pk-lucas-blog · 7 years
(I'm crying because I miss everything and specific threads and people so much... I want to bring Lucas back..)
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+fueling-the-fires +little-miss-psi +confusedcommander
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"Wh-wh--" Where in the world did these strangers--
Wait, no, that was Fuel. He knew Fuel. That was okay.
The blonde, however, was someone he didn't quite know, but he was willing to make friends.
The person wearing the helmet, however, was a whole new story- and it really did feel as if Lucas had just seen a ghost. Who knows; maybe he had.
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"H... Hello...?"
Good start.
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"That doesn't look like a very comfortable place to sleep."
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          ❝ Wh..at? ❞
     Nana rubbed her eyes as she sat down on the… rocks? The pain on her back as she did was a clear sign that the Commander was prooobably right. The girl growled under her breath as she slided off the large rocks, they gave a nice view from that hill, but from now on she’d make sure not to lay down on them anymore,
         ❝ What are you— Ouch! Yep, definetely not! I wasn’t supposed to fall asleep here, I was just appreciating the view but… Ow, at least the sight really is pretty from up there. Anyways, hi! Haven’t seen you in a while, what have you— Uh! What have you been up to?? ❞
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toofuelforcool · 8 years
((I like to imagine the Commander and Wingman had a form of communication which relied solely on flapping their wings at each other.))
(Absolutely. Like sign language! Flap Language.)
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okssukatrance · 9 years
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“Oh right, my bad!” Quickly he stepped back, dusting the chimera off before quickly pecking his cheek again. “Sorry Ginger, I didn’t mean to startle you! I forgot that you and sudden touch don’t mix well.”
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draconiscanticum · 9 years
It had been a bit lonely. Claus thought as he walked down the sidewalk. the city was big and full of people, some people smiled and waved or bowed to him, knowing him either as a prima ballerina, or the brother of the dragon. But even though there were so many people about, Claus still felt lonely. He hadn’t seen his brothers for weeks now, He understood that Lucy had a duty to the people and was very busy. but maybe he could go visit him. Claus looked up at the Hill where the castle was standing, tall and beautiful in the autumn sunlight. But what if Ness was there? He shivered at the though, His almost brother in law basically wanted him dead, and for good reason, though he wasn’t sure what the reason was anymore, he had blocked the memory out long ago. He turned from the castle, maybe he would go surprise Mason. The florist was probably hard at work today, it would be nice to drop by and give the man a reason to have a break. As he thought about this he recognized a face in the crowd, there was no mistaking that red-orange head of hair. He rushed over and embraced the commander almost lifting him off the ground, “Claus! Where have you been? you haven’t been avoiding me have you? I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever! Ah! Come and have coffee with me!”
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stellarcaller · 9 years
diffidens confusedcommander shockinghealingburningfists breadmuffet autonomate b100b100dedarcher thegoatbro carnaptiousgallionic hxlmsman roxminoris alphabrxther autokrates ask-innocentfrisk clockworkkatana vvodnar vranaiisms blueheartballerina the-undyingwarrior onceaqueennowamom knightofunity all started following you
...Ahem. Ah. Welcome. It is with great... pleasure, that I greet and, meet, you all. I am,
Jadeln Harley, Solar Mage... for hire.
I do hope you are all having a... wonderful evening. If ever you so need anything, please... feel free to ask. I will, in turn, if... payment is available... do everything in my power to assist you.
Good morning...
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“I may or may not have a dead person in my basement.”
Lucia blinked, “you killed someone? what happened?” The dragon seemed very calm, despite the shaking of his hands.
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nowhereslight-blog · 9 years
Send me ∾ and my muse will react to yours putting a rubber snake down their back
     The blond jumped in place as…something slipped down his back, what that something was he was afraid to find out. He jumped again, dislodging whatever it was from his shirt and.
     Lucas shrieked and hopped backwards a few times. In blind terror he hid behind the thing nearest him, that being the commander. He pushed one of the others wings open in an attempt to cower behind it, clinging to the back of his jacket.
               “Kill it kill it – don’t kill it just get rid of it, do something p-p-p-please.”
     He whimpered, an anxiety attack building as he shivered against the other.
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toofuelforcool · 9 years
Talk about us?
What they define their relationship with your muse as: “A fantastic bro duo. A brouo if you will.”
Something they like about your muse: “You let me be me and you don’t seem to judge. That’s pretty rad because I am kind of an idiot, and you just roll with whatever it is I’m doing. I love it.”
Something they dislike about your muse: “You just... It’s... It’s a long story. Don’t worry about it.”
Their first impression of your muse: “I mistook you for someone else.”
Their impression of your muse now: “My adventure partner. My friend who I can count on even when I set shit on fire.”
How they feel about your muse: “You’re a very important friend. I don’t know what I’d do without you. It may not seem like it, but fire seems much less scary around you.”
Something they are hiding from your muse: “I almost set your hair on fire like five times and I’m not sure if you ever noticed bECAUSE I DEFINITELY DID NOTICE.”
Something they wish they could to tell your muse: “I care about you no matter who you are. You’ve always been my friend and you always will be. You can be Claus or the Commander or Sailor Moon, and you’ll still be my friend.”
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draconiscanticum · 9 years
Lucas placed a mug off coffee in front of The commander and sat down next to him. the parlor was warm and welcoming in the early morning. soft light from the rising sun came through the curtained windows.“you’re up a bit early aren’t you? is there something you want to talk about?” the dragon asked sipping his coffee.
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confusedcommander liked for a starter--
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                    ━ ║▌║█║▌ ❝ you can eat like a normal human right ? i don't remember how i was like when i was half-android so i don't know if you can eat human food. anyway, you fine with fried squid and fried rice ? ❞
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tuphlosphilia-blog · 9 years
(Audio diary?)
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nowhereslight-blog · 9 years
<< {Continued from X} >>
     All this robot chimera talk made the blond a bit sick to his stomach. He’d been through way more than he expected. Just so long as he didn’t take off his helmet he’d be fine. At least he hoped. 
               “They are very...expressive. I suppose they help a lot in travel and keeping yourself cool.”
     What would it be like if he had wings? What was flying like? Part of him wanted to experience it yet the other half remembered how skittish of heights he was. 
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toofuelforcool · 9 years
Send me 📝 I’ll write what my muse’s last diary entry was about your muse
August 23 XXXX
I still feel sad when I look at the Commander. I mean, sad and happy I guess. He’s one of my best friends and I’m always very happy to see him, but seeing his face still reminds me of how I failed.
I was too busy feeling sorry for myself to help my friends through losing their mother and because of that I lost Claus. It’s my fault. I failed him and he’s gone and it’s all because of me. I failed Claus, I failed Lucas, I failed Flint after he saved my life, and I failed Hinawa.
I should have been there to stop him. I should have spent more time with him. 
And it hurts every time I look at the Commander. What if he knows this? Am I hurting the Commander, too? That would just be great, I’m just continuing to hurt my friends. I’m failing the Commander, too.
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Lucia sighed and slipped deeper into the water, it was nice to lounge in a warm bath, especially as his legs slipped over over Claus’. it was such an nice feeling to just be siting there with Claus, running their legs together, though he had to admit he was getting a little impatient, wanting more then just leg contact with the boy.“Claus... why don’t you come closer?” the dragon beckoned.
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