crazyworldofsiani · 7 years
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Night out with Mum 👍👌 xXx @thesarahmillican #yay #funny #mum #sarahmillican #controlenthusiast #comedy (at Venue Cymru)
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trublood86 · 6 years
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This year's badges #sarahmillican #howtobechampion #champion #no #controlenthusiast #iloveafreebie
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🌟Let’s play! What is a fact of yours and how are you choosing your experience of it intentionally? We ALWAYS have the power to have the experience we want to have no matter what is occurring around us.💥🤩 🔹Fact: what someone says 🔹Fact: what someone does 🔹Fact: Something that everyone in the world agrees is true ✨A Fact of mine: My son is in virtual kindergarten. I have chosen to be excited and love this time with him!🥰 I have chosen to have this experience of virtual kindergarten by thinking my intentional thought: I am so lucky to have this extra time with my son! ❤️ ✨If you want to have an intentional experience and want to take this further, I have FREE 20 min mini coaching sessions available for you! Link in bio or visit: whitneywellscoaching.com✨ #lifecoach #lifecoaching #selfhelp #selflove #takecontrolwithwhitneywells #control #mindfulness #mindset #overachiever #mind #thoughts #results #feelings #actions #coaching #empowerment #relationship #relationshipgoals #relationshipcoach #success #typeapersonality #podcast #smartwomen #mindmanagement #love #typea #controlenthusiast #drivenwomen #whitneywellscoaching https://www.instagram.com/p/CE_-zT5B8-r/?igshid=108q78e5vq5dy
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My son starts virtual kindergarten today!🤩 This is an uncertain time for everyone. I could easily be nervous, anxious, frustrated or overwhelmed. And while there is absolutely nothing wrong with feeling these emotions, I know they won’t serve me.😊 🌟Uncertainty in life, and with his kindergarten specifically, is certain. But I have the choice to embrace this uncertainty if I want.🌟 I have no idea what to expect or how this will go but I have chosen to be excited!😀 🔹I am excited for this next step in my son’s life!🥰 🔹I am excited for this challenge of virtual learning!🤩 🔹I am excited to experience kindergarten with him!😍 🔹I am excited for extra time with my “growing up too fast” son! 😂❤️ Virtual kindergarten is unknown and uncertain, as life always is, but I have chosen an emotion that serves me by thinking these thoughts.🤗 ➡️Embrace the unknown and choose your experience of the situation on purpose! ✨I have FREE 20 min mini coaching sessions available for you! I promise coaching has the ability to change your life ❤️ Link in bio or visit: whitneywellscoaching.com✨ #lifecoach #lifecoaching #selfhelp #selflove #empoweringwomen #control #mindfulness #mindset #overachiever #kindergarten #thoughts #results #feelings #actions #coaching #empowerment #relationship #relationshipgoals #relationshipcoach #success #typeapersonality #podcast #smartwomen #mindmanagement #love #typea #controlenthusiast #drivenwomen #whitneywellscoaching https://www.instagram.com/p/CE4IghgBs9Y/?igshid=18g2f12gevyt8
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Do you ever think someone is doing it wrong? Do you ever have thoughts that your way is the better or right way? I think we have all been there 😊 🔹But notice how you feel when you have these judgmental thoughts. Often times these thoughts don’t produce a feeling that feels the best. 🔹You always create your own feeling with what you think. Therefore, you are weakening yourself by choosing these thoughts. 🔹Since you have the power to think intentionally, you have the power to empower yourself instead of weaken yourself. ⚡️So if you find yourself judging someone with thoughts similar to, “they are doing it wrong”, you have the option to pull your power back and choose intentionally what you want to think, and how you want to feel.⚡️ I love to remind myself to let all the people by who they are. I don’t have control over them and I feel the most powerful when I can focus my energy on myself and what I do have control over. ❤️ ✨FREE 20 min coaching available for new clients! Link in bio or visit: whitneywellscoaching.com✨ #lifecoach #lifecoaching #selfhelp #selflove #takecontrolwithwhitneywells #control #mindfulness #emooweringwomen #overachiever #mind #thoughts #results #feelings #actions #coaching #empowerment #relationship #relationshipgoals #relationshipcoach #success #typeapersonality #podcast #smartwomen #mindmanagement #love #typea #controlenthusiast #drivenwomen #whitneywellscoaching https://www.instagram.com/p/CE1ePp-BG_T/?igshid=1a99g1bl9y8gc
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You have so much power! But when we are in the middle of it all, we often forget this.😊 Other people can not control your feelings. I know it often feels like they can. I think we have all been there!❤️ But if you start to feel yourself blaming others for how you feel, pull your power back. And notice that you are in control of your feelings, both negative and positive.💥 ⚡️You can decide how you want to think and feel about what others say and do. This is where your power lies! ⚡️You can decide to have any experience you want to have, no matter what people say, what people do, how people behave. ➡️If you want to work on being powerful and having the experience you want to have... let’s get started! Sign up for a FREE 20 min coaching session. Link in bio or visit my website: whitneywellscoaching.com✨ #lifecoach #lifecoaching #selfhelp #selflove #takecontrolwithwhitneywells #control #mindfulness #mindset #overachiever #mind #thoughts #results #feelings #actions #coaching #empowerment #relationship #relationshipgoals #relationshipcoach #success #typeapersonality #podcast #smartwomen #mindmanagement #love #typea #controlenthusiast #drivenwomen #whitneywellscoaching https://www.instagram.com/p/CEreO-tBFMO/?igshid=1or95ebzsivtm
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When someone dies sometimes we choose to feel sad. Sometimes we choose to feel negative emotions on purpose.😔 The death of Chadwick Boseman, also known as Black Panther, was felt in my household. My husband and son are both very into superheroes, specifically Black Panther. We all chose to feel sad about his passing.❤️ 🔹It is okay to feel sad. It is not that bad when you welcome it. 🔹Let yourself feel sad if you choose this feeling for yourself. ✨Your feelings are nothing to be afraid of and when you embrace all of your feelings, you are embracing all of your humanness.✨ ➡️Sign up for a FREE 20 min session today if you want to live an intentional life! Link in bio or visit my website: whitneywellscoaching.com ✨ #lifecoach #lifecoaching #selfhelp #selflove #takecontrolwithwhitneywells #control #mindfulness #mindset #overachiever #mind #thoughts #results #feelings #actions #coaching #empowerment #relationship #relationshipgoals #relationshipcoach #success #typeapersonality #podcast #smartwomen #mindmanagement #love #typea #controlenthusiast #drivenwomen #whitneywellscoaching https://www.instagram.com/p/CEpPzuxBsj6/?igshid=ho2nfz3vk92e
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Are you ever reluctant to love someone because you feel it comes with expectations of how you should act? For example, “if I love him/her, that means I have to stay with him?” I am here to tell you that this isn’t true 🤗 When you choose to love someone, it doesn’t mean you have to follow it up with certain actions.✨ Choosing love simply means you get to feel this amazing feeling for you! That is all!❤️ Loving someone doesn’t come with expectations of your behavior.🌟 You get to decide the actions you take! Love may look like staying and it may look like leaving. But why not feel this incredible feeling on purpose? ❤️ Free 20 min sessions available to get started! Link in bio or visit my website: whitneywellscoaching.com #lifecoach #lifecoaching #selfhelp #selflove #takecontrolwithwhitneywells #control #mindfulness #mindset #overachiever #mind #thoughts #results #feelings #actions #coaching #empowerment #relationship #relationshipgoals #relationshipcoach #success #typeapersonality #podcast #smartwomen #mindmanagement #love #typea #controlenthusiast #drivenwomen #whitneywellscoaching https://www.instagram.com/p/CEl-I7_hGsV/?igshid=qm6fzlmziwme
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Do you ever think someone should act or behave in a certain way? Or that they shouldn’t do this or that? I totally hear you!✨ Other people will do things and say things and behave in certain ways that you may not agree with. You can’t control them. But you can control yourself🌟 ➡️But the biggest gift you can give yourself is knowing where your power lies and where it doesn’t. So when you “let” people be who they are, exactly how they are, you are freeing yourself.😊 You empower yourself when you take control of yourself and “let” others be who they are. They can not control your feelings.❤️ And who knows, maybe you will find that when you let go of changing them and let other people be who they are, you can then give yourself room to enjoy them; even when they act in ways you don’t agree with.💥 ➡️Schedule your free 20 min mini session today! Link in bio or visit: whitneywellscoaching.com #lifecoach #lifecoaching #selfhelp #selflove #takecontrolwithwhitneywells #control #mindfulness #mindset #overachiever #mind #thoughts #results #feelings #actions #coaching #empowerment #relationship #relationshipgoals #relationshipcoach #success #typeapersonality #podcast #smartwomen #mindmanagement #love #typea #controlenthusiast #drivenwomen #whitneywellscoaching https://www.instagram.com/p/CEj0v6nBBoQ/?igshid=1g3h8ohralr89
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You have this one life, make it amazing! I just got back from another 16 mile bike ride. So fun!✨ I talk a lot about having awareness of where you are and that is super important and so beneficial. 🌟But I want to offer that you don’t want to get stuck in analyzing where you are. So if you find yourself doing this, try getting off the couch and start doing. Take the steps, do “that” fun thing with your partner, start the project, begin the workout, take the bike ride!😊 ➡️Your actions will come from your thoughts and feelings, as they always do, but try on these thoughts: 🔹“Let’s go!” 🔹“Stop messing around!” 🔹“Let’s make it happen!” 🔹“Let’s have some fun!” So instead of indulging in the comfort of not doing the stuff, you can try out these thoughts to start doing.❤️ ✨I have free 20 min mini coaching sessions available for you! Try it out and see if it’s a good fit. “Let’s make it happen and have some fun!”✨ ➡️Link in bio or visit my website: whitneywellscoaching.com #lifecoach #lifecoaching #selfhelp #selflove #takecontrolwithwhitneywells #control #mindfulness #mindset #overachiever #mind #thoughts #results #feelings #actions #coaching #empowerment #relationship #relationshipgoals #relationshipcoach #success #typeapersonality #podcast #smartwomen #mindmanagement #love #typea #controlenthusiast #drivenwomen #whitneywellscoaching https://www.instagram.com/p/CEcTcalBMNL/?igshid=maw37xy0nfew
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You are creating your experience.🌟 When you decide intentionally what you want that experience to be, you are in control!😊 ➡️The possibilities are endless and it all starts with the thought you focus on. Your thought will create your feeling and drive your actions. So why not decide intentionally and have the experience you want to have, on purpose!❤️ Sign up for a free 20 minute mini coaching session to get started today! Link in bio or: Whitneywellscoaching.com #lifecoach #lifecoaching #selfhelp #selflove #takecontrolwithwhitneywells #control #mindfulness #mindset #overachiever #mind #thoughts #results #feelings #actions #coaching #empowerment #relationship #relationshipgoals #relationshipcoach #success #typeapersonality #podcast #smartwomen #mindmanagement #love #typea #controlenthusiast #drivenwomen #whitneywellscoaching https://www.instagram.com/p/CEZLCOohdRd/?igshid=1nyz24p8ptnnf
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Lesson learned from two 5 year olds: to selflessly enjoy the messiness! You can decide on purpose to enjoy any situation.😊 My son’s birthday happened right when the pandemic hit and we weren’t able to have a birthday party for him. We thought, “eventually we will have something with his friends.” But that day never came.🙁 My son’s best friend’s birthday was approaching and selflessly wanted to share his birthday and the celebration with my son (so sweet and thoughtful!). These two 5 year old’s had a birthday celebration just the two of them (and the parents) and they had the best time!❤️ No complaining about sharing. No complaining about wanting more friends there. Just no complaints and enjoying what was right in front of them, at the highest level!🤗 They played in our blow up pool, chased each other around, ate cake or rather had fun covering their faces with icing. The situation was perfect for them because they decided it was!🥰 💥Life may through curve balls and present you with unexpected and undesired circumstances. But you have the choice of how you want to think, feel and react and how you want the overall experience to be. When you choose to feel bad, you are choosing that type of experience. ➡️These 2 little boys can teach us to selflessly celebrate and have the best time with what is in front of you; messy cake face and all!!❤️ Link in bio or visit my website to sign up for a Free 20 min session to get started. Whitneywellscoaching.com #lifecoach #lifecoaching #selfhelp #selflove #takecontrolwithwhitneywells #control #mindfulness #mindset #overachiever #mind #thoughts #results #feelings #actions #coaching #empowerment #relationship #relationshipgoals #relationshipcoach #success #typeapersonality #podcast #smartwomen #mindmanagement #love #typea #controlenthusiast #drivenwomen #whitneywellscoaching https://www.instagram.com/p/CEWkKdYBqK4/?igshid=119wjl2xsg4z5
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We always need a starting point in order to get to where we want to go.😊 ➡️Awareness is your starting pointing. When you are aware of what you are currently creating for yourself, only then is when you can change and grow.❤️ If you want a different life or relationship or experience, starting with awareness is the first step.🤩 I can help you with this awareness so you can have the life and relationships you most want to have!🌟 Set up your free 20 minute mini coaching session with me today to get started! Link in bio or: whitneywellscoaching.com #lifecoach #lifecoaching #selfhelp #selflove #takecontrolwithwhitneywells #control #mindfulness #mindset #overachiever #mind #thoughts #results #feelings #actions #coaching #empowerment #relationship #relationshipgoals #relationshipcoach #success #typeapersonality #podcast #smartwomen #mindmanagement #love #typea #controlenthusiast #drivenwomen #whitneywellscoaching https://www.instagram.com/p/CET73FRBPP8/?igshid=17s5qnut4397a
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In this episode we dive into 3 steps for an authentic relationship!❤️ Don’t we all want an authentic, real and intimate relationship? 🤗 🔹We start with the awareness of your current self and your partner. 🔹We continue on with creating acceptance and love. 🔹And we end with the hard truth about people pleasing. Listen to learn more! Link in bio or visit my website. Visit my website if you want to start having an authentic relationship today! whitneywellscoaching.com #lifecoach #lifecoaching #selfhelp #selflove #takecontrolwithwhitneywells #control #mindfulness #mindset #overachiever #mind #thoughts #results #feelings #actions #coaching #empowerment #relationship #relationshipgoals #relationshipcoach #success #typeapersonality #podcast #smartwomen #mindmanagement #love #typea #controlenthusiast #drivenwomen #whitneywellscoaching https://www.instagram.com/p/CESA2F1hwQa/?igshid=1tu7ernxfwkvg
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🔹Do you find yourself saying, “yes” when you really want to say, “no”? 🔹Do you ever do things for others but actually don’t want to? 💥This is people pleasing. And it feels like it is coming from a nice and kind place... I totally hear you and I’m right there with you! 🌟But the hard truth about people pleasing is that when we people please: ➡️ We are actually lying about who we are ➡️ We are hiding what we want ➡️ We aren’t showing up as our true selves ➡️ We are showing up as the “version” of ourselves that the other person wants Let’s tell the truth! Do the nicest, kindest and most loving thing by showing up authentically without people pleasing ❤️ Schedule a 20 minute mini session with me today to start solving any problem you have! Link in bio or: whitneywellscoaching.com #lifecoach #lifecoaching #selfhelp #selflove #takecontrolwithwhitneywells #control #mindfulness #mindset #overachiever #mind #thoughts #results #feelings #actions #coaching #empowerment #relationship #relationshipgoals #relationshipcoach #success #typeapersonality #podcast #smartwomen #mindmanagement #love #typea #controlenthusiast #drivenwomen #whitneywellscoaching https://www.instagram.com/p/CER0DqlBwNZ/?igshid=1btwtndwxtgmj
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I just went for a 5 mile run for myself... for love for myself and what I enjoy to do ❤️ Self love will take you, your relationships and your life to the next level!🤗 ➡️I challenge you to commit to loving yourself, all parts of yourself, TODAY! This means: 🔹Be nice to yourself with what you think about yourself. 🔹Show up for yourself. Do what you told yourself you will do. 🔹Do things that you want to do for YOU! 🔹Do not beat yourself up or put yourself down! 🔹Enjoy yourself and all of your imperfections! You will be amazed at what you can create for you and your life when you start with LOVE!🥰 Reach out to start transforming your relationships today! Whitneywellscoaching.com #lifecoach #lifecoaching #running #selflove #takecontrolwithwhitneywells #control #mindfulness #mindset #overachiever #mind #thoughts #results #feelings #actions #coaching #empowerment #relationship #relationshipgoals #relationshipcoach #success #typeapersonality #podcast #smartwomen #mindmanagement #love #typea #controlenthusiast #drivenwomen #whitneywellscoaching https://www.instagram.com/p/CEPNTN-BZse/?igshid=1aqto6j27wse0
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