#contract research organization roles and responsibilities
nanowrimo · 5 months
A Message from the NaNoWriMo Board of Directors
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Dear NaNoWriMo Community Members,
Thank you for reaching out to us with your inquiries about the forums, your support, offers to volunteer, and your legitimate concerns.
Our inbox has been flooded, and we appreciate all of the thoughtful responses from participants and volunteers who genuinely care about NaNoWriMo, our fellow writers, and the community as we do. It is impossible to respond to each message individually, but we wanted to let you all know we are working with purpose and sincerity.
Please see below the breakdown of the work that has been done since we last shared an update with the community. Our intention is to keep you abreast of all we are doing to make NaNoWriMo a better, safer, place:
We’ve overseen a full-scale review of business practices led by former Board Member, Kilby Blades, who has stepped in to assist the organization on an interim basis.  
We’ve begun to implement new procedures around community safety, including:
Full revision and legal review of our employee handbook and codes of conduct.
Full revision and legal review of our Municipal Liaison(ML) agreement.
Development of a formal contract agreement for all (non-ML) Volunteers.
Development of a stricter vetting process for all volunteers (which includes identity verification and background checks, wherever necessary).
Licensing of a digital constituent management system that will enhance volunteer management capabilities.
Comprehensive background checks for all current employees.
Checks and balances to ensure that standards of conduct and ethics are adhered to (e.g., better leadership training, volunteer training, tech mechanisms, and active oversight).
We’ve made staffing changes and revised our staffing plan.
We have rescoped certain roles and initiated some staffing changes. (However, certain employees who left the organization voluntarily are in pursuit of their next opportunities.)
We believe that learning from this moment through addressing skill gaps in the organization is healthy and we will go through a hiring process to fill necessary gaps in open roles.
We’ve listened to other community feedback and are still in listening mode.
We’ve disabled the mechanism on the YWP website that allows users to self-identify as educators for the purpose of creating classrooms, and we are researching mechanisms that will allow us to verify adults as educators.
We’ve revised our technology roadmap to address usability issues and are hoping to introduce new features in 2024.
We are midway through a deep dive on forums and forum moderation; this has included benchmarking with other organizations with similar challenges.
In February, we will hold focus groups for continuing MLs. We are also thinking through the logistics of Town Hall meetings and other gatherings.
We’ve processed dozens of pages of community member feedback and are integrating it into our thinking.
With the staffing changes mentioned above, we are open to hearing from those of you who have reached out with offers to help and/or be a part of the organization’s future. Get notified about future job opportunities at NaNoWriMo.
We are excited about the future, and expect it to be brighter! We hope you feel seen and heard, and that you will stick with us as we continue supporting the writing community and our organization.
Kind regards,
NaNoWriMo Board of Directors
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action · 2 years
The Midterms: Voting & The Disability Community
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Join @whenweallvote, the American Association of People with Disabilities’ REV UP Voting Campaign, and The Whole Person to ask questions about the upcoming midterm elections, how you can register to vote, and all you need to know about Election Day.
September 12-16, 2022 is Disability Voting Rights Week, a time for advocates and communities to build the power of the disability vote through voter registration, voter education, community engagement, and more! The disability community is one of the largest voting blocs in the country, with over 38 million eligible voters with disabilities in 2020.  The community also faces access barriers at the ballot box: only 17.7 million voters of the 38 million eligible voted in 2020. This September 16th, get your questions answered about the intersection of voting and the disability community and how to make voting more accessible to disabled folks. 
What are you waiting for, Tumblr? Ask them a question, and head over here to see their answers. 🗳️Don't forget to get registered to vote (HERE)🗳️!
Priestley M. Johnson (She/Her), Director of Strategic Community Partnerships, When We All Vote
Priestley M. Johnson the Director of Strategic Community Partnerships and is responsible for When We All Vote’s partnership program that delivers voter registration tools and resources to hundreds of partners across the nation. Ms. Johnson is a passionate advocate and avid relationship builder dedicated to using her skill set of strategic partnerships, project management, business development, and event planning. With previous experience in the Obama White House and the International Women’s Forum, Priestley is passionate about advocating for more resources for those in need and building capacity through fundraising. A proud Howard alumna, Johnson is committed to moving the needle. 
Lilian Aluri (She/Her), REV UP Voting Campaign Coordinator
Lilian Aluri started off interning at AAPD in the summer of 2020, as a NYU VOTE 2020 Fellow, getting out the disability vote in the 2020 elections. Lilian then began a contract with AAPD and has since been working together with the REV UP team to continue to build the power of the disability vote, research voting accessibility issues, and also support AAPD’s broader advocacy. In her current role as the REV UP Voting Campaign Coordinator, Lilian supports the national REV UP network, facilitating trainings and webinars, convening the advisory committee, organizing national voting initiatives and collaborating with REV UP organizers to advance the power of the disability vote. Lilian also manages AAPD’s blog and a weekly email digest highlighting disability in the news.
As the older sister of a young man with Down syndrome and as someone with some mental health disabilities, Lilian values her role at AAPD as a chance to help create a more inclusive and just society in which all people with disabilities can thrive.
Kendra A. Burgess (She/Her), Public Policy Coordinator, The Whole Person  
Kendra A. Burgess joined The Whole Person in 2019 as Public Policy Coordinator, where she currently advocates for issues impacting people with disabilities at the city, state, and federal levels of government in Kansas and Missouri. 
Prior to this role, Kendra served as a congressional staffer for the Honorable U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill for several years, where she handled a portfolio of federal issues, including labor, healthcare, and housing. Additionally, she lends her voice to elevate issues impacting people with disabilities by writing opinion articles for regional news outlets, educating the public through press interviews, and collaborating with community partners to offer Diversity Equity and Inclusion Programming. Learning to thrive through her own invisibly disabilities, Kendra is a volunteer women’s health advocate by serving as the Kansas/Missouri Representative for the Worldwide EndoMarch, an organization seeking to advocate for those living with Endometriosis.
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coochiequeens · 1 year
Dear English doctors - Biological males can’t get pregnant and there is no such thing as a “girl penis”. Please spend less time on worrying about language that appeases narcissistic men and more time improving care for women and babies.
England’s National Health Service (NHS) has put forward a £100,000 contract to create a “gender-inclusive” maternity care training program based on research guided by a trans-identified male who has claimed that men can give birth and that “pre-operative trans women” have “girl penises.”
On December 16, the NHS quietly released an Invitation to Quote for the “Maternity Gender Inclusion Program,” with a listed closing date for pilot submissions set for January 11th, 2023.
The contracted program is set to be rolled out to midwives in maternity departments across 40 NHS Trusts in England, and would be based on the findings of the Improving Trans Experiences of Maternity Services (ITEMS) research project, which was co-authored by a trans-identified male and is alleged to have “significant” flaws in its methodology.
With Woman, a maternity care advocacy coalition, penned an open letter highlighting the “flawed” research within the ITEMS publications, and has called for a complete pause on the contract offering entirely.
Speaking with Reduxx, a spokeswoman from With Woman raised multiple concerns, especially with the entirety of the program’s focus appearing to be on “inclusive” language and not improvements in medical care for a traditionally complex cohort. 
With Woman noted that even the Invitation to Quote appears fixed, with the very short contracting and funding window raising suspicion. With Woman indicated their belief that there may be organizations already lined up to take the contract as the time frames are too brief for uninvolved organizations to adequately prepare a pilot.
The ITEMS report, which is being used as a justification for the need for the program, based its findings on the responses of just 121 people. The report determined that “birthing people” were improperly cared for because they were “misgendered,” and made unsubstantiated claims that 30% of “trans parents” secretly gave birth at home with no medical intervention.
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The report was co-authored by Dr. Ruth Pearce, a trans-identified male Lecturer in Community Development at Glasgow University.
Pearce played a significant role in the direction of the ITEMS research. Pearce’s work focuses on “trans pregnancy” and “Queer, Trans and Feminist music scenes.” 
In an essay posted on to his website, Pearce asserts that he is more attractive and confident than biological women.
“Quite frankly, I bet a whole load of women would love to be as confident and good looking as I am. I’ve got a pretty face, great hair, fantastic legs, and I’ve recently grown some rather shapely breasts.” He is also known for having once fronted a “queer feminist rage” music group through which he sang a song about his scrotum.
In an August 2022 video titled “Reproductive Justice for Trans People With Ruth Pearce and Francis White,” Pearce explains the focus of his work on ITEMS, policy and language surrounding “trans birth” and the need to highlight transgender people having children to counter the claims that a “trans child” may not reproduce, and to create media that contradicts Abigail Shrier’s claims that child transition can lead to “irreversible damage” of fertility. 
Pearce called attention in particular to a phenomenon known as Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, which was coined by Lisa Littman and referenced by Jungian analyst and author Lisa Marchiano in a 2017 academic article titled “Outbreak: On Transgender Teens and Psychic Epidemics.” 
In the article, Marchiano examines the role of social media in the sudden rise in teens claiming a gender identity, stating: “a young person’s coming out as transgender is often preceded by increased social media use and/or having one or more peers also come out as transgender.”
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Pearce mocked the concept of children learning of transgender identities on social media, but later contradicted himself by discussing the issue in the presentation segment titled “We Are the Virus: Reproduction via Social Contagion.” 
In the segment, Pearce asserted the need to help transgender-identifying people to not only sexually reproduce, but also to “socially reproduce” by means of altering medical language and policy to introduce the idea of transition to children and adults as a form of “reproductive justice,” thereby creating more transgender people.
In the video, Pearce acknowledged that social contagion is the method by which transgenderism proliferates, stating: “Alexis Davin noted that the very process that Lisa Marchiano and Abigail Shrier described as a social contagion is the means by which trans people engage in a form of social reproduction. We become visible to one another and introduce one another to a language that makes sense of our lives and our needs.”
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Later in the seminar he continued, “I’ve been thinking a lot about social contagion because it’s the language of the anti-trans movement. But… the exact thing they’re describing is the exact means by which we reproduce ourselves.”
During the seminar, Pearce described the work he did with Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals (BSUH) NHS Trust, arguing for the need for “Gender Inclusive Language” to create “Language as Possibility” and posters that act as apparent recruitment advertising for the political transgender movement. Pearce elaborated by saying, “in Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals, that’s a really interesting example of queer spaces of care being created through an institution rather than through more radical networks.”
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Pearce’s involvement with the ITEMS research, as well as its use to justify an NHS maternity program, comes less than one year after NHS negligence was found to have been responsible for the needless deaths of over 200 babies and 9 mothers at at Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust. According to internal investigations, “repeated failures in the quality of care and governance” was to blame for the deaths, which spanned over 2 decades, with an additional 1,486 families and 1,592 incidents being recorded as a result of inadequate maternity care oversight.
Reduxx has previously revealed how errors and confusion arose due to the use of inaccurate medical language which led to midwifery students at Napier University in Edinburgh being taught how to care for males giving birth through penises and prostates. 
According to a course workbook, students were advised: “It is important to note that while most times the birthing person will have female genitalia, you may be caring for a pregnant or birthing person who is transitioning from male to female and may still have external male genitalia.”
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chamerionwrites · 7 months
While these protests succeeded in disrupting normal operations at the targeted arms companies, they were unable to meaningfully halt the manufacture of weapons, in part because the group best poised to shut down production was conspicuously absent from each of the actions: the companies’ workers. More than two million US workers are employed by the weapons industry, which produces over 80% of all of Israel’s arms imports, including “precision guided munitions, small diameter bombs, artillery, ammunition, Iron Dome interceptors and other critical equipment,” according to the Pentagon, as well as F-35 aircraft—the most advanced fighter jets in the world. In the past month and a half, Israel has used these weapons in a genocidal assault that has killed more than 14,000 Palestinian civilians in Gaza, at least 5,600 of them children. The violence has prompted direct action against the Israeli war machine’s supply chain, with protesters targeting not only munitions factories but also ships transporting arms to Israel and financial firms with significant investments in the weapons industry. But unlike in many other parts of the world, where weapons workers have led the disruption in response to an urgent call for solidarity from Palestinian trade unions, in the US, unions in the weapons industry have so far remained outside the fray.
This is despite the presence of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of unionized workers in the US weapons industry, some of whom are employed at the very factories that protesters have attempted to shut down this fall. As journalist Taylor Barnes reported earlier this year, each of the five major Pentagon contractors—Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, and General Dynamics—employs some unionized workers, although union density at the firms ranges from as low as 4% at Northrop Grumman to as high as 32% at Boeing. Many of these unionized workers belong either to the International Association of Machinists (IAM), or to the United Auto Workers (UAW), which is part of a renaissance in the US labor movement. Both unions include employees at Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and General Dynamics; the IAM additionally represents workers at Northrop Grumman and M7 Aerospace, a wholly owned subsidiary of the infamous Elbit Systems, while the UAW represents workers at Woodward, Inc., an aerospace firm that gained unwanted attention last month after a viral photo from the ruins of Gaza appeared to show a used missile component with the company’s logo on it. The unions are also actively organizing more workers in the weapons industry: Just last month, for example, the IAM unionized 332 Lockheed employees in Kentucky.
For anti-war labor organizers in the United States, unionized weapons workers present a paradox: Serving such members ostensibly requires making weapons industry jobs stable and remunerative, but the principles of global solidarity call for dismantling the war machine altogether. Traditionally, US unions have only pursued the former mandate. As one anonymous local union president in the industry put it to researcher Karen Bell earlier this year, “my top priority is trying to make sure that we have work in jobs in the United States . . . I don’t make a lot of judgments on anything other than, what can you do to keep the people I represent in work? That’s my job, and to be anything other than that, it would really be a disservice to the people that are paying my salary.” Rather than questioning their role in the industry, unions have reconfirmed their relationships with weapons companies since the start of Israel’s assault on Gaza. Last month, 1,000 IAM members in Arizona and 1,100 UAW members across the Midwest separately ratified new contracts with Raytheon and General Dynamics respectively, during a period when both companies were actively implicated in the mass killing of Palestinian civilians. When the Raytheon contract deal was announced on October 22nd, one IAM leader said he was “proud to support our Raytheon members and excited for this contract’s positive impact on their lives”—a statement that highlights the seemingly irreconcilable conflict between the economic interests of weapons industry workers and the anti-war, anti-genocide movement.
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science-sculpt · 4 months
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A Journey Through Our Defenses: A Dive into the History of Immunology
The human body possesses an extraordinary ability to resist disease, a complex system known as the immune system. Our understanding of this intricate network, however, has evolved significantly over time, shaped by both ancient observations and groundbreaking scientific discoveries. From the ancient Greeks observing immunity after the plague to the cutting-edge research on immunotherapy, the history of immunology is a captivating saga of human curiosity, scientific breakthroughs, and the relentless pursuit of understanding our body's remarkable defense system.
The earliest observations of immunity date back to ancient civilizations. The Chinese practiced variolation, a process where dried smallpox scabs were blown into the nose to induce mild illness and subsequent immunity. Similar practices existed in India and Africa, demonstrating an intuitive understanding of acquired immunity. In 430 BC, Thucydides, a historian of the Athenian plague, noted that recovered individuals could safely care for the sick, suggesting an early recognition of disease resistance. The turning point in immunology arrived in 1796 with Edward Jenner, a British physician. Observing that milkmaids who had contracted cowpox were resistant to smallpox, he conducted a daring experiment, inoculating a young boy with cowpox pus. The boy developed a mild illness but remained protected from the deadly smallpox, marking the birth of vaccination. Jenner's work paved the way for further research into understanding immunity and developing vaccines against other diseases.
The 19th century saw significant progress in understanding the immune system's mechanisms. Louis Pasteur, a French microbiologist, developed vaccines against cholera and rabies, further solidifying the role of vaccination in disease prevention. In 1880, Ilya Mechnikov, a Russian biologist, discovered phagocytes, white blood cells that engulf and destroy pathogens, earning him a Nobel Prize in 1908. Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato identified antibodies in the blood of vaccinated individuals, revealing the humoral immune response, where specific molecules target and neutralize pathogens.
The 20th Century: A Golden Age of Immunology: The 20th century witnessed a revolution in immunology. Karl Landsteiner discovered blood groups, leading to safer blood transfusions. Peter Medawar elucidated the concept of self-tolerance, explaining how the immune system distinguishes self from non-self. The discovery of T cells and B cells by Jean Dausset, Peter Doherty, and Rolf Zinkernagel unraveled the intricacies of the adaptive immune system, where lymphocytes tailor their response to specific pathogens. These breakthroughs paved the way for organ transplantation, autoimmune disease therapies, and the development of new vaccines.
21st Century: Expanding Horizons: The 21st century continues to push the boundaries of immunology. Monoclonal antibodies, engineered to target specific molecules, revolutionized cancer treatment and immune-based therapies. The Human Genome Project provided invaluable insights into the genetic underpinnings of the immune system, opening doors for personalized medicine. Research on immunotherapies harnessing the body's own immune cells to fight cancer and other diseases is rapidly evolving.
The history of immunology is a testament to human curiosity and ingenuity. From ancient observations to modern marvels, our understanding of this intricate system has transformed healthcare and continues to evolve. As we delve deeper into the mysteries of the immune system, we unlock the potential for even more effective treatments and preventive measures, paving the way for a healthier future for all. The history of immunology is a wild ride, filled with brilliant minds, bizarre experiments, and discoveries that continue to shape our world. And the best part? This story is still being written, with each new chapter promising even more amazing advancements in the fight to keep us healthy.
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valleypoos1 · 4 months
Vital Role of Research in Choosing a Cockapoo Puppies Breeder in California
Choosing a Cockapoo puppy breeder is a crucial step. It affects the well-being & happiness of your future furry friend. It is hard to pick the right one from multiple cockapoo puppy breeders in California. Every breederclaims to offer the best puppies, so conducting research is essential to ensure you find a reputable & responsible breeder. 
Here we will explore the importance of research when choosing a Cockapoo puppies breeder in California & guide how to make an informed decision.
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Understanding the Importance of Research
Research helps you to find a trustworthy Cockapoo puppies breeder. Let's dive deep into how research can help you;
Ensuring Puppy Health and Welfare: A responsible breeder gives the utmost importance to the well-being & health of their puppies. When you visit a breeder ask them various questions. So that you can know crucial details about the breeder's approach to breeding, the thoroughness of their health screening protocols & the nurturing environment provided for the puppies. With this knowledge, you can confidently track the choices of the puppies. 
Avoiding Puppy Mills and Unethical Breeders: Unfortunately, now not all breeders prioritize their puppies. Puppy mills and unethical breeders often prioritize earnings over the fitness and welfare of their animals, leading to severe health and behavioral troubles for their dogs. Research allows you to identify and avoid these disreputable breeders.
Understanding Breeder Ethics and Practices: Each breeder operates differently, with various ranges of ethics and breeding practices. By conducting studies, you can benefit the perception of a breeder's ethics, consisting of their commitment to accountable breeding, genetic checking out, and doggy socialization. These facts allow you to choose a breeder who aligns together with your values and expectations for reputable breeding software.
Key Factors to Consider During Research
When researching Cockapoo puppy breeders in California, several key factors should be considered to ensure you find a responsible and reputable breeder:
Health Testing and Screening: A reputable breeder conducts thorough health testing and screening on their parent dogs to identify and prevent genetic diseases and health issues. Inquire about the health testing protocols followed by the breeder and ask for documentation to verify the health status of the parent dogs.
Living Conditions and Socialization: The living conditions and socialization practices of the breeder greatly influence the temperament and behavior of the puppies. A responsible breeder provides a clean and safe environment for their puppies and exposes them to various stimuli to promote proper socialization. Request to visit the breeder's facility or meet the parent dogs and puppies in person to assess their living conditions and socialization experiences.
Breeding Practices and Ethics: Research the breeder's breeding practices and ethics to ensure they align with responsible breeding standards. Look for breeders who prioritize the health, welfare, and betterment of the breed over profit. Ask about their breeding goals, practices, and involvement in breed clubs or organizations that promote responsible breeding practices.
Customer Reviews and References: Customer opinions and references provide precious insights into the reviews of previous puppy buyers with the breeder. Look for testimonials and reviews from past customers to measure their satisfaction with the breeder & overall experience. Additionally, ask the breeder for references or referrals from previous puppy buyers to learn more about their reputation and reliability.
Contract and Health Guarantee: A reputable breeder gives a written settlement and health guarantee for their dogs, outlining the phrases and conditions of the sale and the breeder's responsibilities. Review the contract carefully to understand your rights and obligations as a doggy consumer, which includes health guarantees, return policies, and spay/neuter requirements.
In conclusion, conducting thorough research is essential when selecting a Cockapoo puppies breeder in California. By discovering breeders' fitness testing and screening practices, living conditions, breeding ethics, purchaser evaluations, and contractual agreements, you may make an informed decision and discover an honest breeder who prioritizes the health and welfare of their dogs. Remember that investing effort and time into research can bring about an entire life of joy and companionship with your friend Cockapoo Doggy.
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bizarrequazar · 1 year
GJ and ZZH Updates — February 26-March 4
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
02-26 → Gong Jun flew back to Beijing.
02-27 → Fresh posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun, shortly followed by a promotional video.
→ Madame Tussauds posted a gif that used shots of Gong Jun from The Flaming Heart, Dream Garden, Rising with the Wind, and their own photoshoot with him.
02-28 → 1000th day since Word of Honor filming began.
→ Gong Jun posted a douyin from his trip to Thailand. Caption: “Thailand travel guide” with “guide” (gonglue) written with the gong from his name. BGM is Small Town Summer by LBI利比, one of the songs he sang for his New Year’s Eve performance. Fan Observations:  -  He’s been including images of trees a lot recently.   -  A review of the Small Town Summer candy: It’s a song about falling in love in the summer while listening to Jay Chou.
→ Deeyeo posted a teaser image for their upcoming endorsement with Gong Jun. (1129 kadian) Caption: “He can freely switch between different roles, and he has made breakthroughs in various challenges[.] 9:00 on March 2, stay tuned!”
03-01 → At midnight in all timezones, Zhang Zhehan’s music released by Xinxi (ie. the Light and Another Me albums) were removed from Spotify, iTunes, and Amazon Music. It was noticed soon after that these songs had also been moved from YoYo Rock’s main YouTube channel to their indie channel, where they were unlisted but at that time could be found through a public playlist. Fan Observations: -  The scammers and whalers were all silent on the topic, suggesting that this was not their doing, if it was CAPA’s doing it should have happened long ago, and if it was a matter of contracts expiring it’s surprising that both albums would be affected at once.   -  The most likely explanation at the time of this post is that either Zhang Zhehan or Xinxi specifically requested for the songs to be removed, Zhang Zhehan being more probable as Xinxi’s main concern would be the revenue gained from the songs still being up.  -  The purpose of having Zhang Zhehan’s old songs in the same place as the new stolen ones is to give the new songs the impression of legitimacy, so taking them down counters that. [full breakdown of the above points]   -  The fact that YoYo Rock moved and unlisted them was likely to try to avoid copyright claims. It’s possible that this was in response to a cease and desist. Addition 03-05: [breakdown about the YoYo Rock videos]
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted his schedule for March: magazine shoots on 03-02 and 03-05, event on 03-04. Caption: “Spring is blooming, the sky is clear and the air is fresh! Boss @ Gong Jun Simon's March itinerary is coming, the new month is full of energy!” BGM is 春之行 by 灰澈. Fans left comments en masse on the post asking the studio to take action against recent anti activity. 
→ Deeyeo posted a teaser of their commercial with Gong Jun that would release the following day. (1129 kadian)
→ Gong Jun posted three photos of himself with a dog to his Xiao Hong Shu, advertising Tangle Teezer’s pet brush. (14:06, 1640 kadian) Tangle Teezer later posted a behind the scenes video of the photoshoot.
→ Madame Tussauds posted a video of their photoshoot with Gong Jun. Fan Observations:  -  In the video, he signs a book with the date 2021-07 (exact date cut). This led to speculation of if it was originally intended for there to be matching wax models of both Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.  -  It was noted that on 2021-05-10, Zhang Zhehan wore a very similar white suit by the same brand as the one Gong Jun wore for the Madame Tussauds photoshoot.
03-02 → Gong Jun posted the full commercial he did for Deeyeo, formally announcing his endorsement with them. This was reposted by his studio and Deeyeo. Deeyeo also posted a photo ad and a promotional video with the announcement. 
→ 361° posted two photo ads featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian) Fan Observation: The blue jacket is called 云舒防晒衣, with 云舒 being the same as in the Word of Honor line “Take a lover’s hand, and watch the clouds unfold,” referencing Zhou Zishu’s name (episode 25).
→ Zhang Sanjian appeared briefly at an airport in a paparazzi livestream accompanied by Xie Yihua, wearing baggy clothing, a hat, glasses, and a mask. No one said his name.
→ The unlisted YoYo Rock videos were found to have been privated.
→ Madame Tussauds posted nine old photos of Gong Jun.
03-03 → Deeyeo posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun posted sixteen photos from his trip to Thailand with a caption playing on the lyric “You know you don’t know (你知不知道 不知道)” replacing “buzhidao” with “pujidao” (Phuket Island). He also posted the photos to his Xiao Hong Shu, caption: “I didn’t have fun!  As if 🤭” and Instagram, caption: “Happy Time !” (11:17, 511 kadian) Fan Observation: Possible ring sighting in the first photo.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted an additional nine photos of the Thailand trip. Caption: “Green trees by the sea, resting along the road, please check the travel postcards from boss @ Gong Jun Simon.” 
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→ Gong Jun’s 2017 drama Advance Bravely became available for streaming on Viki.
→ Gong Jun liked two videos on Douyin, one about a dog who “wants to love you unconditionally” and another of an older woman talking about how having a good husband made a hard life easier. It was noted that the date had three 3s in it, Zhang Zhehan’s favourite number.
03-04 → Tangle Teezer posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Madame Tussauds made a post announcing that the unveiling of Gong Jun’s statue would be shown on a livestream that afternoon.
→ Deeyeo posted a short Q&A video with Gong Jun. [subbed video] Fan Observation: When asked which of his past roles he’s most similar to he said Yuan Che from Love Lost in Times. Yuan Che’s most notable characteristics are that he’s extremely loyal, and that he waited a long time for his love interest to return.
→ A livestream was streamed showing Gong Jun touring Madame Tussauds, then the unveiling ceremony. (full recording in above link)  Fan Observations / Highlights:  -  It was emphasized that new technology was used to make the figure feel more lifelike. Guests are allowed to touch it. [subbed clip]  -  Gong Jun commented that the fingernails are too long, he keeps his shorter. (The hands look very off in general tbh.) [clip] He also made a lot of comments about his abs lol.  -  When talking about being approached to make the statue, he said “approached us”, and when he was addressing someone with the surname Zhang he said “Zhang-lao— Zhang... Zhang-zong” [clips]  -  Many noted that the pose looks as if it was meant to have someone else standing beside it, with people comparing it to the Tom Ford event specifically.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted nine photos of Gong Jun touring Madame Tussauds. Caption: “No time to explain the new style of aesthetics at the beginning, and boss @ Gong Jun Simon uses a different fashion attitude to create a modern new force.”
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted six photos from the unveiling. Caption: “Through the modern tunnel, boss @ Gong Jun Simon and ‘Second Jun’ appeared at Madame Tussauds Shanghai, weaving fashion trends with original colors.”
→ Madame Tussauds posted another six photos from that day. They also posted additonal photos and a making-of video to their WeChat.
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Addition 03-05: ONOFFON Collection made a post highlighting their jacket that Gong Jun had worn to the event.
Additional Reading: → Flora’s daily fan news → My own observation: The Instagram was unusually inactive this week.
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This post was last edited 2023-03-05.
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dprajapati · 8 months
Navigating Economic Storms: Understanding and Responding to Recession in Canada
In the complicated world of economics, recessions are like storms on the horizon, affecting the financial well-being of people and the stability of organizations. In this blog post, we can delve into the intricacies of recession in the context of Canada, analyzing its reasons, effects, and techniques for weathering the monetary downturn.
Defining Recession in Canada:
A recession is a considerable decline in monetary pastime that lasts for an extended period. In Canada, that is measured by the valuable resource of consecutive quarters of a bad GDP boom. This economic contraction can cause mission losses, decreased client spending, and a stylish experience of financial lack of confidence.
The Causes of Recession:
An aggregate of domestic and international elements frequently brings about recessions. In Canada, shifts in global alternate patterns, fluctuations in commodity costs, and modifications in monetary policies all play a role. For instance, the 2008 financial catastrophe was driven by an international credit rating crunch reverberating through the Canadian economy. In 2023, researchers at Deloitte are among a developing chorus of economists, which consists of those at the most significant Canadian banks, watching for the monetary gadget to be successful. This is due to a mixture of things, which include the continued COVID-19 pandemic, delivery chain disruptions, and hard work shortages.
Impacts on Various Sectors:
Different sectors revel in recessions through several strategies. While industries like manufacturing and production can also face declines in production and layoffs, company-oriented sectors like healthcare and schooling will be inclined to be more resilient. For example, at some point in the 2008 recession, the housing market in Canada experienced a significant downturn, impacting the development of the organization and associated offerings. In 2023, the tight labor market and high costs can result in a profit-inflation spiral.
Government Responses and Interventions:
In reaction to recessions, governments implement several rules to stimulate financial growth and stability. These measures can encompass modifications to hobby expenses, financial stimulus applications, and targeted investments in key industries. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Canadian authorities delivered sizeable economic resource packages to guide humans and groups. In 2023, the government may want to position comparable measures to guide the financial system.
Challenges and Opportunities for Individuals and Businesses:
For human beings, recessions can supply pastime uncertainty and monetary stress. Building a diverse capacity set and preserving a solid financial plan can help mitigate economic storms. As an alternative, businesses may additionally need to pivot their strategies, innovate, and find new markets to continue existing and thriving. In 2023, companies will also need to focus on supply chain resilience and complex paintings for improvement to stay competitive.
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Canadian business sentiment has hit its lowest point since the 2020 Covid recession, as in line with Bank of Canada surveys. The statistics exhibits that while economic interest has slowed throughout numerous indicators, both firms and clients maintain to assume excessive inflation. Despite the slowdown, businesses are making plans greater frequent and considerable charge will increase, although hiring expectations have dipped. On the customer front, the exertions market remains considered definitely, with document-excessive expectations for salary increase. However, there's a excellent discrepancy between their perception of inflation and real figures. This standard decline in sentiment points closer to a deteriorating economic outlook, doubtlessly influencing the relevant bank's choice to maintain interest prices. The business outlook indicator fell for the 7th consecutive zone, signaling worries about slower sales increase and destiny projections. Firms also are reevaluating hiring and capital expenditure plans. The venture for policymakers lies in adjusting inflation expectations amid a cooling economy. Although corporations fear about income call for and credit, issues approximately price pressures and deliver chains are waning. Many believe that better quotes will hinder income and investments within the subsequent 12 months, and anticipate accomplishing the 2% inflation target will take longer than three years. For customers, perceptions of contemporary inflation continue to be excessive, with expectations for destiny inflation also improved. Higher fees are impacting foremost purchases, leading to a preference for discretionary spending. The Bank of Canada has maintained a consistent interest charge of five% however leaves the door open for capacity tightening inside the destiny. The next fee statement is scheduled for October twenty fifth, with September inflation information due on Tuesday.
Global Context and Interconnectedness:
Canada's monetary system is intricately related to the worldwide marketplace. Events like change tensions, geopolitical conflicts, and forex fluctuations have a proper effect on the Canadian economic machine. Recognizing those connections is essential for understanding the entire scope of a recession in Canada. In 2023, the continuing worldwide pandemic and delivery chain disruptions may also significantly impact the Canadian economy.
As we navigate the complexities of a recession in Canada, staying knowledgeable and proactive is critical. By understanding the reasons, influences, and functionality techniques, individuals and groups can better prepare for financially demanding situations. Remember, even as recessions may supply turbulence, they also present model, boom, and resilience possibilities. In 2023, it's critical to stay vigilant and take proactive steps to weather the economic crisis.
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dr-alex-zarifis · 8 months
Research develops a model of trust in Ethereum token ‘Ether’ payments (TRUSTEP)
My new research developed a model of trust in making payments with the Ethereum (Zarifis, 2023). I published the first peer reviewed research on trust in payments with Bitcoin in 2014 (Zarifis et al. 2014), and I wanted to apply my experience from that to understanding the consumer’s perspective to making Ethereum payments.
Ethereum is being utilised in various ways, including smart contracts and payments. Despite some similarities with Bitcoin, Ethereum is a different technology, with different governance and support.
Ethereum payments require digital wallets and the process is different to paying in traditional fiat currencies like the Euro. When a person wants to take an action without controlling all the parameters, and some risk is unavoidable, trust is necessary.
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Figure 1. Model of trust in making Ethereum payments, TRUSTEP
The model demystifies how trust is built in consumer payments with Ethereum. The model starts with the individual’s predisposition and then covers the factors from the specific context of Ethereum payments. From the person’s individual characteristics, their willingness to innovate in finance and technology have a role. There are then five variables from the contexts: Adoption and reputation, stable value and low transaction fees, effective regulation, payment intermediaries and trust in the seller. The personal and contextual factors together influence trust in the Ethereum payment process and making a payment with Ether.
While the model has similarities to previous models of trust, such as the role of each individual’s psychological predisposition and the role of reputation, the role of institutions such as regulators and the importance of trust in the retailer, the distinct characteristics of Ethereum also play a role. In fact, the factors related to the distinct characteristics of Ethereum have the strongest support based on the average of the responses. This research can be added to a growing body of research in trust that illustrates how users’ beliefs in each cryptocurrency need to be explored separately.
Furthermore, the role of the organizations involved in the payment process are shown. While trust in the retailer is usually a factor in retail payments, the regulators and payment intermediaries are not always a significant factor, so it is a useful contribution to show that this is the case here.
That is what I want to share with you here. If you have experiences related to what I am talking about, please let me know, I would love to hear from you.
Zarifis A. (2023) ‘A Model of Trust in Ethereum Token ‘Ether’ Payments, TRUSTEP’ Businesses, vol.3, no. 4: pp.534-547. Available from (open access): https://doi.org/10.3390/businesses3040033
Zarifis A., Efthymiou L., Cheng X. & Demetriou S. (2014) ‘Consumer trust in digital currency enabled transactions’, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing-Springer, vol.183, pp.241-254. Available from: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-11460-6_21#
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jobaaj · 11 months
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A career in management consulting can be both challenging and rewarding, as it involves helping organizations solve complex problems and improve their overall performance. Management consultants work with a wide range of clients, from large corporations to small businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies. If you're considering a career in management consulting, here are some key aspects to consider:
Roles and Responsibilities: Management consultants are hired to provide objective advice and expertise in various areas of business. Their responsibilities can include analyzing data, conducting research, developing strategies, implementing changes, and advising clients on organizational improvements. Consultants may specialize in different industries or functional areas such as strategy, operations, finance, human resources, IT, or marketing.
Qualifications and Skills: A strong educational background is often required for entry into management consulting. Most firms prefer candidates with at least a bachelor's degree, and many consultants hold advanced degrees (e.g., MBA, MSc, or Ph.D.). In addition to formal education, consultants need excellent analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills. They should be able to work well in teams and be adaptable to various working environments.
Industry Knowledge: Management consultants often need to understand specific industries and sectors they work in. Gaining expertise in a particular field can help you stand out and be more effective in your consulting engagements.
Consulting Firms: There are several well-known management consulting firms with global reach, such as McKinsey & Company, Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Bain & Company, Deloitte, PwC, EY, and others. These firms offer diverse opportunities for consultants to work on a wide range of projects and industries.
Travel and Work-Life Balance: Management consulting often involves travel, especially for client engagements. Depending on the firm and project, consultants may spend a significant amount of time on the road or at client sites. This can impact work-life balance, so it's essential to consider how much travel you are comfortable with.
Career Progression: A career in management consulting can offer a well-defined progression path. Consultants typically start as analysts or associates and can advance to senior consultant, manager, and ultimately, partner or director level. Alternatively, some consultants may choose to transition into industry roles after gaining experience.
Impact and Learning Opportunities: Management consultants have the opportunity to work on high-impact projects that can shape the future of organizations. The job also provides continuous learning opportunities as consultants tackle diverse challenges across various industries.
Demand and Job Market: The demand for management consultants can fluctuate based on the economic climate and the specific needs of industries. Consulting firms may go through periods of expansion or contraction, affecting job availability.
Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Experienced consultants may choose to start their consulting firms or join boutique consulting companies to focus on specific niches or industries.
Overall, a career in management consulting can be intellectually stimulating and provide exposure to various business environments. It's essential to research different firms, understand their areas of expertise, and network with professionals in the industry to make an informed decision about pursuing this career path.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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USAF: B-52 bombers will receive new communications beyond the line of sight
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 06/27/2022 - 3:00 PM in Military
Crew chiefs of the 96th Aircraft Maintenance Unit carry out a pre-flight inspection on a B-52H Stratofortress before taking off from the Andersen Air Force, Guam, to support a mission on March 4, 2022. (Photo: U.S. Air Force / Senior Airman Jonathan E. Branches)
On Sunday, a U.S. Air Force press release said that the service went one step closer to equipping the B-52s with a new communication capacity beyond the line of sight (BLOS) called IRIS.
The 49th Test and Evaluation Squadron performed the first aerial demonstration using the BLOS communication system paired with an Iridium Certus terminal at a B-52 Stratofortress at Barksdale Air Base on June 22.
"In a war scenario, the only point of failure is usually in our ability to communicate," said Captain Richard Brown, conventional test flight commander of the 49th TES. “If we cannot send and receive mission-critical data from our aircraft reliably and efficiently, we will lose. The IRIS system is one of the many datalink solutions we need to equip the fighter for today's fight."
As the bomber crew ascended to the skies, a combat operations team from the 608th Air Operations Center provided command and control and evaluated the voice and data transfer capabilities observed from the IRIS-equipped B-52 to include real-time information transmission, with images and videos.
The IRIS system, which takes advantage of the constellation of Low Earth Orbit Iridium NEXT satellites, guarantees complete global coverage. In addition, IRIS will waive the use of Iridium's 2.4 Kbps bandwidth capacity for the greatly improved L-band speeds of Iridium Certus, a broadband service with a bandwidth capacity of up to 704 Kbps.
IRIS is a communication system beyond the line of sight created by Outlerlink, which is used to transfer data, voice and images in near real time. The 608th Air Operations Center organized an air demonstration where the system was tested on a B-52 of Barksdale Air Base on June 22, 2022.
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"Today, we learned that the IRIS System can be immediately employed using current joint tactics for operational and tactical control of long-range attack aircraft," said Lieutenant Colonel Paul Goossen, head of the 608th Combat Operations Division of the AOC.
The AOC team also acknowledged that the method of "how" the service acquires a new resource plays a significant role in the implementation schedule of the new resource.
"We discovered that the AFWERX SBIR program works to find fast prototype solutions through commercially available means," said Chris Morales, deputy head of the 608th AOC Combat Operations Division. “Sometimes solutions to global problems can be found in your local community through small suppliers.”
The U.S. Air Force Global Attack Command has leveraged an AFWERX Small Business Innovation Research Phase II contract to assess the feasibility of linking a commercial Outerlink Global Solutions system to the B-52 global satellite architecture to allow unimpeded coverage. The SBIR program involves small businesses with federal research and development.
After the success of the test event, the AFGSC will continue to work on the AFWERX process to obtain a SBIR Strategic Finance contract to support IRIS. This will allow permanent integration of the bomber and perfect coordination between geographical centers of air operation using the system. IRIS is ready to replace the Global Iridium Bomber Set (GLIBS) that has been in service since 2017.
The BLOS communication system is one of AFGSC's solutions to integrate the B-52 fleet into the largest set of Joint Command and Control of All Domains problems. Is IRIS one of the many programs on the horizon responsible ?? by the paradigm shift of the B-52 from a legacy support platform to a lethally modernized multidomain aircraft.
Tags: Military AviationBoeing B-52H StratofortressUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in a specialized aviation magazine in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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croservices · 1 year
What is the role of a contract research organization?
A contract research organization (CRO) is a company that provides a variety of services related to clinical trials, such as clinical research, clinical data management, and regulatory affairs. The CRO`s is typically hired by a pharmaceutical or biotechnology company to manage and execute clinical trials of new drugs, medical devices, and other products. The CRO works in collaboration with the sponsor to design and carry out the clinical trial, collect and analyze data, and provide regulatory and safety support.
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CROs are typically hired by sponsors of clinical trials because they offer a wide range of services that are not typically available within a single company. CROs are often able to provide expertise in the areas of clinical research, data management, regulatory affairs, and project management. CROs are also able to provide a larger number of personnel and resources than a single company would have available. This allows for a more efficient and cost-effective approach to clinical trials.
The CRO works in close collaboration with the sponsor to design and implement the clinical trial. This includes developing the protocol, recruiting patients, and setting up the data management system. The CRO is responsible for ensuring that the clinical trial is conducted in accordance with ethical and regulatory standards. The CRO is also responsible for the collection and analysis of clinical data, as well as the reporting of results.
In addition to conducting the clinical trial, the CRO also provides regulatory support to the sponsor. This includes providing advice on regulatory requirements and preparing regulatory submissions. The CRO also assists with the preparation and submission of clinical trial reports.
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The CRO is an important partner in the development of new drugs, medical devices, and other products. The CRO provides expertise and resources to the sponsor that would otherwise not be available. This allows for more efficient and cost-effective clinical trials that provide reliable and accurate data. The CRO also helps to ensure that the clinical trial is conducted in accordance with ethical and regulatory standards. The CRO plays an important role in the development of new treatments and products that improve the quality of life for patients around the world.
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umangkumari1991 · 21 hours
The Symbiotic Relationship: Robins Air Force Base and Perry, Georgia.
Robins Air Force Base, nestled in the heart of Georgia, stands as a beacon of national defense and a pillar of economic vitality for the surrounding communities, most notably Perry, Georgia. Established in 1941, Robins AFB has grown into one of the largest Air Force bases in the world, with a profound impact on both the nation's security and the local economy.Click Here
At the heart of this symbiotic relationship lies a deep interdependence between the base and the town of Perry. The base provides employment opportunities for thousands of civilians and military personnel, making it a crucial economic engine for the region. With over 25,000 military, civilian, and contractor employees, Robins AFB serves as one of the largest employers in central Georgia.
The economic impact of Robins AFB extends far beyond direct employment. The base generates significant revenue for local businesses through contracts, subcontracting opportunities, and procurement activities. Small businesses in Perry benefit from subcontracting opportunities, supplying goods and services to support the base's operations. Additionally, the presence of military personnel and their families stimulates local retail, housing, and service industries, contributing to the overall prosperity of the community.
Beyond economic benefits, Robins AFB plays a vital role in fostering community partnerships and supporting local initiatives. The base actively engages with the Perry community through various outreach programs, volunteer activities, and partnerships with schools and nonprofit organizations. These collaborations enhance the quality of life for residents and strengthen the bonds between the military and civilian populations.
Moreover, Robins AFB serves as a center for innovation and technological advancement, driving research and development initiatives that benefit both the military and civilian sectors. The base houses various research facilities and laboratories, collaborating with academia, industry partners, and government agencies to advance aerospace technology, logistics, and sustainment capabilities. These efforts not only enhance the military's readiness and operational effectiveness but also spur innovation and economic growth in Perry and the surrounding region.
Furthermore, Robins AFB plays a critical role in disaster response and humanitarian assistance efforts. The base's strategic location and logistical capabilities make it a key asset in providing rapid support during natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, and wildfires. Additionally, the base participates in international humanitarian missions, delivering aid and assistance to communities in need around the world. These efforts demonstrate the Air Force's commitment to global security and humanitarian values while showcasing the capabilities and contributions of Robins AFB on the world stage.
In conclusion, the relationship between Robins Air Force Base and Perry, Georgia, exemplifies the synergy between military and civilian entities in fostering economic prosperity, community resilience, and technological innovation. The base's strategic importance, coupled with its deep-rooted ties to the local community, underscores its significance as a cornerstone of national defense and a catalyst for regional development. As Robins AFB continues to evolve and adapt to meet the challenges of the 21st century, its impact on Perry and the surrounding region will undoubtedly endure, shaping the future prosperity and security of Georgia and the nation at large.
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gautamdigi · 4 days
Comprehensive Guide to Law Courses
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Comprehensive Guide to Law Courses
In today's dynamic legal landscape, pursuing a law degree is more relevant than ever. Aspiring lawyers and legal professionals need a solid educational foundation to navigate complex legal issues and foster justice. This comprehensive guide delves into the various facets of law courses, providing detailed insights into the curriculum, specializations, career opportunities, and more.
Understanding Law Courses: An Overview
Law courses are designed to equip students with a profound understanding of legal principles, practices, and systems. These courses span a variety of legal fields, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared to handle diverse legal challenges. The journey begins with an undergraduate degree, typically followed by a professional law degree and specialized courses for advanced knowledge.
Undergraduate Law Degrees
Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)
The Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) is a foundational degree for anyone looking to enter the legal profession. This undergraduate program typically spans three to four years, covering essential areas such as:
Constitutional Law: Understanding the framework of government and fundamental rights.
Criminal Law: Studying offenses and the penal system.
Contract Law: Learning about agreements and enforceable promises.
Tort Law: Examining civil wrongs and liabilities.
Property Law: Delving into ownership and real estate issues.
Juris Doctor (J.D.)
The Juris Doctor (J.D.) is a graduate-entry professional degree, commonly pursued in the United States, that prepares students for the bar examination and subsequent legal practice. This three-year program is intensive, emphasizing critical thinking and practical skills through courses like:
Civil Procedure: Understanding the rules and processes in civil courts.
Evidence: Learning about the admissibility of information in court.
Ethics and Professional Responsibility: Navigating the moral obligations of legal professionals.
Legal Writing and Research: Developing skills for drafting legal documents and conducting research.
Specializations in Law
Law is a vast field with numerous specializations catering to various interests and career aspirations. Here are some prominent specializations within law courses:
Corporate Law
Corporate law focuses on the legal aspects of businesses and corporations. Courses cover topics such as mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance, and securities regulation. Lawyers in this field advise companies on their legal rights and obligations, ensuring compliance with laws and regulations.
Criminal Law
Criminal law deals with offenses against individuals and society. Specializing in this area involves studying criminal justice, forensic science, and criminal procedure. Criminal lawyers represent defendants or work as prosecutors, playing a crucial role in the justice system.
Environmental Law
Environmental law addresses regulations and policies aimed at protecting the environment. This specialization covers areas like environmental policy, natural resources law, and climate change legislation. Lawyers advocate for sustainable practices and compliance with environmental regulations.
Family Law
Family law pertains to legal issues involving family relationships. Courses include topics such as divorce, child custody, and adoption. Family lawyers assist clients in navigating sensitive matters, often requiring a compassionate and meticulous approach.
Intellectual Property Law
Intellectual property law safeguards creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary works, and trademarks. Specializing in this area involves studying patent law, copyright law, and trademark law. Lawyers help clients protect their intellectual property rights and handle disputes over infringements.
International Law
International law governs relations between countries and international organizations. This specialization covers treaties, human rights, and international trade. Lawyers in this field work on global issues, representing states, international bodies, or non-governmental organizations.
Advanced Law Degrees and Certifications
For those seeking further expertise, advanced law degrees and certifications offer opportunities to deepen knowledge and specialize further.
Master of Laws (LL.M.)
The Master of Laws (LL.M.) is a postgraduate degree providing advanced legal education. It typically lasts one year and allows students to focus on specific areas such as tax law, international law, or human rights law. The LL.M. is ideal for lawyers seeking to enhance their qualifications or switch specializations.
Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.)
The Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.) is the highest academic degree in law, aimed at individuals interested in legal research and academia. This degree requires the completion of a dissertation contributing original knowledge to the field of law.
Legal Certifications
Various certifications can bolster a lawyer’s credentials. For example, certifications in mediation, arbitration, or specific legal technologies can enhance a lawyer’s skill set and marketability.
Career Opportunities in Law
A law degree opens doors to a plethora of career opportunities across different sectors. Here are some common career paths for law graduates:
Legal Practitioner
Becoming a legal practitioner, such as a solicitor or barrister, is a traditional career path. Legal practitioners represent clients in court, draft legal documents, and provide legal advice.
Corporate Counsel
Corporate counsels work within corporations, providing legal advice on business operations, regulatory compliance, and risk management. This role requires a deep understanding of corporate law and business practices.
Public Interest Lawyer
Public interest lawyers work for non-profit organizations, government agencies, or as public defenders, advocating for social justice and representing underserved communities.
Academia and Research
A career in academia involves teaching law at universities and conducting legal research. This path is suitable for those passionate about contributing to legal scholarship and educating future lawyers.
Serving as a judge or magistrate is a prestigious career option, involving the adjudication of legal disputes and interpretation of the law. This role requires extensive legal experience and a strong ethical foundation.
Preparing for a Law Career: Tips and Advice
Gain Practical Experience
Practical experience is crucial in legal education. Internships, clerkships, and volunteering at legal clinics provide hands-on experience and exposure to real-world legal issues.
Develop Strong Communication Skills
Effective communication is vital for legal professionals. Sharpening both written and oral communication skills is essential for drafting legal documents, arguing cases, and negotiating settlements.
Network with Legal Professionals
Networking helps build relationships and opens up career opportunities. Attending legal seminars, joining bar associations, and engaging with alumni networks can provide valuable connections and insights.
Stay Updated on Legal Developments
The legal field is constantly evolving. Staying informed about new laws, regulations, and legal precedents is essential for any legal professional. Regularly reading legal journals, attending continuing education courses, and participating in professional development programs are beneficial practices.
Pursuing a law degree is a significant step toward a rewarding and impactful career. Whether you aim to practice law, work in corporate settings, advocate for social justice, or contribute to legal scholarship, law courses provide the necessary foundation and specialization to achieve your goals. By choosing the right path and continuously honing your skills, you can make a meaningful impact in the legal field.
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sudheervanguri · 6 days
Work from Home Pharmacovigilance Jobs at Thermo Fisher as a Safety Specialist In the rapidly evolving landscape of pharmacovigilance, Thermo Fisher Scientific offers an exciting opportunity for professionals to work from home as Safety Specialists. Explore the details of this unique position and learn how you can contribute to groundbreaking clinical research from the comfort of your home Thermo Fisher Scientific, a leading global contract research organization (CRO), is actively seeking qualified candidates for full-time remote positions in clinical research. Dive into the specifics of the Safety Specialist role, its responsibilities, and the incredible impact it has on bringing life-changing drugs to market. About Thermo Fisher Scientific: Thermo Fisher Scientific, a pioneer in clinical research services, is dedicated to developing drugs that address the world's most challenging health concerns. Join our team and be part of the leading global CRO powering the PPD® clinical research portfolio. Thermo Fisher Scientific Vacancies: Explore the available opportunities to join our dynamic team: Job Description: As a Safety Specialist working from home, you will play a vital role in performing day-to-day pharmacovigilance (PV) activities within a highly regulated environment. Your responsibilities will include: Collection, monitoring, assessment, evaluation, research, and tracking of safety information. Coordination and performance of PV activities such as data entry, coding, and adverse event assessment. Regulatory reporting activities and collaboration with project team members, client contacts, investigators, and third-party vendors. About the Department & Responsibilities: As a key member of our Clinical Research team, you will: Perform day-to-day PV activities and participate in on-call duties for specific projects. Review regulatory/pharmacovigilance publications to stay updated on current regulations. Maintain a medical understanding of applicable therapeutic areas and disease states. Assist with routine project implementation, coordination, and mentor less experienced staff. Educational and Experience Requirements: Bachelor's degree or equivalent. Relevant formal academic/vocational qualification. 2+ years of previous experience or equivalent combination of education and experience. Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: Gain insights into the required skills and abilities for this role, including: General understanding of pathophysiology and the disease process. Strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Good oral and written communication skills. Computer literacy and proficiency in Microsoft Office products. Strong attention to detail and ability to work effectively within a team. How to Apply: To apply for the position of Safety Specialist at Thermo Fisher Scientific, please submit your application here. Include your resume, cover letter, and any additional documents that showcase your qualifications and experience. [caption id="attachment_58531" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] Remote Pharmacovigilance Jobs at Thermo Fisher Scientific[/caption]
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payroll2bangladesh · 7 days
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