#cooking temp or other shit celsius makes sense
solemntitty · 1 year
for whatever reason weather.com keeps on putting the units in as Celsius as opposed to Frankenstein and i keep on being like pls. i am in america. use the freedom units i am begging you what the hell does 17 even MEAN
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spookyjudgement · 4 years
GBBO 2020 episode 7 let’s GO! 80s week is a...choice.
Gotta say, this is one of their best intros. The preview is...anxiety inducing.
Eight quiches, that sounds like a lot! In two hours? And two flavors? Wow.
We’re really seeing the generational gap in the tent right now. Some people have fond memories, others...have no memories at all.
Oh god...all these poor people trying to make pastry in that heat...sounds like a n i g h t m a r e. This seems???? Like it’s sabotaging them?????????
Gosh Lottie is so good at the friendly rivalries, I love her. Dave and Lottie this episode.
I’m really worried for Hermine, especially with Paul looking over her shoulder terrifyingly. :’(
Hilariously enough, the inability to taste baked beans helped Lottie.
Once more, Paul and Prue show that they cannot take spice with both Peter and Dave’s bakes.
Hermine!!! Well it’s good that hers tasted good!!!! I’m glad glad glad, there the french chef came out.
Oh gosh...40 degrees celsius??? Are they going to be okay???
Oof...well hopefully this won’t be too affected by heat? Also...has Peter really never deep fried anything? But yeah wow frying and heat and gosh pray for these contestants. I’m glad that for once they acknowledged how awful the temp in the tent is.
Why is there WIND now?? I guess they need it with the heat though.
Matt is torturing Peter with this 80s trivia.
15 minutes???? Like none of them have cooked the donuts????? AHHH?????
OMg Dave’s look like potatoes they’re so dark!!!!!!!!!!
Ok how are any of them going to get mousseline into these hot donuts??? Are they going to cool???
I feel like...no one should be criticized given the fact that they were all loopy from the heat and then the deep fat frying on top of it.
Oh thank goodness they’re forgiving the mousseline in the weather. For once, some sense prevails.
Oof Dave really got slammed...
Ice cream cake??? In this economy???? I guess the ice cream suits the day, but also...hard to make in heatttttttttt
I’m glad everyone’s rooting for Hermine for star baker! I’m rooting for Hermine!!!!!!!!
Ooof Hamish’s design is ambitious...I wish him luck.
Death! By! Chocolate! Let’s go (I saw the preview I hope she comes out the other end okay)
Oooooh Lottie and Dave head to head with living life on the edge.
Laura...oh no...for want of a button push
Oh god watching them do ANYTHING with their ice cream is actually so terrifying. They’re all just melting.
35 degrees??? During the decoration???? Oh god no one’s seems to be setting as it is????
Oh god their cakes are literally just melting away. This is awful. This is atually awful to see. Peter and Hamish are like the only people who don’t seem to be having disasters at the moment. Maybe Hermine too?
Lottie really is great. Just showing off hers dripping to make Laura feel better.
Oh it looks like they let them leave them in the freezer for a while before judging...small mercies.
HERMINEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Queen, queen, queen shit!
So basically...the three most put-together cakes got judged first that’s funny. Nervous for the last three.
Oh no...Lottie :’( I don’t want her to gooooooo...
For once Paul’s criticism’s of people’s baked element choices really makes sense. You don’t want to choose baked goods that benefit from warmth!
Oh no...I think Lottie’s gonna go...Laura at least had a good tasting cake...
Yeah...Lottie is a sweetheart. And everyone knows it...sad to see her go.
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