#cora acres
calikiwisims · 10 months
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Cora: That was my plan, I'm still working on the environmental stuff here, and I love my job. But I was also wondering; I know you guys love Willow Creek, but why don't we all find a lot together? I'd like to have you closer for Caelif, and selfishly it would help me too.
Kaden: Hmm... I like it. What do you think, dear?
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 3 months
Do you have any fics where either Derek or Stiles live in a cabin in the woods? Bonus points if they build it themselves.
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Magically Yours: The Sun, The Moon, The Truth by Akinasky
(1/1 I 925 I Teen)
Stiles and Derek go away to a cabin to celebrate their one year anniversary and Stiles uses his abilities to mark himself as Derek's partner, forever.
Snowed In by rororowyourboat 
(1/1 I 4,258 I Teen)
Stiles and Derek get caught in a blizzard while hunting a monster in the Preserve. Their options are trekking a few miles back through the snowy woods in inclement weather while exhausted and injured... or spend the night in a random cabin.
They choose the cabin.
Baby, you should stick around by ElisAttack
(3/3 I 9,543 I Teen)
Derek's driving along a stretch of highway when an unusual sight makes him slow down, the engine of his old pickup rattling in protest.
There's a kid standing by the side of the road.
It's the middle of nowhere, the goddamn apocalypse, and this kid is standing by the side of the road with his thumb pointed skyward. Like he's playing at being a hitchhiker.
Or the one where Stiles thinks he's all alone in a post-apocalyptic world, until he meets Derek.
(Welcome To) Far Far Away, or The Tale of Wolfskin and the Fox Prince by scarlettletterr
(4/4 I 14,716 I General)
There's a wolf sleeping in the cabin on the outskirt of Beacon Hills, and a fox in the Prince's chambers. This is a tale of magic, of lemon cakes, and oblivious idiots falling in love in the country of Far Far Away.
Abominable by Revenant
(2/2 I 20,272 I Teen)
Where Derek buys a secluded cabin halfway up a mountain, meets a yeti and falls in love with Stiles, but not necessarily in that order.
A sacrilege to keep it a secret by babisays
(1/1 I 21,275 I General)
Stiles has a secret he's been keeping from everyone his entire life. But Derek is starting to notice the fact that he'll never go near a body of water when other people are around and he keeps saying that he's really bad at swimming. Derek knows that's a lie because he was able to hold him up in a pool for three hours straight. Stiles knows his secret is a ticking time bomb and at some point, everyone will know it. But he quite likes being the human of the pack. Even though Derek and he know that he isn't. Derek just wants to figure out exactly what he is.
Retreat by words_in_starless_skies (orphan_account)
(12/12 I 43,889 I Teen)
Stiles is not okay. He struggles with the aftermath of being possessed by the Nogitsune. Alone. A worried Derek invites him to his cabin in the mountains, which he shares with Cora and Peter. Stiles is totally on board with getting as far away from Beacon Hills as possible, especially when it means he gets his own comfort wolf.
Move Inside Of Your Light by sterekhale
(17/17 I 73,510 I Mature)
After fleeing from hunters Derek found refuge in a small Wyoming town. For almost ten years, he lived alone in a cabin among acres of land, until one night he stumbles upon a car accident near his place. When the driver comes to with his friendly smile and beautiful brown eyes, there’s no way Derek could’ve predicted the next three weeks.
Stiles is a hunter who can’t go home and the alpha of the fallen Hale pack is his Hail Mary. What he didn’t expect to find was a gentle and broken man in place of the so-called mighty alpha. Despite the pressures from back home, Stiles keeps putting off what he has to do, while falling for the one person he’s not supposed to.
Mating Moons by skinsharpenedteeth (Skinsharpenedteeth)
(15/15 I 85,268 I Explicit)
Stiles just wanted to get Derek's attention. Derek had seemed so distracted as the full moon approached and Stiles was feeling pretty neglected as a friend. Next thing he knows, he's magically bound to a cabin in the mountains with Derek all winter long and they have to figure out whether they want to be life mates?
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writingcold · 1 year
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Hi there.  Welcome to Chapter 14.  The past few chapters have been rough.  I know.  But we got our Junebug to safety, right?  So, without further ado…
If you are just joining us, you can find the Master List to the series here
A very huge hug and thank you goes out to @lvnterninthenight, @gardensgatedaisy and @whitesuitjake.  Your support, ear, talent and just friendship means more than anything.
This is a work of fiction, and is totally mine.  Please do not take it for your own personal use.  I’ve put in hours of research, hours upon hours of writing, re-writing, screaming, yelling and vomiting over this epic of a story.  But it is mine.
Content warning:  The only thing I’m putting in here this time is it’s 18+ for a reason.  That’s why there’s a mature label on it.  Maybe I should put ‘romantic interlude’, blush and get on with the story.  
Word count: approx. 4400
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Chapter Fourteen: Safety, Falling Apart, Return to Love - Cora POV
     Dorothy Baroski’s farm was six, nearly seven miles, north of Arbor Vitae, Wisconsin.  Nestled amongst thick woods, she did well for herself on the one hundred and twenty acres that provided hay and corn and supported a few cows and sheep.  She led an unconventional life.  She refused to marry again after her husband died a hero in the great war, opting to run their small farm on her own.  Though no children of her own, Dotty was known to take in strays; those souls broken or lost, until they were once again on their feet.  The only one that stayed was Lucas.  He was a young teen when his parents were taken by the Spanish flu and had no other family that would accept him.  The young man was as close to a son as she could ever hope for in her busy life.
     Dotty and Lucas had met them in town, despite the rains, with a cover on the wagon.  The house was a rambling affair with lots of rooms of dreams that Dorothy and her husband never were able to fully realize.  But each corner, each nook and cranny, were filled with the warmth that the woman provided to the world.  Jacob was correct - he had sent them to a sanctuary that Junie could start again.  
     Cora walked with Marcus every morning, looking for whatever the man was searching for and never to be found.  Whatever threat that may have been perceived did not trail them south.  She knew her friend was to return to Kingsford once he was assured the women were safe.  It pained her to say goodbye as it seemed to be her only current tie linking back to Jacob.  She was struggling.  Cora did not in any fashion believe that taking care of her sister was wrong, but the absence of Jacob was a bitter wound that was beginning to wear through her heart.  Her lungs burned so much at times that she wanted to run right back to Kingsford.  The idea of such selfishness pierced her.  She needed to care for Junie.  She needed to be strong for her sister.  But how was she supposed to stay strong when her whole body was screaming at her return to a space that was nurtured by her love.  
     “It will be well, Miss Cora,”  he said, his gruffness only adding to the unusual softness he conveyed.  “You’ll see.  Your fella won’t fail you.  I’ve never known Mr. Jacob to ever not do what is right by his family.”
     “But I am not family.  Not truly,”  she whispered to keep herself from shattering.
     He merely grinned before rubbing her shoulder gently.  “Maybe, but you are something better - his future.  Perhaps his future needs to not follow what he says he thinks he desires, what he thinks is right.” 
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Chapter Fourteen: Pt. 2, Susannah POV
     Cora had been gone a week and the family seemed shredded because of it.  Jacob walked around in a daze or was yelling at Sam over the Moon or fuming over any little wrinkle in his day.  He drank doubles and triples until he could barely function just to survive his nights.  It was a heart sickness that she understood all too well.  Joshua, focused on the bank and learning its operations, was short-fused while trying to keep his twin from imploding.  Daniel and Molly rode the fringes, trying to be as quiet as possible.  Sam seemed to fight everything and everyone just from feeding off of whatever the hell was going on between the twins.  His short temper lashed out at her only to immediately regret his hard words, his harsh actions.  To watch him struggle in the wake of events sent ripples of despair through Susannah.
     Business needed to resume.  Jacob and Danny were off on a run, a second sweep in the Moon.  Time on the run nearly doubled in their efforts to skirt Marquette county as much as possible.  Sam was a nervous wreck.   He second guessed each modification he had made on the vehicle the entire time Jake and Danny were absent.  It was all Susannah could do to provide him with some form of comfort and support.  
     She walked into Molly’s; the smell of coffee heavy in the air.  Her friend sat at her table, head down and arms thrown over like she was hiding.  
     “What’s this all about, sweetheart?”  she asked, touching Molly’s back to get her attention.
     Molly sat up, her eyes destroyed and her skin pale.  “Being stupid is all.  Don’t worry about it.  Coffee?”
     Susannah waved at her and got her own cup before sitting down.  “Mols, come on.  This is not nothing.”
     “Just having a moment, love.  With all this shit, I’m just a little extra worried that Jake won’t be able to protect Danny,”  she whispered.
     “No word from Cora?”  she asked, picking at the edge of the table.
     Molly shook her head.  “Marcus got in last night, though.”
     “I saw that.”  She debated if she wanted to breathe her next thought into existence.  Sipping at the bitter liquid, she swallowed hard.  “Do you think she’s really going to stay with Junie?”
      “I wouldn’t blame her.  What that fuck did to her sister was…”  Molly inhaled sharply, her mouth a hard line.  “If I ever see him, I’m going to cut his dick off and shove it down his throat.”
      “There’s my Molly,”  Susannah whispered.  
      With Jake and Danny gone, and Josh spread thin with the shops and bank, it was coming down to Sam to oversee the Lantern and the dancehall.  Every night, she sat with him.  Joshua would appear briefly, all smiles and professional talk with other heads of business, but would disappear the moment he could sleep and prepare for the next day.  
     Week two slid into week three.  Jake returned enraged and drunk within the first hour.  Danny had no words to explain.  Jake said nothing the entire run and was already demanding that they only take a few days rest before heading out again to make up for lost time.  The autumn storms were starting to turn colder.  Sam worried over muddy roads and ice that they had no idea how the Moon would handle.  Jake seemed to not truly care.  He was nearly frantic to get those last few runs in despite the toll it was taking on himself, Danny, or anyone else involved in the operation.  
     Week three was grinding to a close.  Molly joined Susannah sipping on gin rickeys and watching the crowd.  Joshua was shaking hands and talking with a group of men on the other side of the room while Sam stood at the bar.  
     “Any word from our friend down south?”  Susannah asked just to make conversation.
     Molly shrugged.  “It’s weird.  Jake has made no mention of getting Rosemary and boys ready to head out.  I don’t think Cora has reached out to anyone since leaving.”
     “He’s going over there though, right?  He’s looking after the family like he promised?”  Susannah asked, concerned that perhaps Jake was not living up to his part of the deal with Cora.  
     “Danny said he’s over there every moment he’s not here drinking,”  she answered.  “Marcus is checking in with Rosemary when Jake’s gone, or like this…”
     Susannah could not hide the relief she felt.  Despite his heartache, she could not see him failing in the responsibility that he had accepted.  They fell to silence as Sam moved to the piano.  There were polite claps before he dug into some jazz that set the crowd on the dancefloor into a tizzy.  Susannah smiled.  To have a glimpse of a bit of normal felt good, but she knew it was not going to be long lived.  
     The first Saturday of October brought the first hint of early snow.  Though only a dusting, the mood was unusually subdued with the notion that winter was going to be long for the year's end of 1926.  Jake sat at the table, his face and body looking like he had been in a fight that he had not won.  The glass between his fingers was largely ignored as he glared out across the room, despite its two fingers of rich amber whiskey.  The unhappy radiated off of him like a fire storm.  She wondered if his anger kept him from dulling his pain.  She was unsure what was scarier - the sober bomb laying in wait or the drunken ire that threatened.  Susannah’s heart ached for him, but she tried to stay in character for him and Josh as they nearly mirrored each other.  Josh sat at Jake’s side, body heavy against the table, his own drink empty waiting for a refresh.  
     The entire table startled when Jake stood up suddenly, launching himself forward, his steps quick as he moved around carefree patrons.  Susannah’s gaze trailed ahead, landing on Cora standing just inside the side door.  The woman’s face was rosy with a joy that sparkled in her eyes and radiated across the space as if reaching out to envelop her love.  
     “I’ll be,”  Molly sighed.
      Even Josh laughed as Jacob fell into her, the door closing to hide their moment of reuniting.  In the blink of an eye, the mood had shifted.  Susannah saw the relief in Josh’s face as he lifted his twin’s glass to his own mouth to drink it down.  
     “Goddamn, I don’t ever want to do this again,”  Josh said as the bottom of the glass smacked the table. 
     They toasted the sentiment as their smiles turned genuine and the happy slowly returned to their spirits.
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Chapter Fourteen, Pt. 3, Cora POV
     “You need to go home, Cora,”  Junie had said as she poured out tea for the three of them.  “I will be well.  Dotty said I could stay forever if I wanted.  Your heart’s not here.”
     The tiny swell of her sister’s belly called out to her.  Junie’s health had improved rapidly once they settled into Dorothy’s home.  She was amazing, full of warmth and spirit and life.  The woman treated them like family immediately.  At Junie’s sentiment, she had smiled at Cora.
     “Jacob has always been the kind of soul who puts those he loves before himself,”  she stated thoughtfully.  “He’s very much like my sister in that regard.  Perhaps, for once, his needs can be put first, while you fulfill your own.”
     Cora had tried not to run from the train station, but her feet would not listen.  The night was thick with humidity and the air was heavy with mist, despite the chill.  She stepped into the dancehall, sure that her face was flustered and reddened with exertion.  She smiled at the few faces she knew as she pushed her way back to the employee door.  In the hall, she stopped as Marcus turned towards her.  After a beat, his face melted into a relieved smile.  He took out his handkerchief for her to wipe at her face.
      “Dear lord, it’s good to see you, Cora,”  he said as they started walking down the stairs.  “Do they know you’re here?”
      “No,”  she answered, trying in vain to catch her breath.  “I just got off the train and I couldn’t wait another moment.  Is he here?”
      “Of course he’s here,”  Marcus said with a nod as he opened the door for her.
      The first glimpse broke her heart.  The hardness; the anger that roiled from his form was palpable as Jacob stared off across the room.  It was the man that she feared in the beginning: a Jacob that was angry without limit.  Everything within her froze with a threat to shatter.  In the span of a breath, his dark eyes strayed to her and he was to his feet and moving towards her.  Pieces of anger fell away with each step like chunks of ice, replaced with warmth and surprise.  As he reached for her, she laughed out, dropping her bag and folding herself against him as his mouth pressed against her in need.  Her heart started to beat again.  Her spirit moved and twisted around the man that quaked against her.
     Jacob’s palm cupped her cheek as he wrapped himself around her.  “God, you're beautiful,”  he whispered before kissing her once more.  
     Cora hummed as he pulled away, only to bring her in her close, pulling her flush against him.  She could feel him shaking beneath her touch.  “Jacob,”  she said against his ear, “take me home.”
     He touched her face once more before reaching for her satchel and leading her up the stairs, with a nod to Marcus, he led them down the narrow hall and out into the alley.  Jacob wrapped her arm with his own, but held tight to her hand as well.  He walked forward, but she stopped when she realized that he was moving towards the house on Park.  He looked back at her and she shook her head.
     “Home,”  she repeated, shyness coloring her cheeks.
     She watched as he swallowed and hesitated for another moment.  They walked quietly towards the Kiszka home.  Her heart fluttered and threatened to jump into her throat as his presence excited her blood and brain and everything seemed to be warm under her skin.  Inside, he helped her out of her coat.
      “Do you want some coffee?  I can-”
     She shook her head.  She watched as his eyes drifted closed.  Cora followed him up the stairs, her fingers entwined with his and he gently tugged her along.  He switched the light on the dresser as they stepped inside the familiar space.  He set her bag down on the dressing table before turning back to her.  She looked into his handsome face, her body finally calming enough as he reached for her once more.  
     There was a wholeness she felt as he kissed her, touched her, allowing her to breathe him in and absorb his strength.  “I want you to teach me to make love to you, Jacob.”
     His brow twitched as his eyes drifted to her lips.  “It’s going to hurt at first.”
     “I don’t care,”  she whispered as he traced the line of her jaw.  “It doesn’t scare me.  I want you to make me yours.  And I want to make you mine.”
     He ran a hand through his hair and seemed to take a moment to collect himself.  He moved close, planting a soft kiss against her mouth.  His hands looped around her shoulders as he walked them back towards his bed.  She deepened the kiss as he freed her hair to spill down her back and over her shoulders.  He smiled against her lips as her fingers pressed against his bottom.  They undressed each other slowly, each item set to the side with care.   He took his time, relishing each piece of revealed skin with the brush of his mouth, the press of his fingertips, the graze of his eyes.  She felt her chest begin to tighten as her hands danced across the planes of him, drawing her mark into muscle, scar, ridge of bone and skin.  He reached over and pulled the covers back,  before he turned and backed his way onto the mattress, pulling her along, never breaking their kiss.  
      She lay down on his pillow and he moved onto his side, rising up over her.  There was no embarrassment over their nakedness.  There was no shyness.  Cora smiled as she reached to touch his face.  His dark eyes shimmered in the low light of the room.  
     “Why did you come back?”  he asked, brushing her hair back from her face.
     She stayed quiet for a few moments.  Though the truth was simple, she did not need the words to sound foolish.  “My heart needed you.”
     He dragged his knuckles down her cheek, seemingly overcome.  He ghosted his fingers down her neck to dance across her collar bones.  “I’m going to touch you, Cora.  Tell me to stop and I will.”
     She let out a sigh as his palm pressed against the top of her chest before drifting across to her side and down until he cupped the swell of her breast.  He kept his eyes on her, watching her face.  He drew her nipple between his fingers gently before leaning down to place an open mouthed kiss against the top of her breast.  He kissed her, sucking in her bottom lip between his teeth.  Jacob’s touch swirled down, following the curve of her hip and then back towards him, ghosting across the pubic bone to follow the path of her thigh to her knee.  He pushed her right leg open and pulled her left to bend against his frame; the pads of his fingers pressing into the inner thigh as he shifted to rise up on his side more.  
     Cora’s breath started to quicken with anticipation.  He bent again, this time, a deep kiss set her skin on fire as his fingers tucked into her folds in a single pass.  His hand returned to the inside of her thigh, pushing further to expose her all the more.  He circled her nub with a featherlight press of his middle finger.  Her breath escaped in a soft gasp before he covered her mouth with a harder kiss.  His touch grew heavier, more demanding as he withdrew, his attention caught once more on her breasts.  He nuzzled his way closer to her frame as she opened further to him.  His mouth was wet against her skin, hot and seeking until he landed his cheek against her chest.
     Her fingers traced up the expanse of his back, the bumpy spine, the sinew of the muscle and sharpness of his shoulder blades until seeking out the soft vulnerability of his neck.  He shifted ever so slowly to begin planting kisses across her chest and tops of her breasts.  Cora’s sighs and coos became harder, deeper the more he touched and circled and pressed.  As he moved to look into her face, she stared into his eyes, taking in the way his body responded to her, how it seemed to glisten and shine just for her.  The redness of his lips made her swoon as he leaned into her, pressing his mouth against her throat.
      “I’m going to…”  he whispered before pressing a finger to her entrance.
      Her body reacted by bowing into his hand, accepting him as he slid his finger in and out rhythmically, but at a pace that was languid as if needing her to settle.  His kiss deepened more, his tongue mirroring his hand as he added a second. She sucked in a hard breath at the feel and he stopped but did not withdraw.
      She did not know how to answer.  It was more a sting that flashed across her insides but was already gone.  Cora relaxed the tension from her frame and shook her head no.  He started to move his fingers again, this time, the pad of his thumb rubbed against her clit when he pressed all the way in.  Shockwaves pelted her brain as he patiently worked her body.  The emotions that flooded her were unexpected.  Joy.  Euphoria.  A bit of fear of what was to come.  Loved.  Each kiss.  Each touch.  Each move of his hand conveyed nothing but a pureness of love.  Her heart hammered in her chest as she slid her arm from behind him, reaching down she hesitated only a moment as her fingers were met with his cock, hard against her hip. 
     “God damn,”  he breathed as she wrapped her hand around him, giving him a little squeeze.
     Surprised by his reaction, she stopped, eyes unsure.  “Did I do something wrong?”
     “No, baby,”  he whispered.  “Do it more.  Touch me more.”
     Cora bit into her lip before taking him once more.  He rutted into her palm, matching the slowness of his own hand against her.  Her mouth dropped over the feel.  Her brain was connecting the movements and her core ached for more.  Involuntarily, she started to lean into his touch, moving her hips so that he pressed harder.  He began sucking in her ear lobe, giving it a little bite.  The sensations became overwhelming as he lapped at her skin, dragging his teeth across her.  Little pauses in her thoughts felt like someone was turning on and off the lights as her body jolted with pleasure.  Her legs were trembling as he sped his rhythm a fraction.  A soft hum vibrated through his chest as he looked at her, eyes clouded with his own emotions.  In a deliberate move, he withdrew his fingers and she gasped at the sudden emptiness she felt.
     She was not going to let him go until he smiled.  “May I make love to you?”
     “I thought that was what we were doing?”  
     “Almost.  But now together.”
     Her brain stopped completely as he moved his body between her legs, gently making room for himself.  Jacob propped himself up on one arm so as not to press her down with too much weight, but what she felt sent shivers through her that made her want to memorize the happiness that flooded her.  He kissed her, slow at first until once more, he moved, this time guiding his cock into her body at a snail's crawl.  Her jaw slackened before dropping.  Her hands clutched at his shoulders over the sensation.  It was not pain like she was expecting.  It was a burst of rupture that subsided quickly, but stung as he continued before stopping at his hilt.
     Every muscle quivered.  Every thought was gone save for those of him.  The touch and heat of him.  The smell of him.  The …  the…  the feel of him inside of her was not what she thought it would be.  It was like a completion of her, somehow.  A fullness that was meant to be.  She had not realized that she was squeezing her eyes shut so hard that her face was bunched up.  Her arms and legs clung to him so tightly that neither could move.  Slowly, she relaxed, opening her eyes to find him searching her expression.  
     He kissed her as he threaded his hand into hers before bringing it up above her head so as to lower himself fully against her.  Like with his hand, he slowly drew out only to return.  Both gasped over the movement.  
     Her breath fought in and out of her mouth as he began to move in earnest.  “What do I feel like?”
     A soft moan fell from him as he looked at her.  “The softest…  The softest of silk wrapped all around me, Finch.”
     At the sound of his pet name, her body spasmed against him.  He smirked as a soft moan escaped.
     “And when your body does that,”  he whispered against her ear, “it’s euphoria across my whole body.”
     He pressed a passion filled kiss to her mouth before pushing himself up.  He slid both hands under the small of her back to lift her slightly, while keeping connected.
     “Does it hurt?”  he asked softly, before he started to move once more.
    She shook her head, but the faint sting of each strike was still present, all the more so with his change of hold on her.   Aside from that, Cora could feel her brain letting go of the fear, allowing herself to focus only on the sensation that he was sharing with her.  Total adoration.  It was the only thought that stuck as she looked upon him.  It filled every pore and every sound that was shared.  An urgency started to pull under her skin, hot and bright.  Jacob slid one hand between their bodies and was rubbing that nub.  Seeing him turned her skin to flame and her breath to catch on nothing other than frenzied passion.
     “You’re doing so good,”  he whispered as she felt like her entire being had been shoved under water and tossed into the air at the same time.  No restraints.  Nothing but love.
      A look passed his face as he grimaced and tucked his chin.  He shook his head like he was struggling.
     “Finch - I gotta,”  he started but suddenly pulled his body away from her, pumping himself rapidly.  His cum scalded the skin of her belly.  Her eyes widened as he finally slowed to a stop.  
     “No babies,”  he said, his eyes closed.  “Not yet.”
     She looked at the opalescent fluid on her skin and it took a moment to realize what he was talking about.  Her cheeks blushed over the thought.  He let out a soft laugh as his breathing slowed.  He held up a hand for her to stay and went into the washroom.  She heard the taps turn on and he was fast to reappear with a couple of wet cloths.  The first he wiped at her belly with.  The second he held to her entrance.  The action surprised her and she flinched.
     “I didn’t mean to hurt-”
     “No, no,”  she blurted in embarrassment, seeing his dismay.  “It doesn’t hurt.  I wasn’t expecting you to, uh, care about …  that.”
     His brows pinched, but continued to just hold the cloth against her for a few more moments.  “I cherish all of you.  I’m running a bath.  It’ll help.”
     He stood straight, holding his hand out for her to take.   Cora realized he was trying to care for her but in her ignorance was fumbling the situation.  Modestly, she followed him into the bathroom and he felt the water to make sure it was not too hot.  Turning the taps off, he stepped in first, holding his hand to her to help.  She shyly stepped in as he sat, guiding her to sit with her back to him.  She fit snuggly, finding a comfort she did not expect.  His arms wrapped around her, seeking out her hands to hold as the steam of the water soaked into their bodies.
     “Is it always like this?”  she asked, allowing her head to fall back onto his shoulder.
     Jacob trailed kisses against her cheek.  She could feel him smile.  “Sometimes.  Did I hurt you badly?”
     She shook her head.  “It wasn’t what I expected.  I mean…  It’s not like I didn’t know what would happen, but…  I…”
     “Finch, did you like it?”  he asked.
     “I did,”  she whispered, her cheeks a furious red that he tried to kiss away, but it only made things worse.
     “I did, too,”  he said as he wrapped their arms around her.  “It gets better.  It gets so much better.”
     He hummed deep in his chest.  “I will learn what you like.  How you like for me to touch you, taste you, move you.  And you will learn my body, Finch.  You will learn how I like to be touched, tasted.”
     “Like our own dance,”  she sighed as he pulled her even closer against his body.
     “Like our own dance.”
     Cora felt the tiredness creep up from the soles of her feet to invade her brain.  She watched as Jacob brushed his fingertips across her arm, back and forth, as if memorizing the little ridge of scar that was there.  Loved.  Her entire self felt the security of him as they washed each other, sharing soft adorations and touches.  They wrapped around each other in quiet fashion as they lay in bed.  Cora breathed him in as her cheek landed on his chest.  Her eyes were closed when he whispered his love for her, sending her off to sleep.
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Yeah.  Am I ashamed that I’m posting this on my b-day?  Not really.  So raise a glass of your favorite preferred beverage with me - cheers to you all, lovelies!
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starqueen87 · 8 months
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Coretta Scott was the third of four children born to Obadiah "Obie" Scott (1899–1998) and Bernice McMurry Scott (1904–1996) in Marion, Alabama.
She was born in her parents' home with her paternal great-grandmother Delia Scott, a former slave, presiding as midwife.
Coretta's mother became known for her musical talent and singing voice. As a child Bernice attended the local Crossroads School and only had a fourth grade education. Bernice's older siblings, however, attended boarding school at the Booker T. Washington founded Tuskegee Institute. The senior Mrs. Scott worked as a school bus driver, a church pianist, and for her husband in his business ventures. She served as Worthy Matron for her Eastern Star chapter and was a member of the local Literacy Federated Club.
Obie, Coretta's father, was the first black person in their neighborhood to own a truck. Before starting his own businesses he worked as a fireman. Along with his wife, he ran a barber shop from their home and later opened a general store. He also owned a lumber mill, which was burned down by white neighbors after Scott refused to sell his mill to a white logger.
Her maternal grandparents were Mollie (née Smith; 1868 - d.) and Martin van Buren McMurry (1863 - 1950) - both were of African-American and Irish descent. Mollie was born a slave to plantation owner Jim Blackburn and Adeline (Blackburn) Smith.
Coretta's maternal grandfather, Martin, was born to a slave of Black Native American ancestry, and her white master who never acknowledged Martin as his son. He eventually owned a 280-acre farm.
Because of his diverse origins, Martin appeared to be White; however, he displayed contempt for the notion of passing. As a self-taught reader with little formal education, he is noted for having inspired Coretta's passion for education.
Coretta's paternal grandparents were Cora (née McLaughlin; 1876 - 1920) and Jefferson F. Scott (1873 - 1941). Cora passed away before Coretta's birth. Jeff Scott was a farmer and a prominent figure in the rural black religious community; he was born to former slaves Willis and Delia.
Coretta Scott's parents intended for all of their children to be educated. Coretta quoted her mother as having said, "My children are going to college, even if it means I only have but one dress to put on."
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hirvenxsoturi · 1 year
NAME: Beverly Thorn
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RESIDENCE: Large six bedroom farmhouse on several hundred acres of forest and fields.
TYPE OF BED: California King sized. He's a big guy he needs the leg room.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: Always at minimum one. Will sometimes add a second if its particularly cold out.
NUMBER OF PILLOWS: Depending on how many Cora has stolen for her pillow forts...between four and eight. Yes he needs them all. No it definitely isn't an excessive number.
TYPE OF CLOTHING: Sweats, sometimes socks, usually without a shirt on unless its blasted cold outside and then he'll relent on put on an old band t-shirt.
DO THEY SLEEP WITH COMPANY?: Not counting the dogs, no.
DO THEY SLEEP BETTER WITH COMPANY?: Definitely yes, and is one of the reasons he lets the dogs on the bed even if they're an overall poor substitute for helping him sleep better.
DOES IT MATTER WHERE THEY SLEEP?: No. He'll fall asleep anywhere. Leaning against a door way? Check. Crashed on the couch? Check. In the saddle while he's looking out at the landscape? Its happened more than once.
WHAT DO THEY DO IF THEY CANNOT FALL ASLEEP?: Tea and melatonin. But typically if he can't fall asleep he simply doesn't go to sleep. He just stays up and works on something that he's been putting off.
FREQUENT DREAMS, NIGHTMARES: He typically does not dream. Nightmares are frequent and often the source of his insomnia, and one of the major reasons he'll crash wherever possible at random points in the day.
DEEP SLUMBER OR NAPS: Naps are faster, easier, and typically dreamless, so naps.
WHEN DO THEY SLEEP: Typically after dark, but this also depends on Cora's schedule. Sometimes its simply more convenient to nap while she's at school.
WHAT COULD WAKE THEM UP: Depends on how deep of a sleep he's in. Simple cat nap? Any loud noise will have him awake in an instant. If he's in a truly deep sleep, he sleeps as if he's dead. Loud noises right next to his good ear will typically do it, but even that isn't a guarantee.
EARLY OR LATE RISER: Early riser. He has a child and several animals to tend to before work.
tagged by: @bonkersdbobcat
tagging: @yggdrasilushxrt | @musesbykai | @kaiju-crimson-storyandask | @ anyone else!
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iowamedia · 2 months
Doris Sharp of Perry
Doris Corine Sharp, 90, of Perry and formerly of Centerville passed away July 16, 2024, surrounded by her loved ones at the Eden Acres campus of the Perry Lutheran Homes in Perry, Iowa. Doris was born Dec. 31, 1933, in Prairie Hill, Missouri, to Arthur and Cora (Wood) Quinn. She was united in marriage to Richard Sharp on Aug. 22, 1953, in Salisbury, Missouri. From this union three children were…
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lboogie1906 · 8 months
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Sergeant Alfred Masters (February 5, 1916 – June 16, 1975) was a member of the Marine Corps. He was the first African American member of the Marine Corps at his swearing-in on June 1, 1942, in Oklahoma City and then his first training camp was Montford Point in North Carolina. He rose to the rank of Technical Sergeant.
Born in Palestine, Texas, he and his siblings were raised on poor farms in Wewoka, Oklahoma by their widow mother, Lettia Masters–their father, Joel Masters, having died when he was only five months old. He was an expert with a shotgun and received his first rifle at age eight. Upon enlistment, he was married with one daughter, had a solid civilian work record, four years of college, and was inured to challenging, physical labor.
He served his Corps honorably and capably, at Montford Point in the 51st, the camp Headquarters Battalion, in the Stewards Branch Battalion, and in the 52nd Defense Battalion, with which he deployed overseas to Majuro in the Marshall Island Group and Guam in the Marianas.
He was discharged from Camp Pendleton on the 23rd of December 1945, after which he returned to his wife, Isabell, and now, three daughters, their daughter Cora became the fourth wife of politician Marion Barry. Ηe completed 38 months of honorable, creditable service.
His post-military years were spent teaching agriculture, working in labor-intensive occupations, and as an entrepreneur before returning to the land to farm his 200 acres in Vado, New Mexico. He fought for his rights and those of others, either as an individual or on a team. He was married to Mary Hendricks and had five additional children. He was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal, albeit posthumously, on June 27th, 2012. The contribution of the Montford Point Marines is aptly reflected in the citation on the back of the medal: “for outstanding perseverance and courage that inspired social change in the Marine Corps.” He will always be remembered as having been the first.
He married Mary Hendricks (1949) and they had five children, 3 girls, and 2 boys. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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strawberriesnpopmusic · 11 months
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Clover: Well here we are! Welcome home pups. Blossom Ranch!
Clover and Sakura make it to the ranch, they took in Maya when Mitchell and Amanda moved from Shady Acres. Snuggs is the family dog that lived with Cora and Clover decided to take him to help with the livestock. These four are ready to start their ranch life! After Snuggs receives a bath from Clover 🤣
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rubiesintherough · 1 year
do they have a comfort movie? book? tv show? / cora
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She's got a special place in her heart for older media... she can still remember when she watched some of them for the first time back when they first aired / came out, and rewatching them makes her a little nostalgic.
Movies: Around Halloween, she watches the original The Haunting from the '60's at least once. It's one of her top spooky movies. And she'll put on the Jack Nicholson The Shining if she just needs something long on in the background during that season. Throughout the rest of the year, it's a mix of old and modern. She's really glad she found a place to watch Ben-Hur from the 20's because, while she's not particularly religious, the movie means a lot to her regarding the time she first saw it... in a silent movie theater. In the same vein, The Song of Bernadette... it's just a beautifully sad story and she puts it on if she needs to cry, but in a positive way. And on the complete other side of that, she also loves more recent, action-packed ones... John Wick is a new fave, bc she also loves dogs and it sparks joy to see an entire revenge story about a dog, and her guilty pleasure is Weekend At Bernie's.
Gilligan's Island, Addams Family, and Green Acres are personal favorites for when she's feeling down. Occasionally I Love Lucy , Munsters, or even Beverly Hillbillies... but she has to be in very specific moods for those. And she's recently gotten very into procedural crime shows... she's not sure why she likes them so much, but she binged an entire season of NCIS over a single weekend.
She's not a big reader. Doesn't have many books in her place, but one she'll always have on her shelf is Charlotte's Web. It's just such a sweet, innocent little story, never fails to make her tear up, and it's a quick and easy enough read she can just breeze through it whenever she feels like it. Friends of hers keeps suggesting other books she'd like, but she just never gets around to reading them. She just doesn't have the patience or attention span for sitting down and just reading for hours.
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ultraheydudemestuff · 2 years
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Henry Burnham House
N. Main St. and State Route 559
Mechanicsburg, OH
The Henry Burnham House is located on the eastern corner of Main (State Route 29) and High (State Route 559) Streets in Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Built in 1860, it was listed with the National Register of Historic Places on August 29, 1985. Henry Burnham was born Aug. 1, 1823, in Madison County, Ohio. His parents were Darius, a native of Connecticut, and Lucretia (Hunt) Burnham, who emigrated to Madison County about the year 1820 or 1821. Mr. Burnham was raised on a farm, and received but a common school education. On Jan. 1, 1852, he married Miss Eveline Williams, daughter of Ralston and Martha Williams. To them were born five children - Lewis W., born Dec. 12, 1852; Martha L., born May 17, 1854; Amy, born Apr. 13, 1856; Walter D., born Dec. 1, 1859, and Cora M., born Oct. 29, 1863. In Apr. 1860, Mr. Burnham settled in the northern portion of Monroe Township. For six years he served as Justice of the Peace in Pike Township, and he also served as Clerk. He served as Trustee and Treasurer of Monroe Township, and for one term he served as County Commissioner. He owned 6855 acres of land in Pike and Monroe Townships.
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pilalaguna · 2 years
Campo, the Last Ancestral Land in Pila
Campo is the only ancestral family land and estate from Don Felizardo de Rivera, the founder of Pila, that is still in the possession of his direct descendants. It was also once the residence of Cora's father, former Pila Judge Ramiro Relova.
Campo Photos
Campo's Military History:
Historical Images
Campo was once called "The Most Beautiful (Army) Camp in Laguna" from 1951-1957". In 1951, after the liberation of the Philippines from the Japanese and during the American Occupation, the USAFFE (United States Army Forces in the Far East) built an army camp on the 5-acre ancestral land of Doña Corazon Rivera, daughter of Don Felizardo Rivera, Pila's Founder. They named it Camp Nazareth. It was in the middle of a coconut plantation, surrounded by rice fields and lush green vegetation with an amazing view of the sunrise and sunset. At the camp, the army also built a tennis court and a natural stone swimming pool (later replaced with tiles).
Camp Nazareth was occupied by the 3rd Battalion Combat Team (BCT). The 3rd BCT was an elite force, a special forces unit for Counter-Guerilla Operations. The guerillas they were sent to "dismantle" were the "Huks", short for Hukbalahap (Hukbong Bayan laban sa Hapon), a group originally formed to fight against the Japanese forces during World War 2, but who were now against the American occupation.
The BCT occupied Camp Nazareth from 1951, and left in 1957.
In the 1960s, Doña Corazon gave the land to her granddaughter, Cora Relova (Founder of the Pila Historical Society Foundation). Camp Nazareth was renamed "Campo", and Cora had a house built on the property, designed by Ariston Nakpil, an architect and son of the first Miss Philippines, Anita Noble.
Campo is now the private ancestral home of Cora and her children, Valerie Price (who now owns and maintains the Corazon Rivera ancestral house in Pila), Michael Price, and her eldest, “Dayang” Lia Price, who runs the Ancient Pila Project online museum. They are the direct descendants of Datu Maguinto and Don Felizardo Rivera.
-Info from Cora Relova of the Pila Historical Society Foundation
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The ceiling of the Campo ancestral house, made of Anahaw (Fan Palm) leaves and wood. Anahaw is the Philippine National Leaf.
Judge Ramiro “Raming” Relova sitting with the Former Elite Special Forces Army in the former Camp Nazareth (now called “Campo”) and Rivera Ancestral Land. Photo from Cora Relova.
Campo house and land photos from Paolo Campillo.
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calikiwisims · 11 months
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Zoey: I wasn't leaving right now
Fergus: was this your surprise, Zoey?
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isimchi · 2 years
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Uzoma: babe, I love your brother and Amondi, but when are we going to get our own place? Guliana: soon now that we're promoted, but can you fix the TV? this book is kinda boring. Uzoma: say less, I've been wanting to flex my new mech skills.
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Uzoma: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzztttttttt Amondi and Guliana: *screaming*
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Uzoma: holy cowplant, that was scary! Guliana: Seriously!! Guliana: ...Wanna woohoo now? Uzoma: yup.
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bitletsanddrabbles · 3 years
Research Books: The ULTIMATE Danger
I am currently halfway through “To Marry an English Lord” by Gail MacColl and Carol McD. Wallace. I figured that since it inspired JF to create Cora Crawley, it might help give some insight into her character and what her pre-series life might have been like. The good news is, it has! It’s informative and entertaining, although holy hand grenades, Batman, if I eve get a time machine “Go back and rescue poor Consuelo Vanderbilt from her mother” just got bumped to the top of my ‘to do’ list.
The bad news is that I’m gaining an increasing list of stories that I want to see other people write. And it’s not just that I have too many WIPs and not enough interest. I want to see these done by people who know more than I do, have a better grasp on the culture, and generally could pull it off way better than I. I want to see them written by actual history buffs, not just lil’ ol’ me and my trying to learn things for my fanfiction. These include:
- Cora and Robert’s courtship and early marriage, especially her arrival at the house and introduction to the servants. Caveat on this one is that I want it written by someone who loves both characters individually and as a pair and generally understands that Cora is not Consuelo and Robert is not the Duke of Marlborough, fortune hunter or not*.
- The Duke of Crowborough showing up in New York and trying to get a wife. This would be harder, since I believe he’s hunting after the craze for English titles has died down, but he’s still a Duke...which is the only point in his favor since he’s also a fortune hunter and, psh, short! ....in short, I want to see Phillip suffer.
- A purely, 100% set in New York of the Levinson rise in society, and not just because I want to see Martha toe off against Mrs. Astor. ........seeing her toe off against Alva Vanderbilt would also be priceless.
* And honestly? Much as I wouldn’t want to be her for all of the world, I wouldn’t want to be him either. I mean, reroofing my little ‘50s rambler was bad enough. A house with 14 acres of roof?!? Hard pass, thanks.
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cxstlaviee · 4 years
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The Warren House (this photo is obviously an approximation, further details under the cut because I love houses byeeeeee). 
Located in Alston, Kentucky
Built in the early 1900′s by Caleb & Cora’s Great-Grandfather, Thomas Sawyer (yes, I know, they know, we know - Tom Sawyer, but that’s the man’s name). 
Currently owned by Caleb Warren. Operates as Cora’s home base for the time being. 
Located on two-acres of partially wooded land. The house is just off-center a .75 acre clearing, with the perimeter of the property heavily wooded. 
Two stories, rustic farmhouse vibes (”If you are thinking HGTV farmhouse that is the wrong kind” - Caleb). 
After Cora left for school Caleb needed a project. It was cathartic for him, to rip up the flooring, take down some walls, and transform what had been his mother’s and then... well... ruined by his father. He worked hard and with careful consideration. Do not insult it to his face. Just move along with any alternative opinions, thank you kindly. 
Partially wrapped porch.
The back yard is large, and fenced. From the family room is access to a stone patio and large open yard for Roo to run in. Toward the back of the yard is another fence and gate, which leads to the garden. It was not fenced like this before Caleb owned it. 
The garden was Alice’s and for awhile after she died it was in disrepair. It’s where Cora found a lot of peace and spent a lot of time there fixing it up. There are flowers, vegetables, fruits and flowers. Caleb tends to it when she can’t get home, but when she is back she spends a lot of her time there. We can neither confirm nor deny that it is magical. 
The owner’s suite is on the main level, toward the back left of the house (looks out over the back yard). It used to be their parent’s room, obviously it’s Caleb’s now. He didn’t sleep there until he had completely gutted and redone the place, opting to stay in his childhood bedroom for the first few years. 
There are two staircases, one from the kitchen area and one from the foyer. When you take the stairs from the foyer, you’ll come to the second floor landing. Continue straight on the landing and you come to Cora’s room. It was smaller, but in the remodel he gave her more space and her own bathroom (the dream), wanting her to always have a comfortable space to call home. 
Beside Cora’s room is a common area with built in bookshelves, a fireplace. This is Caleb’s favorite place. Cora’s too. They both spend a lot of time here reading. 
There are two additional bedrooms upstairs, one that Caleb uses for an office for his business. 
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vasiktomis · 4 years
Juniper, Eggplant, Penny, and Cloud for Cora?
! ! ! ! Thank you for asking! I’m sorry about her in advance! Juniper -  What is the nature like in your setting?
“Montana’s fairly diverse in terms of its habitats, but around here it’s mostly alpine, grasslands, and forests. As far as I can recall, about 20 million acres of the state is covered in trees - mostly conifers. There’s…lodgepole pine, ponderosa pine, limber pine, whitebark pine...Douglas fir, subalpine fir...and one or two that I’m missing, but there’s also deciduous trees like ash, elm, and burr oak. Deciduous means that they shed their foliage in the off-season so that they can focus on conserving water and energy. They’re more rare the further north you go, but there are some real old oak trees hiding out around the valley.”
“It’s colder here for most of the year compared to down south, so we get a few varieties of moss and alpine flowers. The pastures around Fall’s End do well, but space is limited in the valley. the Henbane and the Whitetails have their fair share of grassland, but its too wild for domestic grazers. Means the farmland hasn’t run the ungulates out of the region. We get a lot of burrowing mammals out here, too. Whole lotta rodents and lagomorphs. There’s a few wolf packs to keep track of, but they’re fairly small around here. You’ve got you standard American black and grizzlies. A Few cougars. I think that’s about it. Wait, no - we haven’t covered birds, or fish, or reptiles, insects, or amphibians. Maybe we should start small. Have you heard of assassin bugs?” 
She’ll go on for a good while.
Eggplant - What’s the weirdest thing you’ve eaten?
“Food is food. If it has nutritional value, it shouldn’t be seen as weird to eat. It’s wasteful to think otherwise. So what if that box of fries I found that one time on the subway turned out to have a cigarette butt in it? Am I the fucked up person for eating out of it? No. I’m not.” ... “I’m not.”
Penny - If you could make a substantial living doing anything, what would you do?
“I’m not interested in making a substantial living. I don’t have dependents, and I’m fine earning what I make. One day, I’ll have made enough to build a cabin somewhere. After that, I’ll have made enough that I can install solar panels. After that, I’ll hopefully have made enough that I never have to say good morning to a co-worker ever again. Parks management was cool, though.”
Cloud - What do you spend the majority of your time thinking about?
 “The usual, I think. Thursdays comes to mind. There’s always a lot to do on a Thursday, for me. So I’m usually thinking about it. Just Thursdays. Nothing specifically about that day. Actually - come to think of it, there’s nothing I spend a lot of time thinking about.”
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