#construction tech institute in philadelphia
pttedu · 5 months
William Bowie, a prominent figure in the construction industry addresses graduates of PTTI
At our Graduation ceremony, William Bowie, a prominent figure in the industry, delivers an inspiring address to the Philadelphia Technician Training Institute (PTTI) graduates. With decades of experience and a passion for innovation, Bowie shares invaluable insights and advice for the next generation of construction professionals. Join us as we celebrate the achievements of PTTI graduates and glean wisdom from one of the industry's finest.
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pttiedu · 1 year
How Does Construction Training Benefit High Schoolers?
Construction training plays an essential role in the economic growth of high schoolers. Dive in to learn the importance of construction training programs.
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citymaus · 4 years
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protestors rallying in philadelphia, 06.06.2020. flickr/joepiette
“First, we must consider the legacy of “placemaking” — and what the word “place” truly means for Black Americans.
Place as routes designed to confine the movement of Black people being treated as cargo and goods, not as human beings
Place as watchtowers to track and police the movement of enslaved people
Place as town square for spectatorship of Black trauma and lynching
Place as slave quarters for forced laborers that are not seen as worthy of decent living conditions
Place as an agent of bondage
Place as home to three-fifths of a human
Place as the severing of kinship ties
Everywhere we look, urbanist practices and our built environment itself continue to be place-based manifestations of racist ideology and the institutions of slavery.
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a home owners’ loan corporation map of chicago. “redlined” areas were “undesirable” because “colored” people lived there. redlining increased segregation and decreased housing equity for black people. read more: chicagomag, 22.08.17. and see: mapping inequality.
“While many call for the arrest of the officers that murdered Breonna Taylor, I am calling for the arrest of every system, structure, and policy that engendered her death—starting with urbanism.
Here are just some of the ways that the fields of urban planning, transportation planning, architecture, and civil engineering can meet this moment and answer the call for collective design-centric reparations in the built environment. 
Cargo/Freight Prohibition and Revenue Tax. Prohibition of transit storage/maintenance facilities and cargo/freight movement through communities with high concentrations of Black residents, coupled with the redistribution of a percentage of all revenues deriving from freight/rail, rideshare and gas stations to Black American descendants of slavery
Wayfinding Recall and Mobility Fine Reversal. Removal of hostile wayfinding, directional signage and pavement markings that impose Eurocentric superiority through forced movement patterns and travel behaviors in the built environment; coupled with the cancellation of all mobility and transportation-related fees/fines imposed on Black people
Deep Planning and No/Low-Cost Freedom of Movement. Comprehensive, long-range network and public works planning that honors freedom of movement and mode choice through design elements, coupled with free and subsidized transportation, regardless of mode
Divest from Policing and Invest in Service Provisions. Divest from enforcement and policing as a programmatic component of urban planning, coupled with direct investments in Black service providers that meet the behavioral health and resource navigation needs of Black communities
Public Works Prioritization and Universal Basic Income. Moratorium on quick-build transportation and land-use elements in communities that need roadway reconstruction, signal enhancements, accessible pedestrian infrastructure, drainage and floodplain planning/development, and the removal of toxic industry and public works infrastructure. Because extensive reconstruction and repairs are so disruptive and have such long construction timelines, this intervention must be coupled with a universal basic income in neighborhoods undergoing extensive repair and upgrades to prevent displacement of existing residents
Community Planning and Workforce Reclassification. Implementation of a community planning model that reclassifies civil service planning roles by removing academic and background requirements that privilege technical training over lived experience; coupled with a direct low-barrier pathway to civil service for planners/engineers from or living directly in the proposed project areas
Transit Enhancements and Neighborhood Network Connectivity. Enhanced transit amenities, heated/cooling shelter at stops, benches, and boarding docks in communities with high concentrations of Black residents, coupled with prioritizing comprehensive investments in neighborhood transit networks over commuter and Bus Rapid Transit routes that move non-Black commuters through Black communities at the expense of community connectivity and neighborhood network planning
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oakland community land trust 
Land Trusts, Cooperatives, and Civil Fee Waivers. Fund and subsidize land trusts and cooperatives granting Black communities autonomy in project development; coupled with no-cost access to permits and technical services throughout every phase of project development (including maintenance) in perpetuity
Land Use Reparations Boards and Redevelopment Revenue Distribution. Implementation of local and state-level land-use reparations boards to oversee funding proposals, exclusionary zoning, renewal, and revitalization practices and to establish guidelines for restorative land use measures for all zoning, capital and redevelopment projects; coupled with the allocation of a percentage of all redevelopment revenues to Black residents in the project area
Restorative Zoning and Right-of-Return. Ban speculation and rapid re-development in Black communities. Rezone all predominantly white and high income neighborhoods to allow multi-family unit development, coupled with right-of-return programs, lien dismissals, and payouts as a direct act of atonement for the legacy and impacts of unjust sharecropper arrangements, restrictive covenants, redlining, predatory lending, and rapid redevelopment
Impose Moratorium on Prison Development and Enact Fair Chance Housing. Impose a moratorium on the construction of new prisons and divert funds to housing stabilization, public health, education, and direct services for Black people, coupled with policies that prohibit the consideration of criminal records during housing eligibility determination processes
Homeowner Subsidies and Real Estate Revenue Redistribution. Subsidize downpayment and revitalization costs for Black homeowners/buyers; coupled with easement/eminent domain protections and redirecting a percentage of revenues from real estate transactions to Black communities
Surveillance Prohibition and Tech Tax. Prohibition on the use of technology affixed to infrastructure for the purposes of tracking, surveillance, and enforcement in Black communities; coupled with a redistribution of tech and data industry, rideshare, and micro-mobility revenues to Black-owned businesses and service providers
Anti-Displacement and Racial Composition as Factors in Environmental Protections. Incorporate anti-displacement and prevention of cultural erasure as environmental protections within regulatory environmental review processes (like the National Environmental Policy Act); coupled with the removal of categorical exemptions from environmental review processes where the project footprint is in an area with high concentrations of Black residents. Limit the number of times (and the duration of time) an environmental review process can be used to authorize development in a project area
I suggest the above structural solutions for one reason: because I am not willing to wait for a personal transformation to happen in the hearts and minds of every American, and I can’t commit my life to convincing people that I am worthy of decency and retribution. 
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a mural dedicated to breonna taylor. flickr/mtumesoul
“Reparations and structural change are necessary, non-negotiable next steps for every industry. Breonna Taylor should be alive and her neighborhood should not have to grapple with literal displacement while mourning her death. While our elected officials convene research boards and advisory councils, cities, agencies, and organizations can act — and begin a process of true atonement today.”
read more by dr. destiny thomas: streetsblog, 27.07.2020.
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xtruss · 3 years
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The Pompidou turned inside out’ ... interior view of the James R Thompson Center, Chicago. Photograph: Michael
‘The Flash Gordon of Architecture’: Helmut Jahn’s Bombastic Marvels – In Pictures
He took the power-dressing pomp of the 1980s and directed it at banks, airports and corporate HQs. Here are some of the greatest buildings of the German-American architect, who has died aged 81
— May 11, 2021 | Guardian USA
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One Liberty Place, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! Helmut Jahn was one of the most flamboyant architects of the postwar era. The German-American developed a bold, bombastic form, designing company headquarters, banks, airports and government buildings across the world that caught the power-dressing pomp of the 1980s. This skyscraper, completed in 1987, burst through Philly’s height limit. (Left)
Interior atrium of Sony Center in Potsdamer Platz in Berlin, Germany! His 1988 Sony Center was conceived as an open public forum beneath a billowing fabric umbrella. When the chairman of Sony viewed the model, he said: ‘Where are the doors?’ Jahn said: ‘There are no doors.’ And the boss said: ‘But then everybody can come in.’ Jahn replied: ‘You got it!’ (Right)
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Cosmopolitan residential tower, Warsaw, Poland! ‘I don’t think there’s anything wrong in using a building to connote achievement and a certain commercial power,’ Jahn once said. ‘Great statesmen, great emperors, great dictators always build great buildings.’
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Messeturm, Fair Tower, Frankfurt am Main! After obtaining his undergraduate architecture degree at in Munich, Jahn moved to Chicago to study under modernist maestro Ludwig Mies van der Rohe at the Illinois Institute of Technology. He left without graduating, after refusing to follow the tutors’ briefs. (Left)
United Airlines Terminal, Chicago O’Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois! In 1988, Jahn transformed the dull airport arrival experience with a kaleidoscopic tunnel, in collaboration with Canadian neon artist Michael Hayden. (Right)
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Suvarnabhumi international airport in Bangkok, Thailand! Jahn’s style has been described as a kind of romantic hi-tech, his buildings often celebrating their inner workings. As he put it: ‘We do not construct decoration, we decorate construction.’ (Left)
Cityspire, Manhattan, New York! Jahn’s popularity waned as his buildings became tied to the excess of previous eras. He would complain of clients being too risk-averse. (Right)
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425 Lexington Avenue, New York City! Fond of Versace suits and fedora hats, Jahn drove Porsche Carreras, owned several racing yachts, and always drew with a Montblanc fountain pen. Nicknamed Flash Gordon, he appeared on the cover of GQ magazine in 1985. (Left)
Park Avenue tower, Midtown Manhattan, New York! Criticising the attitude of big tech companies, one of his chief complaints was their loss of a sense of style. ‘They are no longer concerned with their image,’ he said. ‘In the past these people would wear stylish suits and now they run around in T-shirts.’
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HIGH BEAMS January 4 - January 26, 2020 Opening Reception: Saturday, January 4, 2020 from 7-10 pm
Tiger Strikes Asteroid Los Angeles is pleased to announce an exhibition titled HIGH BEAMS featuring work by Chris Burnside, Christopher Dunlap, Kate Harding, Sarah Heinemann, Gyun Hur, Gabriel Hurier, Andy Kolar, Ryan Scails, and Karen Tepaz curated by Lacey Fekishazy, the founder/director of SARDINE in Brooklyn, New York. There will be a reception for the artists Saturday, January 4, 2020 from 7-10 pm and the show will be on view through Sunday, January 26, 2020.
The title HIGH BEAMS is a literal reference to the setting of an automobile's headlights, which brighten a longer distance in front of the car. This setting is particularly useful on dark roads to avoid accidents and improving vision and therefore driver response. While these beams clarify the more distant road on clear nights at higher speeds, they can also blind other drivers or reduce the vision and speed of the driver in fog, rain, or snow. Curator Lacey Fekishazy chose the artists in this group exhibition for their intuitive insight, long haul dedication to process, and their ability to brighten of the future in a darkening world. While the work is an illumination, it can also accent the invisible just before us.
HIGH BEAMS is part of #ArtistRun2020, a year-long exploration of artist-run spaces from all around the country organized by Tiger Strikes Asteroid and Trestle Gallery. SARDINE is one of 11 artist-run projects asked to curate an exhibition at our various locations with the intention of building relationships and expanding our collective networks. Founded in 2011 by Lacey Fekishazy, SARDINE is a contemporary art gallery in Brooklyn, New York presenting solo exhibitions, small group shows and occasional limited editions by featured artists. SARDINE's modest size is a key asset in the construction of a contemplative, intimate space which has been used to showcase carefully curated collections of work as well as immersive, site-specific installations. What started as a small enterprise has grown into more than 8 years of operation and approximately 69 events and exhibitions. SARDINE has been featured in ArtNews, Artsy, Maake Magazine, The New York Times, Time Out New York, The New Yorker and Hyperallergic. 
Chris Burnside was born in Seattle, Washington. He received his BFA from the University of Washington and his MFA from the University of Pennsylvania. He has had solo exhibitions at the Gross McCleaf Gallery (Philadelphia, PA) Washington Art Association (Washington, CT) Nexus Foundation (Philadelphia, PA) and the Alpan Gallery (Huntington, NY). His work has been exhibited in various group shows including the National Academy Museum (New York, NY), SOIL Gallery (Seattle, WA), Kresge Gallery at Ramapo College (Mahwah, NJ), and Outside the Time Zone at Camel Art Space (Brooklyn, NY). Burnside lives and works in Seattle.
Christopher Dunlap was born in Pullman, Washington. He received his BFA from University of Washington and his MFA from Massachusetts College of Art. He has had recent solo shows at Hiromart Gallery in Tokyo, Japan in 2019 and at SARDINE in 2017 and 2019. His work has also been exhibited in various group shows including Albada Jelgersma Gallery (Amsterdam, NL), Transmitter Gallery (Brooklyn, NY), No Place Gallery (Columbus, OH), Site 131 (Dallas, TX), Mckenzie Fine Art (New York, NY) and Spring Break Art Fair (New York, NY). He has been reviewed in The New York Times, ArtFCity and Travel Magazine. Dunlap lives and works in Harlem, New York City.
Kate Harding is an artist living and working between Los Angeles, New York City and Missouri.  Harding received an MFA in Art Practice from School of Visual Arts (New York, NY) in 2014, a BFA in Fine Arts from Otis College (Los Angeles, CA) in 2003, and an AAS from Fashion Institute of Technology (New York, NY) in 2001. Solo and two-person exhibitions have included: 3A Gallery, The Chelsea Hotel (New York, NY); SARDINE, Grace Space (Brooklyn, NY); Track 16 (Los Angeles, CA); East Central College (Union, MO). Selected group exhibitions, performances and screenings have included Art in Odd Places, La MaMa, International Print Center New York, Electronic Arts Intermix, MoMA, Vanity Projects, CP Projects (New York, NY); SARDINE, SoHo20, Invisible Dog (Brooklyn, NY); Rosamund Felson, Edward Cella Art + Architecture, Circus Gallery, SeeLine Gallery, Echo Park Film Center, Statler Waldorf Gallery (Los Angeles, CA). Her work has been written about in The Brooklyn Rail, ArtFile, The Huffington Post, American Artist: Drawing Magazine, Fiberarts Magazine, Notes on Looking: Contemporary Art From Los Angeles, ArtScene, and The Missourian among others. Her writing has appeared in The Brooklyn Rail, The Tool Book Project, Café Dan Graham Poetry Slam vol. 3, and the upcoming Mapping Meaning Journal #3. Harding is the creator and host of the weekly internet radio show Bicoastal Carpool on WPIR Pratt Radio and is currently part-time faculty at Parsons, The New School in and Pratt Institute.
Sarah Heinemann is a painter based in Brooklyn. Originally from Chicago, IL, Heinemann attended Smith College in Northampton, MA., and holds a BFA in painting from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She is currently a graduate candidate at CUNY Hunter, class of 2022. Recently included in the show ‘Another Matter’ at Lazy Susan Gallery curated by Gisela Guieros, she has shown with the Knockdown Center, SARDINE, ATM Gallery in New York as well as Mass MoCA’s 28 Holden Gallery in North Adams, MA. Heinemann is slated to have a solo show at SARDINE in 2020. She has worked for the studio of Sol LeWitt since 2000 realizing LeWitt wall drawings for museums, galleries, and private collections.
Gyun Hur was born in South Korea, she moved to Georgia at the age of 13. Hur is a New York based, interdisciplinary artist and an educator whose experience as an immigrant daughter deeply fuels her practice. She was recently an artist-in-residence at NARS Foundation (Brooklyn, NY) and an AIM 38 fellow with the Bronx Museumand is currently a professor at the Parsons School of Design (New York, NY). She has performed and exhibited in Canada, China, Hong Kong, Italy, Turkey, and the United States. Gyun completed Pratt Fine Arts Residency, BRICworkspace, Danspace Project Platform Writer-in-Residency,  Ox-Bow Artist-in-Residency, Vermont Studio Center, and Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. She is the recipient of The Hudgens Prize, Artadia Award, and Joan Mitchell Foundation Scholarship. Her works have been featured in Art In America, Art Paper, Sculpture, Art Asia Pacific, Public Art Magazine Korea, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Yahoo! Tech, Huffington Post, Brooklyn Street Art, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Pelican Bomb, Creative Loafing, Jezebel, and The Atlantan. She was listed as the Best Emerging Artist by Creative Loafing and selected in Oxford American’s “100 Under 100: Superstars of Southern Art” issue. Her interest in art making in public space led her to various artist presentations at the TEDxCentennialWomen, the international street art conference Living Walls: The City Speaks, the Atlanta Contemporary Art Center, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and many others. She recently contributed as an artist writer to fLoromancy September Issue 36, The Brooklyn Rail and The Forgetory.  
Gabriel Hurier was born in Cincinnati, Ohio and lives and works in Newburgh, New York. He studied painting and printmaking at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Hurier has participated in numerous group shows in the greater New York area including Gallery 128 (New York, NY), ATM Gallery (New York, NY), Matteawan Gallery (Beacon, NY), Space Create (Newburgh, NY) and more in Chicago, Cincinnati, North Adams, San Diego, Singapore, and Zagreb. Hurier has had solo shows at SARDINE in 2012 and 2014. He is currently exploring shapes in maps and color relationships in landscapes observed as a traveler and a father. His work often utilizes everyday materials leftover from construction and 15 years of realizing wall drawings for Sol LeWitt. 
Andy Kolar was born in Spirit Lake, IA. He is a LA based artist represented by Walter Maciel Gallery with whom he has had two solo shows (2017 & 2015). Kolar received his MFA in Drawing and Painting at California State University, Long Beach in 2007 and earned a BFA in Painting & Printmaking at Minnesota State University, Makato, MN. Kolar has been included in numerous exhibitions in Southern California including the recent shows ‘Edge to Air’ at Denk Gallery (Los Angeles, CA), ‘Painting Architecture’ at UCR Arts Block (Riverside, CA), ‘6018 Wilshire’ at Edward Cella Gallery (Los Angeles, CA), ‘Wall Painting 2013’ and ‘FORMS OF ABSTRACTION’ at the Irvine Fine Arts Center (Irvine, CA) and ‘De Stil' at Andrew Shire Gallery (Los Angeles, CA). In 2010, Kolar was one of 45 artists included in the California Biennial curated by Sarah Bancroft at the Orange County Museum of Art.  He was previously represented and included in solo and group shows at Carl Berg Gallery.  Kolar’s works are included in several private and corporate collections including the recent acquisition at Pimco Corporation in Orange County. 
Ryan Scails was born in Danbury, CT. Scails’ most recent exhibitions include a solo show titled ‘Another Now’ at SARDINE, ‘Here Today | Gone Tomorrow’ at Space Create (Newburgh, NY) curated by Lacey Fekishazy, ‘Able Bodies’ at 287 Gallery (Danbury, CT), and ‘Object Lessons|Adaptive Research’ at High Desert Test Sites HQ (Yucca Valley, CA). In between shows Scails has also participated in residencies at MASS MoCA (North Adams, MA), A-Z West (Joshua Tree, CA), and will be a JMKAC Arts/Industry (Sheboygan, WI) resident in the Summer of 2020. Scails received his BFA from Cooper Union in 2014. He lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.
Karen Tepaz, born in Los Angeles, CA, holds an MFA in Sculpture from Yale University School of Art and a BFA in Ceramics from California State University, Long Beach.  Recent exhibitions include solo shows at SARDINE, (Brooklyn, NY) Thomas Hunter Projects (New York, NY) CACTTUS gallery (Long Beach, CA), and group shows at Underdonk (Brooklyn, NY) Tiger Strikes Asteroid Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA) Copyright Berlin (DE) The Shirley Fiterman Art Center, BMCC (New York,NY), The Gallery ATLAS (Newburgh, NY), BOMB POP-UP (Brooklyn, NY) among others. In 2018 Tepaz co-curated ‘Flat Touch’ and ‘In Between the Lines’ in Steuben Gallery at Pratt Institute (Brooklyn, NY). She is the recipient of the Art Farm Nebraska Residency, and will be attending Yaddo this winter 2020. Tepaz lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.
About the curator:
Lacey Fekishazy is an artist, curator, gallerist, and draftsperson for the Estate of Sol LeWitt with roots in the Hudson Valley and NYC art communities. After a decade in NYC, Fekishazy currently lives and works in Newburgh, New York with her young family. She has organized the outdoor sculpture/installation show ‘Glenlily Grounds’ (GLG) as part of Newburgh Open Studios for the past 6 years. In 2019, She was invited to co-curate the inaugural exhibition of the Newburgh Sculpture Project at SUNY Orange. Fekishazy earned her MFA at Queens College CUNY in 2010 after working at Dia:Beacon and for the Estate of Sol LeWitt for many years. She holds a BFA in Painting from SUNY New Paltz and an AAS degree in Fine Arts from the Fashion Institute of Technology. Fekishazy has shown her own artwork at Art 101, Possible Projects, Small Black Door (Brooklyn, NY); ATM Gallery, The Puffin Room, (New York, NY); Dorsky Gallery (DGCP) (Long Island City, NY); and Mass Moca (North Adams, MA).
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pttedu · 5 months
Are Construction Training Programs The Best Way To Learn About The Construction Industry?
Construction is a dynamic field that values practical skills and safety. Explore how construction training programs help develop vital construction skills.
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pttiedu · 1 year
Career Options After Drywall Finishing And Framing Training
Drywall experts play an essential role in the drywall construction industry. Read further to know more about the job opportunities for drywall finishers.
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paulbenedictblog · 4 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
News No, Mr. President, healthcare workers aren’t stealing masks. You failed them. - The Washington Post
On Sunday evening President Trump immediate that there modified into once a flawed cause that Unique York’s hospitals are operating out of masks. His implication perceived to be that healthcare workers who are combating for patients’ lives may per chance possibly neatly be stealing masks or hospitals were the exercise of them in an sinful formula, despite the undeniable truth that Trump stated he wasn’t accusing them of doing so.
Nonetheless this kind of advice has no foundation in point of fact. As a replace, given the chance to put together hospitals and neatly being-care workers for the expected inflow of covid-19 patients, the Trump administration did no longer capture action to develop up gives of the very major equipment consultants knew may per chance possibly well be wished. Indeed, the administration has up to now refused to make exercise of the Protection Manufacturing Act, or DPA, to ramp up manufacturing of even rather frequent but very major scientific gives, irrespective of many pressing calls to enact so. And now there is a lack of non-public conserving equipment (PPE), equivalent to masks and utterly different gear for neatly being-care workers, which threatens the lives of these very major consultants and can also crush the neatly being-care system even more impulsively.
There's an pressing want to safe very major conserving gear to the these that want it. Without ample PPE on hand, public neatly being officials are turning to donations from laboratories, tattoo and nail parlors, and building companies. U.S. producers equivalent to 3M and Honeywell maintain launched plans to safe conserving gear. There maintain even been calls for laypeople to sew masks at dwelling from supplied scientific-grade fabric or from their dwelling stores of fabric, the exercise of the total lot from vacuum baggage to air-con filters to develop masks for clinicians to make exercise of.
Nonetheless why are such simple, low-tech and somewhat low-payment devices equivalent to PPE so hard to search out lawful now within the primary station? In section, this shortage may per chance also be explained by global manufacturing chains, correct-in-time manufacturing suggestions and heart-broken public neatly being planning. Nonetheless the rapidly-onset shortage of PPE within the US all the plot throughout the coronavirus pandemic exposes a essential bigger structural and cultural station: the technological crucial in U.S. neatly being care. Over the final century, a deeply ingrained cultural preference has developed for excessive-tech, excessive-payment neatly being-care interventions, which in flip drives offer chains within the route of pricy, fresh interventions in station of our very accurate, a long way less animated want for day-to-day, low-tech or historical-tech materials. This technological crucial is so institutionalized that we as a society barely even ogle it, great less quiz it — however the hazards are on show cloak this day.
Within the 19th century, hospitals lacked the know-how we affiliate with neatly being care this day. As a replace, they were institutions of closing resort, locations for sick folks whose communities had deserted them to the care of strangers. In 1835, Philadelphia hospitals and almshouses organized females’s wards no longer by diagnosis, but by what kind of helpful work patients — then identified as inmates — may per chance possibly well enact for the health facility: “venerable and helpless females in disagreeable neatly being; venerable and helpless females who can sew and knit; venerable and helpless females who are splendid sewers” and, at closing, “spinners.” The patients in these early American institutions were charity patients, expected to shut a protracted time. And so, if they were bodily in a station, they were in general pressed into relate provider to preserve the health facility operating.
Spinning wool into thread modified into once about essentially the most respected work a affected person may per chance possibly well enact on the time. Thread modified into once wished for making and repairing bedsheets, curtains and nurses’ uniforms, to name correct a pair of devices very major to the functioning of these early institutions. Surplus thread may per chance possibly neatly be stored and saved for future exercise and even bought to beef up the work of the health facility.
As decades went by, medication and health facility care modified dramatically. As both public and non-public investment in science and medicine yielded fresh and effective therapeutics — deem vaccines, antibiotics and organ transplants, to name correct a pair of — the US’ non-public system of neatly being-care provisioning meant that medication impulsively modified into enormous industry within the country. American medication came to be characterised by its new and dear applied sciences, ideally housed in new and dear health facility constructions.
Dazzled and inspired by success stories, ads and their very contain experiences, many American citizens adopted a presumption that more fresh, dear applied sciences essentially equaled higher care. In that 2nd, with hospitals no longer a closing resort but a vaunted destination for care, it seemed more and more absurd to deem patients or neighboring laypeople is in general a section of establishing the materials or equipment which may per chance be stumbled on interior. Despite the undeniable truth that station females were and are aloof to this show cloak day called on to volunteer to knit hats for newborns, sew puppets for youths or devise and knit cannula sleeves for dementia patients, within the eyes of the stylish health facility and its directors, the worth of this labor paled in contrast with the therapeutic or financial capability of utterly different interventions and applied sciences.
At some stage within the 20th century, the expanding American middle class repeatedly demonstrated a preference and excitement for more fresh, dearer applied sciences. This modified into once no longer exact in each assign; many neatly being-care patrons in utterly different worldwide locations were and dwell skeptical of original know-how, preferring to wait till a new approach modified into once perfected outdated to making an are trying it out.
Nonetheless middle-class American citizens consistently chose more fresh and dear know-how — even if it modified into once untested — over more distribution of less costly know-how to all. This modified into once very exact for 3 key 20th-century technical therapeutic enhancements: the iron lung machine for the medication of polio, the attain of kidney dialysis and the invention of utterly different respirator treatments, equivalent to ventilators. At some stage in this era of rapid innovation in U.S. medication and building up of hospitals, laboratories, scientific plot makers and pharmaceutical companies, sick American citizens, namely these with financial capability, were recast — no longer identified as inmates, like their 19th-century counterparts, but as an alternative as neatly being-care patrons. Consumers’ choices within the neatly being-care arena drove no longer correct care choices but also enormous income. Basics equivalent to PPE couldn’t garner the identical excitement as new equipment.
As patrons, many of us are conditioned to say that bigger-tech interventions imply we're making improvements to care. An MRI exam appears worth more highly diagnostic love a minor hurt than an X-ray, which in flip appears higher than a physical exam on my own. In flip, our docs’ workplaces are incentivized to make investments in and offer these products and providers, even if they are no longer medically major. This cycle of offering treatments and diagnostics with bigger and bigger tech drives excessive utilization charges and excessive neatly being-care expenses within the United States, and too in general it does so with out evidence or higher outcomes.
There's nothing inherently disagreeable with liking new applied sciences: Our scientific know-how industries and scientific plot producers maintain created many effective, lifesaving therapeutics, produced millions of jobs and added tens of thousands and thousands of bucks to our economy each and each yr. Nonetheless if we enable ourselves to be romanced by the lure of keen new tech in neatly being care, inserting our resources and innovation efforts within the route of the new and the complicated, with out actually questioning whether we're the exercise of our resources properly or effectively, we glide the risk of neglecting older but major and effective applied sciences — equivalent to PPE and ventilators (once a new know-how, now an intervention nearly 100 years historical) — and which capability risking lives.
The PPE shortage for neatly being-care workers facing down covid-19 in our hospitals and clinics is basically the most standard harrowing installment in a protracted trend of prioritizing the bigger-tech, new, more highly a success ventures on the expense of utterly different sectors of the U.S. neatly being-care system. We must at all times all act now, in as many ways as wished — the exercise of advocacy, creativity and adaptability — to resolve the pressing #GetMePPE disaster within the US. And if we're making an are trying to avoid repeating this error, keen forward we must develop largely invisible social institutions — equivalent to the technological crucial in U.S. neatly being care — considered. We must at all times develop insurance policies that serve American citizens to be attentive to our costly and usually wrongheaded affinity for ticket new know-how, to quiz assumptions and to develop obvious that that we continuously, continuously maintain wide gives of low-tech, low-payment scientific equipment, equivalent to PPE, ready when we want it.
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infolibrary · 5 years
30 Facts About Bananas That Will Make You Go Bananas
New Post has been published on http://www.infolibrary.net/30-facts-about-bananas-that-will-make-you-go-bananas/
30 Facts About Bananas That Will Make You Go Bananas
The banana is a fruit many of us enjoy on a daily basis, whether it’s for breakfast, lunch, or just a snack. It has great versatility and such a complimentary flavor, that it’s used in a plethora of different cuisines and dishes, from curry to ice cream.
But how much do you know about the fruit salad favorite?
Here we’re going to look at 30 facts about the banana.
The banana made its name after it was sold wrapped in aluminum foil for 10 cents in the 1876 Philadelphia World Fair.
In Kalamazoo in 2011, the construction of a vehicle came to an end – this vehicle was an F-150 truck which became the “Big Banana Car.” At almost 23 feet (7 meters) long and 9.8 feet (3 meters) tall, this car has a top speed of around 85mph (136.8km/h).
If a person is allergic to bananas, or even avocados and chestnuts, they have an increased risk of being allergic to latex. There are some who say half of those allergic to latex are often allergic to bananas. This is due to the proteins within the banana.
The classic banana species we consumed was called the Gros Michel. It was a sweeter and creamier alternative to the modern banana, but due to a sweeping and catastrophic disease in 1965 across Central and Southern America, the farmers swapped to the modern variety.
If done daily, a wart can be removed in about 2 weeks by running the inner side of banana peel onto the infected area.
In 2016, a man from the U.K., Andrew Lawrence, ran 2 hours, 47 minutes and 41 seconds in a banana costume during the London marathon in order to secure the title of the fastest time to run a marathon whilst wearing a fruit costume.
The banana is scientifically a berry, whereas the strawberry is not. This comes down to the classification of a berry. A berry must contain seeds inside the flesh, not outside.
A U.S. study found that bananas can actually help lower your risk of stroke and heart attack due to the level of potassium they contain. They do this by lowering the risk of stiffness in the aorta and hardening in the arteries.
Singers Alicia Keys, Adele, and Katy Perry all have bananas as one of their backstage demands when performing.
A monkey peels a banana upside down when compared to our method, which is pinching the top and splitting the skin before peeling it down to reveal the fruit. This is an easier and less damaging method of peeling a banana.
Monsieur Mangetout was a Frenchman born in 1950, who was able to consume over 9 tons of metal in his life time but couldn’t stomach single banana, saying they made him feel sick.
The 1971 Woody Allen movie, “Bananas” made a whopping $11.8 million dollars, and appeared in numerous top hit lists including American Film Institute’s 2000 and AFI’s 100 years 100 laughs.
Around 0.074 lbs (33.57 g) of bananas per person per day are consumed in the U.S. alone. The largest consumer of bananas worldwide is Uganda where the average person consumes around 1‎⅓ lbs (605 g) of the fruit daily.
In 2015, a U.K. supermarket employee discovered five bags of class A drugs when unpacking a box of South American bananas, with a possible street value of over £1,000,000 (around $1.4 million) at the time.
The oils within the inside of a banana skin can actually help inflammation and itching caused by insect bites.
The perfect soil for growing bananas must contain a ph. of between 5.5 and 6.5 and must not be salty or too cold. One of the biggest problems for bananas is root rot which is caused by the soil being too cold, along with other factors.
A green banana has very high starch content – as the fruit yellows, this starch turns into sugars.
In 2010, an American man named Ashrita Furman took the title of “Most Bananas snapped in 1 minute” by breaking 99 of the yellow fruit with both hands in 60 seconds.
In 2012, a resident of Illinois managed to break a world record by peeling and consuming 8 whole bananas in 60 seconds.
In 2001, a bunch of bananas took the title of the “largest bunch of bananas.” It held 473 individual bananas or “fingers” and weighed a whopping 287lbs (130 kg). It was grown in the Canary Islands.
A banana is made of about 75% water, which isn’t very much compared to other healthy wonders like the cucumber or radish which has 96% and 95% respectively.
In 2018, a banana plant hidden in a Yorkshire van hire company’s office actually started to sprout fruit after being dormant for an entire decade.
The banana we all know and love is under threat from the same disease that struck the predecessor. Panama disease is rife amongst the Cavendish variety (the common variety) after being identified in Africa in the mid 2010’s.
The banana is produced asexually because it’s a sterile species, which makes it basically a clone of elder.
The Latin name for banana is “musa sapientum” which translates to fruit of the wise men.
A “Banana Republic” is a region that is solely sufficient on one single resource for its income.
Leather products like handbags or shoes can be polished with the inside of a banana skin, simply rub it on and wipe off with a rag.
The 2014, Ig Nobel Prize in Physics was won by a team who discovered the reason why bananas are so slippery. As it turns out, it is all down to the polysaccharide molecules in the peel, a substance also found in our joints.
We all know bananas flavoring tastes nothing like a real banana, but according to a Gros Michel cultivator (the original commercial banana), the artificial flavor does taste very similar to this variety.
In Cairo you can buy papyrus from market stalls which is most often built from banana leaves.
So there we have it, 30 facts to make you go bananas about, well… bananas. The humble curved fruit has an amazing array of health benefits and is actually invaluable in the hunt for the perfect prosthetic.
One thing is for certain, the lunchbox staple will now have a little more respect from me every day from now on.
Dan Lewis has worked in the tech sector for about 7 years and is qualified in most areas including networking, hardware, software & support. Enjoys writing about anything techy, nerdy or factually interesting.
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jayu123-me · 5 years
Oil Water Separator Market Advanced TECH & growth opportunities in global Industry by 2025
Oil Water Separator: Market Overview
Waste water effluents from refineries, chemical/petrochemical plants, and gas processing plants have high amount of oils and suspended solids. The oil water separator is a device which is designed to separate these effluents from the wastewater. The American Petroleum Institute (API) maintains the standards and designs of these separators. The first API separator was installed in 1933 at the Atlantic Refining Company (ARCO) refinery in Philadelphia, U.S. almost all the refineries worldwide install API separators that act as a key stage of the oily wastewater treatment plants. Oil and water separators are also used in electrical substations. The transformers found in substations employ a large amount of oil for cooling purposes. Channels are constructed adjacent to the enclosed substations to catch any leaked oil and also rainwater is trapped. Therefore, oil and water separators provide a faster and easier cleaning of an oil leak.
The oil water separator also treats wastewater to a certain standard, wherein its discharge is considered safe into an approved discharge point (sewer). Oil water separators are typically the first stage of any wastewater treatment system. However, in some cases, an oil water separator can be used as effective completion of pipeline treatment equipment. Oils, grease, and other hydrocarbons are removed and non-hazardous water is left, which can be disposed off safely in the drainage. The ability of oil water separators make it possible for sensitive downstream equipment to perform as designed. The separators reduce overall operating cost and improve system maintenance.
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Oil Water Separator Market: Dynamics and Trends
The oil water separator becomes a necessity to be utilized in cases where water is produced as a part of operation, discharge of this produced water is to be done into public, and where water authority compliance is to be achieved for the discharge. The type of wastewater being produced decides the exact type of oil water separator that has to be utilized.
The trends utilized in the oil water separator market is the removal of oil, grease, and other hydrocarbons by coalescing methods, which force oil droplets to be impinged on the surface area. Gravity-based separators operate by putting fluid velocity and its corresponding pressure in control. The latest technique of hydro cyclone applies extreme centrifugal forces, which separate the water and oil droplets. The technology related to building of pressure-rated separators can be configured for complex operations. These operations are separation of gas from a myriad of immiscible liquids and suspended solids with same or different specific gravities.
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Oil Water Separator Market Segmentation
In terms of type, the oil water separator market can be segmented into API series-based separators, enhanced gravity-based separators, and pressure-rated separators. In terms of application, the oil water separator market can be segmented into oil and gas, chemical processing plants, wastewater treatment, electrical substations, transportation, and others. In terms of region, the global oil water separator market can be segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa.
Oil Water Separator Market: Key Players
Key players operating in the global oil water separator market include Schlumberger Ltd., Al Kaafah LLC, HydroFlo Tech LLC, and Andritz AG.
The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.
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The study is a source of reliable data on:
·         Market segments and sub-segments
·         Market trends and dynamics
·         Supply and demand
·         Market size
·         Current trends/opportunities/challenges
·         Competitive landscape
·         Technological breakthroughs
·         Value chain and stakeholder analysis
The regional analysis covers:
·         North America (U.S. and Canada)
·         Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Chile, and others)
·         Western Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Spain, Italy, Nordic countries, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg)
·         Eastern Europe (Poland and Russia)
·         Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, ASEAN, Australia, and New Zealand)
·         Middle East and Africa (GCC, Southern Africa, and North Africa)
The report has been compiled through extensive primary research (through interviews, surveys, and observations of seasoned analysts) and secondary research (which entails reputable paid sources, trade journals, and industry body databases). The report also features a complete qualitative and quantitative assessment by analyzing data gathered from industry analysts and market participants across key points in the industry’s value chain.
A separate analysis of prevailing trends in the parent market, macro- and micro-economic indicators, and regulations and mandates is included under the purview of the study. By doing so, the report projects the attractiveness of each major segment over the forecast period.
Highlights of the report:
·         A complete backdrop analysis, which includes an assessment of the parent market
·         Important changes in market dynamics
·         Market segmentation up to the second or third level
·         Historical, current, and projected size of the market from the standpoint of both value and volume
·         Reporting and evaluation of recent industry developments
·         Market shares and strategies of key players
·         Emerging niche segments and regional markets
·         An objective assessment of the trajectory of the market
·         Recommendations to companies for strengthening their foothold in the market 
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omgamulove-blog · 5 years
Oil Water Separator Market Analysis, Opportunity Assessment and Forecast up to 2025
Waste water effluents from refineries, chemical/petrochemical plants, and gas processing plants have high amount of oils and suspended solids. The oil water separator is a device which is designed to separate these effluents from the wastewater. The American Petroleum Institute (API) maintains the standards and designs of these separators. The first API separator was installed in 1933 at the Atlantic Refining Company (ARCO) refinery in Philadelphia, U.S. almost all the refineries worldwide install API separators that act as a key stage of the oily wastewater treatment plants. Oil and water separators are also used in electrical substations. The transformers found in substations employ a large amount of oil for cooling purposes. Channels are constructed adjacent to the enclosed substations to catch any leaked oil and also rainwater is trapped. Therefore, oil and water separators provide a faster and easier cleaning of an oil leak.
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The oil water separator also treats wastewater to a certain standard, wherein its discharge is considered safe into an approved discharge point (sewer). Oil water separators are typically the first stage of any wastewater treatment system. However, in some cases, an oil water separator can be used as effective completion of pipeline treatment equipment. Oils, grease, and other hydrocarbons are removed and non-hazardous water is left, which can be disposed off safely in the drainage. The ability of oil water separators make it possible for sensitive downstream equipment to perform as designed. The separators reduce overall operating cost and improve system maintenance.
Oil Water Separator Market: Dynamics and Trends
The oil water separator becomes a necessity to be utilized in cases where water is produced as a part of operation, discharge of this produced water is to be done into public, and where water authority compliance is to be achieved for the discharge. The type of wastewater being produced decides the exact type of oil water separator that has to be utilized.
The trends utilized in the oil water separator market is the removal of oil, grease, and other hydrocarbons by coalescing methods, which force oil droplets to be impinged on the surface area. Gravity-based separators operate by putting fluid velocity and its corresponding pressure in control. The latest technique of hydro cyclone applies extreme centrifugal forces, which separate the water and oil droplets. The technology related to building of pressure-rated separators can be configured for complex operations. These operations are separation of gas from a myriad of immiscible liquids and suspended solids with same or different specific gravities.
Oil Water Separator Market Segmentation
In terms of type, the oil water separator market can be segmented into API series-based separators, enhanced gravity-based separators, and pressure-rated separators. In terms of application, the oil water separator market can be segmented into oil and gas, chemical processing plants, wastewater treatment, electrical substations, transportation, and others. In terms of region, the global oil water separator market can be segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa.
Oil Water Separator Market: Key Players
Key players operating in the global oil water separator market include Schlumberger Ltd., Al Kaafah LLC, HydroFlo Tech LLC, and Andritz AG.
The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.
Request For Broucher@ https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=28391
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charlesccastill · 6 years
Boston-Cambridge Market is the No. 1 Life Sciences Cluster in the US
Boston – The U.S. life sciences industry and the real estate that it occupies have ridden a wave of momentum into this year that has positioned various industry hubs, from cornerstones such as Boston to emerging hotspots like Seattle, for outsized growth, according to a new report from CBRE.
That momentum has several markets ascendant on CBRE’s ranking of the top established and emerging life sciences hubs.
The Boston-Cambridge market, for example, is the No. 1 life sciences cluster in the U.S., has 1.9 million sq. ft. of lab space under construction, and received the largest amount of finding in the nation from the National Institutes of Health.
Steve Purpura
“Demand for laboratory space coupled with vacancy rates in the low single digits continues to apply upward pressure on rental rates in Boston-Cambridge,” said Steve Purpura, Vice Chairman leading CBRE’s Life Sciences business. “As the pace of innovation and growth in the life sciences industry continues to accelerate, it is safe to assume that the Boston-Cambridge Lab market will remain extremely tight for the foreseeable future.”
Numerous indicators point to robust expansion for the industry, including the 86 percent increase in venture-capital funding for U.S. life sciences companies to $15.8 billion for the year ended in September from the previous year. Additionally, life sciences lab space under construction in the industry’s five largest U.S. markets expanded by 101 percent last year to 6.0 million sq. ft.
CBRE’s report focuses on the human life-sciences industry, which encompasses manufacturing, testing and research-and-development work in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and medical devices.
CBRE analyzed and ranked the top established life sciences hubs by weighing four main criteria for each market: number of scientists in key industry categories, industry funding for local life sciences companies, size and long-term growth of their life sciences workforce, and their inventory of industry lab space.
Top 10 Established Life Sciences Markets
6.) Washington, D.C.-Baltimore 2.            San Francisco Bay Area 7.) New York City 3.            San Diego 8.) Philadelphia 4.            New Jersey 9.) Los Angeles 5.            Raleigh-Durham 10.) Chicago
  Beyond the established hubs, CBRE analyzed the next tier of emerging hubs to determine which are climbing quickly up the national ranks. CBRE ranked the emerging hubs based on their three-year growth in life sciences employment; NIH funding; quality and quantity of educational institutions for life sciences studies; number of medical research and health-services institutions; and their depth of high-tech workers. Nine met the criteria to be ranked as fast-growing, emerging hubs.
Top Emerging Life Sciences Hubs
6.            Denver 2.            Houston 7.            Dallas-Fort Worth 3.            Austin 8.            Atlanta 4.            Minneapolis 9.            Pittsburgh 5.            St. Louis
  “Multiple indicators point to sustained, strong growth for the life sciences industry, which makes life sciences labs and offices an ideal focus for developers and investors,” said CBRE’s Purpura. “Few industries offer this much expansion potential, but much of the activity happens in a select number of special markets.”
from boston condos ford realtor https://bostonrealestatetimes.com/boston-cambridge-market-in-the-no-1-life-sciences-cluster-in-the-us/
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pttedu · 6 months
US Construction Training And Industry On Solid Ground
Discover how the US construction training industry thrives despite challenges, with resilience in housing and infrastructure projects driving economic growth.
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Oil Water Separator Market Emerging Trends and Strong Application Scope by 2025
Waste water effluents from refineries, chemical/petrochemical plants, and gas processing plants have high amount of oils and suspended solids. The oil water separator is a device which is designed to separate these effluents from the wastewater. The American Petroleum Institute (API) maintains the standards and designs of these separators. The first API separator was installed in 1933 at the Atlantic Refining Company (ARCO) refinery in Philadelphia, U.S. almost all the refineries worldwide install API separators that act as a key stage of the oily wastewater treatment plants. Oil and water separators are also used in electrical substations. The transformers found in substations employ a large amount of oil for cooling purposes. Channels are constructed adjacent to the enclosed substations to catch any leaked oil and also rainwater is trapped. Therefore, oil and water separators provide a faster and easier cleaning of an oil leak.
The oil water separator also treats wastewater to a certain standard, wherein its discharge is considered safe into an approved discharge point (sewer). Oil water separators are typically the first stage of any wastewater treatment system. However, in some cases, an oil water separator can be used as effective completion of pipeline treatment equipment. Oils, grease, and other hydrocarbons are removed and non-hazardous water is left, which can be disposed off safely in the drainage. The ability of oil water separators make it possible for sensitive downstream equipment to perform as designed. The separators reduce overall operating cost and improve system maintenance.
Oil Water Separator Market: Dynamics and Trends
The oil water separator becomes a necessity to be utilized in cases where water is produced as a part of operation, discharge of this produced water is to be done into public, and where water authority compliance is to be achieved for the discharge. The type of wastewater being produced decides the exact type of oil water separator that has to be utilized.
The trends utilized in the oil water separator market is the removal of oil, grease, and other hydrocarbons by coalescing methods, which force oil droplets to be impinged on the surface area. Gravity-based separators operate by putting fluid velocity and its corresponding pressure in control. The latest technique of hydro cyclone applies extreme centrifugal forces, which separate the water and oil droplets. The technology related to building of pressure-rated separators can be configured for complex operations. These operations are separation of gas from a myriad of immiscible liquids and suspended solids with same or different specific gravities.
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Oil Water Separator Market Segmentation
In terms of type, the oil water separator market can be segmented into API series-based separators, enhanced gravity-based separators, and pressure-rated separators. In terms of application, the oil water separator market can be segmented into oil and gas, chemical processing plants, wastewater treatment, electrical substations, transportation, and others. In terms of region, the global oil water separator market can be segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa.
Oil Water Separator Market: Key Players
Key players operating in the global oil water separator market include Schlumberger Ltd., Al Kaafah LLC, HydroFlo Tech LLC, and Andritz AG.
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Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The company’s exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMR’s experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.
TMR’s data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With extensive research and analysis capabilities, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques to develop distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.
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expomahal-blog · 6 years
Philly Home Show 2019 at United States(Philadelphia) 2019-January
Philly Home Show 2019 at United States(Philadelphia) 2019-January
Philly Home Show 2019 trade show event mainly focuses on:
technology Events, products Exhibitions, services contact links, construction & remodeling Exhibitors Directory, energy & clean tech directory, recycling & waste management B2C opportunities, transportation network, water B2C opportunities, air & land Trade Shows, green certifications & education B2C ideas, financial solutions & incentives contact links, trade consulting & services. Exhibitions, leaders business opportunities, purchasing agents Trade Fairs, procurement officers business, industry experts network, wholesalers Exhibitors, retailers business opportunities, importers Trade Shows, exporters Expos, governmental entities Meetings, chambers business, academic institutions business ideas
related products/services/industry/business. This trade show opens top business opportunities to exhibit products and services from technology Exhibitors, products Exhibitions, services Fairs, construction & remodeling Exhibitors, energy & clean tech Exhibitions, recycling & waste management events, transportation business, water business, air & land Trade Fairs, green certifications & education business opportunities, financial solutions & incentives Shows, trade consulting & services. B2C opportunities, leaders B2C ideas, purchasing agents Exhibitions, procurement officers business opportunities, industry experts Exhibitors, wholesalers B2B Opportunities, retailers B2B ideas, importers info, exporters Expos, governmental entities contact list, chambers B2B Opportunities, academic institutions business ideas industry.
Find More Details about Philly Home Show 2019 event...
We help you to grow your business by providing the required contact details of all companies participating in this event and you can download the same data in excel format using the above links. Location of the Event:United States(Philadelphia) Year-Month:2019-January Official Website:Event Website source https://www.expomahal.com/2019/01/philly-home-show-2019-at-united.html
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fmservers · 6 years
Cities that didn’t win HQ2 shouldn’t be counted out
Brooks Rainwater Contributor
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Brooks Rainwater is the director of the Center for City Solutions and Applied Research at the National League of Cities.
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As tasks wane, skills rise
Blockchain technology could be the great equalizer for American cities
Scott Andes Contributor
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Scott Andes is the program director for the National League of Cities City Innovation Ecosystem program.
The more than year-long dance between cities and Amazon for its second headquarters is finally over, with New York City and Washington, DC, capturing the big prize. With one of the largest economic development windfalls in a generation on the line, 238 cities used every tactic in the book to court the company – including offering to rename a city “Amazon” and appointing Jeff Bezos “mayor for life.”
Now that the process, and hysteria, are over, and cities have stopped asking “how can we get Amazon,” we’d like to ask a different question: How can cities build stronger start-up ecosystems for the Amazon yet to be built?
In September 2017, Amazon announced that it would seek a second headquarters. But rather than being the typical site selection process, this would become a highly publicized Hunger Games-esque scenario.
An RFP was proffered on what the company sought, and it included everything any good urbanist would want, with walkability, transportation and cultural characteristics on the docket. But of course, incentives were also high on the list.
Amazon could have been a transformational catalyst for a plethora of cities throughout the US, but instead, it chose two superstar cities: the number one and five metro areas by GDP which, combined, amounts to a nearly $2 trillion GDP. These two metro areas also have some of the highest real estate prices in the country, a swath of high paying jobs and of course power — financial and political — close at hand.
Perhaps the take-away for cities isn’t that we should all be so focused on hooking that big fish from afar, but instead that we should be growing it in our own waters. Amazon itself is a great example of this. It’s worth remembering that over the course of a quarter century, Amazon went from a garage in Seattle’s suburbs to consuming 16 percent — or 81 million square feet — of the city’s downtown. On the other end of the spectrum, the largest global technology company in 1994 (the year of Amazon’s birth) was Netscape, which no longer exists.
The upshot is that cities that rely only on attracting massive technology companies are usually too late.
At the National League of Cities, we think there are ways to expand the pie that don’t reinforce existing spatial inequalities. This is exactly the idea behind the launch of our city innovation ecosystems commitments process. With support from the Schmidt Futures Foundation, fifty cities, ranging from rural townships, college towns, and major metros, have joined with over 200 local partners and leveraged over $100 million in regional and national resources to support young businesses, leverage technology and expand STEM education and workforce training for all.
The investments these cities are making today may in fact be the precursor to some of the largest tech companies of the future.
With that idea in mind, here are eight cities that didn’t win HQ2 bids but are ensuring their cities will be prepared to create the next tranche of high-growth startups. 
Austin just built a medical school adjacent to a tier one research university, the University of Texas. It’s the first such project to be completed in America in over fifty years. To ensure the addition translates into economic opportunity for the city, Austin’s public, private and civic leaders have come together to create Capital City Innovation to launch the city’s first Innovation District at the new medical school. This will help expand the city’s already world class startup ecosystem into the health and wellness markets.
Baltimore is home to over $2 billion in academic research, ranking it third in the nation behind Boston and Philadelphia. In order to ensure everyone participates in the expanding research-based startup ecosystem, the city is transforming community recreation centers into maker and technology training centers to connect disadvantaged youth and families to new skills and careers in technology. The Rec-to-Tech Initiative will begin with community design sessions at four recreation centers, in partnership with the Digital Harbor Foundation, to create a feasibility study and implementation plan to review for further expansion.
The 120-acre Buffalo Niagara Medical Center (BNMC) is home to eight academic institutions and hospitals and over 150 private technology and health companies. To ensure Buffalo’s startups reflect the diversity of its population, the Innovation Center at BNMC has just announced a new program to provide free space and mentorship to 10 high potential minority- and/or women-owned start-ups.
Like Seattle, real estate development in Denver is growing at a feverish rate. And while the growth is bringing new opportunity, the city is expanding faster than the workforce can keep pace. To ensure a sustainable growth trajectory, Denver has recruited the Next Generation City Builders to train students and retrain existing workers to fill high-demand jobs in architecture, design, construction and transportation. 
With a population of 180,000, Providence is home to eight higher education institutions – including Brown University and the Rhode Island School of Design – making it a hub for both technical and creative talent. The city of Providence, in collaboration with its higher education institutions and two hospital systems, has created a new public-private-university partnership, the Urban Innovation Partnership, to collectively contribute and support the city’s growing innovation economy. 
Pittsburgh may have once been known as a steel town, but today it is a global mecca for robotics research, with over 4.5 times the national average robotics R&D within its borders. Like Baltimore, Pittsburgh is creating a more inclusive innovation economy through a Rec-to-Tech program that will re-invest in the city’s 10 recreational centers, connecting students and parents to the skills needed to participate in the economy of the future. 
Tampa is already home to 30,000 technical and scientific consultant and computer design jobs — and that number is growing. To meet future demand and ensure the region has an inclusive growth strategy, the city of Tampa, with 13 university, civic and private sector partners, has announced “Future Innovators of Tampa Bay.” The new six-year initiative seeks to provide the opportunity for every one of the Tampa Bay Region’s 600,000 K-12 students to be trained in digital creativity, invention and entrepreneurship.
These eight cities help demonstrate the innovation we are seeing on the ground now, all throughout the country. The seeds of success have been planted with people, partnerships and public leadership at the fore. Perhaps they didn’t land HQ2 this time, but when we fast forward to 2038 — and the search for Argo AI, SparkCognition or Welltok’s new headquarters is well underway — the groundwork will have been laid for cities with strong ecosystems already in place to compete on an even playing field.
Via Jonathan Shieber https://techcrunch.com
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