#content marketing company in dubai
mccollinsmediablog · 2 months
Why it's so Important to Know about PPC Marketing Services
It's important to comprehend PPC (Pay-Per-Click) marketing services for a number of reasons:
Instant Results: You may drive visitors to your website or landing pages right now with PPC advertising. In contrast to organic SEO, which may not yield results right away, PPC ads can generate focused visitors nearly immediately.
Targeted Advertising: You can use pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to target particular audience demographics, interests, regions, and even behaviors. By displaying your adverts to the appropriate audience at the appropriate moment, this level of targeting improves the likelihood that they will be converted.
Cost Control: Pay per click advertising gives you budgetary control. You have the ability to set bid amounts, daily or monthly budgets, and performance-based adjustments. You can maximize ROI and deploy resources efficiently thanks to this flexibility. consider using a PPC agency Dubai.
Measurable Outcomes: PPC platforms offer comprehensive statistics and data that let you monitor your campaigns' performance in real time. You can track important metrics like clicks, impressions, conversions, and return on investment (ROI) to help you make data-driven choices and improve the performance of your campaigns.
Brand Visibility: Pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements are displayed at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs), providing your brand instant exposure to prospective buyers. Users will still notice your brand even if they choose not to click on your advertising, which can help build brand familiarity and awareness.
SEO Complement: PPC and SEO are two different but related tactics. PPC can fill in the blanks and guarantee visibility for keywords where organic ranks have not yet been attained, while SEO concentrates on organic search rankings. PPC advertising can also be used to test messaging and keywords prior to making long-term SEO investments.
Adaptability: Based on performance data, PPC campaigns may be readily modified and adapted. To increase conversion rates and optimize return on investment, you can fine-tune your targeting, ad copy, keywords, and landing pages.
Competitive Advantage: PPC can offer you an advantage over rivals in highly competitive industries by enabling you to rank higher in search results and effectively target their audience with eye-catching advertisements.
All things considered, being aware of paid advertising agency in Dubai enables companies to more successfully connect with their target market, generate traffic, boost conversions, and accomplish their marketing goals in a quantifiable and economical way.
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innoventure-uae · 8 months
Content Marketing Services in Dubai
Innoventure IT Services offers content marketing services in Dubai. To reach the right audience at the right time, we utilize social media platforms, email marketing, and influencer outreach. In order to learn more, please contact us.
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solomo-media · 5 months
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Elevating Your Brand Presence as the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Dubai
Explore amazing digital marketing skills with Solomo Media, the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Dubai. Check out our smart ideas at https://www.solomomedia.com/. We mix creativity and tech to make your brand shine in Dubai. Whether it's getting noticed on Google or making cool posts on social media, Solomo Media can help your online game. Boost your brand and go big with the best digital marketing Company in Dubai.
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digitalyardstickmm · 27 days
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How To Find The Best Social Media Marketing Agency
For your business you must hire the best top pr company in Dubai, and social media marketing agency. Invest in content creation for linkedin. 
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Top Expert Strategies Every Digital Marketing Specialist Must Know
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Digital marketing is an ever-evolving landscape, and for digital marketing specialist  in the field, staying ahead of the curve is not just a choice but a necessity. In this article, we will delve into the top expert strategies that every digital marketing specialist must be well-versed in to navigate the dynamic world of online promotion successfully.
Digital marketing encompasses a myriad of channels and tactics aimed at promoting products or services online. From social media and content marketing to email campaigns and SEO, the strategies employed can make or break a brand’s online presence.
Understanding Target Audience
One of the foundational pillars of successful digital marketing is understanding the target audience. Specialists need to invest time in researching and defining their audience, creating detailed buyer personas that go beyond basic demographics.
Utilizing Data Analytics 
Data is the backbone of effective digital marketing. Utilizing data analytics tools provides valuable insights into user behavior, helping specialists make data-driven decisions to optimize campaigns and strategies.
Content Marketing Mastery
Creating compelling and shareable content is at the heart of any successful digital marketing strategy. Specialists should focus on storytelling, connecting with the audience on a personal level through engaging and valuable content.
Social Media Dominance 
The power of social media cannot be overstated. Digital marketing specialists must master the art of leveraging various platforms, understanding the nuances of each, and employing strategies to increase engagement and followers.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tactics 
Staying visible in the vast sea of online content requires expertise in SEO. Specialists should be well-versed in both on-page and off-page SEO techniques, constantly adapting to the ever-changing algorithms of search engines.
Email Marketing Excellence 
Email marketing remains a potent tool for digital specialists. Building and nurturing email lists, coupled with crafting compelling email campaigns, can significantly impact brand awareness and conversion rates.
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Techniques 
Understanding user behavior is crucial in optimizing conversion rates. Specialists should employ A/B testing and other techniques to enhance the user journey and improve the overall conversion process.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising 
Creating effective PPC campaigns involves more than just setting a budget. Specialists must understand the intricacies of various advertising platforms and continuously optimize ad performance for maximum ROI.
Mobile Marketing Strategies 
In a mobile-dominated world, digital specialists must focus on mobile-friendly content and utilize advertising platforms that cater to mobile users.
Innovative Video Marketing 
Video content continues to gain prominence. Digital marketing specialists should explore innovative ways to incorporate video into their strategies and leverage platforms for maximum distribution and promotion.
Web Design and User Experience (UX) 
A user-friendly website is the cornerstone of successful digital marketing. Specialists must prioritize enhancing user experience to increase conversions and customer satisfaction.
Artificial Intelligence in Marketing
The integration of AI in marketing allows for personalized and efficient strategies. Specialists should explore tools and applications that leverage AI for better targeting and engagement.
Global Trends and Market Analysis
Staying updated with industry trends and conducting regular market analysis is vital. This knowledge informs strategies and ensures digital specialists are prepared for shifts in consumer behavior and market dynamics.
Continuous Learning and Adaptation
The digital landscape is dynamic, and specialists must embrace continuous learning. Investing in education and skill development ensures that professionals remain at the forefront of the industry.
In conclusion, digital marketing specialists must navigate a complex and ever-changing landscape. By mastering these expert strategies, professionals can not only survive but thrive in the competitive world of online promotion. Read more..
Site : https://digitalmarketerfreelancer.com/
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vgenmedia255 · 8 months
How Animated Videos Can Transform Your Product Marketing Strategy
In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to capture the attention of their target audience. Animated videos have emerged as a powerful tool to revolutionize the marketing style of products. With their engaging visuals and storytelling capabilities, animated videos offer a unique opportunity to convey complex messages, showcase product features, and connect with customers on a deeper level. In this blog, we will explore how animated videos can change the marketing landscape and help businesses drive success.
–Visual Appeal and Engagement
One of the primary advantages of animated videos in product marketing is their visual appeal. Animated characters, vibrant colors, and creative animations can instantly captivate the viewer’s attention. This visual engagement can help your product stand out in a crowded marketplace, making it more memorable and shareable. Incorporating keywords like “engaging animated videos” or “captivating visuals” can optimize your content for search engines.
–Simplifying Complex Concepts
Many products have features or benefits that are difficult to explain through text alone. Animated videos provide an excellent solution for simplifying complex concepts. Through the use of animations and storytelling, you can break down intricate details into easily digestible visuals. Keywords like “simplify complex ideas” or “visual explanations” can help boost your blog’s SEO ranking.
–Enhanced Storytelling
Storytelling is a powerful tool in marketing, and animated videos excel in this aspect. You can craft compelling narratives around your product, making it relatable to your target audience. By incorporating keywords such as “storytelling in marketing” or “narrative-driven videos,” you can attract readers interested in this aspect of animated marketing videos.
-Increased Shareability
Animated videos have a higher likelihood of being shared on social media platforms compared to text-based content. Incorporating keywords like “social media sharing” or “viral marketing” can help you attract readers interested in maximizing the shareability of their marketing content.
–Catering to Different Audiences
Animated videos can be customized to cater to various audience segments. Whether you’re targeting children, millennials, or professionals, you can adapt the style and content of your animated video to resonate with your specific demographic. Keywords like “targeting diverse audiences” or “customized marketing content” can be useful for SEO.
Read More : https://shorturl.at/nHQRV
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Discover the Best Digital Marketing Company in Dubai
Discover the Best Digital Marketing Company in Dubai
Introduction: In today's digital age, businesses need to establish a strong online presence to thrive and reach their target audience effectively. As a result, the demand for digital marketing services has skyrocketed. However, with numerous companies claiming to be the best in the industry, choosing the right partner can be overwhelming. Fear not! In this blog, we will unveil the leading digital marketing company in Dubai, a pioneer in the field that has consistently delivered outstanding results for businesses of all sizes.
Introducing Skytrust: When it comes to digital marketing excellence, one name stands out above the rest in the vibrant city of Dubai: Skytrust. With a proven track record and a portfolio of successful campaigns, Skytrust has cemented its reputation as the go-to partner for businesses looking to amplify their online presence, boost brand awareness, and achieve remarkable growth.
Cutting-Edge Strategies: Skytrust takes a holistic approach to digital marketing, combining creativity, data-driven insights, and cutting-edge technology to develop customized strategies that align with each client's unique goals. Their team of seasoned experts stays ahead of the curve by constantly evolving their techniques to stay on top of the rapidly changing digital landscape.
Comprehensive Services: From search engine optimization (SEO) to social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, content creation, web design, and more, Skytrust offers a comprehensive suite of services to cater to all aspects of a successful digital marketing campaign. They understand that each business requires a tailored approach and work closely with clients to develop strategies that yield tangible and measurable results.
Proven Results: What truly sets Skytrust apart from the competition is their impressive track record of delivering exceptional results. They have helped numerous businesses across various industries achieve significant growth in terms of website traffic, lead generation, customer engagement, and ultimately, revenue. Their client testimonials and case studies speak volumes about their ability to drive success in the digital realm.
Client-Centric Approach: At Skytrust, client satisfaction is at the core of their operations. They prioritize building strong relationships with their clients, taking the time to understand their unique needs, challenges, and aspirations. Through transparent communication and regular reporting, they ensure that clients are informed and involved every step of the way.
Industry Recognition: The excellence of Skytrust has not gone unnoticed. They have earned accolades and recognition from prestigious organizations within the digital marketing industry. These accolades serve as a testament to their expertise, innovation, and unwavering commitment to delivering outstanding results.
Conclusion: In a fast-paced digital world, partnering with the right digital marketing company is crucial for the success of your business. Skytrust has emerged as the undisputed leader in the industry, offering top-notch services, innovative strategies, and remarkable results. With their expertise and passion for helping businesses thrive in the digital realm, Skytrust is the go-to choice for companies seeking to unlock their true potential and dominate the online market. Contact Skytrust today and embark on an exciting digital journey that will elevate your business to new heights!
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enhmediaseo · 2 years
Social media marketing can assist you in developing engaged audiences in places where they already spend their time. It can also generate multiple sources of traffic that brings in customers consistently and keeps your business in front of them.
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The most common social media failures for small businesses stem from a lack of understanding of who their customers are, who their competitors are, which channels to target, and how to engage their audience. So, if you want to maximize the effectiveness of your social media strategy, the most important thing you must do is understand and connect with your target consumer.
Here are seven actionable social media marketing tips for small businesses:
Understand your target audience: It is important to know your target audience very well. Knowing who you’re creating content for and where you’re going to post it is essential for social media marketing success. In short, creating a buyer persona is an excellent way to improve your social media efforts and make better strategic decisions.
Establish social media goals and objectives: Make goals that adhere to the SMART framework. They must be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. Set your goals based on metrics that will have a real impact on your company.
Pay attention to trends: It is a good idea to keep an eye on social media trends so that you can understand what people are looking for when they log into their social channels. This allows you to create relevant content that will resonate over time.
Use the right tools: The key to effectively using social media is to use tools that automate or simplify much of the work. There are numerous tools like Engagement management, Analytics, Content curation, Graphics etc. available to assist you in increasing your productivity.
Look for brand ambassador and influencer opportunities: Keep an eye out for brand ambassador and influencer opportunities for genuine company promotion and maximum reach. It adds a personal touch to the brand and aids in increasing brand awareness and sales.
Track and refine your performance: It’s critical to keep track of what works and what doesn’t as you implement your social strategy. You can then fine-tune your efforts to achieve better results. The analytics tools will help to give you a great picture of your social efforts and track whichever metrics matter most to you.
Mix up your formats: Make an effort to vary the formats of your social media posts from time to time. If you normally post GIFs, try a JPG or a video.
Are you looking for social media services for your small business? We are a social media agency that constantly monitors and keeps up with the latest developments in the digital space. Try us out right now!
For more details visit: https://enhmedia.com/services/social-media-marketing
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mightywarners-blog · 2 years
5 Effective Content Strategies A Pioneer SEO Agency in Dubai Loves To Use
Are you thinking of outsourcing an SEO agency in Dubai but don’t know which one is best for you? It happens! After all, the marketing of SEO service providers is vast. And choosing the experts is like finding a goldfish in an ocean. One of the essential factors which make an SEO company unique is the content strategy they use.
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Make sure that they are using the below-mentioned content strategies while doing SEO for your business. 
1- Modifies & Repurposes Existing Content 
SEO agencies revisit the pages that your in-house team would have created in the past and then modifies their content. This strategy allows them to reflect your ongoing and evolving goals for marketing a product or service on various platforms. 
For instance, they will turn your blog posts into LinkedIn-enhanced graphics or vice versa. Moreover, they can also post infographics on channels like Pinterest based on your recent blog post. 
2. Focuses On Human-first Content 
Even Google’s recent Helpful content update demands the creation of human-focused content. So, why won’t SEO agencies integrate them into their content marketing strategy? First of all, SEO experts understand your niche audiences and then ensure to produce original and human-first content. This content can include blogs, case studies or infographics related to:
Technology insights based on your industry 
Original research 
Inputs from Trustworthy and independent resources 
Suggestions from Niche experts 
3- Gives Priority To Insights From Click through Rates 
Professional SEO company in Dubai and their content team gives priority to insights from clickthrough rates over search ranking while creating content. They focus on the areas that require in-depth answers to certain questions of niche audiences. Besides that, they include images and embed Youtube videos for better engagement. 
4- Considers Short-form Videos To Be Essential 
Dubai-based SEO agencies create short-form videos to connect with busy consumers to read and watch long-form content. What’s the best part? This content is highly shareable. They experiment with various content like FAQs, educational videos, company announcements, testimonials, etc. 
5- Engages Niche-audiences With Cross-platform Storytelling 
SEO professionals portray the best story about your brands by reaching them across different targeted channels. Pick the ones where most of your audiences stay active. Enlisted below are a few of the preferred sources for publishing your content:
LinkedIn/social media
Magazines or newspapers
White papers/reports
Wrapping it up:
SEO strategies are nothing if the content isn’t unique and you’re not promoting it effectively. Professional SEO companies always give priority to the creation of unique content by focussing on a human-narrative tone. Later on, they repurpose and promote that content on various platforms as an effective backlink-building strategy.
Hopefully, this blog post gave you an idea about the importance of content for a savvy SEO agency in Dubai.
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mccollinsmediablog · 2 years
Content Marketing Trends in 2022
Content marketing is essential to reaching your target audience and growing your brand. If you want to keep on top of consumer demand and outperform the competition, monitoring content marketing trends is crucial.
Here are some of the trends in content marketing:
Relevant Content:
In 2022, put more effort into creating engaging and insightful content. This increases exposure, your follower count, and your likelihood of customer retention. You should also make an effort to build credibility, garner support and confidence, and stand out. Additionally, marketers recognized the need for content-focused strategies for retaining current customers.
Video Marketing trends:
Because video marketing will improve traffic and public interaction in 2022, it can be a part of your marketing strategy. Using video marketing could help your startup's SEO performance.
Strong progression and persistence are essential in video marketing. If you are a newcomer to the market, a strategist who can offer a list of upcoming videos, the material, photographs, and other things can be required. A few startups use digital downloads as the foundation of their video marketing strategy. Streaming is one such example, which has become more and more popular over time. You should upload videos of yourself playing well-known video games if you want to gain traction in that market and draw in your intended audience.
Online live events and podcasts:
Even though it's crucial to be aware of the trends for 2022, we caution against obsessing over the changes. It will be more prudent to research the demographics of your traffic and update any existing content than to blindly adhere to every trend. While content marketing trends can keep your startup in shape, for consistent growth and traffic, you must always research your strategy and customize it to your needs.
Make your content interactive & engaging:
Knowing a few content marketing trends for 2022 will help you appreciate how essential it is to have engaging and dynamic content. It is challenging because individuals aren't always eager to comment or ask direct questions. If you are looking for the best content marketing company in Dubai, McCollins is the name you can trust.
By providing questions to your readers, request their input. When this step reached the critical point, it would be advantageous if you showed that you had read their feedback and comments. Otherwise, monologues in comment areas are unwelcome. If they ask about your startup, you might want to use that as the topic of your live stream.
As a result of continual search engine optimization, the main page receives an adequate amount of traffic and clicks, making startup marketing successful. You should consider investing money in the SEO sector if you want to create content that is search engine friendly and conduct keyword research. Before applying content marketing on websites, thorough keyword research should be conducted. Google's requirements should also be followed. The articles and material must be logical and contain ranking keywords and phrases in order to be considered worthy of appearing on the first pages of Google.
Contact an SEO company in Dubai if you have any inquiries about the value of SEO for businesses or about SEO in general. Despite the importance of each of these trends, user-friendly content development is the most prevalent and frequently used. Nowadays, people are conscious of what they are using, reading, or buying.
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webcap-ae · 2 years
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agendabymooner · 1 year
colour me your colour || toto w. x ofc (1)
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Summary: Tilly Marie nearly loses faith in her passion as she refuses to listen to everyone who told her to quit. Everyone but one. And it’s the man she met years ago at a racing event she didn’t want to attend. Who would have thought that her father’s partial ownership of three brands could take her to the zone of Mercedes and meet the love of her life?
Content warning: Age gap, mentions of an absence of a father figure, brief use of explicit language, mentions of nepotism. Fictional family and business involved (Hearth family and Hearth Automotives Group).
Note: I did a funny haha series. I literally just started on this yesterday. I'm writing the third part right now, hoping to work on this as much as possible. Again, I am still new to F1?? Please forgive me.
Enjoy! xx
i. what a beautiful sight that was
   It was the year 2006. The 21-year-old me did not want to attend on behalf of my father’s role to whatever this business was he was handling. I remember being extremely confident about walking up the stage to get my master's. 
I had always been told to be an intelligent girl. One that utilizes her skills in any way possible. Everyone praised me, and my maternal grandparents encouraged me to continue my education. My paternal grandparents expressed their admiration with a pat on the head and a kiss. My mother hugged me tightly and hung nearly every certificate I had captured. My father, however… he couldn’t get over the fact that he never had a son—one who would run the company someday and perhaps become a world champion. 
He lacked boys for his fatherhood experience, so he turned to me and set a list of expectations he had of me. He was still as healthy as ever. He could bench if he felt like it. But he still wanted to instill some responsibility in his companies and passed it on to me. 
But I earned my master's in Journalism and was halfway through my Bachelor's in Marketing. What did I know about motorsport? 
This didn’t mean anything to my father. He wanted me to handle the business and pass it off to the next person if needed. He just wanted his surname to remain known in the industry and public. He trusted me to handle particular areas that he thought I could do. 
But it was 2006, and I wasn’t given the responsibilities until years after. I was simply in Dubai to watch and entertain myself while cameras tried to get a glimpse of me—the Heiress. I was the next to become a shareholder in the businesses my father and grandfather (and his father) had put their money on. I was an eye candy—the strong woman of the Hearth family. And I was just in Dubai to watch men race lap after lap while they stayed there for hours, like mad men. 
And my father didn’t even tell me anything. I’ve only been exposed to observation. But my brain wasn’t made to be awake for a day, and my eyes preferred a piece of entertainment from my research paper. 
But my mind gave me a little nudge and turned my head to look at the man who’ll have me thinking for years. His helmet was on his side, his fingers tapping to keep him focused. He was tall. He was tall and handsome—a deadly combination.
The combination was too deadly, and I only realized this when he caught me looking. I hadn’t turned my head quite fast enough as I continued to examine and annotate my anecdotal record, pretending that my face wasn’t blushing.
It turned out he was just as intrigued as he was handsome. Fucking great. He sat across the chaise lounge I stiffly sat on, his smile I could barely see from my peripheral vision. 
Knowing he probably wouldn’t leave, I stopped pretending I was studying and looked up only to see his lips spread in amusement. His smile. Oh god. Couldn’t this man be the perfect man to have existed?
“You’re not here to study,” he chuckled softly, “Because you’d be in the wrong place otherwise.” 
Of course, I hadn’t passed up the chance to roll my eyes jokingly. 
The conversation lasted forever, and not once did he gloss over the screens to see how his team was doing at the track. He listened to me as I complained about the research I had to do for book publications. He wondered how I’d gotten through my master's at 21. Then he decided to guess while I provided my answer too.
“You’re gifted.”
“Generational wealth.” 
Then silence filled the atmosphere as if we could only hear the people talk in the background. My laughter after the pause made his mouth grin as he silently laughed. One of us was more biased than the other, I thought to myself. My success at school came from the high 90s that I achieved. My family's money made it easier for me to get in without any trouble with tuition. 
But the conversation didn’t last as long as I thought it would have, as someone who wore the same racing suit came barging at the door. The man frantically gestured for my company to follow him. 
He looked at me, his eyes keeping me in one place as I shifted. He could only say, “It was nice talking to you.” 
And all I could offer him was a stutter of, “Y- yeah, a pleasure to meet you. Y- your name is…” 
But his teammate beat him to it before he could utter his name. “Torger!” 
Then he looked at me again with a brief nod as he walked out of the room. 
He was a lovely man. There’s nothing nicer than an equally attractive and genuine man. I liked every single second that I spent with him. And I’ve only known him for fifteen minutes. 
And that remained as that. We’ve only known each other for fifteen minutes. When they announced the race winners, I was already on my flight back to England. I was already reporting to my father about what I saw. 
I told him about what I saw and experienced. But never once did I say to him about a driver of the winning team and how I’ve practically fallen for him. Because I haven’t fallen, he was just lovely. 
What a beautiful sight he was. 
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digitalyardstickmm · 7 months
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Yardstick Marketing: top 10 digital marketing company in Dubai
Contact Yardstick Marketing, one of the top 10 digital marketing companies in Dubai for social media content creation, startup marketing, oil and gas marketing services.
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voidscarredadjudicator · 10 months
Drizzle Season 2023 is out for Splatoon 3. You know what that means?
(Long post warning)
It means me having the totally normal immediate reaction of, "what new ingame content can I use as inspiration for Humanity's Endling and it's side stories?"
This post is gonna sorta double as both a very surface level analysis of new stuff in Splatoon 3 (mainly the new maps) and a brief look into my creative process for how I go about taking what's shown in the game and applying it to the canon of the world Kaleb finds himself in. One of my goals is to keep what happens in HE as close to the canon as presented in the game as possible, while still making very healthy use of the blank space that is things the games nor extended lore don't necessarily address, and quite obviously bending the rules a bit here and there to make the story... well, happen? 'Cause if I were 100% dedicated to preserving canon, the series would look something like this.
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they wasn't lyin, them humanitys really do be endling
Jokes aside, basically what all that means is I enjoy filling in the blanks to make the game world feel more full. Like, if possible, I wanna have the series written in a way where you could easily headcanon it as something that's happening in the background of Splatoon 3 as you are playing it.
...At least until we get to the later acts. HE ain't just a slice of life. But let's not get too ahead of ourselves here :)
But as that statement ominously implies, I have a general idea of the overarching plot for all five acts, and the process of writing is basically me ironing out the details and stringing it together into a cohesive narrative. Luckily for me, details are sometimes filled in for me by Nintendo. Speaking of which, let's look at Crableg Capital!
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You can kind of already see it just barely peeking from behind the crane on the right, but Hagglefish Market is visible from up here, and they actually added this stage into the background of Hagglefish as well, so you can actually see it from down there, too.
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From up here, you can more or less make out the exact route Kaleb came from in Act I, Ch7
I know for certain Crableg wasn't there before; I spent a frankly weird amount of hours doing recon on Hagglefish for Act I. Can't wait for this to become some New Mandela Effect meme or something. Anyways, you can see from up here that there's a lot of green grass in this city that's meant to be in the middle of a desert, so I kinda have this feeling that an ungodly amount of the city's water supply is fed right into keeping that greenery. I can see Kaleb drawing a comparison to Dubai, or maybe even Las Vegas to a lesser extent. Speaking of Vegas, you know what it has? Tons of ads. You know what this stage also has? Tons of ads!
shoutout to the paragliding jellyfish btw
Okay, well, obviously it's nowhere near as bad as Vegas. But I needed a segue, dammit. Now to be fair, I can't read any of these signs, so they might not actually be ads. Like, clearly at least a couple of them are company logos on the bigger skyscrapers. But the concrete building at the end of the clip? I don't know what those signs would be otherwise.
Like, who are they advertising to? The people in the neighboring buildings? The ads face outward, so it couldn't be that. Maybe it's extremely cheap ad space because basically nobody would see it, but then whatever in-universe powers that be decide these stages decided, "yes. of course. the actively under construction highrise. the perfect spot." I'd imagine that ad space probably skyrocketed in value, because there's no way these ink sports aren't televised to at least some capacity in canon.
Speaking of absurd spots for stages...
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Shipshape Cargo Co. At first, it looks like you're on some platform underneath an oil rig or something to that nature. Then you realize that you're somehow moving. Then you notice the bow of the ship on the far end of the stage, then it's like, "Oh shit I'm on one of those half-submersible cargo ships!"
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So not only did the folks running these ink sports decide that an active construction zone was a good spot for a stage, but they also decided to set up a stage on the back of a presumably en-route freight ship. And it's far enough north for there to be goddamn icebergs floating around. If anything, this season's maps have convinced me that an organization equivalent to OSHA does not fucking exist in the Splatoon universe. I'm aware that culturally, turf wars were at first backstreet sports and very unofficial/disorganized, and also there were stages in Splatoon 1 and 2 that would raise the same concerns (i.e. old Hammerhead Bridge, Saltspray Rig, Piranha Pit, etc.), so I really shouldn't be surprised by all this, but... I dunno, it's almost 4 am at the time of writing.
I don't have much more to say about Shipshape, though. Like, it's a very cool concept for a map, and if for whatever reason I need Kaleb to freeze to death, I'll have it in mind. Crableg is... very helpful, though.
Y'know, isn't it interesting that a lot of stories end with the hero scaling a huge tower?
Just a thought. 🙂*
Oh yeah, I also spotted this in the catalogue!
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Lola got to be a model! I'm so proud of her! 🥰
I don't have much else to say right now, though. I might do a follow-up for Big Run if Um'ami Ruins has a cool enough atmosphere to warrant it; otherwise Undertow Spillway having that alarm blaring during the last Big Run was the coolest shit ever and I can't believe I accidentally predicted it as a stage w/ it being half flooded in Act I.
By the way, I am going to be grinding the shit out of this upcoming Big Run for that gold helicopter figure, so if you wanna play with me, I'm still in the 'Endling' pool. Again, if you spot Lola herself, that's me! I tend to go pretty hard in Salmon Run though as it's actually my favorite mode, so uh... if you're not EVP and you join me, it might average out the hazard level to something a lot harder than you may be used to. So fair warning!
*all ominous foreshadowing is subject to change
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connectusportal444 · 5 months
Dominate the Digital Landscape: Connect Us Portal – Your Gateway to Superior Web Design, Development, and SEO Excellence in Dubai
Welcome to our Connect Us Portal, your gateway to unlocking the potential of unparalleled digital success. As one of the leading Digital Marketing Agencies in the UAE, we take pride in being your strategic partner in navigating the dynamic landscape of the digital world. At the core of our services lies an unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and creativity that propels businesses to new heights. Today, we stand tall as the go-to choose for businesses seeking the Best SEO Agency in Dubai.
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Experience and Expertise:
With a robust foundation built on years of experience, our web design and development team is well-versed in crafting digital experiences that captivate and convert. Our ability to consistently exceed expectations and maintain an unblemished track record is a testament to our proficiency in delivering exceptional results for our clients.
Digital Transformation with Creativity and Innovation:
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, standing out is not just an option – it's a necessity. Our team thrives on the principles of creativity and innovation, ensuring that your online presence is not just effective but also memorable. We believe in empowering change through cutting-edge design and development strategies that resonate with your target audience.
Key Services:
Web Design: Our team of skilled designers transforms your vision into visually stunning and user-friendly websites. We prioritize aesthetics without compromising on functionality.
Web Development: With a focus on seamless performance and user experience, our developers bring your website to life, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your business goals.
Digital Marketing: As a Digital Marketing Agency, we offer a comprehensive suite of services, including SEO, social media marketing, content marketing, and more. Our expertise lies in catapulting your online visibility and engagement.
Best SEO Agency in Dubai:
Reaffirming our dedication to delivering top-notch services, we take pride in being recognized as the premier SEO agency in Dubai. Our established methodologies and ethical SEO practices guarantee not just improved rankings on search engines but also the establishment of a lasting and sustainable online footprint for your business.
In the dynamic realm of digital advancements, aligning with the correct web design and development company is pivotal for achieving success. At Connect Us Portal, we unite experience, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to excellence, guiding your business towards a triumphant digital journey. Elevate your online presence with us – the Best SEO Agency in Dubai – and witness the transformative power of strategic digital solutions.
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abtechsorg · 1 year
MetaTdex Obtains Groundbreaking License from DMCC: A Step Forward for the Mainstream Adoption and Legitimacy of Cryptocurrency
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MetaTdex, a decentralized exchange based in Dubai, has made history by becoming the first decentralized exchange to obtain a license from the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC). This achievement marks a significant milestone for the company, as it now has legal and regulatory backing to provide all encrypted digital asset exchange services in Dubai, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), USDT token and more.
The license (No. DMCC-870791) means that MetaTdex has obtained the authority to provide these services in a compliant and secure manner, ensuring that users can participate in Web 3.0 finance with confidence. This is a major step forward for the industry, as it promotes the mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
MetaTdex established an operation center in Dubai in August 2022, and in just four months since moving into their new office, the company has already secured both a US MSB (Money Services Business) and Dubai DMCC license. This rapid progress is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the MetaTdex team, as well as the favorable regulatory environment in Dubai for cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
Furthermore, MetaTdex is not content to rest on their laurels, and they are actively working on obtaining more licenses such as Dubai MTL (Metals and Minerals trading License), VARA (Virtual Asset Service Provider), DIFC (Dubai International Financial Centre), ADGM (Abu Dhabi Global Market). This indicates their goal to open up the connection between cryptocurrency and traditional stock markets, allowing users to gain more benefits in a compliant and secure Web 3.0 finance environment.
The development of the blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem in Dubai is something that is worth paying attention to. The DMCC license granted to MetaTdex is an indication that the government is committed to creating an environment that is favorable for blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. With a rapidly advancing regulatory environment, we can expect to see more companies following in MetaTdex’s footsteps and obtaining licenses to operate in Dubai.
In conclusion, the success of MetaTdex in obtaining a license from the DMCC is a significant achievement not only for the company but also for the entire blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. It is a clear signal that Dubai is open to innovative technologies and is working to create a favorable environment for their development. This is an encouraging development and it will be interesting to see how the ecosystem in Dubai continues to evolve in the coming years.
Join our Community to get the latest update on MetaTdex: Main Group: https://t.me/MetaTdex_group MetaTdex Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/MetaTdex
Start your web3.0 journey with MetaTdex. www.metatdex.com
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