#con jonas.
molecoledigiorni · 9 months
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Ph. Jonas Peterson
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 5 months
Hii! 3, 27 and 29 for the ask game :)
Hello hello hello <3 and thank you for the questions!
3. What was the last song you listened to?
DAUGHTER, by Beyoncé.
Since I've already shared a lot of Cowboy Carter songs, I'm also going to tell you the one I listened to before DAUGHTER: Back On 74 by Jungle.
27. What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times?
Technically I've already answered this one here, but of course I'm going to take the chance to talk about another one of my favourites. :)
I'm a big Jonas Jonasson fan and I've re-read his novels many times; my favourite is a tie between The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared and The Girl Who Saved The King Of Sweden. They're delightfully absurd, marvelously funny stories that always put me in a good mood, and I adore them.
29. Does it take you a long time to make decisions?
Hmm. I do get stuck on decisions sometimes, mostly on choices that somehow involve other people, but apart from those few times I'm a fairly decisive person -- and when I've made a decision it tends to be final; it's hard to change my mind. I do struggle a bit with executive function, though, and afaik that's related to decision-making, so perhaps I'm less of a decisive person than I think!
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zucch9 · 2 months
MarsLogic-Jonalex-come c𝘢zzo si chiama😭😭
𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘱
Alexander era ai fornelli, preparando la cena per se e il suo ragazzo, che, a giudicare dal rumore dell getto della doccia che veniva spento, aveva appena finito di lavarsi. Erano quasi tre anni che vivevano insieme, dopo aver passato tre ulteriori anni a lavorare part time per pagare spese universitarie e racimolare abbastanza soldi per trovare una casa e lasciare il vecchio e minuscolo appartamento che avevano trovato subito dopo il loro 𝘈𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘶𝘳.
Alexander aveva ormai abbandonato il mondo del calcio, a differenza di altri compagni come Peter, Theodore, o Jonas, che avevano intrapreso una carriera calcistica da professionisti, per poi proseguire su quel percorso. Nonostante fosse felice della sua scelta di studiare, ogni tanto si chiedeva comunque come sarebbe stato poter giocare come professionista, se solamente il mondo del calcio a livello agonistico non fosse ancora così chiuso e retrogrado.
I suoi pensieri vennero interrotti dallo scricchiolio delle scale, seguiti poi dai passi scalzi e ben conosciuti del compagno, che non esitò a posizionarsi dietro di lui, appoggiando il petto alla sua schiena e abbracciarlo mollemente dalla vita per non intralciare la mobilità del ragazzo ai fornelli.
Il ragazzo sorrise, sentendo l'umidità dell'asciugamano sulla spalla. Si rigirò nell'abbraccio prendendo a coppa le guance dell'albino, e accarezzandole con i pollici.
Si prese un secondo per ammirare il fidanzato: da tempo ormai aveva smesso di nascondere l'occhio ci cieco quando si trovava insieme a lui o ai suoi amici più stretti, lasciando il viso molto più scoperto e accontentandosi di una semplice triangolare benda nera in pubblico.
"Ti ho detto almeno mille volte che voglio ti asciughi i capelli quando fai la doccia" disse il più basso, passando una mano tra le ciocche chiare del compagno "Non è che grondino d'acqua, su" "Lo vedo, ma comunque non è un buon motivo per girare coi capelli umidi per casa" lo rimbeccò. "Comunque, va ad apparecchiare, qua è quasi pronto".
Senza una parola il polacco ubbidì, non prima di aver rubato un bacio a fior di labbra al più basso. "Ai suoi ordini capitano." mormorò avvicinandosi alla credenza, non riuscendo a trattenere uno sbuffo divertito quando Alexander borbottò uno "Ti ho sentito eh!".
Jonas apparecchiò la tavola, e appena finì di mettere l'acqua in tavola Alexander arrivò con un tegame e un cucchiaio. Iniziarono a mangiare in un silenzio confortante prima che l'albino lo spezzasse con un "Sai chi mi ha chiamato appena entrato in università? Max". "Ah si? Che diceva?" chiese Alexander.
"Ha appena ristrutturato il locale di famiglia, e vorrebbe invitarci all'inaugurazione il mese prossimo. Ha detto anche che molti hanno già detto che verranno, addirittura Theo è riuscito a trovare un po' di spazio per venire".
"Anche lui? Beh, come biasimarlo, è da prima di carnevale che non torna a casa. Sarà comunque un'occasione per incontrarci ancora, è passato veramente del tempo dall'ultima volta che ci siamo visti tutti" dopo il FFI, quando la squadra ormai iniziava a sciogliersi, e nonostante tutti avessero preso strade diverse, erano comunque rimasti in contatto negli anni e cercavano comunque di riunirsi tutti insieme, per quanto fosse possibile per i vari impegni.
"Che ne dici?" chiese l'albino "Io in università non ho esami per il momento, e penso che agli allenamenti mi daranno un giorno di permesso per andare a Francoforte" "Nemmeno io. Quindi dopo lo chiamo per dirgli che ci saremo?" "Facciamo domani, conoscendolo, quante probabilità ci sono che risponda a quest'ora? " rifletté Alek "Giusta osservazione".
Dopo aver finito di sparecchiare si sistemarono sul divano e aprirono Netflix "Se ti addormenti anche stavolta a metà film ti giuro che ti lascio sul divano stanotte." ammonì Jonas, anche se erano parole al vento, tutti e due sapevano bene che non sarebbe riuscito a farlo dormire sul divano nemmeno sotto minaccia.
"Non mi addormento sta volta, e se fosse comunque non lo faresti, mi ami troppoo." canticchiò Alexander, aprendo una birra e prendendone un sorso, per poi appoggiarsi allo schienale del divano affianco al fidanzato.
"No, non mi addormento sta volta" Pensava Jonas, quando, un ora dopo il ragazzo accanto a lui era crollato sulla sua spalla nel bel mezzo di Harry Potter e la Camera dei Segreti.
Sospirò e baciò la testa del compagno, che si sciolse ancora di più al suo fianco. Spense la televisione e lo scosse dolcemente "Alek, andiamo a letto, su." il verde mormorò qualcosa per poi tornare a bearsi della foschia del sonno. "Ale, su, non ti lascio qua sul divano, andiamo." "No..." "Devo veramente portarti in braccio?" chiese retorico, non aspettando neanche di sentire una risposta.
"Dai, vieni qua" disse il polacco, allargando le braccia aspettando che il ragazzo si aggrappasse con braccia e gambe al proprio torso. Una volta che si assicurò il ragazzo fosse ben saldo si alzò e salì le scale verso la loro camera da letto.
Posò il fidanzato a letto, che senza esitare spostò le coperte per mettersi a letto "Ale, hai ancora il binder addosso, non voglio che ci dormi, è pericoloso. " disse Jonas, prendendo dal comò la roba che usavano per dormire.
"Ho sonnooo." sbuffò Alexander, ma nonostante ciò mettendosi seduto e togliendosi di malagrazia prima la felpa, rigorosamente condivisa (rubata a) con Jonas, che ormai si era ben abituato a veder sparire e riapparire vestiti dal suo guardaroba, e poi il binder.
Nonostante avesse iniziato la terapia ormonale oltre un anno prima, non aveva ancora voluto procedere con nessun intervento, preferendo prima finire il percorso di studi universitari. Jonas si avvicinò al letto e aiutò il fidanzato a mettere il pigiama, per poi rimboccargli le coperte e seguirlo a ruota sotto di esse.
Drappeggiò un braccio sopra il fianco dell'altro, avvicinandoselo al petto, e prima che potesse nuovamente cadere tra le braccia di Morfeo lasciandogli un dolce bacio sulle labbra e un "Ti amo" sussurrato all'orecchio. Nonostante fosse buio, sapeva bene che il compagno si era addormentato col sorriso.
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sluggybunny · 7 months
anyone else ever like, pretend to be into something so you could feel normal or part of the friend group. i have a hilarious long con of pretending to be very into hannah montana because my only friend was super into it. like it was one night when i was very sick i watched the pilot episode and thought "eh i dont care for this" and went back to throwing up. the next day i find out my friend has devoted her whole life to being a hannah montana super fan and i was like haha.... me too.....
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rivlcy · 7 months
[🛍️] : para que mi personaje encuentre al tuyo en una tienda de ropa. / @jcnvsky
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" ¿qué opinas? " menciona apenas se cruza mirada de rostro conocido, sin siquiera un saludo de por medio " este o este " entonces alza vestido rojo y lavanda conforme los va mencionando.
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vegancas · 11 months
ahbl12 finally announced and it's tHE SAME WEEKEND I'M ALREADY SEEING THE JONAS BROTHERS TWICE!? like i guess i don't feel too bad about not going since they haven't announced misha as a guest and with jackles and j*red already they probably won't but STILL it's a full weekend convention here in melbourne and I'M BUSY 😭😭😭
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fircyca · 2 years
i have so many jonas gifset planned ya’ll will fucking hate me lmao but me and @titansdaughter went down in this rabbit hole soooo hard it’s not even funny (but of course it is)
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glueboy-19 · 10 months
i'm sat fancasting dark tower and giggling and kicking my feet because im a genius ?
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waluigisgaybf · 2 years
Oh man I should really revise my Jonas cosplay-
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Hello everyone!
Here we are finally in the series I talk about a few days ago. After the votes you chose Leah, but I might have kept some ideas for Alessia afterwards.
I have the beginning of the story and the end, but I have not yet decided exactly what would happen in the middle, so I am unable to tell you how many chapters there will be in this story.
I hope you will like it and as usual, I gladly take your comments, requests and suggestions :) Don’t hesitate to write to me.
Happy reading!
World count : 4.8k
TW : Mention of breaking up and angst. I think nothing else but if you notice something please let me know!
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The news of your transfer to Arsenal was like a little bomb in the football world. You were on the verge of another contract extension with Manchester City when the London club contacted your agent, offering you a contract that you couldn’t refuse. It wasn’t an easy decision to make, you thought about it long before accepting. You asked for the advice of your parents and friends footballers perhaps a little more experienced than you. Including Ingrid Engen, one of your best friends since you started playing on the Norwegian national team.
After weighing the pros and cons, you decided to accept and say goodbye to Manchester City. Some things will obviously miss you. Starting with some of your teammates that you consider your friends and who seemed really saddened by your departure.
You quickly got along with Laia Aleixandri and Leila Ouahabi, the spanish womens taking you under their wing just arrived in Manchester. They made your life easier and helped you include yourself in the club much more easily than you could have hoped. Leaving your home country at almost 18 wasn’t easy, but if you wanted to continue to follow your dreams, you really had no choice. Norwegian football being less in the spotlight, when you had the first proposal from an English club, you didn’t hesitate a single second. Your parents and relatives encouraged you to accept this offer as well.
Your life in Manchester has been pleasant and you can’t help but be a little nervous about moving to a new city. With other people, other places… In short, to start almost from the beggining. The only thing that has changed between your settlement between Manchester and London is that you have undoubtedly developed your athletic abilities and skills in all areas necessary to be able to play football properly.
Your contract was signed just after the end of the World Cup, so you were the last to announced at Arsenal. This didn’t allow you to find an apartment in time and that is why you find yourself in a hotel room for your first nights in London. It’s a little strange, but you’d rather that than take an apartment that wouldn’t suit you. It’s important for you to really feel at home when you cross the threshold of your door and you haven’t found the one who gave you this impression in those you have visited for the moment.
You only have a few things with you at the moment, all your furniture is stored in Laia’s garage in Manchester, ready to be sent as soon as you find what suits you. Very soon, let’s hope.
It’s a little nervous that you leave the Uber that accompanies you to the Arsenal training center for your first day under the colors of the club. You have already made the promotional photos, so you have already met several people belonging to the staff. You’ve already had a meeting with Jonas, but you haven’t met a lot of people officially when it comes to the players.
Last night, Alessia Russo contacted you via Instagram (you didn’t even realize she was following you on social media) and offered to wait for you at the entrance to make your way together. You quickly accepted, even if you also quickly understood that it was for you more than for her. Alessia knows a lot of people on the team, unlike you. But the gesture made you happy. Alessia having played at Manchester United while you were playing at Manchester City, you might have had a bad connection with her, being clubs enemy, but that’s not the case. Leila and Laia always took you with them when they were going out with Ona and her friends and that’s how you met Alessia. From saying you’re friends with her there’s a world, but you appreciate the blonde’s personality.
Alessia is already waiting for you when you arrive and you smile at her when you reach her height.
"Hi" you say with a slight smile, responding willingly to her embrace.
"Nervous?" asks the blonde, glancing at you.
You answer with a simple grunt that makes her laugh, before you go to the conference room where you meet the rest of the team. She asks you about your Summer and you ask questions back, learning that she went in her family in Italy.
Several of your teammates are already present when you enter the room, including Jonas who greets you both with a big smile. You find yourself following Alessia around like a lost puppy in the room, but she doesn’t seem to mind. On the contrary, she introduces you to people she already knows.
You’ve come across some of them on football fields in previous games, but aside from a few words exchanged with them, there’s never been anything more. You talk to Laia Codina, whom Laia and Leila described as an adorable girl, when a new trio arrives in the room. Lia, Leah and Katie.
"Katie terrifies me" Alessia jokes in your ear before Leah spots her and leads the other two in your direction.
"Do you know Y/N?" Alessia tells Leah after they greet each other with an embrace.
"Not really" Leah replies with a smile. "Welcome to Arsenal!"
"Thank you very much"
When your eyes meet, you feel a wave of shivers running through your entire body. Nothing to do with the terror that Katie can inspire in Alessia, but what it can mean does intrigue you no less. But you quickly recover, greeting all three. You realize too that Leah’s embrace lasts a few seconds longer than the others, her hand dragging in the hollow of your back when she laughs at a joke Katie made.
Shortly after, Jonas and his assistants arrive in the room and ask you all to sit down. You find yourself next to Alessia and Manuela Zinsberger and listens wisely to what he tells you. This mainly consists of a warm welcome from the new players, a reminder of the goals set for the team this year and the introduction of new staff members. After that, everyone is invited to a brunch and you find yourself around a big round table, once again with Manuela but also with Frida Maanum, who seems delighted to have a compatriot with her on the team.
"We’ll be able to show Stina and Amanda who the real Vikings are" she told you, amusing the people around you.
The least we can say is that you quickly feel comfortable.
Finally you were wrong to fear the introduction into your new team. You haven’t trained together yet, but you feel it won’t be a problem for you to fit in here. Despite you, your eyes are a little too turned towards Leah Williamson, who has lunch at an another table. You didn’t expect the injuries one to be here today, which was stupid of you. They’re just as much part of the team as you are.
In the middle of the afternoon, after visiting the different rooms and the training ground, you are free to leave. You stay a little longer than the first ones who do though, having fun making passes with Alessia and Manuela, while Leah, Lia, Beth and Viv stay a few meters from you to discuss. When you finally decide to leave the field to go home and you don’t follow them to the parking lot greeting them nevertheless, you see Leah arching an eyebrow.
"Where are you going?"
"Taking the subway? I don’t have a car yet" you answer smiling, shrugging your shoulders.
"Bullshit. Someone can bring you back" Leah says, turning to your teammates.
"I’m not going to force someone to make a detour for me, Leah, but that’s very kind, thank you very much."
Something in the blonde’s gaze makes you think that if she had been fit to drive, she herself would have made the detour, but being driven by Lia she doesn’t have the opportunity to do so.
"I can" says Alessia nicely. "Where do you live?"
A new wave of surprise attacks your teammates when you give them the name of your hotel.
"You live in a hotel?" Lia wonders with her kind voice this time.
"I didn’t find an apartment for now" you shrug your shoulders."It all happened so quickly that I didn’t have time to anticipate things properly."
Well, you must also say that you wanted enjoy your holiday without bother yourself with it.
"We have a guest room if you want to come and live there for a few days, the time to find something" proposes Manuela.
But before you have time to answer, Alessia suddenly resumes speaking, slapping her forhead, as if she had just remembered something.
"They’re looking to rent the apartment in front of mine, on the same floor. If it’s like mine, it’s really nice!"
It turned out that the apartment in front of Alessia is indeed very nice. A bright living room (Very rare for London said Katie when she was sent by Leah to come make the counter-visit with you to scare the seller in case of scam attempts), a bedroom, another room that you used as a guest room, a third to make you an office and a living room with open kitchen. You even have a small balcony overlooking the inner courtyard, separated from Alessia’s by a transparent wall. "We’ll have to do a housewarming party" several of your teammates got excited. And that’s how you end up with most of the players on the team crammed into your living room, laughing while watching a reality show chosen by Jen. You ordered pizza and a supply of beer and other drinks has been flooding your balcony since last night. But you feel good and that’s all that matters. At the end of the show, you don’t know who offers a drinking game, consisting of taking a shot of alcohol if we did more than the person says. For example, you find yourself having to drink when Lotte says "I took more than three yellow cards last season." "Katie should drink like five shots" jokes Viv towards. Katie glare at her as laughter rises around you, but the game continues. Finally, when one of them says "I slept with more than two people" you are surprised to see that finally not many of you drink. You do. "Y/N?" Manuela turns to you with a disbelieving smile. "We never said we had to justify ourselves" you answer pulling your tongue at her. A new round is quickly thrown after that, but you cross Leah’s eyes a few seconds later. She also drank, which is probably not surprising given the small reputation that precedes her.
After clearing your throat, you look away with a slight blush on your cheeks.
You regularly saw Leah, between the parties organized by the different team members and during training. If the blond doesn’t follow those in the field, she has her appointments with her physiotherapist at the same time as you play. And she now participates in strength training and physical maintenance.
You talk to her regularly, but you have a hard time staying away like you promised yourself to. Leah seems like a very passionate and kind person, but some of your former teammates in Manchester City have made you aware of her flirtatious nature. And a one- or two-night thing, are really not what you’re looking for right now.
A little later in the evening, when at least half of the squad has returned home, you find yourself tidying up a little in the kitchen accompanied by Lia, Leah, Alessia, Manuela and Frida.
"So you have more than two conquests?" teases Manuela, leaning on the central island of your kitchen.
You have the impression that Leah’s eyes will pierce your head when she hears Manu’s question.
"I’ve got like three" you says, rolling your eyes. "It’s not the end of the world"
"It’s not" Lia laughs.
Hoping to divert the conversation, you offer once again to drink to your teammates slash friends. But that was without counting on Manu’s spontaneity.
"Oh but it wasn’t you who dated Alina Meier who play in Aston Villa? Lia’s swiss teammate?" (n/a I don’t want any problem with anyone, this girl is all invented)
You feel your stomach contracting a little bit to her name. Manuela isn’t mistaken, but you usually avoid talking about your ex. Any of your interlocutors could feel the tension emanating from you, but Lia is the fastest.
"Can I have another beer please?" she cuts the conversation with a big smile.
You willingly accept and pivot towards the fridge to dive in. Alessia takes charge of changing the topic of conversation and you sigh of relief when your hear that it works. You spend two seconds more than necessary to take out the beer, taking a large breath before leaving the fridge. Alessia puts a comforting hand behind your back and you find yourself once again stuck in Leah’s eyes when your eyes cross.
An hour later, it’s just Alessia, Leah, Victoria and you. Manuela fell asleep on the couch and you will probably find her in the same place tomorrow morning. Vic and Lessi are in the middle of a conversation about a band when you find yourself on your balcony, enjoying some fresh air.
"Mind if I join you?"
Leah. You obviously invite her to join you, despite yourself very intrigued by the young woman. You’re not stupid, or at least not stupid enough not to realize that she seems intrigued by you too. She speaks at you more often than Manu for example and behaves differently with you than with Lia or Alessia. You can imagine how much she looks about you and to be honest you’re interested about her too. But on your side it’s not only physical interest, which changes everything.
"Are you okay?" asks Leah with sincere concern. "You seem a little down since Manu mentioned Alina."
You look at her thoughtfully for a split second before shrugging your shoulders.
"She doesn’t bring back pleasant memories. But it’s ok" you finally confess, looking at the sky.
It’s difficult in London to observe the stars, between pollution and public lights lit everywhere. You miss it a little.
"You wanna talk about it?"
"Well… Everybody in the football world knows, no?"
Another disadvantage of dating a well-known player, in the end. It’s impossible to keep your privacy private.
"I don’t think so?" said Leah, frowning. "I don’t, anyway." You look at her again for a few seconds and it doesn’t take you any longer to understand that she’s telling the truth. "We dated for almost a year, until I found out she had been cheating on me with someone in the man team from her club for almost four months." "Oh... I’m so sorry" A new glance in her direction allows you to understand that she really is. Frowning, she seems upset by this story. Like all the people to whom you tell the truth of your break up with Alina. You assumed that everyone knew why, but it would seem that they didn’t. It kind of cheers you up to be honored. "Jordan’s playing with her now" you say thoughtfully. Leah grunt at the mention of her ex and you take advantage of the fact that she looks in front of her to observe her. Leah is a very beautiful woman, it’s not surprising that people like her so much. You see regularly video on her in your "For you" on Tiktok. "You’re not the only one having a bad relationship with your ex" ended up sighing Leah. "Do you want to talk about it?" you ask, repeating her words from before. "There’s not much to say. She’s just, you know... gone." Maybe you shouldn’t get close to her to put your hand on her shoulder, her proximity triggering strange sensations throughout your body. You realize that the joints of Leah’s hands that are attached to the fence are white, and your hand quickly leaves her shoulder to be laid on one of Leah’s, stroking it. When Leah turns her head in your direction, you realize how close your faces are. Your breath is cut off and the infinity of the blue of her eyes makes you lose yourself. When Leah puts her hand around your waist to take you against her, you feel like your heart rate has never been so fast.
But it’s nothing compared to how you feel when her lips land on yours. One hand is automatically behind her neck and the other on her cheek. Your lips begin a passionate and sensual dance and that’s exactly how you imagined things when you thought about how Leah kiss.
The blonde takes advantage of a wimper from you to deepend the kiss and request access to your mouth with her tongue. You leave it to her, carried away by these waves of emotions and sensations that make you turn your head. You find yourself quickly having legs in jelly and you can’t tell how long this moment happened.
You need all your concentration and willpower to break that kiss, snatching yourself from Leah’s arms.
"I’m sorry" you mumble out of breath, facing Leah’s surprised face. "I shouldn’t have… I’m sorry"
With one last mumble, you hurry back inside. If the remaining guests suspect something, they don’t show it. You take the excuse to clean up a little more to mask your trembling hands and let your heart rate returning to normal. Five minutes later, Leah came back inside, excusing herself and leaving your apartment, calling it a night. She didn't even look at you and well, that's hurt. But it shouldn't, aren't you the one who pushed her away?
After kissing your cheek and saying goodbye, Alessia left you too. You throw a blanket on Manu’s sleeping body, you go to your room. It’s late, but you know that Ingrid sometimes stays up a little later than other people.
From You Are you asleep?
From Ingrid 🩵 No. are you okay?
From You Can we call each other?
You don’t get messages back, but Ingrid tries to call you while you’re brushing your teeth. You pick up, mouth full of toothpaste and greet your friend with a hand sign when her face appears on the screen.
"What are you still up at this hour?" smiled Ingrid
"I could ask you the same question" you point out to her after rinsing your mouth.
Ingrid just turns your phone screen and you realize that she shows you her living room, in which she seems to be installed with Mapi and Baghera watching TV.
"Hola Mapi!" you smile to the tattooed when she greets you with a wave of hand.
"What about you?"
"I invited the girls to my apartment to celebrate my move in" you explain before leaving the bathroom and going to lie on your bed.
"Was it nice?"
You hum for any answer, the memory of the kiss you just exchanged with Leah coming back full force. After spending years paying attention at you, Ingrid knows you very well and she realizes in the second that the reason you called her is related to this evening.
"What’s going on, Søtnos?"
Mapi being next to Ingrid, you are relieved that you started this conversation in Norwegian. Since Leah’s name is rather all-purpose, you hope that when you mention her, Maria will not realise. You never understood why there is such tension between the Spanish women and the English women, at least for some of them. But Mapi will probably never be friends with Leah.
Ingrid is a person you could easily confide in, even if there are parts of your life that you have never talked to her about. But you trust her with your life and you know that she will always be able to see things in a neutral and mature way. Which is not always your case.
You explain the situation to her, trying not to take too much time while giving her all the necessary information to have a clear vision of things.
"For summary" resumes Ingrid after your monologue "You like her, she seems to like you too. She kissed you, you pushed her away and she left without looking at you?"
"Uh… yeah"
"And you’re surprised?" laughs softly the brunette shaking her head.
"No, on the contrary. I should never have accepted that kiss in the first place, it was a serious mistake on my part."
"Because she doesn’t see things the way I do, I guess. Leila told me to beware of her and she didn’t want anything serious for a long time" you sigh as you roll to the side.
"Did you talk to her about it?"
"No, we didn’t have time between the kiss and the moment she left my apartment slamming the door" you laugh.
"Be careful with your bad attitude" warns Ingrid pointing at you.
But you smile at her in return. You know she doesn’t scold you for real.
"Anyway, I doubt that she will want to speak to me again after that" you sigh again.
This information shouldn’t depress you as much as that, but still. And this doesn’t escape the keen eye of your compatriot once again. She smiles softly at you.
"I like Leila and I don’t doubt that she means what she says, but trust me, you’re never better served than by yourself."
Her look from the side and you know she’s looking at her own girlfriend. You remember perfectly well that Ingrid was also told to beware of Mapi. But when you see where they are today, you tell yourself that she did well to trust her own idea.
"You have a better conscience than me to judge people" you remind her.
Ingrid answers you with a grunt and you know that she thinks about what happened previously in your love life. You make a grimace and decide to change the subject, questioning her rather on Mapi, her trainings and what she has to tell you again in her life.
Your call lasts another ten minutes before you decide to stop, promising to call you back quickly. What you usually do once a week at least, determined to keep in touch despite the fact that you are not in the same country.
It’ll be a long time before you can fall asleep that night, Leah deep in your mind. Part of you is bitterly sorry you pushed her away, but on the other hand, no one can blame you for wanting to protect you, right? No one knows your past and what you went through before you came here. But you can’t help but feel guilty, despite the little time you spent with Leah, she confided in you about her relationship with her ex and even if it was just a few words, you feel like she wouldn’t do it to just anyone. Your last wish is to hurt her, she asked nothing for it.
You will have to wait until the sky clears, heralding a new day for you to finally find sleep, long hours later. Little did you know that Leah experienced the same thing in her own bed.
As you have imagined, Leah was particularly cold the next time you saw her. She greeted you, but only from a distance. Her affectionate smile and the little touches if attention she offered you on a daily basis now seem to need to be evoked in the past. And it bothers you too much for your taste.
This obviously caught the attention of the girls you were closest to in Arsenal, starting with Alessia.
"Is everything okay with Leah?" she asked you one day when you ended up in her apartment after a game.
"Yeah, why?"
Thank God you were on your phone and you were able to use this pretext to pretend to be absorbed by what was on it. Otherwise Alessia would have seen the slight panic take hold of your gaze.
"I don’t know, I think she changed her behavior with you… It’s not so much in her habits"
Alessia is far too observant, but given her character and personality, it doesn’t surprise you. It's also probably thanks to this that she saw your hesitation and she got closer to you before starting to speak again.
"Leah is my friend but you are too, so if you need to confide in someone, you can do it with me ok? I know how to keep secrets"
"Even for Tooney?" you asked while arching an amused eyebrow.
You met the energetic Englishman recently, when she came to London for an interview and took the opportunity to attend a match of Alessia.
"Even for Tooney" laughed Alessia gently shoving you with a shoulder.
You laughed too and you both went back to your respective phones, but in truth Alessia’s remark began to spin in your brain.
Is all you added before you letting your head on her shoulder. Alessia responded by tapping you on the top of it, without taking her phone out of her eyes. And that was enough.
"Your tattoo is amazing!"
Katie’s exclamation makes you turn in her direction and you smile timidly when you see her watching your back carefully.
"Thank you?" you whisper in response.
Even if you prefer showering at home, this is not the first time you change in front of your teammates. So you don't know it Katie have never dared to ask you about it or if they have never really make attention the tattoo you have on your back. Yet it’s hard to miss. Drawn on all your right shoulder blade, it goes down to the hollow of your hips and shows up to your right shoulder.
"Wow, invite the girl on a date before" jokes Manuela when Katie advances towards you, without detaching her eyes from your back, her head slightly tilting on the side to have a better view.
"Sorry, I already put an option on it!" Caitlin exclaims at the back of the locker room, causing a general laugh.
Katie rolls her eyes, but you realize that she has been joined by Lia and Leah, all three of them carefully observing your tattoo. Your gaze lingers on Leah, who seems to resist as much as possible her desire to come and look closer. She stands behind Lia and when your eyes cross she silently observes you for long seconds before shifting her attention to your back.
"Sorry about the invasion" Lia smiles gently.
"It makes me think of a painting" Leah thoughtfully made next to her.
"By Van Gogh yes. The Starry Night. It was my grandfather’s favorite painting. Well, it’s a modified version obviously, but the inspiration is there"
The surprised look of Leah doesn't escape you. Lia is watching you silently and next to you Katie and Manuela have started a conversation about tattoos. As for Alessia, she finally emerges from the shower after her eternal routine of care.
"Do you like painting?" Leah asks carefully, looking at you with the same apprehension as if your gaze could ignite her alive.
"My grandfather was a painter, not very well known but he introduced me to this world" you answer by shrugging your shoulders.
"What she paints is incredible. She has a room dedicated to this at home, behind her bedroom" Alessia intervenes.
You turn in her direction, frowning. It's a part of you that you don't really want to share with everyone, fearing their jugement. You don't think you're a great painter, but you like painting. It's sort your mind. Your glance is quickly captured by your friend.
"What? It’s true" she mumbles, shrugging.
You roll your eyes and turn around to finish dressing, putting on a t-shirt and a sweatshirt to accompany your ripped jeans. The little troop that surrounded you has dissipated, but Leah’s gaze remains thoughtfully on you. You cross it when you glance in her direction and you blush slightly.
The effect that woman has on you… It might be a good idea to talk to someone about it again instead of thinking desperately about her every night before you fall asleep.
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pommpuriinn · 5 months
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ꪆ୧ self | joohyung pt. 1 | joohyung pt. 2 |
ꪆ୧ eras | crown | black mamba | the name chapter: temptation | do it like that | the name chapter: freefall | minisode 3: tomorrow | line distribution minisode 3 : tomorrow | minisode 3: tomorrow concept trailer |
ꪆ୧ tubatu | the group | joojun duo
ꪆ୧ secenarios | beomgyu vs bibi | mama 2021 | infamous sasaengs | making of tnc: temptation pt. 1 | making of tnc temptation pt. 2 | the name chapter: temptation behind #1 | the circle chart music award | joohyung getting sick on tour | joohyung scouted | date night | weverse con day 1 | behind the hybe’s gg performance | meeting the jonas brothers | baby ?| diaries from txt: lost our summer | we lost the summer documentary preview | txtpalooza | joohyung at vmas | New York fun | airports are no fun | moments before freefall | fansigns | standing next to you fun | freefall comeback | fun night in paris | w korea love your w event | new dorm | 2023 kbs global music bank festival/bts | breaking point | the big day |
ꪆ୧ tour | act: lovesick tour | act: lovesick tour 2 | act: sweet mirage seoul day 1 | act: sweet mirage japan | act: sweet mirage us | act: promise in seoul | act: promise us part 1 | act: promise us part 2 |
ꪆ୧ variety shows | txt on jessi’s showterview | joohyung on bistro | joohyung on bistro 2 | mmtg: ep 278 daily lives of an idols | radio show with jaejae | we lost the summer documentary pt. 1 | hybe game caterer 1 | bambam’s house | halmyungsoo ep. 152 | hybe game caterer 2 |
ꪆ୧ solo | debut live | perfect night | making of black mamba ep | the start: black mamba |
ꪆ୧ lives | joohyung live #1 | joohyung during group lives | trainee stories |
ꪆ୧ to do | ep. 57 pt 1 | ep. 83/84 | ep. 128 |
ꪆ୧ vlog | jooie’s vlog #1 |
ꪆ୧ articles | soompi | soompi | pannchoa | soompi | pop base | koreaboo |
ꪆ୧ weverse | 1 |
ꪆ୧ instagram | 1 |
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wosohavemyheart · 9 months
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-Heeeyy, t/n- Me saluda alegre Mapi cuando entra en el vestuario. Solo estamos nosotras dos por ser las primeras en llegar.
-Hey, Mapi- Intento que no se note mi estado de ánimo pero es imposible.
Me mira molesta
-¿Otra vez, t/n?- Se pone las menos en la cadera.
-Supongo- Me encojo de hombros sin ganas de hablar mucho.
-Te juro que le voy a decir 4 cosas a esas dos.
-No Mapi, no- Niego sentándome para ponerme las botas
-¿Cómo que no? Por mucho que Alexia tenga entrevistas y anuncios y cosas de esas no le da derecho a descuidarte y no te digo de Ona... Que lo de ella ni siquiera es por trabajo.
Trago saliva pero no argumento nada.
-¿Hace cuanto no aparecen por casa?- Dice ahora más suavemente sentándose a mi lado.
Me agacho para atarme los cordones
-Pues Ona lleva 3 días y Alexia llevaba 2 días sin aparecer, ayer por la noche sobre las 3 llegó pero ni siquiera la vi y esta mañana cuando me he levantado ya no estaba...
-Alexia se va a enterar, por mucho que sea mi mejor amiga esto no tiene defensa...
-Me voy a fuera hasta que empiece el entreno- Le informo y sin más salgo de ahí. Necesito aire y necesito lo único que ahora mismo me entiende, el fútbol.
En el campo hay varios del personal hablando o preparando el entreno de hoy pero cuando me ven coger una pelota e irme a una portería del fondo me dejan en paz
No se cuanto tiempo me tiro sola con el balón y la portería, parecen horas, pero en algún momento alguien aparece a mi lado con otra pelota y no necesito verla para saber quién es, Alexia.
No digo nada y ella tampoco, simplemente se pasa el tiempo entre chutes y en silencio hasta que nos llama Jona
-Bien, voy a hacer parejas para que hagáis los ejercicios- Dice el entrenador
-T/n con Alexia.
Bufo sonoramente y está me escucha porque está a mi lado.
-No pensé que mi presencia te desagradara tanto- Dice suavemente con culpa.
-No me puede desagradar algo que no tengo desde hace un mes, Putellas.
Me mira tragando saliva y baja la mirada.
-Lo siento, car...- La detengo soltando un risa nasal
-No es el momento, Putellas.
-Realmente está mal la cosa- Susurra para si misma pero la alcanzó a escuchar y aprieto la mandíbula y los puños.
No es el momento de ponerme a discutir con ella, no aquí.
El entreno se basa en incomodidad aunque seguimos teniendo esa conexión con el balón y las palabras justas y necesarias para hacer nuestro trabajo.
Noto la mirada de todas encima nuestra en algún punto del entreno, sabían que algo no iba bien desde hace tiempo.
Notaba también que Ona nos miraba pero cuando la miraba a ella no podía mantenerla ni 5 segundos.
Nada más terminar el entreno me voy de ahí cambiándome en 5 minutos. No tenía ganas de que las chicas que mirarán y de estar en el mismo cuarto que mis parejas si todavía podía llamarlas así.
Al llegar a casa me quité la ropa quedando en ropa interior, puse música con el altavoz y enseguida me tiré a la piscina. Estábamos a mitad de mayo y ya hacia un calor infernal.
Necesitaba relajarme y distraerme.
Después de un rato nadando decidí tomar el sol en la colchoneta con las gafas y así estaba hasta que note movimiento. Abrí los ojos y observé a Alexia sentada en una tumbona mirándome.
Ella no sabía que estaba mirandola por las gafas así que opte por esperar.
A los pocos minutos llegó también Ona y se sentó a su lado después de besarla.
Inconsciente aprieto los labios.
Parece que la única que no está bien en la relación soy yo.
-Somos imbéciles, Ona- Suelta la capitana después de unos 10 minutos en silencio mirándome
-Lo sé- Dice esta con culpabilidad
-Lo sois- Afirmo yo haciéndome notar y levantando las gafas.
-T/n, ¿podemos hablar?- Pregunta la más baja y alzo un ceja
-¿Ahora queréis hablar? ¿Después de un mes ocupadas y haciendo como si yo no estuviera presente?
-Por favor, t/n. Hablemos- Pide la rubia.
Lo considero unos segundos y salgo del agua, al hacer esto se quedan embobadas con mi cuerpo y aunque este enfadada con ellas al menos disfruto sabiendo que el deseo y admiración no lo he perdido.
Me seco y visto rápidamente, no creo que sea una conversación para estar en ropa interior.
Vamos dentro de la casa y me siento en el sofá con Nala encima, ellas están enfrente sentadas.
-Hablar- Digo y ambas se miran.
-Lo sentimos T/n- Empieza Ona- Somos unas subnormales y nos hemos comportado como tal.
-Si, cuando soltaste lo de querer niños nos bloqueamos-Dice la mayor ahora- A mi por lo menos me pillo de improvisto y me abrume y me puse a aceptar entrevistas, fotos y todas estas cosas inconscientemente para alejarme.
-Si, a mi me pasó lo mismo pero saliendo más de la cuenta. Sé que no es excusa ni que tengamos derecho a pedir perdón pero lo sentimos T/n, de verdad.
-Hemos estado hablando de todo esto nosotras y lo sentimos de verdad. Somos idiotas.
-Así que habéis estado hablando entre vosotras. Entonces el problema puede que sea yo y no vosotras- Digo derrotada.
-No, no, cariño- Dice Alexia- Solo que no sabíamos cómo decirte esto sin hacerte daño o desilusionarte.
-Pues me habéis hecho más daño así que si me hubieseis dicho como os sentiais- Suelto una sonrisa triste apartando la mirada.
-Lo sabemos y nos sentimos realmente mal, amor- Dice Ona y ambas se sientan con cautela a mi lado.
-En una relación lo más importante es la comunicación y en una relación de tres más todavía- Digo- No podéis guardaros las cosas cuando os hacen daño. No quiero que lo nuestro sea así
-No volverá a pasar, cariño.
-No- Afirma Ona
Pongo la cabeza en el hombro de Ale y paso una mano por la cintura de Ona para acercarla.
-Si no queréis aumentar la familia no pasa nada, solo era un comentario- Susurro sintiéndome un poco culpable de haber causado el problema.
-Si queremos- Suelta la morena y me separó de ellas mirandolas desconcertada
-De eso también estuvimos hablando- Dice Ale- Aumentemos la familia- Afirma
-¿De verdad?- Pregunto sin creerlo todavía
-Si- Dicen las dos a la vez
N/A: Felices fiestas para tod@s los que podáis disfrutarlas y para los que no es así espero que todo mejore y el año que viene sea mejor ❤❤
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katiemccabelover · 1 year
a jen x r if you write for her🫶🏻🫶🏻 if r played for a different team and got bumped on the pitch while playing against arsenal
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Injured (Jen Beattie)
Playing for different teams had its pros and cons when dating Jen. You played for Manchester United and Jen played for Arsenal. So one of the cons were you lived in Manchester and Jen lived in London. Evenings were often spent on facetime catching up on your days and telling each other how much you had missed the other.
A pro, however, we’re match days against each other. Some might think they would be cons as one would lose while the other team got the win. But for you and Jen it was a good thing as you got to see each other.
You were currently on the bus driving to London, Ella, Ona and Alessia sat with you as you all played multiple games of Uno. When you arrived in London you all got given free time for the rest of the day which was great. You called your girlfriend to let her know you had arrived and told her you could go see her. She drove to you straight away and took you back to her place where you spend the evening being as close to her as you could, making up for the last few weeks you’d spent without her.
Match day
You had left Jens house early as she dropped you off to where you were meeting up with your team. Jen made sure to give you extra kisses before you left her car and you happily excepted them. Kick off was at 3pm so the Man Utd team went for a team walk before the match.
Before the match you had messaged Jen a good luck message like you normally would before any of her games, she did the same.
The whistle had blown and the game had started. It was going well, Alessia had managed to get an early goal which was no surprise. The sound of the crowd cheering was your reason to keep playing. The adrenaline of wanting to win was flowing through your body. All of that energy had vanished on the 37th minute when a body had collided with yours knocking you to the floor. You don’t know who it was, everything around you was all a blur as a horrible pain appeared in your head. Medics were called over immediately and they rushed to check your injuries.
They managed to get you on your feet in order to walk off the pitch so they could further examine your head injury and the game could go on. Jen, however, couldn’t focus. Worry was evident on her face as she kept glancing over to where you were sat. The medical team had moved you back inside for more privacy after a small check over.
At half time, the first thing she did was go back to the changing rooms searching for you. She found you in the small medical room on one of the beds.
“She has a small concussion, so will need rest and shouldn’t play for a few weeks.” The medic told Jen and Marc who was worried about his player. After going over your injury everyone left apart from Jen.
“How you feeling?” Jen asked quietly.
“Not the best if I’m being honest.” You replied with the best smile you could give. “The light is a little bright.” Jen dimmed the lights for you and made her way over to you and placed her hand carefully on your head, leaving down to press a kiss there.
“You better rest. I know what you’re like, no cutting corners with recovery okay?” Jen made sure you knew she was being serious. You agreed not wanting to upset your girlfriend in any way.
Half time was almost over and Jen insisted she stayed with you. Jonas didn’t mind, it gave him opportunity to play other players. Jen took you home where she made sure you rested properly. She ordered takeaway for the both of you and you spent the evening watching movies cuddled up on the sofa.
Jen is so underrated guys.
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bunnies4steven · 9 months
Dark!Jonathan Levy x AFAB!reader
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˗ˏˋ✎ part one, part two, part three,
𓆩⚝𓆪 caution: this fic is very dark and contains themes of non-con and blackmail. if these things trigger you I advise you to not read this and click off.
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Originally Jonathan planned to break it to you sweet, but he felt like you were trying to run away like his wife did during this moment. He needed to have you now. Seeing a few tears leave your face made his cock erect. He knew he shouldn’t feel turned on by your tears, but fuck did you look so pretty.
“I d-don’t want to.” You weakly protested.
“You don’t have a choice, sweet girl.” Jonathan mockingly cooed.
You nodded no as in denial with him and yourself. You felt stupid for thinking that he gave you these compliments, gave you these opportunities, and wanted you to perfect your writing skills with him just on the pure basis of education. You felt disgusted with him and you felt humiliated with yourself.
“Take off your clothes and get on your knees, honey. I could always tell your boss at the internship you weren’t as good as I thought you were or I could even take a couple points off the assignments I graded.” Jonathan threatened with a gentle voice.
You then dropped your bag out and gave in and he praised you “Good girl.”
You took off your sweater and shirt. He bit his lip as your white lacy bra became visible, he noted that it would be something for him to personally keep along with your panties. You then took off the rest of your clothes and garments.
Your nude body looked even better than he would’ve thought. You then got on your knees as he walked towards you. His hand gently caressed your cheek as you looked down on to the floor. He lifted your head up and murmured,
“So fuckin’ pretty.”
Jonathan then unbuckled his pants and they dropped. He took off his boxers and his thick cock hardened. You moved your face away from his cock and your expression curled into disgust. Jonathan roughly grabbed your chin in offense.
“No, no, no fuckin’ look at me baby.” Jonathan ordered.
He wiped the tears from your face as you tried to protest “Professor I don’t wanna-” Jonathan interjected your words by slapping your face. Your eyes widened from the stinging pain and you gasped.
“That’s not my name. What’s my name?”
“Your name is Jona-” Smack!
“Wrong answer.” He responded in a monotonous voice.
You were completely shocked because you thought you had answered right. You then cried out to him in pain and shock “But y-your name is Jon-” Smack!
You sobbed from the pain. Your sobbing made his cock so hard and made his pre-cum leak so much. Jonathan leaned down and said lowly “My name is daddy. You will keep calling me daddy.”
He then kissed you. You could feel his prickly beard on your chin. The way he kissed you was filled with hunger and lust like he has been waiting for this. He then roughly pulled away from the kiss and a string of saliva was apparent.
Jonathan grabbed his cock and tapped it on your plump lips. “Here’s what's gonna happen. I’m gonna fuck your pretty face and you’re gonna take it like the perfect cock whore you are, mkay?”
Before you could respond he shoved his thick and lengthy cock in your mouth. You gagged as his cock reached the back of your throat. His veiny hands wrapped around your hair as he started thrusting his cock inside your mouth as if it was your pussy.
“Look at you, baby. Sucking my cock so good, like a little slut.” Jonathan praised.
You made gagging noise and gurgle noises as you were forced to suck his cock while he thrusted it in your mouth. Jonathan chuckled and groaned in pleasure. He thought you must have had so much experience to be such a good cock sucker.
“Fuck- baby. Such a good fuckin’ cock sucker for daddy, huh? You used to suckin’ off the boys on campus?” He mockingly asked.
Jonathan enjoyed seeing the tears fall down your cheeks, the drool dripping from your mouth to your tits, and seeing forms of spit circle around his cock and your mouth. You looked like his whore and he loved that.
“Such a dirty little girl letting daddy use your throat like this.” he moaned.
As he continued fucking your throat he was coming close. His moans and groans got louder and breathier. His thrusts were getting sloppy and the pleasure that was building inside of him was aching for him to cum.
“That’s it, fuck- i’m gonna fucking cum down this little slutty throat, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Jonathan growled.
His seed then released on your tongue and he groaned in pleasure. His cock left your mouth and you coughed and tried to gasp for air. As he saw you coughing he stopped you, saying “No, no, no swallow my cum, honey.” You obeyed and then he made you get up.
“Now bend over that desk baby, like a good little girl.” Jonathan ordered.
You bent over the desk and he smacked your ass which made you yelp. He rubbed his cock on your clit which made you whimper. Despite knowing you were being violated your pussy couldn’t help but drip wetness.
Jonathan then took your slick with his fingers and smirked “So wet for me, baby. You’re so excited for my cock, hm?”
“No.” You denied as more tears fell down your face.
“Baby your cunt is dripping for me. I didn’t even fuck you yet and your pussy knows it belongs to me.” Jonathan countered.
He then positioned his cock near your pussy. Jonathan then entered his cock inside of you which made both of you gasp. The feeling of your warm, wet, and tight walls surrounding his shaft made him throw his head back and relax his posture.
“So fuckin’ tight.” His shaky voice praised.
Jonathan started thrusting. His thick cock was stretching your pussy and you gritted from pain and pleasure. Your nails scraped on his desk as his pelvis met your ass. He then grabbed your hair and pulled your head back so you could face him.
“I’ve wanted you ever since I’ve fuckin’ met you, but I didn’t go after you because I was with Mira.” He began and he started thrusting faster which made you whine in pleasure “I was too fuckin stupid to notice you were better.”
“You’re so much sweeter. cuter. fucking tighter.” Jonathan emphasized his last words by syncing them to match with his thrust,
You were moaning and your body was betraying you. You couldn’t help but feel good as he pounded your little pussy. Jonathan loved your facial expressions and how much pleasure was expressed by your moans, sobs, and whimpers.
“Daddy is makin’ you feel so good, right sweet baby?” Jonathan cooed.
He then moved you and him back and continued pounding your pussy from behind. His finger pad reached your clit which made you whine. “Tell daddy that he’s making you feel good, and you love him, and you'll never leave him.”
He made you feel so good but you refused to for your pride and dignity. You were close to orgasming and he noticed the way your pussy tightened on his cock. You were sobbing from pure pleasure.
“Say it or you won’t cum.” He said,
You felt yourself coming close to your orgasm and at this point your pussy was making the decision for you rather than your mind was. You repeated his words “D-Daddy is m-making me- ahh! F-feel good, n’ I-l-love him, and I’ll never leave h-him!”
“Good fucking girl!” He growled.
Your legs then trembled and your vision went white. You screamed as you orgasmed and he continued pounding his cock into you trying to chase his high and pro lasting your orgasm. His lips kissed your forehead as his cock hit the deepest parts of you.
“M’ gonna fill you up baby. Gonna fill this pretty pussy with so much cum!” He moaned “This pussy feels so good. It was made for me, baby. I deserve this, I deserve you.”
As he was coming close he growled in pleasure “F-Fuck, fuck, fuck! M’ gonna cum in this pussy. Gonna breed you baby.”
His thrusts got faster and once he finally orgasmed he grunted. His thick cum filled your pussy and you both groaned. Both of your chests heaved and you both panted from exhaustion. His cock slipped out of your stomach and he gave you one last kiss.
He deserved you and he finally got you.
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Así que, el Barça está estudiando romper las negociaciones con Washington Spirt para llevar a Jona... Al equipo masculino 🤯
¿pero esto es una broma o qué? me meo 😂 no entiendo nada...la verdad
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are we getting that desperate that laporta is trying to piss off michele kang and break a pre-existing contract with the washington spirit all for lil jona to coach the men's first team?
why must the menení make us constantly suffer?!
(in any case, the "breaking" news comes from el chiringuito, so meh)
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hologramcowboy · 6 months
I hope I can vent here for a second. I genuinely do not understand why anyone gave him a pass on that one. Had that been someone like Joe Jonas, Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Mike Tyson, Pedro Pascal even, they would not have been given a pass and it would have been all over main news media sites. He wouldn't be making that joke if he knew any of the children that were sexually abused by priests for decades or what happened with the Boy Scouts. There are just some things you don't make a joke about. His Brendan Fraser The Whale joke he made was bad enough, as were some other jokes he made over the years, but in this day and age, there is no more excuse. I don't personally know anyone affected by the abuse people of those two institutions enacted, that I'm aware of I should say, and I would never ever make that joke. As gross as Misha can be, even he didn't make that joke. Even if he wanted to play along, he shouldn't, not after he was so vocal about the mass graves found in Canada and the atrocities committed by the churches up there against Native children for decades.
Any AA that defends that joke Jensen made is a heartless asshole that needs to get their heads checked as soon as possible.
Now, that all being said, I think he's saying worse and worse things lately for two reasons. The first is I think this is really him and he just doesn't give a fuck anymore. Like he'll still try to tell people what he thinks they want to hear but more and more lately, he gives a very no fucks given vibe. Whether that's due to what happened with The Winchesters or Rust or whatever, that's the vibe he gives off. The second is I think he says assholish shit like this at certain points because he's trying to give off a Soldier Boy vibe, sort of selling that character since a lot of people speculate he'll be returning for The Boys' last season. Sort of like he used to dress as Dean with the flannel and jeans, and then like Beau when Big Sky was airing. I could be wrong but that's the vibe I got when he went "oh, that's too far?"
I'm curious as to what your thoughts are. Not about the joke, we all know it was disgusting and highly inappropriate, but about why he presents himself like this sometimes. And why he always seems to get a free pass the more he ups the ante on being an asshole.
Jensen's self image is warped by his sychopant fans and his deluded wife. He has no personality of his own and instead tries to inject in himself the attributes of the characters he gets cast as because he mistakes characters for branding. Branding is who You are not who your character is. Branding is that unique essence you bring to your character.
Sorry to say but this is what happens when a man who lacks culture and studies gets hyper praised to the point where he loses his sensitivity towards others. Jensen has a one sided view in life, anyone who disagrees with him is automatically a bully. He is just like his sychopantic fans. He can't perceive the world in all of its layers and that's endlessly sad for someone who claims to be an artist.
He claims he wants to bring light to the world or whatever will earn him approval but then acts like a jock who is bullying his friends.
At the end of the day, Jensen is a subpar actor who lacks culture in an industry where people are now multihyhyphenated and multicultured. It would do him good to be more grounded and realize that his influence can help people when it is used with the intention to help, rather than when it is squandered on incredibly inappropriate jokes and behaviors (getting superdrunk at cons is a superbad example).
Being praised in a one sided way has clearly gone to his head. That terrible joke is not the first time he demonstrated a lack of empathy and self awareness. I really wish he had good role models around him but he's married to the queen of bullying so why are we even surprised when he acts like a mindless, self centered jock?
Jensen needs to grow up. A lot. Thank you for allowing me to vent, I have tears in my eyes as I am writing this, I am just so sad he's turning out to be such a disappointment on so many levels. You see, you are definitely not alone in your need to vent and thank you so much for expressing things in an honest, open way. AAs forget what honesty and having values means because they forego their own values and replace them with the perceived ones from Jensen. It pains me to say this because I saw so much in him but...Jensen is no rolemodel.
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