#convinced that the people who love FFH but hate NWH just prove they like bad writing
ircn-dad · 2 years
Hello!! I was wonder what you think about NWH? If you have seen it. Have a nice day.
hi! thank you for the question!
i hope I'll not get a lot of hate for this, but I'm not really a big fan of that movie. I wouldn't say it's the worst movie marvel has ever made, but it's not the masterpiece everyone says.
I don't have a lot to say about the plot. It's simple and not sophisticated, there are some plot holes but honestly they are present in every marvel movie . One thing I didn't understand is why Peter and Strange didn't talk APPROPRIATELY before the spell. You're telling me that Strange, a man who is a lot conscious and always careful with every plan he makes, didn't even bothered to ask Peter "hey do you want everyone to forget who you are or you want your friends to remember it?". Strange isn't a fool, I can't believe he didn't think about it before making that spell. Or maybe, he didn't even tried to convince him to do something else or make another plan. But okay, they needed a plot and even if it's poor I can go for it.
What I cannot go for it is the fact that nostalgia carried this movie. Without Andrew and Tobey, this movie would be nothing. Marvel does a lot of this lately: they make movies/shows and they make cameos to make people watch it because you know that fans will love every second of it and will concentrate only on the cameos, not the plot. That's not how you write movies. You cannot treat your fans like this, you just want to make your bag full of money and don't care about the plot or the characters.
Yes, the characters.
Honestly May's death was...rushed. We didn't see Uncle Ben in the MCU, but we know that he was there and that Peter became spiderman because of him. So what was the point in May's death? To hear the famous "with great powers comes great responsibilities" quote? We didn't need that because we already knew that Peter felt a lot of responsibility on his shoulder. We knew it from civil war, where he said to Tony that he has to do something because If he didn't help anyone with the powers he had, it would be his fault if bad things happened; We also knew it after Tony's death. Peter lived with the constant feeling that he had to be like Tony, while blaming himself for his mentor's death. What was the sense to make May say it? He already knew he had a lot of responsibility.
Another thing I want to say is how they treated Tony. In Far from home we see Peter grieving him through all the movie, he misses his father figure and now he has to live without him. Idk how Marvel thinks grief works, but nwh Peter and ffh Peter are not the same person. I can't believe he didn't mentioned him not either once. They completely erased Tony's influence in Peter's life and I'm like...what? Marvel took the little kids on twitter pressed about Tony too seriously.
And what can I say about the end... it sucked. No, i don't feel happy seeing Peter swinging though new york knowing he now has no one.
I can't see this as a new start because this is not the Moment Peter became spiderman.
Peter was already spiderman, homecoming proved that when we saw Peter learning he didn't need the suit to be a hero. He lost Ben, he blamed him self for that, he already felt the pain every other spidermen felt. There was no point in Peter losing everyone so that he could understand what being Spiderman means, because he already knew.
(IMO the spell doesn't make sense... why strange didn't go with the original spell? If he made everyone forget about Spiderman, the villains from other universes wouldn't come neither. In this movie Strange was literally dumb to agree with every nonsense plan of Peter)
I don't have a lot else to say, because I refuse to watch this movie ever again. They ruined Peter's character, and if what I heard from Spiderman 4 rumours is true... then they will have ruined him even more: They want Gwen to be the new love interest of Peter, but that doesn't make any sense. Peter decided to not tell the truth to MJ because he didn't wanted to Risk her life again, BUT he's willing to risk another life all over again? No i cannot accept that.
MCU really said fuck off and decided to bet everything on the cameos
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