#different types of organic fertilizers
gardenholic · 9 months
5 Type of Best Organic Fertilizers That You Must Have for Your Home Garden
Organic fertilizers are a substance composed of animal or vegetable matter used alone or in combination with one or more non synthetically derived elements or compounds.  These fertilizers are naturally produced and are materials that can be added to soil or plants, in order to provide nutrients and sustain growth.  Typical organic fertilizers include all animal waste including meat processing…
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xtruss · 1 year
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Pasture-Raised Eggs, like those seen here, are often the Most Expensive Eggs at the grocery store. The label indicates that egg-producing hens have ample access to the outdoors. Photograph By Rebecca Hale, National Geographic
Cage-Free or Free-Range? Here’s What Those Egg Labels Really Mean! You May Not Be Getting What You Think You’re Paying For—Learn Why.
— By Hannah Farrow | September 22, 2023
In the U.S. Egg Consumption is on the rise—one person eats an estimated 300 eggs per year. And it’s easy to see why.
Eggs are “one of the most bioavailable sources of protein you can eat,” said Vicki Retelny, a registered dietitian nutritionist, “meaning that the body, the muscle, really does absorb and utilize that protein from the egg very efficiently.”
Yet, those cartons of eggs range from under $2 to over $10 at grocery stores, and they vary from cage-free to organic, brown to white, “vegetable-fed” to “free-range.”
But does organic mean what you think it does? And what labels are worth the extra money?
Learn what you’re getting for the price you’re paying.
'Conventional' Eggs, From Grade A To Cage-Free
The cheapest eggs at the grocery store, around $2-$4 depending on where you live, are generally those collected from hens bred in captivity—200,000 or more in one barn—with little to no access to sunlight. Because of their poor living conditions, which equates to high stress, farmers often clip the hens’ beaks to prevent them from picking at their own and others’ feathers, says Kestrel Burcham, the Director of Domestic Policy at the Cornucopia Institute, an Organic Industry Watchdog Group.
“Their lives are brutally short. They’re essentially pushed to lay eggs at an unnatural rate, and as soon as they start to slow down because of their natural clock and how many eggs they have in them, they’re slaughtered,” Burcham says.
Once killed, these chickens’ meat will be used in items like soups or dog food, or put in a landfill.
Terms you’ll see in this price range, and what they mean:
Grade A: Like meat grading, this term refers to the physical qualities of the eggs, like the firmness of the egg whites.
If a carton only has Grade A on it, the chickens were most likely raised in battery cages—once the industry standard—where farmers shove thousands of chickens in cages and position them in front of a feeding trough. While the number of hens raised in this condition has shrunk over the years, almost 66% are still in battery cages, according to United Egg Producers.
Cage-Free: Cage-free is the same quantity of hens in the same space as battery cages, but without the cages.
Brown: The Color of the Shell Depends Solely on the Breed of Hen. Some strains of chickens lay Green, very Dark Brown, Olive and even Blue or Lavender eggs, Burcham says.
Middle of The Road
The quality of these hens’ lives in this category are better, but depending on the brand, it may not be by much.
Terms you’ll see in this price range, and what they mean:
Free-Range: It gets tricky as third party labels—like Certified Humane and American Humane—have different definitions for free-range than the USDA’s. The government agency’s label means the hens can’t be in cages and must be able to see the outside.
“But in Reality, these huge barns can have 200,000 or more hens,” Burcham says. “The space for the outdoors will be a little concrete porch that can maybe fit five hens.”
Vegetable-Fed: “Hens are not herbivores,” Burcham says. “They’re omnivores.”
Vegetarian-fed chickens are only eating seed and aren’t feeding on their natural diet of bugs and insects. Burcham said their hens even eat mice. With a well-rounded diet, the hens lay eggs with more vitamins and omega-3s.
Big Budget Eggs
To find a high-quality egg from a high-quality chicken, look for “really superb outdoor access,” Burcham says. Natural foraging, socialization, and a happy hen equates directly to the quality of eggs they produce.
Terms you’ll see in this price range, and what they mean:
Pasture-Raised: These hens have the largest access to the outdoors and aren’t subjected to the stress of confinement. The catch is that they’re also expensive to raise. Farmers need more land, more management, and better protection from predators, Burcham says.
Pasture-raised eggs have also been found to have higher levels of antioxidants and fatty acids compared to conventional eggs.
Despite all of the definitions, Burcham encourages consumers to do their research. In addition to these popular labels, third party groups are creating their own designations for eggs produced under certain conditions.
What Does It Really Mean To Be Organic?
To be labeled organic, multiple factors are at play, including: chicken feed free of synthetic pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, restrictions on what types of drugs the chicken can receive, and outdoor access—but that doesn’t mean they’re roaming open fields, Burcham says.
Inside the barns, farmers can use very tiny doors, which technically gives the chickens access to go outside, but the birds “have a very strong instinct to avoid predation from above,” Burcham said. Without the ability to see what’s potentially above them after they exit the door, most chickens stay inside.
When it comes to cheaper-priced organic eggs, price varies widely. Store brand organic eggs are typically the “lowest quality organic eggs you can get,” says Burcham.
These hens still get some of the organic-required qualities like natural feed and a cage-free environment, but the eggs aren’t typically what consumers would think of as organic. “Consumers usually assume that your hens [have] a high welfare environment—very outdoor-focused—and those eggs at that price point probably are not getting that.”
But the opaque organic regulations could improve with the proposed amendments to the USDA’s organic regulations, Burcham says.
Taste The Difference For Yourself
While a deep orange yolk is typically a quick way to determine egg quality, it’s not foolproof. Some farmers add spices, like cayenne pepper or cumin, to their hens’ feed to dye the yolk. The best way to tell the quality of an egg is by its taste, not by the yolk color, Burcham says.
“You will feel the oils in that yolk more, it will have a more meaty flavor,” Burcham says. “You can also sometimes taste—I don’t want to say bugs—but it tastes more like what you would get from chicken or meat.” A low-quality egg will taste like sulfur.
Loyal to a specific brand? The Cornucopia has an organic egg scorecard, which ranks the quality of organic egg brands, taking into account items including feed, flock size, animal welfare, and farmer transparency.
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seriallover · 2 months
Sexual behavior and the things you are into are seen through your Moon, Venus and Mars Yoni animal.
E.g. 1. Goat🐐 Sheep🐑: bitting, leaving marks, multiple ejaculation, rough and sensual.
2. Snake 🐍 : restriction, asphyxiation, bondage, like to doing slow, for a long time, VERY sensual, eye contact can definitely be a big turn-on.
3. Mongoose : aggressive (not in the BDSM way, more in a dominant/protective manner) and very patient. Prefer the “classical roles”, traditional type.
4. Bull 🐂 Cow 🐄: can have a praise kink or a breeding one, attracted to big chest/boobs.
5. Horse 🐎 : prefer to be the ones who initiate and like to do it fast, without much planning or organization. They are wild, have great endurance, and can last very long. Strong knees, they may enjoy immobilizing their partner with their legs. They prefer being on top and love riding.
6. Rat 🐀 : the horniest😭for PP the rat is female and she tends to be more dominant in relationship, for Magha the rat is a male who has a breeding kink. Rats usually don’t have self control over their sexual desires and can even die from having sex (the actual animal, not the human 😆or..?They are most likely to be into orgies and threesomes, and are also very fertile.
7. Lion 🦁 : lions are selective with their partners. They are passionate and sensual, needing to put on a show every time they have sex. They are aggressive, loud, and rough, preferring to be the dominant partner. Proud and craving praise, they enjoy messy, all-over-the-place intercourse Love to be teased and thrive on working for their partner's attention, embodying the hunting type.
8. Dog 🐕 : are usually submissive, love to bite, and can be somewhat aggressive (especially Ardra). They are loud and prefer 'angry/make-up sex.
9. Tiger 🐅 : all about showing off and hunting; the "prey-predator" dynamic is what turns them on. Also, the female Tiger in reality eats more than she needs, and it still isn't enough for her, so people with this yoni can become nymphomaniac.
10. Monkey 🐒 : they crave a lot of sexual attention, enjoying being the dominant one and sometimes showing exhibitionist tendencies. They prefer quickies and feel comfortable having sex only in the 'right places'—meaning nice, comfortable, and hygienic rooms or beds—for Sharavana (sex talk).
11. Buffalo 🐃 : shower/bathtub sex, into polygamy, rough, sadistic sex. For Hasta, they focus on using their hands and tongue more, turned on by dirty/sex talk, foot fetish.
12. Elephant 🐘 : they tend to prefer slow, leisurely intercourse, enjoying the process and displaying protective tendencies. As they mature, they become more open and less frivolous, often developing an interest in tantric sex.
13. Cat 🐈‍⬛ : turned on by eye contact, docile, prefer longer foreplay, don’t like to rush, and everything needs to be handled with care and softness. Like the snake, they enjoy hugging the other person tightly, almost crushing them. And like all the predator yonis, they usually enjoy performing oral on their partner.
14. Deer 🦌 : prefer to be 'hunted,' usually they aren’t the ones who initiate sexual intercourse. Sensual and mostly focused on procreating, they enjoy sex more when they are in a relationship.
This is based on what I’ve read, my experiences, and the people I’ve asked. If you’ve had different experiences or feel differently, feel free to share. Like all my observations, it may not apply to everyone. As you can see, each animal has both male and female versions, so the kinks may vary depending on the gender of the animal.
Works both ways, whether giving or receiving
Check D1 and D9
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bonefall · 4 months
i dont think people are upset that the erins "weren't creative" enough with Moonpaw, they're upset that she's just. not a chimera. thats just a longhaired tortie and they justified it with chimerism. which is extremely insensitive because chimerism is a real medical thing that can cause issues in every species, including humans for those that dont know, and thats like. a big thing.
like, yay some disability rep (depending on how they write it. it wont be good. ughh) but like. its not going to be considered a disability when it can be in some cases. they are just going to say "ohh shes so special!!" like some people say with autism in this age (the infantilization of it) and its gonna be. weirdddd
anyways. sorry for ranting in your inbox.
Hey. Woah. THIS is insensitive and I don't know where you're getting this from. NONE of the three types of natural chimerism are a disability and it is extremely rare that fusion chimerism leads to medical complications.
Do not spread misinformation about a genetic condition because you're annoyed about the writing team confusing a common tortie fur pattern with chimerism. THEIR mistake is ultimately harmless. What YOU'RE doing is stigmatizing.
Quite frankly, after seeing a bunch of posts and receiving several asks about this, I don't think half of the people who are getting mad actually know anything about chimeras. I sure as fuck hope it's just ignorance, and that you aren't out here trying to call the state of being intersex a disability.
But I can fix ignorance. No need to assume malice. I will explain what chimerism is, and why you should stop going around implying it "causes issues in every species."
Chimerism is when a single individual is comprised of cells from two or more fully fertilized zygotes. There are two BROAD types of chimerism;
Artifical chimeras are common with the advent of modern medicine. Ever had a blood transfusion? Organ transplant? You are a chimera. Or at least were for a while.
THIS can lead to complications and can cause disability, but it's not what Moonpaw is. She would be a type of natural chimera, which in and of itself has THREE subtypes;
Micro chimerism
Blood chimerism
Fusion chimerism
Microchimerism is so common that I could make a Your Mom joke out of it. It's caused by the passage of cells between the fetus and placenta during pregnancy. Everyone who has ever been pregnant is a microchimera.
While it can lead to complications, it can also be beneficial. Pregnancy could be considered a type of temporary disability, but no one would expect disability rep from every character who had ever given birth.
Blood chimeras are common in species whose twins typically share a placenta, such as cows and marmosets, but very rare in animals like humans and cats which usually don't. It occurs when tissue between two twins is exchanged through the umbilical chord. This type of chimera often ends up with a mixed bloodtype, hence the name.
This is the cause of freemartinism in cattle, when fraternal cow twins cause a sister to share her brother's hormones and act more like a bull. A type of intersex condition, not a disability-- so I sure HOPE you aren't trying to imply THIS should be "disability rep."
And even in the other case, would you automatically expect disability rep from a character that has two blood types?? No. Just like you wouldn't automatically expect disability rep from every character that had ever been pregnant, or every character who had ever needed a blood transfusion
And lastly, the one that Moonpaw ACTUALLY is. A fusion chimera. These are created when two fully fertilized zygotes fuse into a single individual.
These are extremely rare because you can't usually TELL when an individual is a chimera. There is no obvious physical difference between the "halves," with some cases of doctors insisting that patches are just weird birthmarks. They live their entire lives with normal health problems like non-chimeras. It mostly causes complications when DNA testing results in a false negative-- because the offspring of a fusion chimera occasionally end up being their genetic nespring.
Or, the two "halves" are male and female, causing gonadal differences. These people aren't disabled, there's nothing wrong with their bodies, but they're subjected to unneccesary cosmetic surgeries as children because they are intersex.
Can some intersex conditions cause disabilities? YES. Are intersex conditions inherently disabilities? NO. Even when you're discussing infertility as a disability, tread VERY CAREFULLY because intersex people are fighting very hard to lift the stigma over their bodies.
Speak with care. Do not equate being intersex with being disabled. They are two different things.
You can be both and sometimes one could contribute to the other, but BEING intersex IS NOT a disability.
VERY rarely, even MORE rare than standard chimeras which are already very very rare and massively underreported because they are so unremarkable, a fusion chimera will happen LATE in utero. THIS can contribute to a chronic autoimmune condition where the cells reject each other, which is a disability.
And by rare I mean one case. Literally one. Of the 50 reported fusion chimeras in the review I'm referencing, Taylor Muhl was the only one with this. 4 were discovered via congenital abnormalities (unknown if connected to the chimerism b/c they were only tested because something was already wrong), 17 had fertility issues, and the remaining 28 didn't report immune conditions or birth defects but INTERSEXUALITY.
ANOTHER condition is often lumped in with chimerism, by people who do not know what chimerism is, which is mosaicism. Mosaicism, when there are two different sets of genes resulting from the same zygote, is NOT chimerism. MOSAICISM can be a cause of disability. CHIMERISM is usually not.
(Read the review in depth, as it includes mosaic cases for the sake of completion.)
They can both be fertilization errors, but are not the same thing. Follow me, I'm only going to woefully simplify a complicated topic once,
CHIMERA = Two zygotes in one body
MOSAIC = Two bodies in one zygote
CHIMERA = usually fine
MOSAIC = usually bad
And the last possible places you could be getting the idea that chimerism "causes disability" from, to my knowledge, is 1. This study that says the loss of a twin in early pregnancy increases the chance of congenital defects in the survivors (has barely anything to do with chimerism, this link is tangential, vanishing twin syndrome does not necessarily mean it was absorbed by its sibling)
Or, 2, this study of several animals where they correlated rates of benign tumors to % of chimerism based on SPECIES. BLOOD chimeras. It's COWS AND MARMOSETS AGAIN. The study ITSELF calls for further targeted research of chimerism cause of susceptibility to cancer.
It couldn't even link new growths or malignant tumors to chimerism in the mammals of its study. WE'RE mammals.
Correlation does not equal causation. Statistics 101.
So no. That's not "a big thing." Chimerism is fine, they're just very likely to be intersex if they're a fusion chimera of a male and a female zygote. Do not imply intersexuality is a disability. Please get mad about the actual ableism in the series, not the team being clueless about tortie patterns.
Also everyone say you're sorry to intersex Moonpaw. I better see you people making intersex Moonpaw pride flag edits as penance IMMEDIATELY.
UPDATE: Anon apologized! Growth! I still think this is an important post, especially in the context of the wider fandom conversation, so I'm leaving it as-is. Please feel free to reblog.
UPDATE 2: Clarification on infertility as a disability because I didn't word myself very well in one section!
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[One Shot] (or not, thinking of making a part two for this)
[Alhaitham x AFAB! Reader]
Words: 6.8k
Synopsis: ah well, experiments can quite lead to either expected results or something unexpected. don't you agree?
Tags: AFAB! Reader, teasing, breeding (we doing it raw for him), voyeurism, just kinky sex with this man what else? anal, creampie, a looooottt of sex, making a movie with him, well guess it's valentines for you this night with him :D
A/N: I'm gonna have to be honest with y'all, this smut made me realize I still have my unholiness within me and it's HOLY WEEK! anyway, starting to question if I should make a part 2 (seriously thinking this is okay as a one shot). Let me know in the comments. I'm also thinking of making a playlist while you guys read this, will probably open a yt account very soon as I have already have the list of songs! did not thoroughly proofread so my bad.
Being a student under the Amurta Darshan wasn't a joke, and the other Darshans can say as well with their respective schools. Before graduating under their respective house, one must comply a special research in order to finish. Of course, being an Amurta student, research isn’t new to you nor to them as well considering the demands of research in the biological and medical field is rising.
Recently, a type of fungi has emerged in the rainforests of Sumeru. It was a great variable for research, yes, however with little to no information with regards to the new species of fungi, one must analyze and observe the organism intricately. Some of the Amurta students felt overwhelmed of studying something unknown and new however the new biological specie sparked interest in you that gathering and studying it wasn't of a big deal considering the Sage has given the graduating students time with their research.
You took the interest of how this mushroom might affect an individual if consumed. Very cliche however if taken into a researcher's perspective, it isn't. Considering of the possible harm this specie might cause if ingested. Nah, it didn't scare you. You just happen to be that curious considering of the hearsays you often hear among the localities. Peculiar, most of them saying.
It would appear that it does somehow look like a sea ganoderma that is abundant in Inazuma that bloomed near the beaches and shores however these fungi have bloomed in damped areas in the deep forests of Sumeru. The color of this fungi might be different from the usual ganoderma as it was the color of light purple. It did somehow secrete a transparent and mucilaginous fluid with a sweet odor.
Quite a strange description that even at times you smile whilst gathering its viscous fluid for examination.
"Are you even sure about this one? You're genuinely scaring me." Kaveh, who happens to be your closest friend and a student from Akademiya under the Darshan of Kshahrewar, was one of the test subjects for your research. He is a year ahead of you, making him your senior.  "Am I your lab rat again?"
"Not just you, I'm also going to drink it myself to test it out and see if there are any notable changes or changes in an individual if one drinks this concoction."
You watched your boiling flask create boiling bubbles and watched it disperse as you used a stirring rod. "Don't use the word 'lab rat' that just sounds so unethical."
Kaveh's scared and nervous demeanor was obvious that he took a deep breath before he went off ranting.
"What am I supposed to call myself? What am I supposed to do if this weird witchy-like potion of yours kill me? Kill you? KILL US?! goodness research is inevitable among us students but this is jeopardizing us, my dear Y/N!"
"It won't!" You snickered and tried to comfort him by keeping a straight face. "Besides I did try to use it as an alternative fertilizer and spray it on my Sumeru roses."
You pinpointed a pot just below your study table. "It quite bloomed quickly and as you see. It did sprout new buds in almost 2 weeks only so I can write in my observations that it can be a great fertilizer if used."
"It's a plant, Archons sake! It looks lewd too!"
"It is, I will not lie!"
He drew his nose closer to the fungi. "Strange but it does smell good, sweet and flowery. For a fungus, it is weird."
You spent your afternoon trying to convince Kaveh to say yes to your research. In the end he eventually said yes to you as you have persuaded him that it was safe. Both of you agreed to drink it after two days and another follow up take in of the concoction to see if there are any differences.
Two days have passed and it was the time to finally test out the mixture you have prepared. Along with you was a small briefcase that was filled with your apparatuses needed. Of course, like they say: it's better to be prepared. At exactly 7:00 in the evening, as agreed by you and your friend, you must meet him at his house.
Or his friend's house rather.
Of course, you were aware that he was indeed a freeloader inside nonother than Alhaitham's house but he assured you that during that time the Akademiya's scribe isn't present during those times considering that he's been busy the past few days.
To you, there's nothing special about Alhaitham. Rather than being the scribe and an introverted Haravatat student.
Well, he's quite good looking and somewhat that annoyed you. He somehow did radiate as someone with god complex and if ever the end of world happens, he's gotta be one of those people who will AND WILL survive.
You have arrived 10 minutes early of the said time but it seems that Kaveh is late for 10 minutes. Until it became 20 and 30 minutes late. At first it was bearable however you couldn't waste time anymore. You wanted to finish your research just like any other students.
"I can't believe he's pissing me off. He told me he'll be early." You stood up and knocked three times.
"Kaveh? It's me. It's already 7:30 in the evening and you're not opening the door. Open it!" The annoyance dripping from your tone like acid.
You knocked again. No response.
Another four more knocks and calling his name. No response.
Fuck, Kaveh what's the matter with you? Come out.
Another final succession of knocks and still no response.
You gave up attempting to knock and call his name. It was either: he was just hiding from you because it did genuinely scare him or he wasn't really there. But he couldn't lie to you, you both agreed to testing out the mixture.
"Alright, whatever. Loser."
Heaving a sigh, you stepped back from the door and murmured a few words before accepted defeat and just before you walk away, you happen to stumble something strong and tall from behind and you could immediately tell that it wasn't Kaveh. Your head against a chest.
You slowly lifted your head and greeted the face of nonother than Akademiya's scribe.
"If you knock like that, you'll surely destroy my door." He lowered his gaze to match yours with a rested expression.
Oh, it is indeed Alhaitham. It is indeed him. Him. Oh.
Neither of you moved from that position for a while, both of you matching the gazes before you realized it was awkward and slowly lowered your head and made way for him and pretended to idle yourself by fixing your skirt. To be fair, he is really THAT attractive.
He ain't just gifted with intelligence but he knows he is THAT good looking and attractive.
"And what does this Amurta student doing in front of my house at this hour?" His arms slowly sliding to his pocket to get his keys. Tone monotone before skimming to the key for his door.
"I'm here for Kaveh." You took a grip on the handle of your case.
He opened the door and only answered 'hm.' Uninterested. He shifted his gaze at you leaned his toned body against the frame of the door.
"Did he somehow invite you here?"
You nodded and met his gaze before breaking it off.
"We both agreed to meet here."
"I assume it's for your research. Well, come inside. Don't want Kaveh to nag at me for not entertaining his visitor."
You came inside shortly following him. Upon entering, you couldn't help but to scan the house. There's nothing special to mention aside the paper works piled up in a table and scraps of paper under a desk and certain apparatuses that is used for measuring you assumed. It seemed to be Kaveh's side of table that it has be him, it was chaotic.
Closing the door, you immediately sat and primed yourself up in an not so familiar place. Alhaitham sat at the sofa just in front of you and observed you from head to toe before he inhaled. His back relaxed against the back rest of the sofa.
"So... out of all the possible participants you could've chose, you really picked him?"
"I don't see a problem a problem with him being my participant."
"And why is that?"
"It's my research, I get to choose who I want to be my participants."
He wasn't so sure if you were insulted by his questions but it did amuse him by the way you answered him directly with a soft tone.
"Sadly, he's not here."
"Seems so."
Both of your eyes now met and neither of you wanted to break it off. Seems like you already knew how bad your chemistry will be with him by just this interaction. Silence surrounded the room, not a single flinch from neither of you but the eye contact creating this tension between you and the scribe was barely tolerable that you wanted to break free from the contact.
But he didn't show any hesitancy to break off the connection of your gazes, in fact he would want admit he would see this as competition. It wasn't evident in his face but the way he cocked his head slightly to one side just showed how much of cunning asshole he is but it was attractive in a way, of course you couldn't deny it. Being cunning just adds to the list of attributes that just makes him attractive.
Uh well, yeah…
In return, you gave him a soft doe-look and a small smile. The scribe only gave you a small smile in return. Come to think of it, if waiting for Kaveh to return would be a waste of time for you and precious research then why not make him your first research?
"Say, considering that my friend is not here, how about you take his place instead?"
He raised his brow and crossed his arms. "Friend? and here I was thinking that you were dating. But he did mention a close friend." he scoffed.
"Hmm, people often think we’re dating but we’re not." you scoffed and let out a single giggle. “Kaveh’s good looking himself.”
"You're saying you're not good looking then?"
You gazed at him, smile wearing off before you pressed your lips together. "I didn't say anything."
You pressed your legs together as your hands clenched the hem line of your skirt. You lowered your gaze and tried to divert the topic. Your eyes went to look at your small briefcase.
With you little movements, he finds himself smiling at just how fragile yet collected at the same time you looked like. How you pressed those lips of yours that has the tiniest shine probably from your lip balm and the little tint of color pressed unto your plump lips.
'Cherry red? No probably that Tangerine wine... impossible. Peony red? Champagne pink? Too strong. Dewy peach? What else did I see from the market that sold those kinds of...balms'
"Ah, as I proposed a while ago, you can take Kaveh's spot." You paused.
He gave you a look to continue by giving you a small nod.
"It's about these fungi that out of nowhere grew at the rainforests of Sumeru. It was estimated to have grown two to four months ago where the weather condition was harsh yet perfect for cultivating these fungi to grow..." you got up to get your briefcase and showed him a glass box where the specimen of the fungi was stored.
You showed him the glass box before you slowly and carefully dragged one of the chairs to give the box a better and closer view to him and sat properly with an excited look. The expression you made just made him smile in the back of his head.
Just the way your breasts that hugged your white turtleneck sweater coordinated with every movement you made and how your thighs look plush as you sat at such...rather unconscious provocative manner. There's so much about you that keeps him wondering about you. What would such a girl, an Amurta student like you, keep this Scribe fixated at you. You were just, innocently charming that he couldn’t resist the thought of him doing--
‘What am I thinking, this is wrong’
"As you can see, it does look like a-"
"Sea Ganoderma, local from Inazuma. But the color is different, yes." He pulled the chair you were sitting just enough to be close to him, not breaking his gaze from you. Attentive.
 "I can't see if you move your hands much. Stay still."
Now again, both of your gazes have started its connection again only this time it was closer. The gazing and whatever the fuck it was with your eyes and his eyes, it gave pause and silenced the whole room. The sudden closeness has made you tense a bit that you were taken a back.
"Okay?" He looked at your surprised, lost, and doe eyed look that made you look innocent.
You responded with a small nod and a sheepish tone. “’Kay,” a tint blush forming in your cheeks.
He didn’t move to his usual position. He stayed like that exactly and gave you a signal to continue with your details by him giving you a small nod. At first, you were hesitant considering the space he ate up just to get a closer look to you and the box you had. But you didn’t have to waste time so you went on with your detailing.
You described to him its delicious scent despite having a peculiar anatomy. You showed him your paper works as to the recorded data of how it also affected the Sumeru roses you had in your room.
“You conduct laboratory observations in your room?”
“What? the biology laboratory is already packed with students with their specimens. It might affect mine as well.”
“And you think that your room couldn’t affect the variables then? Hm?”
Furrowing your brows, you scoffed. He was indeed correct. The location was indeed part of the variables to be considered that might affect the status of your fungus. That was one of matters that you missed out and it somehow annoyed as out of the person that could’ve corrected you, it would be him.
“Seems like you missed some points to be noted for your research then, Miss Y/N?”
You stood up, randomly gave him the box, and took your briefcase to get to concoction you prepared. You didn’t see any need of explaining the details to him, seems like he already knows your stuff. You showed two him two test tubes with the same length of the concoction. Alhaitham observed you.
Your back facing him as you tend your mixture into another separate glasses. His right-hand skimming through the edges of the box, fingers delicately feeling the edges and surface of the box and not taking his eyes off you. There again, his curiosity taking over with just the sight of you that it somehow intrigued and annoyed him. He slowly opened the box and there he smelled the pungent smell of something gourmand and flowery and yet something of earthy at the same time.
He couldn’t understand what smell it was but somehow it was lulling him.
The silence slowly rang your ears and the pressure between the time and how quiet the room is made you feel heavy. You felt yourself jittery that after a while of his presence and darting eyes from behind you. The night was windy and you can only hear the slow chimes of the door charm and the gentle tings and tacks of the glass. A few moments have passed, you can only hear him grunt and clearing his throat.
“Is something the matter?” You looked at him only to find him resting his left hand to the hand rest of the sofa, palms covering his face whilst his right hand toying the box and seems to play with the lid of the box.
“How’s the smell?” You took each test tubes and went over to him, sitting at the same seat you were just in front of him and took a deep breath. “Now all you have to do it drink this concoction with me if there are any notable changed it will happen to a person who ingested it. Don’t worry, like I said you’ll be drinking—”
“Are you serious? This already makes my head ache, the smell. You think I’ll drink that?”
“You’re drinking it with me. I only need the data.”
He looked at you, his brow raising. “What makes you think I’m going to drink that.”
You looked away, not knowing what are the possibilities too. If you ever come up with using the data of plants, he’ll find an argument just to cease your experiment. You held unto your test tubes and faced him. Doe eyes showing desperation and pleading.
“Please, Alhaitham. I’ll do whatever you want. I just need the data…” You didn’t care at this point, you’re never the type to agree to doing whatever the person wants but if it’s Alhaitham, well there would be no problem at all. “Please?”
Looking at your little parade of innocence and desperation, he couldn’t help but to hate himself by letting his inner thoughts run through his system. The way you held the test tubes on each hand of yours enthusiastically a while ago and how you lowered it down to rest to your thigh. How your thumb caressed the glass surface, how your lips pressed before biting your lower lips in frustration causing it to darken its color. Your eyes asking for an answer, and voice soft.  You looking so irresistibly delicious to pounce at.
Just you, being this little sweet lamb that he couldn’t just resist.
“Please, Alhaitham. Please?”
Fuck. Fuck is happening to me?
“Fuck this.” He cursed under his raspy breath, clearing his throat yet his brows furrowed. Before he adjusts himself in his seat by leaning back and bucking his hips up. “Look, at least if there is any possibility that we will die, at least I die with you and your silly little experiments for your silly little research. Got it, you silly girl?"
The enthusiasm back once again in your face. You smiled at him and nodded a couple of times. You instructed him for a few reminders to take note. The two lines that were labeled in each glass signified the amount of mixture was to be ingested.
In a count of 3 you both drank together. The smell of the concoction was lessened however its scent note was still there. Both of you didn’t move, your eyes focusing on the paper and your pen. Alhaitham on the other hand is busy with minding his books.
A few moments have passed a slow tingling heat started to surge in your body. The heat surging inside your body was slow yet everywhere. At first you thought it was just your sweater so did not pay no mind however as time passed, you realized that it starting to get warm and hot. It was making your head dizzy and sweat. You tried to cool yourself by fanning with your hands.
It was a cold evening, a reason why you wore your turtleneck to warm you up yet it seems that it's getting a little hotter. You started to fan yourself with your palms. From fanning yourself to using the loose cloth of your polo neck to fan your chest loosen up. Everything happening right now wasn't anything you expected to be.
Ways... ways... ways... ways to distract myself... what is this? I need to distract myself? Is it too hot here?
You suddenly remembered the paper you were supposed to fill with the initial observation of the first dose of the concoction. Upon looking at it, you felt lightheaded and almost felt like you were slowly floating.
While you were drafting random bullshit in your paper, Alhaitham on the other end felt the same sensation in your body. He was either thinking it was the effect of the pungent scent of the fungus or the mixture you just gave him. His head started to spin and a surge of heat in his body roamed his system. A storm inside him that just felt that it would never end nor calm down. He needed to compose himself, a simple concoction cannot just simply make him feel bizarre.
Alhaitham wanting to stop the chaos suddenly stood up to find his headphones. At times, he would resort to just playing music in his headphones to block noise or just randomly wear it to make it seem that he's does not want to interact.
He just wanted to have and wear it yet his body betrayed him the moment he stood up. His eyes slowly blurring and his legs felt no life made him weak. Just right after passing by after you, he fumbled. Tripping just the moment he passed at the table, falling. A few of your apparatuses falling included some of the unloaded test-tubes and a single tube with viscous and thick liquid inside spilled at his chest, left arm, and the crotch part of his pants.
"Archons…” he whispered, feeling a pang of defeat as he sat at the floor and tried to wipe the excess mixture.
The commotion startled you as you started to fill up the details of the paper. You quickly took action and assisted the young man. Taking a handkerchief from your pocket of your skirt you started to wipe the mess on his chest.
He was wearing his usual dark off-coat that hugged his chest. You couldn't help to get distracted at the little intricate gem that was in his sternum.
Slowly... slowly... you were being lulled again. Like an effective hypnosis it seemed like you were in a haze that you couldn't understand. You couldn't even control your body. The heat was all over your body.
The way you started to simply just mess up instead of cleaning it was a sign that the aphrodisiac took over your senses. You were so distracted and helpless. Everything about this man in front of you was like a need and a want of your body and soul.
Alhaitham felt the same.
The tension, the spark, the need, the hunger to just own you was evident yet he didn't want to be consumed by it. There was this resistance of him and the more he forced to neglect the feeling, the stronger the urge wave his body.
He felt weak and he didn't like that. It was too much yet you kept fueling the fire that he was suppressing. At this very moment, he wanted to breed and own you. A mixture of aggression and lust now surging.
"Haitham..." you dragged a fingertip to his intricate gem that was at his sternum and pressed your thighs as you dragged, fingertips feeling the shape of his gem. It made him hitch his breath, an irregular breath and a painful erection as he got indulged by your little play.
“Get up.”
No response.
“I should’ve known, this was an aphrodisiac. A strong one—Fuck, Y/N.” He threw his head as he saw you press your pretty lips against his gem, pecking it before looking at him with doe-fuck-me-till-i-break eyes.
“Get up, Y/N…” his voice croaked “Or else we’re going to have to fuck the whole night.” He cupped your cheek, feeling the heat of your skin.
“Haitham, too hot…” you lowered your jacket until it reached your elbow, exposing the tight turtleneck top you wore that happily hugged your mounds and figure. Innocently provoking him. "...hot" you murmured and held his hand that cupped your cheek. Now the back of his hand slimy with the mixture and looking back at him with lust-heart eyes.
"Yeah, you and I won't be going to class tomorrow."
And just like that?
Just like that. It was enough to push him to the edge.
Sloppy kisses, hitched and panting breathes, desperate rutting, and slapping of skins reverberated his whole room. There was only one thing on both of your minds: to fuck.
To fuck until you couldn't do it anymore. Breed and fill you up to the brim until his seed spilled out your tired plush pussy.
Your moans were getting louder and louder as you felt another succession of orgasm reaching to you. A hollow feeling started to build up inside you and his cockhead adding up to the climatic feeling as he abused your soft spongy cervix, desperately wanting to push it further and deeper.
Alhaitham unconsciously made people feel small without doing nothing. It was probably his reputation and how cunning he is, he had his ways just to get what he wants.And now definitely, he made you feel small. His length overwhelming you and your insides. The way it made you feel stuffed and full inside and how he's just towering above you. Hands clasped on your ass and carried your weight was he pressed you against the wall and rutted violently.
He kept his mouth busy by marking your chest and neck and desperately sucked on your peaks. He felt the need to breed you and fill you up with his cum.
The constant hitting of your cervix and the rough ministration made you squirm and groan. Your walls pressuring and pressing tightly against his cock signaled him that you were close. Your legs now wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer. He can feel how wet your spongy walls.
"Gonna cum... Ah~! Haitham! Gonna cum-"
"Yeah? Gonna cum again?" He chuckled. "Fuck-- you're getting too loud- Mhn~!" He pressed against yours as he maintained his pace, not changing it. He felt that he was getting near too and that excited him.
Your walls spasmed and legs trembled as you reached your climax, Alhaitham chucked as he changed his pace before he pulled out making you squirt from the intense punishing of your cunt.
"Haitham—" you hitched your breath, heart beating fast as you squirted again. Alhaitham looked down as he watched you make a mess and that just made him hard enough and drive him to make your squirt again. He violently pushed his cock again inside and started to rut and roughly pulling it out making you buck your hips up and squirt again.
"Haitham please~ oh~!"
 a slower one so you could have your moment before he continued his pursuit to seek his high. He changed his pace again, a faster one. A rough and fast one.
His tip now teasing your spot that made you tremble again. His cock made your pussy sing for a couple of times now. He had been breeding your pussy since and the both of you couldn't have enough, a never-ending high and feeling of wanting to release.
"Fuck, gonna fill you up-" he panted, rested his forehead against yours, making him watch the little show: your pussy eating him whole and forming a little bump as he entered. "Your pussy's the best!"
With one final thrust, he came inside you. Rutting and violently spasming as he filled your abused hole the 4th time tonight.
Time:10:30 PM
Recorded data (written): none
Recorded through Kamera data: none, battery level at 90 percent.
It was the fifth time tonight. Now he's fucking you from behind, your chest and the side of your face pressed against the wall as well as both of your palms. Alhaitham drilling his thick and veiny cock inside your spongy and abused walls. Your moans are getting louder again and he was fascinated the way you just came over and over because of his cock. You kept soaking and drenching his dick with your pussy juice. It started to make sloppy noises whenever he pushed in and out. You started to cream again, forming a ring on the base of his cock.
"You feel so good, Alhaitham~!" You moaned, feeling his tight grip against your beautiful hips and created crescent marks as he slammed his cock back and forth.
"Fuuuck this pussy is mine-- fuck fuck fuck--" he groaned, he took his left arm and wrapped his left palm to your neck and slowly pulled it making you arch your back and head hitting his shoulder. He slowly guided his palm that wrapped your neck to your jaw and continuously rutted. Now you can clearly hear his groans and panting.
He hammered his cockhead again and felt your spongy and plush cervix making him push his cock deeper as he came inside you again. He covered your cervix with his thick cum.
Time: 12:50 AM
Recorded data (written): none
Recorded data through kamera: Data recorded, battery level at 75 percent
"Didn't realize you had your kamera with you." He chuckled turning the camera on as he gazed at your body. Tired and a mess, cum dripping out from both of your pussy and ass hole. Saying that he liked it was an understatement, he loved it and seeing the mess you both made him harder. He realized that the slimy juice that it was a lubricant and the purpose of this fungi was an overall aphrodisiac with versatility.
"Haitham..." You called out his name, hoarse and small. You slowly opened your legs and revealed your aching and puffed cunt wanting for more. Alhaitham on the other hand set the kamera up just enough to get an angle of you and him in the frame together.
"Just for the data." He sighed, hoovering on top of you and pressing his lips against yours. Hands roaming around your waist before he positioned his cock again and decided teasing you. His cockhead teasing your puffy and abused entrance before he guided his length to your clit and gently pressed his head.
The pressure made you squirm and groan from his ministration. A few taps of his cockhead to your clit and a few pumping of his dick before he slowly reached out for your nape and raised it. Your weak body being supported by your wobbly elbows and your forehead against his.
"Put it in…" you hissed at him and brows furrowing.
"Not so polite are we?" Slowly inserted half his length making the excitement in your stomach rise up again and his hips buckle. "Say it, princess."
"Please put it in, please please please~" you plead with look of longing.
With a smirk, Alhaitham slowly pushed his cock inside you and guided his hand that held your nape and lowered it for you to watch him get inside you. He pushed until his head was greeted by your cervix but oh, he didn't stop there.
He slowly pushed further making you moan from the pressure of wanting to push further.
"Haitham--too deep~! Ahh~!"
Alhaitham couldn't resist to smirk while he looked at your eyes roll back and legs quivering. You just got this man hooked with your pussy and beauty.
"Cumming already?" he teased as he started to move his hips in a piston like pace.
Time: 3:33 AM
Recorded data(written): none
Recorded data through Kamera: Data recorded, battery level at 11%
"Too tired, Haitham…" you whined.
You took a pause for a moment as you felt your legs wobble and strain a pain from grinding him. Him buried deep in your ass wasn't on the menu but who would've thought that you both
would enjoy it. You rested your palms on both of his thighs and rested your back against his hard chest and took another deep breath as you started to bounce on his dick again. It was slow yet deep, something that made Alhaitham groan and hiss.
"I know, baby…" he chuckled as he saw you in action again. "…just can't get enough of you."
Talk about having three of your holes stretched out in a single night. You couldn't count how many times have he came inside your pussy and mouth and now he just discovered about the pleasure of having his cock buried deep inside your ass.
"So goood~ So deep~!" you whined, biting your lower lip and continued to bounce on his dick. It was sloppy and it was thanks to his cum and the lube combined together and oh, he loved to see the his cum and the lube together forming strings in your ass cheeks and asshole and making sloppy and erotic sounds each time you bounced on it.
He noticed your bouncing started to slow down until you stopped again, making him chuckle. He kissed your shoulder blade and whispered "Sofa."
Alhaitham helped you stand up and walked towards the sofa where you faced the arm of the sofa and rested your arms on it.
"Ass up," Alhaitham took his cock and slowly pushed it inside your ass again making you moan from stretching your whole with his size. "So b-big~" You rolled your eyes as he let a final push to burry it deep.
A sting left your right ass cheek when he slapped it and groping both cheeks, slowly making a move again. It started slow until it was fast and deep. Alhaitham took both of your arms and held it from behind, penetrating deeper and making you bend over forward.
Balls slapping against your clit making you moan louder. You were so lulled by his dick you didn't even realize that you have classes today. Same goes to Alhaitham and he could feel his climax reaching as well and with one final push deep, he came inside you.
Time: 6:30 AM
Recorded data(written): none
Recorded data through Kamera: none, kamera has shut down. battery at 0%.
"Thank the fucking Archons I have bought my keys-" Kaveh scanned his pocket to check if his keys were really in his pocket which of course is there. He hurriedly scanned the keys.
"Key key key- Archons where the fuck is that key!"
The little commotion just outside Alhaithams abode made the scribe awake. He was a light sleeper, it was enough to awake him since he knew this voice and tone so well it annoyed him early in the morning. Alhaitham was about to rise when he heard your small groans making him look at his chest.
The little commotion just outside Alhaitham's abode made the scribe awake. He was a light sleeper, it was enough to awake him since he knew this voice and tone so well it annoyed him early in the morning. Alhaitham was about to rise when he heard your small groans making him look at his chest.
There you were sleeping. Your once peaceful face grunted when Kaveh shouted another curse and that hit Alhaitham.'
'We fucked.' he said into himself. His brain was somewhat still foggy from last night and he could feel his worn out muscles. He heaved a sigh as to trying to figure what to do with you still sleeping while his roommate is already making his head hurt from his cursing and loud voice. Fragments of what happened last night made him groan especially when he saw the Kamera faced at them. Did it bother him? Well, he simply ignored it. He knew it was down but he knew it recorded some. Probably gonna check it out later.
"We're late for class," he whispered and gently stood up when you were awoken from his movements and the noise Kaveh made. Alhaitham didn't move another muscle and hoped you would just sleep but turns out you were trying to keep yourself awake by rubbing your eyes when you faced him.
"Alhai…" you then lowered your gaze and finally realized that you were in his bed NAKED. "…tham."
"It's okay, you should lie down and rest." he looked at your face before scanning your body. Bruises, marks, flushed face, and…
"my body hurts." you whispered, feeling a bit conscious when he started to scan your body. You covered it with his blanket and looked away.
…sore body. Alhaitham hid a somewhat victorious ghost smile and sat on the edge of the bed, the blanket barely covering his waist. His back was facing you and you noticed
The red marks on his back that somehow looked like a…
"Scratch?" you whispered again with your soft hoarse voice. Alhaitham heard, his right arm reaching his back before facing you. "I thought it was implied that Akademiya students shouldn't have long nails?" he looked at your fingers to see an opal-colored nail polish with your nails with just the right length and round shape which you quickly hid from him.
He looked at your figure again making him gaze at you intently, eyes piercing before he looked away and faced the wall. He palmed his face when he realized his morning wood is up and is in dire need of attention. Morning woods are normal to him every morning but this?
He shrugged off the want to feel your pussy walls in him again but Archons it did want him to feel that again. He stood up and got his brief and boxers and wore it. He took a new off coat from his cabinet and handed it over to you which you accepted. "Or would you like a sweatshirt instead?"
"This is already fine, thank you." you couldn't look at him, he was barely dressed and his body is too beautiful and distracting, stimulating you to think about irrational and unholy thoughts. Pray the archons none of them actually reads your mind.
You took the well folded and newly laundered cloth and looked at it. Your mind was still hazy and foggy making Alhaitham think you actually didn't know how to wear them. He took a sweatshirt from his cabinet and sat beside you.
"Seems like you forgot how to wear clothes I suppose."
He didn't listen, he took his sweatshirt. "Get dressed, we're eating breakfast."
As much as you wanted to, you just felt that your body was that tired and just gave him a helpless look. "Haitham… need help. I feel sore."
Another sigh, Alhaitham took the blanket and revealed your body again. Plush thighs with marks, beautiful mounds with marks on your under boobs and some on your waist. Your neck and color bones decorated with his marks. Seems like he enjoyed his self quite too much last night he admitted. He gulped and helped you get clothed.
He then gazed at you.
"Don't look at me like that. Those eyes of yours" clenching his jaw, he looked at you again with piercing gaze.
"Look at you like?"
He came closer to you, gently wrapping his one arm all over your waist and pulling you close to him while he rested his back on the bed frame. He left kisses again on each mark he left on your neck and gently raised his sweatshirt you wore.
You softly whimpered from his actions, eyes closed and hands wrapped on his neck. Just as about he was about to leave another mark…
"Alhaitham open the fucking door, I have something to get!" Kaveh's frustrated voice and loud knocks made you hitch your breath. "Alhaitham! Damn it you Scribe! open!"
"Haitham…" You looked at him but he doesn't seem to mind Kaveh's wanting to break the door. He nibbled on your left nipple and gropped on your right breast while he looked at you. He started to suck on in it slowly and closed his eyes, alternating his sucking from your left nipple to your right.
Kaveh's knocks were getting loud and you were already telling Alhaitham that you should hide but oh, Alhaitham has better plans.
"Dude open the door, Archons!"
Alhaitham stood up and wore his shorts before he gently carried you like a bride as he went to the door. Truth is, you didn't know what Alhaitham's plan was. All he did was give you his stoic look before smiling devilishly while he draped you with his coat. You wrapped your arms around his neck to hold onto him.
Alhaitham finally opened the door.
"Thank Archons you actually opened-"
Kaveh's voice dropped as what he saw. Alhaitham gave him his usual stoic face as he gave you a nudge. You slowly looked at Kaveh with a flushed and embarrassed look.
"Come in." Alhaitham spoke. "Best not to leave your keys behind again." The sarcastic remark from Alhaitham dripping all over his tone.
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intersex-support · 1 month
Intersex Support FAQ
1. What is intersex?
Intersex is an umbrella term that describes people who have variations in sex characteristics that fall outside of the sex binary. This includes variations in genitals, internal reproductive organs like testes and ovaries, chromosomes, secondary sex characteristics, and/or the way that your body produces or responds to hormones. Some examples of intersex variations include AIS, CAH, PCOS, Klinefelters, hypospadias, and more. 
The three main factors that define intersex variations are: 
Variation in sex characteristics 
The variation falls outside of the sex binary and is different from what is considered typical “male” or “female” development. These variations in traits might often be stigmatized and discriminated against for being outside of the sex binary.
This variation is either present from birth or develops spontaneously later in life. It is not caused by transitioning or by something temporary like a medication side effect, tumor, or other medical diagnosis. 
(This definition is inspired by InterACT).
2. Does ____ count as intersex? 
There are around 40 different intersex variations that are currently known. InterACT”s intersex variation glossary lists out those intersex variations and gives a brief description of each one.
However, we know that isn’t a complete list. People have intersex variations that haven’t been medically researched yet, or might have a rare variation that the intersex community isn’t aware of yet. 
There are also some variations that might seem on the border between perisex and intersex. Some types of hormonal or reproductive diagnoses might not have a clear answer on whether they’re intersex or not. 
Ultimately,  intersex is a social/political identity rather than a strictly medical one. Increased research and changing social attitudes can cause the definition of intersex to expand over time. Regardless of whether someone has a confirmed intersex variation or an “intersex adjacent” diagnosis, if intersex resources are helpful to you, we hope that you continue to use them and act in solidarity with the intersex community. 
On this blog, we do include PCOS with hyperandrogenism as part of the intersex community. Check out our PCOS tag for more posts about our reasoning, and PCOS specific resources.
3. Am I intersex?
We cannot diagnose you with an intersex variation over the internet. We can share resources such as the intersex variations glossary, share tips for navigating the medical system, and share information on other non-clinical signs of being intersex. 
Some questions to ask yourself that can help you start the process of intersex discovery:
What do my sex traits (genitalia, secondary sex characteristics, hormone levels, etc) look like? Does this seem like it lines up with the “typical” descriptions of those sex traits? 
Do I have any information about my birth? Were there any complications? Did doctors do extra testing at birth? Did doctors take me away from my parents for long periods of time? Did it take me longer to have my sex assigned at birth?
What was puberty like for me? Did I have early or late puberty? Did I have to go on hormones to start puberty? Did I have any variations in puberty, such as unexpected breast growth, irregular periods, or other changes? Did I go through puberty at all?
If you’ve tried to have children, are you infertile or struggling with fertility?
Did I have any unexplained surgeries or medical procedures as a child? Was I ever told I had to have organs removed and was told it was because of a cancer risk? Did I have to be on specific medications or hormones throughout my childhood? Did I have to go see a doctor more frequently? Did I go to an endocrinologist or pediatric urologist as a child? 
Do I have surgery scars or scar tissue? Do I have more frequent UTIs than typical?
Do I have access to my medical records? Is there records of hormone panels, ultrasounds, physical exams, surgeries, or other medical procedures? 
This kind of information can help you start to piece together if you think you might have an intersex variation, or if you think your intersex variation was hidden from you. 
If you’re sending in an ask trying to figure out if your symptoms line up with a specific intersex variation, please share as much information as you’re comfortable with so that we can answer with the most helpful resources. 
4. Can I self diagnose as intersex? 
It’s complicated! Intersex is different from other LGBTQIA identities, in that it’s not only about self determination, but also about our embodied experience in a very specific way. In order to be intersex, you have to have an intersex variation. And there are many intersex variations that can only be confirmed through medical testing, so it’s not something that is easy to self-diagnose.
However, we recognize that the medical system is expensive, discriminatory, and often actively hides information about people’s intersex variations from them. (it wasn’t even until 2006 that the AAP stopped recommending that doctors lie to their patients about intersex status, so many intersex adults were born before that policy change!) Considering all that we know about intersex oppression, curative violence, and medical abuse, it feels incredibly cruel to tell people that they have to force themself through that system in order to seek answers. 
So, we understand that there are ways of finding out that you are intersex without having a specific, confirmed, medical diagnosis. Many of us might find out that we’re intersex because we realize that our genitalia visibly looks different, and we can tell that we are intersex, even if we don’t know our specific diagnosis. Others might find out that we’re intersex because of strange discrepancies in our medical record. We might find out through discovering surgery scars on our body. We might go through puberty and realize that we’re developing in an atypical way to our peers. We might do a lot of research into intersex variations and have a pretty good guess into what variation lines up with our experiences. We might have some test results that help us understand we have intersex traits, even if we don’t know our specific diagnosis.  
Before self diagnosing, we think it’s important to do thorough research into intersex variations, so that you truly understand what intersex means, what intersex variations exist, and understand how that information applies to yourself. It’s also important to be considerate of how we interact in community spaces, and respect other intersex people's boundaries as you engage in a questioning or diagnosis process. 
5.  Are intersex people trans?
Some intersex people are trans, and some aren’t. Most intersex people are still assigned a gender at birth, and many intersex people who are raised as one gender and then later identify as another gender identify with the label trans. Intersex people can be cis or trans just like any other group of people. 
Many intersex people have complicated relationships with gender, and don’t feel like labels like cis or trans really fit their experiences. For this reason, terms like intergender and ipsogender were coined.
6. Are intersex people LGBTQIA?
It’s complicated! The “I” in LGBTQIA stands for intersex. Intersex history is intertwined with other parts of queer history. For example, the very first protest for intersex people in the United States was organized by Hermaphrodites with Attitude and Transexual Menace. There are intersex inclusive versions of community pride flags. Many intersex people view their intersex identity as a queer identity. Intersex oppression overlaps in many ways with homophobia and transphobia. 
However, not all intersex people think that intersex should be included in the LGBTQIA community. Sometimes this is for bigoted reasons, with intersex radfems who use this stance as a way to be transphobic. But there are also intersex people who think that the “I” should only be included in the acronym when intersex people are actually meaningfully being included in queer spaces and resources. Many of us feel frustrated when people put “LGBTQIA” on a resource but then don’t actually have any intersex specific information in those resources. 
In general, this is an ongoing intracommunity discussion where we don’t have a consensus. 
7. Are intersex people disabled? 
It’s complicated! Intersex is an umbrella term for many different experiences, and there is not one universal intersex experience. Some intersex people identify as disabled. Some intersex people do not.
Many intersex variations do cause disabling impacts in our bodies and lives. Some intersex variations are comorbid with other health conditions. Other intersex people become disabled because of violent normalizing interventions we’ve survived, such as forced surgery or other types of medical abuse. 
Intersex people are also impacted by many of the same structures of oppression that harm disabled people. Both intersex people and disabled people are harmed by ableism. Both intersex people and disabled people are harmed by pathologization. Both intersex people and disabled people are harmed by curative violence. 
In the book Cripping Intersex, Celeste Orr explores all these concepts and creates something called “intersex is/and/as/with disability,” which is a model to think about all these different and sometimes conflicting relationships with disability. Some intersex people might identify directly as disabled. Others might sometimes think about the way that intersex is treated as a disability. Other intersex people might think about intersex and disability as a way to have solidarity. All of these relationships with disability are meaningful parts of the intersex community. 
8. What is intersex oppression/intersexism/interphobia/compulsory dyadism? 
Intersex people face a lot of oppression in many ways in society. At the core, intersex oppression relies on the idea that the only acceptable sex traits are sex traits that fit into the sex binary. Intersex oppression relies on mythical ideas of the “ideal male or female” body, where someone's chromosomes perfectly line up with their genitalia and internal reproductive organs, with perfectly normal hormone levels and perfect secondary sex characteristics that don’t have any variation. When people don’t fit into that “perfect” sex binary, they are seen as less valuable, abnormal, and threatening. There is then a societal pressure to eradicate any traits and people that fall outside of the sex binary, which causes a lot of targeted discrimination of intersex people. This form of oppression is called “compulsory dyadism,” and was coined by Celeste Orr. 
Compulsory dyadism is also rooted in, overlaps with, and is the foundation for many other types of oppression. For example, ableism is another form of oppression that creates ways of harming people whose bodies and minds are labeled as less valuable for societally constructed reasons. Check out Talila Lewis’s definition of ableism for more information. Another example is how racialized people are targeted by sex testing policies in sports--both intersex and perisex women of color are consistently targeted by sex testing policies designed to exclude intersex people from sports. Another example is that homophobia and transphobia contribute to why intersex bodies are seen as threats that need to be eradicated--society views existing with intersex sex traits as a slippery slope to growing up as a gay or trans adult. Compulsory dyadism is also at the root of a lot of transphobic rhetoric about how transitioning “ruins” people’s bodies. All these forms of oppression are connected. 
There are a lot of ways that compulsory dyadism causes intersex people to be targeted and discriminated against. A huge issue is nonconsensual surgeries at birth, that attempt to “normalize” ambiguous genitalia, remove intersex people’s gonads, and otherwise alter genitalia or internal structures. These surgeries are often referred to as intersex genital mutilation, or IGM. These surgeries do not have any medical necessity, but doctors lobby to continue to be allowed to perform them anyway. These surgeries can sterilize intersex people, cause lifelong trauma, and also cause many disabling medical complications. Alongside IGM, intersex people also face a lot of different types of medical abuse. 
Besides curative violence and medical abuse, intersex people also face discrimination in our schools, jobs, and public places. We face legal discrimination in changing our names and sex markers. We face discrimination from institutions like CPS, which often target parents, especially people of color, that refuse to put their children through intersex genital mutilation. Many intersex people survive targeted sexual violence. We have a widespread lack of resources, visibility, and representation. Many people still have prejudiced ideas about intersex people and call us slurs. These are just a few examples of the many way that interphobia/intersexism show up in our lives. 
9. What is intersex justice? 
Intersex justice is a framework created by intersex activists through the Intersex Justice Project as a way to fight for intersex liberation. 
“Intersex justice is a decolonizing framework that affirms the labor of intersex people of color fighting for change across social justice movements. By definition, intersex justice affirms bodily integrity and bodily autonomy as the practice of liberation. Intersex justice is intrinsically tied to justice movements that center race, ability, gender identity & expression, migrant status, and access to sexual & reproductive healthcare. Intersex justice articulates a commitment to these movements as central to its intersectional analysis and praxis. Intersex justice acknowledges the trauma caused by medically unnecessary and nonconsensual cosmetic genital surgeries and addresses the culture of shame, silence and stigma surrounding intersex variations that perpetuate further harm.
The marginalization of intersex people is rooted in colonization and white supremacy. Colonization created a taxonomy of human bodies that privileged typical white male and female bodies, prescribing a gender binary that would ultimately harm atypical black and indigenous bodies. As part of a liberation movement, intersex activists challenge not only the medical establishment, which is often the initial site of harm, but also governments, institutions, legal structures, and sociocultural norms that exclude intersex people. Intersex people should be allowed complete and uninhibited access to obtaining identity documents, exercising their birth and adoption rights, receiving unbiased healthcare, and securing education and employment opportunities that are free from harm and harassment.” (Source: Dr. Mel Michelle Lewis through the Intersex Justice Project.)
There are seven principles to intersex justice: 
Informed consent
Legal protections
Children's rights
Patient-centered healthcare
10. What is intergender? 
Intergender is a gender identity for use by intersex people only. It doesn’t have one specific definition-it is used by intersex people to mean a whole variety of things. It’s used to describe the unique ways our intersex experience intersects with and influences our gender.  Some people use it as a modifying term, such as calling themselves an intergender man or woman, as a way to explain the way being intersex affects their identity. Other people identify solely as intergender, and have that be their whole gender. 
11. What is dyadic/perisex/endosex? 
All are words that mean “not intersex.” Different groups will have different preferences on which one they like to use. 
12. Is hermaphrodite an offensive term? 
Yes. It is an incredibly offensive slur that perisex people should never say. Many intersex people have a very painful history with the slur. Some of us reclaim the term, which can be an important act of healing and celebration for us.
12. Can perisex people follow? 
Feel free, but understand that questions by intersex people are prioritized! Anyone is welcome to follow.
13. I’m writing a character who’s intersex…
Check out this post:  https://trans-axolotl.tumblr.com/post/188153640308/intersex-representation. If you’re writing about intersex people for a paid project, you should pay an intersex person to act as a sensitivity reader before publishing. 
Check out our Resources and Intersex Organizations pages as well!
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five-rivers · 3 months
Prompt: Danny’s birth was an accident.
A lab accident, to be precise.
The problem with researching something as esoteric as ghosts was that you had to source all your own materials. If you wanted to know how high ectoplasm concentrations affected human cells, you either had to buy from ethically dubious medical supply companies or use your own.
Maddie used her own. Or Jack's. They worked together, and he was fine with it, so it was essentially the same thing, ethically, if not biologically.
Either way, they kept a whole variety of tissue samples, sourced from themselves. Cheek swabs, bone marrow samples, skin, hair, a tooth Jack had to get pulled, blood, serum and whole, a couple biopsies from different organs, spinal fluid, sperm, a collection of egg cells.
If they were going to market their inventions as family friendly and safe, they needed to know it wasn't going to render anyone sterile. They had Jazz already, and one child was quite enough, but other people might want more. Or assurances it wasn't going to mutate their children, before or after birth. Although in Maddie's opinion, that was quite ridiculous. Ectoradiation was quite different from electromagnetic radiation, or alpha radiation, or other traditional types.
So, that was what Maddie was researching now. Eggs and sperm. She wasn't about to do anything fertilized, of course. Too many ethical problems. But she would put a different concentration of ectoplasm in each test tube for one set, then duplicate those concentrations for the second set, then set up some eggs in one set of vessels, and a sample of sperm in the other, then run them for the same amount of time. Fourteen with eggs, fourteen with sperm. A bit of an odd number, but that's what happened in independent labs. Test tubes broke, and then if you wanted to control your experiments, and keep everything the same, you had to do things in odd numbers. Or buy new test tubes. But the more time you spent shopping, the less time you spent experimenting.
She started with the eggs. One by one, putting them into the the test tubes. One... two... three... four... bottom of the column... five... six... seven... eight... bottom of the column... nine... ten... eleven... twel--
"Maddie! I'm taking Jazz out to see you know who for you know what!"
"Dad!" said Jazz, her two-year-old voice squeaky with outrage. "I know we're going to the doctor!"
"Oh, right!" she called back. "That was today, thanks you for remembering, hun!" Usually, she was the one of them to remember important dates, but Jack was really on top of things for Jazz. It was nice.
"No problem, Mads! Good luck with the mutation experiment!"
"Thanks!" She turned back to the rack of test tubes. Now, where was she? She'd just finished that row... She had sorted them by row, hadn't she? Of course she had. So, she should start with the sperm. Right
She picked up the pipette and started from the top of the column. One.. two... three... four... She kept going, until she hit fourteen, and still had two test tubes left.
Well. That wasn't good. She must have-- Had she overlapped? Or had she just not finished filling the egg test tubes? If the latter, she could just put the last two eggs in the last two test tubes. And label them a little more carefully. She rearranged her worktable and peered into the container she'd carried the thawed eggs over in.
One. One unopened egg.
Hands shaking slightly, Maddie counted back to the thirteenth test tube. The one with the second-highest concentration of ectoplasm. The one that she had almost certainly put both an egg cell and sperm into. She pulled it out of the rack and set it in an empty one, then sat and stared.
This was a serious mistake.
Oh, she knew she could just dump it out in the sink or in the biological waste box, or any number of other things. Even moving at their fastest, sperm took a while to get into an egg. It might not have gotten there yet. And even if it had... Few people would consider a single cell a human being. But... Maddie had been raised Irish Catholic. She couldn't...
She sighed. Before she got carried away, she needed to check to see if it had even... taken, she supposed she should call it. If there was any life there. The ectoplasm could very well have acted as an inhibitor.
She licked her lips and reached for a microscope. First, find out what had happened, then talk to Jack, and then... then they would decide what to do. Together.
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a-d-nox · 17 days
web of wyrd: annual energies and potential surgeries associated with the year
the outer rim of the wyrd web foretells the themes of our year ahead. today i will be covering some common surgeries that tend to occur. in no way does one number mean a single surgery type. each number can mean different surgeries - multiple surgeries - no surgery... this is just what i associate medically with these energies and i have seen correlate with other charts when surgery occurred. your lack of a number correlation with an experience below does not mean to minimize your experience. this is a general hypothesis not a fact.
tw: sensitive topics like amputation, ivf, addiction, weight, physical trauma, and end of life care are included in post.
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1 (the magician): laser surgery
skill, precision, and transformation. this technique uses precision tools to create change in the body.
2 (the high priestess): diagnostic surgery
intuition, secrets, and hidden knowledge. seeks to uncover hidden issues or provide clarity about a medical condition (will be common for 2000 baby around the time doctors start recommending colonoscopies and mammograms).
3 (the empress): fertility surgery
surgeries like in vitro fertilization (IVF) or other fertility-related procedures.
4 (the emperor): orthopedic surgery
structure and stability. anything involves bones, joints, and structural support of the body, resonates with this energy.
5 (the hierophant): cardiovascular or oral surgery
what maintains order/structure in the body a.k.a. anything dealing with the heart and blood flow. oral surgery is because of this card connection to the throat and sharing of beliefs which requires the mouth - it might be time for your wisdom teeth extraction.
6 (the lovers): cosmetic or reconstructive surgery
this is often elective surgery / chosen for personal reasons related to self-image.
7 (the chariot): neurosurgery
deals with the brain and nervous system (the body's control center), which aligns with the chariot's themes of mastery and control.
8 (strength): physical rehabilitation surgery
requires a lot of resilience as muscles and tendons aren't easy to heal...
9 (the hermit): gastrointestinal surgery
involves the digestive system, relates to the internal processes and inner workings (aligning with hermit energy).
10 (the wheel of fortune): emergency surgery
often needed unexpectedly and dictated by fate, aligns with the theme of chance.
11 (justice): corrective surgery
aims to fix or balance out bodily functions or appearance, mirrors the themes of rectifying and balancing.
12 (the hanged man): organ transplant
sacrifice, suspension, and new perspectives. transplant surgery involves the sacrifice of one organ for the life of another, offering a new lease on life.
13 (death): amputation
a literal removal or ending of a part of the body, that can also lead to a transformative process of healing and adapting.
14 (temperance) : bariatric surgery
used to achieve weight balance and improve health.
15 (the devil): addiction, breast reduction, and reproductive surgery
surgeries that address addiction-related issues, such as gastric banding for overeating. but also reproductive surgery like a tubal ligation or vasectomy. any surgery where something big/open becomes small, constricted, snipped, or thinned.
16 (tower): trauma surgery
sudden upheaval, destruction, and revelation. this type of surgery is often performed in response to sudden, life-altering accidents or injuries, echoes the energies themes of sudden change and crisis.
17 (the star): reconstructive/plastic surgery
hope, healing, and renewal are themes of this energy - this surgery which restores form and function after trauma or illness, aligns with the themes of healing and rejuvenation.
18 (the moon): biopsies and tissue collections
biopsy involves extracting tissue to investigate potential issues, often when there’s uncertainty about a diagnosis or the presence of something hidden (like tumors or other abnormalities).
19 (the sun): pediatric surgery
performed on children and ensures their health and vitality, which connects with the energy's themes of life, energy, and well-being.
20 (judgment): organ transplant or some other life changing/saving surgery
life-saving surgeries, such as heart or organ transplants, can offer a second chance at life, reflecting the energy's themes of renewal and awakening.
21 (the world): making a full recovery or end-of-life care
surgeries that lead to a full recovery or decisions around end-of-life care align with the themes of closure and achieving a state of completeness found with this energy.
22 (the fool): exploratory surgery
represents the unknown. aligns with entering a medical situation without knowing what will be found.
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bestanimal · 20 days
Round 1 - Phylum Bryozoa
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(sources - 1, 2, 3, 4)
Bryozoa is a phylum of animals that, like many Cnidarians, live in colonies of cloned zooids that make up a larger organism, though some solitary species exist. They are commonly known as “Moss Animals”. Each individual bryozoan is usually about half a millimetre long. Colonies of bryozoans can take a variety of forms, including mats, fans, bushes, crusts, and balls. All bryozoans are filter feeders, using a crown of tentacles called a lophophore which surrounds a mouth. Most live in tropical saltwater, but some also live in oceanic trenches, polar seas, brackish water, and freshwater. 5,869 living species of bryozoan are known.
In a colony of bryozoans, there are different types of zooids responsible for different functions. All bryozoans will have autozooids (seen in the first image), which are responsible for feeding, excretion, and supplying nutrients to the rest of the colony. Some species have specialist zooids, including hatcheries for fertilized eggs, defense structures, root-like attachment structures, and/or spiny defensive zooids that are used as legs to slowly creep along. Each zooid consists of a cystid, which provides the body wall and produces an exoskeleton, and a polypide, which holds the organs. Each colony grows by asexual budding from a single zooid known as the ancestrula. Most start life as males, later changing to female, though colonies will always contain a balanced ratio of males and females. Although the zooids themselves are microscopic, colonies can range in size from 1 cm to over 1 m (3 ft 3 in).
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Propaganda under the cut:
Bryozoans are an important part of the food chain, and are preyed on by nudibranchs, fish, sea urchins, pycnogonids, crustaceans, mites, starfish, snails, and insects. Likewise they are also important filter feeders, providing filtering services just like mussels and sponges do.
Fossil bryozoans are known as far back as the early Cambrian, making them one of the youngest phyla in the fossil record. (Though they may have appeared earlier and just not fossilized due to less mineralization in their skeletons.)
The genus Monobryozoon are the only bryozoans that don’t live in colonies. Their name literally means “Alone Moss Animal”. They are very rare, considered almost a mythical animal among scientists. One species has been found 3 times, another species once, and the last species may not even exist, as its one sighting was not confirmed.
Species that can produce defensive zooids only do so in response to a threat. They may produce these new warriors within 48 hours of sensing said threat.
Many bryozoans have symbiotic relationships with animals of other phyla. For example, the bryozoan Alcyonidium nodosum protects the whelk Burnupena papyracea from the predatory Rock Lobster (Jasus lalandii) by forming a strong crust on its shell and producing chemical defenses which deter the lobster.
Members of a bryozoan colony are genetically identical and co-operate with the use of chemical signals. They can respond to the scent of predators or rival colonies as one. Teamwork makes the… weird little ball of guys work.
I like to imagine them talking like the aliens from Toy Story
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I'm curious how many of the nonhuman boys are cis, have peen(s) + sheath combo or intersex? And how would they work it out with (a very eager) afab or amab yuu?
Ok, so I'm going to obviously talk about beast junk and a bit about matting below. ⬇️
The thing is, gender and sex aren't as binary in this version of twst unlike it's typically expected to be, like in our world.
Sure, sexual dimorphism is still a thing for a lot of them, but not to the extent that humans usually, but not always, experience. Yes, there are things like different fur/feather/scale patterns for certain male/female beasties but aside from that there isn't too much of a difference physically except maybe those of the different sexes being bigger or smaller than their counterpart, but again that depends on species. Like, how female hyenas are bigger than males, but female and male wolves are typically equal in their bigness.
For most nonmammals, it's a bit more complicated.
You see, both afab and amab Mers/harpies/reptile beasts have slits but the amab's are the ones able to both produce and fertilize eggs and have a type of penis...at least with the harpies and to an extent with the reptiles and mers.
Certain reptiles, along with amphibian beastmen are able to change sex while many mers are also able to do so or are simply hermaphrodites and have both functioning sets of reproductive organs.
However, in order to fertilize said egg they would need another person that is able to produce semen though they don't necessarily need a penis to do so. Simply rubbing their slits together is enough to do so as long as long as the semen gets in. Like how birds mate with their cloaca.
Though it is totally possible for some to reproduce asexually depends on the animal they are related to.
Some mer have "breasts" but really, they usually happen to be venom or ink sacks, and plenty doesn't have nipples aside from more human-seeming mers and those based on sea mammals.
The harpies and reptiles also have no need for breasts and don't have nipples. It's debated that afab's having them may simply be a needless leftover from evolution or a way to attract males from other species and encourage crossbreeding. The area is typically used by those who have the trait to keep eggs warm or safe.
As a result of it being difficult to determine at birth and before reaching sexual maturity, many offspring of these kinds aren't referred to with male or female language until puberty when they develop more obvious physical traits.
It also isn't uncommon for them to have more gender-neutral sounding names or to choose a name that they themselves find more suitable once they reach that stage in development.
So, when it comes to at least these particular beasts those typically deemed "male" wouldn't really be considered cis by our standards.
Anyway, the things above such as how less severe sexual dimorphism is with certain beasts, and the aid of magic also make things like transitioning a lot simpler for those who do so. Not really viewed as strange and is typically accepted.
As for sheaths, some mammal beastmen like equines and canines have sheaths but it's not to the extent that their animal counterparts have them and they have something more of a half sheath and as a result, the penis isn't totally hidden unlike with said counterpart.
As for "-how would they work it out with (a very eager) afab or amab yuu?" I'm not quite sure? It's normal for them, and there is nothing to really work out aside from who's more comfortable with doing what.
Some prefer being penetrated while others would rather be the ones doing it. Some don't like either and would prefer simply rubbing yourselves against one another. It's all a matter of personal preference really.
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tiredwitchplant · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Carnelian (Red)
Carnelian (The Sunset Stone)
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Color: Red, orange, pink, brown
Rarity: Common, easy to obtain
Hardiness: 7
Type: Agate or Chalcedony
Chakra Association: Solar-Plexus, Sacral, Root Chakra
Angels: Michael
Deities: Isis
Astrological Signs: Leo, Taurus, Aries
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Origin: Britain, India, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Peru, Iceland, Romania
Powers: Success, Confidence, Motivation, Courage, Sexual Energy, Vitality, Action
Crystals It Works Well With: Aquamarine, Beryl, Super Seven
How It is Created: It is part of the chalcedony family. It is made up of silicon dioxide colored by different levels of iron impurities, with specks, banding, or stripes in many shades of brown or orange-red. The stone itself has a beautiful warm orange color that is best appreciated when it is polished.
History: Since ancient times, carnelian has been polished and worn as jewelry. The Egyptians used it to contrast with onyx and lapis lazuli in the making of collars and necklaces. The Romans were fond of it set in gold, using small beads in earrings or larger polished stones in finger rings for men and women. In the Middle Ages, carnelian was also popular as a healing stone. It was said to dissolve anger or rage, protect the wearer from negative influences, and promote courage.
What It Can Do:
Can be used in spell for success, confidence, and motivation
Can bring a burst of inspiration and energy
Is good for sex magic and sometimes menstrual support
Can cleanse and restore other crystals
Can help those in abusive situations by providing inner strength and movement to the right path
Help with mental preparation with childbirth
Calms angry emotions and puts a stop to mental lethargy
Can restore vitality and remove the fear of death
Was used to protect the dead to their journey to the afterlife
Dispels apathy and motivates success
Improves analytics abilities and clarifies perception
Removes extraneous thoughts in mediation and tunes daydreamers into reality
Can stimulate metabolism and improve your life force
Can influence reproductive organs and increase fertility
How to Get the Best Out Of: Use as a pendant or belt buckle, or place in contact with the skin as appropriate.
How to Cleanse and Charge: You can cleanse and charge carnelian with the sun.
Crystal Grid:
Creativity Grid
Shape: Flower of Life or Vesica Piscis
Mantra: “Creativity flows through me.”
Center Stone: Carnelian sphere or tumbled stone
Secondary Stones: Rainbow moonstone, larimar, kunzite, orange calcite
Moon Phase: Waxing phase or full moon
Day: Wednesday
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year
I must make an apology. Last Wet Beast Wednesday I declared that I was balancing out the vertebrate/invertebrate balance of this series. However, I realized that all the invertebrates I've covered have been arthropods. This is a grave misrepresentation of invertebrate diversity and I must make amends. Thus, this week we're returning to the no bone zone and talking about siphonophores.
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(Image: a collage of different siphonophore species, sourced from Wikipedia)
Siphonophores are cnidarians: soft-bodies, radially symmetrical organisms that also include jellyfish, anemones, and corals. They are definitely amongst the weirdest of cnidarians. Most of them look like either a jellyfish or an anemone, but siphonophores run a whole gamut of shapes: from the jellyfish-like Portugese man-o-war to the vaguely comb jelly-like Praya dubia, to whatever the heck this thing is
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It looks like a bunch of glass vases on a stick (image: Marrus orthocanna)
Their appearance is the least weird thing abut them. Siphonophores are colonial organisms. Each individual animal is composed of multiple smaller organisms called zooids. All zooids share the same DNA, but are specialized to perform different functions as determined by their morphology. Because each type of zooid is specialized to perform a single function, they are dependent on each other to survive and cannot exist alone. Cnidarians exist in two forms, which many will switch between during their life cycle: sessile polyps and mobile medusas. Siphonophores do this differently, with each zooid type being either a medusa of a polyp. Biologists have described multiple types of zooids found across many species of siphonophore. These include nectophores (used for propulsion), gastrozooids (used for digestion), palpons (used to regulate gastrovascular fluids), gonophores (used in reproduction), and pneumatophores (gas-filled floats only found in some species).
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(image: a diagram of different zooid types. Source)
There are 175 known species of siphonophore. The majority of species are pelagic, remaining in open water their entires lives, though a few reside on the sea floor. While they do have some ability to direct their movements, like jellyfish, they are often pulled along by currents. The majority of species live in the deep sea and deep-sea species are often larger than shallow-sea species. Like their jellyfish and anemone relatives, siphonophores are predators who use tentacles to capture prey. Each tentacle is covered with stinging cells called nematocysts that fire venom-coated barbs into organisms that touch them. The prey is then pulled into gastrozooids and digested. Most species are capable of bioluminescence, which is likely used for defense. Some species also develop bioluminescent lures used to attract prey. Some siphonophore can get extremely large, with the species Praya dubia reaching u to 50 meters (160 ft), making it longer than a blue whale and possibly the longest animal in the world depending on how you measure the bootlace worm.
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(image: a Praya dubia catching fish)
Siphonophores reproduce with varying methods, some of which are poorly-understood. A new colony usually begins form a single fertilized egg. This egg hatched into a single protozooid that then produces other zooids via budding. In many species, the protozooid will form a central stalk from which groups of other zooids will bud. Other species use polyps that can be ejected into the water carrying eggs and sperm which they use to fertilize themselves. In any case, special zooids called gonophores are used to make the gametes. Different species are either dioecious (each colony has either male or female gonophores) or monoecious (each colony contains both male and female gonophores.
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(Image: a diagram of a siphonophore life cycle. Source)
Cnidarians are believed to have existed since the precambrian, though as soft-bodied animals fossilize more rarely, the exact origin of siphonophores is not known. Some scientists speculate that the colonial nature of siphonophores may represent an early stage in the development of true organ systems. If this is correct, the development would go something along the lines of colonies of single-celled organisms -> colonies of single-celled organisms with differentiated functions -> siphonophore-like colonial organisms -> individual organisms with differentiated organ systems.
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This one's called a "long, stringy, stingy thingy". No really, look it up (image: Apolemia uvaria)
The most famous siphonophore and the first one described is Physalia physalis, the Portugese man-o-war or bluebottle. It is a neuston, an organism that lives at the boundary between water and air. Its most notable feature is the enlarged float filled with carbon monoxide that keeps it floating at the surface of the water. The float functions as a sail, letting it travel thousands of miles. Stinging tentacles trail below it to collect prey. The sting of a bluebottle is very painful to humans and can even be lethal in rare circumstances. Many a beach trip has been ruined by a man-o-war sting. Its morphology and development is different enough from other siphonophores that I may dedicate a whole post to it in the future.
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(image: a Portugese man-o-war)
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miyoriia · 2 months
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It's called a mushroom circle! what happens is a creature perishes and dissolves into the soil. Then mycellium grows on the fertile spot created by the creature's body, and they send up the mushrooms (the fruiting body (secret mushroom sex organs)) up and away from the central point to improve spread of spores.
I think as someone who cares about snuff kink you'd be fascinated by these things. They're rumored to take to you a fae realm if you step inside of them.
Also the ones in Dungeon Meshi turn make you trans(form into a different fantasy race) so it's like, super kitty / doggy related :3c
Typing that out has me so excited for remembering the stuff we learned in my entomology (bugs) university course about stages of decomposition and the different organisms that are present at different stages. It's like a whale-fall but on land ^w^
wow i can't wait to die the world is so wonderful
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pkmnprofloblolly · 2 years
What’s up with the shiny phenomena? Why do they literally sparkle? Why are they always the same colour? Why have they grown more abundant recently?
i'm SO glad you asked this i was thinking about this literally yesterday.
so, let's start off by defining exactly what a shiny pokemon is, because it's a completely unique phenomenon!
shiny pokemon:
are a different color to most others of the species
that different color is consistent across all shinies within a species (ie, all shiny totodile are greenish)
have a distinct shining/sparkling effect
cannot pass their shininess down to offspring, the shiny factor is not heritable
an individual is shiny its entire life, it isn't a condition that can develop after birth
shininess is NOT at all related to pigmentation differences like albinism (absence of melanin, and chlorophyll in pokemon that produce it), leucism (partial loss of pigmentation), or melanism (overproduction of melanin). this is because these features are hereditary- genetic traits which can be passed from parent to offspring- whereas shininess is non-hereditary. additionally, shininess is ONLY observed in pokemon, whereas non-pokemon animals (ie humans and certain invertebrates) cannot be shiny, but can be albino/melanistic/etc.
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typical, albino, and shiny summer deerling. off topic, but albino grass types often have very specialized care needs due to their inability to photosynthesize.
so, what causes shininess? this is where things get dicey, because we doooon't actually know for sure. studies into the cause of shininess are a pretty recent thing, and due to the rarity of shiny pokemon research is often forced to be in smaller scale, with limited sample sizes.
there are a couple hypotheses, all with their supporting and detracting evidence. i'll go over two.
firstly, is that shininess is a unique way in which pokemon can express chimerism. an organism is a chimera when it has more than one set of genes within its body, from a process like two sperm fertilizing one egg, or two zygotes merging. most chimeras are undetectable save for genetic testing, but a couple types- like gynandromorphs (one female set of genes and one male) in heavily sexually dimorphic species- can be very striking.
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these are two examples of gynandromorphs in nidorino/a, and nidoking/queen. the nidorin@ is a mosaic gynandromorph, where female and male attributes are distributed relatively randomly around the body, resulting in patches of features. the nidoroyal(?) is a bilateral gynandromorph, where the male/female features are split clean down the middle.
chimerism is impossible to be passed down, as only one set of genes can be passed to offspring. additionally, the process that causes it occurs at or near fertilization, so it's present from birth. these are both consistent with shininess. the chimera hypothesis states that shininess is a form of chimerism unique to pokemon, where the two genomes somehow interact to produce pigments of a unique color, as well as the odd sparkling effect. there have been a few studies with genetic testing that have shown a much higher incidence of detectable chimerism within shinies, lending credence to this hypothesis.
however, the mechanism through which two sets of genomes within one pokemon would cause the color difference is unknown, and there have been a few studies which have presented shiny individuals for which chimerism was unable to be detected.
another popular explanation is the pathogen hypothesis. it's the idea that a pathogen of some kind, usually posited to be something like pokerus, that causes little to no symptoms in most pokemon, but if somehow able to infect the reproductive organs of a parent pokemon, can cause a developing embryo to have altered pigment expression, resulting in a shiny.
the main detracting factor in this hypothesis is that this hypothetical shiny-germ has never actually been detected. many supporters of this solution believe that a normal pathogen we already know and have documented is the cause, it just has a unique interaction with developing embryos. this is difficult to prove, because the extremely low incidence of shinies makes it basically impossible to medically observe the development of a shiny embryo, since you don't know if it's shiny until it's born/hatched.
there are other explanations out there, but until more research is done into these phenomena, we don't know exactly why or how shiny pokemon are born. if you have a shiny pokemon yourself, do consider seeing if labs near you are looking for volunteers- finding those big sample sizes is real tough!
so, why does it seem that people are finding so many more shiny pokemon nowadays? well, evidence that the incidence of shiny pokemon has actually increased in recent years is .. flimsy. folks have different opinions on this, but i'm of the mind that it's really just that more folks are going out and catching pokemon. pokemon league programs are being promoted to kids around the world, and more folks than ever are getting into training and doing their gym challenges, which means more people are out there looking for, battling, catching, and hatching pokemon- and the more times you roll the dice, the higher the chance you'll land the jackpot!
thank you so much for the question!
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k-s-morgan · 1 month
Recently checked back up on ATLWETD to see if it had updated and followed the tumblr thread here. Imagine my surprise seeing all of the wonderful snippets and asks you answered. Tom using the mood stone? I almost forgot that was a thing. And finding out that Tom was just being a possesive/calculating bastard when he took Harrys food is embarassing to me since my guess was so far off. I thought that Tom inferred that Harry suspected him of poisoning/ truth seruming his food when he told Tom "Happy Poisoning".
Anyways, I decided it was finally my time to step up and praise you like the glorious writer you are. How on earth you could ever believe that your works arent as creative or as plot heavy as other tomarry works is beyond me. To me, your fics have lovely foreshadowing that makes me pay very close attention to anything that is mentioned offhandedly by a character because in your works everything means something. (Like seriously, one detail I missed in WHGTB on the first read was Harry reading the description of the book Tom was going to use to bond him and you stuffing permanent bonding inbetween fertility and necromancy. You had Harry misdirect us by having him muse about necromancy so we wouldn't notice. And you're right, I didn't)
And the humanity and characterization that you give to any character you write? Hell, i'd say you give them more layers than the origional authors. I always know that you won't make the characters make stupid and out of character actions just to advance the plot.
My experience with your writing started with WHGTB (my first convincing tomarry fic btw, you were the one who snagged me). After that, I trailed after your content like a lost puppy. I consumed your hannigram fics without having a spec of knowledge other than "haha cannibal eats the rude". I have now watched the telltale John Doe/Bruce Wayne playthroughs on youtube and rewatched the lego batman movie for the first time since i saw it in theaters when it came out. A Rule for a Rule is shaping up to be the best thing that happened to batjokes (outside of Half Way Across). I've even tenatively read through your Black Butler work, which I was hesitant to look at given the age gap and having never watched the anime. Should have never doubted that your approach to their relationship would make sense. You make an anime which could be categorized as ridiculous (I apologize, I have no nostalgic memories of this anime holding me back. I read your fic first, the anime can't compare) into something psychological and beautiful. Just so so real.
Anywho, there's my small (because I could genuinely write an analytical essay on your works and enjoy it) love letter to your writing.
Stay safe angel, it's unfortunate that I can't do anything to help you or your country. Even more disgusting that my country could help if they gave half a shit but won't. I would say I'm praying for you, but given that I'm not religious that goes nowhere. So, pathetically, my 11:11 wishes will be used for your continuted health.
Hope your writing continues to bring you joy <3
Hi! Thank you so much for such a lengthy, wonderful ask - I have a few more unanswered ones in my ask box, and I'm so delighted that my stories evoke so many thoughts and feelings in my readers!
Funnily, quite a few people thought that Tom sharing Harry's food and drinking from his cup is related to Harry's 'happy poisoning'! This never occured to me. I admit I love when such stuff happens because it proves how a text is its own thing, a living organism, something that the author and every reader can have vastly different interpretations of. In this case, yes, I intended for Tom to keep testing the intimate boundaries and to see how much Harry would allow, to gauge what exact type of relationship they used to share. Slowly turning him into a possessive, obsessed monster in love is such a delight.
I'm so gratified that you enjoy the foreshadowing I'm trying to build! I do love it, and I can tell that in ATLWETD, the seeds of the largest plot twists and the ending have already been planted. It's difficult to recognize them without knowing the rest, but if someone re-reads the whole story after it's done, these little hints should become obvious.
Also, it's so flattering that WHGTB became the first Tomarry story you really liked! Really, it's an honor, considering how big this part of fandom is and how many brilliant stories fill it. And knowing that you followed my fics across the fandoms despite not being a part of them - wow! I'm speechless! You honestly made me blush, I'm so happy to hear all this.
I appreciate every word you wrote - this means so much to me, I re-read your ask a couple of times because of how happy it made me. I hope you continue to enjoy my stories and discovering new great fandoms :D Thank you!
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I understand if you don’t want to answer this, but I am genuinely asking. Can a woman with a DSD and a Y chromosome give birth? Are they still a woman if they have a Y chromosome?
I don’t think so for either but people are claiming otherwise and I’d like the facts
Hi! I understand the confusion!
I recommend this (heavily sourced) Intersex Genetics Masterpost [1].
To answer your question "can a woman with a DSD and a Y chromosome give birth?":
In general, most individuals with a DSD with a Y-chromosome (e.g., CAIS, 5ARD, etc.) cannot give birth at all because they do not have a uterus. There are two (sort of) exceptions:
Swyer Syndrome / 46, XY Complete Gonadal Dysgenesis:
This DSD only affects biologically male individuals, due to a genetic mutation disrupting Wolffian structure (male sex organ) development, these individuals instead develop female external and (some) female internal sex organs (i.e., because the female sex development is essentially the default pathway).
They usually develop a uterus but they do not develop functional gonads (ovaries or testes). As such, they do not have any eggs or sperm and are infertile.
However, there have been some individuals with Swyer syndrome who have carried and given birth to a child, using donor eggs and fairly extensive medical fertility interventions (i.e., beyond the standard IVF interventions). However, this is considered very rare [2] and it involves the use of donor eggs. (There are ethical, feminist considerations about the surrogacy/fertility industry, but that's a topic for another post).
XX/XY Mosaicism:
This DSD occurs when "a fraternal twin absorbs its twin zygote at some point in pregnancy, adding the twin’s DNA to different locations in its body, sometimes mixing the DNA sometimes not".
The individual's sex depends on the genetic material in the gonadal tissue (e.g., the tissue that develops into ovaries or testes) an individual with XX gonadal genetics will develop as female, even if the majority of the rest of the body's cells are XY. (For anyone with a bit of genetics experience, this should make sense: even in an XX female you have X-inactivation so that (mostly at least) only one X chromosome is active in each cell.) In other words, the tissue that determines what sexual development process to start (Wolffian or Mullerian) is what determines the phenotype sex of the individual.
As a result of this, you can find an extremely rare case (as in, I can find no other cases) of an individual with predominately XY genetic material (i.e., outside the gonads) can develop a female phenotype, get pregnant, and give birth to children.
Both of these DSD are extremely rare. In each case they are still "of" a specific sex. In other words, if they did not have the genetic mutation resulting in their DSD they would have developed the ability to produce only one type of gamete (either eggs or sperm). As such, they are still either male or female, just with a DSD that results in a substantial phenotypic difference.
To answer your question "are they still a woman if they have a Y chromosome?":
If we go by a strict definition: only individuals who are "of the sex" that produces the larger gamete (whether or not they actually do so) are female and only adult female humans are women.
However, there are some biologically male individuals (e.g., people with Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome or Swyer Syndrome) who develop an near-normal externally female phenotype (although they are infertile). These individuals will not know they are not biologically female, and may not ever know (e.g., if they don't have access to medical care capable of diagnosing them). Unfortunately, they will also have (potentially extensive) medical problems.
Personally, my belief is that if someone would be recognized and treated like a woman prior to the advent of modern medical technology, they should be considered a woman now. (And the same for men.) Obviously, they need to work with a doctor to manage their health issues, but these are private medical matters that will have little to no impact on how they experience the world (e.g., how they are perceived and treated). In other words, some biologically male individuals have a DSD that results in the assumption of a female sex from birth; these people will experience the world in similar or identical ways to a infertile (possibly disabled) woman.
As a note, there is also an argument for anyone who is either observed or assigned female at birth to be considered a woman. I understand the argument here, and it would be a useful short hand. Unfortunately, however, I don't think this would adequately consider the nuances of all DSDs, as there are some that result in an individual who was AFAB later (i.e., during puberty) developing a near-normal male phenotype. While this individual's childhood (and possibly adult) experiences are very different than a healthy male, they will not be perceived and treated as women following puberty.
Ultimately, these conditions are extremely rare. The estimate for any true DSD (i.e., either a mismatch between genotype and phenotype or ambiguous primary sex organs) is about 0.018% [4, 5]. (See [4] for a scientific article and [5] for a blog post discussing this data). This means that more than 99.98% of babies are recognizably and correctly identified as either male or female at birth. It would also suggest there are currently less than 1.5 million intersex individuals in the entire world.
References under the cut:
The Intersex Genetics Masterpost. Everything You Could Ever Want to Know | by 21ohdef | Medium. 30 June 2024, https://web.archive.org/web/20240630160344/https://medium.com/@21ohdef/the-intersex-masterpost-bb5a6250e6d6.
Taneja J, Ogutu D, Ah-Moye M. Rare successful pregnancy in a patient with Swyer Syndrome. Case Rep Womens Health. 2016 Oct 18;12:1-2. doi: 10.1016/j.crwh.2016.10.001. PMID: 29629300; PMCID: PMC5885995.
Dumic M, Lin-Su K, Leibel NI, Ciglar S, Vinci G, Lasan R, Nimkarn S, Wilson JD, McElreavey K, New MI. Report of fertility in a woman with a predominantly 46,XY karyotype in a family with multiple disorders of sexual development. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Jan;93(1):182-9. doi: 10.1210/jc.2007-2155. Epub 2007 Nov 13. Erratum in: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Mar;93(3):1083. PMID: 18000096; PMCID: PMC2190741.
Sax, L. (2002). How common is intersex? A response to Anne Fausto-Sterling. Journal of Sex Research, 39(3), 174–178. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224490209552139
Wright, C. (2020). Intersex Is Not as Common as Red Hair. Reality’s Last Stand. https://www.realityslaststand.com/p/intersex-is-not-as-common-as-red
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