Cookery Training & Professional Cooking School in Dubai
Cookery training
There are some people who feels that food isn’t just a plate of eatables to satisfy our hunger tummy, not like most of us cook just to eat. A whole world brewing beneath the bread you, cookery is thecareer for you.
It might take a while to become a Master Chef, if you plan cooking as a career. With dedicated practice and understanding of food who wants to pursue a career must bear in mind that there is deep artistry work where chef plays with flavors and fragrance, balancing taste and some spectacular creation.
Spending long hours in kitchen can’t help to be a cooking profession. Education in this field is essential to sense your ingredients, planning and productivity of food. Those who wish to live up to cookery dreams should be choosing a cookery training. A chef is an artist who uses his skills to express his love and uniqueness for food. There is so much responsibility of a chef from depending on type of food he serve, hierarchy level in the kitchen. Beginning you will learn range of skills in each area of the kitchen, one can work their way up to head chef takes responsibility from updating menu and planning, inspecting ingredients, supervising the kitchen staff, plans & execute budgets and handling all the issues related to the kitchen.
If you have passion fire, we can flame and help to pave your path. Our ICCA is here to help you understand the systematic rules of the industry. Unravel the food world with extensive cooking education training sessions in hot, cold or pastry kitchen and we will help you to create your career as a chef.
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Cooking is something one could start learning at any age and by anyone. Some people join this cooking industry after quitting highly paid job just to follow their passion. Nothing matters than the love for cooking. In this cooking program, you can join with the people sharing the same passion and can start a cooking school together better for future. In our cooking training, it’s not only learning time but also an opportunity to discover new sides of food.
You can join hand with your loved ones and new partners of same passion. In our cooking training programs you can learn something, and you can enjoy learning process than regular classes.
Whether it’s professional cooking courses or other program, there is a new way of learning food, which ICCA Dubai always been a favorite hub where education is much more than theory and practical.
Some foodies have health conscious and constantly look out for new and exotic food for their diet. Majority of the super diet foods are predominantly plant based like coconut water, broccoli, etc. Sweet potatoes are easy to cook, streaming brings their delicious flavors and maximizes nutritional properties.
       Nuts: nuts are full of proteins, almond have most beneficial and so other different nut having higher protein bar and important vitamins. Wonderful toppings to your desserts and salads.
      Seeds: much like nuts they can eaten raw like a snack or add to dishes. Flax seeds, pumpkin seed are a good selection.
UAE is one of few places where you feel at home, where you find your native food even though you are away from home. Any kind of food is available within your budget. You will be amazed to see variety of food options available in Dubai from all around the world. The food culture in this land is not limited to variety of cuisines available in restaurants. Though we find different cuisines here, it’s not only ethnic food here but also in the most authentic way.
Ruling over the kitchen is the ultimate goal for a chef. The cost of success doesn’t come easy. You need to pay price, standing on your feet for hours and expected to perform mechanistic chores, most young chefs fail to realize, before that stardust lies unfaltering perseverance and attitude. Our cooking institute understands and helps you to face and supports your efforts
In our cooking courses with times quickly changing in hotel industry scene, it is important that you need to evolve constantly as a chef. Beginning you wouldn’t have much experience, but learning never ends. This training helps you to cover the skills and follow the footsteps of great chefs.
Identify chefs you most admire and educate yourself regarding their talent and how they made it! You can also look for cookbooks of chefs that you really connect with. While you follow footsteps of seasoned chefs, don’t be intimidated by their high-profiles and years of experience in the industry. Instead, implant in yourself their wide spectrum of knowledge and crisis-management skills.
The only best way to start your cooking career in ICCA, thus makes sure all your foundations are laid right. It takes a year to groom and working yourself, getting ready to join the industry.
cookery training institute, cooking school in dubai, cooking college, professional cooking training, professional cooking school, culinary arts in dubai, cooking courses, cooking program
Read More : http://dubaichefstory.blogspot.com/2018/07/cookery-training-professional-cooking.html
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iccadubai-blog1 · 5 years
The culinary experience session at the ICCA Dubai saw the students hands-on cook  and prepare a grand buffet under the guidance of ICCA Chef Instructors, Maia Tsakanova, Vinod Radhakrishnan and Edward Clegg. An initiative for school kids to experience the exciting world of Culinary Arts
The #8WeekStreak Challenge, an initiative by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), Dubai, encouraging the participation of school students from various schools in Dubai to challenge themselves and learn a new skill each week during the summer break.
The challenge themed around the ‘Five Ways of Wellbeing: Give, Be Active, Keep Learning, Connect and Take Notice’, focused on activities that were organized every week at different locations around the city of Dubai, with the final challenge in culinary being hosted by the International Centre for Culinary Arts (ICCA) Dubai on the 28th of August, 2019.  
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The culinary experience session at the ICCA Dubai saw the students hands-on cook  and prepare a grand buffet under the guidance of ICCA Chef Instructors, Maia Tsakanova, Vinod Radhakrishnan and Edward Clegg.
“It was a first-hand experience for the kids and I believe will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Some of them might even pursue Culinary Arts as a career. ’’, said Dr. Abdulla Al Karam, Director General, KHDA, who had specially accompanied the kids for the experience.
“We are extremely glad to be part of the #8WeekStreak initiative, and to provide the younger generation with an opportunity to explore the world of Culinary Arts, helping them tap into their interests and career options for the future’’, said Mr. Sunjeh Raja, Director & CEO, ICCA Dubai.
Source: https://blog1.iccadubai.ae/the-khda-8weekstreak-challenge-at-icca-dubai
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sheelabaskaran · 5 years
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Top Barista Training Institute in Dubai
How to enjoy the health benefits of raw dairy in your coffee? Visit https://goo.gl/7jVRp6 to join the barista coffee making program and learn about the secrets of coffee making at Top Barista Training Institute in Dubai.
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chefworld-blog1 · 5 years
Watching your favourite television show and munching on junk snack is an inevitable routine for us. We are quite used to the age old and deep relationship, TV watching and snacking share with each other. People sometimes prefer to turn to their favourite TV shows or comfort foods to pick themselves up from a long tiring day. For some, the combination of both is even better for one evening of personal comfort while ignoring the real world.
Talking about what’s in the news for this TV- snack combination lovers, you have probably heard that the Web TV giant Netflix have launched their TV streaming service to the UAE. That’s good news for binge watchers! This is going to take a good amount of your time watching episode after episode, not to mention some serious sustenance. Whether you accept it or not, you are going to need some quick snacks you can make in a commercial break. You don’t have to be a mindless munching zombie cause of this, but knowing a few things which could come in handy, can avoid munching on to the same kind of unhealthy snack all the time.
Popcorn: The good old way! Popcorn has always been the true love of TV binge watchers. Popcorn is actually good because it is high in fiber. Just avoid the butter and try air-popped popcorn, and you are good to go.
Chips: One of the major culprits in making you wear bigger sizes. Well, next time when you choose chips to accompany your TV binge watching season, you don’t really have to bear with the added calories in it. Chips doesn’t always have to be deep fried starchy potatoes. Switch them with baked, paper thin apple chips with a dash of cinnamon sprinkled on it if you have a sweet tooth, or baked carrot chips dusted with your choice of seasonings. While opting for these healthy chips rather than regular store bought deep fried ones, you are not only doing a favour to your health, but you also get some real good options for your taste buds.
Sandwiches: Snack, but still more than a snack. Make a sandwich with a light filling. It will not only make you feel full but will avoid the urge to munch on to something continuously while watching. To find a variety of handpicked sandwiches, log on to Fatafeat ICCA academy online, play along with the recipes with your added imagination, and create a power snack to satisfy your binge needs.
Fruits & Nuts: You cannot ask for anything healthier than this. Having just a fruit or nut as it is could be a little boring sometimes, but you don’t need to have it like that anyway? Do some mix and matches here, make a bowl of healthy crunchy fruit salad and enjoy the show guilt free.
Raw Veggies: You must be thinking we are making the concept of snacking a real bore here. Wait, before you start judging us already. Did you know raw veggies when cut into strips, with some mind blowing healthy dips are insanely addictive in taste? Yes, the shapes and cuts of the veggies play a very important role to make you want to consider it as a snack. Carrot, cucumber, bell pepper, broccoli and zucchini are a few options from the long list of vegetables you would want to go for. Dips could be made of anything healthy. Yogurt, chickpeas, eggplants, avocado, pumpkins… the base options are endless to make a healthy dip for your veggies.
There are many alternatives you can do with any type of snack you choose to have for. The only thing you need to know is the basic combination of ingredients and how well it could work for you, so that you can alter it to suit your needs. As they say, knowing the basics could take you a long way. Again, it’s not that everyone still agree on binge eating, but desperate times call for it. Get to know more about the recipes you can play with and you might just end up with the perfect accompaniment for the TV binge watching you know you are going to be doing this weekend.
Read More: http://blog.iccadubai.ae/beginning-of-a-healthy-binge-watching-season-netflix-in-uae/
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I would like to think I have the most rewarding job in the world because I don’t just train the Chefs of the next generation but I am with them in their journey of realizing their dreams. It never ceases to amaze me how an instructor like me could lead the path of the culinary industry by imparting knowledge and experiences to the young and enthusiastic minds of my students.
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At ICCA, we have three months to inspire and mould our students’ passion towards food. I’m not going to lie but those three months are intensive, we make sure that we give them the training and experience that they need. “Tough love” as they say brings out the best in an individual. We train the students to bend and adapt to the reality of the industry but we don’t break them because, at the end of the day, the goal is to give them the world-class training that they deserve and not make their lives miserable.
I will never forget one of the most heartfelt moments I have had as an instructor, a student actually cried on the day of his graduation because of the impact I had in his life, moments like these make me love my job even more and motivates me to always give our students  the best educational experience here at ICCA.
Building their confidence, making their weaknesses their strengths and instilling the right information in them is what will help them in their bright future as a Chef. A student once told me, “Chef, let me tell you one thing, every day when I enter my kitchen I always remember your philosophy which is to cook from your heart.”
Source : http://blog.iccadubai.ae/culinary-training-from-the-heart/
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Sweetened condensed milk is a favourite of many people, and when it comes to indulging in it, transform it into Dulce de leche which is nothing but the same condensed milk cooked in its own tin in boiling water for 4-5 hours to give the delicious toffee colored confectionery spread.
I came across Dulce de leche a few years back when I was working with an Argentinean restaurant, where they were using a lot of Dulce de leche in their dessert preparations. The love for the taste of Dulce de leche inspired me to work on different recipes based on them, and here  you can find one of them given below.
Dulce de leche lava cake
Baking Temp: 180*C for 8 min
Portion size: 4pc Round 6cm ring
For Lava cakeIngredientsQuantity
Dulce de leche½+1/3 cup
Melted Unsalted Butter2tbsp
Egg yolk1pc/20gm
Whole egg1pc/50gm
For the Dulce de leche
Fill sauce pan with water half way and place the unopened can of condensed milk in the middle of the sauce pan. The can should be covered with water and bring it to a boil for 5-6 hrs, and add more water if it evaporates. Remove the can from the pan and leave it to chill in the fridge overnight.
For the Lava cake
Grease and dust the ring moulds and chill for 10-15min
Cream the dulce de leche into the bowl, then add melted butter and mix well
Add egg yolk and whole egg gradually while continuously whisking
Lastly add in the flour and mix
Pour the mixture into the rings and bake at 180*c for 7- 8 min.
Source: http://blog.iccadubai.ae/love-for-dulce-de-leche/
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Watching your favourite television show and munching on junk snack is an inevitable routine for us. We are quite used to the age old and deep relationship, TV watching and snacking share with each other. People sometimes prefer to turn to their favourite TV shows or comfort foods to pick themselves up from a long tiring day. For some, the combination of both is even better for one evening of personal comfort while ignoring the real world.
Talking about what’s in the news for this TV- snack combination lovers, you have probably heard that the Web TV giant Netflix have launched their TV streaming service to the UAE. That’s good news for binge watchers! This is going to take a good amount of your time watching episode after episode, not to mention some serious sustenance. Whether you accept it or not, you are going to need some quick snacks you can make in a commercial break. You don’t have to be a mindless munching zombie cause of this, but knowing a few things which could come in handy, can avoid munching on to the same kind of unhealthy snack all the time.
Popcorn: The good old way! Popcorn has always been the true love of TV binge watchers. Popcorn is actually good because it is high in fiber. Just avoid the butter and try air-popped popcorn, and you are good to go.
Chips: One of the major culprits in making you wear bigger sizes. Well, next time when you choose chips to accompany your TV binge watching season, you don’t really have to bear with the added calories in it. Chips doesn’t always have to be deep fried starchy potatoes. Switch them with baked, paper thin apple chips with a dash of cinnamon sprinkled on it if you have a sweet tooth, or baked carrot chips dusted with your choice of seasonings. While opting for these healthy chips rather than regular store bought deep fried ones, you are not only doing a favour to your health, but you also get some real good options for your taste buds.
Sandwiches: Snack, but still more than a snack. Make a sandwich with a light filling. It will not only make you feel full but will avoid the urge to munch on to something continuously while watching. To find a variety of handpicked sandwiches, log on to Fatafeat ICCA academy online, play along with the recipes with your added imagination, and create a power snack to satisfy your binge needs.
Fruits & Nuts: You cannot ask for anything healthier than this. Having just a fruit or nut as it is could be a little boring sometimes, but you don’t need to have it like that anyway? Do some mix and matches here, make a bowl of healthy crunchy fruit salad and enjoy the show guilt free.
Raw Veggies: You must be thinking we are making the concept of snacking a real bore here. Wait, before you start judging us already. Did you know raw veggies when cut into strips, with some mind blowing healthy dips are insanely addictive in taste? Yes, the shapes and cuts of the veggies play a very important role to make you want to consider it as a snack. Carrot, cucumber, bell pepper, broccoli and zucchini are a few options from the long list of vegetables you would want to go for. Dips could be made of anything healthy. Yogurt, chickpeas, eggplants, avocado, pumpkins… the base options are endless to make a healthy dip for your veggies.
There are many alternatives you can do with any type of snack you choose to have for. The only thing you need to know is the basic combination of ingredients and how well it could work for you, so that you can alter it to suit your needs. As they say, knowing the basics could take you a long way. Again, it’s not that everyone still agree on binge eating, but desperate times call for it. Get to know more about the recipes you can play with and you might just end up with the perfect accompaniment for the TV binge watching you know you are going to be doing this weekend.
Read More: http://blog.iccadubai.ae/beginning-of-a-healthy-binge-watching-season-netflix-in-uae/
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iccadubai-blog1 · 5 years
Watching your favourite television show and munching on junk snack is an inevitable routine for us. We are quite used to the age old and deep relationship, TV watching and snacking share with each other. People sometimes prefer to turn to their favourite TV shows or comfort foods to pick themselves up from a long tiring day. For some, the combination of both is even better for one evening of personal comfort while ignoring the real world.
Talking about what’s in the news for this TV- snack combination lovers, you have probably heard that the Web TV giant Netflix have launched their TV streaming service to the UAE. That’s good news for binge watchers! This is going to take a good amount of your time watching episode after episode, not to mention some serious sustenance. Whether you accept it or not, you are going to need some quick snacks you can make in a commercial break. You don’t have to be a mindless munching zombie cause of this, but knowing a few things which could come in handy, can avoid munching on to the same kind of unhealthy snack all the time.
Popcorn: The good old way! Popcorn has always been the true love of TV binge watchers. Popcorn is actually good because it is high in fiber. Just avoid the butter and try air-popped popcorn, and you are good to go.
Chips: One of the major culprits in making you wear bigger sizes. Well, next time when you choose chips to accompany your TV binge watching season, you don’t really have to bear with the added calories in it. Chips doesn’t always have to be deep fried starchy potatoes. Switch them with baked, paper thin apple chips with a dash of cinnamon sprinkled on it if you have a sweet tooth, or baked carrot chips dusted with your choice of seasonings. While opting for these healthy chips rather than regular store bought deep fried ones, you are not only doing a favour to your health, but you also get some real good options for your taste buds.
Sandwiches: Snack, but still more than a snack. Make a sandwich with a light filling. It will not only make you feel full but will avoid the urge to munch on to something continuously while watching. To find a variety of handpicked sandwiches, log on to Fatafeat ICCA academy online, play along with the recipes with your added imagination, and create a power snack to satisfy your binge needs.
Fruits & Nuts: You cannot ask for anything healthier than this. Having just a fruit or nut as it is could be a little boring sometimes, but you don’t need to have it like that anyway? Do some mix and matches here, make a bowl of healthy crunchy fruit salad and enjoy the show guilt free.
Raw Veggies: You must be thinking we are making the concept of snacking a real bore here. Wait, before you start judging us already. Did you know raw veggies when cut into strips, with some mind blowing healthy dips are insanely addictive in taste? Yes, the shapes and cuts of the veggies play a very important role to make you want to consider it as a snack. Carrot, cucumber, bell pepper, broccoli and zucchini are a few options from the long list of vegetables you would want to go for. Dips could be made of anything healthy. Yogurt, chickpeas, eggplants, avocado, pumpkins… the base options are endless to make a healthy dip for your veggies.
There are many alternatives you can do with any type of snack you choose to have for. The only thing you need to know is the basic combination of ingredients and how well it could work for you, so that you can alter it to suit your needs. As they say, knowing the basics could take you a long way. Again, it’s not that everyone still agree on binge eating, but desperate times call for it. Get to know more about the recipes you can play with and you might just end up with the perfect accompaniment for the TV binge watching you know you are going to be doing this weekend.
Visit : Professional Cooking School in Dubai
Read More : http://blog.iccadubai.ae/beginning-of-a-healthy-binge-watching-season-netflix-in-uae/
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chefworld-blog1 · 5 years
International Center for Culinary Arts (ICCA) Dubai, is an Official Partner of Taste of Dubai and has geared up into its fullest spirits to power-up the 9th Edition of city’s signature food and entertainment festival at Dubai Media City Amphitheater.
This annual 3 Day Festival of Good Food, Drink & Music, will be featuring a range of innovative and interactive culinary programs, sponsored by the Headline Sponsors of the event Electrolux and Co Sponsors such as Lurpak and American Garden amongst many others. Five prominent features at the event  will be run by Team ICCA, these include The Cooking Challenge, Chef’s Theatre, Chef’s Secret, Secret Ingredient and Hospitality VIP. While the ICCA Chef Instructors will be seen managing and doing their own demonstrations as well at the event, the students will keep themselves busy working with a range of chefs, including Michelin star celebrity chefs at their work stations.
“Taste of Dubai has always been a great platform for ICCA students. Working with the Michelin star chefs is one of the best experiences they can have in their lifetime as a Budding Chef. Being a part of this event, will not only help them get the insights of working with the world class professionals but will also get to preview their future in the industry”, says Sunjeh Raja, Director of the International Center for Culinary Arts – ICCA Dubai.
ICCA Chefs, Chef Francois & Chef Aziz Rajab will be in charge and doing demos in Cooking Challenge, Chef Marco Morana will be managing and performing demos in Chef’s Theater, Chef Daniel Hiltbrunner will be handling Chef’s Secret, Chef Mihaly & Chef Vrushali will be seen managing Electrolux VIP Hospitality and Chef Vinod will be taking charge of Secret Ingredients and doing the demos for all the 3 days of the event.
“We are delighted to be playing a vital role in the event in association with the organizers of Taste of Dubai & Electrolux, that come in line with the dedicated efforts that  ICCA has been putting through over time to maintain its presence of par excellence in the industry. Also, the excitement is rapidly building for us to be managing and running many more features at the event this year and thus powering the Taste of Dubai”, Mr. Raja added.
About ICCA Dubai
Established in 2005, the International Center for Culinary Arts (ICCA) Dubai is an industry centered vocational training (VET) center. Specializing in Culinary Arts, ICCA  is one of the leading culinary training providers in the world with a vision to redefine ways in which professional and personal culinary training is offered. The students are provided a truly world class culinary experience, with its accreditation & recognitions from City & Guilds London, Knowledge Human Development Authority (KHDA) Government of Dubai and with its strategic location at the region’s finest educational hub, the Dubai Knowledge Village.
Featured amongst the Top 10 Culinary Institutes in the World and awarded the “Recognition of Quality Culinary Education” by the World Chefs, a global authority on food standards. The “Recognition of Quality Culinary Education” award seeks to recognize training and education that meets or exceeds the culinary standards education established by World Chefs.
Read More: http://blog.iccadubai.ae/icca-dubai-powering-the-taste-dubai/
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iccadubai-blog1 · 5 years
International Center for Culinary Arts (ICCA) Dubai, is an Official Partner of Taste of Dubai and has geared up into its fullest spirits to power-up the 9th Edition of city’s signature food and entertainment festival at Dubai Media City Amphitheater.
This annual 3 Day Festival of Good Food, Drink & Music, will be featuring a range of innovative and interactive culinary programs, sponsored by the Headline Sponsors of the event Electrolux and Co Sponsors such as Lurpak and American Garden amongst many others. Five prominent features at the event  will be run by Team ICCA, these include The Cooking Challenge, Chef’s Theatre, Chef’s Secret, Secret Ingredient and Hospitality VIP. While the ICCA Chef Instructors will be seen managing and doing their own demonstrations as well at the event, the students will keep themselves busy working with a range of chefs, including Michelin star celebrity chefs at their work stations.
“Taste of Dubai has always been a great platform for ICCA students. Working with the Michelin star chefs is one of the best experiences they can have in their lifetime as a Budding Chef. Being a part of this event, will not only help them get the insights of working with the world class professionals but will also get to preview their future in the industry”, says Sunjeh Raja, Director of the International Center for Culinary Arts – ICCA Dubai.
ICCA Chefs, Chef Francois & Chef Aziz Rajab will be in charge and doing demos in Cooking Challenge, Chef Marco Morana will be managing and performing demos in Chef’s Theater, Chef Daniel Hiltbrunner will be handling Chef’s Secret, Chef Mihaly & Chef Vrushali will be seen managing Electrolux VIP Hospitality and Chef Vinod will be taking charge of Secret Ingredients and doing the demos for all the 3 days of the event.
“We are delighted to be playing a vital role in the event in association with the organizers of Taste of Dubai & Electrolux, that come in line with the dedicated efforts that  ICCA has been putting through over time to maintain its presence of par excellence in the industry. Also, the excitement is rapidly building for us to be managing and running many more features at the event this year and thus powering the Taste of Dubai”, Mr. Raja added.
About ICCA Dubai
Established in 2005, the International Center for Culinary Arts (ICCA) Dubai is an industry centered vocational training (VET) center. Specializing in Culinary Arts, ICCA  is one of the leading culinary training providers in the world with a vision to redefine ways in which professional and personal culinary training is offered. The students are provided a truly world class culinary experience, with its accreditation & recognitions from City & Guilds London, Knowledge Human Development Authority (KHDA) Government of Dubai and with its strategic location at the region’s finest educational hub, the Dubai Knowledge Village.
Featured amongst the Top 10 Culinary Institutes in the World and awarded the “Recognition of Quality Culinary Education” by the World Chefs, a global authority on food standards. The “Recognition of Quality Culinary Education” award seeks to recognize training and education that meets or exceeds the culinary standards education established by World Chefs.
Read more: http://blog.iccadubai.ae/icca-dubai-powering-the-taste-dubai/
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One of the many questions I am asked is “what does it take to become a chef”. In an industry that was male dominated, the obvious answer some two & half dozen years back, would probably have been balls of steel. I recall working in a small but luxury hotel abroad were I was introduced to my first encounter with Shirley; my Head chef … Shirley ruled that kitchen with a rod of iron, I swear to this day that she had eyes on the back of her head . Chef commanded a reasonably large kitchen brigade, to operate the bistro style bar menu as well as the fine dining restaurant. I quickly rose through the ranks from chef de party to senior Sous Chef.
In an industry were words such as innovative, talented, gifted and sublime are words to describe some of the most influential Chefs within our industry, culinary giants such as Angela Hartnett, Elena Arzak ,Helen Riza, Clare Smyth, Hèlèn Darroze and Jenny Morris (to name but a few) is most certainly not the answer that I would be inclined to give for fear of being chopped up into brunoise!
So back to my original question, What does it take to become a chef? Whilst it is not a requirement, most wannabe chefs will go to a world renowned culinary institute. Here, the International Centre for Culinary Arts (ICCA Dubai) is one of those institutes. All chefs must have a high degree of training, technical skills, experience and management skills, leadership and time management skills, Able to multi task with kitchen equipment and to a degree with staff. Basically like a musical conductor. Twelve plus hours a day six days a week is extremely commonplace. Take a large pinch of dedication and sprinkle over obsession; you might just have what it takes to become a CHEF!
Read More : http://blog.iccadubai.ae/who-wants-to-be-a-chef/
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chefworld-blog1 · 6 years
Cookery Training & Professional Cooking School in Dubai
Cookery training
There are some people who feels that food isn’t just a plate of eatables to satisfy our hunger tummy, not like most of us cook just to eat. A whole world brewing beneath the bread you, cookery is thecareer for you.
It might take a while to become a Master Chef, if you plan cooking as a career. With dedicated practice and understanding of food who wants to pursue a career must bear in mind that there is deep artistry work where chef plays with flavors and fragrance, balancing taste and some spectacular creation.
Spending long hours in kitchen can’t help to be a cooking profession. Education in this field is essential to sense your ingredients, planning and productivity of food. Those who wish to live up to cookery dreams should be choosing a cookery training. A chef is an artist who uses his skills to express his love and uniqueness for food. There is so much responsibility of a chef from depending on type of food he serve, hierarchy level in the kitchen. Beginning you will learn range of skills in each area of the kitchen, one can work their way up to head chef takes responsibility from updating menu and planning, inspecting ingredients, supervising the kitchen staff, plans & execute budgets and handling all the issues related to the kitchen.
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If you have passion fire, we can flame and help to pave your path. Our ICCA is here to help you understand the systematic rules of the industry. Unravel the food world with extensive cooking education training sessions in hot, cold or pastry kitchen and we will help you to create your career as a chef.
Cooking is something one could start learning at any age and by anyone. Some people join thiscooking industry after quitting highly paid job just to follow their passion. Nothing matters than the love for cooking. In this cooking program, you can join with the people sharing the same passion and can start a cooking school together better for future. In our cooking training, it’s not only learning time but also an opportunity to discover new sides of food.
You can join hand with your loved ones and new partners of same passion. In our cooking training programs you can learn something, and you can enjoy learning process than regular classes.
Whether it’s professional cooking courses or other program, there is a new way of learning food, which ICCA Dubai always been a favorite hub where education is much more than theory and practical.
Some foodies have health conscious and constantly look out for new and exotic food for their diet. Majority of the super diet foods are predominantly plant based like coconut water, broccoli, etc. Sweet potatoes are easy to cook, streaming brings their delicious flavors and maximizes nutritional properties.
       Nuts: nuts are full of proteins, almond have most beneficial and so other different nut having higher protein bar and important vitamins. Wonderful toppings to your desserts and salads.
      Seeds: much like nuts they can eaten raw like a snack or add to dishes. Flax seeds, pumpkin seed are a good selection.
UAE is one of few places where you feel at home, where you find your native food even though you are away from home. Any kind of food is available within your budget. You will be amazed to see variety of food options available in Dubai from all around the world. The food culture in this land is not limited to variety of cuisines available in restaurants. Though we find different cuisines here, it’s not only ethnic food here but also in the most authentic way.
Ruling over the kitchen is the ultimate goal for a chef. The cost of success doesn’t come easy. You need to pay price, standing on your feet for hours and expected to perform mechanistic chores, most young chefs fail to realize, before that stardust lies unfaltering perseverance and attitude. Our cooking institute understands and helps you to face and supports your efforts
In our cooking courses with times quickly changing in hotel industry scene, it is important that you need to evolve constantly as a chef. Beginning you wouldn’t have much experience, but learning never ends. This training helps you to cover the skills and follow the footsteps of great chefs.
Identify chefs you most admire and educate yourself regarding their talent and how they made it! You can also look for cookbooks of chefs that you really connect with. While you follow footsteps of seasoned chefs, don’t be intimidated by their high-profiles and years of experience in the industry. Instead, implant in yourself their wide spectrum of knowledge and crisis-management skills.
The only best way to start your cooking career in ICCA, thus makes sure all your foundations are laid right. It takes a year to groom and working yourself, getting ready to join the industry.
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Read More : http://dubaichefstory.blogspot.com/2018/07/cookery-training-professional-cooking.html
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iccadubai-blog1 · 6 years
Cookery Training & Professional Cooking School in Dubai
Cookery training
There are some people who feels that food isn’t just a plate of eatables to satisfy our hunger tummy, not like most of us cook just to eat. A whole world brewing beneath the bread you, cookery is thecareer for you.
It might take a while to become a Master Chef, if you plan cooking as a career. With dedicated practice and understanding of food who wants to pursue a career must bear in mind that there is deep artistry work where chef plays with flavors and fragrance, balancing taste and some spectacular creation.
Spending long hours in kitchen can’t help to be a cooking profession. Education in this field is essential to sense your ingredients, planning and productivity of food. Those who wish to live up to cookery dreams should be choosing a cookery training. A chef is an artist who uses his skills to express his love and uniqueness for food. There is so much responsibility of a chef from depending on type of food he serve, hierarchy level in the kitchen. Beginning you will learn range of skills in each area of the kitchen, one can work their way up to head chef takes responsibility from updating menu and planning, inspecting ingredients, supervising the kitchen staff, plans & execute budgets and handling all the issues related to the kitchen.
If you have passion fire, we can flame and help to pave your path. Our ICCA is here to help you understand the systematic rules of the industry. Unravel the food world with extensive cooking education training sessions in hot, cold or pastry kitchen and we will help you to create your career as a chef.
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Cooking is something one could start learning at any age and by anyone. Some people join this cooking industry after quitting highly paid job just to follow their passion. Nothing matters than the love for cooking. In this cooking program, you can join with the people sharing the same passion and can start a cooking school together better for future. In our cooking training, it’s not only learning time but also an opportunity to discover new sides of food.
You can join hand with your loved ones and new partners of same passion. In our cooking training programs you can learn something, and you can enjoy learning process than regular classes.
Whether it’s professional cooking courses or other program, there is a new way of learning food, which ICCA Dubai always been a favorite hub where education is much more than theory and practical.
Some foodies have health conscious and constantly look out for new and exotic food for their diet. Majority of the super diet foods are predominantly plant based like coconut water, broccoli, etc. Sweet potatoes are easy to cook, streaming brings their delicious flavors and maximizes nutritional properties.
       Nuts: nuts are full of proteins, almond have most beneficial and so other different nut having higher protein bar and important vitamins. Wonderful toppings to your desserts and salads.
      Seeds: much like nuts they can eaten raw like a snack or add to dishes. Flax seeds, pumpkin seed are a good selection.
UAE is one of few places where you feel at home, where you find your native food even though you are away from home. Any kind of food is available within your budget. You will be amazed to see variety of food options available in Dubai from all around the world. The food culture in this land is not limited to variety of cuisines available in restaurants. Though we find different cuisines here, it’s not only ethnic food here but also in the most authentic way.
Ruling over the kitchen is the ultimate goal for a chef. The cost of success doesn’t come easy. You need to pay price, standing on your feet for hours and expected to perform mechanistic chores, most young chefs fail to realize, before that stardust lies unfaltering perseverance and attitude. Our cooking institute understands and helps you to face and supports your efforts
In our cooking courses with times quickly changing in hotel industry scene, it is important that you need to evolve constantly as a chef. Beginning you wouldn’t have much experience, but learning never ends. This training helps you to cover the skills and follow the footsteps of great chefs.
Identify chefs you most admire and educate yourself regarding their talent and how they made it! You can also look for cookbooks of chefs that you really connect with. While you follow footsteps of seasoned chefs, don’t be intimidated by their high-profiles and years of experience in the industry. Instead, implant in yourself their wide spectrum of knowledge and crisis-management skills.
The only best way to start your cooking career in ICCA, thus makes sure all your foundations are laid right. It takes a year to groom and working yourself, getting ready to join the industry.
cookery training institute, cooking school in dubai, cooking college, professional cooking training, professional cooking school, culinary arts in dubai, cooking courses, cooking program
Read More : http://dubaichefstory.blogspot.com/2018/07/cookery-training-professional-cooking.html
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