#conclusion is a segue to explain why her past actions can be reflected on her son merlin and how he goes about the show
fluffypotatey · 2 years
Being a medieval geek and watching medieval shows is both a blessing and a curse, because sometimes the anachronism is funny, and other times it makes you want to throttle the writers and ask them what the fuck they're doing.
Funny Things: technically none of the saddles on BBC Merlin should have stirrups, those didn't reach England until 10th century during the Viking invasions. The shiny decoration on Morgana's green dress wouldn't be beading but most likely preserved beetle shells. The bright red colour of the Pendragon banners and capes would come from a dye made with bugs.
I-Have-QUESTIONS Things: If Gaius and Hunith are supposed to be siblings and Gaius wasn't previously a freeman (ergo bound in service to Camelot, meaning his entire family was also) how did Hunith end up in another kingdom, that's literally illegal, she's also got an education that she clearly passed on to Merlin, so their family must have had wealth/importance at one point, so again WHY IS SHE IN PODUNK, ESSETIR, and [gunshots]
here me out: Young Hunith was an anarchist and deliberately left Camelot bc she wanted to start her own life somewhere else, thereby going against Gaius's wishes to stay low and keep the peace. unlike her relative Gaius, who stayed bc that was the law and whatnot, Hunith said "fuck that" and in this essay i will--
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sparda3g · 7 years
Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 142 Review
Ishida was a mad man for the past couple of chapters to pull off so many heartaches to his fan base. It is hard to determine the result until it’s all over. Hinami was the victim of life or death and no one wants to see her in this position. Amazingly, she was absolutely fantastic. This intense chapter is marvelous.
I got a headache by thinking all the possibilities that can happen and many of them had a great chance. The writing technique in the cliffhanger is done many times and it can either result to safe or death. Hinami was in that peril, so I was on the edge of my seat throughout the chapter. What I didn’t expect or rather should have known is how Ishida continues to amaze me with his character’s display of last standing act.
Before entering the Hinami’s scene, there are two key moments that may be really crucial and it got me curious significantly. Yomo is a trooper to keep on moving after taking on two investigators. However, the oddity kicks in when a random investigator gives him a warning of what lies ahead for him. Yomo keep on moving is encouraging but concerning. I hope Ishida doesn’t try to kill him off for real.
First of all, that ditto look of that guy has to be Uta, hence the term “friend.” I guess it is nice of him to warn him. My main concern is if his warning means that he is fully aware of the main plan of Furuta. By that, I mean there’s more than just having Suzuya going on a killing spree. The grand picture has yet to unfold, so this isn’t comforting.
The eerie scene is with the confusing state of condition with the Communications Squad. Irimi and Koma are either shown or not that something has gone horribly wrong. It could be other members that have been killed off, but it only raises the question on their presence. It’s jarring when the info box repetitively display like a horror film with a creepy tape. It sends a bone chilling vibe that things are gradually getting worse.
After those two key moments, the chapter completely shift focus on Hinami and it is splendidly intense. Going into the chapter, I thought Hinami couldn’t fight anymore and accept her fate. I was wrong and glad to be wrong because it delivered the excellence of the overall experience.
I got chills how the setting begins to grow drearier with the rain effect that begins to literally pour over the sewer. It’s the atmosphere of tragic waiting to happen and the final stand waiting to give out. Touka has been terrific throughout the arc. I was under impression that she won’t do much due to pregnancy but that won’t stop her from being awesome. The fight was going to go with Suzuya, but to my surprise really, Hinami continues to fight and that begins the train of gloriousness.
Some people believed she was going to weep and not take action anymore, which probably happened in other series. Luckily for them, Ishida continues to shine a character in the greatest fashion in its condition.  Case in point, Hinami could have just gave in and hope to be rescued, but instead, she continues to kick ass and look very impressive. She still takes on all other Squad 0 and kills them that left them startled. She’s a charming monster when it’s all said and done. 
The greatest aspect to this conflict is Hinami’s reflection as a character. It’s done in a way that her character has reached its conclusion, which would have been the perfect spot to end her. Needless to say, it’s heartbreaking, touching, and magnificent. The guilt she has for Kaneki to be pushed to his current state is saddening. She felt that she is responsible for planting the seed to his deconstruction, which is why she felt the need to owe her life.
It’s painful to read her regrets from her monologue. Looking back at part 1, it does feel like that is the beginning of Kaneki’s ambition to protect his loved one. It was the moment that scarred him and it wouldn’t be the last. It does explain why Hinami always feel the need to look after him. He was changing and he was growing worse on his own life concern. Not to mention, he did go to save her when he was planning to die. It’s pretty depressing to think how far he has sunk that left her in pain.
The monologue is covered by intense action. It’s her versus all Squad 0; riveting as hell. The moment with Hinami losing her leg freaked me out bad. I regained composure when she continues to fight while downed. She is crazy but her determination is immeasurable. She was trying to stand but she has taken too much hit. That’s when the moment of fate comes in.
The monologue was going solid, but her last bidding words to Touka and Kaneki perfected it. These two mean a lot to her and she will always treasure them like a family. Touka is like her idol and she actually felt envied. She always wants to be like her but she couldn’t share that. It’s touching to know that she wants Touka to carry on her will so to speak; entrusting her life for everything.
As for Kaneki, she wants to be strong for him and wants to remain on his side forever. It’s a great segue from her last words to Touka because it’s a passage way for her development. Those two inspired her to do greater things; it’s just they don’t want her to die for them. It’s briefly shown with Touka’s frustration and perhaps Kaneki if he was there. 
He meant the world to her; she owes him everything. There’s no denying on how much of an impact he had on her. He made her life gentle, though ironically for him, he gained a miserable one. She wasn’t weak to me; she was just too charming for this world. She deserved all the best wishes. Let me tell you, turning a simple page is the hardest part of life next to learning your test result.
Praise the Sun! She is saved at the final second by Kaneki.
Well, I believe it is him; it didn’t quite confirm it. The last page has a missing Kaneki icon for the mission info display, so no doubt it’s him. The last couple of pages got me exploded with hype. I am worried about Furuta though since it sounds like his plan is finally coming through. It goes back to potentially Uta’s warning. There’s something grand that is waiting to happen and the time may be here. It’s finally the moment of truth.
The presentation has some new technique use such as odd yet strong effective use of info box constantly repeating itself. It was done in a bizarre way for unknown situation, but explosively hyped when done for Kaneki’s highly likely arrival to 24th Ward. The visual itself is top notch as well. The determined look of Hinami when she got back up got me goosebump. That sincere face is sweet and sad. The amount of surrounding details is rich. The paneling is exhilarating with any second of twist inbound and the monologue is deeply profound.
The chapter is intense and gratifying to read. Hinami has been glorious since she has grown up and I couldn’t be any more proud. I’m beyond hyped for the next chapter after this superb display of action and eerily exciting setup. All the pieces are in place. Let’s end this game.
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