#console: Fractured Fables
acircusfullofdemons · 26 days
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It is, officially, the 7 year anniversary of when I made Eternal Labyrinth. Yippee! So, to celebrate, here's a hopefully coherent introduction to the shit that's taken over my life for. seven goddamn years holy shit.
Eternal Labyrinth is the overarching name for my main 3 paracosms: Phantasmagoria, Mad as a Crow, Fractured Fables. They are all connected thanks to Multiverse Bullshit! The 3 also have AUs  that are semi-canon, in which they have crossovers and the characters interact with each other. The AUs are:  the Mad Rabbit AU (MaaC/FF), the Tamagotchi AU (Phantasmagoria/FF), and Constellations (Phantasmagoria/MaaC).
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A quick rundown of what each paracosm is about: 
Phantasmagoria: VRVerse || Major oddcore/weirdcore/dreamcore vibes, literally almost anything can happen. Behaves like a video game most of the time, I suppose.
Mad as a Crow: Superhero Universe || A terrible DC/Marvel crossover that’s trying to have one coherent storyline with consistent characters.
Fractured Fables: FairytaleVerse || Fanfiction I don't feel guilty for writing because all of the source material is in the public domain. Quite literally my city now.
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You can find me talking about each paracosm on these blogs: 
For Phantasmagoria only content, go to @acircusfullofdemons.
For Mad as a Crow only content, go to @madasacrow.
For Fractured Fables only content, go to @fractured-fables.
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Each paracosm exists inside each other, if that makes sense?? It’s kind of like the Nickelodeon Sitcom Universe. They are both real events and also taking place on a reality show at the same time.
Phantasmagoria is a video game, Polybius, that can be played at JoyHall Arcade.
Mad as a Crow is a comic book series/company, Mad Crow Comics (similar to DC or Marvel).
Fractured Fables is a tv show, Toybox Tutors, aimed towards children.
When doing crossovers, the general vibe is “oh hey, this is like that [media] I like, just slightly to the left”. The only exception is for things like the APOCALYPSE AU, where the ‘cosm they’re from doesn’t really matter as they’re all put in a Situation.
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The (Dimensional) Hub — All dimensions are tied together due to “The Hub”, aka Earth I. The Hub is an endless void that often takes the form of an empty arcade or mall. Each dimension also has its own unique door and key.
Player Hub — A mini version of the Dimensional Hub, except now it’s suited for a singular person. Everyone that has played Polybius has one.
Holius — Space, primary home to Aliens.
Heaven — Primary home to Angles, mirror of the Netherworld.
Earth I — The original earth. Used to be full of animals before Vitalis added humans.
Earth II — Thisverse/our earth, no magic or supernatural creatures. Mirror of Arcadia.
Earth III — The apocalypse, technical ‘sequel’ to Earth II.
Earth IV — Magic exists, but only in specific locations. Supernatural beings also exist in secret.
Arcadia — Supernatural beings are the majority. Mirror of Earth II.
StoryBrooke — Where various fairytale & classic lit characters live.
Avalon — Fae realm.
Cyberspace — Dimension made by Genesi H. Voltrian. Only Computer Errors can enter.
Mirje — Dimension made by Myriam Travers/Bloody Mary. Only Spirits can enter.
Netherworld — Primary home to Demons. Mirror of Heaven.
Afterlife — Specifically the Arcadian afterlife. Primary home to Spirits.
The VoiD — A pocket dimension that people can clip into on accident, basically the Backrooms. Often used for storing unwanted stuff/trash. 
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Aliens —Extraterrestrial/celestial beings.
Aquaentians — Aquatic supernatural creatures.
Computer Errors — Sentient Errors that spawn within Cyberspace. They can only be created if an existing CE kills you AND takes your Soul into Cyberspace — the process won't work otherwise. Because of this, some may see them as a subtype of Spirit, though as they're still relatively new classification is still being debated. Their appearance is very upsetting, often giving people headaches, and they make circuit-like markings under their eyes / neck / shoulders.
Dragons — A now extinct species.
Gods — So, this one brings up the concept of religion in Arcadia as the Gods are a part of their own pantheon and such, but that's not really related to this topic. They are omnipotent & omniscient in their specific domain (ie; the god of nature knows everything about nature, but very little about space). Gods can be either born or given their powers from another God.
Onerioi — Personified dreams & nightmares.
Puria— Angels, Demons, & Faed.
Avians — Humans with wings.
Cambions — Hybrid between Human & Demon.
Dhampir — Hybrid between Human & Vampire.
Elementalists — Humans that can control an element.
Empaths — Humans that can control an emotion.
Halflings — Humans that can turn into animals, basically werewolves / werecats / shapeshifters.
Regular / Purebloods — Humans with 0 magical ability or Zaryis DNA.
Seers — Humans that can see Spirits.
Witches — An old term used to refer to a Human that uses magic. By now this is the standard / expectation.
Reapers — Zaryis that takes Souls to the Afterlife.
Grim Reapers — Reapers that take anyone.
Ritions — Reapers that take those who died of famine.
Valkin — Reapers that take those who died in battle.
Pestis — Reapers that take those who died of sickness.
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I’m gonna…try and keep this brief, but y’know. I’ve had this for about 7ish years so it’s kind of a Mess.
ORIGINS — Everything on Earth I was fine and chill until Vitalis (God of Life) introduced Humans. After some conflict between the Humans and Sentient Animals that previously lived there, a pair of twins get separated from one another. Theia (Goddess of Death) and Vitalis take in a twin each: Theia with Shadow, and Vitalis with Lumi. Ketrill (King of Shadows/Darkness) & Eloise (Queen of Light) are also made by the Gods, in order to protect the twins. Ketrill cares for Shadow, while Eloise cares for Lumi. Each twin is cared for by their patron until they almost die. Shadow is revived and Lumi is made immortal. The twins manage to reunite, and all is well until Vitalis grows jealous of their friendship, because he and Theia can’t really be together. So, he sets out to kill the twins. With Emory’s (The Librarian/God of Knowledge) help, Theia, the twins, Ketrill, and Eloise manage to escape Earth I. Unfortunately, they all get separated. 
CROSSFIRE — Shadow, now named Nox, winds up on Earth II. His memories have gotten wiped, forgetting about his supernatural origins, and lives a normal life until Emory finally finds him, where he’s then taken to Earth IV while Emory searches for the rest of their little family. While there, Nox meets Jake, an Angel shoved into a Human body as an experiment of sorts. The two team up to unravel the mess of supernatural shit going on. 
FAUX PIXIES — Lumi, now Lucien, and Eloise, wind up in Neverland together with their memories intact. They live as Fairies in Pixie Hollow, with Lucien longing for her twin, wondering if he even made it out alive. Despite her oncoming depression, Lucien befriends Captain Hook, and helps him ward off Peter Pan from time to time. After helping Wendy attempt to get her brothers back, Lucien discovers that Fifi (Goddess of Time) has trapped StoryBrooke in a time loop thanks to a deal she made with Blake Grimm. Unfortunately, Lucien doesn't have the power to stop her. So the loop keeps going and she's kinda scared her & Eloise will get stuck in it and lose their memories. 
REUNION — Thankfully, the two wind up reuniting with Emory after arriving in StoryBrooke. He takes them back to Earth IV, where Nox is. While Emory was away, Nox had managed to get most of their memories of Earth I back. He also reunited with Ketrill! After Emory gets Theia from Arcadia, the gang's all back together and helps Nox piece a few more things together. Of course, there’s still the problem of Vitalis, who’s been mainly focused on Nox but now that they’re all together? Yeah he’s not gonna be happy.
THE FIGHT — The twins get the idea to take the fight to Vitalis. Theia tries to advise against them, but basically everyone agrees that he needs to be stopped sooner than later. The only problem is, how do you kill Life himself? The answer: with Death herself! Though Nox and Lucien did most of the fighting against Vitalis — with Ketrill & Eloise’s help — Theia is the one to land the final blow. Her and Vitalis exchange some words, he basically apologizes and explains he just wanted to be with her, but clearly he did it all wrong. Theia extracts his soul/essence and becomes the Goddess of both life and Death. Earth I, and the rest of the multiverse, can finally know peace. Kind of.
CURRENT — Upon Vitalis' death, Nox and Lucien are granted godhood, with Nox becoming Entropy — god of chaos — and Lucien becoming Harmony — goddess of order. As Harmony, Lucien now has the power to order Fifi to stop the time loop in StoryBrooke, which she finally does. Still concerned over StoryBrooke, Harmony asks her family to help keep everything, well, harmonious. Without the time loops, then the Fables will have children and more Tales will take place. Given that she used to be Tinkerbell, this is a valid concern for her. Emory, too, as he was Cheshire. Not wanting his role anymore, he gives it to Entropy, who is ecstatic to be one of their favorite literary characters. Harmony, meanwhile, decides to settle into Neverland, so she can keep an eye on Peter Pan and help any other Lost Kids who wind up there.
tldr: life & death get a divorce and have a custody battle so bad it becomes the entire multiverse's problem
And that’s it! I guess. I know that doesn’t seem like much, but y’know. Side-stories and multiple other paras that don’t have anything to do with the actual plot … well, this is all technically going on in the background of all my other paracosms. so. really, THIS has nothing to do with the plot lmao.
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cyborgtheatre · 5 years
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Exposition « MARCOVALDO ». Du 12 au 17 Avril 2019 au Houloc d’Aubervilliers (https://lehouloc.weebly.com) ( Crédits photographiques © Adrien Thibault) 
D’Italo Calvino, Barthes dit lors d’un entretien sur France Culture en 1978, qu’on y trouvait de la « bonté », de l’ « ironie (…) jamais blessante (…) un sourire, une sympathie » dans son oeuvre.
Dans Marcovaldo, recueil de vingt nouvelles datant de 1963 qui racontent la vie sur cinq années d’un ouvrier de la campagne migrant en ville pour le travail, on retrouve cette veine tendre et satirique contagieuses pour le lecteur ainsi que les pouvoirs de l’imaginaire qui sont chez Calvino une forme de résistance tenace mais ronde, délicate, au temps, à ce qui nous encercle, nous empêche au quotidien.
Contes modernes de la misère quotidienne des ouvriers du Sud durant l’après-guerre dans une Italie coupée économiquement en deux entre le Sud pauvre et le Nord à l’industrialisation galopante, Calvino se penche avec son art du récit sur les transformations socio-politiques qu’entraîne cette fracture, et ses conséquences migratoires. 
Nous suivons donc Marcovaldo, antihéros par excellence, débonnaire, étourdi et  rêveur, pauvre ouvrier d’une cité industrielle jamais nommée, Calvino amplifiant l’impersonnalité, ce qui généralise le sujet du livre, réflexion en filigrane de l’auteur italien: qu’est-ce qu’une ville au XXe siècle ?
Marcovaldo  est aussi le nom du collectif, crée par Léa Hodencq et Anna Battitston, organisatrices de l’exposition collective de 17 artistes émergents autour du livre, s’inscrivant dans une tendance des arts visuels et performatifs depuis quelques années et consistant à s’emparer d’oeuvres romanesques. En effet, la littérature est le point de départ de mises en scène et expositions et les projets transdisciplinaires « se multiplient, plusieurs commissaires d’expositions évoquent leur liens avec la littérature » comme le souligne Henri Guette dans le Transfuge du mois d’avril 2019. Citons seulement l’exposition Un musée imaginé. Et si l’art disparaissait  ? au Centre Pompidou de Metz en 2016 et qui s’appuyait sur le roman dystopique Farenheit 451 de Ray Bradbury.
Les deux commissaires qui ont pensé cette exposition, véritable manifeste du collectif Marcovaldo, ont invité chaque artiste à s’emparer du livre de Calvino pour réaliser leurs installations. Chacun, par le biais de son art nous offre une méditation sur la ville moderne, ce qu’elle provoque chez l’homme, son hégémonie, ses apories et aussi la résistance à la domination d’un point de vue consumériste sur le monde.
Steven Daniel avec Le Monde déréalisé exprime toute la dichotomie spatiale d’une ville qui parcourt le livre entre une nature qui s’efface au profit d’un empire de béton et d’électricité. Faites de lumières artificielles, celles des publicités, des intérieurs d’appartements casés dans des tours gigantesques, les villes modernes deviennent tentaculaires et colonisatrices de tous les espaces. Le contraste est net dans son oeuvre entre une tour imposante, pourtant au second plan, dont on imagine une grande hauteur, illuminée par les foyers, et, une nature au premier plan, dans l’obscurité, visible seulement par le reflet des lumières de l’immeuble. Nature qui semble s’éclipser en silence, mais aussi s’exténuer, ayant perdu tout aspect verdoyant, coloré pour sombrer et disparaître de l’espace.
Ainsi l’artiste pousse à l’excès le paradigme d’une époque qui choisit de vivre sans nature pour installer le désir industriel, un espace artificiel remplace ici brutalement une espace naturel. 
Dans cet espace devenu suffocant, sans autre lumière que celles des foyers, une des prémisses à la sortie de cet univers dystopique est intérieur, c’est la rêverie. Notre antihéros semble vivre parfois des rêves éveillés qui le perde dans la ville et s’il part toujours avec un but : aller travailler, rentrer chez lui, très vite il s’égare. Marcovaldo est en quelque sorte un situationniste qui s’ignore (complètement) en dérive, telle que l’a défini Debord, dans une urbanité inhospitalière envers les plus faibles et faisant méticuleusement disparaître tout espace naturel.
Le petit ouvrier italien arrive à s’extirper d’un quotidien de plus en plus unicolore en observant avec un espèce de flair paysan, les moindres recoins de plantes, champignons, animaux de la campagne etc.. réduits à l’extrême marge. Cette démarche le renvoie à une rêveuse nostalgie. 
Les trois graphies d’Audrey Matt-Aubert avec la présence de colonnes, renvoyant l’image d’une Italie romaine de palais et de temples permettent un flashback vers le passé antique de la péninsule qui est inscrit dans l’espace urbain, répondant au monde « déréalisé » de Steven Daniel, installés dans un univers d’éther, flottantes dans les cieux sans trop savoir où se poser ou même se reconstituer. Par cela, l’artiste rejoint la dérive de Marcovaldo, se faufilant dans la ville non pas en quête de sens mais en quête de nostalgie d’une nature qui est en train de disparaître. Nostalgie de sa campagne natale ou plutôt d’un Paradis perdu pour lequel Marcovaldo, dans cette ville ennemie, se console comme il peut, par ses interstices (allez lire la nouvelle Le Jardin des chats opiniâtres) et au cinéma, pourtant représentant presque officiel dès l’après-guerre, de la ville moderne, verticale et capitaliste. Cinéma ici représenté matériellement par un modeste drap étendu lui aussi  flottant au gré des airs venteux dans le ciel. Ainsi, malgré ces colonnes, ce poids du passé antique, ces oeuvres tentent de contrer leur immobilité. Pivots autour desquels le monde est en flottement, en errance mais rêveuse cette fois, on flâne dans un monde surréaliste. Rendre ce monde fait de béton, de verticalité en un univers flottant, liquide appartient à la dimension fantasmagorique de l’oeuvre de Calvino avec ces déplacements d’objets, de personnes, incongrus, absurdes, oulipiens.
Ulysse Bordarias aborde la rêverie/dérive de Marcovaldo avec un angle plus philosophique et politique. Espaces 60’s ne matérialise pas une rêverie mais une utopie, autre rêve, mais celui-là irréalisé. Comme si, à la suite des graphies d’Audrey Matt-Aubert,   toujours dans un espace flottant et pour répondre à la quête fondamentale du personnage principal : un Paradis perdu qui n’a pas existé, le peintre proposait de mettre en toile un  pays où l’innovation dans l’habitat collectif des années 60, représenté sur la toile par la cité Lénine d’Aubervilliers, rejoignait les avancées et les expériences scientifiques dans le domaine spatial et aérien pendant la Guerre Froide. On rejoint cette idée de Paradis, celui-ci se réalise sous nos yeux, les couleurs de fond, jaune et bleu évoquent une monde solaire, radieux, un espace édénique où les corps humains ne seraient que volants, dansants, enjouées dans cet espace sans limites, sans pesanteur. 
La toile, au regard de « la » ville moderne du texte de Calvino peut agir comme une critique ironique des utopies architecturales, liées à l’idéologie, du XXe siècle et leur échec dans leur tentative de créer du « vivre ensemble ». 
Le contre-modèle utopique d’Ulysse Bordarias à la ville moderne dans laquelle évolue Marcovaldo introduit une critique l’espace urbain et ses transformations écrites par Calvino. 
Déjà, l’aspect funambule du personnage Marcovaldo dans un monde froid et bétonné, cousin italien de Chaplin et Tati, s’inscrit dans une veine comique mais aussi poétique et satirique. Aussi, la dénonciation par la fable de l’aspect inhumain de la ville moderne de l’auteur est présente dans  l’oeuvre de Célia Cöette, À géométrie variable(comme une vieille rengaine) ou les plumes aux couleurs vives zébrées rappellent les costumes et le rôle du carnaval, fête qui ré-anime la ville d’une énergie riarde, rebelle, provocatrice tout en repeignant son espace de façon consciencieusement extravertie à Salvador de Bahia ou La Nouvelle-Orléans notamment. 
La fragilité des plumes se dressant dans l’espace, l’attention qu’on y porte nous place dans la peau de Marcovaldo et son regard guetteur de nature, souligne à la fois cette existence malgré tout des couleurs, de la légèreté livrée aux vents, de lignes qui se courbent, ondulent, vivantes dans un espace urbain sans fuites possibles mais aussi sa grande précarité dans ce monde artificiel de la ville qui enferme ces manifestations festives qu’elle réifie. Impression paradoxale donc devant l’action répétitive et étroite des plumes limitées dans leurs mouvements et , leur éclat malgré leur vulnérabilité. Mais cette présence fragile peut être ici allégorique de la résistance tendre et douce de Marcolvaldo  au monde urbain du XXe siècle. À l’homme de voir ces présences qui nous évadent du décor artificiel contemporain. 
L’esprit de résistance par la simplicité de Marcovaldo se manifeste avec Sans titre (rose et jaune) et Sans titre (rouge et jaune) de Louis Leroy. Ses scanographies représentent les objets jetés dehors par les habitants de Palerme pour protester contre la politique de la ville. Cette tradition rebelle s’exprimant de façon brute et visible est de fait anti-consumériste, c’est un espèce de happening à l’échelle d’un quartier ou d’une ville contestant de l’état de la ville, remettant en question ce qu’elle est en train de devenir, formant des tas, des assemblages étranges d’objets, de couleurs qui se superposent, s’agrègent et forment des structures nouvelles. Cette acte de résistance se transforme ici en acte de création ou l’inutile devient utile, change de vie, de forme. 
L’écho entre les nouvelles et les oeuvres de Louis Leroy renvoie à une opposition non pas frontale, binaire entre un paradis artificiel et un paradis naturel mais elle s’avère plus concrète et créative grâce à l’acte de mains humaines quitte à enlaidir, à échouer, il en reste cette présence de l’homme qui participe, s’engage, enclenche une relation dialectique avec sa ville et surtout, affirme par dessus-tout son existence. 
Focus sur Le Houloc: 
Lieu de création, Le Houloc est espace fort accueillant, on entre dans une cour peuplée de grandes plantes. En face de nous, au fond, la porte s’ouvre sur les ateliers des artistes. 
La bâtiment est rénové par eux-mêmes, locataires, dans un chantier collectif qui symbolise le fonctionnement horizontal de ces artistes qui organisent, disposent,réparent, agissent véritablement en commun. Le Houloc n’est pas seulement lieu de création, il est aussi porteur d’une micro-philosophie politique exigeante mais garante de liberté et de création. Un souffle calme, limpide de partage des expériences traverse ce lieu qu’il faut absolument découvrir. 
Lien FB : https://www.facebook.com/LeHouloc/
-Mathieu Méric
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britesparc · 5 years
Weekend Top Ten #400
Special Commemorative Top 100 Videogames
400! Blimey! That’s a lot. Four hundred lists. Crikey. This feels like it deserves some kind of, I dunno, special edition. Sorry, Special Edition. But what to do? And how can I somehow tentatively tie it into the number four or even four hundred?
Reader, I can’t. I’ve just sacked it off basically.
But that’s not to say I haven’t tried very hard to make a really, really special list. So special in fact that I’m doing something I’ve only done once or sort-of twice before: a Top 100. Yes, that’s right; despite this being a Top Ten, today I’m squaring the circle and going the Full Ton.
So having done films before, this weekend I’m looking at one of the few other things I feel I can talk about with a degree of authority: videogames. I’ve been a gamer pretty much as long as I can remember. Whilst I was probably reading comics first – especially Transformers – I wasn’t really collecting them, or reading them widely, until I was in my twenties. Games, on the other hand, I got into pretty hard as a young boy and they’ve maintained my interest ever since.
On compiling a list like this, however, I run against the thing I always run against, which is my knowledgebase isn’t really that wide. I had an Amiga growing up, and then graduated to a PC when I was a teen. Before that I played on my cousins’ computers, which were Spectrums and Commodores. Apart from brief trips to friends’ houses, I barely touched games consoles; indeed, I indulged in a lot of pre-teen “console toy” sectarianism, thinking the likes of Sega and Nintendo were enemies to be defeated (whilst, at the same time, being slightly covetous of the hardware). The first console we ever had in our house was my brother’s Nintendo 64; the first one I ever owned was an original Xbox. To this date, I have only owned (or had in the house, at least) the following: Xbox; GameCube; Xbox 360; DS Lite; Wii; Xbox One. I’ve never had any Sony console, being swayed by Halo and Fable when I finally decided to take the plunge into console-land around 2001.
So all this – combined with a sort-of ingrained frustration and the commonplace mechanics of a lot of “classic” console titles, especially stuff like Zelda and Metal Gear – means there will no doubt be big famous names not on this list. It’s not an apology. I’m not an expert or a journalist; I’m just some bloke wasting time on the internet. Added to this is the fact that, even when I was a kid with oodles of free time, there were only so many games my parents could afford – or, beyond that, only so many that I had time for. I remember longingly looking at screenshots in The One Amiga, PC Gamer, or Edge, wishing I could either find the money or time for the likes of Lure of the Temptress, Starcraft, Baldur’s Gate, LA Noire, Morrowind, and more. Most of these I’ve played, but not really very deeply (ditto the likes of Thief, System Shock, and most of the 3D Grand Theft Autos). And that’s before we even get onto the PlayStation games like Uncharted, Shadow of the Colossus, The Last of Us, and Spider-Man!
Anyway, what I’m saying is, this is a very personal list, and it feels incomplete even from my point of view. There’s stuff that I feel is missing, even from my own personal gaming biography. But it is what it is, and its fractured, fragmented nature is probably a good overview of my psyche, and as such it feels appropriate for a large anniversary like my 400th list.
A couple of other, technical points. In compiling a list this large, I’ve argued back-and-forth with myself over placements, but generally I’ve looked at a game, and the games around it, and asked whether it’s better or worse than its neighbours; as such, that’s where the game is stuck. Sometimes this means I’ll look at the list and think, oh, such-and-such looks too high or too low, but it feels right when nestled against its contemporaries. Also, sequels and franchises: I’ve tried to treat each game individually (both Half-Lifes are there, for instance) but with something like, say, Mass Effect, it felt a bit redundant to include the slightly-inferior parts 1 and 3 when they’re all quite similar but Mass Effect 2 is the best. So quite often one title ends up representing a franchise, unless I feel other instalments are terrific enough to stand on their own, or represent something quite different. But that’s not really a hard-and-fast rule anyway. Oh, and formats: generally speaking, they’re on the formats I discovered or most enjoyed the game on, which may throw up some non-standard entries (like SWOS, which even I think of as an Amiga game, but which I really got into years later on PC). Finally, my memory; there are some older games on here that maybe if I played a bit more recently would go up or down. But they feel important to me and my life as a gamer, so that’s where they’re staying. All that being said, I’m very comfortable with the Top Ten, which is appropriate.
TL;DR: it’s my list, it’s very subjective, it’s based partly on memory or nostalgia, it’s emotional, it’s things that I loved and that meant something to me and that still mean something to me, and that’s all there is to it.
So here we go: Top Ten numero 400. Except it’s a Top 100. Make of that what you will.
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The Secret of Monkey Island (Amiga, 1991)
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge (Amiga, 1992)
Half-Life 2 (PC, 2003)
Deus Ex (PC, 2000)
Civilization VI (PC, 2017)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox, 2003)
Halo: Combat Evolved (Xbox, 2001)
Lemmings 2: The Tribes (Amiga, 1993)
Crackdown (Xbox 360, 2007)
Fable II (Xbox 360, 2007)
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (Xbox One, 2013)
Command and Conquer: Red Alert (PC, 1995)
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II (PC, 1997)
Half-Life (PC, 1998)
Sam & Max Hit the Road (PC, 1995)
Medieval II: Total War (PC, 2003)
Portal (PC, 2003)
Perfect Dark (N64, 2000)
Sensible World of Soccer 95/96 (PC, 1995)
Duke Nukem 3D (PC, 1995)
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Switch, 2018)
Mass Effect 2 (Xbox 360, 2008)
Wii Sports (Wii, 2005)
Super Mario Galaxy (Wii, 2007)
Flashback (Amiga, 1993)
Batman: Arkham City (Xbox 360, 2011)
Animal Crossing (GameCube, 2004)
Halo 3 (Xbox 360, 2007)
Forza Horizon 2 (Xbox One, 2014)
BioShock (Xbox 360, 2007)
Drop 7 (iPhone, 2010)
Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 (PC, 2000)
Quake III Arena (PC, 2000)
GoldenEye 007 (N64, 1997)
Doom (PC, 1993)
Plants vs. Zombies (iPhone, 2011)
Age of Empires II (PC, 2001)
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham (Xbox One, 2015)
James Pond II: RoboCod (Amiga, 1992)
Syndicate (Amiga, 1992)
Blade Runner (PC, 1997)
Grim Fandango (PC, 1998)
Peggle 2 (Xbox One, 2013)
Superhot (Xbox One, 2017)
Quake (PC, 1997)
Gears of War (Xbox 360, 2005)
Viva Pinata (Xbox 360, 2008)
Unreal Tournament (PC, 1999)
Cannon Fodder (Amiga, 1993)
Banjo Kazooie (N64, 1998)
Quake II (PC, 1998)
Another World (Amiga, 1992)
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (MegaDrive, 1993)
Grand Theft Auto (PC, 1997)
Doom (Xbox One, 2016)
Braid (Xbox 360, 2007)
Limbo (Xbox One, 2014)
Worms World Party (PC, 2001)
The Sims (PC, 2000)
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GameCube, 2003)
Pikmin (GameCube, 2002)
Super Skidmarks (Amiga, 1993)
Minecraft (Xbox 360, 2012)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (PC, 1992)
Project Gotham Racing (Xbox, 2001)
Tomb Raider (PC, 1996)
Carcassonne (Xbox 360, 2008)
Black & White (PC, 2001)
Frontier: Elite 2 (Amiga, 1993)
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (PC, 2003)
Alien Breed: Tower Assault (Amiga, 1994)
Two Point Hospital (PC, 2018)
Thimbleweed Park (PC, 2017)
Red Dead Redemption (Xbox 360, 2010)
Sim City 2000 (PC, 1993)
Super Mario 64 (N64, 1997)
The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time (N64, 1998)
Midtown Madness 2 (PC, 2000)
Civilization Revolution (Xbox 360, 2008)
Jaguar XJ220 (Amiga, 1992)
Simon the Sorcerer (Amiga, 1993)
Chuck Rock II: Son of Chuck (Amiga, 1993)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (PC, 2000)
Tomb Raider (Xbox One, 2013)
Pokemon FireRed & LeafGreen (GBA, 2004)
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (Xbox One, 2018)
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Xbox 360, 2007)
Back to Skool (Spectrum, 1985)
Transport Tycoon Deluxe (PC, 1994)
Zool (Amiga, 1992)
Super Smash Bros. Melee (GameCube, 2001)
Jetpack Joyride (PC, 2013)
Amped: Freestyle Snowboarding (Xbox, 2001)
Spellbound Dizzy (Amiga, 1991)
Putty (Amiga, 1992)
Ghostbusters (Spectrum, 1984)
Void Bastards (Xbox One, 2019)
Transformers (PS2, 2004)
Seymour Goes to Hollywood (Amiga, 1992)
Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (PC, 2017)
There you go. I already disagree with myself.
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 6 years
Video Game Release Date Schedule 2018
It's a good time to be a gamer. Not only did 2017 play host to some of the best games in the current generation, it also laid down a solid foundation full of great experiences for players to enjoy while waiting for the bigger releases of 2018 to make their debut. To stay on top of each exciting new game launch, we've put together a list of all the most noteworthy games we're expecting to play in 2018, spanning from the PC to home consoles and mobile to VR and beyond.
This list is definitely subject to change, which is one of the reasons why we will continually update it throughout the year with all of the latest release date information from events like E3, PAX, or even Nintendo's frequent Nintendo Direct presentations. Keep checking back as we update this schedule with new game release dates and announcements as well as any potential changes to previously-revealed release dates.
This list was last updated on June 20, 2018.
Looking for game releases for a specific month? Try using the links below.
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Monster Hunter: World
Though we might still be busy with some of our favorite games of 2017, January 2018 will see several new titles that ought to be able to tide over even the hungriest of players for months to come, including the likes of Lost Sphear on the Switch and the promising release of Monster Hunter: World on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
The Escapists 2 (Nintendo Switch) - January 11 Furi (Nintendo Switch) - January 11 Super Meat Boy (Nintendo Switch) - January 11 Sega Slots (iOS, Android) - January 12 Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition (PC, PlayStation 4) - January 16 Ambition of the Slimes (Nintendo Switch) - January 18 Darkest Dungeon (Nintendo Switch) - January 18 Power Spikes II (Nintendo Switch) - January 18 Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita) - January 19 Kirby Battle Royale (Nintendo 3DS) - January 19 Night in the Woods (Nintendo Switch) - January 19 Lost Sphear (PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch) - January 23 The Inpatient (PlayStation VR) - January 23 Celeste (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch) - January 25 Strikers 1945 II (Nintendo Switch) - January 25 The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia (PlayStation 4) - January 25 Dragon Ball FighterZ (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - January 26 Monster Hunter: World (PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - January 26 Assemblance (Xbox One) - January 30 Dissidia Final Fantasy NT (PlayStation 4) - January 30 Railway Empire (Xbox One) - January 30 Striker's Edge (PlayStation 4, PC) - January 30 Unicycle Hero (iOS) - January 31 Wulverblade (Xbox One) - January 31
Shadow of the Colossus
February of 2018 will play host to several big-name releases, most notably including the Shadow of the Colossus remaster for PlayStation 4 as well as Metal Gear Survive, the latest game to make use of the Fox Engine.
Night in the Woods (Nintendo Switch) - February 1 Samurai Shodown II (Nintendo Switch) - February 1 SteamWorld Dig (Nintendo Switch) - February 1 EA Sports UFC 3 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - February 2 Nightmares from the Deep 3: Davy Jones (Xbox One) - February 2 Dandara (Nintendo Switch, PC, Android) - February 6 Mercenary Kings Reloaded Edition (Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation Vita) - February 6 Shadow of the Colossus (PlayStation 4) – February 6 Little Triangle (Xbox One) - February 7 Samsara (Xbox One) - February 7 Attack of the Earthlings (PC) - February 8 Black Hole (Nintendo Switch) - February 8 Civilization VI: Rise and Fall (PC) - February 8 Disc Jam (Nintendo Switch) - February 8 Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition (iOS, Android) - February 8 Mercenaries Saga Chronicles (Nintendo Switch) - February 8 Dragon Quest Builders (Nintendo Switch) - February 9 Overdriven Reloaded: Special Edition (Xbox One) - February 9 ACA NEOGEO Fatal Fury 3 (Nintendo Switch) - February 13 Aqua Kitty UDX (Nintendo Switch) - February 13 Dynasty Warriors 9 (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) – February 13 Escape Trick: 35 Fateful Enigmas (Nintendo Switch) - February 13 Joe Dever's Lone Wolf (Nintendo Switch) - February 13 Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Gate of Doom (Nintendo Switch) - February 13 Kingdom Come: Deliverance (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - February 13 Monster Energy Supercross (Nintendo Switch) - February 13 Owlboy (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch) - February 13 Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology (Nintendo 3DS) - February 13 The Fall Part 2: Unbound (Nintendo Switch) - February 13 The Longest Five Minutes (Nintendo Switch) - February 13 Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap retail (PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch) - February 13 Secret of Mana (PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita) - February 15 Bayonetta 1 and 2 Collection (Nintendo Switch) - February 16 Bayonetta (Nintendo Switch) - February 16 Bayonetta 2 (Nintendo Switch) - February 16 Fe (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch) - February 16 Long Days Gone (PC) - February 18 The Station (Xbox One) - February 19 Age of Empires: Definitive Edition (PC) - February 20 Metal Gear Survive (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - February 20 Old Man's Journey (Nintendo Switch) - February 20 Pool (Nintendo Switch) - February 20 Puzzle Puppers (Nintendo Switch) - February 20 The Station (Xbox One) - February 20 Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten DX (Xbox One) - February 21 Layers of Fear: Legacy (Nintendo Switch) - February 21 Rad Rodgers: World One (Xbox One) - February 21 Xenon Valkyrie+ (Xbox One) - February 21 Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 Plus (Nintendo Switch) - February 22 SEUM: Speedrunners From Hell (PlayStation 4) - February 22 SteamWorld Dig 2 (Nintendo 3DS) - February 22 Stellaris: Apocalypse (PC) - February 22 Typoman (Nintendo Switch) - February 22 Abo Khashem (Xbox One) - February 23 Fable Fortune 1.0 (Xbox One) - February 23 Fumiko! (Xbox One) - February 23 Past Cure (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - February 23 The Final Station (Nintendo Switch) - February 23 Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet (Xbox One) - February 23 Symmetry (Xbox One) - February 23 Toki Tori 2+: Nintendo Switch Edition (Nintendo Switch) - February 23 Twin Robots: Ultimate Edition (Nintendo Switch) - February 23 Yume Nikki: Dream Diary (PC) - February 23 Gravel (Xbox One) - February 26 Spot The Difference (Nintendo Switch) - February 26 de Blob (Xbox One) - February 27 de Blob 2 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - February 27 Gravel (Xbox One) - February 27 Immortal Redneck (Nintendo Switch) - February 27 Into the Breach (PC) - February 27 Moss (PlayStation VR) - February 27 Payday 2 (Nintendo Switch) - February 27 Puyo Puyo Tetris (PC) - February 27 Bridge Constructor Portal (Xbox One) - February 28 Riffstar Raiders (Xbox One) - February 28 Bridge Constructor Portal (Nintendo Switch) - February 28 Deep Rock Galactic (Xbox One, Steam Early Access) - February 28 Darkest Dungeon (Xbox One) - February 28 Switch or Die Trying (Xbox One) - February 28
Far Cry 5
The many blessings of March have arrived, offering a little something to suit players of any specific taste. In particular, March played host to the release of Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition as well as the late-month release of Far Cry 5.
Subsurface Circular (Nintendo Switch) - March 1 Mulaka (Xbox One) - March 2 Pit People 1.0 (Xbox One) - March 2 Shoppe Keep (Xbox One) - March 2 The Story Goes On (Xbox One) - March 2 Turok (Xbox One) - March 2 Turok 2 (Xbox One) - March 2 Bravo Team (PlayStation VR) - March 6 Fear Effect Sedna (Xbox One) - March 6 Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - March 6 Frantics (PlayStation 4) - March 6 North (Xbox One, Nintendo Switch) - March 6 Scribblenauts Showdown (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch) - March 6 TT Isle of Man - (Xbox One) - March 6 Nine Parchments (Xbox One) - March 7 Way of the Passive Fist (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - March 7 Warhammer: Vermintide 2 (PC) - March 8 Darwin Project (Xbox One) - March 9 One Eye Kutkh (Xbox One) - March 9 Mowy Lawn (mobile) - March 12 Beast Quest (Xbox One) - March 13 Train Sim World: Founder's Edition (Xbox One) - March 9 Devil May Cry HD Collection (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - March 13 Golem (PlayStation VR) - March 13 Pure Farming 2018 (Xbox One) - March 13 Q.U.B.E. 2 (Xbox One) - March 13 The Raven Remastered (Xbox One) - March 13 Spiral Splatter (Xbox One) - March 13 The Long Reach (Xbox One) - March 14 Surviving Mars (Xbox One) - March 15 Burnout Paradise Remastered (Xbox One) - March 16 Kirby Star Allies (Nintendo Switch) - March 16 Tesla vs Lovecraft (Xbox One) - March 16 Vicious Attack Llama Apocalypse (Xbox One) - March 16 Assassin's Creed Rogue: Remastered (PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - March 20 Attack on Titan 2 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch) - March 20 R.B.I. Baseball 18 (Xbox One) - March 20 Sea of Thieves (Xbox One, PC) - March 20 South Park: The Fractured But Whole: From Dusk Til Casa Bonita DLC (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - March 20 Titan Quest (Playstation 4, Xbox One) - March 20 Yakuza 6: The Song of Life (PlayStation 4) – March 20 The Count Lucanor (Xbox One) - March 21 Where Are My Friends? (Xbox One) - March 21 A Way Out (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - March 23 Detective Pikachu (Nintendo 3DS) - March 23 Max: Curse of the Brotherhood (Nintendo Switch) - March 23 MX vs ATV All Out (Xbox One) - March 23 Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom (PC, PlayStation 4) – March 23 Pure Farming 2018 (PlayStation 4, PC) - March 23 Western Press (Xbox One) - March 23 X-Morph: Defense - European Assault (Xbox One) - March 26 Bridge Constructor Stunts (PlayStation 4) - March 27 Far Cry 5 (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - March 27 MLB The Show 18 (PlayStation 4) - March 27 PixARK (Xbox One) - March 27 Trove: Heroes (Xbox One) - March 27 Agony (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - March 30 Alteric (Xbox One) - March 30 Space Hulk: Ascension (Xbox One) - March 30
God of War
We know of at least one big game coming in April of 2018 — the latest violence-filled outing of Kratos in God of War for the PlayStation 4. Beyond that, we're still looking to hear more about other releases happening throughout the month.
Infernium (Nintendo Switch) - April 5 Masters of Anima (Xbox One) - April 9 Extinction (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - April 10 Owlboy (Xbox One) - April 10 Robocraft Infinity (Xbox One) - April 10 Bombslinger (Xbox One) - April 11 Deep Ones (Xbox One) - April 11 Earthlock: Festival of Magic (Xbox One) - April 11 Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (Xbox One) - April 11 Ys Origin (Xbox One) - April 11 Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs (Xbox One, Nintendo Switch) - April 12 Casey Powell Lacross 18 (Xbox One) - April 17 Yakuza 6: The Song of Life (PlayStation 4) - April 17 I, Hope (Xbox One) - April 18 Atomic Heist (Xbox One) - April 20 Babylon 2055 Pinball (Xbox One) - April 20 God of War (PlayStation 4) - April 20 Nintendo Labo (Robot Kit/ Variety Kit) (Nintendo Switch) - April 20 Phantom Trigger (Xbox One) - April 20 Space Hulk: Ascension (Xbox One) - April 20 Frostpunk (PC) - April 24 South Park: The Fractured But Whole (Nintendo Switch) - April 24 Another Lost Phone: Laura's Story (Nintendo Switch) - April 26 A Robot Named Fight! (Nintendo Switch) - April 26 Light Fall (Nintendo Switch) - April 26 Trails of Cold Steel II: Kai (PlayStation 4) - April 26 Saturday Morning RPG (Nintendo Switch) - April 26 Korgan (Xbox One) - April 27 Monster Prom (PC) - April 27
Dragon's Crown Pro
May has finally arrived, and so far we know that RPG fans and followers of Vanillaware titles will be in for a treat when Dragon's Crown Pro releases around the middle of the month. Beyond that, players should also be on the lookout for the Destiny 2 Warmind expansion dropping on May 8, plus the imminent arrival of Dark Souls Remastered later in the month.
Battlezone Gold Edition (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - May 1 Killing Floor: Incursion (PlayStation VR) – May 1 Outbreak: The Nightmare Chronicles (Xbox One) - May 1 Super Mega Baseball 2 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - May 1 Coffee Crisis (PC) - May 2 Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia (PC) - May 3 City of Brass (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - May 4 Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Nintendo Switch) - May 4 Conan Exiles (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - May 8 Destiny 2: Warmind (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - May 8 Last Encounter (PC) - May 8 Megadimension Neptunia VIIR (PlayStation 4) - May 8 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire (PC) – May 8 Raging Justice (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC) - May 8 Tacoma (PlayStation 4) - May 8 AO International Tennis (PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - May 8 Subaeria (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - May 9 Immortal Redneck (Nintendo Switch) - May 10 Laser League (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - May 10 Hyper Sentinel (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch) - May 11 One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 (Switch) - May 11 Battle Chasers: Nightwar (Nintendo Switch) - May 15 Dragon's Crown Pro (PlayStation 4) - May 15 Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time (PlayStation 4, PC) - May 15 Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux (Nintendo 3DS) - May 15 Horizon Chase Turbo (PlayStation 4, PC) - May 15 Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time (PlayStation 4, PC) - May 15 Omensight (PlayStation 4, PC) - May 15 Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux (Nintendo 3DS) - May 15 Wizard of Legend (Nintendo Switch) - May 15 Far: Lone Sails (PC) - May 17 Fox N Forests (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC) - May 17 Worlds Adrift (PC) - May 17 Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition (Nintendo Switch) - May 18 Little Nightmares: Complete Edition (Nintendo Switch) - May 18 State of Decay 2 (Xbox One, PC) – May 18 Ancestors Legacy (Xbox One, PC) – May 22 NBA Playgrounds 2 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC) - May 22 Mega Man Legacy Collection (Nintendo Switch) - May 22 Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 (Nintendo Switch) - May 22 Runner 3 (Nintendo Switch, PC) - May 22 Space Hulk: Deathwing - Enhanced Edition (PlayStation 4, PC) - May 22 Tennis World Tour (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC) - May 22 Dillon's Dead-Heat Breakers (Nintendo 3DS) - May 24 Dark Souls Remastered (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC) - May 25 Detroit: Become Human (PlayStation 4) - May 25 PixelJunk Monsters 2 (PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch) - May 25 Agony (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - May 29 Birdcakes (Xbox One) - May 29 Everspace (PS4) – May 29 Legend of Kay Anniversary (Nintendo Switch) – May 29 Moonlighter (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) – May 29 Sega Genesis Classics (PlayStation 4, Xbox One) – May 29 Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch) - May 29 Yoku's Island Express (Xbox One) - May 29 Die for Valhalla! (Xbox One) - May 30 Fox n Forests (Xbox One) - May 30 Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Deluxier Edition (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC) - May 30 The Journey Down - Chapter One (Xbox One) - May 30 Stay (Xbox One) - May 30 Zamb! Redux (Xbox One) - May 30 Millanoir (Xbox One) - May 31 Yesterday Origins (Nintendo Switch) - May 31
Mario Tennis Aces
The latter half of June marks the beginning of Summer for North American players, a time for many when gaming hours are at their peak. This June will see the release of titles such as BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle for mutliple platforms, Mario Tennis Aces for the Nintendo Switch, and the return of Shaq Diesel in Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn.
Earth Atlantis (Xbox One) - June 1 Lightspeer: Double Speer Edition (Xbox One) - June 1 Mining Rail (Xbox One) - June 1 Oh... Sir! The Hollywood Roast (Xbox One) - June 1 BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle (PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PC) - June 5 The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - June 5 Onrush (PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - June 5 Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC) - June 5 Vampyr (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - June 5 MotoGP 18 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - June 7 Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido (Nintendo Switch, 3DS) - June 8 Unravel 2 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - June 9 Fallout Shelter (PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch) - June 10 Hollow Knight (Nintendo Switch) - June 12 Super Bomberman R (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - June 12 Jurassic World Evolution (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - June 12 The Lost Child (PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation Vita) - June 19 Mario Tennis Aces (Nintendo Switch) - June 22 New Gundam Breaker (PlayStation 4, PC) - June 22 The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - June 26 Far Cry 3 Classic Edition (PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - June 26 Lumines Remastered (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch) - June 26 Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA (Nintendo Switch) - June 26 Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy (Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch) - June 26 The Crew 2 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - June 29 Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus (Nintendo Switch) - June 29
Octopath Traveler
We haven't seen too much about which titles gamers can expect to see landing in July, but we do know that the much-anticipated RPG Octopath Traveler is slated to release around the middle of the month.
Red Faction: Guerrilla Remastered (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - July 3 Mushroom Wars 2 (Nintendo Switch) - July 5 Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr (PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - July 5 20XX (PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch) - July 10 20XX (Xbox One) - July 11 MXGP Pro (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - July 10 Shining Resonance Refrain (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch) - July 10 Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS) - July 13 Earthfall (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - July 13 Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters Overboard (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch) - July 13 Octopath Traveler (Nintendo Switch) - July 13 Sonic Mania Plus (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch) - July 17 Pool Panic (Nintendo Switch, PC) - July 19 The Banner Saga 3 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC) - July 24 Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC) - July 24 Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC) - July 24 No Man's Sky (Xbox One) - July 24 Train Sim World (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - July 24 Sleep Tight (Nintendo Switch, PC) - July 26 Code of Princess EX (Nintendo Switch) - July 31
F1 2018
Yakuza 0 (PC) - August 1 WarioWare Gold (Nintendo 3DS) – August 3 Overcooked 2 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch) - August 7 Okami HD (Nintendo Switch) - August 9 Command and Conquer: Rivals (mobile) - August 10 Madden 19 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - August 10 We Happy Few (Xbox One, PC) - August 10 Death's Gambit (PlayStation 4, PC) - August 14 The Walking Dead: The Final Season (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - August 14 World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth (PC) - August 14 Madden NFL Overdrive (mobile) - August 15 F1 2018 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - August 24 Little Dragon's Cafe (PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch) - August 28 Monster Hunter Generations Ultiamte (Nintendo Switch) - August 28 Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - August 28 Strange Brigade (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - August 28 Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PlayStation 4) - August 28 Divinity: Original Sin 2 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - August 31 Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - August 31
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Destiny 2: Forsaken (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - September 4 Dragon Quest 11: Echoes of an Elusive Age (PlayStation 4, PC) - September 4 Immortal: Unchained (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - September 7 Marvel's Spider-Man (PlayStation 4) - September 7 NBA Live 19 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - September 7 SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy (PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch) - September 7 Shadow of the Tomb Raider (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - September 14 Spyro Reignited Trilogy (PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - September 14 Star Control Origins (PC) - September 20 Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna The Golden Country DLC (Nintendo Switch) - September 21 Code Vein (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - September 28 FIFA 19 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - September 28
Red Dead Redemption 2
Forza Horizon 4 (Xbox One, PC) - October 2 Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise (PlayStation 4) - October 2 Mega Man 11 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC) - October 2 Assassin's Creed Odyssey (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - October 5 Super Mario Party (Nintendo Switch) - October 5 Disgaea 1 Complete (PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch) - October 5 Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - October 12 For Honor: Marching Fire (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - October 16 LEGO DC Super Villains (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch) - October 16 Starlink: Battle for Atlas (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch) - October 16 Warriors Orochi 4 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch) - October 16 Battlefield 5 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - October 19 SoulCalibur 6 (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - October 19 Just Dance 2019 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch) - October 23 Red Dead Redemption 2 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One) - October 26
Overkill's The Walking Dead
Overkill's The Walking Dead (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - November 6 Ride 3 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - November 8 Hitman 2 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - November 13 Fallout 76 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - November 14 Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu! (Nintendo Switch) - November 16 Pokemon: Let's Go, Evee! (Nintendo Switch) - November 16
Just Cause 4
Just Cause 4 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC) - December 4 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo Switch) - December 7
Other Notable 2018 Releases
They say patience is a virtue, and it's one that players will have plenty of time to work on while waiting for more solid information regarding the following games that are slated to release at unspecified dates later this year.
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown (PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation VR, Xbox One) Age of Empires 4 (PC) Anno 1800 (PC) Antigraviator (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) Ape Out (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) Artifact (PC) Ashen (PC, Xbox One) Battalion 1944 (PC) Battlezone: Combat Commander (PC) Bayonetta 3 (Nintendo Switch) Below (PC, Xbox One) Beyond Good and Evil 2 Biomutant (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) Blood and Truth (PlayStation VR)
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One) Call of Cthulhu: The Official Video Game (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) Children of Morta (PlayStation 4) Claws of Furry (Nintendo Switch) Code Vein (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) Collapsus (Nintendo Switch) Concrete Genie (PlayStation 4) Darksiders 3 (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) Days Gone (PlayStation 4) Dead Dozen (PC) Death Stranding (PlayStation 4) de Blob (Nintendo Switch) Donut County (PC, PlayStation Dreams (PlayStation 4) Earth Defence Force: Iron Rain (PlayStation 4) Fantasy Strike (PlayStation 4) Firewall: Zero Hour (PlayStation VR) Flipping Death (PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch) Ghost of Tsushima (PlayStation 4) GreedFall (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One)
GTFO (PC) Guacamelee 2 (PlayStation 4) Hollowpoint (PC) Horizon Chase Turbo (PlayStation 4) Hover (PlayStation 4, Xbox One) Insurgency: Sandstorm (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) Katana Zero (PC) Legend of Kay (Nintendo Switch) Left Alive (PC, PlayStation 4) Lord of the Rings Living Card Game (PC) Lost Soul Aside (PC, PlayStation 4) Luigi's Mansion (Nintendo 3DS) Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries (PC) MediEvil (PlayStation 4) Metroid Prime 4 (Nintendo Switch) Minit (PC) Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom (PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One) Monster Hunter World (PC) Morphies Law (Nintendo Switch) Mothergunship (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord (PC) Mugsters (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) Mulaka (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch) My Hero Academia: One’s Justice (PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One) Neopolis (PC, PlayStation 4) No Heroes Allowed (PlayStation VR) Okami HD (Nintendo Switch) Omen of Sorrow (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) One Piece World Seeker (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One)
Ori and the Will of the Wisps (PC, Xbox One) Patapon 2 Remastered (PlayStation 4) Phantom Doctrine (PC) Pokemon (untitled entry) (Nintendo Switch) Psychonauts 2 (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) Racing Apex (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) RiftStar Raiders (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch) Routine (PC) Sea of Solitude (PC) Shin Megami Tensei V (Nintendo Switch)
Sky (iOS, Apple TV) Space Hulk: Deathwing – Enhanced Edition (PlayStation 4, Xbox One) Spelunky 2 (PlayStation 4, PC) Star Child (PlayStation VR) Steep (Nintendo Switch) Super Meat Boy Forever (Nintendo Switch) Super Cane Magic ZERO (Nintendo Switch) The Church in the Darkness (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) The Crew 2 (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) The Gardens Between (PlayStation 4) The Hong Kong Massacre (PlayStation 4) The Last Night (PC, Xbox One)
The Last of Us Part 2 (PlayStation 4) The World Ends With You -Final Remix- (Nintendo Switch) Titan Quest (Nintendo Switch) Tower 57 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One) Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes (Nintendo Switch) UFC 3 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One) Unto the End (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) Valkyria Chronicles 4 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch) Vane (PlayStation 4) Witchfire (PC) World War Z (PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One)
Video Game Release Date Schedule 2018 published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years
Manchester United: Nicky Butt defends academy after under-23s
Manchester United: Nicky Butt defends academy after under-23s
Manchester United: Nicky Butt defends academy after under-23s
Nicky Butt stands by the picture of himself on a mural at Manchester United’s academy
One in all Manchester United’s proudest boasts is that at the least one homegrown participant has been in each first-team squad named since 1937.
For the dramatic Manchester derby comeback on 7 April, there have been 5. Manchester Metropolis – topped runaway Premier League champions per week later – had none.
And with United’s under-18s beating rivals City to win their regional league title on Saturday, the thriving youth set-up, which originated within the well-known Busby Babes period, would appear to be in impolite well being.
However not all the things is rosy. On Monday the under-23 facet had been demoted from Premier League 2 and there’s a slight sense of embarrassment from some at Previous Trafford.
Nonetheless, academy boss Nicky Butt, who was a part of United’s fabled Class of 92, says the membership’s youth system is in good condition.
And the 43-year-old has by no means made any secret of the truth that he isn’t a fan of the under-23s idea.
“If you’re not across the first workforce at 20 or 21 you are not going to be, it is a truth,” he mentioned.
‘I believe the academy is prospering massively’
George Finest (shirt quantity seven) and Ryan Giggs (11) each got here via Manchester United’s youth system
The previous England midfielder is considered one of quite a lot of well-known United gamers depicted on the ground-floor partitions of the membership’s academy at Carrington in south Manchester.
Butt says some are “dinosaurs” like himself, however others are up to date, together with 20-year-old England ahead Marcus Rashford.
The mural stands as proof of the pathway that exists between United’s academy and the primary workforce.
The under-23s, nonetheless, are successfully what was the membership’s reserve workforce, and Butt doesn’t see it as enjoying a major function in his main process, which is offering younger gamers for first-team supervisor Jose Mourinho.
“We’re anticipated to develop gamers for Manchester United and produce them into the primary workforce. In that respect, I believe the academy is prospering massively,” says Butt, who was 17 in 1992 when he made the primary of his 387 appearances for United.
Butt says that “the important thing growth instruments listed below are the academy and under-18s”, as a result of a lot of the under-23s set-up is fractured by different elements.
He estimates that at any given time in a 20-man under-23s squad, 5 gamers could also be coaching with the primary workforce, one other 5 will likely be out on mortgage and the remaining 10 will likely be bolstered by youngsters who’ve outgrown the under-18s.
“That’s positive if everybody else is doing it,” says Butt. However the reality is they don’t seem to be. For some golf equipment, success at under-23 degree is about successful video games, not essentially growing gamers.
It’s actually a significant change from when Butt was breaking via within the early 1990s, when he recollects enjoying in reserve video games alongside the likes of first-team regulars corresponding to Bryan Robson, Brian McClair and Clayton Blackmore.
“It was open-age soccer in a stadium with 5,000 folks watching,” says Butt.
“Flick that over to now: typically we go and play at a coaching pitch on a Tuesday afternoon with no followers and no first-team gamers.”
The 2 most up-to-date United children to interrupt into the primary workforce are Rashford, who began simply two reserve video games for the membership, and 21-year-old Scott McTominay, who began 31.
The reality is that a few of the under-23 workforce know they don’t seem to be going to make it at United. They’re within the store window, trying to discover a membership elsewhere.
Pogba ‘may not have made it’ if he had stayed
Paul Pogba left Previous Trafford in 2012 to hitch Juventus, returning in 2016 for £89m
There are about 180 children within the United academy, from under-nines via to the reserve workforce.
The intention, membership officers state, is to have a core of native children supplemented by promising abroad expertise.
By way of native children, Birkenhead teenager Jimmy Garner has impressed as England Below-17s captain. Present first-team star Paul Pogba, in fact, belongs firmly within the latter class.
The 25-year-old Frenchman moved to Previous Trafford from Le Havre on the age of 16, performed within the 2011 FA Youth Cup ultimate, made his senior debut a couple of months later and made his Premier League bow in opposition to Stoke on 31 January, 2012. Huge issues had been anticipated.
However inside six months Pogba had joined Juventus after refusing to signal a brand new contract, citing a scarcity of alternatives.
It value United a then-world report £89m to get him back in 2016. The transfer was extensively considered as affirmation of a monumental error by United in permitting Pogba to depart for nothing when his contract expired.
Butt, nonetheless, doesn’t see the scenario in such clear-cut phrases.
“If he had stayed right here and stagnated, he may by no means have been a footballer,” he says.
“There are gamers who go into the reserves for 2 or three seasons and so they tread water. Pogba might have been a kind of.
“When he was right here, so had been Paul Scholes and Michael Carrick, who weren’t precisely common gamers. Pogba left and have become most likely one of the best midfielder on this planet at Juventus.
“We had been fortunate sufficient to get him again right here however it’s a large feather in our cap that we helped him develop.”
‘No extra quantity 10s!’
Kids at Manchester United have a protracted record of well-known homegrown gamers to emulate
The outdated north and south reserve leagues had been scrapped in 1999 and changed by the Premier Reserve League.
In 2012 that was changed by an under-21s league, from which the under-23s set-up developed in 2016. It permits golf equipment to play three over-age outfield gamers.
In line with Butt, nonetheless, it isn’t simply the league system that has modified however the gamers. Specifically, he has famous an enormous discount within the variety of industrious midfielders and a spike in Lionel Messi-style quantity 10s.
Pointing to a bunch of under-12s, Butt says: “In case you ask them, they’ll all wish to be Messi.
“Individuals mustn’t overlook how good Roy Keane and Steven Gerrard had been, these box-to-box gamers that are not the normal trendy academy. That’s what now we have to get out of.
Butt additionally mentioned that he’s attempting to “pull youngsters out of their consolation zone. Enjoying in opposition to South American groups who will not allow you to take touches”.
“Our under-12s will play the identical youngsters at Metropolis, Spurs or Arsenal for the following eight years. They are going to find yourself as mates, play for England collectively. It is false,” he added.
And United should not alone of their issues at under-23 degree.
Two different golf equipment that Butt charges nearly as good at growing gamers have additionally struggled lately: Southampton, relegated from Premier League 2 final season, and Tottenham, who survived on aim distinction final time period however struggled within the mistaken half of the desk.
Butt can not change the construction of youth soccer on his personal, so he’ll keep on his personal path, realizing he has the backing of these chargeable for working the membership, regardless of who the supervisor is.
“It does not matter whether or not the supervisor is David Moyes, Louis van Gaal or Jose Mourinho, the house owners have instructed us the academy is ring-fenced,” he explains.
“Our foundations, our pillars, keep stable and stand on their very own.”
ultras FC Barcelona - https://ultrasfcb.com/football/2032/
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pcinvasion-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on PC Invasion
New Post has been published on https://www.pcinvasion.com/e3-2017-events-schedule-times-watch
E3 2017 Schedule - All the Times and Where to Watch
It’s almost E3 2017 time folks and Saturday is the first day of proceedings which will run over the next few days. The actual event doesn’t kick off until next week but we have all the pre-show conferences beforehand
A couple of weeks ago E3 pushed out this handy timetable which covers all time zones for the main events over the next few days.
Last week we posted what we expect to see at each of the E3 2017 events, but in case you missed that, here it is again with all the links to where you can tune in and watch. We’ll be following E3 2017 closely as the events unfold and we’ll keep you as up to date as possible with the important news that’s relevant to PC.
E3 2017 Events and what to expect
Saturday 10 June
EA Play
(Midday US Pacific Time / 8pm UK)
EA have basically confirmed the majority of their E3 2017 games. PC-wise, you can definitely expect Star Wars: Battlefront 2, FIFA 18, Need For Speed Payback, something regarding The Sims 4, and Battlefield 1’s In The Name of the Tsar DLC. Titanfall 2 gets a mention on their list as well, so there might be something new there, or it might just be a reminder than their Monarch DLC came out recently.
In terms of things that are currently “off the books”, well, EA have been threatening to make other Star Wars games for the past couple of E3 events. It may finally be time to get an actual look at one or both of those (one from Visceral, one from Respawn). BioWare have that “new IP” they keep talking about, along with rumblings about a new Dragon Age title (maybe the X-Com style game they asked the public about back in 2016). And Josef Fares of Hazelight (Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons) has been telling people to watch E3.
Sunday 11 June
(2pm US Pacific Time / 10pm UK)
Not the easiest year to predict as far as Microsoft and the PC are concerned, since most of their talk is going to be focused on their shiny new Project Scorpio box. Chances are that cross-play will still exist between this new console and Windows 10, so any first party stuff announced will (probably) have a PC version of sorts too.
Expect some holdovers from previous years to get an airing though. Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, and State of Decay 2 will all be heading to the PC, and should all be shown. Halo Wars 2 is set to get some DLC. Chances of a new Forza appearing are pretty high because, well, Forza. The fabled Cuphead might even get another appearance. And speaking of fabled, I wouldn’t put it past Microsoft to bring Fable back from the dead in some fashion.
(9pm US Pacific Time / 5am (12 June) UK)
Most of the speculation surrounding Bethesda is based on an image of ‘Bethesdaland’ the company circulated on E3 2017 invites a few weeks ago. It depicts known Bethesda series like Dishonored, Fallout, Doom and so on. Two areas are hidden due to being “under construction”, leading to suggestions that a couple of new announcements will be happening.
One very likely reveal will be the full follow-up to Wolfenstein: The New Order, already in development at Machine Games. Last year’s Bethesda event featured an easter egg tease for Wolfenstein: The New Colossus, so this is probably the year we’ll get a full announcement. Another, slightly less confirmed, possibility is a sequel to The Evil Within. Job listings for ‘Psycho Break 2’ (the working title for Evil Within) have been seen in the wild.
Throwing the net a little wider, Bethesda have consistently renewed a trademark for something called Starfield. Rumours keep flying that this is some kind of major sci-fi based RPG in the vein of Elder Scrolls, but nothing has actually been confirmed so that could all be very wishful thinking.
At previous Bethesda events, they’ve mixed in new announcements with reminders that current games exist. If that’s the case again, expect updates on Elder Scrolls Online (since a Morrowind expansion just came out) and Elder Scrolls Legends (just launched on Steam). It would make sense to get a release date for Quake Champions too. An expansion for Dishonored 2 wouldn’t be out of the question, since the first game did a fine job with its DLC.
Monday 12 June
The PC Gaming Show
(10am US Pacific Time / 6pm UK)
All PC games all the time, but has been pretty light on actual unique announcements in its past couple of incarnations. Still, it’s possible to surmise some of the contents of this event by looking at the sponsorship list. Bohemia Interactive will be there, either with something to say about Arma 3 or their soon-to-be-released Argo project. TripWire will probably show up too. Their latest is Rising Storm 2.
Likewise, Lawbreakers is guaranteed to be present because Nexon are sponsoring. Mind you, so are these guys and I have no idea what they might want to see included. Maybe Shadowverse? AMD seem to have been replaced by Intel this year, so the awkward hardware interlude will presumably be about CPUs.
Other confirmed appearances include Creative Assembly with Total War: Warhammer 2, Harebrained Schemes (Battletech) and PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. I’m expecting Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord again as well. Indie studio Raw Fury Games have said they’ll be appearing too, and previous PC Gaming Shows have included quite a few indie spots. At the other end of the scale Blizzard got a pretty lengthy spot last year, so that may happen again.
Finally, Xbox are co-sponsors as well so there’s a reasonable chance whatever Microsoft talked about the day before will be reiterated here in a more PC-related manner.
(1pm US Pacific Time / 9pm UK)
Again, there’s a pretty solid list of what will be appearing at the Ubisoft conference because the company itself has provided that information. You can be sure that Far Cry 5, South Park: The Fractured But Whole, The Crew 2 and Just Dance (always Just Dance) will be there. More than likely there will be space for ongoing projects with regular updates like For Honor and Rainbow Six: Siege too.
The next Assassin’s Creed (most likely called Assassin’s Creed: Origins, starring a lad called Bay Ek in Ancient Egypt) will get an airing as well. But the leaks end there, so whatever else Ubisoft has planned is a bit of a mystery. It’s been a while since the last Splinter Cell, so maybe another one of those? The company says Beyond Good & Evil 2 will not be at E3, so don’t hold out hope for that.
(6pm US Pacific Time / 2am (13 June) UK)
If the last couple of years are any indication, there won’t be a whole lot of PC stuff at Sony’s E3 2017 event. They’ve tended to concentrate on PS4 exclusives, with PC stuff limited to third party appearances.
Assuming that pattern holds (and it probably will), the games to look out for at Sony’s event will be extended or slightly different looks at games from other publishers. Far Cry 5 will almost certainly be present again, showing either co-op play or some other aspect not covered by Ubisoft earlier in the day. Likewise, Call of Duty: WWII will be shown here, as will Destiny 2 and Battlefront 2. Expect some FIFA 18 as well, now Sony have snagged that marketing deal.
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acircusfullofdemons · 2 months
Because of the posts by @maddgical-boy [link] & @nevermore-grimes [link], I will now be subjecting my paras to the Horrors. I have a lloottttt of paras, so to make this simply I used a random number generator to select the new victims tributes.
I will also be adding commentary on how accurate this would be to my paras. Because I can’t have fun without criticizing their every decision, despite forcing them to make those decisions in the first place. Bullying my paras is a full time job and brother, I just clocked in >:3
District 1: Edward Nixon [Mad as a Crow: Missing Piece of the Puzzle], Lucy Fisher [Phantasmagoria: DreamSet Circus]
District 2: Loyd Nixon [Mad as a Crow: Missing Piece of the Puzzle], Benjamin Graves [Mad as a Crow]
District 3: Marzipan Velveteen [Fractured Fables: Illusions of Life], Neil O’Brian [Mad as a Crow: A Plague of Octopuses]
District 4: Beelzebub Honeyblood [Phantasmagoria: Crossfire], Reign Blanc [Fractured Fables: Illusions of Life]
District 5: Phineas Glazier [Fractured Fables: Illusions of Life], Luciana Potenza [Phantasmagoria]
District 6: Phoebe Sparks [Phantasmagoria: ElectroGear Software], Prism Raymond [Phantasmagoria: DreamSet Circus]
District 7: Thackery Velveteen [Phantasmagoria: Illusions of Life], Rosemary Velveteen [Fractured Fables: She Trusts me, He Loves Me Not]
District 8: Victor West [Mad as a Crow], CaterpillarOS [Fractured Fables: Illusions of Life]
District 9: Mary Crowley [Mad as a Crow], Ketrill Hyde [Phantasmagoria: As the World Falls Down]
District 10: Khole Banner [Mad as a Crow: Assembled Monsters], Alex Grimm [Fractured Fables]
District 11: Stacy Collins [Mad as a Crow], Orion Guerrero [Mad as a Crow]
District 12: Vincent Hyde [Phantasmagoria], Lucien Jekyll [Phantasmagoria]
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Yknow what i just realized. CaterpillarOS is, uh, a giant robot caterpillar. Khole is a weird mix of species but yeah there’s no way he’d win that fight. 
Aint no fucking way Neil would loose to a blind girl. She has the power of accuracy but is smaller and younger than Neil. He’d rip her to shreds!!
DAY 01
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I like to think she read him, ironically, one of the brother’s grimms books. It’d be so funny for various reasons. 
NNOOO MARY 😭 say goodbye to our only licensed nurse everyone…
uuuuhhh something something phineas in the wrong paracosm. insert joke about d//c or para!jervis here.
Interesting team up! No idea why Eddie would work with Loyd since that’s his father and they hate each other. Same with Stacy, she hates Eddie bc that’s her dad. I fully believe Prism and Lucy are being held captive here, folks.
Accurate !!! sorry rosemary BUT ALSO. WOW. I CANNOT OVERSTATE HOW ACCURATE THIS IS OH MY GOD??? GIRL HOW DID YOU LIVE OUT YOUR TALE ALL THE WAY OUT HERE IM SCREAMING. also wow accurate for Neil too. Killing another innocent child, I see. At least this one’s intentional!
Our fallen tributes are: CaterpillarOS, Ketrill Hyde, Mary Crowley, Rosemary Glazier.
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Bee! Don’t kill the bunny!! But fair lol
Debating on if Neil would keep a victim alive. I think for a little bit, for the psychological torment. He always liked to play with his food. 
That is a VERY tense truce lmao, Stacy hates basically everyone Eddie is associated with, which includes the Crowley Family bc ooo boy, that family is a Certified Mess.
Luce 🤝 Phineas: ripped away from their home at a young age thanks to a random dimension portal. Not the same case here but wow I never noticed that. 
DAY 02
Nothing interesting to note.
Our fallen tributes are: Marzipan Velveteen, Phineas Glazier
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Khole winning is just…perfect. All 3 have to do with experimentation (Khole & Neil are from the same lab/facility/organization, actually!) but Khole was made first, both in a story context and meta context. So. yeah. Older Sibling Rights.
Either Orion or Eddie is winning those ghost stories bc Orion knew Aurelia, and she worshiped the god of fear, while Eddie knows Jonathan, Aurelia’s descendant and uses fear in his villain schemes. Then again, Bee is literally a demon, so….
YAY STACY!!! sorry loyd just…sucks lmao fuck outta here
DAY 03
Nothing interesting to note.
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Our fallen tributes are: Victor West, Neil O’Brian, Loyd Nixon, Reign Blanc, Orion Guerrero, Luciana Potenza, Khole Banner, Vincent Hyde, Thackery Velveteen. Only 9 people left!
Nothing of interest to note for NIGHT 03.
THE FEAST happens, aka The Cornucopia is refilled.
Nothing interesting to note for DAY 04 & NIGHT 04.
Our fallen tributes are: Benjamin Graves, Lucien Jekyll.
Nothing interesting to note for DAY 05 & NIGHT 05.
DAY 06: Eddie dies by accidentally drinking his own poison. Get wrecked, idiot.
NIGHT 06: Prism bashes Alex’s head in. Get his ass!!
Nothing interesting to note for DAY 07, NIGHT 07, & DAY 08.
NIGHT 08: Stacy poisons Prism. Lucy dies from thirst.
Stacy wins!! Wow. Fucking lame as shit I don’t even like her. Wish she stayed wherever the fuck she was before moving to Prism Pulse. Whatever! Realistically speaking she would’ve been killed way back at that random family reunion thing. Yes, by Eddie. he would’ve killed his own daughter. what of it.
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acircusfullofdemons · 5 months
GARNET - Are there gods? -🐺👑
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[ ASK GAME ] || Eternal Labyrinth is FULL of Gods/Deities! Arcadia has the most by default, obviously, but Earth I & Earth IV have a handful, too. Warning, this got...a lot longer than I thought it would 😅
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Earth I
Theia Mortimer — goddess of death
Vitalus Zoticus — god of life
Eloise Jekyll — first angel
Ketrill Hyde — first demon
Josephine "Fifi" Allaway — goddess of time
Emory Warwick — god of space & knowledge
Lucien Jekyll — goddess of order/harmony
Vincent Hyde — god of chaos
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Earth IV
Prism — mother of the 7 Emotional Deities, encompasses all emotions
Ares — deity of anger
Hermes — deity of greed
Phobos — deity of fear (+ Harvest aka Harlow Spade, who becomes the new goddess of fear at...some point)
Hercules — deity of determination
Pandora — deity of hope
Eleos — deity of compassion
Aphrodite — deity of love
There's also the 7's first followers & partners:
Orion Guerrero aka The Butcher
Edwin Kramer aka The Merchant
Aurelia Crowley aka The Witch
Cleo Barsotti aka The Hero
Silas Roux aka The Hopeful
Grace Lovatt aka The Merciful
Amanda Lovatt aka The Lover
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Alcus (al•cuss) — god of the ocean, rivers, water.
Alia (al•e•ah) — goddess of puzzles, riddles. wife of zagreus. mother of elythia.
Bruma — god of winter, cold. sister of rythsti.
Bytris (bye•tris) — god of technology. often confused for or replaced by vyris.
Calypso — would-be god of imagination, theater. associated with music, dance. son of illulia and joylena. brother of reverie.
Cletho (cle•though) — god of darkness, the void. associated with leadership, fatherhood. father of viktoria and deimos.
Deimos — god of destruction. associated with fear, nightmares. son of cletho. brother of viktoria.
Delphi — goddess of intelligence, wisdom.
Direna — goddess of magic. associated with purple, demons, wolves.
Elliott — goddess of space. also referred to as Mother of the Galaxy, Keeper of Constellations.
Elythia (el•ih•thiea) — goddess of the dead / ghosts, ensures spirits travel to their respective afterlife. daughter of zagreus and alia. caretaker of emrits. commonly goes by “theia (mortimer)”.
Fifi — goddess of time. also referred to as Father Time, Josephine Allaway. has an apprentice, toby reynolds, who is often referred to/confused as the actual god of time. he is most well-known in Earth I/Wonderland and Neverland, mainly for never working properly.
Ignius (ig•nus) — god of battle, strategy. associated with fire, summer.
Ilullia (ill•oo•leah) — goddess of slumber, dreams, nightmares. mother of reverie and calypso. wife of joylena.
Joylena — goddess of holidays, celebrations, marriage. associated with trickery, music, bells. wife of illulia. mother of calypso and reverie.
Lullaby — god of lullabies. son of reverie.
Nynx — god of the moon, dusklight (nighttime). serves as solar's right hand, technically king of the gods but has more respect of a prince than anything else. brother of sola.
Reverie — goddess of daydreams, imagination. daughter of ilullia. sister of calypso. mother of lullaby.
Rythsti (ry•th•st•ee) — goddess of nature. also referred to as Mother Nature. associated with motherhood. mother to zagreus. sister to bruma.
Sola — goddess of the sun, dawnrise (daytime). queen of the gods. sister to nynx.
Viktoria — former goddess of space. see: elliott.
Vyris — goddess of reality. associated with fate, prophecy. often confused for or replaces byrtis in some myths.
Zagreus — god of death. son of rythsti. husband of alia. father of elythia.
Zerlo — god of the weather. associated with storms.
There's other mythological figures & deities but this is just about the Gods + this post is long enough lmao
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acircusfullofdemons · 9 months
ok. im gonna go combine all 3 of my main worldbuilding docs now <3
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acircusfullofdemons · 1 month
Eternal Labyrinth's 7 year anniversary is THIS Thursday (the 16th) so now I'm trying to frantically make an intro post for it and summarize all the lore 😭 there's so much ... it's a goddamn mess ...
oh AND it's Rowan's birthday that day so I gotta think of something to do for him also. I love my demon boy and the silly world he lives in <3
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acircusfullofdemons · 11 months
Questions: 1,, 4,, 18,, 19,, 20 for the Para Motivation Ask Meme please !! (ෆ ᴗ͈ ω ᴗ͈ ෆ) I’’d like to request Neil and Ozzie,, but you can do the paras you’’ve most recently been daydreaming about if you’’d like !! ( ◉ ω ◉ )
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[ ASK GAME ] || (I'm pretty sure you meant the para relationship ask game lol) Funnily enough Neil & Ozzie WERE the last paras I daydreamed about!! They were doing kinky sex while I was working and uhm I think Neil might be ace?? We'll get back to that at some point. But I'm also gonna do Alice from @fractured-fables since I drew her earlier & also Emory bc there's now a sign at work that looks SO MUCH LIKE HIM it makes me loose my mind.
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1.) What’s their relationship with their parents like? Is there one parent they’re closer too than the other? If your was raised by a different caretaker, what is their relationship like, and how does your para feel about the absence of their parents in their life?
Neil: Technically doesn't have parents as he was treated as an experiment since the minute he was born. However, his father was a scientist at Arcaynis (the organization that's experimenting on people). He willingly subjected his own son to horrific experiments, but thankfully(??) Neil didn't know this. He doesn't really have any parental figures, and kinda wished he did. Maybe he wouldn't be so fucked up if someone held him a little bit as a kid.
Ozzie: His father was very abusive, but thankfully his momma was always ready to defend him. He is a very big momma's boy and yknow, I think they still talk sometimes. He probably sent her some of the money he stole when he was a villain.
Alice: Does not get along with her parents. Well. Its complicated. She loves them, they love her, but they don't really "get" her, if you catch my drift?? Objectively speaking, they're fine parents, just probably not the best for Alice. HOWEVER, Phineas becomes like her second dad/uncle/older brother figure in Wonderland, and those two understand each other SO WELL. Funnily enough, they actually hated each other when they first met! Both for good reasons but nowadays you'd never know. Also did you know some people ship Alice & Hatter romantically??? They are Wrong. So very wrong thats her dad!!!
Emory: His "backstory" gives him parents, but they're also dead and desperately need to be buried bc they're rotting corpses are stinking up the house. He doesn't really consider them his "parents", anyway. Technically, he doesn't have any, and he's perfectly fine with that. Still, Theia likes to call him her son sometimes which is kinda funny so he allows it and humors her by occasionally referring to her as his mother.
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4.) Who was your para’s childhood best friend? When and how did they meet? Are they still friends?
Neil: Dahlia!! She was the daughter of another scientist at Arcaynis, but not an experiment. Neil loved her, she was quite literally the ONLY good thing in his life. Dahlia wasn't supposed to sneak into wherever Neil was being kept, but she was curious. And stubborn, because she kept coming back almost every day! Eventually, she was encouraged to interact with Neil to observe how he reacted to certain stimuli. Unfortunately, he accidentally killed her while he was escaping Arcaynis. He often wonders what it'd be like if she lived — would she be proud? He almost idolizes and romanticizes her/her existence. It's kinda creepy.
Ozzie: Ozzie was a very shy, soft spoken, and introverted kid. He was bullied a lot for being a teachers pet / being smart. It was rough, but Nora Osborn took pity on him and helped Ozzie gain some confidence during high school! I have not introduced her yet (bc I. keep forgetting to) but Nora is Ozzie's wife! Canonically she had roughly 8 minutes of screen time and died but I haven't fully decided on what I wanna do with her in MaaC yet. But she does exist, and Ozzie loves her dearly.
Alice: Her best friends are Dorothy and Wendy!!! They've been bffs for varying years, but all met during early childhood. I think they all just met on the playground one day, yknow how little kids are lol. And yes, they're still friends today! I call them the "iskeai girls" bc they all get transported to other worlds lol.
Emory: OK so technically Emory never had a "childhood", he's an ageless being that sort of just...exists. but uhm I guess we can say Ketrill?? Ketrill was created by Theia so they spent a lot of time together. They're kinda like brothers.
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18.) How important are your para’s various relationships to them? Do they cherish the people closest to them? Does their support system keep them going? How about strangers? What are their feelings about humanity as a whole? Is it easier for them to live those closest to them vs humanity as a whole?
Neil: EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. He has never had friends/family/ANYTHING before escaping Arcaynis, so he'll cling to anything he can stick his claws in. He learns to balance different relationships (as well as the types of relationships) as time goes on with the help of those around him, but by GOD was he, uh, a bit of an obsessive stalker towards practically anyone he met the first few years of living in society. As for humanity? It sucks. Shut that shit down.
Ozzie: Oohh, he's a sappy mother motherfucker that loves his friends and probably believed in the power of friendship when he was younger (he still kinda does sshhh). He has mixed views on humanity but like, he's human too so he doesn't want it totally gone.
Alice: Depends on the person tbh. Earth? Forget them tbh. Wonderland? THAT'S HER FAMILY!!! Yes all of Wonderland is her family now lol that's her HOME. She loves it there and genuinely considers it her home, she'd live there always if given the option. She thinks humanity on earth sucks but Wonderlandians got smth going on trust her on that.
Emory: So looking at it now I think Emory is only close to like, 5 people total. That's it. I don't know if he'd consider them a "friend group" or a "support system" but he does care for them, which is saying something, as he doesn't really get close to people. I don't think he really has an opinion on humanity. Like it exists. That's it. He doesn't really...care??
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19.) How does your para realize they care about someone? Is it instantaneous, or a slow realization? Are they dense, or maybe realize once it’s too late that there was something there?
Neil: He's...a little dense. To everyone else, it's so fucking obviously because he's trailing after the person like a lost puppy and is borderline obsessed with them. But he probably won't realize how much they mean until someone either points it out or he looses that person.
Ozzie: It creeps up on him. He knows he cares about someone, its the level/extent of it that surprises him! Like he thought Neil was just a good ally/coworker until something innocuous happened, like maybe he saw the other sleeping and then BAM! Head over heels in love. Incredible, really.
Alice: I feel like Alice is similar to Ozzie, she knows she cares about those around her, I guess sometimes she just forgets HOW much she cares. Or sometimes its hard to care, with all the shit they've been through/have going on. She tries her best to make sure those she loves feel appreciated, though.
Emory: Imma be honest...he doesn't get "close" to people. He's an Interdimensional Demonic Cat, The Librarian. He records everything, narrates all of it. So getting close to those he is observing...he doesn't like it. He was close to Delilah, and she died. He was a little too involved with False Moon, and they're pretty traumatized. By FF/LIW he's kinda keeping his distance. Anyway! He knows pretty quickly when he genuinely cares about someone and not solely because he wants the "story" to continue. And he will deny it until the end of time, because God forbid a kitty experience love!!
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20.) How does your para expresses their feelings of care/love to others? What’s their love language (giving and receiving!)
Neil: Gift giving!! He gives very weird gifts, though. Honestly he's kinda like a cat bringing its owner dead animals?? Like uh thanks buddy but what am I supposed to do with this exactly. He very much likes receiving physical contact. Hold him. Please.
Ozzie: Quality time!! He likes taking people out to museums and aquariums, those type of places, and seeing what they point out. He also likes receiving quality time. Literally all you gotta do is exist in the same room as him he is so easy to please.
Alice: Acts of service!! She'll get your groceries! She'll paint your roses! She'll die for you! Literally!! She likes receiving words of affirmation. Tell her she's doing good. Please. Don't actually she'll break down and sob.
Emory: Physical contact. I feel like that's a typical/standard cat answer. Yes he does express love like an actual cat would. He likes receiving quality time. Just spend some time in his library, he'll appreciate it a lot.
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acircusfullofdemons · 5 months
BLOOD - What do the people do with the dead? What are their funerals like? -🐺👑
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[ ASK GAME ] || On Earth I, the dead gets eaten. Most of the population is either animals or sentient toys, so it's not like. Weird. It's very much viewed as the "circle of life". I haven't really thought about funerals specifically, unfortunately, so I'd can't really say much else on that.
On Arcadia, things are a little different. Every funeral begins at Dusk, held in a large clearing (typically behind the funeral home). During the funeral, friends & loved ones will give a few words — quite like your typical funeral irl. The funeral draws to a close when the first moon — Xtuna — rises/appears in the sky.
After the funeral, a close loved one (typically of the deceased’s choosing) will receive a flower crown adorned with black roses, and any other flora that was picked out beforehand. A prayer to Zagreus & Elythia — aka the death gods — will also be made to ensure the deceased makes it safely to the Afterlife. Once the funeral is fully over, whoever was given the flower crown will take it home with them and place it on an alter made for the deceased, like an ofrenda. The crown will sit there until the flowers start to wilt, wherein it will then be placed on the grave.
Because Spirits are a well-known & documented thing, funerals aren't exactly given the seriousness we give them. It is known that your loved one is in the Afterlife as a Ghost or Poltergeist. Though, of course, that doesn't mean their loss of life doesn't hurt. Or that you'll even see their Spirit anytime soon.
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acircusfullofdemons · 5 months
CRIMSON - What is the government? -🐺👑
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[ ASK GAME ] || Both Earth II & Earth IV have the same government, that being our own. Albeit, in Earth IV there have been some adjustments to account for superheroes, namely in Prism Pulse. The rest are mostly kingdom/monarchy based.
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Earth I
Earth I is divided into 4 kingdoms. Technically 6, but two of those are just Life & Death's domains. So idk if they truly "count". But the others are:
Hearts: springtime, mostly animals.
Diamonds: winter, mostly chess pieces/toys, focus is health.
Clubs: summer, mostly animals, focus is parties/festivals.
Spades: autumn, mostly toys, focus is military.
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Earth III
Earth III uses to operate on the same government as Earth II, but that fell apart after The Rapture. In our governments place, an organization called "Metamorphosis" formed to help rebuild humanity. It's broken up into 3 divisions:
Hearts: the head of Metamorphosis & makes all official decisions for the organization.
Clubs: medicine & science division.
Spades: the military.
Diamonds: the merchants/money managers, basically in charge of the economy.
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Once again broken up into 4 kingdoms. Each kingdom has a "main" species, basically what's the majority of the population.
Atlantis: sea creatures.
Niyus: aliens.
Verona: puria.
Sollita: onerioi.
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Heaven: council as a government.
Netherworld: technically ruled by the Overseers aka the embodiment of the 7 deadly sins (but not the actual 7 deadly sins).
StoryBrooke: ruled by the Grimm Brothers, Alex & Blake. Also part of a kingdom but I still don't know whose, the brothers act like presidents or mayors idk what the order of hierarchy would be.
I think I got everything but...probably not lmao. There are a lot of little nuances n shit that would probably count but whatever. These are the major ones I guess.
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acircusfullofdemons · 5 months
PEPPER - What inspired this world? -🐺👑
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[ ASK GAME ] || Considering how long I've had EL...a LOT. I created it in middle school, so really all I wanted back then was a world where "anything can happen". This vagueness would then plague me for the rest of my life. But given that I had established/decided that basically all species existed, it very quickly evolved into a world that was canonically a video game/part of a video game. That specific part is now called Phantasmagoria!
During that time, I was also pretty into M@rv3l/M//C//U, and Assembled Monsters was also created. That's technically the start of Mad as a Crow, but since AM was an on/off thing for years I don't really count that. The "true" start of MaaC was when I first fixated on D//C C0m1cs. I had an AU that got very out of hand so I just. turned it into it's own thing lmao. And of course, as I got more into D//C, the more I added to MaaC. But I was into the M//C//U for a good chunk of my life, so I've been sprinkling some things from that into it, like adding AM! It's honestly just my general "superhero universe", which for some reason is always a secondary paracosm.
With Fractured Fables, it's all based on classic literature and fairytales. No real greater story to it like the others. J3kyll & Hyd3 is one of my favorite books, so that was the first part. Then I fixated on A1W, which revived the paracosm and had me expand it a bit more.
As for combining all 3 together to form Eternal Labyrinth...it's just a matter of sharing the same worldbuilding? Call me lazy if you want but I swear the way magic works & how different species presented themselves was completely unintentional like I promise they were supposed to be different. But they're not so now they all take place in the same multiverse/universe <3
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acircusfullofdemons · 5 months
JAM - Share your favourite piece of worldbuilding information! -🐺👑
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[ ASK GAME ] || This is a hard one, simply because there's just...so much!! But I think I'll go with the fact that Phantasmagoria, Mad as a Crow, and Fractured Fables all exist within each other. What I mean by that is:
Phantasmagoria exists as a video game (Polybius) within MaaC & FF.
MaaC exists as a comic franchise (Mad Crow Comics) in Phanta & FF.
FF exists as a TV show (Toybox Tutors) in Phanta & MaaC.
It doesn't come up very often, but it makes hypothetical crossovers fun and tbh it's very funny to imagine the differences between Media!Paracosm & the actual paracosm, yknow? It also just makes the whole "connected multi/universe" thing feel that much stronger.
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acircusfullofdemons · 9 months
Oh dear god what is WRONG with you? 😱 But also 👀 very curious to know about the limits of Google Docs! Also also, is it just copy and pasting or full on reorganizing three whole docs into one monster doc? Frankendoc. -👁️‍🗨️
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I wish I knew bestie!! Google Docs/Drive really should sponsor me at this point with how much shit I put it through tbh.
And it's a mix of both, actually! Info from the other two docs (MaaC - 38 pages, FF - 43 pages) will be copy + pasted into Phantasmagoria's doc, as that's the biggest one (114 pages before merging). But I'll also be doing some rearranging/reformatting due the added info/so it's all formatted the same, using the same fonts, etc. So it's sort of like shoving a bunch of organs into one body and hoping it can still function...I guess yeah the latter is more accurate, one giant frankendoc <3
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