#controversial opinion the wing cape was COOL
bisexualdinahlance · 1 year
Hey do you mind going a little more indepth on the whole fandom batcat thing? I totally get what you mean with spideypool and in general alot of bat ships tend to be blorbo-fied but I always thought batcat was a bit more realistic
First of all SORRY THIS TOOK A DAY OR TWO i wrote half of this response and then forgot to finish wksjsj
I do think batcat is a more realistic ship for batman in general! There's so many good reasons why bat and cat work well together (similar motivations, arguably similar priorities in that they both to their bones feel Gotham is their home and want to make it better, similar moral codes (despite her being a thief), etc.) even if the some of the recent batcat comics haven't been... great characterization wise (Tom King my beloathed)
My issue comes from kinda like with when people make Spidey pool aus with their blorbos, esp since the 2022 Batman movie came out I've been seeing a lot of batcat aus with people's blorbos and idk, some of it doesn't sit right!
Part of it I think is that so often people replace Catwoman with a white dude and while Catwoman isn't always a woman of color, she definitely is in the movie they are pulling from so that always feels a little sketchy to me. Some of it is that people obviously don't really know Selina outside of Bruce which can also make any blorbo adaption of them feel weird. Which is sad because Selina is awesome!
Selina is an amazing foil to Bruce, but also really dang cool on her own whether she is wrangling the Gotham organized crime scene like she has in recent comics, or simply taking young sex workers under her wing and giving them a place to get on their feet like she was often seen doing in the New Earth era!
(Honestly, even when she is just being a more "shallow" villain and just stealing cat themed items from museums and also having psychic connections to her cats is fun too.)
Controversial opinion, but I think people just get to stuck on trying to fit their blorbos into preconceived boxes based on comic power couples, and that superhero aus would be way more fun if they utilized lesser known ships, or learned the truth that comic book fans know, which is that at any time your fave could suddenly be in a whirlwind romance with a teammate or random other cape. Match up your blorbos with a character that actually fits them and shipping will come later ;P
(Sorry I am still a little wonky in the head rn from being sick so if this doesn't make complete sense.... oops.)
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makeste · 3 years
So, which of these desperately sobbing children gets to compete for Worst Day? I... think Shouto's our, uh, lucky winner, but I think Deku, Momo, and Tokoyami all put up strong fights
so seeing as we are finally approaching New Chapter Times again after a very long three weeks, this feels like a good time to do a recap of just how much everything currently sucks for our intrepid heroes. it may seem a bit insensitive of me to go through the cast list one by one and arbitrarily assign each character a number score based on how shitty their day was, but... well actually I don’t really have a good defense for that, lol. whatever, let’s just get to ranking these children’s misery (and while we’re at it, some of the adults’ as well).
Midoriya Izuku
current status: unconscious. currently has a pair of those floppy inflatable flailing tube men dealios for arms. had to watch his teacher and his best friends get hurt and nearly die while being helpless to do anything to stop it. has a new quirk which “warns” him of approaching danger by giving him ice pick headaches, as if he didn’t have enough pain in his life as it is. is being targeted by the most dangerous person in the world. and last but not least, is probably on the verge of his super-secret quirk becoming not-so-secret, and having to deal with the fallout of that.
rank: 9/10. hard to imagine how things could get much worse for this little guy atm. NO HORIKOSHI THAT IS NOT A CHALLENGE. YOU LEAVE HIS MENTOR ALONE.
Bakugou Katsuki
current status: unconscious. got impaled by the Big Bad which initially did not look good, but apparently it wasn’t enough to stop him from flying around in drunken loop-de-loops whilst ignoring Iida’s protests, so who knows. proudly announced his new hero name to the world only to be met with scorn and ridicule and hysterical laughter from that fucking Caillou-looking motherfucker whose opinion he never mcfucking asked for, thank you very much. and also his best friend’s self-sacrificing tendencies are giving him anxiety, and his other best friend’s brother just pulled a reverse Darth Vader on Endeavor and upended hero society as we know it. so there’s a good chance he might be called upon to provide emotional support to one or even BOTH of them in the near future. has... has he actually become the stable friend in the trio. fuck.
rank: 7/10 just because he briefly appeared to be in a situationally-inappropriate good mood for those few brief minutes right after Jeanist appeared. you were having too much fun to get a top score, Katsuki.
Todoroki Shouto
current status: not unconscious but probably wishing he was. older brother came back from the dead and revealed that he was a mass murderer and broadcast all of Shouto’s personal traumas to the entire world before earnestly trying to set him and his friends on fire. so is currently dealing with all of the fun fallout from that, on top of watching his teacher and friends all come within inches of death. will probably be dragged into a national controversy against his will now that Endeavor’s past has been revealed. all of it is honestly so shitty that it’s all but impossible for me to put an irreverent spin on this. I honestly can’t think of a single joke to make. goddammit Shouto.
rank: 10/10. a perfect storm of shittiness.
Yaoyorozu Momo
current status: somehow Momo went from having no mentors that we knew of, to having two mentors, and then back to having no mentors, all in the span of a single day. has to be some sort of record.
rank: 8/10. and the worst part of all is that she was a fucking BAMF during this arc, but she can’t even enjoy that now because of all the trauma. I’m still proud of you, Momo.
Uraraka Ochako
current status: mentally and physically exhausted after spending a day out on the front lines dealing with the aftermath of an unnatural disaster. saw things that were canonically enough to make a grown man have a nervous breakdown right then and there. had a really weird and unsettling encounter with Toga who keeps trying to relate to her by telling her things like “hey Ochako, this one time I turned into you and used your quirk to murder someone horribly isn’t that wild.” it’s just been a very long day for her.
rank: 6/10. stressful af but she’s still in one piece and no one was actively murdered in front of her. sometimes you gotta take whatever wins you can get.
Tokoyami Fumikage
current status: his mentor was nearly burned to death in front of him and he was almost burned to death too, and the guy who kept attempting to burn him was all “YOUR MENTOR’S A MURDERER BTW AND SO YOU SHOULD JUST LET ME KILL HIM”, and so he was kind of put on the spot there and he didn’t really know what to do, and somehow he managed to escape with Hawks anyway but Hawks’s wings were all burnt off, and then a fucking video of Hawks stabbing Twice in the back got broadcast to the entire nation and so it’s like, ???? he didn’t sign up for this??? he is just a little birb??? can he live????
rank: 7/10 because he missed out on all of the other traumatizing stuff, but it’s honestly impressive how bad his day managed to be even in spite of that.
All for One
current status: All for One’s day is actually going pretty good.
rank: 0/10. hey but fuck you, AFO.
Shigaraki Tomura
current status: woke up early from his nap which always sucks. only got to enjoy his cool new Transcendent Being powers for a few minutes before the heroes all ganged up on him and incinerated him a bunch of times and fucked up his shiny new cape. has his old mentor currently taking up residence in his head uninvited and trying to boss him around. found out his grandma was part of One for All?? then slept through all of the fun stuff with the Dabi reveal. also a bunch of his friends are either dead or captured. all in all was not really the best day for him.
rank: 8/10 because he was having himself a grand old time for a while there, but once some of this stuff finally sinks in the Suck Factor is going to go way, way up. also, seriously, AFO is currently possessing his body, jesus christ. just leave him alone already.
current status: had to make an impossible choice between sitting back and letting an untold number of people die, and turning on a good but misguided man who was only trying to help his friends. has to live with the trauma of literally stabbing his friend in the back for the rest of his life. may have been rendered effectively quirkless. was publicly dragged through the mud alongside Endeavor, and unlike Endeavor he didn’t actually do anything to earn it (though that probably won’t stop him from feeling like he has). oh and speaking of Endeavor, just found out that the hero he looked up to since childhood abused his family and shit, and so now he has to grapple with that on top of everything else. how fucked is it that the minute he finally got to drop his whole double agent balancing act, his life somehow got even more fucked up and complicated.
rank: 9/10. let Hawks rest.
Aizawa Shouta
current status: unconscious. seems to have lost an eye which may possibly affect his quirk. had to saw off his own fucking leg. met the man who experimented on his childhood friend. doesn’t know yet that said man was originally targeting him and not Shirakumo. oh and also his other other childhood friend just died and he doesn’t know it yet. and someone else sacrificed himself in order to save him. and most of his other hero pals are either dead or wounded too, and all of his kids are deeply traumatized. and the guy they went through all of this shit to try and capture in the first place got away, and hero society is now in shambles.
rank: 11/10. Horikoshi. wtf did Aizawa ever do to you.
anyways it’s getting late and I was gonna throw in a few honorable mentions, but I think I’ll just call it a day instead. feel free to weigh in on any of the ones I missed. Dabi for one is having himself a FINE, fine day. but Endeavor not so much. sob.
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