#down and dirty in nashville
gretavangroupie · 2 months
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Female Reader
Word Count: 16.6k
Warnings: Cursing, Drinking, Heartbreak, Angst, Sexual Themes, Mentions of Disbandment, Mentions of Estrangement. Smut: Dirty Talk, Touching, Kissing, Oral F!Receiving, Fingering, Oral M!Receiving, Edging, Protected and Unprotected Sex, Fluff.
A/N: I know this is not your typical story, being set twenty-five years in the future, but I hope you will stick with it until the end. Though this was only planned to be one part, I could definitely see this having a part two in the future. As always, thank you so much for reading, liking, reblogging, etc. It means more to me than you know!
It was almost the same. Twenty five years later and not much had changed. Maybe the owners, the patrons, the furniture and the drink specials, but wholly and truly it was almost exactly the same as it was back then. It’s dark, and poorly lit by a string of multicolored Christmas lights around the perimeter. Dusty college pennants line the walls, and the sound of billiards balls smacking together still ring through the air. 
The clientele has changed a bit since the last time you were here. Instead of a younger, edgier crowd, the bar is filled with people your own age. Quite possibly reliving their own glory days. Your mind flashes back to a night full of blurry memories and cheap beers, this very bar packed to the brim with friends and familiar faces. It was a night of celebration amongst your peers, the pre-party before the main event, so to speak. It was all a blur now, but it was a memory you’d held on to for all these years, and in a way you all did. 
You bring your glass to your lips, sipping at the now watered down Gin and Tonic. Your phone buzzes on the bartop in front of you, your screen showing a message in your recently resurrected group chat. All it took was a single photo of the bar and they knew. A memory unlocked over twenty years later. You’d all talked about meeting up again. Coming back to the city where you all met each other, but years passed and life got in the way. It never happened, and that was okay. The friendships never faltered. Those remained a constant, even after all this time. 
They couldn’t believe you were here. You told them you were going to come, and why wouldn’t you? When you found out the conference was taking place in Nashville it was nearly the first thing that came to mind. You knew you had to stop in to take this picture just for them. It felt sad almost, being here without them. You knew it wouldn’t be the same, but just being here in this place you have such fond memories of felt good. 
A large group descended upon the bar as you arrived, huddling around the bartop ordering drinks and shots. They were loud and rowdy, but you didn’t care much. You know that was you once, and you hope they will look back on this night much the same way you look back on the night you spent here in the company of your friends. They hung out there for most of the night, a few people from their group leaving to hit the pool tables, or step outside to smoke. You kept to yourself, enjoying your drink in such a nostalgic place as you made conversation over texts. 
Now though, as your drink was melted and your skin was feeling warm they decided to leave. They cleared out of the bar quickly, taking the noise and the vibrant energy with them. Now that your view is unobstructed you turn your head to look down the bar. It’s mostly empty, only a few people left sipping their own drinks. You bring your glass to your lips as you observe the people around you.  It’s quiet and dark and your eyesight really isn’t what it used to be. The man about ten chairs down from you seems to do the same, finally able to see more than the horde of people that made the bar their home all evening. He looks to his left and right, taking in his surroundings the same way you did. He turns his attention back to the television hanging behind the bar, watching whatever football game is happening in the stadium down the street. He’s leaning back in his chair, his right hand fixed on his glass as his left scrolls on his cellphone with a few flicks of his thumb. 
The bartender steps up to you, delivering your fresh drink and snapping your attention back ahead of you. 
“Thank you,” you offer, sending him a soft appreciative smile. 
“My pleasure, let me know if you need anything,” he answers with a nod of his head. 
You grab the new drink and bring the small black straw to your lips, letting the lime flavored bubbles flow over your tongue. The bartender stepping away has grabbed the attention of the man to your right, watching as he turns his head to meet your line of sight. You feel a rush of nerves flood through you, but as the man's eyes meet yours you feel something else. Something familiar and strange. It’s something you know, deep inside of you that's been buried away for years and years. Something you can’t quite put your finger on. 
He nods his head and gives you a small, pleasant grin and that’s really all it took to put it together. It hit you like a tidal wave. Connections in your brain that had been long severed, were finally finding their way back together. The tip of his chin, the familiarity of his smile, the dark twinkle of his eyes. This wasn’t just a handsome long haired man alone at a bar. No, it was Jake Kiszka. 
You quickly turn away, your eyes zeroing in on the labels on the liquor bottles across from you. You felt stiff as a board as you sat there, your heart pounding in your chest as your mind started to flash through hundreds of memories. Twenty years worth of music, and laughter and memories playing on fast forward. Your mind settles on one though. One in particular that sticks out the most, and probably the most painful one of them all. 
You can remember it clear as day. It was an overcast day in March, your phone buzzing incessantly on your desk. Over and over it rang and rang until you picked it up and answered the call. It was bad news, some of the worst you’d heard. “What do you mean a mutual separation?” 
How naive of you to believe something so good could last forever. Your small community of friends were devastated, unable to cope with the fact that the very thing that brought you all together was seemingly gone without warning. What you had is all you would ever have. It didn’t feel real. No more concerts to attend, no more music to look forward to. Nothing. It was just over. In the blink of an eye. 
Some fans took it hard, lashing out and picking fights. Some were okay, happy and eager to see what would happen with the four members in the future. Whether it be families or solo projects, you knew you would support them either way. What none of you expected though, was for all four of them to disappear. 
It was years before anyone saw or heard anything about them, collectively or singularly. They had gone into hiding, something they were good at. No marriage announcements, no birth announcements. Nothing. Even their social media accounts died that day in March. Everything was silent. It hurt, but it was almost better that way. 
Around the ten year mark there were whispers, rumors of a reunion. Small gigs here or there, but nothing ever really came of it. They were just that, rumors. There was no show, and there most definitely was no reunion. 
A few years later came an album celebration. The fifteen year anniversary of ‘Anthem of The Peaceful Army’. It was slated to be a large event, even a few people you knew planned on attending. Only two of the four showed up to the event that day and the online murmurings of sibling animosity were running rampant. You never heard anything else about the event, there was barely even a photo posted to prove it happened, but it did. Something changed that day in the park, and that was the last anyone had heard or seen anything from Greta Van Fleet. 
Now, fifteen years later you find yourself here, looking at Jake Kiszka, in the flesh. He’s older now, in his fifties with a few wrinkles adorning his face and his hair a bit lighter and streaking silver in a few places. He looks different, but in a way, almost exactly the same. He seems to carry himself much in the same way he always did, keeping to himself but exuding a powerful presence.
You toss back a gulp of your drink and make your way into the bathroom. You wonder if you’re making the wrong choice, leaving without saying hello, but you tell yourself that he will be here when you get back. You just have a feeling. 
You take a look at yourself in the bathroom mirror, swiping on a new layer of lipstick and tucking away a few errant strands of hair as you give yourself a pep talk. You take a deep breath and fix your top before making your way back out to your barstool, happy to find him still sitting in his seat. As you sit down you see him turn towards you, almost looking at you as if he wants to say something, but doesn't. 
You remember back then you always told yourself that if you ever saw him you would say hello. You’d walk right up to him and say hi with no fear at all. But you knew that wasn’t true, one look from him had you running the opposite direction. A single glance in your direction mid show nearly had you in cardiac arrest. However, you’d grown up significantly since then, and never before had you had an opportunity like this one. 
He bites his lips together and turns away, minding his own business as he sips away at his drink. You smile, noticing that his style really hadn’t changed much. Newer versions of his same tried and true staples hanging from his body. A pair of dirty old boots and a corduroy jacket, of course it’s Jake. 
You aren’t sure what has come over you, this sudden bravery taking you by surprise. You turn your barstool just a touch, now facing him just a few seats away. 
“Jake?” you say, swallowing down your nerves. 
His head snaps to the side, his eyes growing in size as his face softens, “Yes?”
You’re shocked to say the very least, you hadn���t really planned anything past that. 
“Hi, um, I’m sorry, I just– I thought it was you but, I wasn’t completely sure. I don’t mean to bother you.”
He shakes his head quickly, “No, no. No bother at all. Have to be honest, it's been a long time since someone recognized me,” he laughs. “Several years at least.”
He stands from his stool and slides his drink along the bar as he walks towards you. You feel your heart rate increase dramatically as you swallow down your nerves. He takes the stool next to you, and now that he is directly in front of you there is no refuting that it’s him. His cologne is strong as you breathe him in, spicy and warm, everything you always expected. 
“I think I knew it was you pretty immediately, but it’s dark in here and all…” you smile. 
“Well, to be fair I don’t look the exact same as I used to, the years have been tough on me,” he laughs, fidgeting with his glass. “No one really recognizes me at all come to think of it, I’m a little surprised you did.”
“Oh, that can’t be true! I think you look the same!” you say, hoping to boost his ego just a bit. “Honestly, I almost didn’t say anything. I know you value your privacy and I really didn’t mean to bother you.”
He smirks to himself and nods his head, his eyes scanning over you as he lifts his head back up. He stops suddenly, grabbing your arm and turning it just a bit, feeling hesitant to touch you.  
“My god, I haven’t seen that in years,” he says, his face completely shocked. “It’s um, it’s the Age of Machine symbol, right? From the album?”
You feel your cheeks grow warm at the recognition, suddenly feeling a bit bashful about the ink. “Yeah, yeah it is. It’s in desperate need of a touch up, but yeah that’s exactly it.”
He runs his finger over it gently in admiration, his eyes growing dark and a smile pulled across his lips. “I loved that one. I still remember when that song came out,” he pauses, taking a pull from his drink. “Those were the goddamn good old days, weren’t they?”
“Yeah, they were. I think that one ended up being my all time favorite,” you say nervously. 
He releases his grip on your arm, and you mourn the contact, a sizzling fire burning through your skin at his touch. “My favorite album we ever cut. Always was.”
He sets his glass down and looks at you, really looks at you for the first time. His eyes drinking in the sight of you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t ask for your name,” he says, still fixated on your face.
You sip at your drink, needing the alcohol to hit you quickly if this conversation was going to continue. “Oh, it’s Y/N, I’m sorry, it completely slipped my mind.” you giggle.
He takes in your name as if it’s a fine wine, tasting each syllable on his tongue. “Y/N…” He pauses, trying out the name on his lips. Feeling it roll off his tongue. He nods his head in a silent agreement, liking the way the name sounds falling from his mouth. 
“It wasn’t true, you know,” he pauses, biting his lips together, “I didn’t try to be…reclusive or whatever people used to say. It’s not that I needed privacy. Things were just so different back then. I had to recharge, everything was just so…draining, I suppose.”
You find yourself smirking at his choice of words, swallowing down your giggle before you speak. “Yeah, I totally understand. I always wondered how it affected you all, the constant traveling and recording. I can’t imagine it was easy.”
He smiles at you and sighs, tilting his head back a little. The memories flash through his eyes, old and fond.
“It wasn’t,” he admits, a bitter chuckle escaping him. “I loved it. I loved what we were doing. I loved the music and I loved performing in front of huge crowds. There was nothing like it, still isn’t. But it was so…exhausting. I felt like I would never be myself again.” He says, looking back at you, studying you for a silent beat.
You're unsure how to respond to that, feeling guilty for being part of the reason he felt that way, but also being the reason he was able to do what he loved in the first place. As if he can sense your unease, he moves to change the subject.
He clears his throat, “Anyway,” he says, shaking the memories from his mind. “You were a fan. How was that? Did you see many shows or–”
“Yeah, actually. Quite a few. My friends and I would meet up and go together. It was always this big thing, we would plan for months…It was a lot of fun. I think of those days a lot. Miss them often.” you answer, taking a sip of your drink. 
You notice his demeanor shift a bit, his tongue rolling out over his bottom lip as he listens. You can see his mind working, tumbling through his own memories no doubt. 
He nods his head while you speak, feeling a pang of jealousy in his chest at the mention of your friends. A hint of loneliness in his heart that you were able to share those memories with someone but he no longer could.
“It’s weird, you get so caught up in being…famous, I suppose, as corny as it sounds, that you almost forget what you’re doing it for. You do it to make people happy, to give them a night that they’ll remember, and you get to feel it in return. There’s nothing like that in the world,” he laughs breathlessly.
“So you miss it, then?” you ask nervously. 
He chuckles, looking at you. “Of course I miss it. I mean, I can’t say I don’t enjoy having anonymity again. There’s a level of safety and comfort in it, and I’ve learned more about myself and my needs since then, I’ve grown as a person. But at the end of the day I miss the performing, I miss the people, I miss the rush, I miss my brothers,” he says, taking another sip of his drink. “I miss all of it.”
You feel a pang in your chest hearing someone you adore so deeply confide in you about things so close to his heart. Never in your wildest dreams did you imagine something like this. 
“So you…don’t speak to them? Your brothers?” you ask quietly, not wanting to prod too much. 
He sighs and his demeanor shifts, becoming cold and somber. The warmth he held earlier in his voice leaves him at your question.
“No,” he says firmly. “Not much. They’re doing their thing. I’m doing mine. We grew apart. It could’ve been avoided but…” He shakes his head, looking back at his half empty glass.
“We haven’t really talked in a long time. Especially lately,” he answers, his jaw clenches a little as he says it. “To be honest, I haven’t talked to Josh in years.”
“The two of you were always so close. At least, it seemed like that to us.”
“I thought so too. He’s my twin brother, my closest ally. I knew I could tell him anything, I knew I could count on him,” he says, a tinge of sadness in his voice. “Then everything happened the way it did and he left for California. We just…fell apart. Stopped talking for a while, and then we never really started again.”
“What about the others?” you ask, trying to pull his focus from his thoughts of Josh.
He clears his throat, shifting in his seat, his eyes flicking back to you.
“The others,” he says, taking a short breath as his mind runs down the old memories. “We talk on occasion. Sometimes, it’s a short conversation, talking about nothing. It feels like it’s hard to get through to them, to really connect in the same way we used to,” he explains, the sadness returning to his voice. “But when we do talk, it always feels like it did just a few years ago. Nothing’s changed between us but…the distance feels different. When your relationship with someone is built so heavily on one thing and then suddenly it’s taken away, you tend to fall apart from them too.”
“Yeah, yeah, I definitely understand that. I can’t lie, it makes me a little sad to think about it, but I guess that is the reality of life.”
“Yeah,” he says, resting his hand on his glass, “It’s certainly a hard lesson you learn early. Everything is fleeting, and there’s nothing you can do about it. You can’t hold on to it, no matter how hard you try. Can’t live in your glory days forever.”
You sigh and nod, suddenly feeling the weight of the conversation hanging over you. “I always wondered if you would start your own thing.”
He perks up a bit, his expression turning cheeky again, the corners of his lips twitching upwards. “I did for a little bit there, if you remember…”
“Oh yeah, god, I almost forgot about Mirador. Whatever happened to that?” you ask, suddenly remembering his side project. He gives a bitter laugh and takes a long, deep drink from his glass.
“Mirador,” he says with a shake of his head. “It was just supposed to be a little side project. Just me and an old friend writing some songs, you know? Sadly, it just didn’t go anywhere, to be completely honest. I realized I couldn’t do the same thing again. People expected too much from me, and every little bit of the project was under a microscope. At least, it felt like it was. It felt like I would never be able to get away from Greta. It felt like I was trying to recapture the magic of an already good thing, but no matter what I did, or how much I put into it, it wasn’t the same. I wanted to break out of my brother's shadow, but that’s very hard to do when he’s the sun.”
“So you knew that we referred to the two of you as the sun and the moon, then?” you smile, hoping to lighten the mood. 
A small laugh escapes him, nodding his head. “Yeah I did. I remember that,” he shakes his head, “Me, the moon and my brother, the sun. It's incredibly accurate, I'll give you that.”
“So, you just stopped playing all together then?” you ask, tilting your head to rest on your fist. 
He shakes his head, a serious look on his face. “God, no. That’s a ridiculous question. Music is my entire life,” he says, suddenly realizing how intense that statement was. He softens his voice as he continues, not wanting to ruin this good thing.
“I couldn’t give that up, even if I tried I don’t think I could. I love it too much. I have a little set up in my house. Nothing super crazy, my old stuff, my favorite things, the stuff I can’t live without. I write and play almost every day, I go to the occasional open mic or bar, you know how that is,” he shrugs. “I just, I don’t do it for a living anymore. Haven’t for a while. But it still brings me peace. It’s still a part of me.”
“I think there are a lot of people that would still love to hear the music you write, Jake,” you say, a bit of seriousness coloring your tone.
He looks shocked, as if not expecting praise like that. He smiles at you, almost shyly. “I don’t know. It’s been a while, and I’m not the same musician I used to be. I’m– I’m out of professional practice, I mean, I’m not twenty years old anymore,” he says, laughing slightly. 
Your eyes flick down to his hands, seeing the callouses still prominent on his fingertips. “I don’t believe that.”
He looks down, his eyes following yours to his hands before flashing back to your face. He laughs again, “I’m serious. I don’t know if I even still have it in me anymore,” he pauses, bringing his eyes back to yours, looking into them as if searching for reassurance. “Playing in front of a few people and playing in front of thousands of people are very different things. It’s been a long time. I don’t know if I could do it again like I used to. I’m not half as good as I used to be.”
“Then you are right on par with every person playing now. You were always better than the rest, Jake, and you know that. Hell, half of the people playing guitar now were inspired by you in the first place. You playing at fifty percent is still everyone else's one hundred percent. And you didn’t win all of those awards for no reason.”
He looks at you, absolutely shocked by your praise. He can feel his heart in his throat, beating fast.
“I…” he stutters, at a loss for words. He stares at you, unable to do anything but listen. There’s such a conviction in your words, such a seriousness and passion behind what you’re saying that it makes his heart beat a little faster.
It’s not that Jake wasn’t used to being praised. In fact, it used to be his favorite thing on Earth. He had gotten used to compliments and applause for years, and soaked it all up. Hearing it from you, after being apart from that type of recognition for so long, was something he hadn’t experienced in a long time.
“You’re giving me too much credit,” he teases, “You really were a fan weren’t you…” he says with a smirk. 
“Are, a fan…” you correct. “Just because the band isn't together doesn't mean that I stopped listening to the music you made.”
He looks at you quietly, his eyes flicking back to the drink in his hand as a small smile graces his lips. “You don’t know how good it is to hear that,” he says, almost under his breath.
“No one has forgotten about you if that's what you're thinking…”
He shakes his head, taking a long sip of his drink to mask his embarrassment.
“It’s not that I thought people forgot about me, I don’t have that kind of ego,”  he laughs. “I guess I just thought that people moved on, that’s all. It’s been a long time. But knowing that you still listen to it, that means a lot. Really, it does.”
You watch him resettle in his chair, turning his body to face yours a little bit more. You can see a sliver of his chest through his open shirt, his style still not changing through the passing years. His silver pendants still hang around his neck, shrouded by his long wavy hair. 
His fingers fiddle with the glass in his hand as he turns his body a little more to yours. He’s a little buzzed now, not drunk but not completely sober. He glances down at the exposed bit of your arm, eyes lingering on the ink that graces your skin. He takes another sip of his drink, the alcohol flowing through his veins, emboldening him just a little bit.
“So what about you?” he asks, his eyes raking over you before meeting your gaze. 
“Well, I've been here in Nashville all week for a work conference. Tonight is my last night here, so I decided to stop by here and have a drink. Needed to send a picture to my old friends to see if they remembered the place.” you confess.
He nods his head, listening as you speak. He can hear the nervousness coming from your voice, even though you’re trying to cover it up. He takes another sip of his drink, leaning a little closer to hear you better.
“A work conference? What do you do?” he asks, a curious look in his eyes.
“I'm a designer,” you answer confidently. “Mostly digital.”
He raises his eyebrows, a look of genuine curiosity on his face.
“A designer, eh? The artsy type.” He looks at you with an almost amused expression, a crooked smile on his face. “And you’ve been to this bar before?”
“Yeah, um, right before one of your shows actually. It was the opening night for the Starcatcher Tour…” you answer hesitantly. 
He nods his head, “I remember that show,” he says under his breath, more to himself than anything else. “That was a very memorable night.”
“It was, it was,” you agree, both of you letting your mind fill with the old memories. 
“That whole tour was one wild ride,” he pauses, letting his eyes flick over you. “So what else about you? Married? Kids?” he asks, sipping from the remnants of his drink. 
You laugh, “Oh, no, neither. I'm divorced actually.”
His eyebrows dart up, looking surprised. “Divorced? How long?” he asks, tilting his head a little as he studies you.
“It's been two years.” you answer.
He nods, “Three for me. Shitty club to be a part of,” he grins, trying to bring up the mood. “Not even a free hat.”
“You're divorced?” you ask in shock, “I didn’t even know you were married.”
He nods again, his eyes looking down, avoiding your gaze for a moment. “Yep, three years now. It, uh-,” he pauses, choosing his words carefully. His fingers wrap around his glass, twirling it in his hands. “It didn’t end well. At all.” he says, looking up at you. “Two beautiful kids though.”
“Of course they are,” you tease, nudging his shoulder.
He laughs, the first genuine laugh you’ve heard from him all night.
“They’re fantastic,” he says, the pride in his voice evident. “They’ve grown so much, too much. I don’t get to see them nearly as much as I’d like, but they are amazing. Oldest just started college, and my youngest is finishing up high school.”
“Boys?” you ask. 
He grins, a look of fondness in his eyes. “My son is following in my footsteps a bit, surprisingly. Loves music, plays several instruments, the whole deal,” he laughs. “My daughter, on the other hand, absolutely despises music and is an incredible athlete. I think she did that completely out of spite.”
“You're a lucky man,” you smile.
He looks up, his eyes meeting yours. In the low light of the bar, you can see the flecks of gold that are hidden in them.  He sighs, letting his fingers pick idly at the rim of his glass.
“I suppose I am,” he admits, the corner of his lips tugging upwards. “The craziest part of all of it is how much I miss noise.”
“Noise?” you ask, giggling.
He laughs, his eyes twinkling. “That came out wrong.”
“I mean,” he continues, “I miss the sounds of a family. I miss the sounds of little girls yelling in excitement, of boys getting angry because they lost their game, of music playing every day every where, of arguing over what to have for dinner or tour schedules. I miss that more than anything. Sometimes my house is just too quiet. I’ve never liked the quiet.”
You feel a twinge of sadness in your chest, knowing the exact feeling he speaks of. 
“I spent my entire life surrounded by it, shit, making it myself. I never ever knew a moment of peace, and it almost became comforting to me. Three siblings and a rock band will do that to you. But now it’s just quiet. Silent all the time, everywhere. You never realize how much you miss it until it’s gone. You’ve got no idea how silent an empty house can be until you’re forced to live in it.”
“I have a little bit of an idea,” you tease, finishing your drink. 
He raises his eyebrows, a sly smile on his lips. “That's why I come here,” he says, looking around the bar. “To find the noise.”
“A sticky dive bar?” you laugh, tracing your finger around the rim of your glass. 
“Exactly,” he says, nodding his head. “I’m sure there are a few nicer places I could go, but they wouldn’t be nearly as interesting,” he laughs, looking around. “There's almost always someone or something going on, music, people. It helps,” he shrugs, focusing on your face, “Fills the silence…Plus, it can’t be that bad if you found yourself here, too…”
You grin, nodding your head in agreement, “You make a great point, Mr. Kiszka.”
“I have my moments,” he says with a wink. He brings his drink to his lips, his eyes never leaving your face. He studies you as he swallows a sip, his eyes slowly looking over every part of you. 
“You said you are texting your friends,” he pauses, glancing down to your phone on the bar top, “Should we send them a photo?”
“Do you want me to send them a photo?” you tease, raising your eyebrow. 
He grins at you, his eyes flashing. “I think I do,” he says, his voice deep and sultry. He holds his hand out for your phone, “May I?”
You smile and nod, placing your phone into his hand. He hits the camera icon and opens the screen, the two of you appearing in frame in the dimly lit bar. 
His eyes are focused on the screen, snapping the photos, but for a brief moment he flicks his eyes down to you, smiling. He lets the camera click a few times for each shot, getting a variety. He looks at the photos for a moment, a cocky look in his eyes. His body brushes against your arm as he moves it, the heat traveling from his body to yours.
“Smile for me, love,” he murmurs, his voice close to your ear. A chill runs down your spine at his words, his breath warm on your skin. 
You grin as he snaps a few more photos, your mind reeling over the fact you were taking pictures at a bar with Jake Kiszka in the year 2049. 
He gives an almost cocky smile as he hands you your phone back, his fingers slowly tracing down your arm. “There,” he says, taking a long drink from his glass, the alcohol going straight to his head. “Pick whichever one, I think they’re all good. Actually, you should send them to me, too.”
You hand him your phone, letting him type in his number and sending a few photos to himself. He hands it back to you with a nod, and you swear you can almost feel your heart stop. You quickly pick a few, sending them off to your friends, anxiously awaiting their replies. You giggle as you lock your phone and set it back on the bar top. “Thank you, for that.”
He smiles back at you, his lips still wet from the alcohol. “Of course,” he murmurs. He leans back in his chair, his shirt gaping open a bit more, his necklaces on display. His chest is tanned and strong, you notice that he has kept in shape since the last time you saw him. He lets his eyes flutter across your body, his fingers toying with his glass. 
“The least I could do after you’ve sat here and let me talk your ear off,” he laughs. “I should be thanking you,” he pauses. “It’s been really nice to reminisce with someone who remembers me when I was in my prime.”
“Who says you’re not, still?” you ask.
He laughs, his head cocked to the side. He looks at you again, his eyes raking over your skin. He lets the tip of his finger slowly trail down the exposed skin of your arm, drawing a small shiver from you. “That's awfully kind of you,” he murmurs, “But we both know that's not true. I'm not the same man I was twenty years ago. Definitely don't look the same. Not the rockstar I used to be.”
“It’s not the way we look on the outside, it’s who we are on the inside. And for what it’s worth, how you look on the outside is still just as beautiful as I remember. A perfect match for this,” you answer, pressing your finger to his chest.
His heart thumps wildly under your hand, a small gasp escaping his lips. He stares at you in shock, his breathing speeding up as your words and touch send heat through his body. He lets himself lean into your touch, enjoying the contact, savoring it. His eyes soften, looking at you with a different kind of look. He’s silent for a moment, just staring at you. When he speaks, his voice is raspier than before.
“You’re much kinder than I deserve,” he murmurs.
“I don’t think that’s true either, Jake,” you breathe. 
He laughs again, his breath slightly shaky. The way you say his name sends another shiver through his body, your soft voice causing his heart to beat faster. He lets his own fingers brush up to encircle your wrist, gently holding your hand in place against his bare skin. He feels the heat radiating from your skin into his own, the touch burning him like a white-hot flame.
His eyes never leave yours, his voice barely above a whisper. “Let me ask you a question.”
“What’s that?” you answer. 
He hesitates for a moment, the alcohol making him bolder than normal. His eyes are locked on yours, taking in every feature of your face.
“Did you ever receive a rose?”
You look down bashfully, fiddling with the ring on your finger, “No, actually. I never did. The people around me always did, but never me. I never got any of that kind of stuff.”
He can see the disappointment in your eyes at your confession. A frown creases his own brows. He lets his fingers run idly along the inside of your wrist, his skin craving the sensation.
His eyes darkened, “That’s a shame,” he murmurs. “But I can’t say I am surprised, my brother always did have a hard time seeing what was right in front of him.”
“Just wasn’t meant to be,” you whisper. 
He lets his eyes search your face, almost as if studying you. He lets his fingers slowly brush up the underside of your arm, the light touch leaving a trail of goosebumps across your skin. He can feel his heart still stuttering in his chest, the alcohol and the proximity to you making his head spin. He lets out a breath as he looks at you, his eyes flicking over every feature of your face.
“This is going to sound crazy, but,” he pauses, rubbing his fingers over his lips, “Would you like to come somewhere with me? I want to show you something.”
“Oh, like– like leave?” you ask, taken aback at his suggestion. 
He can see the surprise on your face and it makes him smile. He nods his head, his hand still encircling your wrist, his fingers tracing the shape of your arm. “It’s not far from here, I promise. Just a five minute drive,” he murmurs, his voice almost pleading. “I think you’ll like it, I’m sure of it.”
Your eyes dart around his face. Is Jake Kiszka really asking you to leave with him? 
“Um, I-” you pause, trying to decide if this is a good idea. You know this opportunity will never come again, so you make the decision to agree. “Sure. We can do that.”
“Good,” he murmurs, his lips curving up into a smile. He lets his eyes rake over your face again before finally releasing your wrist. He fishes in his front pocket, pulling out a roll of cash. He tosses a few bills on the bar, more than enough to cover his tab and yours. He then places his hand on your lower back, his fingers searing at the touch.
“Let's go,” he says gently, guiding you off the stool. “It's not far at all.”
You let him lead your outside into the humid late summer air, the humidity thick and heavy around you. He leads you to his car, opening the passenger door for you.
He walks around the front of the car, his heart hammering in his chest. He gets in slowly, his eyes raking over your body.
He starts the car, the engine rumbling to life. He rests his hand on the gearshift and looks over at you, his expression uncertain.
“Are you going to tell me where you’re taking me?” you giggle, turning to look at him. 
He laughs, the sound low and slightly nervous. He keeps his hand on the gearshift as he looks over at you, grinning. “You’ll have to wait and see,” he teases. “You’re just gonna have to trust me on this one, love.”
Your heart skipped a beat at the sentiment, nodding your head as you turn your eyes back to the dark road in front of you. He was right, it wasn’t long at all until you were pulling into a parking space at a park. It was dark, only a few stray street lights buzzing overhead. 
He steps out of the car, coming around to open your door. He offers his hand, the skin hot to the touch. He helps you out, holding your hand as he guides you out towards one of the lit sidewalks. He walks quietly next to you, keeping his stride short to match yours. The sound of crickets filters through the air, creating an almost peaceful hum.
He smiles at you, the warmth of his hand encompassing yours. “Almost there,” he murmurs, gently pulling you forward. 
Your heart is pounding in your chest, the feeling of his hand in yours so gentle but so firm. The two of you walk down the sidewalk further into the park, finally stopping just in front of a large open area, with a single well manicured rose bush. A small gold plaque stands in front of it, but you can’t yet make out the words. 
He looks over to you, the corner of his lips curving up in a slight smile. He gestures to the plaque, his voice is soft, “Go ahead, read it,” he says, reluctantly releasing your hand. He stays put, shoving his hands into the pocket of his pants as he watches you with a smug grin. 
You walk over to the plaque, trying to focus on the weathered metal, but one thing is perfectly clear, the logo forever visible in your mind. 'Greta Van Fleet'. Your eyes focus harder in the low lighting, doing your best to read the old dedication. 
‘This White O’Hara rose bush, dedicated on this day, October 19, 2033, celebrates the 15 year anniversary of the release of ‘Anthem of The Peaceful Army’. Planted in memory of the adoring fans that made this dream possible, in the name of peace, love, unity and equality.’
‘They pass the torch and it still burns, once children then it’s now our turn.’
He stands there, silently watching as you read the plaque. The sounds of the night fill the air around him, crickets and cicadas creating an almost peaceful hum. He watches your face intently, searching for your reaction. He can see you taking in each word, the slight tilt of your head, the narrowing of your eyes as you read. He stays quiet, letting you digest every word. He lets his eyes fall over you, taking in the way the light of the street lamp hits you. Admiring you. 
You feel tears spring to your eyes as you let them take in the sight of the beautiful white roses, flourishing on the mature bush. The fragrance is overwhelming, the beautiful smell filling your senses. You turn around to look at Jake, seeing him smiling as you figure it all out.
He can see the tears in your eyes, his chest tightening at the sight. He silently watches you move closer to him, his breath hitching in his throat. He remains quiet, the words that he wants to say stuck in his throat. He swallows again, the intensity of his gaze never leaving your face as you come to a stop in front of him.
“Jake, this is so beautiful. It’s so– These are the prettiest roses I’ve ever seen.” you say, stopping in front of him. 
He lets out a shaky exhale, his breath mixing with the muggy summer air. He reaches out and tentatively places his hand on your elbow, the touch almost hesitant. His eyes never leave yours. He can feel his heart thudding in his chest, the beat echoing in his ears. He bites his lower lip, his breath coming out in a soft huff.
“They are…they’re perfect, truly,” he murmurs, his gaze flickering to the beautiful white roses behind you. “My hard work has paid off I suppose.”
“Your hard work?” you ask.
He nods, his hand never leaving your arm. It moves though, ever so gently moving down to wrap around your hand again. He absentmindedly toys with your fingers as he speaks, his eyes still never leaving yours. He lets the edges of his lips quirk up in a wry smile. “I planted these roses. Well, Sam and I. And I tend to them now. I wanted something out here that would be here for years, centuries. I wanted something permanent.” He lets his eyes trail up your body, his gaze never leaving yours for a moment. “I wanted something eternal. This was sort of my last effort to fix things and– well, yeah.” 
“Jake it’s beautiful,” you breathe, “A beautiful tribute.”
His voice is husky when he speaks again, “You like it,” he murmurs, the words a statement. “I knew you would. But there is actually one more thing.”
He pulls away from you, releasing your hand as he walks towards the bush, reaching his hand into his pants pocket and pulling out a small pocket knife. His arm descends into the mass of leaves, fiddling with the knife before pulling out a perfect, bloomed rose. 
He turns back to you, holding the flower gently in his hand. The rose looks small in his hand, his fingers wrapped gingerly around the stem. He takes a step forward, closing the distance between you once more, quickly using his blade to shear away the thorns and leaves. He lifts the rose gently, the bloom just a few inches from your face, looking at you with unwavering eyes.
“For you,” he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’m sorry it’s late.”
Your breath catches in your throat, accepting the rose from his hand. A smile parts his lips as he watches you bring it to your nose to breathe it in. “It was worth the wait.”
He lets a shaky exhale from his lungs, his chest almost hurting from how fast his heart is beating. He can feel his own breath get caught in his chest, his breath becoming labored at the sight of you with the bloom held in your soft hands. He swallows again, his eyes raking over your face. He takes a small step forward, the toes of his boots now almost touching your own. His voice is raspy when he speaks.
“I just wish it could have been sooner,” he mutters, his voice almost sad. He runs his hand through his hair, a slight flush of emotion crossing his face.
“I actually think I prefer this,” you breathe, letting your eyes flick up to his.
He lets out a disbelieving laugh, the sound filling the air around you. He can’t help the way his body reacts to your simple words, a rush of emotion surging through him. “Are you– Would you be up for one more adventure?” he asks.
You’d never felt more sure of anything in your life. You felt safe with him, you’d follow him to the ends of the earth. “Of course.”
He lets his smile grow bigger, a rush of relief coursing through him. He reaches to take your hand again, the skin warm against his own. He lets his fingers interlace with yours, holding on firmly.
“Good, then let’s go,” he says, pulling you along with him as you make your way back to his car, white rose in hand. 
He opens the passenger door for you, gently helping you into the car. He closes the door, coming around the other side, climbing back into the car. He starts the car, the engine rumbling to life again. He shifts the car into gear, pulling out of the park, the streetlights casting a harsh glow over his face as he drives. His hands are still shaking on the wheel, adrenaline still coursing through his body.
“That was really sweet of you Jake,” you murmur, “I’ll think about this forever.”
He can feel his heart skip a beat at your words, his chest tightening at the sound of your voice. He swallows, his eyes never leaving the road.
“I hope you will,” he says quietly, his voice still a bit shaky. He lets his grip on the wheel tighten as he speaks. The radio is off, the only noises coming from the hum of the engine and the sound of his breathing. “There is just one more thing I would like to show you.”
“I can't wait,” you admit, watching him turn into a neighborhood. You can only assume he is taking you back to his home. 
He lets his jaw clench, his eyes remaining trained on the road ahead. He feels the nervousness bubbling up in his chest as he continues driving, the familiar surroundings of his neighborhood coming into view. His house is still lit up, the outside lights leaving a soft glow on his expansive front yard. He pulls into the driveway, putting the car into park.
“This would be me,” he mutters, his voice low.
“This is your home? It's beautiful.”
He hesitates before turning off the car, his fingers still gripping the steering wheel. He lets his eyes glance at you before looking out at the house.
“It definitely was an upgrade back in the day,” he chuckles, still staring at the house, lost in thought. He finally lets his fingers slide off the wheel, taking the keys out of the ignition.
He opens the door, climbing out of the car. He comes around to your side, opening the door for you once more. He offers his hand to you, the gesture almost gallant. Once you’re out of the car, he closes the door behind you, taking your hand in his again. He leads you up the path to the front door, unlocking it quickly. His heart is beating fast once more, the blood rushing to his ears.
You take in the entry way of his home, grand and exactly what you expected his home to look like. “Wow, Jake, this is…”
The words leaving your mouth fill his chest with warmth, the anxiety from before replaced with a sense of pride. He lets the corners of his lips quirk up as he closes the door behind them, the sound cutting through the quiet in the house. 
“Thank you,” he murmurs, his voice soft. He glances down the hall, his expression slightly uncertain. “But the best part is back here...”
You follow him down the hallway, turning a few corners and stopping in front of a large wooden door. He twists the handle and pushes the door open, letting you enter first. You’re immediately captivated by the room, filled floor to ceiling with guitars, artwork, posters, and more memorabilia than you’d ever seen in your life. It was lit by a small lamp in the corner, the room glowing a warm amber color. 
He lets his eyes fall over the room, taking in the look on your face. The look of awe is what he had hoped for, and he feels a sense of pride wash over him. His chest is tight, his heart beating erratically. He takes a step into the room, the small amount of light casting shadows on the floor. He walks over to a small, low table, flicking on another, smaller lamp.
“This is my office, so to speak,” he says quietly, his voice soft. “But I'm sure you know what actually happens in here.”
“This is where you play,” you breathe, letting your eyes focus on the guitars lining the walls. One catches your attention immediately, your hand itching to run your fingers over the frets.
“Indeed it is.” He slowly turns to look at you, his expression half-hidden in the dim lighting. The shadows on his face make his features sharper, the hollows beneath his cheeks creating deep shadows that leave his face in contrast. “Had it built custom for the house, has sound proof walls and everything…My ex she– she got tired of the music all the time,” he laughed. “Had to make some compromises.”
“There is so much here…” you say, looking around in wonder. “I don't even know what to look at first.”
He watches as your eyes flit from item to item, trying to take it all in and process it all at once. 
“Feel free to look at whatever you want, touch whatever you want, I won’t stop you,” he assures and lets his eyes follow yours, watching as you look at all the pieces of his life surrounding you. 
You recognize some things, others are completely new to you. Photos you’ve never seen, and posters you only ever saw photos of, here now in front of your face. “I wish this stuff didn’t make me sad,” you confess, snapping a few photos of old tour posters. 
He takes a few steps closer to you, his eyes never leaving your face. He swallows and gently touches your arm, the contact sending sparks up his fingers. He can hear the sadness in your voice, his heart twists in his chest.
He stands close, his chest almost touching yours. He lets the edges of his lips quirk up into a slight smile. “I understand, trust me,” he murmurs, his eyes never leaving yours. “But I can assure you there is something in here that may take the edge off.”
He makes his way over to a small shelf housing a collection of vinyl records, thumbing through the stack and pulling out a black cardboard sleeve. He pulls the vinyl from inside, revealing it to you in the light. The sticker on the front reads, ‘Test Pressing’ but offers no other distinguishing qualities. He offers you a teasing smile as he stands to place it on his turntable. 
He carefully places the record onto the turntable, his slender fingers handling it with a certain amount of reverence. The record player is old, the vinyl spinning with a soft crackle of static. He’s almost excited to hear it, anticipating your reaction. He stands next to the record player, his eyes darting from the spinning record to your face, watching as you process his actions. He lets his fingers rake through his hair, a slight smirk on his lips as sound begins to play through the speakers. 
Music begins to play, the familiar guitar tone striking a chord within your chest. You could recognize it anywhere, and just as you were about to speak, you hear Josh’s voice singing lyrics you’d never heard. 
“Jake, what is this?” you gasp. 
He watches as your eyes widen, your mouth parting slightly in surprise. He can see the disbelief in your eyes as you register the sound, a song you couldn’t place because it was never released. He can only respond with a small shrug, his heart twisting in his chest.
“I– I’ve never heard this,” you breathe. 
He gently steps closer to you, his eyes never leaving your face. He’s close enough to get a good look at your surprised expression, his heart still pounding. “No one ever has,” he whispers, his voice soft. “It was never released. Never made it past the studio.”
“Why not?”
He lets out a huffed laugh, the sound almost sad. He runs his slender fingers through his hair, his expression almost troubled. He lets his eyes flutter down to the record, his heart twisting in his chest. 
“Management thought it was too...” he trails off, struggling to find the right words to say. “It was too…intimate. Josh wouldn't budge on it. We all tried. We had so much other material...We could have gone a completely different direction. But Josh just–He wouldn't. Said it was this or nothing. This is ultimately what ended everything.”
“Oh my god, I– I had no idea.” you whisper, still hearing the beautiful and deeply personal lyrics playing in the background. 
He lets a sharp exhale of air leave his nose, his eyes still focused on the record spinning gently, the sound of Josh's voice filling the small room. His heart is still beating violently, the sound of it thrumming through his body. He shakes his head slightly, his jaw clenching.
He wants to reach out and touch you again, but he suddenly doesn't know what to say. He lets the moment stretch for a few more seconds before he speaks again. “I thought you’d like to hear it.”
“I just can't believe it. It's beautiful, it would have been perfect…”
He swallows, the lump in his throat refusing to go away. He nods in agreement with you, his heart aching. The song is beautiful, it’s sad and lonely and everything that he loves. He looks back at the record, his eyes narrowing as he focuses on the record spinning. 
“Yes...it would have been…” he mutters, his voice soft.
You feel the energy between you shift, his eyes are staring into yours, deep and dark, and you can’t seem to look away. His hands on your skin are burning through you like fire, and you can’t help but to fall deeper into the flames. 
He swallows, his heartbeat pounding in his ears. His eyes are locked on to your face, a mixture of sadness and something else in his gaze. He feels his fingers twitching slightly, almost itching to reach out and touch you again, the burning in his body becoming increasingly more intense with each passing second.
“God…” he mutters, his voice low.
You place your hands on his chest, feeling his warmth against your palms. His face is inches from yours, and you know in this moment that he wants you just as badly as you want him.  
The thumping in his chest increases, the sound of his heart beating in his ears almost deafening at this point. He can feel the tension in his body increase, his blood rushing through his veins. He reaches up, his fingers grasping the back of your neck, his body on autopilot at this point. He pulls you flush against him, the burning in his body increasing to the point of being almost painful.
He’s aware of the record still spinning in the background, but the only thing he can focus on is you. His hand slides up your neck to the back of your head, his fingers getting lost in your hair. He lets out a huff of air, the breath shuddering slightly, his body shaking. His eyes are focused on yours, the deep brown of them almost completely lost to the black of his expanding pupils. He feels your hands against his chest, the warmth of your body against his leaving a scorching trail across his skin. 
“Can I kiss you?” he breathes, his eyes never leaving yours. 
“Please,” you whisper.
He lets out a growl as he slams his lips against yours, his hand in your hair pulling you in tighter against him. The action makes his heart jump, his chest tight and aching. He kisses you hungrily, his body on fire as he tastes you through the kiss. He parts your lips with his, his tongue exploring your mouth with an increasing sense of urgency.
He tastes of Whiskey and peppermint, his lips warm as they envelop yours. His hands are tight against your head, gripping into your hair so firmly it’s almost as if he believes you will float away. Your hands travel beneath the opening of his shirt, feeling his warm chest on your fingertips. A hum leaves his lips as his tongue twists with yours, his legs walking the two of you backwards to an oversized velvet chair. 
He moans as your fingers touch his skin, your warmth igniting something dangerous inside of him. He can’t help the way his body reacts, the way his fingers grip your hair a little more firmly, his body becoming almost starved of all things rational.
He continues to kiss you desperately, the taste of you leaving him wanting more. He guides you backwards, the back of his legs hitting the chair, causing him to stumble slightly before sitting down in it, pulling you into his lap without breaking the kiss.
Your legs straddle him, his hands automatically finding their way to your hips as he pulls you down further. He breaks the kiss, panting slightly as he pulls just far enough away to look at your face, his eyes raking over your features, taking in the flush creeping over your cheeks. “God, you're beautiful…” he mutters, his voice low and gravelly. “C’mere, sweetheart.” 
Your insides turn to a puddle as his words float through your mind. All you can focus on is the feeling of his hands on your body, and the taste of his lips on yours. You can feel him growing hard beneath you, his hips moving upwards to meet yours ever so slightly. 
He lets out a low moan as he feels you move against him, his body reacting immediately to the contact, a shiver rushing through his body in response. He lets his hands grip your hips again, fingers digging into the soft skin there, the motion making his heart pound. He leans back in, capturing your lips in a kiss, the action full of hunger and need. He can’t get enough of you, the warmth of your body against his own almost driving him insane.
You feel his hands trailing up your sides, sliding beneath the hem of your shirt as his lips move to press wet kisses to your neck. His hands stop just at the swell of your breasts, his fingertips gliding gently over the round skin. You pull away from him, looking into his lust blown eyes and nodding your head in approval. 
“Please, Jake,” you beg.
His eyes flutter at the sound of your voice, the sound of your plea making his heart jump in his chest. He lets out a low groan, his body almost shaking at the sound of you begging, his desire increasing tenfold. He lets his lips move back up to your neck, nipping at the sensitive skin there gently as you feel his fingers move up, gently skimming the underside of your tits, the touch light and deliberate.
“Tell me you're sure,” he demands. 
“I’m positive.”
He lets out another soft moan against your neck, his fingers gently caressing the soft skin of your sides. He runs his nose along the skin, his head spinning, his body already on edge, the sound of your voice fueling the fire within him. He leans back in the chair, his breathing ragged as he lets his eyes rake over your body, the sight of you straddling him on his lap almost too much to bear.
“Take your shirt off,” he rasps, his eyes glued to you.
You reach for the hem, pulling the fabric over your head as his eyes lock in on your bare chest. His hands move to cup at your tits, sliding around to your back and pulling you in towards his face until his lips connect with the plump skin. You feel his tongue swirling around your nipple as his hands move down your body, pulling your hips harder into his. He growls against your skin, alternating between sucking at your chest and nipping at the sensitive skin. 
“Jake,” you whine, tossing your head back as you revel in the feeling. 
He moans again as you say his name and pulls you tighter against him, his fingers gripping your body possessively, his need growing ever more urgent. “I need you on the bed, sweetheart,” he whispers hoarsely, his words laced with desire.
“So take me,” you answer, looking at his pink swollen lips. 
He smirks at your response, the sound of your words sending a shudder through him, his eyes dark and intense. He doesn’t need to be told twice. He moves quickly, his strong arms scooping you up off his lap and setting you back down on the floor. He stands, his broad stature leading you with ease as he walks out of the room and across his expansive house. 
He leads you to a large bedroom, the room lit only by a small lamp on the bedside table. He walks you quickly over to the bed, the plush comforter and pillows surrounding the king sized bed. He gently pushes you down onto the bed, his body towering over you as he stares down at your half naked body, his eyes practically black with desire.
You can feel the plush bedding beneath you, a dark navy color to compliment the jewel toned walls. Your chest is heaving with want for him, watching as he pulls his black linen shirt over his head.
He stands at the edge of the bed, his shirt tossed to the floor and his muscles taut underneath his skin. His eyes rake over your form on the bed, taking in every little detail, his need increasing by the second. He swallows suddenly, his nerves beginning to take over. It’s been so long since he’s done this with someone. He tries to push down the rising anxiety, his eyes never leaving your face.
You can see the unease on his face, sitting up on your elbows to look at him. “You okay?” you ask gently. 
His heart skips a beat as you ask him the question, the genuine concern in your voice pulling at his heartstrings. He lets out a soft huff of air, shaking his head slightly.
“Yeah…yeah I’m fine,” he reassures, but his voice betrays him, his words coming out as a whisper, his chest tight.
“You look amazing, Jake…”
He can feel another shiver run through him as you speak, your words pulling at him. He swallows, his chest getting tighter, his heart thrumming in his ears.
He takes another deep breath, letting his eyes rake over your body. “You have no idea how beautiful you look right now,” he says quietly, his voice raspy and low, his eyes taking in the sight of you on his bed, your skin practically glowing under the lamplight.
“Touch me,” you breathe. 
He lets out a shuddering breath at your request, his skin prickling at the sound of your voice. He moves fast, closing the few feet between you and crawling onto the bed, his knee on either side of your thighs as he hovers over you. His hand gently cups the side of your face, his thumb tracing your jawline, his other hand running down your side, his touch feather-light. 
You reach up, running your hand across his chest, feeling the smoothness of his skin and the cold metal of his necklaces. You wrap your hand around his neck, guiding his lips back to yours as he lowers himself to hover over you. As his lips connect with yours you feel his free hand unbuttoning your jeans, and pulling the zipper down. 
Your kiss is harsh and needy, wanting him as close as you can get him. You lift your hips to help him slide your jeans off, leaving you in your underwear beneath him. His hand moves to cup at your heat, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip as his hair tickles your cheeks. 
He can feel the heat coming off of you, the sensation making him ache for more. He lets out a low hum as his hand runs between your legs, his fingertips gently running over your mound, feeling the heat and the wetness through your panties. He breaks the kiss, his head spinning as desire and need courses through his body. He peppers your jaw and neck with quick kisses, his tongue tracing the sensitive skin.
“God you're so perfect,” he whispers hoarsely, his breath coming out in short pants.
Your hips arch into his touch, silently begging him to remove the barrier between the two of you. “You feel perfect,” you whine, twisting your hand into his hair. 
He lets out a low growl as you pull at his hair, the sound driving him crazy. He can't wait any longer, the burning desire to taste you, to feel you, becoming almost overwhelming.
He lets his hand slip past the elastic of your panties, his fingers slipping through the wetness, a low moan leaving his lips as he touches you. “God you're so ready,” he breathes against your neck.
You whine as his steady hand guides his fingers over your clit, sending a lightning bolt of pleasure through your body. “Fuck,” you whine, “Keep– Keep going.”
He can feel the way you squirm beneath him as his fingers work between your legs, his heart thrumming in his chest at your reaction. He lets out a low groan, his fingers circling your clit as he responds to your request.
“Yeah?” he whispers, his fingers tracing and teasing. “Like that sweetheart?” he asks, delivering a particularly sensual swipe of his fingers. 
You hum in pleasure, letting your eyes flutter closed as you enjoy the sensation. You can hear his pendant tinkling together above your face, committing the sound to memory. He's painfully hard beneath his jeans, the feeling almost uncomfortable in his current position, but his focus is completely on the reaction he's getting out of you, the sound of your pleasure filling his ears, the feeling of your body beneath his fingers making his head spin. 
You feel his hand slide further down, three fingers sliding through your wetness before gently gliding to your entrance. “Two or three baby, you tell me what you want.”
“Tw-Three,” you stammer, quickly correcting yourself.
He lets out another low laugh against your neck, his tongue tracing a line up to your ear. “Good girl,” he murmurs, the sound of the words sending a shiver through your body.
His fingers slide back through your wetness, a soft moan leaving his lips as he presses three fingers in to the knuckle, the feeling lighting your body on fire. “You’re so perfect, sweetheart.” he growls, letting his fingers move perfectly inside of you. 
He lets out a low moan at the sound of his name on your lips, his fingers working inside of you, his knuckles rubbing against your inner walls. He's completely lost in your response, the feeling of you beneath him driving all rational thoughts out of his head.
“That's it, sugar, say my name again,” he commands, his voice low and breathy. “God, you feel so good around me.”
“Jake,” you whine, feeling his thumb move to rest on top of your throbbing clit.
He doesn’t stop his fingers, his thumb gently beginning to rub at your clit, the feeling and sound of you pulling another moan from his mouth. “That’s right sweetheart, let me hear you. Don’t hold back on me.”
You feel your insides starting to tense, your thighs are quivering with anticipation, and your blood is moving through your veins faster than it ever has. You let your eyes open to look at him, completely entranced with the way his fingers are disappearing inside of you. “I'm close, baby.”
He lifts his head to look at your face, his eyes scanning across your features, taking in the flushed appearance and hazy expression on your face. 
“Let go, baby,” he rasps, his fingers increasing their pace. “I wanna see, I wanna hear you cum for me.”
You can hardly deny him, your body giving in to his demands whether you like it or not. Your body tenses around his fingers, your hips rolling up into his touch as the tension snaps inside of you. Your back arches up off the bed as his name falls from your lips, echoing through the air around you as soft curses leave his lips. 
He stares down at your face, watching you come undone beneath him, and it’s the most breathtaking, perfect thing he’s ever witnessed.
He lets his fingers slow as you ride through your orgasm, gently removing them, a low hum leaving his lips as he sits back a bit, his eyes taking in your disheveled form. “God you’re fucking beautiful, baby,” he murmurs against your neck.
You are working steadily to catch your breath, looking at him as he pulls his fingers to his lips. 
He lets his eyes stay on yours as he runs his tongue over his fingers, the taste of you making his head spin and his stomach tense. He moves onto his knees as you settle back down, his eyes roaming over you, the sight of so needy beneath him makes his body ache.
He lets his hands run up your bare legs, gently massaging your thighs and hips. “You okay, sweetheart?” he asks, his voice low and raspy.
“That was,” you pause, letting out a sigh, “Amazing, Jake…”
He lets out a soft laugh at your response, his fingers continuing to massage your skin as he responds. “Yeah?” he asks, a smirk slowly spreading across his lips.
“Yeah, but you already know that,” you counter, pulling him down towards you by the chain of his necklaces. He moves quickly, his body pressed flush to yours before you move to roll him to his back, taking position on top of him. 
His hands rest on your thighs, his thumbs making small circles on your skin as he looks up at you. He lets his eyes rake over your face, his hands gently squeezing your hips, trying to keep the cool demeanor as desire begins to overtake him. 
“Think you’re taking charge here, sweetheart?”
“I know so,” you quip. 
“Only because I’m letting you.” he smirks, moving a hand to rest behind his head as he watches you. 
He looks so good beneath you, the years passed only adding to the natural sexiness he always possessed. Your eyes rake over his body as your fingers move to unbutton his pants.  
He sucks in a deep breath as you get the button unfastened, his entire body practically burning now, his skin overheating. You pull his jeans down below his hips, revealing the thin boxers he’s wearing underneath, and the obvious print of his fully hardened length beneath the fabric. His muscles flex involuntarily as he tries to keep himself in check, but he finds it damn near impossible when you’re looking at him like this. 
You drag your hand over his length, pulling a hiss from his chest. You stroke him through his boxers watching his lips part and his breathing become heavier. 
He can hardly contain himself as you touch him through the fabric, a shuddering gasp leaving his lips, his hands gripping the sheets beneath him. 
“Oh god, baby,” he grits out, his voice strained and harsh. He can’t keep his eyes off you, his heart racing in his chest as you tease him, the friction both incredible and completely torturous.
You move backwards on the bed, letting your fingers dip into the elastic of his boxers, pulling them down his legs as you move further backward. His cock springs free from the confines of the fabric, slapping against his groin with an audible thud. His eyes search yours as you throw his boxers to the floor, reaching for his length and grasping it hot and hard in your fist. 
He lets his tongue run across his dry lips as you continue teasing him, his eyes darkened with lust, his chest heaving as he tries to keep his breathing even. 
“Jesus, sweetheart,” he moans, his hips arching up as you continue your movements, craving more friction, more contact.
You settle yourself between his legs, as you continue to work him, giving him a playful smile before dropping your lips over his length. You can taste the saltiness of his precum on your tongue, and the warmth of his body on your lips. 
He lets out a low moan of pure pleasure as your lips wrap around him, his heart feeling like it’s about to explode in his chest, his body practically on fire. 
“God, yeah, that’s it baby,” he grits out, his hands gripping the sheets so hard his knuckles turn white. “Just like that.” He can’t help but let his hips roll up into your mouth, the feeling and the sight of you, almost too much to take.
You flatten your tongue against him as you take him further into your mouth, feeling his tip brush at the back of your throat. His hips jerk into you, his own primal need for more manifesting. When you don’t gag, it takes him by surprise, his eyes widening as he looks at you. 
“Fuck sweetheart, and I didn’t think you could get any better.”
You pull back a bit, sucking as you withdraw your mouth, cupping his balls and pulling a whine from his chest. 
“God, yes,” he whines, “Doing fucking amazing.”
You begin to bob your head up and down at a faster pace, feeling his cock start to thicken in your hand. You pull your mouth from him, letting a string of saliva drip down the side of his length. Your eyes never leave his as you lick up the underside of his shaft, savoring the taste of his skin and the feeling of his veins on your tongue. 
He practically whimpers at the feeling of your tongue on him, his chest heaving, his body practically trembling with need. He can feel himself getting closer with every movement of your mouth and hand, his eyes locked on yours as he tries to keep control of himself.
He’s on the edge, desperate for release, his body arching up into you. “Keep going, baby, don’t stop,” he moans out, his voice ragged and breathless. 
You quicken your pace, eyes locked on him as you continue to work him towards his release, the jerking movements of his cock in your mouth letting you know its arrival is imminent. You hum around him, letting the vibrations of your voice work him even closer. 
“Goddamn, Y/N,” he pants, gripping his hand into your hair. His grip is firm and his eyes are pleading, so you give in and give him the approval he is looking for. 
In seconds you feel his hand guiding your head at a much faster pace, the head of his cock repeatedly hitting the back of your throat as he curses in pleasure. It’s only a few seconds before you feel him starting to twitch against your tongue, his hand loosening its grip in your hair. 
His breathing becomes ragged as he guides your head, his hips bucking and rolling as he gets closer to the edge. “Look at me,” he demands. 
Your eyes immediately meet his, and suddenly you feel the rush of bitter warmth as it flows across your tongue and down your throat. 
“Take it, fucking take it,” he groans, his hips still moving on their own as he spills into your mouth. 
As you swallow down the last of his release, he lets his head fall back on the pillow, his chest heaving and his heart still racing as he comes down from the high. He looks back up at you, his eyes dazed and half-lidded, his breathing labored. 
“Jesus,” he rasps, his hand falling from your hair. You move to stand at the end of the bed, tossing your hair over your shoulders and sliding your thong down your legs. He watches you intently, his eyes taking in the sight of your naked body, causing his cock to harden once again. He strokes it a few times, still feeling sensitive from his last orgasm. 
“I want you, Jake,” you whisper, kneeling back onto the bed. 
“Come here,” he replies, his voice a low, gruff whisper. He sits up, his eyes still taking in every inch of you, his body practically aching with need, his heart thrumming in his chest. He holds a hand out to you, his eyes locked on yours.
You move towards him, taking his hand as you step closer, your body coming flush with his as he pulls you into his lap. He lets his hands move to your hips, pulling you even closer until you're straddling his thighs, his breath catching in his chest as he looks at you.
“You want me to ride you, baby?” you ask, a mischievous smile on your lips. 
“Fuck yeah,” he growls, pulling your wet cunt into direct contact with his cock. 
“Or,” you pause, pushing up a little, “Would you rather have me on my hands and knees?”
The question makes his heart skip a beat, and he lets out a low groan, his hands gripping tighter on your hips.He hesitates for a moment, his eyes locked on yours, and when he speaks his voice is low and rough. 
“That's not fair,” he says, his hands moving to the small of your back, pulling you closer against him.
“Why not?” you ask, pretending not to understand his conundrum. His hands remain firm on your body as he responds, his voice a low, huskier version of his normal tone. 
“Because I'm trying to show you some restraint, and you're making it very difficult for me, sweetheart,” he says, his eyes flicking between yours as he looks at you.
“Who said I wanted you to show restraint?” you ask, wanting everything he had to offer. 
His eyes darken as you challenge him, his hand gripping tighter on your hip. “You're playing with fire, angel,” he warns, his voice strained as he tries his hardest to keep control of himself.
He can feel the way your body responds to his touch, and he can tell you want more, and god knows he wants more too. You roll your wet pussy against the head of his cock in an attempt to press him even further. 
“Last chance baby,” he warns. 
You suck a wet kiss to his chest, giving him your answer. He pushes you up, and rolls you off of him, standing from the bed as he snaps his fingers. “Hands and knees,” he barks, pointing to the center of the bed.
The demanding quality of his voice sends a flood of arousal to your core. You follow his command, getting on your hands and knees in the middle of the bed, your heart pounding in your chest as you hear him move behind you.
He walks over to his bedside table, pulling open the bottom drawer and grabbing a silver foil packet from the strip. He rips the packaging open with his teeth, spitting the corner out to the floor before rolling the latex over his throbbing cock. 
He moves closer to you, his body now completely flush against yours, his hands on your hips to keep you in place. When he speaks, his voice is low and rough, his breath hot against your ear.
“You ready for me, sweetheart?”
“Yes,” you breathe, anticipating his first move. 
His hands tighten on your hips as you reply, his heart racing as he hears the need in your voice. He leans down, his lips close to your ear as he responds, his words a low, gruff whisper. “Good girl.”
He moves his hips behind you, positioning himself at your entrance. He takes a moment to compose himself, wanting to savor this moment. His grip on your hips is firm, but his touch is gentle as he slowly pushes into you, a low moan leaving his lips as he does. 
“God, you feel so good, baby,” he whispers, his body trembling against yours. 
The stretch is indescribable, the burning fullness as he fully sheaths himself inside you is nothing like you could have ever imagined. You can feel the throb of his cock against your walls and the way his hands grip into your hips as he adjusts to the snug sensation overwhelming his senses. 
“Jake, oh my god,” you whine, feeling his hand slide around to grip your chest. He pinches your nipple between his fingers as he drags his tongue down your spine. 
“I know baby, you feel incredible,” he says, starting to move his hips at a faster pace. 
The room is starting to grow hot, his headboard tapping the wall with every thrust into you. You can’t seem to stop the continuous flow of noises leaving your chest, only offset by the sound of his hips slapping against your ass. 
“Jake, baby,” you cry out, his hips slamming into your at a bruising pace. 
“I warned you sugar,” he pants, “I know you can take it.”
He’s right, the pleasure is overriding the pain, leading you towards what you know will likely be the best orgasm of your life. You begin to clench around him as curses fall from his lips, his hands gripping into your shoulders, pulling you back to meet each thrust. 
You can feel his hair as it drags across your back, his lips pressing into the arch of your back. “So fucking good for me, sweetheart.”
You know you aren’t going to last much longer, the need for release inching its way closer and closer to the forefront of your mind. 
“Baby,” you whine, looking over your shoulder at him. He’s the picture of perfection, hairline dotted with sweat as his chest glows. 
“There’s those pretty eyes,” he smirks, “Have half a mind to turn you over, just so I can look at them when I cum.” he ponders, his hips slowing slightly, “You know what, I think I will.”
He pulls out of you quickly, guiding you down to your back before slipping right back into you with a groan. 
“Goddamn, perfect pussy,” he murmurs, “Look at me, beautiful.”
You let your eyes meet his, his hair framing his face now as his pendants drag over your skin. Your hand moves to cup at his neck, your thumb splayed wide over his throat. 
“Mmmm, yeah,” he growls, “This was the right choice.”
You wrap your legs around his back, his free hand coming down to grip at your ass. His thrusts are starting to become more erratic, his pace slightly off from the consistent speed he was working at earlier. Again you feel the warmth in your stomach starting to creep up your chest and you know that it will be only seconds until your undoing. 
His breaths are coming in short, ragged gasps, his heart racing in his chest. He can hear the sound of your bodies colliding over and over again and it only fuels his fire. As he feels you start to get closer, he pushes himself even further, wanting to give you everything he has. 
His hand snakes up your body, cupping at your face and letting his thumb trail over your kiss swollen lips. You part them, allowing him to press his fingers to your tongue. You close your lips around them, letting your tongue work at the digits, and suck them without breaking eye contact. 
You feel his cock jump inside of you, and you know that you’re both there, but prolonging the moment as long as you can. He presses his fingers to the back of your throat, your eyes watering instantly as you gag around them. 
“There it is,” he grins, “Just had to hear it.” 
He pulls his wet fingers from your mouth and immediately presses them to your clit, circling around the throbbing nub to get you to the finish line with him. 
“Cum for me, baby,” he demands, “Cum with me.”
“I want you, Jake,” you beg, “All of you.”
He lets out a low moan as you speak, the tone of your voice setting his body on fire. He knows what you're saying, what you're asking of him, and who is he to deny you?
“All of you, Jake… Take it off…” you whine. 
He lets out a deep growl as you beg, his body trembling with need. He wants to give you what you want, but he also wants to show restraint, his self control hanging by a thread. 
“You sure, baby?” he asks. 
“Yes, please,” you beg, “Want it so bad. Want to feel you.”
He can't hold back any longer, your words pushing him over the edge. “God damn it,” he growls, his body trembling. He pulls out of you, ripping the condom off and tossing it to the floor, pushing back inside of you with a sinful groan. 
“Jesus fucking christ,” he pauses, “This what you wanted, baby? You want my fucking seed? Need to feel me all nice and warm inside you?”
“Yes Jake, Oh god– you’re so– give it to me baby,” you cry out, finally feeling the full warmth of his cock inside of you, stretching and filling you so perfectly. 
“I’m there sweetheart, gonna fuckin cum,” he growls, his eyes locked on yours as his hips slam into you. “Soak me beautiful, squeeze my cock while I cum in this pussy.”
His words send you over the edge, your world exploding around you as the sound of his grunts fill the air you seem to be floating in. He’s hot as he spills inside of you, sweat dripping down his chest in salty rivulets. 
His lips crash to yours as he works you through it, his tongue dancing with yours as you both start to come down from your orgasms.  He breaks the kiss after a moment and rests his forehead against yours, his breathing coming out ragged, his eyes still locked on yours.
“Goddamn, baby, I think that almost killed me,” he laughs, “Was hot as fuck.”
You laugh, as you kiss him again, his smile making your heart flutter in your chest. “You're hot as fuck, so it wasn't hard.”
He laughs at your reply, the sound deep and velvety. “Oh, flattery will get you everywhere, sweetheart,” he replies, his hand coming up to brush a strand of hair from your face. 
He's still trying to catch his breath, his heart still racing from the exertion, but he still has enough energy to pull you closer against him, his hands gently rubbing your back as he speaks. “But you’re only adding to my ego.”
“I knew you were still in there somewhere,” you tease. 
He pulls out of you, the evidence of his release slipping between your thighs. “You know, I did not expect my night to go like this.” he smirks, standing from the bed and making his way to the bathroom. 
“Glad it did,” you smile, watching his perfect round ass make its way to the sink. He returns a minute later with a wet towel, gently cleaning you up as he showers you with praise. 
“I’d like you to stay here, if you’d like.” he asks, nervously, sliding back into the bed next to you. 
“I have a flight in the morning,” you counter, biting at your bottom lip. 
He pulls you into his side, pushing the hair away from your face as he sighs, “I see,” he pauses, swallowing nervously, “Just stay, and you can leave at whatever time you need to, I would just really like to spend the rest of the night with you here.”
You can't help but smile at the sound of his words, your heart fluttering in your chest. You nod, snuggling closer into his side, your head resting against his chest. “I think I can manage that,” you reply, your voice soft and gentle.
You can feel his heart beating beneath your ear, the steady rhythm comforting you. You close your eyes for a moment, just enjoying the feeling of his body close to yours. He reaches over and turns off his lamp, leaving the room in darkness. 
“Thank you, for the rose…” you whisper into the darkness. 
His hand moves to stroke your hair once again, his eyes roaming over your face in the darkness. “You’re welcome, sweetheart,” he replies, his voice soft and sincere. “Wish it would have happened twenty five years ago,” he says, his words a light tease.
“I’ll keep it forever.”
“You better,” he teases, a hint of a chuckle in his voice, “I expect to see it on Instagram by morning, and don’t forget to tag me.”
You slap at his chest playfully, the joking quality of his voice very present. “Be careful or I just might.”
He laughs, his hand moving to the spot you slapped his chest. “Oh no, please don’t,” he teases in mock horror. He pulls you closer to him, and sighs in contentment, his heart feeling light and happy for the first time in a long time. 
Your phone buzzing on the nightstand wakes you, your alarm set for 5:00AM. The room is still pitch black, the black velvet curtains shrouding the windows and keeping the light from entering. The air is cool, a little too cold for your liking but the heaviness of the sheets make it bearable. You can feel Jake’s body heat beneath the sheets, radiating and keeping you warm for most of the night. His hands never left your body, keeping you close to him even in his sleep. You slept peacefully, though as you start to move around you notice the soreness of your muscles. You know you have to get up, you have to find your clothes and get back to your hotel before your flight. 
You turn to look at Jake, still sleeping next to you. His lips are parted, soft puffs of air drifting between them as his eyelids move. His hair is pulled back away from his face, revealing his ear and the column of his neck. His hand rests gently on your pillow, his fingers twitching in his sleep and bringing a smile to your lips. 
You roll over towards the nightstand, noticing that the white rose he presented you with last night was laying across the length of the small table, and you know he must have placed it there at some point during the night. The petals have opened more now, and your heart flutters as you remember him giving it to you. You grab your phone and open the camera, snapping a photo of the rose on the nightstand just to remember the moment.
You take in the sight of him one last time before silently slipping out of the bed, feeling very exposed as you look around the dark room in search of your clothes. You redress yourself as quietly as possible, remembering that you shed your shirt in his office. You grab your rose, and take one last look at his perfect sleeping form before pressing a soft kiss to his cheek and slipping out of the large wooden door and into the hallway. 
You make your way to his music room, seeing your shirt still laying on the floor and the record still spinning idly as the speakers crackle. You grab your shirt and pull it over your head, deciding to stop the turntable and place the record back into his collection. You take another look around the room, overcome with emotion as you look at the young faces on the posters and in the photos hanging on the walls. 
Twenty minutes later you’re notified that your Uber is outside, and a pang of sadness washes over you. You know you have to leave but part of you wants to stay. To get back in bed with Jake in hopes of a round two, to see his morning face and hear the raspiness of his voice, but you can’t. You decide to leave with the memories and your rose, watching his house pass by the windows as the car pulls out of his driveway. 
Your mind is swirling with thoughts of last night, the way he felt, the way he tasted. You scroll through the photos of the two of you at the bar, feeling a weight settle on your shoulders as you realize you will likely never see him again. In an effort to lift your spirits you pull up your group chat with your friends, forgetting that you sent them the photo of the two of you last night. You never thought to check their replies, feeling so caught up in your time with Jake that it never crossed your mind. 
You’re instantly reduced to laughter as you read their desperate replies, catapulting you back twenty years when you all wished to run into him at a bar by chance. You sent a few laughing emojis and gave them all a quick run down of the night, finishing off your message with a picture of the white rose on the nightstand. 
Their reactions were exactly as you expected, complete panic and begging for every single detail. 
As you make your way through airport security you deposit your things into the large plastic bins, walking through the metal detector and out again, grabbing your bag and shoes from the end of the conveyor belt. 
It’s a short walk to your gate, your flight home seeming daunting after the night you’d had. It had been a few hours now and still you couldn’t shake the thoughts of him from your mind. You knew you should be happy for that one perfect night with him, but you felt something with him. Something you hadn’t felt in years. Something different.  
You take a seat at your boarding gate, letting out a sigh as you settle into the stiff airport chair. You can still smell the remnant of his cologne on your body, and you can almost feel his lips on your neck. A swirling feeling takes up residence in your stomach and your skin feels warm. You decide to take your mind off of him, reaching into the front pocket of your purse for your phone, but feeling something else against your fingers instead.
As you pull the items out of your bag, you feel as if your heart might stop in your chest. A small folded piece of paper emerges from the pocket with a note written inside. A relic falls into your hand as you open it, small and black and aged from wear over the years. A guitar pick, adorned with the ‘Age of Machine’ symbol sits perfectly in your hand. You feel your eyes well with tears at the special gift, letting them flick over to the note written in his messy handwriting. 
Every Jake girl needs a pick. I hope you enjoy this one from my personal collection. Might even be the last one in existence. Thank you for everything tonight, your kindness to me will never be forgotten. You’ve reignited my spark in more ways than one.
P.S. - Check your phone
Love, Jake
With your newly acquired pick in your hand you reach into your purse, pulling your phone out as quickly as possible. On the screen you see more texts from your friends, but more importantly you see a text from Jake, who not only sent those photos to himself, but added his contact information into your phone. Your thumb shakes as you open his text, nervous to see what he has sent.
9:47AM: I’m guessing you found my note and it led you here. I hope you like the pick and that you will hold on to it for me. I meant what I said in that note and here’s your proof. Thought of this last night and recorded it this morning just after you left. It’s all thanks to you. Give it a listen and call me when you land. Hope to hear from you soon. 
An attachment was sent along with his message, and as it opens you realize it's an audio file, but not just any audio file. It’s him, playing music the way he was always meant to. 
As you listen to the track you feel a sense of pride swell in your chest. You’d brought him out of his shell, and all it took was a few encouraging words and letting him know that people still cared. You read over his message again and again, debating whether or not to text him back now, or wait to call him when you landed like he asked, but either way he wanted to hear from you, and the promise of the conversation to come was enough to keep a permanent smile on your lips for the rest of time.
Sure, you may have reignited his spark, but maybe, just maybe, he reignited yours, too. 
Taglist: @gretavanmoon@britney-gvf @sacredstarcatcher @wetkleenex-gvf @farfromthehomelands @takenbythemadness @writingcold @builtbybrokenbells @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @fleet-of-fiction @milkgemini @ageofcj@dancingcarbon @highway-tuna @stardustjake @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface @gvfmarge @gracev0609 @myleftsock @literal-dead-leaf @peaceloveunitygvf @ageofbajabule @jordie-gvf @sadiechar @tinydancer40 @rosabellagvf @capnjaket @lyndz2names @thetroublegetssoloud71 @gretavanomens @spark-my-nature @josh-iamyour-mama @anythingforjtk @alwaysonthemend @danieljlmwagner @klarxtr @fortunatelytinybasement @demonrat444 @gretavansara @watchingover-hypegirl @hippievanfleet @digitalnomadz @raviolilegs @lipstickitty @hippievanfleet @klarxtr @strange-whorizons @do-it-jakey-baby @myownparadise96 @gvf-luna @starshine-wagner @cassiesgreta @joopsandjangs @whimsiliz @kiszkas-canvas @joopsandjangs @broken0mens @scoreofinfantryvines @whereiskeara @do-it-jakey-baby @miravanfleet @heckingfrick @gvfpal @watchingover-hypegirl @starshine-wagner @indigobrea @slut4lando @justdamnpeachy @sacredtheslay @jakekiszkashangnail08 @dayumclarizzel @objectsinspvce @gracev0609 @kisskiss-atticus @i-love-gvf @whimsiliz @dilflover-4ever
210 notes · View notes
apclyptc · 10 months
oh my ur writing is so good 😭 i was wondering if you could write something where chris is on tour and since he’s been away he’s been needy so like hes texting the reader saying how he’s horny and needs her, so the reader calls chris and they end up having phone sex and chris is like whimpering and unable to keep quiet.. sub chris please 🙏
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foreword: aaaaahhhh i love this idea, and thank u! as for sub chris…. im not sure if i can fully capture that since i cant imagine it but i shall give you desperate chris!
enjoy ☺️
your boyfriend, chris, was steadily becoming one of the most famous influencers and with that came the task of touring the states.
he’d already been on tour with his brothers once before, but this time he’d gained millions more supporters.
he was midway through his travels, briefly stopping for a couple days from charlotte to nashville. you hadn’t seen each other in a couple of weeks, and you were starting to miss him.
you missed the way he made you laugh, always including you in his busy schedule, letting you bond with his brothers.
more importantly you missed his hands on you, gliding over your waist, his lips softly kissing the shell of your ear, down to your jaw, your neck, and then finally your lips.
you didn’t realise how long this month without him would feel like.
neither did he, which was why your phone buzzed at the side of your bed. his bed, which you were sleeping in for the next couple of days. his parents treated you like their own, so you graciously used the key they made for you to infiltrate your boyfriend’s room.
you picked up your phone, the screen lighting up your face as you read the message chris had sent you
chris: i miss you
you: i miss you too
i was just thinking about you
chris: yeah?
bet you were thinking something dirty
he knew you so well.
you: no…
i’m just in your bed
i hope you don’t mind, i got cold
*image attached*
chris: damn
so you raided the hoodies already baby?
you: i couldn’t miss the opportunity
chris: you know i love it when you wear my shit
you: of course
can’t you cancel your tour and hurry back to me
chris: if i could i would be home already
you need me that bad huh?
you: oh? but who texted first?
chris: you got me there
i just wanna see your fine ass
you: how bad
chris: bad
hard just thinking about it
wish you were here to help me out baby
you immediately pressed the facetime icon at the top of the screen, watching the phone ring.
after three rings, your boyfriends face appeared.
“hey ma.” chris’ voice cut through the speaker, instantly making you feel better. you rarely had time to speak to him on the phone since he was so busy with the tour.
“ew chris. stop saying ma when i’m in the room.” nick could be heard from behind. you giggled. it always made you laugh when nick expressed a clear dislike for PDA.
“hi nick, how’s tour?” you spoke. chris turned the camera to his brother.
“it’s good! i can’t wait to get off this tour bus though, i hate taking a shit in public bathrooms.” he complained, causing you to laugh at his outwardness.
“should i pass the phone to nick since you wanna speak to him so much?” chris taunted, angling the camera back to himself.
“don’t be jealous of your brother, chris. how is my handsome boyfriend doing?” you smiled at him.
“bored. come to nashville.” he replied.
you shook your head, “you know i can’t.” you had to stay home to work on your own projects. unbeknownst to chris though, you had already arranged with nick and matt to surprise him at the last show of the tour.
“hey y/n. bro do you want anything from target?” matt popped his head into the view of the camera to say hello, and you waved.
“obviously you know what drink i want. get me something sour as well. thanks bro.” he answered matt, then turned his attention back to you.
chris waited until he heard his brothers leave and slam the door of the tour bus.
“i love that pretty face.” he smirked at you.
even over the phone, chris had a way of making your cheeks tint a light shade of red.
“i wish you were here in bed with me.” you spoke quietly, even though no one was home.
“i know, baby. when i get home i’m gonna make you forget i was ever gone.” chris swapped the phone over to his other hand, while he snaked his free hand under his sweatpants.
“how are you gonna do that?” you feigned innocence, knowing exactly what he was hinting at.
“i’m gonna pick you up, throw you into my bed and fill up that throat real good.” chris palmed himself through his underwear, feeling his dick harden.
you felt that twang in your stomach that appears whenever you hear his filthy words.
you took it upon yourself to set your phone down on the bedside table and slip your hands under your panties.
“is that what you want? you want me to suck your dick, baby?” you asked him, while you lazily played with your clit.
chris groaned, not used to you talking like this to him, “yeah, gonna make you swallow all of my cum. god, i want to feel that pussy round me.”
chris, by now, had pulled out his dick, moving his hand up and down and squeezing slightly at the base. he wished it was your tight cunt squeezing around him.
meanwhile, the lazy strokes on your clit had turned into desperate circles, wishing it was his thick, long fingers playing with you. you used the slick building up to coat your fingers, then pushed them inside yourself.
“are you touching yourself, y/n? fucking yourself on your fingers pretending it’s me?” he moaned softly, his hand moving faster.
“yes… want you inside me.” you whined, giving him the vocal stimulation he needed.
chris angled the phone down to his throbbing cock, willing you to watch as he masturbated.
“you see this, baby? ‘s all for you, fuck.” chris let out a quiet whimper, imagining you were next to him right now, your small hands pumping him instead of his own.
you watched his face contort in pleasure, his head falling back as he stroked faster.
“take off my hoodie, let me those tits.” he demanded, though he was in no position to bark orders as he rutted into his hand desperately.
you paused the motion of your fingers inside of you to quickly discard his hoodie and your shirt, revealing your tits to the screen.
“fuck… touch ‘em for me, i wanna see you touch yourself.” he whined at an unfamiliar pitch.
you grabbed your own boob in your hand, kneading it just like he would as you continued thrusting your fingers in and out of your aching pussy.
it was all too much, and yet not enough, without him helping you.
but even so, you felt the knot twist.
“i know that pretty face. you gonna cum?” he asked.
“yes! oh fuck, chris. fuck, want to cum on your face, baby.” you babbled, half incomprehensible.
your words drove chris into madness, moaning and whimpering as his thumb massaged his weeping tip.
“fuck, fuck, fuck. wanna feel that pussy around me, gonna fuck you good, shit, i’m–“ his own orgasm cut his words short, bursting out of his cock, coating his hands. a stray droplet landed on his stomach.
the sight of your boyfriend panting and moaning from his high prompted you to cream all over your fingers. your mouth dropped open as you continued to finger yourself through it, until your adrenaline finally depleted.
both of you took a second to catch your breath.
“i need to clean this mess up before my brothers get back.” chris tucked his softening dick back into his underwear and grabbed a hand towel next to him.
“i love you, chris.” you spoke after he was done cleaning himself up.
“i love you too. i can’t wait to see you after tour is over.” he smiled at you.
“that was the worst target ever.” nick burst through the door of the bus, scaring chris.
“jesus, nick! you scared the shit out of me.” chris clutched his chest and you laughed, quickly throwing your hoodie back on.
“wait why the fuck are you sweating?” matt asked, following his brother inside.
“chris was showing me some top secret basketball moves he’s been working on.” you interjected as you watched chris’ eyes widen at the question.
how embarrassing it would have been if they’d caught you.
a/n: i hope that was what you wanted!! part two of reader surprising chris at the last show? lmk your thoughts :p
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© APCYLPTC 2023. do not repost, translate, or duplicate any of my works here or any other websites.
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gingerjolover · 11 months
Dirty Shirlies - Julien Baker x fem!Reader
Sypnosis: Julien doesn't like when randos talk to her girl (possessive!julien in the house)
G's notes: this is a combination of like four requests, i am down to do a part 2 if y'all want it😏also unedited
WC: somewhere around 875 words (short king!)
Warnings: RPF, greta van fleet x boygenius crossover, alcohol, smutty language, no fundamental physical descriptors?
The bar was loud, people talking over the already deafening music, the lights hot and bright. It was almost comical, watching your friends and their partners attempt to dance on the small dingy floor. You're actually still shocked that your girlfriend wanted to come tonight, the idea of spending a night off in a bar in downtown Nashville, a bar full of straight dudes no less, made you giggle. You've lost sight of Julien, who left to go get you drinks only a minute and a half ago. 
“I don’t see your pipsqueak,” Jake snorts, getting on his tip toes to look over the large group of people. 
“Don’t let Jules hear you say that,” Josh chides his brother, looking at you, eyes shining and wide in jest. 
“What is she gonna do? Hit me?” Jake says, laughing loudly. 
“You don’t know my girl, she can get scrappy,” you tease, also looking over the sea of people trying to locate your girlfriend. “She’ll be fine…right?” you ask nervously, biting your bottom lip. 
“I’ll go get her,” Jake says, downing the rest of his beer, patting you and Josh on the back, going to search for his tattooed doppleganger. 
“Josh!” Phoebe calls, your friends pointing to the ceiling as his favorite song plays. Josh looks over at you, biting his lip, eyes moving into puppy dog territory quickly. “Just go,” you laugh, watching him down the rest of his salty dog before shouting, “Move over Luce,” and making his way to the dance floor. 
As quick as he left, his spot at the bar is taken. Your back towards the new occupant, eyes searching for any sign of Julien. “What’re you drinking?” a deep voice asks. You turn around, slightly startled, and see a tall man. His smile is kind, greenish eyes sparkling as they look around your face. 
“Oh um, a dirty shirley,” you respond smiling. “Tequila or vodka?” he asks. 
“Tequila…vodka is not my friend,” you joke. 
He lets out a belly laugh, shaking his head lightly before sticking out his hand. “I’m Ben, and I’m the exact opposite.” 
You laugh softly, “Really? How funny! I’m–” 
“Here you go baby,” Julien says, seemingly appearing out of nowhere, putting a new drink on the bar in front of you, kissing your jaw softly. 
Jake appears to Julien’s left, smirking at the tightness in her voice, patting her back. 
“Who’s this?” Julien asks, taking a swig of her beer. 
“Oh this is Ben, he’s anti-tequila,” you joke, watching your girlfriend’s jealous eyes. Your hand rubs her back up and down, feeling her tense up makes you frown. 
“I’m Julien, her girlfriend,” Julien says, sticking one heavily tattooed arm out, hand ready to shake Ben’s. 
Ben gulps, despite being at least a foot taller than your girlfriend, Julien’s glare runs through him, her eyes narrowing as she gives him a firm handshake. 
“This is Jake,” Julien says, dropping his hand. 
“Hey man,” Jake greets, lifting his hand up in a subtle wave. 
“Well it was nice to meet you all,” Ben says, collecting his beer and walking away. He turns back to look at you, as you give an apologetic smile. 
“Well…” Jake says awkwardly, lifting onto his tip toes. 
“Don’t even,” you start, not wanting Jake and Julien to get into it right now, the teasing smile on Jake’s face tells you everything you need to know. 
“Yeah yeah, sure, I’ll go find the girls and Josh… you’re definitely not jealous Jules,” Jake says as he walks away. 
“I’m gonna kill him,” Julien mutters, moving to stand in front of you, standing in between your legs at your spot on the barstool. 
“Oh stop… wait were you actually jealous? Babe!” you exclaim, laughing. 
“Shut up,” Julien murmurs, shoving her face in your neck and kissing it softly. 
“Baby,” you chuckle, pushing her hair out of her face, kissing her lips and cheeks, your hand squeezing her cheeks softly. “He said like… 5 words to me,” you reassure her. 
“Yeah, 5 words too many,” she murmurs sassily. 
“What? I can’t even leave you at the bar for 5 minutes by yourself without some guy trying to take my girl,” Julien exclaims.
You giggle, “he wasnt trying to take me!”
“You don’t know how pretty you are, baby,” Julien breathes out, her hands sliding up your thighs, settling on your hips, her lips sucking softly at your neck. 
A soft moan escapes you before you can stop it, you can feel Julien smiling on your skin. “You only moan for me, right, pretty girl? You’re all mine,” she murmurs, her teeth nipping at you gently. 
“I–” you breathe out, hand in Julien’s hair. 
“Answer me,” Julien interrupts, sucking a hickey in between your neck and shoulder. 
“M’all yours Jay,” you whimper softly, eyes closing. 
“Good girl, now finish your drink,” Julien smirks, pulling away. 
You grab the drink, confused, sipping through the tiny straw. “Why?”
“Because as soon as you’re done, we’re going to say bye to our friends and then we’re going home and I’m going to fuck the living daylights out of you,” she says in an even tone, kissing your nose innocently. 
Your jaw drops softly, moving to chug the drink, Julien laughing at your eagerness. “That’s my girl.”
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aflame4goinghome · 10 months
j.t.k x reader & j.m.k. x reader
part I
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summary: You’ve been going out with Josh for a few months now, but his twin brother still hasn’t warmed up to you. Despite your efforts, Jake can’t stand you and he makes sure to tell you every chance he gets. Finally, one night it seems like you’re about to get some answers, but the truth is a lot more complicated than you ever could have hoped.
word count: 4k
warnings: THIS STORY CONTAINS SMUT, MINORS DNI!! swearing, mentions of smoking (tobacco & marijuana), drinking, kissing, sexually implicit language, heavy petting, cheating *kind of* SMUT: semi-public sex, fingering (f. receiving), dirty talk, praise kink if you squint
listen to the official playlist on Spotify here
“Baby, you almost ready to go?” Josh pokes his head into the threshold of the bathroom from your bedroom with a soft smile.
“Oh, yeah, just another minute,” you reply, putting on the finishing touches of your mascara before turning toward him and slinging your arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in.
“You look breathtaking, as always,” he says with a smirk.
You and Josh have been going out casually for about six months now, but it never got to be very serious. You went on a few dates and had some heated nights together, but his band started its newest tour a month after you met, so the time that you’ve spent together since then has been sparse.
You first met Josh one night while out with your friends at your local bar. You’d gone to get yourself and the other girls another round when you saw him sitting there at the bar next to you. Almost immediately, his honeyed words and sweet smile drew you in. He told the bartender to put your drinks on his tab, you took the drinks to your friends, then you sat down next to him and the two of you got comfortable rather quickly.
You took him home with you that night and you couldn’t seem to forget him after, no matter how hard you tried. He was handsome, sweet, and ridiculously good in bed. You’ve had your fair share of flings over the years, but nothing could compare to him. As you fell asleep that night with his arm draped over your torso, you knew you were done for. Living in Nashville your whole life, you always vowed to never date a musician. You knew that they were wild and unreliable, but damn, this one just trapped you.
Soon after, he embarked on the band’s world tour. You didn’t always hear from him that often, but you never expected to. He called you after a show every once in a while, usually half-drunk and looking for some relief after a stressful day, missing you. You miss him too while he’s gone, but you’re still trying to avoid getting too attached to the idea of him being yours. You knew that he’d eventually get tired of you or find someone else while on the road. But despite never putting a label on it, he’s remained loyal, which surprised you.
After getting home from the European leg of his tour, he invited you to go with him as his date to a Christmas party at his brother’s house. Events like this made you nervous, considering the complicated nature of your relationship, but you could never really find it in you to say no to him. You’re feeling reluctant to go to this party in particular though, and not for the usual reason.
Josh’s twin brother, Jake, hates you. Yes, hate is a strong word, but you are convinced that he absolutely loathes you. You still haven’t been able to figure out why, no matter how hard you tried. You haven’t encountered him that many times, but all of the times you’ve seen him, he would never lay off you. He would question everything you said, scoff at your remarks, and you even caught him glaring once or twice from across the room when he thought you weren’t looking.
After every time, you would ask Josh about it and he would make excuse after excuse. “Oh, I’m sure he’s just having a tough day,” or “Maybe he just misheard you,” or “He’s probably just feeling a bit protective of me.” Whatever the reasons were, you had no interest in entertaining it.
The two of you aren’t even that serious, so you feel no desire to impress his brother. Besides, his younger brother Sam and their best friend and bandmate Danny have both taken quite a liking for you. Screw Jake, you didn’t need his approval anyway. So why were you nervous to go to his house?
You snap out of your daydream and come back to reality, looking up at Josh with a smile. “Thank you, baby. You look quite dashing yourself, you know.”
You’d decided to wear a midi-length black dress with a high slit, pairing it with a pair of black heels. You opted for simple makeup and added red lipstick for the season. It was a simple look, but elegant for a Christmas party. Josh was wearing a pair of khaki pants with a white pullover sweater, adorned with his favorite symbol, and some tan winter boots. His cheeks were rosy from the cold weather, a perfect canvas for the little white dots that decorated his cheekbones. They’re lifted slightly as he smiles at your compliment, revealing a toothy grin.
“You’re an angel. Shall we?” he asks, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
“We shall.”
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You both pull into Jake’s driveway and when you notice the lack of cars in front of the house, it becomes clear to you that you’ve arrived early. Great.
Josh turns the car off and gets out to round the car and open your door for you. You smile timidly at him as he takes your hand and helps you out of the car, then laces his fingers with yours and walks you to the porch.
“I promise, you’ll have a great time. Trust me,” he assures you as he knocks a few times on the large mahogany door. Much to your delight, it’s not Jake who opens the door, but Sam.
“Hey guys! Thank god you’re here. Jake thinks he’s running behind so he’s become so insufferable. Come on,” he says, clearly exasperated by his older brother already. The two of you follow Sam into the kitchen where you find Danny standing at the kitchen island, plating an array of cookies and appetizers.
“Oh, hey Josh. Y/N,” he says with a soft smile, then goes back to his task. You turn to your right to see Jake standing at the oven, hastily taking out a roast and placing it on top of the stove with a sigh. When he hears Daniel’s greeting, he turns his head and captures your gaze. You watch his eyes droop a bit as he turns back around, removes his oven mitts, and approaches you.
“Hello, brother. Nice of you to finally join us,” Jake mutters sarcastically, reaching over to grip Josh’s arm and giving it a light smack before turning to you. “Was this one holding you back? Probably takes hours to get ready, doesn’t she?” he jokes, stepping toward you to pull you into a one-armed hug, which is surely a formality. “To no avail, it seems,” he whispers against the shell of your ear, so quietly that only you can hear.
You scoff at him and roll your eyes as he pulls away, and turns around to head back to the oven. He speaks to you both as he walks away, facing away from you. “Would you both prepare the bar? All the booze is out in the garage, I’d like it in here.” Josh looks over at you apologetically then answers, “Yeah, Jake. We’ll go get it.” He takes your hand in his once again and you both walk back to the foyer to step out and grab the drinks.
Josh puts in the code and the garage door slowly rises, revealing the large pile of alcohol on the side wall. As you go to grab a few grocery bags of liquor bottles, Josh takes a pack of beer in each hand, opting to take the heavier stuff.
“I’m sorry about him. That’s just how he is, you know? He’ll warm up to you,” he says, looking at you and trying to gauge your reaction.
“How long does it take to warm up to a person? We’ve been seeing each other since June, Josh. Sam and Danny don’t seem to have any issues with me. So why him?” you ask, feeling frustrated.
Josh lets out a heavy sigh, looking at you with softened eyes. “I don’t know, Y/N. I’m sure he has his reasons. He doesn’t exactly wear his heart on his sleeve. I’ve known him since the womb and I still can’t always figure him out.”
“Well, it’s making me crazy,” you pout. He puts the cases of beer down and walks over to you, wrapping his arms around you and rubbing your shoulders. “I’m sorry, baby. Just ignore him for tonight, okay? I just wanna have a nice night with my girl…” he says, placing his hand on your chin to tilt it up to meet your eyes.
“Fine… but you owe me,” you tease with a smile, looking up at him through your eyelashes.
“Oh, I’ll make it worth your while, darling, trust me on that,” he replies with a smirk, biting his lip. He leans down to capture your lips in his for a moment, moving his hand from your chin to the back of your neck, pulling you into him. His other hand which was once planted on your waist moves down to grip your bare thigh, exposed by the long slit in your dress. You sigh against his lips as his grip on your thigh tightens, pulling away from him slowly.
“We should get back…” you whisper. “Sorry, I’m just insatiable for you,” he says with a wink before reaching down to grab the beer and turning to walk out of the garage. You quickly follow, pressing the button the shut the door and then returning inside Jake’s house.
When you and Josh return inside, Jake has finished cooking and went upstairs to change into his party attire. The two of you stand around the kitchen island with Sam and Danny, chatting for a while as you wait for Jake to return downstairs in time for the rest of the guests to arrive.
You hear footsteps down the stairs and turn your attention to see Jake waltz back into the room. He’s put on a black button-down shirt, only fastening a few of the buttons on the bottom, leaving his bare chest exposed. An array of silver necklaces sits upon his exposed chest, the coins attached to the chains lying just right against his smooth skin. His wavy brown hair rests almost perfectly on his shoulders, which you notice has grown quite a bit since the last time you saw him. You think for a moment that it suits him, but you quickly shake that thought out of your head.
He’s wearing a pair of simple black dress pants with matching black ankle-length boots, seemingly leather. And of course, he could not go without his dark sunglasses, despite it being nighttime… and winter. Arrogant asshole.
Through the lenses, you panic as you see his eyes find yours. A smirk forms on his face as he finally approaches, and you already know that he’s about to piss you off.
“Didn’t anyone teach you that it’s impolite to stare, sunshine?” Jake says proudly, leaning against the kitchen island awaiting your response.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Jacob,” you scoff, standing up from your seat in the kitchen to go to the bar and make yourself a drink. Your cheeks flush as your back is turned to the rest of the group and you try to shake off the sudden feeling of embarrassment as you reach down to pour some tequila into your glass, topping it off with soda water.
Convinced that your face has finally returned to its natural color, you walk back to the kitchen, retrieve some ice from the freezer, and add it to your glass. You return to the island and stand behind where Josh is seated, placing your hand on his back and rubbing it slightly.
They’re caught up in a conversation regarding their time in the studio a few days back, but your eyes meet Jake’s once again. He takes a sip of his glass of neat whiskey, which he’s seemingly already poured for himself, not taking his eyes off of yours for a second.
What the hell is his problem? It can never just be a simple night, can it? Before you have the chance to question him, the doorbell rings and Jake retreats to open the door and greet his new guests. Perhaps you can catch him later to question him, but for now, you plan to just have a good time.
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The night has gone smoothly so far, despite your concerns. Jake’s stayed out of your way, spending most of the time speaking with some record executives in the living area by the record player, attending to the music once the record ends every once and a while.
You’ve stayed by Josh’s side all evening, standing by the bar talking to Sam and Danny. You’ve already had three tequila sodas in and are luckily feeling much more relaxed. Not only that, but about three drinks in is usually when you start to crave a cigarette or two. So, you excuse yourself from the group and retreat to Jake’s back porch, stopping in the foyer quickly to grab your coat.
You slink out of the back door and sit down on the porch swing, pulling out a pack of American Spirit cigarettes and a black lighter. The porch is lit dimly by a string of lights, extending from the porch to the small garden next to it. The ground is laid with a thin layer of snow, probably only about an inch or two, and the pine trees in his backyard also have little blankets of snow resting upon them. It’s quiet, almost too quiet.
Then, as if the universe heard your thoughts, you hear the door open from your right. Much to your dismay, it’s Jake who walks out of the house onto the porch, with a joint already hanging out of his mouth as his eyes meet yours. He removes his sunglasses and his lips turn upward slightly as he walks over to sit next to you on the swing. You sigh quietly as you put your cigarettes back into your pocket, picking up on his hint and opting to smoke with him instead. What did you have to lose?
You reach up with your lighter still in your hand, lighting the joint between his lips for him. His eyes burn through yours as he inhales for a few moments before removing it from his mouth and blowing the smoke out to the side.
“Needed a break from the festivities, sunshine?” he asks, raising his eyebrow at you with a smirk, offering you a hit. You take it willingly, taking a drag and shaking your head.
“Not necessarily. It’s just about that time of night when I’d want a smoke,” you answer candidly, shrugging a bit before passing the joint back to him.
“Didn’t want your boyfriend to come with you?” he teases, taking a long drag. You roll your eyes at him, leaning back onto the back of the swing as he hands you the joint back and you take another hit.
“He’s not my boyfriend. And no, I just wanted to have a few minutes alone. You can see how well that worked out,” you say, taking one more hit before giving it back. He just looks at you for a moment with a puzzled look on his face, which soon turns back into a smirk.
“Well, who am I to let a lady sit out in the cold by herself?” he says, turning his body toward you more on the seat. His left arm moves to rest on the back of the seat, with his hand gripping the seat behind your head. You’re suddenly very thankful for the dim lighting, which you hope is successfully hiding the newfound pink tint of your cheeks from the proximity.
“What a gentleman,” you say sarcastically, taking a drag of the joint and crossing your legs as you turn your body toward him to mirror him. He takes it from your fingers and puts it out in the ashtray on the table in front of you, then sits back in his original position. The slit on your left leg causes your legs to become much more exposed to the cold, causing you to pull your coat over your legs slightly. To your surprise, Jake moves his right hand from his lap and slides it slowly to rest on your exposed knee, underneath your coat.
“You are cold, I can feel it,” he mutters, moving to sit a bit closer to you, looking down at your knee and then back up to meet your eyes.
“What are you doing?” you ask with a confused look, searching his eyes for any hint of what he’s thinking. You’ve never been this close to him before and for some reason, your immediate reaction wasn’t to pull away.
“I’m warming you up, sunshine…” he answers, his gaze still not breaking away from yours as he moves his hand from your knee to your outer thigh, rubbing it with his thumb.
“Jake, why do you call me that? I don’t get it,” you ask, hoping to finally get some answers about how he feels about you. Now was as good a time as ever. His lips turn up into a cocky smile, even showing a hint of teeth as he formulates a reply.
“Because you light up the sky, Y/N… and I shouldn’t look at you, or else I’ll go blind,” he finally answers, stroking your thigh again with a bit more force this time, causing you to take a deep breath and swallow harshly. “I shouldn’t touch you, or else I’ll get burned.”
Your eyes soften as you look back at him, still trying to wrap your head around what he’s trying to say. Before you have a chance to question him further, he continues.
“So, if I shouldn’t look at you… or touch you… then why do I still desire to?” he says inquisitively, gazing down at your lips for a moment before returning to your eyes. "Never regret thy fall, O Icarus of the fearless flight… For the greatest tragedy of them all, Is never to feel the burning light… Perhaps my own desire will be my downfall, hm?”
Your heart is beating out of your chest as you gaze up at him in shock. “Jake… what are you saying? I thought you hated me…” you say, in almost a whisper now.
“Sunshine, I’ve never hated you,” he answers, moving his hand slightly further up your exposed thigh. “I’ve just been resisting the light… but I’m not afraid to get burned anymore.” Oh. Your mind is spinning, from the combination of alcohol, weed, and hushed confessions.
Before you have the chance to tell yourself that you should take some time to think about this, your body acts without your permission and your lips crash against his. Immediately his hand snakes into your hair on the back of your neck, pulling you into him as his other hand continues to grip your thigh. Both of your hands find themselves tangled in his hair, tugging on it lightly, eliciting a groan from him into your mouth.
He pulls away from you for a moment as he moves his hand toward the inside of your thigh, inching closer to your already aching core. “Can I?...” he asks, and you nod feverishly. His lips find your neck as you lean your head back against the back of the seat, his fingers snaking slowly up the inside of your thigh.
His fingers find the black lace covering your lower lips, which is already soaked through from all the buildup. You feel him smirk against the skin of your neck as he feels the slick between your legs and then moves the fabric to the side. He runs his fingers through your folds, collecting your wetness before sliding one finger inside of you, causing you to gasp quietly.
His thumb rubs small, quick circles around your clit as he moves his pointer finger in and out of you, then inserts a second finger along with it. “Fuck, sunshine, so tight for me. Bet that feels so good, huh? Did you need it bad?” he whispers against your neck, laying wet kisses down to your collarbone. “God, yes, so good. Needed it so bad, Jake,” you mutter, already overwhelmed by the feeling of his lips and hands on you.
“God’s not here. There’s only me,” he says, increasing the speed of his fingers inside you, curling them upward to hit that special spot far back. You feel how close you are now, barely holding on. Your hand is gripping his shoulder hard, your nails digging into him through his shirt.
“That’s it, baby, come on. I know how bad you want it,” he says, kissing his way back up your neck to your chin. “Want you to come all over my fingers while my brother waits for you inside. Bet you look so gorgeous when you come. C’mon, make those pretty sounds for me, sunshine.” You whine, probably a bit louder than you should have, as his fingers finally coax your orgasm out of you. Jake’s lips find yours to muffle the sound of your cries as he works you through it, slipping his tongue into your mouth as you come down from the high.
He pulls away from you, keeping his eyes on you as he slowly removes his fingers from you and brings them up to his mouth, sucking your release off of them with a low groan. His left hand cups your cheek, pulling you closer to him, leaving only a few inches of room between you.
“So fucking perfect for me… Looks like my wings are melting, love. Too late to turn back now,” he says, his eyes glued to yours. “No regrets?”
“No regrets,” you answer, resting your forehead against his, taking a deep breath before pulling away and standing up, walking back toward the door. You turn around for a moment, meeting his gaze and looking at him softly, before heading back inside to find Josh.
You find Josh in the kitchen, standing at the island with Sam. “Hey, baby, I was wondering where you went,” he says, snaking his arm around you.
“Oh, yeah sorry. I just went out for a smoke and got distracted,” you answer with a soft smile.
“Are you tired? We can head out if you want, I’m sure Jake won’t mind,” he asks with a smile. You nod and turn to see Jake walk through the front door; you guess that he went around to the front of the house to not raise any suspicion. Smart.
You both say your goodbyes to everyone before walking to the foyer, leaving Jake for last. Josh hugs his brother and pats his shoulder, then grabs his keys and walks out the front door.
“Goodnight, Jake,” you whisper timidly, looking up at him.
“G’night, sunshine…” he says with a wink, stroking your cheek lightly as you smile at him, then back away and walk past him out the door. Your cheeks are flush as you walk out to Josh’s car, getting in and buckling your seatbelt before he drives off.
“Did you have a good time, sweetheart?” Josh asks, looking over at you for a moment as he drives.
“Yeah. Yeah, I did,” you answer, looking out the window.
You try to think over tonight’s events as you drive down the long and winding road toward your house. Never did you expect Jake to act that way toward you. You had been convinced that he hated you, but all this time he was just… afraid of his desire for you? It still didn’t make sense to you, but you’re fearful of the feelings that your encounter with Jake has brought to light.
He was so different from Josh, in every way. While Josh was sweet, Jake was assertive. While Josh was desirable, Jake was seductive. It was like he cast some sort of spell on you. Jake is the antithesis of Josh. And for some reason, that intrigues you. But now what? Now that you’ve entertained Jake, there’s no way that either of you will be able to resist the temptation of having each other again. God, what have you gotten yourself into?
read part two here
Leave a reply or send me a message if you want to be added to the taglist! And as always, let me know what you think! I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter!
Our dear reader has a lot of decisions she has to make now, doesn't she? I guess we'll find out in the next chapter ;) see you then
@itsafullmoon @vanfleeter @klarxtr @itsdannysworld @lipstickitty @peaceloveunitygvf @wildmoonworld @ignite-my-fire
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theemporium · 3 months
hi bartender! I'd like the dirty flirtini "Stop saying things that make me want to kiss the hell out of you." please with my lovely boyfriend anthony beauvillier 🥂🍸
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
32. “Stop saying things that make me want to kiss the hell out of you.” 
Anthony Beuvillier was used to the life of hockey, being traded from team to team and familiarising himself with his new family.
He didn’t expect anything different when he received the call he would be traded down to Nashville, having known the trade was almost complete for a while now. He had been through it a few times before, he thought he knew what to expect when he made his way down south to meet his new team.
He wasn’t prepared for you. 
His new captain’s little sister who was throwing a bit of a wrench in his plan to keep on his new team’s good side, to find his place in the whirlwind dynamics of a hockey team, to feel like he belonged in Nashville.
But there was something about you that just sparked something in his chest, that made him want to throw niceties and routines out the window. There was something that made him want to take that risk, to cross a line he knew he really, really shouldn’t be crossing.
“You look awfully happy for someone who just got knocked out of playoffs.” 
Anthony turned his head, trying to bite back the smile that wanted to spread across his face as you settled into the stool beside him. “That’s not what’s making me happy.” 
You tilted your head in curiosity. “Then what is?” 
“You,” he replied, all sweet and cheesy and fuelled by the shots he had been handed since the team had walked into this bar earlier in the night to lick their wounds. 
You rolled your eyes but he could see the smile on your face. “I didn’t think you would ever have the balls to flirt with me, Beauvillier,” you mused as your fingers lightly traced along the side of your glass. “I thought you were going to stick to the pining looks.” 
“Alcohol gives me confidence,” he retorted as he lightly nudged his knee against yours, his heart hammering in his chest at the way your legs slotted between his. “Or maybe you’re just too pretty for me to hold back.” 
“You think I’m pretty?” You questioned, looking far too pleased with yourself as you leaned forward. “Do you think about me a lot?” 
His mouth went dry as his eyes glanced down at your hand on his thigh before looking back up at you. “I…uh…I don’t think I should repeat those thoughts.” 
You raised your brows. “Why not?” 
“Because I’m trying to be a gentleman,” he murmured, lip tucked between his teeth as your fingers lightly traced along his thigh, the same way you did with your glass moments ago.
You mockingly pouted. “And if I didn’t want you to be a gentleman with me?” 
“Fuck,” he breathed out, cheeks flushed and eyes hooded. “Stop saying things that make me want to kiss the hell out of you.” 
“Maybe that’s exactly what I want,” you retorted, barely able to finish your sentence before you felt his large hand cupping your face and guiding your lips against his.
Anthony let out a pathetic moan the second he felt your lips on his, when he felt your hand squeeze his thigh before slowly moving up until you were pressing the heel of your palm against the bulge in his trousers. 
“Shit,” he muttered as he pulled away enough to rest his forehead against yours. “We can’t—your brother—”
“—is preoccupied,” you murmured, your lips brushing against his. “And won’t notice us sneaking out.” 
Anthony gulped. “My place isn’t far from here.”
Your smile widened. “Lead the way, Beauvillier.”
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ficthots · 2 years
Uncharted Territory
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A/N: I am so sorry for the long wait. I hope this makes up for it. Josh and his assistant, badish boy goodish girl, fluff, angst, dirtiness. As always let me know what you guys think and enjoy!
Part II
Warnings: SMUT. DNI if you are under 18. 18+ only.
Word Count: 16.9k+
There are a few things in life that just outright suck no matter the spin you try to put on them. Running out of gas on the side of the highway during rush hour because you were running late for work this morning and were stupid enough to say I’ll just do it in the morning. Sucks. Dropping your phone down four flights of stairs because you decided it was time to stop being lazy by taking the elevator every morning and just climb the stairs. Sucks. You know what sucks most of all?
Job interviews.
They were never fun. You had seen many videos on the internet about how to present the very best of yourself in an interview, sell yourself to whoever was showing interest, make them realize they absolutely needed you in their work force. Of course you knew how to apply all of those little quips and tricks into the interview process. Did it make it suck any less?
Interviews were still incredibly nerve wracking. Feeling like you were going to stumble over answers, blank on the simplest questions, not know how to apply all of your previous job history to what you were trying to get hired for. Despite how perfect you were for this job, it still sucked.
One of your closest friends had tipped it to you. Saying that one of their friends friends was going to be interviewing to be an assistant to some guy in a band. That there were four members of the band and they were getting so big so quickly that they were all going to be needing their own assistant to handle their daily work loads. 
She had nudged you at lunch one afternoon with a suggestive eyebrow wiggle, mentioning how she could get you an application and interview no problem. You had never heard of them before, immediately pulling them up on Spotify and seeing their monthly listener amount was significantly higher than you originally had assumed. 
It was exactly what you needed to get out of the hellhole you were trapped in now. Believe you me, you were well trained in being an executive assistant. It was what you were doing now, the only downside was your boss was a raging bitch. Your boss before her was not much better, but the experience you most definitely had. This could be your chance to break out of the corporate world of assistants and try something new.
What did you have to lose?
You submitted the application that evening with a resume and cover letter, not expecting anything to come of it. That’s why when you woke up the next morning and saw a message marked urgent from a name you were not familiar with, your stomach flipped. 
Opening the email and asking if you could make it to the first round of interviews the very next day, you were in a permanent state of shock. Agreeing, in a somewhat state of brain fog and letting your mind go to autopilot to handle the interview, it must have gone well.
So well, you were now sitting in round three of interviews after being informed that it had been narrowed down to two people per band member and you were the front runner for all of them. They would be the final interviewer and would be selecting their own assistant. 
Your hands were ice cold, but your mind was still nagging at you that they must somehow feel clammy, nerves wracking your body feeling like your bones were vibrating. Blood was rushing in your ears as you sat at a large conference style table, the view of Nashville quite breathtaking from the floor to ceiling wall of windows, but you were unable to truly take it in. There were five seats on one side of the table, one singular on the opposite side that you occupied.
It was like flipping a switch, putting all nerves at bay and standing as the door opened, offering a tight lipped smile, putting your hand out to give a firm and strong handshake to each of the gentlemen that entered the room. You only knew one, their manager, who had been at your other interviews.
The others were new. As you took them in, you made a mental note about one distinct feature of each to help you memorize their names as quickly as possible. “Mr. Frank, it’s a pleasure seeing you again. Thank you for seeing me through this far,” you took a seat as the others did as well.
He gave a beaming smile, tearing his gaze away from his notepad to catch your gaze. “Absolutely. Let me introduce you to these four. Directly next to me is Daniel Wagner,” he gave a small wave, noting his hair was going to be his distinct feature. “You can call me Danny.” You nodded politely at him, your smile never faltering. 
“Next to him is Sam Kiszka,” he was leaning far back in his chair, almost like he had been forced to be here and do this. He had a dog. “Nice to meet ya. Heard you are practically the best of the best so it’s gonna be a blood bath to claim you as an assistant,” you couldn’t hold in the laugh that bubbled from your throat at his nonchalant tone as he explained that to you. 
Your hands still resting on your lap, you nodded. “That’s very kind of you to say.” They all chuckled, Mr. Frank continuing down the line. “Next to Sam is twin two, Jake Kiszka.” Big hat. It was all you noticed about him honestly. Oh, and that he had a sort of pirate vibe to him. 
He offered nothing more than a slight hat tip and a small grin. You returned the same. Trying to match all of their energy that they were giving you and being a mirror to them was your strategy here. You didn’t care who you were assigned to as long as you were assigned to someone. Anything to get away from your devil of a manager now. 
“And all the way down there is the front man, Josh Kiszka. Twin one.” When your eyes locked with his, you noticed too many things at once to make a note of. You wouldn’t need to. You would remember him.
His eyes were bright and overly large as he peered at you. His cheeks were flushed with a light pink hue. His hands nervously played with each other as they rested on the table in front of him. His tongue continuously darting out to moisten his lips. His lips parted, a toothy smile appearing as he held a hand up in an awkward gesture. 
“Josh. It’s-uh, it’s nice to meet you. Aaron has said a lot about you, all good of course. We’re all very interested. Obviously, I mean in a professional way. Like we want you. As in for your work that is strictly professional. Jesus Christ,” he was speaking so fast and with each word his face grew more red in tint, his siblings stifling their laughter behind their hands as they watched him falter.
Mr. Frank’s hands came down onto the table, swiveling his chair from the direction of the boys back to you, eyes wide in amusement as he laughed. “Okay anyways. I want to first thank you for being so patient with the entire interview process. I know it can be draining and meticulous to do this and you have been outstanding, truly. This can be kind of a niche job and we wanted to make sure that we select the right candidates and that is most definitely you.”
Your smile grew as you thanked him, still remaining mostly silent to let him continue on. “Now, we want you to start as soon as possible. It’s my understanding that you’re currently employed elsewhere so you’ll be needing to put in a notice there, correct?” 
Falling into easy conversation about your notice for your current job, starting date for this position, and the mind boggling amount of travel that you would be doing over the course of their tour had your head spinning. Thrilled that they were so interested in you and that the shitty interviewing process was seemingly over had you trapezing on air.
As Mr. Frank set his pen down, he set his attention on the group, gesturing a hand towards you. “What have you decided?” They all spun around in their chairs, huddling together with their heads all bent in, whispering. The one with the hat- Sam? Damn it, that’s Jake, turned first giving a larger smile than before.
He had selected you. That was fine, you could deal with that. He seemed extremely lowkey and easy going. No problems there. Although, trying to get him to stay on task and get done what needs to be done could pose some issues. That’s what you were there for though, to ensure that he would get his shit together and done. What he wouldn’t complete you would do for him. It came with the terms and conditions. 
While your mind was reeling, already starting to go a mile a minute on what was going to be happening as Jake’s assistant, it came to a sudden halt. “You will be working with Josh. He needs the most structure and guidance to keep him on task and I feel like your personalities will really mesh well.” 
You subdued your surprised expression, keeping your face neutral. If there was anyone you thought you most definitely would not be getting assigned to, it was Josh. He could hardly look you in the eye and the boy was extremely jittery. 
When his beat red face met yours, you gave him a kind smile. It seemed like he needed it. You immediately reached into your bag, grabbing your card and handing it over to Josh and then proceeding to do the same with the others. 
“That’s fantastic. Mr. Kiszka, I look forward to working with you. On this card is my current contact information. I know I am Mr. Kiszka’s assistant, but please do not hesitate to reach out if you need anything. Mr. Frank informed me that I will be receiving a new phone with a new number so I will have that new information to you shortly, but in the meantime that is the current way to contact me if need be.” Mr. Frank’s smile grew as he watched how at the drop of a hat you switched into professional mode.
They all eyed you in shock, looking at the card in their hands like it was made of solid gold. Turning your attention fully to your new boss, you stuck your hand out, watching as he gingerly grabbed it, shaking your hand back. 
Cold. Nicotine use, you thought to yourself. It would explain why he constantly seemed flushed, but the circulation was poor in his extremities. You would get him on some vitamins to fix that, you made a mental note to start that immediately. 
Two weeks positively flew by. Packing up your office and hardly uttering any parting words to anyone, you felt a weight lift from your shoulders as you left the building. This next chapter of your life was going to be one you couldn’t wait to embark on. Subletting your apartment proved easier than you originally assumed. Where you would be staying on the few breaks that were scheduled, you would deal with later, but for the meantime, you were ready. 
Already having a copy of the key to his home, you sent him a fast text reminding him of your appointment with him that afternoon to start going over his schedule, so as not to frighten him when you let yourself into his home. When you pulled up to the curb, you noticed a white Jeep parked in his driveway. Only one car? Odd. Maybe there’s more in the garage. It is a three car garage. 
Walking up to the front door, you used the key, but noticed it was already unlocked. You sighed, shaking your head, but entered the home. It was beautiful at first glance. There was natural wood covering every square inch. The large living room was open concept to the kitchen and dining room. The back wall had large windows that showcased a woodland view. 
Continuing further inwards, your head inclined towards the hallway to see if you could catch sight of him anywhere. When he appeared from the oversized pantry, he jumped, hand landing on his chest. “Fuck! Jesus, you scared the shit out of me.”
He laughed, setting down the bag he had in his hand onto the counter, you chuckled and held up your phone and key. “Apologies. I did text you to let you know I was on my way. You did say text was the easiest way to reach you, right? By the way, you need to always lock your door. There are crazies out there and stalkers and if they find your front door is just unlocked, they will enter.” 
Setting down your belongings at the dining table you had noticed was set up for your meeting, you continued speaking, Josh approaching the table to join you. Opening your planner, checking your phone once more to silence it and place it face down on the table, your eyes met his as you took a seat. 
He didn’t sit, instead offering a large smile, motioning to the house. “Can I give you a tour?” You immediately agreed, standing from the chair as you leisurely began strolling around the home.
“And yes, text is the easiest way to reach me and I saw yours which is why the door was unlocked. I forgot you had a key,” you nodded as you eyed some artwork that he had hanging in one of the hallways. 
Walking around with him was like getting a front row seat to his entire being. How and why he decorated the way he did, his purpose behind it all. He was a fascinating man you were quickly learning. 
Getting back to the dining room, you sat with a large smile and undid the cap on your pen, taking in a deep breath and smiling at him. “Well, Mr. Kiszka, I appreciate you giving me a tour. Your home is breathtaking, really. We should get started. We have a lot of ground to cover in two hours,” his hands enveloped a cup of tea he had brought with him, taking in a large breath as you dove in.
It was thoroughly exhausting starting from scratch with a new boss. Having to learn about their daily habits and quirks. What foods they preferred and when they preferred them. Understanding how often they were on their devices. Memorizing their normal routines and schedules. Honestly, exhausting. 
As you checked over your notes, sipping the glass of water he had gotten for you, it was about time to wrap it up for the day. “Okay, I believe that is just about all I needed from you today. I will be sending over that boarding pass and itinerary. You know I should probably do it now while I’m thinking about it,” grabbing your laptop, you sent the email at lightning speed, Josh’s eyebrows shooting up in surprise. 
“Is there anything else you’ll be needing from me, Mr. Kiszka? Of course, you can always text me, call me, email me whenever, but while I’m here,” your eyes finally looked up from your screen to connect with his squinted ones. 
Leaning back in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest, he shrugged. “Actually, yes.” You perked, sitting up straight to give him your undivided attention. “We are going to be spending a lot of time together,” you nodded, listening intently to him, “so I would like to know more about you.”
Shrugging, you fought within yourself about how to word your response to him without offending him in any way. “With all due respect Mr. Kiszka-” he cut you off with a roll of his eyes and a laugh, “Please stop calling me that. No one calls me that. Really, even Joshua, my government name, would be better.” You tilted your head at him, a disapproving look on your face.
“Mr. Kiszka. I am your assistant, your employee, your go to gal for anything you need,” you took in a breath, trying to explain this to him in the most professional manner you could, “however; I am not your friend. I am not paid to be your friend. I think in order for this to work as smoothly as possible and to ensure I get my work done and you get your work done, we need to recognize this as a boss and subordinate setting.” A smirk was tugging at the corners of his mouth, nodding with a chuckle. 
His hands were folded on his lap, one leg crossed over the other, the dark green jumpsuit not long enough to cover his entire leg when he was sitting like this, your eyes narrowed at him. “No, I completely understand that. You don’t want to be my friend-” you held your hand up to him, one singular finger pointing up, “I never said I didn’t want to be your friend, but that this is only a professional relationship.”
Rolling his eyes again, an amused look took over his sharp features. “Mhm. Well, as your boss I would like you to tell me one fun fact about yourself. Can be anything. Just one fun fact,” setting your jaw at his words, you thought of the most surface level fact you could think of.
“I don’t have a favorite color.” His head fell back, a large laugh shaking his throat. “Bullshit! Everyone has a favorite color. Whether it’s one that you tend to gravitate towards or one that catches your eye more often than others. You most definitely favorite one color.” Shaking your head as you packed up your things, you didn’t look at him. 
Slinging your bag over your shoulder, your hands held onto the back of the chair you had just risen from. “No. I do not.” You offered a shrug, starting towards the front door, your boss following you on the way out. 
When you turned around as you reached the door, his smirk never left his lips. “I’ll find out what your favorite color is. I’ll be the one to discover it for you.” You sighed with a laugh, turning on your heel as you took your keys from your bag. “Have a good night, Mr. Kiszka!” You called over your shoulder, hearing the door shut behind you as you made your way to your car.
Seeing the small bag sitting on your passenger seat you cursed under your breath, grabbing it and heading back to the house. Trying the handle first, you groaned as you realized he hadn’t locked it. “Mr. Kiszka!” His head popped back out from where you two had just been, coming back to the entryway.
“This is for you. Take one a day, recommended with food.” His eyebrows furrowed as he pulled the bottle from the bag. “Vitamin B concentrate. What’s this for?” Your hands were clasped together in front of you, smiling as you explained. 
“Nicotine use, right?” He nodded, a sheepish grin on his face. “That’s what I thought. Your hands are always freezing, but you’re flush constantly. Poor circulation is tied to nicotine use. Vitamin B concentrate aids with many things, but circulation is one of them.” He looked floored that based on one previous meeting you had gathered that information about him. 
Looking at you dumbfounded, he laughed, shaking the pill bottle. “Okay. I will add this to my vitamins list.” You pointed at him at the mention of that. “Send me that list. When we’re on the road it’ll be my responsibility to ensure that you’re always stocked. Oh, and lock the door!”
Nodding at you, he held the front door as you walked to your car once again. When your name echoed out into the air around you, you turned to face him. “Next time, you park in the driveway, okay?” You shot him a thumbs up over your shoulder, thanking him as you entered your car, heading home to begin packing for a trip you were unsure how to pack for. 
Less is probably more, you thought as you searched through your closet. When your phone began ringing, issuing an alert for an incoming Facetime call, you sighed, grabbing it amongst the pile of clothes you had taken out to begin folding and packing away. 
“Hi, mom and siblings.” Their smiling faces met yours, your mom diving right in. “Okay, first day with the new boss. How’d it go?” You looked at the screen, setting the phone up on your dresser, facing you so you could use your hands while still talking to them. 
Placing one packing cube into the luggage, you shrugged. “Busy. It’s still the beginning stages so it’s just a lot of memorization and observation right now. Taking over their schedules, trying to notice every single thing about them. It’s taxing,” your mom hummed in response. 
When your sister's voice came through the speaker, your attention immediately focused on it. “What’s the guy's name again?” Your hands went to your hips, shaking your head with a big grin. “Nope.” Her and your brother's groans caused static to come through the speaker.
“That’s so unfair, birdie. Mom knows!” You laughed at them. “The only reason mom knows is because she’s my emergency contact in case something happens while I’m gone. Not only that, but she wouldn’t know them anyways.” Her face reappeared, glasses sitting low on the bridge of her nose, peering at you from over the frame. 
As your siblings continued arguing with you, your mom spoke up over them. “Where are you going first, birdie?” Explaining the travel plans to her and where you were scheduled to touch down first, your siblings would jump in every once in a while to ask that you bring them a souvenir from that country you had just mentioned. 
Family was important to you. The guilt never subsiding at you moving halfway across the country to start your own life and leave your mom and siblings back home. You missed it. Them. Everything. But this was good for you. 
You recalled being teased growing up for not breaking out of your shell. For being too serious. Memories of older family members asking why you didn’t want to go play with the other kids in the playroom, teachers being shocked at your education levels, coworkers not believing your true age. 
They called you an old soul. You called it having to be an adult as a child. Taking on more responsibility than a kid ever should, but that’s what happens when “dad” skips town on the family. Someone has to step up and help. That fell to you. It carried behind you as you molded and shaped into a young adult and then an adult. All of your professional positions were too similar to what you grew up with.
Dealing with it for years was far too much. Leaving for college nearly killed you, but it was what you wanted. Needed. Each time you spoke to your mom, your heart would ache and guilt would seep into the cracks of your soul about leaving them there alone. 
It would never get easier. 
Standing at the curb at the airport, waiting for their van to arrive, an older woman, a man in his forties, and another younger man appeared next to your side. “You’re Joshua’s assistant, right?” Your eyes peeled from your screen to fully take her in as she spoke to you. She must’ve been at least in her fifties, wearing clothes you had seen your grandmother in nearly ten years ago, gaudy glass jewelry decorating her.
The older man was dressed like a typical dad, in fact, he more than likely was someone's dad. He had a notepad tucked under one arm and paper tickets in his hand that had your eyes nearly bugging out. The younger gentleman was dressed incredibly well, but refused to make eye contact with you.
Nodding with your eyes slightly squinted, you held your hand out to her to offer a shake as she continued. “It’s nice to finally meet you! I’m Patty, Samuel’s assistant. That one is Bob, Jacob’s assistant. The one on the far end is Monty, he is with Daniel.” A smile took over your face at her, trying to bite back a laugh. It seems that they had all picked each other's assistants for shits and giggles.
Based on what you knew of them, Sam got the older woman because she was going to drive him crazy. He had little to no patience. Bob was for Jake, basically a parent to babysit him on the tour to make sure he wouldn’t die. Monty was standoffish and seemingly an asshole by the way he eyed you as you stood there. Totally offsetting the easy going nature of Danny. 
What was the joke with you and Josh?
You had no time to dwell on it any longer because the van pulled up, you staying off to the side as Patty and Monty rushed to the van to grab their people. As each boy exited the vehicle, you gave a smile to each, chuckling as Sam flipped Danny off as Patty handed him sticky notes with her thoughts for him. 
Danny awkwardly stood in front of Monty as Monty did not utter a word to him, counting the bags that got off for him before turning and handing him the luggage tag and asking him if he had received the itinerary information he had sent last night.
Jake gave a seemingly large smile to Bob, feeling happy that at least one of them got along well enough with their assistant. They fell into easy chatter about his baggage and flights today. When his curly head was the last to exit, you gave a small wave to him, seeing his large smile take over his face when he saw you.
“Good morning, Mr. Kiszka. I already took care of your luggage with the curbside attendants so when they remove it from the van it will be tagged and moved. Your boarding pass should be on your Apple Wallet. I did get the TSA precheck done for us so that is one thing we won’t have to worry about the entire tour. Oh, and we also have global entry for the international aspect. Your seat is 24A, I am 26A, within reasonable distance so if you need anything just give me a shout.” 
His smile never faltered as you shot out all of that information to him, giving a shit eating grin to Sam, who looked like steam was about to cascade from his ears. As you both approached TSA with the group, the confused looks of everyone else as you two made your way to the precheck line was gold. 
“Hey, how’d you do that?” Danny grumbled, reaching the end of the line as you and Josh kept moving forward, Josh’s loud cackle echoing through the area. You two reached the gate with a laughable amount of time before the others. Scanning the area, you knew coffee was going to be needed in order to get through the long travel day ahead. 
“Starbucks is down that way.” You smiled at Josh, pulling out your phone to reload your app. “Thank you. What can I get for you?” He stretched, shaking his head and moving in the direction he had just motioned towards. “Oh no, I’ll go with you. We have a five hour flight ahead of us, before a two hour layover, and then another three hour flight. I need to be moving,” you nodded, the two of you walking towards the coffee shop in silence. 
He finally cleared his throat, obviously uncomfortable by the silence you were drenched in. “Have you ever been to Europe?” You shook your head, grabbing your wallet out of your bag as you two stood in line waiting for your turn, the app not working as your eyes remained locked to your screen. “Never traveled outside of California and Tennessee.” 
You thought you heard his jaw hit the floor at your admission. “You’re joking?” Fighting a smile, you shook your head again. “No. I never traveled with my previous bosses and if I did it was just inside state limits. I would take over their office responsibilities while they were gone wherever,” his hand rubbed at his jaw. 
“And nothing for personal travel?” Sighing and reading the menu, your head continued in the same motion. “Opportunity never presented itself.” You could tell he had a million questions, wanting to know all the details about it, but your saving grace was being called up next in line. 
He tried to start up again as you both stood to the side of the counter waiting for your orders to be called, but he was cut off by your personal phone ringing. You smiled seeing your mom’s photo take up your screen, turning your body away from him to quickly and quietly talk.
“Hey, I’m at the airport. Boarding starts in about twenty minutes. I’m waiting for coffee right now. Yes, I will text you. Okay. Okay. Okay. Bye, you too.” Slipping your phone back in your pocket, he had a smirk playing on his face. Your order was yelled out into the busy shop and as you grabbed it, his order right next to yours, you knew you weren’t going to be getting away from conversation with him. 
Josh was practically rocking on his heels, itching to speak as he sipped his tea. “Was that your mom?” His lighthearted tone had an excited, but jokey manner to it as you fought the urge to roll your eyes at him. “Yes.” What you could have sworn was a giggle came from his mouth, a large smile still plastered on his face.
“What’s her name? Tell me all about your mama.” He nudged you, eyes eager and hopeful that he was about to delve into your past and learn about you, even just a bit. Luckily, as you approached the gate, the gang was just arriving, all frazzled as boarding was due to begin in just a few minutes. 
Biting back laughter and sipping your coffee, Sam and Danny quickly approached you, handing their phones over, you looked at them confused. “Whatever you did to get you and Josh through, please do for us.”
Josh had approached the counter and when he came back over to you, flashed his screen towards you. “26B. Seat buddies!” You bit back a laugh and smile you could feel forcing its way on your face. He was going to be too damn much to handle. 
Why were you excited about it?
The first few weeks were a blur on the road. It was a life you had never experienced before. Going to bed in one city, working in another for twelve hours, and then repeating it over and over. The days all faded from one into another. 
It was enthralling. 
This was something you had thought of, envied others for actually doing. Never knowing what steps needed to be taken to get the plans in motion. Staring at plane tickets sitting in your checkout cart, waiting, begging to be purchased. To go someplace new, try something new, meet someone new. 
Now, it was happening. 
It was exhausting. 
You had never been so sleep deprived in your life. Between learning how to sleep in a bunk bed in a constantly moving bus, insanely late hours after shows had concluded, and being up to watch the sunrise more days than not, you were still trying to adjust. 
How long does it take someone to embrace and thrive on a new schedule? You were still trying to answer that. Learning the ins and outs of your boss was proving easier than you originally thought. Josh was a simple, but still a somewhat complex person. Being glued to his side for three weeks meant diving into the nitty gritty of who he is. 
His food choices were quite limited, not offering many options due to the restrictions he was under for his job. You figured he would consume quite a few adult beverages, but not near as many as you had witnessed so far. He required much needed destress and alone time that he would typically meditate or reflect during. Josh called his mom nearly every single day, even if it was just for a few minutes to chat and check in. While he had a phone and used it, it was nowhere to the extent of most people his age. He appreciated a good coffee and would do his best to find a new place to try in every city you found yourself in. He always invited you. 
Every chance he could, your name was slipping from his tongue, offering a spot for you to go with them to the bar they were going to be visiting after they finished performing. If he was venturing out to explore a city and wanted to visit a coffee shop, his eyes would fall to you, asking to be his company because everyone else was too hungover to be out that early. 
He had wormed his way in with you in ways you hadn’t even noticed, but he did. Being up somewhat early to sit with you in the bus, basking in the silence as you peered out the window in awe of whatever you were whizzing by. Sometimes working, he would remain somewhat silent, but always finding a way to bring some chatter between you both. All he wanted to do was learn more about you, spend time with you. That’s why he always extended invitation offers for anything he was going to do to you. 
At first, you politely declined each invitation. However, after one too many late nights working, you decided a walk to the coffee shop he described in immaculate detail sounded quite nice. A change of scenery from the inside of a tour bus or the same walls of a hotel room that you couldn’t identify out of a line up if your life depended on it was needed to keep your sanity in check. Josh literally jumped for joy right in front of you.
It elicited a laugh, which was not unusual. He had quite the knack for humor, people around him constantly clutching their sides from his jokes and quips. What made you laugh the most though, was his natural personality. He wasn’t afraid to be himself, no matter how ridiculous he appeared to others.
“A large mocha please. Thank you,” as you reached to pay, Josh’s card slapped onto the reader, instantly paying for your coffee. Shooting him an unamused look, you grabbed your phone, Apple Paying him for the exact amount with a smile. 
Rolling his eyes at you, he placed his own order before accompanying you at the table you had sat at. He gave a large smile as he plopped into a chair across from you. Tilting his head ever so slightly, he took in the side of your face as you peered out to the street outside. Trying to place what city you had arrived in without being awake and present for it.
“Your nose twitches when you think,” you were startled by the voice breaking the silence you had been sitting in. Your eyes fell to the boy and slightly narrowed at him, a smirk tugging at your lips. “Does not.”
He shrugged, leaning back in his chair, still clad in loungewear, hair a poofy mess displaying he had in fact just rolled out of bed fifteen minutes ago and eyes set deep littered with exhaustion. “Do too. Oh, thank you so much, Maria!” Without another moment to respond, your coffee order was placed in front of you and the muffin you had been eyeing was there as well. Right in the middle of the table.
Knowing you didn’t place the order for the muffin, your eyes fell to the indifferent boy seated across from you as he brought the scalding liquid to his pursed lips. “Did you know her or something?” His brow furrowed, shaking his head as he set the mug back down, subconsciously pushing the plate towards you a bit more.
“No, why?” Shaking your head, you brought your own cup to your lips, eyes falling back to the bustling street outside. “You knew her name.” Still seeming confused by your response, his pinky finger continued to push the plate in your direction. “Her name tag was pinned to her shirt.” Nodding at his words, you fought a smile.
Of course he would actually call people by their names, even if they didn’t want it, which you could tell took the young girl aback. That’s such a Josh thing, you thought to yourself. The more you thought about it the more you realized that Josh always called everyone by their first names. Any chance he could, he would. You couldn’t count the amount of times you had heard him asking people for their names. 
And he always remembered. 
Josh picked at the muffin, popping a piece in his mouth, making a motion with his hand to you with expectant eyes. “I won’t eat it all. I mean don’t get me wrong it’s delicious, but too much sugar.” You fought the urge to roll your eyes, taking a piece of the crumble topping and placing it in your mouth.
Playing off how amazing it truly was, Josh’s lips fought off a beaming smile, a small victory in his books. It had been weeks together, every single day, countless hours, but he wasn’t making personal hedgeway with you. Professional? It was unreal how quickly you had caught on to his schedule and attuned your work to his. Personal? Not a damn inch. 
You ordered your coffee quietly, too quiet for him to hear the full order which was excluding him from being able to order it for you just once. He had no idea what, if any, family or friends you had other than your mom because you had no social media presence anywhere. Not the slightest inkling to what food you enjoyed more than others because when you ate it was opposite hours of him. Josh didn’t even know if you liked their music because you hadn’t attended one of their shows. Pre-show prep was far too hectic for you to pay attention to anything other than your duties and you slept while they performed, but were present again for post-show to ensure anything he needed was taken care of. Worst of all, he hadn’t figured out your favorite color because all you wore were neutral tones and all of your personal belongings you kept packed away so he never saw them.
It was driving him mad. 
In order for Josh to get along with someone he needed a connection. Anything. You were offering nothing. Even Danny was making moves with his assistant who was a complete asswipe. The woman who was old enough to be Sam’s grandmother acted like that. A grandmother. Jake basically had their dad on tour with them. But Josh?
Your goal on the other hand was working just fine. Productivity was at an all time high, it was a side of life you never thought you would be able to live in let alone enjoy, and you got along just fine with your boss. 
Because that’s what he is. Your boss.
Was it difficult to continue hiding aspects of yourself and personality to keep the relationship with him strictly professional? Yes and no. Obviously you were giving some signs because you were munching on a blueberry muffin that you had thought you gave no indication that you truly wanted it. So of course there was some leeway, but otherwise it was working fine. 
In order for this to continue on the successful path it was, you needed to play by the rules. Did you generate those rules? Yes, since there were absolutely none laid out for you when you started, but rules were there for a reason. To ensure everyone carried on with their work in the most efficient way possible. 
Honestly, it seemed like it was the only way you were going to survive nearly a year on the road with them. If you started getting personal, it would only make it much more complicated and difficult to get work done. Keep emotions out of it.
That’s the key to success right there. Josh despised it while you thrived on it. 
In fact, Josh never played by the rules. Bed times didn’t exist, alarms were never set, naughty things spoken without a second thought, he was the literal definition of fuck it. Which you discovered the more time you spent around him and his siblings that he was the one that needed the most structure in his life. That’s where you come in.
Was that the reason you were selected for Josh? That was what Jake had said in your interview, but given the jokey nature of the others and their assistants there had to be something more.
Providing a daily routine, schedule, something to keep him going at an acceptable pace. Executing it in a way that he didn’t tend to notice, making him think that he was still playing by his own rules. No rules. It took some time to get used to at first, but now it was a piece of cake. As easy as could be. 
However, Josh was working you a bit, too. That’s why you were eating a muffin top, laughing with him about the mishap on stage from the night before that you weren’t there to see, but had heard all about it. He was going to crack you, he just had to make sure you wouldn’t notice it. 
The alarm went off on your phone just as you finished the last swig of your coffee, eyes going slightly wide at the message on your screen. “Alright, we need to head back. You have an interview with a magazine in forty-seven minutes with Danny and then we need to get you to sound check for the show tomorrow night because the venue is closed tomorrow morning. There was an issue with the manager and he can only be here today so it needs to get done today.” 
Josh’s deadpanned expression on his face let you know that he was not excited for what the day held in store for him. Sighing and tilting his chair back ever so slightly, he looked out the window, a smirk tugging at his lips. “Let’s make a deal?” Shaking your head at his words, you placed your empty cup on top of the plate that now only held remnants of the muffin you had split with him. 
Did you split it? Or did you eat it all? No, you could’ve sworn he ate some, too. Are the dress pants you needed pressed on top of the black suitcase or tan suitcase? Josh’s jumpsuit should be back from the cleaners today, Jake’s suit should be, too. Make a note to call the cleaners and check on that. 
“Unless the deal is getting back to the hotel within the next ten minutes and making you look presentable for the interview, the answer is a resounding no. You need to wash your hair today, by the way.” He groaned like a teenager being asked to take the trash out, head thrown back, adam's apple bobbing as the noise escaped him, arms crossed over his chest. 
Grumbling as he finally stood from the table and following you out the entrance back in the direction you had come from. Never asking what the deal was, the afternoon went without a hitch. The interview was quick and efficient, sound check practically the same, you found yourself laying on the bed in your hotel room, eyes drifting shut as the air conditioner rumbled to life. 
You could feel yourself slowly falling into the warm embrace of sleep, teetering on the edge of a blissful nap until your next alarm would go off signaling it was time to get back to your responsibilities. The pounding at your door had your eyes flying open, your body sitting upright on the mattress and turning towards where the noise had emitted from.
Tilting one head to the side and feeling some of the tension in your neck release, you pulled the door open to see a frazzled Jake standing on the other side with a twin in tow. Before Jake had even spoken, Josh shot you a truly apologetic look. “I can’t find my suit anywhere. We leave for the venue in twenty minutes and I have no idea where it’s at. I swear to god if it’s lost I’m going to lose my mind. I’ve been calling and texting you, are you not near your phone?”
Your brain was trying to catch up with how quickly he was speaking and process the information he was feeding to you. Josh’s hands went to his hips, shooting daggers at his brother, but took a deep breath to calm himself down before exploding on him.
“Relax. We’re gonna find it,” you fought the urge to rub at your eyes, grabbing your phone from your back pocket and seeing that you had nearly thirty missed calls and texts from all of the brothers and assistants. The hairs on the back of your neck stood to attention, feeling dread pounding into you when you realized how long you had been asleep and that you had missed all of these messages from your boss. 
“Jake, your suit? It was with the cleaners and I had them deliver it directly to the venue so we didn’t have to transport it. I always have Josh’s jumpsuits taken directly to the venue so we don’t have to worry about it and I had the same done for yours. I apologize for not informing you about that. I am also so sorry for missing all of your calls and texts. I fell asleep and didn’t realize how long I had been out. It won’t happen again, Mr. Kiszka.” You could see Jake’s shoulders instantly release the tension he had been holding onto at your words, a small breath of air escaping through tight lips.
Josh’s intense glare never left his sibling, stance still the same as it was. “Apologize to her now.” Your eyes went wide, instantly going to say otherwise and how it wasn’t necessary, putting the blame solely on yourself. Your boss's hand came up, halting you before you could speak up. 
“No, no. He absolutely owes you an apology. You asked her to take care of your suit because Bob was incapable of finding a good cleaner and she did. I don’t appreciate you treating her like you are. She was resting, she is allowed to do that because her services were not needed for,” he checked his phone for a fleeting moment, “sixteen minutes. She and I have a system in place and if you would occasionally like her assistance, you need to treat her how she deserves to be treated. Apologize. Now.” Standing there positively gobsmacked and unsure what you were supposed to be doing in that moment, you watched as Jake’s jaw set. 
A small expulsion of air left his nostrils as he turned to you, clearly unhappy with what his brother was forcing him to do. “My apologies. I was not aware of the process with Josh’s wardrobe and I shouldn’t have spoken to you in that way and made assumptions like I did. Forgive me.” You nodded fervently, hands clasped together in front of your body, nearly refusing to make eye contact with him. 
“Of course. My communication should have-” Josh’s hand went up again, shaking his head and cutting you off. “Absolutely not. Jake is aware of the process and it slipped his mind. You did everything right. Jake, go.” His twin filed out of the room, not looking your way again as he left.
The heavy hotel door shut behind him and in what can only be described as a word vomit, you quickly spoke. “I am so sorry. I don’t know what happened, I thought I just closed my eyes for a second and I have no idea how the vibrations of my phone didn’t wake me up. I assumed he knew that his suit would be delivered to the venue and I shouldn’t have made that assumption.” 
Josh’s sincere smile took over his features, waving you off. “Don’t worry about it. He’s being an ass because he and his girlfriend haven’t fucked in weeks and they’re fighting. He’ll give you an actual apology in a day I promise.” 
That was the first time he had stood up for you. It wasn’t the last either. Tough spats between siblings often turned to their assistants when in bad and annoyed moods. It was expected with how much time they were spending with each other.
What wasn’t expected was every time another assistant, crew member, or sibling tried speaking in a way that was anything but friendly to you had irked Josh in a way that had him standing up for you in any way he could. Everyone knew to only step on toes once because Josh would set the record straight thereafter. 
You weren’t sure how to feel about it. In this line of work, it was almost part of the job description to be treated subpar. Not in Josh’s job description. He was so grateful that over the first half of the tour you had been so amazing with anything and everything that this job could encompass, he felt it completely necessary to defend you. 
Compared to the others, you were a literal saint. You never strayed from your job and its responsibilities. He hardly ever caught you on your personal device and when he did, you were wrapping up a call with someone who he could only assume was your mother. Your entire life revolved around him. Of course he was going to stand up for you. 
His siblings teased him relentlessly for it. They said it was incredibly obvious he was in love with you. Entirely enamored with you. Sam claimed he had caught him on more than one occasion just watching you. 
His favorite tale was at a winery in Italy. You stood off to the side of the tour group, a wonderful sundress lightly fluttering in the breeze, sunglasses alternating from resting on the bridge of your nose to the top of your head, your skin glowing from the late summer sun. Sam and Danny nudged each other, snickering as they watched their brother. They said Josh stared at you with his jaw slightly agape for nearly fifteen minutes. 
Was he taken aback by seeing your bare shoulder for the first time? The puffy sleeve of your dress resting on the tops of your biceps. The neckline dipping dangerously low over the curve of your chest. A single gold necklace with a dangling pendant of your zodiac sign resting soundly against you. The dress hem resting midcalf, the most leg he had ever seen from you. He was just surprised is all. 
That’s all. Nothing more.
Did he think about that afternoon for the next month straight? How smooth your skin would be under his fingertips, igniting and bristling as he traced every curve and committed every feature to memory. What kind of reaction would happen if you started with secret touches shared amongst one another. What you would do if his hand found home on your hip in front of everyone. How you would respond to him maneuvering your head to the side, allowing him unrestricted access to the large expanse of bare skin, goosebumps erupting as his breath fanned along your neck. Of course not. Anyways, he would never admit it to anyone if he did.
Which he didn’t. 
It didn’t matter because in his mind you were in no way shape or form interested in something like that with him. No, you only viewed him as a boss. Your boss. The boss. It’s why you refused to divulge any information about yourself to him. 
Sure, after the incredulous amount of time you had spent together, he was going to find out some things about you. Like how easy it was to make you laugh. He had a knack for it somehow because when Sam tried telling you jokes they almost always fell flat. That you were a diagnosed insomniac and he could almost always find you up in the middle of the night with a sheepish grin as you read a book. Oh, and that you adored trashy literature. Your book fell from your bunk and when he picked it up to put it back, his eyes widened at the utter filth adorning the page. His cheeks burned crimson for the next week whenever he looked at you. 
But that was about all. It was killing you.
The more you got to know Josh and the more time spent together, all you wanted to do was share some personal things with him. Instead, you fed tiny insignificant tidbits about yourself to him to not only keep him at bay, but you as well. That you loathed socks, were an avid watcher of Star Wars and all franchise shows, and that you preferred tote bags to actual purses. 
You highly doubted he even remembered those things about you, but deep down you knew he did. It meant too much to him to not. Each time he would ask you to accompany them on a night out, it was growing more and more difficult to turn it down. The more time you spent with him, which was nearly every waking minute, all you wanted to do was spend time with him in a nonprofessional setting.
That’s not good. That was what you knew would tip the scales and everything you had been working towards, every boundary you had set, would be out the window. Being on the road was proving to be a lot lonelier than you had originally assumed. 
Of course, there was some basic understanding that because of the limits you had put in place with the band that social interaction on a more personal level would be dimmed, you didn’t think it would be quite like this. With the few lonesome hours that you did experience, while it was a blissful and welcome break, you found yourself longing for someone to share the time with.
Why was your mind wandering to Josh? You spent the most time with him. That’s why. No other reason. Imagining tracing the slope of his nose with the tip of your finger. How his plush lips would feel against the pulse of your neck. Teeth nipping at the skin and soothing it with his tongue right after. 
Knock it off!
It was rare. Having three days off in a row. No interviews, no sound checks, no duties that had to be taken care of during that span of time. Where better to have that happen than in France. It was actual heaven. 
Many moons ago, one of your closest friends from high school had gone off to college and during one of her years, had taken the opportunity to study abroad. You can recall spending hours on the phone with her listening in great detail to her tales and trying to picture yourself doing what she had done. Of course, a majority of those things you could never do, but one small story had stuck with you through the years.
She had described a small village in France, an incredibly sleepy town that was the quietest place she had ever been to. The food was indescribable, the city was phenomenal with mainly mom and pop shops, and overlooking the ocean from anywhere you could look in the town. You had been fantasizing and daydreaming about this village since she had told you.
Now, it was your turn to be there. Waking up with the sun, getting ready as silently as possible as to not wake anyone up, and trying to sneak out of the hotel room. You thought you were golden until you heard your name leave his lips. You jumped with a start, hand landing over your heart. “Jesus! Mr. Kiszka, good morning.” 
His smile never diminished, eyes squinting at you being fully dressed this early in the morning. On a non-work day. “Good morning to you, too. Where are you off to this early in the am? Running off and leaving us all behind?” You gave a tight lipped smile, letting the hotel room door fully close behind you, your back connecting with the wood. 
Checking the time on your phone, you knew you needed to get a move on. “Since it is my day off, yes I am.” Josh shrugged, bottom lip lightly pushing out as his eyes fell downcast, a sigh following. “Oh okay. Well we’ll be around here if you need anything. Don’t think we’re doing anything today really. Just wandering around. Anyways, yeah I’ll have my phone on me if you need anything. Just give me a call or text. Whatever.” Guilt was worming its way into your gut as you watched his mood continue to sour, sighing quietly and checking your phone again.
“If you can be dressed and ready within ten minutes you can come with me. If you’d like,” his head snapped up at you, eyes bright with excitement. He calmed down, cheeks turning a light pink as he turned from your smirking gaze. “I wouldn’t want to intrude on your day off. You spend enough time with me as is.” 
There was that feeling again. 
Against your better judgment, it came tumbling from your lips before you could stop it. “No, I would love it if you would come. Really,” your smile grew at the end, seeing how excited he truly was to hear you say that. He was practically bouncing in his spot, joy seeping from him in waves. 
“If you insist! Let me just change super quickly and grab some stuff and then we’ll go.” You nodded, standing there waiting for the boy to reappear from the room directly next to yours. Nerves pummeled you, constantly checking over your shoulder to see if anyone was going to slip out of their own room and see you waiting for Josh. It was entirely ridiculous, he was your boss. No one would even bat an eye at it, but there was something screaming inside of you that this was going to be a bad decision. 
That something was going to shift today that you wouldn’t be able to take back. Maybe that’s what you wanted.
You didn’t have much time to dwell because he came bounding out of the room, green jumpsuit adorning his slight frame, hair a wild untamed ball, camera resting soundly on his arm. Josh’s eyes that once held your own fell down to where your gaze was currently sitting and he beamed at you. 
“I take it the jumpsuit was a good call?” You returned the smile, shaking your head as you began walking down the hallway. “Oh, of course. It’s just that’s what you were wearing during our first meeting. The color suits you very well, Mr. Kiszka.” He groaned as you entered the elevator together, turning to fully face you as it began its trek downwards. 
He placed both hands in a prayer formation, landing right under his chin, large eyes peering into yours. “Please call me Josh. While it’s just us today, okay? I won’t tell anyone. It won’t damage your resume, promise. Today, it’s Josh, alright?” You battled within yourself, gnawing on the inside of your cheek, forcing your mouth open, teeth sank into your bottom lip.
Eyes traveling up to connect with his once more, you let out a large sigh. “Just today. Okay, Josh?” He almost fell over as his name left your lips for the first time. In fact, he had no idea how to respond. Only nodding, swallowing thickly, he turned away from you, standing barely a hair from one another, his widened eyes stared at the elevator doors as they parted for you both.
His knuckles were stark white from the grip he had on the wooden railing that was around the entire metal box. Reluctantly letting go, he watched as you waltzed out into the lobby, second guessing every decision leading to this moment.
What the fuck had he done? 
The train ride to the town began as any other day would for the two of you. First, talking about the upcoming week and what it would entail work wise. Second, about what food Josh was hoping to find wherever you were going to be going. Third, Josh fiddling with his camera and talking nonstop to fill the silence that would linger between you both. 
You had gone through the motions within the first fifteen minutes. Then you did something entirely unexpected. 
“When we get there, can you help me find an antique shop or something like that? I haven’t gotten a gift for my sister yet and she’ll kill me if I don’t,” you chuckled at the end, peering out the window and taking in the majestic scenery zooming by. When Josh didn’t respond, you turned your attention over to him to see a blank expression sitting on his face. A complete deer in the headlights moment.
Your brow furrowed before realizing you had given him a fact of your life without even catching it. He cleared his throat, trying to redeem himself and play it cool, but he was about to bounce off the walls. “Sur-absolutely. How old is she?” He wasn’t holding eye contact, but you knew what he was doing. 
Fighting a smile, you turned back towards the window, chin resting on your palm. “She and my brother are twins. They are fourteen. I found something for him a while ago, but nothing for her.” Josh couldn’t contain his utter joy any longer. His hand went to his chest, pointing at himself. “Jake and I are twins!” 
Pretending to be shocked, you played into it. “Shut up! No way! I had no idea,” he rolled his eyes at your sarcasm, but a giggle flitted from him as his cheeks grew rosier by the minute. “Yeah yeah whatever. What does she like?”
You filled him in on all the details of your siblings, never revealing their names, the rest of the ride there. When you stepped off the train and got in a cab to get to the little town, and realization of where you were slammed into you, you couldn’t fight the tears that welled in your eyes.
Getting out of the car, it was like a burden had been lifted from your shoulders. The smell of the sea wafting through the air. The cobblestone streets that you had only dreamed of seeing and walking on. The locals carried on with their daily lives, where they were being of little importance to them. To you it was everything. 
It was the life you had dreamed of living. That once seemed so unobtainable, but now you were living it. Having escaped from the hellscape of childhood and young adulthood. Everything you had worked towards. It was here. 
A hand landed in between your shoulder blades, the cool skin signaling to whom it was pressed against the bare skin there. Offering a small smile to him, his worried look was plastered on his features. “You okay?” Taking in a deep breath, your smile continued to grow as you nodded in response.
“Never been better.” His face lit up at your words, immediately leading you towards the city center to start the day. Arm never leaving you, you wrapped your own through the crook of his elbow. Josh’s eyes nearly falling out of his head at the contact you offered him.  
It truly was one of the best days of your life. Sides ached from the amount of laughter shared between you two. Stories were given to one another about the tales of adventures shared with friends and family. Walking so close to each other you swore you could feel the goosebumps rise on his skin with each brush of your arm. 
Comfortable. Delightful. Electric. 
The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon. The rays glistening and dancing on the ever moving water below it. Casting everything in its touch with hues of orange and pink. Complimenting all creatures with the sun kissed glow. The restaurant seated for amazing views of the coast. 
Sipping from your cocktail glass, you and Josh were cackling into them, earning stares from those occupying the tables around you. The view was breathtaking and you couldn’t help that your eyes would continue to wander to it whenever an opportunity presented itself. A lag in the conversation meant your smile was permanently stuck to your face, one of the best moods you had ever been in holding strong on you. The day had been beyond what you had dreamed of. 
The company wasn’t too bad either.
“Craziest thing you’ve ever done?” Snapping out of your own thoughts, you turned towards the boy seated across from you, hands folded on the table as he leaned towards you. Sighing with a shrug, you took another sip of your cocktail, shaking your head. “Good try.” 
He groaned, slightly leaning back into his seat, nearly giving up before he gave a hefty shrug of his shoulders. “Yeah I figured. It was worth a shot though. I’ve pushed my limits with you today. Not only that, but you’re a complete goody two shoes.” It was at that moment something clicked in you. 
After being so cold towards Josh for so unbearably long, just trying to keep things on a professional level, he had hardly ever pushed you to share information you weren’t comfortable with. Sure, he would annoy the hell out of you to find out any information he could, but he knew boundaries and didn’t push them. 
And you despised being called a goody two shoes.
“I took my moms car when I was a senior in high school and drove to Las Vegas with my friends during senior ditch day. My friend had gotten us fake ids and we used them to gamble what little money we had in the casinos and get drinks. We ended up so plastered we had to get a room for the night and put it on one of my friends credit cards. My mom thought I was just staying at her house for the weekend. That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever done. Oh, and I was high for a majority of the time.” Your eyes were squinted in his direction, challenging him, trying to read his reaction, his jaw hanging slack.
Who’s the goody two shoes, now?
He blinked multiple times, trying to come back to his senses before shaking his head, a loud laugh shaking his entire body. “Holy fuck! That’s actually insane. Did your mom notice the miles on the car?” Finishing off your drink, you thought about that. “You know, I actually don’t know. If she did she never said anything about it. I never acted out or did anything so I think she was just happy I went and did something fun, but those days are behind me. One and done you know? She always used to say that her birdie needed to learn how to fly. I think that was her way of letting me,” Josh’s soft smile warmed you from your head to your toes, spreading throughout every limb, settling low in your stomach.
Tilting his head at you, his smile grew. “Birdie. Is that your nickname?” Your cheeks grew hot, not even noticing that you had let that slip. Only nodding in response, he winked at you. “I love that. It’s so,” his eyes continued to watch over you as his smile grew, “you.” You didn’t know how to respond, not knowing if it was a compliment or not, but Josh continued on. 
“Mine is nothing like that. Growing up in the midwest, underage drinking was the norm. It was how we passed time. Mine’s dumb compared to yours. I went skinny dipping once and got my clothes stolen by my brother. Had to walk over a mile home butt ass naked. At least it was summer though,” you were laughing so hard you had tears streaming down your face, trying to catch your breath.
Josh rolled his eyes at you, face burning bright red, arms crossed over his chest. “Yeah yeah yeah, whatever.” As you settled down, wiping at your face with your napkin, you felt a sense of boldness wash over you, speaking before you could think twice about it. “I’ve always wanted to skinny dip.” 
It was like flipping a switch. Watching as his eyes turned from one of joking to instantaneous mischief. Setting your now empty glass on the table, you began fervently shaking your head and a continuous chorus of no’s left your mouth. He nodded, entirely ignoring you and quickly standing from the table, the bill paid over an hour ago.
Dragging you through the streets, laughter bouncing off the surrounding buildings, you couldn’t catch your breath as his hand held a firm grasp on your arm. His chilly hand clamped to your forearm, grip never relenting despite the tiny fight you were putting up to actually escape from him. 
Unsure of where he was leading you, your head was on a swivel, trying to place your location, but it didn’t seem to matter because Josh seemed to know this place like the back of his hand despite never having been here before. When a small lake appeared, your laughter died down to giggles as you peered at the boy.
“How the hell did you know this was here?” A sheepish smile took over his face, cheeks going rosy as he bashfully kicked his leg around. “Walked by it earlier. Do you not remember that?’ You tried thinking back to earlier in the day when you would have made your way by this, but when you were about to say you truly didn’t it dawned on you.
Your mouth fell open and your palm landed on your forehead. “Oh! That’s right. We were going to the, the, the-” you were snapping your fingers, trying to place where you were heading before Josh cut you off, “the patisserie.” Your smile grew thinking back to the chocolate concoction you had consumed just hours before. 
Sitting on the grass with a sigh, you felt elated. “Thank you for coming with me. Seriously, I think you made the day ten times more fun than I would have ever had by myself.” He took the spot next to you, stretching his legs out with a groan, knee nearly knocking with your own, resting his arms behind him. “You’re just saying that. Trying to get in my good graces. I know your tricks,” laughter fell from you both as you nudged him with your shoulder.
“Damn right. Better give me a great performance review,” you two fell into a comfortable silence as the sun finally disappeared, only basking the area in a gracious moonlight that seemed to illuminate the entire area, reflecting perfectly off the calm lake water. 
Josh was nervous. He kept playing with his lips. Teeth nipping at them, tongue darting out over them, sucking them into his mouth. The last thing he wanted to do was to ruin a perfectly fantastic day by frightening you off, but he had a feeling he wouldn’t do that. “Alright, what’s up?” You turned your head to look straight at him, catching him off guard as you did. Smile never faltering, trying to get him to relax.
Why was he freaking out? You watched as his eyes wandered your features, knowing exactly where he was going. That’s why he was freaking out.
You weren’t. 
This is your only chance to do something like this. Who better to do it with than Josh? Don’t be a coward. Just do it.
Standing from your spot, Josh’s fuzzy brows drew together as he monitored your movements. Stepping out of the sandals you had worn, undoing the zipper on the side of your dress, you watched as Josh’s eyes grew as wide as saucers, truly rivaling the moon. He started to stutter, sticking his hand out to stop you from stepping out of the fabric.
“Oh my god, no no. I was totally joking,” you beamed down at his nearly frightened features, skin burning at the contact of his fingers wrapped around your wrist. “I wasn’t. I’ve always wanted to skinny dip. Either you can join me or you can watch or you can turn around and face the trees to not see me,” with his hand still around your wrist, you finished removing the dress from your figure. 
It fell in a pool around your feet, eye contact never breaking with him. Watching his adam's apple bob in his throat, breath stuttering, hands having a slight tremble. He was terrified to look down, to see you in a light he hadn’t before.
Standing only in your panties and bra, your breathing was more even than you anticipated. It felt right. Like this was meant to be happening. Here. With him. 
It feels right.
Walking away from him, your hands went behind your back, unclasping your bra, the straps fell down your arms. Tossing it to the side, you stopped on the edge of the water. Taking a deep breath, you lifted one leg, stepping out of the panties and removing them from your boiling skin.
It took every ounce of courage you had to turn your head over your shoulder and look to the stunned boy still sitting in the grass. The moonlight was basking you in an aura he had only dreamed of. Turning to stone as he sat mesmerized by your utter beauty, unsure of what he should have been doing at that exact moment.
The question answered for him as your singsong voice rang out into the still air. “Are you coming or what, Josh?” Realizing at that second that he wasn’t dreaming, that you were real and standing before him in the way you were was almost too much to handle. 
Moving to autopilot he hastily stood, undoing the buttons of his jumpsuit, leaving the article of clothing right next to yours. Watching in awe as you moved into the water, laughter and giggles flitting out into the night. 
As he became fully nude, you had turned in the water, letting it approach your chin, monitoring every movement that he made. Despite every time you had thought about this moment, the nerves you thought would be coursing through you, it wasn’t like that at all. 
Basking in comfort, enthralled that you were doing this with him, contentment with how the day had gone. What a beautiful way to end the day.
Swimming out to meet you in the lake, his teeth chattered, the cool water embracing you both despite the sweltering temperatures that the day had held. Your hair was drenched, the water droplets dripping down your face as you beamed at him.
“Thank you for doing this with me. Total bucket list thing right now,” he laughed, moving slightly closer to you as he did. “I’m glad I could be here to influence you in this way. Time for you to act out a little. How does it feel?” His excited eyes greeted yours, truly interested in your response.
Something changed in that instant. The giggles had died down, instead a heat had replaced it. Your smile didn’t falter, but you felt a more serious nature take over. Nodding your head in response, you crept closer to him, your voice whispering out into the air between you both.
“Really good.” Josh felt it too. An intensity he hadn’t been expecting. One that he felt you were acting on, wanting to embrace this. With him. 
Deciding to not let logic and rules define you in that moment, you closed the gap between you two. It was incredibly soft, gentle, exploratory. His tender lips cradled yours, hardly applying any force. Afraid that if he pushed too hard it would scare you off.
Letting your arms circle around his neck, your bodies connected, igniting every nerve ending you had. Josh’s hands splayed across the bare expanse of your back, leaving the water with a splash as he held you for the first time.
Deepening the kiss, your mouth opened for him, letting your tongues brush against each other. Unable to hold in the small whimper at the blissful feeling, Josh took that as a positive sign. 
You were needing this, craving this, just as much as he had been. When he felt your fingers tangle in his damp locks and lightly scratch his scalp, tugging right after, he pulled you closer to him. There was little space left, but he wanted none. 
Noses hitting, breathing growing heavier, Josh’s hands moved from your back to under your legs. The underside of your thighs were gripped by his fingertips, motioning for you to wrap your legs around his waist. 
Immediately, you did. The tip of his cock brushed against your bare core, eliciting a strong gasp from you. Just the small contact had you desperate for more, butterflies filling your lower stomach, heat coursing through you. 
Your skin was positively on fire, never wanting this contact with him to end. As Josh went to exit the lake, you still wrapped securely around him, you quickly detached. 
Moving to where your clothes were haphazardly thrown onto the grass, you grabbed both items and laid them out for you to lay on, some barrier between you and the ground. When you were on your back, staring up at the boy whose gaze was one you had never experienced before, it was unlike anything you had ever seen before.
The moonlight held him in such a gorgeous glow, illuminating his wet and glistening skin. His hair was dropping into his eyes, but his veiny hand pushed the locks out of his line of sight, not wanting anything obstructing his view of you. Dazzling smile greeting you, lips darker than normal due to the chill he felt and the nature of which they had just been involved in. The droplets falling off of his skin onto you below him cause a sense of jealousy to erupt in him. How unfair that they were able to touch you and be one with you when he couldn’t. He didn’t want to waste any time with you, dipping his head down and connecting your lips once again.
Your budded nipples were achingly hard under his hands. They tweaked and teased you, back arching into his grasp, positively desperate for more from him. With each movement he did, you could feel him brushing against you.
It was driving you mad. Your hips were bucking to connect with his. Stilling as his lips suckled around one of your breasts, a shaky moan attempting to escape your throat. He matched his motions on the other, never neglecting the opposite as he did.
His lips landed in the valley between your breasts, placing deep, chaste kisses down your sternum, stomach, hips, and thighs. Hands held firm to your waist, not wanting you to slip away from him. Terrified that this was a far too realistic dream. Where he would wake up like a horny teenage boy after a wet dream.
Yet as his eyes connected with yours, breath fanning across your core, he knew it was reality. Flattening his tongue on your core, your head fell back. Back arching off the ground as he began eating you like a starved man.
Like this was all he needed to survive. What he had been fantasizing about. Trying to imagine the taste of you, nothing could even compare to what was landing on his tastebud’s. Eyes rolling into the back of his head, the sounds coming from you stirred him on. 
Wanting nothing more than to taste your release on him, he lapped at you, sucking your bundle of nerves into his mouth and holding it there, sending you over the edge into a mumbling mess.
When he came back up face to face with you, the tears that escaped from the corners of your eyes worried him at first, but quickly diminished as your hands landed behind his ears, dragging you to him. Teeth nearly clacking together, his breathing grew more uneven.
Your hand went between your bodies, leading his throbbing cock to your soaked entrance. Connecting your eyes once more, he wanted to be sure. Not wanting to taint anything between you both. 
“Are you sure?” Not a moment of hesitation, you responded with a breathless yes, sealing it with a small peck. Josh couldn’t wait a second longer, letting his tip enter you. Taking it inch by inch, you welcomed him with no fight. 
Josh’s pace was slow and deep, wanting to savor this. As your legs hiked around his waist, your lips never parted with each other. Pants and moans mixing together, breathing the other in, head dizzy with arousal.
You had never felt so welcomed and embraced with someone as you had with him. This was everything you had been thinking about since you had first seen him. Knowing him, growing closer with him, anything with him. 
He made you feel wanted and despite all your attempts of keeping him out, keeping him complacent, it was all for not. Josh was a force that you couldn’t fight, didn’t want to fight. Wanting to fall into him, let him know you inside and out, it was pointless to go against it.
But you had to. Just not at that moment. No, in this moment you could accept it, envelop in it, rejoice in it. Letting him treat you like the almighty being he wanted to. Walls crashing down for just a bit. Right now, it was all about you two mingling together. 
White hot heat flashed behind your eyes, body contracting as your orgasm flooded your senses. Tense muscles crushing Josh to you as he emptied out in you momentarily after you. His body shook with pleasure, whimpers falling against your lips as you attempted to catch your breath. To come back down from the intensity of the evening.
Savoring in the closeness for now. For now. 
The train ride back into the city was incredibly peaceful. You sat next to Josh the entire ride home, head resting on his shoulder, drifting in and out of sleep after he whispered to you that it was too late to be up and to rest. 
So, you did. At one point, his own head rested on your own, his warm cheek pressed against the crown of your head, his breath spanning across the top of your hair. When you woke up and saw both of your fingers entangled together, you almost didn’t want to reclaim your own hand. It felt right. 
It shouldn’t have.
That’s why the moment you stepped off the train, it was a sense of dread sitting heavy on you. It was like everything and anything that could have changed, did. Stepping towards your hotel room door, Josh’s hand gripped your waist, spinning you back towards him and colliding his lips with yours.
You didn’t fight, argue, try to stop it. Sinking into it, him. Letting your lips mesh together in a way that was a sense of comfort and security. Him letting you know that this was where you were meant to be. Something you had never felt before. You didn’t want to feel it. You couldn’t. 
That’s why when you two separated, him going into his room and you yours, you laid flat on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Tears slowly trickled from the corners of your eyes, hand clamping down over your mouth to silence any noise that could have been coming from you. 
You had known it from the minute you had seen him. It was going to end poorly. If you were anything other than extremely professional, setting firm boundaries, not allowing him any way in, it was going to end up a complete shit storm.
It was on the horizon. The gorgeous skies that seemed as though they were hand painted by the most talented artist you had ever seen before the black clouds would roll in, wreaking havoc on anything in its way. You were slowly watching it morph and change the aura around you. 
He had captivated you, drawn you in so quickly. The most interesting being you had ever encountered. Wickedly talented beyond measure. A careful and caring being, wanting to cause no harm, only leaving a trail of happiness and good behind him. He did. 
Staying away from him and the true being he was, was torture. He wanted to know you, see you, embrace you. Love you. You could feel it, see it in his eyes. The way he admired you, gazed at you, he just didn’t want to frighten you off. 
This had to be the only encounter that you experienced with him. Anything more would mangle and wreck you both. This was already going too far too fast. 
Hearing and feeling the vibrations of your phone, you tried to ignore it given the incredibly late hour, but decided that if it was work related you needed to answer. Grabbing the device and seeing your moms photo filling up the screen you groaned, knowing you were in no condition to speak with her, but remembering that it was a rare chance when you could actually talk to her. 
“Hi mom!” You tried to sound as cheery as you could, knowing your mom bought it when her chipper voice echoed out into the room. “My birdie girl! How is my little globetrotter? Are you working hard? Have you been eating? What time is it there? Are you supposed to be sleeping right now?” She left little room between her sentences to give an actual response, but as you answered her plethora of questions, you felt your chest growing tighter, knowing that morning was growing closer and closer. 
You made a decision that night. Carry on like normal. Act like nothing had happened and continue on with life, living like one of the best nights of your life had actually never occurred. A figment of your imagination. No matter how bad it hurts. 
He was waiting for you the next morning, bright and early knowing you were going to go for a little walk. It scared the ever loving shit out of you, jumping nearly ten feet in the air. “Jesus! You have got to stop doing that,” you chuckled, hand landing over your heart.
“Apologies. I was just thrilled to see you this fine morning,” and he truly looked as though he was. His eyes were slightly hooded as he peered at you. Cheeks a light pink. Hair somewhat smoothed down, but still a disheveled mess. Same outfit adorned as always. 
Your pulse was a million miles a minute as the smell of his cologne flooded your senses. Needing to nip this in the bud and quickly, you spoke up. “That’s very nice of you, Mr. Kiszka. I should be back around eleven this morning. If you need anything in the meantime please feel free to text me.” Offering as pleasant of a smile as you could, you watched as he rolled his eyes.
“I thought we were past that.” Your brows quirked, trying to play the part of not understanding why the nature of your relationship would have changed. “Mr. Kiszka, with all due respect, you are still my boss. What happened last night was out of line for both of us and I think that we should act as though it didn’t happen. Please.” 
Your eyes held his stare, seeing the expression of bewilderment take over his features. “Are you joking?” Shaking your head, he moved away from you, staring as though you had scorned him. Perhaps you had. “I thought-I thought that we had made some serious progress yesterday. That we were moving in a better direction for us,” his hand moved between you two. 
You fought the nerves vibrating in you as you stood strong. “I apologize if that’s the message I displayed to you yesterday, but no. I would prefer if we could remain the same. Strictly professional.” His jaw hung slack, eyes growing wider at your words.
His hands rubbed at his eyes, a harsh laugh escaping his lips. “This has got to be some sort of fucking joke. Birdie, I cannot just forget what happened yesterday!” You winced at his tone, hearing the intensity setting in it. “I know it meant a lot for you, too. Don’t pretend like it didn’t.” 
He was reading you and he was doing it well. Sighing, despite every instinct in you screaming to just fall into it, let it happen between you two, you continued to hold strong. “No. I apologize for letting things get too far.” 
Staring at you in utter disbelief, every emotion displayed across his face. “So that’s it? Not even friends?” Hesitating, only briefly, you shook your head. He wasted no time, pushing past you and going back into his hotel room.  
The rest of the day was spent miserable alone. Wandering the streets until eleven, just as you had stated, was unenjoyable. Your mind was rushing, wondering if any chance of a normal relationship with him had gone out the window. 
Standing in the lobby the next morning, you were exhausted. Hardly having slept the night before didn’t matter when you needed to work. Waiting for the group to emerge with their own luggage in tow, ready to head to the next location. It was best to use one of the free days for a travel day. It got you there sooner and gave you an extra day to explore a new place. 
They were easy to spot and hear, their own assistants and other tour employees following in tow. You offered a tight lip smile, clutching your planner to your chest, breath stuttering in your throat. You had to do this. 
It was the only thing that would make this work. Stick to the plan. Don’t give up. It’ll go back to how it was. 
“Good morning, Mr. Kiszka. I have already emailed you the travel itinerary for the day, there is a coffee waiting for you in the van, and I did find you an extra phone charger since your last one was left behind.” A light joking tone came with your words, but as you spoke, Josh’s smile diminished the second he laid eyes on you.
This wasn’t what he was expecting. At all. Despite you having agreed that calling him by his first name was just for the lone day, he thought that after what had happened, you would continue to do it. That the cold and steely demeanor you had been using with him since the start was cracked and gone. He felt stupid. Used. 
Wrecked that what progress he had thought he had made with you would bring some sense of change. That you would feel more comfortable with him. Possibly even returning the feelings he had been fostering and harboring for you. Ridiculous. 
Only murmuring a thank you under his breath, he walked away from you quickly and towards the van. You sighed, eyes briefly closing as your thoughts swirled in your head. 
This was for the best. He’d get over it.
Turns out that Josh holds a grudge a lot better than you assumed he would. For such a cheery and pleasant person, you truly didn’t expect him to continue to practically give you the silent treatment for weeks. He refused to hold eye contact with you, only spoke to you for pressing work matters, the whole shebang. 
Thinking that this would make it easier, better even. Him only giving what you did on a daily basis. It was the total opposite. It was miserable. You dreaded getting up in the morning and having to deal with work matters. 
The following few weeks, you were at the lowest you had ever felt. Never having had a close relationship with a boss before, let alone what you two had done and said to one another, proved that your way of handling and dealing with things was the only way to make things work. Don’t get close. You’ll only get burned in the process.
Everyone else had noticed the shift between you two as well. Jake had tried bringing it up with his twin, but immediately was shut down. He relayed the message to the others not to bring it up, whatever had happened obviously still too raw to handle. No one enjoyed being around a grumpy Josh anyways. 
He would transform into a truly awful person to be around on a daily basis. His normal patient, wondrous, and joyous persona would disappear and morph into one of the complete opposite. Locking himself away in the various hotel rooms, bus bunk bed, not wanting to see or speak to anyone. No performance he gave good enough or to the impossible standards he was holding himself too. 
It wasn’t good.
That’s why when you were sitting at a desk in a hotel lobby, battling an airline over a ticket mixup, the spitting image of your boss in another life sat across from you, you knew what it was about. Hanging up the phone call with a sigh, you tried to force a smile on your depleted and tired features. 
“Mr. Kiszka, what can I do for you?” He removed his sunglasses, sitting them on the tabletop next to his resting arm and peered at you. “For starters, you can fix my brother.” Going to speak, he held up his hand, shaking his head. “Look, I don’t need all the details. All I know is that something happened between you two. It needs to be repaired because the way you two are trying to carry on is not cohesive for either of you. Just try and fix it.” 
Eyes falling downcast, you felt the weight of the situation sinking further onto you. “What if I say I don’t know if it can be,” Jake shrugged that off like it was silly to even suggest or think. “He likes you. In more than one way, which I’m sure is the root of this, but it’ll be fine. Talk to him. Josh, he-” taking a moment, rolling his eyes as well, he continued on, “likes to talk. Talk to him and get it worked out.” 
Standing outside of his hotel room, trying to muster up the courage to just knock, you were quite literally spinning in circles. Turning on your heel over and over, attempting to psych yourself up to just do it. 
Knock on the door.
The decision was made for you as it flew open as you lifted your hand to connect with the wood. A confused Josh stood on the other side, dressed like he was going to be going out. Instantly being able to tell you needed him for something. For what? That he didn’t know. 
“I thought we finished work at three today?” He asked, checking his phone for the time. It was far past that time. Shaking your head, you decided against what you were going to do. “Oh no, I apologize. It was for something else, but I see that you’re busy and heading out. We can do it later,” turning around to go across the hall to your own room, he still stood in the door frame.
He could easily tell how nervous you were. You didn’t hide your nerves well. Gnawing on your cheek, eyes constantly darting around, hands unable to remain still. It screamed at whoever you were projecting it to. In this case, Josh.
“No, no. I was just going to grab a drink.” Gulping, you began talking quickly. “Oh okay. I just wanted a quick second in private if you don’t mind. I don’t want to be a bother during your free time though so if you’d rather wait that’s totally fine, I understand.” His eyes slightly widened at your hastened words, holding his door open farther, a welcome to you to enter. 
You stepped in, seeing that the room was nearly spotless. Given, you had just checked in this afternoon, but still. You didn’t want to touch anything. Encroach on his personal space. Instead, you stood to the side, hands folded with themselves, trying not to look directly at him.
Observing you from his own spot, he was uneasy. Josh doesn’t do confrontations. Despite how much he enjoys talking and listening to others talk, he despises it when it’s negative. This wasn’t going to go well. He could just tell. 
“I would like to hand in my resignation, Mr. Kiszka.” 
He thought he was going to fall over. Out of every possibility, every scenario that could have happened. This is not what he was expecting. At all. Entirely floored, staring straight at you with his jaw slack, he started shaking his head. 
“No. Absolutely not. You can’t.” You had never felt such dread when quitting a position before. Normally, they were exciting. On your way to the next best thing. This was different. It was the best job you’d ever had with the best boss you’d ever had. 
It was killing you. 
“I think this is for the best. I can be around for as long as necessary until you can find a replacement and I will train them if needed.” Josh sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands, rubbing at his face. “We never should’ve slept together. Everything was going great. God, I regret that.” 
He wasn’t expecting your laugh to echo in the room. Snapping his head up at you, he was greeted with your smile and accompanying laugh. “I don’t. It was amazing. The entire reason I’m handing in my resignation is because I cannot continue to do my job and be in love with my boss.”
Watching as his face went blank as you continued talking, you had no idea what he was actually thinking. Since he was a person who wears their emotions on their face, when he went emotionless like this, it was even more nerve wracking. 
Uncharted territory. 
“I have fought it since we met. Seriously, the moment I saw you I knew this was going to be trouble. The more I got to know you, the more I fell for you. Keeping my professionalism and decorum has been so damn difficult because of you. And-and then we had that day together and it was incredible. I love you, Josh and I cannot keep working for you while I feel like this. It just can’t work because-” you didn’t get to finish before Josh was propelled up from his spot, hands cupping your cheeks as he pulled you to him.
Lips connecting in a messy and needy encounter, pawing at one another to get as close as possible. This wasn’t like the last time. This was desperate, angry, and resentful. Apologetic. 
Hardly finishing undressing before he was in you, hopelessly pounding you into the mattress below him. Unrelenting, a pace that knocked the wind out of you with every thrust. Unable to think about anything else other than Josh, Josh, Josh. 
He became your entire being at that time. Only allowing your thoughts to be riddled with him. No other noise allowed except his name falling from you like a prayer. 
How could you think of anything else when the man that was Josh was around. How stupid.
When you both had finished, his hands released their punishing grip on you. His fingertips left indents in your skin, sweat beginning to pool on his brow. Instead, his lips landed on each mark he had left on you. A searing memory of him. 
One you wouldn’t forget for a long, long time. 
Not wanting to break the peace that sat over the room. Too much left unsaid, but not willing to jump in right away. Wanting to bask in the comfort that followed him like a security blanket. 
Instead, you stared at Josh from the spot next to him in bed, you smiled at him. “I really do have to quit, Josh.” You finally spoke, wanting to establish some sort of boundary before moving forward together. 
He shrugged you off like you were batshit crazy for even suggesting that. A hint of mischief entered his eye before shrugging. 
“Not even on the table. Forbidden love. It’s totally hot. Let’s see how much we can get away with before people notice,” your laughter shook your body as Josh leaned down over you, connecting your lips together as laughter flowed between you both.
Being bad sounded like fun. As long as Josh was by your side to do it, it would always be fine. 
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spaceacealex · 5 months
Trip report!!
For those that have been waiting, sorry! I got home and immediately had to go help with a family thing. But here it is!
First, was the obvious. We had to drop off the baby boy with my parents. He had a great time with the family and was very dirty, stinky, and sleepy when we got back.
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So where were we? We went to see the eclipse! As many of you know, My wife proposed to me under totality in the 2017 solar eclipse. So she surprised me with time off to travel to this last one on 4/8!
We flew to Nashville, TN and rented a car so I could scratch my road trip itch. We visited her family in KY, then went up to Cairo, IL for the event.
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THIS is the public library in Cairo. It's an absolutely darling building, built originally to be a library and still proudly serving that purpose. The gals who were manning the counter were sweet, knowledgeable, and so welcoming. They had goodie bags with moon pies and starbursts and collected the eclipse glasses when we were done with them so they could be sterilized and sent down to Mexico for the next eclipse. So lovely to talk with and they welcomed us to spend the eclipse on their lawn with some local families. So we did!
We had a little picnic, chatted with some of the families, and got to watch totality in a tiny little town with so much character I still smile just thinking about it.
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Hopefully you don't expect us to have top tier eclipse photography lol, but these are great for us! I got to kiss my wife under totality and it was hella romantic.
Then I got to drive more....then Kara got to drive because there were a ton of accidents and the three hour drive back to Nashville took more than six hours. So uh, my motion-sick self was struggling with the stop and go traffic.
But when we got there, we had a great night and then day walking around Eastside Nashville and pointing out the arcades I was going to take Kara to that evening.
That didn't quite happen.
Because the first stop we made in the arcade crawl is where we stayed all night.
No Quarter, the pinball arcade I now have a hat for because it's so friggin cool. We got to do many cool things there. 1)They had excellent drinks and in true Oregonian fashion I got to try the local cider and judge it. (it was good!) 2) I kicked Kara's ass at pinball. Very important. 3) I got MY ass kicked at pinball by literally every other person in the building. Also very important. Because 4) I got to play in a pinball tournament hosted by Belles and Chimes, specifically for women and non binary folks!
How did I, notorious nerves-haver and not a multiplayer pinball player join this?
5) I got to meet Quinn Hills. You know, @quinnhills ? Yeah. I'm still so giggly about it.
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Hi. This pic is me, many drinks in, just absolutely giddy getting to meet (and hug!!) one of my favorite artists.
She's so sweet, so kind, and asked if I wanted to join the tournament.
Remember: do what beautiful women ask of you.
I am still kicking myself because I dropped the cliche, "your music has helped me through some really hard stuff." I mean, its absolutely true!! But I had told myself I was gonna be more eloquent than that. Oh well. I would blame the cider, but I was super excited and nervous before that, so I think I'm just a little goofy.
Kara also was happy to meet the woman who's music I had been blaring for that whole six plus hour car ride back to Nashville, and she's agreed to play pinball with me at our home bar! Major win!
We stayed until one in the morning, Kara ordered pizza to the hotel, and we had safe flights back home the rest of the day.
It was such a fun trip and I'm still losing my mind at all the little bits of it.
When I stream next (soon) I'm sure you'll hear about all this again. Along with my breakdown of eclipse conspiracies I've spent far too much time analyzing. <3
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beautifulcrayola · 1 year
This is dedicated to the fantastic, incomparable @gretavanlace 
3 things: I am very very bad at using Tumblr on desktop, you will have to forgive me for the kinks until I get this figured out. 2. THIS IS NOT PROOFREAD. I told Lace it would be out tonight and I��m trying to make good on my promise. 3. I have like 7 other things up my sleeves with the other boys so please please please let me know if you enjoy this. Ok, I love ya, enjoy!
Warnings: SMIUT (18+, minors DNI), unprotected sex, (wrap it before you tap it), nipple play (very briefly) cunninlingus. (I feel I'm missing a few things cause I forgot what wrote already, but it’s dirty, so mind ya eyes)
“All I’m saying is if you throw her over your shoulder and take her upstairs, she’ll do whatever you want her to do,” Sam grabs the beer to tip it up to his mouth as Danny grabs it to put it back down.
“Think you’ve had enough, kid.”
Sam immediately turns to you and Jake to pout, “Jake, tell him give it back.” Jake chuckles lowly at his little brother, slurring his words and pitching a fit like a 2 year old.
“No, no, little brother, I think Danny may have a point.” Jake grabs the glass from in front of him and pushes it towards you, just far enough out of Sam’s reach.
Sam slumps his shoulders and leans back into the booth. Danny turns to him and chuckles slightly, “We have to go anyways, dumbass over here broke one of the brand new bass amps and his punishment tomorrow is getting up bright and early to fix it.” Sam tries to protest, saying he’s fine and can go another round or two, but the alcohol has settled quickly, his eyes drooping as he hiccups.
Danny rolls his eyes as he settles back on you and Jake, “You need to start paying me to take care of him or I’ll make Josh do it from now on.”
Jake groans, “no, I’ll cough up the money as long as I don’t have to hear Josh bitch and moan about how San cockblocks him constantly.”
“I am not a cockblock,” Sam mumbles out, half asleep and somehow still coherent. Jake and Danny laugh out loud, knowing all too well that this was untrue. They’ve all fallen victim to Sam’s drunk antics more than enough times to know cockblocking was one of the things Sam truly excelled at.
Danny grabs the younger boy by the arm, pulling him out of the booth and hoisting him up on his shoulder, “We’ll see you in the morning, Jake. Take care, love.”
You and Jake had not been dating long, meeting at the end of the Dreams in Gold tour when he was running out of a small guitar shop, knocking straight into you and spilling your coffee. Ever the gentleman he was, he immediately took you to the nearest store to buy you another outfit and another coffee on which he wrote down his phone number on the brown coffee sleeve.
Coming to Nashville had been a surreal experience for you, never one to just take a three week vacation from your job to travel, especially for any kind of partner and especially not one that you’ve only been seeing for a couple of months. But Jake was adamant, he wanted you to meet Danny and his brothers before they dove straight back into touring.
“I’m gonna close out the tab, little love.” he pecks your nose as he climbs out of the booth. You smile fondly at him as you grab your purse and phone, waiting for him to return from the crowded bar. When he comes back, he holds out his hand, intertwining his fingers with yours.
Piling out onto the streets of Nashville, he holds your hand thumb rubbing over yours every so often. His hands calloused and warm from playing the guitar, sets a fire alight inside your belly. It’s not that you didn’t wanna have sex. You definitely did, it’s really that you never had time. Jake immediately got off tour and started promoting another album, being thrust into the world of his job and you, well, you were not going to push it.
“Baby doll, what are you thinking about?’ He squeezes your hand, bringing it up to his lips to kiss it.
“Me? Oh, nothing important. Just admiring the chaos of the city.” He smiles warmly at you, “I ordered the Uber down a couple of blocks, it’s just easier for them to be on the outskirts of downtown.” You hum and nestle into his side as you walk peacefully down the sidewalk, your moment of peace amongst all the hustle and bustle in a busy Nashville.
When you get into the Uber, you sit peacefully for 30 seconds, looking to Jake. “What’s up, my little love?” You don’t respond, choosing instead to kiss him. Jake groans into the kiss, quietly, as he tries not to alert the Uber driver, “we’re five miles away from the apartment, baby doll, don’t start something you can’t finish.”
“Who said I can’t finish?” You can’t see him, but you know without a doubt, his eyes have darkened and you notice a slight twitch in his jaw as it clenches. “My pretty little love…who’d have known you were such a bad girl?” His hands smooth up your thigh, slipping under the dress you put on for him and him alone. The Uber jolts to a stop and he slips the driver a $100 bill, mostly for an extra tip and partly as a thank you for not saying anything to the two of you for being sort of disrespectful. The walk to the elevator feels excruciatingly long. His hand rests on your back as he pushes you into the elevator, attacking you with lips on your neck and rutting his cock against your thigh. “You’re gonna be a good girl for me tonight, right? Gonna let me spoil you rotten?”
Your eyes roll back at his words, moaning out softly as he nibbles at your neck.
“My pretty girl…like a little praise, don’t ya?” You nod, panting. It feels a little overwhelming. He smells like whiskey and tobacco and that teakwood smell that you’ve come to know and love. “Jake,” you whimper out as his fingers come up to rub your clit over your panties. “I know, baby doll, I’ve got you. Don’t be loud in the hallway, princess.” He demands as he lets you go as the elevator doors open.
Your legs feel like jelly as you walk slowly out of the elevator, making your way down the hall to his apartment, a place you’ve been to hundreds of times before, but never like this, never for this moment. He comes up behind you, pressing himself into you as he unlocks the door and throws it open. “In,” he growls in your ear, your eyes widening, not in fear, but in excitement. He closes the door and sets his keys down, “go get on the bed, I’ll be right there, little love.” His voice is soft and calm. You journey back to his bedroom, his guitar propped up next to his nightstand, the lamp in the corner lighting up the room softly. You make a bold move and strip, leaving yourself in the panties and bra you bought for him, red like the color of his beloved Les Paul, wanting his thoughts on stage to be of you every night. As you lay down on the bed, you feel your nipples harden in your bra, suddenly feeling uncomfortable on your skin, squirming.
“Love…” you hear a whisper from the doorway, “what?”
You look to him, beautifully sculpted, his soft tummy, his beautiful thighs, his cock straining against the tight gray boxers.
“What are you so worked up for?” He comes over and hovers over you, making you feel small and protected, you giggle nervously. He shines a big smile at you. “Come on then, let’s have them off,” shaking you off any nerves by showing out with his British accent.
He runs his hand down your chest and grazes over one of the nipples as he pops the fastener on your bra, letting you take it off slowly, revealing your breasts to him. He groans out, “holy shit, baby doll, had I known they were fucking perfect, I would’ve done this a long time ago.” He dives his head down and laps at one of the nipples making you gasp out, lightly sucking and nibbling at it, your hips bucking up to chase any kind of friction as he plays with your nipples.
He moves slowly down your body, licking, sucking, being tortuous, “Jake…’
“Doll…” He speaks back, low as he removes your panties, “Jesus fucking Christ.” He licks at your slit, moving up to catch your clit on his tongue.
“Oh fuck, Jake.” You reach down to grab his hair, pulling slightly, pushing his face into your cunt more and more as he violently sucks and licks. He moves a hand up to push a finger into your soaked pussy, moaning lowly, causing vibrations on your clit.
You groan out, throwing your head back, as you close your eyes. He pushes another finger in, curling them to meet your spot, as he thrusts downward into the mattress to gain some friction on his cock.
“Jakey, I’m gonna cum,” you whimper out, making eye contact with him as he eats you out like it’s his last meal.
“Come on, little love, give it to me.”
The string in your belly pops, as your pussy tightens around his fingers and your arch your back, he swings his arm over your hips and keeps you still as you ride the wave. As you come down, you move up to grab at his cock.
“No!” he pushes you down, not harshly but enough to put you back into the mattress quickly. “I know, I know you want to, but you can’t, I’m so fucking hard it hurts and I’ll cum right in your mouth and I want that sweet little pussy wrapped around my cock more than anything right now.” He presses his forehead to yours as he guides you to push his boxers down, you can’t resist though, you grab him, hard and throbbing in your hand and stroke slowly. His eyebrows furrow as he pushes out a harsh breath against your lips, “what did I tell my sweet girl?” His body doesn’t seem to be as mad at you though, as he ruts his cock into your palm. You stop his hips and guide him down to your entrance. He slips his cock through your slit a couple of times, hitting your clit with his cock, making you jump at the overstimulation. He pushes his cock into you, slowly, making sure you’re ok with every move. “Please, oh God, Jake, please move!” He moves slowly, cock making wet loud noises as he moves almost all the way back out and slams into you. “God, your pussy is so nice and wet, shit, you’re gonna fucking kill me.” He thrusts steadily into you, making small little whimpers as his cock slides into you, your breaths coming out in small little huffs. “Not gonna last, I’m afraid, pretty doll.”
His eyes roll back as he drops his head into your shoulder, slamming harder into you, “yeah, you’re such a good little girl taking my cock like this, aren’t you? It’s like your pussy was made for me.” His hand moves up to your throat, tightening as you gasp out, his face coming out of your neck to speak, whispers ghost over your lips. “So wet and tight, poor girl getting just wrecked on my cock.”
You squeeze around his cock, “Jake, please. I want it so bad, want you to cum.”
“Yeah, and where does my little love want me to cum? Maybe on her belly, her ass, maybe inside this sweet little pussy?”
You groan out, “yes Jake, yes, please oh God put it inside me!”
“Perfect little slut wants me to cum inside her? Good girl, my perfect little love,” he drops two fingers down to your clit, “cum on my cock as I cum in you, milk my cock for everything it’s got, pretty baby.”
You close your eyes as your orgasm hits you, hard and fast, stars exploding behind your eyes as Jake groans loudly in your ear, cumming inside you.
He pulls out of you, slowly, watching you whimper, “I know, I’m sorry, don’t move,” he kisses your cheek.
He returns with a damp towel as he cleans you off and then wipes himself off as he climbs into bed, wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you into him.
“That was good, right? You don’t have any complaints?” You shift in his arms, facing him.
“Complaints? You mean to tell me that people have complained about Jake Kiszka, rockstar god, fucking them?”
He rolls his head away from you and laughs, “no, not really but I didn’t really wanna start now.”
“There’s that ego I fell in love with. You’re perfect, Jake. I love you.”
“I love you. Good night, my little love.”
155 notes · View notes
Gentle Sin
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Summary: A flat mate wanted listing sends you on a journey that leads you into the arms of the sweet but protective Jake.
Pairings: Jake Kiszka x Female Reader
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI
Oral (female receiving), Unprotected Sex, Assault, Dirty talk, Biting, Hair pulling, Mentions of Alcohol.
*This is my first fanfic/smut. Thank-you so much for reading and let me know if you want a part two*
When I saw the listing, I thought it could not be more perfect. 
Two musicians were in search of a flat mate for their spacious 3-bedroom house, featuring a generous bedroom, bath, and even a hot tub on a large balcony—all for just $250 a week. Being someone dedicated to learning guitar and nurturing my singer-songwriter aspirations within the confines of my bedroom, this opportunity felt like a gateway to fully immerse myself in Nashville's vibrant music scene. 
Knocking on the door, I was met by a captivating sight—a man with long, wavy brown hair, a striking face adorned with big doe brown eyes, and an enchanting smile. As he extended his hand for a shake, I could not help but feel the warmth of his soft yet calloused fingertips. 
"Hello, I'm Y/N. I'm here for the room viewing." 
"Yes, of course. Nice to meet you. I am Jake. Come inside, and I'll show you around." 
As Jake guided me through each room, his sweet demeanor captivated me. The house had a unique decoration style, blending modern and '70s aesthetics, with framed posters on the walls and electric guitars displayed proudly. Finally, we reached a white room at the end of the hallway, featuring a large bed with beautiful linens and a fur throw. 
"So, this would be your room if you decide to take it. It's filled with sunlight, and there's this lovely old desk for you to use." 
"That would be perfect for my music writing. It's a beautiful spot." 
"Oh, you're into music too?" 
"I wish I were a musician. I do it in my bedroom, but I dream of playing in front of people. I've been learning guitar as well." 
"That's great. I play guitar in a band with my brothers. I could teach you some things if you're interested." 
"Wow, yes, that would be amazing. I will definitely take the room now. 
"Perfect. I'll message you all the details in the next few days, and once you're settled in, we can have a jam session." 
"Sounds perfect. See you soon." 
"See you soon, Y/N." 
As I carried my last box into the new place, a sense of satisfaction washed over me. Seated on my bed, I thought, 'This is going to be good for me. Change is a good thing.' After a challenging previous relationship, being on my own to focus on my dreams felt like the right step. 
Over the next few days, I unpacked and transformed my room into a cozy haven. Yet, I had not interacted much with my new flat mates, who were both away on road trips playing gigs. 
The following day, a knock on the door revealed a tall man with short black hair, an eyebrow piercing, and deep blue eyes—Nick. 
"Sorry, I couldn't find my key. You must be Y/N." 
"Yes, I am. I just moved in a few weeks ago." 
"Hi, I'm Nick. Are you from Nashville?" 
"No, I'm from a small town in Michigan called Milford. What about you?" 
A voice chimed in from behind, and I turned to see Jake entering. 
"Wait, you're from Milford?" 
"Yeah, I grew up there." 
"No way, I grew up in Frankenmuth with my brothers. That's where we started our band in our parents' garage." 
Nick laughed, "And you never really made it out of there, did you?" 
"Hahaha. Good to see you as always, Nick." 
Jake suggested, "So, you guys hungry? I was thinking we could go out for some dinner, maybe a drink or two, or three." 
"Hell yeah," Nick exclaimed. 
"I'm down," I replied. 
As our nights out continued, the dynamics between us became more apparent. One evening, after dinner and a couple of drinks, Jake opened up about his musical journey. He shared the challenges of balancing artistic integrity with the demands of the industry. It became evident that he was not only a talented musician but also someone deeply passionate about the craft. 
Meanwhile, Nick's charisma was undeniable. Over drinks, he revealed that he was the lead singer of a rock band that had gained local recognition. He spoke animatedly about the thrill of performing in front of a roaring crowd, but there was an underlying competitiveness in his tone, especially when Jake's accomplishments were brought up. 
In the following days, as Nick's band went on tour, Jake and I spent more time together in the house. Our shared love for music created a natural connection, and Jake became not just a roommate but a mentor. He patiently guided me through chord progressions, song structures, and the art of storytelling through music. It was during these moments that a deeper bond formed, one that transcended the shared space we inhabited. 
Late nights turned into early mornings filled with laughter, music, and meaningful conversations. Jake's stories of his own musical journey, the ups, the downs, and the lessons learned, resonated with my own aspirations. It was in these moments that I realized our connection was evolving into something more profound. 
However, the peaceful harmony we were creating was disrupted when Nick returned from his tour. His demeanor had shifted – he was constantly drinking, and his once-charming confidence now bordered on arrogance. Nick's attempts to impress me became increasingly apparent, and his behavior towards Jake grew confrontational. 
Tensions escalated one evening when Nick, fueled by alcohol and jealousy, made snide remarks about Jake's music, and questioned his dedication to the craft. The atmosphere in the house became tense, and it was clear that the friendly camaraderie we once shared was threatened by Nick's insecurities. 
Amidst the growing discord, Jake and I found solace in our shared passion for music. We retreated to the balcony, away from the brewing storm inside. Under the starlit Nashville sky, Jake expressed his concern about the strained atmosphere and Nick's changing behavior. As we spoke, the undeniable connection between us became palpable, and the unspoken understanding deepened. 
In the days that followed, Jake and I continued to immerse ourselves in music. He shared not only technical knowledge but also the emotional nuances that make a song resonate. Our collaboration on songwriting projects became a therapeutic outlet, a sanctuary away from the brewing tension within the house. 
As the divide between Jake and Nick grew, it became clear that Nick's feelings for me were a driving force behind the conflict. The once vibrant energy of the house was now overshadowed by the growing animosity between the two musicians, leaving me caught in the middle of an unfolding drama that threatened to disrupt the harmony we had cultivated. 
One night, as I stepped out of the shower and hastily threw on some clothes, I heard a commotion downstairs. Curious and concerned, I headed down the stairs, only to witness Nick and his friend barging through the door. His friend continued down the hall, while Nick stood there, demanding my attention. 
"Come down here, Y/N, I need to talk to you," he insisted. As I descended the stairs, he began making inappropriate advances, emphasizing how beautiful I was and suggesting I deserved someone better. 
Uncomfortable and distressed, I asked him to stop, but he ignored my pleas. In that unsettling moment, Jake intervened, stepping up behind me. 
"Don't touch her, Nick," Jake warned. There was a silent exchange between them, a look that conveyed an unspoken rule. However, Nick's response was aggression, pushing Jake to the brink. 
As Nick lashed out, hitting Jake, and causing blood to flow from his nose, panic set in. I screamed for Nick to stop, but it only fueled his anger. Desperation took over, and I found myself standing between them, pleading for peace. 
In a fit of rage, Nick struck me and shoved me into the wall. Jake, driven by a protective instinct, retaliated, unleashing a torrent of punches on Nick until he crumpled to the ground. Frantically, I tried to pull Jake away, begging him to stop. Locking eyes with him, I implored, "Look at me, Jake. Please, stop." 
Something in his gaze shifted, and he paused, realizing the extent of the chaos. He looked down at his bloodied hands and whispered, "Oh my God, what have I done?" 
In the aftermath, Nick's friend emerged from the bathroom, appalled by the scene. He helped Nick up and ushered him out the door. Tears streaming down my face, Jake wiped them away and we clung to each other in silence, processing the whirlwind of emotions. 
Finally finding words, Jake apologized sincerely, expressing disbelief that anyone would dare to harm me. We sat in quiet solidarity, grappling with the aftermath of the violent encounter. He eventually stood up, gently pulling me into his room.  
We perched on the edge of the bed, and Jake began cleaning up the remnants of the blood. Once the task was complete, he sat next to me, wiping away the tears that still streamed down my face. As he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, I impulsively grabbed his chin and kissed him. The warmth of the kiss provided solace after the pain that had just unfolded. 
He pulled away, a question in his eyes, "Are you sure you want to do that... now?" 
I responded with conviction, "I have never been more sure of anything." He cupped the back of my neck, and we shared a powerful kiss that felt like a healing balm for the wounds we had both endured. It was almost overwhelming, a moment of profound connection in the chaos. 
I kissed him back trying to match his fire but he pushed my back on the bed and soon he was on top if me kissing me with such intensity. He trailed kissed down my neck until I was moaning. Running his fingers through my hair I was overwhelmed with sensations. I could feel his cock getting hard against me which make me let out a moan. He pulled my shirt over my head “can I touch you?” “please” he cupped my breast and squeezed it running his fingers over my nipple while he bit into my neck. 
I was starting to get wet, then he pulled off my skirt and ran his hand over my panties “is this, okay?” “Yes, please don't stop” he pulled my panties down and started laying a trail of kisses from neck down to my pussy. Then started running circles over my clit with his tongue so slow and delicately I was losing it. 
I came hard and felt my wetness pooling. He brought two fingers up to my entrance and slowly put them inside me. The feeling of being filled up by his fingers with his tongue on my clit was too much and I came again.  
He then brought his fingers up to his mouth and licked them clean. He came back up and kissed me so sweetly "can I fuck you"  "please fuck me I want you so bad" and he pulled his boxers down and lined up with my opening. He kissed me on the lips so passionately and pushed his cock inside me. The feeling was too much. 
He immediately filled me all the way up until I could not take anymore, and I moaned with pleasure. He started kissing my neck again and biting me while fucking me hard and deep “oh Y/N you feel so fucking good” he cupped my breasts and squeezed them while trusting into me. 
Then he grabbed a handful of my hair and gave it a gentle pull and layed into me so hard it feel like heaven ”fuck I am going to come” “come for me baby” “come all over my cock” just like that I was putty in his hands I came hard digging my nails into him "good girl" fuck this man was magic.  
I have never felt like this before he whispered in my ear “fuck you feel so good I'm going to come” “please come inside me” “you want me to fill you up baby?” “Yes, I'm begging you” he came so hard inside me I could feel his cock pulsating.  
As he pulled out of me the warm liquid rushed out, he got a towel to clean me up and after I was all cleaned up, he pulled me into a cuddle and played with my hair just as I was falling asleep I heard him whisper “I want to keep you Y/N, forever” 
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gretavangroupie · 4 months
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Word count: 7.3k
Pairing: Sam Kiszka x Female Reader
Warnings: Language, Angst, Pining, Anxiety, Weather, Tornados. Smut: Kissing, Touching, Oral F!Receiving, Fingering, Dirty Talk, Unprotected Sex, Cum Play, Fluff.
“I don’t know Sammy, the weather is already getting kinda bad,” you say, balancing the phone between your ear and your shoulder as you peek through the blinds. The wind is blowing the trees around, and the sky is growing darker by the second. 
“C’mon lucky, it’s not even raining that hard,” Sam whines, “You promised a movie marathon before I leave again.”
“I know, I know.  But it’s supposed to get pretty nasty later, and before you even say it, yeah it’s not raining that hard now, but it will be soon and I will have to drive in it! ” you say, stepping away from the blinds as you pace your tiny living room. 
“Then don’t! Just crash here. You can take the guest room,” he offers.
You sigh into the phone knowing he is right. It really isn’t raining that bad and you’d slept in his guest room a hundred times before. A rainy movie night with your best friend did sound pretty nice.
“Please, Lucky…”
“Alright,” you concede, “You have alcohol, right?”
“Is my last name Kiszka?” he laughs. 
“I’ll see you in a little bit,” you say, ending the call. 
By the time you’re walking out the door the rain has picked up a bit and the sun has started to set. You rush out to your car, jumping into the driver's seat as the pellets of rain pummel you. Your radio blares to life scaring your half to death as a streak of lighting lights up the sky. 
“Shit,” you mutter, starting the car fully and backing out of your driveway. It isn’t a long drive to his house, maybe ten minutes if the traffic isn’t bad, and in this weather you knew there would be hardly anyone on the roads. 
Your mind wandered as you drove, wondering what movie series you would get roped into watching until the sun came up. This was a tradition of sorts between the two of you and had been for the last several years. You took turns choosing the movies, and of course this time it was Sam’s pick. 
It was a chance meeting in a vintage shop, your first job after moving to Nashville. As he brought his items to the register his eyes traveled up to your hat, a smirk crossing his lips.
“Lucky,” he paused, “Is that your name?”
“What? No, it’s just a hat,” you answered, probably a little too snarky as you accepted his card from him.
He gave you a sideways smile, “So are you lucky, then?”
“No, quite the opposite, I’m probably the most unlucky person you’ll ever meet,” you laugh, handing him his clothes. “I’m manifesting.”
That earns you a laugh and you see his perfect white teeth, “Well, Lucky, I’m Sam.”
You’re pretty sure that was the moment you fell, and the rest was history. The two of you now spent as much time together as possible, talking, laughing, eating and of course watching movies on Sam's oversized couch. It had been three years of that, and much to your dismay, three years of falling desperately, hopelessly in love with your best friend. The line had never been crossed, neither of you daring to step over it. You tried your best to keep your feelings under wraps, and as far as you knew, his feelings for you were only platonic. He would ask you for girl advice frequently, making it blatantly obvious he wasn’t into you, yet, it was always you that he would choose to spend his free time with. 
It was hard when he would leave for tour, spending months at a time away from home. You would watch his house for him and water his plants, and spend most of the night talking on the phone until one of you fell asleep. But that was normal, and that's what best friends do. Right?
The rain has started to pick up now, hitting your windshield with enough force that you can’t see anything but the taillights in front of you. Thankfully you’re turning into his neighborhood and soon you’ll be out of this mess and snuggled down into your spot on his couch. 
The gravel crunches as you pull into his driveway, the rain coming down so hard you refuse to step out of the car. 
7:43PM: I’m here but I’m not getting out.
7:44PM: What if I open the door and you run?
7:45PM: No I will get soaked. I’ll just wait.
You see him open his front door, leaning into the doorframe as the soft yellow glow of his lights illuminates his figure from behind. He then sends you a photo of the radar, showing that the rain will not be letting up anytime soon. You huff and shove your phone into your bag, tossing it over your shoulder and deciding that you will make a run for it after all. 
Your clothes are soaked through in seconds as you dash towards the door, an evil smile on his face as he shuts the door just as you approach.
“SAMUEL!” you shout, banging your wet fist on the wooden door.
The rain continues to soak you as you hear him laughing from behind the door. He opens it after only a few seconds, pulling you inside as he tries not to laugh. 
“Sam why did you do that! I am dripping wet!” you whine, “I look like a wet rat!”
“I know, I’m sorry, that was mean. I’ll go get you some dry clothes,” he says, dashing off to his bedroom. He returns with a pair of boxer shorts and a t-shirt, tossing them into your hands with a smile. 
“You’re so annoying, I’ll be right back,” you say, stepping into the bathroom to strip out of your wet clothes. As you pull the shirt over your head you can’t help but to breathe in the scent of him, woodsy and fresh.
You toss your wet clothes over the edge of the tub, and pull your hair into a knot on the top of your head. As you rejoin him in the living room you can see that he has relinquished your place on the couch and put your favorite blanket there to wait for you. You fall into the spot and pull the blanket up over your still shivering body. 
“You good, lucky?” Sam asks, clearly feeling a little guilty.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Just gotta warm up. So what is the verdict, what are we watching tonight?”
“I was thinking Interstellar,” he says, pulling the blanket down to cover your feet. It warms your heart a little that he cares. 
“I haven't seen that in so long, let’s do it,” you smile, watching him grab the remote. 
He gets up and turns down the lights, the room glowing amber from his salt lamp in the corner. You feel relaxed and happy to be here with him, listening to the rain patter down on the windows. He puts his feet up on the coffee table, letting you stretch yours across the length of the couch, your feet stopping just before reaching his thigh. 
The movie roars to life on the screen, but you can't seem to draw your eyes away from his profile, perfect and sculpted, and his hair hanging messily around his shoulders. 
His head snaps over to you, “What’s up, lucky?”
Shit, caught. 
“Nothing, sorry. I was just thinking,” you lie, turning your attention to the movie. You hear him huff a tiny laugh under his breath, settling further into the couch cushions. 
You find yourself continuing to sneak glances at him throughout the first part of the movie, though, he is so enthralled with it he doesn't seem to notice. His hand has drifted over top of your blanket, his fingers inching closer and closer to your legs with every passing second. You know it doesn't mean anything but just the thought has your heart racing. 
A particularly loud crash of lightning lights up the living room, the power flickering in response. You both turn to look at each other and shrug when all seems okay. It’s five minutes later when it happens again that you decide to speak. 
“I hope you have some candles?” you giggle. 
“I actually do, but I will have to look for them.”
The wind is howling quickly past the house, the sound of loose items on his patio tinkling across the concrete. You continue to watch the movie, feeling the tension grow in your chest not only from the characters on screen, but from the storm that is barreling on outside. As if he could pick up on your anxiety, you feel Sam’s hand grip the top of your leg. 
“It’s alright, just relax.”
You let out a deep breath and nod your head, swallowing back your nerves. The feeling of his hand on your leg has you worked up for a whole new reason. His hand is warm and firm and selfishly you never want it to leave. 
“Are you gonna miss me when I leave next week?” he asks, his voice soft as he turns to look at you. 
“Where exactly are you going again?”
“It’s mostly East coast, a little in the South, a few festivals. Kinda all over this time.” he answers, a sense of dread in his voice. 
“You aren’t gonna forget my souvenir, are you?” you tease, thinking back to the handful of ‘Lucky’ items he’s brought you back each time he leaves. 
His thumb starts to move over your leg, a wave of goosebumps taking over your body. 
“Of course not Lucky, it’s almost all I think about when I’m gone. I will admit it is getting harder and harder to find you something that I haven't already bought you.”
You feel a twinge of pain in your chest when you remember he is not thinking of you in the way you want him to. In the way you think of him. 
“S’okay Sammy, you don’t really have to. I was just playin’.”
“No way, it’s our thing,” he says, looking a little sad. 
You nod your head as you concentrate on the feeling of his thumb swiping against your skin, trying to tell yourself it doesn't mean the same thing to him. 
The movie reaches its climax, both of you on the edge of your seats as the power cuts out, leaving the two of you in the dark. You can hear nothing but the wind and rain outside, and the sound of each other breathing. 
“So about those candles,” you giggle. 
He pats your leg as he stands up, “I’m on it.”
“Gosh, I knew it was gonna get bad,” you say nervously.
He walks back into the room with an armful of various candles and a lighter, scattering the candles around the room. It’s sort of beautiful the way the candles are casting shadows onto the walls in the shapes of leaves and vines from his plant collection. 
He tosses the lighter onto the coffee table and sits back down on the couch, placing his hand back on your leg. You accept the small victory and try to stay focused on seeming unphased. 
“So now what?” he asks, staring at you with a playful smile. 
“Well, now… I guess we talk. Listen to the rain,” you offer. 
He nods for a second before letting a smirk cross his lips, “Or we could play a game…”
“What kind of game?”
“What if we did two truths and a lie?” he suggest, quirking a brow.
“You know, like, everything about me already,” you admonish.
“So tell me things I don’t know. Let me figure it out,” he laughs. “Don’t go easy on me.”
“Okay, well same for you then.” you quip. 
“Alright, you’ve got yourself a deal, Lucky,” he says nodding his head. “Ladies first.”
“Okay,” you pause, trying to come up with something he wouldn't already know about you. “Math was my best subject, I hate the beach, and the first time I heard your band I thought it was a woman.”
He busts out laughing, shaking his head, “Okay so the lie has to be the last one.”
“Math was definitely my worst subject.”
“You thought Josh was a girl? That's hilarious actually. I can’t believe you’ve never told me that before.”
“Isn’t that the point of this game?” you smile. 
“Alright alright. I say that I am vegan because it keeps people from questioning my picky eating, I didn’t have a favorite color until I was 8, and I sometimes listen to Dua Lipa in the shower.”
“Sam, what?!” you laugh, “There's no way that two of those are true.”
“You gotta pick the lie, Lucky,” he grins, resettling both of your legs on his lap. 
“The lie is…that you didn’t have a favorite color until you were 8?”
“Yeah! Orange has always been my favorite. It’s hard thinking of lies,” he laughs, letting his hands move to hold your feet. His fingers start to massage into the muscle and you audibly groan at how good it feels. 
“Yeah? You like that?” he asks. 
You nod, thankful that in the darkness of the room he can’t see the blush on your cheeks. 
“Okay, um… I’ve never been in love, I didn’t have my first boyfriend until I was 16, and I didn’t have my first kiss until I was 17,” you say, feeling a little nervous to move the game in a different direction. 
“Lucky, you didn’t get kissed until you were 17? How is that possible?” he asks, his face serious and confused. 
“Is that one you think is true?” you ask. 
“You tell me!” he says. 
“That one is true,” you admit. 
“So, which one is the lie? You’ve never been in love?” he asks, his fingers stopping their movement. 
“Yeah, that's the lie. I have,” you answer. 
“Who was it?” 
“It’s not a was, it’s an is,” you correct. 
“Lucky, who? Do I know him? I didn’t even know you were dating?” he asks in succession. 
“Your turn,” you smile. 
He lets out a sigh, “Alright, I didn’t have sex until I was 20, I ended my last relationship for no reason, I wish I didn’t have to leave next week.”
Your eyes bulge out of your head, “Uh…There is no way that you didn’t have sex until you were 20,” you say, thinking you’ve got him on this one. 
He shakes his head, “No, that is true.”
“Well I know you don’t want to go next week, so then…You ended your last relationship for no reason. That doesn’t seem like you Sam. For no reason?”
“That’s why it was a lie. It was for a reason,” he answers. 
“What was it?”
“I met someone,” he admits with a grin, “Your turn Lucky girl.”
Your mind starts to race. Who was it? When was it? He hadn’t been in a relationship since…
“I’ll miss you when you leave, I haven't had an orgasm from a man in a year, and I deleted my dating apps,” you say, taking a leap of faith. 
“Lucky, I hope to god the second one is a lie,” he gasps. 
“It’s um, true,” you confess. 
He drags a hand over his face and lets out a breath, “Is the lie that you will miss me,” he winks. 
“Not quite,” you giggle. 
“God, fuck, sorry I am still… I just can’t believe that,” he continues. 
“Your turn, quite making me feel bad about it,” you say, pushing him with your foot. 
He grabs it in his hand, massaging into the ball of your foot again. 
“Alright Lucky, I haven’t had sex with someone in about six months, my favorite thing is eating a girl out, and I have feelings for someone.”
Your mind goes blank, hearing those kinds of words fall from his lips has you feeling dizzy. 
“Fuck, Sam, you can’t just… say things like that, I–”
“Like what, Lucky,” he smirks. 
“Stop it, you’re trying to get me all flustered,” you whine. 
“Which one is the lie?” he asks, a shit eating grin on his face because he knows you’ll have to say it. 
You decided to say it, point blank. “Your favorite thing is eating a girl out. I know it’s not. You like to fuck.”
“Shit, Lucky…”
“So you do have feelings for someone?” you ask. 
“Yeah, I do. For a long time,”  he says honestly. “Your turn.”
This is it, you’re gonna tell him. “Sam, I’ve also had feelings–”
The high pitched squealing from your phones fills the room, interrupting your confession. Sam snatches his phone from the coffee table and looks at the screen. 
“Oh fuck, we’re under a Tornado Warning.”
“What?!” you shout, tossing the blanket off of you and standing to your feet. 
“Sit down, it’s fine. We get these all the time and they are like nothing.” he says, grabbing your hand and pulling you back down to sit next to him, significantly closer. 
“You’re not like, a little bit worried?” you ask.
“Nah, not yet.” he smiles. “What were you saying?”
You remember, of course you remember, but now it seems like that moment is gone. 
“I don’t remember,” you lie, watching as he settles his hand on your thigh. Your eyes glance down at it, then look back up to his. 
He opens his mouth to speak but is quickly interrupted by the sound of tornado sirens just starting up outside. 
“Sammy,” you cry, “I don’t think it’s fine.”
He swallows nervously and nods his head, “Yeah, yeah, this one may not be fine actually. Go um…Go get into my bathroom in my room. I’ll be there in a second. I need to grab a few things out of my car just in case.”
 You grab his hands as he starts to go, pulling his back in panic, “No, no no, please don’t leave me! I– Don’t go out there, please I’m scared,” you cry. 
He pulls you into his chest and wraps you in a hug, “I’ll be okay Lucky, I promise. Just two seconds. I’m not leaving you ever, I promise,” he whispers into your hair. 
You nod against him as he lets you go, rushing out the front door and to his car. You can see the flash of his headlights as he unlocks the doors and you gather your things and head to his bathroom. 
The sound of the sirens is deafening, your heart is pounding against your chest as you wait for him to come back, feeling like it is taking way too long. You can hear the wind howling and the rain pounding against the roof in the small dark bathroom. You sit down on the floor and lean against the wall, hearing the front door close and the rush of his footsteps as he meets you in the bathroom. 
“See? M’okay Lucky, but I need to grab a few more things and a candle, okay? I’ll be right back?” 
“Okay,” you breathe, feeling like you might pass out. 
You reach for your phone trying to pull up the radar, the news, anything, something to tell you what is going on outside but you have virtually no service. You feel like you might cry from the stress, and you’re nearly shaking with anxiety. 
Sam bursts into the bathroom with an armful of items, including a candle. He sets it on the sink and joins you on the floor, tossing you your blanket and a pillow from the couch. 
“Have you ever gone through a tornado before?” you ask, covering yourself with the blanket. 
“Not directly, but been through a couple of warnings. Maybe not this serious though,” he admits. He pulls the blanket tight around your front and rubs his hand across your back. “It’s okay Lucky.”
The sirens start up a second round of alerts, your phone alerts following suit with a second tornado warning. 
“Fuck,” you cry, a tear springing free from your eye. 
Sam slides closer, grabbing your hand and linking it together with his. It feels soft and warm and most importantly, incredibly right. 
“Hey, hey, don’t cry. I promise it’s okay. We are okay. We are safe in here. You know I wont let anything happen to you.”
“Aren’t we supposed to get in the bathtub or something?” you blurt out, remembering seeing it on TV once.
“Oh, yeah actually I think you’re right,” he agrees, not letting go of your hand as you move to stand. “It’s kind of small in there.”
“I don't care, we can fit, please come on,” you beg. 
“You want both of us to go in there?” he laughs. 
“Yes Sammy! I’m not leaving you!”
He grabs the pillow and tosses it into the tub, stepping inside with you and motioning for you to lay down. 
You both lower down into a laying position, though, since he is considerably taller you decide to let him position himself first. He lays on his back, and opens his arms to you. You are a bit hesitant considering the revelations that had come to light within the last hour but you were so scared you didn’t care how it might look. 
You lay next to him, resting your head on his shoulder, and letting him pull you further onto his chest. He wraps his arms around the two of you as you listen to the rapid beating of his heart. You’re sure yours is beating just as hard, if not harder. He feels good. Strong and sturdy and you find that you feel safe in his arms. 
You both notice that the sound of the wind has picked up, his arms holding you a little tighter as his lips rest against your head. 
“I’ve got you,” he whispers, and you feel all of your worry starting to melt away. 
You turn your head to look at him, both of you feeling each other like this for the first time. 
“Sam, earlier I was gonna say–”
Again your confession is interrupted by the sound of the wind roaring against the house, the sound of objects flying around outside and slamming against the house. 
“You think this is it?” you ask, feeling panicked all over again.
A loud metallic sound echoes across his front yard, causing both of you to grip each other a little harder. 
“Sammy,” you whine, feeling like your heart might just beat out of your chest.
“Look at me, Y/N,” he says, his voice deep and commanding. 
You look at him, and as your eyes meet he brings up his left hand to cup your cheek, pulling your face down to his and pressing his lips to yours. You are in shock as you feel the softness of his lips, never in a million years would you have guessed that was about to happen. 
You melt into him, bringing your hand up to his face and mirroring his actions. You kiss him back, letting him lead the both of you before you realize what is happening. 
“What are you doing?” you gasp, pulling away from him.
The wind is still roaring overhead and you can feel the pressure in the house change. 
“Distracting you!” he laughs, his eyes sparkling in the glow of the candle light. He presses his lips to yours again, and this time you know it's coming. You let your lips tangle with his, sucking his bottom lip into your mouth before pulling away. 
The wind starts to die down after about thirty seconds and he pulls away from you this time. 
“Shit, Lucky. I’m so sorry. I just needed to distract you. You were shaking like a leaf and– and I don’t know it was just the first thing I could think of. I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to fuck things up, I know you don’t feel that way–”
“What? Sam, no…” you pause, brushing the hair out of his face, “I thought you didn’t…”
“Lucky are you crazy? I’ve wanted you since the day I saw you at the Vintage shop,” he breathes.
“You never said anything, I–”
“Neither did you,” he counters. 
“I was going to tell you during the game, I tried twice, I just–”
“I think the storm has passed,” you say, noticing the silence around you. 
“I know. It has, I’m just not ready to give this up yet. Wanted to be close with you like this for so long,” he admits. 
“We don’t have to go anywhere,” you answer.
“‘M gonna kiss you again, Lucky. I don’t think I can stop now,” he smiles. 
He crashes his lips to yours, his hands coming up to hold your head as his fingers grip into your hair. His tongue swipes against your lips, hot and wet and begging to taste you and you would be a fool to shut him out. You part your lips slightly, feeling the tip of his tongue brush yours, the taste of him exactly what you always imagined. 
A soft groan escapes his chest, the vibration rattling into your mouth. You feel his hips buck upward into yours, the evidence of his arousal firm against you. You gasp at the feeling, opening your eyes to find his still shut and his brow furrowed in pleasure. You move to bring your hand up to his face but hit your elbow against the side of the tub. His eyes open as you pull your lips from his, hissing in pain as his hand moves to cup at the side of your neck. 
His eyes pierce into yours for a moment as you see the words stringing themselves together behind his dark brown eyes. 
“Ca–Can I take you to my bed?” he asks, letting his pink tongue brush over his lips, desperate to taste you on his skin. 
You blink slowly as you look back at him, drinking in his perfect face. “Are you sure Sammy? I know you were just trying to calm me down.  I don’t want you to regr–”
“No, Lucky. Please. I want you. I’ll never regret this.”
You bite your lips together and nod your head, stifling back the smile on your lips at his confession. “Okay.”
“Yeah?” he smiles, swiping his thumb against your jaw. 
You nod shyly, letting your teeth sink into your bottom lip. 
“C’mon then,” he says with a smirk, grabbing your hand to help you up and out of the porcelain tub.
Once you’ve found your footing on the cold tile floor he stands, joining you, never releasing his grip on your hand. You feel a swirl of nerves in your stomach just from the feeling of his hand in yours. He steps forward and pulls you behind him, leading both of you from his bathroom and into his bedroom. It smells like him, and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t dreamt of this moment a hundred times before. 
He stops, spinning you to face him and releasing your hand. His hand finds your hips and pulls you into him, as he drops his lips to hover just above yours. “Get in my bed, I’ll be back for you in just a minute,” he breathes, his lips barely dusting yours. 
He pulls away quickly and disappears down the hall, leaving you alone in his dark bedroom with the sound of the rain. You shimmy out of his boxers and crawl into his bed, nearly moaning from how comfortable it feels compared to the bathtub. You pull his thick duvet up to your chin and burrow down into his pillows, letting out a sigh and anxiously awaiting his return. 
You can hear his footsteps as he makes his way back into the room, a candle and a glass of water in hand. He places the candle on his dresser and deposits the water on his nightstand before pulling his t-shirt over his head and stripping out of his jeans. He crawls into the bed next to you, pulling you close to him with a sigh of relief. 
“You know, your bed is a lot more comfortable than the guest bed,” you giggle. “You’ve been holding out on me.”
You feel his hand drift under the hem of your shirt, resting on the warm skin of your stomach. 
He hums as he listens to you, nuzzling his head into the curve of your neck. “Was all part of my evil plan to get you into mine, Lucky girl. Always wanted you in here.”
You turn your head to look at him, hearing the wind blow the rain hard against the windows. His eyes meet yours, “Y/N?”
“Yeah, Sammy?”
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” he whispers. 
“Well,” you pause, “I was afraid to lose you. The typical cliche. I would have rather had you as my best friend than lose you if you didn’t feel the same. I didn’t want to ruin us.”
“Lucky, nothing could ruin us,” he breathes, pressing his lips to your jaw. 
You twist your body until you’re completely facing him, inching your hips closer to his. His hand drifts over your hip, his eyes growing wide as he realizes you shed his boxers. You watch him swallow, doing his best to keep his composure. 
“Lucky,” he whines, digging his fingertips into the plushness of your hips. “We don’t– we don’t have to do anything, you know… Just being here like this, with you…I’m happy, Lucky. Really fucking happy.”
You slide your hand up his stomach and over his chest, feeling him nearly shiver at your gentle touch. 
“What if we…didn’t do that…” you smirk, running your hand back down his stomach and letting your fingers dip into the top of his boxers. 
His hips jump in shock, and a smile crosses your lips. “Yeah? You want me Lucky?”
You press your hand forward, sinking further into his boxers until you can wrap your hand firmly around his length, “Yeah Sammy, I fucking want you.”
His hips jerk forward into your hand, a groan leaving his chest as you tighten your grip. 
“I need you Lucky. Wanted you for so long,” he whines.
His hands move up to cup your face, his kiss desperate as you start to stroke him. You can feel your arousal soaking through your panties with every passing second and you are positively aching for his touch. 
“Take this off for me,” he whispers against your lips, tugging at the fabric of your t-shirt.
Your hand slides out of his boxers, gripping into the hem of the shirt and pulling it over your head. 
“Goddamn, baby,” he breathes, his eyes scanning over your nude body.
You felt shy under his gaze, this was the most he had ever seen of you. You’d caught him sneaking glances once or twice but never like this. 
“You’re so beautiful Lucky, truly.”
You tug at the waistband of his boxers, willing him to join you in your nakedness. You pull your panties off and toss them to the floor as he removes his boxers, and finally you are on a level playing field. 
“I’ve thought of this a lot,” you giggle. 
“Me too, about every single night,” he confesses. 
“You wanna fuck me, Sammy?”
“No Lucky, I want to ruin you.” he answers, with a sternness in his voice. 
“I think I’d like that,” you smirk. 
He pushes up from the bed, hovering over you before dropping his head down to kiss his way down your body. He stops just above your groin, letting his tongue lap at the skin and sucking a kiss into your flesh. 
“Has it really been a year, Lucky?”
“Yes,” you answer quietly.
“I hate that, baby. I hate it and I love it,” he adds. 
“You love it?” you ask, looking down at him as he settles himself between your legs. 
“Love that no one else will give you that, but me. Not ever,” he says, letting his tongue swipe through your wetness.
You move his hair from his face, holding it at the back of his head as his tongue flicks over your clit. Your hips jut upward into his mouth, a whine falling from your lips. 
“You’re sweet Lucky, I like those sounds you’re making for me.”
He presses his lips to your clit, sucking the sensitive bud between them as you feel his fingers brushing against your entrance. At this point you’re unable to control the sounds leaving your mouth and it only seems to be spurring him on further. 
He flattens his tongue against you as he slips a finger inside, letting the pad of his finger massage into the place you’ve always needed him. Your hands grip at his hair, probably a little too tight, but he never falters, in fact he works harder. You feel a second finger slide into you, a wave of pleasure rushing over you so fast it nearly takes your breath away.
“Where’d you go? Where’s my girl?” he asks, pulling his lips away from you. 
“I’m here, fuck, I’m here,” you manage.
His fingers continue to work at you, sliding in and out, the wet sounds echo through the silent room. You feel his free hand come up to wrap around your wrist, holding you as he works you closer and closer to your first orgasm of the night. 
His tongue starts to move rapidly over your clit, the bundle of nerves growing increasingly more sensitive with every second. The pressure in your stomach is burning white hot and you feel a sheen of sweat starting to prickle at your skin. 
“Sammy, please,” you whine, needing him to get you there, and quickly. 
“Do you want to come for me, my Lucky? Come right on my face like I’ve always wanted? Will you do that for me, Lucky?”
His words unravel you instantly, your hips bucking up into his mouth as your orgasm rips through you like wildfire. 
“Just like that, Lucky, god you’re perfect baby, just like that,” he coos, letting his voice guide you through it. 
He presses a kiss to your thigh and you release your grip on his hair, now framing his head in a twisted mess. He crawls back up the bed, pressing his lips to yours as he groans into your mouth. 
“I’ve wanted that so fucking long, too long,” he says, letting his eyes meet yours. 
“I want you, Sammy,” you breathe into him, “I don’t want to wait anymore.”
“Shit, I think I would give you anything you want,” he says, reaching between the two of you. He grabs his length and drags it through your folds, the feeling alone causing you to arch up off of the bed. 
He pushes you back down onto the bed, laying his palm flat against your chest, “Easy, baby. You gotta stay still for me, okay?”
You nod quickly, pulling him closer to you, “I’ll be good.”
“Yeah? You gonna be my good girl? I always thought you would be,” he says, beginning to press himself to your opening. He slowly starts to inch himself inside of you, the burning sensation falling to the wayside as you feel him sliding deeper and deeper inside of you. 
“Like a glove, Lucky. I knew it, I fucking knew you were my girl,” he pants, finally bottoming out inside of you. 
“Move Sammy, please, please!”
He widens his knees and places his hand next to your head to support himself as his hips start to move. His free hand slides over your waist and up to your chest, palming at each of your tits as they bounce with every thrust into you. 
He feels like nothing you’ve ever felt before, and you can tell that the two of you were always meant to be with each other in this way. Your bodies responding to each other as if they were made to exist together. You loop an arm around his back, holding onto him as he rolls his hips into you, pulling him in tighter and closer than he could ever do on his own. 
“You’re even prettier like this, Lucky,” he pants, his long brown hair swaying with him. 
“You feel so fucking good Sam, please don’t stop,” you beg. 
A smile stretches across his face, “Do you know how many times I’ve thought about you saying that?”
“I don’t know, fuck, a lot?” you answer, feeling your belly start to burn again. 
“Yeah, baby. A lot. Want you to give me another, okay?”
“Yes, yes I’m close, so so close,” you whine. 
A groan leaves his chest as he snaps his hips into your a little harder. You can tell he is close too, but neither of you want this to be over. You try to push it away as long as you can, but it's no use, and Sam can tell by the way you’re fluttering around him that you’re there.
“Sammy,” you cry.
“I know, baby, I know. Can I come inside you, Lucky?” he asks, his eyes growing desperate.
“Do–do you want to?” 
“So fucking bad, baby,” he admits. 
“Yes! Please, I– I want it,” you whine, falling into your release, and feeling every nerve in your body light up with red hot pleasure. You feel him tensing up as he spills into you, your name falling from his lips with every languid stroke. 
He’s beautiful in the candle light, his lips so perfectly round as his mouth falls into an ‘O’. You know you want to see that every single day that you can for as long as you live. His eyes are shut as he starts to come down, letting himself drink in the moment as you drink in him. 
His hips slow and he starts to catch his breath, his hand brushing across your cheek as he looks at you beneath him. He pulls out slowly, doing his best not to make a mess, collapsing into the bed next to you with a content sigh. You can feel him slowly leaking out of you, a welcome feeling that gives you a sense of pride. 
“I’m gonna go get you a towel,” he says slowly rolling out of the bed. 
“No, don’t,” you pause, “I kinda like it.”
He turns to look at you with a smirk, “Do you?”
You nod and bite at your bottom lip as if ashamed, “It’s all you, I want it all.”
“You want it all?”
“Every drop,” you answer. 
“Jesus, Lucky,” he breathes, “I think I already want to fuck you again if that’s even possible.”
“How about you just put that back where it belongs?”
“Yeah? You want me to–” he asks, confirming with you that you’re talking about the same thing.
“Please?” you say, dragging your finger over his lips. 
He takes a deep breath and rolls to his side, slowly bringing his hand back to your cunt to swirl through your mixed release. 
“Fuck me, baby. You are so, so wet…”
“It’s you,” you breathe. 
“S’us, Lucky…”
You feel his middle fingers swipe at your legs, collecting the cum that has spilled from your body onto his fingers. He looks at your with lust blown eyes as his fingers circle at your oversensitive clit, pulling a gasp from you before plunging his cum covered fingers inside of you. 
“Fuck,” you whine, feeling his lips crash into yours. 
It’s soft, gentle and warm as he kisses you, his thumb swiping lazily at your clit as he fucks the cum back into you. 
“I love you Sammy, I always have,” you confess. 
“Oh, Lucky,” he breathes, pressing his lips to yours again as he pulls his fingers from inside you. 
Twenty four hours ago you would have never believed that you would find yourself twisted up in the sheets with your best friend. Both of you happy, completely and totally blissed out on each other in a mass of tangled limbs and spent bodies. But you’re here, finally, and you wouldn’t change it for the world. 
The rain has slacked off, just a gentle patter against the windows now. It’s the perfect cozy backdrop to fall asleep in each other's arms. You feel like you’re fairly close to that happening when you feel him turn his head to look at you. 
“You know I’m just… completely in love with you too, right Lucky?” he pauses, “And the thought of leaving you next week…I don’t know how I’m gonna do it. Not now.”
You feel your heart burst at his confession, tears welling in your eyes as you swallow back your emotions. 
“It won’t be so bad, Sammy…It won’t be any different, will it? Things will still stay the same as they always have?” you ask. 
“I think it will be completely different. Now I can call you and text you and Facetime you and do all the same stuff but this time I don’t have to pretend that I’m not completely head over heels in love with you. I can tell you that I spent the whole day thinking about you, but mostly, I can tell you that I miss you and that I love you, and that I count the seconds until I get home to see you,” he laughs, kissing your cheek. 
“Guess that makes two of us, then.” you smile, pulling his warm hand against your chest. 
You let your eyes flutter closed, relaxing into him for the first time with his arms tightly around you. Everything feels perfect and just as you feel like you’re starting to drift off you are blinded by bright light. 
“Oh shit! The power is back!” Sam says, rolling over to blow out the candle next to him. 
You sit up in the bed, pulling the duvet up to cover your exposed chest as your eyes try to adjust, “Well I was about to fall asleep, but I’m up now,” you laugh. 
Sam rolls to his side, propping himself up on his elbow as he drinks you in, thoroughly fucked and glowing, “We can turn the lights off and go back to what we were doing, or we can go finish our movie, your choice.”
“Should we finish the movie?” you ask, considering the options. 
“Depends…Do we get to take kissing breaks like a bunch of horny teenagers?” he laughs. 
“Yes, lots and lots of kissing breaks,” you giggle.
He grabs your shirt from the floor and tosses it to you as he pulls on his boxers, extending a hand to you to follow him back to the living room. You quickly redress yourself and take his hand, letting him drag you back to the couch, however this time he tackles you onto the cushions, never letting go.
You lay with your back to his chest, letting him pull you close to him as he resumes the movie where it left off. A lot had changed in such a short amount of time and you laughed at the thought of possibly skipping out on this night because of a storm. In fact, you forgot about the tornado all together.
“Should we check on things outside?” you ask.
“Mmm, we can in the morning, there’s no way I am moving. I am where I have always wanted to be.” 
You feel his fingers start to run through your hair, gently untangling the knots at the end, and letting it fall to your shoulder before he swipes it up again. You feel at home in his arms, and your eyelids grow heavy with every gentle pass of his fingers through your hair. Just as you’re about to fall asleep you turn to look at him and press your lips to his.
“I guess maybe I am lucky after all.”
xo, N
Taglist: @britney-gvf @gretavanmoon @sacredstarcatcher @wetkleenex-gvf @farfromthehomelands @takenbythemadness @writingcold @builtbybrokenbells @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @fleet-of-fiction @milkgemini @gvfpal @ageofcj @dancingcarbon @highway-tuna @stardustjake @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface @gvfmarge @gracev0609 @myleftsock @literal-dead-leaf @peaceloveunitygvf @ageofbajabule @slut4lando @jordie-gvf @sadiechar @tinydancer40 @rosabellagvf @capnjaket @lyndz2names @thetroublegetssoloud71 @gretavanomens @spark-my-nature @josh-iamyour-mama @anythingforjtk @alwaysonthemend @builtbybrokenbells @danieljlmwagner @klarxtr @fortunatelytinybasement @demonrat444 @gretavansara @watchingover-hypegirl @hippievanfleet @digitalnomadz @raviolilegs @lipstickitty @hippievanfleet @klarxtr @strange-whorizons @do-it-jakey-baby @myownparadise96 @gvf-luna @starshine-wagner @cassiesgreta
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cornychip · 1 year
Something More- Chapter 1
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Word Count: 3.4k
Chapter Summary: After moving to Nashville and rekindling your friendship with your hometown friends, the weight of your old high school crush comes back with force. Tired of seeing him with a new girl every night, you decide it’s time for things to change.
Pairings: SammyxReader
Tropes: friends to enemies?
              enemies to lovers
              friends to lovers
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, Mentions and allusions to sexual activity
Part 2
Part 3
*comment if you would like to be on this series tag list!
“He just gets this way when he’s drunk,” Danny leaned closer to you, his upper body hovering over the bar counter to look at you. You sat next to him stiffly, your eyes staring straight ahead as to avoid the situation unfolding to your left.
You only nodded your head and sipped your drink, trying your hardest not to look too pathetic next to his best friend.
“How often is he drunk then?”
You scoffed, downing your drink and rustling through your purse for your card.
“I’m closing my tab, you want anything before I go?”
Danny only pressed his lips into a disappointed frown, peering over your shoulder as Sam leaned even closer to the tall blonde he had been following around all night across the bar, his hand finding a home on her waist. He sighed, wishing he could somehow telepathically slap him upside the head and looked back at you.
“You’re not going home, you’re going to stay and get drunk with me-” Danny took the bit of plastic out of your hand, returning it to your purse, “-and then you’re gonna take off your coat, dance with Josh and I, and make Sam insanely jealous.”
“Danny, really I just want to go home.”
Danny lowered his eyebrows giving you a stern look.
“And let him ruin your night, nope, not on my watch, you’re going to have fun tonight, I’v decided right here and now!”
You mustered up a smile, finally turning your head to look back at Danny, a playful smirk smeared on his lips.
“Yeah, I guess that sounds like a plan.”
Danny silently cheered, pumping his fists up and down in celebration before calling over the bartender and ordering you both shots.
“To the hottest girl in the bar,” Danny raised his eyebrows playfully at you, “To Danny Wagner, the hottest bitch in this bar tonight!”
The two of you chuckled and clinked your glasses together before tapping them on the bar and chucking them back, a sweet burning making its way down your throats.
You sneaked a glance behind you as Danny preoccupied himself with ordering more drinks. His hands were settled on her hips now, his face nestled into the crook of her neck as she covered her mouth to stifle laughs at whatever dirty things were coming out of Sam’s lips. You let your face drop for a moment before returning the stretched smile to your lips and facing Danny’s direction.
You weren’t quite sure when the infatuation began, maybe it had always been there. Perhaps it had been sparked the day you met the two boys in high school, squeaky voices, acne scattered faces and all. Or maybe it began more recently, Sam did look especially mouth watering wearing nothing but dress pants and a bass strapped across his chest.
You were sure everyone but Sam knew about your sad little crush, though Danny was the only one you ever confided in, mostly against your will with his constant pestering and prodding. You imagined you wouldn’t still be hanging round them if it weren’t for Danny. Despite how much you loved all the others, there was only so much of Sam disappearing for hours at a time with beautiful women you could take. If it weren’t for Danny, you were sure your breaking point would have happened long ago.
“Drink up, you still look too depressed to dance!” Danny yelled over the increasingly loud bar.
The live band that had been setting up for the past half hour had finally started to play and people were beginning to stream onto the small dance floor in front of the slightly platformed stage. You took a swig of whatever drink Danny had gotten the hankering for that night and kept going until once again your cup was empty and your head began to go light and fuzzy with the sweet effects of alcohol.
“Josh! Jake!!” Danny yelled over the bar where the twins were involved in a seemingly very heated and very drunken debate.
The two stumbled over, babbling over themselves and shushing the other to get their words out first.
“Okay- shut up Jake- okay, would you rather-”, “I don’t care, take a shot with us!” Danny yelled out, stopping Josh short of continuing whatever fight the two were previously in.
Both Jake and Josh seemingly forgot whatever it was they were arguing over at the mention of shots and lined up next to you as the bartender came over with 8 shot glasses of liquor.
“Down the hatch boys and girls!” Danny exclaimed, holding one glass in each hand.
You mimicked him, finding yourself with two shots of tequila gracing your fingertips.
“1, 2 ,3!”
In unison, the four of you threw back the first shot. Your eyes squeezed shut at the burning and bitterness before forcing the other one down, patting around the bar for the bowl of limes before bringing one up to your lips and biting into it.
“One more drink and I think it’ll be dancing time!” Danny jumped his eyebrows up and down as he moved his face closer to yours, his bottom lip caught between his teeth.
“Are you trying to kill me, Wagner?!”
You chuckled, wiping the remnants of lime juice off your lips with the back of your hand. Danny’s eyes darted down quickly to watch as you did so, his gaze returning to your eyes as quickly as it left.
“Yes, I am,” He smirked, eyes never leaving yours as he grabbed another drink off the counter and shoved it in your hand.
“Drink quick, I want a good spot on the dance floor.”
Danny chugged his drink in one go as you managed a few large gulps to try and keep up with him. You slammed your glass on the counter only a few seconds after he did and shook off your jacket, revealing the sheer black top, black skirt and tights you had hidden under your bulky, old denim jacket.
“Sam’s a fucking idiot,” Danny chuckled as you threw the jacket onto the back of your stool and grabbed his hand.
“Josh, come dance!” Danny yelled as you pulled him towards the stage, knowing Jake would prefer sitting by the bar and maybe sauntering over later on his own accord.
As expected, Josh immediately hopped up, taking one last sip from his drink and jogging over to you and Danny who already made a place for yourselves in the middle of the dance floor. The band was on fire, playing hit after hit as the three of you drunkenly jumped together to whatever early 2000’s punk pop song they were covering.
“You wanna make him jealous?” Danny whispered into your ear, though it was more of a low yell as the song began to change and shift gears.
Your cheeks flushed with jealousy, remembering again the way Sam was leaning into her. You nodded up at him and he flashed a grin.
He grabbed your waist, pulling you in closer to him, sliding one hand farther down to rest low on your hip and the other on the small of your back. He pressed himself against you, the two of you swaying against each other to the music. You could feel yourself getting hot, though you weren’t sure if it was because of Danny or the fearsome anticipation of Sammy seeing you like this with his best friend.
You had almost forgotten that Josh was behind you until his hand snaked up your side, riding up the fabric of the mesh top as his hand settled on the skin of your waist. He pressed his chest to your back as you lolled your head back, resting it on Josh’s shoulder as you swayed against him and Danny.
Everything moved in slow motion, the live music had melted into the background as well as the rest of the bar. All that was certain were Josh and Danny’s hands pulling you back and forth between the two of them. You rested your hand on Danny’s hip, your fingers hooked around his belt loops as the other reached behind to hug at the back of Josh’s neck.
Josh was drunkenly giggling behind you, gyrating his hips in the most over the top manner to the bass of the song. You let an easy smile rest on your lips as you swayed back and forth with the two, your back pressed into Josh’s chest as your hips moved against Danny’s.
“I’m gonna get another drink!” Josh yelled to the both of you.
You nodded your head and his hands slipped off of your waist and the warmth behind you disappeared.
“You down for one more song?” Danny asked over the music and chatter.
“Show me what you got Wagner!” You yelled.
The side of his lip quirked up into a giddy smirk as he moved his hands up and down your sides, gripping your hips before turning you around, your back to his chest just the way it had been with Josh, only much much closer. He was pressed against you completely, his hips just meeting the small of your back as your ass pressed against his lap. His hands were steady on your hips, fingertips squeezing at your sides. You began moving together, his hips moving in sync with yours.
You could hear your heartbeat ringing in your ears as his fingers pressed deeper and deeper into your sides and your hips moved with the other. You threw your arm around his neck. His hand danced up your side and trailed up your neck, moving your hair over one shoulder and grazing his cheek up your exposed neck until his lips found themselves centimeters from your ear.
“He’s looking,” he exhaled, and for once, you didn’t remember what he was talking about.
He chuckled, realizing your confusion.
“Sam, he’s staring at you,” Danny breathed into you, resting his chin on your shoulder as his hand grazed the side of your neck.
You trailed your gaze over to the corner of the bar finding a pair of eyes glued onto you. He stood lazily holding his drink with his back leaned against the bar. His eyebrows were drawn down and his lips pressed together into that bratty frown he always wore when he didn’t get his way. You smirked, matching his stare for a moment, realizing that his tall blonde was nowhere to be seen.
The music slowed, the drummer’s symbols faded out with the song. Danny removed his grip from you as you unwrapped your arm from his neck. You turned facing him, quickly darting your gaze away from his, though you weren’t quite sure why you felt so embarrassed. You had danced with Danny plenty of times, why this time was any different you didn’t know.
His eyes fixed over your shoulder.
“I think someone’s waiting for you,” He nodded his head over towards Sam and you turned just far enough to see him out of the corner of your eye.
You looked back to Danny, a part of you wanting to just go back to the bar and chat with him and the twins. You inhaled a long breath and turned on your heel, making your way over to the other side of the bar before you could talk yourself out of it, the feeling of Danny’s hands on your hips still hot on your skin.
You shouldn’t have been so nervous. You had known Sam upwards of ten years, though after high school the time you spent with them was very few and far between. You had only started seeing them somewhat regularly again since moving to Nashville about a year ago. Still, walking up to Sam should not have warranted the nervousness settling uncomfortably in the pit of your stomach.
“Having fun?”
He asked quickly as you stood next to him, mirroring the way he leaned against the edge of the bar with his elbows resting on the counter behind him.
You nodded your head in response, letting a cheeky smirk crawl onto your lips.
“What’re you drinking?” He questioned, turning around to flag down a bartender.
You thought for a bit, wondering what it was you were drinking before Danny bombarded you with a string of random drinks designed only to get you as drunk as possible as quickly as possible.
“Moscow mule,” you turned and rested your forearms on the bar, leaning your head to the side to unashamedly gawk at Sam. His hair was pulled back into a bun, though various stray curls peeked their way out from the confines of his hair tie, and he was sporting a denim button down, a few ornate necklaces that he had most likely stolen from Josh and Jake resting on his exposed chest.
He looked down at you, an amused smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as you continued your awestruck gaze up at him, a contented grin on your lips. The alcohol had finally started to settle into your veins, now that you weren’t dancing, and you no longer felt nervous. In fact, the more you stared at him, the more you so badly wanted him to know how attractive you found him, all the things you wanted to do to him, the things you wanted him to do to you.
“A moscow mule for the lady,” Sam handed over the drink, turning his body so he hovered over you as you rested your head in the palm of your propped up arm.
You straightened up, taking the drink from his hand.
“I’m upset I wasn’t invited to the dance floor with you guys,” Sam began, leaning close to your ear so you could hear him, though the music was so much quieter this far away from the stage, it wasn’t necessary.
Just one of his many moves, you thought, remembering the way he leaned into the girl’s neck from earlier and how she laughed at whatever he whispered to her. He had never used any of them on you, and although you could already feel a growing desire between your legs, the prospect of being just another girl he used the same recycled moves on to get into his bed sent a wave of disappointment through you.
“You seemed a little preoccupied,” you attempted an unbothered tone, though the words came out far more venomous than intended.
He was taken aback, the way his eyebrows jumped slightly and the playful smirk he was sporting fell. He recovered quickly, though, pulling his lips back into a grin as he carefully leaned away from you, shuffling his weight to his other leg.
You turned your head away, catching sight of Danny and the twins. Of course Josh and Jake were gesturing and speaking wildly as Danny just overlooked, an open-mouthed and amused grin present on his face.
The thought of his lips next to your ear and his hand on your neck came rushing back to you, a warmth bloomed on your skin. You looked away quickly as the memory began to brew in your head.
“If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were jealous,” Sam’s voice snapped you back to reality and you turned to meet his eye.
You furrowed your brows together and you could feel heat rushing to your cheeks.
“Good thing you don’t know any better,” you mumbled out with a weak voice as you rolled your eyes at him, cheeks red from being caught.
His confidence came creeping back as quickly as it had left and he leaned back into you, a hand snaking behind you and resting opposite your body on the counter.
You could already feel yourself melting the way that Sam could always make you melt, no matter what he did or how awful he made you feel. You hated yourself for it, the hold he had on you, but it felt so good, his eyes on you, and only you, his fingers grazing your side, his full, undivided attention on just you and no one else, even if it just was for the moment.
His arm now wrapped around your waist as his hand found rest on your hip. You sipped on your drink as Sam casually watched the band perform across the bar and tried to ignore the huge weight that was his hand lightly squeezing at your side.
The relationship the two of you had never ventured any farther than a casual drunken flirt which, given enough liquor, wasn’t unusual for Josh or even Danny. It was never anything like this.
He tilted his head back to you and you held his stare with your own. Whether or not the thought of Sam in your bed, the bar bathroom, his studio was constant in your mind, you were the prize of the night, and you had to act like it.
“I couldn’t stop staring at you,” Sam leaned in close again, his breath hitting your cheek.
You stared up at him with slight confusion, his eyes creasing as a knowing smile crept up on his lips.
“That's why she left, I couldn’t stop watching you-” his hand trailed up and down your side, “-you screw up my game y/n.”
A sore reminder, Sammy.
You thought, because at the end of the day, it was not only you he stared at, and it was not only you his fingers danced on. In fact, the reason he had never used any of his moves on you was because he had not wanted to. Not until somebody else feigned interest in you, or until he had nobody else to use them on.
You narrowed your eyes at him, “Hasn’t seemed to be much of an issue in the past, Sammy.”
You retorted, knowing how much he hated it when you called him that.
As expected, his arrogance fell, his jaw tensed and he inhaled a sharp breath. His hand fell from your side, resting limply on the bar behind you.
Why did you even like him?
He was arrogant, selfish, seeping with conceit. You felt a burning in your chest, you felt so stupid, as if you were finally seeing him for who he was.
Your heart sank almost immediately, though, and your expression softened from its previous seething glare. You remembered the way he was, how he really was. The Sammy from high school. The Sammy that always yelled your name from across the hall with no regard for anyone else, huddling you and your embarrassment with a lanky arm around your shoulder. The Sammy that tried his hardest to visit you at college when a gig or tour brought them to your area, the first couple of years anyway.
The Sammy right here and the Sammy from the last year was a different person. You weren’t sure if he had changed truly, or if things had just become too different, too distant. Your phone calls and texts dwindled to close to nothing the following years after high school. An occasional ‘how have you been’ and annual happy birthdays and merry christmases were the extent of your relationship until you moved to Nashville.
That Sammy made you weak at the knees, that Sammy could do anything to you and you would always come crawling back for more.
“I’m gonna head home I think,” his voice finally sounded out.
You only nodded your head as you stared down at our drink, disappointment settling in your chest despite the resentment minutes before.
“You wouldn’t want to come with, would you?”
Your head shot up, he was staring down at you, acute anticipation smeared across his features.
Hook, line and sinker.
A smile tugged at the corner of your lips, you nodded your head as you felt a slight warmth settle in the apples of your cheeks. You wouldn’t allow yourself to think about the foreseeable regret right then, not when his hand fell and rested on the small of your back, guiding you through the crowd and helping you with your jacket and scarf. Not when his fingers found their place on your thigh during the car ride back, and definitely not when he closed the door to his apartment and cradled your jaw in his palm, lips melting into yours, careful and testing.
It was so hard to fathom the taste of disappointment and regret when he tasted so good. When his hips felt so sweet slamming against yours.
“Does it feel good, beautiful?”
“Show me how good I make you feel.”
Not even when he laid next to you, tracing small circles on your back and trailing feather light kisses against your shoulders.
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aflame4goinghome · 1 year
‘Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?’
d.r.w. x reader
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summary: on your day off, you come across a handsome stranger at the park, reading a book. some force seems to gravitate you toward him, something that you cannot explain or control. perhaps fate?
word count: 3.5k
warnings: just some adorable meet-cute fluff for today, be prepared to be blushing and kicking your feet. smut may happen in part two if you guys enjoy this, so stay tuned xo
a/n: this idea came to me at 3 am while drifting off to sleep thinking about danny. i’m not much of a writer but i wanted to share the inspiration i had with you all. it's proofread but it might not be perfect. i hope that you enjoy it :)
You’re jolted awake by the sound of your blaring alarm clock, which was intentionally set that way in order to combat your bad habit of oversleeping. Choosing a job that required such early mornings was certainly not your preference, but it paid well and you actually quite enjoyed it. You never expected to find such joy in teaching, but starting to teach music lessons has become the best decision that you’ve ever made.
You had decided to move to Nashville 3 months ago from your hometown of Knoxville on the other side of the state, as it was still relatively close to home so you could easily go home for the holidays and visit your family. You stayed in your hometown to go to college there after high school, so these last few months have been your first experience with living on your own.
When you first moved here, you had picked up a waitressing job to pay your rent while you looked for more long-term jobs. Given that you had a bachelor’s degree in music theory, you knew that it wouldn’t be very hard to find a job that suited you in Nashville. This proved to be true, as you had found a flyer in a local coffee shop two weeks ago advertising that a music center close to your apartment was hiring a full-time guitar instructor.
Today, however, you actually got to sleep in. It’s finally the weekend and you can’t wait to finally relax and get some things done after a long first week at your new job. They had you teaching lessons from 9 am to 5 pm every day, Monday through Friday, with an hour lunch break halfway through. That isn’t typically seen as a very difficult shift, but this is the longest workday that you’ve ever had, given that you’ve only just graduated from college this past May.
You feel grateful for the opportunity to gain more work experience in your field, but you can’t deny that it’s been an exhausting first week. You plan to use your weekend off to get your errands done and have some much-deserved downtime.
You roll out of bed after scrolling on social media for a while and finally start to get ready for your day. You take a quick shower, brush your teeth, put on some makeup to make it look like you didn’t just wake up, and then tie your back into a long braid, leaving some front pieces out to frame your face. You return to your bedroom and change into some baggy jeans and a t-shirt, throw on your high-top Chuck Taylors, grab your keys, and head out for the day.
Early autumn in Nashville has proven to still be on the warmer side, but it’s just started to cool down a bit with a nice fall breeze, so you’ve been able to bring out a bit of a cozier wardrobe lately. Fall is your favorite season and you plan to take full advantage of your weekend off by spending it outside.
Your first stop for the day is your favorite coffee shop in Nashville, a little locally-owned café in Midtown. You say hello to your favorite barista and order a hot dirty chai and a chocolate croissant. You sit down at your favorite table outside and enjoy the surroundings and your coffee. After you’re finished, you decide that it’s such a nice day that it wouldn’t hurt to delay your errands in favor of a nice walk through Centennial Park. The wind is blowing lightly and it’s actually quite cool outside, so you stop by your car to grab your cardigan before heading into the park.
You walk up to the park and start walking down a beautiful, winding trail past the small lake. The wind is still blowing subtly, making tiny waves along the surface of the water. You continue, taking a deep breath as you smile to yourself about how lovely the atmosphere is.
As you approach a fork in the path and take the one on the right, you pass a small patch of grass where you find a man lounging underneath a large oak tree. He has laid out a blanket and is lying down on his side, holding himself up with one arm while reading a book.
The man is seemingly tall, which you can tell even while he is lying down just by looking at his long legs and torso. He has dark, shoulder-length curly hair and deep chestnut eyes. He’s wearing a tight, mock-neck tee and dark black jeans with rips on the knees, paired with a simple small chain around his neck and a pair of Nike blazers. You can’t help but find yourself staying to watch him read for a moment. You see him smile as something in his book makes him laugh to himself.
It feels as if something is pulling you toward him, some unknown force making you unable to look away or continue on your path. You’re unsure of what it is, but you decide that you should act on it. As you start to approach him, he notices your presence and looks up at you. He studies you for a few seconds as you near closer to him.
“Hi,” he says, smiling. “Hi,” you reply. You just look at him for a moment, unsure of what to say next that will justify your approaching him, before asking, “What are you reading?” His face lights up at the question like he had been waiting for someone to ask. It seems to be something that he’s passionate about, which interests you.
He slides his bookmark inside onto the page that he was reading, closes the book, and turns the cover toward you to show it to you. “It’s ‘As You Like It,” he says, looking up at you as you tower above him just a few feet away. “Ah, Shakespeare…” you answer awkwardly, looking down as your eyes move from him to the empty spot on the blanket next to him, “May I sit?” He nods, grinning and looking at you with a look that you can’t quite decipher.
You sit cross-legged on the blanket across from him and smile back at him. “Danny,” he says, reaching out his hand to shake yours. You take his hand and answer. “Y/N,” you reply. “I read that one not long ago,” you continue, “I really enjoyed it. The love that those two share is different from many other plays of his. I like that about it.”
“Yeah! That’s what I like about it too. There are so many plays about love at first sight but this one is different. Most of his plays portray it as only physical attraction that causes love at first sight, but Orlando’s love for Rosalind is so much more than that.” His smile has grown now, happy to be talking to someone who understands his love for this type of literature. He continues, saying “There’s a lot of plays that involve disguising oneself as the opposite sex, but in this play, it proves that their connection goes beyond the idea of physical appearance. Orlando bonds with Rosalind even when she is disguised as Ganymede because he loves more than just her beauty.” You nod your head, agreeing with him.
“What act are you in now?” you ask. “Act Three,” he says, opening the book back up and handing it to you to show you his place. “Oh, this is when it starts to get good! This is my favorite part of the play, in Act Three Scene Two.” You turn back a few pages to find the excerpt that you love, pointing to it and reading it aloud to him:
Nature presently distilled Helen’s cheek, but not her heart; Cleopatra’s majesty; Atalanta’s better part; Sad Lucretia’s modesty. Thus Rosalind of many parts by heavenly synod was devised; Of many faces, eyes, and hearts, to have the touches dearest prized. Heaven would that she these gifts should have, and I to live and die her slave.
After you finish, you look up from the book to find Danny’s eyes trained on you. You feel your cheeks flush and you know that you must be a shade of pink by now. You continue, trying not to let it get to you, saying “Orlando’s poems contain so much more meaning than any other confessions of love in other plays, in my opinion. He feels as though God himself crafted Rosalind with the best features a woman could possess, not only beauty but also a pure heart. He believes that fate has brought them together, that he is destined to be with her and will do anything for her.”
He nods in agreement and chimes in, asking “Do you believe in that kind of stuff? Fate? Destiny?” while gazing at you, looking like he’s trying to read your mind. He doesn’t need to, though. You feel compelled to be open with him, although you’re unsure why. He’s a stranger, whom you’ve just not long ago, but something makes you want to talk to him for hours.
You gaze down at your hands in your lap, fidgeting with your fingers to distract yourself from how nervous you suddenly feel. “Yeah, I think so. I try to be in tune with the universe and its intentions for me as much as I can. If I feel like it’s trying to tell me something, I’ll always listen to it.” You pause for a moment before deciding to follow through with your next thought. “That’s kind of why I’m here, actually,” you say, glancing up from your lap to look at him.
He looks slightly confused by this answer, so you continue, saying “I was just walking through the park when I saw you sitting here and, I’m not sure why, but something made me feel like I had to approach you. It was like I was led here for a reason or something like that. I know that might sound crazy…,” feeling slightly embarrassed by your confession. “No! No, not at all! I understand what you mean. I had this feeling in my chest from the second you walked up to me. Seeing you felt almost natural. Like I already knew you somehow, but I didn’t,” he reassures you. The idea still perplexed you, however. You’ve trusted the universe every time before, but you still can’t place why it wanted you to come and talk to Danny.
“Do you?” you ask, meeting his eyes with yours, “Y’know, believe in fate and all that stuff?” He smiles, “Yes, I do. I like the idea of being able to trust that there’s someone out there that’s meant for me. It might be a bit silly or naïve, but it’s comforting for me. I think that when you find that person, you just… know.”
There’s some comfortable silence for a moment as you start to study his face. Danny truly was beautiful. His face was sun-kissed, his cheeks peppered with freckles, and a smile that could brighten up a whole room. You’re lost in thought as he breaks the silence. “What do you think the reason is?” he asks, slightly bashfully. “Why do you think the universe pulled you over to me?” He looks at you longingly, as though your answer will be life or death. You’re not sure what to say, but you try to answer him, nonetheless.
“I’m not sure,” you start. “I think that’s for us to decide. Fate is a force that holds us all together, but it can’t answer everything. I do know that I’m really happy I listened… What do you think?” You blush slightly after you finish and then look at him, waiting for his answer. You’re not sure what you’re expecting, but you have a feeling of hope in your chest.
“I think…” he says, tucking some of your hair that’s fallen out of your braid behind your ear, “that the universe decided to introduce me to an intelligent and breathtakingly beautiful girl.” He brings his hand down from your hair and places his hand on your knee, stroking his thumb ever so slightly intermittently. “And I think that I’d be an idiot to not take that as some sort of sign.”
You look up at him and smile, feeling flattered by his honesty. You place your hand on top of his, in the same spot on your knee. “I think so too,” you say. He takes your hand in his and brings it up to his mouth, softly kissing your knuckles. You sit there in silence once again, with an aura of contentment filling it.
He speaks again, still holding your hand in his. “This really made my day, in more ways than one. I’ve never had anyone to talk about Shakespeare with before. As much as I love my friends and enjoy talking to them about our common interests, like music, they all think that Shakespeare is boring. But Sam hasn’t opened a single book since we graduated high school, Josh only reads books on meditation, and all Jake ever wants to read is pirate novels, so what the hell do they know anyway?” he says, laughing to himself about the joke he just made. His laughter makes you smile wide.
“Well, I’m glad I could help. It’s been great talking to you. I’m gonna be honest, I haven’t really made any friends since moving here three months ago, so this felt nice. Since July, the only people I’ve talked to are the barista at the coffee shop down the road, my mailman, and my mom on Facetime.” You laugh to yourself, realizing how pathetic that might sound after saying it out loud.
He doesn’t care, though, and says “Hey, that’s okay! If I hadn’t moved here with my buddies, I’m sure it would’ve taken me a while to make some friends too. I lucked out there. You just have to put yourself out there, like you did today. Now you can say that you have one friend in Nashville.” This made you feel a bit better.
“So, friend, tell me about yourself. What brought you to Nashville?” he asks.  You smile at the way he says “friend;” his charm is certainly not lost on you. You’re sitting closer now, unintentionally. Ever since Danny had made the first move to touch you, all bets were off and you practically melted into his touch.
Your knees fell on top of his legs as he held your hand, rubbing slow circles on the top of it. “Well, I just graduated from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville this past May. I studied music theory, so I thought that Nashville would be the perfect place for me. So far, it seems like it is. So I think I’m finally starting to find my way.” He smiles at you; it seems like something you said struck a chord with him.
“A music lover? Another thing we seem to have in common. Do you play any instruments?” he asks. “Yeah, I play guitar the most, I just started a job teaching guitar lessons to kids. I also sometimes play piano, but I’m not as good at it,” you laugh. He replies, “That’s fantastic. I play guitar too, but I mostly stick to the drums. I can play a bit of piano as well, but not nearly as well as my best friend Sam. He’s a fucking prodigy.” He smiles at that statement; he clearly admires his best friend a lot. “We’ll have to take more about guitar, then. I’d love to show you my baby,” you say with a smile. “How about you, Mr. Mystery? What are you doing in Nashville?”
“Well, I grew up in Michigan, not far from Detroit. I met my friends while in school: Sam, Josh, and Jake. They’re brothers, Josh and Jake are twins, two years older than me, and Sam and I were in the same year. Sam has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. They’re all practically brothers to me,” he says. You can tell how much he cares for them by the way he talks about them, making you want to meet them someday.
“They always liked to make music, especially Jake, but one day in high school they asked me to play the drums in their band. I really didn’t think we would take off the way we did, but somehow our local gigs became bigger ones, then they turned into opening gigs, our EP won a Grammy and the rest is history. We stayed in Michigan for a while and we tried LA, but a few years ago we decided on Nash and we’ve been here ever since.”
You’re completely in awe. What are the chances that you’d stumble upon a handsome rockstar while on your walk through the park? It really shouldn’t surprise you; now that you think about it, he very much gave off the cool rockstar vibe. “So, what, are you like, famous?” you say with a smirk, teasing him a bit. You can tell that the confession made him nervous, unsure of what you might think of him after finding out what he does for a living.
“Maybe I am,” he answers, dripping in charm once again. “Well, rockstar, if you’re so famous, then what are you doing here, reading Shakespeare in a park and talking to a nobody like me on a Saturday afternoon?” This makes him laugh, which was your goal. Despite only having just met him, you want him to feel comfortable with you. “We’re on a break in our tour right now before our European leg, so I’m just trying to enjoy the downtime while I still can,” he explains. There’s some comfortable silence once again.
“Do you wanna know my favorite line from As You Like It?” Danny asks. You nod, and he continues. “Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?” He looks at you with what you think is a spark of desire in his eyes, though you shake that thought off immediately. You giggle and ask, “And why is that?”
“Because it reinforces the idea of fate. She’s saying that the truest kind of love is love at first sight. And I think I’m starting to understand why,” he says, leaning in toward you a little more and donning a smirk that makes you feel like you could just melt into a puddle right there. “Yeah, I think I understand too…” you reply.
He looks into your eyes and you stare back into the glow of his, almost amber in the light of the sun. I could stay here forever, you think to yourself. He shifts his gaze from your eyes down to your lips, then returns his eyes to you and asks, “Can I kiss you?” You nod and his hand cups your cheek, finally leaning in to close the space between you.
His lips are soft and warm, making you feel safe. The kiss is soft at first, you can feel the amount of love and kindness that his soul emits as if he’s passing it over to you and soothing any anxiety you might feel. You place your hand on the back of his head, deepening the kiss. You can feel the lust and passion flowing out of him through you, making you start to feel slightly light-headed. It was unlike any kiss you’d ever experienced before.
Danny pulls away from the kiss and caresses your cheek, holding his forehead to yours. “You are… everything I’ve been waiting for,” he says. You smile, running your fingers through his curls. You’re in awe of how beautiful he truly is. Destiny had been kind to you, it seems. You can already feel as though you were fated to meet here, today.
He looks up to see the impending sunset and checks his watch, realizing that the two of you had been sitting there talking much longer than he had thought. You watch him as he stands up and reaches out his hand to help you up. He picks up the blanket and folds it over itself a few times then tucks it under his arm.
He cups both of your cheeks with his hands and places another small peck on your lips, smiles, and says “Can I take you out? Tonight?” You laugh, “Hmm, let me check my schedule…” you joke, knowing that you have nowhere else to be, but still wanting to keep him on his toes. I guess my errands will have to wait, you think to yourself.
You both start to head out of the park toward where you parked your car, as he takes your hand in his and squeezes it tight. “Oh, shut up, you know you want nothing more than for me to take you out to dinner,” he jokes back, laughing. “You might be right,” you say, “And I might want more than just dinner…” You look up at him with a smirk, and he looks back at you with that look of lust that you’ve already seemed to make yourself familiar with.
It’s going to be a long night, isn’t it?
The End
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supernaturalgirl20 · 2 years
Driving home for Christmas
Pairings: Marcus Pike x f!reader
Warnings: Fluff, teasing, smut 18+, quickie in the car, unprotected sex, mild cursing.
A/N: ok so these little one shots with Marcus are gonna tie in with my Xmas series Our Last Christmas. There little snippets into their life before all the problems started 🥰
Part of @toomanystoriessolittletime December writing challenge 🤘
Series Masterlist
Comments and reblogs really appreciated 🥰
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Marcus closed down the boot before running around and hopping into the driver's seat. He turned his gaze towards you with a bright smile, “all set, baby?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” Marcus reaches over and gives your thigh a quick squeeze and shoots you a wink before turning the key in the ignition. The hum of the engine stirs the butterflies in your stomach to life once again and you worry your bottom lip.
You’d both been invited to Marcus’s parents house for Christmas this year and it would be your first time to meet them. Hard as you tried to get out of it, you couldn’t put it off forever considering you’d both been dating just over a year.
Marcus insisted that you had nothing to be nervous about and that his parents would love you. Especially his mom.
“And we’re off,” Marcus says as he pulls out of the driveway. Twenty two hours to shake these nerves, you thought to yourself.
“So I was thinking,” Marcus says, his eyes flickering towards you, startling you from your thoughts. “We can drive until we get as far as Nashville and then we can stop for the night. I’ve booked us into one of the fancier motels.”
“Fancier motels? Didn’t know there were any,” you say with a chuckle. “Are you getting smart with me baby?” The hint of amusement in his voice has your eyes drifting up to him. His gaze is set on you and his eyebrow is quirked.
“Never, baby.”
“Hmm,Hmm. Anyway, as I was saying before you rudely interrupted me,” he says with a wink. “We stop for the night. Get some grub and a decent night's sleep.”
“Oh I don’t think we’ll be getting much sleep,” you mutter softly. You can see Marcus shift in his seat beside you and you smile at the effect your words are having on him. “No?” He asked, his voice soft and low.
“Definitely not. I mean we can’t very well have sex in your parents house now can we? So we gotta make up for it.” A groan slips past his lips as he adjusts himself, his grip on the steering wheel tightening just a little.
“And why can’t we have sex in my parents house? We’re adults. We’ve been together a year, they know we have sex. Or at least they assume.”
“Yeah, but not the kinda sex we have baby. You're not exactly quiet. Plus we like it on the rougher side and I’m not sure your mom or dad want to hear that.”
“Jesus fuck, baby. If you’re not careful I’ll pull this car over and fuck you right now.”
“Promises promises,” you say, with a flutter of your eyelashes. Suddenly the car is veering sideways and Marcus is pulling it off the road.
“Marcus, what are you doing?”
“I’m gonna fuck you baby. Like you wanted.”
“What?” You squeak, as you sit up straighter in your seat. “Marcus we can’t. We’ve only been on the road for four hours. We have at least another eight before we stop for the night.”
“Exactly. Eight long hours. I can’t wait that long to feel you wrapped around me, especially not when you're talking dirty to me.” He drove the car down a small dirt road and parked before he unclipped his belt and reached over and did the same to yours.
His hand ran along your waist before gripping you tight and pulling you into his lap. You puffed out a breath as you settled your legs either side of him, his arousal hard and evident against your thigh.
The hand that was resting on your waist wrapped itself around your neck, pulling you close. Your lips meet in a frantic kiss that grows more heated by the second. He groans into your mouth as you slowly grind down on his thick length. “Shit baby. I need you,” he pants as he begins to fumble with his belt.
You both frantically and rather awkwardly remove your trouser before he lines himself with your entrance and pushes you down onto his cock. “Oh,” you both moan as you stretch to accommodate him.
It’s hot and messy and the car rocks with the movement of your hips as you ride him. His hands are holding you tight - one wrapped around the back of your neck, the other holding onto your hip, as he pushes you down harder on him.
“Are you nearly there baby? I’m not…fuck…I’m not gonna last much longer.” He grunts loudly as he rests his head back against the seat, his gaze focused on you. “I’m almost….oh fuck…oh god yes…I’m gonna…”
Marcus doesn’t move. He doesn’t want to break your focus as you ride him hard, seeking your release. He watches you taking in your face as you bite your bottom lip in pleasure, your orgasm washing over you. “Fuck baby, look at you taking me so well. Never gonna get enough of you.”
He grunts loudly as he spills himself inside your tight walls panting out ragged breaths as he rests his head against your chest. “Well, that was hot as fuck,” you breathe out and you can feel the vibration of Marcus’s chuckle against you. “I think we need to do this again. At least four more times on the road.”
He’s sitting back now, his gaze focused on where you’re both joined. “Shit I’m getting hard again.” You gently pat his chest before slowly moving off him. “I think the other Mr Pike is gonna have to wait for a while.”
Marcus pouts as he fixes himself and waits for you to strap back in. “We are stopping again before the motel,” he says matter of factly, his finger pointed in your direction.
“Can’t wait,” you say with a wink as you begin to tuck into your croissant. You’ve made yourself completely comfortable, taking off your shoes and resting your feet on the dash .
Marcus’s hand reaches over to rest on the back of your headrest as he reverses, his eyes drifting down towards you.
“God I love you,” he whispers in a soft, low voice. Stopping mid chew you turn to look at him, a sheepish smile on your face. “I love you too, baby.”
I’m gonna marry this girl, Marcus thinks to himself as he pulls back out into the road.
Everything: @maievdenoir @amneris21 @hnt-escape @elegantduckturtle @harriedandharassed @jediknight122 @ayrusss @hayley-the-comet @sherala007 @alexxavicry @scorpio-marionette @donnaa @practicalghost @tanzthompson @beskarprincessjenny @littlemisspascal @icanbeyourjedi @thatpinkshirt @maryfanson @sunnshineeexoxo @misspearly1 @misspearlssideblog @athalien @its--fandom--darling @sara-alonso @doommommy @browneyes-issac @trickstersp8 @nembees @kaitieskidmore1 @mswarriorbabe80 @allthe-ships @tintinn16 @hungrhay @rosie-posie08 @manuymesut @all-the-way-down-here @iccedays @dindjarinswhore @tusk89 @graciexmarvel @pedrostories
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jakeysfallingsky · 1 year
Among the Wildflowers - Chapter 7 - Jake Kiszka x Reader
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Happy Sunday! Here is Chapter 7 :) this one is a little bit shorter but I promise the next chapter will be a doozy!
18+ Content - Minors, do not interact.
Summary: You're a hairstylist in Nashville, and the boys in Greta Van Fleet become your clients when they relocate to the city. They quickly all take a liking to you, one sweet guitarist especially. Jake is patient in his pursuit of you, but will your self-created set of rules hold you back from ever being anything more with him?
Word Count: 4500+
Warnings: 18+ content - angst, fluff, unprotected sex, light amount of choking but just for a minute
Both you and Jake had fallen asleep until the early afternoon, Jake being the first one to wake up. You were snuggled into his side as usual, he was wrapped completely around you. It made him happy knowing that your unconscious state sought him out and curled up into him, as if he was protecting you. I’ll keep you safe for the rest of my life baby, if you let me.
He started kissing your hair and forehead in an attempt to wake you up. You gently stirred, lifting your head slightly and opening one eye to see your boyfriend grinning at you. You opened your other eye and blinked a few times, a sleepy smile on your face. 
“Missed those eyes. How was your nap?” Jake said softly as he ran his fingers through your hair, knowing you were still waking up. 
“Mmm, I love naps.” You mumble, before tucking yourself back into his warm and soft chest. His arms tighten around you as you feel a chuckle rumble through his chest. And I love you. 
“Yeah, me too.” Jake says, shaking the thought about you out of his head before attempting to peel your limbs off of him. You groan, not wanting to leave his comforting embrace. 
He finally gets you on your back, no longer curled against his side, and starts kissing your lips before moving down to your neck. 
“Do you…know… how much… I missed you… all of you…” Jake said lowly, pausing his words to leave kisses past your collarbones and chest, before bringing one hand up to tangle in your hair while the other lightly dipped below the band of your sweatpants, starting to tug them away from where they were resting on your hips.
“I missed you so much baby, so so much.” You whisper, already trembling under the touch of his soft lips and calloused fingers, your body crying out for him. He could feel you already coming undone with just a few sweet touches, and he started to become hard because of the way your body was responding to him.
Jake kissed up your neck before landing at your lips, his light brown eyes turning dark as they stared into yours. “Do you know what you do to me? I was fucking aching every night that I was away, wishing I could bury myself in your pretty little pussy.” He paused to kiss you deeply before pulling away to bite on your earlobe. “Are you going to let me play with you, baby?” He nearly growled into your ear, wetness already pooling between your legs.
You nodded, already at a loss for words, when Jake wrapped his hand around your throat. “You know I need words, baby.”  He loosened his grip slightly so you could get the words out.
“Please, please, I want you to play with me.” You manage to get out with a strangled breath, Jake’s grin growing along with his already impossibly hard cock. He let go of your throat and then eased your pants and underwear all the way off before sticking two fingers inside of you, bringing his lips back up to your ear. He had to bite back a moan as he felt how wet you were. 
“God baby, is all of this for me? You dirty, dirty girl.” He started pumping his fingers in and out, swirling them every so often and flicking them with precision, causing a series of moans and whines to leave your mouth. 
“You are so fucking gorgeous when you sing for me,” Jake spoke into your ear in a deep rasp, “the prettiest fucking noises I’ve ever heard.”
He started kissing you passionately while his fingers were still working inside of you and you moaned into his mouth, the vibrations hitting the back of his throat, causing his cock to strain further in his pants.
“Jake…baby…I’m gonna c-“
“No,” Jake growled, “no you aren’t. Not until I say you can.” He abruptly pulled his fingers out of you, licking them clean, before yanking your shirt off and his clothes at lightning speed.
He climbed back on top of you, kissing you deeply and teasing you with the head of his dick right at your entrance.
“Please Jake, I need you,” you begged, “please baby.” 
He loved hearing you beg and his eyes rolled back into his head hearing you whine for him, knowing that you were craving him but he was craving you even harder. 
He finally pushed himself into you, all the way, stretching you out completely. Jake moaned before whispering into your ear, starting to pump quickly, “Only you make me feel like this, no one else, FUCK baby, you feel so fucking good.” He nipped at your neck before continuing. “I was fucking made for you, you know that?” 
You nodded, panting heavily, feeling him push in and out of you at a pace that was almost punishing, but in the best way. Jake abruptly paused his movements to pull your legs around his waist, before resuming his pounding. He loved hitting it so deep inside of you, he needed it. 
Sweat was dripping down Jake’s forehead and you ran your fingers through his sweaty curls, wanting to keep the drips out of his eyes. 
“You are so fucking good to me,” Jake panted, “so fucking good baby.” He continued his relentless pace, as if slowing down meant he had to stop completely. 
“Jake,” you whined, “I’m gonna-“
He interrupted you, knowing he was close to his finish as well. “Let go sweetheart, let go for me.” You came instantly, your walls clenching around his cock causing him to throw his head back as he finished inside you, slowing his movements until he came to a complete stop, resting his head on your chest as you felt him softening inside of you.
You both were breathing heavy when he picked his head up to look at you, a lopsided smile on his sweaty face. “I missed that.” He said sweetly, and you laughed before agreeing. He cleaned himself up and then you, before climbing back into bed, both of you still naked. 
The afternoon sun was coming in through the window, and Jake quietly admired the soft rise and fall of your chest as you breathed deeply laying on his chest, the planes of your nose and how your cupid’s bow was so pronounced, the dusting of freckles across your cheeks and forehead, the way you were starting to get wrinkles around your eyes and lips from the way you expressed your joy, and he knew it was the time. 
“Baby?” He asked you, and you looked up at him with a soft smile. “Hi, Jake.” You said sweetly and he gave you a soft smile in return. His heart was pounding and the butterflies in his stomach were swarming. He grabbed one of your hands and linked your fingers together, resting your joined hands on his chest, comforting his own nerves and satiating his desire to feel you intimately in this moment. 
“I love you,” he said quietly but confidently, his eyes twinkling, he was beyond sure of it, “I’m so in love with you.” He finished, his voice even stronger. 
Now you knew what that look was, the one he had been giving you for weeks. 
You squeezed his hand and gave him the biggest smile, kissing his lips before looking into his beautiful eyes. 
“I love you too, Jake.” You said, your free hand caressing his jaw. “I really love you.” You giggled, knowing it was the absolute truth. You truly did, there was no way that you couldn’t be in love with Jake Kiszka. 
He was beaming in the most radiant way before fully pulling you on top of him and squeezing you to his chest. “Oh thank god,” he breathed, “I’ve been wanting to tell you for awhile.” He said shyly and you looked down at his blushing cheeks and gave him another sweet kiss. “I figured.” You chuckled before he playfully rolled his eyes and kissed you deeply, pulling away to settle you into his chest, whispering into your hair about how much he loved you. 
After laying in bed until the last possible moment, you both knew you had to get up and get ready to meet up with the rest of the boys for dinner. Thankfully, they had picked a more casual spot, so you threw on a simple outfit of jeans and a crop top and quickly got ready. 
Jake whistled as he walked into the bathroom, watching you put the finishing touches on your makeup. “Damn baby, you always look so good.” He walked over to you and placed a hand on your hip before kissing your hair. “Gonna be hard to keep my hands to myself at dinner, love.” He spoke lowly into your ear.
You blushed before shooting him a playful glare. “You have a hard time keeping your hands to yourself whether we are at dinner with your family or not.” Jake just giggled in response before squeezing your hip gently and walking out of the bathroom.
It was a short drive to the diner and the five of you crammed into a booth, nearly salivating at the thought of chicken tenders and fries and milkshakes. It didn’t take long for each of you to decide what fried food sounded best, and Jake excused himself to go to the restroom as soon as you all had placed your orders. Josh leaned in the second that Jake’s back was to you, clearly bursting at the seams to speak. 
“He really missed you, ya know. I haven’t seen him so into someone, I think, ever.” He whispered, a blush creeping across your cheeks. You looked down at the table before looking up at Josh’s sweet, knowing smile.
“I missed him so much too, more than I thought I would.” You admitted. “He…he told me he loved me today.” You couldn’t help the shy grin pulling at your lips as you confided in Josh.
Josh beamed at you. “He’s loved you for a long time, sugar.”
You nodded, your blush deepening, knowing he was telling the truth. Jake slid back into the booth, placing his arm around your shoulders. “You better not have said something to make my girl blush like that, Joshua.” He said in his deep rasp with a fake glare.
Both you and Josh just laugh, looking at each other, before you turn back to Jake and place a kiss on his cheek. He looked down at you, giving you a soft smile, before pulling you a little bit closer and whispering into your hair quietly so only you could hear.
“I love you.”
It was two weeks after the boys had returned home from tour, and they were going to be shooting a music video in a park about a half hour out of Nashville. When the band’s management team reached out weeks ago to ask if you were available to do their hair, you had immediately said yes, always loving the opportunity to work with them. But now, there was a pit in your stomach that you couldn’t ignore. Your relationship with Jake wasn’t exactly public knowledge to anyone other than Josh, Sam, and Danny (and Jake’s parents, he couldn’t help but tell them that he finally got together with you). There was half of your brain that was telling you it wouldn’t be a big deal if your relationship was public, and the other half of your brain was begging you to continue to keep your relationship quiet, that you would be viewed as unprofessional or trying to take advantage of Jake if their team and management found out you were together. Jake was patient and respected your wishes to keep things a little quiet for now, but it was killing him. He loved you, and despite his careful and reserved nature, he would scream about you from the mountaintops if he could.
The night before the shoot, you were over at Jake’s, per usual. He made dinner for you, and after you helped him clean everything up, the two of you sat cuddled up together on the loveseat on his back porch, watching the sunset with drinks in hand. You both had been quiet for a couple minutes, enjoying the peaceful sounds and watching the colors in the sky change as the sun fell. Jake set his drink down and turned his face towards yours. 
“I was thinking, for tomorrow, maybe we should head out around 9:30? I know they told us they want us there by 10:30 but I figured we could stop for coffee and I know you always like to show up early to get set up and stuff.” Jake said, a tiny smile on his face.
A slight pang echoed in your chest. He was so sweet. You knew it would look suspicious if the two of you - just the two of you - showed up together. You chose your next words carefully, trying to avoid offending him. “Jake, you don’t need to be there early. I’ll probably head out around then, but you should just come closer to the start time.” You said gently, hoping he would agree. You should have known better.
Jake furrowed his eyebrows and rested his head on his hand as gears turned in his brain. “You don’t want to show up with me. That’s what you really mean.” He said in a monotone voice. He was annoyed, not necessarily at you, but at the situation. He knew it would probably be fine if word got out to the GVF team that the two of you were together, that nobody would care, but Jake also knew that this was one of your anxiety’s pressure points.
You sighed. “I don’t want this to be a big deal, or for us to argue, but I’m-” you take a deep breath before continuing, “this is my livelihood, my career, Jake. I don’t want to risk future opportunities or be labeled negatively in the industry. These circles run smaller than we all realize. I don’t think I’m ready for everyone on your team to know, yet.” You finished in a small voice, feeling about six inches tall. Guilt wracked through you, knowing that you were upsetting Jake when all he wanted was to love you without any barriers.
Jake watched you carefully as you spoke. “Okay sweetheart, but we can’t live in secrecy forever. We’ve been official for over a month now, we’ve been together for more than two.” He wrapped his arms around you, trying to shake off the hurt that he was feeling. His stomach sank, knowing that you should be looking forward to all the fun that would be had tomorrow, instead of feeling worried about it. 
“I know,” you said quietly as he held you, “I just - tomorrow isn’t the day.” 
Jake nodded and kissed the side of your head. “Okay. Wait - am I going to have to pretend that I am not madly in love with you all fucking day tomorrow?” His tone felt a little playful, but under the surface, you could tell that he was upset. His lips were downturned into a frown that certainly wasn’t an act.
“We probably should talk about the shoot.” You sighed, not wanting to make this worse, but knowing that if you didn’t discuss it, he would likely be all over you tomorrow. “We just need to not be touchy, or talk to each other more than we normally would, or sit together on breaks. Like… we just need to act like we aren’t together.” 
Jake sighed deeply, the hurt he was feeling continued to grow inside of him. “Baby, I will do this tomorrow for you, but it has to be the one and only time. I promise you, I would never put you in a situation where your job is in jeopardy. It’s going to be okay when they find out. More than okay, actually, everyone on the team loves you and that’s why you’ve been working on our shoots for years.” He rubbed your arm soothingly. “It’s going to nearly kill me, but I promise that I won’t do or say anything that would make it obvious that I’m completely head over heels in love with you. I might flirt with you a little bit though, I don’t have that much self control.” He finished with a small smile that didn’t reach his eyes. It wasn’t a Jake smile.
You tried to give him a small smile back, knowing that it probably looked more like a grimace. “I will allow a small amount of flirting. No nicknames or ‘baby’ or ‘sweetheart’ though.” He leaned his head down, satisfied enough with your reply, and gave you a small kiss before picking up his glass and finishing the rest of his drink in one swallow. “Come on, let’s go to bed. I need my beauty rest before being on camera tomorrow.” He patted his cheeks teasingly and puckered his lips slightly and you chuckled before finishing your drink and heading back inside, more than ready to call it a night.
Your alarm came far sooner than you were ready for, and you groaned as you pried yourself out of Jake’s death grip to shut it off. Jake’s breathing didn’t even falter as he stayed sound asleep. A smile stretched its way across your lips as you watched him for a moment, taking in his sleeping figure. He truly was so beautiful.
Quickly showering and getting ready, you glanced at the time on your phone to see you were right on schedule. Jake had to be up and out the door in the next 45 minutes, so you went back into his bedroom to wake him up.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, you started rubbing his shoulder and whispering his name, to no avail. Unbeknownst to you, Jake was actually awake and was pretending to stay asleep, wanting to mess with you a little bit.
“Jake…Jake…baby, you need to wake up.” You whispered, moving from rubbing his shoulder to gently running your hand up and down his back. He still wasn’t moving. 
A small smile crept across his face, it was a good thing that his back was facing you. “Maybe a kiss would wake him up.” Jake said softly, trying to hold back a giggle. You rolled your eyes, immediately catching on to his game. Grabbing his shoulder, you rolled him onto his back. His eyes were closed, but you could tell he was stifling both laughter and a smile. You grinned before leaning down and pressing your lips to his. His eyes remained closed after you pulled away.
“Hmm… that didn’t seem to do the trick. Maybe a blowjob?” He said with his eyes still closed, giggles fully threatening to break through the surface now. You quickly grabbed a pillow off the bed and smacked him repeatedly with it, your laughter filling the room.
He put his arms up in defense against your pillow attack and opened one eye. “Okay, okay, he’s awake now.” Jake said cheekily and you rolled your eyes at him. “Come on rockstar, you’ve got to be on the road soon.” You tried pulling his arm so he would sit up, which he did reluctantly. 
“All I need to do is put pants on and brush my teeth, I’ll be fine.” He replied with a yawn. You kissed his forehead and his lips before turning to leave. “Do me a favor and brush your hair too, the bedhead is crazy today.” You said, leaving with a wink.
Jake grinned and flopped back onto his pillows after he heard the front door shut. I’m so fucking in love with her.
You pulled up to the shoot and started unloading your supplies into the trailer after saying your hellos to the crew. Shortly after you were unpacked and nearly set up, there was a knock on the door. You swung the door open to reveal Danny, grinning widely.
“Hey stranger, I figured you’d be the first one here.” You smile, gesturing to the chair. “Ready to get pretty?” 
Danny scoffed. “I’m always pretty, come on.” You laughed and started working on his curls, getting him ready for the shoot. One by one, the rest of the boys trickled in, your boyfriend being the last to arrive. Members of the crew and management team had been fluttering in and out of the trailer all morning, each of them excited and buzzing about the day’s activities.
Josh and Sam were just as easy as Danny as far as their hairstyles for the day. Jake was the last to plop down in front of you, bringing his sunglasses down just far enough to shoot you a quick wink before pushing them back up on his face. You gave him a smile before gently taking them off completely and grabbing a comb.
“I see you didn’t take my advice about brushing your hair before leaving.” You say lowly, so only he can hear. He chuckles and looks at you in the mirror. “I didn’t have time.” He replies with a cheeky grin on his face. You rolled your eyes playfully and detangled his wavy hair.
“What are you thinking for today? Your natural waves, straight, curly, something else?” You ask, looking at him in the mirror. He bites his lip, albeit a little shyly, before speaking. “I…I um liked it when you curled my hair a couple weeks ago.” He says softly, almost a little unsure of trying a style that no one has ever seen on him. “Do you think that’s good for today?”
You smile gently and grab your curling iron, plugging it in. “I think you’ll look great, especially with the white suit.” You pointed to his clothes hanging up behind the chair. He gave you a small smile back as you put a cape around his shoulders.
It didn’t take long to curl his short hair, and you broke up the curls with your fingers before giving him one last round of hairspray. “What do you think, Jake?” You ask, tousling his hair a little bit and scratching his scalp just ever so slightly, knowing he loves the sensation.
Jake’s shy smile from earlier turned into a full, confident grin. “I love it. Thank you sweetheart.” He said with his voice full of adoration. Your eyes widened at the pet name that he let slip.
“Sweetheart?!” One of the crew members in the trailer giggled. “Oooh, Jake’s flirty today.”
Both yours and Jake’s faces were bright red. You stayed silent, waiting for Jake to speak. He just nervously chuckled. “Aren’t I always a little flirty?” He said unconvincingly. The person who spoke up didn’t even hear him, they had already walked away, laughing to themselves.
You turned to Jake. “Nice one.” You said, half joking and half annoyed that he let that slip. “I’m sorry, I call you that all the time without a second thought, it totally just came out.” He said in a hushed voice, rubbing the back of his neck. You just patted his shoulder, not wanting to dampen the mood. “Come on rockstar, you need to get dressed.” 
A few minutes later, you stepped outside and met the rest of the boys and crew and watched as they worked their magic on the set. Everyone looked fantastic, and you couldn’t keep your eyes off of Jake in particular in his cropped white suit. It was hard to keep yourself from salivating at how good he looked, your mind sometimes wandering to thinking about what you wanted to do to him later. You touched up the boys’ hair here and there throughout the day, but for the most part, you spent the afternoon watching the band in awe of their creative vision and watching everything come to life.
After several hours of filming various shots, it was time to pack up and head out. Jake had shot you a glance before starting to walk with purpose in your direction, but you had promptly turned around and started walking fast in the opposite direction, towards the trailer. You couldn’t risk him putting his foot in his mouth again, in front of everyone working. You turned around so quickly, you didn’t catch the way that Jake’s face crumbled when he realized you weren’t going to speak to him and were clearly avoiding him. 
You were in the trailer, finishing getting your things together, when Josh and their manager poked their heads in. “Hey, great job today,” their manager started, “some of us are going to grab a bite to eat on the way out of town. Want to join?” 
You politely smiled. “Thank you for everything today, including the invitation, but I should really head home.” Josh looked at you with a confused look on his face. “I appreciate you thinking of me though, I’ll catch you guys next time.” You waved goodbye and watched as the two men left the trailer, Josh shooting you another questioning look as he left.
You sighed and started loading things into your car, knowing that you made the right choice, and also knowing that Jake wouldn’t be thrilled you clearly had avoided him and you were skipping out on a team dinner. It was just too hard to be around him and pretend you weren’t with him.
Most cars had already left by the time that you were ready to go, and it looked like the four boys themselves had headed out. You started your journey home, overall pleased with how the day went, knowing you did a good job on set.
Your phone started buzzing every few minutes as soon as you started your 30 minute drive home.
Jake: You didn’t let me say goodbye :( but I saved you a seat next to me, I know you were cleaning up. Jake: Will you be here soon? Jake: Josh just told me you aren’t coming… baby :( why? Jake: Please don’t tell me it’s because I have to keep you a secret.  Jake: I need to see you tonight. Can I come over later? Please?
You pulled into your driveway to see all of the texts, feeling bad about avoiding him and skipping dinner. You shot Jake a quick message back, telling him to come over anytime, before hopping in the shower and making yourself a quick meal, trying to ignore the guilt and anxiety settling in your stomach.
It was a couple hours later when Jake let himself in. You were on the couch, wrapped up in your blankets, watching a movie with a cup of tea in your hand. You looked up at him and smiled, and he shot you a sad little smile back. Your heart nearly split in two, seeing the expression on his face. The crack only widened as he opened his mouth to speak.
“Baby…I think we should talk.”
TAGLIST: @reesetrippingthelight @spark-my-nature @katelynn-gvf @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @jakesbarbarian @gvfpal @alyson814 @starcatcherjosh
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sacredstarcatcher · 1 year
Cruel Summer - Part 4
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Jake & Sam x Reader
Chapter Warnings: Cutness, flirting, Rosie, pickles, oral sex (f receiving), language. :)
This one's short because part five is 5k words. Heh.
You were left with two weeks of rehearsals before the show. Though the scales and tails of the costumes vacated your apartment, you were still drowning in last minute responsibilities. That’s why you were seemingly pried out of your home by Sam on Saturday morning. Neither he nor any of his brothers, local or not, had heard from you in days. 
“You need vitamin D,” he says, speaking with his hands, gesturing at the sky. “You’re working your summer away. Come on. Even Rosie thinks you’re about to lose it.” He’s right. She was glued to your side as you walked the streets of Nashville. 
“Well I’m here, aren’t I?!” you say, gesturing at the sky. “You got me out here. I’m absorbing all of the vitamin D the sun can give me. Now lay off.” 
He shakes his head at you as he pushes open the door to the record store. The owner shoots both of you a wave as you enter, and Sam sends one back, lifting his gangly arm and big hand over your head. Once you’re inside, he steps in front of you, hunching down to look directly into your eyes. He’s so close to your face, your heart skips a beat.
“We have a big day ahead of us. First, we’re looking through the new boxes of vinyls in the back before they put them out. Then we’re taking the goods back to my house and listening to as many as we can as we pick the cucumbers from my garden and I teach you my secret pickling technique. Are you going to be cranky the entire time? Or are we going to enjoy ourselves?” 
You can’t help but grin at him despite the stress of your life at the moment. “We can enjoy ourselves,” you lament with a smirk, walking past him towards the beaded curtain at the back of the store. 
You stand next to him as he sorts through the bins on his knees, accepting the ones he’s taking home with him into your arms. You can’t help but giggle at the way he repeatedly pushes his hair from his face to see the vinyls beneath him. 
“Gonna get you a headband,” you mumble, leaning on the wall. He gives you a warning look before continuing on his search.
“That was a little too high on the grumpy-ometer. Take it down a bit.”
“I thought the cucumbers were next?” you ask, wondering why you’re pulling into the thrift store parking lot. He shakes his head as if he’s in disbelief over you not knowing why you’re there.
“You can’t garden in a white sundress. We’re going thrifting.” 
As you enter the thrift store, Rosie tags along obediently through the racks of clothing. Sam seems determined as he scans the hangers. His mission: finding you some gardening clothes. He can’t resist the mens section, pulling three short sleeve button downs you think are hideous, but he’s never looked bad a day in his life, so you trust his judgment.
Eventually he pulls a pair of shorts for you that aren’t terrible. They’re a light wash pair with a high waist and elastic for stretch. You hold them over your arm when he hands them to you with a smile.
You’re a bit more reluctant, however, when he grabs a t-shirt that reads “#1 Dad” across the front. 
“Oh, no. No way.” You keep walking down the row, but he tosses it at you, the tee landing over your eyes.
“It’s been decided. Let’s go check out.” 
You’re standing behind Sam in his backyard, watching him bent over in the dirt, listening to his ramblings about cucumbers. 
You’re boiling in the sun despite the hat on your head and sunglasses over your eyes. 
You’re barefoot in the grass because Sam didn’t want your sandals to get dirty, but it’s clear that he severely overestimated how deep into this gardening process you would be. 
You’re wearing a pair of mom shorts and a t-shirt tied into a crop top, the wrinkled words #1 Dad spread across your chest. 
You’re tired as hell.
Sam places a few cucumbers into the basket you’re holding as he talks and talks and talks, and while he’s not paying attention, you drag over a chair from the lawn furniture to sit on. He turns to give you the next handful and catches you sunning yourself.
“If I die, you’re not going to have any way to make my famous pickles. Nobody ever listens to me when I explain this shit!” You look at him over your sunglasses, not taking him seriously in the slightest. He stands and pulls off his gloves, brushing the dirt from his knees. “You’ll all be sorry,” he says jokingly, incredibly reminiscent of a cranky old man, and takes the basket from you to bring inside.
You’re grateful that on his rockstar salary, Sam can afford to keep his house a relieving 69 degrees. You work alongside him, slicing the cucumbers after he washes them, placing them on the cutting board and aiming for the perfect spear. You know you’ve missed the mark when Sam inspects the pile of slices and pulls a face.
“What you want to do…” he begins, approaching you from behind. He steadies your hand on the cucumber and grabs your hand on top of the knife. “...is hold it flat, but cut in at an angle, instead of straight through.” His hair is brushing the back of your neck, his breath hitting your ear and the side of your face. You can’t help the way your body leans backwards just slightly, pressing your back against his broad chest. 
“Mhm,” you respond, making sure he knows you’re definitely listening now. You’ll remember this part of the technique until the end of time. He gently slices through the first half with you, then the second. 
“You try,” he says, letting go of your hand. He moves his to rest on either side of you on the countertop, and he rests his chin on your shoulder. All you can do is take a nervous breath before slicing once, then twice, then dropping the knife. Your hands are absolutely shaking and before you know it, Rosie’s pushing between you two. You whip around to look down at her as Sam steps backwards, then at each other. 
“Rosie. Go lay down.” He says it calmly, his voice gentle. The only sound you hear is her paws gently clicking against the tile of the kitchen as she listens dutifully and heads to her bed. 
It’s then that Sam clears the short distance between you with two big steps. He immediately pulls you into his embrace, his hands wrapping around your waist, his lips crashing into yours. You moan in surprise, eagerly returning the kiss, pulling his face closer to yours between both of your palms. 
It’s all rushed and hurried as if you’re on borrowed time. Because you are, after all. His tongue swipes across your bottom lip and you chase it with yours, reveling in the taste of his mouth. He’s so sweet, just like you’d imagined, twinged with the flavor of the fruity Topo Chico he’s been drinking. 
“Hey,” he says, breaking apart from you, but you kiss him again. “Wait,” he says, mumbling against your lips.
You pull him in for yet another wanton kiss, signaling you desperately don’t want it to end. You don’t care, you just want him. He accepts your kisses, but his grip on your waist loosens.
“We can’t,” he says, and you feel it all come crashing down. “I’m sorry,” he says, taking a step back. You look at him, flushed and confused, the disappointment written all over your face. 
“Sam,” you begin, but your feelings sink deeper into your gut. You aren’t ready to be that vulnerable. It’s safer to let him talk first.
“I shouldn’t have. It’s just…” He sighs and runs a frustrated hand through his hair. You recognize this feeling. He has a difficult time talking about his emotions and they’re running high right now. “I feel so distant from her. I’ve been using you to fill the void. And that’s not right.” 
You’re trying to keep your composure, but it’s getting harder by the second as you realize you’ve been developing feelings for Sam and he’s just been using you as emotional support. You blink away the tears and put on a brave face, adjusting your shirt and wiping your eyes. 
“It’s fine. We’ve been spending a lot of time together and I’ve really been lonely without Jake so… That makes sense.” You head to the door to slip on your shoes and grab your keys, but realize Sam picked you up this morning. 
“Let me drive you home,” he says, quickly making his way around the kitchen island towards the door. You put up a hand and give a fake smile, politely declining. 
“Don’t even worry about it. I’m gonna walk. It’s a beautiful day. I’ll see you at the wedding, Sam.” Before he can come any closer, you slip out the front door and down the stone path, making your way down the street. 
A week passes after the incident at Sam’s. You’re more than happy when Jake’s back in town and you’re able to think with a clear head. You’ve effectively convinced yourself that you were probably just projecting your feelings for Jake onto Sam while he was away. Sam hadn’t even crossed your mind until it was time to see him again- the Saturday of the wedding approached faster than you would have liked.
You make your way to Jake’s, seeing as you graciously offered to be the designated driver. With your dress in its garment bag over your arm, your makeup and hair already done, you put the code into Jake’s front door and enter, calling out for him. 
You stride through the door when you hear his voice call back to you from upstairs. You hike up the staircase to find him standing in his walk-in closet, tucking his dress shirt in.
“I look stupid,” he says, fidgeting with the waistband of his pants and the button-down that’s disobeying every order he gives. You chuckle, watching him from the doorway.
“You look handsome. You just… aren’t very good at wearing shirts the right way.” He turns to meet your eyes and gives you an unserious glare..
“Fuck off,” he says playfully as he tries to hide a smile. He reaches for the suit coat and puts it on, shrugging to make sure it fits correctly. You watch as he adjusts the lapels and scrutinizes himself in the mirror.
He leaves the room for a moment and you begin to get into your dress. You’re facing away from the door adjusting the straps when he re-enters. 
“Can you zip me up?” You look over your shoulder at him, and you can’t say the gaze you shoot him isn’t flirtatious. He can’t do anything but oblige,and his hands are so warm on your bare skin as he hooks the clasp at the top of the zipper that you lean into his touch, wanting, needing more. He steadies the fabric of the zipper with one hand as he pulls it up, then places his hands on your shoulders. You’re watching him behind you in the mirror while  he takes in the sight of you in the dress. 
He drops his head and places a kiss where your neck and shoulder meet. “You look good enough to eat,” he murmurs against your skin.
“Mmm, yeah?” you flirt, turning in his embrace to face him. With a quickness you were unprepared for, he lifts you up and carries you out of the closet, tossing you onto his bed. The chiffon of your dress falls to the side, leaving the slit wide open as the material pools under you. 
The way he looks down at you lights a fire in your belly. He looks annoyingly sexy in the world's most wrinkled dress shirt and black sport coat, the lapels a contrasting velvet to the rest of the suit. His eyes are dark with lust and you feel like you’re going to implode if he doesn’t take you right there and then. He slides the jacket off his shoulders though it feels like he just put it on. You’re mesmerized by his hands and forearms as he works to roll up his sleeves.
His hands are gentle as he moves the delicate fabric up your legs and pulls down your panties. He smugly takes a look at them before folding them in half and pocketing them.
“Seeing me in a suit gets you fired up, huh?” he mumbles against your skin as he kisses down your thigh. 
“Jake,” you whine, needing him to speed it up. “We’re gonna be late.” 
“I have a feeling this won’t take long,” he says with a chuckle, making you jump as he places a love bite on your inner thigh. You can’t help but spread your legs further, waiting impatiently for his mouth. He places an open mouth kiss at the peak of your pussy, giving you only a small amount of relief.  “Fuck,” he lets out before giving another, this time his tongue venturing a bit further between your folds. 
“Can’t believe you’re gonna make me go to this stupid fucking wedding instead of-” he interrupts himself by placing another sloppy kiss on your clit. “...burying my face between your legs for the rest of the night,” he grumbles, bringing his hand up to run his fingers through your wetness. 
You let out a frustrated whine, feeling like you’re about to combust. He’s riling you up, talking to you like he’s about to make you see God, but somehow he’s barely touching you. You buck your hips, hoping his fingers will finally touch you where you absolutely need him to. He gives an arrogant chuckle in response, finally slipping two fingers inside you. You gasp feeling his middle and ring finger curl forward deliciously inside you, immediately finding your sweet spot. 
Then he’s finally, finally between your legs, his plush lips attaching to suck at your clit, humming into you as he gets a taste. You look down at the sound to see his eyes, lazy and glassy, looking up at you while he works you over. You’re unable to even think straight; seeing him between your legs with his wide eyes reveling in the taste of you is simply too much. You throw your head back and let out another moan, lacing your hand through his hair. 
“God, Jake,” you let out in a breathy, slutty moan. You couldn’t recognize the sound of your own voice if it was played back to you. He detaches his lips from you, looking up to see you. 
“Yes baby,” he asks, letting his fingers do the work for a moment. “Tell me,” he encourages, feeling you beginning to tighten up around him.
“I’m gonna cum- fuck- please,” you whimper, blindly searching for his head to pull it back and feel his mouth again. He gives in, meeting your clit again and relentlessly sucking, ready to get you to your peak. You feel it coming, your hips tightening, your back arching- and then suddenly it washes over you. 
You cry out, your thighs clamping together, holding him place. In response, he shakes his head, providing more than enough stimulation as you ride your high, lewd sounds coming from below as your orgasm washes over you leaving you limp. He places a gentle kiss to your clit and pulls out his fingers, shamelessly cleaning them off with his mouth. He smacks the outside of your thigh before he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “C’mon. Can’t be late,” he chides, dipping his head down to tuck his shirt back in. 
TAGLIST: @reesetrippingthelight@samstopochico@jordierama@jakesgrapejuice @spark-my-nature@gvfcinema@fwzco
Part 5
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age-of-greta · 1 year
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The Moon
The Moon represents illusion and deception, and therefore often suggests a time when something is not as it appears to be. Perhaps a misunderstanding on your part, or a truth you cannot admit to yourself.
Author’s note: hi!! Welcome to the last part of The Moon, the epilogue. I hope you have loved this fic as much as I did. Thank you all for following along. With that being said, I am working on a new fic (where my Josh girls at?)! Originally I planned to start it at the end of next month, but upon further reflection I might postpone it because… I am working on a very spooky Halloween series!! I plan to release one special a week in October. So stay tuned for that!! Again, THANK YOU & enjoy The Moon <3
Paring: Sam x reader & Jake x reader
Warnings: adult content, cursing, alcohol consumption, fluffffffff, maybe slight angst?
Word count: 4.3k
“Shit! Sam, can you check the oven?” You yell down the hall, still grasping for the zipper on your sundress.
“Got it out five minutes ago my love! All is well here I promise!” Sam yelled back from the kitchen.
You took a deep breath. Thank god. You had been running around all day like a chicken with your head cut off; cooking, cleaning. Now you have to make yourself presentable in twenty minutes or less. Well, that was when they were supposed to be here anyway. Realistically, you knew it would be at least thirty to forty five minutes before someone walked through that door. It was your housewarming party, sort of. You and Sam had moved into your own house in Nashville around three weeks ago. As much as you tried and worked, things still weren’t fully unpacked. Moving was dirty work, it was even harder when Sam would pause from unpacking to “christen” a new room. As stressful as it was, it had been blissful. Except now you were all sorts of stressed. When you had planned this party surely you thought everything would be in order and decorated. That wasn’t the case. Sure, some of it was. The kitchen was in okay shape and the living room. Yours and Sam’s bedroom was okay too, it was really the spare rooms and basement that was a disaster. All of that swam through your mind, but your biggest enemy today was this goddamn zipper on your dress. It wouldn’t budge.
“Motherfuck.” You spat. Then, you heard laughing in the hallway.
“Need some help?” Sam said, leaned against the door frame with an amused look.
You gave him a glare and nodded. He scooped your hair to the size and ran his hands over your back, grabbing the zipper and tugging at it with ease.
“There.” He said, looking at you.
You were wearing a pink linen sundress, it was sort of short, but it complimented your body and tan gracefully. It was a square neckline with fun ruffled sleeves. You had crimped your hair and pulled some of it back in a golden butterfly clip. You wore a gaggle of gold necklaces and a medium sized pair of hoops. Your makeup was dewy and glowy, with your eyebrows brushed ever so slightly up. You felt pretty. Genuinely pretty. Sam must have thought so too, as you could see the way he was looking at you in the mirror.
“You smell good.” He said, as he spun you around and placed his hands around your waist.
“Thank you Sammy.” You said, beaming a smile up at him.
He smirked at that familiar nickname and pecked a kiss at your neck.
You giggled. “It’s almost five and I have so much to do!”
“Relax.” Sam said, still kissing up and down your neck while his hands roamed. “I got the cheese board out of the fridge, the green beans are in the crockpot, pasta salad in the fridge, and the fish is in the oven on warm. Besides, they're always late anyway.”
You start to give in, you’re always putty in his hands.
Then the doorbell rings.
“Goddamnit.” Sam says, tearing his face away from you. “Really? The one time they’re actually on time?”
You laughed and pressed your forehead to his.
“Get the door. We can finish this later.” You said with a smile.
He kissed your nose. “Yes ma’am.”
Then he’s off and you're cleaning your appearance up. He didn’t do too much damage, thankfully. You exit the room and walk down the hallway with your woven platforms thudding against the hardwoods. You see that familiar black curly hair and smile big.
“Hi cousin, welcome to our home!” You say.
He smiles back and wraps you in a hug.
“So this is the harlot’s den that stole my best friend and roommate from me?” Danny jokes.
You roll your eyes while Sam chuckles.
“Just you?” You ask.
Danny laughs. “Yeah what do you think? I thought I’d come by early and help a bit.”
“Early?” You say furrowing your brows. “Danny it’s 5:03. Everyone was supposed to be here at 5.”
“And yet here I am, the only one here. I would say that constitutes as early.”
You groan a laugh. “Okay fine. Sam, can you give him a tour?”
It had in fact been 45 minutes until that doorbell rang. In that time Sam had given Danny a whole tour, had a few beers, then started eating the fruit off of the fruit pie you had made. You figured the next to arrive would be Jake- and he was bringing his girlfriend. When you heard Josh’s boisterous voice from the other room you smiled and headed out of the kitchen.
Standing in your doorway was Josh with a bottle of wine with an obnoxious red bow. But next to him was Jake, his sunglasses still on, and his girlfriend with a plate wrapped in tin foil in her hands.
You swallow before speaking. “Well nice of you to join us!” You say, making your presence known.
“My apologies for being late, my lady.” Josh says, handing you the bottle of wine and pecking your cheek.
“You’re forgiven, but only because you brought wine.”
“Hi, Jake.” You lean in giving him a light partial hug.
“Birdie.” He retorts lightly tapping your back.
“Gwen!” You exclaim, pulling her into a hug.
She hugs you back. “Sorry we’re late. Jake didn’t turn the oven on before he popped these in.”
She unwraps the plate and displays an array of cookies. Gwen was always well intentioned, but her cooking skills were awful. You couldn’t help but think that Jake may have intentionally turned off the oven.
You chuckle at her. “Sounds like him. Wanna come pop these in the kitchen with me?”
“You bet.” She says, offering a smile.
Gwen and Jake had been dating for about three months now. You liked her, you really did. She was very kind, a little soft spoken, and she was pretty. One night Josh drunkenly leaned over and said: “You know she kinda looks like you.” This caused Sam to grip your thigh a little tighter, but you brushed it off. If you were being honest, she did resemble you slightly. Except your style was a little more refined or extra if you will. Gwen loved the basics and she could effortlessly pull it off. Perhaps that’s why Jake was attracted to her. You didn’t think Gwen knew anything about history with you and Jake. Why would he tell her? If she did know, she didn’t seem too concerned with it. She was always kind to you. You couldn’t help but like her, but personality-wise you two would never be beyond surface level friends and that was okay.
“Where do you want these?” Gwen scanned the room for empty counter space.
“You can put them on the stove, it’s not on. Thank you for making them by the way, you didn’t have to do that.”
She waved her hand at you. “Happy to. I love this kitchen by the way. Your style is so eclectic.”
You laughed. “Thank you. Wanna grab the guys and start the grand tour?”
You two made your way back to the group making small talk on the way there. You took your place next to Sam, who absentmindedly wrapped his arm around your waist.
“Birdie, where’s Margo?” Josh asked, furrowing his brows slightly.
“Florida. She got called into a travel meeting yesterday. She was upset about it to say the least.”
Josh groaned. “Oh boo.”
“Tell me about it.” You replied.
Josh and Margo were… friends? They hung out randomly it seemed. You didn’t believe anything romantic had popped up, but truthfully you didn’t fully know. They seemed like the opposite version of the other but also somehow the same. But in group settings you could find them side by side joking and cackling in a corner somewhere.
“Alright!” Sam exclaimed with a clap. “Ladies and gentlemen prepare yourselves for a once in a lifetime tour this evening where your tour guides will show you every square inch of this lavish home. Except for the basement, because all of the weird sex shit is down there and my partner here gave us a red flag for that part.”
You scoffed and lightly smacked his chest. “Oh my god that’s enough beer for Sam tonight. Our basement is still a disaster right now, but next event I promise it will be open to the public.”
“So you need time to clear out all the weird sex shit?” Danny asks, in an amused tone.
You huff and roll your eyes. “Okay right this way everybody.”
After the tour had come to a natural conclusion everyone was sipping beers on the back porch.
“This is where we’re going to put a pool in.” Sam announces, talking with his hands.
You look at Gwen and smile. “So what did you think?”
“It’s really nice. I can’t wait to see it once you get everything finished. You should come by and decorate their house.” She says, nudging Jake.
He offers her a small smile and nods in return.
“I actually sort of did for a few days when they moved in last year. It was absolutely hectic.”
She chuckles. “With this group? Never.”
You felt as if you needed to keep the conversation progressing. “I really like your jumpsuit. Where did you get it?”
She was wearing a navy sleeveless jumpsuit and sandals with her hair pulled up in a ponytail, a few whispys framing her face, and pearls on her ears. She looked cute, sort of nautical.
“Ah, thanks. It’s from Nordstrom Rack I think? But I mean look at you. You look and smell like a birthday cake.”
You laugh at that. “A birthday cake? That’s a new one.”
“She’s just as sweet as birthday cake too.” Sam smirks, putting his fingers in his mouth and pretending to lick them clean as a lewd gesture.
Your cheeks turn pink. “Jesus Christ okay seriously no more beer for you Sam.”
Gwen laughs with no thought behind it as Jake looks off in the backyard.
Sam didn’t typically act this way, but you assumed he was taking a chance to say something like that in front of Jake. Almost as a reminder. He never brought up what happened, but you could tell sometimes he still felt some way about it. You couldn’t say you blamed him.
“I’m going to cut up some more fruit to top the pie with.” You say excusing yourself away. “Danny, no more beer for this one.” You point at Sam.
He laughs and salutes you as you walk inside.
Once back in the kitchen you take a breather and pour yourself a small glass of wine while grabbing the fruit, cutting boards, and a knife. You take a sip and begin washing the produce. You hum absentmindedly as the water runs. Once washed you begin to dry the fruit and start to chop up some strawberries. Then you cut up pineapple and decide to clean up the mess before you get to your last fruit.
“Wine?” A voice pops up from behind you.
You jump, slightly startled. Then you see Jake standing in the doorway with his hand up on the frame. His sunglasses are finally off and he has a beer in his other hand.
You huff a breathy laugh. “Yeah. Just something to take the edge off I suppose.”
He steps closer towards you. “Want any help?”
You shake your head and look back to the fruit. “I think I’m good. I just need to cut the kiwis now.”
You begin placing the sliced strawberries and pineapple on the top of the pie.
“Nonsense. I’ll cut these up for you.”
You both reach for the kiwis at the same time and your hands touch, grazing by one another. You look over and Jake’s eyes are staring back into yours. Silence. Mere seconds have passed and you feel as if it’s been forever.
“Hey Jake they’re playing cornhole if you wanna-“ Gwen states stepping into this kitchen. “Oh sorry if you’re helping I can just partner with Josh.”
You rip your eyes away from Jake and shake your head. “No, no. Go play Jake. I’ve got it from here.”
You can see in your peripheral he glances back down at you. “Okay yeah. Let’s go.”
Then he leaves the kitchen and grabs Gwen’s hand wrapping it in his.
You chug the rest of your wine and cut the kiwis.
“Fuck that was so good.” Josh states, leaning back in his chair.
“Yeah it really was. You two could call yourselves chefs.” Gwen says, taking a sip of her water.
You and Sam laugh simultaneously.
“What? Did you poison us or something?” Josh asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Something like that.” Sam starts. “The fish filets? They’re plant based. We’re full veg now baby.”
Sam wraps his arm around you as you continue to giggle at his antics.
“Oh son of a bitch. You two have somehow now become more annoying.” Danny teases.
“I mean what a better opportunity to make this announcement than at a dinner party where you actually enjoyed your vegetarian food?” You ask, lifting your wine glass off of the table.
“I think I would rather have been poisoned.” Josh jokes.
You all laugh at that.
“I think I’m going to grab some pie. Anyone want some?”
Jake asks, starting to get up.
Everyone raises their hand.
“Well shit let me just go put on my butler uniform and I’ll get to work on bringing that out for you all.”
Gwen laughs. “I’ll get a bell for you babe!”
You tip your wine glass towards her and nod. “Now that is a good idea.”
She lets out a laugh and inches closer to you. “Right? He’s been so weird today, it’s good to see him smile. I think he’s just tired, they were in the studio last night.”
You force a smile. “Oh definitely. They might as well take overnight bags when they go.”
Except, they weren’t in the studio last night. Sam was at home with you and you knew Danny went ax throwing. It was seldom Jake or Josh went without the other two, especially since they had their own studio in their house. You tried not to read into that too much.
Jake returned a few minutes later with the pie cut and portioned. He plopped a slice down on everyone’s plate. You all ate with an array of small talk bouncing around the table. When you were finished Josh and Danny did the dishes and cleaned up while you and Sam had gotten the fire pit going outside. Jake had grabbed one of Sam’s guitars and was sitting by tuning it. Gwen stared at him in awe, you remember those days.
But your head was glued on Sam. Watching him try to light some fancy logs you two had bought as he cursed under his breath. A smile curled up on your lips and a light laugh left you. Sam turned around and beamed a smile at you. “Hush.”
You threw your hands up in defense. Finally, he got it to light. Then everyone gathered around the campfire while Jake softly strummed. You laid your head on Sam’s shoulder while he held your legs. He smelled so good, just like himself. You swear you would turn his scent into a candle if given the opportunity.
Josh and Gwen were talking about something in depth while Danny entertained Sam. There were a few bottles of wine that were brought out, so everyone poured a glass. Sam took the light sweet liquid and brought it to his lips, softly humming and running his thumbs over your skin. He glanced down at you and gave you a wink as you grinned back at him.
You were so in love and you felt so at peace. Surrounded by the people you love the most: your friends, your soulmate, your family.
Wedding planning was a bitch. You shut your laptop and groaned. If you got on Pinterest one more time you might have thrown up.
“Hey it’s okay. I don’t care what anything looks like. All that matters is that it’s you and me up there.” Sam offers in a kind voice. “I’m going to make you some tea.”
You sighed. “I know Sam, it’s just so fucking stressful. I thought us having a tiny wedding would be easy. I stand corrected.”
Sam chuckled and placed a teabag in a mug. “Baby nothing with me is ever going to be easy.”
That brought a smile to your face. “I know. That’s why I’m marrying you.”
He placed your tea down next to you and placed a gentle kiss on your lips.
“Just a few short weeks and you’ll be mine forever.”
“I already am.” You remind him with a grin.
The day had arrived. It was hectic to say the least, but you and Sam had spent last night together cuddled up in bed discussing how no matter what everything would be perfect. You were all back in Michigan, choosing to get married at a lake house you had been to as kids. It was secluded and beautiful. There weren’t many people invited to your wedding and you and Sam had chosen to skip the groomsmen/bridesmaids aspect. Per tradition, you hadn’t seen Sam all day, but you could hear him. He was getting ready on the third floor while you were on the second floor. You could hear him pacing about and raising his voice at his brothers. It made you giggle. He was nervous, as if you would ever say no.
“Makeup and hair is here. You ready?” Margo asks you.
You smile and nod. “Send them in.”
You were about to begin your getting ready process. You had already had various hair treatments done, your teeth whitened, nails done, toes done, spray tan, you had even gotten a special facial (not from Sam). All that was left was makeup, hair, jewelry, then dress. The dress of your dreams. It was just a plain and simple white silk dress that hugged your body perfectly. The train was rather small and you opted out of a veil. Sam would be in a classic black suit, tailored specifically for him. You had seen the previews of the suit and it made your heart skip a beat. The theme of your wedding was florals. Really just purple, blue, pink, and orange wildflowers. These flowers were scattered amongst white roses on the small wooden arch and dusted around the aisle. You would be married right in front of the lake, with a small reception at the lake house after. It was simple and small, but everything you could have wanted and more.
Your hair sat in rollers while the makeup artist rolled a nude pink lip liner over your lips.
“I’m going to run something down to Josh.” Margo announced, leaving the door slightly ajar.
You gave her a nod as you heard her click down the stairs. The makeup artists continued to focus in on your lips and you stared at yourself in the mirror. You looked beautiful. Dewy plump skin, natural contour and blush, light warm smokey eye with lashes, paired with this nude pink satin lip.
“Margo hold up!” You heard your fiancé almost yell out.
“What’s wrong Sam? Getting cold feet?” She asked with a laugh.
You heard him scoff. “No. I probably have the hottest feet in the history of feet right now. I need you to please come and fix Daniel’s tie. He thinks it’s straight and it isn’t.”
You chuckled at Sam’s concern. He had tried to be the calm one about this wedding. But deep down you knew he was just as much of a perfectionist as you were. He had been there to ground you through the stress of the planning, but you had secretly heard him get snippy with his brothers on the phone when they chimed in on the wedding. He had put a lot of thought and effort into this day, but didn’t want you to stress about it.
You sat in your chair as your rollers were taken out and your hair was sprayed and teased. Truthfully, you loved the way your hair had turned out. It was full of volume and light curls. You added your gold and pearl earrings and sprayed perfume onto your hair and body. The last thing you had to do was put your dress on. You smiled as you slipped the white fabric up your body and Margo got to work on pinning.
“Oh fuck. You look so beautiful.” She said, giving a small sniffle.
Margo looked beautiful too. She was in a light green midi dress that tied in the back. Her light pink hair contrasted it perfectly.
“Stop it right now.” You say, pushing a tear away. “I’m not crying on my wedding day.” A half sob half laugh escapes your throat.
Margo wraps you in a hug and then clears her throat. “So we’re ready then?”
You nod and give her a smile.
“I’ll go rally the troops.”
Margo heads down to get everything in motion and you stare out the window at the arch and the beautiful scenery around it. There would be no more than twenty people attending, but you still felt a little nervous.
Just then you heard a knock on the door frame. You turned around to see Jake. He had an indescribable look on his face with a soft smile.
“Wow.” He breathed. “You look absolutely breathtaking. Sam is going to cry his eyes out.”
You laughed at him. “He better.”
“I just wanted to come down and say, I’m happy for you. I’m happy for you and Sammy both. It’s a beautiful day.”
You smiled brightly at him. “Thank you Jake.”
He returned the same smile. “I’ll see you down there.”
Then he’s off down the stairs filing in with everyone else.
Only one thing left to do now, and that was to get married.
Sam did cry; borderline sobbing. That melted your heart. The ceremony was beautiful. Your family, Josh, Danny, Jake and Gwen, Sam’s family, Margo, aunts, uncles, a few cousins, and a photographer friend were in attendance. They all followed you and Sam into the “reception.” Which was really just the large outdoor patio. Josh rigged up speakers and acted as the DJ.
“For the first time Mr. & Mrs. Kiszka!” He bellowed into the small karaoke microphone. Everyone collectively cheered. There was the first dance, a few speeches, and of course food. You had catered a vegetarian burger joint and a modest sized vanilla cake. Everything was delicious. After the champagne toast, you took a few pictures before a majority of the crowd shuffled out knowing once the alcohol began to flow things would get out of hand. You hugged your parents and family who came, promising to meet for brunch tomorrow. Then turned your attention back to Sam who was more than eager to have you to himself. He kept his hand around your waist the whole night while everyone played drinking games and danced. Gwen had gotten incredibly intoxicated as she swayed around in her lilac dress. Jake eventually had to sit her down and force water and bread onto her, before resuming his drinking activities.
Josh was pouring more tequila shots for everyone while his vape hung out of his mouth. “Gather round! Gather round! I have the nectar of the gods!”
Sam rolled his eyes at his brother and turned towards you. “I can’t keep my hands off of you Mrs. Kiszka.”
Sam’s eyes were a little red and he had the slightest smell of alcohol on his breath. He had been incredibly diligent with pacing himself on the extracurricular activities, as you know he wanted you both to enjoy your wedding night.
You smiled mischievously at him. “We’re married, Mr. Kiszka. You don’t have to.”
Sam reached down and scooped you up while you erupted in giggles.
“Sorry Josh! No can do! I’m taking my wife to our room. An apology fair in advance to everyone staying in this house tonight. We won’t be quiet!”
You lightly smacked his arm as he walked into the house, still carrying you. “Sam! Goodnight everyone! Thank you for coming!”
You and Sam both laughed giddy with each other. He finally got you both into your room. Then, he unzipped you out of your dress and let it fall to the floor. You had on white lace lingerie underneath and Sam gave your ass a light smack as you plopped down on the bed. He sat beside you with soft eyes.
“I can’t believe I get to call you my wife. Forever.”
You grin at him. “Forever baby. I love you.”
“I love you. You’re so beautiful. Ethereal even.”
“Don’t make me blush. Why don’t you get out of those clothes? Do a little strip for me.”
He smirks at you while starting to undress. “Your wish is my command. Happy wife, happy life right?”
You playfully roll your eyes. “Shut up and come here.”
The next morning you woke up next to your husband sleepy eyed and well rested. You glanced over and saw him sleeping peacefully bathed in sunlight, his arms still wrapped around you. You looked over at your ring sitting proudly on your finger and couldn’t help but smile. This was your life. He was your life. You would follow him to the ends of the Earth, and he would for you as well. You started to scoot over slightly and he subconsciously pulled you closer into him. You nuzzled into his chest, content to lay like this all morning as your breaths synched. It was a preview as to how your life would go.
You and Sam, moving together fluidly as one.
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