#cordonians gone wild AU
Kinky Cards- Cordonians Gone Wild Edition
This is part of a collaborative AU created by @leelee10898 @speedyoperarascalparty @ao719 and @cocomaxley Thanks for letting me join the club girls! This is the introduction to a little mini-series we’ve decided to do. Hope you all enjoy!
Cordonians Gone Wild Master List
Disclaimer: I don’t own the TRR characters, they own me.
Taglist: @annekebbphotography @fullbeaumonty @choiceslife @stopforamoment @moneyfordiamonds @carabeth @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @ooo-barff-ooo @tornbetween2loves @editboutique @wannabemc2 @zaffrenotes @enmchoices @lodberg @lauradowning29
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          It was Pam's birthday and Stephanie and Maxwell had thrown her a surprise party in their new home. Most of the guests had already left for the night, leaving the incredibly intoxicated squad to their own devices.
      “I have an idea. Savannah gave me this gift. I haven't opened it yet. She said to open it with my best friend and that it changed her entire life. You guys game? I mean you're all my best friends.” Stephanie asked in her usual drunken twang.
    The group agreed and she disappeared down the hallway.
       Maxwell was topping off everyone's glasses with yet another party punch concoction when his wife returned with a small white box topped with a crimson ribbon. She placed it on the coffee table, gingerly untying the bow.
     “Its... they're sex cards. Now I just feel stupid. She meant open them with Maxwell.” She giggled, cheeks flushing slightly.
   “Well hold on just a second. We're all adults here, and friends. Let me take a look at those.” Leo said, waving his fingers in a “give me” motion. Stephanie handed the deck to him and he silently flipped through a few before he scoffed.
   “Psh. You guys would never try these. Any of you. Pegging, a golden shower…. You're all too tame in the sack, I think.”
    “Those are some big words, brother. Care to make a wager on that?” Liam quirked an eyebrow as he reached for the cards.
    “They can't be that bad. Bertrand did them.” Maxwell said and everyone else shuddered.
    “Thanks for that mental image, Beaumont. The last thing I ever wanted to think about is Bertrand “golden showering” my sister.” Drake scowled as he downed his drink in one gulp.
     “Maybe she showered him.” Maxwell shrugged, cackling at Drake's discomfort.
    Drake balled his fist and gritted his teeth. “Collect your husband now, Stef. Or collect his teeth from the floor later.”
     Pam placed a hand on her husband's shoulder as Stephanie shot hers a warning glare.
    As Liam and Anitah read over some of the choices the queen piped up, “I think this could be fun. Each couple could choose a card for another couple. We could make it a game.”
    “I don't know if I'm comfortable letting you all decide what goes on in my bedroom.” Rashad stated.
    Genevieve took the cards from Liam and flipped through a few with Rashad reading over her shoulder. “It's okay, sweetheart. These could be fun.” She agreed. She held up one card in particular. “Here,Anitah. A challenge fit for the king and queen.”
    Anitah took the card and she and Liam examined it. “Anitah is the doll.” Rashad smirked.
      “Oh, well... I think I will rather enjoy being the queen's puppet master for once.” Liam gave his wife a sly smile, licking his lips as she blushed.
    “Alright, let me and Red pick one.” Maxwell grabbed the cards from Gen and read them over.
   “Stop! That one riiiiight there. Ultimate bondage.Your partner ties your hands and legs, so you cannot move, and covers your eyes and ears. Then for 40 min your partner uses you as he/she pleases. This has Leo and Alicia written all over it.” Stephanie handed the card to her friends while her husband passed the deck to Pam.
   A wicked grin spread across Leo's face.
   "Oh that's something we can definitely work with, hmm love?"    "Why does this both excite and scare the shit out of me?" Alicia asked.
       "I think Stef and Max are much more open in the bedroom than anyone thinks. So...maybe they would like to do this one. Plus one..." Pam mused.
    “Plus one? What?” Drake took the card and read it to himself as a crimson blush crept across his face. He slid the card across the coffee table to his cousin. Stephanie and Maxwell shared an excited smile. “Please feel free to share zero details of that threesome with me.” Drake shook his head.
   The slowly shrinking deck was passed back to the king and he thumbed through it.
  “This! Drake and Pam! Drop It. For a full day of your partner’s choice, when he/she says “Drop It”, you must drop your pants down (or lift up your skirt) and have sex for at least 2 minutes.” Anitah told them handing Drake the card.
   “Pam has to drop it.” Liam said with a deadpan stare.
   Drake leaned over pulling the king into a tight hug. “This. This is why you're my best friend. Fuck yes.”
The deck made it's way to Leo and Alicia and they read the cards carefully.
    “Plugged. Let your partner use a butt plug on yourself. Keep it there for at least 10 minutes.” Leo grinned and Rashad chuckled.
  “If Rashad is okay with a butt plug, fine.” Gen decided folding her arms across her chest. Rashad's eyes were like saucers as he looked over at Leo. “Pick. A. Different. Card.” He commanded.
      “Okay, Gen. Your partner chooses a pose from Kama Sutra and you must perform it as it says for at least 7 minutes.” Alicia read.
   Gen blushed profusely, taking the card from her.
    “Oh, this is definitely happening.”  Rashad laughed.
    “That's all of us then. I guess we can all reconvene on spa day and share all the deets.” Stephanie smiled as the guys all smirked, rubbing their hands together.
   “I'm sure the stories to follow will be veeeeeery interesting.” Maxwell mused.
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Party in the USA
Hey guys, It's @leelee10898.Ive been MIA from CGW for a while, I miss it so much.. In light of the 4th of July, ive thrown together some squad shenanigans for ya!! I tried my damndest to get this finished yesterday, but no luck... I did a super fast edit, so im sorry, but this shit is gonna be flawed lol.. enjoy.
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The Royal Jett touched down in Dulles international airport as the girls squealed in their seats. It was 4th of July weekend and they were excited to share it with their men, since not one of them had ever celebrated the extremely patriotic American Holiday.  "Nothing says 4th of July like celebrating in our nation's capital." Anitah beamed as she stepped off the plane, joining the group who already exited. "Well, you're the queen of Cordonia now, she is your Nation now Love." Liam grinned as he kissed her cheek. "Um no offense Liam, but this will always be our nation." Alicia butted in. "Yeah, 'Merica!" Genevieve pumped her fist. "Merica?" Liam whispered to Drake "yeah. Short for America. Just, go with it Li." Drake shook his head. Pam laughed at her friends "ok Ladies, how about we get settled and go find something to get into."
They opted to rent a house instead of a hotel so they could grill and chill the proper way. "Oh shit, there's a pool, I can't even wait to jump in that later." Alicia smirked as she winked at Leo. "Clothing optional love?" He smirked as Liam rolled his eyes. "Why are you two always naked every trip we take?" Liam huffed as the two shrugged. "Well, we could just start right now." Leo began tugging at his shorts.  "NO!" the group resounded. "Hey guys, I seen a huge fireworks tent down the street. We should go check it out." Maxwell walked outside where the group had converged, a glass of purple liquid in hand. "Maxwell, what do you have there?" Drake eyed him suspiciously. "Just some punch." He shrugged, giving the girls a look.
One by one the girls made their way inside sneaking drinks of maxwell's punch. Once they reached a nice buzz they decided to venture off into DC. They watched a parade, sampled some summertime staples including funnel cake and deep fried oreos. There was a carnival being held and they would have a fireworks display at night fall. "Oh! The zipper. I loved that ride."  They eyed the caged ride "how's your tummy feeling Gen?" Pam gave her a look. "It's good, let's do this shit!"
"Are you sure darling? This doesn't look safe." Rashad voiced his concern.  "Psh, safe shamafe. This shit is indestructible,it's probably like 40 years old." Anitah snorted.
"Yeah because everyone wants to ride a 40 year old death trap. No thanks Brooks." Drake held up his hands and shook his head. "Its ok Drake, I think the ferris wheel is calling our names." Pam winked at her husband,  who then adjusted his pants.
Rashad looked at Genevieve, and then to the zipper swallowing audibly she took his hand and led him towards the ride. "It's gonna be ok Rashad.  Do it for America." She smiled at him.
Maxwell had already been strapped in the seat and moved up Liam and Anitah also already on the ride in a cart halfway up. "Ok this doesn't seem to bad love." Liam leaned back as they slowly made their way up letting others on. "Oh it's great. Just wait until we really get going." She smirked. Liam arched his brow "what does that mean,my queen?"
"So how does this work exactly?" Leo asked Alicia. "Well, we basically go around in a circle, and flip upside down, a lot. You don't have a weak stomach do you Leo?"
"No. I can handle it. Liam on the other hand, he's going to puke or scream. Maybe both." He chuckled. "My money's on both.  Anitah is going to laugh at him." Alicia giggled.
"You know Love, thing we haven't done yet." He gave her the signature Rhys smirk "oh. Shit. Leo." She jerked as she felt his long fingers slip between her legs.
"Gen, love. I'm not so sure about this. Why does it move like that?" Rashad began to panic. "It's supposed to move like that. Just calm down,  it's gonna be so much fun." She patted his leg. "It's supposed to sound like it needs 4 quarts of oil on the rickety old Metal?" Genevieve let out a high pitched squeal. "This is going to be so much fun. If you piss your pants, I will laugh at you." Suddenly the ride jerked and picked up speed, their cart reached the top as it flipped over. Rashad let out a long girlish scream as they plummeted upside down towards the ground.
"Oh my god. Oh my god im gonna diiiiie." Liam screamed as Anitah laughed uncontrollably.  She wasn't sure if it was the thrill of the ride, or Liam's girlish screams but she was definitely enjoying herself. "Oh god. Noooooo. Help me!" He screamed again, joining Rashad in fear stricken symphony.
The ride came to an end Liam ran to the nearest trash can, head inside as he puked.  "Told you he would puke." Leo laughed as Anitah stood next to her husband, giving him a sympathetic pat on the back as the other hand gave him bunny ears for a photo.
A dizzy Rashad stumbled off the ride "see baby. That wasn't so bad." Genevieve looked at Rashad who was pale faced. "That was." He retched  "I just…" His hand flew over his face as he bolted towards the trash can next to Liam.
"Looks like those two couldn't handle the ride huh?" Drake snorted as he and Pam approached the group. "Nope. Hey how come you two didn't ride? Scared Drake?" Alicia teased.  "He wasn't scared. We just, had other plans." Pam blushed as Drake pulled her into his side. "Why are your pants unbuttoned?" Anitah questioned, before going wide eyed in realization. "How about we go back to the house, and get this party started." Leo Spoke up.
"For once, I agree with my brother.  I've had enough of this." Liam spit into the trash can. "Wait. Where's Maxwell?"
"Maxwell.  Max." They called, and he didn't come. "He will find his way back. Lets just go." Drake took Pam's hand "Drake, were in Washington,  not Cordonia how's he going to find his way?" Anitah folded her hands across her chest. "He's like a damn puppy brooks. He will find his way home, now come on." Drake grunted as Anitah finally gave in.
Back at the house Drake and Leo ran to the store, returning a short while later with a few cases of beer and some liquor and wine. Still no sign of Maxwell. "I'm gonna call him." Alicia pulled her phone out and dialed his number, they heard it ringing inside.  "Looks like he left his phone behind." Rashad lifted the phone off the counter. "I hope he is ok. Maybe we should call the police?" Pam worried, it wasn't like Maxwell to stray so far from the group.
Finally Maxwell came sauntering in, hands full of bags.  "Maxwell!" Anitah shouted as she wrapped him in a hug "where the hell have you been?" She slapped his arm. "Ouch, hey little blossom that hurt!" He rubbed his arm "I went to the fireworks tent. Look at all the cool stuff I got. "I'll be taking these." Drake reached out to grab the bags, Maxwell recoiled defensively, clutching the explosives to his chest. "No, these are mine. Don't take my toys away Drake."
"Maxwell, let me see what you have." Leo walked over sorting through the bag. "Um Maxwell,  most of these are illegal in DC. Where did you even get these?" Maxwell smiled, oh I took an Uber to Virginia. "Ok Maxwell. You can have these and these." Liam held him out a box of sparklers and some fountains.  "The rest, were putting up." He handed the bags to Bastian.
"Yeah, can you imagine Maxwell with a damn mortar? He would blow up the damn shed over there." Drake chuckled, and then shook his head.
The night went on, the group getting drunker by the minute.  Liam sat perched up on the steps of the pool, wearing American flag swim trunks and a stars and stripes bandana around his head. "Woooooo 'Merica!" He hollered as the group around him screamed " 'MERICA" back. Genevieve and Anitah danced on the picnic table in their skimpy bikinis, beers in hand. Alicia and Leo were busy in the corner. hands all over each other while Rashad and Maxwell played a game of washers.
"Hey, look what fell out of the bag." Pam beamed as she walked over with a small box. "The singing lotus?" Drake looked at it. "Huh. Looks like it plays the star spangled banner, when you light it." He pulled the content from the box and sat it on the patio next to the pool, carefully lighting the fuse and backing away.
The fireworks began to spin, sparks of red, gold and blue shot from the center while it played a very distorted version of the star spangled banner. "Oh my god. My ears, make it stop." Genevieve shouted as she held her hands over her ears.
Alicia stood up, momentarily stepping away from Leo and began to belt out the song.
Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
Gen and Anitah stopped dancing, and began to sing along. Pam joining in as well.
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
"Play ball!" Anitah and Alicia said in unison. They looked at the burned out dilapidated flower. "Man that was a sad excuse for a firework. " drake mumbled "Just look at it." The group looked down at the melted heap of plastic and soot.
As the night went on and the sun went down, the group were pretty drunk. Pam and Drake disappeared into the pool shed, Anitah and Genevieve continued to dance and sing on the picnic table while Rashad and Liam looked on. Leo and Alicia ended up in the pool together,  while nobody noticed Maxwell had snuck off again. Anitah had convinced Liam to let her paint his face in the American Flag, so he just sat there arm slung over the chair, red white and blue face with a Budweiser in hand.
Rashad started to babble,  staring straight ahead. He made no sense whatsoever and the only thing he could do was point. "Rashad, what the hell are you trying to say. Spit it out." Genevieve snapped. Finally climbing down from the picnic table she stood in front of him waving her hands in front of his face "helllooooo?"  "Shiminag hemmeinah. Ah ma tha…" he babbled.
Suddenly a firework whizzed past Liam's head and exploded against the pool shed. "Run for cover." Liam screamed as he dove into the pool. Rashad still standing there dumbfounded Genevieve tried with all her might to pull him away, but he wouldn't budge. "I love you, but I don't feel like getting blown up." She yelled taking Anita's hand and jumping into the pool.
"What the fuck is going on out here?" Pam snapped as she and a Drake stumbled out of the shed. Another firework crashed into the shed, pam screamed and ran into the pool. Drakes pants fell around his ankles as he tried to run,  he kicked them off and joined his wife in the pool.
Fireworks were flying dangerously low, explosions everywhere as Maxwell sensed the sudden danger and ran for cover under the porch. Alicia and Leo obvious to the Chao ensuing around them, continued to have sex in the corner of the pool. Alicia opened her eyes looking above her. "Leo. I see fireworks." She gasped. "I know baby. I have that effect. " she smirked as he thrust into her. "No, you ass. The fucking back yards a war zone." She tapped his shoulder, and pointed to the disaster area. Leo loomed around the pool, their friends and family screaming. Bastien on the phone with the fire company, deftly ducked under a bottle rocket headed straight for his head. "Beaumont,  when I get my hands on you." Bastien shouted. "Im sorry bas. I didn't mean to light all the fuses." Maxwell shouted back.
Dark smoke plummeted from the pool shed where Pam was giving Drake a blow job, just moments prior. "Hope they got insurance " Leo joked as he and Alicia swam up to the group. Liam rolled his eyes taking not of their nude forms.  "Where the hell are your clothes?" He held back a snicker. He wasn't three sheets to the wind drunk, he would have been more annoyed at the situation at hand.
"Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave…" Alicia began to sing. "This again?" Drake rolled his eyes.  "Just sing along Walker." Pam kissed his lips.
"O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!" The group sang along,  just as the fire company rushed in putting the shed out.
The following Monday Liam walked into the council meeting, shoulders back, head held high. The hushed whispers began to circulate the room as Liam cleared his throat. "Shall we begin?" After the meeting a young council member approached him. "Your majesty, please may I speak freely?" Liam nodded "of course Lord Nicholas. And its Liam."
"Liam. Why Is there a faded Flag on your face?" Liam hung his head and shook it, recalling the past weekend's antics. Sighing loudly, he lifted his head. "Nick. Have you ever been to America on the 4th of July?"
Tag List: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @zaffrenotes @enmchoices @lauradowning29 @lodberg @smalltalk88 @laniquelove-blog @gibbles82 @heatherfilliez @drakesensworld @nikkis1983 @sweetest-marbear @classylady1234 @daniv2278 @rainbowsinthestorm @jared2612 @liamxs-world @notoriouscs @blubutterflyy @captain-kingliamsqueen @whenyourheartskipsabeat @lynne1993 @coldcollectornight08 @be-still-my-aching-heart @kennaxval @the-soot-sprite @hopefulmoonobject @emichelle @cgd03 @kate-mckenzie @mfackenthal @crookedslimecreatorpasta @jemrmax2love @sashatrr @ao719 @cocomaxley @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom
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cocomaxley · 5 years
Harry Potter & the CGW Squad
Part 1
Three out of the four CGW girls love Harry Potter. Just a fun little idea we threw around forever ago that finally got written. Hope you enjoy!
Part of the CGW TRR A/U, a collaborative effort by @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @leelee10898 and yours truly. Catch up HERE.
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Pam, Anitah and Genevieve sat at the restaurant waiting for Alicia. “Who wants to bet that she's late because they're screwing in the limo right now?” Genevieve asked giggling. Pam rolled her eyes, “Not taking that bet.”
“You guys, we should have a Harry Potter movie marathon this weekend while the boys are camping!” Anitah squealed.
“This is what Alicia gets for being late,” Genevieve laughed. Alicia finally walked into the restaurant, trying to straighten her disheveled clothing. “Hey girls, sorry I'm late. I was...umm…well you know,” she giggled.
“Finally! I'm starving,” Pam grumbled. The girls talked and laughed through lunch. “Hey Alicia, since you were late, we planned our movies for girls night in,” Anitah said with an evil smile.
“No, no, no! I am not watching Harry Potter,” Alicia said rolling her eyes. “We're not watching Harry Potter,” Anitah said and Alicia let out a sigh of relief, “We are watching all of the Harry Potter movies!” Alicia groaned but knew she didn't have a choice.
Friday afternoon, Rashad was packing his bag and camping gear into the car. Genevieve met him outside since they were driving to the palace together, and he would ride with Drake to the campground. He looked at her and started laughing, “Sweetie, what are you wearing?” Genevieve was wearing a gray uniform skirt, with white button down shirt, yellow and burgundy tie, black cardigan and a black Hogwarts robe. She skipped up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him on the lips and said, “You had no idea that you married a nerd did you? Oh well, too late!”
“Well you guys can't get into too much trouble dressed like that. So I'm actually not scared of whatever you ladies get into tonight. I hope I don't regret saying that,” he chuckled. He opened the passenger door for her and they made the drive to the palace. They pulled up the driveway and saw Drake’s truck pulling up behind them. She giggled when Pam stepped out of the vehicle. She was wearing the Ravenclaw uniform which consisted of a black uniform skirt and blazer and a royal blue blouse along with her Hogwarts robe. Rashad shook his head and laughed. “Gryffindor, Gen? I pegged you for Slytherin,” Drake snorted.
“You seem to know your houses, Drakey...are you a closet Harry Potter fangirl?” She asked with a knowing smile. Drake’s face blushed, “I don't know what you're talking about. That's for kids.” He dropped his voice to barely a whisper, “If you say anything, I will deny it and then I will get you back. Remember I still owe you for Chicago, April Fools and a bunch of other times I can't think of right now.”
“Drake, you're so scary when you're mad...like a ferocious little kitten. Mrow,” Genevieve clawed her hand at him. “And you know you love me!” He muttered under his breath, “You’re right, I do love you…like the big sister I never wanted.”
Anitah waked out of her closet and Liam raised his brow, “My love, what are you wearing exactly?” Anitah smirked, “You don't like it, my King?” She unzipped the front of the black robe and showed him the Gryffindor uniform she was wearing. His eyes automatically snapped down to the the short gray skirt and white knee high tights. Liam swallowed hard, “I...I...never said that.”
Everyone was in the royal quarters waiting for Alicia and Leo. They walked in a few minutes later and Alicia stared at her friends. Her jaw dropped at the sight all of them dressed like they just got their Hogwarts letters. She burst out laughing, “You guys are the biggest dorks I’ve ever met in my life!” The three girls rolled their eyes.
The men kissed their wives goodbye and left for their camping trip. Once they arrived at the campsite, Liam said, “So they really like Harry Potter, huh?” Rashad nodded his head. Drake’s face turned red, and he couldn’t quite look at the other men in the eye, “Yeah, Pam loves it. I don’t get it.” Liam looked lost in thought for a moment before he said, “Maybe we should take them to the Harry Potter theme park in Florida? I think they’d love it and I can’t get the image of Anitah in that skirt out of my head…” He cleared his throat and stood up, trying to hide that he needed to adjust himself.
“I’m in. Gen will be super excited. She has been bugging me to read the books and watch the movies. She even tried to download the books on tape on my phone,” Rashad said. Drake perked up, “Yeah, sounds fun! I...I mean...there’s probably a lot to do in Orlando, right? Not just The Wizarding World of Harry Potter?” Leo raised his brow at him using the full name of the attraction.
“Well if we really want to make them happy, then we should probably watch the movies with our wives. We don’t want to look like complete idiots. I’ll have my assistant book the trip then,” Liam said. “Yeah, we own all of the movies! I mean...Pam...Pam has all of the movies,” Drake suddenly stood, walking to the cooler. “Man, you guys are so whipped. I’m so glad Alicia doesn’t like that shit. We’ll still go, there’s a ton to do there,” Leo said rolling his eyes. The guys threw their beer cans at him, Rashad saying, “Yeah, we’re whipped. Who have you been texting non-stop since we left, Leo?” Leo’s flushed crimson, “She’s sending me some interesting information about...about stocks…”
Sunday afternoon, after watching the very last movie, Alicia stood up and said, “I still don't get why you guys love these so much. It's just not my thing.” Anitah rolled her eyes, “Easy, because the books and movies are amazing!” The door opened and the men walked in from their camping trip. Liam suggested they all have dinner together after the men showered and cleaned up.
The group went to the dining room. “We had an idea while camping. I had my assistant make the necessary arrangements for all of us to go to the Harry Potter theme park in Orlando.” Anitah, Pam and Genevieve all let out excited squeals. “You guys need to get sorted into your houses and find your patronuses!” Genevieve babbled excitedly.
Drake let out a snort, “You know who would be in Gryffindor? Liv...all Weasleys get sorted into Gryffindor!” He slapped his knee, laughing at his own joke. The other guys and Alicia turned to him with questioning looks. “Drake, you seem to know a lot about Harry Potter. Is there anything you want to tell us, buddy?” Leo asked him with a smirk. Drake’s cheeks turned pink, “I may have watched the movies with Pam…”
Genevieve scoffed, “Please! He loves Harry Potter. When I say love, I mean love. He has Harry Potter boxer shorts that he asked Pam to buy him for Christmas. What were they, Drake? The Marauder’s map? Also, I know that you and Pam love to role play. Exhibit A, look at Pam’s skirt and notice that it’s been sewn by the zipper because Drakey here has ripped it.” Pam tried to cover a smile which made her bestie giggle. Drake just started at her with his mouth open. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Drake. I think it’s sexy that you like Harry Potter as much as I do. I’ll show you exactly how sexy I think it is when we go home later,” Pam whispered in his ear making his face turn two more shades of red.
After dinner they went back to the royal quarters, and Pam sent the men and Alicia the website to get sorted into their houses. Alicia was the first to finish, “I’m a puffball. What’s a puffball?” The girls roared with laughter. “Hufflepuff, Alicia!” Anitah snickered. Drake and Liam were sorted into Gryffindor with Anitah and Genevieve. Rashad became a Ravenclaw along with Pam. Leo joined Alicia in Hufflepuff. The trip wasn’t scheduled for a few weeks so they decided that each weekend they would watch the movies together as a group.
The following Friday after everyone had gone home for the evening, Liam looked at Anitah, “I think the only thing that you love more than Harry Potter is the New York Yankees, love.” Anitah grinned, “Actually, I am pretty sure I love Harry Potter more, my king. I’d like to show you something.” She pulled Liam down an unused wing in the palace. “What’s all this?” Liam asked her. She giggled, “Since the rooms aren’t used down here, I took one to store some things…” She opened the door and Liam’s eyes widened in shock. He stared into the room that was laid out like the Gryffindor common room. He stepped inside and felt like he just walked into a Harry Potter retail store. There were mugs, cups, Legos, blankets, clothing, stuffed animals, action figures, and memorabilia displayed around the room. “Is that a replica broomstick, my love?” Liam pointed to the Firebolt that was hanging above the fireplace. “Actually, that’s the one they used in the movie,” she smiled at him. “I don’t know if I should be proud or scared,” Liam said with his mouth still hanging open. “Well, my king, since we’re the only two that know about this room maybe we should take advantage of the privacy.” Anitah closed the door and turned the lock with a click. She walked over to him, and pushed him down onto the sofa. “Proud, I’ll go with proud. Umm, where’s that skirt, love?” Liam said as he captured her mouth into a heated kiss.
Pam and Drake arrived home and walked in the front door. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a sweet kiss. “Now, I believe you promised that you’d show me how sexy it was that I’m such a big Harry Potter fan…” Pam smirked and took him by the arm, leading him into the bedroom. She pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on the floor. She ran her hands up his toned abs to his chiseled chest and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into passionate kiss. She started to unzip her skirt and Drake stopped her. “Leave the skirt on, baby. I’d like to rip it off of you again,” he growled, pulling her tight against his body and kissing her hard. He walked her over to the bed and laid her down, his hands roaming up her legs. “Drake…” she moaned as his hand disappeared up her skirt.
Leo and Alicia were laying in bed. “Babe, do we have to go? This trip is gonna be so lame.” Leo chuckled, “We can ditch them at the park. I'm sure there are plenty of places we can explore...clothing optional.” He pulled Alicia on top of him so she was straddling him. She could feel his hard length pressing against her wanting core. “I think you should get one of those skirts though...it might come in handy for when Bam Bam wants to come out and play.” Alicia smiled, “We haven't done the schoolgirl outfit yet. It would come in handy.” Leo pulled her down and captured her mouth in a hard kiss. “Now, are you ready for Bedrock, love?”
Rashad and Genevieve were getting ready for bed. She was standing in her closet, having just changed into her pajama shorts and tank top. Rashad came up behind her and kissed her neck. “Mmmm,” she moaned. “I have to admit, you looked sexy in that uniform,” Rashad continued to kiss down her neck. She laid her head back against his chest as his hands roamed her body. “Oh really? You should have seen me in high school. I was a Catholic school girl...with a very short skirt.” He growled in her ear, “Put that skirt back on...then meet me in your shoe closet.” He turned her to face him, “And, sweetheart? Wear those red peep toe Louboutins.” Genevieve felt a shiver go down her spine. All she could do was nod her head as she looked into Rashad’s lust blown eyes.
A couple of weeks later, the four couples boarded the royal jet for their trip. Anitah, Pam and Genevieve were giddy. Their husbands smiled at their excitement. Alicia sat with the three women, “I’m excited to get away. Don’t think you guys are going to make me change my mind about Harry Potter though. Not gonna happen.”
Anitah teased, “Don’t be so Sirius, Alicia. It’s going to be amazing!” This made Genevieve snort loudly. “Was that supposed to be a pun? Because I don’t get it…” Alicia said with an arched brow.
“Alicia, why don’t you ask Leo to show you his wand and you can show him your golden snitch,” Pam giggled while Alicia rolled her eyes.
Drake chuckled, “Don’t be such a muggle, Alicia!” The three women could no longer contain themselves and burst out laughing. Alicia stood up and sat down next to Leo, “We need new friends…”
Tag List: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @zaffrenotes @enmchoices @lauradowning29 @lodberg @smalltalk88 @laniquelove-blog @gibbles82 @heatherfilliez @drakesensworld @nikkis1983 @sweetest-marbear @classylady1234 @daniv2278 @rainbowsinthestorm @jared2612 @liamxs-world @notoriouscs @blubutterflyy @captain-kingliamsqueen @whenyourheartskipsabeat @lynne1993 @coldcollectornight08 @be-still-my-aching-heart @kennaxval @the-soot-sprite @hopefulmoonobject @emichelle @cgd03 @kate-mckenzie @mfackenthal @crookedslimecreatorpasta @jemrmax2love
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txemrn · 3 years
Mood Music Monday
Take a look! This is an example of what the playlist post will look like on Tuesdays! Huge special thanks to the few writers that took the plunge, and sent me their songs for their WIPs this week! 💋
Click here!
(Below is the song title, singer, followed by WIP title)
“Goldenboy”- Jake Scott; Golden Boy
“Stoned on You” - Jaymes Young; Stoned on You
“Wicked Game” -Chris Isaak; Stoned on You
“Feelin’ Love” by Paula Cole; Homecoming
“You Oughta Know” by Alanis Morissette; Confessions
“Si Una Vez” by Selena; Confessions
“Millionaire” - Chris Stapleton; (Part of the Cordonians Gone Wild AU)
“Traffic Lights” - Sara Kays; When Was It Over…?
A little note from me…
[under the cut]
Wow! I am so excited! There was quite the interest about this, and I am so excited to see what the future holds for this little side project! Just as a reminder, this is a** trial period,** meaning I am definitely learning as I go (thank you for your patience!), and hopefully if y'all enjoy this, I will create a separate blog, and we’ll get crazy with our jams!
Have you met my super amazing awesome friend @sfb123? Because, well, you need to! She’s my co-conspirator and co-music junkie behind this project (not to mention, she’s also an AMAZING FF writer), and she is helping me out so much, so thanks boo!
And to each and every one of y'all that commented, shared and/or tagged people in my original post: thank you so much! This project is all about YOU and celebrating the music behind YOUR fictions! Don’t be shy; please please please interact with these MMM posts! 🎶
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twinkleallnight · 3 years
Remember me -3
Book: The Royal Romance AU
Pairing: Leo x Madeleine
Word count: 1206
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry.
Rating: Mature
Warning: Mention of death.
Prompt: Features @choicesaprilchallenge2021 Day 10-horizon.
Summary: Leo has returned, has been brought back to Cordonia after almost three decades. But he is not the same Leo we knew. He is devastated after his wife Katie’s death and his own brother Liam is not able to revive him out of the grief. Everyone looks at one person with all hopes: Madeleine. Will their story begin again at the twilight of their lives?
Catch up here
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Present day...
The Lake... Madeleine crossed the tall boundary around the palace, beyond which grew the flowers and shrubs, wildly on the lakeside. The fence was made of wired mesh, which was camouflaged by a thick growth of the blue morning glory over it.
The flowers attracted Madeleine even today just like they did when she was eleven years old....
Queen Eleanor had softened the rough look of the fence with her aesthetic touch. It was serendipity when Madeleine had run away, trying to play a prank on Leo one day when she had first witnessed the blossoming wall…
“Caught ya!” Leo pounced on Madeleine while she was lost in the beauty of the bloom. She lost her balance and both of them tripped and rolled down the slope to the lake. When they finally came to a halt, Madeleine’s head was a bush with a few wild flowers hanging out of her golden tangles. Leo pointed at her head and doubled up laughing. “You look like a clown! Mad Maddie!”
Madeleine frowned at him and he quickly started picking the twigs from her hair. She blushed when he tried moving his fingers through her curls like a comb. “There. Now you are all good.”
“Thank you.” She lowered her eyelashes shyly.
He cupped her cherubic face with his stubby fingers. “I am sorry I didn't mean to let you fall like that.”
Her jade eyes shone brightly, “It is fine Leo. It wasn’t your fault. I lost my balance.” She turned around to look at the calm waters. “This place is beautiful. I never saw it before.”
“Yes, Mom is trying to beautify this side of the palace. She got the hedge maze done and Liam claimed it all. She has promised me that she is going to make a beautiful lakeside garden especially for me here.” Leo boasted.
“It is so sweet of her. She loves you so much even when you are her step son.” Madeleine covered her mouth with shock as soon as the words spilled out.
Leo kept smiling, unaffected.
She tried to explain. “I am so sorry! That was not my intention. It's just that I… I have a mother but she doesn’t care.” Madeleine was almost in tears. Leo clasped her shoulders and proudly said. “It’s okay. You know, my Mom is very loving. She loves you too.”
He stood up and pulled her up along with him and beamed at her, “You can share the lake side with me. We can plant your favourite flowers here with Mom.”
“Really?” Madeleine jumped in excitement as she hugged Leo.
“Yes! Why not!” He exclaimed. "It's my special place. And I want to share it with you."
Both the kids dusted each other's clothes and rushed back to the palace to speak to Eleanor.
After a few days, Madeleine chose Hydrangea to match the blue of morning glory and they planted a row of the flowers. The next time, she got Bluebells.
“Why are you planting all blue flowers?” Leo asked her as she placed some wet soil over her newly planted shrub.
“I love the blues, they match your eyes.” She said bashfully.
“And the greens attached to them?” Leo teased.
“That is the colour of my eyes.” She gazed into his sapphire eyes and then faltered when she realised Leo was staring back at her. “They also resemble the horizon." She pointed at the other end of the lake where the row of olive groves met the firozi skies. Leo sat with her to admire the beauty of the horizon till late in the evening. They left with a promise to come back with more plans and plants.
But the warmth of their favourite little outing place didn’t last long. Their world came crashing down with Eleanor’s sudden death. Liam was too young but for Leo this was the second trauma. He lost his mother once again. Madeleine tried to alleviate his pain by doing his favourite things.
One such day, she pulled Leo to the lake side to surprise him with the new planters of Iris flowers. She chose these specially to dedicate them to Eleanor. But it brought back his mother’s memories making it more painful. He felt more hurt. Tears rolled down his burning eyes as he picked up a planter and threw it away in anger.
“Blue and green never meet.” His lakeside garden dream was shattered. “It's all false. Nothing is true. It is all flawed. Blue and green never meet! The horizon is fake. It is an illusion! Look Madeleine…” He shouted. “its an illusion! It was never true.”
He stomped away in anger. A disheartened Madeleine held herself tightly as she cried out, her cries turning into sobs and sobs mellowing down to few hiccups. As the shine of sun turned to twilight and twilight dulled down to darkness.
But she never gave up. She kept adding little shrubs and bushes of blue flowers in the memory of Queen Eleanor, till it was complete one day. Till, Leo came back with her to his garden, their garden. Till they held hands and stood quietly looking at the horizons.
Present day...
Today, she could see a stooped old figure lethargically moving in that lakeside garden. She took a deep breath. Once again she was going to remind Leo of the happier times. Once again she was going to stand holding his hand gazing at the horizons, reliving the warmth of their yesteryears.
She closed the distance, crossing the gentian blues and the phlox shrub. As she neared the back of the figure standing in the greens, her heartbeat raced. Twenty six long years! She placed her shivering hand on his shoulder. “Leo?”
The tall man turned to look at her. His face had more wrinkles than she could count. The eyes she was searching for were dull and listless. The lips that smiled once were dropped at the corner.
“Yes?” he spoke in a shaky voice. Gone was the tinker in his voice, she noticed.
“How are you?” Madeleine knew better to keep her calm and continue the conversation.
“I am good, thank you.” He completed the formality in a monotone.
She looked down at his hands holding iris flowers at the green stem.
"You remember." She said in a whisper, her heart fluttering.
"How can I forget?" He said in a heavy voice, as if he would break down at any moment.
Madeleine tried to show support and placed her hand on his, holding the flowers.
But he suddenly snatched away. "What are you trying lady?" He yelled at her.
"Leo?" She searched his eyes. "You said you remembered?" She asked him confused.
He glared at her. "Yes. I remember. I remember Katie. How can I forget her?" He thumped his way up to the palace, mumbling incoherent words. Madeleine stood facing the serene waters while the flood from her eyes refused to stop.
The line of olive grove that met the blue sky seemed to be hazy and it faded completely, as the sun went down.
A voice echoed from over the surface of the lake. "Look Madeleine! The horizon is fake. It is an illusion! it was never true."
Tags: @annekebbphotography @alj4890 @anjanettexcordonia @bascmve01 @charlotteg234 @choicesficwriterscreations @cordonia-gothqueen @cordonian-literature @drakewalker04 @gkittylove99 @krsnlove @hopefulmoonobject @hopelessromanticmonie @idontknowwhysblog @indiacater @jessiembruno @kingliam2019 @lisha1valecha @neotericthemis @ntoraplayschoices @princess-geek @princessleac1 @secretaryunpaid @sirbeepsalot @speedyoperarascalparty @texaskitten30 @txemrn @sweatyrysconnoisseur @theroyalheirshadowhunter @aestheticartsx @yourmajesty09 @efecom @grsarco-blog @lovelyladyk88 @mainstreetreader @choiceskatie @claireloutoo @tinkie1973
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mfackenthal · 5 years
MFackenthal Interviews Liam (from Cordonian’s Gone Wild)
Hello all!
I have been given the biggest honor from @cordoniansgonewild!  As they promote their newest AU, they thought to ask me to help by interviewing a few key Cordonian men.  Each of the men has been interviewed by yours truly and Duke Magazine is printing each of those interviews in separate magazines.  
You’ve all seen the cover of the first magazine by now - but in case not, here it is: 
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And now, without further ado, with a lot of help from @ao719 for this particular interview - here is the article: 
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King Liam strolls through the rose garden, a member of his security team trailing yards behind him. He’s just come from his photo shoot with Duke Magazine. He smiles cordially when he sees me. “Megs, as always, it is great to see you. Y’know, I wouldn’t do this interview with anyone else.” 
“It’s always good to see you too, King Liam. You flatter me, but I think the magazine might have known that.  I’m so sorry to hear about your father,” I say with a curtsey.  
“Megs, we’ve known each other long enough - the curtsey is not necessary,” Liam responds. “Thanks for your condolences. Constantine...tried his best, I suppose. I’ll admit to you and your many viewers - I’m not worried about the shoes I have to fill, however. Those shoes are...rather tight. I plan to be the King that my country and my people need me to be.”
“And you plan to do that through some changes to the social season? I ask.  
“I wanted to change the face of tradition. The other nobles attend the social season events and balls. I figured why not allow them to participate if they so choose to.”
“The more the merrier, huh?” I ask, giving him a light elbow in the ribs. We start walking the maze. “I have to tell you, King Liam, rumor is these changes were made official while most of those involved were drunk. Are you willing to comment on this rumor?”  
Liam rubs back of neck nervously. I’ve never seen Liam so nervous, honestly. “Seriously, just call me Liam, Megs. And…uh…may I ask when is this getting printed? Before or after the start of the social season?” 
“Oh Liam, y’know, you’re cute when you’re nervous. Just relax. Tell me, how do you envision this is going to work? Will you get first dibs on the eligible women who enter the season?” 
Liam gives me a funny look at the term “dibs.” Then he begins, “I guess it will be up to everyone as a whole. Whether or not they find a match and how they feel. There’s no rule saying they have to find someone at the end. My circumstances may be a little different than the others, but again, there’s no rule.” 
“Will you have a rose ceremony each week?” I ask with a wink. 
Liam laughs. “No. No rose ceremony. But they may receive roses just because…” He shrugs.  
“Awh, you really are a romantic at heart, Liam. Okay, well, let’s give my readers a heads up. What are you looking for in a spouse?” 
“I’ve always been raised to think of Cordonia first, that romance isn’t important...so I’ve never really thought much about what kind of woman I would want to actually marry for myself.” 
Liam pauses here and smiles. I almost start my next question but then he continues.
“I guess...obviously someone who is going to be the Queen that Cordonia needs. But maybe...I’m looking for more than just your typical political match marriage. Someone who is...challenging. Who keeps me on my toes. Who I enjoy and look forward to being with. Who makes me...happy.” 
“Liam, I know I speak for many when I say that you deserve that happiness,” I say. 
“Thanks, Megs,” Liam beams. “That means a lot to me.” 
“Okay, we’re getting too sentimental here. Let’s talk logistics. How will the ladies be selected to enter the social season?”
“Well I think the intent is that all the men hopefully find a match. So, each duchy can sponsor however many women they deem eligible.” 
“Will the ladies be allowed to say who they are most interested in?” I ask. 
“I hope they will so we know,” Liam laughs. “It would be a shame to attempt to court someone who’s not interested in you.”
“True, true. What if two or more of you fall for the same person?”
“Ugh, that would put us in rather an awkward spot, wouldn’t it?” Liam looked pensive for a moment before saying, “I guess it will be up to her to decide,” with a very confident smile on his face. 
“Okay, Casanova,” I said rolling my eyes at him. “Tell me, what are you looking forward to in this social season?” 
“Getting to know the suitors and being able to enjoy this new social season as a whole with the others. It gives me a chance as King to see things from a different perspective, I guess you can say. Also...making it through without my friends plotting my demise.”
“Good luck with that, Your Highness,” I said with a laugh. “I’ll be the first to tell you how your friends are handling the pressures of this upcoming season. Is there anything you’re hoping to avoid in this social season?”
“Too much competition?” He says. “Oh Megs, I brought this competition on myself and I’m already not looking forward to hearing that I brought it on myself from people like Drake.” 
I pat Liam on the shoulder as he hangs his head.  “Speaking of other people, has anyone or any organization tried to influence how you will choose a spouse?”  
“You mean has anyone given their opinion of who should be queen? Yes, I’ve already had my fair share of phone calls and conversations trying to...push my choice in a certain direction. But I know I need to be fair to everyone and I’m not allowing anyone to sway me. I’ll wait until the season starts and go from there.”
I nod my head at just how even and fair King Liam is being. “I have two more questions and then one final, most important question.” 
“Hit me with them, Megs.” 
Ticking them off with my fingers, I ask, “will the social season end with multiple weddings?” 
“I wouldn’t go that far,” Liam says as he shakes his head no. “Even with a typical social season there is time after, but since this is not your typical social season, I have even more reason to say no. Not unless the matches choose to do so between themselves.  There’s no pressure to get married.” 
“Two, soOoo can the MFackenthal Show have exclusive rights to publicize the social season? I believe I can give the people what they want and allow each of the suitors involved some privacy.” 
Liam gently laughs. “You have me sold, Megs. As long as my council agrees, I don’t see why not.” 
“Okay, here is the final and most important question…Do you happen to know if Bastien is single?” I ask.  
“Y’know, Megs, he’s right behind us, you can ask him yourself,” Liam says as he laughs and looks back at Bas.  
I have to tell you, dear readers, in all the time I have known Bas, I have never known him to blush.  However, unless Bas was just really sunburnt, I believe I saw him blush just then. I may have been blushing a little myself. He happens to be single, I learned. But this article isn’t really about me.  
You’ve read it here first. King Liam’s social season will be more than just about King Liam finding a Queen.  The season will be about King Liam and other eligible men using the social season to find…well, at least a date, I guess. With any luck - I’ll be there to help show you all how things pan out. I wish Liam and all the men involved the best of luck! 
And now for the tags.  I’m going to tag those of you who have asked to be tagged in my interviews and a few who specifically asked to be tagged for THESE interviews.  @cordoniansgonewild will reblog this with the tags for their fans.  As always - just let me know if you want on or off this list.  
@eileendannie, @hopefulmoonobject @queen-among-writers, @hopelessromantic1352, @lilyofchoices, 
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The Revelation AU - Drake x MC, Part 5
Summary: As Elizabeth’s life hangs in the balance, her friends are faced with the harshness of reality while they wake for her to wake up. 
A/N: Y’ALL ASKED FOR IT! Here is the beginning of the angstiest possible route to a happy ending (that will come eventually). This was the hardest one to write because of all the different perspectives but I hope I did them justice? After this cliff hanger you may experience extreme shock, disbelief and denial so please have mercy on this writer when you grab your pitchforks. 
Also special thanks to @chantelle-x0x for making the character aesthetics for this chapter! She is amazing at this as I have told her so many times before! 
Word count:  5400  This is the longest one in the series, I apologise but I couldn’t have split it any other way. 
Warnings: Brief mentions of blood, injury, death, grief.  
Two days after the accident...
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In her assigned room in the Vanceour estate, Lady Hana Lee sat in darkness, listening to the Cordonian radio host break the news to the country. She felt a sudden chill at his words and pulled the wooden blanket draped over her shoulders tighter around her body. The events of the last twenty-four hours had been a blur to her in the moment and now a tear slipped down her face as the truth of what had taken place started to really hit home. 
Elizabeth had fallen off a balcony. Elizabeth.
The thought seemed so misplaced. This was the kind of thing that happenned in books or movies, not real life.. And definitely not to someone she knew, her friend.. 
Hana had arrived back from Cordonia’s general hospital barely an hour ago where the doctors worked around the clock to save Elizabeth’s life. Her friend had still been in surgery when Liam finally convinced the rest of them to get some sleep. 
Drake, however, would not be moved. 
 He had remained stubbornly glued to chair in the waiting room, seated closest to the door that the medical professionals came through to report on the outcomes to the various surgeries that were taking place. His messy brown hair was clutched tightly between his fingers, he had only moved to lift his head each time he heard the door open. Despite his heavy eyes and exhausted body, he'd roughly declined any offer for rest or sustenance, ignoring Hana's pleas and Maxwell’s cajoling until Liam had put his hands on their shoulders, shaking his head and their efforts ceased. 
 After hearing about the commotion at the end of the press conference, she along with Maxwell and Liam had all come running to the press room but upon hearing a rough scream, they diverted their path to the heritage room. There they were shocked to have found Drake lying on the edge of the dilapidated balcony screaming Elizabeth’s name until his voice raw. Liam’s shaking fingers had the emergency services in the scene in record time but the wreckage was so severe that they had to radio in for a helicopter to rescue Elizabeth. Hana remembered Drake’s eyes wild and desperate, ready to throw himself off the cliff’s edge when he’d heard this. 
 ‘Fuck them, I’ll climb down and get her myself!’ 
 He would have nearly succeeded if Liam and Bastien had not held him back. When they’d finally reached the hospital after following in a car, Elizabeth had immediately been taken to the emergency room and they’d had little more than a small glimpse of her bloodied figure before she was wheeled into the surgery. A clipboard had been thrust into Hana’s hands and she was instructed to fill out Elizabeth’s personal details. She paused, pen hovering over the space labelled ‘Patient Full Name.’ It was only then that the group realised how little they knew about their friend... 
 ‘I know that one,’ Maxwell chimed in unexpectedly. ‘Elizabeth Aishwarya Richmond.’ 
Three heads whipped around to stare at him. ‘How do you know that?’ Drake asked almost menacingly, eyes narrowed. 
 Maxwell visibly panicked at the question. ‘Uhm.. I just asked her one day?’ 
Hana watched as Drake hung his head. ‘She never mentioned that to me. And I-I never thought to ask,’ he remarked hollowly, shuffling his feet a little. ‘Some fiance I’d have been, I didn’t even know her full name…’ 
‘Don’t worry about it man,’ Liam replied, patting his arm gently. ‘It's not a big deal anyway. None of the rest of us knew...’ 
Drake nodded vaguely despite the tears shining in his eyes and between the four of them, they managed to complete the form.   
It was 2.30am now. 
Something inside Hana gave way and she fell to her knees, seeming to lose the ability to hold herself up as sobs wracked her body. The adrenaline of the last few days had finally worn off giving way to a profound sense of exhaustion in more than just the physical sense of the word. 
This was Elizabeth, her best friend, her first real friend. The first person to see past the facade she’d been trained all her life to put forward to the woman she was underneath. Where she had been scolded for voicing her opinion and punished for the slightest mistake, her friend had instead offered encouraged and advice and Hana had found herself growing bolder and bolder, taking control of her own life for the first time in her twenty-six years. 
Elizabeth had believed in her even before Hana did herself and if she was gone, who would believe in her now? 
 The weight of this hit Hana hard as infinite possibilities and scenarios swirled in her mind. If Elizabeth died what would happen to her? Where would she live? Who would she go to for advice? Her parents wouldn’t take her back now that she’d scorned them so where else could she go? 
Depressed at her meagre prospects, Hana sunk into the mattress before shooting back up and grabbing her phone, double checking that the ringer was on full volume. Liam had promised to let them know the moment that there was any word about Elizabeth and as her friend’s life hung in the balance, Hana would have never forgiven herself if she missed the chance to say goodbye.  
Nine days after the accident...
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Maxwell Beaumont almost dropped his phone on the brick path as something tugged abruptly on his arm, jerking his eyes away from the news article he was reading. He looked down at the corgi attached to the leash in his hand, its brown eyes and wagging tail made it hard not to smile. He crouched down to rub Cooper’s ears. The dog cocked its head slightly, letting out a small whine and Maxwell thought he saw a glint of sadness in its usually playful gaze. 
'I know boy,' he said wistfully, scratching the corgi's head. 'I miss her too.’ 
 Ever since he and Bertrand had returned home to Beaumont estate, taking Elizabeth’s corgi on walks had become a daily ritual for him, something to get his mind off everything that was happening. Most days it worked as it gave Maxwell something to do while the whole country stood at a standstill, hold their breath as they waited for news about the condition of their favourite duchess. That was easier said than done however and now he couldn’t help as his mind slipped back into the events of the past week. 
The doctors and surgeons had worked around the clock, racing against time and after almost 40 hours in surgery, Elizabeth had eventually pulled through narrowly avoiding the worst. When they had finally been able to see her, Elizabeth had been wrapped in so many bandages and wound dressings that he had barely recognised the woman he had come to call his best friend. Deep purple circles splayed out under her eyes and her mocha skin looked pale under the harsh fluorescent lights. Her mouth and nose were covered by a large oxygen mask, in fact her face was hardly visible under the bandages around her head. A nurse was adjusting the various tubes connecting her to various machines, the ventilator, drip, heart rate monitor. More bandages covered her limbs and unmissable, the ones spanning dangerously across her stomach tinged slightly red. 
 Maxwell gulped at the sight.  ‘W-what happened to her?’ His voice came out in a hoarse croak, shattering the thick silence that had developed as they crowded together in the small room. 
‘She fell off the balcony Maxwell,’ Bertrand’s dry tone held irritation. 
 The younger Beaumont felt the unfamiliar rush of red hot anger course through him as he turned on his brother. ‘You know that's not what I meant. Tell me exactly what happened.’ 
‘Maxwell you wouldn’t-’ 
He didn’t let him finish. 'Wouldn’t what Bertrand? Wouldn’t be able to cope with the truth? Wouldn’t be able to understand all the technical terms? Because I’m too dumb? Or maybe you think I’ll make a joke about it? You think I can’t take this seriously?! She’s my best friend and I demand to know what’s wrong with her!!’ 
‘Maxwell stop!’ Hana’s panicked tone pierced through the fog of rage and emotion. 
Collecting himself, Maxwell realised that he had been gripping the lapels of Bertrand’s blazer so tightly they’d begun to tear. Releasing his brother, he dusted off his hands taking a moment to organise his thoughts before he regarded his friends expectantly. 
Liam answered this time, struggling to keep his voice steady. 'She’s sustained a serious head injury and a few broken ribs, fractured pelvis, broken shoulder as well as a collection of cuts and bruises from the debris of the balcony. There was a lot of internal bleeding thats why the surgery took so long. The doctors said it would have been worse. She was really lucky that she’d only fallen about 25 feet and not the entire length of the cliff. Her broken bones will heal but at this point its the head injury they’re more worried about.’ 
The gravity of his words plunged the room into silence, yet again save for the beeping of the various machines around Elizabeth’s bed. Maxwell inched forward reaching forward hesitantly to touch her hand. Just as his fingers made contact however, a frenzied beeping sounded out and Elizabeth’s body started to spasms and shudder violently. 
'What’s happening? Why is she doing that?’ Maxwell screeched, panic flowing through him. 'Nurse, nurse, someone help!' 
In the blink of an eye, three nurses entered the room, one turning to the group. ‘Your Majesty, Your Graces I have to ask you to leave the room please. We need to stabilise her now.’ 
Before he knew what was happening, Maxwell had been pulled into the hallway and the door was shut in his face. He whirled on Drake, shoving two hands against his friend’s chest roughly. 
'You were supposed to look after her man! You were supposed to protect her!' 
'You think I don’t know that? You think this is easy for me? To see her like that?’ Drake’s entire body was taut as he pulled himself to full height a few inches taller than Maxwell. ‘You were just her friend I was the one meant to be marrying her!’ 
Both of them were locked in a tense standoff, hands balled into fists, neither wanting to back down. Around them, other hospital patrons watched in surprise. 
‘Maybe its a good thing you didn’t then because look where she ended up!’ He spat in reply. 
‘Say that again I dare you.’ His friend's voice was dangerously low but Maxwell didn’t care. 
‘Come on Maxwell. You’re making a scene,’ Bertrand swooped in, gripping his arm as he yanked him away from the other man. 'We’re going home.’ 
*End of flashback* 
‘Maxwell!’ His brother’s voice cut through the memory as he approached. ‘Hurry up! We’re late to fetch Elizabeth’s parents from the airport!’ 
 Maxwell shot to his feet. ‘Chanaya and Danvir? I totally forgot they were arriving today.’ 
‘Thats Mr and Mrs Richmond to you,’ Bertrand reminded him. 'Yes well they have had quite a few complications with their travel arrangements but they will be arriving soon.’ 
 Maxwell had coaxed the corgi back to the house following his brother when something occurred to him.   
 ‘What about the Marquess and Neville?’ 
Bertrand’s face darkened frighteningly. ‘They’ll be paying for that if King Liam or I have anything to say about it,’ he replied in his signature Duke of Ramsford tone that Maxwell had heard many times but he noted that this time it was different. 
The threat held in the words was very real and the younger Beaumont almost shuddered, glad that he wasn’t on the receiving end this time.
Fifteen days after the accident...
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‘Off to the hospital mon chere?’ Joelle asked her only daughter as she watched her head for the door. 
 ’Non Maman. King Liam has moved her to a secure ward not too far from the palace,’ Kiara answered, ducking into the lounge room of their manor where her mother sat watching the news. Her eyes flitted to the shot of the wreckage on screen and she instinctively clutched the bunch of flowers in her hands tighter. 
‘Bien sur. Please send her my best and to Drake too. Those poor things…’ Joelle sighed turning back to the screen. ’Such a terrible tragedy to happen to such a lovely pair. You’re sweet to go and visit her.’ 
The knot in her chest only tightened when Kiara heard her mother’s words. After the accident, she had feigned sickness and returned home where she had buried herself in her diplomatic duties instead, determined to shut everything out as the country was shocked by the news. Her parents were happy to have her home but they were too busy to notice the change in their daughter. Her brother Ezekiel had approached her attempting to extract the truth but she had pushed him away. 
All the guilt and regret she had been trying to shove down over the past two weeks now bubbled up dangerously. It had kept her up late, preventing her from sleep as she tossed and turned thinking of what she could have done. It had kept her from going to see Elizabeth even though she knew she should have and after two weeks of talking herself up to it, she had finally mustered up enough courage to go. Her mother’s tone was gentle and admiring but instead, Kiara eyes filled with tears and her lower lips began to wobble. She couldn’t keep what had happened to herself   
 ‘Maman..’ Her voice was small, squashed by the guilt again now as she toed her way around the couch. 
 ‘Oui?’ Joelle answered vaguely, her attention still on the TV. 
‘Maman,’ she began again unable to stop her voice from cracking. ‘It's all my fault.’ 
‘What do you mean cherie?’ Her mother turned to her confused. ‘Mon chere you can hardly blame yourself for what happened.' 
The dam of feelings that had built up over the past fortnight finally burst and Kiara sunk down beside her mother switching completely to French now. 
’No Mother, you don’t understand… This wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for me.’ 
Two hours later, Kiara found herself outside the door to Elizabeth’s ward. She had confessed everything to her mother who had held her as she sobbed, gently stroking her hair listening while she admitted her part in the lead up to Elizabeth’s unfortunate accident. Though Joelle reassured her repeatedly that it hadn’t been her fault, Kiara just couldn’t bring herself to believe it. Mere words wouldn’t be enough to take away the guilt she felt. She’d almost abandoned the idea of visiting altogether but something tugged at her conscience telling her no, it was time to stop running. She needed to face this. Now mustering up her courage, she knocked once to announce herself before twisting the handle wincing as the door creaked loudly. Kiara’s eyes flew immediately to the figure on the bed. 
 Lying unmoving on her back, Elizabeth’s eyes were clamped shut while a collection of machines and devices surrounded the bed. The duchess' dark hair peaked out from under a thick wide bandage wrapped around her head. If it wasn’t for the gentle rise and fall of her chest, Kiara could have sworn she was looking at a statue and her breath caught in her throat as she stared at the numerous cuts and bruises that littered the other woman’s arms. 
Gulping deeply, she felt her confidence filtered away but before it could, she inched toward the side table to set her bouquet down with the others placed there. The crinkle of the wrapper making contact with the table was louder than she had meant for it to be and Kiara was barely able to keep her wits when dark head suddenly jerked up from the farther side of the bed. 
 'I-I’m sorry,’ Kiara faltered, almost ashamed to be caught. 'I just came to drop these off. I didn’t mean to wake you.' 
 Seated in a chair beside the bed, he took a moment to adjust to wakefulness and in that time, it occurred to her that this was the first time they had been in the same room since the night at her estate. 
'No its fine really,’ he reassured her, exhaustion heavy in his voice. 'Just dozed off I guess.' 
Fighting waves of regret, she kept her eyes trained steadily on the girl on the bed, determined not to let her emotions get the better of her. 
'How is she?' 
Drake sighed wearily, running a hand over his haggard face. ‘She’s started breathing on her own yesterday which is a massive improvement. The doctors say its a miracle that she landed on her side rather than her back because her shoulder took most of the impact. They managed to stabilise her and stop the internal bleeding but on top of that she broke a few bones too so its gonna take some time before she’ll back to normal.' 
 Kiara nodded carefully, digesting this information. 'Did they say when she’ll wake up? 
He shook his head gravely. ‘Its all up to her I guess,’ he answered gesturing at Elizabeth. 'She’s recovering well from the massive head injury but they won’t know the full extent of the damage until then.’ 
 Kiara’s stomach dropped. She'd had minor differences with Elizabeth in the past, formed first throughout the social season and extending a hand of friendship was difficult due to the nature of competition. Contenders like Olivia and Madeline made it hard to believe that anyone would genuinely be interested in forming friendships without ulterior motives. Kiara was an ambitious woman and took pride in her abilities to get her what she wanted but it had always seemed too easy for Elizabeth. The American had been difficult to stomach at first, as she, despite having no courtly training or special skills, seemed to succeed almost blindly at winning the heart of the prince. To add to their bitterness, she’d indirectly humiliated all the suitors by turning him down. 
It had only grown deeper when Elizabeth started to pursue Drake Walker, another competition she had lost and the diplomat had been left with cold anger as she was rejected yet again. While Penelope had easily taken to the new duchess, Kiara found it harder to let go of the resentment. 
Despite all this, however, she realised that she’d never hated Elizabeth. The duchess didn’t deserve for something like this to happen to her. She had proved herself to be a kind and caring leader, something Kiara valued highly. If Kiara could take it all back, she would in a heart beat. 
 She swallowed hard before responding. ‘I’m sure she will be back to normal in no time.' 
‘Let’s hope,’ he nodded before addressing her again. 'I’m surprised you came to visit. Elizabeth would have liked that..’ 
Kiara paused. Would she? Would she have liked me if she knew all the bad things I had wished on her? 
‘She was my friend after all. I’d better go,’ she suggested, mumbling a weak excuse as she headed for the door. 
‘Kiara.’ At the sound of her name coming from his mouth, she froze, back still to him. 
 ‘Its not your fault you know?’ Drake told her. 'What happened to her...' 
Why was everyone telling her that? She knew he meant it from a place of thoughtfulness but it didn’t make her guilt any less. It wouldn’t take back what she had done or change what had happened. 
 All this and more swirling in her mind but she just nodded. 
As she stepped over the threshold, Kiara was so immersed in thought, she almost bumped into someone coming in. 
 ‘Oh pardon!' 
‘Its alright dear,’ the woman reassured, her American accent complimented perfectly by her kind tone. Her dark skin and lively eyes struck a chord of familiarity and something occurred to the diplomat. 
 ‘You’re Elizabeth’s mother.' 
‘I am. And you must be Kiara?’ Mrs Richmond beamed, looking even more like her daughter. 'She often talked about you and Penelope among her other friends. Thank you for being such a good friend to our Aishwarya, dear.’ 
Kiara nodded again, this time unable to keep the tears from falling as she rushed away leaving her companion bewildered. 
Twenty-four days after the accident..
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Olivia Nevrakis smiled as she scanned images of the resisting criminals splashed across the front page of the morning’s newspaper on the breakfast table before her. There was no better way to start your day than with an arrest of an entire terrorist group she mused, delicately sipping her tea. She went on to imagine all the ways they would be punished if only she was in charge of dealing them out, wondering if her methods would have differed greatly to that of her ancestors. Before she could dwell on it, her phone chimed reminding her she had to be at the palace in half an hour.   
When she arrived, Liam was already seated in one of the meeting rooms with Hana and Maxwell. The latter gave her tentative smiles while the king nodded in greeting. 
 ‘Thank you all for coming. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you the good news but we have other matters to discuss. Naturally, the court wants to have a ball in celebration and it would be a strong front to put forward if all of us attended.' 
‘Are parties all those  can think about at a time like this?’ Drake’s rough voice cut through the room as he stepped through the door. 
’So nice of you to join us Drake,’ Olivia scoffed as he took a seat next to Hana. ‘I’m was beginning to think you’d superglued yourself to Elizabeth's bedside.’ 
‘Ignore Olivia,’ Liam placated shooting her a cautionary look. ‘We’re glad to have you with us man. How is she?’ 
Drake sighed, seemed to age 10 years. ’She’s… stable. Not much has changed. Her parents are with her now.' 
 ‘Will Mr and Mrs Richmond be joining the festivities?’ Hana inquired trying to break the tension. 
Liam shook his head. ‘They will be departing back to the States later this week for their other daughter’s graduation. They wanted to stay on longer but there was no avoiding it. They actually wanted to take Elizabeth back with the-‘ 
‘Take her back?!’ Maxwell interrupted. ‘But- They can’t! She needs to stay here with us. She hasn’t even woken up yet!’ 
The king held up a hand for silence. ’The doctors have informed them of that it is very important that she be kept stable in this sensitive time. I have assured them that she would continue getting the best care Cordonia has to offer.' 
Maxwell nodded sombrely, plunging the room into a melancholy silence. 
 Like everyone else, Olivia’s mind shifted to Elizabeth. In her first few encounters with the American, she’d readily dismissed her as the clueless foreigner who was sure to crack after one week. To her initial surprise and chagrin however, Elizabeth had proved her otherwise, surpassing all the trials of the court with as much grace as a noble born lady. Back then, Olivia held no love for her but she could appreciate strength when she saw it and surprised herself by agreeing to work with the foreigner to restore her name. Elizabeth had been like the glue that held their little group together for without her their friendships would not have developed as well as they did. Although she had harboured feelings of resentment towards her for turning Liam down even those had been fading lately. 
If Elizabeth did die, she had no idea what the future would look like for them and there was little Olivia hated more than uncertainty. It made her impatient and more prone to outbursts and for a moment she bitterly resented the duchess for compromising it, when she was only just getting the hang of the whole friendship thing. 
‘She’d save us all some trouble if she hurried up and kicked the bucket already.'  
There was a sharp intake of breath from the room and the redhead's eyes widened she realised that she had voiced her comment out loud. 
 ‘Olivia!’ Hana chastised.   
Her eyes landed on Drake who was glaring at her, jaw clenched in anger as the veins in his neck throbbed dangerously.  
’Nevrakis I know being empathetic isn’t really in your capacity but just this once could you cut it out with the sarcasm?’ 
 Olivia’s usual flawless exterior faltered slightly as she realised her last comment may have gone a step too far. Her mouth dropped open to apologise but one glare from Drake silence all response she would have formulated. She remained quiet for the rest of the meeting as the rest of them discussed the plans for the ball. Even though the assassins had been apprehended they still needed to persuade the court that Liam was the best option for Cordonia. After almost two hours of tactics and strategy, Liam released them and she approached Drake carefully. 
‘Drake I-‘ He brushed her away with a dismissive wave. 
‘Forget it Olivia. I wouldn’t expect you of all people to understand.’ 
 Now that stung. 
 Olivia knew she put forward the emotionless, cold-hearted persona very well but now it was coming back to bite her. Underneath the facade, though she would never admit it out loud, these people has wormed their way into her heart and she really did care for them. She just wished she could find it in her to voice it out loud. 
The Duchess of Lythikos mentally shook herself at the thought. Her feelings would have to wait. There was work to be done now and if she was going to help Liam rally the support he needed, internal monologuing wouldn’t do anyone any good.
Thirty-one days after the accident... 
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‘Gracias Your Majesty. I look forward to our next meeting where we can iron out those last few details.’ 
‘De nada, Signor Gutierrez. I believe this trade deal will greatly benefit both our countries. I look forward to a long and fruitful relationship between our countries.’ 
‘As do I King Liam. I must mention I have never seen a monarch who prioritises the safety of his people as well as you. Other countries could learn much from your method of governance.’ 
 Thanking him, Liam hung up the Skype call with the Spanish embassador, gently massaging his temples as he scanned the headlines on iPad in front of him. 
 The politician's words had come from a place of kindness but all they seemed to inspire was a sense of deep guilt within him. A quote from his childhood studies on Cicero returned to his mind. 
 The safety of the people shall be the highest law. 
 He’d watch Constantine rule with this principle and though his father had many faults, he always had his priorities right. As a monarch it was his cardinal duty to keep his people safe and after the assassination attempt the weight of the crown had pressed heavily on Liam's shoulders. It has eased slightly now the assassins had been captured and apprehended. The economy was finally stabilising and thanks to the ball a few days ago, he had secured more than a few important deals with the help of his friends. 
Cordonia was finally prospering, getting back to her feet so why did he feel so terrible? 
 The answer lay a few miles away in a hospital bed. 
 After the accident, as soon as Elizabeth was stable, he’d immediately placed her in a secure ward with state-of-the-art facilities and the best medical professionals. He’d given her the best possible care but still the guilt persisted. To say Elizabeth was a very special person to him would be a huge understatement. She had no idea but she represented the beginning of  a new life for him, one where he would take matters into his own hands to make his own decisions. If possibility had a colour, he was sure it would be the green of her dress from the night they’d met in New York city what seemed like a lifetime ago. He loved her and though she hadn’t reciprocated in the way he once wanted her to, Liam knew she would always hold a unique place in his heart. Any ill feeling of resentment when she chose Drake over him had faded away now and in its place a strong friendship was blossoming. When he promoted her to duchess, Liam had looked forward to seeking her counsel during his rule. Unlike him, Elizabeth hadn’t been born into nobility, she knew the struggles of the common man and was more in tune with their needs as he never would be. 
She would have been an amazing duchess. 
No, he corrected himself. She is going to be an amazing duchess. 
Now that her life hung in the balance, it was all too easy to succumb to the temptation of pessimism and he found himself constantly fighting against it now, knowing that his friend wouldn’t have approved of his despondency. He would do it. He would continue to fight the good fight, with or without her, Liam promised himself that. 
 A frantic buzzing of his phone broke him out of his thoughts. He’d been in that position for so long that his arms twinged slightly as he reached for the device beside him, glancing at the screen to reveal a text message from Drake.
Hospital. Now. 
Twenty minutes later, Liam strode purposefully down the ward hallway, staff parting in front of him like the Red Sea. Before he could reach the door to her room, a gasping Drake stumbled out, barely able to stand as heavy uneven breaths wracked his figure. Fear rose up in Liam as his mind automatically assumed the worst but before he could say a word, Drake’s body began to pitch forward and he caught him just before he could hit the floor. 
 ‘Drake what happened? Is she okay?' 
‘Liam… Liam she…She doesn’t..’ He choked out, clutching onto the sleeves of Liam’s blazer as the king helped him to stand. Drake gulped deeply, desperately fighting for air as he attempted to articulate his thoughts. 
 ‘She doesn’t what?! Is Elizabeth okay?' Liam could not help the notes of alarm and impatience that laced his tone as he questioned the other man. ‘Dammit Walker what happened?’ 
 He watched his best friend’s brown eyes well up with tears, his face contorting with anguish. ’S-She doesn’t remember Liam!’ 
 The king's face screwed up in confusion at the words. ‘You’re not making any sense. What do you mean she doesn’t remember? What doesn’t she remember Drake?’ 
Liam would never forget the look of complete and total despair in his friend’s eyes as he finally gasped out his response. 
‘She doesn’t remember falling in love with me.’
A/N: YOU ASKED FOR ANGST AND I OBEYED! Leave me some reaction gifs to giggle at. 
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gothika666faerie · 7 years
Thinking of You
Summary: This is an AU where the Beaumont brothers never went broke and Bertrand must marry given his responsibility as an heir after Savannah left. This is him remembering how it used to be with Savannah while he comes to term of getting married to a woman he does not love. Expect angst and plenty of feels.
Comparison are easily done
Once you’ve had a taste of perfection
Lady Arabella was everything that he should want. She was a lady born into one of the highest families in the Kingdom of Lykos bruised with raven hair that could have been ravishing but was sadly always plaited and pinned up into a stern chignon. Her carriage was that of a mystical swan; she walked upright with incomparable poise, her hands clasped in front of her as though perpetually in a strait-laced display of piety. There was nothing wild, unrestrained or vital about her. Bertrand mustered up all the etiquette he had been brought up with since young and took her hand, such a cold appendage, and kissed it.
“Lady Arabella, it is an honour to finally meet you.” The corners of her thin, serious lips quirked up only the slightest and the duke tried his best not to transform them into supple, plump petals the colour of raspberries in the height of summer. She would never be caught dead with her hair done up or wearing that uncomfortable, long sleeved gown the colour of widow’s weeds. High neck collars went out in the past century, did they not?
He tries to converse with her but she looks scared, pensive and far too self-conscious. She does not dare make flagrant eye contact with him and when he attempts to lighten the mood with a jest, she offers only the faintest of giggles and apparently, forces blood to her cheeks at the appropriate times. Bertrand clenched his fists tightly, his fingers fidgeting restlessly as he attempts to establish some form of connection with the woman he is to marry.
“You are the elder son, Bertrand and we expect you to do honour to the Beaumont house. Follow your duty, boy and never your heart.”
Like an apple hanging from a tree
I picked the ripest one
I still got the seed
           She loved to go apple picking. He had snorted when she first invited him because that peasant brother of hers was either too lazy, too caught up with his duties as a stable hand or too drunk on pilfered whiskey to entertain her demands. Maxwell had insisted that he would not be able to tell a ripe apple from an unripe one so he would be useless. (The damn boy said this while attempting to keep a straight face; he knew.) Off they both went to the plantations that stretched proudly over the pasture surrounding the Ramsford estate and he kept behind, arms behind his back as he watches her flit forward, the straw basket slinging on her arm and her hair, the colour of coffee sipped on a sultry Moroccan morning, flutters behind her. (She would never wear it up; it is like syrup and would seep out with its excesses.)
           She finds one that she deems appropriate. It is glossy, moist with fresh dew and so sinfully, delectably and stunningly red. The colour resonant in the new tint he could see in her mouth. She twists it off its stem with a deft spin of her wrist and before he knows it, she has pushed it against his mouth.
           “Bite it!” He takes a generous bite and the intense tartness explodes upon his tongue. Echoing behind this crippling sourness is that dreamy ribbon of caramel and he closes his eyes in ecstasy as he masticates the bit and swallows it.
           Then her lips crashes on his and all poetry about Cordonian rubies is replaced by the sensations of Savannah Walker. That twisting motion of her hand was telling of her other lesser-known skills. His neck and chest was smudged with that intoxicating scarlet. The taste of her is unsurpassed. Sugar was an insipid substitute.
You said, “Move on”
Where do I go?
           She stands at the foyer of the Beaumont house, suitcases flanking her sides and tears that threaten to fall and leave marks on the marble flooring. It is the dead of night; the moon was becoming obscured by the thickening clouds above. In the distance, thunder tolled its warning. It was his death knell.
           “Was it worth it, Bertrand? To you?” The doors are open. She could storm out when she wishes but she must twist the dagger in further just once more. She was going to be the death of you and now she truly is.
           “I…I don’t regret loving you,” His voice, for once, has lost all imposition, all elegance and all attempts at feeble reservation. He finds that every breath he takes is like acidic gas scalding his throat. “I regret being helpless to you.”
           “Farewell then, your Grace. May your estate and name be ever in your favour.” The echo of the slamming doors reverberates through the empty chambers of his house and his heart, hanging on a thread, plummets and shatters into a million pieces.
           The king in his icy domain melts the moment she was gone.
I guess second best is all I will know
           Lady Arabella feels awkward and stiff in his arms as he spins her out upon the dance floor before reeling her back in. She goes limp when he slides his hand down her abdomen as with the custom of the Cordonian waltz and later, she tells him not to do that again. It was scandalous to her. He hopes he does not receive the news while looking as though he just swallowed something disgusting.
           She would have boldly taken his hand in that turn and angle her head upwards a little to catch his eye. That gaze would be a well of abundant promises taken to the sanctity of their bedchamber. For the next few hours of solitude and darkness behind a curtained alcove, he would remind her why she stayed even though it was hopeless. Her fingers lace through his thick black hair (would she do this to him?) as their bodies laced tightly into one another.
           Arabella is not Savannah. It has become his mantra.
Cause when I’m with her
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one who was spending the night
           He misses most ardently the sensation of her lustrous hair, smelling of lilacs and summer wine as it spreads across his chest. Her supple cheek resting upon his heart to ensure it beats for her forever. The kittenish skittering of her fingers down the expanse of his abdomen. Her soft sweet lips that awaken him from his cursed life as a nobleman and let him feel, for one blissful moment, that he was a man behind the duke.
Oh, I wish that I was looking into your
           They were luminescent pools of melted toffee, highlighted by drippings of caramel and threatened to drown his being in their bittersweet lacquer. She was the most exquisite of delicacies. Commoner ala crème. He wanted to lick his plate clean and not leave even the merest morsel behind.
You’re like an Indian summer
In the middle of winter
           Arabella and he stand on the pier, watching the boats and, to put it politely, are bored to death. His mind wanders as he takes in his yacht that Maxwell and that stable hand friend of his are taking out to dock. Savannah adored beaches. She runs up the wooden pier and throws her hands up above her, purring like the contented kitten she is as her copper skin absorbs the sun’s magnificence. She beams her own light. His eyes trail over the exposed flesh as she traipses around shamelessly in her white bikini decorated with miniature ice cream cones of varying flavours. Her breasts looked particularly lifted, her stomach a plateau he wishes to explore with his tongue and her rump daring any man to linger too long with his eyes.
           Of course, she asks him to apply lotion on her. She trusts him. Little lambs are ignorant of lurking big bad wolfs in brown three-piece suits. Goose bumps break out on her supple calf as his hand traces up the soft hillock. Arabella would never wear a bikini much less tease him with her sing song siren’s song and bat her eyelashes.
Like a hard candy
With a surprise centre
           “Oh, they explode in your mouth!” She squeaks after popping a gourmet éclair imported straight from her favourite patisserie in France into her mouth. Maxwell would not stop grilling him as to why he found it a necessity to get pastry catering from such a specific location. A withering glare and the boy finally stopped his interrogations…with a knowing smirk. He watches, breath hitched, as she crams a few more into that open, erotic mouth and bites down. Hard. The cream squelches out and it stains her glorious ruby lips. He is thankful that Maxwell is in his vicinity; his mere presence effectively wilted any growing desires.
           Some of the milky substance ends up on her fingers and he is an enraptured witness, along with many other noblemen, as she, without shame, without qualm, sucks each of her digits clean. With a pop, she extricates each one, the plum nail glistening and Bertrand was certain the pained groan that echoes through the ballroom came from his mouth.
           She lures him later on to their most preferred alcove and shows him just what else could explode in her mouth. Arabella would never conceive, nor attempt to fathom that this was how men and women could please one another, to be so free with their bodies.
How do I get better
Once I’ve had the best?
You say, “There’s tons of fish in the water”
So, the waters I will test
           He strolls along the beach now, letting the wind roll upon him and closing his eyes, conjures up the apparition of her beside him, shyly attempting to take his hand. He seized it first, contrary to popular belief. The waves crash and erode away the pristine seashore and its ebb and flow reminds him of their romance. The fatal games they played; the way they sneered, they teased, they pouted and they fucked. Oh, the way they fucked. He faces the sea head on and releases a deep breath. His jacket is discarded and so is his sweater vest. His tie goes flying like a black message of rebellion in the wind and he pulls open his shirt and lets the breeze caress his skin. He reclines his head and lets the ocean take him. Its kiss is as light and capricious as her fingertips.
She kissed my lips
I taste your mouth
           When Arabella eventually had to conquer her squeamishness to kiss him, it was extremely disappointing. She tasted of liquorice, black too, which he hated. There were hints of the expensive wine she would drink and residue from the filet mignon she consumed. The next few times they were meant to exchange polite kisses for the public, he conditions himself to taste nothing but warm honey tinged with cinnamon, the first bite into a juicy peach and the vociferous bite of a Cordonian Ruby on top of it all.
           The taste of Savannah from both her lips.
She pulled me in
I was disgusted with myself
           Arabella had too much to drink once during one of their many soirees and insisted, pleaded almost for her future husband to drag her upstairs. Bertrand was so starved for love, so parched for a woman’s caress since her departure that he decided to take advantage of this one indiscretion. He bites his lips till it bleeds, trying his utmost best not to scream her name as he thrusts into his fiancée, leaving her in mounting hysterics the entire night. She panted into his ear all manners of dirty things he never knew existed in her vocabulary. He imagined for this one luscious entanglement, Savannah had taken over her body.
           Her first orgasm triggers his and he roars, collapsing upon her slight frame as his frustrations, his unfulfilled desires and his sufferings found release and relief for the moment. She plays with his hair afterwards and he just wishes the nails were longer and he hears her whisper.
           “I could love you, your Grace.”
           The urge for another form of relief strikes him unawares. Disengaging himself from her, his loins sticky with his weakness, he rushes for the bathroom and empties his gullet into the porcelain bowl. Arabella sits up, confused and understandably mortified as her fiancée unceremoniously vomits after consummation. She does not sleep next to him. He is satisfied with that arrangement. He lies in the wet patch in the middle of his vast, empty bed and he weeps. Stinking of bile and semen, he curls into a foetal position and melts against his satin sheets.
Cause when I’m with her
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one who was spending the night
Oh, I wish that I was looking into your eyes
           Every morning after they shared his bed (or the back of his limousine, or the hay bale in the stables, or the hall closet, or his desk, whatever fancied them), it was watching her wake up afterwards in the warm glow of post-coital bliss that truly got to him. To see her eyes open and gaze upon him with such tender, heartfelt love, it was no wonder the ice around his heart had melted away in an instant. He strokes her cheek and she takes his hand and kisses each finger, nipping at them with a kitten’s exploratory curiosity. That hand will slide past her face, down her neck, chest, abdomen and between her thighs.
           Her mews too, oh how he lived for them.
You’re the best
And yes, I do regret
How could I let myself
           Every time his eyes land on that spot where she stood the night when she was to leave him, he feels like banging his head against the nearest wall, preferably with a long litany of insults and obscenities directed at him. He could have grabbed her hand, pulled her against him and whispered with his pathetic, broken, pleading voice: “Please. Don’t leave me like this.”
Let you go
Now the lesson’s learned
I touched it
I was burned
Oh, I think you should know
           “Hey, you nervous?” Bertrand’s response to that question was a baleful, stony glare. It clearly communicated that he was miserable, did not want to discuss it and just wanted to be left to his own devices. Maxwell sighed and reached over, rubbing his elder brother’s arm as a show of brotherly comfort and support.
           “Bertrand, I know. I get it. I wish it was her too, you know. You should be happy on this day and…” His brother raises a hand to stop him before he lost his reserve, before the cracks in his icy exterior melted through and exposed the sniffling, heartbroken urchin underneath.
           “Enough, Maxwell. There is no time for regrets. Not now. Not ever.” The wedding hall was resplendent with courtesy from Prince Liam and his parents that went all out to celebrate the alliance forged between Duke Bertrand Beaumont of Ramsford and Lady Arabella of Haerkel. His bride is bedecked in white lace, her doll’s face obscured by her veil. He hopes it is not too rude to wish she never removes it. They never did reconcile smoothly after that disaster of their first intercourse. She glares up at him now and he can only sigh in defeat; this was the fate of the nobility, to marry people they felt nothing for and have to endure the awkwardness, the coldness and the anxieties they came with it. They both face the priest who is ready to start the ceremony. Bertrand silently prays for a small earthquake to detract the festivities.
Cause when I’m with her
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one who was spending the night
Oh, I wish that I was looking into your eyes
Looking into your eyes
Looking into your eyes
           The priest’s jabbering is as lucid as a bee’s incessant buzz and Bertrand lowers his gaze, closing his eyes and holding tightly, stubbornly onto the image of Savannah. Those eyes that struck chords in his soul, that drown him but also pull him ashore onto the pristine sands of the desert where they could make love till the stars faded away into nothingness. Her. It will always only be her.
Oh, won’t you walk through
And burst in the door
And take me away
No more mistakes
Cause in your eyes, I’d like to stay
           He turns as the resounding slam of the doors swinging open startle everyone. Only Maxwell joins him in his delighted shock. There she was. Her eyes brimming with the tears that were in danger of spilling and soiling the red carpet of the aisle. Her hair loose and long as he remembers, thicker and still that evocative colour of the Moroccan heat. Her skin glows amongst the pearl and rose gold motifs of the ceremony. Arabella is aghast and her grip tightens on the lily bouquet, her cheeks red this time not out of any false pretensions of affection. Drake is astounded and he moves forward to greet his sister who whispers that she is fine and she will explain much later. Prince Liam gives her a welcoming smile and nods his encouragement.
           “Do you really want to marry her?” He does not answer, his tears blurring the image of the most perfect angel before him and he pulls him against her, kissing her right in the middle of the hall and deafens himself to the deafening murmurs of the offended nobility, the enraged screams of Arabella and the confused gossip of the royal court. Maxwell’s victorious whooping however, penetrates because it is allowed.
           “You still love me?”
           “Sweetheart, all this time, the only person I could think about was you.”
 (( This one is for @smartlillian and anyone else who has been keeping up with my Bertvannah trashiness))
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The Great Panda Heist
This is another tale from the Cordonians Gone Wild AU, a collaborative series by @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @cocomaxley @leelee10898 and myself. This particular story references other stories within this universe which can be found here and here.
taglist:  @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @zaffrenotes @enmchoices @lauradowning29 @lodberg @smalltalk88 @laniquelovesworld @gibbles82 @heatherfilliez @noey718-blog @nikkis1983 @sweetest-marbear @classylady1234 @daniv2278 @jlouise88 @jared2612 @liamxs-world @notoriouscs @blubutterflyy @captain-kingliamsqueen
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     Rashad held open the door to the main office of the animal sanctuary and Genevieve, Stephanie, and Maxwell walked in.  Lord Domvallier and Lady Beaumont headed straight down the hall to Maxwell's office, but their counterparts lagged behind, whispering to one another conspiratorially.
    “Today's the day!” Maxwell sing-songed as Genevieve let out a quiet, but excited squeal.
    “Did you bring it?” He asked, rubbing his hands together. She gave him a deadpan stare.
   “What does this look like, Max? Ametuer hour? Of course I brought it.”
   Gen reached into her extremely over-sized handbag and pulled out the top of a rolled up duffel bag. Maxwell did a fist pump as his hissed, “Yesss!”
   Gen brought a finger to her mouth as she shushed him, dropping the duffel back into her purse.
   “I still think we should have brought masks. People know my beautiful face around here. I have an office you know.”
   She rolled her eyes as she hurried him along, rounding the corner to to his office.
   Stephanie and Rashad were pouring over a stack of invoices, her hand resting on her tiny baby bump.
  “Baaaaaaby?” Maxwell sidled up behind his wife, his hand at the small of her back.
   “Can me and Gen go say hello to the babies?”
    “Sure, Hun, whatever.” His wife waved him off, never looking away from the invoice.
    Gen and Max squealed with delight and headed towards the habitats.
     They slowed as they approached the panda enclosure and Maxwell quirked an eyebrow as he looked around.
    “Coast is clear, Gen. Hurry!”
   The pair scrambled into the protective scrubs and gloves before Maxwell reached for the knob.
   “Fuck! It's locked!” He whined, pouting at his friend.
   “Of course it is! How else do they keep the babies from breaking out? But Max, you have the key, don't you? I mean you have an office here, remember?”
   His face lit up as he reached for his keys. “Oh yeah! Okay minor crisis averted. I told you, Gen, this is gonna be easy breezy.”
     They crept inside to find the baby pandas toddling around their enclosure. Gen covered her mouth as she cooed, “Awwwwww. They're all so cute, Maxie! Which one are we gonna take?”
   Maxwell gave his chin an exaggerated stroke as he thought. One of the cubs scampered over to him, pawing at the leg of his pants.
    “This one. He seems to want to go with us already.”
     Gen nodded eagerly as she pulled the duffel bag from her purse. She unrolled it with a snap, scaring the baby at Maxwell's feet in the process. The panda yelped trying to scramble up the man's leg.
   “It's okay, Bubbles. Mama Gens just getting your escape bag ready.”
   Maxwell shrugged. “It just popped out. We can come up with something better later.”
  Gen twisted her lips to the side a moment, thinking.
  “No I like Bubbles. Bubbles is good.” She decided. She held the bag open wide.
   “Now come on Bubbles. Climb in the bag!”
    The two friends looked at one another as the panda continued his ascent up Maxwell.
   “We he's not a very good listener.” Gen huffed.
   “He's...what's that word Stef always calls Drake? The funny one..”
   “Oh I know this one! Ornery!” Gen cried.
   “That's it!” Maxwell agreed snaking his arms around himself in an ill-fated attempt to apprehend the baby panda. “Come on Bubbles! Stop being ornery!”
   Genevieve shuffled on her feet going behind the cub. “Just shake him off Maxie, I'll catch him in the bag.”
   “Gen! We can't shake him! We'll give him shaken baby syndrome.” He called out, eyes going wide with disbelief.
    She rolled her eyes. “Well do you want to take him or not? We're gonna get caught if we don't hurry up!”
   Maxwell narrowed his eyes at his friend still trying to get his hands on the cub. “I'm not so sure I can trust you with Bubbles. What if you shake him up when it's your turn with him?”
   “Maxwell! I will not shake him when he's with me. But we're in a fucking hurry. Stef and Rashad will be onto us any minute. I'm sure that office is way too quiet for their liking…” she groaned.
     “Alright fine!” He gently bounced his back, hoping the little guy would lose his grip, but the panda held fast.
    “Okay, just..just give me the bag. Then you can pluck him off of me.” He suggested and Gen complied. After Max had a firm grip on either side of the bag Gen gingerly gripped the panda. She pulled but the cub wouldn't let go. Twice more she tugged before the baby popped off of Maxwell with another yelp.
   “Bubbles, hush! You're gonna get is caught.” Gen cried, her anxiety growing by the second. She tucked tried to tuck the panda in the sack, but Bubbles was no cooperating. He kept kicking his limbs to either side as Gen leaned him this way and that.
   “Just stuff him in there Gen! Let's go!”
  “Look, Maxwell I am trying...he's a lot heavier than he looks!”
     Meanwhile back in the Beaumont office Rashad and Stephanie we're finishing up their business when Rashad asked, “They've been gone quite some time, haven't they?”
   “Mmmhmmm.” Stephanie agreed. “And knowing them, that's a bad sign.”
    The Lord and Lady made their way down to the panda enclosure, standing outside of the giant picture window as they watched Genevieve and Maxwell struggling to fit one of the cubs into a duffel bag.
    “They think they're being sneaky, don't they?” Stephanie asked, cocking her head to the side.
   “Indeed.” Rashad huffed pinching the bridge of his nose.
    Back inside the enclosure Maxwell and Gen finally got the cub into the bag. They both stood up sighing with relief as they huffed.
   “That was way harder in real life then in my imagination.” Maxwell admitted and Gen nodded in agreement.
    The cub rolled over, grasping one of it's feet.
   “Awwww he's so cute!” Maxwell cried.
   “No! That is not cute! He just rolled out of the bag! Damnit!” Gen squealed. She doubled over with her hands on her knees, still catching her breath from the struggle. “We need a plan b, Ma-AH!”
  Maxwell's eyes went wide as he watched  the baby lift Gen's skirt.
   “How rude, Bubbles! We do not lift Mama Gen's skirt! Gentlemen don't do that!” he scolded as his friend yanked her clothing into it's appropriate position.
   Outside of the enclosure Rashad tried to stifle a chuckle. “Okay that quite enough. I don't need her showing everyone her ass.”
  Stephanie laughed, shaking her head as she and her friend reached the door to the enclosure . “Why do we put up with them?”
    “Because they're hot, Stef. We take one look at them and melt into a pile of mush.”
   “Touche,” she began as she slid her key in the lock. “Let's corral our crazy children.”
   Gen noticed the doorknob jiggle and she looked at Maxwell, panicked.
   “We need that back up plan now, Max! They're onto us!” she shouted pointing towards the door.
   Maxwell bounced on the balls of his feet, trying to think of anything, but before he could answer, the door flew open and in walked Stephanie and Rashad.
   “Oh no, Bubbles! We've been made!” Maxwell cried, scooping the panda from the floor.
   Stephanie folded her arms over her chest as she and Rashad both smirked.
   “What's going on in here, Sweetie?” Rashad asked.
  “It was Max's fault. He said he wanted to take one home!” Gen shouted pointing directly at her brunette friend whose jaw dropped to the floor.
    “No way! Gen brought the duffel bag!” He countered.
   “Maxwell! You said we were gonna have shared custody!” Genevieve pouted.
    Rashad cleared his throat. “You realize the baby pandas are being loaned to the sanctuary, right? You could have caused an international dispute with China, you two.”
   “Honey, please. No one asked you. I'm bringing this panda home.” his fiance quipped.
   “Maxwell, you can't steal pandas from your own sanctuary, Hun.” Stephanie tried to reason.
   “Okay, Red, but hear me out. This panda thinks that I am his father. And he also thinks Gen is his mother. You wanna rip his from us?”
   The ginger woman rolled her eyes with a sigh.
   “The answer is no. Sorry guys.” Rashad asserted and Maxwell and Genevieve pouted.
   “But…” Max began. Gen placed a hand on his shoulder.
   “They're right. Maybe they will let us get puppies instead.” She told him.
   He smiled widely, setting Bubbles gingerly on the floor.
   “I'm okay with a puppy.” He agreed, beaming at his wife.
  “Hold your horses! I never said-” Stephanie began but Rashad held up his hand.
  “Stef, we were bound to lose this. A puppy or these two lovable idiots will be here every day trying to steal a panda. So take your pick."
   She bit her lip. “UGH...fine.”
   Maxwell and Gen both clapped wildly shouting, “Yay!”
   “To the animal shelter!” Maxwell beamed.
   “Yep! Maxie, grab the duffel bag!” Genevieve chuckled as she and her friend headed for the door.
   Stephanie and Rashad shared an exasperated look before they turned to follow the loves of their lives.
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Meet the Beaumonts: When Maxwell Married Stephanie
This is yet another installment of the Cordonians Gone Wild AU created by @ao719 @cocomaxley @leelee10898 and @speedyoperarascalparty . Thanks for letting me join in on the fun, chickas!
Disclaimer: I don’t own the TRR characters, they own me.
Tag list: @fullbeaumonty @annekebbphotography @carabeth @stopforamoment @zaffrenotes @editboutique @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @ooo-barff-ooo @tornbetween2loves @choiceslife@ownworldresident @perfectprofessorherokid @wannabemc2 @enmchoices
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      Stephanie smoothed the rainbow-colored tulle of her mid-thigh length skirt, checking her reflection in the mirror. She adjusted the deep blue, sequined bust of the dress before reaching for her lipstick.  
     “You look fantastic, Rosebud.” Maxwell said utterly enthralled with the woman before him.
   She peeked up into his eyes in his reflection in the mirror.
    “Wedding colors and House Beaumont colors. You outdid yourself with this dress, Hun.”
   Her fiance rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Well it helps that you could make a potato sack look sexy.”
     She spun to face him, stepping on tiptoes to wrap her arms around his neck. His hands gripped her waist and he placed a chaste kiss to her mouth. He felt a smile bloom against his lips as a snicker fell from the love of his life.
   “You look pretty spectacular yourself, Baby.”
    Stephanie adjusted his tie and brushed off his shoulders. “I don't know why you bother with a jacket, though. They never last the whole event because you hate them.”
  “Yeah, well. I have to try hard to look good enough to be on your arm, Red. Shall we?” Maxwell extended his arm and she took it, draping her hand in the bend of his elbow.
           They entered the ballroom of the Ramsford estate, greeting guests as they headed towards the dais, grabbing champagne flutes along the way.
    Bertrand and Savannah stood arm in arm on the raised platform, their own toasting glasses in hand. The Duke of Ramsford cleared his throat as his wife handed him a microphone.
     “We'd like to thank you all for joining us for my little brother's rehearsal dinner. Savannah and I are overjoyed to be welcoming the lady Stephanie Scott into our family tomorrow. Please enjoy yourselves and do make sure to offer proper salutations to the bride and groom.”
      A few hours later Stephanie found herself with Gen and Alicia near the dessert table.
    “You called it with the jacket, Stef. I guess it must be hard to move like that in one.” Alicia laughed, gesturing towards Maxwell as he grooved out on the dance floor.
    Stephanie glanced in the direction her friend had pointed to find her fiance, devoid of blazer with his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows. “Yep that's my Maxie.”
    She beamed as she noticed Countess Madeline and Lady Kiara at a table nearby.
Knowing that the two bitter women were almost always trying to plot against Alicia and Pam, she edged a little closer to them, straining her ears against the absurdly loud music to eavesdrop.
       “It's really very sad if you ask me, the nose dive this once prestigious house took when Duke Barthelemy and Duchess Renee died.” Madeline sneered.
     “Oui. House Beaumont was once one of the most revered houses in Cordonia and now they've only sullied their name by Bertrand marrying a commoner.” Kiara agreed.
  “And now the spare is following suit. And even worse, she's an American commoner. Maxwell's parents are likely rolling in their graves over his choice of a wife. Rest their souls.”
      Stephanie gulped, her face going pale.
   “Stef, are you okay?” Gen asked placing a hand on her friend's forearm.
   “I…. I feel dizzy. Excuse me.” She replied as her world started spinning. She sat her champagne flute down and headed towards the nearest door.
      She staggered into the the hallway collapsing into the wall. She pressed her back firmly against it, sliding into a sitting position, gently hugging her knees.
    Stephanie's nostrils flared as her chest heaved, her breathing coming in short spurts through her nose.
   Pam and Drake appeared in the hallway. He was adjusting his tie as Pam pawed at her hair, trying to smooth it back into place.
    “Stephanie, oh my God!” The brunette woman rushed over placing her hands on her friend's shoulders.
    Stephanie blinked furiously, trying to focus on Pam.
   “Drake, go get Maxwell. She's having a panic attack.” She instructed. Drake raced into the ballroom.
  “That's it, honey. Breathe. Max is coming.”
      A few moments later Maxwell came flying out of the ballroom with Alicia and Anitah on his heels.
    “Rosebud! What happened?!” He shouted kneeling to take Pam's place in front of his fiance. He gingerly cradled her face in his sizeable hands, his eyes darting back and forth between hers.
    Just the sight of him calmed her by measures, but her breathing was still erratic. “M...Madeline…” she squeaked out.
   “Sssshhhh. Don't try to talk, Sweetheart. Just focus on me.” Maxwell told her calmly.
  Alicia began removing her dangle diamond earrings, promptly handing them to Anitah.
   “Brooklyn?” The queen asked and Alicia nodded before stalking into the ballroom, her skirt swept up in her arm.
    Stomping up to Madeline, she cocked her fist delivering a swift right hook to the Countess’ nose.
     Madeline fell from her chair and Alicia stepped over the crumpled woman. “Listen now and listen good. I've had enough of your shit. You stay away from Stephanie. Do you hear me?” She pointed at the blonde on the floor who nodded swiftly.
    “That goes for you too, bitch.” She huffed at Kiara.
     Back in the hallway, Stephanie's breathing was almost back to normal and Maxwell helped her up, pulling her protectively into his arm. “I'm going to take her to bed. Anitah will you let B know what happened?”
    “Of course.” Anitah replied.
        The couple slowed as they approached Stephanie's estate room. She looked up at Maxwell with puffy eyes and tear-stricken cheeks.
     “Are you okay, Rosebud?” He asked, his thumb gently caressing her face.
    “I am now. I'm so sorry, Hun. I don't know what came over me. I just got so overwhelmed…”
    Max placed a finger over her lips. “It's fine, Red. As long as you're okay now that's all I care about.”
     Stephanie looked deep into his eyes searching for any hint of disappointment. Finding none, she wrapped her arms around his waist. She pulled him tight against her, breathing in his familiar scent. Maxwell always smelled like chocolates and coffee, and she sighed delightfully into his chest.
    When they finally parted, Maxwell leaned in slowly. Just before his lips met hers she turned away, his kiss landing on her cheek. He didn't move at first except to lean away a little, his mouth still puckered a moment before it fell into a frown.
   “Did I...did I do something wrong?” He asked, brows furrowing.
   “No.” Stephanie began her gaze still averted. “It's bad luck before the wedding.”
  “Well I've never heard that a kiss was bad luck. Just the spending the night together. Is that an American thing?”
  She winced at his words, hoping he didn't notice. American thing.
    She looked back up at him. The concern on his face was breaking her heart, so she smiled warmly.
   “I'm just tired is all. I'm worn slap out.” She forced a chuckle, but he grinned in response and that was what she wanted to see.
  “I love your southern-isms, Rosebud. Well I guess I'll let you get to bed then.” He planted a kiss to the crown of her head and slowly turned her door knob.
   “Good night, Maxie.”
  “Oh it's going to be the best night because tomorrow I'm going to marry the girl of my dreams...but like in real life.” He winked as she chuckled stepping inside.
   “I love you, Maxwell Beaumont.”
  “I love you too, Stephanie Scott. I already can't wait to see you tomorrow.”
     The next morning the squad and Savannah all gathered in the bridal ready room positioned just off of the boutique.  Stephanie's gown stood, all by itself, in the corner. She stepped over to it, admiring the craftsmanship of Ana de Luca.
      It was a strapless dress with a white, corset-style bodice. Stephanie ran her fingers over the rainbow colored jeweled detail just below the breast. As her hands continued to dance further down the dress to the multi colored layers of tulle creating the skirt, she drew in a deep breath and tugged her floral print robe closer to her body.
    Every piece of her was ready to meet Maxwell at the altar and become his wife. Every piece but one.
     A nagging, irksome feeling in the pit of her stomach kept replaying the Countess’ words over and over again.
     “...even worse she's an American commoner.”
    “Well we're all dressed.” Alicia began, drawing Stephanie from her trance. She turned to face her bridesmaids, each wearing a different color of the rainbow.
    Alicia was in royal blue, Savannah in a vibrant yellow, Genevieve wore hot pink, Pam a deep plum, and Anitah in a Kelly green. Each was a vision in her respective dress; Stephanie's childhood vision of her special day.
    “Now let's get you in that thing. It's going to take all of us.” Pam mused pointing at the wedding gown.
   The bride stood before the floor length mirror, her ginger hair pinned half up, the rest flowing down her shoulders in loose, beachy waves.
    “So you have your something old.” Savannah stated, draping their grandmother's antique pearls around Stephanie's neck and clasping them.
   “ Your something new. From Rashad's dad.” Gen held up a pair of freshwater pearl earrings.
     “They're lovely, Gen. Please thank Demetrius for me.”
   “And something blue…” Alicia finished, wrapping a blue handkerchief embroidered with House Beaumont's crest around the handle of the bridal bouquet. “Now we just need to find you something borrowed.”
   “ I think I can help with that, actually.” Anitah said. She reached into her bag and pulled out a box, opening it to reveal a simple silver tone tiara adorned with Crystal and pearls.
   “It's from my royal collection. It'll match your heirloom pearls nicely and I think every woman should feel like a queen on her wedding day.”
    The monarch smirked as Stephanie's eyes went wide. She stepped up, adding the tiara to the crown of Stephanie's head, careful not to jostle her hair.
   “Oh Anitah!” The bride began whirling to peer into the mirror once more. “It's beautiful. How can I ever thank you?”
   “Just knock em dead out there. Seeing you look your best as you marry one of my best friends will be thanks enough for me.” The queen shrugged.
       Stephanie studied herself in the mirror. The woman staring back at her , wrapped in all the trappings of a noble wedding, looked nothing at all like herself. Suddenly she felt dizzy again. She couldn't shake the feeling that this was a mistake.
     Not because she didn't love Maxwell. She did. More than anything; But seeing herself so dressed up only drove home the point that she didn't belong here on his arm.
    And the others are court, people that were important in Maxwell's country, they were taking notice.
    How could she ruin his House like this? Certainly she couldn't change the fact that his brother had married her cousin. The ladies at court would probably always gossip about Savannah, but at least she was a Cordonian.
     … Maxwell's parents are likely rolling in their graves over his choice of a wife….
     “I... I need to talk to Maxwell. Now. Right now!” Stephanie declared stepping away from the mirror. Her bridesmaids shared a concerned look.
    “Stef, it's almost time to start. Drake will be here any second to walk you down the aisle. Max is probably already at the altar-” Pam tried to reason.
    “I don't care what time the invitation says! Max and I are the ones getting married! What are they gonna do? Start without us?” Stephanie snapped.
      Alicia's eyes went wide as she mouthed “okay…” turning to face Pam.
     “I'm sorry you guys, I'm not trying to yell, I just...I really have to talk to him. Now. It can't wait.” Stephanie pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.
   Gen nodded. “Okay, but you can't see him before the wedding it's bad luck. So stand right here and me and Nitah will go and get him.”
     The ladies ushered Stephanie to the wall just next to the door jamb. She leaned against it, her head falling back to rest upon it as well as she sighed loudly.
     A few moments later they returned.
    “He's right outside.”Gen told her, a small giggle escaping her lips. “Funny. He's standing just like that.”
     Stephanie's eyes met Genevieve's, silently thanking her for honoring her crazy request.
   “Okay, we'll give you guys some privacy.” Pam stated ushering everyone out. She paused in the doorway and said, “we'll be waiting in the vestibule. And no peeking you two.”
    Once everyone was gone, Stephanie asked, “Maxwell?”
     “I'm here. Is everything okay, Rosebud?”
    She could hear the subtle anxiety in his voice and she closed her eyes as her heart sank. She slid down the wall, the fabric of her wedding gown catching slightly as she did.
   There was a faint scraping against the other side of the wall indicating that her soon-to-be husband had done the same. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Maxwell's familiar, large hand reach around the corner, palm pointed skyward.
    She smiled to herself, lacing her fingers in his. Her hand suddenly looked so naked since she had removed her Sapphire and diamond engagement ring for the ceremony.
     “I've just been thinking...we met seven months ago. Seven months. There are still so many things...and today we're getting married.”
   She looked down at the multicolored tulle skirt of her gown, rolling the fabric between her unoccupied hand.
     “Somehow you don't sound so sure about that, Red. Are we...are we getting married today?” Maxwell's voice was calm now, even and understanding.
    “I love you so much, Max. I can't imagine my life without you, But this is a huge step. I guess I just wanted to..ya know? Give you an out. If you want one. It's just us here, so we can do this quietly-”
   “Stephanie, why would I want an out? You're my soulmate.” He interrupted gently squeezing her hand.
   “Look… I don't fit in here, Maxwell. I'm not made for all of the pomp and circumstance. The fancy parties and the opulence. I mean one of your best friends is literally a queen. I grew up on a farm in Texas. You're nobility. I can't compete and I can't keep up. And most of all, I know I'm not good enough. I just don’t wanna make you look bad.” Stephanie mused, her voice cracking.
    From his place in the hallway Maxwell shook his head, wiping his hand down his face before nervously wetting his lips.
     “What brought this on? Have you been just stewing in this? Stef...I love you and you love me, the real me. That's all there is to it. I don't care about all of the other stuff.”
     “I overheard some ladies at our rehearsal dinner talking about how first Bertrand married below his station and now you were doing the same thing and how your parents would be so disappointed. I don't know.”
    Maxwell pulled her hand further into the doorway. She could just make out the ends of his messy chocolate hair and the tip of his slightly upturned nose as he brought the back of her hand to his lips. He lingered there for a long moment, his breath warm against her fingers.
     Finally he said, “ If you don't want to do this, I can't make you. It'll kill me to let you go, Stephanie; but I will gladly do that if that's what you want. I'd do anything for you, even break my own heart. I just want you to be deliriously happy, Rosebud. No matter what it takes. So I'll tell ya what I'm going to do. I'm going to head out there,  to the altar, and I'm going to marry you, if you'll still have me. I don't care what anyone else thinks. I just want to be your husband, because I love you and I know that this type of love only happens once in a lifetime.”
   Maxwell pressed his lips to her hand once more before standing. He brushed off his slacks before adding, “ I really hope you'll meet me out there. I can't wait to see you in that gorgeous gown, baby.”
     Stephanie closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was still silently begging her tears not to fall when Drake appeared in the doorway.
     “There you are. Let's go get you married, Beaumont.” He grinned.
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Down and Dirty in Nashville Pt. 2~ Dirty Little Secrets
loThis is another entry into the marvelous  Cordonians Gone Wild AU created by @speedyoperarascalparty @ao719 @cocomaxley and @leelee10898     . thanks again ladies for inviting me along! Catch up here.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the TRR characters, they own me.
My tags: @fullbeaumonty@brightpinkpeppercorn@hopefulmoonobject@itsstillnotwhatyouthink @blackwidow2721@choiceslife@dancetothestoriesinyoursoul
CGW tags: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds@give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @ooo-barff-ooo@tornbetweentwoloves@ownworldresident @lodberg
As always if you want to be added or deleted let me know!
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         Stephanie awoke with a sinful sensation coursing through her body. Peering over her shoulder she found Maxwell, chest pressed against her back as he planted gentle kisses to the back of her neck. She felt his fingers between her thighs gently stroking her core.
     He buried his face in the crook of her neck as he hummed “Happy Birthday.”
     “Did you think I forgot? It's your birthday, Red. I wanna start your day off special.” He pressed his lips to her shoulder, then her shoulder blade, and finally the top of her spine before she rolled to face him.
    “And what exactly did you have in mind?” she giggled.
         Stephanie and Maxwell joined their friends in the kitchen. Alicia and Leo were making pancakes while Liam was frying bacon.
    “So I've got bad news. Our dinner reservations are being pushed to tomorrow night. Something about a banquet...anyway we were double booked. So it looks like we need new plans for tonight.” Anitah told everyone as she came into the kitchen, phone in hand.
     “Don't think we've forgotten that you all lost last night's bet either.” Alicia said pointing at the guys with her spatula.
     “That's right! You all will still have to dress up like us for dinner tomorrow.” Gen reminded.
     “False. That wasn't a win. Maxwell cheated. The little turncoat. He went to perform with your team.” Leo scoffed.
     “Hey! They were having more fun than we did! I couldn't help myself.” Maxwell defended himself and Liam shook his head.
   “Leo's right. Maxwell voided the bet.”
     “No way, guys. A win is a win. We expect you all to look gorgeous tomorrow. You too, Maxie.” Stephanie grinned. The guys rolled their eyes.
      “Fine. But from here on out, you ladies can have Beaumont. We see where his loyalties lie. Stef, you can stick with us.” Drake commented.
            “Well it's my little Rosebud's birthday today. I say we go dancing to celebrate.” Maxwell chimed in.
    “It's your birthday, Stef? I had no idea. Happy birthday!” Pam exclaimed.
  A chorus of happy birthdays later and everyone agreed to a night of bar hopping and dancing in downtown Nashville.
         “More booze?” Rashad asked, already a little more than tipsy as they all stumbled into the rental house.
      “Hell yes! Drake you be bartender!” Stephanie shouted, the alcohol already coursing through her veins amplifying her voice.
    Drake rolled his eyes reluctantly letting go of his wife's waist to take his place behind the kitchen island. We waved his hand over the dozen or so bottles of liquor scattered on the counter.
   “The ladies each get ONE drink outta me, then it's someone else's turn to keep bar.”  he announced, already mixing the first drink. He dropped in a sprig of mint leaves and pushed it across the counter.
    “Here ya go, Brooks.” He laughed as Anitah grabbed the mojito with a smile.
   “Who's next? How about the birthday girl?” He nodded towards Stephanie.
    “Long island iced teeeeeeeeea.” She giggled leaning  so far over Maxwell's lap she nearly fell over.
      “Careful, Red. Let's try to stay up right.” Her fiance laughed. He'd seen Stephanie casually drink before. He'd even seen her a little tipsy, but this was like a whole new side of the love of his life and it amused him.
     Drake approached the couch where the couple sat a few moments later, long island iced tea in hand and an uncharacteristic smug grin on his lips.
    “This time it's my turn to get your girl white girl wasted, Beaumont. Think you can handle her?” He joked.
     “I am NOOOOOT white girl wasted, Drake. I'm birthday girl sauced thank you.” Stephanie clarified. Maxwell and Drake shared a look as the ladies laughed.
    A beer for Gen, a glass of Cabernet for Pam and a Malibu bay breeze for Alicia and Drake finally returned to the living room, taking his seat next to Pam, one arm around her shoulder.
   The fellas had filtered in and out of the kitchen already, pouring their own drinks and Leo was the last to return, with a bowl, some paper and pens, and his drink, completing their circle as he plopped down between Gen and Alicia on the floor.
      “Okay, okay..so the rules are you have to write a secret…” Stephanie explained, her speech slurred.  “Don't show innie-one then throw em in the bowl. We mix em up and take turns readin em. Everyone has to guess who wrote that secret. If you guess right good for you. If you guess wrong, even better cuz ya gotta drank.”
    “Anyone else notice how strong her accent is when she drinks?” Maxwell chuckled. Stephanie shushed him, playfully elbowing his side.
     “Oh yeah, we've noticed.” Gen laughed.
      Everyone scrawled down a secret, tossing the balled up papers into the bowl and Stephanie shook them around. She arched an eyebrow at Brad who stood in the corner, ever vigilant.
     “Hey there, cowboy. Will you do us a solid and read these? It's no fun if we can guess the handwriting.”
      Brad took the bowl, picking up a few balls and dropping them, further mixing the selections.
    “Okay first secret: my significant other and I had sex in Bastien's bed.” Brad read, his eyes going wide as some in the group began to snicker.
   “Hmmmm.its either Leo or Alicia...I'm bettin Leo.” Stephanie announced.
    “Look at his face! It's totally Leo!” Gen agreed.
After a few more  guesses Leo revealed that, yes it was his secret.
    Brad reached back into the bowl. “Okay, uh….” Brad's face had suddenly become a deep shade of crimson. His eyes flicked toward Rashad and he took a giant scissor step backwards, away from the group.
     “C'mon Brad. Read it already!” Anitah called. He gulped and finally read, “I slept with Anitah's security guard, Brad.”
      The ladies giggled wildly as Drake, Alicia and Pam all pointed at Gen.
       Rashad arched an eyebrow in his girlfriend's direction.
      “I totally did, okay? It's my secret!” She said taking a long pull of her beer.
     “Was he good? He looks like he'd be good in bed…” Pam giggled
    Gen narrowed her eyes at her friend, purposely avoiding Rashad's gaze as she turned a bright shade of red, before finally answering, “Mmmmhmm. Yep. Really good, Pam.”
     “Next secret!” Brad exclaimed speedily grabbing another paper. “It says ‘my golden number is 8. 8 people.”
     “Well we know it's not mine.” Leo laughed, hands up defensively. “Is it Liam?”
    “That's a.. how did Stephanie say it? That's a draaaank.” Liam poorly attempted a southern drawl. “It's not my secret, brother.”
   A few more incorrect guesses were shouted and finally Pam said, “We know it's not Anitah, Leo, Liam, Gen, or me. I know it isn't Drake…”
   “Wait why does it just say people?” Leo asked.
    “Obviously so it doesn't give away the answer by saying men or women.” Drake rolled his eyes.
    “Or perhaps because it means BOTH men and women.” Rashad chimed in.
   “My guess is Stephanie.” Leo said crossing his arms over his chest. “And I'm also willing to bet that Rashad is right. She's been with chicks AND dudes.”
    Stephanie raised her glass, gently bowing her head in Leo's direction. “Guilty as charged.” She drawled and took a sip of her long island iced tea, her fiance's bottom jaw smacking the floor.
      “No….not my Rosebud. I feel like this is something we should have already taken advantage of somehow.” He commented.
   “Wait, I'm...I'm confused. Stephanie has been with 8 guys? That's what we're talking about?” Drake chimed in.
    “No, Drake. Your cousin has been with 8 PEOPLE.” Pam tried to explain, but her husband just blinked at her, clearly still confused.
       “Drake it's because I'm-” Stephanie started but Pam cut her off.
    “I'll explain it to you later, baby. Let's move onto the next secret.”
     “This one says: I've slept with Olivia Nevrakis….multiple times.” Brad dutifully read the next paper.
    “That's Drake Walker! I know it, I know it!” Stephanie exclaimed, and Drake looked as if he were about to lunge across the room at her. Liam's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped momentarily. The king quickly corrected his features while Maxwell spit his drink in a wide spray all over Brad's legs. “S-sorry, Brad. Drake slept with Livvy?”
     Pam quirked an eyebrow. “Figured as much. Oh and by the way, remind me to thank her for all she taught you.”
      Drake looked at his feet, unable to meet Pam's eyes, even if she'd taken it in good humor.
    “Can we move on please?” He asked.
    “Moving on!” Brad declared. “I spit in Madeline's food.”
    Everyone pointed at Alicia who merely shrugged, proud of herself as she took a swig. “She deserved it.”
    “I slept with Kiara Castelsarreillan.” Brad said.
    The group exchanged glances. “Um...was that a confession, Brad? Because ew.” Anitah piped up, but the guard shook his head. “It's a secret, your majesty.”
    All eyes fell to Drake who scrunched his nose is disgust. “ You guys JUST read mine. I only put one secret in there.” Everyone took a drink, contemplating their next guesses.
      “Gotta be Rashad. That's my guess.” Maxwell announced, and Rashad sheepishly nodded.
     Pam threw her head back in the deepest belly laugh imaginable, finger thrust towards Genevieve in an accusatory fashion.
     Gen looked appalled as she glared at Rashad, screwing her face into a disgusted scowl.“Really? How long ago was this? Do I need to have my skin bleached?!”
    “Years ago! I was nineteen and drunk. It seemed like a good idea at the time.” Rashad explained.
     “Only a few left.” Brad stated uncrumpling the next paper. “Olivia Nevrakis took my v-card.”
     “Liam. If Drake slept with her, Liam definitely did.” Alicia guessed.
    “Sorry to disappoint, Alicia, but I did not give my virginity to the duchess.” Liam replied as Anitah smiled at him. Liam gulped inaudibly.
    “S'gotta be Maxie then. Was it you, baby? Who's this Olivia chick anyway?” Stephanie questioned.
    Pam reached for her phone and swiped a bit. “She has been really helpful with fundraising for the clinic, actually. Here's a pic of us at the last fundraiser we did.” She passed the device to Stef who looked over the tall, thin fiery haired woman standing next to Pam.
    “That must be where Maxwell's red hair kink started!” Gen bellowed, slapping her knee jovially. Stephanie handed Pam her phone and her head snapped in her fiance's direction. “What?” He asked defensively. “I do NOT have a red hair kink. That's not the only thing I love about you. It's just a coincidence.”
    “Coincidence my ass!” Anitah called, fingers flying over the screen of her smartphone. She thrust the screen in Stephanie's direction, a picture of Maxwell clearly intoxicated, dancing with a woman with bright red hair. Gen, Pam,and  Alicia had other shots of Max with various red headed women. Even Leo showed Stephanie a picture of Maxwell grinding on a rather handsome ginger man.
    “Looks like you're just full of secrets, aren't you Beaumont?” Stephanie asked, folding her arms across her chest, a smug look on her face.
   “It isn't...like...that….thanks a lot guys!” Max stammered, his cheeks flushing.
            “On to the next. I was in a brief but steamy relationship with Isaiah Domvallier.” Brad announced.
    “Steamy? What the hell does that mean?” Drake barked in Pam's direction.
   She sunk deeper into the couch. “How do you know it was my secret?” She asked innocently.
    “Well it certainly isn't Liam's.” He retorted.
    “ Okay, so it was me, but it was before you Drake, honest. It was very brief.”
    “And steamy...I heard. How many times?” Drake's jaw clenched.
    “Aw Drake, come on. Green ain't your color!” Stephanie chided.
    “A few. No more than ten.” Pam admitted and Drakes fists tightened into perfect balls.
   “I knew he was shady...no offense Rashad.”
    Rashad laughed, “ None taken. That relationship is actually how I met Pam in the first place.”
      “Final secret.” Brad began and all eyes turned to Liam, everyone knowing it had to be his.
   “I slept with Olivia Nevrakis.”
       Drake and Maxwell shared a look before turning back to Liam.
     Anitah was fuming.
      “When? How many times, Liam?!”
       Liam fumbled with his fingers nervously, looking directly at Anitah. “ I...well...it was a long time ago. Before my social season.”
     “You said you didn't sleep with her.” Anitah accused, poking the king in his chest, one hand on her hip.
   “I said she didn't take my virginity, Nitah. I never said I didn't sleep with her.”
   “Well there's another good question! If not Liv, then who? Who got the king's v-card?”
   You could practically see the steam rising from Anitah's ears as she crossed her arms.
   “Nitah…” Liam began, but his wife's raised eyebrows told him that he'd better find an answer.
   “If Drake leaves, I will gladly tell you.”
   “Oh, no way in hell am I leaving now, Li. I wanna hear this.” Drake smiled.
   Liam rolled his eyes. “Alright fine. But may I remind you, if you hit me it's treason. I lost my virginity to….Savannah Walker.” Liam squared his shoulders trying to look regal. “Are you happy now, Anitah?”
   The queen's jaw dropped open momentarily. “ Savannah I can live with, but Olivia..we will definitely be talking about this again.”
    “Well I'm sure as hell not happy now. What the fuck, Liam? My little sister? Really?” Drake snarled. His face was beet red and his jaw was clenched. Drake looked as if her we're a bomb about to explode. Pam placed a hand on his shoulder, silently calming her husband by measures.
    “I'm very sorry Drake. I should have told you sooner.” Liam replied, embarrassed.
       “Well I guess Duchess Lythikos has certainly made her rounds among the court.” Rashad laughed, trying to lighten the mood.
      “What about Anitahs secret?” Alicia asked as Brad placed the empty bowl on the table.
       Anitah looked like a doe in headlights.
     “I guess I forgot to throw one in.” She shrugged.
    “Well that's not fair. I want to know your secret.” Liam demanded.
   “How does it feel to want, my king?” Anitah asked.
    The ladies laughed as they watched Liam's famous vein pop out of his neck as he gritted his teeth.
     “ This isn't funny, my queen. Rules are rules. What's your secret?”
     The queen placed a finger to her chin, mock-thinking.
    “I know! Why don't you go find Olivia and ask her for a secret, Liam?”
       Although they had had a good time playing the secrets game, everyone was still just a little tense as the couples headed off to bed.
       Stephanie starfished atop the bed, tilting her head to the side as Maxwell slipped the shoes off of her feet.
     “Did you have a happy birthday, Rosebud?” He asked and she smiled against the sheets.
     “Mmmhmmm. Oh, but did you have fun too? It's your stag party weekend after all.” She questioned sitting up to face him.
   “As long as I'm with you I'm having fun.” He laughed, sliding her shirt over her head, replacing it with one of her silk nightgowns. She leaned back and drunkenly peeled her skin-tight jeans down her legs as Maxwell pulled off his jeans and t-shirt, crawling into bed beside her.
   “Good. And I can't wait to see how hot you and the guys will look tomorrow night for dinner.” She giggled, curling her body into him as the little spoon.
   “Are you sure you ladies can handle the competition? I mean we are totally gonna slay tomorrow night. It's been a long time since Leo and I busted out our high heels.”
   “A long time, huh? You have GOT to tell me that story, baby.”
   “All in good time, Red. You'll get to hear all of the stories.” Maxwell assured her, but she was already asleep.
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Double Trouble
Hey guys, @leelee10898 here. Since @cocomaxley & @ao719 posted their birth story... I figured I should get off my butt and do one, considering the twins were due months before them lol. This is just a little something I threw together, it also answers a few questions some had. So here we go...
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Alicia leaned back against her husbands chest as she watched their twins enjoy the puppet show with the other kids. So many things had changed in a years time. The wild fun loving group were now all parents, they traded beers for bottles, and the guys weekly poker game turned into once a month, and weekly play dates. "Penny for your thoughts love?" Leo whispered in her ear. "Just thinking how fast time flies. It feels like yesterday they were born, and now they are 1." She sighed.
"Oh I remember it well." Leo chuckled as the two thought back to the day that changed their lives forever.
1 year ago…..
"God its so hot." Alicia whined as she fanned herself.  It was unseasonably hot and humid for April, and here they were sitting at a garden party to celebrate Regina's birthday. "I'm sorry love. I know you're miserable, how about a glass of Ice water?" Leo gave her a sympathetic smile, and a kiss on the cheek. "Ok fine. But a big one,  with lots of Ice." She pouted, as Leo motioned to a nearby waiter. "Oh, and a cookie. chocolate chip, no oatmeal raisin. Wait, No. yes. Ok bring both." Slightly confused the waiter wandered off to retrieve the duchess's requested items. Leo walked over to join the guys leaving Alicia with the other ladies.
"God its hot. Who the hell planned this?" Anitah huffed. "Um you did." Genevieve rolled her eyes. "Jesus I swear this pregnancy brain is going to be the death of me. I almost forgot to put underwear on this morning." She popped a grape in her mouth. "It is hot, but its a very nice day. Maybe you guys can go inside to cool off?" Pam suggested. Finally the waiter came back with Alicia's water and cookies. "How are you holding up honey?" Pam turned to Alicia who looked like she was stung by a bee. "Im hot, im huge, I can't see my feet. Speaking of feet, they're swollen and the amount of pressure and cramping today may just kill me." She blurted out, pam gave her a questioning look.
"God im sorry Pam. I didn't mean to snap, I just. Oh, ooooh, ugh." She cringed as she grabbed her stomach. Anitah shot her a look. "What's going on over there?"
"These damn Braxton hicks." Alicia grunted. "You sure its not gas?" Genevieve snickered. "Trust me, if I fart you'll know it Gen."
She composed herself and focused on picking at the cookie in front of her. Not having much of an appetite anymore, she took deep breaths trying to keep the pain at bay. The ladies chattered around her, Leo still talking to the guys.
Suddenly Alicia's eyes went wide. "My. My water broke." Genevieve looked over placing her hand on Alicia's "that's ok honey,  we'll get you another." Pam looked down at the liquid dripping from the chair. "Um Gen, no. Her water broke. The twins are coming."
Genevieve and Anitah froze, pure fear in their eyes. Alicia let out a long loud groan.  "Oh god. It's happening." Anitah panicked standing and knocking over her chair, Genevieve following suit. The two began to freak out, while Pam tried to soothe Alicia. The commotion drew the attention of the whole party, Leo grinning widely in conversation as he turned to face his wife. The smile soon faded as his eyes landed on Alicia's pain stricken face.
Leo took off running across the lawn, tripping over the leg of a table holding a large ice sculpture in the form of a swan. He landed in a rolling heap on the lawn, the table flipping over sending the ice sculpture into the air, landing in the fountain where Madeline, Kiara and Alexis stood, soaking them from head to toe. Bastian had Brad bring a car around, as Liam and Drake helped Alicia across the lawn. "My bag. Its in our car." Alicia breathed out, Rashad volunteered to grab it while Leo limped next to his wife.
They arrived at the hospital, Leo was treated for a sprain and Alicia was rushed to a delivery room.  Anitah, Liam, Drake, pam, Rashad and Genevieve sat in the private waiting area down the hall from the delivery room. Maxwell was in Texas visiting with Stephanie and Evie, Liam called him to let him know that Alicia was having the twins.
"You're 8 centimeters your grace. Not much longer until these babies are here." Another strong contraction hit her like a ton of bricks.  "Arrrrggg Fuuuuck! It hurts." She sobbed. "Leo, we are never having sex again." Leo chuckled as he rubbed his wife's damp head. "I think we both know thats not true."
"The fuck it isnt! Bambam better not come anywhere near pebblesssss, ahhhhh my god fuckkkk it hurts."
Leo's face turned a deep red as the nurse snickered.
Anitah paced the floor. "Anitah, sit down you're gonna wear the tile out." Genevieve teased as rashad rubbed her feet. "I can't just sit. Its been hours, we haven't heard anything yet. What if something's wrong?" Liam came up placing his hands on her shoulders.  "Everything is fine my love." Anitah glanced at the door opening it a crack and sticking her head out. She heard a blood curdling scream come from down the hall, a few doctors and nurses rushing into the room Alicia was in. Before Liam could grab her Anitah bolted out the door, down the hall and into Alicia's room where she could see a small head crowning.  
A doctor approached the queen, who was looking a bit green in the face "your majesty, are you ok? You don't look so well." He questioned
"Oh, im fi-" She leaned over vomiting on his shoes.  "Fine." She lifted her head just in time to see another doctor hold a tiny baby up, and hear a tiny cry. Anitah joined Leo next to Alicia. "One down, one more to go." The doctor said. "I had to make sure you were ok." Anitah sniffled as she looked down at the new baby in her bestfriends arms. "Will you stay here for the next one?" Alicia sniffled. "Of course." Shortly after Baby A was born, baby B made their way into the world. After the nurses cleaned them up and Leo and Alicia had time alone the group entered the room. "Everyone, I would like to introduce you to Leonard Joshua and Arabella Faith."
Leonard or LJ for short was born first  weighing 7lbs 2 oz and 20 inches long. Arabella was born 2nd weighing 6lbs 10 oz and 19 ½ inches long. Both babies were healthy, and did not need to spend any time in the NICU.
"So when are you two gonna make the announcement?" A voice pulled them from their thoughts. They looked over to find Stephanie sitting there. They both gave her a questioning look. "Oh come on. I may not live in Cordonia anymore, but Im not stupid." Stephanie had made the decision to move back home to Texas to care for her sick mother. Maxwell and her both made the amicable decision to divorce, but still loved each other very much. He would travel to Texas to visit and occasionally Stephanie could come visit Cordonia, just like for the twins birthday.
"Well I guess now is as good a time as any." Alicia squeezed Leos hand. They walked over getting everyone's attention.  "We want to thank everyone for coming today. And Celebrating the twins birthday. But, we also have an announcement to make." Alicia looked to Leo who then grinned. "We're having a baby. Just one this time." He smirked.
The group congratulated the pair. Drake looked at Liam and shook his head, pulling a crisp $100 bill from his wallet "Damnit Liam, I should've known better then to take that bet. Liam smirked "what can I say. I know my brother,  and I'm pretty sure those two will end up having the most kids out of all of us."
Drake rolled his eyes. "Ok, fair. But how about a new bet." Liam looked at his best friend intrigued "I bet Rashad and Gen are next." Liam chucked "I'll take that bet."
Tag List: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @zaffrenotes @enmchoices @lauradowning29 @lodberg @smalltalk88 @laniquelove-blog @gibbles82 @heatherfilliez @drakesensworld @nikkis1983 @sweetest-marbear @classylady1234 @daniv2278 @rainbowsinthestorm @jared2612 @liamxs-world @notoriouscs @blubutterflyy @captain-kingliamsqueen @whenyourheartskipsabeat @lynne1993 @coldcollectornight08 @be-still-my-aching-heart @kennaxval @the-soot-sprite @hopefulmoonobject @emichelle @cgd03 @kate-mckenzie @mfackenthal @crookedslimecreatorpasta @jemrmax2love @sashatrr @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Cheater, Cheater...
This prompt ask commes from the Amazing @annekebbphotography for the pairing of Liam x Leo. I Cheated.
Hope you enjoy.
This is from the CGW (Cordonians gone wild universe) a collaborative effort by @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @cocomaxley @riseandshinelittleblossom and myself.
“Tell me why you invited Neville to play poker tonight. You know none of us can stand him.” Leo huffed as he and Liam made their way to the study. “Yes Leo, I am aware of everyone feelings for him. But he overheard Rashad say he would see us tomorrow night for the poker game. He questioned it, what was I supposed to say?”
“How about nobody likes you? You smell like old stale tobacco and dead Christmas trees.” Leo flung his hands in the air,  Liam snorted, dipping his head down, gis body wracking with silent laughter, tears forming in his eyes. He placed his other  hand on the door knob as he tried to compose himself before he walked in. “Leo, please try to behave tonight.” he chuckled, wiping his eyes.
“I make no promises little Brother.” he patted his back as Liam opened the door.
It was a full table Drake, Maxwell and Rashad were sitting at the table. Bastien stood by the drink cart Pouring two fingers of whiskey, while Neville sneered at the snacks with Bertrand.  
“Oh good, you're finally here. Which one of the Rhys brothers wants to pay my New truck payment this month?” Drake chuckled as the two sat down.  “I don't know about that walker. Just got a new car, but Maybe you can help pay for my new Bike.” Leo smirked as the two shook hands.
They settled in, Bertrand dealing the cards. “I am honored to take part in your poker game tonight, Your majesty.” Neville was sucking up. “please Neville, its Liam here. This is just a fun poker night. No formalities here.” Liam plastered on a fake grin. “Excellent.” He glanced at his cards, upping the ante. Drake, Rashad and Bertrand folding. Liam, Leo, Bastian and Maxwell staying in. Maxwell and Leo folding, Bastian, liam and Neville staying in. “You know,Drake. I just bought a new a brand new Maserati granturismo. What is your truck?” Neville smirked. Drake rolled his eyes “A Ford F 150.” Neville snorted, “ha an American car. I prefer imports.”
“My wifes from Detroit, paying respect to her. By the way Neville, how's your wife?” Drake snickered. Liam biting his lip trying hard not to laugh.  
Neville glared at Drake. Liam laid his cards down followed by Bastian and Neville. Neville besting the two with 4 Jacks. “Looks like I won't. He grinned greedily pulling the pile of chips back. The cards were quickly dealt again. Leo looked up smirking at Liam, who still looked rather annoyed with Neville. “You know Neville,  A Maserati is a nice car. Pretty hefty price tag too.” Leo looked over in Nevilles direction. “Yes indeed. $163,000. But well worth it.”
“I'm sure. I just got a Mercedes Benz  AMG s 65. 254,000 but, my wife looks fucking hot riding shotgun so, well worth it.” He shot him a cocky grin. Neville seething. “Oh will you look at that. I win again.” Neville perked up. Shooting each of them a grin.
Leo sat back in his chair, glancing over his cards. Softly singing to himself “Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree.” Liam sat next to his brother, his face red from holding in the laughter threatening to escape.  “You ok there brother?” Leo chuckled as Liam finally lost his composure. He laughed loudly, his body shaking. The others looking at the two like they were crazy.
Hand after hand Neville kept winning. Pissing off each other guys. Bertrand leaving early, shortly followed by Rashad, who had an early morning trip planned with Genevieve. Bastien bowed out, leaving after a knock came to the door. Leaving Liam, Leo,Drake and Maxwell alone with Neville.
“Last hand of the evening Fellas, you in or are you chicken.” Liam grinned, narrowing his eyes on Neville.  “Cluck, Cluck. Chicken I am.” Maxwell tossed his cards down. “Call me KFC, I've had enough of this shit show. Wipe the floor with him li.” Drake conceded. “Im done.” Leo tossed his cards down.
It was down to Liam and Neville. Neville having the luck of the evening, winning almost every hand. Liam was furious,  he had to invite him to join, and then listen to him gloat about every little thing he had all night. What he wouldn't give to just shut that little sniveling shit down. He discarded 2 cards, getting two more. He looked down at his cards a good hand, but Neville could have better. He had to give it to him, he knew how to play, or he was a cheater.
Leo sat back watching the intense stand off when he noticed Drake starting to blink erratically. He remembered Drake doing it often as a kid, he always thought he had some kind of nervous tick. Liam going all in, Neville doing the same. “Moment of truth boys.” Leo rubbed his hands together eagerly. Neville grinned placing his cards down “Full house, Your majesty. Lets see you beat that.” Neville smirked. Liam's face falling. “well played Lord Neville. It appears you have bested me all night.” Neville's grin taking a wicked turn as he placed his hands on the pile of chips in front of him. “Until now, that is.” Liam smirked as he placed his cards down on the table. “Wooohooo. Damn Liam.” Leo hollered.  
“Straight flush.” Liam leaned up pulling the pot towards him. Neville stood, turning and quickly leaving, his tail between his legs.  
The guys sat around laughing and sharing a few more drinks when Drake and maxwell took off. Liam and Leo walked down the hall towards each of their quarters. “I thought Neville was going to take it all. He's a slimy little fucker.” Liam agreed. “I'm not saying the asshole cant play, because he is a damn good poker player. But I was pretty sure he had you that last hand. How'd you win?” Leo question.  Liam looked up, a small grin forming “I cheated.” Leo's mouth flew open “You. Mr straight and narrow, you cheated?”
“I didn't intend to. But then Drake started speaking to me in blinkenese, so I knew his cards.” Liam shook his head.  Turning the corner to his quarters “Oh Leo. We will never speak of this again.” Leo grinned shaking his head as he opened the door to his suite. He closed the door greeted by Alicia,  with a glass of scotch and a kiss. “Hey baby. How was your night?” She asked as she sat on the couch. “It was good. Guess what Liam did?”
CGW: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @zaffrenotes @enmchoices @lauradowning29 @lodberg @smalltalk88 @gibbles82 @heatherfilliez @drakesensworld @nikkis1983 @sweetest-marbear @classylady1234 @daniv2278 @rainbowsinthestorm @jared2612 @liamxs-world @notoriouscs @blubutterflyy @captain-kingliamsqueen @whenyourheartskipsabeat @lynne1993 @coldcollectornight08 @be-still-my-aching-heart @dcbbw
@kennaxval @hopefulmoonobject @crookedslimecreatorpasta @be-still-my-aching-heart @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom @cocomaxley @bobasheebaby @ownworldresident
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cocomaxley · 5 years
Jealously Guarded
This was a prompt request from the CGW asks for Rashad getting jealous of Brad after finding out Gen slept with him.
Part of the CGW TRR A/U, a collaborative effort by @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @leelee10898 and yours truly. Catch up HERE.
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Rashad and Genevieve walked into the palace, his hand on the small of her back. Once inside, Liam, Anitah and their guards along with Alicia were waiting for them. Liam greeted them, “Rashad, Genevieve, good morning.”
“Aren't we past formalities, your majesty? It's too early to be proper, Liam.” Genevieve retorted sarcastically. Brad snickered next to Anitah. Liam turned and glared at at him. The guard covered his mouth to hide his smile.
Rashad noticed Brad looking at his girlfriend, a feeling of jealousy starting to boil within him. How did he never notice the way he looked at her? Before he started dating her, he felt like there was something between the two. It finally came out into the open while they were in Nashville. The two had, in fact, shared an intimate night together when she first moved to Cordonia. He wasn't the jealous type, and he trusted Genevieve. For some reason, when the secret was uncovered, he felt a sense of loathing towards the Queen’s bodyguard.
“Honey, are you alright?” Genevieve pulled him from his thoughts. “I'm fine, sweetheart,” he gave her a smile and placed a soft kiss to her lips.
“I'll see you later. I love you.”
“I love you too, Gen,” he pulled her close and kissed her hard leaving her breathless when they broke apart. Genevieve blushed. Her reserved boyfriend would usually give her a chaste kiss on the lips or cheek when they were in public. This kiss felt like he was reminding her, and whomever was watching, that she was his. She always loved when he showed his dominant side.
“If you two are done making out, I'd like to get going…” Anitah giggled. “We have to pick up Pam on the way to the spa.”
Rashad stood next to Liam as the three women walked towards the palace entrance with Brad in tow. “I don't like the way he looks at Genevieve, Li. I know it happened before we started dating. But ever since I found out they slept together, I have this urge to punch him in the face every time I see him. This isn't me at all.”
Liam chuckled, “I can fire him. I hate how Anitah looks at him. She does it to piss me off, though. I don't get her obsession with wanting to make me angry.”
Bastien cleared his throat trying to cover up a laugh, “Need I remind you, your majesty, that firing Brad requires the Queen’s approval also? After all, he is her bodyguard.”
After the spa, the ladies decided to go to the beer garden for some drinks. Brad breathed a sigh of relief when the next guard on duty walked into the bar. His shift was now over and, he was about to leave when the Queen said, “Bradley! I command thee to sit and have drinks!”
He gave her a nervous glance, “Your majesty, it would be inappropriate if I did...I should go home.”
The Cordonian American queen turned British as she said, “Don't be a wanker! Have a seat, mate. First round's on me.”
Pam snorted, “Yes! Brad, stay! We owe you for all the times you've been locked in a closet or had your phone and dignity stolen!”
Alicia started chanting, “Brad! Brad! Brad!”
“Alright, I'll stay for a drink. Just one. I don't need the king to kill me today.”
Anitah waved to the barkeep, “Douglas, be a dear and fetch Bradley here a drink?”
As the night went on, the girls pulled a drunk Brad up to dance with them. Pam and Alicia sandwiched Brad between them, dancing and laughing at his flushed but smiling face. After a few songs, Brad turned to the women, “Anyone want a drink?”
“I'll have a martini, please! Dirty!” Genevieve yelled over the music. He winked at her, then walked up to the bar. The men walked into the beer garden spotting the girls dancing. Rashad watched Brad wink at his girlfriend, his hands clenched into fists. Brad returned with the drinks, “One martini, extra dirty…just for you,” he shot her a grin. His eyes widened when he saw Rashad glaring at him as he walked up behind Genevieve.
“Rashad...I was...I was talking about the drink…”
Drake held Rashad’s shoulder, fighting back his laughter. Anitah, Pam and Alicia watched the exchange giggling. “He's so dead,” Alicia said wiping tears from her eyes.
“That's Lord Rashad to you, Brad. I'd like to have a word with my girlfriend.” He grabbed Genevieve's hand and led her towards the bathroom. He pulled her into the ladies' room and locked the door. “Rashad, what are you…” she couldn't finish her sentence as he pinned her up against the door and kissed her hard. His lips trailed down her neck and he growled into her ear, “I need to remind you that you're mine.” He kissed her again, his tongue slipping into her mouth finding hers.
The music died down, Alicia was at the jukebox with Leo looking for more songs to play. “Where's Gen and Rashad?” Pam asked the others.
They heard a loud thump against the bathroom door and “Oh, Rashad, yes! Yes!” Their heads turned towards the restrooms and the group burst out laughing.
“He needed to take his aggression out on something...or someone. He hates Brad almost as much as I do,” Liam chuckled.
Later that evening, Genevieve and Rashad we're getting ready for bed. She came out of the en-suite, immediately biting her lip as she admired Rashad laying in bed shirtless, wearing only his pajama pants. He looked up at her and smirked, patting the bed next to him. She got into bed and laid her head on his toned chest her hand tracing light circles. She looked up at him and smiled, “Have I ever told you how sexy you are when you're jealous?” He pushed her back on the bed, laying on top of her. “Is that so? Should I remind you again who you belong to?”
Tag List: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @zaffrenotes @enmchoices @lauradowning29 @lodberg @smalltalk88 @laniquelove-blog @gibbles82 @heatherfilliez @drakesensworld @nikkis1983 @sweetest-marbear @classylady1234 @daniv2278 @rainbowsinthestorm @jared2612 @liamxs-world @notoriouscs @blubutterflyy @captain-kingliamsqueen @whenyourheartskipsabeat @lynne1993 @coldcollectornight08 @be-still-my-aching-heart @kennaxval @the-soot-sprite @hopefulmoonobject @emichelle @cgd03 @kate-mckenzie @mfackenthal @crookedslimecreatorpasta @jemrmax2love
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Eggselent Adventure 🐣
Happy Easter from the Girls of CGW.
This is from the CGW universe (Cordonians gone wild) a collaborative AU effort by @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @cocomaxley and myself. Catch our other stories HERE
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The girls sat in the chairs at the spa, getting their pedicures. “So easter is coming up really fast. Any plans?” Pam questioned
“No. Since its our first easter together, I am staying here instead of going to Chicago. Plus my parents are going on a cruise.” Genevieve said with closed eyes.
“Same. I told my parents that I would come in June and we could go to the beach house with them. They are bugging to meet Leo.” Alicia sighed.
“Well, since were all staying in Cordonia how about we spend easter together?” Anitah said sipping her glass of champagne.  
“Of course I do. This time we will wait to get hammered until after dinner.” Anitah giggled as she high fived Alicia.
“You sure you want to do that? Do you remember Thanksgiving?” Pam quirked her brow, remembering the disaster it was.
“Umm and how about Maxwell not being allowed around the deep fryer.” Gen added in, they all nodded in agreement.
“We should do something fun. I seen something on pinterest about Adult egg hunts.” Alicia said pulling up the app on her phone.  
“oooh I saw that too. People put little liquor bottles in them. Or other things.” Anitah squealed.
“What kind of other things? Oooh, how about we make it a dirty egg hunt. Each egg would have a sexual favor or situation in them.” Pam grinned, her mind swirling of all the fun things she could do with Drake.  
“Hell yes! I'm in.” Genevieve smirked.
“Same.” Alicia and Anitah said simultaneously.
“Although I wouldn't mind finding some alcoholic eggs too.” Alicia giggled.
A couple weeks later the four couples and Maxwell gathered in the main dining hall. Alicia and Anitah spent the whole morning cooking. While Genevieve and Pam stuffed the rest of the eggs and instructed the staff what to do with them.
They gathered around the huge ham dinner with all the fixings. Maxwell licked his lips as he plopped a huge helping of mashed potatoes on his plate. “Tiger Lily, Little blossom, this looks and smells so good. Luckily I have my fat pants on.”
“Seriously, this is amazing.  Considering the fiasco Thanksgiving was.” Liam grinned, Leo shuddered “Don't remind me. My eyebrows never grew back right.”
Maxwell held up his hands defensively “im fo fawry weo.” He said with a mouth full of potatoes. They group finished eating and sat around nice and stuffed, talking and laughing when the Ladies stood.
“Ok guys, we have prepared a little fun for us. If you'll join us in the Garden.” Anitah spoke up. They walked into the garden, dozens of eggs were strewn about on the palace lawn. “An easter egg hunt? What are we 6?” Drake snorted, prompting a hard slap to the chest from pam. “No Drake. This is an adult egg hunt. No candy, well maybe some are … edible.” she giggled. Leo cocked his brow “Edible love?” Alicia bit her lower lip.
“Yep. Some have naughty items, some have other treats.” Genevieve winked.
“She means booze. Some have booze.” Alicia shouted. The guys all nodded in Appreciation.
“Some also have naughty couples ideas. There are hidden eggs too. They aren't all going to be right in the grass. Gen and I had the staff hide them. So we don't know where they are hidden.” Pam added.
“I can't wait. I am an egg hunting pro. If I knew we were doing this I could have brought the egganator 2000.” Maxwell danced in place.
“what the hell is that Maxwell?” Alicia quipped her eye.
“Oh, my special easter egg hunting bag. Guaranteed no spillage.” He said matter of factly.
The staff handed out bags so they could collect eggs. Anitah grew impatient  “Ok, enough of this. Lets hunt. Annnnnd GO!” Anitah shouted as they all took off scooping of eggs.
“Drake over here.” Pam motioned towards the left side of the garden. Anitah and Liam took off towards the hedge maze, maxwell covered the lawn and patio, Genevieve and Rashad took off around the outside of the maze, while Alicia and Leo headed towards the right side.  
Anitah and Liam zipped through the maze following a trail of eggs. Liam set his sights on a golden egg tucked partially out of view in the hedge. He quickly made his way over, extending his hand to grab the egg when Anitah snatched it up. “Anitah! I was going to get that one.”
“You gotta be quicker than that my king.” she winked as he grabbed her hand spinning him i to her. “I believe stealing from the king requires punishment. You have been a bad girl, my queen.” his husky voice sending a shiver through her body. Anitah backed away slowly from Liam “well my king,  I look forward to that, but, you have to catch me first.”
Genevieve and Rashad quickly picked up eggs. “Here you are sweetheart this one is sparkly, just like you.” Rashad handed her a pink sparkly egg. “Rashad. Honey. I don't think you quite get the idea of an egg hunt.  But thank you, you are so sweet.” she kissed him on the cheek, he quickly turned his face capturing her lips, surprising her. “Rashad, you little devil.” she playfully swatted him. “All part of my plan, my dear. He pulled her flesh to him, capturing her lips once again when they heard rustling in the bushes. Milo popped out with something in his mouth. “Oh, Milo. What do you have there?” Genevieve cheerfully called out as milo scampered up to Rashad, dropping the item at his feet. He bent down to pick it up. “Ew, what is it? Its covered in drool and it smells like cherries?”
Genevieve tried to stiffen her giggles “Baby, that's edible undies.” Rashad promptly dropped the undergarments and shuddered. I've lost my appetite.
Leo and Alicia quickly picked up all the eggs in the section they were in. They found themselves in a secluded section of the garden away from their friends. Alicia felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist. “What are you doing Leo?”
“Nothing…” He brushed her hair away from her neck as his lips nipped against her delicate skin. “We are supposed to be looking for eggs.”
“Screw the eggs. We have enough.” His warm breath leaving goosebumps all over her body, his hand slipped beneath her sun dress causing Alicia to drop her bag of eggs. “Ok, you win.” she breathed out.
Pam and Drake scooped up all of the eggs in their section.  “If we hurry up, we can find more. Look, Rashad and Genevieve left a ton of eggs behind.” Pam pointed out as she bent over to pick up an egg. A breeze slightly lifting her dress, exposing the globes of her ass. Drake groaned at the sight, adjusting his hardening length. Pam turned noticing the bulge in her in his pants, she bit her bottom lip and walked up to him “I can take care of that.” she whispered in his ear as she drug him off behind a tree. She dropped to her knees “Pam. Here? You don't have to. OH GOD. That. Feels…..”
The gang all gathered back on the patio. “Ok everyone, lets see what we got. Gen and Rashad,  how about you start us off.” Pam told her.
Genevieve reached for one of the larger eggs and a little bottle of Grey Goose vodka fell into her palm. “Yes! I love vodka. It just doesn't like me all time.” She giggled as she watch Rashad open an egg. He pulled out a small tube of strawberry flavored lube. He looked his wife with hungry eyes, “There’s only one flavor I like more than strawberries.” He reached for another egg that had a slip of paper inside. He handed it to her with a grin. She read it aloud, “Boss and secretary...oohh. I get to be the boss this time.” She opened another egg in their pile. This one had another folded sheet of paper. “Reverse cowgirl,” she smiled coyly at Rashad who smirked. He leaned in close whispering, “Get ready to ride hard tonight, sweetheart.” He kissed her flushed cheek.
“Ready to open our eggs, love?” Liam smiled at Anitah.
She rubbed her hands together with a grin. “Yes!”
Liam opened the first egg, a small bottle of scotch. “Glenfiddich! This is good stuff,” Liam grinned.
Anitah opened the next egg pulling out something red and read the tag. “Eat me,” she chuckled holding up the strawberry flavored edible thong.
A low growl escaped Liam as he smirked, wriggling his brows. “You’re wearing those later.” He opened the next egg pulling out something small, purple and textured. “What is this?” He shook it next to his ear and Anitah began to laugh.
“That’s a finger vibrator, Liam.” She took it from him and slipped it on her finger through the small ring. A wide grin spread across his face. Anitah shook her head and opened the last egg pulling out a piece of paper. “Backwards cowgirl,” she looked up at Liam biting her lip.
“Easter is officially my favorite holiday. We got everything we need for the very fun night ahead of us, my Queen,” he smirked as he leaned down kissing her.
“You ready to see what we got?” Pam grinned excitedly looking at her husband. Drake nodded, opening his first egg. “Makers Mark! Alright” Drake grinned sticking the small bottle into his pocket. Pam smiled opening an egg and pulling out a strip of paper. “69” is all that was written on it. She bit her lip and turned it out toward Drake, who read the paper and smiled ear to ear. He leaned in kissing Pam. “Best Easter gift, ever” he growled. Drake opened another egg. He pulled out a white g string that read in orange letters “Some bunny wants your carrot”. Drake smirked dangling the panties by his finger. “As long as these are for you, I am a happy man”. Pam opened her next egg, her brow furrowed as she pulled out the furry tail. She read the slip of paper attached. “Use this butt plug on your partner”. She read aloud. Drake’s face paled, his mouth open in shock
“No..no way.” Pam giggled holding it up for him to see. “But look many, it's a cat's tail...MEOW”. Drake stared his giggling wife down and grabbed the tail putting it back in the egg, flinging it as far away as he could get it. “Not happening, Pam.”
Leo jogged across the lawn retrieving the discarded egg. “Well, look what I found.” He gave Alicia a sly smirk, a look of fear spread across her face. “Ah, lets um open our eggs ok.” she gave a nervous chuckle as she cracked open her first egg pulling out a folded up black piece of satin with a piece of paper in the center.  “Oh! It's a blindfold.” she unfolded the paper. “No look, no touch. The finders hands must be bound, and eyes covered while partner pleases them. “Kinky card repeat. If you thought last time was good.” he waggled his brows. Leo reached into his bag pulling two eggs. “yes! Johnny walker blue for me, and parrot bay, that's all you love.” they opened several eggs getting a couples massage certificate, a few bottles of liquor, and a mr nose mans thong that Leo put on over his pants. Alicia pulled out a small tube she looked at the container “good head, blue raspberry deep throat spray.” she looked at Leo, and then over to Pam and Drake. “Leo, as much as I enjoy giving you head. This screams Drammy.” Alicia giggled as she handed pam the spray.
Maxwell came strutting out of the palace, milo next to him. Anitahs hand flew over her mouth fighting off the giggles. “Does he have?” Pam not able to get the words out. Alicia shook her head “Uh huh, he sure does.”
“Hey guys. I got lots of cool stuff in my eggs. Check out my elephant hat.” he shook his head making the trunk shake. “max that's not a hat.” Genevieve giggled.  “Its not?”
“No. Its underwear, your dick goes in the trunk.” Drake snorted.
Maxwell shrugged his shoulders “Eh, it's pretty cool as a hat.”  
The group shared some laughs,and desert before each heading home. Alicia and Anitah walked together talking before they reached their quarters. “That was fun. We really need to do it again.” Alicia grinned.
“Definitely,  but next year we need to up the ante.” She gave her a wicked smirk before Liam called for her. “Happy Easter.” the two yelled.  
Tags: CGW: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @zaffrenotes @enmchoices @lauradowning29 @lodberg @smalltalk88 @gibbles82 @heatherfilliez @drakesensworld @nikkis1983 @sweetest-marbear @classylady1234 @daniv2278 @rainbowsinthestorm @jared2612 @liamxs-world @notoriouscs @blubutterflyy @captain-kingliamsqueen @whenyourheartskipsabeat @lynne1993 @coldcollectornight08 @be-still-my-aching-heart @dcbbw @the-soot-sprite
@kennaxval @hopefulmoonobject @crookedslimecreatorpasta @be-still-my-aching-heart @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom @cocomaxley @bobasheebaby @ownworldresident @cordoniaqueensworld
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leelee10898 · 6 years
Born to Love you: Felt good on my lips (3/?)
Leo & Alicia... A closer look at how these two frisky love birds came to be, and the moments in between. If you have not read the OG when Leo met Alicia.. you should do so, events in this story will coincide with it.
This is from the CGW(Cordonians gone wild) AU. A collaborative effort by @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @cocomaxley @riseandshinelittleblossom and myself. Find out other adventures HERE
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   It was a warm spring day, Leo had decided to take advantage of the weather and show her some sights on the coast. They pulled into a small diner on a back road for a little lunch.
  “So I didn't really peg you as a diner guy.” She grinned as they slid into a booth by the window.
  “To be honest, I would rather eat a burger over lobster any day.” he answered handing her a menu. “This is ok, right? Did you want to go someplace more fancy?
  She arched her brow at him “In case you haven't noticed, im probably nothing like those women at court.” she rolled her eyes. “This is perfect.” her reaction bringing a wide grin to his face.
They looked over the menu and ordered. Both getting a burger and fries.
“so tell me more about the mysterious Prince Leo.”
“What do you want to know?” he folded his hands on the table.
“Leo. What's it short for?”
“Oh, ah well. Leonard. My mother would call me Leo when I was small. It kind of stuck.” His eyes darting down to the table.
“Tell me about her. Your mother,  what was she like?”
He hesitated, he never spoke about his mom to anyone.  It had been years since he brought her up. He sat in silence for a few minutes
“Leo?” her voice pulled him from his thoughts.  
“Oh, sorry. My mom? Well, my father chose her during his social season, she was new to court. I was born shortly after they were married.”
He picked up a fry popping it in his mouth.
“Ok, but what was she like? Do you look like her? Did you two have any special things you did together?”
Leo straighten up, feelings he pushed down long ago began to come to the surface.
“She had long brown hair, brown eyes. Her smile was warm and welcoming. She loved me, but she wasn't happy with her life.”
“Leo, i'm sorry I didn't mean to. I didn't know.” she apologized.
“No, its ok. I just. I Haven't spoken about her to, well anyone.” Alicia reached out grabbing his hand, her warm smile calming him immediately.
“she sang me to sleep every night,I remember that. She enjoyed the simple things in life. She left court because she wasn't cut out for this life. Me,being the heir.  she couldn't take me, by law. In a way I guess that's where I get it from.”
“I think those are good memories to have of her. She gave his hand a squeeze.  “Ok. Enough of this. Lets get outta here. I have someplace I think you'll like.” He stood tossing money on the table, grabbing her hand.
After a short drive they pulled into a private beach area.  Alicia's eyes lit up at the sight of the pristine beach in front of her.  The water as blue as Leos eyes, the sand a sparkling white. “Wow. This is. This sort of amazing.”
“You like it?”
“Yeah, I do. It's probably the most beautiful thing I've seen here so far.” she turned towards him smiling. “Well, maybe 2nd most beautiful thing.” she shot him a sly smirk, turning and walking towards the ocean. He chuckled to himself
He closed his eyes, saying an internal prayer. lord help me, I am trying to behave.
He silently groaned tilting his head back. He ran up to her “My family uses this to host the beach party for social season. Docks are that way.” He pointed “That's where we host the Royal Regatta. It was my father's favorite event.” his eyes dropped for a second. “But. That's not what I wanted to show you.” she looked at him inquisitively. He lead her down a trail through a small wooded area, he pulled the brush back as they stood in a clearing, they could hear the roaring waters just up ahead. Alicia's face lit up, her smile reaching eyes as he nodded his head. He walked out first wanting to see her reaction.
She walked out to a beautiful waterfall, the waters so clear you could see to the bottom. The flowers in full bloom on the nice spring day.
She was silent, unable to form words at its natural beauty.  Leo walked up next to her, his hear lowered close to hers “You know, there's a legend about these falls. It starts with two lovers.”
Her eyes met his as he told her about the legend of the falls. “that's so heartbreaking.” she  pouted. “It is but, they say that if two lovers climb to the top and jump in together, they'll get the blessing of the lady of the waterfall.”
“oh really? So what if two people who are not lovers jump in together,  then what?” she challenged him.
“I don't know.” he answered, not really sure of what to say. He rarely had someone have a come back and he wasn't used to this.  
“I see. Well, then that settles it.”  she sighed taking off her shoes and socks. she started unbuttoning her jeans sliding them off her legs.
“wha. What are you doing?”
“come on, don't act shy. Were jumping in.” She motioned towards him.
“What? You seriously want to jump in from up there?” Leo shouted.
“Hell yeah I do. Are you scared or something?”
“No. NO, I just. I'm surprised, most girls would have freaked out at that.” He chuckled as he pulled his shirt over his head, now stripped to his boxers.
Leos eyes ravaged her body.  He had seen her in her bra on a small phone screen, but the real time view was stunning. He let out a low growl under his breath, discreetly adjusting himself.
She stood on the opposite of him, taking in his toned muscular body. She bit her bottom lip, shaking her head trying to break the thoughts. “Ok lets go.”
They climbed to the top, overlooking the drop off.  “So what are we doing here?” He questioned.
“We're testing something." She smirked "Two non- lovers jump in. Since we're just friends we should be safe right?” she looked at him.
“In one theory yes. In another." He paused for a moment, trying to hide the smile tugging on his lips. "We become lovers.”  he smirked.
“Well,  I guess we will have to test this out then, since. Since it'll never happen.” She gave him a playful look as she grabbed his hand. “One. Two. Threee!” She shouted as they leapt over the edge plunging into the water. They bobbed up laughing hysterically as he dunked under water tickling her sides. “Ahhh. Leo!” she screamed, laughing afterwards. He  emerged and she splashed him “Oh you're gonna pay.” he dove at her, tackling her into the water. She squealed and laughed as they wrestled.
He grabbed her by the waist pulling her into him, she put her arm around his neck pretending to put him in a headlock “Alight, alright. You win.” she dropped her arm hooking it around his neck, bringing the other over as they locked eyes. They slowly moved in, lips inches from each others when the loud ringing of a phone pulled them from the moment. “We should probably get that.” she unlocked her arms from his neck making her way the the shore, leo following after.  They checked their phones it was Liam for Leo. He called him back
“what's up Liam? No, I am not coming to dinner tonight. Regina can not call a family dinner on a non-family dinner night. You know I hate lamb. Well, tell Regina I already had plans. What noise? Don't worry about where I am. Goodbye Liam.”
Leo tossed his phone onto his clothes. “its hilarious when you and Liam bicker, and i've only seen it once.” she giggled.
“ so, you're not going to dinner with your family?” He looked at her a cocky grin spread across his lips “Nope, we are going out.”
“We are? Where to?”
“I know a good place, its a bar a few towns from the palace. They have excellent food.”
They put their clothes back on heading back to the palace for another shower and change. They quietly crept through the halls, avoiding running into Regina. They were almost in the clear when they heard “Leo?” Leo grabbed her hand once they rounded the corner they ran into the garage. Leo handed her a helmet here. “What. What's this for Leo?” she stuttered.
“Were taking the bike. Have you ever been on the back of a bike?” she shook her head no.
“Ok, It'll be fine, just hold onto me and move with me ok. Seriously we gotta go. Now. Or Madeleine's gonna catch up.”
She put the helmet on and climbed onto the back of the bike. He started it up as Madeline came through the garage door and they speed off. Madeline watched as he pulled away with Alicia on the back. She did not know who it was, she huffed turning around and going back in.
They zipped through the roads, everything a blur but the rush was amazing.  Her arms wrapped tightly around his waist, her body pressed against his back. Leo couldn't help but smile, that almost kiss playing through his mind. Fucking Liam, had to ruin the moment. It was probably a good thing, he thought.  He was trying to behave, he told himself he wanted to be her friend, but the more he got to know her, the more he wanted to pursue her. In that moment he decided to follow her lead, if she made a move or gave off signs she wanted him to do something, then he would.
They pulled into a small bar, it did not look nearly as upscale or crowded as the one Anitah and her went to in the capital. They walked inside,  “let's grab a booth and then I'll get some drinks.” they got settled into a booth he found out what she wanted and he approached the bar. “Leo, haven't seen you in a while, where you been?” the bartender shook his hand. “Yeah, I've been in Santorini for a while. How you been Doug?”
“Oh, can't complain. So what can I get you?”
“I'll have a beer and I need a Malibu bay breeze.” Doug eyed him, “since when do you drink fruity shit?”
“I don't. Its for my friend.”
“You've been here all of 5 minutes and already have a friend?” he grinned shaking his head as he worked on the drink. “I brought her with me smart ass.”
He grabbed the drinks and headed back to the booth. “Sorry, the bartender was giving me shit.” he chuckled.
They sat around talking and joking. Leo not wanting to drink a lot since he was on the bike and driving.
“I don't get it. How do you not have a girlfriend? You are an amazing guy, funny, smart, charismatic, thoughtful, hot…” she blushed at the last word.
“You know, you keep telling me im hot, you're going to give me a complex.” he chuckled.
“Im serious Leo.”
“I don't know. I don't really know why I guess. It's just not something I ever worried about.” He took a sip of his beer.  “It was decided for me that I was to marry Madeline. We got engaged, Regina picked the ring, I wanted no part. I handed her the box and walked away.”
“Wow, that's rough.”
“She didn't care about the ring, or me really. She cared about the crown. I guess at some point she became clingy, she was convenient.” he grimaced at the words. “Wow, that sounded really shitty.”
“It sounds like the whole situation was just one fucked up mess.”
“It was. I'm not going to lie to you, I have had my fair share of women. Mostly one night stands. I haven't been with a woman more than twice before I move on. The only person I have been with multiple times, was Madeline.”
“But isn't that lonely?”
“Maybe? I guess I never really thought about it that way. Whenever a woman finds out who I really am. They change. They get caught up in the what ifs of the glitz and glamorous life.” He sighed. “I dont think ive ever told anyone this before. What is it with you? I feel like i can tell you anything and you won't judge me.”
“ well, that's because I won't. I think you're a really great guy Leo.” she reached over grabbing his hand. He scooted forward “you amaze me you know that. I  have never met anyone like you. You are smart, funny, fearless, fierce, beautiful.” a familiar feeling washed over both of them, their lips inches apart again, her eyes locked with his and then, her phone rang, pulling them from the moment again. Leo dropped his head and chuckled.
“Sorry, I should probably take this.” She got up and stepped outside. Leo sat there lost in thought.  Twice they almost kissed, twice they were interrupted by phone calls. He wanted to kiss her, but he didn't want to because he wanted to jump into bed with her. He wanted to get to know her, everything about her. He felt a connection with her, he couldn't explain it, and it scared the hell out of him. They had only known each other a few days, but she definitely had all of his attention.
“everything ok?” He asked as she slid back into the booth.  “Yeah it was my mom, she had a question about and order we got at the bakery.”
“Oh, so you work with your mom? I am an asshole, I never thought to ask what you did for a living.”
“its ok. I am a pastry chef by choice. I did not like the environment in a restaurant kitchen, baking was always my nirvana.”
“You're a chef? That's amazing.”
“when I graduated from culinary school, I went to work in one of the fancy restaurants in NYC as a sous chef. I hated it. My mom offered to make me partner at the bakery and I accepted.”
“wow, that's amazing Alicia. I can imagine you are good at what you do. Maybe you'll cook for me once?” Leo smirked as they walked out the door to the bike. “Maybe.. if you play your cards right.” She winked at him. His willpower was quickly crumbling. He knew he promised Liam but she was making it very hard.  
They drove back to the palace, her arms still wrapped tightly around his waist. She could feel the ripples of his muscles through his shirt. The thoughts that ran through her head she knew she shouldn't be having. She was leaving in two months, and she was not one for a one night stand. They pulled into the garage, parking the bike and putting the helmets up. Leo walked her to her room. They stood in front of her door “Thanks for today, I had a really great time.” she hugged him. “so did I. There is more I would like to show you, that is of you want.”
“Of course. that would be great. Thank you Leo, really you have been amazing.”
She stood against the door. An awkward quiet settled over them. Their eyes locked, she bit her lower lip, hoping he would make a move because she was to scared to. When finally he leaned in pressing his lips to hers. His tongue tracing a line between her lips, her hands flew around his neck as she melted into the kiss. Their tongues dancing together in perfect harmony. They pulled apart as he rested his forehead against hers. “Good night Leo.” she breathed out. “Good night Alicia.”
Alicia closed the door behind her, her back against it as she slid down onto the floor in shock.  She touched her hand to her lips, that kiss.
Leo wore a wide grin his entire walk back to his quarters. He kissed her, he finally kissed her. Those lips, that kiss.  It was everything he hoped for and more. It was perfect, it was almost like a spark ignited between them.
But it left more questions for him. What happens now?
Tag: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @zaffrenotes @enmchoices @lauradowning29 @lodberg @smalltalk88 @gibbles82 @heatherfilliez @drakesensworld @nikkis1983 @sweetest-marbear @classylady1234 @daniv2278 @rainbowsinthestorm @jared2612 @liamxs-world @notoriouscs @blubutterflyy @captain-kingliamsqueen @whenyourheartskipsabeat @lynne1993 @coldcollectornight08 @be-still-my-aching-heart @dcbbw @explorer-of-gems @kennaxval @hopefulmoonobject
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