#controversially i need community constantly but i also desperately need alone time frequently
sparrowposting · 2 years
'I am not extremly emotionally needy and have deep seated fears about being left behind' I say to myself as I try not to cry at work because my friend is in town but super busy with family stuff so I'll only get to see her for a handful of hours at at event I don't even want to go to
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Do you think Jay and Evie are possible
Anything is possible WHEN YOUBELIEVE!
I’m sorry, it’s late and I need to be going to sleep soon. Anyway:
Speaking from a purely meta perspective, there is no ship that isnot allowed. You don’t need to have any existing chemistry withinthe show, you don’t need to have any “proof” that they couldwork out, and you definitely do not need to prove this to otherpeople with evidence, powerpoints, and independent peer reviews fromother shippers who do not have any potentially biased views, and/orconflicts of interest with you.
Shipping is not scientific research, it's a fun past time. Andthis is coming from a shipper that has, for reasons of having fun, shipped aLatina scientist with several other female characters across thelines of show, age, timeline, and even species, because they wantedto have a lot of fun making one particular character suffer.
(Honey Lemon with Elsa, Unikitty, Athena, Fluttershy, and GoGo, from Big Hero 6, Frozen, The LEGO Movie, Borderlands, and My Little Pony, for my fic “It’s Not Her Fault She Makes Girls Realize They’re Lesbians.)
From an in universe perspective: yes, it is also possible, and actually my first choice for Evie’s relationship choice if she and Doug don’t work out. (The latter of which is most likely, but I already gave my reasons way back when.)
If you, like me, ignore the book series for the most part, I headcanon that given the inherently small population and lack of choice on the Isle, most every VK has dated each other, or has dated someone else’s current beau and can offer them advice. With Evie in particular, though she was constantly setting her sights at whoever had the most physical goods and luxury (relative to the Isle) she could help herself to, she frequently cheated on them or had a very casual relationship with Jay whenever she wanted someone exciting, manly, and with very agile fingers.
I mean those both literally and as a sexual euphemism: Jay is a master of stealing alcohol, semi-decent food, and candles for romantic dinners, along with what follows if he can eat like a regular human being for about half-an-hour.
Post-Isle of the Lost and the vastly expanded opportunities in Auradon both for dating and just improving their lot in life, I imagine that the two of them will spend a lot of time being happily single, figuring out who they are and what they want in life independent of the influence of other people trying to shape them with their whims and desires, and just generally maturing.
For the purposes of this ship, I’d say Evie will find herself in the fashion world as an “Avante Garde” designer known for her incredibly striking, controversial, and many times risque pieces; or as a scientist for any field--it doesn’t really matter which, the point of it being that she works in a constant high stress environment where money, time, timing, public opinion, and sweet talking is constantly a concern, and she’s likely to butt heads with people who are very determined, very opinionated, and very, very, very unpleasant if you happen to prove that they’re wrong in an objective manner.
Jay, as always, will probably find himself as either a professional Tourney player or as part of the Royal Guard, now relevant once more as the VK population grows and the crime rate steadily ticks up from absolute zero. Basically, a job that is high octane, high stakes, with lots of physical activity, and it’s a question of “when” you are going to get injured on the job not “if.”
The two of them I’d imagine dating within their professional circles (it’s where most people meet their partners and dates, after all) in between rising up in their respective career ladders, but as they begin to carve out their niches, get their private offices, and the managers frothing at the mouth trying to get him to sign onto their teams or the high ranking titles, they start to realize something:
They REALLY don’t want ALL of their lives to just be their jobs, and the ways that their colleagues relax aren’t doing it for them. Evie finds the going out to bars, restaurants, and visiting art galleries just carries more of the schmoozing, gossiping, subtle backstabbing, and politeness that her regular job entails; and as Jay grows older, more mature, and starts to think about his life at large, he starts to realize that it’s NOT so fun to blow off steam by partying, drinking, and having one night stand after one night stand.
Things come to a head in a Romantic Comedy coincidence: someone just happens to make the wrong snide comment at Evie on the Day When Nothing Went Right, and in the process of trying to save a rival athlete/fellow partygoer from his own morning hangover stupidity, Jay gets hit by a car.
Evie has a very public blow-up that has her temporarily excommunicated from the high fashion community/the research facilities and laboratories for fear of scandal/”disruptive and toxic attitude affecting morale”, Jay comes out of the incident with just a mild limp, but is hospitalized and will be confined for the next couple of weeks by order of his boss/manager.
It just so happens that the Rotten Four and most of their AK friends are coming to Jay’s hospital room because they’re worried for him, but because they’re all also high-profile professionals at this point/King of the entire country/freelancers who need more commissions to keep paying for their really nice studio apartment, Evie is the only person left sitting next to him.
“Don’t you have important work that’s ‘going to revolutionize Auradon’ or something?” Jay asks.
“Normally, I would! But, since I just had a major meltdown in front of pretty much everyone who pays me to do it: no, no I don’t,” Evie replies as she’s sunk into the easy chair nearby.
Jay nods sympathetically. “Bad day?”
Evie cringes. “More like a whole string of bad days, bad nights, and bad things all piling up till a REALLY Bad Day lit the fuse.”
“Jesus--E, when was the last time you cut loose and let yourself relax?”
Evie sighs wistfully. “Too long ago. Definitely not last night like you did, though. I really hope that party was worth it.”
Jay cringes. “It wasn’t.”
Evie looks at him in surprise. “You? Not enjoying yourself at a party? How?”
Jay shrugs. “When I started being the combination chaperone/designated driver, I guess.”
The two of them pause.
“EVILNESS, I HATE my job SO MUCH right now!” Evie gripes. “And it’s fucked up, because I LOVE my work, but I have all these people I respect and admire professionally, but then they open their mouths and I have to resist the urge to tell them to just shut the fuck up...!”
“Oh man, I’m like that with the new guys all the time--all these fresh grads who think that just because they’re half my age they’re automatically better than me!”
“You’re not alone. I swear, there’s this one intern who is eying me like a hawk; I can see her imagining herself behind my desk, it’s creepy and annoying!”
“Kinda reminds me of Kingsley--might want to slow down on the ‘friendly suggestions’ there, bud.”
“Hah, at least he’s polite about it,” Evie spits.
The two of them spend another few moments in silence, feeling even worse than before.
“What happened to us, Jay?” Evie whispers quietly. “What the fuck happened to us?”
“We grew up. Life happened.”
“But it shouldn’t THIS bad! I shouldn’t be getting up in the morning excited to go to work then having second thoughts when I remember who I’ll be saying hi to on the way to my desk--”
“Get out,” Jay mumbles.
Evie stops. “Excuse me...?”
“We need to get out of here. This hospital, this city--”
“We need a vacation, stat.” Evie finishes.
Jay hums. “Damn right.” He gets up off his bed.
Evie sits up in her chair. “Woah, Jay, you sure you should be getting up?”
“I’m fine,” Jay says. “Everyone’s being keeping me in the hospital longer and longer since I turned 25, something about ‘being sure’ or some other paranoid bullcrap.”
“And they’re just going to let you walk out like this?”
“Hell no!” Jay replies as he walks over to his regular clothes in the corner. “Which is why I’m breaking out,” he says casually, grinning as he takes off the papergown.
Evie has seen worse several times over, so she’s unfazed. “And how are you going to do that? You didn’t break anything, sure, but you’re still not 100%.”
“Evie, Evie, Evie,” Jay says as he puts his pants back on, “What haven’t I been able to do if I had the perfect accomplice with me?”
Evie stands up from the chair, smiling and feeling genuinely excited for the first time in months. “Just tell me what I have to do...”
So the two of them engineer a hospital break, take off in Evie’s car, and go on a crosscountry roadtrip with the intent of enjoying a full 3 days at the bordertowns in Faraway, raising hell, rediscovering what’s important in their lives, running and hiding away from their bosses who now coincidentally, desperately need them back on the job, and spending a LOT of time learning about all the many ways they’ve changed for the better, and reacquainting themselves with Jay’s very agile fingers...
... Again, literally and as a sexual euphemism.
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