#conclusion: duplication glitch real
feluka · 1 year
biggest unsolved mystery in my life is that one day i opened my book drawer to find two identical copies of a book that i'm 100% certain i've only ever owned a single copy of. same edition, exact same condition, and the label says they've been purchased from the same bookstore. i have no idea which one is the one i've alwayd had and which one suddenly appeared, or where it came from.
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floatinginzerogravity · 3 months
Murder Drones Episode 3 Analysis
I was bored and in the mood to theorize, so this series continues. Also, I've given up on keeping these free from future episode spoilers, so be warned I guess.
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Right off the bat, I find "3071" to be an oddly specific number, and it is for this reason that I think the mansion era stuff took place in 3021, because 50 is a nice round number that makes sense, and follows the "year of production" thing that shows do, aka, make the year in show the same as the real world date. You may be asking, "Tessa doesn't look over 50!" And to that I reply, Cryogenics, Cyborg, Tessa is dead and that's not Tessa.
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Text: [Name: Angela Palmer [Age: 19 [Description: 4'7" Gray hair Grey eyes Grey shirt [Last seen: Confusing the ancient digital artifact collection "The Office with a personality core. [Additional Info: To further prevent further dying, I'm sorry, "going missing," the WDF recommends avoiding the following: Going anywhere, being curious about anything, thinking about making friends, talking to anyone, looking at anyone, ignoring someone for too long, being unlucky, being too lucky around those less fortunate than you, {come on back} Text: [PROM: CLASS OF 3071 [THEME: ANCIENT DARK AGES LIKE YEAR 2000. EWW] [TIME: LIKE TOTALLY WHENEVER] Text: [Name: Kenzie Rivers [Age: 19] [Height: 4'4"] [Last seen: Coonnstantly talking about how much her limbs and organs are soooooo intact, God she's insufferable]
Text: [Name: Lainey Gilmore [Age: 20] [Height: 4'4" [Last seen: Playing the best long con prank on her friends and family
Text: [End of year exams [Where: in the... idk why you... [When: ... i guess [Why: judging your... pay i haven't... (I can't read it) Text: [Name: Dillan Hall [Age: 18 [Description: 5'2" [Last seen: Being a bad person, so this is okay. This is a fine narrative path to take. This is a good message - I'm a hero] <- Liam talking to himself lol
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Text: [ERROR: OPTICAL CALIBRATION [20/160]] [LOL NICE VISION [KELSY [SURVIVIAL MODE While we're here, I think it's worth mentioning how V wore glasses in the mansion, but no longer does as a Disassembly Drone. This leads to the conclusion of either: A. With the orbs acting as replacement eyes, any previous visual defects are rendered null or B. V has been walking around with terrible vision, and in the end, that's what will save her from the sentinels, not being able to see them. I mean, we haven't seen her be bootlooped by them, sooooooo- ...Probably the first one
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Doll has some weird anti-gravity stuff going on with her hair, similarly to the anti-gravity effect seen in the FINAL DESTINATION trailer
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It seems object duplication is within the solver's arsenal Do you think that would work on entire drones, mayhaps related to the Disassembly Drone cloning?
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It was revealed in Glitch X that these roaches were originally self-duplicating cleaner bots, but duplicated too much and became pests Just some lore :> THEORY TIME! Today we are analyzing: the symbolism of killing cleaner roaches (yay!)
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It has been pointed out by Youtuber Narujen that certain characters, who are seen as more malicious, are seen killing roaches (Pictured above: Doll stepping on a roach), while others...
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(pictured: N stopping himself from stepping on a roach)
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(Pictured: Uzi healing a roach) ... are seen valuing the lives of them more. What am I getting at here?
Well, What's the other notable roach scene?
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When the solver killed the roach in Cyn's introduction scene. While this is most likely simply an indication of the solver's evilness and nothing more, it could also suggest, that while Cyn is a separate entity from the solver, perhaps she's not entirely opposed to it either... Yeah, this is literally just my recent fascination with this headcannon talking. I think the show itself will take the good-Cyn route, but it's fun to think about!
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Text: [Phrase, Absolute Solver could mean: [1. It solves math shit (like a nerd)] <- Strong words from someone who built a railgun, oh, excuse me, a "magnetically amplified photon converter." You telling me you didn't use math for that?? [2. It's an algorithm for "big worm thing] [3. It absolutely sucks lol GGs]
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Text: [TRUST NO ONE: That's why I don't have any friends... no other reason...
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Text: [STRANG DRONES FOUND] [MOBILE, Ala, Oct. 8. - The... Commission today adopted recommendations of the committee of public health closing all schools in the niotion(?) joture(?) houses and theater on account of the prevalence of the epidemic of Spanish influenza (The spanish flu) Public gatherings including Liberty raliee have been ordered stopped. The health authorities have recommended that persons refrain from kissing] I... have no idea what this means. Most likely from pre-core collapse era, but the headline and the text have nothing to do with each other...
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Text: [Gravitational (Waves?) Detected] In light of recent events,
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Braiden's head is still on fire from when Uzi possessed him Also, Uzi sitting directly on top of the desk :D
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What's up with the picture on the side of Uzi's locker? Some sort of Drone boyband? An advertisement posted in every locker in the school?
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Jank school posters
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(Rebecca tripped Uzi with her foot) You can't say she didn't get what she friggin deserved in Cabin Fever
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That is... a lot more missing posters than there were before
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CAUTION: WET MURDER I want to own one of these
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another shot of Uzi's room
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oruphone · 11 months
Fake iPhone check: Top 8 ways to find if the iPhone being sold is fake
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iPhones popular for their upscale technology and high-end features are the optimal choice for a multitude of users. Add on to it the class and design they uphold; they are quite the desirable smartphone. This exact thing also makes iPhones prone to be cloned and hence, you shall find a lot of duplicate and fake products in the market due to high demands for the device.
You are most likely to encounter fake deals in the grey and black markets. These are online and offline marketplaces that sell unauthorised, illegal, stolen, fake and cloned devices. It is quite essential to thoroughly check all the details before purchasing an iPhone. The safest method is to purchase from the primary market better known as the brand sellers, or the secondary market where refurbished and used phones are sold.
Below are the top 8 ways to find out whether the iPhone is authentic or fake:
1. Begin the checks with the physical condition of the iPhone; everything should be perfectly centred and coloured. Look at the case and the buttons, and their positioning. Look out for similar brand tags like ‘hiPhone’. When the screen is turned off, it will appear black. Compare the handset with an iPhone from a retailer’s website.
2. Turn the phone on and make sure it’s running iOS. If it’s running another operating system, it’s probably a fake. You can also check the iOS version by a tap on “Settings -> General -> About.”
3. Launch Siri by holding down the Home button for a few seconds. In the case where Siri isn’t enabled on your iPhone version 4s and later, it’s probably a fake iPhone.
4. The iPhone should be able to connect WIFI, Bluetooth, and Edge on all models and can also connect to 3G data networks. iPhone 6 and later models support the NFC for Apple Pay. If you purchase an iPhone that lacks the hardware to connect to one of these networks, it is likely fake or manufactured in another country. By restoring your iPhone and checking if the feature works, you can make sure that it is not a glitch.
5. Test whether you can swap the batteries and find a microSD card slot. Some cloned iPhones have these features, but the real iPhones do not. On a fake iPhone, a stylus may work, but not on a real iPhone.
6. There is a possibility that the iPhone is fake if it is not capable of connecting to iTunes. Make sure that you have the latest versions of iTunes and iOS before coming to this conclusion. Try restoring your iPhone through iTunes if you are unable to sync your iPhone with your computer. It is either a fake or damaged iPhone that doesn’t connect to iTunes or the app store after being restored.
7. The iPhone comes with built-in Apple-branded apps. These apps cannot be removed from an iPhone unless it is jail-broken. Some examples of built-in applications include “Calculator,” “Contacts,” “Compass,” “Music,” “Settings,” and “Photos.” If any of these applications are missing, the phone is jailbroken or fake. The original firmware can be restored by entering DFU mode and reinstalling the operating system. If applications are still missing, then the iPhone is likely fake.
8. Each iPhone is identified by a serial number. Using the serial number, you can determine whether or not it’s in Apple’s database. Tap “Setting-> General-> About” and the iPhone’s serial number appears, write down the serial number or keep the screen open. Visit –https://selfsolve.apple.com/agreementWarrantyDynamic.do and then input the serial number. Using this system, you will be able to find out if your iPhone is still under warranty. If the message “serial number is invalid” appears, your information may be incorrect or the iPhone is a fake.
It is always better to take precautions before you purchase an iPhone. Do not be swindled to buy from black market dealers just because the price they offer is lower. Many times, even if the iPhone is not completely fake, it might be a damaged handset which has been repaired with hardware parts of lower quality. This decreases the performance of the phone.
If you have already made a purchase and then figure that the iPhone is cloned or with fake parts, or is entirely fake, report to the concerned authorities as it can be a case of a stolen phone or technical malpractice.
Hope you have a secure purchase. To find used iPhones from authentic sellers, visit the homepage of “ORUphones” and find safe and great deals.
Visit ORUphones, the best app to buy and sell phones online, and also to check all the checklists that is mentioned above.
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creepy-crowleys · 3 years
06:30 - The Duplicate Patches is successfully killed by 88% destruction of head via .45 x28e anima round. Remains settle to bottom of containment unit and stay in place for several hours.
14:32 - ‘Corrective’ readings ensue. Duplicate remains ‘glitch’ and are presumed to return to their assigned spawn point.
14:59 - Duplicate Patches posts image revealing previously missing right eye to have regenerated. Other changes to be determined.
Further Data:
Continued support for the theory that duplicates are almost digital simulations of a sort - readings from scans could be observed correcting themselves in real-time. 
Most modern equipment subject to cleanest corrections - small glitches towards beginning of surveillance, ‘perfect’ readings for most of duration. Too clinical/manufactured perfect; no ‘human’ error or natural variance.
Possible compatibility issues with more antiquated equipment and techniques - more obvious/violent glitching. Still adapted but didn’t like it.
Unable to define source of corrections - Possibly/seemingly ambient?
Physical/metaphysical/etheric data all appears normal for as far as I can tell without exact comparison point; almost exclusively technological irregularities.
Also possible support for Hinata’s ‘Ghost’s’ involvement:
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Goal of producing final, conclusive form? Live edits in the process?
Still no idea what to do with any of this though. Or what’s coming.
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staysuki · 3 years
Ash I don’t think some of my asks are coming through 😭. Like I sent two a few days ago but I still haven’t seen a response lol. Does this happen often? Is anyone else having this problem? I feel stupid if I send them again and in reality you’ve already seen it pfft.
Omg your getting so many asks I’m so happy for you rn!!! The hype is real. People are really throwing in their thoughts and feeling now, we’re definitely getting the ball rolling to you being tumble famous✨. Not to mention how fun it is to come up with conclusions wrong or right. It’s almost like we’re a jury panel trying to figure out who is guilty. I’m also glad to see you’ve got your mojo back, I know your were procrastinating a bit there at one point. Even so, you must have a lot of energy to keep birthing these fics haha. When I write I have so many crazy ideas, plot hooks and so forth but when I start writing I just get stuck at one point and give up🧍‍♀️.I always get writers block because of my perfectionist heart 💔. In school I was always good at creative writing, once I even got 97 percent on one of my best written pieces but now it feels like a chore for me to create new ones, school ruined it for me I think because I was made to do it. I envy you and your genius, you really are brilliant and I guarantee everyone here agrees 🥰♥️.
Also in 🍕’s ask not that long ago, where they asking me how I’m doing??? I wasn’t sure if it was aimed at me or you haha. Pizza is cute~
~ lovegame anon
what 😭 no, your asks are definitely not going through
i've seen other anons have the same problem before so they usually just resend the ask, dw about thinking it might be doubled! i'd rather have duplicates than not get your asks at all :,)))
AND YES so many asks, maybe that's why it's lagging??? idk, i definitely know some other users who get a lot more asks and theirs seem alright idk 😭 maybe it's just my tumblr? or your tumblr?? ever since the new mobile updates, i've been getting lots of glitches and bugs lately (like the photo issue and the readmore issue)
tumblr famous pLS. i could never. maybe only in stray kids fic tumblr but idk 🤔🤧 i like being here at the back~
thank u for always enjoying my crazy ass messy fics. i swear the next ones won't be as heavy anymore JHSHWJSHE I SWEAR. I PROMISE. I CAN'T SAY IT'LL BE FULFILLED BUT I WILL TRY TO WRITE LIGHTER ONES. i mean, the jeongin smau was really really fluffy tho so i'm just balancing it out 🤷‍♂️. ehaloj is like the neutral fic lmao, it's just slice of life.
but yeah, i've always loved writing ever since i was a kid, sometimes i get burnt out when writing the written chapters so i'm happy that SMAUs are a thing because i can just pump out content without having to like, write tons of paragraphs. and jgejshwjshss the time i was procrastinating was when i was getting ready to fly back to the PH so it was hectic 🤧🙈 got lots of time now though~ hence the new fic hehe BE EXCITED FOR IT. IT'S GONNA BE GOOD, join the fic name event (it's anonymous) if you haven't already!!
and i think that was for you uwu
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isolaradiale · 4 years
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When the final wire was cut, the entire city went black. The power grid was not tied to the network, but the outage was NULL’s only shot at preventing Ofiuco’s retrieval after she fell from the sky. The entire city fell still for five minutes before power returned, but this light only served to illuminate the next phase. It wasn’t like GPU had been without a backup plan. If they didn’t have a way to leverage the arrest of the Stars, then at the very least they could throw a wrench in their operation. 
However, the light of the moon and stars that shone down on the city in the dead of night was obscured by a sudden apparition. A floating island that existed beyond the flight limitations of the city obscured the view, almost the same size as the city itself and becoming a constant and looming darkness over the cityscape. It cast things into uncertainty, and all of the Shades remaining on the ground flocked up and into it... before a loud rumbling began. 
The island suddenly dropped and it inevitably looked as if it was about to crash into the city itself before stopping in a convenient location: just below the maximum flight limit. Beams of light soon extended from all around the floating island’s perimeter to Spirale below, their uses initially unclear.
That was, until, people began to step out of them. These weren’t NPCs nor agents, their ranks instead populated by the monstrous and the villainous. Enemies and rivals gathered from the worlds the characters had all been taken from, their sights set on razing the city. Chaos immediately unfolded where they landed, structures and people alike targeted while some of these foes sought conflict with their greatest nemesis. 
If it was a device capable of receiving a signal, this distorted voice boomed over it. Many believed the speaker to be an enemy at first, probably one of the agents that had turned their world into disarray. Thankfully that wasn’t the case.
Whether these words inspired or not depended on the listener, but there was no denying the immediate threat of the invading force as well as the personal nature of some of these opponents. 
“To those ends, a gift!” This time the speaking voice was a familiar one as a dot of pink light zipped up from the depths of the hole, a familiar android plastered across every screen in the city. This time though her eyes weren’t red. A wave of light reverberated across the city from the flapping of Ofiuco’s wings, granting all it touched their weapons and abilities back for the time being. “Don’t forget there are people from the city itself still working with NULL. I know this is all hard to understand. You don’t know why you’re fighting nor do you know what you’re fighting.”
She exhaled before looking at the floating island above. “I guess there will be some explaining to do when all is said and done, but go! You need to reclaim the starry sky!”
Welcome to part 2 of Security Breach! There’s a lot to cover here so we’ll try to be as specific as possible. But as always if you have a question don’t be afraid to send it to the ml!
What has happened? With the network shut down thanks to all the cut wires, NULL has wordlessly moved into their backup plan: completely razing the city from within.
To those ends they have summoned a floating island that eclipses the city, and from it enemies pour down from both the top and the light elevators that extend to the city from the floating island’s surface. 
These are not normal enemies however. They are villains and monsters from the worlds of your muses (more information including guidelines in the FAQ section). While they walk, talk, and hit as hard as the real things, they are completely under NULL’s control and share their goals.
This is a grand battle that will be fought on two stages: on the island below and flying structure above. 
Ofiuco has granted everyone their powers and abilities back, but is also enforcing a cap so the enemy forces can’t use game breaking powers. Since this is universal it will also affect the characters within the group (more information in the FAQ section).
For those that are powerless: you will be able to access your Fantasia avatars via the Spirale Alternate World Life app. This feature will be removed at the end of the event, and it will not work for characters that already have powers. 
We will be running this poll until 12:01AM EST on May 1st. Based on the results the story and aftermath of the event will change. 
Everyone’s powers are unlocked but are there limitations like in part 1? Yes there are! Abilities used must be tier 6 or higher by vsbattlewiki standards. Obviously these could easily destroy an island, but while structures can be destroyed the island Spirale is on and the island in the sky are both impervious to damage from these attacks. If your character possesses an ability that exceeds this ranking you can tone it down, but some things are strictly off limits like conceptual abilities in certain instances (conjuring items or allies en masse, erasing existences, etc are not allowed). These guidelines are consistent between both sides so as not to break the world.
What’s this about Fantasia and the Spirale Alternate World Life app? Last summer we held an event called the Fantasia War where characters were placed in a fantasy setting with fantasy avatars. At the event’s conclusion we made Fantasia into an MMO game that can be accessed in the Intraspace, and everyone’s avatars have been preserved there. The SAWL app is an app we introduced to allow MMO characters (like from SAO) to be able to switch between their normal and game forms at will, and it is having its functionality temporarily  boosted to let people use their Fantasia avatars, including the attached powers, during the event. This app will not show up for anyone that has powers of their own. 
If your character was not present during Fantasia you can still create your own avatar! You can still find the list of available races here and list of available spells here. 
Villains and enemies are pouring out of the flying island? What does this entail? Essentially what it sounds like. You will have the unique opportunity to bring in villains, monsters, or machines as agents of NULL. They will act as they would in canon, but are dedicated to their cause of destroying the city and killing off its citizens. There are, of course, limitations:
only one boss-tier enemy per mun per series can be brought in. you can bring in as many trash mobs (generic monsters, grunts, etc.) as you want, but you can only choose one powerful opponent. you can just say what kind of mobs might be running around for others to deal with in their threads, but the boss-tier foe must be controlled by you.
boss-tier enemies can be sentient, but they don’t have to be. if you want to bring in things like giant machines that are piloted by grunts, these still count as boss-tiers however.
you cannot bring in an enemy that exists on the masterlist
enemies, including boss-types, can be overlapped throughout a cast to avoid the possibility of someone claiming a boss just to deny other cast members from interacting with them. however do not have these duplicates interact / in the same thread.
The best way to keep this in order would be to make a post introducing the kinds of trash mobs you’d see running around as well as the boss-type you plan on controlling. People can then use the mobs in their threads if they choose, or approach you to interact with the boss. Likewise, you can keep the boss for more personal threads or drabbles. It’s really up to you!
I don’t really have any enemies in my series and I’m not comfortable using mobs from others. Are there any other options for what I can fight? Yes! The Shades are still around, as are a plethora of generic fantasy monsters for you to fight!
Are the weather conditions from part 1 still ongoing? No, those have come to a halt! However the island above blocks all of the weather in general.
Speaking of the floating island. We can go to the top, right? What’s up there? To put it simply: it’s a mess. Whether NULL had difficulty importing code or if it was just a big error, assets from every series imaginable compose the landscape. Maybe you’d see a building from BLEACH, but then one from Naruto right beside it. Some assets have even been merged together. Pieces of it glitch out and redesign constantly, so it’s almost a depressing mockery of Spirale in a way. There are hills and rivers too, but even those are constantly shifting position.
While tons of enemies have poured onto the streets of Spirale, there are plenty waiting on standby atop the flying island. To go it alone would be a terrible idea.
Can we destroy the flying island itself? No! You can destroy the structures on top but new things will eventually sprout up in their place. The ground and undersides seem to be protected by an impenetrable barrier. But even if you could, do you really want it crashing onto the city below?
Where should we put big, newsworthy posts during this event? Please use the tag ‘#isola sb2 news’ as opposed to the regular ‘#isola news’ tag during this part of the event. We anticipate a lot of people are going to want to do cool and interesting things that they want everyone to see so we want you guys to have a space for this, but we also do not want to clutter the regular news tag.
I have an additional question! Feel free to send it to the masterlist! Due to the nature of this part and all of the potential moving pieces we’re sure people may have questions or concerns that haven’t been covered.
When is part 2 expected to end? A week from now on May 1st at 12:00:01AM EST. We’ll likely be polling around the middle of the week to see if people would like an extension however! 
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b-e-h-o-l-d-e-r · 3 years
Ghost in the Shell (2017) review
I came into this movie with an open mind. Despite every fibre of my fanboy teenage ghost rejecting this alien reincarnation. I even set aside the whitewashing criticisms to just see if the movie can achieve something significant in spite of it.
Within roughly 5 minutes, this movie assured me I was going to be treated like a lobotomised baby. I shit you not, within seconds of a beautifully rendered manufacture sequence we watch two introduced characters in a room blatantly tell us what "ghost in the shell" means in the most uninspired way imaginable.
I wish I could tell you that this was just me getting off on the wrong foot but throughout, the movie is so uncertain in how to portray the themes, symbolisms and spiritual/ religious references that make up the brain in GitS' cyberpunk action body. The script just glitches between lame exposition by talking heads and still reflection in its precise composition but the two hardly work together.
It's like the film can't find its centre and as a result is neither a compelling action sci-fi or a meditative exploration of its philosophies. If this were Aaronofsky/ Gilliam or Bay/ Snyder perhaps (for better or worse) at least this movie would have a distinct direction to go in but instead it sits in the middle and suffers at both.
Hell, I'm sure many fans would be happy if this just took the Dredd approach. If they just accepted that the fans know the backstory and the non fans don't need it and made this simply about the Section 9 anti cyber crimes team doing their job, kicking ass n taking names, it would at least have a better chance of success amongst its primary demographic.
Instead Hollywood thinks big and wants to initiate a new franchise, origin story and all, n crams so much bullshit to try and get new audiences into it that Section 9 itself gets pushed way back in the corner. Audiences spend more time getting to know the Majors mum/s than they do with any her team.
They ditch the cerebral plot of the '95 anime whereby Major Motoko Kusanagi working within Section 9 are tracking a hacker who turns out not only to be an AI secretly created by the government to assassinate political targets but has become sentient, claims asylum and ends up merging consciousness with Major Kusanagi by the end.
Here we get Major Motoko Kusanagi of Section 9, pissed that many innocent people were murdered in experiments to create her and super shitty that her entire identity was a lie and she's actually a bratty anti establishment punk.
After all is said and done, what we get is Robocop-Lite (and thats the reboot mind you). All the nuance, intrigue and head scratching ideology that we got in the shorter length '95 anime is reduced here to identity theft and yet another unremarkable corporate business villain to cover it up. We've seen this shit SO often. I'm beginning to think Hollywood just doesn't know how to do it any other way. They weren't all bad mind you, Robocop, Total Recall, The Matrix, these are all great films but GitS in its initial reception really broke the mould and here to see it put back in the cage of "been here, done that" is so incredibly disappointing.
As far as anime/manga Hollywood adaptations are concerned, the bar is INCREDIBLY low. I'd argue the only good one amongst them is Edge of Tomorrow/ Live Die Repeat. Aside from that, every otaku since the 90's is used to being made fun of in the result of America trying to morph them into something that works amongst their style of cinema. Japan has made some great adaptations partly because they don't feel the need to repackage the story.
This GitS remake tries desperately to be on the fans side by copying much of the '95 movies look (with varying degrees of success, some scenes are very accurate in their reproduction but the hair in this film is more reminiscent of X-men (2000) and seems cosplay-ish at times).
There are few scenes lifted from the original but most get twisted to accommodate the new storyline, at which point I ask why bother? Half measures don't tend to turn many heads and whilst paying homage by really making the effort to be exact duplications in some ways is applaudable, you're giving yourself less room to do your version of it. At least then, whether the film turns out to be shit or not, I'll respect that you tried to do your own thing.
ok, casting. this argument has already been done to death and I've just about run outta energy already on the whole Scarlett Johanson thing but a few things that never seem to come up: first of all, acting wise, I gotta say it's all much of a fucking muchness isn't it? Kusanagi does not outwardly express much so its mostly a headgame for an actress with the chance to throw in some subtleties in the voice acting.
I don't really like Scarlet Johansson's performances but that its preposterous for anyone to come to the conclusion that her resume would land her this gig is a bit of a stretch. Do people realise how rare it is to find an A-list celebrity that has an extensive list of both highly demanding physical action blockbusters and subtle minimalist detail performances? Of course they are going to cast her. Before anyone throws ME personally into somehow being against ethnic minorities in blockbuster films (which would be absurd for anyone who knows me) '95 GitS director Mamoru Oshii also gave his stamp of approval.
They really tried with the marketing to dodge the bullet by just not bringing it up but it's really not dealt with well in the film and leads to some pretty fucking awkward moments for a racial debate charged audience to watch.
I would have preferred the role to go to a Japanese actress but remember, this is Hollywood and if a studio is gonna push bringing THIS film out, you bet your bottom dollar that they're going with someone that is a household name in America.
The only internationally known Japanese name out there right now is Rinko Kikuchi (who to date has 2 American films out there, both not big successes). I love most of her films and there ARE a few other Japanese actresses I would love to see in the role but Hollywood studios are not gonna bank on the success of Japanese films. Hell, the fact that they put Takeshi Kitano in bit part in this movie is as far as they are willing go to get in on that market. Few seem to point at his casting as some kind of justification and I laugh quite hard. Seriously, you're gonna give this guy (who's acted AND directed in over 20 brilliant films) a few minutes of screen time and applaud that as some kind of cultural milestone?
Which brings me to the big casting shame that NO ONE is fucking talking about because they're so caught up with the Johansson shit. Aside from Kusanagi, there are 6 Japanese members of the Section 9 taskforce. How many are Japanese? Kitano, yes. Who else? Saito. Did you remember him? He's the guy that snipes the helicopter at the very end of the film. You see his face for like 10 seconds. Pretty big step in casting mulitculturally, right? Don't get me wrong, the cast IS incredibly multicultural. We got actors from all over the world pretending to be Japanese:
A Danish guy as Batou A Chinese guy as Togusa An Australian as Ishikawa A Zimbabwean as Borma
Why keep the names?! Just call them whatever, it doesn't matter. You don't give them anything important to do anyway. Have a mulit-ethnic team but when they're all speaking clearly in their national accents and supposed to be portraying Japanese characters, THAT'S what should really piss people off because THESE roles could have gone out to Japanese people and it would not have even been a risk for the studio.
Ultimately, the one real positive thing I have to say is a great job for the WETA production team on some fantastic animatronics and moulds...that's pretty much it. Shame it couldn't be in a better film.
- dug out from the depths of https://letterboxd.com/Do_oM/
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scrollsofeternity · 4 years
but i want to live || shizuka || trial 6.4 re: hisashi, ely || attn: calantha
Pushing up the reading glasses she no longer needs (and often forgot to use), Shizuka thinks about what everyone is saying, even those of them that she doesn’t respect (more or less the majority, if we are being honest.) It’s hard to reach a conclusion when all evidence seems inconclusive from her end of the spectrum.
Missing memories, missing feelings, missing time, a missing life, all of it replaced with an existence so hollow it is not more than a ‘collegiate’s life’ weighed versus the world’s future. The way the group flip flops between them being doppelgangers or ghosts or something else, and the insecurity everyone else displays.
The hollow existence she might or might not be seems on the verge of fading, like a dreamer’s sleep coming to an end. She theorizes that their Calantha, being one of those ‘duplicate glitches’ (whatever the fuck that means) might have been something like a lifeline, now that it was torn and burnt into the remains they had found at the beginning of all this, would the dream end?
...The beginning. She should re-trace their steps, especially when the fisherman shows off the stories, they had had codes of their own before this trial and even further back than then. Could the same person have left those clues? If so…
“Codes. Riddles. We faced things like those, it would appear the little king quite enjoys their tacky symbolism.” She says, with an even and calm tone. “For instance, there were riddles where the answers were coffin, day and night, and memories. It seems like they were aimed to refer to people who’ve died so far. The point is, that both of clues might have been left by the same person, no? Same taste for the melodramatic.”
Tsk, tsk. It only served to annoy her. The king could certainly stand to speak like a normal person, but such patronizing ways only serve to reinvigorate her perspective from before, that there is a small silver lining of getting out, somehow, even if it’s her hubris speaking, she’d rather listen to it for now.
Little king, ridden with guilt. The necromancer behind their unexpected come back. She has the vaguest ideas, thinking that at least five people here fit the profile Kushiko seems to believe as very specific. Maybe she’d agree if she could remember anything real, anything from the ‘day’ side of the puzzle, instead all she has are her observations and previous feelings -most of which are negative-
Not to mention, guilt can so easily be faked or simply be misguided, if the king really regrets their death, they should step forward. She has several dozen of questions at the ready, as must everyone else. But there is someone else, besides king and pawn, that might have some hints as to their questions.
“Hey.” Shizuka stares down at Calantha. “Isn’t it about time you cut the shit?” She says, searching for yet another paper in her pocket. “You have the same powers as the little king and their personal Yaco, don’t you?”
She waves the schedule in the air, stopping it so that it might be readable by all.
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“You are nothing but a shitty little avatar, aren’t you.” She clicks her tongue. “The link to the outside. You are the overseers’ link. Who are you today? Was your team also behind the other Calantha?” Despite being well aware of the possibilities of being: A) Completely wrong B) Completely misinterpreting this, she speaks with the usual confidence.
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mooreoliver · 4 years
How QA Automation Services can help the Media Industry
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Like other industry segments, the media industry is transforming to improve the quality of its services. In a fast-changing world, disseminating information in real-time can be a challenge. The media has to be at the forefront of everything as an entire global ecosystem related to the world of economics, politics, foreign policy, and many others is dependent on it. So, unless the media dishes out accurate information seamlessly in double-quick time, the implications for the ecosystem could be immense.
Importantly, media companies are facing serious cost escalation in delivering services. This is due to the rising competition from Over-The-Top (OTT) players and other overhead costs. However, these challenges can be addressed by identifying and leveraging the value trapped across organizations and reinvesting them to fuel new growth avenues.
The media of today uses a plethora of technologies to collect, process, and transmit information in real-time. This leaves no scope for errors as the implications can be huge. Media too is grappling with challenges that others are facing. These include working with legacy systems, which do not lend themselves to quick real-time processing. Further, the digitally savvy consumers of today use a range of devices to access information. This means the news distributed over multiple channels should be accurate, secure, and responsive. So, how to overcome such challenges that a globalized world has brought about? The answer is digital transformation induced QA automation services that make the final product dynamic, richer, responsive, and secure.
The media industry encompasses a host of techno-driven scenarios, activities, products, and services. Some of them include OTT, IPTV, set-top boxes, video transcoding, buffering, streaming, closed captioning, and video editing. To ensure their quality, software QA automation should be made part of the workflow. However, care must be taken to ensure software test automation services include the below-mentioned conditions:
Be technology and tool agnostic
Capability to run tests across devices and platforms
Provide an expansive test coverage area
Ensure quality in the quickest possible time
The automated QA testing tool should accommodate various file formats, payment processing methods, security protocols, or streaming scenarios.
How QA automation services can help the media industry?
The media industry is increasingly driven by changing customer behavior. It includes rising expectations among the younger generation demanding quick access to quality content in real-time, anytime and anywhere. Also, the media industry is facing various other types of challenges, which include:
Consumers becoming savvy to identify marketing campaigns disguised as editorial content.
Consumers becoming aware of the information about them being monetized by third parties. In fact, complicated privacy policies are turning consumers to media players who provide better data privacy and transparency.
The digital transformation initiatives comprising software QA automation can help media companies in addressing the above-mentioned challenges and deliver the following benefits:
Simplifying Operations: There is a lot of trapped value in silo-driven departments and processes. These increase the Opex budget of media companies as they end up duplicating efforts across traditional and digital channels. Media companies can become efficient, focused, and better performing by centralizing their processes. This shall simplify operations and release value for the companies to drive growth. Developing an ERP solution customized to the specific needs of the media industry can achieve the above-mentioned outcomes. And by running automation testing services, each and every feature and functionality of the solution can be validated.
Real-time Content Management using Data Analytics: Media companies are increasingly delivering services built around content. In doing so, they are expected to provide meaningful customer experiences. Data analytics can derive meaningful inferences about consumer preferences from a variety of channels and devices. And automated QA testing can check the data for any hidden glitch or bug and turn it glitch-free. It is only when structured and glitch-free data is analyzed that proper business intelligence can be derived. This can help media organizations to plan suitable strategies and stay up the winning curve.
Contextualization and Personalization: Content creators and marketers need to generate personalized content to garner consumer attention. This can be a challenge given the information overload consumers are subjected to. However, while doing this, issues of data privacy and security ought to be tackled in a transparent manner. A robust QA process can ensure if the sensitive consumer information is secure or the delivery process adheres to the existing security protocols or regulations. 
The media industry is churning due to the advent of new technologies, growing competition, and changing customer preferences. Moreover, since disseminating content over multiple channels need to be assured of quality and security, media companies can engage in QA automation services.
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Components of a test automation framework: tools, solutions, and more
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In today's competitive business environment, software development teams are always expected to perform efficiently to deliver high-quality products with fewer resources in a given period of time. When companies fasten their budgetary belt, software testing is often given a short shrift over considerations of quantity and revenue maximization. Software that does not perform as promised or resolve real business challenges, inflict an economic toll on businesses. Half of the software development projects fail to meet the business objectives or experience budget slippages due to the late identification of glitches. All these factors result in a substantial percentage of "defect leakage" in production while causing poor customer experience and ROI.
Only a time-to-market solution would help to address such challenging situations in software development projects – by implementing a robust QA process through test automation framework.
Automation helps to identify issues, which often go unnoticed during manual testing such as hard coding or spelling mistakes. Automation also removes repetitive tasks and enables the team to focus on more challenging scenarios. Also, the test automation framework minimizes the maintenance costs and testing efforts to provide a higher return on investments for the QA teams to optimize the Agile processes.
The automation framework helps an organization to follow a single standard of doing things. It is defined as the organized support structure within which the suite is developed and implemented by utilizing some specific tools. Here, the selection of the right tool is crucial to ensure success of a project. However, the selection of tools depends on several factors such as comprehensive testing requirements, cost of the tool, available skill sets in the organization and the technology stack that needs to be tested. As the process of selecting tools is critical, the factors to be considered here include:
Devising  a standard tool assessment checklist comprising a host of elements. These  include the expertise of the testing teams, types of testing, cost of the tool, training, and support, maintenance cost, tool's performance, stability, and extensibility.
Acquiring different kinds of tools to carry out several types of testing in the     project line
Deciding about the testing requirements such as performance, functional, web service, etc.
Types of automation tools used
QTP (Quick test professional), Geb, Selenium, and Watir (Web Application Testing in Ruby) are the most popular tools for test automation.
·         Selenium: It is an open-source tool for automating web-based applications.
·         Watir (Web Application Testing in Ruby): It is a part of the Ruby family but is an open-source tool that is used for automating the web browsers.
·         GEB: It is an open-source software offered by Groovy.
·         QTP: It is a powerful tool licensed by HP to test desktop and web applications. It is not free and is only available through concurrent or single seater floater licenses.
Why is framework test automation necessary?
A framework is described as a "single standard” of performing things. The following steps are listed as the common practices of a test automation framework based approach:
·         Process definition based on Test Library: The creation of test library follows a standard development process with proper documentation and a well-defined process. It is ideal for team communication, artifacts creation, and library versioning.
·         Team consistency and standard procedure of scripting: Various business components, data checkpoints, system communications, and reporters should be maintained across a standard scripting library, which can only be possible with the help of a test automation framework. The automation framework helps the project team to follow a defined scripting standard while eradicating duplicate coding.
·         Encapsulation from critical codes and complexities: A framework helps engineers to avoid complexities and critical code aspects as they are only exposed to the implemented libraries.
·         Data separation: Input data stores such as Excel and XML files are separated from automation test scripts. Only the input data gets modified for testing with several input values.
·         Maximization of re-usability: Established or published libraries help to maintain communication across the organization or the project team.
Key advantages of a test automation framework
Standardized process in production
A test automation strategy facilitates to establish a single standard across the organization. This helps companies to follow a standard procedure unlike the pre-empted ad-hoc ones, which yield no substantial results.
Entirely independent process:
The  component usage and complete coding standards are uniformly defined in test  automation solutions during production.
Complete documentation helps companies to engage new team members with minimal effort.
No dependencies from the components or utilities are created.
Entire coverage:
The product requirements are gathered from an overall perspective of the company (such as the product suite on Java and .Net.) Thus, the automation framework helps to create reusable components such as system communications, loggers, and reporters. This overall coverage of test automation solutions reduces the testing effort of the team during the later stages of the product suite development.
A test automation framework becomes important in today’s software development and testing lifecycle where identifying glitches quickly is the need of the hour. The framework should be robust enough to be implemented at any stage of the SDLC.
Diya works for Cigniti Technologies, Global Leaders in Independent Quality Engineering & Software Testing Services to be appraised at CMMI-SVC v1.3, Maturity Level 5, and is also ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 27001:2013 certified.
This White paper, explore how Script-less Test Automation ensures quicker implementation of manual tests by the SMEs.
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The Basics of Fallout 76
Want to Know More About Fallout 76? The internet team play desperately needs improvements, a number of the bugs still will need to get fixed, and Bethesda clearly have plenty of work ahead of them. Particularly, folks believe that Bethesda has taken the incorrect approach of creating the online Fallout experience. Quite simply, it feels like Fallout, and now it is possible to play with your pals. The Hidden Truth About Fallout 76 Only the junk in your inventory, which you are able to opt to return and retrieve. Item duplication may have a significant effect on a multiplayer game, that range from destabilizing its economy to creating server troubles. As such, they work together to tackle unique objectives across the map at once, or focus on activities with the greatest likelihood of success. Power Armor Although now unavailable to pre order, it's well worth mentioning that there's a Power Armor edition of the game, including the Tricentennial variant of the game, together with a complete scale, wearable Power Armor Helmet. It's really simple to implement too. Even in case you've found each one of the nuke codes you require, you'll still have to get a Nuclear Keycard. New Questions About Fallout 76 Keep reading for more information about what's happening and why pre-ordering is your very best choice for getting access to the beta. At the moment, it's unknown once the public beta will start. It is a fact that the stock iOS apps are pretty terrific. A week later, everybody who holds a PlayStation 4 or PC pre-order is going to be permitted to learn more about the beta too. Another Fallout 76 patch will arrive close to the conclusion of the month. The Xbox One and PS4 versions will nonetheless be available through their various stores. The Basic Principles of Fallout 76 You Will be Able to Learn From Starting Today In reality, the home page itself didn't even supply an easily viewable method to find the beta. At present, official details on the approaching game continue to be slim. Should you have the time then please visit the site in order to see the real statistics. Because there aren't any human NPCs, there's absolutely no suspense to anything. As you can play solo, all the gameplay videos shown so far suggest it would be difficult to survive very long without a couple friends by your side. The game does not have any interactive human NPCs, although there continue to be robots and other creatures with personalities that may give out quests and take part in bartering. Speaking of fighting, prepare for that to used in conjunction with an unholy blend of fascination and abhorrence the moment it regards the new Fallout 76 monsters. Several of the bugs weren't quite game breaking. The majority of the recipes are able to help you cook up a number of the mutant animals of the wasteland you'll discover recipes to create some vital medicine and boosts like RadAway and Psycho. Regardless, the simple fact that Bethesda is banning people for actions associated with Fallout 76's developer room usually means that we're not likely to share how to go into the room or encourage anybody to find that information out unless they are well prepared to handle the consequences. For example, in one definite team hire people that are incredibly organised alongside people that are incredibly creative. Fallout 76 players that are considering finding out how to obtain access to the secret developer room may want to rethink their plans. What Does Fallout 76 Mean? The map is known as Appalachia, West Virginia, and is founded on the Appalachian region. Bullets aren't simple to find. Fallout 76 is only a massive mess and a disappointment generally, and I have zero idea precisely what the group of Bethesda thought when they made this awful game. The theory behind an on-line co-op Falloutgame is pretty fantastic. The Lyrics of Coldplay'' hub is a little tougher to follow due to the layout. Irrespective of whether you're playing solo or with pals, you will likely still get a feeling of deja vu. The thing with Fallout 76 is the fact that it enables you to play exactly as you wish to. Fallout 76 does not mark the conclusion of Fallout as a run of single-player games tuned to provide everybody who plays an exceptional personalised adventure. Fallout 76 isn't an enjoyable game. Fallout 76's new card-based perks system provides you a new perk at each level. Your base is an immense portion of Fallout 76. No matter in which you stand with Fallout 76, you need to admit that it appears like Bethesda is attempting to do the appropriate thing with the game. The Ultimate Fallout 76 Trick The issue with vigilantism is it can get out of control. To get perks you must open a perk pack that has cards you're able to equip to have skills. You may search through the perk cards too. Whispered Fallout 76 Secrets Sometimes glitches will take place. Bethesda did recently announce a few important information regarding the beta. It revealed plans to address issues with several Challenges and quests, various fixes to a number of Perks and weapons, and tackling a number of known exploits. The Fallout 76 Cover Up It appears that a few of those players have had enough. They are able to choose perks, or passive abilities that offer gameplay bonuses. Most of all, Fallout 76 players will be pleased to hear that other users can't steal your power armor. Seasoned Fallout players ought to be aware there's no workshop stash. Caridi said many gamers aren't happy about this shift. Finally, many players that are engaging with Fallout 76 wish to reside in a wasteland at the place where they can take part in PvP, but it's an underdeveloped system. After level 22, players may get a perk called Home Defense that lets them disarm traps. Repair costs are lowered throughout the board for weapons and armor. Still, there are numerous things to explore in Fallout 76, in addition to the thrilling battles you want to face in a quest we're going to complete now, An Ounce of Prevention. What the Pros Aren't Saying About Fallout 76 and How It Affects You
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Infinite Cash Glitch Grand Theft Car Sixth is v Cheat
The bans Rockstar is usually giving out to those using a Grand Theft Car V Online cash glitch is certainly still evident, as we have been approached by a number of Product Testimonials readers that perform GTA Online and used a cash glitch to shortly after receive a ban. Go to GTA 5 on-line money generator to get into the true world of GTA gaming gta 5 cheat and enjoy to an unlimited level. Go to the indicated locations to total all 15 Cutlery Airline flight aerial issues in GTA 5. Completing all 15 Cutlery Air travel issues can be component of the necessity to getting the "Close Shave" accomplishment, and also matters towards 100% video game conclusion. Money is one of the primary strategies of progression in GTA Online so these types of intrusions provide players a main shortcut. you can try this out offers revealed a new gta 5 online money glitch car-duplication glitch in his most recent GTA 5 gameplay video for making unlimited money after spot 1.35 in GTA Online. Off The Airplane (5 factors): GTA Online: Complete the Introduction. Since Rockstar's giving up a substantial $500,000 stimulation package deal on the Online City of Los Santos, a post on producing cash in GTA Online offers fallen on my need to distribute priorities list. The game's on the gta 5 money web component was taken down for maintenance for 24 hours this week, generally so all of the fake GTA$ dollars circulating could be taken out from the game's overall economy. And in purchase to gain access to that, you will have got to get into the GTA 5 cheats rules on the gamepad simply like we utilized to perform in our traditional GTA video games. Make sure you bare in brain that we avoid gta 5 online money glitch simply provide secrets and cheats but also secrets and lessons to help you get to some of the most hidden locations in the GTA 5 world. - These GTA secrets and cheats offer all numerous power-ups in the game. I went for Deal 2 and to end up being totally honest I wasn't expecting to obtain my free gta 5 money, I waited for around ten moments and after that noticed that my on the gta 5 online money glitch web accounts acquired 1MIL cash which is normally specifically what I purchased, just wanted to say thank you for the money and I shall definitely be using this awesome service again. Click on the banner at the best of the web page and go to GTA 5 Cash Cheat. Unfortunately yes we perform not offer cash for Single-player the basic cause is definitely we have got no way of transferring the money to the accounts as it is definitely gta 5 cheat not connected online. Using our GTA 5 compromise has never been so simple, to obtain started enter your on the web username into the text message package supplied and press the submit key. Method Actor : Enter Director Mode using any of your very own GTA Online character types. We have also included a few of video information that will enable you to make infinite money in single player simply because well as the on the web component of Grand Theft Auto 5. However use them at gta 5 online money glitch your very own risk. Move to the indicated locations to total all 50 Under The Bridge aerial issues in Grand Theft Car 5. Completing all 50 Under The Bridge issues is certainly component of the necessity to obtaining the "Close Shave" accomplishment, and also counts towards 100% game completion. Personal computer GTA 5 secrets and cheats function differently to how tricks are came into on PS4 and Xbox One. Become Prepared: GTA Online: Complete a Heist Setup mission. If you care and attention to find different leaks, including pictures gta 5 money and gameplay movies I recommend two primary resource: Reddit Grand Theft Car V Route and N4G GTA V funnel Of course spoiler signal heading into those locations! The manipulation of the in-game cash has been leading to complications in latest a few months, with players robbing money worthy of millions in the real globe to soups up their vehicles and weapons. All perceptive real estate gta 5 money rights in and to Grand Theft Car 5 are possessed by Rockstar Games, including copyrighted trademarks and images from Grand Theft Car 5. Omada Digital is usually not really associated with Rockstar Games in any actual way. Explore the short training below to understand more about the GTA 5 secrets and cheats and GTA online money creator. Rockstar provides announced a fresh new wave of sanctions against GTA 5 Online cheaters, encouraging to levy in-game penalties, confiscate ill-gotten items and gta 5 online money glitch in some instances ban players. The forum twine with this screen can become noticed best right here , just a few days ago, which included the message you possess been prohibited from Grand Theft Auto Online. Live a Bit of: GTA Online: Spend a total of $8,000,000 purchasing vehicles included as component of The Heists Update. When the Inventor menu starts up, hover near the video game again and move to Online>Play GTA Online>Invite Just gta 5 money Program. Like in GTA 4 just, player can get into cheat codes via in-game phone. Nous avons créé el generateur gta 5 online gratuit performant qui contourne toutes les failles et protocoles de hécurité de la société Rockstar. Esta lista de GTA 5 cheat-codigos em função de PC nao esta concluido elizabeth actualizar regularmente. Right now everyone who would like to become thousands cash in GTA Online can become extremely quick. Liven up Trevor, Franklin and Michael's adventures with a collection of GTA 5 tricks gta 5 money that make you the meanest and toughest bastards on the streets. We're sharing this again to let you know that this take advantage of has returned despite a prior patch that made it impossible for gamers to perform this type of cash glitch once again.
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Pirater un compte snapchat gratuitement
How to Hack Someones Snapchat Password There are heaps of diverse Snapchat hacks that permit you to do exciting and beneficial factors, but right here is 1, in certain, that will let you hack into any Snapchat account so you can spy on each and every information, video, or graphic the man or woman has despatched or obtained. The hack that is presented on snaphacker.co is in contrast to something you have observed prior to. If you ever wondered how to hack someones snapchat account you arrived to the appropriate spot. This is online straightforward and easy to use net platform. How it Operates You will find that this snapchat hacker lets you hack into any Snapchat account you want to. This signifies that no account is out of bounds for you. Whether or not you want to crack into the account of your good friend or even a celeb, you can do it. This snapchat spy took the first coding group a amount of months to create the tool, but it does actually work. There are very a number of various tools that claim to be in a position to attain what this a single does, but none of them genuinely can. This Snapchat Hacker will enable you to anonymously spy on any individual you want, so they will never really know that you have been hunting at their messages and other items. From the moment you enter the site of the snapchat hack app, all of your world wide web site visitors is routed through a number of proxy servers and personal networks. This primarily means that you won’t have to worry about anyone locating out that you have spied on their Snapchat account. Following you are carried out utilizing Snapchat Spy Application, all traces will be taken off from the website’s servers. This instrument operates on any device with an energetic net relationship. To Hack Snapchat account with this method is quite easy, and most men and women don’t have any concerns. This is a web-based platform, so you will not have to obtain anything at all on to your mobile device or pc. All you need to do is enter the username and begin hacking. There is a brief tutorial that will provide you with much more thorough recommendations if you require them, even though. You will need to click on on the big button to start off the approach. There are likely to be two of these buttons on the site. There is one particular on the top and a single on the bottom, and clicking both one of them will function just fantastic. Soon after you have clicked one of these buttons, simply type in the Snapchat username of the account you want to spy on. As soon as the account has been hacked, you will be in a position to see all of the pictures, messages, and video clips that have been despatched and received from the account. You will even be able to look at or save the hacked info to your pc or cellular gadget. Attributes There are a number of exciting characteristics to this snapchat password hack that you will want to know about, such as the anonymity. 1 of the ideal factors about this snapchat hack Android is that it permits you to include your tracks so that the people you hack never ever know it was you. This is an very easy way to hack snapchat of any person’s account, any person can do it. The truth that this Snapchat Spy is also completely totally free is undoubtedly a wonderful attribute, as there are several other hacks like this that cost the buyer a charge of some variety. This hack is entirely net-based, which is especially nice for individuals who do not want to down load something on their phones or computer systems. Maybe the most special characteristic of this hack is that it enables you to accessibility other people’s Snapchat account remotely, so you don’t need to have to actually obtain the person’s cellphone. This indicates that you can appear through the photos, films, and text messages in a person’s Snapchat account from the comfort of your possess home. You will be ready to entry a person’s Snapchat account whilst they are utilizing it, so there will not be any situation at all. Benefits of the Snapchat Password Hack 1 of the greatest factors about the Snapchat hacks is that you don’t even need to have a Snapchat account to get edge of it. Given that this hack is entirely net-based mostly, all you want to do is log into the internet site, enter the username of the person, and just press a button. This is absolutely the easiest and most straightforward guidebook on how to hack snapchat accounts correct now. Even individuals who have never utilized Snapchat before ought to have totally no problem with this on-line application. One more excellent thing about this Snapchat hacker is the fact that it’s totally cost-free, so you won’t have to spend something to use it. You won’t have to worry about submitting your credit score card info or something like that in buy to acquire entry to other people’s Snapchat accounts. Considering that the website routes your net site visitors by means of proxy servers and private networks, you will stay totally nameless the total time you are spying on Snapchat accounts. This is a absolutely danger-totally free snapchat password hack that will not get you in trouble in any way. These snapchat hacks are very powerful, which means that you can trust it will operate wonderful without having any glitches or difficulties by any means. Most Snapchat hacks that assert to perform possibly really do not operate quite effectively or at all, but that is not the case with this one. There are not any complicated or challenging techniques to stick to or things to download with this hack, which is one of the very best things about it. A lot of asked for snapchat score hack feature and we are functioning on it at the moment, in subsequent update score hack will be accessible as Beta feature. Conclusion We hope you discovered how to hack someones snapchat password by now. The simple fact is that the Snapchat spy app truly does perform, and it’s previously been utilised by tens of countless numbers of men and women with excellent outcomes. Since this hack is fully free of charge and does not come with any risks in any way, you truly have absolutely nothing to get rid of by striving it. Whilst it is real that there are really a handful of diverse web sites that assert to offer you what this 1 does, none of them can produce the exact same benefits. It is a swift, simple, and effective way to look at all of the photographs, films, and text messages that have been exchanged on any person’s Snapchat account. Unlike so many of the other Snapchat "hacks" out there, this one particular genuinely does offer you a way to spy on anyone’s Snapchat account for free of charge. Obtain snapchat app here for iOS and Android What variety of an app is it? Even when the spying software program market place if complete of hacking applications, it is even now difficult to decide on the precise device to use. It induced mainly by the security matters, as the greatest element of familiar apps cannot supply total safety of end users id, delivering the finish-customers with info about folks, who had been spying on them. This is an important concern to be deemed in progress, as Snapch builders spend a lot of attention on men and women who try out to hack their servers. In situation of being caught of employing snapchat hacks, the consumer will be banished, and his IP handle removed from program’s servers. When currently being caught on using spying applications, user’s account is completely banded from the computer software use. Thankfully, due to the developer’ best work, snapchat hacker application provides the needed anonymity, and permit consumers reaching all the necessary data although leaving no traces of invasion. It is carried out by the signifies of numerous proxy servers and virtual private networks that allow snapchat hack functioning in stealthy manner. The Positive aspects of Snapchat Usage When user tends to find out how to hack someones snapchat, password and achieve some knowledge, this device is the greatest selection. With snapchat hack android each consumer can obtain accessibility to any account he needs, hack any password and attain requested info. The software is designed based on hugely advanced approach, and is characterised by excellent performance. The hack instrument provides complete stability of private info, as you will by no means be traced to use an app. The person-friendly interface of an application permits handy and simple putting in method and use. This spying software even though remaining a single of the most utilised and popular hack apps can be easily downloaded, without any need to solution long pointless concern, and filling further forms. How the SnapHack App operates? The instrument is made extremely consumer friendly that any snap consumer can use it quite simply and quickly. Just enter the username of the account for which you would like to get the information and click on on post button , really up coming to it. You can see the not too long ago shared photos and video clips. Download all the sent and gained snaps, movies, images in just one moment using this great instrument. How to hack someones account? A merchandise which started its journey as a task at the Stanford University, the “Picaboo” has now turn into much much more than a basic selfie application, in its new avatar as “Snapchat”. The application is a mixture of each general public and private content, like messaging, photo sharing, publications and dwell function notifications like tunes or sports activities. While there ended up a lot of initial worries on the private utilization of this app, the modern scientific studies in 2017 has uncovered that much more than 70% of the users make use of the app’s imaging and messaging solutions. What is Snap chat rating hack no study resource? Snapchat hack is far more of a duplicate cat application of authentic app in which you can login using your account information. The app enables you to consider monitor pictures of the conversations and also to conserve the images and videos obtained on your account for a lengthier time period of time. It also permits the consumers to help save the conversations without the information of the sender. Darren Jone is the creator of this application. How is it different from snapspy? In app, as per the promise supplied by the application house owners, the pictures or the snaps that you forward do not stay lengthier than 30 seconds and every time somebody attempts to get a monitor shot of your dialogue, you will be notified of the identical. These are completely invalid when it will come to making use of Snaphack spy as the end users can now help save all their assorted content acquired on Snapchat hack for a very long time. Advantages of utilizing snapchat hack android or iOS How to use the snap chat hack resource to hack into someones account? You can use your app login for logging into the application and entry your messages, movies and photographs from this application. Pirater un compte snapchat gratuitement There are several advantages to this application, which helps make it a more attractive one than the first variation. It supports photographs, movies, snaps and the most recent addition also Very easily conserve any gained photo or online video to your image album and share them later. You can publish any message you acquire on Twitter and Facebook Deliver snaps and films more time than ten seconds not like snap chat. Edit your snaps, draw on them or insert them to your stories. You receive notifications when there is a new post to your account and it is easy to search by means of the photographs way too. Has an incredibly easy to use interface and easy to comprehend. Details to don't forget Even though all this has proved password hack to be a worthy competitor, there are specified things 1 want to bear in brain whilst employing this app. The messages you send can now be saved and used later without your expertise. This can demonstrate very malicious, if your articles can be used from you for illegitimate purposes. When you log in to application, your indication in is right away logged out. So you will have to relogin into your application yet again if needed. So you are not able to in fact use equally the apps in tandem. The application in by itself is fairly beneficial than its parent variation but however it could confirm to be very dangerous if you are not mindful with the way you use this application. As a person rightly mentioned, “the greatest kept mystery is what you only know.” Use it correctly and you will be capable to make more out of the snaphack 2017.
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symantecsite-blog · 7 years
The Ultimate Manual to Gta 5 Geld Cheat
Gta 5 Geld Cheat: No Longer a Mystery
Nobody wants to devote time to know the hidden features in an App. Take note that cheats can't be saved and need to be entered each moment; point. In case you have time, permit the person ramble'' while you pay attention to vital points. Whenever the ball enters the hoop points are scored. Needless to say, when it's bricked, it's will be unusable. Nobody will listen objectively to what it is that you are saying. Therefore, you will under normal circumstances die at the conclusion of the completely free fall.
You will also wish to slow down the game so you may better keep an eye on the action. It's an indication that you know yourself and would rather not take part in a guessing game. The online game should finalized.
When it comes to cheats themselves, well, there's plenty to go around. Try out these cheats to assist you get through. If you are searching for GTA 5 Money Hack you're on the most suitable location! From here, the glitch gets pretty complicated. You are able to take a look at the solo glitch below.  gta 5 geld cheat
Things You Should Know About Gta 5 Geld Cheat
Designing a site is an intricate activity which needs a comprehensive comprehension of the procedure and any agency employed needs in order to translate your organization's Internet aspirations into reality. Therefore, websites are among the most significant tools a small business can have to bring clients right to your company and help enterprise to attain their complete business potential. Therefore, they are among the most significant tools a company can have to bring clients right to your company and help organization to attain their entire business potential. Therefore, they are among the most significant tools a company can have to bring clients right to your company and help enterprise to attain their complete business potential. Some sites earn by advertising different websites. Some websites earn by advertising different websites. The website has to be simple to navigate and user-friendly.
The Chronicles of Gta 5 Geld Cheat
You will receive double the entire sum of money. You get to prevent using real money. You'll get all your money back and you'll receive free upgrades at Ammunation. You have the capability to acquire the GTA 5 Money free by employing our hack tool. With the growing quantity of goods and services, internet advertising online business has changed into a developing industry with fair odds of very good profit. Net marketing, also referred to as e-marketing or internet marketing, is the marketing and advertising of goods and services on the world wide web. Search Engine Optimization (search engine optimization) is a rather common internet advertisement strategy.
Even if restarting cheat engine. Duplicating your car or truck in GTA 5 Online can be achieved by abiding by these steps. You may sell the auto and make some cash.
The One Thing to Do for Gta 5 Geld Cheat
There's zero need to worry about detection by Rockstar. Click OK, and you're done! If you are searching for a brief way. After you have won the mandatory amount then it's going to be unlocked. You should be somewhat clear of what you believe would best fit your business needs and your site has to be in tune with the sort of business you're operating.
Continue reading the following article, GTA 5 Cheats PS3 Deutsch Geld Cheat Code and you'll get what it is you're searching for. You can receive the updated files here. Oftentimes, the registry becomes damaged, causing many issues, including these errors. To deal with registry setbacks, you need to clean out the registry of your computer.
0 notes
tableaublogs-blog · 7 years
The Surprising Details Into Gta 5 Geld Cheat That Most People Do Not Know About
Nobody wants to devote time to know the hidden features in an App. Take note that cheats can't be saved and need to be entered each moment; point. In case you have time, permit the person ramble'' while you pay attention to vital points. Whenever the ball enters the hoop points are scored. Needless to say, when it's bricked, it's will be unusable. Nobody will listen objectively to what it is that you are saying. Therefore, you will under normal circumstances die at the conclusion of the completely free fall.  gta 5 geld cheat
You will also wish to slow down the game so you may better keep an eye on the action. It's an indication that you know yourself and would rather not take part in a guessing game. The online game should finalized.
When it comes to cheats themselves, well, there's plenty to go around. Try out these cheats to assist you get through. If you are searching for GTA 5 Money Hack you're on the most suitable location! From here, the glitch gets pretty complicated. You are able to take a look at the solo glitch below.
Designing a site is an intricate activity which needs a comprehensive comprehension of the procedure and any agency employed needs in order to translate your organization's Internet aspirations into reality. Therefore, websites are among the most significant tools a small business can have to bring clients right to your company and help enterprise to attain their complete business potential. Therefore, they are among the most significant tools a company can have to bring clients right to your company and help organization to attain their entire business potential. Therefore, they are among the most significant tools a company can have to bring clients right to your company and help enterprise to attain their complete business potential. Some sites earn by advertising different websites. Some websites earn by advertising different websites. The website has to be simple to navigate and user-friendly.
The Chronicles of Gta 5 Geld Cheat
You will receive double the entire sum of money. You get to prevent using real money. You'll get all your money back and you'll receive free upgrades at Ammunation. You have the capability to acquire the GTA 5 Money free by employing our hack tool. With the growing quantity of goods and services, internet advertising online business has changed into a developing industry with fair odds of very good profit. Net marketing, also referred to as e-marketing or internet marketing, is the marketing and advertising of goods and services on the world wide web. Search Engine Optimization (search engine optimization) is a rather common internet advertisement strategy.
Even if restarting cheat engine. Duplicating your car or truck in GTA 5 Online can be achieved by abiding by these steps. You may sell the auto and make some cash.
The One Thing to Do for Gta 5 Geld Cheat
There's zero need to worry about detection by Rockstar. Click OK, and you're done! If you are searching for a brief way. After you have won the mandatory amount then it's going to be unlocked. You should be somewhat clear of what you believe would best fit your business needs and your site has to be in tune with the sort of business you're operating.
Continue reading the following article, GTA 5 Cheats PS3 Deutsch Geld Cheat Code and you'll get what it is you're searching for. You can receive the updated files here. Oftentimes, the registry becomes damaged, causing many issues, including these errors. To deal with registry setbacks, you need to clean out the registry of your computer.
0 notes
sparknotes-web-blog · 7 years
The Ultimate Manual to Gta 5 Geld Cheat
Gta 5 Geld Cheat: No Longer a Mystery
Nobody wants to devote time to know the hidden features in an App. Take note that cheats can't be saved and need to be entered each moment; point. In case you have time, permit the person ramble'' while you pay attention to vital points. Whenever the ball enters the hoop points are scored. Needless to say, when it's bricked, it's will be unusable. Nobody will listen objectively to what it is that you are saying. Therefore, you will under normal circumstances die at the conclusion of the completely free fall.
You will also wish to slow down the game so you may better keep an eye on the action. It's an indication that you know yourself and would rather not take part in a guessing game. The online game should finalized.
When it comes to cheats themselves, well, there's plenty to go around. Try out these cheats to assist you get through. If you are searching for GTA 5 Money Hack you're on the most suitable location! From here, the glitch gets pretty complicated. You are able to take a look at the solo glitch below.  gta 5 geld cheat
Things You Should Know About Gta 5 Geld Cheat
Designing a site is an intricate activity which needs a comprehensive comprehension of the procedure and any agency employed needs in order to translate your organization's Internet aspirations into reality. Therefore, websites are among the most significant tools a small business can have to bring clients right to your company and help enterprise to attain their complete business potential. Therefore, they are among the most significant tools a company can have to bring clients right to your company and help organization to attain their entire business potential. Therefore, they are among the most significant tools a company can have to bring clients right to your company and help enterprise to attain their complete business potential. Some sites earn by advertising different websites. Some websites earn by advertising different websites. The website has to be simple to navigate and user-friendly.
The Chronicles of Gta 5 Geld Cheat
You will receive double the entire sum of money. You get to prevent using real money. You'll get all your money back and you'll receive free upgrades at Ammunation. You have the capability to acquire the GTA 5 Money free by employing our hack tool. With the growing quantity of goods and services, internet advertising online business has changed into a developing industry with fair odds of very good profit. Net marketing, also referred to as e-marketing or internet marketing, is the marketing and advertising of goods and services on the world wide web. Search Engine Optimization (search engine optimization) is a rather common internet advertisement strategy.
Even if restarting cheat engine. Duplicating your car or truck in GTA 5 Online can be achieved by abiding by these steps. You may sell the auto and make some cash.
The One Thing to Do for Gta 5 Geld Cheat
There's zero need to worry about detection by Rockstar. Click OK, and you're done! If you are searching for a brief way. After you have won the mandatory amount then it's going to be unlocked. You should be somewhat clear of what you believe would best fit your business needs and your site has to be in tune with the sort of business you're operating.
Continue reading the following article, GTA 5 Cheats PS3 Deutsch Geld Cheat Code and you'll get what it is you're searching for. You can receive the updated files here. Oftentimes, the registry becomes damaged, causing many issues, including these errors. To deal with registry setbacks, you need to clean out the registry of your computer.
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