes where it may seem appropriate. Like a pastry or a muffin. If you find it too dry, then use a little less flour, or a touch more liquid. Sauces and batters rely more on the liquid content of the recipe. So substitute your flour slowly, gradually adding more until you reach the desired consistency. Tips for cooking and baking with quinoa flour Test small batches first: Before using quinoa flour in large quantities, consider trying it in smaller recipes. This allows you to understand its unique characteristics and adjust your main recipe accordingly. Blend with other flours: Quinoa flour alone may not suit all recipes. Try blending it with other gluten-free flours to create a balance of flavour and texture. Adjust liquid levels: Quinoa flour tends to absorb more liquid than wheat flour. Keep an eye on your batter or dough and be prepared to add extra liquid if it seems too dry. Store properly: Keep your quinoa flour in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. Proper storage preserves the flour's taste and extends its shelf life. Cooked quinoa flour: If the flavour of quinoa flour is too strong, try toasting it in the oven for 10-15 minutes before cooling and using. This can help to reduce bitterness. Use in savoury recipes: Quinoa flour can be a wonderful addition to savoury recipes like flatbreads, pizza dough, or pasta, where its unique flavour can shine. Healthy baking: Use quinoa flour in recipes where health is a priority. It is protein-rich and offers a nutritious alternative to traditional flour. Quinoa flour in bread-making It's a whole other subject, but the protein content of quinoa flour makes it an excellent contender in the gluten-free bread stakes. It will need to be used alongside other flours though so we will explore this more fully at a later date. To sum up, it would certainly seem that even for those without gluten-related disorders, quinoa flour offers a change of pace from traditional flours, allowing for experimentation with diverse, nutrient-rich alternatives in the kitchen. Have you seen our other gluten-free flours?
This article was reproduced on this site with permission from operafoods.com.au the “Gluten Free Flour Suppliers”. See original article:- Why Quinoa Flour is Your New Gluten-Free Go-To Read the full article
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sunspray-peak · 1 year
Ch. 35: The Stardew Valley Fair
Outside of the exuberant greeting they’d given Voltaire, Achilles hadn’t seen the junimos since the beginning of Fall. He had chalked it up to the overtime the forest spirits must’ve been putting in to fighting off the “evil spirits” in the community center, or whatever Marlon had said. Hey, he had tried to help before, and they had had none of it.
But he woke the morning of the Stardew Valley Fair to see a handful junimos scurrying about his room, chittering like mad as they bounced along below the windows, spindly arms waving erratically in the air. Was it just the early morning sun that was casting strange shadows, or had there been something else lurking against his walls?
Whatever it was, it had disappeared, along with the junimos, upon second glance. With a groggy few blinks, Achilles managed to half-persuade himself that it had just been a trick of the light.
After spending the remainder of the weekend ruminating on their chat the night of Abigail’s birthday party, Achilles had decided to follow Alex’s advice and put the mines behind him. He had made his final pros/cons list after his second visit to Meteor Elementary yesterday—and to be fair, perhaps it was the rare, hopeful mood those visits always left him in, but he had ultimately concluded that digging around underground was not his destined path, glory be damned. He’d find something else.
In fact, between his elementary school visits, his occasional hand with the farm, reading & writing dates with Elliott, and his various job applications, Achilles was feeling… fine. Actually fine, not the fine he tossed out whenever Alex looked at him all worryingly with those green basset hound eyes of his…
Sure, none of those things would likely lead to anything particularly noteworthy, but they were interesting enough (well, maybe not the job applications), and for once in his life, Achilles was, if not perfectly content, somewhat satisfied with at least being able to finally have a daily planner that wasn’t completely bereft of tasks.
But there was only one thing on the agenda for today: the Stardew Valley Fair. Today, he and Shane had to make sure their vegetables were in as tip top shape they could be. Achilles had even purchased some organic fertilizer at the last minute, despite Shane saying it’d likely be too late to have any effect. But after learning more about the grange display competition, the spirit of competition had seized him (per usual), and he was determined to do anything, outside of perhaps sabotage, to win.
They loaded a black wheelbarrow (also new for the occasion—Achilles had spent an hour agonizing over the color as well as the patterned cloth they would be setting the produce on during transport) with their handsomest pumpkin, an eggplant, a bushel of their finest cranberries, a glass jar (that Achilles had carefully hand selected from a boutique in Moonmist) of goat milk from one of Shane’s goats, a goat cheese (also courtesy of one of Shane’s goats), a pastel bouquet of fairy rose Achilles had spent 20 minutes arranging, some pepper poppers (Shane’s own recipe), a bushel of bright red apples, and some of their least blemished, shiniest pomegranates.
Nine items. All nice and neat in their new, checkered linen home.
He had initially wanted to color code with Shane as well (“to better present a nice, united front,” he had explained to Elliott that morning), but realizing he had never seen Shane wear anything else besides his Joja uniform, a handful of t shirts, and a stained green Tunnelers jersey, he had decided against bringing up the topic. For himself though, a nice red flannel would do.
“Looks like a first place cart to me, pal,” Achilles said as he and Shane gazed at their little wheelbarrow.
“You’re just gonna have to take it all apart when you put them in the grange display.”
“Shane, let me have this moment.”
At 2 o’clock, they wheeled their items into town. The festival was still in the midst of being set up, with large red and white striped tents half-erected among hay bales and scarecrows and jolly wooden kegs.
“Looks like we’re the last ones.” Achilles glanced at the 11 other displays, shallow wooden boxes tilted at a slight angle for easy viewing, all arranged neatly in a raised row on the other side of the cobblestone street from Pierre’s General Store. One display was almost entirely filled with different varieties of goat cheese. Who knew there was more outside of chèvre?
“Don’t worry, ours looks way better, though,” he quickly added. Though Shane’s face was, as it usually was, unreadable, sweat stains had begun to appear under his arms despite the remarkably cool day.
Together, they carefully lifted their items and set them neatly in the box that had been left empty for them.
“Well, ours at least looks the best, that’s for sure—look at Pierre’s slapdash mess over there,” Achilles said in an effort to make Shane, who was only continuing to lose color in his face, laugh.
But the man only nodded and then began to walk away without another word.
“Hey, hey, hey now—“ Achilles jogged after him and grabbed his shoulder. Perhaps it was best not to leave the man on his own in these trying times, especially with this much free alcohol. “Where’s Jas? Why don’t we show her her godfather’s booth, I’m sure she’ll love it!”
“In school.”
“Ah. Right, it’s Tuesday… well. Why don’t we grab lunch instead?”
“This looks wonderful, my dear friends!” After a bite at the saloon, Achilles and Shane had returned to their display when a familiar heavy hand clasped their backs. “My, never have I ever witnessed such a delightfully vibrant aubergine!”
“Elliott! Thank you, thank you. It’s mostly Shane’s work, really…”
“Ah, Achilles, no need for modesty among friends! But regardless, Shane, my good sir, many snaps to you!” And indeed, Elliott accompanied his words with a round of hearty snaps, totally oblivious to Shane’s nauseated visage.
With Achilles hovering over his shoulder the past two hours, Shane had managed to dodge the hard ciders Gus had been handing out—and yet nerves had proven themselves to be just as much an inhibitor for balance, for Shane was still unsteady on his feet, gripping the edge of the display for support.
And here came Haley to make things even worse. Alex followed closely behind, her camera bag slung across his shoulders. Lewis had asked her to photograph the event for the Stardew Valley Tribune (“it’s got a readership of two—one guess who the two are—but hey, it’s paid”), and it looked to be their turn now. She impatiently motioned for Elliott to move out of frame. “Smile, you two!”
Easy enough. Achilles did always love a photo op. From behind Alex, Elliott flashed him a double thumbs up as he repositioned his feet.
Shane on the other hand, did not love a photo op. In fact, he loathed them, and likely would’ve run away had Achilles not wrenched him back (more violently than intended) by the arm.
“Come on, Shane. Just one picture, it’s a nice memory.”
Arms stiff, bushy eyebrows furrowed. Sweat beading visibly down his cheeks. Shane’s lips failed to turn even the slightest bit upwards in his sorry attempt at a smile.
“You know, Marnie was just telling me all about your chickens, Shane,” Haley said as she snapped away. “She says you’ve managed to breed blue ones? How adorable is that!”
“Come on, Uncle Shane, you can do better than that,” Jas (who was back from school) groaned from a nearby hay bale. “Just SMILE. Like this!” She pulled back the corners of her lips with her fingers and flashed him both rows of teeth.  
But any and all attempts to loosen up the man fell short.
“Well…” Haley handed over her camera for Achilles to look at her shots (Shane had no interest). “I think that’s about as good as we’re going to get it.”
Achilles was satisfied with himself, though Shane looked to be baring his teeth. Well… it could’ve been worse.
The group left Haley and Alex to snap the next competitors’ pictures and made their way further down into the heart of the fair, which was now merry and bustling with the usual visiting crowd of tourists. The enamoring scent of funnel cake sweetened the smell of corn dogs and fried pickles, but it was to a cotton candy cart where they followed their noses so that Shane could purchase Jas a treat.
“It is mostly games for the children, naturally,” Elliott explained as Achilles scanned the bright, striped tents. “At some games, one can win these splendid little star tokens, which can subsequently be exchanged for various amusing prizes. Oh, I do find the whole experience absolutely delightful! It takes me back, my dear friend, it really does… corns dogs and fairground rides…” Elliott gazed fondly at a small wooden rollercoaster that had been set up behind the saloon.
Achilles couldn’t help but snort in disbelief. It was difficult imagining a young Elliott—especially a young Elliott riding a rollercoaster with a corn dog in hand. No cravat, no velvet smoking jacket in sight. Unless they had kid sizes…
Shane and Jas had returned from the line, pink cotton candy acquired, and Elliott now knelt down to her height. “Now little Jas, what would you like to— ”
“Achilles! Get over here and let me smoke your ass.”
Elliott gasped, standing abruptly and putting a protective hand over Jas’s ear. “The child!”
“Oh, whoops—so sorry!���
“It’s okay, Mr. Alex, I’ve heard worse,” Jas called in response, as Shane once again bared his teeth in an uncomfortable grimace.
Alex, free from camera bag-carrying duties, was waving from a nearby tent. “Elliott, Shane, uh… Jas. All of you, get over here.”
Elliott raised his eyebrows, as if asking Achilles for permission, but Achilles only waved him forward. “Come on, let’s get some of those tokens you were going on about.”
They each took their places behind a wooden counter, slingshots at the ready, 20 feet separating them from their red and white targets.
It was Shane, however, who, despite his trembling hands, had smoked all of their asses, winning a stuffed penguin for Jas. Poor Elliott, having hit the target only twice, was completely out of his depth, but he took his defeat with grace.
“Good game, good game.” Alex patted the taller man on the arm as Elliott shook his head with his usual melodramatic flair.  
“I kindly request a round two!”
And so they turned back to their slingshots, though Elliott once again came in last place (“but at least I hit three targets this time! One should not bemoan improvement, even if it is small!”).
Alex won this time, beating Shane by a mere point, and pointed at a green plush frog which the booth manager quickly retrieved. With two hands, he offered it to Achilles. “For you. To match that shirt of yours the other day.”
“Oh, how very sweet, thank you,” Achilles said, looking into the frog’s large, bulbous eyes. So Alex had remembered his shirt from the party, huh?
Don’t overthink it, bitch.
“I’ll name him Mr. Frog.”
“Wow, very creative! Exactly what I would’ve excepted from you—”
“Ah shit, where’s Shane?”
During their short exchange, Shane had somehow melted away, having left Jas in deep discussion with Elliott.
They little group immediately broke into pairs, maneuvering through the crowd to try to locate the man who, as much as Achilles didn’t want to think it, would likely have a bottle between his fingers. It was Jas who pointed him out with a cry—there he was, indeed hovering by one of the many drink stations, a plastic cup in his hands.
Achilles sprinted over. “Hey man…”
Shane shook his head in disgust at Achilles’ furrowed brow. “It’s just a hard cider, just something to steady the nerves…”  
“Can’t do that man, remember? You wanted me to hold you accountable, so here I am.”
“It’s one drink, Achilles,” he retorted, eyes narrowed. “Won’t do me no harm. Never was tryin’ to go stone cold sober, was always just moderation…”
“It better be just this one—look, why don’t you join us for the rest of the evening? You and Jas both.”
“With them?” Shane asked glancing over the rim of his cup towards Alex and Elliott who were both currently playing a three-way patty cake with Jas.
“They’re nice people, Shane.” Yoba, it was like he was back in Meteor Elementary. He had been forced to patiently moderate many a heated debate among the students during yesterday’s literary lesson…
“Alex doesn’t like me…”
“Give me that.” Emily had joined them, and, unlike Achilles, snatched Shane’s cup and chucked it in the trash. Shane bristled, but she quickly moved to say, “The grange display looks awesome, Shane. You’ve really outdone yourself.”
Shane looked at his feet.
“Great! Emily! Good for you to join. Now how about we all go play some more games.” Damn, he really was turning into Penny.
Shane shot him a dark look, but Emily was quick to grasp onto the plan.
“Ooo! What about the fortune teller? That’s always fun! Achilles, you should take a look.”
“Don’t kid him, you just want to go,” Shane huffed.
They rejoined Alex, Elliott, and Jas, plus Leah who had wandered over in the meantime. It was turning into quite the little group now. They snaked their way through the streets, pausing at a few more booths (Elliott finally securing a victory with an enchanted fishing game) before finally reaching a small tent tucked away in a quieter, more secluded corner of the fairgrounds.
“One at a time,” Emily whispered, her finger against her lips. She had entered first, followed by a protesting Shane and Jas.  
“Next,” came a deep, reverberating voice from inside the tent.
“That’s you,” Leah said, giving Achilles a light shove.
It was dark. The tent was lit only by a few candles and the soft blue glow of the (Achilles suspected, likely LED) crystal ball resting in the center of a cloth-draped table.
“Welcome, welcome. Please… take a seat.”
Achilles sat criss cross, facing the blue shrouded figure whose face was indeterminable.
“I can tell already you’re a skeptic,” the figure said, raising their hands above the ball. “Perhaps we can change your mind…”
“Sure. I’m open to it.”
“New to town, you are? You have been running away, my boy, but I see you on the precipice of a great change, a violent upheaval in your life!”
“Hmm… now I see you at the saloon, surrounded by friends. You seem quite popular with everyone.
“Now I see you and… hmm… a young man in a field of grass. You seem happy.”
“In a field of grass?” Achilles asked. “All Stardew is is fields of grass—apologies, can we go back to that violent upheaval you mentioned— “
“Now I see you harvesting a plump, ripe melon! What a wonderful looking farm, bursting with life—and yet, you don’t seem to be doing much on it. Peculiar. Do you have any skills at all?”
“Right. So this violent upheaval…”
But the figure withdrew into their hood, and Achilles, recognizing he wasn’t going to get any more out of them, left the tent with a scoff.  
“How was it? I feel a rather dark energy coming from you right now.”
He had joined Emily to wait for the rest of their friends from underneath a red-leafed oak.“Yeah? You probably do,” Achilles grumbled, crossing his arms. “Know anything about violent upheavals?”
“Oh no! That’s what they said to you?” She shook her head. “I believe fortunes should always end on positive notes. Mine always do.”
“Well, I suppose in their defense, they started with the violent upheaval… and ended with asking me if I had any skills.”
“Hmm.” Emily placed a cool hand against his cheek. Her fingers were remarkably thin, longer than even his own (he had even been half-forced into piano as a child because of them). She gently tapped his jaw. “I don’t know about any violent upheavals, but I do believe you’ll be facing an important crossroads in your life soon.”
Emily smiled, moving her hand from his face to his shoulder. “There are so many different roads waiting for you, Achilles. I can see how it can be a little overwhelming. But have faith. Every day you’re taking one more step on the path of your destiny.
“There’s so many invisible barriers that can hold us back, most of them probably inside our own heads. But I think you should keep your mind and ears open, Achilles. Some interesting things might just take root.”
There was still another half hour to kill before the results of the competition were revealed, leaving Shane to drown his anxiety in the fourth pumpkin spice latte Emily had manhandled into his grip and Achilles to dig a hole all the way to Monstera with the rate his foot was sneakily tapping the cobblestone street.
To his surprise, the Wizard must have decided to emerge from his tower today and was now stalking the fair grounds with a blue snow cone in his robed hand. A quick glance over by the hot dog stall confirmed Alex was too far away to talk him out of what could be a terrible decision, and so Achilles summoned all his nervous energy to stomp over to his enchanter.
He may have put the mines behind him, but he still wanted answers.
“Ho, Rasmodius.”
The Wizard took a step back to look beadily down his beaky nose at Achilles. “I was only doing it for your own good, boy, so don’t you try to scold me for actions I do not, and you should not, regret.”
“What happened with Mona, Rasmodius? Marlon told me everything, what happened to her? What went wrong—and what does Abigail need to know so that she doesn’t make the same mistake. She deserves to know—”
“Look at you, still twittering on about things you know nothing about. It’s not Abigail who needs to worry, and don’t you dare say Mona’s name to me ever again.”
It looked like the Wizard was gearing up to place a another spell; puffs of lavender dusk were beginning to emerge from his sleeves. Achilles’ most cowardly instincts wanted to send him scurrying away, but even if he had run, what could he have done to stop it, truly?
And yet, a dark rage was beginning to seep through him, the voice in his head urging him to stand his ground, to demand what he came for—
Until Alex sprinted over, checking Achilles’ shoulder as he tripped forward, a fedora inexplicably in his hands alongside a hot dog.
And all was calm. In fact, even Rasmodius seemed to have eased up on the spell craft.
“Achilles, look what I got for Mr. Frog! It’s not a cowboy hat, but it’ll have to do—oh.” Alex jumped back, only just seeming to realize the Wizard was there. “Um. Hey there.”
With a grumble the Wizard stalked off.
“What were you talking about with him?” Alex asked, eyes narrowed in suspicion.
“Did that motherfucker put another memory spell on me—quick, ask me what we were just talking about. ”
“Ash, that’s exactly what I just asked.”
“Oh. Not much, actually, didn’t really get a chance… I was asking him about the mines.”
“I thought you promised me you were staying out of it!”
“I don’t remember using those words. Anyway, I am staying out of it, no, I was just asking him questions on… behalf of Abby, really, that’s it.”
“Right… well if that’s the case… you better not be lying to me, Achilles.”
“I wouldn’t lie to you.”
That seemed enough to assuage his concerns. Alex bent to tie the fedora around the stuffed frog’s head. Two sprigs of faerie rose had been tucked in a ribbon around the brim.
He found the rage that had ballooned inside him had completely deflated with Alex’s appearance, and Achilles gave the hat a little pat. “Mr. Frog says thank you very much for the hat, Alex.”
“Shane, it’s time!” Emily cried, bouncing on her toes. Not that either Achilles or Shane needed a visual—they’d been counting down the seconds—but she pointed exuberantly over to Lewis who was making his way towards the stage all the same.
A shiver ran down Achilles’ spine. Considering how little he had toiled on the farm in comparison to Shane, he didn’t really know why he deserved to feel this nervous—a victory wouldn’t really be his victory—but nevertheless, he couldn’t help but tremble the tiniest, most imperceptible amount, as they made their way to the front of the crowd.
“A big thank you to every one of ya for coming out to our annual Stardew Valley Fair!”
Cheers from the crowd.
“I hope everyone’s enjoyed themselves—Carl, I see you, how many corn dogs you eatin’ this year, huh? 14? No! 15? You’re crazy, Carl. Crazy!
“Now as old timers know, we always like to end the night with the winners of the grange display competition! This year we had a record breaking 12 entries, and all of us judges were real impressed with every single one.
“Now, without further ado… in third place, we have… Marion Barry from Sunspray Peak!”
Cheers from the handful of Sunspray folk in town.
“Would you look at that, it’s that little goat whispering git from the magazine,” Achilles muttered as a child came forward to collect a white ribbon, pausing to pose before his display of various goat cheeses as Haley snapped a picture.
“Now in second place…”
Achilles found himself grabbing Shane’s hand. Shane found himself violently ripping it away.
“We have…
“Shane Cockburn and Achilles Robinson from none other than Stardew Valley!”
A great cheer from the crowd. Elliott was going wild with snaps and whooping both, while Emily wolf whistled, her free hand waving in the air.
With what may have been a wail, Shane buried his face in his hands as Achilles, determined to keep his composure in public, pulled him in for a half hug.
“Glad to see you finally putting that farm to use, Achilles,” Lewis said, tipping his hat as they collected their red ribbons. “Excellent representation for our community!”
Shane was all smiles for this photograph—no grimaces, no wincing. A beaming flush that, for once in his life, had nothing to do with a beer.  
“And in first place, we have… our very own Angus Fiori from Stardew Valley! Let’s give it up for Gus, shall we?” Lewis led the crowd in enthusiastic applause.
“Goddammit,” Achilles said, shaking his head while Shane continued to hide his sniffs and watery eyes behind fake sneezes.“Well. At least it was a Stardew victory, I suppose… congratulations, Shane! We d—you did it!”
After the judging, Achilles and Shane returned to clear the display.
“You want any of this? Otherwise, I’ll drop it in the shipping box when I head back home.”
Shane took the pumpkin (“for Jas to carve for Spirit’s Eve”) but left the rest.
“Hey. Thanks.” And to Achilles surprise, Shane looked up from the red ribbon he had been repeatedly running through his fingers and, meeting Achilles’ gaze, extended his hand.
Achilles grinned, clasping him on the back as they shook hands. “I should be thanking you. Got ourselves a new scarecrow for next season’s harvest now!” He nodded towards the top-hat and trench coat wearing turnip head they had also won that was lying in the wheelbarrow.
Shane gave a small, warm smile and nodded.
“Congratulations are in order, my friends!” Elliott bestowed a bow each to both Shane and Achilles.
Leah, in her typical fashion, went straight for the most practical question on hand. “So what’s next? Do you think you’ll continue farming?”
Shane looked to Achilles.
“Dammit Shane, what’d we say about asking for permission? Look, if that’s what Shane wants to do, I’m fine with it. As for me personally… well, we’ll just have to win first place next year, won’t we?”
“It’s not about the prize,” Leah said crossly. “It’s about the journey.”
“Think you can manage the scarecrow?”
“I guess I’ll try, but no promises.” Alex had volunteered to help Achilles bring their items back to Strawberry Farms. To be honest, with the wheelbarrow, Achilles didn’t need any help, but hey, why would he down the offer?
Alex lifted the wooden pole with ease, resting it across his shoulders. “I’ve never seen Shane show that much emotion before.”
“Didn’t you hear? That wasn’t emotion, those were just allergies. Ready?”
Alex laughed. “Mmhm—Grandma, I’m just going to help Ash take the stuff back, then I’ll be back!”
Evelyn nodded. “Congratulations, dear! So wonderful to see the Valley take the top two spots!”
“Could’ve been three,” George muttered scornfully, staring shamelessly at a still scarlet-faced Pierre who was hurling his mushrooms into a basket like he was a pitcher in pro baseball. “Useless.”  
Achilles carefully set their award winning produce into the shipping bin. The next pickup wouldn’t be until Friday, but it’d be fine, the bin was temperature controlled.
“You can just leave the scarecrow on the porch, Shane’ll probably set it up tomorrow.”
Alex proceeded to jam the turnip head between the slats of the rocking chair (“so he can sit”).
“Well good sir, thank you for the help.” Achilles stood, brushing the dirt off his hands after making sure everything was sitting well in the bin. “And thank you for Mr. Frog here. Between him and Voltaire, we’re going to be throwing some pretty exclusive parties on Strawberry Farms.”
“Oh wow, exclusive huh—will I make the invite list?”
“Ask him, don’t ask me,” Achilles scoffed, nodding towards the frog plush who was still sitting calmly in the wheelbarrow. “Here—”
Feeling rather bold off his win (second place as it was, and really, it was more so Shane’s win than his own), he yanked one of the fairy roses out from the fedora and tucked it into Alex’s front pocket, giving it the quickest, lightest pat before stepping back. Just friends being friends, right…
“From Mr. Frog to you. To remember him by.”
“Wow,” Alex laughed. “Thank you so much—Mr. Frog, you’ll be in my thoughts forever. Until next time.”
He turned to leave, but loitered for a second, hands in his pockets as he lingered on the top step of the porch, eyes slowly gazing across the surrounding land until they finally landed on Achilles.
He felt his heart beat faster—antsy in his senseless anticipation—but Alex only shrugged.
“Was getting another look at the farm. Can’t believe how much it’s changed since you’ve come, it looks great. Well… congrats again. To you and Shane. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”
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kongposh · 3 months
Is Kashmiri Saffron 100% Pure?
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Yes, it absolutely is! At our store, we specialize in offering the highest quality Kashmiri saffron, and we take great pride in its purity and authenticity. We understand how important it is to have genuine saffron, especially when it’s known for its incredible flavor, aroma, and health benefits.
Our saffron is organically grown in the pristine fields of Kashmir, untouched by chemical fertilizers or additives. This ensures that you get the purest form of saffron, rich in its natural essence. Plus, we stand by the quality of our saffron with a Money Back Guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied, we’ve got you covered!
🌟 Limited Offer Alert! 🌟
We’re excited to announce a big sale on our premium Kashmiri saffron. For a limited time, you can purchase 1 gram for just RM10! This is a fantastic opportunity to experience the luxury and richness of genuine Kashmiri saffron at an unbeatable price.
Don’t miss out on this amazing deal! Shop now and elevate your culinary creations, health regimen, or even your skincare routine with the best saffron available. Grab this special offer before it’s gone!
Why Choose Our Kashmiri Saffron?
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Money Back Guarantee: We are confident in the quality of our saffron, and we offer a full refund if you’re not satisfied.
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Join the Saffron Lovers Community!
We love connecting with our customers and hearing how you use our saffron in your daily lives. Share your recipes, health tips, and saffron-inspired creations with us on social media. Tag us in your posts, and let’s create a community of saffron enthusiasts together!
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luxurybeautyreviews · 4 months
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helenaheissner · 4 months
A Dream of Summer Rain: Chapter 29
“Hi there! Wanna try a brain-burger?” 
These were not words Lacy expected to hear immediately upon waking. 
She laid on her cot, facing the wall as she woke up, and was drawn to face the other direction by the sound of chewing. 
The source was a young woman, or at least something that appeared to be a young woman. She was seemingly about Lacy’s age, maybe a year or two older. She had wavy black hair and tan skin and big brown eyes. She wore a black mini-skirt and fishnet stockings and black combat boots and a black tube top, her dark red lipstick and dark eyeshadow highlighting the relative softness and youth of her features. In her manicured hands was what appeared to be a hamburger, completed with cheese and ketchup. But it didn’t smell like beef. 
“Well?” the girl… the ghoul said. 
Lacy grunted. 
“What does that mean?”
“Not hungry.”
“You look like you’re always hungry,” the ghoul said. “You should eat more, get some meat on your bones. You might look like a real woman instead of a malnourished child in a third world country.”
Lacy gave the ghoul the middle finger. 
“That’s an expletive, right?” the ghoul said. “That’s fun! I know lots of those- my favorites are the ones in Spanish; they have the best profanity. For instance-”
“Who the fuck are you?” Lacy said, swinging her legs off her bed and glaring at the ghoul. As if the Albrecht family drama wasn’t enough to deal with, now she had to put up with this freak as well. Everywhere, all around her, freaks, monsters, just like me. Guess I’m in good company. Lovely.
“Um, excuse me?” the ghouls said with wide-eyed shock. “How about you dial it back a bit. You are in the presence of royalty!”
“... Weren’t you just talking about how much you love profan-”
“That still doesn’t excuse you making that demand of me like that,” the ghoul said. “Is that really the way to talk to the princess of ghouls?”
“You’re not the-”
“How do you know?”
“Because Alistair only has one daughter left, and she’s not the-”
“Ugh, not that one,” the ghoul cut her off. “I’m the rightful princess of ghouls, or queen at this point, I suppose. Alistair deposed my father, King Saul. I’m his surviving heiress, Princess Merab, but unfortunately the crown was stolen before I could finish seizing power.”
“Right. And I should just… believe all that?” Lacy said, rubbing her eyes.
“Yes, because it’s the truth. Now, do you want a brain burger or not? It’s the best way to prepare this particular organ, in my opinion, though there are some who argue in favor of brain bolognese instead-”
“What the fuck? No!” Lacy said. “How do you even… Do you seriously mean to tell me you freaks have recipes on how to prepare human meat?”
Merab put her burger on her plate, then set the plate down next to her chair. “Yes. That’s actually exactly what I’m telling you. I mean, did you think we ate everything raw and right off the bone?”
“Yes,” Lacy said, exasperated. “That’s all I’ve ever seen you things do-”
“‘Things.’ Wow. Wow wow wow wow.”
“Well that’s what you are!” Lacy said. “You’re evil! You’re a monster! You eat people!”
“Yes. I suppose I do. But I’d consider myself people as well.”
“You’re not alive.”
“I eat. I sleep. I think. I feel. I can produce fertile offspring. I’m pretty sure I’m alive.”
“Only because of infernal magic!”
Lacy blinked. “Um-”
“You’re not comfortable with the idea that I’m a person, I can see that,” Merab said. 
“Because you’re not-”
“I’m from a city, with a government that controls it and other cities. You might call that a civilization,” Merab cut her off. “We have a culture: art, music, cuisine.”
“You don’t have souls.”
“How do you know?”
“Because if you did, you’d know that eating people is wrong!” Lacy said, standing up. She wasn’t in the mood for another idiot challenging her like this; she was losing energy for it. “It’s monstrous. You’re a monster.”
“It’s monstrous for you,” Merab said. “I’ll cede you that much. But to me it’s life.”
No, no she’s full of shit. Ghouls don’t count, ghouls don’t count, because if ghouls count, then they… Then I’ve… “You’re full of shit!” Lacy hissed. 
“Am I, or am I just putting you in an awkward moral position?” Not possible. They deserve it. It doesn’t matter what she says, she still deserves to die, just like they all do, just like-
“I mean what do you expect, all the ghouls to just admit they’re wrong and stop eating people? Condemn us all to our monstrous, mindless state?” Merab asked. “What kind of fate is that? What kind of God would ask us to live that way?”
“God didn’t make you this way,” Lacy spat. “Necromancers did. Humans did.”
“Yes, I am aware of that. I was there when my father first arranged it,” Merab said. “But, um, doesn’t that somewhat weaken your argument that we’re not people?” “No, you don’t count. You’re monsters now, so the rules don’t apply to you.”
“Just like they don’t apply to you anymore?”
Lacy didn’t blink- her eyes wouldn’t shut. 
“Are you familiar with the concept of psychological projection, by any chance?” Merab asked. “I’ve read up on it a fair bit- my own father had a real problem with it, let me tell ‘ya. Got into quite the fracas with this young buck named David once… Long story. But-”
“Yeah, I know what projection is,” Lacy said. “Doesn’t mean I’m wrong.”
“About me or about yourself?”
Merab took another bite of her burger, spent a few moments chewing and swallowing. She dabbed her mouth with a napkin, careful not to smear her lipstick, and then said, “Girl, you’ve got issues. Like, let’s unpack that for a second- you seriously think you’re as much a monster as I am? As we are? Is that it?”
Lacy said back down, her own words echoing in her ears. Did she really think that about herself? Was this what really drove her? Still doesn’t mean I’m wrong, she thought. I can’t be wrong. Not about this. Because if I’m wrong then what else am I wrong about? And look at all the things I’ve done. If ghouls are people then I’ve killed… Oh God I’ve killed so many… 
I really am a monster. 
“You okay? You sure you don’t want-”
“Okay, okay, fucking hellfire. No need to shout,” Merab said. 
Lacy hyperventilated, eyes still refusing to shut. You’ve known it this whole time. You just haven’t wanted to admit it to yourself. You should have let that ghoul kill you all those years ago. At least then you’d still be innocent. 
Beneath her, she felt hellfire rising. She laid on her bed and listened to it. 
  “Anyway,” Merab continued, “Alistair wants to keep an eye on me, so he assigned me to be your guard while you’re here. Personally, I don’t see it as necessary, and it keeps me from my loyalists for the time being-”
Lacy barely heard. Barely saw. The darkness closed in around her. She almost moved to pray, but she stopped herself. She didn’t deserve to. She wasn’t a creature of God. She was a monster. She belonged in the darkness. 
May as well get comfortable.
Hello, lovelies! Hope y'all are doing well :)
You can now the entirety of this story, plus three chapters ahead on "Love During Robot Fighting Time" and two chapters ahead on "Magical Girl Exorcist Squad", by becoming a paid subscriber on my Substack or my Patreon!
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victorluvsalice · 6 months
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Hi everyone! We're back to the Chill Valicer Save again, where the trio ended up having a very pleasant and very productive Spring Thursday on the farm –
-->Started with everyone hanging out outside by Toothy’s pen, where I "stored" them while doing the house upgrades – now that they were free to wander again, I decided that the best course of action would be to send Smiler into the barn to make another computer chip; let Victor get some leftovers from the fridge; and have Alice (still in werewolf form) lick herself clean before directing her to do some push-ups outside to work on that sweet, sweet Fitness skill. *nods* I thus queued up the actions, and everyone started on their assigned tasks...
And the house immediately started playing spooky organ music, distracting everyone from said tasks. *shakehead* Damn haunted houses! At least I was able to get everyone back on track right away... Anyway, once Alice was done with her push-ups, she had a glass of water to rehydrate while Victor cleaned up his (and her) dishes and evolved some plants in the greenhouse. I then had her grab Shadow’s latest pet poop from the porch and fertilize the newly-grown coconut tree (as I AGAIN reset the damn bugged weedy plants in that one planter, along with the juice fizzer), before sending her to harvest the new patches of prairie grass in the cow pen to get some hay! Because now that I have Horse Ranch, I can use that hay to refill Moory’s feed, nice. :D
-->While that was going on, Smiler finished their computer chip, and headed into the greenhouse to harvest all their herbalism stuff and their plasma fruit – getting them up to Gardening level 8 in the process, w00! Unfortunately, while they were picking either their regular fireleaf or their poison fireleaf (my money's on the latter), they ended up developing a NASTY itch. So I took the opportunity to have them make and try out a bit of Soothing Skin Balm! I mean, when else are you supposed to use it? :p It at least halved the time that it would take for the Tense moodlet to go away, so I count that as a win. *thumbs up*
-->And while Smiler was herbalizing, Victor was potionizing – after all, if he wanted to complete the next milestone of Purveyor Of Potions and finish off his New Year’s resolution, he had to brew both of the new potion recipes he picked up recently! I had him start with the Potion of Good Fortune, and that came out really well – got seven bottles out of the whole cauldron! And since he had a few spare flasks, I figured we could try giving one to the specter flying around the greenhouse and seeing what happened. So Victor headed over and handed over the present –
And the specter liked it! Shock of shocks! XD They delightedly gave Victor a soul scrap back before disappearing – Victor’s got that in his inventory for later, should he ever need it. :) Almost forgotten what it was like to have specters respond POSITIVELY to presents...
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tiancimachines · 8 months
How to use the fermentation compost turning machine correctly
 1. Preparation: Make sure all necessary tools and organic fertilizer equipment are ready before using the fermentation compost turning machine. Check the various parts of the machine to make sure they are in good condition and there is nothing damaged or loose.
2. Cleaning the machine: Before using the fermentation pile turning machine, ensure that the inside and outside of the machine are clean. This helps prevent any residues or impurities from affecting the quality of the product.
3. Add ingredients: Add ingredients to the machine correctly according to your recipe. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions to ensure that the machine can handle these ingredients correctly.
4. Set parameters: According to your needs, set the parameters of the heap tilter, such as the number of times, speed and temperature of the heap tilter. These Settings will affect the quality and productivity of the product.
5. Start turning: Once everything is ready, press the start button and the fermentation turning machine will start working. During the heap turning process, please be sure to pay attention to the running status of the machine, if there is any abnormal, it should be stopped and checked immediately.
6. Monitoring process: Check the status of the product regularly during the operation of the fermentation pile turning machine. Ensure that the heap is turned evenly and that there is no over or under turning.
7. End the work: When the stacking process is complete, shut down the machine and clean up the residue. It is important to ensure that all garbage and waste are disposed of correctly to prevent pollution of the environment.
8. Maintenance and maintenance: Regular maintenance and maintenance of organic fertilizer production line to ensure that it maintains a good long-term operation. This may include replacing worn parts, cleaning the inside and outside of the machine, and checking all fasteners.
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Organic Dog Foods That We Like
New Post has been published on https://bestnaturalpetfoodstore.com/organic-dog-foods-that-we-like/
Organic Dog Foods That We Like
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You’ve probably heard that when it comes to food for your pet, organic options can play a large role in their overall health. But can a natural and organic diet really help with your pet’s well being? The answer to that is yes, it matters what your dog eats.
The potential benefits of an organic diet for your dog can include a reduction of allergies and itchy skin, fewer digestion problems, and better health overall.  Organic is kind of like ‘natural-plus.’
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Serve your dog an organic dry dog food made from ingredients grown as nature intended with Purina Beyond Organic Chicken, Egg & Sweet Potato Recipe adult dry dog food. This high-protein dog food recipe includes organic free-range chicken raised without antibiotics or growth hormones*as the #1 ingredient. This natural dog food with added vitamins, minerals and nutrients gives your adult dog 100% complete and balanced nutrition and is carefully crafted to meet your high standards. He gets a high-protein, antioxidant-rich meal when you serve this organic Beyond dog food made without corn, wheat, soy or poultry by-product meal. Beyond Organic also has the USDA Certified Organic Seal, which means this organic dog food contains no prohibited synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, no added antibiotics or growth hormones and no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.
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Purina Beyond Organic
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We start with organic humanely raised chicken as the #1 ingredient. Our recipes are made with a precise blend of organic ingredients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals expressly blended for optimal nutrition. No corn, wheat or soy is added to our recipes. Additionally, no artificial preservatives, colors or flavors are included in our premium pet food. Formulated by our pet food nutritionists, Tender & True Organic Premium Chicken & Liver Recipe dog food is formulated specifically for all dogs throughout All Life Stages, except for growth of large size dogs, 70 lbs or more as an adult.
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neardiss · 1 year
Important Tips About Finding Liv Pure Ingredients
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Those poorly liver is about the substantial places in your metabolism in fact it is required in assorted wi-fi will work. It additionally gambles on a huge role found in weight reducing basically by resorting nourishment easily into energy resource and even assisting the complete body slim away extra few pounds. But if your liver organ isn?h working correctly this can prevent the body system away from fat loss and you will probably have a deficiency of power through the day. Liv Pure supplement posesses a secret unite which maximizes lean meats do the trick plus increases fat burning plus fertilizing absorption. A new increase aside from that eliminates craving allows our own bodies lose the fat. The main aid has all-natural recipe and doesn't provide any kind of toxins, poisons and also bogus varieties and hues. It happens to be acceptable when deciding to take common and therefore doesn?s root cause just about any undesirable side effects a choice between. Their Little-known The liver Fat-Burning Tricky throughout this products is made up of five ingredients Camellia Sinensis, Resveratrol, Genistein, Chlorogenic Acid, and Choline. These particular formula are often referred to as insured plus tried and tested.
These components work at form teams to raise the metabolism, get rid of fat swifter and increase creating nitric oxide by the liver. Furthermore, they assist the body to process suscrose together with wellbeing proteins to come up with force. Is simply because explanation why this specific add to truly efficient can it be reverses quite a few harm on all of the liver organ so it helps the physique drop some pounds by nature without ever bankrupt or sometimes learning a powerful routines. Graphs a busy and additional the disgestive system internal organs dwindle valuable when the the liver isn?testosterone doing certainly. The good qualities powering delivers believed which will so half of all the ingredients inside this supplement continue to be sharp within the resulting in ideal liver organ health insurance and quickly moving the metabolism. This supplement has been produced as indicated by most of the well being specs and it's also fot that reason protected to drink on most dads and moms. On the other hand, this isn't suggested for women who are pregnant, looking after mothers and dads and even people inside of the era of Twenty that are bringing any individual good herbal treatments. Include those with beliefs to understand LivPure scam along with points can seem to be able to click here.
As well, the particular complement is not meant to modify diet and physical activity and must be utilised merely as being forced. The producer supplies a 60-day money in turn assure for clients that depressed considering the gains or have each other complaints about your jewelry. The specific Liv Pure software aids quite a few people lose some weight and attain their particular workout goals with out any effort and hard work or else weight-loss. The reason for our hard working liver has the lose weight better when it will be healthy and well balanced this also then will make the your body a lot working and so busy. Besides it raises the manufacturing of nitric oxide which might be ideal for men and women battle to get in shape. Usually the health supplement is on the market on the web and are at a reasonable price. The maker offers quotation that means low cost charge if you own a larger number of remover bottles immediately. Equally tube can last for month to month and additionally accompanies free delivery. It may be a lot for individuals that be able to get gone all their old extra fat then better their wellbeing. Familiarize yourself with during this reviews about liv pure within your web site link.
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worldecoideas · 2 years
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Despite the challenges of an economic downturn and a volatile political climate, there are still many reasons to be optimistic about the future of our planet. The New Year is a time when most people set resolutions to improve their lives, and this is no different for those who wish to live more sustainably. If you’re ready to make eco-conscious resolutions for the New Year, read on for some ideas that will help you on your way. The new year is always a time for fresh starts and new beginnings, which makes it the perfect moment to reassess your life and bring about positive changes in your habits, routines, and outlook on life. Green resolutions are a great way of making sure that you don’t just talk about being more eco-friendly but put action behind your words. Travel Smart If you’re planning on traveling in the New Year, make sure that you’re aware of the ways in which you can reduce your carbon footprint. Air travel is one of the most polluting forms of transport, so the more you can cut down on the number of times you fly each year, the better. If flying is absolutely necessary, try to find out which airlines have the best safety records and the least impact on the environment. Choose to travel during off-peak hours when fewer planes are in the air and try to avoid flying on long weekends, as these are the busiest times of the year for aviation. If you’re planning on traveling by car, make sure you’re aware of the rules and regulations in the different areas you’re traveling through. For example, during winter months many areas enforce rules on the use of snow tires and chains. Winter driving can be dangerous, so it’s important that you’re as prepared as possible to travel through these conditions. Likewise, if traveling by train, always check the times of the day when the trains are most busy and try to avoid traveling during these peak periods, as they can cause a lot more pollution as a result. If you’re traveling by car or train, try to go for the most fuel-efficient option available to you. Keep in mind that you can also travel sustainably by booking a cruise. The International Tourism Partnership recommends taking a cruise to reduce your carbon footprint, as it is the most energy-efficient form of travel. Go Organic If you’re planning on going organic in the New Year, you’ll not only be helping your wallet but also making a positive impact on the environment. Organic produce has to be grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and artificial fertilizers, meaning that it’s a much kinder option for the environment. Buying organic food is not only better for your health but also better for the planet. All those synthetic chemicals can be extremely harmful to the environment, particularly water bodies like lakes, rivers, and oceans. Organic produce is better for you as well, as it contains higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. If you want to go completely organic in the New Year, you’ll need to ensure that everything you eat is grown organically. This includes items such as spices and condiments. However, if you want to make the transition to an organic diet gradually, you can start off by swapping a few items for organic equivalents each week. Go Vegan As we’ve covered, going vegan is a great way to be eco-conscious and is a growing part of the environmentally friendly movement. More and more people are choosing to go vegan in order to reduce their carbon footprint and have a positive impact on the environment. Plant-based foods have much less of an impact on the environment than meat and dairy products, which means that a vegan diet is much better for the planet. If you’re currently not vegan but would like to try going vegan in the New Year, there are plenty of resources available to help you make the transition. There are plenty of vegan recipe books, blogs, and online guides that can help you make the transition to a vegan diet easier. Going vegan is not as difficult
as most people think it is, and with the right resources, you can make the transition easier. Veganism is not just a diet; it’s a lifestyle choice that is better for your health, better for animals, and better for the planet. Go Local Many people are now choosing to buy locally-grown produce, which is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. Not only does buying locally cut down on the amount of transportation that your product has to go through, but it also ensures that you’re supporting local farmers and their communities. This is helpful for their livelihoods and means that you’re getting fresher and healthier produce from nearby farms. Buying locally-grown produce can help you to reduce your carbon footprint and make a positive impact on the environment. However, be sure to check that the product you buy is truly grown locally, as stores can sometimes market certain items as locally sourced when they’re not. Likewise, you can save even more carbon by growing your produce at home. Growing your vegetables, herbs, and fruits is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint, particularly if you choose to grow them indoors. Don’t Forget Your Wallet While it’s important to be eco-conscious, it’s equally important to be financially conscious. This doesn’t mean that you have to go without and live a life of poverty, but it does mean that you’re careful in all areas of your life. Try to reduce your energy and water usage as much as possible and make sure you’re not being wasteful. This also includes making sure you’re not leaving your computer on standby, leaving lights on in rooms that are unoccupied, and turning off the water while you brush your teeth. Don’t be afraid to buy used items when possible, and be sure to recycle wherever possible. It’s also important to be selective about the subscriptions you choose to sign up for and be careful with your spending in general. Commit To Clearer Skin If you’re hoping to go eco-conscious in the New Year, you might want to consider committing to clearer skin. The beauty industry is an incredibly polluting industry, particularly synthetic beauty products. Many of the ingredients used in synthetic beauty products are harmful not only to your health but also to the environment. By making the switch to natural beauty products, you can not only improve your skin but also make a positive impact on the environment. Natural beauty products are made from organic ingredients, which is better for your skin and for the environment. Moreover, natural beauty products are often vegan-friendly, which means that you can make a positive impact on both your skin and the environment by going cruelty-free. Commit To Clearer Breath Not only is there a huge environmental impact to be considered in the beauty industry, but there’s also a huge environmental impact to be considered in the food industry. This is particularly the case when it comes to the food we eat every day: staple foods like bread, pasta, rice, and beans. These staple foods are often made with synthetic ingredients that can be harmful not only to our health but also to the environment. For example, certain types of dyes and preservatives used in food can be very harmful to aquatic life in water bodies like lakes, rivers, and oceans. By committing to clearer breath by only eating foods that are certified organic, you can not only improve your health but also make a positive impact on the environment. Be Smart About Where You Live If you’re currently looking for a new house, apartment, or rental property, now is the perfect time to be smart about where you choose to live. If you’re in the market for a new place to live, try to find somewhere that has access to renewable energy sources. You can also work with your landlord to put solar panels on the roof of your rental property. Solar energy is one of the cleanest forms of renewable energy, and so this is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and make a positive impact on the environment.
Be sure to shop around when you’re buying solar panels, as they can vary in price depending on the company you purchase them from. Conclusion In the New Year, it’s important to remember that we all have the power to make positive changes. With the right attitude, it’s possible to live more sustainably and help to reduce our carbon footprint, from making the switch to more eco-friendly beauty products to choosing a rental property that has access to solar panels.  
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joshua1blog · 2 years
Best fertilizer for vegetable garden
Do house plants need extraordinary soil?
Houseplants need to have space in their dirt for root development, air circulation, and legitimate seepage. Assuming that a dirt blend contains genuine soil from outside, there is an extraordinary opportunity that your indoor plant will not answer well to it. Plants likewise need a decent pH and normal supplements to keep them developing and flourishing.
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What is contrast between fertilized house plant soil and preparing blend?
Fertilized soil is any cultivating media that is made out of soil. It very well may be totally soil or it is blended in with other soil-less materials. It is generally utilized for filling in low spots in a raised bed. Preparing blend is a completely soil-less nursery medium.
Could I at any point utilize Marvel Gro preparing blend for house plants?
Indeed, you can utilize Supernatural occurrence Gro preparing blend for both indoor and outside plants. The fixings in Wonder Gro are appropriate for blossoms, organic products, vegetables, spices, and different sorts of plants.
What is indoor fertilized soil?
Fertilized soil ought to have the right fixings to oxygenate and give supplements to plants, which is the reason domain landscaper and horticulturist Brooke Medlin says preparing blends are commonly made out of peat, a tad of destroyed pine bark, and superheated minerals like perlite or vermiculite to circulate air through the dirt.
How would I pick soil for my natural fertilizer for plants?
If all else fails, pick blends that are light and cushioned. As a rule, you don't need weighty, thick blends that won't allow water to deplete or roots develop. Most plants like to be somewhat excessively dry than excessively wet, and it's dependably simpler to add water than treat root decay! On the off chance that you don't know, fail on the light, dry side.
Could you at any point establish in preparing blend?
For most compartment developed plants, you can utilize a standard universally handy preparing blend however a few plants require especially great waste or a sequential pH. For these exceptional circumstances, you can buy preparing blends planned for explicit sorts of plants.
Is preparing blend or gardening soil better for indoor plants?
Would it be a good idea for me to utilize gardening soil or preparing blend for my houseplants? While it's not valid for each houseplant, preparing blend is for the most part the better choice. This contains a development medium like fine bark, vermiculite, perlite, as well as peat greenery.
To make your own ideal soil blend, completely mix 1 section peat or coir, 1 section perlite or vermiculite, one-half part treated the soil bark, and one-half part worm castings. You can develop pretty much any harvest in your indoor nursery with this blend.
How might I purchase fertilized soil without gnats?
Wonder Gro Indoor Preparing Blend is our top decision for indoor plants. The non-bark, non-fertilizer recipe is quick depleting. It likewise won't stand any kind of test and draw in gnats. The Home Terminal clients report a distinction in their indoor plants' wellbeing not long after changing to this memory garden ideas.
How frequently should indoor plants be watered?
As a rule, houseplants' fertilized soil ought to be kept wet, yet entirely not wet. They typically need watering on more than one occasion per week in the spring and summer, yet less in the pre-winter and winter.
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agentofmischief · 3 years
Birthstone Legacy Challenge
Ok, I don’t post a lot on here, but I’m a huge fan of the sims. I’ve been playing it since gen 1 back in 2000. So, I’ve been having fun with challenges, especially the past couple years with 100 Baby, and I’ve found online. And after reading hearing and reading up on Lilsimsie’s Not So Berry Challenge, I had an idea of my own challenge. So, I thought I’d share if anyone else wanted to play along.
Disclaimer: These challenges mean nothing in regards to people born in that month. I simply took symbolism and cultural aspects of each stone to create a challenging and interesting playthroughs you might not think to do.
Lifespan requirements: Normal (not sure if it’s possible on Short, but if you want hard mode, do it).
The idea is to start with your month’s birthstone, then each generation is the next month’s stone for either 10 generations (traditional Legacy), or 12 if you wan to do the full year. You could also start on the month after your birth month with a full year play-through, so your birth month acts as a “finale”. Might be helpful if say your birth month is April, and you know your month’s stone is Diamond and to you it sounds like a finisher, or if your birth month is December, and you’d just prefer to start with January’s stone. It’s up to you.
These will just be listed month by month, so they are easy to find.
Like in the other color challenges, you want to model your sim with the stone’s colors in mind. You should also build their house with their stone’s color in mind.
1. January stone: GARNET
    Color: Dark Red
Garnets have a high refractive index, which causes them to look as if they are emitting light. Due to this phenomenon, travelers during the crusades would carry them to ward off evil. The stone represents Faith, Love and Constance.
Traits: Good, Ambitious, Cheerful
 - Complete the Soulmate aspiration
- Complete the Law career as a judge.
- Must maintain career until death (meaning no retirement, quitting, or being fired).
- Must have at least 2 kids after the soulmate aspiration is fulfilled.
- All children must be raised with all green character values and no lower than Bs in school.
2. February stone: AMETHYST
    Color: Purple
The word Amethyst comes from the Greek word, amethystos, meaning “not drunken.” This comes from a myth where Dionysus was so enraged, he vowed his wrath on the next human he saw, which was a young woman, Amethystos. To “save” this woman, Artemis turned her to stone (note to self, don’t ask Artemis to save you ever, because her track record sucks). Dionysus calmed at seeing the stone’s beauty, and poured his wine on it, giving the stone it’s purple color. In more recent centuries, amethysts have been associated with piety and rank in the Catholic Church, as bishops are given amethysts when they are appointed.
Traits: Genius, Bookworm, Snob (If you have Snowy escape, replace one of these with Proper).
-Complete the Knowledge - Renaissance Sim aspiration.
-Complete the Education Career as a Professor.
-Can not go to bars or nightclubs
-Max out Logic, Writing, and a musical skill (Violin, Guitar, Piano, or Singing)
-Can never marry or enter into an official dating relationship; HOWEVER must have at least 1 kid at some point to continue the legacy. This can be through adoption, which is more likely if you want to play pure piety or you have an Ace sim in mind, and the adoptee must be a child or teen. The other option is through secret woohoos if you want to play the more historically accurate, seedy way. **If you are playing with Risky Woohoos, you can have max 2 kids living with you. All others children must be removed from the house and into a Townie’s home once they become toddlers.
3. March stone: AQUAMARINE
    Color: Light Blue
Due to aquamarine’s sea-like color, they’ve long been associated with traveling and the sea. Sailors used to put them under their pillows to calm themselves. They are said to inspire peace and ward off poisons.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Glutton, Loner
-Complete Angling Ace aspiration.
-Eat out of the trash 5 times without getting sick.
-Have an aquarium with 10 fish.
-Catch a vampire squid. ** Or if you have Island Living, you must become a mermaid.
-Must eat and learn to make Pufferfish Nigiri.
4. April stone: DIAMOND
   Color: White/Silver
Diamond is the hardest stone on Earth, and is often associated with wealth and treasures. The word diamond comes from the greek word adamas, meaning unconquerable. They are the most popular of the stones, and so recently have been “Lab Grown.”
Traits: Ambitious, Insider, Perfectionist
-Complete the Scientist career.
-Complete Leader of the Pack aspiration.
-Find all the crystals.
-Must clone a diamond.
-Become best friends with Judith Ward and have a framed selfie with her in your house.
-Date/marry someone in the Style-influencer career.
5. May stone: EMERALD
    Color: Dark Green
Emeralds are an old stone, first mined in ancient Egypt. Cleopatra was known to wear them frequently. They are said to symbolize fertility, wisdom, and Spring. It’s also said to heal heartbreak.
Traits: Jealous, Romantic, Materialistic
-Master Gardening skill.
-Date and 100% romance a politician, then break up with them.
-Have at least 3 kids from multiple partners (each must have reached 100% romance first).
-Breed a frog worth over $100
-Must complete Fabulously Wealthy aspiration
-Does not marry, UNLESS you have Strangerville, and can marry an Officer in the Military Branch. However, when they die, so does your sim.
6. June stone: PEARL
    Color: White/Cream
Pearls are created by oysters and are considered the “perfect” gem, as it needs no man-mad alterations. Pearls are often attributed to wisdom through experience, as well as innocence and fertility.
Traits: Childish, Perfectionist, Family-oriented
-Must have 5 kids before becoming an adult.
-Must complete the Curator aspiration.
-Must master 10 skills. ** If you are using Tiny House perks, 15 skills.
7. July stone: RUBY
    Color: Bright Red
Rubies are well known for their blood-red color, earning their association with health and vitality. They are also symbols of love, passion, and prosperity.
Traits: Self-Assured, Romantic, Self-Absorbed
-Complete Serial Romantic aspiration.
-Master Cooking, Athletic, and Charisma skills.
-Complete Doctor Career.
-Must Woohoo at least once in each: Closet, Jacuzzi, Observatory, Bush, Spaceship, Lighthouse, Pile of leaves, Shower, Coffin.
8. August stone: PERIDOT
   Color: Light Green
Peridot is the stone of compassion, bringing health and peace to emotions and the mind. It inspires eloquence, creativity, and good cheer.
Traits: Creative, Vegetarian, Goofball
-Complete the Painter Career.
-Master Painting, Photography, and Handiness skills.
-Paint 5 Masterpieces.
-Craft a bathtub of excellent quality.
-Complete Painter Extraordinaire aspiration.
9. September stone: SAPPHIRE
    Color: Royal Blue
With the most famous sapphires being Princess Diana’s iconic engagement ring and The Heart of the Ocean in Titanic, it’s now wonder Sapphires hue long been associated with nobility and power. The stone symbolizes strength, loyalty, and focus through self-discipline.
Traits: Materialistic, Genius, Insider ** If you have snowy escape, Proper takes place for Materialistic.
-Complete the Law Career as a Private Attorney.
-Complete the Mansion Baron aspiration.
-Must start a club with Wealthy requirement ($30,000+). *If you start a fraternity/sorority in University, it counts if wealthy is listed as a requirement.
-Max out Charisma, Logic, and Writing skills.
-Must marry another club leader.
-Must get Gold in Wedding Social Event, and pay full $1750. Minimum of 10 guests.
-Must have a son. (He does not HAVE to be the continuation of the Legacy, but he can if you want. Also, if you have a born daughter, but decide to transition her, that does not count. Since it’s a click of a button without game mechanic influence, it’s kind of cheating. HOWEVER, if you decide your born son should transition, it still counts. This is mostly to take the steps during pregnancy to make a boy (since we’ve all watched others influence for a girl 1000x), That or to keep going until “the odds are in your favor.”)
10. October stone: PINK TOURMALINE
      Color: Pink
Pink Tourmaline, also known as October rose, represents humanity, sympathy to others, and humanitarian work. It’s believed to carry the virtue of love that is unconditional, offering comfort to children and lasting friendships.
Traits: Unflirty, Gloomy, Outgoing
-Complete the Politician career as a Charity Organizer.
-Complete Friend to the World aspiration.
-Adopt 2 kids (Do not have to be legacy continuation).
-Max out friendship/be best friends with 4 sims before becoming an Adult. The friendship must be maintained throughout life.
-Have a rose garden.
-Write 5 Children’s books.
-Volunteer with family 5 times.
*If you get the pop-up asking to donate to charity, you must if you have the money.
11. November stone: CITRINE
     Color: Dark Yellow (almost Gold)
Citrine’s yellow stone radiates happiness, creativity, and wealth. Named for it’s citrus like color, it’s no wonder it’s the stone for a month known for it’s food. Citrine is known also as the Merchant’s stone for it’s golden color.
Traits: Cheerful, Foodie, Creative
-Complete Culinary Career.
-Complete Culinary aspiration.
-Master Cooking and baking skills.
-Own a fruit and vegetable garden with every possible fruit and veggie in your game.
-Own a Bakery or Restaurant.
-Cook an Excellent quality Grand Meal.
-Learn 10 Food Stall recipes.
12. December stone: Turquoise
     Color: Blue/Green (Teal)
Turquoise is an odd one. In European cultures, it’s the stone of friendship and attracts money and luck, but is also frequently used in Evil Eye talismans. Historically, Montezuma II gifted these gems to Cortez, the Spanish Conquistador. The Apache used turquoise as well, as a charm on their bows for better aim.
Traits: Evil, Outgoing, Kleptomaniac
-Max out Mischief and Charisma skills.
-Complete the Criminal Career.
-Complete Public Enemy aspiration.
-Start a Kleptomaniac club.
-Steal an object worth $10,000
-Marry someone with the Good trait, and cheat on them 5 times.
Happy simming!
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thumbgarden · 3 years
How to grow Ammi majus: planting and care
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Ammi majus, also known as Queen Anne's lace, can be grown as an annual or biennial plant. It belongs to the Umbelliferae family and has good taproots, bare sturdy stems, and pinnately dissected, lance-shaped leaves. So how to grow Ammi majus? This article provides answers for planting as well as care.
Ammi majus has small, unattractive, and light-colored flowers. They are collected in umbels up to a few inches in diameter. the flowering period is from midsummer to early autumn. The fruits are slightly flattened, side-viewing fruits without anything covering them and smooth. They are quite small, measuring only two and a half millimeters. They ripen in mid-autumn.
INFORMATION ABOUT AMMI MAJUS Ammi majus is a small genus of the Umbelliferae family. It consists of six species of one- and two-year-old herbs native to the Mediterranean coast as well as northern Africa.
Ammi majus has a taproot and an erect, branched stem. The lower leaves are long-petiolate and the upper leaves are short-petiolate. The rich green leaves are dissected into 2-3 tiny lobes. The leaf margin is sharply serrate.
Ammi majus flowers from midsummer to autumn. Small white flowers with five small petals are gathered in large compound inflorescences. The peculiar smell attracts insects, including bees. The honey is fragrant and slightly red in color.
After flowering, the fruits appear as laterally flattened, lamellar fruits. They look very attractive and split into two lobes when ripe.
BENEFITS OF AMMI MAJUS Ammi majus belongs to the category of medicinal plants. It has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. Today, it is known for its medicinal value. Urinary tract. Leucoderma. Digestive organs. Colds.
The plant contains essential oil with the following valuable components. bergapten. Aflatoxin. Royaltyin. Isopirin. Flavonoids. Fatty oils.
Great importance is attached to the medicinal properties of the substance flavopiridol. It has very good properties in restoring skin pigmentation. Therefore, it is an indispensable plant in the manufacture of drugs for the treatment of vitiligo (leukoderma), alopecia, psoriasis, erysipelas, neurodermatitis.
Ammi majus bioactive components in the fine vessels strengthen and regulate the uterus and intestines. It includes preparations of Ammi majus, used as choline, diuretic, and sedative.
In nature, Ammi majus is distributed in southern and southeastern Europe, North Africa, the Near and Middle East, Russia, and Ukraine.
Today, the plant is successfully cultivated on an industrial scale.
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HOW TO GROW AMMI MAJUS There are two varieties of farm-grown Ammi majus - large and toothed. The plants are large, but not bulky. The openwork "airy" leaves accentuate the decorative nature of the inflorescence. Ammi majus is excellent for cutting and stays fresh for a week. Great on its own as a bouquet or as a backdrop for other flowers.
Ammi majus is completely undemanding, grows in any soil, and is not attacked by pests. Recommended for planting as an annual. The abundant fruit provides planting material for homeowners.
The fruits of the plant contain medicinal substances. Even ancient Egypt with their help tried to fight diseases such as vitiligo, psoriasis, erysipelas. Today, the cultivation of medicinal Ammi majus on a commercial scale is underway.
Medicines (pills, ointments) are produced by well-known pharmaceutical companies. However, self-medication with infusions and decoctions is fraught with serious problems. In fact, there are many contraindications and side effects.
Therefore, it is better to grow Ammi majus exclusively as decoration in gardens and balconies and enjoy the beauty of the plant.
CULTIVATION OF AMMI MAJUS Ammi medicines can be cultivated perfectly as a cultivated plant. It is very simple and unpretentious. However, there are some conditions to get good results.
So, the soil for growing Ammi majus should be black and clean, and weed-free. It can be planted on plots that have previously been planted with cereal crops, early vegetables, and medicinal plants: chamomile and poppy oil seeds.
Before planting, the soil should be prepared. 1. cleaning the residues of previous crops. 2. to plow. 3. to make plowing and harrowing.
All the above actions are combined with soil fertilization. Before deep plowing, it is necessary to apply the following nutrient mixtures on a per hectare basis. 1. ammonium sulfate: 2.5g. 2. superphosphate: 3.5g. 3. ammonium nitrate: 1.5g.
Before sowing in spring combine the introduction of potassium chloride (50 kg), superphosphate (300 kg), and ammonium nitrate (100 kg) per hectare of soil.
Then, for maximum effect, the sowing should be combined with the application of calcium superphosphate to the soil. This will improve the germination of seeds and increase the yield by up to 35% (seed harvest).
And in the cultivation of Ammi majus, the last application of fertilizer is made at the vegetative stage when the seedlings form about six leaves. At this stage, ammonium nitrate is applied. However, an important condition for fertilization is soil moisture, which must be at least 20%. If, for example, it is impossible to irrigate the site and it has not rained for a long time, but it is better not to do ammonium nitrate.
Ammi majus can be sown with both spring and winter under the ground. It should be noted that it is better to carry out spring planting. To improve the germination of seeds, they are stratified for three months. The seeds are then dried and sieved. Another preparation step is to soak the seeds in water for one day before sowing. Floating sowing is not suitable.
Ammi majus is sown with a disk seeder to a depth of 1inch (2 cm). The sowing rate was 5 kg for a one-hectare plot. Under favorable weather conditions, the first shoots appear after two weeks.
Fall sowing requires increasing the seeding rate to 6 kg and reducing the burial depth to 0.6inch (1.5 cm). Otherwise, the planting technique is the same.
Ammi majus is planted on cultivated land and requires certain human actions to take care of the crop.
The main task is loosening the soil and timely removal of weeds. For this purpose, it is necessary to carry out inter-row clearance of weeds with a special cultivator. During the whole period of formation of the ground part, as a rule, three to four cultivations are carried out.
Weeds in the rows are removed by hand. This work should be done at least twice and should be combined with thinning work. If the seedlings are too thick, the yield will be significantly reduced. The first weeding is done to thin the shoots when Ammi majus is still small and has two leaves.
The seeds are used for medicinal purposes. Therefore, a large collection of this material is grown on an industrial scale Ammi majus large.
The seeds are harvested when the percentage of maturity exceeds sixty percent. This is done mechanically, with the help of a combined harvester specially equipped for this purpose. The harvested crop is dried and cleaned.
The yield of this medicinal plant is not very high, with an average of about ten hundred pounds of seeds per hectare. The storage and use period of the medicinal herb depends on the storage conditions and is 3-10 years.
THE FIRST STEP AFTER PURCHASING SEEDS Ammi majus is grown from seeds. They remain germinating for 3-4 years, which should be noted at the time of purchase.
In areas with relatively warm winters, it is recommended to sow seeds under winter. In areas with more severe climatic conditions, spring sowing is done. The optimum soil temperature is 43-46°F (6-8°C). Seedlings emerge in 1.5 to 2 weeks. Seedlings grow unhurriedly at first. But after the tillering stage, they actively increase in height and width.
To advance the flowering time helps to raise seedlings in February-March. It is advisable to stratify seeds for a month. Bury them in the nutrient substrate 0.8inch (2 cm), moisten the soil and cover it with glass or polyethylene.
Place the container in a warm place until sprouts appear. Sprouts need plenty of light, but the night air temperature should not exceed 53-59°F (12-15°C). Otherwise, seedlings will stretch disproportionately.
Seedlings can be moved to designated locations by the end of May. Given the fragility of the root system, great care should be taken when transplanting so as not to damage the ground nodules.
RECIPE FOR SUCCESS Ammi majus grows well in full sun and semi-shade. Any garden soil is suitable, just take care of a good and reliable drainage layer.
In case of open sowing, it is recommended to add organic fertilizer to the soil beforehand. The seedlings are planted with two applications of complex mineral fertilizer.
Ammi majus is drought tolerant but needs regular and moderate watering in the early stages of growth and in hot weather. Temperature and water characteristics are not important.
The plants respond thankfully to weeding and loosening of the soil.
POSSIBLE DIFFICULTIES Ammi majus suffers from waterlogging in the soil. The root system rots rapidly and the plant dies. Lowland areas are considered unsuitable for maintaining representatives of this flora. The soil is watered only after it has dried out.
In the absence of light, the stems increase in height and density, but flowering becomes sparse. There is a possibility of not producing fruits. High air humidity during flowering will have the same effect.
Ammi majus are tall plants with many branches. If they do not have enough space, they will become smaller and weaker.
CARE AND HARVESTING Ammi majus crop care includes systematic loosening of the soil between the rows and the plants do not receive compaction. As two true leaves appear on the shoots, they are thinned out. During drought, at the beginning of cultivation - watering every 2-3 days. During flowering, watering is reduced.
Harvesting of Ammi majus takes place during the period of massive seed maturity when most of the umbels curl and the stems turn yellowish. After harvesting, Ammi majus fruits are dried and peeled.
#AmmiMajus #Tips #How To Grow #Flower #Garden #Ornamentals #CutFlowers #DriedFlowers #DecorativeFlowers #FlowerGarden #FlowerBeds #ThumbGarden
Author: Ms.Geneva Link: https://www.thumbgarden.com/how-to-grow-ammi-majus/ Source: ThumbGarden The copyright belongs to the author. For commercial reprints, please contact the author for authorization, and for non-commercial reprints, please indicate the source.
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zerowasteinitiative · 4 years
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Zero Waste Cooking: 17 Ways to Reduce Food Waste in the Kitchen
The first steps for reducing your food waste are making a plan, getting organized and shopping smart. The next step — zero waste cooking — means approaching food completely differently, as if the trash can doesn’t exist. Use parts of ingredients in ways you haven’t before. Instead of throwing them out, saute leaves, steep leftover herbs in hot water for tea, dehydrate peels to create spice mixes. 1. Cook Every Part Zero waste cooking starts with the obvious: eat every part of the ingredient you’re cooking with. This is nose-to-tail, root-to-stem cooking. - USE STEMS The leaves of vegetables like Swiss chard and kale are often removed from the fibrous stem (sometimes called the rib) before being chopped, to make cooking faster. But the stems are also edible. Chop them up and saute, add to soups or puree into smoothies. - USE GREENS Bunches of radishes, daikon greens, turnips, beets and other root vegetables are often sold with the greens still attached. Toss them raw into salads, saute them, make them into kimchi, or swap them into recipes that call for spinach, like this goat cheese tart with beet and turnip greens. - USE FRONDS AND LEAVES Just like greens contain precious flavor, so too do the leaves. Don’t toss those celery leaves or carrot or fennel fronds away! Use them like you would parsley in salads, soup, risotto and other recipes. - USE SEEDS And don’t forget about the seeds when you are cooking pumpkin or squash! Roast them and use in sauces, salads, baked goods and desserts; our favorite way to use them is this pumpkin seed chocolate bark. - USE PEELS So many fruits and vegetables are peeled that don’t need to be: carrots, potatoes, apples, peaches, the list goes on. But if you are committed to zero waste cooking and committed to peeling your food — whether for texture or preferred color of the finished dish — use those peels! Just make sure you give your fruit or vegetable a good scrub before peeling. - USE THE ENDS When you think you’ve already used every edible bit: you might still be overlooking one final use! We heard from many readers who feed carrot tops to their dogs as treats. Parmigiano ends (or rinds) can be used to add flavor to soup or broth. - LOVE YOUR FREEZER There’s a reason that a common food waste tip is to make the freezer your best friend: freezing ingredients stops the ripening process in its tracks. You can freeze fruits and vegetables to use at a future time; to store prepared foods for later; or use the freezing process to “cook” them for now. - BEFRIEND THE DEHYDRATOR Another great way to give your food long-lasting shelf life: the dehydrator. Have too many hot peppers? Dry them out to make your own chile powder. Picked too many apples? Slice thin and crisp them into chips. Don’t have a dehydrator? You can dry many ingredients out in an oven set at the lowest temperature. - PROPERLY PICKLE You can’t pour piping hot pickling liquid over everything, but if handled the right way, there’s very little that can’t be pickled, from eggs and chile peppers to more fragile celery leaves and berries. - JAM Cooking fruit or vegetables down into jam can be another good way to preserve items that are at their peak, before they head into the trash zone. 2. Throw Nothing Away The true secret to zero waste cooking is ignoring the trash can and finding a use for everything. - MAKE STOCK Toss any scraps you can’t find a way to use — onion and garlic peels, herb stems, carrot tops — into a bag in the freezer. Just remember to wash any visible dirt off the ingredients before tossing into the scrap bag, and strain the stock afterwards. - MAKE PUREE Turn overripe fruit like bananas and berries into puree. Can’t use it right away? Freeze it or turn it into fruit leather. - INFUSE FLAVOR Do you find mushroom stems too woody to eat? Or prefer to eat apples without the peels? Instead, use those parts for infusions. Any ingredient with aromatic flavor — an herb, fruit, vegetable — can be for a secondary use to create infusions, tinctures or extracts. 3. Use It Twice Reusing spices, herbs, peels and other ingredients to flavor or infuse gets the most out of them. - ZEST Citrus zest that’s been dropped in a glass of water or cocktail can have a second life: rinse off the zest, and use it again to infuse into vinegars, for a household cleaner, or olive oil, great for marinades. - PEELS AND CORES Apple peels and cores can also do double work. After using the peels and cores to infuse into vinegar or liquor, you can cook the cores down into a mostarda (after removing the seeds), or rinse the peels and use them as a pot cleaner. - COMPOST Once you’ve used your ingredients as far as they will go, toss them into the compost bin. 4. Don’t Forget the Non-Edible Parts! - Banana peels can be rubbed on bug bites to take the itch away. - Eggs shells can be used as an abrasive for scrubbing pots and pans or crushed into soil as a nutrient-dense fertilizer. - Use dried out corn cobs as pot scrubbers or as a replacement for wood chips when grilling. - Citrus seeds can be used to make pectin. - Avocado pits can be sprouted into house plants, and are also a traditional ingredient in enchilada sauces. -------- Visit our website: https://zerowasteinitiative.com/ Source: Internet 🌳 Zero Waste Initiative - Less Trash More Life ! 🌏 Let's Save The World While There's Still Time !
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