#corey cunningham x reader x allyson nelson
Corey Cunningham x bisexual!fem!Reader x bisexual!Allyson Nelson
A few months after escaping Haddonfield, Allyson starts to have feelings for a barista at her favorite coffee shop (you). She and Corey decide to explore the potential of a relationship with you, at least for one night. My first time posting smut so feedback is extra appreciated!
Warnings - drinking, fingering, vaginal sex, voyuerism, F/F/M threesome. Pretty straightforward
5,581 words
@rebel-blue @nachtmahr666 @wolvesandvampires @cordelium @multifandom--mess @toxicanonymity and @clemkruckinnie (ik we haven't interacted much but i saw you saying you wish there was more Allyson content a while back, so I thought I'd tag you!)
18+, minors dni
Allyson is at the nurse’s desk when her phone rings. She’s not even supposed to have it on her, but since she didn’t get the promotion, she doesn’t give a fuck. Mathis isn’t even here today. She steps away from the desk and answers. 
“We need to leave,” Corey’s strained voice says on the other end of the line. 
“I can’t right now, I’m at work.”
“Tonight, then. Will you meet me at 9 at the diner off 74? We need to talk about your grandmother. She wants to kill me.”
“Look, I can’t take it anymore. It’s time to say goodbye to Haddonfield.” The finality in Corey’s voice scares Allyson. 
“Corey, wait!” She hisses. 
He doesn’t say anything but the call doesn’t disconnect. 
“I can’t leave without making a scene right now. But my lunch is in 30 minutes. I’ll go pack, I already started last night, and then I’ll pick you up or meet you somewhere. Just give me an hour.”
“An hour.” He repeats, his voice sounding even more strained than before. 
“Just stay somewhere safe, I’ll go as fast as I can. Please don’t do anything stupid.” Allyson says.
It’s been four months since Allyson clocked out for lunch, got in her car, and drove away from Haddonfield forever. Corey followed her Ford station wagon on his motorcycle, west, south, back east, south again. They stayed on the move for weeks, living off each of their savings, staying in flea bitten motels or sleeping in Allyson’s car. 
Corey checked the news obsessively, but never in front of Allyson. Whenever one of them went to the bathroom, when he went into the gas station alone to buy snacks while she pumped the gas, late at night when he couldn’t sleep. Until he was sure Doug and Dr. Mathis weren’t going to be traced back to him. Allyson had been ready to quit driving around for a long time by then, and finally, without telling her why, Corey gave in and they settled somewhere.
They both went back to their previous professions. Allyson found a job in a general practitioner’s office. A doctor she actually likes and respects, a doctor who treats his employees well. Corey wound up at a dealership, doing repairs on American cars, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep. They got a nice little apartment. They both make way more money than they did in Haddonfield, and the discount Corey gets on cars is insane, so he surprised Allyson with a new car for her birthday. 
Neither of them can quite believe how good things are going. That they escaped, left it all behind, and now they’re just… Well, not normal, but they can fool everyone else into thinking they are. There’s a coffee shop that Allyson has become a regular at. It’s not far from the hospital so she stops there sometimes, in the mornings before work, on her lunch break, on her days off when she’s in the neighborhood. Being a regular somewhere helps her feel like she’s actually part of the community, not just a tourist. It makes the facade she and Corey maintain that little bit more convincing. 
You’ve been a barista for a year when a girl you’ve never seen before comes in. While you have a few people you know by name, or by their order, most of the customers just sort of blend together. This girl though, she’s so pretty, with dark green eyes and a little button of a nose. You know you would remember if she’d come in before. Almond milk latte and a blueberry muffin. She lets you spell her name wrong on the cup.
“That’s how it should be spelled,” she jokes. 
You make a mental note to spell it right if you see her again, and you really hope you do. 
It takes two weeks, but on a Thursday morning she comes in again, wearing forest green scrubs that accentuate her green eyes. 
“Almond milk latte?” You say instead of hello.
“You remembered!?” She replies in shock.
“Of course,” you say. “A-L-L-Y-S-O-N.” You turn the cup around to show her.
“I’m impressed!” She claps her hands. Your heart flutters in your chest a little. 
The next time she comes in, it’s a Saturday afternoon, just as you’re about to leave. Your coworker has already clocked in and is standing at the register, prepared to take the order, but you haven’t clocked out yet, so you ask if you can do one more. She has a man with her this time, and he’s just as gorgeous as she is, with an unruly mop of brown hair, and a broad, athletic build. They’re holding hands. Well, shit, you think. 
“Hey Allyson,” you say, smiling widely. A little thing like a boyfriend isn’t going to stop you from being nice to a regular. 
“Hey!” She says. She greets you by name even though you’ve already taken your name tag off for the day. You’re not the only one going out of their way to remember things it seems. The man’s name is Corey. Up close you can see his freckles and his dense eyelashes behind his glasses. 
“Bummer your girl has a boyfriend,” a coworker says when you go into the back to finally actually clock out.
“Yeah. Ugh,” you sigh. “But did you see him? Be still my bisexual heart.” 
Once, when Allyson has been a regular for a couple months, she comes in on your day off. You’re there anyway, feeding the caffeine monkey that lives on your back. It’s dead so you’re leaning on the counter talking to your coworkers as they make your drink.
“Aren’t you supposed to be on that side?” She asks, pointing behind the register.
“Not today, Ally Cat,” you say. The nickname is a huge gamble but to your shock and great joy, she fucking giggles. 
She orders her coffee and sits down at a table. You walk by her on the way out and she calls your name.
“Do you wanna sit down? Not to make you hang out at work on your day off, but you were kinda already here.”
You pretend to deliberate, but of course you’re going to stay, at least as long as you can. You pull out the other chair at her tiny table. You get so absorbed talking to her you almost forget you had plans, and another friend is waiting for you. You apologize for not being able to stay longer.
“Well we should just plan to hang out sometime then,” she suggests.
“Yeah? That would be awesome.”
She gives you her number and you text her to give her yours. Then in your car you text the friend you’ll now be late to hang out with. She’ll forgive you when she finds out why.
 Over text, you and Allyson decide to go to the mall. She picks you up in the afternoon. She’s all smiles as you get in the car. You knew she was pretty, but in the sunlight coming through the windshield she looks like an angel. You struggle to keep your composure.
As you walk around the mall you’re impressed with how easy she is to talk to, and her dorky sense of humor is genuine and charming. There’s things you’re dying to know but can’t ask. Does she like girls or is she just this flirty with everyone? Is her relationship with Corey monogamous? And what’s Corey’s deal? Every time you’ve seen him he’s been so quiet and reserved, but when he speaks there’s something magnetic about him. And his eyes are so intense, you know he’s got a hell of a story. But you try not to ask too many questions. You don’t want to seem weird. 
Neither of you is really shopping, but you always wind up seeing something that catches your eye. You find a top that really speaks to you and, even better, it’s on clearance. The only problem is, it’s the only one left and a size down from what you usually wear. You present it to Allyson. 
“You would look so good in that,” she says. 
“It’s one size too small,” you say, exaggerating a pout. 
“Here,” she says, guiding your hand with the top on the hanger to your chest. She lines the shoulder seams up with the shirt you’re wearing, then smooths the top on the hanger down your front and around your sides, lining the side seams up too. It’s totally innocent, but you feel yourself gushing anyway. It’s the most she’s ever touched you. “I think you should try it on. It would look incredible and it seems like it’ll fit.” 
“Okay, you convinced me.”
In the dressing room you get the top on, and technically it does fit. But you feel like if you moved too quickly you could hulk out of it by accident. You try to take it off, but you hear the stitches groaning. Oh no. 
You open the fitting room door and she’s standing right there. 
“See!” She exclaims, eyes lighting up. 
“Yeah,” you smile sheepishly, “It looks great, but there’s a problem.”
“It felt like it was gonna tear when I tried to take it off. Can you help me?” You stand back from the door and let her in. 
She closes the door, then turns to face you. You look into each other’s eyes for what is probably only a few seconds, but feels much, much longer. 
“Raise your arms,” she says without breaking eye contact.
You do as you’re told. She curls her fingers under the hem of the shirt. Her fingers are cold, but her touch would’ve given you goosebumps either way. Slowly, carefully, much more slowly and carefully than she really needs to, she works the top up your stomach and over your breasts. You’re not wearing a bra and you know she notices, but she doesn’t look anywhere other than into your eyes until the shirt comes over your face and you can’t see her anymore. With the shirt almost all the way off, stretched between your arms above your head and still stuck on your shoulders, she instructs you to lean forward. You bend at the waist and she takes the shirt the rest of the way off, pulling it languidly down the length of your arms. 
“There you go,” she says with a small smile when you’re finally free.
“Thanks,” you say quietly. 
You take a step towards her. Your nipples harden in the cold air, and with the distance between you closed they almost press against her. You both hold your breath. She looks down at your tits, then the rest of the way to the floor.
“Hand me the hanger?” She says. 
You hand her the hanger, then pull the shirt you came with back on. She rehangs the top she’s holding and deposits it on the reject rack as you exit the store. You feel awkward walking back through the mall, cheeks burning, heart racing. What was that? You wonder. Allyson is quiet. Without talking about it, you make your way out of the mall and back to her car. 
“I had fun,” she says, breaking the tension as she starts the engine.
“Me too,” you smile at her, still feeling a little unsure of what just happened.
“We should hang out again sometime. With Corey too.”
“I’d love that,” you reply. 
When Allyson gets home Corey is sprawled on the couch watching TV. 
“How was the mall?” he asks, sitting up and making room for her. 
“It was great,” she says, plopping down next to him. He wraps his arm around her shoulders and squeezes her against him. “I really like her.”
“Do you… like her?” 
Allyson has had feelings for girls since she was a young teenager, but she hadn’t felt able to articulate it before she got out of Haddonfield. Corey brought things out in Allyson, she felt she could tell him anything, but there were things she couldn’t tell even herself until she escaped the tomb her hometown had become. One night, under the scratchy blanket at a Super 8, unsure if Corey was even still awake, Allyson had whispered the word for the first time. Corey accepted it easily. After all, hadn’t he stirred for men at times? For his AP Physics teacher, and then for Roger Allen, and then for Michael Myers? They had never discussed what Allyson’s confession might mean for the relationship. 
“Yes,” Allyson says quietly. She does like you. 
Corey is loath to share Allyson with someone. He can’t help but feel like she would just wind up preferring them to him, leaving him all alone. But he’s seen you and Allyson interact. He’s recognized the looks she gives you. And in the moments he’s been witness to it, while his jealousy did rage, it was far outweighed by a feeling of warmth. How radiant Allyson is when she’s happy. How lucky he is that she ever made those faces at him, and that she continues to do so, even as he watches her infatuation with you deepen.
And Corey is attracted to you too. The first time he saw you he understood why Allyson was always talking about this mythical barista that remembered her order and how to spell her name.The customer service was not what Allyson was excited about.The idea of you and Allyson together instantly makes his cock rock hard under his sweatpants.
Allyson sees it happen, and reaches out to rest her hand on the imprint in the fabric. “What’s this for?” she asks playfully.
“For you liking her,” Corey says reluctantly.
“What was that?” She teases, squeezing gently. 
“You heard me,” he growls, pressing himself into her hand.
“No, I think you should repeat yourself.” She laughs and takes her hand away.
Corey catches Allyson’s wrist in his huge hand. “You. Know. What I said.” He brings her hand to his mouth and kisses her palm. He gently bites each of her fingers. Then he places her hand back on his cock. 
“I think she likes me. And I think she’s into you too,” Allyson says, slowly stroking Corey through his pants.
“Me?” He moans. “Wh-what makes you think that?”
“She asked me about you a lot. And she told me when she makes your drink she puts an extra half pump of syrup in it for free.” Allyson slides her hand under Corey’s waistband to grip him directly, and 
with that there is no more talking.
In the morning Corey and Allyson do their usual routine.She curls her hair and does her makeup while he leans in the doorway and watches. 
“I think I'm getting coffee on my lunch break,” she says, winding a strand of hair around her curling iron.”What if I invite her to get dinner with us? Somewhere nice.”
“Like a date?” Corey asks.
“Yeah.” Allyson looks at him in the mirror and grabs another lock of hair to curl. “Like all three of us on a date.”
“I’m not convinced she’s interested in me,” he says.
“Well, that’s what dates are for. To see if you’re interested in somebody.”
Corey can’t argue with that. He pulls out his phone and searches for nice restaurants in the area while Allyson dabs concealer under her eyes. 
“What do your evenings look like next week?” Allyson asks. At this point she doesn’t bother ordering and you don’t bother telling her her total. The coffee transaction happens in the background of your conversation.
“I think I’m wide open,” you tell her. Your sharpie is dry so you throw it away and dig a pack of new markers out from under the register.
“‘Do you want to get dinner with me and Corey one night?” 
“Absolutely!” You say, completely failing to hide your excitement.Your hand shakes and you accidentally make a stray line on her cup. You turn it into a star to cover your mistake “Where were you thinking?”
“Would it be crazy if we went somewhere kinda… Upscale?” Allyson wiggles her eyebrows.”I heard about this place called The Frontier? Have you ever been?”
“You really meant upscale!” You laugh. “I’ve only been once, years ago.That would be really fun.”
The two of you agree on Wednesday, hoping there will still be reservations left in the middle of the week, then she leaves with her coffee. Out in the parking lot, she sees the star next to her name and feels giddy.
Holy shit. The fucking Frontier. That has to mean it’s a date, right? You think to yourself. 
“The Frontier!” One of your coworkers says next to you, as if hearing your thoughts. “She’s so DTF.”
“It’s just dinner.” You say, waving your hand dismissively. But God do you hope it’s not just dinner.
As you get ready for your night with Corey and Allyson it’s still not clear to you what her intentions were in inviting you. You think about the moment you had with Allyson in the dressing room and hear your coworker’s voice. She’s so DTF. But Corey will be there. She wouldn’t bring him if she was down to fuck, would she? Unless she wants you to fuck Corey? You would fuck Corey happily. As excited as you are to see her alone, you always find yourself hoping Corey will be with her so you can look at him. So you can be reminded of the way his giant hands dwarf his coffee cup, and how, on the rare occasions you see him smile, it always starts with a smirk before spreading across his whole face.But it just seems too good to be true, that either of them would want to date or have sex with you, let alone both of them. You’re probably just reading too much into it. 
Whatever. You dress like it’s a date, and if it isn’t one, there’s nothing wrong with looking hot at a fancy restaurant with some friends. You stand in front of your bathroom mirror and apply the finishing touches. Spritz of perfume, dainty gold necklace to accentuate your collar bones, making sure the front of your hair is just so. Then you go get your nice coat out of the closet and get in your car. 
On the drive over, your heart races. You’re nervous, but it’s kind of thrilling. The feeling intensifies as you get closer to the restaurant. You turn the AC up full blast and crank the volume on your radio, trying to ground yourself. The Frontier has valet parking but you’re already anticipating the price of the evening, so you park a couple blocks away and walk, despite your nice shoes not being the most comfortable. As you approach the door you see Corey and Allyson standing on the sidewalk. 
They both look so fucking hot, it’s completely unfair. Allyson has a heavy wool coat on, but it’s unbuttoned and underneath it you can see she’s wearing a dress that hugs her as tightly as a second skin from her bust to her hips before flaring out. Below the hem of the dress, her legs are toned and smooth all the way down to her feet inside her pointy, low-heeled shoes. Corey wears a leather jacket over a button down shirt with the top three buttons undone. The little bit of his chest you can see in the gap is so unholy, you feel a pang between your legs. 
Corey sees you approaching first and gives you his little smirk. He points you out to Allyson, who looks up from her phone. She beams at you, and you grin back at both of them. 
“Hey, I was just about to text you! You look great!” She exclaims, holding her arms open for a hug. You’re extremely tempted to put your arms inside her coat as it hangs away from her body, but that seems weirdly intimate, so you wrap your arms around the scratchy wool instead.
“So do you,” you say. “You both do.” You think Corey’s face seems to turn a little red at the comment, but he doesn’t react otherwise. 
Allyson leads the way to the host stand. The Wednesday reservation plan worked and the three of you get sat immediately. The hostess leads you to a round table near the back of the restaurant. It’s dark in the way of fancy restaurants, with candles on the table and overhead lights that don’t do much of anything. It’s busy and most of the tables around you are full, but when you sit down it feels intimate and cozy, like the three of you are the only people there. 
“Bottle of wine?” Allyson asks
“Sure,” you reply. 
“White or red?”
“Whatever you want.”
Your server comes to the table and pours everyone water from a crystal carafe. Allyson orders a bottle of white wine. You look at the menu and try not to get overwhelmed. It’s an “American” restaurant but all the dishes have been “elevated” beyond recognition. 
“Does this menu make any sense to either of you?” You ask
“No,” Corey says, shaking his head. 
“Not at all,” Allyson adds. 
All three of you laugh, and you relax a little, releasing tension you didn’t realize you were holding. They seem more at ease too. 
Through the whole meal, the air between you and Allyson feels charged. The flirty banter you established at the coffee shop and practiced at the mall blossoming in the romantic setting. It’s almost painful how far away from her the round table keeps you. You try to find excuses to brush your fingertips against hers across the table. She’s so DTF. You want her as much as it feels like she wants you, but you’re not so wrapped up in her that you forget about Corey. You can’t keep yourself from looking in his direction, watching him as he watches you and Allyson. He’s the most talkative you’ve ever seen him, and for the first time you detect an accent to his voice. You can’t get a read on his vibe. He must be okay with you and Allyson, but is he interested in participating? You cross your fingers under the table in hopes that he is.
After dessert you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom. Allyson turns to Corey and puts her hand on his on the table. 
“What do you think?” She asks. 
“I like her,” he says. 
“Do you like her enough to invite her to come home with us?”
Corey chews his lip. The server comes by and deposits the check on the table. Allyson pays. 
“Are you sure she’s not just interested in you?” He asks when they’re alone at the table again.
“Corey, are you blind? She’s been making eyes at you more than me! I’m sure she’s interested in both of us.”
He looks away from her and bounces his leg for a second. Then he turns back to her. “Okay, let’s do it.”
You return from the bathroom to the table cleared. Corey and Allyson stand as you approach and start putting their coats on.
“We already paid,” Allyson says.
“You did? You didn’t have to do that,” you say, surprised.
“We wanted to,” she tells you simply.
“Thank you so much. I owe you one.”
“Don’t worry about it,” she reassures you. “Would you like to come back to our place?” She asks as you exit the restaurant. 
Your heart flutters and between your legs pulses. Yes, yes, one million times yes. “Sure,” you say, trying to play it cool. 
Corey goes to get their car from the valet. 
“You can ride with us if you want. And we’ll bring you back to your car later.”
“Okay. Sounds good to me.”
The valet pulls the car to the front of the restaurant. Corey hands him cash, then gets in the driver’s seat and closes his door. 
“Why don’t you sit in the front with Corey?” Allyson suggests. 
You open the front passenger door and Corey smiles at you. You smile back as you slide into the car. Shoegaze music comes softly through the speakers. As Corey pulls out of the valet lane, Allyson leans forward behind you. She reaches over the back of your seat to put a hand on your shoulder. She caresses the side of your neck with her slender fingers. Then Corey reaches over to put a wide, freckled hand on your thigh, finally confirming he wants you too.
“Is this okay?” Allyson asks, her voice right behind your ear. 
“Yeah,” you say, voice breathy. Holy shit, you think. Just having their hands on you like this is extremely erotic. Your heart pounds, thinking about all the ways they could gang up on you. Allyson’s hand slides up into your hair to massage your scalp with her short nails. You work hard to control your breathing, but as Corey starts to slide his hand up and down your thigh, you know they can hear what they’re doing to you. 
Mercifully, the ride to their place is short. They live on the second floor and Corey takes the lead up the stairs. You follow him. From below you on the stairs, Allyson reaches out for your hand and you lace your fingers with hers for a few seconds. Inside their apartment you shrug your coat off and Allyson hangs it in the front closet with hers and Corey’s. You’re still so aroused from the car ride, but you’re nervous too. You’ve never had a threesome before but even with all your hoping tonight would lead to one, you don’t know what to expect. Your hands shake a little as you sit on the couch.
Allyson sits next to you, and Corey opts for an armchair to the side, resuming his role as watcher. You sit there awkwardly for a minute, with your knee touching Allyson’s, trying to gather the courage to make the move. Sensing your hesitation, she reaches out and tucks a stray hair behind your ear.You look at her and she smiles and you find the strength to lean in and kiss her. 
If the air in the restaurant had crackled with the electricity between the two of you, the kiss is the bright flash and harsh sting of a static shock. A tiny, momentary explosion that only releases the tension for a split second. The more you kiss her, the more you need to kiss her, and the more she kisses you back. It’s messy and dizzying and so much fun. She scoots closer to you, then closer still, until you’re pressed against each other hard. Without speaking, you put your arms up over your head. She giggles and pulls your top off of you between kisses, much less carefully than in the dressing room. 
Allyson reaches behind her own back and pulls the zipper on her dress down halfway. Your hands follow hers and you unzip her completely. She removes her arms from her sleeves and the top of the dress falls to her lap, then she stands halfway up so the dress drops to the floor, kissing you all the while. She sits with her back against the arm of the couch and spreads her legs, inviting you between them. You sit with one of her legs behind you and one in your lap. You rub your hand up and down the leg in your lap, enjoying her smooth skin and the toned muscle of her slender thigh. You hear Corey unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants.Your breathing quickens.
You move your hand from Allyson’s leg to her tit. It’s a perfect, perky handful. You squeeze it gently and she moans into your mouth. Her hand comes over yours and she makes you squeeze harder. Your clit throbs with arousal. Keeping her hand on yours, Allyson guides you down from her chest to the waistband of her panties. You slip your hand under the elastic. She’s completely soaked. You slide your fingers up and down her slit before slipping between her labia to find the hard bud of her clit, rubbing a light circle around it when you do. Allyson throws her head back and whines. You kiss down her gracefully arched neck. 
Corey groans softly. You turn your head to look at him. He’s slouched in the armchair, face flushed bright red and eyes almost black. His pants are pulled down just enough for you to see his hard, pink cock and dense reddish pubes. He’s undone another button on his shirt and he has one hand inside the opening. Allyson follows your gaze to Corey and he holds you both in his intense stare while you swirl your fingers slowly around the bundle of nerves between her legs. 
Allyson makes the prettiest sounds as she starts getting closer, and you break eye contact with Corey to watch her face as she scrunches up her button nose in pleasure. She pulls you in for a kiss and as you kiss her you feel weight on the couch behind you. You expect to feel Corey’s hands on you, but he keeps them to himself as you pick up the pace of your fingers against Allyson’s clit. She reaches up to put her hand on your face as she climaxes, rocking her hips hard, pressing desperately against your hand. You work her all the way through it, feeling her twitch against you as the aftershocks come. 
Finally you slip your hand out of her panties, slippery and shiny. She points over your shoulder and you turn toward Corey. He puts the fingers you used on Allyson in his mouth and sucks them clean, one by one. Then he pulls you in for a kiss, letting you taste her on his lips. Allyson shifts a little to make room for you, then pulls you against her. Your head rests on her chest and she lightly sets her chin on your crown. Corey tugs at the waistband of the bottoms you never removed. You bridge your hips off the couch and he pulls your underwear down at the same time. Then he drops his own pants and underwear. He’s already taken his shirt off and rolled a condom onto his cock, which twitches as he takes in the sight of you and Allyson laying together below him.
He kisses Allyson above you, then lowers himself to kiss you again. He laps against your lips with a hot tongue and you let him into your mouth. His hands knead your thighs while Allyson’s cup your tits. You’re so wet you feel like you must be dripping. Corey uses his grip on your thighs to push them towards your chest, opening you up, then lays his cock directly between your lips. You shudder in Allyson’s arms. She rolls one of your nipples delicately between her fingers. 
Corey slides the length of his shaft against you, back and forth, top to bottom. You whimper and thrust your hips up every time the swollen head of his dick brushes your clit or catches just a little on your entrance until finally he slips it inside you. Your breath catches and you make a squeaking sound. They both giggle.
“That was so cute,” Allyson whispers in your ear just as Corey sinks the rest of his length into you. 
You can’t believe you’re sandwiched between two of the hottest people you’ve ever seen. It exceeds your wildest dreams. As Corey thrusts in and out of you, Allyson runs her hands all over your body. Playing with your tits, dragging her fingertips up and down your sides, working her way down. She wedges a hand between you and Corey and starts to rub your clit. Your mind goes blank of every thought except for how good this feels. Some distant part of you knows you’re panting and moaning so loud the neighbors can probably hear you, but you don’t give a shit, and Corey and Allyson only encourage you.
“Say ‘fuck me, Corey,’” Allyson tells you, lips pressed against the shell of your ear. “It drives him crazy.”
“Fuck me, Corey,” you plead. “Oh Corey, fuck me!” 
It does drive him crazy, every time you repeat it he increases the speed and force of his thrusts, pounding you so hard you’d be worried about Allyson underneath you if she wasn’t having so much fun getting you to egg him on. 
Detecting the change in your breathing indicating your impending orgasm, Allyson puts her lips to your ear again. “Tell him you’re gonna cum.”
“I’m gonna cum!” you wail. “I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, Corey, I’m… I’m…”
Your orgasm hits you like a truck as Allyson furiously rubs your clit and Corey slams into you. The way you clench around him pulls him over the edge with you and he groans deeply as he pushes into you one last time before stilling. The three of you pant, spent, for several minutes.
They don’t drive you back to your car. Instead they lead you to their bedroom. Corey lays in the middle of the bed and you and Allyson snuggle into his sides, holding hands across his toned stomach. None of you knows what the events of the evening mean. But you can worry about that, and your car, in the morning. Right now you just want to drift off to sleep in heaven.
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ffinalgiirl · 2 years
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evil doesn't die, it changes shape Halloween (1978), Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988), Halloween Ends (2022)
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fandomnerd9602 · 7 months
STITCHED WOUNDS Allyson Nelson x Wick!Reader
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To say you were on edge would be the understatement of the century. You guide Allyson and your dog out to your car and practically shove them both in. “Honey” Ally says, “it’s a copycat. Nothing we can’t deal with” You push a burner phone into her hands. “I got a place for you in Chicago,” you explain as you hand her a gold coin, “The Continental. Tell them the reservation’s under Wick and hand them this coin.” “What about you?” she looks to you worriedly “I’ll join you shortly. I just need to go see Corey real fast.” you kiss her forehead, “I love you. Please go to Chicago and wait till I give the all clear.” “Okay” she whispers as she jumps into the driver’s seat and speeds off. You quickly text Laurie: Ally’s going to Chicago. You should too. A text comes through a second later: No That grandmother is a stubborn woman, now you know where Allyson gets it from. You grab your duffel bag and board your motorbike, zooming down the streets towards the scene of the crime. Your mind races as you think of who could possibly be this new apprentice. Your thoughts flash back to Corey, that look in his eye when you found him. Can’t be. Corey please don’t. You reach the scene as the police load two body bags into the morgue’s ambulance. You approach Chief Barker, who greets you with a firm handshake. “Morning Wick” “Morning Chief” “You working today?” he asks, looking around to see if anyone notices you and him talking. “Yeah.” He slips you a badge and you head in to investigate. You look around the area and find a discarded plastic scarecrow mask. Your eyes go wide. You remember when Allyson picked that it out. She held it up to you, “think our pal Corey will like this?” Your blood runs cold, a ringing fills your ears. There was no doubt in your mind that Corey was the killer. Your mind races with possible next victims. The band geek bullies. The town itself practically hated Corey after that one night. No. No one else could know. You had to face this yourself. How you wish you told Chief Barker what you knew. That night was a bloodbath. The radio DJ at his studio. Corey’s own mother in her own house. You made your way to the junkyard and found Corey’s stepfather gasping for air, a bullet wound in his chest. You try to keep pressure on the wound. “S-Save him” he whispers with his dying breath. “I don’t think I can, sir” you look the elder man in the eye. “Don’t let him die a monster then.” tears escape the man’s eyes as the light leaves his eyes. You look around at the junkyard: the carnage. And yet among all of it, you feel someone watching you. “It doesn’t have to be this way Corey!” you ready your pit viper “What’s the difference between you and me?” a voice sounding like Corey’s answers back. And yet there’s a warped darkness in it’s very tone. “We’re both killers” “I don’t go after innocents” you shoot at a shadow, the bullets ricochet off the metal walls. “No one’s innocent in this town.” Corey answers back as he jumps at you, knife drawn. He slashes at you, slash after slash. You try to dodge. “This isn’t you, Corey!” you yell out. “This was always me.” he answers, “I just didn’t know it yet.” “I don’t believe that” you try to get through to your old friend. “Your choice” he smacks you in the rib, knocking the wind out of you before slashing you across the cheek. “I always liked her you know. Allyson. Allycat.” “You stay away from her” he slashes you across your leg. His mind games are getting to you. “She’s gullible though.” he laughs, “I called her up and said that you were in such trouble.” “Where is she?” “Probably with her grandmother Laurie. But of course, when I’m done with you, Michael and I will make good work of her.” Corey smacks you across the face with a tire iron. WHAM! You hit the ground hard, dazed and bleeding. He grabs you and pulls you towards the industrial shredder. Corey hits the button You can hear the gears turning in that old death trap. “No evidence.” he growls as he drags you closer and closer towards the metal teeth. You try to struggle against your friend's steel grasp.
To Be Concluded…
Tags: @deafeningsharkslimeempath @revanshand @ma1egamer @jacelion @konstantin609 @russianredassassin @tokufighter
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iwantslashers · 2 years
Movie vs. Novelization
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sochawrites · 2 years
I was thinking of a way I could implement the "I am damaged" song from Heathers into a Michael x reader fic/headcanons/ect., when the stupidest hot take appeared from the depths of my mind...
*may contain spoilers*
Through out the new Halloween, the romance between Corey and Allyson, although it seemed forced and something I wouldn't mind avoiding, it felt strongly, weirdly familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.
Until now...
That whole talk about burning the city down? (which kinda don't know where that came from??) Literally JD and Veronica dynamic. Which would explain the toxicity that I felt seeping from the screen when ever they were together... But it could make a good base for some fanfictions...
Anyway, I'll leave this hot take to you, Corey enjoyers :)
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ffinalgiirl · 2 years
Joan's Bunny Slam Halloween Ends extended scene
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fandomnerd9602 · 7 months
Stitched Together
Allyson Nelson-Strode x Wick! Reader
Part Two of 'Stitched' - Set during Halloween Ends
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Life was moving quite well for you and Allyson Strode. You moved in together with your newly adopted dog. You were on friendly-ish terms with Ally's grandmother Laurie. You even made friends with the local mechanic, a good fellow by the name of Corey Cunningham. All seemed pretty easy going for you.
But then you got the call from the Chicago branch of the Continental. Allyson and Corey didn't know about your real job. The family business. You belong to the lineage of one Jonathan Wick. Most called him the Baba Yaga. You called him Dad.
But there was no time to dwell on that. The Continental called you to a meeting in its bar all the way in Chicago. You told Allyson that you'd have to attend a day conference and went out.
On the way out of town, you found a couple of band geeks beating up Corey, smashing a bottle of chocolate milk in his hand.
You throw the car into a spin and jump out, "hey!" you yell as you run to your friend's aid. The band geeks scatter. Corey looks to you, a little disappointed and a little angry.
"You alright Cunningham?"
"Could be better" he huffs as you quickly wrap his hand in a towel and guide him to your mustang.
It was a detour but you take Corey to the hospital. "Honey" you call out to your girlfriend, "stitch job needed"
She doesn't hesitate to begin the procedure, "well this brings back memories" she chuckles
"Huh?" Corey asks
"Allyson and I met this way" you shrug.
"I got this covered" Ally smiles at you, "you still heading to your meeting? Think you'll be back in time for the party?"
"Yeah" you wave at her as you head out, "I'll be back by tonight"
"Why don't you come with us, Corey?"
Corey actually smiles, "uh...sure."
You make your way out of Haddonfield and towards Chicago. Your destination lies in sight: the Chicago Continental. A building relatively similar to the one in New York.
You walk into the lobby and come face to face with Persephone, the concierge.
"Welcome back to the Continental, Mr. Wick" she smiles, her gothic eyes stare daggers into yours.
"Hey 'Seph" you state, "where is he?"
"The Bar" she smiles, "drinks have already been paid for."
You walk into the hotel's bar to find your grandfather, Winston, sitting there sipping a martini. "Hello (Y/N)" he smiles, "it appears that everyone in the family besides your father has been fighting some sort of slasher"
"New York?"
"Your brother is fighting Ghostface" he winces before taking another sip of his drink. "want anything to drink?"
"I have a drive home, can't drink" you smirk.
"Shame. I feel the Wick boys could use one"
"Maybe after. Why am I here?"
"Your assignment has not changed. We want the head of Michael Myers."
"Easier said than done, Winston"
He smiles, "I thought the Shape was no match for one of the Baba Yagas"
"I'm gonna need guns"
"Check with the armory here, no charge" Winston takes one last drink from his martini as you head out.
You load up on all your weapons. A shotgun with dragon's breath ammo, a bowie knife, and your family's favorite: the 9mm Pit Viper. Your dad would've approved.
Maybe it was some devilish machination or some cruel twist of fate but as you drove towards Haddonfield, something was afoot. Some evil influence had a desire for your friend.
Corey just so happened to run into those band geeks again. He was beaten and thrown over the edge of the bridge.
And something...or rather someone found him.
To Be Continued...
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fandomnerd9602 · 7 months
Stitched Apart
Allyson Nelson x Wick!Reader
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Things had changed. The game had changed. When Corey stumbled to yours and Allyson's place after he had disappeared, he looked shocked, horrified, and yet free at the same time.
Corey stumbles out of your shower and you hand him a set of your clothes. The young mechanic's eyes seem far off and full of fear.
"Are people born bad or is it something that grows?" he whispers.
"I've seen a lot" you huff, "but I think it's influence not some ingrown evil nature."
"I-I didn't mean to kill that kid that day" Tears slip down his cheek.
"I know" you whisper, "Corey you're not a bad guy, life just dealt you a bad hand"
"What do you know about bad hands?!"
"Try this: my dad's a killer. Plain and simple. The underworld calls him Baba Yaga."
"He's sent to kill the Boogeyman" you mutter, "and now that same underworld looks to me"
"But you're just a bodyguard...aren't you?"
You silence speaks volumes to Corey.
"Oh shit. You're not a bodyguard."
"The only good things that happened to me was meeting Ally and meeting you" you give him a weak smile "don't tell her what i've told you"
"M-my lips are sealed" he makes a little gesture across his mouth to seal it.
You take the young man back to his house. Corey's mother didn't really like anyone in the town but she did like you. Something about you made her realize that you and Corey were kindred spirits.
"Where was my son?!" Corey's mother hollered at you in worry.
"With me and Ally" you answer back covering for Corey, "some bullies jumped him and...yeah...fought 'em off"
Corey's mother shakes her head and guides Corey back inside.
The rest of the day went pretty normal. You picked up Allison from the hospital, you could see a smug look on one of her co-worker's face as Allyson sadly got in your mustang.
"Bad day, babe?" you put a gentle hand on her shoulder.
"I didn't get the promotion. Deb got it" she mutters, "I think she's sleeping with Dr. Mathias."
"She won't last long" you shrug, "c'mon let's get home and I'll make you a piping hot dinner"
"We're supposed to have dinner with my grandma" Allyson bites her lip at the thought of you cooking over the stove.
"I'll make more then. We'll take it over together" you smile as you drive off from the hospital.
Laurie welcomed you and Allyson into her house with open arms. Dinner went well and smooth. Although Laurie kept looking at you like she knew something was going on in your mind.
"What's egging you, kid?" the older Strode asks you as you put away the dishes.
"You see right through me, don't you?" you chuckle
"I know a killer when I see one" your blood runs cold. "I know the fear in a killer's eyes. The hate the rage."
You remain silent.
"I saw it the moment Allyson introduced you to me. I saw a wolf." she smiles, "but i also a wolf that wanted to become a lamb"
"Ally's the best part of me"
"Keep her safe." Laurie gives your hand a grandmotherly squeeze "why did you come to Haddonfield?"
"to kill the boogeyman"
Kill the boogeyman. What you didn't know was that Corey was bringing back the boogeyman. And the boogeyman had gained an apprentice.
You woke up the next day, the day before Halloween, with Allyson in your arms. Her hair obscuring your vision. The best and only way you want to wake up.
And then came the news report on your TV. Authorities reported the death of one Doctor Mathias and one nurse named Deb. The odd thing was that Deb's death was within the MO of one Michael Myers, Doctor Mathias on the other hand seemed like a copycat's.
"Baby pack your things" you grabbed a ready duffel bag of clothing.
"What's wrong? If it's Myers, I'm not afraid." Allyson states.
"I think...I think Myer's has an apprentice."
To Be Continued...
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fandomnerd9602 · 7 months
Stitched Heals
Allyson Nelson x Wick!Reader
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Allyson sped through the downtown madness of Haddonfield. What Corey told her over the phone wasn't making sense. And the fact that you, the love of her life, wasn't answering your phone. And worse her grandmother wasn't answering her phone either.
"Dammit!" she gritted her teeth as she turned on the phone locator app. Your phone briefly pops up as the Haddonfield junkyard. And then it blipped out of existence. Allyson's eyes went wide with terror.
Meanwhile, you were still being dragged across the mix of concrete and dirt towards the industrial shredder.
"Corey" you say through gritted teeth, "I know you're still in there"
His cold eyes stare daggers into yours. Just a flicker of the old Corey comes through but then the darkness swallows him up again.
"They made me this" he whispers as the sound of the shredding gears grows louder and louder
"We all have a choice." you answer back, "and choices have consequences"
Corey hoists you onto the conveyor belt, he jumps on it and shoves his knee into your chest.
"Be seeing you, Wick" he states as the conveyor belt inches you closer and closer to the certain doom.
"Be seeing you" you answer back before pulling out a pocket knife and driving it into his ribs. Corey screams in pain before you slam your fist into the wound.
You pull yourself up and slam your fists repeatedly into your old pal. Every blow you land is more painful for you than it probably is for him.
You shove him down onto the conveyor belt. You get him in a neck lock
"Submit" you yell, he doesn't give way, struggling against your grip.
"Corey please" you practically beg him. He reaches for a discarded piece of metal. The edge of the conveyor belt is in sight. His hand reaches the piece.
"Forgive me" you say as you snap his neck. Corey's arms fall limp. In that instance, everything goes blurry. Both you and the now dead Corey Cunningham go over the edge, on instinct you grab the ledge of the shredder as you look down and see Corey's lifeless corpse fall into the gears. Your feet were mere centimeters from the shredding gears. Some small part of you was so tempted to let go of the ledge and let yourself join in.
"Y/N!!!" a voice calls out to you. Allyson runs to the shredder and reaches in, pulling you up and over, away from the danger.
You lock eyes with Allyson, she leans her forehead against yours. Your dog runs up and leans against you, trying to bring you some comfort.
The doors of the junkyard swing open as Laurie and a procession of townsfolk carry Michael Myers' body to the same shredder you just escaped from.
Chief Barker approaches you, "Wick"
"Chief Barker?" you ask
"We have reasons to believe that Corey Cunningham may be connected to the murders over the last couple days" he explains, "where is he?"
You gave it some thought. You look to Allyson. She shares your gaze and concern. If you told them the truth, then your friend would die a monster the way the whole town saw him as.
"The Shape. The Shape killed him" you tell the Chief, it wasn't a lie. It was the Shape that influenced him. "I-I couldn't save him. He was thrown into the shredder"
"Poor guy" Barker whispers before giving you a tip of his cowboy hat. Laurie locks eyes with you and Allyson, there's a mix of relief and also bittersweet in her eyes. The nightmare was over.
It's November now. You and Allyson walk up to her mother's grave. Your car is packed and ready for a new start. You give Ally a hug as she lays flowers on her mother's grave.
"It's over, Mom" she whispers, "The Shape is dead"
Allyson rises and kisses your cheek.
The nightmare was over, at least you hoped it was. You and Allyson left Haddonfield that day. You held Allyson's hand on the whole car ride to Chicago.
"So I met your grandfather" Allyson says with a little smile to break the tension in the car, "sounds you had quite a job before we met"
"I was broken" you give her a smile and kiss her knuckles, "but you stitched me back together."
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Update on ALL of my WIPs (god there are so many, sos) ~
Clean Again (Corey Cunningham x Reader) I think I need to accept that I'm just not made for weekly chapter updates lol because Chapter 14 is not ready for tonight. I've actually been having a really good time writing it the past few weeks, I'm getting into the part of the story I've been dying to write the whole time and I'm really energized. But weekly updates when I don't have a bunch of chapters already totally finished is too much for me. I like to let my writing sit for a while and then come back and edit it again, and I just don't have enough time with weekly updates to do that. I feel like the last few chapters of Clean Again read more like my one shots which I usually write really quickly and edit a lot less, and I would just rather my multi-chapter works be more polished. And my one shots are taking a lot longer and my other multi-chapters are suffering because I only have time for Clean Again, which bums me out because even when I'm super stoked about it, I like taking little detours to my other stories too. Anyway, I'm not going to give this hiatus an official length, I'm just going to see where I am in a while. I don't want to come back too soon because I'd like to not have any more breaks.
Number 5 with a Bullet (Eddie Munson x unnamed reader-ish OC) I have so much work done for this, several more entries that are done or almost done, a couple of drawings that are almost done, pretty much a full outline... I just haven't been able to get any of it all the way finished yet. My goal was to publish the diary entries kind of contemporary to when they would be written, but it's almost August and I still have June I haven't posted so oops. But it's coming!
Untitled Eddie x Reader It's 1985, it's your first senior year and Eddie's second. You've admired him from afar for a while but you've avoided interacting with him until you find out you have something kind of surprising in common. Fluff, angst, smut, currently 4k words and about halfway done.
Untitled Corey x Reader x Allyson Nelson request from @rebel-blue, for a Reader who meets Corey and Allyson through college somehow, and a Corey-centric threesome with vibes similar to Sandwiched. Currently outlined and 1k words but I feel it being a long one in my bones lol
Untitled Corey x Reader request from @ethanhoewke for more subby Corey. Still at the twinkle in my eye phase lol but that could change at any moment.
Untitled Corey x Reader x Eddie in FEBRUARY @hall0ween-twn sent me an ask and all it said was "think about a Corey x Eddie threesome." Well I thought about it and thought about it and I keep thinking about it. I've written basically nothing for this so far like, in real words, but I have written a LOT of it in my head and I'm still just trying to figure out how to structure it because I have accidentally developed so much lore and so many feelings about Corey and Eddie before they even meet Reader and... yeah. Maybe I'll just write the whole thing and drop 100k completed on y'all when you least expect it.
@heartrot666 @wolvesandvampires @hersweetrevenge @cordelium @toxicanonymity @persephone-of-roleplay as always, dm me or reply to this post if you want to be added to my taglist, whether that be for a specific story, specific character or for everything <3
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