#constantinos brakus
wademartinsh0grider · 10 months
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sleepy guys
Ivan Fell asleep on const, its been hours and const needs a piss but theres no way in hell he’d wake ivan up, so he just gotta tough it out :(
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mintys-corner · 1 year
Headcanons for how the cheerleaders and jocks would react if a cheerleader came out as a lesbian
Given how gossipy students at Bullworth are, I wouldn’t be surprised that if a cheerleader looked or acted remotely GNC, (e.g. having very short hair, requesting to be able to wear a ‘male cheerleading uniform’ that has trousers, behaving in a way that is deemed masculine etc), they’d already be rumours spreading about her being a lesbian. Presumably spread by Christy.
Christy might be slightly chuffed that one of her rumours actually came true. Once you’ve come out to her, practically all of the school will know that you’re gay by second period. She’d likely use this as a source of rumour-mongering as well, like saying that you have crush on literally any girl from Bullworth just because you talked to them once. This might deter some girls from associating with you for a while, as to not be branded as a lesbian as well, but this’ll die down eventually when the Bullworth student body has found something new to gossip about.
Angie ,out of all the cheerleaders, would likely be the most accepting. She’s usually kind and conflict-adverse, so I can’t really envision her having any problems with you being gay. 
Pinky's would probably be rather accepting too since she's close friends with Gord. She might even be slightly intrigued in how poor people have the freedom to live ‘an alternative lifestyle’ ,and how poor people are able to live more ‘real’ and ‘authentic’ lives.
Mandy typically dislikes people who go against social norms, and given that being openly gay would probably dub you a social reject by some, she’ll be homophobic and belittling towards you. Despite this, I get the feeling she wouldn't immediately kick you off the squad because, despite her homophobia, she’ll feel somewhat relieved that she’s not ‘competing’ against you for male attention and she can trust that Ted won’t cheat on her with you, as opposed to if you were straight. Expect threats of being kicked off though.
You would definitely need to be feminine for Mandy admit you into the cheerleading squad. I can’t picture Mandy allowing a GNC/butch chick to be a cheerleader in the first place ,even if she was competent, given how Mandy treats being pretty and popular as a prerequisite for joining, but for the sake of argument if Mandy did allow a GNC chick to become a cheerleader, she’d treat her like the Constantinos of the cheerleading squad. She’d refuse to acknowledge the effort you’re putting into your routines, try to exclude you from the jocks’ parties and generally be malicious.
Once Mandy knows you're gay, she'd automatically assume you're into her ,and the girls (*cough*Mandy*cough*) would force you to change in the corner of the locker room so you 'can't look at them'
Speaking of locker rooms, you would probably be the subject of crass locker room talk amongst the jocks ,particularly Casey, Juri, and Ted. Likely jokes about scissoring, you being able to eye the other girls in the locker room and ,if you’re femme, about how the idea of you kissing other girls is hot. Outside of private banter, I’d imagine that they'd probably needle/hassle you about it, akin to how Gary bullies Petey in the starting cutscene of Defend Bucky, though I doubt that their hassling would be as harsh or physical as what they do to male students, especially so if you’re still a cheerleader.
Bo and Luis would be apathetic. The only jocks I can see as being accepting would be Dan and Kirby. Dan seems to be the least homophobic of the straight Jocks since I headcanon he used to be close with Cornelius before he became a jock and that he’s the only jock to know and accept Kirby’s bisexuality. That being said, he and Kirby might join in on their clique-mates homophobia to fit in and keep up appearances. 
Kirby might like the idea of confiding in you about being closeted, but still be too scared about telling anyone other than Dan. Seeing Mandy constantly threaten you off the squad and the homophobia you face as further evidence of this his fears of what would happen if he were to come out.
Constantinos is miserable regardless
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jimothy-hopkins · 1 year
what do the prefects think of the snitches aka the little kids + constantinos?
Honestly, they’re tolerated for the most part.
However Seth does get annoyed since they are constantly flapping their gums.
Ed isn’t bothered by them too much. They make his job easier. He’s also just sort of their babysitter.
Max and Constantinos are buddies. They’re always talking to each other. He’s where Max gets all the gossip from besides Christy.
Karl just hates kids. It takes him so much willpower to not just randomly push them down.
The prefects enjoy the snitches because they make their jobs easier. They know who to bust and where they are so they don’t have to scout out trouble.
And we all know all of these boys have issues with temperament and control.
Seth likes the power because the snitches are like minions to him.
Max feels like he’s big and scary and not someone’s lapdog.
Edward finally feels like he has control over something in his life.
Kark is annoyed, but is happy to be considered the scary big guy for once.
They save them the migraines and give them gratification.
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kittenlover132 · 2 years
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Greaser Constantinos Smoking
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bully/canis canem edit incorrect quotes #1
constantinos: i wish i was a dinosaur.
ivan: why? cause they're big and scary?
constantinos: because they're dead.
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redhairedgryffindor · 2 months
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That's a crafty way to help them share their feelings.
Take the compliment
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Admit it's a deception
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violetnerves · 2 months
Part 2 sort of thing for my Bully/Canis Canem Edit x Battle Royale crossover: Assigned Weapons/Objects.
In the novel, Battle Royale, each student is assigned a duffel bag with a weapon/object in it along with a map, compass, a watch to track time, bottled water, and food. Most of the weapons are what you'd expect, like guns and knives, (Though guns aren't as common as bladed weapons.) but occasionally a student might get unlucky and end up with a joke item that might be utterly useless or have really only one use. Then there are the helpful items that aren't weapons, like a student who is given a tracking device that's wired to the explosive collars worn by everyone in the program and another who is given a bulletproof vest.
With that blurb out of the way, here's some of the weapons/objects that I'd think the students of Bullworth Academy (plus the Townies) would end up with.
Gonna just put a content warning for the mention of Guns, Murder, and Attempted suicide, so be aware of all that before reading any further. If I missed any other content warnings, let me know, and I'll update the post.
The Main Trio:
Jimmy Hopkins - A Toy Slingshot. (I'd thought it be funny and it's at least a little useful.)
Gary Smith - A Tracking device that pinpoints the locations of the collars the others wear.
Pete Kowalski - A Pink stuffed rabbit plushie. (Gary got a laugh out of that one.)
Prefects (They're technically students too, so):
Seth Kolbe - An Inflatable Toy Baton.
Karl Branting - A Police Baton.
Edward Seymour II - A Beretta U22 Neos pistol. (I figure Edward might be a former Preppie, and thus, he comes from one of the rich families of Bullworth. So, just like some of the other Preppies, he got a gun as well.)
Max McTavish - A Megaphone.
Non-Clique students:
Angie Ng - A Tazer.
Christy Martin - A MAC-11 Machine pistol chambered for 9x19mm Parabellum. (She was given Justin's bag by mistake.)
Constantinos Brakus - An 8ft length of Rope. (Contantinos considered using it on himself before spotting Algie trying to hurt Gloria. Instead, he ends up stealing Algie's weapon after saving Gloria.)
Eunice Pound - A Cleaver.
Gloria Jackson - A multi-tool.
Gordon Wakefield - A college text book.
Ivan Alexander - An antique camera with film.
Karen Johnson - A metal baseball bat.
Lance Jackson - A bag of nails.
Melody Adams - A butcher's knife.
Pedro De La Hoya - A fork.
Ray Hughes - A spoon.
Sheldon Thompson - A whistle.
Trevor Moore - A pair of safety scissors.
The Bullies:
Russell Northrop - None. (He dies before the program starts due to his attempt to remove the explosive collar around his neck by force.)
Davis White - A Pistol Crossbow.
Ethan Robinson - Throwing stars.
Tom Gurney - A bottle of Potassium Cyanide. (Tom gives the bottle to Trent when they finally meet up so he isn't tempted to injest it's contents.)
Trent Northwick - A Hunting knife.
Troy Miller - A standard Kitchen knife. (Taken by Wade.)
Wade Martin - A bullet-proof vest. (He tossed it away out of anger since he got mad it wasn't an actual weapon. Gary finds and picks it up, secretly wearing it under his button-up shirt and vest. Wade ends up taking Troy's kitchen knife since Russell's death caused Troy to go into shock, so he wasn't in the state of mind to use it anyway.)
Darby Harrington - A scoped Browning BLR Rifle chambered for .243 Winchester cartridges. (Some of the Preppie's parents provided bribe money to get their kids better weapons than the rest of the students. Mr. Harrington was exceptionally generous. Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean the Preps would know how to use them weapons they were given...)
Bif Taylor - A Franchi SPAS-12 shotgun.
Tad Spencer - A stainless steel gardening fork. (It's resemblance to the pitchfork his father once stabbed him with, along with the implication that his father didn't care enough about him to bribe the government to get his own son a better weapon that would guarantee his survival, and combined with the stress of his situation causes Tad's mental state to deteriorate during the events of The Program.)
Pinky Gauthier - None. (Pinkie threw the duffel bag she was given away since she refused to participate in the Program.)
Gord Vendome - A semi-automatic AMT Backup chambered for .380 ACP cartridges.
Chad Morris - A Series ALFA Steel Revolver chambered for .22 LR. (Chad trades his revolver for Bryce's ice pick, claiming that he's not a very good shot, though it might've been done out of pity for Bryce's situation.)
Bryce Montrose - An ice pick. (Bryce's parents couldn't afford the bribe money to get him a better weapon. He ends up trading the pick for Chad's revolver, albiet reluctantly.)
Justin Vandervelde - A box of matches. (He was given Christy's bag by mistake. Ironically, he's one of the few Preppies who actually know how to fire a gun due to past experience, along with Parker.)
Parker Ogilvie - A .44 Auto Mag Pistol.
Johnny Vincent - A Bowie machete.
Lola Lombardi - An OTF (Out-The-Front) Switchblade.
Larry "Peanut" Romano - A Push dagger.
Hal Esposito - An antique Soufflé dish.
Lefty Mancini - A Side-folding Switchblade.
Lucky De Luca - A Boot knife.
Norton Williams - 4 lb Hand Sledgehammer.
Ricky Pucino - A Gerber Mark II Survival knife.
Vance Medici - A Straight Razor.
Earnest Jones - A Nail gun.
Algie Papadopoulos - A BC-41 Knuckle knife. (It gets stolen by Constantinos.)
Beatrice Trudeau - A scalpel.
Bucky Pasteur - A plastic toy dinosaur.
Cornelius Johnson - A walking cane.
Donald Anderson - A notebook.
Francois "Fatty" Johnson - A pair of brass knuckledusters.
Melvin O'Connor - A wooden club.
Thad Carlson - A yardstick.
Ted Thompson - A Football helmet.
Damon West - A Butter knife. (He tosses it away.)
Mandy Wiles - A small canister of Pepper spray.
Bo Jackson - A wooden baseball bat.
Casey Harris - A Maglite flashlight.
Dan Wilson - A bright red plastic toy baseball bat.
Juri Karamazov - A sickle.
Kirby Olsen - A Whip. (Needless to say, when Kirby pulled it out of his duffel, he was mortified.)
Luis Luna - A Fire axe.
Bob - A metal garbage can lid.
Townies (The gov just wanted them to get rid of them for being high school dropouts and figured putting them in the Program with the students of Bullworth would be killing two birds with one stone.):
Edgar Munsen - A 9mm Beretta M9 handgun. (He smuggled it in. How? Who knows?)
Zoe Taylor - Bear repellent spray.
Omar Romero - A Crowbar.
Clint "Henry" - A Handheld Mini electric Chainsaw.
Duncan - A pocket calculator.
Gurney - A bottle of lighter fluid.
Jerry - A lighter.
Leon - A wood saw.
Otto Tyler - An empty glass bottle.
Some of these I got stumped on and I may have put too many joke weapons, but eh.
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warrenwoodhouse · 9 months
Cliques - Bully Guide (Game Guides) (Guides)
List of all of the cliques in Bully and in Bully: Scholarship Edition.
Main Game
Algernon “Algie” Papadopoulos
Bucky Pasteur
Earnest Jones
Melvin O’Connor
Donald Anderson
Cornelius Johnson
Fatty Johnson
Thad Carlson
Beatrice Trudeau
The Library
The Observatory
Chad Morris
Gord Vendome
Parker Ogilvie
Tad Spencer
Derby Harrington
Bif Taylor
Bryce Montrose
Justin Vandervelde
Pinky Gauthier
Harrington House
Old Bullworth Vale
Glass Jaw Gym
Johnny Vincent
Ricky Pucino
Hal Esposito
Lefty Mancini
Norton Williams
Peanut Romano
Vance Medici
Lola Lombardi
Auto Shop
Kirby Olsen
Casey Harris
Bo Jackson
Damon West
Dan Wilson
Juri Karamazov
Luis Luna
Ted Thompson
Mandy Wiles
Football Field
Swimming Pool
Gary Smith
Peter “Petey” Kowalski
James “Jimmy” Hopkins
Constantinos Brakus
Ivan Alexander
Gordon Wakefield
Lance Jackson
Pedro De La Hoya
Ray Hughes
Sheldon Thompson
Trevor Moore
Angie Ng
Eunice Pound
Christy Martin
Gloria Jackson
Karen Johnson
Melody Adams
Zoe Taylor
Bullworth Academy
Russell Northrop
Trent Northwick
Davis White
Ethan Robinson
Tom Gurney
Troy Miller
Wade Martin
Bullworth Academy
Carpark - Bullworth Academy
Edgar Munsen
Clint (aka: Henry)
Omar Romero
Otto Tyler
Zoe Taylor (before re-attending Bullworth Academy)
Mr. Doolin
Miss Abby
Old Bullworth Vale
Officer Williams
Old Bullworth Vale
Bullworth Town
Prefect 1
Prefect 2
Prefect 3
Bullworth Academy
Carnival Folk
The Siamese Twins
The Last Mermaid
Billie Crane’s Traveling Carnival
Dr. Crabblesnitch (Principal)
Mr. Burton (Gym Teacher)
Mr. Lionel Galloway (English Teacher)
Mr. Hattrick (Math Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Mr. Luntz (Janitor, Shop Attendant)
Mr. Matthews (Geography Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Neil (Shop Teacher)
Dr. Slawter (Biology Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Dr. Watts (Chemistry Teacher)
Mr. Wiggins (History Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Miss. Danvers (Secretary)
Mrs. Carvin (Librarian)
Edna (Cook)
Mrs. Danica McRae (Nurse)
Mrs. Peabody (Girls’ Dorm Hall Monitor)
Miss. Peters (Music Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Ms. Deidre Philips (Art Teacher, Photography Teacher)
Bullworth Academy
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the-localwildlife · 2 years
Bitches think they'd be Jimmy Hopkins or Gary Smith if they were in Bully, but really they'd be Constantinos Brakus
It's me. I'm bitches.
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natsu12291 · 3 years
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bully doodle last night
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bullworths-genius · 3 years
Yknow when Constantinos asks Jimmy if he's ok when he greets him, I feel obliged to take him out somewhere, I wish I could hang out with him or something, take him out to the cinema or go on a bike ride, even sit and watch Tv, I wanna do SOMETHING with him for caring enough to ask Jimmy if hes doing ok. Sadly the game doesnt allow it
Angrily shakes rockstar
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mintys-corner · 1 year
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did this again but with the jocks + constantinos
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jimothy-hopkins · 1 year
What Godly Parent/CHB Cabin I Think Bully Characters Would Be In.
Zoe Taylor.
Bif Taylor.
Gary Smith.
Pete Kowalski.
Russel Northrop.
Seth Kolbe.
Jimmy Hopkins.
Thad Carlson.
Dan Wilson.
Wade Martin.
Christy Martin.
Beatrice Trudeau.
Donald Anderson.
Parker Ogilvie.
Max MacTavish.
Peanut Romano.
Justin Vandervelde.
Mandy Wiles.
Derby Harrington.
Pinky Gauthier.
Gord Vendome.
Edward Seymour II.
Lola Lombardi.
Kirby Olsen.
Trent Northwick.
Cornelius Johnson.
Norton Williams.
Bryce Montrose.
Eunice Pound.
Vance Medici.
Bucky Pasteur.
Tom Gurney.
Troy Miller.
Angie Ng.
Bryce Montrose.
Juri Karamazov.
Casey Harris.
Hal Esposito.
Karl Branting.
Johnny Vincent.
Lucky De Luca.
Ricky Pucino.
Lefty Mancini.
Melvin O’Connor.
Earnest Jones.
Ethan Robinson.
Algernon Papadopoulos.
Luis Luna.
Fatty Johnson.
Ivan Alexander.
Damon West.
Constantinos Brakus.
Davis White.
Chad Morris.
Ted Thompson.
Bo Jackson.
Tad Spencer.
Staff bonus
Ms Philips
Mr. D
Mr. Galloway
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kittenlover132 · 2 years
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Constantinos steal Fatty's chocolate
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redhairedgryffindor · 1 month
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You'd better keep your mouth shut, though. If my cake habit gets out, it could destroy me.
Let your cake flag fly
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How embarrassing
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