jeannedarcgerard · 1 year
oh my god more cooperblossom serial killers ?!
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labyrinthcfmymind · 6 years
Betty: You’re a jerk.
Cheryl: Wow, nice insult, Hannah Montana.
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vkndr · 7 years
just so I know, would you guys like to see a inside phone of cooperblossom/chetty? (I know many of you don't ship them anymore bc of the canon incest, but I don't recognize them as cousins tbth and all my inside phone's been AU so far)
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bloodhush · 7 years
someone give me a fleshed-out multi chapter fanfiction of cheryl, betty and veronica all coming together in a polyamorous relationship and their trials and coming out to everyone and all that good shit, please i will pay you
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fabray · 7 years
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the moment when betty realizes that she’s gay af 
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nocakesformissedith · 7 years
Has someone made a gifset of Cheryl putting makeup on Betty in 1x02 and Cheryl putting makeup on Polly in 1x11??
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julesthxmas · 7 years
i have a prompt for chetty: it's an established relationship but they haven't told anyone yet except for veronica who caught them making out behind pop's so they had to come clean. so it's vixens practive and cheryl decides to put betty on top of a pyramid bc she worked her ass off and absolutely deserves it. and it's all good betty is up there and cheryl means to say "you are doing amazing, betty" but what actually comes out is "you are doing amazing, baby". on cue the pyramid crumbles. tyvm
i have been working on this on and off since i got it and just thank u for this prompt?? i looked at it, read it and loved it so i hope you like what i put out! thank you again for the prompt!
Cheryl Blossomcan point out a few defining moments in her life without any trouble.
When she’s sixand realizes that, out of the two of them, most people including their parentswould always love her twin more. When she’s eight and her mom tries to hit heronly to have Jason take it for her only to come to the conclusion that the onlyperson to love Cheryl is her brother. When she’s eleven and she realizes that asharp tongue and cold stares would protect her better than a soft heart andkind thoughts ever could. When’s she’s sixteen and she loses her brother, herprotector, and her parents go from awful to deadly. When she’s seventeen andshe falls in love with a girl, a Cooper,of all people.
So how acheerleading practice ends up being tacked on to that list is, honestly, beyondher.
It starts thesummer before junior year–she’s not exactly sure how it starts because, foryears, it’s only ever been a very strong dislike between herself and BettyCooper. Not that she exactly blames Betty because, yeah, Cheryl’s been gunningfor the ‘biggest bitch’ award sincethey were eleven and the blonde’s taken a lot of shit from her since then.
And then, onenight after a lot of cheap booze, she ends up straddling the blonde in the backof her own old car with her shirt off and everything kind of just–shifts.
Cheryl gets awaywith fooling herself for a solid month that it’s just about sex and that warmfeeling in her chest is nothing and that when school starts, whatever is goingon between herself and Betty will cease and they’ll never speak of it again.And then she sees Betty crying one day (fucking Alice Cooper is on Cheryl’slist for the rest of miserable life) and the redhead feels her heart just plainbreak at seeing her favorite blueeyes filled with tears.
Everything justchanges, yet again, after that.
And then fourmonths into their hidden relationship, Veronica, catches them behind Pop’s withCheryl’s hand shoved up Betty’s shirt while the blonde has her own hand shoveddown Cheryl’s skirt.
It goes withsaying that Veronica is immediately sworn to secrecy by them both.
Anyways, back towhat is now known as ‘the practice’among the River Vixens (and they call Cheryl dramatic).
“Okay, ladies”Cheryl stands in front of all the girls, all of them half worn down alreadyfrom the first thirty minutes of their practice “I’m feeling generous today–” read: she and Bettyhave plans that involve the both her and the blonde still having enough energyto have fun in Cheryl’s king sized bed “We’re gonna through one more cheer andthen all of you wannabes can go shower, wash them shame off of yourselves andgo home and wonder just why you’ll never live up to anyone’s standards, gotit?” a beat because when Cheryl asks a question, she’s not actually asking fora response “Great. So we’re gonna do our usual game cheer and end in a pyramid”the girls start to move, ready to start so they can all go home when Cherylsighs “Oh yeah and there’s gonna be just a teeny tiny change–Maddy, you’re offthe top, Betty you’re in”
Betty’s eyesbulge out of her head “I–what?”
“You’re in”Cheryl cocks her head to the side “Don’t think I haven’t seen you working yourass off since last year, Cooper. I’ve noticed and now you’re being rewarded,don’t make me regret it”
Of course,Veronica is eyeing her a little suspiciously but all Cheryl can do is roll hereyes and go to stand between Tina and Ginger because Betty’s oral skills havenothing to do with her being put on top (no matter how fucking amazing they areand trust, they are amazing).
In truth, Betty has been working her ass offsince becoming a River Vixen and everyone can see it and it’s just about timethat she’s rewarded for working harder than most of the girls on the squad.
And if the factthat she’s kind of in love with (read: ass first in love with) Betty helpsCheryl make that decision, then whatever.
“Okay!” she yellsout “Impress me” as soon as she stops speaking, Ginger presses the play buttonon the old stereo they use for practice.
At first,everything goes off without a hitch–a pretty standard cheer with everyonedoing everything they should be doing. Cheryl looks a little worried as shewatches her blonde girlfriend lock her knees as she reaches the top of thepyramid, she moves from her place to walk towards the pyramid to inspect it.
And then shefucks up.
She means to yellout ‘You’re doing amazing, Betty!’ because she is, she’s not shaking, shedoesn’t look scared, her smile is still perfect and in place–so, of course,Cheryl is going to compliment her, she doles out compliments to her RiverVixens when they deserve and she feels Betty deserves it–but her brain must short circuit for a second because what comesout is “you’re doing amazing, baby!”
And, of course,the whole fucking pyramid crashes as soon as the word slips.
She sees Bettycrumble in on herself as soon as she realizes what was just happening, probablyto avoid crashing backwards onto the blue mat that are supposed to provide somekind of comfort but don’t because Riverdale High is cheap and hasn’t bought newones since the damn school opened.
After that it’s just a mess of yellow shirtsand black shorts with groans mixed in.
“Shit” she turnsaround “Fucking turn the music off!” Ginger looks in shock but quickly snaps todoing what Cheryl tells  her to do, areflex if anything. The redhead walks towards the mess of people and tries tonot just scream at them while restraining herself from yelling for Bettybecause there is no need to make this whole situation worse.
“Betty!” Veronicavoices her own concern, loudly and without care being no one looks twice at abest friend being concerned for the other “Hey, you okay?” Cheryl feels herarms ache as Veronica gathers the blonde up in a tight hug, worry etched on herfeatures while fear grips Cheryl’s heart.
“Yeah, yeah–”she briefly locks eyes with Cheryl and nods, barely easing the knot in theredhead’s stomach “I’m okay”
“Are you sure?”Cheryl takes a step closer, hyperaware of how everyone is looking at herclosely “Do you want to go to the nurse's’ office?” she tries to be neutral butthe worry in her eyes is as plain as day and she knows it.
Betty shakes herhead and grips Veronica’s arm as she tries to haul herself up but stopshalfway, her face twisted together in a grimace. Veronica quickly stands up andallows the blonde to lean against her “B?”
“Sorry, I just–”Betty lets out a short breath, a defeated look on her face “I think I sprainedmy ankle”
Cheryl feels herstomach churn with guilt–maybe Betty hadn’t been as ready as she thought. Shewhirls around and faces the rest of the girls who pulled themselves up “Out! Practice is over!” she snaps, usingthe anger she has for herself and directs at the girls who dropped her girl inthe first place.
Everyone stumblesfor a second as they all snap to follow orders, crashing into each other asthey gather their bags and run out of the gym as fast as their feet can carrythem, some already tapping out a message to their friends. Ginger and Tinalinger behind for a second but with a glare from Cheryl, they follow suit andrush out of the gym.
The redheadsighs, rubs her temples feeling a headache already forming and turns back toBetty, a softer look in place “I–is it bad? And don’t lie”
“No, no, I don’tthink so” Cheryl moves over to the blonde’s side and grips Betty’s waist, asilent ‘lean on me’ “I’m good, Cher”
Veronica clearsher throat “I’ll give you two a minute” she squeezes Betty’s shoulder “I’ll beoutside if you need me, alright?” she gives Cheryl a soft smile, an encouragingone before plucking her bag off the floor and going outside.
As soon as thedoor lets out an audible ‘thunk’ asit shuts close, Cheryl lets out a cross between a huff and a groan “God, areyou–are you sure you’re okay?”
Betty nods andgestures over to the chairs that Cheryl, Tina and Ginger usually sit on whilebossing everyone else around “Just–I need to sit down for a sec”
“Yeah, yeah,c’mon” the redhead helps her injured girlfriend to one of the chairs and easesher down as gently as she can. After making sure she’s situated, Cheryl kneelsdown in front of the blonde and looks down at Betty’s ankle, her nose scrunchingtogether “I’m pretty sure you were right about the sprain” she reaches over andgrabs the other chair and yanks it over so it’s close to them both “prop it up.I’m gonna ask Veronica to grab the nurse”
Cheryl’s about torise to her feet and run over to the door when Betty’s hand shoots out andgrabs the redhead’s wrist causing Cheryl to look back, confusion etched on herface “Hey, you know, this wasn’t your fault, right?”
“I–” Cherylhuffs “I know” she doesn’t–not really because if she just would’ve kept hermouth shut, then her Betty wouldn’t be sitting in a chair with a sprainedankle. Betty tries to urge her down but Cheryl shakes her head “Let me tellVeronica to call the nurse and then you can sit me down and mother me about howit’s not my fault” the blonde chuckles and nods, letting go of Cheryl’s wrist.
The redheadquickly runs over the door, pushes it open a crack, whispers something and thenis closing the door again. She walks back over to her girlfriend with a frownin place and sighs “okay, lay it on me”
Betty grabs herhand and gently urges Cheryl back down and pushes some of her red hair awayfrom her face “don’t feel bad–” Chery opens to her mouth, to argue but Bettyshakes her head “Ah. A slip of the tongue shouldn’t have caused the whole thingto crumble. This isn’t on you”
Cheryl lets out asigh and settles on her knees, her hands placed on either of Betty’s thighs “Ishould–I should’ve been more careful” a beat “If I just would’ve watched andnot opened my damn mouth–” she closes her eyes and and rubs at her temples“god, this is my fault” guilt causesher stomach to churn, making her feel like she could throw up from being thecause of Betty’s getting hurt.
“Hey, no, it’snot” Betty cups Cheryl’s face, her thumb gently stroking her jaw “You didn’tlose balance or let go–this isn’t on you”
“Yeah, you tellkeep telling yourself that”
Betty chucklesand leans forward, placing a soft kiss on Cheryl’s forehead, while usually shewas definitely the more ‘submissive’ onein the relationship, sometimes her girl just needs to be taken care of too.
Even if Betty isthe one with sporting a sprained ankle.
“I will and Iwill keep telling you till you get so annoyed with me that you finally just letme have this one”
Cheryl cocks herhead, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth “I don’t give up easily, youknow that”
“Yeah, well,neither do I” her hands drop to Cheryl’s shoulders, rubbing them softly “Youknow that” a beat “c’mere” she tugs her girlfriend close “I need a hug”
“No you don’t.You’re just trying to con me for affection so you can lower my defenses and getme to agree”
“We both know Idon’t need to con you for anything, you’re a cuddle bug and you can’t deny it”Betty smiles as Cheryl narrows her eyes at the blonde “now c’mere” she tugsCheryl again, this time with no resistance from the redhead and wraps her armsaround Cheryl’s neck while the redhead’s go and wrap around Betty’s waist.
Betty rests herchin on her girlfriend’s head as Cheryl squeezes Betty softly “I’m sorry” shesays after a quiet moment “I never would’ve put you up there if I knew that wasgoing to happen”
“That’s what youdon’t have to be sorry, Cher” the blonde places a kiss to the crown of Cheryl’shead “You didn’t put me up there to hurt me and you didn’t let go of me–youhave nothing to be sorry for”
Cheryl tilts herhead back so she’s looking up at the blonde, her eyes so much softer thananyone has seen them, a softness they possess only when Betty’s around “still”
Betty leans downand presses a soft kiss against Cheryl’s mouth, nothing passionate and heavy.Just sweet and filled with a love that makes Cheryl’s head spin most days.Betty pulls back and presses her forehead against Cheryl’s “love you” shemumbles softly as the redhead’s heart jumps in her chest–they don’t say itoften, both just a little too out of touch with their emotions and how to dealwith them so when they do say, it still feels like the first time all overagain.
“Love you too”Cheryl surges up and presses another kiss to Betty’s mouth just as Veronicapushes the door open and grins at the scene in front of her that is CherylBlossom wrapped in her best friend’s arms–she lets the door close behind heras softly as she can get it to and decides to give them a little while longerbefore telling them the nurse is on her way.
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villanes-blog1 · 8 years
istg this fandom rly struggles w sticking to one ship name
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varsityfield · 8 years
if ... i add .... canon riverdale ppl ........ will anyone .... rp with them lol .......
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labyrinthcfmymind · 6 years
Betty: Cheryl, when exactly did you lose your soul? Cheryl: Cheerleading camp.
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vkndr · 7 years
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❀ cooperblossom aesthetics ❀ cheryl blossom + betty cooper instagram accounts
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fabray · 7 years
if betty, cheryl and veronica don’t dress up as the gotham city sirens for halloween this year i’m quitting my job and joining a circus 
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vkndr · 7 years
i come from the faberry squad, i’m used not having my favs together in the canon matter of speak
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fabray · 7 years
here’s to hoping that episode 10 is only 4 seconds of the party and the rest is just cheryl and veronica dancing, and betty getting gayer
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vkndr · 7 years
which next ‘look inside xxx phone’ should be?
beronica or cherosie or jarchie or cooperblossom (aka chetty)?
(I’ll be doing the pussycats, but it’s going to be the last one b/c It’s 3 inside look that I’ll have to edit)
(I’ll be doing bughead too as a request, but I’ll not be doing archieronnie, don’t even bother to ask)
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vkndr · 7 years
the name cooperblossom is declared official
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