#continuing the “things shouldn't be underground” lore
drawfee-quot3s · 8 months
if you're a bird and you fall into a tar pit, you have. made such a dumbass mistake. 'cause you didn't even have to be down there
- jacob
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defining-skyology · 7 months
Finding the Light. (Defining Megabird #1)
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I've mentioned the term 'loremoth' quite a lot, but haven't really elaborated on my definition of it. Within Sky's in-game social community, being a 'moth', or a new player, is a visually traceable status, showing on their backs and of their clothes, showing by the lack of seasons they've experienced and glitches they've overcome. But the Lore community is a Space held externally from the game, leading to it not being so much of a visual dogma, but rather more of... An Experience.
Hungry new lore theorists are fueled by their own personal preferences of thumbnails, baits, and key words; pulled in by what they find interesting, and after they devour that magical initial subject, they hopefully will look and then find the next thing.
Each of these sudden lore hooks end up being their Drive to have more, to dig for more, and to understand more. They feel it's become special to them; that they're in on 'the secret' now.
And one of the best topics to make loremoths feel like they're in on an absurdly colossal secret... 
Is the topic of the Megabird.
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In the early crazes of Lore, during the first year of Launch, interest in the Megabird skyrocketed, and when curious Sky players asked others who seemed more involved and invested in theorizing about the story, many users of Lorechat in Skycord would casually reply, "Well it's basically the god of Sky". 
Most murals and concept art depict the Megabird as a giant flowing golden angelic thing, with extravagantly long wings or tails. Sometimes it would be made of feathers, sometimes it would seemingly be shown as made of Creatures of Light. 
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Early concept art refers to it as "One", some concepts say "Megabird", while others say "The Megabird", and late-stage concepts begin to refrain from calling it Megabird or 'The Megabird' at all, instead detailing a concept of "The Light" that was still unarguably the same 'character' from before. Post-launch content has never described it as The Megabird.
Despite this, Megabird ended up being heavily personified from 2019 to late 2021 by the community, and fans gobbled up anything about Megabird, especially Megabird as a character; as a god who would interact with the Elders and skykids. Megabird's fanbase grew to the point where it'd be given nicknames; it's most famous moniker being "Megan the Megabird". If only for the sake of having a character to use as a foundation for bountiful headcanon and fanfics, people seemed to cling fanatically to the idea of Megan; to the idea of having a deity. Perhaps there are or aren't some further psychological takeaways from the eagerness of the fanbase to have a 'god of Sky', but let's move on to a different notation for a while, and head back into the game.
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Picture posted to Tumblr by lowkey-loki245
For the 4 years that players found themselves in the Descendant's era, creatures of Light have always been seen migrating at all times towards the beacon of Ascension in the Eye of Eden, but this isn't an absolute rule. Creatures often will be found frolicking and soaring wherever they want, far from the main path to Eden. Mantas will take elegant laps around wide open areas, and rarer creatures are either hardly or never seen ascending up into Orbit. 
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But water doesn't halt its cycle, and Light shouldn't either. Water rushes down mountains, through valleys, flooding plains and reservoirs, yet not all of the water gets to the Ocean like it should. But though it gets stuck in spots, underground rivers and evaporation ensure the water cycle will always occur. It has to be the same for Light.
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The lore community has long since determined that all beings in the world of Sky (so far) all are made of Light. {There can be a post explaining that on another day, because not everybody is so willing to believe this.} This includes: creatures of Light, Ancestors, Descendants, and yes, even dark creatures are made from Light; just warped light, to be exact.
If we're to continue with our comparison to the water cycle, then this means all of those living Beings are made out of {metaphorical} water. Water flows from the Source and descends until it reaches the Main Body of the ocean, and all Light cycles throughout the world until it can get to Orbit again. This cycle of the life energy of Light flowing in and out of a main body is exactly what we need to focus on, and lo and behold, quite a few pieces of concept art confirm this.
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The meaning and purpose of some of these concepts have been long forgotten, and don't reflect the lore of the game today in post-launch, but there is one big theme going on here that they still intend to this day; all Beings of Light will eventually journey to rejoin the Megabird.
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We talked before about how they slowly transitioned towards using a simple base word to describe the megabird instead of giving it an almost characterizing name, and I believe they had to have done this intentionally. (Well, as intentional as TGC ever gets.)
We can and may still call it 'the Megabird', but from now on we understand that we are referring to 'the Light'. So, why did they depersonalize Megan into a character-less thing? As we ascend through orbit and into the Ocean of Light, the Main Body of our life energy; lore theorists all over the interwebs would still be looking for the character Megabird. "Where is Megabird? Surely it's that constellation above us? Maybe it's the giant gate that sends us towards rebirth? Maybe it just hasn't shown itself?" But as the voice of Aurora calls to us and the warmth of the ultimate Light pulls us in, vaporizing darkness as we come, I just have to ask:
"Isn't that the Megabird that we're entering?"
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A pure, deep, limitless orb. We are drawn in by its intensity, and as we get closer to being Absorbed we can see creatures swimming in and out of its surface. In the Sea of Light. All things here in unison, all things belonging to One; each moving speck of Light, a drop of water in an endless pond of pure harmony.
Whenever we enter the Light; when we enter the Megabird, we become dissolved into that sea, and we join One in it's neverending song.
You might notice we're not going to end with any solid Defining going on, and that's because you're supposed to take this in and think about what you make of it. It'll be important for part two.
But we'll have to research further into proving THAT on Thursday, because unfortunately, this post has gotten way too long.
{{{Megabird Part #2 is out! Click here to continue Our journey.}}}
Thank you to the two readers who got this far, and I hope you can all think critically, never perspire, and have a wonderful rest of your week.
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kirstenonic05 · 2 years
For the fanfic ask game: ♥️, 💕, 🥳,📚, 💛,🎨?
♥️What is your favourite thing you've written in a fic?:
Man do I have many favourite lines, but most of them don't work as single sentences D: So I'll put them under the read more!
💕What is your favourite fic you've written?:
Hmm... Most of my fics are self indulgent... Probably Underground, which I posted on Ao3, but the original version where they're not all JoJo characters! Or Heroes of Sword and Shield, which is my Pokemon x BT crossover. Or Heart's Beat, in which Joseph and Kars fight a stand that uses music to fight. Or the one where my OCs confessed to each other. Ugh, I have so many but I don't post any cause they're entirely self indulgent XD
🥳Why did you start writing fanfic?:
Easy! To put my favourite characters in the same story! I came up with a crazy crossover AU at the age of 10 or 11 and never let go of it. Originated with Sonic, Megaman, Megaman X, NiGHTS and Pit, but now it's mainly Sonic, Joseph, Allen and Mu. It was the first fic I ever wrote actually! Not sure if I should ever post it because it was... a trip. But! It had a lot of lore that I still use to this day! It's somehow still one of my main AUs, and the name has stayed as the Dimensional Defenders for all these years!
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?:
First of all, I recommend you, @nibwhipdragon, for good Joseph content because MAN do you write abt stuff I only think abt. For Caejose, I recommend Riette! For Final Fantasy VII AUs, I recommend AimeeLouWrites! Also Battle Tendency But It's in College and is Almost Nothing Like Battle Tendency... is really good! I also recommend anything that's on my Ao3 bookmarks!
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you've learned about writing?:
Good question... A lesson from writing? Maybe to be patient and to let the story unfold. Sometimes you'll get a spark of inspiration, and when that happens you take it on full storm!
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?:
Dude I would LOVE fanart for one of my AUs. Alas! No one sees them D: That or fanart for my OCs...
Thanks for the ask! And since you've stayed till the end, it's time for favourite line time!
Gracefully, Kars soared through the opening like a bird through an open window. Floating as elegantly as a swan, he spoke. "What the fuck JoJo."
"I need to go to the bathroom."
"Wait ghosts can't-"
The hedgehog looked down, only to see...
Allen's disembodied head. "Hello."
"Oh, hey Allen!" Sonic grinned.
"You named the heartless Shrimp?!" She almost scolded, ready to call upon her magic.
"Yeah, 'cause he's just a small guy!" The heartless in his arms cooed quietly. "Can I keep him? Please please please?"
"No! Now put it down before you get hurt!"
"Do we all need to get clothes?"
Everyone in the room stared at Sonic. A chorus of "Yep" and "Of course" resounded around the room.
"By the power of the Joestars," His sword emerged in his hand and he lowered into a fighting position. "I ANNOUNCE YOU DIED! Wait a minute..."
There was a pause. Then a snicker. Then Joseph, Kars and Caesar laughed.
"NO!" Caesar shouted through laughs as his voice peaked in the Discord call. "YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT!"
Turning back towards the duo, I noticed Joseph shaking. Caesar cradled him like a scared cat, seemingly unsure what to do with him.
This was followed by Allen walking into his classroom that had all the chairs in test positions. Lovely.
"I'm going to get glitter all over the English block," Allen said, playfully deadpan as he attempted to flick glitter off his hands. He continued in the same tone, "I shouldn't have said that next to an open classroom."
Sonic let out a loud laugh. "Joseph should never be allowed glitter. It's just that he has loads of money."
"Zamazenta likes coke." Caesar stated as if it was a normal, day-to-day fact.
Cloud facepalmed. "And that's how the gang were defeated. They rode into a chasm and died."
Zack whined as Cloud reset from the last save point.
His mind was a frenzy, a blur as he panicked and tried to save himself. He couldn't process what was going on. Without thinking, he used his hand to break the plate.
And then he popped back at home.
Cloud, who was building the house, witnessed him appear next to him. "What did you do?"
Chrom scratched his head. "Uh... Pumpkin...?"
Cloud facepalmed.
The Lucifenian looked at him in shock; even if he was part wyvern, the winds would rip his boyfr- friend to shreds!
It was a bright and sunny day. Birds were singing, flowers were- Okay, enough of the happy crap.
So the fae could talk. Check.
"You took me away from my spring, shoved me in a room, and you mean no harm? Bullshit."
And it sweared. Or, rather, he sweared. Check.
"For a time I thought I would be alone all my life. Until I met Sonic."
"Aww~!" Joseph cooed.
"But now, thanks to my immortality, I live in fear of outliving him."
"Aww..." Joseph's smile dropped.
The swanna crowed. Sonic was quick to translate. "She says you're an idiot who challenged a legendary and needed saving!"
"Do I, Angel-Cakes?"
"Call me that again and I will personally send you to hell."
"Sure thing, Angel-Cakes!"
Heartbroken: Many things leave people heartbroken, including when: - Your friend backstabs you - That girl you likes turns you away - You get married to two ancient beings and your heart will explode in a month Joseph sighed. Just the usual.
In the end they forgot that Sonic stole Caesar's flag and he succeeded in his attempts.
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