hellolunara · 1 year
Question for fic writers: do you find it weird when people comment on every chapter of a wip as it comes out?
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hellolunara · 1 year
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It's my 5 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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hellolunara · 1 year
Pls, pls, pls comment and gives kudos. It can go a long way to help a writer out. Don’t be afraid to send a comment either. I don’t mind! 
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hellolunara · 2 years
Harassing people… is bad.
“But they’re a bad person!”
Okay? And what will harassing them online do? Stop being bad? Or make you feel better? You get some pleasure from harassing someone online? If so, please stay far away from me.
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hellolunara · 2 years
You know what, fuck people who force writers to reveal their trauma in order to justify the stories they write. No consumer is owed an explanation for the content a creator creates, and no creator should feel obligated to draw from or admit to pain that may or may not be in their life in order to craft a work of fiction.
“I had an idea for a story” is all the justification you need to write one, and all anyone needs to let it be. 
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hellolunara · 2 years
reblog if your name isn't Amanda.
2,121,566 people are not Amanda and counting!
We’ll find you Amanda.
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hellolunara · 2 years
Hogwarts Legacy Players Being HUNTED DOWN by Activists and Game Journos?!
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hellolunara · 2 years
It's hilarious to see people say things like: "you shouldn't play Hogwarts Legacy, because it has slaves and you are supporting slavery if you play it 😡" or "you shouldn't play HL, because it has evil spells in it and it allows you to kill people 😡".
It's the same energy as "video games make people violent 😡". Doing bad stuff in a game doesn't make people do bad things in real life. The majority of people are able to see the difference between fiction and reality.
Hogwarts Legacy isn't the only work of fiction that has slavery in it and allows you to kill people. Of course, such things are not correct, but fiction shouldn't hold your hand and explicitly tell you that such things are bad. We all can figure that out on our own.
Bad things happen in fiction. (Main) Characters can do bad things. Fiction would be awfully boring if everything is rainbows and sunshine, and everything people do is fully morally correct.
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hellolunara · 2 years
This is for you, cancel culture.
Just because you did something wrong in the past doesn’t mean you can’t advocate against it now. It doesn’t make you a hypocrite. You just grew. Don’t let people use your past to invalidate your current mindset.
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hellolunara · 2 years
Really not cool to harass people who say they want to buy Hogwarts Legacy. It's not your fucking decision to make. It's fine to warn people on tumblr with a post but to actively call them names and slurs? Go fuck yourself.
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hellolunara · 2 years
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I’ve been making gay knights (and ladies) collages on my phone at work
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hellolunara · 2 years
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Alexander Pennington here with the facts that hurt
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hellolunara · 2 years
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drawing the lesbian fairytale of my dreams <3
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hellolunara · 2 years
Honestly, I think the whole “don’t pay the writers” thing boils down to the notion that everybody thinks they can write. It’s the old saw about the novelist at a cocktail party having to hear someone say, for the millionth time, “I’d love to write a book someday.”
Someone–Stephen King? Pretty sure I saw this in a Stephen King foreword–once said they’d like to say to a brain surgeon, “Boy, I’d love to do brain surgery someday.”
We treat “the ability to put words into a sentence” like it’s just the same as “the ability to form a coherent narrative that engenders a variety of emotions within the reader and puts them in a scene and shows them what they didn’t see before”.
And that’s like me drawing a stick figure and saying I’m an artist.
Writers are constantly devalued because everyone thinks they have a book in them and don’t realize the level of skill and commitment it takes to finish even a short story, much less a whole book. 
This goes well beyond fandom, but man, I would’ve hoped fandom would know better.
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hellolunara · 2 years
Jaskier: Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Geralt: I didn't want to.
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hellolunara · 2 years
Lol Galadriel a mary sue? Do you know what one is? So quick to point female characters as Mary Sue's. Sad.
Note: saw a post on tumblr that she was no hate to this person I just disagree. They said she was for surviving a volcano eruption but so did Miriel minus the eyesight.
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hellolunara · 2 years
I wanted to give Dream a hug when he was stuck in that prison :(
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