#contrary to what ionius thinks
randomnameless · 3 months
I think the writers didn't write set in stone rules for Crest so they could have a more varried experience for the cast and all but some of them just... makes me ask question. Like why is there so many in Empire people who have several crest, not only all of Mercedes and Jeritza's half siblings, but also Edelgard and Lysithea yet in other country they don't and it's not all people of the Empire because Caspar doesn't have one and Hanneman's sister doesn't have one...and then you learn that they experimented on Lysithea first when she is 2 years younger then Edelgard who was 14 when she was experimented upon by the Agarthans... just... what the heck is this game ?
Jugdral too apparently didn't have rules for Holy Blood inheritence!
But... the games aren't all gung-ho about blaming Holy Blood for everything wrong in this verse...
Granted, iirc, do we know if the Emile and Mercie's step siblings had crests? I thought their step father wanted to shag Mama Martitz to get crested more kids - bar Emile who was already a crested Bartels !
Also, Hanneman's sister had one, that's why she died when her hubby tried to re-roll many times to get a crested heir?
That's partly why I'm curious about Adrestia, because we know there are crested nobles/people who are either fit to be pawned off as wedding prizes, or they just... exist, and no one gaf about them.
There's a heavy dose of sexism in how the Empire deals with this issue, but tbh, I wouldn't say it's specifically a "crested" issue, but more one where... Adrestian's society sucks, because some people try to become "more powerful" by any means necessary, let it be alliances where they offer their daughters, getting "high valued" babies or just, getting rid of people because they can (house martitz, house nuvelle, etc etc).
Monica was adopted by Baron Ochs, but she wasn't offered to a potential husband who started to work on his legacy to get a trillion crested heirs.
Bergliez was retconned in Nopes to have a Cichol Crest, even if all of Caspar's supports in FE16 treated him as a "non important" member of the House not because he was crestless, but because he was a second son...
But in general, yep, at least in backstory, Adrestia has a lot of unnamed randoms with crests (which is represented in Nopes, some generics have crests!) and yet they're randoms and not the ones calling the shots, almost as if having a crest, or not having one, isn't as important as being born male to the right family.
(and I will die on this HC-hill, Adrestia must have a least 3 different branches of the Hresvelg House, meaning at least a dozen of legitimate randos with a Crest of Seiros, Supreme Leader must have had some cousins too, and we're not even talking about bastard children!)
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fantasyinvader · 2 months
I think that, ultimately, what damns Edelgard isn't her actions or her ideals. The characters continuously offer her the chance at redemption. They don't want to kill her, and to an extent they are willing to forgive her if she just stops. It shows that there's compassion much like Buddha or Christ would display.
But Edelgard rejects any form of salvation. Her “self” is the problem here because she is so consumed by it. She's framed as being a servant to her own ideals, enslaved to her own beliefs, but at the same time ignoring anything that would complicate or contradict them. Take for instance her revealing the information her father passed down to her, which comes after a story event where Hubert reveals that Ionius was a puppet of TWSITD, who also killed Edelgard's siblings, and that Edelgard should have told Byleth this. But since that version of history informed Edelgard's ideals and pushed her to acting, she'll continue to believe it despite the evidence to the contrary, even confronting Thales about it and being told it was done for the sake of Agarthan salvation, in order to maintain her current sense of self.
She's not willing to believe that she was wrong, or change her course as new things come to light. Take in Hopes for instance, where she found out just how much influence the Agarthans had over the Empire while there is no evidence implicating Aegir for the experiments. She still wages war with the Church, doing so because she believes the Church's teachings have twisted the world and led to the corrupt nobility despite how she should now realize how much the Agarthans were fuelling that corruption.
You can lead Edelgard to knowledge, but you can't make her think.
From a Christian angle, you can argue Edelgard's fall is the result of her own free will. She chose to ignore the evidence, she chose to help TWSITD, she chose to start a war, she chose to hire bandits to kill her classmates, she chose to help turn people into demonic beasts, and she chose to keep fighting even after she's lost. It's not the Goddess that damns her, it's Edelgard herself. She's the one who rejected the light.
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iturbide · 2 years
Guys guys guys ! Remember Crests are dying out? Dimitri confirms its fading away in his support with sylvain! Ingrid is the ONLY one in house Galatea with a crest . Holst judith edmund are all leaders in the alliance without a crest. And Of emperor Ionius's children Edelgard was one of the only kids (if not the only one) with a MINOR crest of seiros . You know what this means? This means that fodlan , even without edelgards war, was ALREADY CHANGING LMFAO. They have no choice but to accept being crestless because soon enough they will all be crestless 😂! (the humans anyway)
Honestly all this just confirms how edelgards one true goal is the total conquest of the continent under adrestia, which she says is "superior" to the other 2 "mere offshoots" (Her words not mine).
You're exactly right about her wording -- she really does not think the Kingdom and Alliance legitimately wanted to be independent, despite any and all evidence to the contrary. But I also think that it's not fair to boil down her motives solely to conquest.
So this got touched on somewhat in the Crest Virus discussion quite a while back, but Crest inheritance is a gamble and has been for generations. The only guaranteed way to get a major Crest is to receive blood directly from a dragon; after that, the usual genetic lottery goes into play, meaning that a rare few people win the jackpot, some get lucky, and most come away flat broke.
While Crests were undoubtedly more prevalent in the past when the genome wasn't so scattered, after a thousand years it's getting to a dire point where families are getting desperate for Crests. We meet a grand total of 9 Major Crestbearers during the course of Three Houses (14 if you include the DLC characters):
Catherine (Major Charon)
Felix (Major Fraldarius)
Anna (Major Ernst, DLC exclusive)
Hapi (Major Timotheos, DLC exclusive)
Balthus (Major Chevalier, DLC exclusive)
Constance (Major Noa, DLC exclusive)
Yuri (Major Aubin, likely a first-generation Crestbearer; DLC exclusive)
Jeralt (Major Seiros, first-generation Crestbearer)
Rhea (Major Seiros due to being Seiros herself)
Seteth (Major Cichol due to being Cichol himself)
Flayn (Major Cethleann due to being Cethleann herself)
Byleth (Major Flames due to bearing the Creststone of Flames)
Lysithea (Major Gloucester, product of Twisted experimentation)
Edelgard (Major Flames, product of Twisted experimentation)
Of that list 2 are first generation Crestbearers who received their Crest directly from a Child of the Goddess (one of whom is DLC exclusive); 3 are themselves Children of the Goddess; 2 are the direct products of experimental procedures by the Twisted; and 1 has a Creststone implanted in them as the source of their Crest. This means that at most, playing without the DLC, there are only 2 Major Crestbearers in the entire game whose Crests don't arise from special circumstances; if the DLC is factored in, that number rises to 6.
I've mentioned in other rambles that I tend to think the Insurrection of the Seven arose because Ionius was attempting to consolidate power with the intention of changing the inheritance laws. He saw the writing on the wall, that the Crest-bearing bloodline was fading to the point where very soon there would be no heirs who inherited Cress; though it failed in the end and led to untold suffering for his children, he may well have been trying to address this very issue with his power play. And Edelgard, once she emerged from the Twisted experiments, set her eyes specifically on taking down the Church specifically because she believed (wrongly) that they were responsible for the Crest System, and that eliminating them would allow her to rebuild the system from the ground up without the existing bias toward Crestbearers.
Yes, it's true the world was already changing before she set her plans in motion -- but that in no way changes the fact that she was trying to do good, even if her means were flawed.
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c-s support + paired ending + night of the ball
Hubert: Hello, Professor. You seem to be in good health.
>I am, yes. And yourself?
H: Of course.
>Do you need something?
H: Indeed I do.
H: Hm. Doesn't seem intimidated.
>Something wrong?
H: No, not at all. It's just that I find myself a little concerned for your well-being. H: You see, Lady Edelgard has taken something of an interest in you.
>It seems so.
>I think not.
>Don't be flippant.
H: She has. And it's beneath you to be so glib. H: There is something you need to understand about the role I play here. H: One of my many duties is to determine potential advantages and potential threats to Her Highness. H: If you prove yourself useful to Lady Edelgard, then all will be well. H: If you pose a threat...I shall have to dispose of you.
>Dispose of me?
H: Yes. This is no joke. While I may be a student here, I am her servant first and foremost. H: Therefore, if an untimely demise is not to your liking, you would do well to demonstrate your utility with all haste. H: I should warn you that I am far less compromising than Lady Edelgard. H: Do not be at ease merely because you stand in her good graces for the time being.
>I'm not worried.
H: Ha! Such confidence.
H: I'm beginning to see why you caught her eye.
>I'm not sure about this.
H: Don't be coy.
H: If I were you, I would take this more seriously. Your life is at stake.
H: My family, House Vestra, has been sworn to House Hresvelg for generations. H: Since the dawn of the Empire, we have worked to protect the emperor by any means necessary—both in the open and in the shadows. H: If you incur our wrath, you will see just what I mean.
H: It seems I am discovered. I suppose that means assassination is out of the question. At least for now.
>What do you think you're doing?
H: Merely keeping an eye on you, for the moment. Nothing to be concerned over.
H: Unusually watchful—difficult to steal upon in slumber. Perhaps an odorless, tasteless poison... H: Lady Edelgard certainly took interest in a difficult one this time.
>Why are you following me?
H: I suppose that question does warrant a response, considering it may mean your life. H: The answer requires me to explain some of the complex internal politics of the Empire. H: Are you familiar with Volkhard von Arundel? He is Lady Edelgard's uncle. H: You may also know him as Lord Arundel, the Empire's Regent. H: Many years ago, he took Her Majesty and fled to the Kingdom of Faerghus. H: Then, after a time, he returned to seize power. H: Joining forces with Prime Minister Aegir and my father, Lord Arundel rendered Emperor Ionius IX... politically impotent. (pre-skip) H: Together with former Prime Minister Aegir and my father, Lord Arundel rendered Emperor Ionius IX... politically impotent. (post-skip) H: Lady Edelgard is Ionius IX's daughter. I cannot begin to fathom the depth of her sadness at his betrayal. H: I see something of Lord Arundel in you... H: When I look at you, I feel I can almost see a second self lurking beneath the surface. H: It is as if you are in constant dialogue with something inside your heart—something with desires very different from your own. H: Does that description feel familiar to you at all? H: Because to me you seem unpredictable. As though you could turn traitor at any moment.
>No, not familiar at all.
>There might be something to that.
H: The more I learn about you, the less I like. H: I had thought you might be of use to Lady Edelgard. H: But now I am beginning to think you may, through no fault of your own, present too great a risk. H: I hope you will prove me wrong, Professor. H: I would hate for this to come to bloodshed.
H: Nice place, isn't it, Professor? Standing here, you can almost feel the goddess's absence. H: Discounting what dwells within you, of course. H: Do you think some punishment would rain down from the sky if this monastery were to be destroyed? H: Of course not. Even if the so-called Immaculate One came back here for revenge... H: That would only be a result of this war, not the work of a deity.
>Do you hate the goddess?
H: If it is between love and hate, then I would choose the latter. The goddess failed to properly govern this world. H: That is why it is necessary for Lady Edelgard to become the supreme leader of Fódlan. H: Those with power must use it wisely. Is that not a teaching of the Church of Seiros? H: It's absurd to preach to others what you cannot practice yourself.
>Sometimes it's necessary.
H: That is logical, but I am afraid your logic is informed by your humanity.
>You're absolutely right.
H: Yes. It is our humanity that pushes us to step up and take the lead should the need arise.
H: That is not the case for inhuman creatures with lifespans well beyond our own. H: We must fight to preserve what makes us human. H: You are the one closest to the enemy. I wonder if you will be able to maintain your humanity to the end.
>Of course I will.
H: You make it sound easy. I find myself trusting you. Even with my life.
>If I'm unable to...
H: Does that mean you know I will do what must be done?
H: You must trust me a great deal.
H: Heh. I've already dedicated my life to Lady Edelgard. H: To throw my lot in with you is inconceivable. H: But if I had two lives to give... H: I might devote one of them to you. H: Not as master and servant, but as equal partners. H: We could be a couplet of birds, flying alongside the sovereign of Black Eagles...
H: You’ve kept me waiting. Where have you been? H: The war may be over, but matters of government, diplomacy, and justice remain to be dealt with. H: There is one problem in particular that must be sorted first, however.
>What problem is that?
H: You. H: Rather...you and me. H: To think, I had rehearsed a long preamble. H: Now, when it matters, it's all vanished from memory as suddenly as the morning dew. H: To the point, then. I...love you. In fact, I wish to marry you.
>You what?!
H: I know this must come as a surprise.
H: Especially in light of my devotion to Lady Edelgard.
>Yes! Gladly!
H: Your candid sincerity is...overwhelming.
H: You must have known all along that I had feelings for you.
H: I've already spoken to Her Majesty about this. She told me to follow my heart. H: She seems to prefer that you be with me rather than some dubious individual. H: So, you could say that we have her blessing. H: Then, this is yours... H: Is that...a ring? H: You came here with the same idea? H: I cannot believe I am saying this. I am truly happy. H: I am afraid you've outdone me. I've brought no such token. Not much of a suitor, am I? H: I've never done well with gifts or flattery. H: Protecting you is easy. But to be a good husband...
>No need to worry.
H: Of course such a thing doesn't bother you. H: I hope I can support you with the same tenacity. H: Thank you for doing me this honor. H: I once thought killing you would be a great challenge, but... H: The real difficulty was declaring my love.
paired ending
After a fierce battle, Byleth and Edelgard finally brought the tyranny of a godlike being to an end. Though wounded in the conflict and stripped of divine power,Byleth continued to fight alongside the emperor to bring true peace. Hubert joined them in this fight, fulfilling his promise to confront those who slither in the dark head-on. In that darkness, Byleth and Hubert formed an unbreakable bond. It is said that, as a married couple, they were totally inseparable.
night of the ball
H: Here for a tryst, Professor? I won't interfere. H: I shall take my leave at once. Farewell.
>Just a moment.
H: Yes, what is it? I assume you are waiting on someone.
>What do you mean, a tryst?
H: You have arranged to meet someone here at the Goddess Tower, have you not?
>No, not at all.
H: I see. Apologies for the misunderstanding. H: Then I take it you are unfamiliar with the rumors about this place?
>What rumors?
H: There is an old legend that says promises made between lovers here are sure to be fulfilled. H: If you believe in that sort of thing. H: I would have expected you to be familiar with the story already, considering how popular you are. H: I was certain that someone had asked you here.
>I am not that popular.
H: On the contrary, I suspect those who wished to ask were simply too daunted to try.
>That is not the case.
H: No need to sound so dejected.
H: I suspect those who wished to ask were simply too daunted to try.
H: But thanks to their cowardice, I am gifted with this opportunity to speak with you. H: It's clear you have never felt at ease around me, as a result of how little trust there is between us. H: I should get back to the ball, regardless. H: I imagine there would be quite a scene if you turned out to be lying.
>You don't believe me?
H: Trust is not in my nature. H: Good night.
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randomnameless · 3 years
About the relic knowledge, i still don't understand why Seiros spared the Elite's families. They most likely knew how to make relics?
Rhea goes Gandalf to prevent a second “Red Canyon”, so I suppose in the WoH she wasn’t really on-board with eradicating Elite lines because they were born or just because they have that knowledge (contrary to Macuil? and maybe Wilhelm?).
OTOH, Seiros post WoH apparently recovered the Relics, but later on she gave them back to their families. Did she have a breakdown when she saw Loog mounting his rebellion with other relic-looking weapons (provided by Pan the secret Mole man) and went “okay, I’ll give them the ones I have so they won’t have to kill anyone else (what if they find sleeping!Cethleann?) to get weapons” ?
which raises the question what were Pan’s weapons? Relics made from real Nabateans or phony ones like the zombified!Dudes have in VW’s finale?
We don’t know what happened to the priest who was on the verge of discovering 1+1 =2 in the abyss, but dude stopped his researches not because the Archbishop was pointing a sword at his neck, but because he feared “the Goddess would not approve”. Which, in a way, would fit with Rhea’s very soft power approach, she doesn’t want to use weapons to prevent knowledge from being discovered, but will make people understand and believe they should not pry too much.
just like the incident with cersei dealing with a certain song in ASOIAF, it spells an uncomfortable truth so she has the singer arrested/Qyburn’d - her brother points out that going that far to silence a guy only gives more credit to his slenders/words
There’s always the “what if it doesn’t work” angle to work with. If the Priest shared his findings with whoever was in charge of the Western Church or Ionius 5 of Adrestia? What would happen?
In a nutshell : Rhea’s been walking on eggshells since the end of the WoH for 1000 years, trying to protect herself but also not wanting to eradicate people for what they know and/or who they were born to. And while it fails, because the Empire, her allies, have been infiltrated by Mole people, her gambit works regarding the Elites’s descendants, who always side with her.
The war doesn’t start because Felix wants a new sword and wishes to carve Flayn in a new one, it starts because Mole People support Edelgard who, apparently, doesn’t think Dragons should interact with Humans.
Too bad Rhea is relegated to a glorified infodump at the end of a route, or doesn’t exist in the other, because I’d really have loved a dialogue between Rhea and Dimitri/Claude.
Cucumber point though : how the fuck GM’s random smith knows how to repair relics???
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