#con: i don't know any german at all to help me read it
heartofstanding · 8 months
hate my brain is like "haha what if i buy this book of german essays so i can painstakingly photograph the article about Blanche of England and run it through google translate so i can cry over a shitty AI translation about bb Blanche in my spare time"?
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aulescev · 10 months
Prisoner König x Nurse Reader
Soooo, I made a fanfiction where Monster!König is a prisoner, while the reader is a nurse at a maximum security prison. I'm so excited to share it with everyone, but also kinda anxious because I never really had someone read my works, let alone post a fanfiction I made (っ ̩̆╭╮ ̩̆)っ Anyway, here it is! Hope my writing will find a place in your heart somehow!
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The Confinement, To you, the nurse who loves overstepping her boundaries, be careful and take this warning seriously, or else, the monster that lives under a man’s skin might devour you whole.
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Nurse Reader x Prisoner König, hate to love trope.
!! Warning, this story contains: Dub-con/Non-con, Gore descriptions, Death, Poisoning, Manipulation, Obsession, Suicide, Possessive and Controlling tendencies, and Immorality. Heavily NSFW, minors DO NOT interact. Do inform me if I missed any.
!! Proceed at your own discretion
Disclaimer: I only have basic knowledge about prison, and what prison nurses are assigned to do inside its secured walls. The same thing goes for prisoners. Consider this a fictional work based in an alternative universe, only with the same countries, and stuff but with monsters + altered laws and rights to fit the story. So take this as it is, or shoo away. You can give me a few tips so I can take note of them, but please, be kind (。 •́‿•̀。 ) This is my first fan fiction, and story so yeah, expect a lot of errors + English isn’t my native language + I don’t speak German and only used a translator for this, so sorry in advance for the migraines my writing could cause you.
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Chapter 01: The monster that lives under a killer’s skin.
Word Count: 3.9k
∆. 12:04:55PM of November 24, m. hallway of the prison.
You're a nurse at a maximum-security prison. Providing care for both the staff and prisoners, a right everyone equally has so even if you don't like the idea of aiding murderers, and people of such backgrounds, due to some reason, this is the only job opportunity you can take as of the moment.
Today's actually your first day, so naturally, you're shown around the workplace you now have to get yourself accustomed to.
"Most importantly, don't trust anyone other than the staff. These men are filthy, better not get your hands dirty, know what I mean?" Sir Wagner stated, the disgust in his tone is evident and it's enough to let you know how much he despises the criminals behind the bars of his prison.
Even though you would like to agree with the statement of the prison's head, you can't find it in you to despise the people in the prison as much as he does. You're a little too soft sometimes, and also of contradicting nature that makes you automatically take the opposite side of any argument even when it gains you nothing.
Sensing you won't reply— honestly, he doesn't really care if you'll reply or what, since he just wants to get this over with— the warden decided to conclude that conversation there.
"Do you have any questions?" He asked, a plain tone now as he speak, putting his hands deep inside his pocket.
"None, thank you for showing me around."
You replied in an equally plain tone, also wanting to get over it already like he does. He didn't take it personally, his years as the warden made him professional and collected most of the times. Plus, he understood your unenthusiastic nature at your new job, no one after all would be that happy to work in a prison where they keep high profile criminals.
"Well, that's great then. I'll have Benedikt here assist you while you get accustomed with your new work. Ask him when you need help, and if you have any questions." With a brief glance over to the man on his right, sir Wagner introduced the other guy that unnoticeably joined your group of two along the way.
Benedikt nodded at you when you looked at him, he's got an awkward smile forced on his face as he stretch his arms towards you for a handshake.
"Benedikt MacTavish, nice to meet you," He introduced himself, his hand hanging in the air as he wait for you to reach it.
MacTavish? Doesn’t sound like a local name. You’re glad for that, at least you’re not the only foreigner on your new workplace.
"Yeah, I remember. Your surname's familiar though, Price, yeah? Are you perhaps related to a military captain?" He casually cuts off your introduction, seemingly eager to know something like he can't hold the question another second longer.
A little taken aback with how he outright talked over you, you were silent for a minute to process that fact and also his question.
"Ah, yes, right," you replied when things finally start sinking in your brain, "Well, he's actually my uncle. How come you know of him?"
Honestly, he's not related to you by blood. He's just your adoptive father's cousin, which makes him your foster uncle if that word even exists. But he doesn't need to know that much about you, what would he even do with the information if you told him?
"Ah, well, my cousin's actually the man's friend. John MacTavish? Soap? Does that ring any bells?"
"Oh, Johnny, yeah, I know the man. What a small world we live in," you smiled after hearing a familiar name, finding the coincidence a bit funny.
Finally, you took Benedikt's hand to shake it, forgetting for a moment that it's still waiting for your hand.
"Nice to meet you, Soap's cousin."
"Nice to meet you, Price's niece," he returned the introduction in the same humor, a genuine smile now plastered over his lips.
"I'll leave you two to it." Sir Wagner interfered and just left you two without another word, which is honestly weird but expected of a man his type.
"Phew, glad I found something common with you, or else it'll be hard to find an ice breaker activity," Benedikt sighed in relief after sir Wagner's finally gone from the scene, "Have you already went to the dorms? Found your room, and all?"
With a shake of your head to answer his question, you wordlessly replied no and looked at him, seeing what he'll say or do.
"Ah, alright, I can show you where it is, then we can start our rounds after. Is that alright with you?"
"Sure, thanks," You answered, your tone is a bit lively now compared to with sir Wagner earlier, since you're like a chameleon who adapts to whichever environment it's in.
You're blue when they're blue, pink when they're pink, red when they're red, and so on and so forth. A firm believer of do unto others what they've done to you. Karma? You rarely put your faith in that, you mostly take things to your hands and be the human version of the word revenge. It's not really cool, in fact, you kind of live harder because of it, but no way your ego would let go of your way of living.
Benedikt started walking, looking at his back every now and then to check if you're still following him as he quietly traversed the halls that should eventually lead to the dorms.
In the middle of your journey, you passed the center of the prison that connects all wings of the building, which means, each transported prisoner would also pass the center before getting to their assigned cell.
The tension in the central building was thick, the air is almost suffocating that it made you freeze on your spot as you try to find the cause of such unnatural atmosphere.
When your eyes landed on the now closing heavy door of the building, your gaze immediately fell to the tallest man in the middle of armed men.
He instantly caught your attention with his tall height, sticking like a sore thumb from the whole crowd.
"Benedikt, you know anything about that man?" You asked in a low voice, curious to find out who he could be, not even tearing your eyes away from the behemoth of a man.
"Ah, shit, today's his transfer, I totally forgot…" He muttered under his breath with a curse, "König, an ex-military guy. Would you believe that today's only his 8th day in prison? Like all prison days combined. He won't behave in any cell he's put in, forcing him to be transferred on new places every other day with how many crimes he commit on each one."
"What??" You uttered in disbelief, taken by a total surprise with the information.
"Yeah, I'm being totally honest right now. It's not normal that a criminal would be transferred from a normal prison to the maximum security because of misbehaving, but guess what? He's committed murder after murder in each base. That's what made him worthy of maximum security prison."
You can just try to press your lips in a thin line, an attempt to hide your disgust. Murderer… The vilest things to exist in this world. How can he live knowing the fact that he's ended a person's life? Oh, how much you loathe them.
You kept a scornful gaze towards his way, throwing daggers as if your stare alone could kill the guy. And of course, it's impossible that he wouldn't feel it, eventually staring back at you.
König, as Benedikt referred him, looked back at you straight in the eyes. Even though there were no holes in the sack that's put on over his face right now, you're certain that he turned his head just to identify who could be burning a hole on his head right now.
You feel like throwing up. Just the thought of breathing the same air as that of a murderer was enough to make you feel nauseous.
"Benedikt, let's go. Bring me to the dorms already." You said, almost pleading as the desperation to get out of his presence faintly showed.
∆. 06:39:07PM of the same day, nurses' office.
"So how was your first round?" Benedikt asked, giving you the canned sparkling water he opened just now.
"Horrible," you replied, taking the canned drink from his hand and downing it quickly.
The drink slid down your throat just like any other liquid, but it's a little painful because of the fact that it's carbonated. You just downed your drink, the bubbles popping on your throat and making you feel like it's burning your insides for a second.
Benedikt gave you a concerned look, but quickly masked it with a soft laugh, "Well, I cannot blame you… Working with criminals isn't exactly the most honorable thing out there. Plus we're understaffed, which makes the workload for each of us actually horrible."
"Yeah, right, that too," you grimaced, feeling more exhausted than how you usually do back when you were just working at the hospital, "I'm sorry Benedikt, my condolences goes to you. You're the most packed nurse here."
He chuckled, "Well, if you're sorry, take some of my patients?" He joked, which earned a laugh out of you.
Before you could even reply, there's suddenly a loud bang in the room and it wasn't a gun, it was the room's door being haphazardly thrown open by a panicking nurse who's also out of breath.
Jane, one of the nurse you've met today.
"Someone! Help! Vanessa! She's– she's wounded! Her eyes! Oh my, heavens, her eyes! We have to sedate König, where's the syringe?!" She started rummaging the room for a syringe and a drug that's supposed to put a person to a deep sleep.
Alerted, Benedikt and you stood up and helped her search for something. When Benedikt got his hand on the drug, he approached Jane and held her shoulders, trying to calm her down.
"Jane, calm down, I got it, but first, I need you to take a deep breath. You can't work with panicked nerves." He tried calling in some sense to her, but she won't calm down.
She started screaming, and started getting hysterical.
Jane, and Vanessa, you're pretty sure they got a thing with each other, maybe this is why she's acting inconsolable?
"Give me the syringe and the drug, I'll respond instead," You presented, preferred to sedate a monster rather than calming a stranger down.
Benedikt's got a better knowledge than you do, it’s better you leave them be than be left to console her with words you probably wouldn't mean. At least that's what you thought.
Benedikt pondered for a moment whether you're fit or not to handle the situation, but in the end, he decided to trust you, giving you the things after all, and also telling the number cell of König.
Rushing to the scene, with an emergency kit you grabbed in the office, you wasted no time and ran as fast as you could.
1245. Cell 1245, prisoner 190228. Must hurry up to cell 1245 before it's too late.
Eventually, you reached your destination, and unfortunately for your guts, you were met with a gore scene. There's an emptied syringe poked into one of Vanessa's eyeballs, one of her hands wrapped around the object in fear as she trembles, and cries.
There's also a whole puddle of blood under her, a lot on her white uniform, and mouth. Now that you observe her, she's also shedding tears of blood, her lips tainted red as blood continues to flow out of it.
What the fuck. This scene is fucking horrendous. What happened?
The guards are gathered around König, watchful of his steps, expectant and quite tense as they wait for him to make a move— ready to stop him from causing even more havoc. While he's not moving, König is watching Vanessa bleed on the floor with cold eyes which is honestly more frightening than him causing a scene.
He's fortunately not punching one guard after the other, so you doubt there was a need for sedating him.
Surveying the situation, you decided to change your plans of prioritizing the sedation of König, to aiding Vanessa first.
Without an inch of hesitation, you knelt in front of Vanessa, some blood soaking the edge of your white skirt. You placed the emergency kit beside you, opening it with haste until everything in the kit is visible.
"It's no use!" Vanessa cried, "The poison has–" she then frantically screamed, fumbling a few of her words as she started gagging from her own blood.
Before you could even touch her, she dropped dead on the floor. A sight that will be the reason of your nightmares for days, or weeks.
You were shaken down your core, blood suddenly cold, and heart beating extremely fast out of shock. You feel your body freeze, hands that were supposed to hold her now are hanging mid-air.
"I just saved her years in prison for murder," You heard a man's voice from behind you speak in a thick, and unexpectedly boyish accent.
You can't stop your brows from furrowing, and eyes show contempt at the mere sound of his voice, let alone his words.
"You are disgusting, a vile creature, don't you dare open that filthy mouth of yours." Unable to restrain yourself, you spit each word with venom as you slowly turn around to look at him furiously, "You are the murderer here. Don't confuse it now."
He does not speak. His eyes only staring at you through those 2 small holes on his makeshift mask.
Holding his equally piercing gaze, you stood your ground, rationality has left your body. You're acting on impulse, on your emotions, something a professional shouldn't do in this type of situation but damn, your ego is just some other kind of level. It will definitely put you on your place someday, but you thought that you should just worry about it when that time comes.
"Pathetic human. Too dumb to even think." He finally broke the silence, irritation in his voice.
Before you could even reply, he had already turned his back on you, walking back to his cell on his on will. The guards locked him up quickly after checking on him one last time.
The maximum security prison is totally different from a normal one. It's worse. Because everyone is sworn to confidentiality, no word really gets out on what's happening behind its high walls.
Prisoners in this place are like expendable pawns. The government uses them however they wish, and unsurprisingly, companies too. They have illegal control over some of the prisoners, depending on how much they paid the government for it.
Someone wants König dead, and you're not even surprised that he was already tried to be disposed of first day in. It could be a private company he used to work for, or maybe enemy, it could also be done for personal reasons. Signing up for a job here means you should expect those types of things, that's why you made sure to be adequately prepared over events like this happening during your shift.
If he was a normal person, you would've felt bad for the prejudice you have over him, but he's a convicted murderer– a serial killer at this point, so you believe that he doesn't deserve the benefit of doubt.
"A killer won't get my sympathy. That will be the last thing I'll ever do in this earth," You've uttered, anger never leaving your eyes as you sat still in your place.
∆ . 11:59:31PM of that day, staff dormitory.
With a gasp, you wake up from a shallow sleep, catching your breath as you try to recover from the nightmare you just had.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," You cursed repeatedly, frustration and distraught are clearly heard in your voice.
Fortunately, you're the only one in your room, not a shared dorm or anything, or else your hypothetical roommate would've pegged you for a madman.
Why would it be about that now of all days? You said at the back of your mind, frustrated over the dream you just had.
Desperately, you tried to swallow that thought, along with the nightmare. Fortunately, before the memory gets too vivid, the alarm on your wristwatch goes off which pulled you out of the world you’re sucked in.
It's the alarm you set the first time you got it, 12:00AM. Midnight on the dot.
You sat down, trying to calm yourself.
Ah, right, your next shift is at 12:45AM which is just 45 minutes from now. With Vanessa gone, and Jane temporarily dismissed to rest, you had to take the extra shift and give up a few hours of your precious sleep.
That reminds you, have you checked up on König as you were supposed to? Even if you hate him, you still have to do your job.
Shit, now you got to fill his report before anyone even notice or ask for it.
Reluctantly, you got out of your bed and prepared to check in early for your shift, planning to stealthily take the prisoner's record to fill it up, hopefully while no one's around to harshly criticize your tardiness on your first day.
— &
You made it to 1245 cell without any road bumps, luckily. Now all that's left is actually checking up on König which you can just frown about. Before sticking the key in the hole, you took a deep breath and tried to at least look neutral—your working face.
Counting from 1 to 5 quietly at the back of your mind, you collected yourself at 3, steeled yourself at 4, and finally, pushed the iron door open at 5 without giving yourself enough time to hesitate and get cold feet.
This prison gives each prisoner a spacious place to live in almost comfort, with only one person per room. At least that's how they do it in this part of Austria. There are quite a lot of cells after all, so they're not shy on using all of them.
"I'm your nurse, I will be checking up on you so please, sit down." You said with a firm tone, putting the bag on the bedside table where all of the essentials for vital checking should be packed.
Each nurse on duty is required to use the same bag, for both safety, and precaution.
"Ärgerlich schädling," he muttered under his unusual breathy voice which set an alarm in you.
Now that you look at it, the back of his shirt is wet, and he's panting a little. Did you really mess up big time on your first day? Shit, now you have to fix this somehow.
"Prisoner 190228," you read the number assigned to him, printed on the sheet of paper you're holding one-handedly, "I said sit down. I can't check on you properly if you're positioned that way."
It was pathetic really. Your nerves are getting the best of you, and it's hinted on your voice.
“Will nicht,” he grumbled, unmoving and unbothered.
You never really stayed in Austria that long in the past. Only a year or two to finish the last 2 years of your nursing school but your university didn’t require you to speak German so you didn’t bother getting that deep into learning the language. You’re an entry-level speaker at best, but since it’s been years already, you’ve lost that ability and can only guess what he’s saying.
“You will, now hurry up and sit down so we can get this over with.”
“Ich sagte nein, verliere dich.”
“Yes, you will. And please, I would really appreciate it if you speak in English.”
You heard his tongue clicked at that, “Warum sollten sie überhaupt eine Ausländerin einstellen? Ich bin es verdammt leid, diese verdammte sprache zu sprechen!” He groaned, almost sounding like a teenager throwing a tantrum at his bed.
He sat down on his bed after that outburst, you don’t even need to peek under that mask of his to know he’s frowning in annoyance, his eyes alone says it all.
“Awfully late to check up on me now, yeah?” He asked, begrudgingly you think, but you decided not to give attention to it.
“Did the syringe grazed you? Was it injected on you? Or did it find other ways to get into your veins?”
“It did not.”
“Are you certain?”
“I am fine, so get lost.” He snapped again, his voice starting to sound like his catching his breath again.
You thought he was grinding his teeth the whole conversation, and now it made sense. He’s holding something back, and it’s probably the pain from the poison, his tone only adds up as an evidence to that.
“You are not. You’re breathless, sweating, and,” your eyes looked all over him, trying to observe his posture, to find proofs to support your claim, “…You’re sweating buckets, and shaking.”
You bit your lips, an attempt to maintain your composure as you try to find a solution.
“I need to see your face, take that mask off,” without a warning, you reached for the edge of his mask— something that you later regretted doing so.
In an instant, he has put you under him, his gloved, big hand is wrapped around your neck while the other one is gripping your wrist that was once the closest to his mask earlier.
He’s fuming in anger, the heat coming off him is immense as if he’s a steam machine. Bodies wouldn’t act normally like this against poison, not this much heat while keeping a great vigor. His body feels so different… something you’ve never seen before.
“Touch my mask once more,” He seethed through gritted teeth, anger evident in his unblinking eyes, “Then I will have to devour you.” He threatened, his hot breath and heavy body touching your skin, “Stubborn maus. Get your ass out of here before it’s too late. I won’t take responsibility for your insanity.”
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This marks the end of this chapter.
[A/N: Thank you for reading this far! I'm open to gentle criticisms because my heart can't handle harsh words hsdahfw. I'll try my best to take them positively though! Notice that there are timestamps (like ∆ . and — & with the former being a longer time skip, and the latter a matter of a few minutes difference from the latest indicated time), and locations during an event. I placed them there so there would be less confusion regarding the timeline and when a particular event happened:) I added translations in the last part to keep it realistic too. Like, you're meant to not understand him much whenever he speaks German so yeah. Still, if you're curious what they translate to, the translations will be just down this note. That's all, thank you again! (´。 • ᵕ •。 `) ♡]
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[1]: Ärgerlich schädling, Annoying pest
[2]: Will nicht, [I] don’t want
[3]: Ich sagte nein, verliere dich, I said no, get lost
[4]: Warum sollten sie überhaupt eine Ausländerin einstellen? Ich bin es verdammt leid, diese verdammte sprache zu sprechen, Why should they hire a fucking foreigner at all? I’m fucking tired of speaking that damn language
[5]: Maus, Mouse
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Bayverse drift, crosshairs, and Sideswipe
W cybertonian crush who calls them nicknames in other languages that they don't know? Like, Mein liebe (my love) , Mahal ko (my love, again), hermoso (Handsome), Liebling (Darling), beaue (Lovely)... Just any sweet nicknames in a language he doesn't know shit about??
Reader just loves telling the mech their feelings straight up, and the darling doesn't even know
What would his reaction be when he's informed of the translations?
Hellloooo, sorry for the wait! I hope this is what you were looking for and expecting. Request are still open if you like what your read or have a request. Enjoy :)
Pairings: Bayverse Drift x Reader, Crosshairs x Reader, Sideswipe x Reader
Warnings: Poorly translated languages(sorry in advance),
Drift - Mein Liebe(My Love) and Liebling(Darling) 
You spent most of your time on Earth in the German countryside, considering you arrived right after WWII. So in time you learned the language, and with the many different drivers you’ve had, you’ve experienced and heard many different things, but the sweet nicknames your long term German driver gave to their lovers just so happened to stick with you. 
“Mein Liebe!” 
After jumping out of the driver side door and into their lovers arms, the image was sweetly sickening, but how you longed for your turn. 
You remember when you received the message from Optimus about other autobots being out there. You were with the same driver, and boy had it been a long time. The children were crying in the back as your radio transmitted the message. 
“Warum ist Ihr Radio durcheinander? Dieses Stück Schrottauto!!”
Their hand coming to smack down on your dashboard, what the fuck. In that moment you transformed, throwing the two adults out and holding the small children. Your feet stuck to the concrete of the highway, and their words hit hard, you were no piece of junk. You sat the children down, giving them a hard look before transforming and leaving. 
You may no longer be in Germany anymore, but you still spoke like it. A thick accent when speaking and along with the occasional German words, but with the group Prime had configured, everyone was different. Especially this one bot, Drift. He also had somewhat of an accent, and was all about tranquility and whatnot, kinda the opposite of you. You remember the first time you called him Liebling. 
He and Hound were getting into it, something about a flower in the wind, loyalty and fear, some haiku. When Hound threatened to drop a grenade down his throat over it, Drift pulled his swords and started on about threats when your servos grabbed at his shoulder plating, pulling him towards you. 
“Liebling, cool it yah! He can’t comprehend such great poems.” 
Optimus then started on about something. Drift dropped all arguments and just looked towards you, a smile coming from you and you both just looked back to Optimus. 
The second time just happened was when you were both battling in london. He was in the blast radius of a con attack, being thrown back and you witnessed it. Running over to help him, your processor not being able to pick between german and english curse words before you made it in earshot of him.
“Mein Liebe! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Where does it hurt?” 
Your servos move him around as he groans. He was too dazed to fully recognize what was going on, He had only picked up on Meine Liebe, that was new. A foot soldier that had been with you since the battle laughed a little. Your optics moved to look at him, a concerned look. 
“‘My love’, what are you two in a relationship?” 
This must have been what shook Drift from his daze. My love, you have been calling him My love, he felt honored. 
“Well, It was easier to say when he didn’t know what it meant, soldier” 
Your optics moved back to look at Drift. He was smiling at you, his body seemed to relax.
“I'm honored to know you call me that, My love.” 
Now it was your turn to smile at him, He finally knew your feelings.
Crosshairs -  Mahal ko(My Love) 
Crosshairs was no shy bot, so when you showed up. He felt the urge to question you, make sure you weren't a ‘backstabbing con’. Which with the circumstance of your arrival it made sense. You had taken your time with showing up, but once he saw you transform, and the nice placement of the autobot symbol on your chassis, he knew you were somewhat okay. He found you interesting, the way you didn’t speak like the rest, the way you were just something else, it was kinda fascinating to him. You were fascinating to him, and that nickname you gave him, it sounded special, far too special for him. He didn’t do research, opting to just let you tell him when you're ready, and boy did it happen. 
Minding your business, he makes some sort of gun, when it all blows up in his face. With an upset noise he turns around. Waving his servos around like it was nothing.  
“It's okay Mahal ko, you’ll get it next time.” 
The words of encouragement just weren't enough to get him to go at it again, instead his optics landed on you and in an instance, he had some questions. 
“What does that even mean? You say it often, but not to anyone else. You calling me a name or something, cause if so i’ll,” 
He cut himself off, you were simply just smiling at him and he was threatening you. You optics closed, you trusted him far too much.
“You are just something else,” 
Your voice was so sweet, never weavering, never sounded bitter, he simply couldn’t get enough. 
“If you wanna know so badly, It means my love.” 
“My love, do you have some feelings for me or something?” 
You smiled, he was so clueless. He stared at you, optics steady scanning your face for lies, but there were none. 
“Nah, I don't believe you. What is this for you?”
“You're always asking what's in it for you.” 
“Because there’s gotta be something, ain't no way you aint getting something outta this.” 
“Nothing in this but you, your feelings.” 
He stops, he always says let's use words but this time he was out of them. Your feelings really took the words outta him.
Sideswipe  - Hermoso (Handsome) 
With the rise in autobots showing up after Primes message, bots from all around the world and universe were showing up. One of the bots from around the world was you, coming from South America. You’d traveled around the world, but there was something about Spanish that just sat right with you. It felt so normal, so when you developed feelings for the bot you were constantly paired up with, you just got used to calling him handsome. It just wasn’t in english. 
You two were cornered in a run down building, it was a two on four moment. You two were bumped back to back. You loaded your fusion cannon before speaking. 
“How are we doing this, Hermoso?” 
Your optics narrowed as you tried to pinpoint where they'd come from. Your servo lifting up your cannon. He laughed at your question, you could hear the smile in his voice. 
“However, we must.” 
He leaned his helm into the back of yours, almost to reassure you that the two of you will survive this. 
“Hey, I’ve got a question, just in case something happens.” 
You thought he’d ask how you wanted your sent off to be, and that's what filled your head before his question. You wanted him to be the one, the one to carry you, the one to remove your autobot symbol, the one to give your last words. You were taken out of your thoughts when he started talking, a light hearted tone.
“What’s Hermoso mean and why do you only call me that?” 
You felt him lift up his swords and turn his helm to look over his shoulder plating. You laughed, just like you would if he told you a funny joke about brother. 
“It means Handsome, and why only you, because you’re handsome, Harmoso.” 
You turned around to face him, a smile on your face as he turned around on his skates to look at you. 
“You clever bot.” 
A smile appearing on his face as well, you simply nodded and closed your optics.
“I like it, now I’ve gotta have one for you.” 
“Aww no need for that.” 
You started moving back, the silence from no cons was starting to get worrying. 
“Of course there is, you gave me a cute nickname, I gotta give you one back.” 
“I'm sorry, are you reciprocating my feelings right now?”
He shrugged at you, before skating off. He was reciprocating your feelings.
Hound -  Beaue(Lovely) 
Hound had his shotgun pointed at Crosshairs helm, all the autobots were on the ship, and Crosshairs was kinda bullying the humans.
“Come on, let's use words.” 
You reached around and placed your servo on the gun, pushing it down while whispering something to Hound. 
“Beaue, let's calm down now.” 
The group disperse, you and Hound, and the rest in pairs. You don't remember what you were looking for, but you just remember Hound clearing his throat. 
“Huh, What’d you say?” 
You tear your optics from whatever you're looking at to him. 
“I said, what does that name you keep saying mean? Is it someone you're looking for.” 
You laughed, placing your servos on your hips as you looked around. 
“I'm not laughing, I wanna know. If I can help or not.” 
“It’s not someone I'm looking for. It just means lovely. It's what I call the people I like.” 
You got closer to him, you thought about touching him, placing your servo on his shoulder or arm, but with such high tensions from surroundings you decided against it. So you decided you’d explain what like meant in this scenario. 
“Like, love, hints why its ‘my love’” 
“You like me? Hard to believe, when there's a war going on.” 
He turned around and continued to walk.
“Well war doesn’t stop love Hound.” 
You laughed, and continued to follow him. You could further explain when you guys weren’t on some enemy ship. 
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Convention babbling
Last weekend, I had another chance to meet some of the Vikings cast. We germans are quite lucky, aren't we?
In comparison to the Vikings Con last month (that was really really crowded [Alex himself said it was fcking mental 😂]) it was so much more chill this time (at least in regard to queues in front of our beloved Vikings).
There wasn't really a queue in front of Alex on Saturday morning. That never happened before in my convention experience 🤣 So we went straight to him and gosh. I think everybody knows by now what an absolute sweetheart he is. So kind, so welcoming, so touchy. He already greets one with such a big smile on his face that even haters must be melting by then :D
He also most of the time stays next to his table (and not behind) to be nearer to his fans (maybe it's also more convenient because of all the selfies).
He said something about my hairdo and looked at it more closely and I said I have a question but might be too nervous to read it (from my phone) so he said oh don't be nervous and he laid his arm around my shoulder and squished me nearer against him - as if this would help to not be nervous anymore 🤣🤣So I gave him my phone so he could read the question: Which part of your character would you have loved to explore more in-depth.
He said oh it's a good question and I said..I know (in a joking way)...and he mimicked me and snorted :D (gif 1 ♥)
Then he said...maybe the softness...and I asked if he meant this in regard of his brothers or his wife and he said, in general because there was not a lot of love with him...I threw something in about Igor (that he was soft with him after he got humbled down in season 6) and he went on saying Ivar deserved the most to get some love and Alex proposed the idea for a romcom for Ivar to me. He would find this hilarious (and gosh he spoke this part with a smile on his face - gif 2 ♥) :D...and then he got serious again and said he would have loved to see Ivar experiencing some true and heartfelt love...I chimed in and said, but he did love Freydis though, right? He said yes, but it was also soooooo toxic..it was a toxic relationship for sure...and maybe the love for himself /selflove would also be a good answer to my original question. That would have been interesting for him to portray more in-depth--because if you don't love yourself you can't love others (he said it).
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And then it was Selfie time :) I put my arms around his waist, squeezed into his arm, and got my photos and some funny scenes. Thanks to @vaire-gwir who recorded the whole encounter ♥♥♥
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Afterward, I went to Clive and pretty much asked him the same question after I thanked him as well for being here again and always being so kind and engaging with us fans. He also took his time answering and I could ask a few additional question and tell him about my own opinion. I !of course! have this encounter recorded as well, thanks to the wonderful Vivi ♥♥ Who would never forget to record a special moment (I got forced to write this now xd)
Clive would have loved for Rollo to explore his story with Lagertha more. They had this scene when they talked about Bjorn being his child (i chimed in and asked..is he??? and Clive said YES!! but he nevertheless wasn't his father because for that it means more then giving sperm) and he would have loved to go back and showing a few more scene with Lagertha and him back in time, because it is somehow important to understand Rollo as a character, cause he always gets things taken from him (like his first love by Ragnar, his ambitions by Ragnar and so on. He would have loved to have something of his own, not always be in the shadow of someone else like it was with Ragnar. He always was overlooked in his ambitions and Clive would also have loved to see more of Rollos later achievements or the ones of his son - as in making a Sequel for what is going on in Frankia. We talked a bit over that...if there is a sequel planned or any mentions in Vikings Valhalla, but he doesn't know but might pitch the idea to Leo Sutter (who was there as well) XD At some point the conversation led to Siggy and Gisla (I can't remember why it happened), but we ended up agreeing that he treated Siggy poorly and that he deserved a wife like Gisla who had him somehow under control :D
When it came to the Selfie we started figuring out the pose and suddenly there was a wild Alex with us in the picture 🤣🤣 He photobombed us and I so don't mind XD When you do a Selfie with them, they often have the power over the phone (they are pros in doing Sefies xd) and they push the button not just once so I still have also a Selfie with just Clive 🤓
Jordan: Oh gosh, he is also such a charmer ♥ and his thick Australian accent sounds so soo good. First thing he said after the hello how are you, was, that my eyes are pretty cool and my mind went blank 🤣🤣🤣 I bounced it right back at him and we talked a bit about why he had the surfboard with him at the airport (he's going to Australia after the weekend) and he wondered how many people knew of this and I said..yeah I mean you posted it on your Instagram?? (Why is he wondering, right XD) And he said he never thinks about that people actually watch his stories 😂
A changed the question a tiny bit and asked him if there was anything he wished Ubbe could have done more.
He answered that he would have loved to act out Ubbe's aggressive side more / he wished he could have done more violent scenes. Ubbe was always the responsible one and he would have loved to just slice some more people xd Especially for him, Jordan, that would have been fun. Also, a bit like Clive, he said that he wanted something that Ubbe had for his own. Not always be just a part of something his brothers did, but taking his own space instead.
He was also so kind to allow another selfie after the paid one, where my friend could also squeezed in ♥♥
I went back to him on Sunday as well to get the selfie signed by him (printed it as a photo). The Vikings panel was before that and one question there was if there is any scene they shot that didn't make the cut. He talked about the scene where he is sitting at Sigurd's grave, talking to him. Originally Sigurd talked back to him, but it ended up looking weird. So when I went to him afterward, I told him that this scene is an extra on the DVD and he was so surprised and asked me how it turned out and I told him it's 'just' him talking to Sigurd but no talking back and that I always wondered why they deleted this scene cause it's so important in my opinion and it's also kinda nice to see that at least one brother cared about Sigurd (Jordan didn't even remember Sigurd's name during the panel XD) and he said he needs to check it out. And then he started the signing and I asked him in the meanwhile if he remembers the scene in York when Ivar is sitting in front of his chariot, screaming and Ubbe comes into the place, but holds all his warriors back for a minute - why did he do it?? And Jordan said he also wondered about it while shooting the scene but he thinks that Ubbe already sensed that Ivar lost himself a bit and that it would only get worse. He went on a bit philosophizing about his answer :)
During explaining his thoughts about it, he pointed the open pen at me and made a gesture like scolding me and out of reflex I chimed in and guided the pen down what made him laugh (luckily 🙈) and he went on thinking about the scene and at the end he kind of thanked me for this good question 🤓🤟🏻 He also asked me if I wanted a hug as well when I was about to grab my photo and of course I went for a hug with him XD Who would have said no thanks 😂😂
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For Alex, my friend and I went to the Meet & Greet with him and there were only 3 more people so we had a great experience and I again could interact with him some more (asking questions, just holding a conversation, sharing a laugh and so on). Last time in Düsseldorf were over 20 people so it wasn't that interactive. It was such a great experience ♥♥ He is just such a sunshine ♥♥
Sorry it got so long (not sorry at all xd) and I could go on and on about it, but I don't want to bore you all to death. Don't pay too much attention at spelling and grammar...I wrote everything in a rush :P
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
Yes! I haven't really read Dickens but yeah I think the names Havisham and Compeyson are from Great Expectations and there's Ebenezer Scrooge from A Christmas Carol and lots more I didn't recognise--I think it might really add to the whole viewing experience if you know a little more about the characters they're all based on but I also think the series takes a lot of liberties with the way they're adapting them which isn't that surprising considering they're putting like a dozen different characters into one story. 
I love that you have an English literature major! Like that just sounds so cool to me <3 I'm currently getting a master's degree in education and I'm always sad that literature (especially non german literature) is only such a small part of it. Although, that makes sense bc I'm studying to become a primary school teacher (I'll probably end up doing sth else tho) so ofc I can't just focus on literature 🙄😂 About the subtitles, I'm also just so used to having them on even if I don't need them most of the time so yeah it's a bit frustrating to not have them.
I'd recommend cooling your arm, but uhm someone once told me that's not good, so I'm not really sure about it. Maybe putting something soft beneath your arm while writing can help when you're leaning on it?
Super excited for the Chrissy alphabet! I'm so sad we didn't get to see more of her! I was at german comic con a few weeks ago and Grace is just the cutest. She walked past me and I was sooo flustered, I wish I could've spoken to her.
I'm always very nervous about talking to people here on tumblr so usually I just reblog fics and other things I like and put some emojis or thoughts in the tags but I wanna try and give more feedback bc your writing has brought me a lot of joy and I'm smiling whenever I see your name on my dash <33
honestly even as an English major I’ve not read too much of Dickens’ stuff, I specialised in modern horror literature so it was a bit far away from his stuff haha! but I do love Great Expectations and Christmas Carol but yeah I wouldn’t know any of his other characters either haha
ahhh that’s so cool!! I hope your masters is going well darling! primary school teaching sounds amazing so I wish you all the best in that pursuit! & yeah same! I’m just so used to subtitles now that I actually so thrown off and uncomfortable if I can’t have them on
omg that’s sooo cute!! Grace seems like such sweetheart! yeah I’ve actually just finished the Chrissy alphabet now so I’m gonna edit it and then probably post it tomorrow night <33
ahhhh please you are literally the cutest!! honestly even just people reblogging a fic with a bunch of emojis to summarise their feelings makes a writer’s day I promise! genuinely even the simplest and smallest of comments is enough to make us smile and kick our feet and shit! honestly I’m just so so glad you like my work and that’s managed to brining you some joy <33
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glucorun · 2 years
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There's a lot of discussion going on referring to that mutation. It's no skin off my nose. We'll do an examination of the unknown things germane to that progress. Down the hatch! One must remember of ideal timing in terms of some subject matter but this is based on basic GlucoRun principles. For the GlucoRun fan, you'll also discover many 'how-to' articles. I don't know about you, although when I have a theory the first place I look is Google.
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GlucoRun also gives poor people the Blood Sugar Control Formula to enable them to Blood Sugar Control Formula but simply putting out a best Blood Sugar Control Formula is probably not the way to survive. There isn't another alternative. The ball's in your court. This is something for you to latch on to. For someone like me, it is obvious this I must deal with that whenever I can. Undoubtedly, it is as thick as mud. I must eliminate that. See how basic it is.
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