#oh and also F for body temp and med stuff
solemntitty · 1 year
for whatever reason weather.com keeps on putting the units in as Celsius as opposed to Frankenstein and i keep on being like pls. i am in america. use the freedom units i am begging you what the hell does 17 even MEAN
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mshighnmighty-blog · 7 years
Cannabis + Cooking: Science Behind🔬
High everyone!
Okay, so let’s talk:
That’s our topic for this week after all!
The quick thought is that they’re legendarily known for being way more potent than just smoking herb. This is the case for most, but why is that?
To medicate responsibly and properly, it’s important to understand how a substance works with the human body.
Cannabis in its original form, has a compound called THCA (which has no psychoactive effects whatsoever on people), now we must burn off an oxygen molecule with time and heat to create THC—what gets you high. THC is more fancily known as Delta-9-THC, this is the form that is usually consumed. Via inhalation of a pipe, joint, bong, whatever you please. This form of THC goes from our lungs into our bloodstream, to then pass through the blood-brain barrier and make us “high”.
Smoking is a faster reaction time so we can gauge dosing easier, so why bother eating it? Well not only being more potent for most, it can also be a more discreet as well as healthier alternative to smoking.
I love my joints and bongs, but I would be foolish to say smoking anything was “good” for the delicate tissues of the inner lung. Unless it’s keeping you alive like oxygen or an inhaler, it’s probably not “helping” your lungs’ overall health. As well as irritating the sensitive lung tissue, smoke of any kind is at higher temperatures, causing trouble with the teeth, tongue, gums, and esophagus. Cannabis is by far healthier than cigarettes or, let’s say, meth; but it is ignorant to say that smoking of any kind would not effect your respiratory health.
Okay then. So what DOES happens when you eat it?
Well, as mentioned above, we cannot get high from THCA. So first we have to decarboxylate the cannabis to turn it into the Delta-9-THC—which then can be consumed for high effects. By consuming Delta-9-THC, it passes through the liver and becomes 11-OH-THC or “11 Hydroxy THC” which is more effective in passing through the blood-brain barrier. Therefore making it a more potent compound overall.
This alone would make it hard to gage how much of a dose you should take, because it takes a while to be digested/absorbed, and once it does you can’t tell how powerful your dose will be until you wait it out. But often it’s hard to even tell how much THC you are consuming. Which is why the typical stoner standby for edibles is “Start Low, Go Slow”. With recent regulations, the suggested starting dose is anywhere from 5-10mg for a beginner. When buying edibles from the store, it is easier to estimate the dose you are taking. Making homemade edibles however, is a different story. So unless you have tester kits to test the THC % of your bud, and a scale for your bud, I would recommend with a safer and smaller dose if you are not super experienced in the world of edibles or cannabis in general.
If you have a home tester kit or fancy testing machine like this:
(one day it shall be mine)
you can do things a little more professionally, and depending on the device even gauge the levels of cannabinoids in your edibles.
It goes a little something like this: test your bud for the THC%, take that percentage to find out how many mg or g of your bud “weight” is THC (I.e. 3g, at 10% THC levels your bud would have “about” 300mg of THC). Then you can gauge if you’re using 1 cup of butter/oil, each 1/3 cup would be a 300mg “dose” or “batch” of edibles. Simple stuff, could be over simplifying it, but if you’re not trying to be a pro and just trying to avoid tripping balls by yourself or freaking your friends out—need I say more? Plus it makes me feel fancy doing these calculation. Depending on where you get your bud from (dispensary, really awesome grower, etc) you might be provided with the THC/CBD percentages and levels (I.e. 13% THC at a 3:2 THC:CBD ratio) and just go absolutely nuts.
I know, so how do we get HIGH?!
Well, we could just eat the decarbed bud hidden in something...
OR we could bind those delightful THC molecules to a tasty, tasty fat and get wriggety-wriggety WRECKED SON.
So after you decarb your bud (there are too many methods, rule of thumb is around 230-250 F for about 15-25 min. But refer to my vids, or look online if you want to feel safe)...
You can mix it with an oil or butter with a high fat content, even milk. Then it must infuse over time on a low heat. You can achieve this with a pot of water for an hour (don’t boil it, just med low heat) or a slow cooker on “low” for 3+. The longer the better, but we don’t want to cook the THC molecules too long or it will turn into CBN and have more sedative/sleepy effects than desired. I don’t know about you but I always fall asleep when I have edibles, no matter where they come from or how they’re made!
After this, you can strain your oil (I don’t if I’m making baked goods, I like the taste) and store it! Or use it right away. Either eat as is, use in baked good or to mix in other dishes! Don’t use this oil for frying or cooking, as the high temperatures will ruin you THC and you will lose desired effects. Try to keep things under 400 degrees. I usually bake my edibles around 200-300 degrees depending on thickness and treat (brownies need higher temps, cookies lower and less time).
Hope this journey into the science of edibles helps you medicate more effectively and enjoyably!
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amongthegentlymad · 7 years
For everyone in the path of the hurricane
-DONT DO THE STUPID listen to your local authorities and whatnot, if they say evacuate get the hell outta Dodge. secure ur property if u have to leave. unplug electronics, turn off ur breakers, bag up anything u are worried might get wet.
-make sure to fill up ur car with gas, if u can, have a full can of gas on hand also in case u need it.
-fill ur bathtubs with water (useful for emergency supply and also for flushing commodes)
-if u have a generator, test to make sure it is in good working order. make sure u have plenty of fuel.
-tie ur outside stuff down or bring it inside. if it looks like it could go flyin off in a storm it will.
-stock up on drinking water (for urself and pets)
-fill ur meds
-basic stuff to have on hand: paper plates, paper cups, plastic disposable utensils, tinfoil, first aid kit, rubbing alcohol, monies, xtra batteries, flashlights, hygiene items like pads n tampons, soap, dishwashing liquid. iodine tablets for disinfecting water, whistle, important documents in waterproof containers, insect repellent, sunscreen, non-perishable noms (canned foods, pet food, crackers, pnut butter or some kinda sandwich spread stuff that doesn’t require fridge, beans, bread, dried fruit, nuts, chocolate, etc.)
-battery operated radio if possible. also portable chargers for ur phone
-baby wipes. srsly. for keeping cool and washing urself
-battery operated fans are wonderful. 
-have a cooler of some sort around and ice, styrofoam coolers are usually pretty cheap (if you are crafty you can make ur own it also cooks food)
-how to make ur own first aid/survival kit in a prescription bottle
-check to see if you are in an area prone to flooding. u are? get out, get to higher ground. no if ands or buts.
-lower ur blinds, close curtains, stay away from windows. plywood or storm shutters r best. a lot of “ tape or don’t tape? “ concerning windows going around. use ur best judgement. if u gotta tape, tape ‘em good, x shape all the way across the windows. like this. use alligator tape. it is stronk.
-u live on the coast? head inland. get away from bodies of water. 
-have things to do on hand that don’t require electricity. playing cards, books, drawing, tabletop games. that sort of thing.
-hurricanes coming in at high tide = bad news = worse flooding. listen to news. evacuate if told to evacuate.
-hurricane watch = storm coming in 36 hours or so. hurricane warning = storm coming within next 24 hours
-disconnect all ur electronic equipment if u have to leave and if power starts acting wonky.
-don’t try to drive across flooded roads. no. just no. 
-pls don’t drive in middle of storm. at all. 
-in an apartment? stay on lower levels if u can, in a bathroom or windowless hallway or closet. make sure u kno where ur building’s emergency exits are. 
-mobile homes are the worst place to be in a hurricane. please dont stay there. go to a shelter.
-keep all ur stuff together in a plastic bin in case u gotta hustle somewhere quick.
-have pets in carriers ready 2 go.
-keep ur shoes on.
-wind and rain will steadily intensify
-when the eyewall hits u, its gonna be scary. eyewall is where winds and rain are strongest. stay calm and hunker down.
-tornados can and will pop up in hurricanes. if there’s a tornado warning get in windowless bathroom or closet or cellar or basement IMMEDIATELY. cover urself with blankets or mattresses or pillows. use a bike helmet if u have one.
-it’s suddenly quiet? hooray the storm is over? NO. that is the eye passing over. DO NOT GO OUTSIDE. the wind and rain will start picking up again before u know it. OUTSIDE = NO.
-crazy stuff u might see outside during storm: debris flying through air, rain literally going sideways in one direction and then when the other half of the storm comes, going sideways in the opposite direction. this is why trees will fall. they get wrenched in one direction and then the other.
-we had a pine tree so big three people together couldn’t put their arms around it. a hurricane laid that sucker on the ground. twisted it like a dishrag
-this is probably why its not a good idea to look outside.
-dont look outside.
-stay alert but when the worst is over, try to sleep. 
-try to get in touch with loved ones and homies. see if they r ok. let them know u are ok. 
-check in with local authorities as well. report outages, flooding, anything that needs to come to their attention. listen for any warnings like contaminated water, flooding, etc. just because the storm is over doesn’t mean the dangers r gone.
-if u are in a shelter, wait until u are told its ok to go home. 
-wear ur shoes or ur wellies or boots if u go outside. use sunscreen. use insect repellent. its gonna be a mess. a hot, bug-infested, wet mess. watch where u step.
-don’t go around downed powerlines u fool. I didn’t tell u how to survive a hurricane just so u can get urself electrocuted.
-stay away from unsteady looking trees or anything that looks like it might fall on u.
-clouds will be in a swirled shape in the sky. wild, huh?
-power’s probably out. use ur generator if you need to, but sparingly. u dont kno how long ur power will be out.  pls do not take the generator inside. fumes will smother u. 
-keep ur fridge closed, open it only when absolutely necessary. same with cooler. if u have any perishables in it, probably good idea to go ahead and eat them or move them to cooler. on average, food is only good at room temp for about two hours. if it smells funky, don’t risk it. throw it out. dont make urself sick. 
-how to make a fire with batteries and steel wool (recommend using outside and please take fire safety precautions. during or after a storm if a fire starts, firefighters will most likely not be able to come help because of downed power line or flooded roads. also why it is risky using kerosene lamps, candles etc. indoors)
-u can also make a simple cooker using rolled up cardboard, a tuna can and melted wax (also use this outside)
- foil packet meals! easy to cook. chop up ur ingredients, fold up in tinfoil, cook over coals or ur cooker.
-woah its a homemade reflector oven
- stay put if u are in no immediate danger. continue to check in with loved ones and homies. remember people will do crazy and bad things in emergency situations. protect urself and those u love. be smart.
-most likely it will be boring. and hot. try to stay cool, stay safe and keep urself entertained until things are back to normal. 
-i’ve been thru several scary hurricanes. it will be ok. u can survive. pls be careful ilu
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