#coriolanus x petunia
slaymitchabernathy · 4 months
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The Bakery
Soarynn hums to herself as she folds the laundry.
She doesn’t quite know what song she’s humming, but she has a recollection of her mother singing her this song when she was younger to help her fall asleep.
It’s a bit “common” as her boyfriend would put it, to be doing laundry when they have a maid who comes to do it once a week, but they go through so many clothes and Soarynn would feel horrible if she left it all for the maid. Besides, she enjoys the mindless task.
She’s just begin laying his neckties down, the ends hanging off the table when a familiar white paw comes up to bat at the ties. Soarynn giggles and looks below the table to see Petunia swiping at the neckties with a determined look in her eyes.
“Come here my darling,” Soarynn says and Petunia is quick to bound into her arms so that she can be scooped up and sit on Soarynn’s lap.
Soarynn can’t imagine her life without Petunia. Or Coriolanus. But Petunia has been such a loyal friend to her since the day they met. She still remembers how Coriolanus brought home a pink box with a small white kitten inside of it, a pretty bow wrapped around its neck.
She highly doubts that he anticipated the possibility of Petunia having quite the personality compared to other cats. Soarynn thinks that’s why the two of them don’t always seem to get along with one another, because they’re far too similar.
It doesn’t help that Petunia often sees herself as human. Sitting in one of the chairs when they eat dinner, sitting on the edge of the tub as they bathe. Her boyfriend has called for her assistance more than once because Petunia followed him into the bathroom and simply stared at him.
“She thinks she’s a little human,” Soarynn would say. Coriolanus would scoff, “She acts like a human and it’s creepy!”
But Soarynn found it somewhat strange that Petunia only really seemed to act “creepy” around her boyfriend. She was perfectly fine around their friends. It seemed to be some unspoken rivalry that lay between the two.
Petunia is purring up a storm the moment she’s in Soarynn’s arms, nuzzling her pink nose against her skin. “You can’t play with the neckties little lady,” Soarynn tells her, knowing how upset her boyfriend would be to find his ties reduced to threads.
“But you can sit on my lap,” Soarynn adds, helping Petunia get situated on her lap. Petunia is so observant as Soarynn continues doing laundry, occasionally reaching out to touch a piece of clothing. She’s got a pink bow around her neck today, and of course, her collar.
Soarynn still remembers the time Petunia ran away. She had been hysterical. She also felt horribly guilty for being such a negligent owner. But Coriolanus being the love of her life, helped her find Petunia, he even scaled the tree in the park to bring her down.
Soarynn never really let her out of her sight after that.
They fall into tandem as Soarynn continues the laundry, holding up every piece of clothing for Petunia’s inspection. If she doesn’t approve of something, she lets Soarynn know by hissing and swatting at it. Soarynn does her best to ignore the fact that Petunia only seems to dislike the clothes that belong to Coriolanus.
She doesn’t even realize what time it is until they hear the familiar sound of the front doors opening. Coriolanus is home. He’s quick to find her and she feels a hand rest on her shoulder, “Well, it looks like you’ve been quite busy today darling.”
Soarynn tilts her head back and looks up at her handsome boyfriend who’s grinning down at her, “It has been quite the eventful day,” she agrees, smiling when he leans down to press a kiss to her lips.
She had forgotten all about Petunia in the moment but quickly remembers when Coriolanus pulls away and lets out a pained groan. Her eyes widen when she sees a scratch on his face and she looks down at Petunia who’s still swiping at the air, her ears perked up and her eyes narrowed.
“Petunia,” she scolds, picking her up and placing her on the floor, “what on earth has gotten into you?”
Soarynn looks back at Coriolanus who is holding his sleeve up to the cut and glaring at Petunia, “What a wonderful greeting after a long day of work,” he snaps before turning on his heel.
Soarynn sighs and follows him out of the room, “Coryo. Coryo wait, let me see.” He’s already stormed into their bedroom, beelining for the bathroom no doubt to asses his wounds. Petunia is hot on her heels and Soarynn is quick to—gently— push her back with her foot, “Stay out here Petunia,” she says before shutting the bedroom doors.
Petunia lets out a yowl of frustration but Soarynn wisely ignores it and seeks out her boyfriend who’s scowling in the mirror. “Let me see,” she says gently to him, reaching out to hold his face. His stern, upset expression slightly softens the second her hand is on his cheek and he allows her to inspect the damage.
It doesn’t look like Petunia really got him that much, just a small scratch on his chin. Soarynn almost wishes she could’ve seen it play out and finds herself suppressing a smile. “Oh, don’t you smile at this,” Coriolanus scoffs, “she could’ve taken out my eye Soarynn. I have to make appearances you know, and what will people think if I show up to work with a scarred face?”
Soarynn rolls her eyes and pulls open one of the drawers to her vanity in search of some healing ointment, “I think she just nicked you Coryo. It should be fine by the morning.”
He leans against her vanity and looks down at her, “I can’t have an animal that’s out of control living in my house Soarynn.”
Her eyes widen and she gives him an incredulous look, “If you’re threatening to get rid of Petunia then you have another thing coming for you Coriolanus Snow. You are the one who got her for me, or have you forgotten that already?”
Coriolanus clenches his jaw and his fingers tighten around the edge of her vanity, “I remember quite clearly that I told you that she must be well-behaved at all times. Just because she hasn’t swiped at a guest before doesn’t mean she won’t start now. And scratching the man who pays the bills isn’t a good way to stay on his good side. I mean it Soarynn, I can’t have her running around this penthouse wreaking havoc.”
Soarynn isn’t a bossy person, she’s not confrontational or demanding but she feels a surge of authority and confidence coursing through her veins as she moves to stand in front of him, toe to toe, chest to chest as she stares up at him.
“If you get rid of Petunia then you’ll be getting rid of me too. Where she goes, I go. And I don’t think you want to lose me, do you Coriolanus Snow?”
She can see how angry he is from the way his breathing has grown heavy and how wide his piercing blue eyes are. He’s used to the pliant and submissive girl he started dating all those years ago but Soarynn won’t back down, not this time.
He lets out a deep breath before relaxing, “Fine. But should she injure me again, she’ll have to be kept away from me at all times. That means no sleeping in our bedroom or sitting at the kitchen table. Am I clear?”
Soarynn presses her lips into a thin line before answering, “Crystal.”
꧁ ꧂
It’s a marvel how quickly emotions can swing.
Soarynn cant even recall why she and Coriolanus were at each other’s throats mere hours ago. Not when they’ve just gotten back from a nice dinner filled with laughter and genuine affection.
And she can tell that he plans on making it an even more enjoyable night from the way he hasn’t been able to take his hands off of her since they left the restaurant. “You smell wonderful darling,” he says, pressing his nose to the nape of her neck, causing Soarynn to softly gasp.
They’re in the elevator and while they are alone, Soarynn would be quite embarrassed if another building resident were to find her and her boyfriend in a heated make out. “Behave,” she warns, attempting to slip out of his hold which only makes Coriolanus hold her waist tighter.
“I am behaving.”
Soarynn rolls her eyes at her boyfriend’s insistence that they maintain some form of physical contact as they waddle out of the elevator once the doors open, announcing their arrival to the twelfth floor.
He keeps his arms wrapped around her and it must be a ridiculous sight to see the proud and respected Coriolanus Snow walking right behind his girlfriend, taking small steps towards the front doors. “I’m not going to escape you know,” she tells him, reaching into the pocket of his pants for the key.
Coriolanus nibbles at the tender skin of her neck, “I know. You’re stuck with me forever.”
A grin forms on her lips as she unlocks the front doors, “That I am.”
They’re greeted by Petunia whose tail swishes back and forth in the air as she lets out several excited meows. “We were only gone for a few hours,” Coriolanus reminds the cat as he slowly pulls his body from Soarynn’s.
She shoots him a look from over her shoulder before crouching down to pet the feline, “She doesn’t know that Coryo, do you Petunia? No you don’t. Now let’s go take a bath hmm?”
꧁ ꧂
“What is she doing?”
Soarynn perks up from her comfortable position on her boyfriend’s chest to see what he’s talking about and smiles to herself when she sees what exactly Petunia is doing to warrant this question from Coriolanus who usually tries to pretend she’s not in the room with them.
She’s hard at work with her tiny front paws, pushing in and out of one of the pillows that was haphazardly thrown somewhere on the bed amidst a long night of love making. She only wandered back into the bedroom once they had bathed and settled in for the night. Petunia knew better than to linger in the room once Coriolanus began undressing the two of them.
Soarynn giggles and gives her boyfriend a pointed look, “She’s working in the bakery.” His puzzled look causes her to giggle further as she sits up in bed, both of them watching Petunia do her work. “The bakery?” He repeats, curiously eyeing the cat.
Soarynn nods, “Mhm. She’s kneading the dough so that she can make all sorts of baked goods. Don’t you see how wonderful she’s doing?”
Coriolanus raises his eyebrows but doesn’t dismiss her claims which is already a win in her book. Petunia certainly looks determined as she kneads her paws into the pillow. “You certainly have an active imagination, darling,” Coriolanus finally decides.
Soarynn hums, “Well she’s a wonderful baker. You’re doing wonderfully Petunia.” Petunia momentarily stops her work to look up at Soarynn and gives her a meow as if to say: “I know, no need to tell me.”
Coriolanus chuckles and pulls Soarynn against his chest, pressing a soft kiss to her bare shoulder, “It’s as if you two have your own language.” While it would be amazing to truly be able to communicate with Petunia, Soarynn simply sees it as an unbreakable bond. Her cat adores her and she adores her all the same.
“We do too,” Soarynn tells him, knowing that Coriolanus had a habit of feeling left out of things.
He presses another kiss to her jaw and Soarynn tilts her head to the side to allow him better access, “We can read each other’s body language and we always know what the other person needs.”
It’s true, no one knows her better than Coriolanus. It’s as if he’s a mind reader. He knows when she’s hungry or when her blood sugar is low, or when her social battery is drained and she wants to go home.
And she knows Coriolanus like the back of her hand. She knows where he hides gifts he wants to surprise her with, and how he always bites the inside of his cheek when he’s nervous, and that he has a strange fear of crabs even though they don’t live near the beach.
“It comes with time,” he muses, resting his chin on her shoulder, “getting to truly know one another inside and out, backwards and forwards.”
Soarynn places a hand on top of his, “Well, I’m very glad that I have gotten to know you inside and out Coryo.”
He lets out a content sigh before gently cupping her face and turning it so that he can place a proper kiss on her lips. Soarynn eagerly returns it and feels a smirk forming on his lips which means she’s in for a set of words that will be both vulgar and boyish despite his growing age.
“And I love knowing you Soarynn, especially on the inside.”
Soarynn scoffs and shoves his chest earning her a laugh from Coriolanus who gives her a teasing look, “Leave it to you to ruin an intimate moment,” Soarynn quips, seemingly unimpressed in how he’s managed to flip his words to make them seem sexual.
Petunia pads over to her and settles in her lap before giving Coriolanus a soft hiss which earns her a lethal glare, “Petunia doesn’t seem to care for your choice of words either,” Soarynn informs him.
Coriolanus rolls his eyes and settles back against the headboard, “It should be illegal for a man to be ganged up by the two women dwelling in his household, especially since one of them is a cat.”
Soarynn rubs a soothing hand over Petunia’s head, “Maybe. But one of those women is an excellent baker.”
A small grin forms on his lips and he looks down at Petunia who’s already dozed off, “I’ll have to try one of her pastries someday.”
Soarynn smiles, “She’ll appreciate your business.”
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slaymitchabernathy · 1 month
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The Legacy
“Daddy! Daddy look what Mommy did to my hair!”
Coriolanus looks down at his daughter, his heart and soul. His Ceraphina.
Born four years ago on a stormy night, Ceraphina stole his heart and never gave it back. She’s been an absolute light in their lives, always making them laugh and smile.
She looks nearly identical to Soarynn which only furthers his need to protect her, to always keep her safe from any harm that might come her way. It often leads him to wonder what their other children might look like should they have more. Soarynn has spoken about it many times, expanding their family and giving Ceraphina a sibling but only time will tell.
He smiles down at his daughter who proudly shows him the bow that Soarynn has fastened in her wavy blonde hair. Many things can be said for the Snow family and what they’re known for.
Some view him as a dictator rather than a President although most people who think that live in the Districts. They have no love for him or his family. Others see him as a wonderful President who only has the best intentions for his beloved country. Those are the people who he’s gladly welcoming into his home tonight for the Presidential Gala.
He’s just about finished with getting ready but he’ll always have a moment to spare for his darling daughter who gazes up at him with eyes identical to her mother’s. “Well, don’t you look fabulous darling? And this bow? Some of the best work I’ve ever seen. You���re sure to be the center of attention tonight.”
Ceraphina’s eyes dazzle at his words of praise and she smiles, “Thank you, Daddy! I can’t wait to go to the chocolate fountain.” Coriolanus grins because he knows that Ceraphina would spend the rest of her life next to the chocolate fountain if she could. It’s also Soarynn’s favorite part of the dessert table which further proves that Ceraphina is her twin.
“Yes, after you eat all your dinner hmm?” He asks while fixing his tie. He can't afford to look bad tonight, not with the amount of cameras that will be snapping pictures of them. Ceraphina’s small hands grip the marble countertop as she tries to peer at her reflection but she’s still too little to see.
Coriolanus scoops her up and places her on the counter, basking in her giggles when he tickles her. “Tickle monster!” She cries, shrieking with laughter. When Ceraphina was younger, she was terrified of sleeping alone in her bedroom due to her fear of the closet and what lay inside of it when the lights were out.
It got to the point where she’d bawl her eyes out when Soarynn or Coriolanus tried to put her to sleep. It didn’t matter how many books they read or how many songs Soarynn sang, she refused to be left alone. Coriolanus could easily see where the problem was going and how it would lead to Ceraphina sleeping in their bed and he just couldn’t have that.
So, the tickle monster was born.
He told Ceraphina that there was a monster in the closet and that he was very good friends with the monster and sometimes the monster took over and tortured her with tickles. It solved the problem rather quickly which he was glad for, even though Soarynn hated how he got her riled up right before bedtime.
“He’s returned, Coriolanus agrees, sneaking in a few more tickles before ceasing his attack. Ceraphina giggles and turns to look at their reflections, her blue-gray eyes going wide when she sees herself. “Daddy?”
“Yes, my darling?”
“Do I look pretty like Mommy?”
Coriolanus raises his eyebrows at the question and he doesn’t hesitate to answer. “Of course you do darling. Your Mommy is the most beautiful woman in all of Panem and you are the most beautiful girl in all of Panem. No one could ever compare to the two of you.”
Ceraphina smiles and nods at her reflection as if all is right in the world after receiving that answer, “Do I look like Mommy?”
Coriolanus hums and grabs his favorite cologne before liberally applying it to his neck, he can’t afford to smell bad either. “Yes darling, you and Mommy are practically twins. You’re a spitting image of her.” She truly is, with her wavy hair and her startling eyes. Coriolanus is glad that Ceraphina has taken after Soarynn when it comes to looks.
Soarynn who has been so openly praised for her youthful beauty and charming personality, her kind demeanor, and her graceful femininity. Soarynn is perfect which automatically makes Ceraphina perfect since she spends nearly every waking moment with her.
With an entire country to run, Coriolanus doesn’t get to see Ceraphina a lot during the week. Soarynn however, has dedicated her every waking moment to taking care of their daughter and Coriolanus couldn’t be more pleased with her devotion as a mother.
It’s as if her ears are burning because a moment later, Soarynn walks into the bathroom looking gorgeous as always. She’s dressed in a floor-length gown, black to match his own attire it seems. The dress is strapless and clings to her figure in a most flattering way and it has a slit going up her right leg. Her hair is cascading down her back, flawless as always, and her face, her beautiful face.
Coriolanus nearly gets lost looking at it until Ceraphina voices his feelings for him.
“Mommy you look so pretty!”
Soarynn smiles at their daughter who thinks of her mother as the moon and stars and places a loving hand on her cheek, “Thank you my sweet darling. And don’t you look so beautiful in your pink dress? Did you show your father your bow?”
Ceraphina nods proudly, eyeing Coriolanus to confirm that she did in fact show off her hair bow. He chuckles and places a hand on Soarynn’s waist, admiring the stunning creature that is his wife, “She did, in fact, we were just talking about how you two look alike.”
Soarynn’s smile widens as she runs a loving hand through Ceraphina’s hair, “Well if I’m half as kind as you are darling then that’s more than enough for me. Now why don’t you go find nanny so she can help you with your shoes?”
Ceraphina pouts but one stern look from Coriolanus quickly resolves any tantrums and Soarynn carefully helps her down from the counter before she runs off to find her nanny.
Rarely do they ever enlist the help of others, of outsiders, but on nights like this where the drinks are flowing and their attention is pulled every which way, a nanny is more than necessary.
Coriolanus pulls Soarynn against him and she giggles, allowing him to press kisses up and down her neck, “You’re terribly possessive darling,” she purrs, her nails gently scratching up and down the back of his neck, his favorite spot.
Coriolanus places one last kiss before pulling away and staring her in the eyes, nearly losing his breath in the process, “Only with you my love,” he assures her, “only with you.”
Soarynn sighs and rests her head on his shoulder, seemingly content for them to just stay here instead of going downstairs to the Gala that awaits them. “Remind me of anyone important tonight,” she murmurs, her hand instantly finding his.
Coriolanus places a kiss on her temple before answering, “Quintus Heavensbee for starters, also the new Head Game Maker, Arthus Crane, and his wife will be attending.” Soarynn hums and her hand comes to rest on the necklace she almost always wears, a locket with photos of Coriolanus, Ceraphina, and Petunia.
Speaking of Petunia…where is she?
Coriolanus doesn’t mind his wife’s cat for the most part but he does always make sure to keep her tucked away when they have guests over like this.
"Well I'm sure tonight will be wonderful," Soarynn says with a sigh, "I just hope that Ceraphina will go down without a fuss." Ceraphina is a sweet angelic child, however, she often refuses to go to bed during things like this where she feels like she's leaving the party. She eventually gives in but it can be rather tiresome when Soarynn and Coriolanus have guests to entertain.
He gives her an encouraging squeeze, "It'll be perfect darling. I promise."
꧁ ꧂
"Oh, she's just precious."
Coriolanus basks in the compliments that Ceraphina receives while she plays on the grass with her teddy bear. It's normally frowned upon for children to be playing on the dirty ground during a party but Ceraphina, it seems, is the only exception. And besides, the Mansion's grounds are so well kept, not a blade of grass is out of place.
"You'd do well to give her a sibling to play with," Festus Creed says to him, nudging Coriolanus with his elbow. Coriolanus looks over at Soarynn who's standing amongst her own friends, laughing whilst sipping their champagne.
He'd love another child, she'd love another child. Perhaps they should really start trying again. Soarynn never got her implant put back in after giving birth to Ceraphina, but they haven't been keeping track of her cycle to know exactly when to really try.
Perhaps it's time to start back up again.
"I'll work on that," he says teasingly, taking a drink of his whiskey. The Gala is going extremely well, photos have been taken, compliments given and drinks have been flowing.
"Ceraphina darling, it's time for bed," Soarynn calls, approaching their pouting daughter. All the women fawn over how adorable she is when interacting with Soarynn who easily calms their daughters pouting with the promise of Petunia sleeping in her room.
Ceraphina loves Petunia, she’s always chasing her around the house and forcing her to partake in her tea parties. To have Petunia spend the night in her room is a treat as special as any. And that’s seems to do the trick because moments later she’s running over to bid Coriolanus a goodnight.
“Goodnight Daddy! I’ll see you in the morning!”
Despite being the President of Panem, feared by so many and respected by few, Coriolanus doesn’t hesitate to get down on one knee to press a kiss to her cheek, “Goodnight my darling. Have the sweetest dreams.”
Ceraphina nods and runs back over to Soarynn who takes her hand and begins to lead them up the many, many stairs that lead back up to the terrace. Coriolanus watches them once they reach the top where Ceraphina’s nanny is waiting for them.
Soarynn bends down to give Ceraphina a hug and kiss goodnight before she’s entrusted with the nanny for the rest of the night.
“Persephone won’t stop complaining about how much is left to do with the nursery,” Festus groans which pulls Coriolanus back into the conversation, “she’s acting like it’ll be the end of the world if we don’t have the perfect curtains or photographs.”
Coriolanus chuckles, remembering how adamant Soarynn had been on perfecting Ceraphina’s nursery while she was pregnant with her. “Women tend to fuss over these things my friend,” Coriolanus tells him solemnly, “all we can do is foot the bill and let them do whatever they want.”
Soarynn had been an angel all things considered during her pregnancy. Despite some morning nausea and the occasional snippy attitude when she was nearing the end of the grueling nine months, Coriolanus had nothing to complain about.
In the end, she gave him something he could never replace.
His legacy.
꧁ ꧂
There comes a point at every party when the drinks have taken their toll on the guests, including Coriolanus.
His head is slightly buzzing with the amount of alcohol he’s consumed but some of the other guests are much worse than he is. At least he can stand.
“I’ve heard rumors of an uprising in One,” Livia Cardew murmurs to his right which causes his head to snap in her direction. She’s talking to Soarynn, it’s a private conversation but he has no issue butting in where he sees fit. “We have absolutely nothing to worry about in One,” he tells Livia who rolls her eyes in return.
“Why not? Because you said so? We both know how much those people hate us Coriolanus. They’d do anything to get under our skin,” Livia says, looking at Soarynn who simply purses her lips.
Before Coriolanus can say anything, he sees a white blur run across the ballroom floor. He must be drunk because for a moment, he thought he saw Petunia. Which is impossible because Petunia is upstairs, in Ceraphina’s room asleep. They never let her roam around during things like this.
After taking a look at Soarynn’s face however, he begins to wonder if he really did imagine it.
Soarynn breaks away from the conversation without so much as a polite excuse as she walks towards the other end of the ballroom, her husband and good friend long forgotten.
“Where’s so going?” Livia asks and Coriolanus can only shake his head, “I think we both saw something. I’m not quite sure though. Would you excuse me for a moment?”
Coriolanus doesn’t wait for a reply, he just makes his way over to the doors that lead into the dining room where they always eat when they have large gatherings such as this one. Two Peacekeepers are stationed by the doors and both nod at him once they notice his approach, “Have you seen my wife?” He asks, wondering where Soarynn could have gone.
If Petunia was down here then they definitely would have heard about it. All of Soarynn’s friends adore Petunia and always fuss over her to his dismay.
“Yes sir. She just went upstairs a minute ago. She was carrying the cat.”
Petunia was down here.
Why was Petunia down here?
How would Petunia be able to get all the way downstairs if she was in Ceraphina’s room?
Coriolanus frowns while he tries to come up with a reasonable answer as to why Petunia was downstairs when he hears a scream.
Soarynn’s scream.
And he’s running. Running down the great hall. Running up the stairs. Running towards Ceraphina’s room where he finds the doors wide open, Petunia darting out and down the hall.
What he finds inside the room is blood curdling.
Soarynn on her knees, stifling her sobs while staring at Ceraphina’s nanny, dead on the ground.
His eyes dart to the pink canopy bed where Ceraphina sleeps and he finds it empty.
Someone took her.
Someone took his daughter. His baby girl.
“Ceraphina?” He calls, looking around to see if maybe she’s hiding somewhere. She loves to hide, to play games like hide-and-seek but this isn’t a game, it’s not funny. “Ceraphina Snow come out here this instant,” he says, his voice wavering despite wanting to sound authoritative.
Soarynn gasps for air and he turns his attention to her, to his beautiful wife sobbing in the floor, “Soarynn? Soarynn darling what happened? Who did this? Are you hurt?”
Soarynn shakes her head, going to wipe her tears but deciding against it at the last moment. She has nothing to hide here. “They took her Coriolanus,” she whispers, “I don’t know who but they took her and killed the nanny.”
The Peacekeepers finally made their way up and there all wide eyed when they take in the sight of Ceraphina’s room in disarray. The bedsheets thrown off the bed, toys scattered, the nanny dead.
“Search the house,” Coriolanus tells them, “search every room, every corner, every hallway. Find my daughter.”
They immediately take off to search the rest of the house and most likely question the guests. Everyone is a suspect now.
Coriolanus crouches down and carefully wraps his arms around Soarynn’s trembling frame, “We'll find her darling, we’ll find her. She’s probably somewhere in the house.”
Soarynn lets out a whimper and his heart breaks even more, he's never seen his wife like this, unable to speak, to cope. A million thoughts race through his mind while he holds Soarynn.
Who did this? How did people get into the Mansion? Was this an inside job?
It's no secret that many people hate Coriolanus Snow and would do anything to hurt him, but taking his child is on another level. There will be hell to pay.
He can hear shouting, the guests are being questioned no doubt. This had to be done by someone they knew, someone they trusted inside of their home.
But who?
Soarynn is in no condition to get off the floor but Coriolanus can't just sit here restless while his daughter is out there somewhere, probably terrified out of her mind. "I'll be back," he says to Soarynn whose eyes have gone vacant, "I'll go find her I promise." He presses a gentle kiss to the side of her head before standing up and leaving the room.
He finds the ballroom in disarray, everyone is shouting while Peacekeepers yell even louder. Festus finds him in the crowd and grabs his arm, "Coriolanus what the hell is going on?" He shouts over the noise. His wife Persephone is right behind him and she looks flushed. The Capitolites aren't used to being pushed around it seems.
"Someone took Ceraphina," Coriolanus says, his voice hollow. Saying it out loud makes it feel so much more real. Like it's the truth. Both Festus and Persephone gasp and Persephone places her hand on her chest, "Oh my...oh my goodness. Have you searched the grounds for her? Perhaps she wanted to go play outside."
Coriolanus feels his eyes light up at the suggestion, maybe she's right, maybe Ceraphina slipped out of bed before her nanny was shot. Coriolanus forges forward towards the terrace doors, ignoring the shouts he gets from his guests asking what's warranted this treatment.
"The President's daughter has been taken!" One of the Peacekeepers shouts, causing a hush to fall over the room. "Until she is found, we will be questioning everyone who attended the Gala tonight. Everyone is a suspect until proven otherwise. If you have any information regarding her disappearance, let us know."
Coriolanus pushes the large doors open and he's hit with the evening air. Just a while ago he was out here watching his daughter play and now she's gone. He can hear and see several other Peacekeepers searching for her outside, shouting her name but he has to look for her himself.
"Ceraphina! Ceraphina where are you darling?"
Coriolanus descends the steps leading down to the grounds with haste as his eyes scan the dark landscape. The only source of light is from the greenhouse which they always lock for events like this. But maybe she slipped inside. Coriolanus begins towards the greenhouse when he steps on something.
He looks down and feels as if he might throw up.
It's her bow.
The bow that Soarynn put in her hair. The bow that Ceraphina so proudly showed him before the Gala.
Coriolanus crouches down to pick it up and feels how soft it is. She was out here, they must've taken her through the grounds, whoever they are.
"President Snow, we found something in the greenhouse!"
꧁ ꧂
'You take our children from us every year, now we took yours. Find us where it all began.'
Coriolanus reads those words over and over again.
The Rebels. People from the Districts took her.
Coriolanus crumples up the note the Peacekeepers found in the greenhouse and lets out a frustrated groan. She's truly in danger now, who knows what those District scum will do to her.
They had broken some of the glass panes of the greenhouse, slipped in, and left the note by the fountain for him to find. How long have they been planning this?
"Put the entire Capitol on lockdown," he says, his voice cold and bitter, "no one in, no one out. Stop all the trains, question anyone working at the border. Search the city street by street."
He doesn't look up from the ground but he hears feet shuffling over broken glass and he hears a few Peacekeepers mumbling, "Madam Snow."
He looks over his shoulder to see Soarynn standing in the doorway. Her eyes are bloodshot, and her hands are still shaking as she takes a slow step into the greenhouse. "Where...where is she?" Soarynn asks him. If only he could tell her.
Coriolanus pinches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head, "I don't know," he admits, "it was the Rebels. They left a note, and...and I found this," he pulls out the bow from his pocket and holds it out to her.
Soarynn gasps at the sight and her lip trembles, "Is she going to die Coriolanus? Are they going to kill our baby girl?"
Coriolanus sets his jaw and his fingers wrap around the bow, nearly crushing it, "No. Not if I have anything to do with it. The city is on lockdown, and there's no way they already made it out. She's here somewhere we just have to know where to look."
Soarynn wipes away a tear and takes in a shaky breath, "What...what did the note say?"
Coriolanus looks back down at the crumpled piece of paper and he's already imagining killing whoever wrote that cryptic piece of shit. "They said to find them where it all began, and that they took her because we take their children."
The Hunger Games are brutal by design, a way to remind the Districts of their failure and to punish those who are seemingly "innocent."
A wave of recognition flashes over Soarynn's face and she steps towards him, "The arena," she whispers, her blue-gray eyes wide with realization, "where it all began. They took her to the old arena where we used to hold the Games, oh Coriolanus she's right under our noses."
It all clicks in his mind a moment later. She's right. They took her to the old arena where the Games were first held. An old arena that's no longer used, filled with corpses and bones no doubt.
Coriolanus gently takes her hand in his, giving it a squeeze, "I'll have every man we can spare surround the arena. I'll go find her Soarynn, I promise. I'll bring her back."
New tears form in Soarynn's eyes and she's swift to blink them away, "So you won't let me go with you?"
He nearly laughs at her question. He'd be a fool to bring his other prized possession with him to the fight. Only a fool would bring his wife to a possible ambush like this one. No, she needs to stay here where she's safe.
If their home is even safe anymore.
"No. I can't lose you too Soarynn. I need you to stay here, stay with the Heavensbees. I'll have my most trusted men watch over you while the rest of the staff is questioned, I'm sure some of them were in on this." It's no secret that the Snows have a wide variety of staff, some originating from the Capitol and a few from the Districts.
Those who are from the Districts are Avoxes but you don't need a tongue to betray your employer. Many will die tonight.
Soarynn nods, staring down at the bow still in his other hand, "Bring her home."
꧁ ꧂
"It's a small group of men. Seven. And she's with them. Unharmed from what I could see. They asked for you specifically, won't say anything to us."
Coriolanus is briefed on the current situation conspiring inside the old arena and he feels himself growing more and more angry as the seconds pass. The old arena's gates have been chained shut for years now but they've been blown wide open by the Peacekeepers who are all positioned outside with trucks and lots and lots of guns.
Anyone who leaves the arena will be shot on sight.
"I'm going inside," Coriolanus tells the Commander who gives him a worried look, "I have to get her back, and I also have to pretend to consider their terms. This isn't just a hostage situation, its a negotiation."
Coriolanus isn't really asking, he's just letting the man know and he seems to recognize that. "Let me get you a vest then, can't have you getting shot." That would not be good.
Coriolanus is prepped with a bulletproof vest, a concealed gun, and a flash-bang grenade. He's dressed like he's going to war, which he would happily do for his daughter.
He watches two medic trucks pull up to the side of the arena, he hopes those won't be needed.
"We'll surround them from above, just keep them talking and once we have a clear shot, we'll take them all down," the Commander assures him as they approach the front entrance of the arena.
When Coriolanus was a little boy, he came to this arena to watch the circus. He always took a different entrance, the entrance for the wealthy. It's fitting that these Rebels took the front entrance meant for poor people.
It's dark in the tunnel but Coriolanus can see a source of light coming from inside the arena. He pushes through the turnstiles and cringes at the loud automated voice.
"Enjoy the show!"
Coriolanus looks back at the army of Peacekeepers watching him guns ready. At least if he's chased, they'll shoot anything that pursues him but that does very little to soothe his nerves.
Coriolanus sucks in a sharp breath as he finally comes into the arena and comes face to face with a group of men and his daughter.
Ceraphina is dressed in her pajamas and is holding one of the men's hands. She seems fine, unharmed like the Commander said. Her eyes light up when she sees him, "Daddy! Daddy, you found me!"
Coriolanus pays the Rebels no mind as he smiles at his daughter who's seemingly unaware of the current situation, and he’d like to keep it that way, "I did sweetheart. I found you."
He’s still walking but one of the Rebels holds up a large gun, pointed right at him, "That's far enough." His District accent clashes with the ones from the Capitol and Coriolanus feels hatred coursing through his veins. "I've come to negotiate," he says calmly.
The men sneer and give each other looks, "We've been trying to negotiate for years, looks like you only care when we have something that belongs to you."
Coriolanus opens his mouth to respond but Ceraphina seems to have an agenda of her own, "Daddy I want Mommy!" Oh, Soarynn. Coriolanus hopes she's alright at home.
The man holding Ceraphina's hand looks down at her and nods, "You'll see your Mommy real soon, as long as your Daddy does what we tell him to do." Ceraphina doesn't seem scared of this man, or any of them for that matter, she simply nods and bounces on her toes, "Okay!"
Coriolanus turns his focus back onto his daughter's kidnappers, "Just name your terms." The ringleader it seems, steps forward with a cocky look on his face, "You're gonna stop the Hunger Games and stop taking our children. In return, we'll let her go and we won't keep showing up in your house. She's not the only one who matters to you is she?"
Now they've brought Soarynn into this, and for that, they'll have to die.
Coriolanus clenches his jaw at the threat so casually thrown at his wife, his darling girl who's worried sick about him and their daughter. "Fine, I’ll agree to your terms, but I want my daughter back first. She has nothing to do with this."
The men break into a fit of laughter as if he just told the funniest joke in the world. "She has everything to do with this! Bet you thought you'd be safe in that Mansion of yours but you aren't. The innocent must be punished."
Coriolanus spots the smallest bit of movement from the stands above them and adrenaline is coursing through his veins. He needs Cerpahina to move away from these men. He can't have her see this, not if he can help it.
“Are we done playing the game now?” Ceraphina asks with a whine, now rocking back and forth on her heels. She’s barefoot which infuriates him even further. They fucking kidnapped his daughter but couldn’t bother to get her some shoes to wear.
She’s given several nasty looks from her captors who clearly hadn’t anticipated her being so fussy but it’s past her bedtime and they’ve dragged her to the most undesirable place in the Capitol. They only have themselves to blame.
“Looks like your Daddy agreed to our terms,” the ringleader says slowly, tilting his head at Coriolanus as if taunting him, “so I guess the game is over.”
The game?
Coriolanus can only imagine what they’re talking about.
Once given a nod, the man holding onto Ceraphina’s hand lets go and she smiles up at him, “Goodbye!” Coriolanus waits with a bated breath as she slowly walks towards him, he knows she doesn’t understand but he wishes she’d walk faster. The sooner he has her in his arms, the better.
The moment Ceraphina is within reach, Coriolanus grabs her off the ground and wraps both arms around her small body, “Oh sweetheart, we were so worried about you.”
He spots more movement from above. It’s time.
Ceraphina returns his embrace and giggles, “Why were you worried Daddy? They said we were playing hide and seek, and you always find me.”
Coriolanus wishes she could always remain this innocent and naive but with attacks like this happening, he fears it may be impossible.
Coriolanus gives her a tight-lipped smile, “Yes, Daddy always finds you my darling. Now cover your ears and close your eyes very tight for me.” Ceraphina furrows her eyebrows and frowns, "Why? Why can't we play some more?"
Coriolanus can feel his patience thinning as the seconds pass but he can't snap at his darling daughter, not when she's the victim in all of this. "We can play when we get home and see Mommy. Now close your eyes and cover your ears for me sweetheart."
That seems to be enough to convince Ceraphina who squeezes her eyes shut as tightly as she can and places her hands over her ears. Coriolanus turns on his heel and he revels in the sound of guns firing and Rebels crying out as the bullets pierce their skin. Coriolanus rubs Ceraphina's back as he walks back through the tunnel, whispering soothing words even though she can't hear them.
The bullets cease and it's so quiet in the arena. It's wonderful.
And once again, Snow lands on top.
꧁ ꧂
The Mansion is empty when they return.
Guests are gone, music has ceased, the party is over.
Coriolanus quietly pads down the great hall towards one of the many sitting rooms they have, Ceraphina fast asleep in his arms.
He spots Quintus Heavensbee, his most trusted advisor standing in the hall, perking up when he spots the father-daughter duo. "Thank goodness," he whispers, clapping Coriolanius on the shoulder once they reach him, "we were so worried that neither of you would return."
Coriolanus lets out a tired sigh and places a loving hand on the back of Ceraphina's head, cradling her, "We took down the Rebel group, although now I wish we had questioned them first. Who knows how many more were aware of the plan."
Quintus shakes his head fervently, "No need to worry about that my friend. We captured four other Rebels who were in on it working in the Mansion." Coriolanus feels a newfound source of anger bubbling inside of him.
Rebels in the President's Mansion. What a fucking joke.
Quintus takes notice of his concealed anger and pats his shoulder lightly, "Let's talk about this tomorrow morning. Right now your wife and daughter need you more than ever." Ceraphina wakes at the mention of her mother and yawns, rubbing her eyes, "I want Mommy."
Both men smile at her sweet request and Quintus nods towards the doors that lead to the sitting room, "She's in there with my wife and Ms. Trinket." Coriolanus can't help but feel relieved to hear that Eudora Trinket, the woman who plans every second of his life, wasn't in on the Rebel scheme.
She’d been there for all the appointments concerning Soarynn’s pregnancy and she’d held Soarynn’s other hand when she gave birth. To lose Eudora to the Rebels would hit their family hard.
Coriolanus doesn’t waste another moment to push open the large doors revealing his wife sitting on the edge of a sofa, her knee bouncing up and down while she nervously awaits more news about the kidnapping of her daughter.
She looks up at them and gasps, her eyes focusing on Ceraphina as she stands up and crosses the room within seconds. She’s grabbing Ceraphina from his arms, cradling her, kissing her face, assessing her for damage all while trying not to cry.
“Oh my sweet darling,” Soarynn whispers, pressing a kiss to her head, “I was so worried about you. Thank goodness you’re safe.” Coriolanus wraps an arm around Soarynn’s trembling frame and rubs soothing circles on her back, “She’s alright darling, she’s safe now.”
Ceraphina simply basks in the attention she’s given from both her parents and rests a small hand on Soarynn’s cheek, “Mommy my pajamas got dirty.” Soarynn presses a small kiss to her hand and hums, “Mommy will give you a nice bath sweetheart, and then you can sleep in Mommy and Daddy’s room tonight.”
Coriolanus already knows how this will go, the never dissipating fear that will forever live in Soarynn now that she knows what it’s like to have her daughter taken from her. She’ll want Ceraphina with her all day every day.
Ceraphina’s eyes widen at the opportunity to sleep in her parent’s bedroom, something she’s never done before, “Really? Can I bring my bear?” Out of the all the stuffed animals she’s been gifted over the years, her stuffed teddy bear is by far her favorite.
Soarynn nods and runs her fingers through Ceraphina’s hair, “Yes darling, you can bring your bear.” That seems to be more than enough for Ceraphina who buries her face in Soarynn’s neck, seemingly exhausted from tonight’s events.
Soarynn lets out a shaky breath and leans into Coriolanus and his hold, “Thank you,” she whispers, her blue-gray eyes meeting his piercing blue ones, “thank you for finding her and bringing her back to me.”
Coriolanus feels himself getting choked up, their sweet baby girl could’ve died tonight and he refuses to imagine the shell of a person Soarynn would become if that happened.
So he simply holds her a little tighter and kisses her temple, “I’ll always fight to keep you two together my darling, always.”
꧁ ꧂
“Daddy look! Bubbles!”
Ceraphina’s voice is the first thing to greet Coriolanus when he walks into his bathroom. He smiles down at Ceraphina who’s sitting in the tub surrounded by bubbles and floating toys. She’s completely oblivious to what went down tonight and he can’t decide if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
He watches Ceraphina play for a moment before watching his wife who’s sitting on her knees right next to the tub, watching Ceraphina as if she might disappear and never come back.
She almost did, he reminds himself.
He’s worried for Soarynn. Worried about how this might have affected her.
Despite Quintus and his protests, Coriolanus went over the events that conspired tonight and was able to see the other Rebels who were in on the plan. They had of course been detained but one was a Peacekeeper, two were maids and one was a gardener. He’d have them all executed before the week was over. And to ensure that they hadn’t planted any seeds of a revolution in the rest of his household staff, he’d execute them too.
Better safe than sorry.
He’d tasked a few of the remaining maids to clean up Ceraphina’s bedroom, wipe the blood off the floor. He wondered if her nanny had been in on it. Would Soarynn ever trust anyone else with the care of their daughter?
Probably not.
“Let’s get you dried off darling,” Soarynn says and Coriolanus snaps back into the present and makes his way into the closet to change out of his clothes. Hours ago he was getting dressed for the Gala so unaware of what would happen.
He dresses himself in some pajama pants before he comes back into the bathroom to wash his face and comb through his curls. He hears a meow and looks down to find Petunia watching him, her tail swishing back and forth in the air.
“Thank you,” he quietly says to the cat, “we would’ve never known if you hadn’t come downstairs to warn us.”
Petunia only blinks but it says enough to him.
He can hear Ceraphina giggling from the bedroom, not at all tired now that she’s allowed to sleep in her parent’s room. A moment later he hears her little footsteps approaching him, “Daddy! Daddy can you read me a bedtime story?”
Coriolanus grabs a towel and dries off his face, “Of course I can darling. Why don’t you get into bed and I’ll meet you there in a minute?”
An excited gasp is all he hears before she’s running back into the bedroom and Coriolanus takes a long good look in the mirror.
Will people always try to hurt his family? Will they always target the two good things in his life? Those men mentioned Soarynn, mentioned hurting her to him. Should he send the girls away? Hide them somewhere that no one knows about?
It would break Soarynn’s heart but it’s better than finding her with a bullet in her head.
He’ll talk to her more about his ideas tomorrow. They’re all exhausted from today.
When Coriolanus comes into the bedroom, Soarynn and Ceraphina are already in bed. Soarynn hasn’t changed out of her clothes from tonight but she probably doesn’t want to leave Ceraphina, even for a quick shower. She gives him a tired smile when she notices him, “She’s very excited for your bedtime story.”
Coriolanus grins and carefully slips into bed, his hand smoothing down Ceraphina’s hair that Soarynn braided down her back. She’s squished between her two parents and looks happier than ever.
“What game did you play tonight darling?” He asks her, his curiosity getting the best of him. Soarynn gives him a curious look but she wasn’t there in that arena with those men.
Ceraphina yawns, “We played hide-and-seek and they said we had to wait for you to come and find me.” Soarynn seems to have put the pieces together and she absentmindedly rubs her hand up and down Ceraphina’s back, “Were they nice to you? Did they yell or say mean things to you?”
Did they touch you?
That’s what Soarynn really wants to ask but Coriolanus can already see her holding back tears.
Ceraphina shakes her head and plays with the silk pillow case, “No. No, they didn’t yell Mommy. They said we were playing a game. Then I got scared so one of them let me hold his hand. Can I hear the story now Daddy?”
Coriolanus nods, his mind a thousand miles away from telling a bedtime story but he has to get through this first. “Of course sweetheart. Once upon a time…”
꧁ ꧂
Neither Coriolanus nor Soarynn can take their eyes off of their sleeping daughter. She’s been asleep for over an hour and yet they’re just…watching her.
“I remember when she was so little,” Soarynn whispers, her fingertips ghosting Ceraphina’s cheek, “when she was just a baby I would watch her sleep for hours. I was so terrified she’d stop breathing in her sleep. This was when you were coming home at all hours of the night, so it was really just me and her.”
Soarynn swallows down a sob, “And I would just watch her sleep. And think and pray to whoever was listening, ‘Please don’t take her. Please don’t take my daughter away from me.’ Then tonight I felt like it was some sick joke, like whoever was listening hated me and hated my daughter.”
Tears fall down Soarynn’s cheeks and Coriolanus reaches out for her, careful not to crush their sleeping daughter. “Shhh, shhh it’s alright Soarynn. She’s safe, she’s safe and no one will ever touch her again. Anyone who wanted to hurt her is dead now and they wanted to hurt her because they hated me. No one could ever hate you sweet girl.”
Soarynn shakes her head and wipes her tears, staring up at the ceiling for a moment, “They could’ve killed her Coriolanus. Or touched her or made her take something. I…I kept hoping that instead of hurting our little girl and torturing her, they’d just kill her instead. At least then she wouldn’t have to suffer.”
This attack has shaken the Snows.
They’ll be expected to give a statement to give a warning to those who try and hurt them.
Coriolanus quietly slips out of bed and rounds the other side so that he can properly hold his wife, “She’s alive Soarynn. She’s alive and she’s asleep in our bed. It’s been such a long night darling and we need to get you dressed in something else. Why don’t we go find you something else to wear?”
Soarynn shakes her head, pulling back when he tried to scoop her into his arms, “I won’t leave her Coriolanus. I’m never leaving her again.”
He sighs. His girl has always been stubborn but now she’s cemented in her mind. Surrounded by fear. “Okay,” he whispers, placing a gentle hand on her cheek, “okay then why don’t I go find you something to wear? I’ll be right back darling.”
That seems to sound better to Soarynn who nods and curls back up with Ceraphina, holding her tightly.
Coriolanus feels his hands curling into fists the second he’s out of her sight. Those men may have not touched Soarynn physically, but they did emotionally. They’ve terrified his wife and he’s going to make everyone in the Districts pay for it.
He’ll do anything to protect the ones he loves.
To protect his legacy.
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slaymitchabernathy · 2 months
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Rain & Parades
The patter of little feet running down the hall is what alerts Coriolanus that he’s about to have a little visitor.
He glances towards the door of his study and waits for whatever child of his has come to visit him to pop their little head in. The children have never been too fond of knocking.
He’s proven to be correct when Ceraphina, his oldest, pushes the heavy wooden door open and greets him with a bright smile. “Daddy!”
He grins and beckons her over, putting all his work aside. It’s the weekend so he doesn’t really need to be working. At least that’s what he tells himself when it comes to his children.
Ceraphina bounds over to him and squeals when he effortlessly scoops her into his lap and tickles her, letting Coriolanus bask in the sweet sound of his daughter’s laughter.
There was a time when he thought he could only love one woman. Soarynn Nightingale.
He had been completely and utterly in love with her since the day he met her and once they were married and she became Soarynn Snow, there was no competition in his mind.
Then Ceraphina came along.
Sporting the same eye color as her mother and the same laugh. And just when he thought it couldn’t get better, they had Celeste who reminded him of Soarynn every single day with her mannerisms.
Lastly came Caspian, and although he’s a boy, he still resembles Soarynn in his gentleness.
“What have you been up to my darling?” He asks her, ceasing his tickles for the time being. Ceraphina beams up at him while kicking her legs back and forth, “Mommy helped me get all dressed up for the parade! We’re still going right?”
Coriolanus glances out the window of his study and notices the dreary weather that’s formed over the last hour. It looks like it might rain and that will certainly foil their plans of attending the Capitol’s annual parade. It’s a celebration of their victory over the rebels from the Districts and the children love attending.
He gives her a squeeze and a patient smile, “We’ll have to see how the weather turns out darling. If it rains then they’ll cancel the parade.”
Ceraphina frowns and crosses her arms, pouting the same way Soarynn does, “Well I just got all ready,” she huffs. Coriolanus holds in his chuckle at her small attitude. Soarynn can deny it all she wants but Ceraphina is as sharp as she is.
“Well why don’t we go check the television to see if there’s been any updates,” he suggests, knowing that the chances of the parade being canceled are highly likely. Still, he’s learned that having children means humoring them for the sake of protecting them.
Ceraphina nods and jumps off of his lap, running out of the study before he can even stand up. Coriolanus lets out a groan when he finally stands up after so long, stretching out his limbs before he slowly makes his way out into the hall. Ceraphina is still waiting for him, bouncing on her toes but this time, she has a friend.
Or a prisoner from the looks of it since Petunia does not look particularly happy to be held by the child.
Coriolanus chuckles and bends down to give Petunia a rub on her head, “I see you found our beloved Petunia.” The feline glowers up at him but he knows she won’t make any fatal attempts as long as the children are around.
She’ll wait till he’s alone to get her revenge.
Ceraphina proudly nods, “Mhm. Mommy tied a new ribbon around her neck this morning.” The new ribbon is a baby blue shade and it compliments the cat’s eyes perfectly. Which means that it also compliments Ceraphina’s eyes as well.
“How fancy,” he says, standing back up to his full height. Ceraphina follows him to the living room where he’s more than happy to find his other daughter, Celeste sitting in his armchair. It’s not necessarily his armchair, but no one in the family sits in it but him. And sometimes Petunia.
She’s kicking her feet back and forth while she plays with two of her dolls, clearly in her own little world but Coriolanus can see that she’s also properly dressed for the parade. Both girls are wearing black dresses with shiny black boots, clearly matching with one another.
She gasps when she notices more family members in the room with her, namely Petunia who is carried over to her by her big sister. “Petunia!”
Coriolanus smiles at the sight of his two darling daughters fussing over Petunia who’s managed to get onto the armchair and tuck all her limbs under her small body as a means to protect herself from the small children.
“Daddy! We’re going to the parade today!” Celeste tells him, holding up her dolls. Coriolanus nods and rounds the coffee table, searching for the television remote. “Hopefully it hasn’t been canceled due to the rain,” he says.
He finally finds the remote and turns on the television to their favorite weatherman’s channel. Both girls gasp at the sight of their favorite television personality, Lucky Flickerman who’s currently giving them a weather report for the day.
“Looks like our parade has officially been rained on folks! Time to fold up the tents and head on home because this rain isn’t letting up anything soon!”
Coriolanus feels his heart break a little when he sees the disappointment in his girl's faces as they both gaze up at him with those blue eyes. “Daddy, why can’t you tell them to put on the parade?” Celeste asks, carefully slipping out of the armchair and coming over to grab onto his leg.
Coriolanus sighs and places his hand on the top of her blonde head of curls, “I can’t control the weather darling. They’ll just have to reschedule the parade.” Celeste pouts but he’s truly out of options and has nothing left to do now. Ceraphina however doesn’t seem to take no for an answer and she runs off to find the one other person who she believes can fix all of her problems.
“Let’s go check on your sister,” Coriolanus suggests as he scoops up Celeste. She instantly rests her head on his shoulder and he can smell the scent of vanilla lingering on her clothes.
His bedroom doors are wide open so he figured that’s where Ceraphina must have run off to. He’s proven correct when he finds Soarynn sitting on the edge of their bed, comforting a tearful Ceraphina who’s clinging to her mother.
“I take it you heard about the parade,” Coriolanus concludes and Soarynn nods, “Yes, the weather always seems to ruin things.”
Coriolanus spots Caspian sitting in his crib, carefully watching the rest of his family interact. He’s gotten so big and he has his own ‘big boy bed’ but Soarynn kept around the large crib for the convenience of things. “Parade,” Caspian says, holding onto the crib's railing. Soarynn sighs and continues smoothing down Ceraphina’s hair while she cries, “Yes darling, the parade was supposed to be today.”
“Well, why can’t we tell them to put it back on?” Ceraphina asks with the stomp of her little foot which earns her a sharp look from Coriolanus, “Manners Ceraphina,” he reminds her while setting Celeste down on the floor, “and they’ll just have to reschedule it. We’ll go to the parade another time.”
His words seem to do little to comfort all three children who’ve been talking nonstop about the parade for weeks now and he gives Soarynn a desperate look. ‘Help me out of this’ his eyes beg.
Soarynn shoots him a more amused look and nods, “Well since we’re all dressed up we might as well go do something,” she suggests which earns her an excited gasp from Celeste who runs over to the bed and attempts to climb it. But she’s still so little and Soarynn chuckles, lifting her up to sit next to her, “Really Mommy? We can still go somewhere today with Daddy?” Celeste asks hopefully, looking over at Coriolanus who normally is at work today.
Coriolanus has always prided himself on being a hardworking man. For many years he simply provided for himself and Soarynn but with three little ones now in their lives, things have gotten more complicated. More expensive is the correct way to put it.
All three of their children are dressed in the finest clothes, and fed the finest foods, and when they’re old enough, they’ll receive the best education.
Living a life of luxury means sacrifices, in his case, not seeing his family as much as he’d like. After getting promoted five months ago, Coriolanus has truly been on top of the world at work but it’s meant being busier as well. Soarynn stays home with the children, raising them in his absence while he brings home the bacon so to speak.
But today everyone at the office was given the day off at work and the children had been thrilled at the prospect of an extra day with their father.
Soarynn ruffles Celeste’s curls and smiles, “Sure we can. Why don’t we all go down to the bakery? We can get some hot chocolate and some pastries for breakfast tomorrow morning.”
That seems to be the best idea the girls have ever heard because tears are quickly dried and they’re both running off to find a stuffed animal to bring with them. Coriolanus lets out a sigh of relief and shakes his head, “I was sure we’d have several tantrums on our hands, and all because of the rain.”
Soarynn rolls her eyes and stands up from their bed, making her way over to the crib where Caspian is watching her, “You know our girls are perfectly well behaved. And you can’t blame them for being disappointed, I myself am quite disappointed.”
Caspian lets out a squeal when Soarynn picks him up, absolutely infatuated with Soarynn, the same way Coriolanus is. Caspian is a momma's boy through and through, always basking in his mother's presence. Not that Coriolanus can blame him, Soarynn is the perfect mother in his eyes and he's glad that the children can see that as well.
"Would you like that Cas? A trip to the bakery sounds like the perfect rainy day activity," she says to their son who nods, only understanding certain words but grasping just enough to understand what she's saying to him. "Yes," he tells her which earns a smile from Soarynn who presses a soft kiss to his blonde head of hair.
Coriolanus watches the sweet sight with a smile on his face. He always knew that he'd end up marrying a girl and starting a family with her, but he never imagined he'd actually be happy. He would meet some upper-class girl and take her on mandatory dates, doing everything by the books. Then after an appropriate amount of time, he would propose and it would all work out in the end.
But then Soarynn came along and swept him off of his feet.
He was irrevocably in love with this girl and she had gone above and beyond to make him happy. She made him a father.
"Would you help him with his shoes?" She asks him, bouncing Caspian on her hip, "He's quite insistent on putting them on himself now that he's a big boy." Caspian gives her a determined nod, "Big," he agrees. Coriolanus chuckles and walks over to his wife and son, placing his large hand on top of Caspian's head, "You are indeed growing like a strong boy, you'll be as tall as me before we know it."
The thought of Caspian all grown up is an exciting thought to Coriolanus who can hardly imagine his children growing past the age of ten. He knows Soarynn longs for more days with them at this sweet age but the years are short and the days are long. They'll just have to cherish every moment they can while they have it.
꧁ ꧂
"Daddy, can I jump in that puddle?"
Coriolanus pulls a twisted face at the idea of willingly jumping into a wet, nasty puddle but children are curious by nature and don't seem to care about cleanliness the way he does. He shakes his head, "I don't think so darling."
He adjusts his grip on the stroller whilst holding up the black umbrella with his other hand. Caspian stares up at him from his comfortable seat with wide blue eyes. Even though he's nearly three, days like this call for a stroller where he can rest should he get tired.
Ceraphina nods and continues skipping next to him, making sure her hat doesn't fall onto the ground. Many things can be said about Soarynn Snow. She's kind, gorgeous, considerate, and she is very fashionable.
Which means her children are fashionable too.
She dressed the girls in black coats and hats to match her own black outfit for the day, and Caspian looked very sharp in his black vest. It had been a bit of a struggle for Coriolanus to get Caspian's tiny boots on his feet, especially with Caspian kicking them off every two seconds while fussing at him. But he managed to get them on eventually.
Coriolanus glances over his shoulder at Soarynn who's holding Celeste's hand, guiding them along the wet pavement. Celeste has a habit of looking into every shop window and eyeing the clothes on the mannequins. Her wild imagintation leads her to come up with stories for all the mannequins which can lead to a simple walk down the street taking much longer than it really should.
But Soarynn is so patient with her, stopping at every window to listen to Celeste and her stories. Coriolanus truly doesn't know how she manages it, manages to be so endlessly patient all the time. He, of course, loves his children and does his best to be a caring yet stern father figure. But Soarynn is just so selflessly devoted to their children and their happiness.
When they finally reach the glass doors of the bakery, Coriolanus waits for Soarynn and Celeste to catch up to them and he hears a glimpse of Celeste's wild imagination. "...and then they rode a dragon to the tea party Mommy!" Soarynn raises her eyebrows and hums, "That sounds so fantastic darling." Celeste beams up at her and nods, "It is. Can I get a muffin?"
Coriolanus gives her a knowing look and Celeste has the decency to look somewhat guilty, "May I please have a muffin Mommy?" Coriolanus grunts and opens up the bakery doors pleased that Celeste corrected herself. They can't have their children running around the Capitol without using proper manners and etiquette.
Everyone files into the bakery and they're greeted by smiling staff members ready to tend to their every need. "Why don't we sit over there by the window?" Soarynn suggests to him and Coriolanus looks over at the large-looking booth tucked away in the corner. "Good idea," he agrees, knowing it's best to keep the children contained when at all possible.
He wheels the stroller over to their table and carefully lifts Caspian out, enjoying the way that his son immediately clings to him, "Let's go pick out something to eat," he says, adjusting his grip on Caspian who seems quite determined to reach out for Soarynn now that he has her in his sights. The girls are already pouring over all the fancy desserts and pastries that the bakery has to offer them, pointing at the prettiest cakes.
Soarynn stands behind them, a content smile on her face while watching the children. "Momma," Caspian says, grabbing her hair the moment she's in reach. Soarynn smiles down at him and takes his small hand in hers, "Hello my sweet boy."
Soarynn looks absolutely radiant today, it truly is a shame that the parade was canceled only because not as many people will be able to openly admire her. Her own black dress is fitted at the waist and stops just above her knee and she's paired it with shiny black boots that stop just below the knee. Her black coat wraps around her waist with a buckled strap and her handbag for today is a gorgeous black leather handbag with gold hardware.
She's the picture of sophistication.
"Daddy! Daddy, they have cupcakes! May we please get a cupcake?" Ceraphina asks, bouncing on her toes while pointing at the glass display case. Coriolanus hands Caspian off to Soarynn who gladly takes him into her hold so that he can go see this cupcake. He sees why the girls are so taken with this dessert, it has pink frosting and rainbow sprinkles with a cherry on top.
He pretends to think about it for a moment which only makes the girls pout even more, giving him their best puppy-dog eyes. Coriolanus expected many things going into fatherhood but what he hadn't expected was to be wrapped around his daughter's fingers. He was already wrapped around Soarynn's but now he had two miniature versions of her.
Double trouble if he's ever seen it.
"I suppose you two could get this cupcake if you promise to eat all your dinner," he tells them and the girls immediately nod and offer promises to eat every last bite of dinner tonight. Coriolanus grins and nods at the worker standing on the other side of the counter, "Two of your pink frosted cupcakes please."
The girls are ecstatic about their wishes coming true which of course means running over to share their victory with Soarynn who's crouched down to help Caspian select his own treat. It's futile since they both know he'll choose the same thing every time, a slice of lemon bread.
"We'll also take a box of your breakfast pastries, one coffee, one tea, and three hot chocolates," he adds, glancing over the display case. Coriolanus himself isn't much of a sweets man but he can always steal a piece of Soarynn's dessert. She always gets the carrot cake.
"Right away sir."
"Why don't you girls go sit down," he suggests while pointing at their table. Both girls nod and run over to the table, hoisting themselves onto the booth. "What're you getting darling?" Soarynn stands up with a sigh, and brushes some of Caspian's hair from his face, "The same thing we always get. Cas and I are terribly predictable." Coriolanus rests his hand on her lower back and smiles, "Yes you are. One might even go as far as to say that the two of you are related."
Soarynn shoots him a teasing look as they both make their way over to the cashier where Coriolanus pulls out his wallet to pay. "I already ordered the drinks," he says to Soarynn while handing over his card. Soarynn smiles up at him and gives his arm a squeeze, "Aren't you such a thoughtful husband?" Coriolanus enjoys the banter between them, especially when it comes to their parenting methods and he plays into it fully, "Someone has to be the doting spouse."
Both of them are doting in their own ways. Soarynn's ways of showing love and appreciation are more sentimental like little notes and words of praise. She always knows how to make him feel better after a long day by running her fingers through his hair and singing softly.
Coriolanus is more physical in his affection, showering Soarynn with kisses and gentle touches every chance he gets. He loves having his hands on her, giving her massages, braiding her hair, and helping her rinse off in the shower. And he of course loves to give her gifts. Handbags, designer shoes, new jewelry. Only the best for his darling girl.
All in all, they make a good pair.
Soarynn gives him a gentle shove before making her way over to their table, knowing that the girls always require at least a little bit of supervision. Once promises that their food will be brought to their table shortly, Coriolanus joins his family and is pleased to find that all three of his children are perfectly behaved.
He sits down next to Soarynn and his hand immediately finds her thigh under the table. He'd be damned if he let having children keep him from having his wife and their intimate moments. So, he does his best to keep the flame alive, always giving her small touches of affection whenever and wherever he can.
"Looks like the rain is finally letting up," Soarynn says, nodding towards the large bakery window. Coriolanus finds that she's correct as they watch people begin to close their umbrellas while making their way down the Capitol street.
"I still wish we could've seen the parade floats," Ceraphina says with a sigh, causing her sister to also sigh, "And the horses," Celeste adds. The parade consists of many sights, including horses, floats, performers, and of course, the Capitol military. The girls love the horses and floats the most though.
"Yes, but then we wouldn't be able to enjoy this lovely afternoon now would we?" Soarynn asks, quickly shutting down any unnecessary pouting from the children. Coriolanus gives her thigh an appreciative squeeze for shutting down such behavior and it's at that very moment that the food arrives. Suddenly the parade is forgotten when the girls set their sights on the cupcakes they ordered.
"Let me help you cut it," Soarynn interjects before they can get their hands and clothes stained with pink frosting. The girls patiently wait on the edge of their seats while Soarynn skillfully cuts the desserts into smaller bites, both of their eyes wide as saucers. Caspian who's been seated in a booster seat spots his slice of lemon bread and makes grabbing motions at it, "Lemon," he says, looking for someone to help him.
Coriolanus takes charge and hands Caspian his dessert, "Here you go Cas." With all children happily fed, Soarynn digs into her own large slice of carrot cake, humming as she chews. Coriolanus takes a moment to admire her because even when she's eating she's just so graceful, so poised and mindful of others.
She catches him staring and blushes before swallowing, "What? Do I have frosting on my face?" Coriolanus feigns a look of concern and nods, "Yes, right here in fact." He leans in as if inspecting the frosting and places a quick kiss on Soarynn's lips, causing her to gasp.
The girls giggle at the show of affection, they're at that age where everything is "so romantic," especially their parents kissing. Every time Coriolanus brings Soarynn a gift, the girls fawn over the gesture, telling him how romantic and sweet he is.
Coriolanus sees it as a win-win situation. The girls see their father being a loving husband towards their mother and he's setting the standard for their future husbands as well.
"You're horrible," Soarynn chides to which he grins, "I know you just want some of my cake." Coriolanus eyes the cake for a moment and nods, "Well what's mine is yours, and what's yours is mine." Soarynn rolls her eyes at the argument he loves to use whenever he wants to eat off of her plate. It helps that Soarynn rarely finishes her entire meal, leaving just enough for him to eat and feel full and content.
"Mommy?" Soarynn looks over at Celeste who wears a sweet smile on her face, "Yes darling?" Coriolanus finds himself never truly knowing what the children will ask next. It can vary from the weather to war. "How did you know that you were in love with Daddy?"
Well, that's a very good question.
Soarynn's eyes widen and she looks at Coriolanus who raises his eyebrows expectantly, "Go ahead Soarynn, tell them how you knew that I was your one true love." His pride is something that Soarynn constantly feeds and she rolls her eyes before looking back at Celeste, "Well for starters, he never left me alone." Coriolanus scoffs at a statement that's somewhat true but somewhat offensive. He can't help it if he's obsessed with her.
"He always wanted to take me on dates, go on shopping trips, spend time with me no matter what we were doing," she elaborates and it sounds much better when she puts it that way. Coriolanus nods approvingly, "He also is very charming," Soarynn adds, a blush crawling across her cheeks, "always knowing what to say to sweep me off my feet."
Coriolanus loves teasing Soarynn about how flustered she gets whenever he compliments her and she hasn't changed a bit since he first met her. The girls lean closer, eager to hear about their parents before they were born. "But above all," Soarynn continues, "Daddy always took care of me without me ever having to ask him to do so. He always protected me, kept me safe, and made me feel loved and valued. That's when I knew I loved him when I felt like no one else in the world could make me feel the way he did."
Coriolanus is beaming with pride now and the looks on the girl's faces make it all worth it.
"How romantic," Ceraphina sighs.
Coriolanus chuckles and takes a spoon, helping himself to some carrot cake, "Terribly romantic. Don't forget to drink your hot chocolates before they go cold," he reminds them. Both girls nod and eagerly finish their cupcakes, not wanting to miss out on yummy drinks.
"Not a bad way to spend a rainy day hmm?" Soarynn whispers to him, leaning her head on his shoulder. Coriolanus presses a kiss to her temple and squeezes her thigh, "Not a bad way at all my darling."
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slaymitchabernathy · 1 month
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Little Things & Little Ones
Rarely does it ever rain in the Capitol.
So when it does rain, it pours. The wind is howling, the windows are rattling and Soarynn Snow is curled up in the penthouse’s library cozy as can be. She glances out the window when a flash of lightning momentarily lights up the dimly lit library, followed with a rumble of thunder.
“I suppose we needed some rain,” she muses while flipping to the next page of her book. The library is quiet aside from the crackling of the fireplace and the constant purr from Petunia who’s lying on top of Soarynn’s feet. They’re content as can be.
Soarynn can hear her husband’s muffled voice from his study, on the phone conducting business no doubt. He was supposed to go into work today but with the weather, he chose to stay home instead.
Petunia wasn’t too happy about this change of plans but Soarynn was thrilled at the prospect of having more time with Coriolanus who’s always so busy working to provide for their family.
Soarynn flips to the next page, interested to see who the killer really is in this murder mystery novel her friend Clemensia suggested when the door to the library creaks open even wider. Soarynn looks up from her book to find her youngest daughter, Celeste watching her.
“Is everything alright darling?” Soarynn inquires, setting the book aside on the table next to her. Celeste shakes her head and then nods her head, “Yes, well, no Mommy. I’m hungry and the cook isn’t here,” she pouts.
Soarynn feels a smile creep across her lips, with the weather being so severe, she phoned their cook to tell her that she would be more than happy to take over for the day so that their cook wouldn’t have to brave the wild weather. And it seems that the children are just now catching onto the cooks absence.
“She’s at home with her own family darling,” Soarynn tells her, nodding at the window, “it’s too rainy for anyone to be on the streets. And we can make our own food.”
Celeste gives Soarynn a look of doubt, “You can cook?”
Soarynn tries not to look too offended at her daughter’s lack of support when it comes to her cooking capabilities but then again, Celeste has only known a life of servants tending to her every need. Of course she doesn’t think Soarynn can cook.
“I most certainly can,” Soarynn says as she stands up from the armchair, causing Petunia to let out an annoyed meow, “why don’t we go find your sister and we can make some cookies?”
That seems to be the best suggestion Celeste has ever heard. She nods and bounces on her feet while waiting for Soarynn to meet her at the door, “Come along Petunia,” Soarynn says to the cat who’s sprawled out on the hardwood floor, “no sense in being here by yourself.”
Celeste takes Soarynn’s hand and squeezes it, “C’mon Petunia! Let’s go, let’s go.” Petunia rouses herself from the floor and makes a rather grand display of stretching before padding over to the girls so that they can go gather up the other two Snow children.
“Caspian should still be napping,” Soarynn murmurs as they walk down the hallway, “if he’s still asleep then we won’t wake him up, goodness knows how fussy he gets after being woken up.”
Soarynn’s youngest, Caspian, is a spitting image of his father with his piercing blue eyes and blonde curly hair. It’s quite interesting to see the different traits all their children took from both parents.
Cerpaphina, the oldest, inherited Soarynn’s wavy blonde hair and her blue-gray eyes. She’s quite like Coriolanus when it comes to her demeanor though, always wanting to do things her way and refusing to accept any possible alternative. Coriolanus says that she laughs just like Soarynn. She’s always been so head strong and independent, paving her way as the eldest of the Snow children.
Celeste, the middle child, inherited her father’s curls but took to Soarynn’s eyes much like her big sister, making her a rather sweet child. Celeste most certainly has her moments when she wants to take to lead instead of listening to her big sister but she’s also so kind and imaginative, always asking Soarynn to read to her.
Caspian, the youngest and only boy, could easily pass as a twin to Coriolanus. They share the same eye color and curl pattern and Caspian has also inherited his father’s nose it seems, although only time will tell. But he’s quite like Soarynn when it comes to his demeanor, always gentle and more pulled back compared to his big sisters. Soarynn muses that it must have something to do with him being the baby of the family, the last of the Snow children.
Soarynn can’t imagine her life without her sweet, sweet children. They’ve given her so much to live for, so much to dream for. She thought that her love for Coriolanus knew no bounds and then he gave her three darling children who’ve taught her so many things about motherhood.
She wishes they could stay this little forever.
“Let’s see if your brother is still asleep,” Soarynn whispers to Celeste once they reach Caspian’s room. She carefully pushes the doors open and they both peer into the dark room. Besides the nightlight, Caspian is encased in darkness and the storm outside has certainly added to the lack of natural light. She only put him down an hour ago but Caspian could sleep forever if he wanted to. Another thing he inherited from Soarynn who loves lounging in bed.
“He’s still asleep Mommy,” Celeste whispers back, nodding at the small body asleep in the crib. Soarynn hums and quietly closes the doors, careful not to disturb her son. “Well then let’s go get your sister.”
Celeste lets go of Soarynn’s hand to run down the hall and Soarynn watches as she passes the open door that leads to her husband’s study. Soarynn mentally prepares for the reprimand Celeste is about to get for running inside, the same reprimand she always gets from Coriolanus who’s adamant about not disturbing their neighbors below.
“No running inside the house Celeste,” Coriolanus calls from the study, apparently not ever too busy to pass up an opportunity to correct the children. Soarynn chuckles to herself when Celeste freezes in her tracks and looks over her shoulder into his study, offering him a sheepish smile. “Sorry Daddy,” she says sweetly, batting her eyes for added effect.
Coriolanus would never admit it, but their daughters have him wrapped around their little fingers. He can deny it all he wants, but he simply melts for his little girls. Soarynn supposes that they’ve both watched her work her own magic on him one too many times and they’ve simply picked up on the most successful tricks. Which includes batting their eyes to get out of a pinch.
“That’s alright darling. I simply don’t want you to trip and fall.” Soarynn rolls her eyes and sticks her head into the study as she passes by, “And you also don’t want another nasty phone call from the neighbors downstairs.”
Coriolanus looks quite different when he works from home compared to when he goes to the office. Instead of a suit and tie, he’s dressed in what he would consider “lounge wear.” A comfy pair of pants paired with a sweater colored a dark burgundy. His curls are slightly tussled as if he’s been pulling at them which he always does when he’s on the phone for too long.
He looks so handsome right now.
It’s not like Soarynn dressed up for the day herself, she stole a cream colored pullover from Coriolanus and slipped on some soft pajama shorts before calling it a day. It’s one of those days where they can afford to be a little less presentable.
Coriolanus leans back in his chair and gives her a teasing look, “Mrs. Dolittle let me have it the last time she called and I can’t go through that again.”
Petunia strolls into the study as if she owns the room, looking up at Coriolanus for a moment before turning around to stretch, baring her bottom to Coriolanus who scoffs. Soarynn does her best to hide her laughter which only further annoys Coriolanus, “I mean, she doesn’t even try to hide it,” he complains, glaring down at the cat, “I work from home for one day and she’s acting as if I killed her entire family.”
Soarynn chuckles and shakes her head at the banter between her husband and her cat, "You two love each other no matter how much you try and deny it." Petunia and Coriolanus both give her looks that lead her to believe that neither of them finds her statement to be true.
Celeste peeks her head into the study and gives Soarynn's hand an impatient tug, "Mommy come on, we have to go bake cookies." Coriolanus raises a brow, "Baking cookies are we?"
Coriolanus can't cook to save his life but Soarynn at least has a little bit of experience from when she was younger. She hums and gives Celeste's hand a gentle squeeze, "Yes we are. We'll be sure to save you one." The phone rings, jarring all of them out of their domestic little bubble and Coriolanus sighs, running a hand through his curls, "It never ends," he mumbles before answering the phone.
That's their sign to take their leave and Celeste is already calling out for her sister, "Ceraphina! Ceraphina we're going to make cookies!"
They find the oldest Snow child playing in her bedroom, whispering to herself while holding two different dolls in her hands. She doesn't even notice her mother and sister's presence until Petunia makes it known by meowing and rubbing her face against Ceraphinas. "Hi Petunia," she giggles, scratching her under the chin, "you're so soft."
Soarynn fondly watches the sweet interaction, Petunia can terrorize Coriolanus all she wants, but she adores the children. "Ceraphina darling, we're going to bake cookies if you'd like to join us," Soarynn says, watching as Ceraphina debates between her dolls and baking with her mother and sister.
The cookies win it seems as dolls are long forgotten and they're all making their way into the dark kitchen. Soarynn flips on the lights and starts searching for all the ingredients, flour, baking powder, eggs, and all sorts of things that go into making a batch of warm cookies. Both girls pull up chairs to stand by the counter and Petunia makes herself comfortable on the windowsill in front of the sink.
"What type of cookies are we making Mommy?" Ceraphina asks as she carefully climbs onto the chair so that she can reach the countertop. Soarynn places a bowl next to her, "I was thinking sugar cookies, they work better with the cookie cutters." Ceraphina scoots her chair closer to Soarynn before mounting it and peering into the empty bowl, "How do you know how to make sugar cookies Mommy? Did Daddy teach you?"
Soarynn smiles and shakes her head at her daughter's sweet, naive way of thinking, "No sweetheart, Daddy didn't teach me. When I was your age there was a war and we didn't have a lot of help in my house so I had to learn how to cook and bake."
Many people were forced to learn to fend for themselves during the war. Both Soarynn and Coriolanus had grown up wealthy and well taken care of by their parents until the war claimed their lives. Soarynn still remembers baking cookies with her own mother one stormy night. They could've made something much better with more sustenance but her mother did her best to make light of dark situations.
"One day, when you're all grown up, you'll make cookies with your own children," she had said to Soarynn who was only seven at the time. And Soarynn of course, hadn't understood what she had meant at the time. She was still so young and so scared of what the world would become after the war. Her mother died a week later in a bombing, taking her father with her, and leaving Soarynn orphaned.
Both girls widen their eyes at the thought of living through a war at such a young age, "Were you my age?" Ceraphina asks, grabbing a measuring cup. Soarynn shakes her head and helps her measure the correct amount of flour, "No darling, I was a bit older than you were." At five years old, Ceraphina is constantly asking if her parents were her age when retelling stories from their childhood.
Coriolanus says she'll grow out of the habit but then they'd still have to get through Celeste and Caspian. But Soarynn doesn't mind, she thinks it's sweet.
"Can I crack an egg Mommy?"
Soarynn cringes at Celeste's question because her youngest daughter isn't known for her "light hand." Soarynn brushes her hair behind her ears and hands Celeste a whisk, "Why don't you stir instead darling?" The last thing they need are cookies filled with eggshells.
All three girls busy themselves with mixing and adding in different ingredients until the dough has gotten too thick for Celeste to stir anymore, "Baking is hard work," she tells Soarynn, wiping her brow for dramatic effect. Soarynn chuckles and takes over the stirring, making sure that the dough forms into a large ball, "Now we get to use the cookie cutters," Soarynn tells the girls, hoping she remembers where she put them. They only use the cutters during the holidays and the cook put them away so it's a guessing game.
"Mommy, Ceraphina is taking more dough than me!"
One thing about Celeste is that she always wants everything to be fair, just like her father. Coriolanus often has a habit of feeling left out and always wanting to be included even if it's for the most ridiculous things. And it seems that Celeste has taken after him in that regard.
Soarynn sighs and digs through the cupboards, "Girls, please don't fight. And Ceraphina, don't take more dough than your sister is taking, you both should have equal amounts."
Soarynn lets out an excited gasp when she finally spots the bin full of cookie cutters and pulls them out, "Found them!"
Most are shaped like trees and gift boxes but the girls won't care and they're the only ones eating them. "Ooo, is there one shaped like a cat?" Soarynn frowns at Ceraphina's question because you'd figure that they would have a cookie cutter shaped like a cat.
"I'm afraid, not darling, but you can always make a cat," Soarynn suggests, handing the girls differently shaped cookie cutters, "but first we'll roll out the dough."
꧁ ꧂
Soarynn hums to herself while she washes the dishes, something she hasn't done in years, and yet it feels perfectly domestic. She glances over at the girls who're crouched in front of the oven, intently watching their cookies bake. They've been there since they put the cookies in and she doesn't doubt that they'll wait until the time rings.
As silly as it sounds, Soarynn loves these moments the most, the mundane moments with the little ones while doing little things like baking and washing the dishes while it rains.
What would make this moment complete would be if Coriolanus and Caspian could join them.
Soarynn looks over her shoulder, a smile already present on her face as she takes in the sweet sight of Caspian in his father’s arms, reaching out for her.
“Hello my sweet boy,” she coos while drying her hands, dishes long forgotten, “did you have a nice nap?”
Coriolanus chuckles and ruffles Caspian’s hair, “I thought I’d check on him before coming to see how the cookies were going and he was wide awake.”
Caspian nods at his statement and reaches his little hand even farther, “Momma,” he says again, a pout evident on his sweet face.
Soarynn doesn’t make him wait a moment longer before taking him into her arms and pressing gentle kisses to his head, “I’m right here my darling, Momma’s right here.”
She bounces him in her arms, drinking in every second she can get with her only son while he’s still this young and attached to her. Soarynn knows that one day he’ll think himself too grown, too mature to be coddled by his mother so she has to soak up every minute she can with him while she has it.
“Mommy the cookies are ready!”
Soarynn and Caspian look down at Ceraphina who’s bouncing on her toes in front of the oven, “Cookie,” Caspian mumbles, rubbing his eye and resting his head on Soarynn’s chest. She hums and places another kiss on his head, “That’s right Cas, your sisters made you some cookies while you took your nap.”
Coriolanus walks over to the oven to view their progress and nods once he sees how much the cookies have already baked, “They do look ready to be taken out,” he agrees with Ceraphina who jumps for joy, “let me take them out of the oven darlings.”
Both girls back up and give their father space so he can pull the baking sheet out and the entire kitchen fills with the sweet scent of freshly baked cookies. “Mmm, they smell so good,” Celeste gasps, peering over the counter top to look at their freshly baked dessert, “can we have one now Mommy?”
Soarynn shakes her head and offers Celeste an apologetic smile, “Not yet sweetheart, we have to wait for them to cool down first or you’ll burn your tongue.” That seems to disappoint both girls but they don’t argue with Soarynn, they’re old enough to see the logic in her decision.
“Why don’t we watch a film?” Coriolanus suggests, glancing out the window to see it’s still raining. It’ll probably clear up by tomorrow morning but one can never tell.
“Yes! Can we watch the one about the horses Daddy? Please, please, please can we watch that one?” Celeste asks, staring up at Coriolanus with those blue-gray eyes that always make him melt and give into her requests, “We most certainly can darling,” Coriolanus says, giving Soarynn a sheepish look.
She merely chuckles in reply at him so easily giving into their youngest daughter’s request to watch her favorite film. “Let’s go get blankets,” Ceraphina suggests and both girls are running out of the kitchen before either parent can say anything.
“Cookie,” Caspian says again although this time he sounds much more determined to get what he wants. “You can have a cookie after dinner Caspian,” Coriolanus tells him, resting a hand on Soarynn’s waist, “they’re still too hot.” Soarynn nods in agreement and leans into her husband’s touch, “We’re going to watch a film to help time pass by darling.”
Coriolanus presses a kiss to Soarynn’s cheek and Soarynn smiles up at him, “You’re finished with your work then?” If Coriolanus were to go into the office, he’d be getting home just in time for dinner but working from home means he never knows when he’ll manage to get off the phone.
Coriolanus hums in agreement, “Mhm. I just finished up my last call of the day with Festus, who sends his regards by the way.” He rolls his eyes at the last part of his statement and Soarynn giggles, “I take it he’s chosen to work from home as well?”
They both begin making their way towards the living room where the girls are in a flurry of preparing the sofas to watch the film, adding blankets and pillows in every empty spot. “Of course he has,” Coriolanus grunts, his hand never leaving her waist, “and I could hear his children screaming in the background the entire time. It nearly gave me a headache.”
Soarynn smiles and grabs the blanket Celeste is offering her, pink with rabbits on it which means she got it from her bedroom, “Thank you darling. And you know that Festus and Persephone’s children are much younger than ours,” she reminds Coriolanus who can’t stand the sound of wailing children.
Soarynn doesn’t mind it for the most part, babies cry, that’s simply the way of life. But Coriolanus can’t stand it. And he definitely can’t stand whining children who are old enough to know better. Thankfully, their children have always been well behaved.
Coriolanus gets them settled on one of the smaller sofas, a loveseat if you will, and pulls Soarynn close to him, “Yes but neither of those two are keen on teaching their children proper manners either.”
Festus and Persephone Creed are wonderful people who have very different parenting methods compared to Coriolanus and Soarynn but she likes to argue that they’re still new to parenting.
“Don’t play it yet! I need to go get my dolls!” Ceraphina says to Celeste who’s already queued up the film on the television. Celeste groans but she doesn’t fight her older sister and settles for tapping her foot impatiently while she waits.
Coriolanus and Soarynn chuckle at the sight and Soarynn rests her head on her husband’s shoulder while rubbing circles on Caspian’s back, all in all, this isn’t a bad life she has. A loving husband, three beautiful children, and a sweet cat.
It truly is the little things and little ones that make life worth living.
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slaymitchabernathy · 3 months
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Cold & Calculated
Coriolanus POV
When someone’s presence was announced by three firm knocks on the front doors of the Snow penthouse, Coriolanus did not make any moves to rise from his seat to inquire as to who was waiting outside.
He did not move from his seat because he heard the oh-so-familiar sound of high heels clicking down the hallway past the closed door to his study, making their way toward the front doors.
At twenty-five, Coriolanus Snow was on top of the world.
He was successful, rich, and very powerful.
He was the prime example of Capitol wealth and citizenship. He had everything. The penthouse, the car, the suits, the money, the connections.
The wife.
His marriage to Soarynn Nightingale had been strictly strategic and conducted as if it were a business agreement. The relationship had been formed by both sets of parents.
The Snows wanted their son to be matched with someone who was also from the upper class, someone who understood the social cues of Panem. Someone who would pose no threat to their son or their last name and the power it held.
Someone like Soarynn Nightingale.
Soarynn was a quiet girl, quite possibly the most timid girl Coriolanus had ever met. Her father was a very successful businessman man much like his own father and with Soarynn being his only child, he wanted to make sure that she had a safe and secure future.
Glen Nightingale made his fortune through District Two’s weapons industry and was a widowed man who despite the obvious lack of a wife, managed to raise a daughter as kind and polite as Soarynn.
Coriolanus has been slightly put off by the idea of an arranged marriage in the beginning. Surely he was old and smart enough to secure himself a proper match for a wife.
But once he laid eyes on Soarynn for the first time, all his arguments ceased to exist.
The first dinner they ever had together was with their parents and she barely said a word. Coriolanus thought that perhaps she might be nervous considering that his own father, Crassus Snow seemed to have that effect on people.
When he took her out to dinner the next week however, he learned that she truly was quite timid, only speaking when he spoke to her, never interrupting or asking prying questions.
She was perfect.
Not to mention beautiful. Soarynn was a gorgeous creature with tan skin and long blonde hair that nearly reached her waist. Her eyes were the most stunning part about her in his opinion since they possessed both shades of blue and gray.
Her lips were the perfect shade of pink and her face was dotted with freckles. He got more acquainted with her other features once they were married. Her body was to his liking. Small framed yet her breasts fit perfectly into his large hands and her ass was shaped perfectly for him to grab when taking her from behind.
She was much shorter than him, although most women were considering he was well above six feet. She always looked presentable no matter what time of day it was and she always smelled like vanilla.
It was strange getting used to her living with him once they were married. Coriolanus had moved into his own penthouse at the age of twenty and rather enjoyed his independence and freedom from his ancestral home. Having someone else, more specifically a woman move in with him was an adjustment, to say the least.
Sharing wasn’t something he was familiar with. Not when he was an only child as well and his mother was always keen on doting on him.
But Soarynn didn’t take up much space herself. She had her own side of the closet and bathroom, keeping her things neat and organized. She never strayed from her side of the bed at night and she never entered his study without knocking first.
When it came to maintaining the household Soarynn proved herself to be a worthy wife of a Snow. She kept the penthouse in perfect condition, making sure everything was cleaned and in its proper place at all times.
They had a small staff consisting of a cook, two maids—both Avoxes—and their driver. Soarynn managed the cook and maids quite well and Coriolanus of course, managed the driver when needed.
They made a good couple in his eyes. An attractive one at least. Soarynn has a rather youthful look to her and despite her being five years younger than him, she’s proven to be a good wife. Always quiet and obedient, yet attentive when he needed her to be.
The sex they had was according to how Coriolanus liked it. It almost felt transactional to him but he didn’t let that stop him from fucking his pretty little wife. Soarynn was, of course, a virgin. He took that from her on their wedding night and reveled in the fact that she truly belonged to him.
The small amount of blood he saw after the deed was enough to confirm that belief.
Soarynn could be quite vocal when she wanted, moaning and gasping whenever he hit a certain spot. But other than that she was entirely complicit and did whatever he told her to do. She was always clean, soft, and hairless as was he.
Coriolanus did his best to do her the common courtesy of letting her know beforehand when he wanted to have sex. It was the least he could do for someone who was so eager and desperate to keep him happy.
He listens to the sound of the front doors being opened and only catches muffled words between Soarynn and whoever is on the other side of the doors. Perhaps it’s one of their neighbors or a delivery man leaving a parcel for him.
Coriolanus had put in an order for some new clothes and a new briefcase for work last week and was eagerly awaiting their arrival. But when he hears Soarynn’s foot steps approaching his study minutes later, his hopes vanished.
She knocks twice before calling his name from outside the heavy wooden door, “Coriolanus? There’s someone here to see you.”
He furrows his brows, trying to figure out who could possibly be paying him a visit on a Thursday afternoon. Most people were at work including himself. He had chosen to work from home today since there would be some new paintings arriving today from one of the art galleries he and Soarynn had visited a few weeks ago.
Since marrying into the Snow family, Soarynn has proven time and time again to be the proper wife for him and she’s certainly brought a more feminine touch to the penthouse that seemed to be missing before she moved in with him.
Several art pieces had caught her eye when they strolled through the gallery one evening and Coriolanus found himself rather intrigued by them as well. So, he purchased them and stayed home today so he could instruct the gallery workers exactly where to hang them.
“Is it the gallery workers?” He asks without looking up from the documents splayed out in front of him. He hears Soarynn shift on her feet outside before answering, “It's Sejanus Plinth.”
Coriolanus nearly drops his pen when hearing that Sejanus Plinth has come to pay him a visit. Of course, he has. Only Sejanus would be free of all responsibility on a Thursday afternoon.
Coriolanus lets out a quiet groan and pinches the bridge of his nose, “I’ll be there in a moment.”
That seems to be all Soarynn needs to hear because her footsteps recede from the door as quickly as they approached it and he’s left alone once again. Why Sejanus has chosen to pay him a visit today, he has no idea, but he knows for certain that what he will face once leaving his study will surely be a waste of his time.
Coriolanus pulls himself away from his work and slowly makes his way out of his study and down the hall to the living room where he finds Soarynn and Sejanus wrapped in a surface-level conversation. Despite her timid nature, Soarynn can talk to people when she wants to. She's a decent conversationalist when needed and he's often found her truly engaged in conversations with her friends who she sees throughout the week.
She's always been a bit more drawn back with men which is something Coriolanus appreciates, the last thing a man wants is for his wife to be overly eager to talk to other men.
"...quite the wedding. How long have you two been married again?"
Coriolanus watches the conversation play out from behind the sofa where Soarynn is currently seated, "Six months," she answers softly which leads Sejanus to raise his eyebrows, "Well that's quite some time. Are you hoping to start a family any time soon?"
Coriolanus has every intention of getting Soarynn pregnant and starting a family with her, but he's been rather busy lately and children are truly the last thing on his mind. Soarynn brushes her hair behind her ears, a habit she only does when she feels slightly nervous, "I know that Coriolanus hopes to expand our family someday."
Coriolanus nods even though she can't see him, she gave the perfect answer, one should never give away too much information, especially to a Plinth. A District leech.
Coriolanus finally clears his throat, announcing his presence to both of them, "Sejanus, to what do I owe the pleasure?" He doesn't miss how Sejanus and Soarynn both stiffen in their seats but for different reasons.
Sejanus is beneath him and a guest in his home, therefore making him the outsider and at risk for embarrassment.
Soarynn is his wife, and being his wife comes with a certain set of expectations that need to be met. Her behavior reflects directly onto him and he cannot afford a bad reputation at the hands of his wife.
He places his hand on her shoulder as he gives Sejanus a charming smile, all too fake for anyone to believe but Sejanus does and returns it with a genuine smile of his own, "Coryo! Just the man I was looking for. I was hoping to discuss some business with you."
Coriolanus wants to point out that if Sejanus wanted to talk business then he could've scheduled an appointment with his secretary like a normal, polite person. But District people are just so...stupid. He's not shocked that Sejanus chose the improper route and sought him out in his home.
Soarynn looks up at him, a small, polite smile on her lips, "Why don't I get you two some drinks?"
Coriolanus is grateful that Soarynn isn't a negligent hostess and he nods, "I'll have a bourbon." Soarynn looks over at Sejanus whose smile has slightly dropped, "Just water for me please."
Soarynn hums and pushes herself from the sofa, the sound of her heels slowly receding as she walks to the kitchen.
Coriolanus takes her spot on the sofa and leans back, perfectly at ease in his home, "So you came here because you wanted to talk business?" It's ironic really, how Sejanus claims to be a businessman when everyone knows that his father nearly had to force his hand to get his son involved in their family business.
His question does nothing but unsettle Sejanus and Coriolanus revels in it. "Well, yes, you see my father wanted to implore if your father would be open to making some form of a trade agreement."
So Strabo Plinth has sent his pathetic son here to do his dirty work. Coriolanus can't say he's surprised, and in a way, he nearly respects the man for tasking his son with such a low line of work.
Their conversation comes to a slight halt when Soarynn reappears with two drinks on a silver tray. Coriolanus is more than pleased when she offers him his drink of choice first, as she should since he's the host and dominant party of the house. "Thank you, darling," he says as he takes the glass from her hand, noting that she's selected his favorite year of the drink.
Soarynn gives him a small smile before offering Sejanus his glass of water, "Please let me know if you'd like anything else, we have nearly every type of alcoholic beverage in stock," Soarynn tells Sejanus who waves her off, "The water is more than fine. Thank you Soarynn."
Soarynn nods before taking herself and the tray back to the kitchen, always knowing when and where she's needed. Coriolanus notices the way that Sejanus watches her leave, almost in a longing manner.
"Fancy my wife?" He asks with a playful tone even though he's anything but playful right now. He asks that imposing question right as Sejanus brings the glass of water to his lips and Sejanus nearly chokes on his water and fervently shakes his head, "Of course not! She's...she's far too young for me."
Coriolanus narrows his eyes at that particular comment, "Too young? What are you saying Sejanus? That I'm some sort of predator who preys on young girls?"
Coriolanus knows that he's blowing things out of proportion but he can't help but enjoy the look of panic on Sejanus Plinth's face as he tries to dig himself out of this hole he's put himself in.
"I would never! I mean, she is very beautiful, don't get me wrong, but she's not my type. And I would never want to ruin our friendship." Coriolanus raises his eyebrows at the mention of 'friendship' but he lets it slide since Sejanus is already worked up as it is. He silences Sejanus with the wave of his hand, "Relax Sejanus, I was only joking. You District folk should learn to loosen up."
He tacks on the word 'District' whenever he can just to remind Sejanus of his place and it seems to have the intended effect because Sejanus slightly deflates into his armchair, "I still meant no offense," he tells Coriolanus who only hums in reply.
Sejanus can mean whatever he wants, he'll never have a wife like Soarynn.
꧁ ꧂
Coriolanus sits in the armchair by the fireplace, lost in thought.
There's almost a domestic feeling to the scene in front of him on the bedroom floor. Soarynn smiling as she plays with her cat.
Petunia was a graduation gift from her father, a fluffy white kitten with a pink nose and eyes identical to Soarynn's. Coriolanus remembers how excited Soarynn was to show him the cat, how she grabbed his hand and tugged him into her townhouse. Soarynn is rather reserved, all things considered, so for her to take his hand and openly speak about something she cared about led Coriolanus to believe that Petunia was her everything.
The cat has a rather demanding personality in his humble opinion, constantly meowing for Soarynn's attention. But overall he doesn't mind Petunia as long as she stays out of his way. She mostly resides in their bedroom during the day, sleeping, lounging, and sleeping even more.
It must be exhausting to be a cat.
He takes another sip of his wine as he watches his wife play with her beloved cat, smiling as Petunia bats at a ribbon Soarynn would normally use to tie up her hair.
Coriolanus allows himself a small smile at the rather adorable sight before rising from the chair and walking into the bathroom. Both of them have a dinner to attend tomorrow night and Soarynn is also going to a charity event for the both of them since he'll be at work until later that evening. Being a socialite is enjoyable for the most part, but with work comes sacrifice so Soarynn attends many events for the both of them.
He begins to undress, taking his shoes off first, then his belt. Soarynn walks in a few minutes later to do the same, she's always been good at following his lead and conforming to his regular routines. He watches through the mirror's reflection as she slips off her pencil skirt, following suit with her blouse and heels.
She's a sight to behold from behind and Coriolanus enjoys the view of her ass for a moment before he shakes himself back into focus. Tonight is not the night for sexual antics, not with the busy day that they have ahead of them tomorrow. It's as if she's read his mind because Soarynn puts her clothes into her laundry basket, grabs her silk robe, and makes her way to her vanity where she does her morning and nightly routine.
Coriolanus does the same once he's undressed and washes his face in the sink. He still can't believe that Sejanus had the nerve to talk about his wife and come into his home and then have the audacity to be surprised when Coriolanus questioned his morals. Only someone from the Districts would pull a stunt like that.
Coriolanus had sent Sejanus on his way with the promise of thinking his proposal over even though he knew it would never happen. A trade agreement between the Snows and the Plinths. Please.
Coriolanus doesn't even realize he's scowling until Soarynn's soft voice pulls him from his thoughts, "Are you alright?"
He looks down at his wife who's seated behind her vanity, giving him a concerned look. He nods and grabs a towel to dry his face with, "Perfectly fine. Just upset that the gallery workers never showed up today."
There's some truth to his lie, no one from the gallery delivered their artwork today which means Coriolanus worked from home for nothing. There's truly nothing worse than incompetent people. He'll have to call tomorrow to sort everything out.
Soarynn nods and turns back to look at her reflection, "I was rather excited for everything to arrive today," she admits. Coriolanus raises a brow at her statement and can't help but ask a question, "Which piece were you most excited for?"
Rarely do they ever go past a surface-level conversation but there are the rare moments when they breach into an unknown area of their relationship where conversations go deeper than the surface. He watches Soarynn brush her hair, taking her time to untangle it, "The one with the flowers."
He's not surprised considering it was the first piece of work that truly caught her attention. A small grin tugs on his lips, "You mean the roses?" Soarynn shoots him a knowing look and rolls her eyes, "Not every flower can be a rose, even if you wish for it to be."
Soarynn has gotten all too familiar with the Snow family and their obsession with roses. She's only been granted the privilege of seeing the greenhouse once since marrying into the family, Coriolanus remembers how proud his mother was to show Soarynn the prized flowers.
He chuckles and shakes his head, "Everything can be as I wish it to be," he says rather proudly while strolling into the closet to find some pajama pants to wear. Coriolanus used to just sleep in his boxers, but after seeing how flustered it made Soarynn, he began wearing pants as well.
He shrugs off his silk robe and grabs a pair of pajama pants, made of some of the softest fabric he's ever felt. He feels tiny nails batting at his heel and he looks down to find Petunia lying on her side, clearly desperate to get some more energy out.
"I am not your playmate," he informs the cat who does nothing but meow in return. Coriolanus sighs and makes his way out of the closet and through the bathroom. Today has been rather exhausting and he's ready to go to bed.
Petunia leaps onto the bed and sits herself right on his pillow as if doing it on purpose. Coriolanus scoffs and gives her a gentle push towards Soarynn's side, "Don't forget I'm the one who pays the bills."
He pulls the sheets back and lets out a heavy sigh when he finally lays down on the bed, today has exhausted him.
Soarynn comes into their room a few minutes later with her hair braided down her back. Coriolanus would never admit this out loud, but he always looks forward to seeing what hairstyles Soarynn will be sporting. She takes excellent care of her hair, using different oils and serums to make it silky and lush. The only time he ever touches it is if he's grabbing a handful of it while taking her from behind.
But he often wishes he could run a loving hand through it instead.
But because this marriage is simply business, his wants and wishes truly don't matter.
Soarynn smiles down at Petunia who stands on her hind legs, purring when Soarynn scoops her into her arms, "You can't sleep on the bed my darling," Soarynn whispers to Petunia, who Coriolanus knows for a fact, will slip into bed once he falls asleep.
Still, he appreciates the gesture on Soarynn's part. At least she's considerate.
Soarynn slips into bed next to him and Coriolanus notes that she's gone with a light blue nightgown tonight, with lace on the neckline. Soarynn owns quite the collection of silk nightgowns, not that he's complaining.
She offers him a small smile before reaching over to turn off her bedside lamp, "Goodnight."
He nods, "Sleep well."
As they lay next to each other Coriolanus can't help but wonder what it would be like should he pull her into his strong arms. What it would be like to stay up late at night laughing about nonsense. But that won't happen, not with how their current dynamic is going.
So he'll settle for habitual, transactional sex where light touches mean nothing to either of them. Especially to him.
After all, he's cold and calculated.
| Part 1. |
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88 notes · View notes
slaymitchabernathy · 2 months
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Petunia POV
Meow. Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow meow. Meow meow, meow meow meow? Meow!
Meow meow meow meow meow.
Meow meow meow.
Meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow meow? Meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow. Meow.
Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.
Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.
Meow meow meow meow meow meow.
Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow? Meow.
Meow meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. Meow!
Meow meow meow.
Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.
Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.
Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow? Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow!
Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.
Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.
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slaymitchabernathy · 3 months
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Spoiled Rotten
“There you go, you look so fashionable darling.”
Coriolanus presses his ear to the bathroom doors as he listens to his girlfriend talking to what might as well constitute as her child.
What was supposed to be a gift, a pet, turned into an irreplaceable entity in their household. Petunia truly had Soarynn wrapped around her little claw and Coriolanus often thought it was utterly ridiculous that Soarynn was so willing to bend to Petunia’s every need.
Now did Coriolanus bend to Soarynn’s every need?
Yes, yes he did. But this is different!
And Petunia—as he so often likes to remind Soarynn—is a cat. Not a person. Not a child. The fact that she sits at the dinner table with them is ridiculous enough. But to insist on constantly brushing her and bringing her more and more toys was ridiculous in his opinion.
Still, Coriolanus knows how much Soarynn loves Petunia, despite how insistent the little beast is on making his life a living hell. It started out slowly, the cat is smart and he has to give her credit for that. She’d simply sit on his side of the bed, refuse to move off of the sofa when he wanted to sit down.
Little things. But this is psychological warfare as far as he’s concerned.
It’s been two years since he got Petunia for Soarynn and she’s only gotten more and more clever. She’ll bite holes in his socks, she’ll eat his socks. She’ll sneak into his study and kick papers off of his desk, knock down his lamp and clock.
One time she walked into his study, hopped onto his desk, and hacked up a fucking hairball right in front of him all while maintaining eye contact.
Soarynn claims she’s an angel.
Either way, Petunia is here to stay and is currently being prepared for a visit to the veterinarian. Since her last visit was quite the stressful one thanks to her eating his sock, Soarynn told him that she wanted to “mentally prepare Petunia to go back.”
Whatever that means.
He quickly backs away from the doors when hearing the sound of Soarynn’s heels clicking on the tiled floor and watches as the doors open, revealing his stunning girlfriend and Petunia who has a pink ribbon wrapped around her neck.
Coriolanus chuckles as he watches Petunia try and wiggle out of Soarynn’s hold, “Someone’s not too happy about her ribbon hmm?” Soarynn scoffs and readjusts her grip on the flailing feline, “She loves it. Don’t you Petunia?”
Coriolanus raised his eyebrows but doesn’t give any further comments on Petunia and her feelings towards the ribbons that Soarynn is so fond of making her wear. He can see a hint of nervousness in Soarynn’s eyes and he gives her arm a gentle squeeze.
“Everything will be fine darling.”
Soarynn nods and forces a smile but her heart isn’t in it, “Suppose they find something wrong? Perhaps her stitches came loose?”
Coriolanus is quick to silence these worries by wrapping his strong arms around her and planting a kiss on the top of her head, “We would’ve know if her stitches came loose darling.” He doesn’t mention that Soarynn has been quite tedious about Petunia’s recovery, ensuring everything was cleaned and antibiotics were given at the proper times.
Soarynn sighs and leans her head against his chest, “I know. I…I’m being overdramatic but I just worry that they might need to keep her overnight for observation or something like that. We’ve never been apart like that before.”
I know, is what Coriolanus wants to say. Petunia has been a constant in both of their lives to the point where it was strange to not have her roaming the penthouse halls for a night.
“It’ll be fine, and after the appointment we can take her to the pet shop and get her something nice,” he suggests.
Coriolanus knows how much Soarynn loves to shop and spend money and she loves shopping for others even more than for herself. She often comes home with new clothes for him or new bows for Petunia. A visit to the pet shop is bound to make her feel better. An incentive if you will.
Soarynn perks up and lets out a small gasp, looking up at him with those startling eyes of hers, “Really? And I can buy her whatever she wants?”
Coriolanus grins down at her and nods, “Anything you want,” he promises.
꧁ ꧂
“Absolutely not.”
Coriolanus shakes his head at Soarynn who is currently holding a tiny black kitten in her hands. He sends a warning glare to the shop owner who is being no help to him in this current situation.
Soarynn pouts and Coriolanus nearly gives in but as the man of the house, he has to put his foot down. Granted he doesn’t do it often, not when it’s her. Not when it’s Soarynn, his darling girl who truly deserves the world and more.
But another cat?
He’d rather eat glass.
“Please Coryo? Petunia needs a friend,” Soarynn insists, walking towards him and Petunia who is currently in his iron grip. The kitten is awfully cute, even he can admit that. But that’s just what he’s worried about.
Petunia had been adorable as a kitten. But then she got old, smart, mean. He can’t have that again. And this kitten is a girl. Three against one just isn’t fair.
Petunia lets out a hiss and swats at the kitten who’s eyes go wide as saucers at the much larger cat. For once, Coriolanus is glad for her short temperament and her hatred towards the spotlight being stolen from her for more than five seconds.
“Petunia would feel neglected,” he tells her, “and besides, she clearly doesn’t like the kitten. I’m sure she’ll find a good home.” Petunia certainly did and clearly isn’t willing to give that up to another cat.
Soarynn sighs but nods, “Alright. I just miss when she was so tiny. Don’t you remember when we first got her?”
Coriolanus remembers clear as day how Petunia would stay up at all hours of the night, therefore making him stay up at all hours of the night. But, she had been a rather sweet kitten all things considered. And she made Soarynn so happy which was all he really wanted in the end for her.
He smiles, “I do. And I also remember you wanted to find her a new collar.” That seems to do the trick in distracting Soarynn because she gasps and nods, “Oh I did!”
Coriolanus feels rather proud of himself as he watches her return the kitten to the shop owner before coming back and collecting Petunia from his arms.
The pet shop has a rather large selection for cat collars and Soarynn has been in the market for a new one for quite some time.
He watches from a distance as Soarynn holds Petunia in her arms, almost like a child, bouncing her up and down, showing different collars to her.
She holds up a dark red collar and Petunia sniffs at it for a moment before her attention is drawn elsewhere, “You need to look like a proper Snow darling,” Soarynn tells the cat, bringing a grin to his lips.
Much can be said about how much she spoils that cat, but Soarynn has always made sure that Petunia looks as presentable as possible, always representing the Snows in a distinguished manner.
Coriolanus can’t help but wonder how she’d be with a child of theirs. Soarynn would be a wonderful mother, he knows that much for certain. But they’d have to get married first. Still, he can picture it quite clearly, a little child of theirs with blue eyes and blonde hair.
A true Snow.
And doesn’t that sound pleasant? ‘Soarynn Snow.’ It has a ring to it, he knows that for certain.
First he’ll need to secure a ring, one fit for the wife of Coriolanus Snow. He can only imagine the wedding, and Petunia is bound to be involved with that one way or another.
His girlfriend’s voice pulls him from his thoughts of the future and he looks down at a happy-looking Soarynn who is holding the red collar in her hands, “Yes my love?” Soarynn shifts her hold on Petunia which earns her an annoyed meow but Soarynn ignores it, “Don’t you think this collar is fitting for her?”
Coriolanus takes the collar into his hands and inspects it. It’s made of thick leather with fine craftsmanship if he did say so himself. A perfect collar for the cat of a Snow.
He can only imagine the clothes their children will wear one day. Soarynn is bound to have them all coordinate outfits with one another.
“It’s perfect,” he says, earning him a bright smile from Soarynn who nods in agreement, “I thought so too. Should we get her another tag engraved?”
Petunia had gone missing once, slipped out of the penthouse and explored the Capitol streets, nearly sending Soarynn into despair. In the end they found her but Coriolanus was glad that she at least always wore a collar with her information on it incase someone found her.
“Yes, let’s go do that right now.”
꧁ ꧂
Petunia Snow ꧁ ꧂ XXX-XXX-XXXX ꧁ ꧂
Coriolanus reads Petunia’s new engraved collar tag as they’re driven back home. Petunia is sound asleep in Soarynn’s arms who is sound asleep in his arms.
Both girls must be exhausted from today. Coriolanus was pleased to hear that Petunia had recovered without a hitch and that nothing was amiss with her health. Soarynn was even more relieved than he was and pressed about a million kisses to Petunia’s head.
As if the cat didn’t eat one of his socks.
Coriolanus carefully sets the collar back into its box which is next to the other two shopping bags full of things Petunia does not need but got today.
In the end he supposes that she’s cheaper than a human child, but he’ll happily pay for her things so long as it makes Soarynn happy.
Coriolanus sleeps well knowing that his future wife, future children, and…his cat, all are spoiled rotten.
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71 notes · View notes
slaymitchabernathy · 4 months
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Socks & Stitches
Coriolanus is deep in paperwork when the phone on his desk rings. He glances at the clock hanging on the wall, it’s nearly five o’clock, far too late for anyone in the office to be ringing him for last-minute favors.
He’s gotten so tired of those.
“Could you run these papers over to the other department for me? My grandmother is sick and I have to take care of her.”
“Did you happen to come up with a plan for the new development project? You always have the best ideas so I was hoping you could take charge for that one.”
All excuses that he’s grown so tired of. It’s hard being at the top, where everyone expects you to be a leader. Still, it pays the bills and he enjoys it for the most part.
The phone continues ringing and with a heavy sigh, Coriolanus picks it up and brings it to his ear, preparing for the latest bullshit lie from someone trying to go home early.
“Coriolanus Snow, to whom am I speaking?”
He uses his most authoritative voice when answering the phone, a voice that is not to be messed with. He’s met with the softest voice he’s ever heard.
His heart drops at Soarynn’s shaky tone. She sounds like she’s been crying. “Soarynn? What’s wrong darling? What happened?” He asks, adopting a more kind tone, a patient tone only reserved for her.
Soarynn sniffles before answering, “It’s Petunia. She’s…she’s sick. I don’t know what to do or what happened but she’s not being herself. She sounds like she’s in a lot of pain so I’m taking her to the veterinarian.”
That cat is going to be the death of him.
Coriolanus pinches the bridge of his nose before taking a deep breath, “Don’t worry darling, I’m sure she’ll be alright. I’ll meet you at the veterinarian's office okay?”
Her voice trembles, “Okay.”
He holds the phone to his ear after she hangs up. What if Petunia doesn’t make it? What if this is some deadly disease and it’s already too late?
They can’t lose Petunia. They just can’t.
Coriolanus finally slams the phone back on the receiver and gathers all his paperwork, tucking it safely into the correct file before standing to grab his coat and briefcase.
He looks at the clock again. He looks at the clock because at five-thirty he’s supposed to partake in an important meeting where he will take the lead for a majority of it. But he can’t. Not with Soarynn on her way to the veterinarian.
He swallows a displeased groan when he realizes what he must be subjected to if he wants to make sure he’s there for Soarynn who is bound to be a broken mess by now.
He has to ask for a favor.
He wastes no time in striding down the hall and knocking just once before opening the door to Festus Creed’s office. “Festus,” he breathes, relieved that his friend is quite literally making paper swans at the moment, not busy at all, the perfect contender to take over this meeting for him.
Festus looks up at him and raises his eyebrows at his attire, “I didn’t know you were leaving early today Coriolanus. Don’t you have a meeting soon?”
Coriolanus all but rolls his eyes at the question, “Yes. But some things come up. An emergency. Petunia is sick and I have to meet Soarynn at the veterinarian.”
Festus, who is as familiar with Petunia as he is with Coriolanus’s distaste for Petunia smirks and tilts his head, “So you’re running off to the veterinarian to be by your girlfriend’s side?”
“To take care of the cat you so passionately claim to hate?”
“And to pay for the most likely, very expensive bill you’ll receive at the end of her visit?”
Coriolanus nearly strangles Festus but restrains himself, “I left my meeting notes on my desk in a folder. Do not crack any inappropriate jokes during this meeting.”
Festus holds his hands up in surrender, “It was one time! Now go do what you need to do instead of glowering in my doorway. You’re ruining the aura I’ve created in here.”
Coriolanus takes a quick look around the disheveled office where papers are scattered everywhere and almost everything in here could count as a fire hazard. “Have a good night Festus.”
꧁ ꧂
The cold air fills his lungs as Coriolanus jogs down the busy Capitol streets. They’re all crowded due to it being a Friday night but he moves through the crowds quite easily.
He feels a bit better when he finally sees the veterinarian's clinic with his car parked in front of it. Thank goodness Soarynn enlisted the help of their chauffeur instead of walking all this way like he did.
When he reaches the clinic he’s welcomed by the warm air and the sound of that weird parrot who says all sorts of things. They had selected this clinic based on their reviews and reputation.
The reviews however, failed to mention the parrot who was a permanent resident at the clinic who liked to throw out obscenities whenever it pleased at unsuspecting patients.
The animals obviously didn’t care but the owners certainly did. Coriolanus still hadn’t recovered from the time the parrot had looked him dead in the eye before squawking: “Let me feel those curls, pretty boy.”
He hadn’t slept well that night.
He tunes out the bird as he focuses on the familiar sight of his girlfriend standing at the receptionist’s desk. He doesn’t see Petunia with her which he takes as a good sign. It means she’s already been taken to the back. As he reaches Soarynn he picks up on the conversation she’s having with the receptionist and his heart breaks even further.
“…and how old is she?”
Soarynn wipes her eyes with the back of her hand, “She’s two years old,” she says so softly. Her voice is so delicate and fragile. Her entire frame is trembling as she holds onto the edge of the desk.
“Alright. And how do you spell your first name?” The woman asks, peering up at Soarynn with a look that is all too judgmental for his liking. Soarynn normally presents herself with the sophistication that is expected of a high-society Capitol lady.
Right now she’s dressed in a haphazardly thrown-together outfit as she tries to hold herself together.
Soarynn swallows, “S-O-A-R-Y-N-N.”
The woman hums as she jots that down, “And the patient's first and last name?”
Coriolanus takes the opportunity to finally rest a hand on Soarynn’s shoulder, jolting her from her conversation. “Petunia Snow,” he says, his voice laced with authority and assertiveness. Soarynn instantly melts into him and allows him to wrap an arm around her shaking frame.
The receptionist looks up at him with wide eyes and a newfound respect for the patient she’s referring to, “Mr. Snow, I…I didn’t realize she was your cat.”
Coriolanus nods, “She is. And she is to be taken care of with the utmost respect along with my girlfriend.” He holds Soarynn a little tighter, hoping to lend her some strength and courage.
The receptionist swallows and looks over at one of the many doors before looking back at them, “Well, it appears that Ms. Petunia Snow is going to have to undergo surgery. I’ll have you two take a seat so I can go fetch the head veterinarian.”
Soarynn nearly loses it when she hears that her cat is going to have surgery.
Coriolanus does all he can to comfort her but he knows it’s mostly futile. Soarynn adores Petunia, should she not survive the surgery, she’ll be devastated.
“What if they can’t fix her?” Soarynn asks as she clutches his white shirt, wrinkling it but Coriolanus couldn’t care less about wrinkles. He places a loving kiss on the side of her head, “These are the best veterinary nurses in all of Panem darling, Petunia will be feeling better in no time.”
Soarynn sniffles and Coriolanus is quick to offer her his handkerchief, “I feel horrible. I can’t imagine how terrified she must be right now.” Coriolanus has a feeling that Petunia is most likely hissing at everyone who comes within her sight right now but he keeps those thoughts to himself. Soarynn needs encouragement, not tips on training her cat who’s as spoiled as they come.
The two of them sit and quietly talk for a few more minutes before a nurse approaches them holding a clipboard, “Mr. and Mrs. Snow?” Coriolanus feels his heart skip a beat when hearing Soarynn being addressed as his wife, carrying his name even though she isn’t.
Not yet at least.
He nods, “That’s us.”
The nurse glances down at her clipboard before speaking, “We're about to take her in for surgery if you’d like to say goodbye until tomorrow morning.”
Soarynn tenses next to him and Coriolanus places a hand on her thigh, “What do you mean tomorrow morning? She won’t be able to come home tonight?” Soarynn asks the nurse who looks more and more nervous as the seconds pass. The people who work here are used to the kind and gentle Soarynn Nightingale. This Soarynn Nightingale is on high alert, frantic and desperate.
"No Mrs. Snow, she won't be ready to leave until tomorrow morning to ensure that her recovery goes smoothly."
Soarynn gives Coriolanus a pleading look as if he can control how these people do their jobs, "We would appreciate a few minutes alone with her," Coriolanus decides, figuring that should something fatal occur tonight, they've both said their goodbyes.
꧁ ꧂
They're led to one of the rooms where appointments are normally conducted although it lacks the sense of familiarity. Soarynn lets out a sharp gasp when they see Petunia lying on the table, her eyes closed and her breathing labored.
Coriolanus tries to push down his concern for the feline, the feline who is usually the bane of his existence but even he feels his heartstrings being pulled.
The cat looks pitiful to put it lightly. She lacks her usual sharpness and doesn't even hiss when she notices him in her presence. "Oh, my darling," Soarynn whispers, making her way towards her beloved pet, "it's going to be alright Petunia, I promise they'll take such good care of you."
Coriolanus can hear a tremor in Soarynn's voice as she attempts to put on a brave face for Petunia who is just now waking up. She lets out a soft meow, so soft that it reminds Coriolanus of when she was a small kitten, just finding her voice.
Soarynn gently pets her head and whispers words of love and devotion, promising to be here first thing in the morning when they open. Coriolanus stands near the door, watching the two most important women in his life say goodbye before one undergoes a major surgery. He wonders what's caused Petunia to get like this. Perhaps she ate something poisonous to cats.
The head veterinarian appears at the other door that leads to the back of the clinic and offers Coriolanus a small smile, "We'll be taking her back in a few minutes," he tells them. Soarynn nods but doesn't take her eyes off Petunia, "Alright. You'll be alright Petunia, I promise we'll spend the entire day together tomorrow once you come home."
The veterinarian's face slightly softens at the touching sight and Coriolanus feels his heartbreak when Soarynn presses one last kiss to Petunia's head, her nose nuzzling Petunia's before she pulls away. Soarynn turns back to face him and he can see tears falling down her face, "I'll be in the car," she whispers before brushing past him.
Petunia watches Soarynn leave with sad eyes and Coriolanus sighs, carding his hand through his hair before he approaches the cat who normally hates him.
"I know I don't often voice my affection for you," he says quietly, crouching down to be eye level with Petunia, "but I do find myself worried for you right now. So please, if not for me, then get better for Soarynn. I can not picture our lives without you Petunia."
Coriolanus feels himself getting a little bit choked up and scolds himself for showing such weakness that is only reserved for Soarynn to witness. But Petunia is an extension of his girlfriend and she's seen him working late at night and rising early in the morning. The cat is family, simple as that.
Petunia gives him a slow blink and Coriolanus gently scratches behind her ears, her favorite spot before rising back to his full height, "Take good care of her," he tells the head veterinarian who nods, "Of course Mr. Snow. She's in good hands."
Coriolanus gives Petunia one last look before leaving the room, doing his best to ignore the cries she lets out once he's out of her line of sight.
꧁ ꧂
His heart breaks even more when he finds Soarynn in the backseat of the car, crying. "It's alright darling," he says, wrapping his arm around her shaking frame, "she'll be alright. She's just going to take a long nap, that's all."
He tries to frame it to sound as easy as possible but not even he knows how invasive the surgery will be. Coriolanus would like to argue that all surgeries are invasive, but he once again keeps his thoughts to himself.
Soarynn doesn't say a word and simply continues crying as they're driven through the busy Capitol streets. Coriolanus rubs her back in soothing circles and thinks about anything but the most pressing matter on his mind.
He already knows that Soarynn won't sleep a wink tonight, not willingly at least. Should she drift off accidentally, she'll be sure to wake right back up when the clinic opens at seven tomorrow morning. Soarynn has never been an early riser but she's bound to become one for Petunia.
Coriolanus watches the familiar sight of their apartment building come into view, the car coming to a stop on the Corso. He presses a kiss to the top of Soarynn's head, "She'll be alright Soarynn."
꧁ ꧂
"So the meeting went well?"
Coriolanus glances over at the window seat in his study where Soarynn is currently sleeping. She normally comes in with Petunia and the two of them curl up on the cushion together but today is far from normal.
"Yep, they loved me, might even promote me to the executive president," Festus tells him over the phone. Coriolanus rolls his eyes at his friend's jokes, just thankful that he managed the meeting without him. "Well, thank you for helping me out. It's been a stressful evening for us."
"How's Petunia? Did they figure out what was wrong with her?"
Coriolanus sighs and rubs his temples, "Not yet, but she's undergoing surgery right now, we can pick her up tomorrow morning right when they open." Festus chuckles, "So you'll be there right when they open knowing Soarynn."
Coriolanus glances at Soarynn who's still asleep. She didn't want to be alone, be reminded of how empty the penthouse was now that Petunia wasn't roaming the halls at her leisure. And Coriolanus of course, didn't want Soarynn to feel alone, so she settled for the window seat so he could be near her while he worked.
"Yes," he mumbles in agreement, "so heaven forbid if they want to keep her for another day." He can't imagine why they'd need to keep Petunia for longer, but with his luck, she'd need to be put in some sort of quarantine.
"I'm sure it'll be fine, just try and get some rest."
Coriolanus wants to tell Festus that getting rest is wishful thinking but he might just be able to slip in a couple of hours of sleep if Soarynn doesn't wake up. The poor thing cried the whole way home and for another hour once they made it up to the penthouse. It doesn't help that Petunia's toys are scattered everywhere. Coriolanus has found them in various places over the years, in his shoes, his briefcase.
Nothing had been more mortifying than opening his briefcase at an important meeting all for a toy mouse to fall onto the table in front of his associates.
Still, he would happily deal with the toys if it meant that Petunia returned home safe and sound.
Coriolanus says his goodbyes to Festus before hanging up and staring at his sleeping girlfriend. He's never seen her this sad before, this lost. The whole reason he got Petunia was so that she wasn't lonely when he went to work and now Petunia might not come home.
He'll just have to hope for the best and trust the veterinarian. But trust is a hard thing to possess when it has to do with someone you love.
꧁ ꧂
"Coryo, Coryo wake up! Wake up!"
Coriolanus lets out a tired groan as he's repeatedly pushed towards the edge of the bed. He brought Soarynn to bed around midnight hoping for both of them to get a few hours of decent sleep. "Come on! It's almost seven!" Coriolanus finally opens his eyes to see Soarynn nearly on top of him, her eyes wide with excitement. She looks exhausted but excited, the adrenaline is rushing through her from what he can see.
Coriolanus yawns and slowly sits up, looking at the clock on the bedside table to see that there are ten minutes til seven. "Darling, why don't...why don't we have a little breakfast, and then I can take a quick sho-"
"I'll meet you there," she says before bolting off of the bed and out the room. Coriolanus sits there for a moment, blinking away the sleep from his eyes. Surely she'll wait, surely she'll call their driver, surely...was that the sound of the front doors opening and closing?
"Soarynn?" No response.
"She left me," he mutters, slowly getting out of bed, "she left me for the cat."
Coriolanus quickly gets dressed, throwing on whatever he can find, some shoes, a coat, maybe some pants. It's bound to be freezing outside but that won't stop Soarynn.
By the time he's made it downstairs to the apartment building lobby, she's long gone. Coriolanus shakes his head, "This girl is unbelievable," he says to himself before stepping out into the cold morning air.
If he squints hard enough, he can see a tiny pink blur running down the street, his girlfriend.
It's admirable really, how dedicated Soarynn is to Petunia. He can only hope she'd maintain the same level of dedication should he be the one in the hospital getting surgery.
When he finally reaches the clinic, the lights are already on and he can see several nurses milling around inside. He's welcomed by warm air when he walks inside and he doesn't see Soarynn anywhere. The receptionist is just getting settled behind her desk and offers him a tired smile, "Good morning Mr. Snow." He nods, "An early morning is more like it."
The receptionist sighs and glances towards the only room with the door open, "They're in there." To hear that not only his girlfriend but her cat are in the room lightens his heart significantly.
Petunia survived.
Coriolanus makes his way over to the room and finds Soarynn on the floor holding a white ball of fur. Petunia. The cat immediately lets out an agitated hiss the second she lays eyes on him and Coriolanus merely rolls his eyes, "Just yesterday you cried out for me."
Soarynn rocks Petunia back and forth and places a kiss on her head, "Don't listen to him Petunia, we're both so very happy that you're alright." He is quite pleased to see Petunia back to her regular, annoying self. She appears to be no different except for her front left leg which has been shaved and wrapped with a pink bandage and gauze.
"She had to be given anesthesia," Soarynn tells him, her eyes sparkling once again now that all is right with the world and more importantly, with Petunia.
They're interrupted by a knock at the door and it's one of the nurses holding something made of plastic in her hands, "I've come to show you how to clean her stitches," she says. Soarynn nods and Coriolanus helps her off the floor, smiling at how she's shown up in only her pajamas. A pink silky button-up shirt with long sleeves and matching pants with feathers around the ends.
Soarynn is quite the fashion statement.
Coriolanus listens intently as the nurse instructs them on how to clean the stitches going up Petunia's abdomen, and that she should only be fed dry food for the next week along with a prescribed antibiotic. She then shows them the plastic thing in her hands which turns out to be a cone that goes around Petunia's neck that prevents her from licking at the stitches.
Coriolanus chuckles when the nurse forces the cone around her neck and earns a loud, frustrated yowl from Petunia who attempts to lunge at the nurse. Soarynn holds her tightly and shoots Coriolanus a glare, "Don't laugh at her Coryo, she's had a very rough day." He smirks, "Well it seems that she's back to her regular, perky self."
꧁ ꧂
"Sign here, here, and here."
Coriolanus dutifully signs all the release documents concerning Petunia while Soarynn stands next to him, beaming as she holds the feline in her arms.
"Here is the total bill concluding your visit with us," the receptionist says, sliding over the bill to him. Coriolanus widens his eyes at the bill, at the steep price Petunia has cost him. "What on earth did you take out of her? What did she eat?" He asks, unable to stop himself from wondering what it is that is costing him so much.
The receptionist pulls out Petunia's file and flips through a few papers before answering his question, "A black sock."
Soarynn lets out a small gasp and Coriolanus glares down at the cat who looks up at him smugly, as if she's planned this all along.
"She ate my sock," he concludes, giving Soarynn a knowing look.
Petunia has always had a thing for his socks even though Soarynn has denied it time and time again. She'll bite holes in them or hide them from him. This pricey bill is finally written proof of her crimes.
He pulls his wallet out of his coat pocket and hands his card to the receptionist, "Here you go." Soarynn does her best to look guilty and hide the growing smile on her face but she fails miserably and Coriolanus scoffs, "I don't see anything funny about this situation. I'm out one sock and my bank account is out four thousand."
Soarynn leans her head on his shoulder, batting her eyelashes up at him, "But it's for a good cause darling, aren't you glad she's all better now?" Coriolanus is certainly glad that Petunia didn't drop dead but her eating his sock further proves her vendetta against him.
This is psychological warfare.
And he's losing.
"Would you like to make the payment in full or in installments?"
Coriolanus nearly laughs at the question as he glances back down at the receptionist, "In full."
It's moments like this where he's glad that he's in the financial situation he's currently in, where he can afford to pay an expensive bill like this out of the blue.
Once the payment has been made and he's four thousand poorer, all three of them step out into the cold morning, this time the car is waiting for them. Coriolanus had spoken a quick word to the doorman before leaving for the clinic to have their car sent to pick them up.
He'd be damned if he had to walk back home dressed like this.
꧁ ꧂
"Oh, look at how clever you are darling."
Coriolanus glances into the hallway to see Petunia trying to catch a beam of light shining against the wall. Soarynn loves to take a flashlight and watch Petunia try and catch the light, claiming that it helps her tune into her "hunting instincts."
She's already caught a sock, so that's a start.
Petunia has been home for three days and Soarynn couldn't be happier. Coriolanus took the day off today to spend it with them, mostly to make sure Petunia didn't try to kill herself again when Soarynn turned her back for a split second.
But Petunia is as delighted to be back in Soarynn's presence as Soarynn is to be in hers.
Petunia looks into his study, momentarily making eye contact with him before hissing. Coriolanus doesn't try to hide his smile.
Some things never change.
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50 notes · View notes
slaymitchabernathy · 2 months
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A Husband’s Duty
| a companion to ‘Cold & Calculated’ |
Often times Coriolanus finds picking out his daily attire to be the most difficult part of his day.
Surely, he could wear the same outfit every day, buy the same shirt seven times and take the thinking out of it. But he always enjoys how satisfying it is to see it all come together.
His vision.
He fastens the knot of his tie and nods at his reflection. He looks distinguished. Well put together without trying too hard.
In other words, like a Snow.
His gold wedding band shines brightly in the mirrors reflection and he catches himself staring at it for a moment. He’s a married man now. It’s been a little over a month since he married Soarynn, formerly known as Soarynn Nightingale.
Their relationship has been…strict.
They’ve been doing everything strictly by the books.
Consummate the marriage the night of the wedding? Check.
Moving in together? Check.
Making public appearances as a newlywed couple? Check.
Sending out thank you cards for all those who attended the wedding? Check.
Forming a genuine relationship with his wife? He’s still working on that one.
It’s not like Soarynn is some horrible, wretched creature that he’s now stuck with until the end of time. On the contrary, she’s stunning and kind, she’s quiet and polite. She’s everything he could ever dream of.
He glances out of their shared closet into the bathroom where she’s currently standing in front of her vanity brushing out her long blonde hair.
And that’s another thing about her. The girl is very hygienic. She smells like vanilla, her hair is so soft, her skin is so smooth. She’s so feminine and gentle.
She’s….she’s bleeding? She’s bleeding!
Coriolanus has to do a double take before venturing into their bathroom but there is blood dripping down Soarynn’s leg and onto the bathroom tile. She doesn’t seem to notice at all which is what truly worries him. Has he married a girl who is already going to die? He’s heard stories of young adults like them losing their lives at such a young age.
He clears his throat and scratches the back of his neck, “Soarynn?”
She looks over her shoulder at him and her eyes are just so dazzling he nearly forgets what he came out here to talk about with her.
He shoves his hands in his pockets. Why must this be so difficult? She could be dying and here he is struggling to bring up a valid concern.
“You’re bleeding,” he nods towards the floor where more blood has pooled and Soarynn looks down, taking a step back once she notices the issue.
“Fuck,” she whispers and his lips twitch into a small smile. Soarynn is so eloquent and polite that hearing her swear is something almost foreign to him.
Soarynn tosses her brush onto the counter and rushes into the small room where the toilet is and shuts the door. Coriolanus listens to it lock and then all he can hear is some shuffling around and the flush of the toilet before she’s coming back out, flushed in her face.
She looks up at him before looking back down at the floor, seemingly nervous for whatever she’s about to tell him. “I got my…my cycle.”
She whispers the last word so softly that he has to lean forward, “You got your what?”
Soarynn sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose before looking back up at him, a hint of embarrassment behind her eyes, “I got my period.”
His eyes widen as he finally registers those words and what they mean. “Oh.” Soarynn nods and rocks back and forth on her heels, “Yes. I um, I honestly didn’t know when to expect it since I got the implant removed before the wedding,” she tells him but Coriolanus is still hung up on the news she just delivered.
Soarynn tilts her head and he shakes himself out of his daze, “I’m sorry, yes, yes I remember you scheduling the appointment to get your implant removed. So that you can get…”
“Get pregnant,” Soarynn finishes for him, her cheeks turning even more pink. “I guess I’m not yet.”
They both stand there for a moment, unsure of what to say to each other. Does she need a hug? Should he comfort her? Is she scared?
“I…I wasn’t very prepared for this,” she admits, running a hand through her hair, “could you please go get me some…some things?”
Coriolanus blinks once, twice, “Some things,” he repeats and Soarynn nods, “Yes. Some products so I don’t continue bleeding out on the floor.”
Well she has a good point. But why can’t she go out and buy the products? Coriolanus immediately scolds himself for his way of thinking. He’s a husband now and his wife needs him to be a man and buy her some feminine products. And of course, she can’t go out right now, she’s still in her nightgown and she’s bleeding out for heaven sake. Even if she wanted to go get them herself he wouldn’t let her.
Soarynn needs to rest, lie down and eat something maybe.
“Of course,” he nods, “is there anything in particular you’d like me to get for you?” Coriolanus has limited—no—knowledge of women’s feminine products considering he didn’t grow up with a sister and his mother never mentioned being on her period. She probably got the implant again the second she could. At least that’s what he would do.
Soarynn furrows her eyebrows before shaking her head, “No. I honestly have no idea. I got the implant when I was quite young so I’ve never really gotten my period before,” she says softly. Coriolanus feels his normally stern expression soften slightly when hearing her say that. Soarynn is still so young and she’s still learning. It’s up to him to help her through this.
“I trust your judgment when it comes to these things,” she adds, giving him a small smile. Coriolanus returns it with one of his own and straightens up, “All right. You get some rest and I’ll be back in no time.”
He quickly grabs a coat and his wallet, slipping on a comfortable pair of leather shoes for his short journey. It’s not too cold and he doesn’t mind a brisk walk every now and then.
When he comes into their bedroom he’s met with a sight that makes his heart ache. Soarynn sits on the edge of the bed, one arm wrapped around her waist while she holds onto the bedpost with the other, taking in slow and deep breaths.
Petunia is next to her, nuzzling her nose against Soarynn’s leg in means to offer her some comfort. She’s even brought her favorite toy at the moment, her pink mouse. Petunia meows at him and Soarynn lifts her head, their eyes meeting momentarily before he breaks his gaze away, “I’ll be back soon. Do ask the cook to make you some tea if you’re feeling a bit under the weather,” he suggests.
It’s not like she’s sick. But Coriolanus has a feeling that bleeding out for a good seven days can’t make you feel good either. Soarynn merely nods before closing her eyes again and he takes that as a signal to leave.
Now a man on a mission, he sets out into the Capitol in search of one thing and one thing only.
Period products.
꧁ ꧂
The jingle of the bell on the door announces his presence as Coriolanus strolls into the familiar establishment that is the pharmacy he and his family have been going to since he was an infant.
He and Soarynn have only come here once since meeting one another and that was to get her some medicine for a headache that popped up right before they were going to the theatre to see a show.
Other than that, they’ve made separate trips.
It’s the finest and most reputable pharmacy in the Capitol due to its location being within the inner circle of the city, the safest place for one to live. So it makes perfect sense that it’s merely a block away from the Corso, the street in which all prominent Capitol families reside.
Coriolanus heads straight to the back of the store where he’s met with a rather daunting aisle of different feminine care products. In all his years he’s never gone down this aisle but there’s a first time for everything.
He’s beginning to wish he’d asked Soarynn to give him some sort of idea as to what to purchase for her. There’s so many options. Pads, tampons, and…cups? Absolutely not. You have to be a very brave person to shove a cup up there.
Coriolanus takes a step back and sets his hands on his hips as he surveys all the different boxes. There are so many brands with different types of packaging although most of them are all pink which he supposes is for aesthetic purposes. If he were to have a say, the packaging would be blood red so it’s probably a good thing that he’s not been left to make such decisions.
Coriolanus looks to his left and meets the eyes of a woman who’s also shopping for feminine products. She shoots him a nasty look before walking further down the aisle, putting more distance between them.
He must look terribly out of place. A broad shouldered man, well above anyone’s normal height standing in this aisle with a confused look on his face.
His friends would tease him about this for weeks if they saw him like this.
He almost wants to assure the woman that he’s not some creep. ‘I’m not a pervert, I have a beautiful wife at home, please help me!’
He scans the prices of these products and nearly doubles over at how expensive these things are. Why are they so expensive? And aren’t they just thrown away once they’re used? If they were multi use products then maybe he could understand but this is outrageous. Is this what women deal with on a daily basis?
From what Soarynn told him on one of their many dates, the birth control implant is very expensive as well which is why only the richest women from the richest families can afford them.
He’s going to have to speak with a board of representatives about these prices because this is just ridiculous.
But being a Snow, his eyes drift to the most expensive products the pharmacy offers, top shelf.
If they’re that expensive then it’s for a reason. They must be the best and Soarynn deserves the best.
He wonders what she’d prefer though since he’s still faced with many options from this luxurious brand. He looks back down the aisle to ask the woman for help but she’s already gone.
Coriolanus huffs and simply grabs one of each box. Soarynn can decide what’s best for her.
As he walks down the aisle he notices a small display of pain relievers as well. Soarynn certainly looked like she was in pain when he left. He’s heard that some women experience cramps or back pain, or even tender breasts. He doesn’t hesitate to grab a bottle.
He’s almost at the checkout line when he also spots a heating pad at the end cap of another aisle. He grabs that too.
He gets a bit of a strange look from the cashier who happens to be an elderly woman but he ignores it entirely. “Will that be all for you today sir?”
He pulls out his wallet, “Yes.”
The woman hums and rings up his total, a whopping amount in his opinion but it’s better than blood soaked floors and a miserable wife for a week.
“Heavy flow today?”
Coriolanus almost chokes on his spit at the cashiers question as he hands her several bills, “It’s for my wife,” he quickly explains, his porcelain face turning pink. The cashier raises her eyebrows and hands him his change, “Then she’s a lucky lady to have a husband like you.”
꧁ ꧂
When Coriolanus returns to their bedroom, he finds Soarynn sitting in their small seating area next to the fireplace. She’s got a blanket covering her and she looks to be in good health.
She offers him a tired smile before eying the large paper bag he’s brought with him. “Did you buy the entire pharmacy?” She asks and Coriolanus grins, happy to see she’s still able to crack a small joke every now and then.
Soarynn can be very funny when she feels like it. He’s only witnessed most of her jokes when they’ve been in the company of friends she’s known her whole life but he hopes that one day she’ll truly let loose around him and give him a true taste of her sense of humor.
“I almost did,” he replies, sitting on the edge of the sofa she’s currently perched on, “I didn’t know what you’d like so I just got everything. Oh, and I got you some pain reliever and a heating pad as well.”
Soarynn’s expression softens as he hands her the bag and she peers in to see all that’s he’s brought for her. “Thank you,” she says, “that’s very kind of you.”
Coriolanus feels his focus on her being pulled away when he feels something tugging on his pants. He looks down to see Petunia lying on her back, clearly demanding attention. He was a bit hesitant to let Petunia move in with him once he and Soarynn were married.
It’s not that he’s doesn’t trust the feline but his penthouse has very nice and expensive furniture that she could so easily scratch up with those long claws. But Petunia has been very well behaved. She only annoys him every once in a while and it’s usually when Soarynn is gone so she has no one else to bother but him.
He gently scoops the cat up and gives her a good scratch behind the ears, “I suppose you’ll never know what it’s like hmm?” Soarynn chuckles and shakes her head while watching the two of them, “Unlike me she’s rather lucky. She got spayed as soon as she was able to. Mostly for the sake of not having kittens.”
Coriolanus nearly shudders at the thought of smaller versions of Petunia roaming around the apartment. He’s already outnumbered as it is. Both their maids are women and so is their cook. It’s five against one.
Petunia purrs and leans into his touch, momentarily making him forget that he should probably be doing something productive like working now that he’s done running this spontaneous errand.
He clears his throat and sets her back on the floor, ignoring her meow of protest, “Well, if you don’t need anything else I’ll be in my study.”
He doesn’t miss how Soarynn’s face slightly falters before she recovers and puts on a smile, “Of course. Thank you again for getting me what I need.”
Coriolanus grunts and rises to his feet, wiping his hands on his pants, “It’s a husband’s duty to look after his wife.”
He doesn’t wait for an answer, he just walks to the bedroom doors and closes them behind him, leaving his wife and her cat alone.
In another world he’d spend all day with her, lay in bed and feed her sweets, fetch her water and braid her hair.
In another life.
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slaymitchabernathy · 2 months
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Anything at all
| “If I let him do this to me, what else will I allow? Anything, anything, anything." - Catherynne M. Valente |
Out of all the things she’s had to endure this pregnancy, this is by far the worst of it.
The twins are coming.
Soarynn lets out another hiss of pain as she paces up and down the hall that leads to the entryway, waiting to hear those doors open.
Waiting for her husband.
Never in her life did she think she’d long for Coriolanus and his company, his presence. But now she’s downright desperate for him to be here, to be home.
She phoned him the moment the contractions started. Moments later, her water broke. It’s all gone downhill since then, the pain has only worsened and she worries that the doctor may not make it in time. Which is highly unrealistic. She knows that the doctor is on his way along with three midwives since that’s what Coriolanus told her before hanging up but she still worries.
She’s been doing a lot of that. Worrying.
She likes to think that as a mother, it’s her job to worry. And she worries for her children more than ever. She can no longer hide them in her womb and protect them that way. Once they’re born, there’s no going back. Her son will be at the mercy of Coriolanus and her daughter will be hers to cherish.
They’ve discussed it at length, her and Coriolanus about exactly how they’ll raise the children. Soarynn will take care of both twins for the first year or so since the next twelve months will be the most imperative for their growth. But once their son displays enough skill and development, Coriolanus will take over. He’s mentioned hiring a nanny for their son so that Soarynn can’t try to meddle with his upbringing.
She hates him so much.
Soarynn knows that the next year will be the only time she can truly cherish her son and she’s not going to waste a single moment on Coriolanus and his anger. As her pregnancy has progressed he’s become more angry, more impatient as if he’s not the one who got her pregnant.
But there’s no turning back now. Soarynn has been counting down the days until mid-March, waiting for their twins to make their grand entrance. They’re more than prepared with the nursery. Two cribs, two dressers, two closets. It breaks Soarynn’s heart to know that her twins will never have a true childhood together, not the way twins should be raised at all. There’s already another nursery for her son to move into once Coriolanus deems him ready to do so.
They should be together, always.
And she should be with her children at all times as well. But there's nothing that can be done about it now. She hears a soft purring and looks down to see Petunia has made her way out into the hall, most likely trying to figure out what's going on with her owner. "Oh Petunia," Soarynn sighs, rubbing at a sore spot on her stomach, feeling a tiny foot press against her hand a moment later. The twins have been so active as of late as if they can pick up on her anxiety.
She can't wait to meet them though, to have them in her arms. She and Coriolanus have gone to several appointments to see photos of them and listen to their tiny heartbeats. It's a bit strange knowing that two children are growing inside of her right now, ready to make their grand entrance.
The sound of someone fumbling with the front doors startles her and she looks down the hallway to see her husband finally emerging, briefcase in hand. She lets out a small sigh of relief and absentmindedly rubs her stomach as he approaches her, a million thoughts racing in his mind no doubt. He looks her up and down as if expecting the twins to suddenly fall out onto the floor, "The doctor isn't here yet?"
Soarynn shakes her head, "No."
Coriolanus huffs and nods towards their bedroom, "Let's be ready for him then."
꧁ ꧂
Soarynn lets out another pained cry as she's instructed to push. It's so fucking hard and she has to do this twice.
"I can't," she gasps, falling back onto the pillows, her hair strewn out around her face. Her face is covered in sweat and she's breathless.
Giving birth is exhausting.
"I can see the first head," the doctor tells her and that gives her a bit of hope, to know that her children are very much on their way to meet her. If only they could crawl out from inside of her. Over the past hour, every push she's given has made it feel as if she's being torn apart.
"There's not...there's not any tearing right?" She asks with a gasp, worrying what Coriolanus might think should she tear while giving birth. A wife of his has to be perfect inside and out.
The doctor shakes his head, "No Mrs. Snow, but you shouldn't worry about that. Now, let's push again, ready? One, two, three..."
Soarynn lets out another screech, something that's bound to get her a stern talking from Coriolanus about all the noise she's made since her water broke. He's waiting outside right now, most likely having something to drink while he waits for the confirmation that his children have arrived.
"The first one is coming out, keep pushing!"
Soarynn wishes her father were here, or even Petunia.
With one final push, her first child is born into the world. The sound of her baby's cries is all she needs to hear to know that she can do it again. "One more Mrs. Snow," the doctor encourages her, "I can see her head."
Her head. So her son was born first. Good, Coriolanus will be pleased to know that his heir is also his firstborn.
Soarynn whimpers but nods, bracing herself to push once again. "Okay," she whispers, "I'm ready." Giving birth to her daughter is excruciatingly painful compared to her son but the moment she hears a new chorus of wailing, she knows it's all over.
It all becomes a blur after that. She's cleaned up and wiped down as her children are given the same treatment. She watches the doctor weigh them before handing her twins to the midwives to swaddle them up. "Congratulations Mrs. Snow," one of the midwives says as she hands Soarynn a pink bundle.
Soarynn chokes back a sob as she looks down at her beautiful daughter. Her Ceraphina. "Oh, she's beautiful," she says softly, "she's so beautiful." She gently caresses her daughter's soft hair for a moment before placing a gentle kiss on her tiny head, "I'm so happy to meet you my darling."
She looks back up to see her other baby also swaddled but in a blue blanket instead of pink.
Her son.
If she wasn't a teary mess before, she certainly is now. Taking her son into her arms for the first time is a bittersweet moment filled with the fear of the future, the unknown. For now, he'll be hers but not for long, not forever. But they'll still be intertwined, until forever and she holds onto that known fact.
She'll always be his mother no matter what Coriolanus says or does.
She's so wrapped up in her blissful bubble that she doesn't even realize that Coriolanus has entered their room until he's right next to her resting his hand on her head. Soarynn looks up at him and feels relieved to see that he looks more than pleased with her.
He looks proud.
"Good job darling," he says, his eyes lingering on their son, "I heard he came out first." Soarynn looks back down at her darling son, "He did," she confirms with a nod of her head, "he's a true heir if I've ever seen one." Soarynn knows she's laying it on thick and Coriolanus probably does too but she has to do her best to help her son in any way that she can. Coriolanus and his future have been ruled by the promise of a son, an heir. How the public receives their son will directly affect Coriolanus which will indirectly affect Soarynn.
Coriolanus hums and reaches down to touch their son's soft cheek, "He's so small." He is indeed. Caspian Coriolanus Snow was born weighing seven pounds according to the doctor who comes over to tell Coriolanus every little detail about their twins.
Soarynn tunes them out for the most part, going back and forth between the babies who both seem fascinated with her. Both of them have bright blue eyes but she can see that Ceraphina has more gray compared to Caspian. She can't believe she just pushed two children out of her body although the area between her legs quickly reminds her of the burning and aching.
"I didn't tear right?" Soarynn suddenly asks, cringing inwardly at the sharp look she gets from her husband for interrupting his conversation with the doctor. "There was no tearing," the doctor assures her, "but you must refrain from any sexual activity for at least six weeks." She can see in his eyes that Coriolanus is going to take those six weeks as a challenge. She's going to take them as a grace period.
"Everything will be done in due time," Coriolanus says as he rests his hand on her shoulder. Soarynn doesn't mind the contact, not when she's holding two bundles of joy in her arms.
She had been so afraid for them to come into this world, unknowing of what expectations would be placed on them but now she can see that she has to protect her children.
She'll do anything at all.
꧁ ꧂
꧁ A Year-and-a-Half Later꧂
The wails of her son are a hard thing for Soarynn to ignore. She can hear him all the way down the hallway, crying out for her, completely disregarding the nanny who’s been tasked to look after him in Soarynn’s place.
But Caspian doesn’t seem to care. Doesn’t understand.
“Momma, momma!”
Soarynn blinks away the tears in her eyes and flips to the next page of the picture book she’s reading to Ceraphina who’s sitting in her lap, “Where were we? Oh yes, the little rabbit ran down the hill, careful with his basket so the carrots didn’t spill.”
It’s awkward for the both of them. Ceraphina is all too aware of her brother down the hall and Soarynn knows she misses him as well.
“Mommy,” she mumbles, placing her small hand on top of Soarynn’s, “help Cas.” Soarynn sighs and runs a loving hand through Ceraphina’s curls, if only she could explain to her darling daughter why things have to be this way.
“Cas has to be a big boy,” she explains gently, “mommy can’t always be there for him.”
But she should be there for him. Morning, noon, and night she should be there for him.
It’s clear which child receives more attention from their mother. Ceraphina’s development is far better than Caspian’s but it’s not like Soarynn can blame him. He’s a product of his environment.
Soarynn tries to tune out Caspian as she continues to read Ceraphina her book before putting her down for a nap but she flinches when she hears the door of her husbands study open.
He walks past their bedroom towards the nursery and she can hear nothing but hushed whispers between Coriolanus and the nanny.
Once Caspian was done breastfeeding, Coriolanus felt it was time for him to unlatch from Soarynn in every way possible. Which also meant preparing the separate nursery for Caspian.
She can hear Caspian’s wailing growing louder and louder until she and Ceraphina look up from their spot on the bedroom floor to find Coriolanus holding Caspian with a rather inconvenienced look on his face. “I trust you can get him down for a nap,” he deadpans.
Soarynn swallows and nods, carefully setting the picture book down on the floor. Caspian’s tears cease the moment he lays eyes on his mother, his breathing slows and his red face returns to its normal color.
Soarynn stands up, holding Ceraphina to her hip as she approaches her husband and son.
“Momma,” Caspian mumbles, reaching out a small hand towards her. Soarynn gives him a small smile and presses a kiss to his hand, “I���m right here darling. Now why don’t we get you down for a nap?”
She knows Coriolanus is watching her every move, noting every interaction she has with their son as if she’s the one at fault. Still, she pushes through. “Your father will put you down for a nap sweetheart,” she says to Ceraphina who shows no signs of protest.
Ceraphina adores Coriolanus, thinks he’s the greatest thing in the world and because of his work schedule, she cherishes every moment she has with him. Soarynn knows that Coriolanus only ever wanted a son but even she can see how much he cares for their little girl, even if he were to deny it.
Which is why he doesn’t argue with her when she hands off Ceraphina in exchange for Caspian. He immediately buries his nose in her neck, letting out a tired whimper and Soarynn sighs, holding the back of his head with her hand, “Let’s go back to your nursery hmm?”
She quietly pads down the hall and passes the nanny who wears a guilty look on her face. Soarynn has done her best to comfort the young woman who’s clearly been tasked with the impossible feat of looking after the Snow heir morning, noon, and night in place of his mother. Coriolanus hasn’t relented on his decision to have a nanny be the primary caretaker for Caspian, but Soarynn knows that it’ll eventually catch up to him.
Caspian’s nursery has shades of blue throughout the design. There’s a shelf for books, a dresser and a rocking chair along with many toys. His closet is filled to the brim with clothes that Soarynn buys for him and yet she’s almost never granted the privilege of dressing him. Her own son.
Soarynn fights back tears as she rocks him side to side, doing her best to lull him to sleep. She can’t spend too much time in here, or else Coriolanus will come knocking.
“Go to sleep my sweet boy,” she whispers, “close your eyes and dream a sweet dream.”
Caspian’s head grows heavy against her chest once Soarynn begins to hum a song that her father used to sing to her when she was little. Is he watching her right now? Is he disappointed in her?
Soarynn carefully places Caspian down in his crib and simply stares at him for a moment. Her darling son. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, just like Coriolanus. She almost hates how much he resembles his father, they’re nearly identical.
She hopes he won’t turn out like Coriolanus, that he’ll grow up to be kind and strong. But hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like her to have.
꧁ ꧂
꧁ Three Years Later ꧂
Soarynn wakes up with a gasp. It’s pitch black in her bedroom but the insistent shaking on her side of the bed woke her up. She squints in the darkness and is just able to make out the shape of her son who’s standing by her bedside.
“Caspian, what are you doing out of bed darling?”
Caspian shifts on his feet, nervously glancing at her and then over at his father who’s still sound asleep. He should be exhausted considering how hard her fucked Soarynn a few hours ago. She certainly is.
Exactly six weeks after giving birth, Coriolanus made her have sex with him again. She cried. She begged him to wait longer, especially because she was in no condition to have sex with two newborn infants depending on her but he didn’t care. He never cared. And if she wanted to keep her children safe then she’d do anything.
“I had a nightmare.”
Soarynn feels her heart break at her son’s words and she slowly sits up in bed, reaching out to cup his face, “Would you like me to tuck you back into bed?”
Caspian shakes his head and grabs her wrist as if he might never let her go, “Momma can I sleep with you? I don’t wanna go back to my room.”
Soarynn sighs and rubs her face with her other hand. Coriolanus would be furious if Caspian spent the night in their bedroom. “A true Snow shows strength, not weakness,” she had once overheard him saying to Caspian who was scared to go to the doctor’s office.
He’s been set on poisoning their son’s mind with falsehoods but Soarynn has been doing her best to fight the silent battle with small acts of kindness to outweigh his anger.
There’s only so much she can do now that the children are five, but she can’t stop fighting now.
“Let’s go back to your room,” she suggests, standing up, “come on, let’s be quiet so we don’t wake your father.” She rests her hand on his back as she leads them out of her bedroom and down the hallway. She hears smaller footsteps following behind and looks over her shoulder to see Petunia also came along.
Caspian’s room is quite clean for a boy his age but he has lots of storage to put away his things and the nanny is very insistent on him being organized. Coriolanus has gone through eight nanny’s since Caspian was born. Each had their strengths and weaknesses but Coriolanus was determined to find the perfect fit.
The latest one, Constance, is an older woman who is very stern with children. Soarynn does her best to avoid the woman at all costs and Ceraphina does the same even though Soarynn can see how much she wants to be around her brother.
Despite their different upbringings, they’re still twins and display so many similarities. It drives Coriolanus up the wall sometimes but Soarynn loves that her twins are intertwined together.
“Do you want some water?” She asks once they reach his small bed. She can see him much better in the dim light from his bedside lamp as he shakes his head, a rather determined look on his face, “Just want you to stay momma.”
Soarynn carefully sits down next to him on the tiny mattress, it amazes her how much she and her children have grown. She’s no longer a young girl without any prospects. She’s a wife now, a mother. She’s grown into her womanly body as well. Having two children at the same time gave her new curves as well as new wrinkles but Coriolanus insists that she still radiates youthfulness.
Which is a good thing apparently.
“You know I can’t stay Caspian,” she says quietly, “I have to go back and sleep in my own bed with your father.” Caspian scrunches his nose and shakes his head, “You don’t even like him.”
Soarynn doesn’t say anything. Children are more perceptive than she thought. Especially her children. As much as she tries to hide the hardships of her marriage, they still leak through the cracks. Before they had children, Coriolanus was his true, horrible self behind closed doors. But now it’s different.
He has to keep up the act, at least, somewhat keep up the act. But the twins can see how she stiffens when he walks into the room and how possessive their father can be sometimes when it comes to their mother.
Soarynn is spread thin these days between being a doting mother and wife and one day, she’s going to breakdown.
“Of course I like him,” she tells her son, rubbing her fingers through his blonde hair, “and I wouldn’t even fit in your bed. Why don’t I tell you a story to help you fall back asleep?”
Petunia hops onto the bed, purring while she rubs her face against Caspian’s chest which earns her a giggle from the child. Soarynn smiles at the sight. Petunia looks out for Caspian in ways that Soarynn can’t and she’ll always be grateful for that.
“Just don’t wanna go back to sleep,” he says, looking up at her with those bright blue eyes. It’s like she’s staring at Coriolanus except these eyes hold so much genuine love and devotion for her.
She loves her son so much that she could burst.
“Why don’t you play a little game? I always play this game when I have trouble falling asleep.”
It’s true. On the nights where Coriolanus fucks her until she cries and then washes her off like it’s nothing, Soarynn lies in bed once he falls asleep, contemplating many things. Running away, killing herself, killing him. It all ends the same way though, putting the children at risk.
“You play games?” He asks, his eyes wide in fascination. Soarynn smiles and nods, “Yes. Now let’s get you under your covers so we can start the game properly.”
She helps Caspian get settled into bed, making sure his pillow is fluffed and his sheets cover his toes. She rarely gets to put him to bed, so this is a treat within itself. “You’re getting so big,” she tells him, pinching his cheek. Caspian giggles and smiles brightly at her, “You are too.”
Soarynn raises her eyebrows at her son’s statement. She’s getting so big? She hasn’t noticed any weight gain and Coriolanus won’t hesitate to mention any fluctuations in her physical appearance should there be any change.
“What do you mean by that darling?” She asks, hoping for some clarification. Caspian takes her large hand in his small one and stares at them for a moment before answering, “Father is so old. But you’re still growing up momma. And I am too, and Ceraphina. You can see it in the pictures.”
Soarynn holds back tears at words she finds ringing true. Anyone with eyes can see that she was a child when she had children of her own, when she was shackled to Coriolanus once her father died.
“We’ve grown up together you and I,” she whispers. Caspian nods, “Can we play the game now?”
Soarynn shakes herself from the self-pitying thoughts that constantly swarm her head and she pushes a smile to her face, “Yes. It’s a bit tedious though. But what I do is I lay down and I remember every good thing I’ve ever seen a person do.”
Caspian seems to think her game over for a moment before letting out a small yawn, “Like when my friends help me clean up at school?” Soarynn nods, placing a kiss to his forehead, “Exactly darling, things like that. Things that remind us that there’s still good in the world.”
And there is good in this world. She sees in her children. In her cat. In the baker who always gives her a sugar cookie when she goes to pick up bread because those were her favorite when she was a little girl. She sees it in her hairdresser who always says that her father would be so proud of the young woman she’s become.
Caspian’s eyes grow heavier by the second and Soarynn does her best to cling to these last moments with her son. She doesn’t know when she’ll get them again. “That’s a long game momma,” he says with a sleepy sigh.
It takes him a few more minutes to finally fall back asleep and Soarynn watches him breathe in and out. She finds it hard to believe that the man down the hall contributed to making Caspian, the sweetest boy she’s ever met despite everything his father has put him through.
She knows he can be kind, and if he plays her little game and looks for it then he can find the kindness he so desperately seeks from his father.
“I know my darling,” she whispers, standing up and giving him one last glance before turning on her heel. She wipes away a single tear before shutting his bedroom door and looking down the hallway towards her own bedroom where he’s still asleep.
The monster.
But she’s survived this long. She can do it for longer. For her children she’ll do anything. It’s like a game within itself, a game to test how she can survive Coriolanus and his mood swings. Survive how he parents their son and chastises her every move.
The game she most taught Caspian seems so tame in comparison but she knows how daunting it must be to a little boy like him.
But she knows better.
There are much worse games to play.
| Part 3. | Final Part |
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slaymitchabernathy · 5 months
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Play Nice
“You are an absolute brat and I loathe you,” Coriolanus grits out, covered in sweat, scratches and a little bit of blood as he wrangles her down to the tiled bathroom floor, “I wish I never let you move in with me.”
All that he gets in reply is a hiss and a frustrated yowl.
“Is everything alright in there?” Soarynn calls from the bedroom.
Coriolanus glances at his reflection in the floor length mirror. He looks absolutely pitiful like this. Soaked with bath water, his curls sticking to his forehead, his hands scratched up as he attempts to pin down an eleven pound cat to the ground.
“Perfectly fine darling,” he calls back.
Petunia lets out a loud meow, so loud that you’d think he was strangling her which is fucking impossible the way she’s wiggling around. “This is only going to serve as a momentary lapse in our relationship,” he gasps as he finally manages to get her to hold still, “all that’s left is drying you off and clipping your nails.”
Easier said than done.
Ever so carefully, he reaches for the towel he left on the floor, wrapping it around her until she looks like some sort of puffed pastry. Petunia does not look happy but Coriolanus can’t find it in him to care about that right now. “You’re an absolute diva,” he tells her, shooting the feline a small glare, “you had me fooled in that pet shop all those years ago.”
Coriolanus had gotten Petunia as a gift for Soarynn, as means to give his girlfriend some company while he was away at work. He hadn’t expected the cat to become a tyrant in his own home, prancing around with ribbons on her neck, batting at his ankles and sleeping right in between them.
And she stole his socks. Some things were just unforgivable to him.
She looks a bit like a wet rat right now. Soaked to the bone but he is too. Her normally fluffy, white fur is smoothed down making her appear much smaller than she usually does. Petunia is a ball of fluff, if only her attitude could say the same.
“Do you need help Coryo?”
His eyes widen at his girlfriend’s question and he’s quick to shoot it down. “We’re fine! Just rest darling.”
Normally, Soarynn took on the brunt of Petunia’s personal hygiene. She brushed the cat at least ten times a day and cats are quite clean overall so it was rare for Petunia to be bathed. Usually, they handed that task over to their trusted veterinarian but the vet was closed today and while Soarynn could bathe Petunia with no problem, she wasn’t feeling well. Menstrual cramps seemed to be a constant issue where Coriolanus was concerned. He hated them. Hated how they made the love of his life feel, how helpless she became, how she whimpered in pain as she curled up in a tight ball.
So on the day she had planned to give Petunia a bath, he bravely stepped up to the task. How hard could it be? Petunia was always so well behaved when Soarynn bathed her. Coriolanus even had a photo of Soarynn holding up a swaddled Petunia in her arms, almost like a child with a big smile on her face.
Petunia however, seemed to be dead set on making him regret his selfless decision as she attempted to free her paw to swat at him. “Save your tears for someone who cares about them,” he tells the cat as he ruffles the towel and attempts to dry her off. He glances at the hair dryer that sits on his girlfriend’s side of the bathroom counter but that’s too risky. Water and electricity are a terrible match and with his luck, he’d electrocute both of them.
He’ll just stick with the towel.
꧁ ꧂
By the time he’s finished with the battle of drying and clipping the cats fur and nails, Coriolanus feels as if he’s lost a good two years of his life.
It’s damn near ironic how she happily prances out into the bedroom once he opens the bathroom doors, gasping for air. Petunia runs over to the bed, effortlessly jumping onto it and immediately seeks out Soarynn for comfort.
He can’t see his girlfriend all that clearly with the amount of pillows and blankets she’s got covering her but he hears her chuckle at his attempt of a ribbon around Petunia’s neck. “Oh, you gave him a run for his money, didn’t you my darling?”
Coriolanus scoffs and smooths his hair back as he walks around to her side of the bed and finds her curled up with her heating pad. Petunia is already lying down, her stomach on full display as Soarynn gives her belly rubs. “If our children are anything like her then we’ll need to hire a full-time nanny,” Coriolanus decides right there and then.
Soarynn smirks as she slowly attempts to sit up but he gently pushes her back down. She needs to rest, that’s why he so stupidly agreed to do this suicidal task in the first place. “You know, I do have to move at some point,” she softly reminds him. Coriolanus nods, he knows that Soarynn can’t lie here forever but he’s set on keeping her here as long as possible. Where she’s safe and warm and loved.
Petunia meows, seemingly upset that the attention is no longer on her. “I think if we gave you to Dr. Gaul she’d send you right back,” he says, not at all impressed with the innocent display Petunia is putting on. She hisses at him and tries to swipe at his hand when he reaches for Soarynn.
Soarynn rolls her eyes and scratches the cat between her ears, “Play nice you two.”
Easy for her to say. The cat is obsessed with Soarynn, wants to follow her everywhere, be with her while she showers and brushes her teeth.
Which is unfortunate because Coriolanus is also obsessed with Soarynn and wants to follow her everywhere, and be with her while she showers and brushes her teeth.
If he knew he was in for some competition then he would have gotten her a fish.
“She refuses to share you with me,” he grumbles as he carefully sits on the edge of the bed, his hip next to Soarynn’s head. Soarynn gives him a small smile, “Sounds like someone I know.” He ignores her teasing and runs a loving hand through her soft blonde hair, “Well, that someone clearly adores you with all his heart and made a great sacrifice today by bathing that cat.”
Soarynn giggles and presses a kiss to Petunia’s head, “He also replaced the silk ribbon I normally tie around her neck for a necktie.” Well, now he’s embarrassed. And the tie looks rather sharp in his opinion and Petunia clearly doesn’t mind as she bats at it with her paws. “He was a man with few resources who was trapped with a deadly beast,” he tells her somberly, “be glad he made it out alive.”
Soarynn looks up at him and he nearly melts right then and there at how beautiful she looks.
She’d deny it if he told her how perfect she looks right now. She’d claim that she hasn’t showered yet and that her hair isn’t properly styled and that she hasn’t eaten a decent meal since yesterday afternoon but he doesn’t care. He’s sure he’ll see all sorts of sides of her as their relationship grows and matures. He’s going to hold her hand when she pushes their child into the world and Coriolanus doesn’t doubt that she’ll look absolutely beautiful when she does it.
“Thank you for giving her a bath,” she says. And suddenly all is forgiven. The headache he has is now vaporized. The cuts on his hand healed. His damp curls dry and styled to perfection. Everything seems to be alright with her by his side.
“You’re very welcome my darling,” he replies before leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead. He feels a soft sensation on his cheek and in his peripheral vision he can see Petunia rubbing her head against his cheek. Soarynn lets out a breathy laugh, “Looks like all has been forgiven then.”
Coriolanus smiles to himself as Petunia crawls onto Soarynn’s lap and curiously observes the heating pad.
Petunia can be a real pain in the ass. But when he sees how happy she makes Soarynn, how much more Soarynn laughs and smiles because of that cat, it all seems worth it in the end. After all, these are the two most important women in his life. He ought to take care of them.
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60 notes · View notes
slaymitchabernathy · 5 months
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Home Is Not A Place
Coriolanus wishes he was at home right now.
He wishes he was showered, in fresh, clean pajamas in bed with the love is his life wrapped up in his arms.
He’s not.
But he’s sure to be the talk of the town in the morning. He can’t imagine what people must be thinking about him as he walks the dark Capitol streets, still in his work clothes.
He scans the alleyway, looking for something, anything really. He finds nothing.
He sighs and cards his fingers through his golden curls. They’ve been looking for hours and still haven’t found her. Still, he persists and cups his hands around his mouth once again, “Petunia!”
He listens for a meow, a hiss, something. For once, he misses that cat.
He’d come home from work exhausted only to find his girlfriend in tears. Soarynn had torn their apartment apart looking for her beloved cat Petunia and couldn’t find her. Coriolanus assured her that the spoiled feline couldn’t have gotten out. They lived on the twelfth floor for goodness sake and Petunia was not that adventurous.
Besides, it’s not like she could open the front doors.
But then Soarynn reminded him of the movers that had come today, to bring in their new dining room table and that they must have left the doors wide open, giving Petunia the perfect chance to escape.
Why she would want to escape a life of luxury was beyond him but women were often complicated creatures who gave no explanation for their actions and that seemed to apply to the cat as well.
They called all their friends, asking them to keep a look out for Petunia, they asked all their neighbors if she had snuck into their homes, they went down to the Peacekeeper station and put in a report, and they even put up flyers offering a hefty reward for Petunia’s safe return.
In a way, Coriolanus hoped that one of the movers had taken her, tried to pass her off as a new gift for their wives. That way he could beat the ever loving shit out of whatever fool took the cat. He almost felt bad for whoever took Petunia, she could be terribly mean and annoying when she wanted to be so they were in for a nasty surprise.
Coriolanus looks across the street and watches his girlfriend crouch down in front of another bush, checking to make sure Petunia hasn’t gotten stuck. Soarynn is a complete and utter mess without Petunia and for his sake, he hopes they find her.
Soarynn had been inconsolable when he found her in their apartment. “I’m the worst pet owner in the entire world,” she’d cried to him. “What if she’s hurt? Or scared? Or dead?”
Coriolanus silently prayed that Petunia wasn’t a victim of a car accident or someone’s unruly dog who liked to chase cats. She wasn’t the smartest cat and she definitely lacked the essential street smarts that other cats possessed.
“Darling,” he calls, “let’s go check over here.” He waits for Soarynn to cross the empty street. She’s bundled up in one of her heaviest coats due to it being the dead of winter. He can see his breath in the air as he lets out a deep sigh when he sees how heartbroken her face is. “We’re never going to find her Coryo,” Soarynn whispers, immediately seeking him out for comfort which he gladly gives her.
Coriolanus wraps her up in his arms, resting his chin on the top of her head, “She’s going to be okay Soarynn. We’ll find her. Petunia is going to turn up, I’m sure she’s worried about you more than you’re worried about her.”
As annoying as that cat can be, she’s been a loyal and loving companion to Soarynn. The two have been inseparable since the day he brought Petunia home. Coriolanus knows that Petunia must miss Soarynn just as much as Soarynn misses her.
He glances down at his wristwatch and sees that it’s nearly midnight. He’s exhausted and Soarynn can’t be doing much better than he is considering that she’s spent a majority of her day crying. If she had her way, they’d spend the entire night searching for Petunia but they need to rest, go home and shower.
“Soarynn,” he says quietly, “I think it might be time to fold in the tents. Go home.”
Soarynn pulls away from his warm embrace and shakes her head, her eyes are full of tears, “There’s no home to go to if Petunia isn’t there,” she tells him, “home isn’t a place. It’s where everyone you love is and Petunia is still out there.”
Coriolanus can’t help but admire his girlfriend’s persistence. Soarynn has never been a quitter and she’s helplessly devoted to anything and everyone she loves. Including the cat.
Coriolanus sighs, he won’t win this argument, he already knows that. He also knows that Soarynn won’t sleep a wink tonight and will probably sneak back out once he falls asleep to keep looking for Petunia.
And he can’t have that. He’s already got one of his girls alone on the Capitol streets, he can’t afford to have the other one out here alone as well.
So, he nods. “Alright. We’ll keep looking. Why don’t we check the park?”
꧁ ꧂
“Petunia? Where are you darling?”
Coriolanus feels his heart break a little more when he hears the tremble in his girlfriend’s voice. He knows she’s trying to be strong, put on a brave face but Petunia is quite literally the only family that they have. With both their of parents gone, the two of them have been alone for a majority of their lives.
Coriolanus used to think he��d be alone forever, or worse, get stuck in a loveless marriage. But then he met her. Soarynn completely flipped his life upside down. She made him be a better man, made him want to be a better man. The old Coriolanus would never be caught dead roaming the Capitol streets at night looking for a cat but here he was.
He lets out a low whistle, one Petunia always seems to respond to. He thought the park might have some luck considering the vast amount of trees it has. Petunia is quite fond of climbing on the furniture at home as has even attempted to climb him.
If he were a cat, he’d come to the park.
He glances around the park but doesn’t see any signs of the white feline. It’s just trees, benches and statues. He looks back over at Soarynn who’s now looking inside of trash cans. “I’m going to look over here darling,” he calls, “please be careful.”
Knowing Soarynn, she’d happily risk her life to get Petunia home safely but Coriolanus can’t risk that. Risk losing her. He already fears that he’s going to lose a part of her if they don’t even find Petunia.
He’s beginning to wonder what Soarynn will be like when Petunia passes away. He shudders at the thought and begins walking towards one of the large statues on the park. It consists of three men on horseback, the one in the center is holding the flag of Panem. Lots of people take pictures in front of the statue considering how impressive it is.
He looks around for any signs of Petunia. A tuft of fur, some outrageous attitude. Anything really.
He approaches the statue and allows himself a moment to admire it. He’s grateful that he chose to wear a thicker coat tonight. It’s burgundy and has done a wonderful job at keeping him warm. Is Petunia cold right now? He’s worried about that cat, even though it pains him to admit it, he’s worried about her.
He slowly walks around the statue, his eyes trained on the pavement when out of the corner of his eye he sees a pink ribbon. He’s quick to snatch it off the ground and inspect it. He wants to tell himself that it could’ve belonged to a child who lost it earlier today but he just knows that it’s Petunias.
Soarynn has always been so fond of trying pretty bows around Petunia’s neck. The cat is close. He just knows it.
“Petunia! Petunia where are you?!” He yells, suddenly fresh full of energy. She’s somewhere in this park, he just doesn’t know where. “Come on Petunia, let’s go home!” Coriolanus is beginning to wish they brought some cat food or one of her favorite toys. But Soarynn is more than enough of a motivator for the cat.
He turns to walk down another pathway when he hears the faintest sound to his left. It sounded like a meow. He looks to his left but all he sees is a rather large oak tree. He slowly walks towards it, he doesn’t want to scare Petunia off if she’s hiding behind it. Once he reaches the tree he walks around the large trunk but there’s no sign of Petunia.
But she’s close.
Then he hears it again. A meow.
Coriolanus slowly looks up into the large tree and through the interwoven branches he sees her. Petunia. Sitting on a branch, with matted fur and a rather inconvenienced look on her face as if this is all his fault. “Oh, you little diva,” he whispers, going to grab the nearest branch.
She won’t climb down on her own, he knows that much. Petunia is as spoiled as they come and now that she knows she’s been found by the correct people, she’s not going to go out of her way to be rescued. Coriolanus hasn’t ever climbed a tree before but today will be the start of his tree climbing days.
“Feel free to meet me halfway,” he calls out to the cat who watches as he pulls himself up onto a branch. He can hear the sound of Soarynn’s heels clicking on the pavement, “Coryo? Coryo where are you?” He lets out a groan as he climbs further up, the ground suddenly looks so far away but there’s no turning back now.
“I’m in the tree,” he says, “I found her.” He hears Soarynn gasp and a second later she’s at the base of the tree, “Oh, Petunia!” Petunia lets out a sad little cry when she’s sees Soarynn and Coriolanus is worried she might try to jump. She’s standing on her branch now, looking down at Soarynn. She looks like she wants to jump. She really wants to jump.
Coriolanus swears under his breath and begins to climb faster, hoping to reach the cat before she leaps off the tree. “Stay there Petunia,” Soarynn calls, “Coryo is coming to get you.” Petunia yowls in frustration and leaps down to a lower beach, nearly sending Coriolanus into cardiac arrest.
“Soarynn you have to stop talking to her,” he grits out, “or she’s going to jump and this cat won’t land on her feet.” He’s almost there but then there’s the issue of getting back down. A bridge he can cross later.
Finally, he’s within grabbing distance of the cat and he all but snatches her off the branch. Petunia surprisingly rubs her head against his chest which must mean she’s been quite lonely is she’s so happy to see him of all people. “Let’s get you home,” he whispers, holding her tight to his chest as he begins to climb back down.
It’s treacherous work trying to get back down, especially with Petunia posing the constant threat of scratching his eyes out but she seems to understand the gravity of the situation and behaves.
Once they hit the ground, Coriolanus is ready for a drink. Alcoholic to be specific. Soarynn is immediately on top of him, grabbing Petunia from his hold. “Oh, my darling, my angel, my baby. Oh, are you alright? Are you hurt? Are you hungry? Oh, you must’ve been so frightened my sweet angel, baby.”
Coriolanus is somewhat butthurt that she’s talking to the cat and not him but he’s also just happy that they found Petunia alive and unscathed for the most part. He watches at the two reunite, Soarynn has fresh tears streaming down her face and Petunia is purring up a storm, licking said tears off of her face.
It’s a sweet sight to witness.
“She’ll need a bath,” he says, chuckling when Petunia hisses at him. It seems she no longer is happy to see him. Soarynn presses kiss to her head, “Oh, be nice to him Petunia. He saved your life just now.” Coriolanus gives her a smug look now that he’s been deemed the hero of the situation. “Why don’t we head home and continue this reunion there?” He suggests, all too eager to lay down and sleep.
Soarynn nods and holds Petunia tighter to her chest, “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”
꧁ ꧂
It’s an all too pleasant and familiar sight to watch Soarynn brush Petunia’s fur. She’s already bathed her and tied a new ribbon around her neck. Even though it’s three in the morning, Coriolanus finds himself smiling at how his girlfriend interacts with her cat. “You were so brave,” she says softly, “you knew we’d come find you. But you can’t ever run away like that again darling. You’re an inside cat.” She most certainly is. Coriolanus would pay good money to watch Petunia attempt to hunt.
Once Soarynn deems Petunia properly cleaned and Petunia decides that she’s gotten enough attention and treats, they all finally curl up under the covers. Normally, Coriolanus isn’t too fond of Petunia sleeping with them. She has her own bed to sleep in but he can’t deny her a chance to cuddle with Soarynn, not after the day she’s had.
“Thank you for finding her,” Soarynn mumbles, nuzzling her face in his neck. Coriolanus presses a soft kiss to her head, “You’re very welcome my darling.”
Soarynn was right about one thing. Coriolanus has slept in this bed for well over a decade and it’s been just him. But with Soarynn and Petunia safely in his hold, it feels more like home than it ever has before.
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slaymitchabernathy · 6 months
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Wrapped in a Bow
It’s late when Coriolanus gets home.
So late.
The guilt eats him alive as he pushes the elevator button to take him to the twelfth floor. He lives in the penthouse of course.
He knows she’ll be waiting for him, she always is. Even if she falls asleep in the process he knows Soarynn won’t go to bed without him. At first he’d been slightly put off by it.
Why would she wait up for him when she could be asleep?
But then he began to love it, cherish it. And the more sick and twisted side of him was filled with pride that his girlfriend chose to wait for him each and every night. He knew his other friends couldn’t say the same.
He’s quiet when unlocking the doors and walking in. The penthouse is dark except for a faint glow coming from the living room. And he can hear a muffled voice, someone is talking but he knows it’s not Soarynn. He walks further into the apartment and finds his girlfriend in her usual spot, curled up on the sofa with a blanket, wearing one of his pullovers. She looks so beautiful, so angelic while she sleeps.
He turns his attention to the television where Lucky Flickerman’s television show is playing softly. He knows why she’s watching him this late at night and it’s not because she’s a big Lucky Flickerman fan.
It’s because she’s scared to be alone.
That’s probably what makes Coriolanus feel the worst. Knowing that while he’s at the office or at some company dinner Soarynn is home alone, anxiously waiting for him to get back.
She’s fine during the day. She goes out with her friends, goes shopping, gets her nails done. But when the sun sets she gets nervous.
Coriolanus walks around the sofa and reaches down for the remote, turning off the television before he gently scoops Soarynn off the sofa, inhaling the sweet scent of vanilla. She’s always smelled like vanilla. He’s always smelled like roses.
A perfect pair it seems.
Soarynn begins to mumble when they reach the bedroom, finally stirring from her sleep. “Hi pretty girl,” he whispers, nudging the doors shut with his foot. Soarynn slowly opens her eyes, nearly taking his breath away. She’s always been so stunning.
Soarynn reaches out and brushes his cheek with her finger tips as if she can’t believe he’s real. He often finds himself wondering the same thing about her.
Is this real? Is she real? Does she really love him?
He likes to think it’s real. He knows his love for her is real. “Coryo,” she whispers, “you’re home so late.” Coriolanus swallows at her statement and carefully sits down at the edge of the bed, holding her a little tighter in her arms. “I know, I got held up in a meeting and one thing led to another and I lost track of time. I’m sorry Soarynn.”
He knows it affects her. Upsets her. He’d be pretty upset too if he was in her position, waiting at home for her to get home just for her to be late and come home exhausted, barely able to give him any attention.
Soarynn doesn’t say anything but her eyes do. He chooses to ignore it, smooth over it. “I’ll make it up to you,” he promises with a kiss on her head. Soarynn simply hums and closes her eyes letting him watch her sleep for a while before he puts her to bed so he can shower.
Coriolanus thinks of what he could do to make it up to her. All his late nights. He knows that at the end of the day everything he already does for her is more than enough. He pays for everything and makes sure Soarynn is well taken care of.
Soarynn already has everything she needs.
So what do you get for someone who has everything?
꧁ ꧂
“And what breed are they?”
Coriolanus asks the question as he looks down at the pen filled with small kittens who are all looking up at him. He must look like a giant to them.
The shop owner reaches down and picks one up, one with white and gray fur, “They’re ragdolls Mr. Snow, very sweet and they’ll fall asleep in your hands almost instantly.”
Just like Soarynn, he thinks, looking at the small cat. It’s not secret that his girlfriend can fall asleep nearly anywhere although she prefers to be in his arms.
Coriolanus nods, gingerly taking the kitten from the owners hands. It’s so small and warm, so fragile. And it does almost immediately fall asleep in his hold. Which is good in his opinion. He doesn’t need a cat running around the apartment in the middle of the night. “You’re welcome to choose which ever one you like,” the owner says.
Coriolanus almost wishes he brought Soarynn with him but this is meant to be a surprise. He looks back down at all the kittens and one in particular catches his eye. It’s all white, jumping onto its siblings and when it looks up at him he swears he’s looking into Soarynn’s eyes. The kittens nose is so pink and he knows in that moment that this is the kitten for him.
“I’ll take the white one,” he nods to the small feline. The owner smiles, “Excellent choice sir. She’ll be the perfect companion.”
He sure hopes so.
The shop owner provides a box for transporting the kitten and he pulls out a roll of ribbon. “Would you like me to tie a little bow around her neck? I know the ladies love a gift that comes with a bow.” Coriolanus hadn’t really thought of the presentation aspect of this surprise but he knows Soarynn will love it. “Yes please, the bow will do quite nicely.”
꧁ ꧂
It’s a strange thing to walk into his apartment with a kitten in a box.
She hasn’t stopped meowing since they left the shop and he’s beginning to worry that she might never shut up. Thankfully she quiets down once he opens the lid to the box and shoots her a stern look. If she wants to live in his house then she’ll need to learn that his world is law.
“Soarynn?” He calls out, noting her keys on the entry way table meaning she’s home, “Where are you darling?”
He can see a few shopping bags in the kitchen but Soarynn is nowhere to be found. “I’m in the bedroom Coryo!”
Coriolanus makes sure the box is properly closed before walking to the bedroom where he finds his girlfriend sitting on the bed with her legs crossed while she folds clothes. They have a maid who comes once a week to do laundry but Soarynn often has a specific outfit in mind for an event and she takes matters into her own hands and does the laundry herself.
Coriolanus certainly isn’t complaining. Not when she does his too.
“Hello my love,” she says sweetly, looking up at him. She looks perfect as always. She’s wearing one of her silk nightgowns which means it’ll be a night in. It’s only six o’clock but Soarynn often prefers to lounge around before going to bed. She’s like a cat in more ways than one. She’s quite tedious when it comes to grooming herself. She has soft hair, startling eyes and she nearly purrs whenever Coriolanus touches her just right.
“Doing laundry are we?” He asks, stopping at the foot of the bed to watch her. It’s mostly lingerie which brings a smirk to his lips. He loves seeing her in it almost as much as he loves ripping it off of her. Soarynn hums, “Yes, I thought I should go through it, get rid of some of my older pieces.” When she goes to look up at him her eyes land on the box. The pretty pink box.
“What’s that?”
Coriolanus smiles, “Just a little gift. I know you get lonely when I’m at work so I bought you something,” he says, placing the box down infront of her. Soarynn gives him a nervous smile as she goes to open the lid, “Coryo you really didn’t have to get me anything,” she says softly, taking the lid off.
The gasp that leaves her mouth makes it all worth it for him. Watching her eyes widen as she looks down at the white kitten. She reaches in, ever so gently picking up the kitten in her hands. “Oh my goodness, oh my, oh, Coryo she’s beautiful. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Oh, she’s perfect.”
Soarynn smiles at the kitten who is instantly taken with her and reaches out its tiny paws towards her face. Soarynn giggles and brings the cat towards her face, nuzzling her nose with the felines pink one. “Oh, aren’t you the sweetest thing?” She asks the kitten, grinning when she hears a small meow.
“Do you like it?” Coriolanus asks, feeling it’s his duty to ensure Soarynn is thoroughly pleased with everything she gets, even if it’s a cat. Soarynn nods and beams up at him, “I love it. I absolutely love it Coryo, thank you.” He smiles, pleased to see himself as the loving and doting boyfriend once again.
Soarynn sets the kitten down and lets her crawl around on the bed, “She’s perfect,” Soarynn whispers, “wrapped with a bow and everything.”
The kitten seems quite curious about Soarynn’s lingerie collection and Coriolanus chuckles when her tiny claws get tangled in a lace bralette, “Oh don’t do that darling,” Soarynn tells her softly, scooping her back up. “What are you going to name her?” He asks, curious as to what Soarynn will name the feline. She ought to be taken to the vet tomorrow to be given the proper shots and have all her paper work down. She’ll need a collar as well.
Soarynn holds the kitten up as if inspecting her for damage, “Hmm, I don’t know. I’ve never had a pet before. Perhaps something distinguished, so she’s a proper Snow.”
Coriolanus can’t stop himself from smiling at his girlfriend’s words. How she considers herself and the cat a Snow already. Soarynn is practically a Snow, all she needs is the wedding ring and that’s not too far in the future as far as he’s concerned. But the fact that she wants the cat to be a proper representation of his family name further supports that Coriolanus made the right decision in dating Soarynn.
“What about a flower?” He suggests since the Snows are known for their roses. Soarynn sets the kitten down, “Rosy?” She asks, looking for a reaction. She gets none. Soarynn bites her lip, “Daisy? Is your name Daisy?” She tilts her head but the kitten gives no indication that she’s been named properly. Soarynn sighs, “Oh this is hard. I can’t imagine the pressure there will be for children.”
Coriolanus likes the thought of that. Of them having children. A cat is simply the first step. Soarynn snaps her fingers, “Petunia.” The kitten lets out a meow and Soarynn gasps, “That’s her name! Petunia!”
Petunia purrs in her hold and begins to wiggle as if asking to be put down and Soarynn obliges, watching her run around. “She’s got a lot of energy right now,” she notes. Coriolanus takes a seat next to her on the edge of the bed, “She’ll wind down when she’s older and supposedly she’ll fall asleep right in your hands.” Soarynn raises her eyebrows and looks down at Petunia who’s now batting a paw at Coriolanus and his pants. He sighs and gently pushes her away, “She’ll need to be trained Soarynn. Well behaved when people come over and she better not touch any of my furniture.”
Coriolanus is beginning to have second thoughts about bringing an animal into the home. Didn’t they bring in mites and disease? Not too long ago dogs were roaming the streets with rabies during the war. He looks down at Petunia who has now crawled into Soarynn’s lap. She’s from a reputable breeder and she seems clean. The vet will be able to assess her. At least that’s what he tells himself. “She’ll be perfectly behaved,” Soarynn says, giving Petunia a scratch behind the ears, causing the cat to purr.
He’s not too convinced. Coriolanus is quick to grab her chin between his fingers, getting her to look him in the eyes, “I’m serious Soarynn. One wrong move and she’s gone. Petunia is supposed to be your pet not your child.” Soarynn gives him a small pout but his resolve isn’t breaking and she can see that now. “Okay, I’ll make sure she stays out of trouble,” Soarynn promises, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “And thank you for getting me a cat Coryo, she’ll be excellent company and you’ll come to love her you’ll see.”
Coriolanus isn’t too sure about loving the cat but he can tolerate her just fine as long as she stays out of his way and doesn’t steal all of his girlfriend’s attention. She was his first and she’ll be his last.
꧁ ꧂
Coriolanus groans when his alarm goes off. Six in the morning is brutal but necessary in his opinion to be successful throughout the day. He sits up and allows himself a moment to admire his sleeping girlfriend. Her head is practically on his pillow but she’s never been too good at staying on her side of the bed.
Coriolanus quietly slips out of bed and heads to the bathroom where he takes a nice hot shower. He keeps the door slightly cracked open just in case Soarynn is in the mood to join him. Every once in a while she’ll rouse from her sleep and hop in the shower with him before he goes to work.
And today is one of those days. He grins when his sleepy girlfriend pushes the door open, her nightgown nearly falling off her shoulders as she rubs her eyes. “Well isn’t this a lovely surprise?” He asks watching her step into the steamy shower after slipping off the nightgown. Soarynn gives him a shy smile before wrapping her arms around his neck, “The bed got so cold once you left,” she mumbles into his neck.
He chuckles and wraps his arms around her small waist, pressing a kiss to her head, “Is Petunia not around to provide you warmth?” Soarynn giggles and slightly pulls away, looking up at him with those eyes he could drown in, “You know she’s probably wide awake right now,” she says teasingly.
She has a point. It had taken them one night to learn that Petunia thrives at night. During the day she sleeps but during the night that cat is a ball of energy. Coriolanus had nearly banished her from their bedroom all together when she tried to play with his socks in the middle of the night. But thankfully she’s calmed down since then. The vet said as she got older she’d sleep more throughout the night and Coriolanus was counting down the days until that happened.
But she made Soarynn happy. So that counts for something he supposes.
All her friends adored Petunia and that cat lived better than most humans in his opinion. She had a pink collar, her own bed and a plethora of cat toys. Not to mention how many times Soarynn brushed her during the day. Spoiled didn’t begin to describe that cat.
Coriolanus simply hums before capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. He cherishes times like these the most with Soarynn. When it feels like they’re the only two people in the world. Soarynn returns it eagerly and her fingers card through his wet curls. Coriolanus slips his hands from her waist to her ass, squeezing it and smirking when she moans.
Coriolanus is a man who indulges in the little things and that includes steamy morning sex in the shower every once in a while. “It’s been a minute since I’ve taken you in here,” he mumbles against her lips. Soarynn sighs into the kiss, “Well here’s your chance.”
꧁ ꧂
Coriolanus is all smiles as they walk out of the bathroom. He’s smiling like a school boy watching Soarynn’s naked body walking in front of him, a slight limp to her walk. He doesn’t hesitate to land a slap to her ass and Soarynn gasps, shooting him a look from over her shoulder, “You’re done for the day,” she tells him, her tone all too flirtatious to really mean it.
He cocks his eyebrow, “Well then it looks like I have my work cut out for me when it becomes night.”
Before Soarynn can even reply a white paw appears from under the bed, batting at her ankle. Soarynn giggles and couches down, playing with Petunia’s paw for a moment before the feline crawls out. She was probably under there all night along with the mountain of toys Soarynn has bought her.
“Good morning my sweet angel,” Soarynn says as she picks her up and spins her around. Petunia lets out a pleased purr before Soarynn brings her to her shoulder, holding her like an infant.
Coriolanus usually rolls his eyes at the sight, treating the cat as if she’s a human baby. But there’s something about it, seeing Soarynn act so motherly as if on instinct. She’ll be a wonderful mother where actual children are concerned.
He’ll propose soon. Maybe do it on the rooftop surrounded by his grandmothers roses. Whatever he does it’ll be perfectly romantic. The ring will be stunning, a ring fit for the wife of a Snow. The wife of Coriolanus Snow. He’ll pick out the perfect diamond, the perfect band, perfect box.
He’ll do everything perfectly and have it wrapped with a bow.
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76 notes · View notes
slaymitchabernathy · 2 months
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First Impressions
| a companion to ‘Cold & Calculated’ |
Coriolanus arrives at the Nightingale townhouse ten minutes before he should technically be there.
He’s here to pick up Soarynn for their first official date together and he’s determined to make a good impression on her and her father.
He’s far more familiar with Glen Nightingale than he is with his daughter but a young man like himself must always strive to meet the approval of an older more successful man like Glen Nightingale.
Glen is a family friend, a trusted face to him and more importantly, his father. And Coriolanus knows that his father wouldn’t have agreed to this arrangement if he didn’t see it leading to a prosperous relationship between the families.
He can see it now, Snow and Nightingale joining houses and once they secure the bloodline with a heir, Snow landing on top once again.
It’s perfect. He just has to get Soarynn to talk to him first.
He had phoned just the other day to inquire if she had a preference when it came to fine dining. She didn’t. At least that’s what he gathered from their very short lived conversation over the phone.
The girl only seemed to be able to answer questions with one worded answers now that neither of their parents were as involved as they were at dinner. Hopefully tonight he’d be able to truly get to know Soarynn Nightingale.
He knocks three times and pinches the stem of the rose between his thumb and index finger a bit tighter. His mother had insisted on the gesture although he would’ve thought of it himself had she not brought it up. He was serious about this, about dating Soarynn and marrying her.
The odds were in his favor and he was in it for the long run.
The door opens up revealing neither of the Nightingales but rather who he can presume is their maid. She seems to recognize him as her eyes go wide and she offers him a small curtsy, a sign of respect. “Mr. Snow, please come in.”
He nods at the woman and steps into the townhouse, trying to remember the last time he stepped foot in this impressive home. His father has spent the most time here out of all the Snows, having dinners and meetings with Glen.
Coriolanus doesn’t remember much. A piano, a photo of Mrs. Nightingale, but he certainly didn’t remember Soarynn.
He follows the maid into the front sitting room where he’s reacquainted with the piano he remembers. The maid disappears, most likely to fetch the master of the house. Coriolanus lets his fingers graze over the piano keys which have accumulated quite a bit of dust.
“You don’t play do you?”
He looks up, somewhat embarrassed to be caught by the man who’s daughter he’s supposed to be dating but he offers Glen a small smile and the shake of his head, “I’m afraid I’m more of a listener than a musician.”
Glen chuckles and stops on the other side of the piano, looking at the large instrument as if it holds fond memories for him. “Me as well. Soarynn is the musician of the family, she plays beautifully. Perhaps one day you’ll catch her playing.”
Perhaps. What a powerful word.
Perhaps this first date will go well.
Perhaps it will lead to a second, third, fourth date that will lead to an engagement and then, marriage.
Perhaps they’ll have children, boys and girls and secure their great future for generations to come.
So much is riding on perhaps.
“She’s still getting ready,” Glen adds, looking up at the ceiling as if Soarynn might appear there, “you know how girls can get.”
Coriolanus nods, his mother loves to take her sweet time getting ready. “Yes, women have a habit of obsessing over things that they cannot change,” Coriolanus agrees.
Glen’s brow furrows and he opens his mouth before closing it as if debating what he’ll say next. “Why don’t we have a seat,” he gestures to the arm chairs near the fireplace. Coriolanus nods and follows Glen over to the smaller seating area within the large room. Although he might be a widowed man, Glen seems to have good taste when it comes to furnishing the house.
“Coriolanus, I am thrilled that you’ve shown interest in my daughter, truly I am,” Glen says with a sigh. Coriolanus leans back in the chair and tilts his head, “But?”
Glen looks up at the fireplace mantel and Coriolanus follows his gaze, finding several photographs of what he believes to be Soarynn in various stages of her life. “But my daughter is very young, she’s very inexperienced when it comes to living in this world. I know you’re older and I know she isn’t the first woman you’ve ever been with.”
Coriolanus does his best to mask his surprise at Glen’s statement. He sure as hell isn’t a virgin but he didn’t expect Glen to ask him about it. He clears his throat and throws on a polite smile, “Mr. Nightingale, I have every intention of treating your daughter well, you have my word on that, she will always be well taken care of as long as she’s with me. And yes, I agree that I am quite experienced in…in all fields of life. But I promise that when the time comes I will be able to successfully guide your daughter through that special, imperative moment in a young girls life.”
That seems to be enough for Glen because he visibly relaxes and lets out a small sigh, “Good, good. She’s such a shy thing, but when she gets around her friends she can be very outgoing. She’s almost like a cat,” he says with a chuckle, “always taking a moment to warm up to you.”
Coriolanus would pay good money to see Soarynn amongst her friends, feeling comfortable to be her true and genuine self.
He doubts he’ll ever see that side of her if this marriage is to be a successful one.
It’s as if her ears are burning because a moment later they hear a door open upstairs. “That must be her,” Glen says before standing up, “I told her to dress warm unless you gave her further instructions.” Coriolanus shakes his head, “Our conversation over the phone was brief.”
Too brief, but he won’t say that out loud.
Both men walk back into the foyer of the home where Coriolanus can see the same maid he met earlier coming down the stairs. She offers both men a polite smile, “She’s ready!”
The way this woman speaks about Soarynn leads Coriolanus to believe that she must have a closer relationship with her staff than most. Growing up with a widowed father must have lead to her forming some odd relationships. It’s a good thing Glen agreed to this arrangement between the two of them.
“Thank you Maria,” Glen says to the maid. Maria, he’ll have to remember her should this first date be a success and he’s invited back for a second one.
The moment Soarynn appears at the top of the stairway he loses his breath for a second. She looks stunning. Dressed in a baby pink dress that reaches just above her ankles, with cream colored heels to match. Her hair is parted down the side tonight, and he’s forgotten already how long it is.
She carefully makes her way down the stairs and Maria gives her hand a squeeze once she reaches the bottom as means of encouragement. Soarynn gives her grateful smile before finally looking over at the two men waiting for her.
“You look beautiful honey,” Glen says, admiring his daughter’s outfit for the night. Coriolanus nods, she truly does. Her eyes finally meet his and it’s as if he can see her already getting nervous. And he can’t have that.
“It’s lovely to see you again Soarynn,” he says while crossing the room towards her. Soarynn stays planted where she’s standing but she gives him a small smile and nods, “It’s lovely to see you too.”
Coriolanus figures now is the best time and he presents her with the white rose his mother picked out. Soarynn’s eyes widen and she softly gasps, “Oh, it’s beautiful.”
Glen nods approvingly at the romantic gesture, “Your mother’s roses I presume?”
The Snows are known for the perfect roses grown on the rooftop garden of their penthouse. A single rose, like the one in Soarynn’s hand, can be quite expensive depending on the season. Coriolanus has often been told that he smells like roses.
Soarynn smells like vanilla right now.
“Yes, it keeps her busy to tend to them everyday.”
Coriolanus wonders what Soarynn would do to keep herself busy should they marry. She certainly wouldn’t work, that is simply out of the question for the wives of the elite. Perhaps she has a hobby he has yet to discover.
Soarynn looks back up at him and he’s given a genuine smile this time rather than a polite one, “Thank you. I’ve never gotten flowers before.”
Glen scoffs and raises his eyebrows, “So all the flowers I’ve given you mean nothing then?” He asks in a teasing manner which earns him an eye roll from Soarynn who carefully hands the rose over to Maria, “I meant romantically,” she explains.
The fact that she sees the gesture for what it is, a romantic one, makes Coriolanus feel a bit better. The girl isn’t an idiot and she knows he’s somewhat serious about all of this.
Coriolanus shifts on his feet and glances at the grandfather clock that sits near the staircase, “We should be on our way if we don’t want to miss our reservation,” he tells her. He can see how nervous the idea of leaving the safety of her home makes her but her father gives her shoulder a gentle squeeze, “Enjoy yourself tonight honey.”
Soarynn swallows and simply goes to get her coat, also baby pink, perfectly matching her dress. Coriolanus watches Maria help her into the coat before whispering something to which Soarynn sighs and nods to.
“Take good care of her,” Glen says. Coriolanus straightens up and gives Glen a nod, “Of course sir.”
꧁ ꧂
“Have you ever been here before?”
Soarynn doesn’t even look up from her menu, “No.”
Coriolanus suppresses a heavy sigh and waves over their waiter, “I’ll have your strongest whiskey.” He’s going to need it if he plans on getting through tonight. Coriolanus who’s eaten at this restaurant before, sets down his menu and simply observes Soarynn Nightingale in the dim candlelight that the establishment provides.
He took them a a small yet expensive restaurant, one of his personal favorites. It has an excellent bar and the atmosphere is wonderful.
Soarynn looks beautiful tonight.
He helped her take her coat off once they made it inside and he felt her slightly jump when his gloved hands brushed her bare shoulder for only a moment. The girl must be a virgin if this is how she responds to the simplest of touches.
She looks up from the menu and catches him staring but Coriolanus doesn’t look away, he has nothing to be ashamed of. “Your father said that you play the piano, did you take lessons growing up?” He asks, trying to learn at least one thing about her tonight.
Soarynn might be shy but she’s very well mannered and she sets her menu down before answering, “I did. Although I don’t play as much as I used to.”
He wishes she’d look him in the eye rather than at the table. “You needn’t be nervous around me,” he tells her, reaching across the table to take her hand. Her hand is so soft and dainty, a stark comparison to his rather large hand. And yet, they fit perfectly together.
Soarynn lets out a shaky breath while she stares at their intertwined hands, “I’ve never done this before,” she admits. Coriolanus smiles, she’s very mature for her age and yet he finds her adorable in her naivety. “I know. That’s why your father thought we might be a good match for one another. He wants you to be well taken care of.”
Soarynn furrows her eyebrows and looks across the table at him, “But I am taken care of,” she insists. Coriolanus nods, he’s seen how Soarynn lives, in a gorgeous townhouse with a staff at her beck and call.
“Yes you are, but under your father’s care,” he gently corrects her, “one day both our fathers will pass away. Then it will be up to your husband to provide for you and take care of you. He simply wishes for you to be looked after. It’s an admirable quality in a man.”
That seems to make sense to Soarynn because her gaze softens, “So you would be willing then?” She asks, her voice barely a whisper. Coriolanus tilts his head, not understanding what she means.
“Willing to what?”
“Willing to take care of me?”
Coriolanus grins and gives her hand a gentle squeeze, “I wouldn’t be on this date with you if I hadn’t greatly considered being responsible for your well being.”
He means it too. He spent the past week debating the pros and cons of marrying Soarynn Nightingale and besides her extreme shyness, he found no issues with the girl. She was well mannered from a prominent family. She was beautiful, smart and knew all the upper class customs. He’d be glad to take care of her and take her as his wife as long as she remained loyal and faithful to him.
The waiter finally brings him his drink and Coriolanus pulls his hand from Soarynn’s. The whiskey is superb and he gives the waiter an approving nod, “Excellent.”
The waiter smiles, “Thank you Mr. Snow. Are you two ready to order?”
Coriolanus looks back over at Soarynn who looks like she hasn’t a clue what to order and he nods, “Yes, I’ll be ordering for the both of us.”
꧁ ꧂
Coriolanus feels much better once he’s had a proper meal.
As he strolls down the streets of the Capitol he feels fuller than ever. He looks down at the young woman next to him, her hand wrapped around his forearm once he offered it to her.
It was adorable how surprised Soarynn was at his offer, especially since their conversation was rather lacking for the rest of the night. But a war isn’t won in a day and this relationship won’t be either.
It feels strangely right to have Soarynn Nightingale on his arm. He enjoys the looks they get from passerby’s on the streets, people who recognize him but not the beautiful young woman on his arm.
This first date was a test of sorts. A test to see how Soarynn acted when it was just the two of them, and how others would react to seeing them together.
If people thought they were a sore match, then he needed to know sooner than later. But after enough envious stares from men passing by, Coriolanus knew he had secured himself a proper match.
“Thank you for dinner,” Soarynn says to him.
Coriolanus navigates them across the street towards one of the shopping districts of the Capitol, “You’re very welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed the salmon.” He’d taken a risk in ordering for Soarynn but it paid off when she enjoyed her meal immensely, nearly licking the plate once she was finished.
Soarynn hums as they pass by several shop windows, all displaying expensive gowns and shoes. She probably got the outfit she’s wearing right now from one of these shops.
He’s about to suggest they find some sort of sweet shop for a bite of dessert when Soarynn lets out such a loud gasp that he nearly jumps out of his skin. Is there someone behind them? Did she see a rat?
Soarynn all but drags him toward a specific window with no further explanation but Coriolanus quickly sees what’s gained her attention.
It’s a pet shop.
Through the window they can see a small pen of kittens running around, jumping on top of one another. None of them pay the humans any mind as they continue playing but Soarynn is infatuated by them.
“Do you have any pets?” He asks, not recalling any animals residing in the Nightingales townhouse. Soarynn shakes her head and places her hand on the window glass, “No but I would love a cat,” she says with a sigh.
One of the kittens finally seems to take notice of them and runs over to the window, placing its tiny paws on the glass where Soarynn is resting her hand. The kitten is small and white with fluffy fur and a pink nose. Soarynn is instantly taken with the feline and smiles as the kitten follows her hand back and forth across the window.
Coriolanus smiles at the sweet sight and can’t help but notice how the kittens eyes are identical to Soarynn’s. Blue and gray.
“Oh, she’s so sweet,” Soarynn whispers, drumming her fingers against the glass. The kitten jumps up a few times, seemingly full of energy and it seems to be a great source of entertainment for Soarynn who laughs when the kitten lands on another kitten.
Coriolanus has never yearned for a pet but he can see the appeal. They’re great sources of entertainment. “Perhaps your father would buy you one,” he suggests, knowing that he’s in no position to purchase an animal for Soarynn.
Maybe if they’d been together for years then he’d consider but the last thing Glen Nightingale needs is his future son-in-law buying his daughter pets without his permission. Soarynn lingers near the window for another moment before pulling back and she shakes her head, “I’ve asked before, he doesn’t seem to be taken by the idea of having a pet.”
Coriolanus knows his own parents feel the same way. Pets are messy, expensive and smelly. But, they’re also a large display of wealth. If you can afford to take care of yourself and a pet, then you’ve made it in life.
He glances down at his watch and sees it’s almost ten o’clock, he should get her home soon. “We should head back to the restaurant where my driver is waiting for us,” he says, not waiting for an answer. He simply takes her arm and gently guides her down the sidewalk and Soarynn mindlessly follows him.
“What street are you on again?”
“Cornelia Street.”
That’s right, one block away from the Corso. All the wealthy and elite live in apartments on the Corso which is why a man like Glen Nightingale living in a townhouse came as a shock. But Coriolanus can easily see the appeal. It’s much more residential, the perfect place for a large family with a good amount of privacy.
Even though it’s just Glen and Soarynn.
Coriolanus would never give up living on the Corso though, not in a million years. He’s recently moved into his own penthouse and enjoys the newfound space and independence it’s given him. He’ll have to show Soarynn around one day should they continue seeing each other.
He glances down at her as they walk back to the restaurant and she seems content. Quiet but content and maybe that’s just what he needs in a wife.
A woman who is content to follow and let him lead. A woman who trusts him and the decisions he makes. A woman desperate to please him and take care of him when needed.
A woman like Soarynn Nightingale.
꧁ ꧂
“I had a wonderful time with you tonight,” he tells Soarynn who stands in the doorway of her home, one foot in and one foot out.
She’s tired, both physically and mentally and he can see it so clearly. Coriolanus prides himself on being social and with that comes a long social battery. Soarynn’s battery is completely depleted.
Soarynn brushes her hair behind her ears and he can see the tips of them are pink, either from the cold or embarrassment. “You barely got to know me tonight.”
He’s surprised at her bold statement but she’s right, he didn’t get to learn a lot about Soarynn.
“That’s all right. We’ll have other nights to get to know each other.”
“I really don’t talk much.”
“I really don’t mind.”
He doesn’t. He really doesn’t. Her looks, her kind traits and personality make up for the lack of conversation, at least to him they do. For right now it’s fine.
He can see that she’s still hesitant as if she thinks that tonight was a disaster. It wasn’t in his eyes.
“I’d like to see you again,” he tells her, carefully taking her hand, “if you’d like that as well.”
Soarynn’s focus is completely on their intertwined hands but that’s alright, she’s got to get used to these things sooner than later. Coriolanus is a man who craves physical touch and he won’t let her timidness get in the way of that.
“I would,” she finally says.
He withholds a sigh of relief and simply nods. He got the confirmation he needed, he won’t push her any future.
“Perfect. Well thank you again for accompanying me to dinner darling. Sleep well.”
He presses the complimentary kiss to her cheek but doesn’t push for her to do the same to him. All in due time.
Soarynn blushes and gives him a small wave before stepping into her home and closing the door.
Coriolanus smiles to himself while walking back to the car. She’s a timid little thing but he likes her. She’s sweet and so very pretty. She’d make a good mother too.
First impressions have been made and once again, Snow lands on top.
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32 notes · View notes
slaymitchabernathy · 5 months
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An Eternity
When Coriolanus comes home, he finds their bedroom empty.
He doesn’t worry though. Not like he used to.
He does find Petunia in her usual spot, right below the window in the living room, soaking up the last bits of sunlight.
He slowly climbs up the steps that lead to the rooftop, two hot cups of tea in his hands. Tea always seems to make everything better.
When he reaches the top, he’s welcomed by the scent of roses. She says he smells like roses, that’s why she likes coming up here so much.
She’s sitting on one of the benches, overlooking the city, the Capitol. Her blonde hair blows in the wind.
“You should wear a coat, my love,” he says before setting the two cups down on the edge of the table next to the bench. It’s October now, it’s getting colder by the day and he worries for her health even more than ever now.
Soarynn looks up at him and gives him that smile that he fell in love with all those years ago. “I’m not cold,” she says but he can see the goosebumps on the skin of her arms. She’s always cold.
He simply hums and shrugs off his suit jacket, gently draping it over her shoulders. Coriolanus lets out a soft groan as he sits down on the bench, it was a long day at work. It always feels long when he’s not with her.
“How was your day? Did your meetings go well?” She asks him, her hand instantly finding his. Coriolanus nods and stares out at the skyline, “Yes, everything went quite well. I might get some time off in a couple of weeks, to take care of you.”
Soarynn lets out a frustrated sigh and Coriolanus gives her a stern look, “Don’t argue with me about this darling, you need proper care at all times of the day.” Soarynn shakes her head and takes her cup of tea, bringing the rim to her lips, “I’m perfectly fine and I’m not alone during the day.”
Coriolanus already knows that Soarynn’s idea of company is Petunia but they both know he’s right. Soarynn needs proper care, like a nurse. But she’s always been so insistent on her independence.
He doesn’t have it in him to fight her on it, not when she’s already lost so much.
“I just want…I just want to have as much time with you as possible,” he whispers. His eyes burn with tears but he’s no stranger to these emotions.
Not since the diagnosis.
He remembers it perfectly well. How they went to the doctor with concerns after Soarynn had a seizure. He hoped it might have been a one-time thing, a freak accident. It was much worse than that.
It was a fatal illness, no cure, no timeline to predict how much longer she had on earth. How much longer she had with him.
It was so unfair. It wasn’t right that she had to go through this, to know that her life was coming to an end. Soarynn was just starting her life, she was still so young, so promising.
She deserved more time.
He did everything he could. Bought all the medications, got second and third opinions. Nothing worked.
All they could do was try to make the most of the time they still had together.
He watches Soarynn take a sip of her tea and can’t help but notice how her hand trembles when she sets it down.
She’s getting weaker by the day. He’s surprised she’s still able to make it up the stairs. And suppose she fell one day, who would help her?
But Coriolanus doesn’t have it in him to confine her to their bedroom. Soarynn deserves to live her life to the fullest. And she has. He’s taken her to the zoo, the ballet, he even arranged for a trip to District Four so she can see the ocean. She doesn’t know about it yet. He’s going to surprise her in a month, tell her on her birthday.
He’s going to propose to her at the beach.
She’s always wanted to see the ocean and Coriolanus doesn’t want to spend one more day without being her husband, without being tied to her for an eternity.
“Well, what did you get up to today my love?” He asks, hoping a majority of her day wasn’t spent lying in bed, slowly withering away.
It’s been hard to watch her slowly fade away. It started with her skin. Her beautiful, tan skin slowly faded day by day. Then her eyes. Her dazzling blue-gray eyes lost their spark. Little by little, she started losing weight until none of her clothes fit her anymore.
Soarynn tries to act like it’s all fine, like she’s fine but Coriolanus has heard her cry before, watched her stare at her reflection in the mirror, and hate what she sees.
She’s losing herself as much as he’s losing her.
“Oh, you know, I did some reading, finished that book you got me the other week. And then the girls came over and I gave them some of my clothes.”
Coriolanus furrows his brows, “Why did you give your clothes away darling?”
Soarynn has beautiful dresses and clothes, top-of-the-line. To give them away confuses him. Soarynn waves him off, “None of them fit me anymore.”
Coriolanus takes his cup and doesn’t say anything. Sometimes, he wishes she didn’t act like this, like she’s already accepted her fate. If she gives all her clothes away, what’s to stop her from doing the same with her shoes and bags? He’ll have nothing left of her by the time she’s gone.
How strange to think one day she’ll be gone. But he can’t focus on that. Won’t focus on that. They’ll take it day by day, like they always have.
꧁ ꧂
“What do you want to do for your birthday, my love?”
When Soarynn doesn’t reply, Coriolanus peeks his head out of their shared closet to find her struggling to stand up from their bed. Her legs are trembling and her face is pale. “Let me help you, darling,” he says, quickly striding over to grab her waist but she shakes her head. “No,” she grits out, “I…I can do it just fine by myself.”
But she can’t. And when she goes to fall, he’s there to catch her.
And it breaks his heart to see Soarynn cry. Usually, she doesn’t let him see her like this, so vulnerable and weak. “I want to cut my hair,” she gasps out between sobs. Coriolanus wraps his strong arms around her as they sit on the floor, “Why would you want to cut your hair darling?”
Soarynn has beautiful blonde hair that falls below her waist. It’s a bright blonde, nearly platinum but it compliments her beautifully.
“It’s starting to fall out,” she whispers, burying her face in his chest, “I might as well get ahead of it and cut most of it off.”
Coriolanus swallows because he doesn’t want her to cut her hair, to give up so easily but he has to support her no matter what.
He’d never forgive himself if he didn’t do everything he could for Soarynn while she was still alive.
“Okay,” he says softly, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, “we can go get your hair cut.”
꧁ ꧂
Coriolanus watches as the hairdresser cuts Soarynn’s hair off. It falls onto the floor like a golden halo around the chair.
He watches Soarynn’s face through the mirror. There’s a single tear running down her face but she remains strong and resilient.
“Short hair is very in for the summer, do you two have any big summer plans?” The hairdresser asks the two of them. Coriolanus manages a polite smile and shakes his head, “No, not really.”
He can’t tell her about the beach, not yet.
Soarynn’s birthday is two weeks away and then he can surprise her.
By the time they’re done, Soarynn’s hair comes up to her chin. "You look beautiful," he tells her as they leave the hair salon. Soarynn shrugs, "I look different."
When they go home, Petunia is more than curious about her owner's new haircut. Coriolanus watches the two with a smile on his lips. Petunia loves Soarynn with all her heart, it'll be his responsibility to make sure she'll looked after once Soarynn is gone.
"Aren't you a proper little lady?" Soarynn asks as she ties a pink ribbon around Petunia's neck, giggling when Petunia bats at her hand.
Coriolanus used to worry about how Soarynn would be when Petunia passed away, how inconsolable she'd be, and how grief-stricken the death would leave her.
But she'll be gone before Petunia. Then it'll be just him and the cat.
How terrifying to love something that death can so easily touch.
꧁ ꧂
"I want you to meet new people," Soarynn says gently, her small hand engulfed in his large one.
Coriolanus blinks away the tears as he sits at her bedside. It feels impossible to think about anyone else in the world when the woman he loves the most is dying right in front of him. "You're the only one I want to be with Soarynn," he tells her, his voice trembles but he's so past caring.
Today she should be turning twenty-three, instead, she's bedridden, and on the cusp of death. The sickness progressed quicker than they thought. The months he thought he had with her are now hours.
Soarynn will never get to see the beach. He will never propose.
"I was going to take you to the beach," he whispers, "ask you to be my wife, to be tied to my soul for an eternity and now I fear that I'll never be given the chance."
Pain reflects in Soarynn's eyes and he can't tell if it's from the sickness or the sadness. "Coryo, you'll always have me, always. My soul is entangled with yours far too well for wedding rings to truly mean anything."
Coriolanus nods and tears fall freely down his face, he's losing her.
Soarynn looks up at the ceiling, a faraway look in her eyes, "I'm scared," she whispers, "I must admit that I don't want to leave."
Coriolanus leans down and presses a soft, gentle kiss on her cheek, "Don't be scared my love, I'll hold your hand the entire way."
Soarynn lets out a soft wheeze, "Don't let go."
It happens so quickly. The way her eyes finally close, and the last breath leaves her small body. She's resting now, no longer in pain.
Coriolanus cries, he sobs and shouts at the sky. He wanted more, more time, more laughs and smiles. But his sweet girl was so tired, she deserves to rest.
He'll see her again soon. Until then, he'll have Petunia, he'll hear someone laugh and think it's her. But one day, he'll see her again.
They'll have eternity.
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slaymitchabernathy · 13 days
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| a companion to 'Visiting Day' |
Coriolanus is more than smug when he feels the train start to pull out of the station.
Goodbye Peacekeeper base, goodbye tiny shack that constitutes as a living space, goodbye grimy showers.
Goodbye District Twelve.
Coriolanus relaxes back into his seat, happily taking off his hat and setting it down next to him, he's going to burn this uniform if at all possible when he gets home.
Home. To Soarynn.
After being gone for so long he's come to learn that home is truly where the heart is, and Soarynn Nightingale has been keeping his safe since the day he left.
He closes his eyes, hoping to maybe get some sleep before arriving at the Capitol later this evening. According to the detailed letters Soarynn has sent, there's to be a dinner celebrating the returning male students who were on the base. How long has it been since he's had a good Capitol meal?
His peace and quiet don't last long when someone flings themselves into the chair next to him, causing Coriolanus to nearly jump out of his skin, "Been looking for you Snow," Festus says while stretching in his seat, "one might say you've been avoiding me."
Coriolanus rolls his eyes at the childish accusation, "We just had breakfast together Festus," he reminds him, "in fact, we've had every meal together since we got here." Festus grins and tosses his own hat onto the seat across from him, "You gonna miss seeing my pretty face every day?"
Coriolanus scoffs and settles back into his seat, watching the woodland blur past them, "I have another pretty face waiting for me back at the Capitol my friend."
He can't wait to have her in his arms again.
꧁ ꧂
"I thought we'd never see the day," Festus muses while both young men look out the window, watching as the train slowly pulls into the Capitol train station. Coriolanus nods, he's been thinking about this moment since he got on the train to go to Twelve.
Home at last.
"Feels good to be back," he says, reaching down to grab his things, "you're coming to the dinner tonight?" Festus nods, collecting his things as well, "Yep, my mother wouldn't stop talking about it in her letters, but, she said Persephone is coming," he waggles his eyebrows.
Coriolanus grins, Festus has been chasing after Persephone Price for what feels like years now, ever since they were little. All they needed was a few months apart it seems for her to realize that Festus has been here all along. Perhaps he'll be a witness to a rather romantic reunion between the two of them tonight.
It would work out wonderfully well considering how close Soarynn is to Persephone. "Sounds like a promising evening then," Coriolanus decides, following Festus down the narrow hallway of the train. They end up running into the other students who were a part of the program and he can tell how anxious they all are to be reunited with their loved ones.
Five months can do a lot to a man.
And they barely saw any real action, they were merely put in Twelve to observe and report back their findings, but being away from home for so long has been agonizing.
The train finally lurches to a stop and the doors hiss open, a wave of cool air hitting all of them in the face. With the worst of the summer months coming to an end, it's been getting cooler in the Capitol, a change that Coriolanus welcomes wholeheartedly after roughing it in the heat of Twelve.
He can hear cheering as his fellow classmates begin to descend from the train and he can't help but wish he were in the front of the group instead of dead last. I can make a grand entrance, he tells himself, making sure his officer coat looks crisp and put together.
He opts to wear the hat at the last second, feeling that it makes him look more official, more regal, and authoritative.
When he finally reaches the doorway he can already hear Mrs. Creed shouting at her son who gives Coriolanus a knowing look before walking towards his family. It seems all family members of the students have gathered into a group on the platform to welcome them home.
Coriolanus scans the group for a blonde head of hair as he steps down from the train and he begins to grow anxious. Is she not here? Where is she? Is she alright? Did something happen? Did he give her the wrong day?
But as the Creeds shuffle to the side, he sees her, bundled in a black coat, craning her neck to locate him. Coriolanus grins as he starts towards her, ignoring everything and everyone else but her.
Soarynn's eyes finally pin him down and she gasps, breaking into a big smile before running towards him, not very ladylike but neither of them cares about manners right now. Coriolanus drops all his things the second she's in reach and wraps his arms around her, effortlessly lifting her off the ground and spinning them around. Soarynn squeals and wraps her arms around his neck, the smell of vanilla immediately coating his senses.
Coriolanus looks up into her gorgeous blue-gray eyes and feels himself melt a little. All those letters, all those pictures, and sleepless nights led up to this very moment.
He doesn't waste another second before pressing his lips against hers, sighing when she returns the kiss with the same amount of passion and yearning. He can hear a few cheers go up in the air, their relationship is no secret and they're far more committed than any other couple they know.
For him, it's her or nothing.
When they finally pull away he can't stop smiling, he's got his girl back in his arms again. How many nights did he lie awake worried about her being all alone? He knows the Capitol is the safest place for her to be but still, all he does is worry about her.
"Coryo," she breathes, her fingers resting on the nape of his neck, "I'm so happy you're home."
Coriolanus gently sets her back down onto the ground but his hands never disappear from her waist, "Me too my love, I'm never leaving you again." He means it too, they're never going to be apart for the rest of their lives.
Soarynn beams up at him, flashing her pearly whites once more, "I think I can live with that."
To hear her sweet melodic voice once more is music to his ears and he pulls her in for another embrace, resting his chin on the top of her head, "I missed you," he mumbles, not afraid to let others see his affection for Soarynn.
Maybe when he was younger and stupid he would've cared, but not anymore. She makes everyone else disappear.
Soarynn snuggles up to him in an instant, resting her head on his chest, "Missed you too, it's felt like years since we last saw each other." He has to agree with her, their visiting day had been too short in his opinion and it only made saying goodbye to each other even worse than the first time.
Coriolanus glances around the platform and watches other families reunite with their sons, hugging and crying as if they've just returned from war. It certainly feels like it. Festus gives him a wave before he and his family begin walking towards the exit, his mother refusing to let go of his other hand.
Coriolanus chuckles and waves back, he'll see him later tonight.
"I see you got my message to leave Petunia at home," he says, happy that this reunion has lacked a certain demanding feline. Soarynn looks up at him and squints her eyes, "You just don't want to share me with anyone else."
She's not wrong.
He places a kiss on her head, "You're right my darling, I'm a terribly selfish man," he agrees, "how lucky for you to be stuck with me hmm?"
Soarynn giggles, causing his grin to broaden, “Yes, I’m stuck with you for the rest of my life Coriolanus Snow.” He can certainly live with that.
Although he doesn’t want to, Coriolanus unwraps himself from his girlfriend to grab his things, knowing that they can’t linger on the platform forever. They have places to be.
“I managed to snag you an appointment with your tailor,” Soarynn tells him as they walk towards the exit, hand in hand once again, “but we’d have to go straight to dinner afterward so I’m afraid you wouldn’t be able to freshen up at home.”
Before Coriolanus can even open his mouth Soarynn interjects him again, “Although you could stay at the tailor and then I could run home and get you anything you needed.”
He looks down at his girlfriend as she continues to ramble, oblivious to how adorable she is when she gets like this, chattering away over things that matter so much to her because they slightly impact him.
“But then again most of your things are packed away in your suitcase so maybe I could run to a department store nearby to get you some shoes or I could call a shoemak—“
“My darling,” he says, cutting her off, “I don’t want you to worry your pretty little head about a single thing now that I’m back home alright? And as for the shoes, I have some packed in my trunk so you don’t have to run around trying to find me a pair.”
That seems to make her feel better because Soarynn visibly relaxes and leans into him, wrapping her hands around his arm, “Alright. I don’t mean to worry you, I just…I just want everything to be perfect tonight so that you don’t have to worry about anything but enjoying yourself and your accomplishments.”
Coriolanus shakes his head as they finally step out onto the familiar Capitol streets once more, the cold air welcoming him home, “As long as I’m with you then that’s all that matters,” he assures her, “nothing else in this world matters now that we’re back together.”
He means it too. University, social events, none of it matters if he doesn’t have her by his side.
Soarynn presses herself to her tiptoes and gives his cheek a soft kiss, a feeling he didn’t realize he missed so much, “Then we’ll never be apart again.”
꧁ ꧂
“You’ve certainly grown since the last time I saw you, Mr. Snow. How long has it been?”
Coriolanus raises his arms a little higher while his tailor takes his measurements, “Five months,” he answers, staring at himself in the mirror's reflection, “the training we endured helped me gain quite a bit of muscle mass.”
He watches Soarynn from the corner of the mirror, sitting on a plush sofa with a glass of complimentary champagne in her hand, “Thank goodness for the training,” she mumbles.
Coriolanus is more than pleased with the reflection he’s met with in the mirror. He looks stronger, fuller, better. He gained about ten pounds of muscle in the five months he was gone and he intends to keep it that way. He and a few other students from the program talked about training together once they returned home to maintain their new physiques.
“Well your new suits will fit you like a glove,” his tailor assures him, stepping down from the small pedestal, “let me go fetch your suit for tonight from the back.”
Coriolanus nods and turns to face Soarynn who looks quite comfortable in her seat. It’s usually the other way around where he’s the one watching her try on tons of clothes and complimenting her and each outfit she chooses.
“I must admit that I’m glad you suggested paying him a visit before dinner tonight, I don’t think any of my old shirts would’ve fit me,” he says, earning a chuckle from Soarynn who pushes herself from the sofa, “Well I’m almost always right and after our little visit I knew you’d be coming home bigger than when you left.”
Coriolanus takes a moment to admire the outfit she chose to wear to the train station today. A navy blue dress with long sleeves and a very flattering neckline. She wore boots today as well and they perfectly match the handbag he bought her last year.
She looks exquisite.
Coriolanus steps down from the pedestal and looms over her, his hand coming to rest on the small of her back, “Always right hmm?” He smirks at how pink she gets at his timber voice and just when she goes to answer they’re both startled by his tailor, “Here you are Mr. Snow! Pressed and ready for tonight!”
He hesitantly pulls away from his girlfriend long enough to see the suit that Soarynn put an order in for a few weeks ago. It looks like the perfect example of fine craftsmanship.
He reaches out to feel the material in his hands, grunting at the texture, “It’s perfect,” he says, “you’ve outdone yourself once again.”
His tailor waves him off, mumbling about what a flatter he is before rounding behind the counter, "Is there anything else I can get you, Mr. Snow?" It's funny how even though he's addressing Coriolanus, he's looking directly at Soarynn as if she's the one with all the answers, which she is but that's beside the point. Soarynn looks Coriolanus up and down before humming, "Some new gloves, and a scarf if you have any."
Within seconds her request is fulfilled and they're walking out with a new tailored suit, new gloves and a very warm scarf already wrapped around his neck. "Don't like holding my hand when it's cold hmm?" he teases, enjoying how Soarynn scoffs, "Your hands are always cold," she replies, "I'm simply taking preventative measures."
Coriolanus chuckles, pressing a kiss to the side of her head before helping her into the car. "Heavensbee Hall," he tells their driver. The dinner is being held there tonight and Soarynn suggested getting there early so that they could both change into their formal wear for the night.
"What're you wearing tonight darling?" He asks, sliding an arm around her shoulders. Soarynn immediately leans into his touch, her warmth seeping into his skin, "My dress is red tonight, burgundy to be more specific. And it's strapless." Coriolanus raises his eyebrows at that specific piece of information, a strapless dress is one of the quickest ways for him to come undone which she knows, meaning she chose this dress on purpose.
"Did you happen to commission a strapless dress for the good of the program's cause, or to drive me mad all night long?" He purrs, his lips right above her ear making her slightly shiver. Soarynn bats her lashes up at him as if she's so innocent, "For the good of the program of course. I can't believe you'd accuse me of such things, darling," she purrs back in response, her hand sliding up and down his thigh.
Coriolanus swallows down the lump forming in his throat, perhaps he's bitten off too much for him to chew. "Well, I just wanted to make sure." The car comes to a stop and they're greeted by the familiar sight of Heavensbee Hall, the pillars in the front making it a rather famous landmark in Capitol architecture.
Soarynn grins, pressing a kiss to his cheek before their driver opens the car door for them, "Yes, I'm sure your time spent in Twelve has taught you to question everyone's motives. Even your girlfriend's."
She's too smart for her own good.
Coriolanus nearly trips while following her up the stairs, he didn't think he'd be this...whipped to be back in her presence but he would gladly sink to his knees if she asked him to.
But he can't let her have this advantage, their relationship has always been filled with teasing one another and he'll be damned if they go into this dinner with him being knocked down a peg. So he's quick to push her against the nearest pillar the moment they reach the top of the steps, his hands sliding around her waist as he leans down to capture her lips in a kiss. Soarynn gasps but quickly responds to the kiss, her own lips moving against his in sync.
It's been so long since they've had a true proper kiss but maybe outside in front of people on the street isn't the best place to start.
But that doesn't seem to matter to Soarynn who spins them around, pressing his back against the wall. Who is this woman and what has she done with his girlfriend? The Soarynn he knows would never take the lead like this but it seems that he wasn't the only one who changed during their time apart.
Soarynn moans into the kiss when his hands get a little bold and travel lower down her back, "We...we need to go inside," she mumbles against his lips, all while pressing herself further against him. Coriolanus smiles into the kiss, his teeth gently nipping at her bottom lip, "You mean you don't want to continue this outside in the cold?"
Soarynn pulls away and looks up at him, a twinkle in those startling eyes he's fallen in love with time and time again, "No," she says, tilting her head, "we can continue this when we get home." Home, such a tempting promise to truly have her all to himself.
He's just going to have to be patient.
Coriolanus begrudgingly lets her out of his hold, knowing she does have somewhat of a point, they have to get ready before people start arriving. So he settles for holding her hand while they walk into the Hall, nodding at several workers who are setting up the long banquet table. "Quite the setup," he murmurs, watching more chairs being wheeled in.
Soarynn nods, "Yes, they've been talking about it for some time now." It makes him glad to know that he hasn't been forgotten over the past few months, that they're being celebrated the way they should be after dealing with the shitshow that Twelve was.
He should get a medal or something.
"The bathrooms are this way," Soarynn points, and Coriolanus gladly lets her lead him down one of the many hallways, mindlessly following his girlfriend until they reach the bathrooms. "Alright, they're bringing in our clothes now but I'm going to go in to powder up a bit." Coriolanus frowns at the idea of being separated from her, even if it's just for a little while.
Some might find it annoying or overbearing but Coriolanus tries his hardest to be around Soarynn every second of every day. They have all the same classes together, they live together, and sometimes they even shower together. He's not sure he can stand this time apart.
Soarynn gives his hand a squeeze, "You'll be fine," she tells him before letting go and walking into the women's restroom. Coriolanus stands there awkwardly, not quite knowing what to do with himself. His suit should be brought in shortly but he doesn't just want to stand out here and wait. Maybe he should just go in to make sure she's alright.
Yes, suppose she fell and hit her head? Better safe than sorry.
Just as he's about to push the bathroom door open he's startled by the voice of his driver, "Mr. Snow? Here are your outfits for this evening, Ms. Nightingale instructed me to bring them inside."
Coriolanus does his best to look calm and collected, not startled and caught red-handed, "Yes, thank you, I'll take them." He's given several garment bags, most of them belonging to Soarynn since they're pink and his are black. Her things are significantly heavier than his but he supposes that Soarynn prefers to be better off safe than sorry.
"Darling? I have your things right here," he calls, knocking on the door. Soarynn only takes a moment before she's pulling open the door and smiling up at him, "Oh perfect, you can bring them in here."
Coriolanus cautiously steps into the women's bathroom as if he wasn't about to barge in here unannounced and finds it to be identical to the men's. There's a small lounge area with two sofas and a large floor-length mirror, across from the lounge area are the sinks and then the restrooms themselves.
Soarynn it seems, is the only one in here right now.
"Right over here," she instructs, pointing at one of the sofas, "I'll need to fix my hair and makeup before getting dressed." Coriolanus carefully sets her things down on the sofa, making sure to be extra careful with her shoes. "Would it be terribly common if I stayed in here with you?" he asks, already sitting down on the sofa.
Soarynn gives him a quizzical look from over her shoulder before turning back to her reflection, "I suppose it would be fine, but wouldn't you much prefer to have your own space?" Coriolanus shakes his head, looking around the ornate bathroom that's meant for the public, something people in Twelve could never comprehend.
"This is bigger than my sleeping quarters, and it's not like we don't share a bathroom at home." He's got her there. Coriolanus can't wait to take a nice long bath once they get home. Soarynn shrugs and catches his eyes in the mirror, "If we get caught then I'm blaming you."
Coriolanus leans back against the sofa, spreading his legs out as wide as they can go, "I'll take that risk."
It's been so long since he's been alone in a room with her, it almost makes him wonder if they could get one in really quick before the banquet. It doesn't hurt to try.
Coriolanus quickly stands up and crosses over to the bathroom door, turning the lock to ensure they don't get any surprise visitors. That would not end well.
Soarynn remains oblivious while touching up her makeup, she looks so cute whenever she gets ready, fussing over every little detail as if she isn't gorgeous without any makeup.
Coriolanus comes up behind her, hooking his chin over her shoulder, both of them staring at their reflection, "Coryo, what're you doing?" She asks with a warm smile, giggling when he presses a kiss to her neck, "I'm simply admiring you, my love," he says, wrapping his hands around her waist. He doesn't miss how her breath slightly hitches, or how her hands shake while she reaches for her powder compact he got her last year for her birthday, silver with a rose engraved into it.
"We...we have to get ready," she gasps when one of his hands slides down her front, slipping under her dress. Coriolanus nods all while continuing his assault on her neck, gently sucking and biting at her tender skin, "Don't you want a little taste of what's waiting for you after the banquet?" He asks, his fingers tugging at the waistband of her lace panties. He's willing to bet all his money that her panties have a cute little bow on the front.
Soarynn whimpers and tilts her head to the side, giving him better access all while attempting to clench her thighs, "What if someone sees us?" It's a laughable attempt to ward him off but he's come prepared for her questions, "I locked the door angel," he tells her, his fingers slipping under the fabric of her panties, "you know I wouldn't ever let anyone see what's rightfully mine."
Soarynn doesn't appear to need any more convincing and his fingers ghosting her clit are clearly messing with her ability to think straight. He remembers the little photograph she sent him a few weeks ago, a keepsake was what she called it. A growing boner was what he liked to call it since all it did was get him hard.
"This is honestly payback," he says, "for sending that little photograph of you in your lingerie." Soarynn's eyes widen and he can tell that she forgot all about that little photograph she sent him. It doesn't help that Soarynn loved to send him photos with every letter, most photos being of her and Petunia but still.
"Oh," is all she has to say.
Coriolanus lets out a raw chuckle, remembering how worked up he got over that photo night after night. She knew exactly what she was doing. "Bend over," he says lowly into her ear, smirking at how quickly she folds herself over the sink counter.
Her dress is easy to hike up and he doesn't need a lot to work with considering the circumstances. He pulls her panties to the side while tugging down his pants, his cock straining in his boxers, desperate to be surrounded by her tight cunt once again.
His fingers graze her folds and he groans at how wet she is already, "So fucking needy," he says, his fingertips prodding at her entrance. Soarynn whines and bucks her hips, desperate to get something inside of her again, "Please," she gasps.
Coriolanus pulls his boxers down, freeing his hardened cock and he teases the tip up and down her folds, "You miss me?"
"How much?"
"Coryo please," she gasps, annoyance evident in her face as he watches her in the mirror's reflection. He loves getting her all riled up.
"What's the magic word Soarynn?"
Soarynn huffs, glaring at him from over her shoulder, "Please fuck me before I find someone else to do it."
That'll do it.
He wastes no time slamming into her cunt, groaning at how fucking tight she feels wrapped around him. He doesn't give her a second to adjust, he just starts pounding into her, the sound of skin slapping echoes throughout the bathroom. Soarynn's moans are music to his ears after being away from her for so long. She looks so erotic in the mirror, her eyes rolling back while she takes everything he gives her without complaint.
He wraps his hand around her neck, squeezing it just the way she likes. Soarynn is the type of girl to shy away from dirty comments in public and then smile while choking on his cock. She's funny that way.
"So good," she croaks, arching her back even more, her mouth lolling open. Coriolanus loves when she gets like this, too full of cock to think straight, the only thing on her mind being when her next orgasm is going to be.
"My good girl," he praises, "missed this cunt so much, missed your little moans and whines, missed how good you look stuck on my cock angel."
He shoves her against the counter, fucking her even harder than before, slipping two fingers into her mouth when Soarynn's moans start to get higher in volume. "Please," she begs, her words garbled by his fingers. He can feel her walls fluttering around his cock, desperate for an orgasm after being apart for so long. "Hush baby, take what I give you," he says, false disappointment in his tone. Soarynn gets off of praise as much as she gets off of degradation. Mixing the two together has always been so much fun for him.
His other hand grips her hip so tight that he knows there'll be bruises in the morning. And he'll be here to see them and kiss them better.
Soarynn is getting closer and he's right behind her, all it'll take is a few rubs to her clit and she'll be a ragdoll in his hands. Coriolanus pulls his fingers out of her mouth and brings them to her clit, rubbing it in tight circles, listening to the shriek she lets out at the stimulation.
"Fuck," she moans, throwing her head back. Coriolanus latches his lips to her throat, sucking hard enough to leave a bruise. Soarynn's face goes slack as her orgasm washes over her, and Coriolans moans at the sensation of her walls squeezing around him.
"Fuck baby I'm close," he grits out, fucking her at a slower but harder pace, wanting to finish inside of her.
How many times did he fantasize about this? Use his hand instead of her cunt?
Coriolanus finally tips over the edge, coating her walls with his cum as they both pant, slowly coming down from their highs. Soarynn slumps against the counter, sweat on her forehead. Her legs are shaking and she's got a glossed-over look in her eyes.
Coriolanus wraps both arms around her waist, holding her up so she doesn't fall. Poor thing has to wear high heels after being fucked.
He's glad they did this in the bathroom, at least he can clean them up.
"That was...that was good," she whispers and Coriolanus laughs, kissing her neck, "Just good hmm? Not exponentially mind-blowing?"
His question earns him a pointed look from Soarynn through the mirror, "Don't push your luck," she warns."
꧁ ꧂
"Coryo? Can you come zip me up please?"
Coriolanus leaps up from his seat and strides over to the bathroom door, looking down at his beautiful girlfriend who's carefully peeking her head out, "I can't seem to manage the zipper," she admits, turning around to show him where the issue lies.
Coriolanus is more than happy to assist in zipping her up, placing a hand on her lower back while the other pulls the zipper up with practiced ease. He's gotten used to zipping and lacing her up over the years. He wonders how she managed while he was gone.
Soarynn pulls up the front of the dress once it's fully zipped, making sure everything is in its proper place, "This might be my favorite dress you've ever worn," he muses, stepping back to admire the vision Soarynn Nightingale is.
Her hair is pinned up in a perfectly styled bun, pieces pulled out in the front to frame her face. The dress is in fact strapless, pushing her breasts up to provide an ample amount of cleavage that'll have every man jealous of the beautiful girl on her arm. The dress is form-fitting, showing off her small waist and clinging to her legs with every step she takes.
Her high heels are also a burgundy red, perfectly matching her dress.
"You say that about every dress," she reminds him, turning to go grab her things. Coriolanus follows her inside, refusing to be banished again.
After fucking her senseless and cleaning her up, Soarynn shooed him away, claiming that he'd only distract her and make her late. So he had to get ready in the men's bathroom much to his chagrin, all alone, no one to love on him. He only pouted for a good five minutes before she slammed the door in his face and then locked it for good measure.
"Because every dress you wear is a work of art on your body darling," he insists, admiring the dress from the back, how it curves around her ass just right.
He's going to have a hard time behaving himself tonight.
Soarynn must be thinking the same thing because she turns around with an almost murderous look on her face, "Keep your hands where I can see them tonight," she warns, "I just did my hair and makeup and I refuse to mess either of them up tonight."
Coriolanus chuckles at her demanding attitude, she's always so cute when she gets all riled up.
He stalks towards her, looming over her even when she's wearing heels, "Or what? You'll give me a stern talking to?" If she wants to be sassy, he can be sassy. It takes two to tango and he's been riding a high since he stepped off that train.
Soarynn steps up to him until they're toe to toe and he can't help but notice how beautiful she looks. Rarely does she ever wear a full face of makeup, she's already stunning as she is but the makeup accentuates her natural beauty. Her eyeliner makes her blue-gray eyes pop, and the red lipstick she's wearing makes him want to kiss her silly until they're both breathless.
She smells like vanilla.
"Or I will take an oath of abstinence."
Coriolanus snorts at her threat, a pointless one at that, one he knows she'll never follow through on. They're both too horny for their own good. "Okay, why don't you swear off drinking and dressing provocatively while you're at it," he suggests, slipping a finger under her chin, "since you're so set on becoming a saint."
Soarynn goes to jerk her head away but he's faster than her and grabs her chin instead, "I do not dress provocatively," she insists, glaring daggers at him. Coriolanus looks her up and down, his eyes focusing on her breasts and Soarynn scoffs, "This is a one-time thing."
Coriolanus raises his eyebrows, not believing her for a second, "Alright then darling, I'll keep my hands to myself and then we can both go home and fuck until we can't stand anymore, how does that sound? That way you won't have to give up being my little slut."
His words have the desired effect on Soarynn as she turns a bright shade of pink, always getting worked up over his crude language, "Fine," she agrees, yanking her chin out of his grasp, "but I mean it Coryo, best behavior."
Coriolanus nods, leaning down to kiss the top of her head, "Yes darling, best behavior."
꧁ ꧂
"We should go streaking."
Coriolanus almost falls out of his chair at Festus Creed's suggestion of a fun night out on the town.
The banquet is going well, drinks and conversations are flowing and Coriolanus and Soarynn have been on the receiving end of countless compliments. She looks stunning tonight and he looks devilishly handsome in his new suit.
Soarynn gives Festus a warning look from her seat across the table, she's supposed to be talking to Persephone who did end up coming with Festus but his girl has a knack for listening to other people's conversations. Especially when Festus is talking.
"A joke!" He exclaims, holding up his hands in surrender before winking at Coriolanus, "Just recalling some good times we had back in Twelve."
Persephone raises an eyebrow, not believing Festus for a second which is honestly the smart thing to do, “I thought you all were sent to Twelve to serve as examples for the other Peacekeepers, not run around naked.” Festus slips an arm around her shoulders, he’s smooth with it too earning him a grin from Coriolanus, “We had to have a bit of fun on that dreadful base,” Festus explains, “all that paperwork was getting to be boring after a month.”
Coriolanus grunts, he had been promised several months of action, of pushing himself to new limits and learning new things which he did do, but they left out that nitty gritty paperwork part of the program.
Soarynn gives him a curious look, almost identical to the one Petunia gives him whenever he’s eating something that looks good to her, “Did you ever have to use a gun?”
He immediately places his hand on top of hers, lacing their fingers together, “No darling, we didn't have to use a gun. Although we were given firearms for target practice and to protect ourselves of course. But we didn’t shoot anyone.”
Soarynn visibly relaxes at his answer, she’s always been so sweet and caring, not wanting anyone to get hurt. She wouldn’t last long in Twelve. He barely did.
Festus sighs, finishing off the last of his wine, “Needless to say, it’s good to be back home, just in time for the holidays.”
“And for final exams,” Persephone adds, causing Festus to frown, “We still have to take those?” He asks, giving Coriolanus a disappointed look, “I thought we might be exempt since you know, we were out there serving our country and whatnot.”
Soarynn snorts and Coriolanus does his best to cover up his smile, “I’m afraid even the bravest among us must still take part in final exams, my friend,” Coriolanus says, “even if we just got back from serving our country.”
Festus doesn’t seem too pleased about that but one of the many sergeants attending this dinner stands up, silencing the room, “I’d just like to say a few words about the bravery and dedication we’ve witnessed from these young men. If you’re here tonight because you made a great sacrifice by being away from your loved ones for several months to better this country, please stand.”
Coriolanus is more than happy to stand, mostly to stretch out his legs but he doesn’t let go of Soarynn’s hand. They’re never going to be apart again.
The sergeant nods at all the young men approvingly, “These young men have shown dedication to their country, they have shown they want to make this country better, to protect it better by throwing themselves into the very system sworn to protect it. By doing this, they have demonstrated a great amount of discipline,” Coriolanus stands up a bit straighter at that particular word, “honor, and obedience. Now, I have spoken to several others who were running the program, looking after these young men while they were away from home and we all came to an agreement on one young man who displayed exemplary discipline and integrity.”
Excited murmurs travel through Heavensbee Hall, no one ever mentioned some sort of award or recognition. Parents excitedly whisper to each other and Soarynn gives his hand a tight squeeze. Perhaps he’s the lucky winner.
“This student, this young man unknowingly to me, has followed in his father’s footsteps, leading a new generation of exemplary citizens through his dedication to this country.” Coriolanus swallows, it’s not the end of the world if he doesn’t win but it actually is so he has to win.
“It is with great honor that we recognize the son of Crassus Snow, Coriolanus Snow who proved himself more than worthy of carrying the Snow name through his discipline, courage, and determination during this program.”
He can’t believe he won. Well, he can, but still!
Coriolanus received a wonderful round of applause, everyone cheering and whistling him on as he took it all in. He smiles down at Soarynn who’s looking up at him so proudly, so adoring with tears in her eyes. She’s been his rock throughout all of this.
He couldn’t have done this without her.
“Speech!” Festus calls out, rallying the others to call for one as well. One thing about Festus Creed is that he’s an instigator.
Soarynn gives him an encouraging nod which is all it really takes for him to clear his throat. The other students take their seats once again and the floor is his.
“It’s a true honor to be recognized for such actions that I always considered a privilege, serving this country. I’d like to thank my fellow professors and sergeants who taught me many things these past few months. I’d also like to thank my fellow classmates who were with me throughout the entire program, if I was sweating, they were sweating too.” Everyone chuckles as they remember how hot they’d get during training.
Coriolanus rubs his thumb against the back of Soarynn’s hand. “I’ve always dreamed of following in my father’s footsteps, of making him proud and honoring the Snow name. So lastly, I’d like to thank the woman who got me through the best and the worst moments of being away from home,” he looks back down at Soarynn, pride coursing through his veins.
“My beautiful girlfriend who wrote to me every week without fail, who encouraged me to join the program, who kept me going even when I didn’t want to. The woman who I cannot wait to give my last name to one day. My Soarynn.”
꧁ ꧂
It feels so good to be home.
Coriolanus lays in his large, comfortable, large, fluffy, large bed with a blissed-out smile on his face.
He's got everything he could ever need. Soarynn pressed against his chest, both of them still calming down after a few heated rounds of sex. He'd be a liar to deny missing the sex they so loved to have, messy and loud and in the comfort of his own ancestral home.
Coriolanus was more than pleased to come home to see that Soarynn had kept the Snow penthouse in tip-top shape. He hadn't worried about it falling into disrepair, not with Soarynn living with him but he felt more than relieved to find it all in one piece.
He almost spun around their bedroom, just to enjoy the space he so dearly missed. Then he raided their kitchen even though he had just eaten dinner. After that, he fucked Soarynn until neither of them could walk anymore. A perfect way to end such a fruitful day.
His fingers drag up and down the soft skin of her back, he can't believe he willingly went without this for so long. Never again. She doesn't know it yet, but he's already narrowed down what ring he's going to get her to propose. Something simple yet elegant, prominent yet classy. A woman like Soarynn deserves a rock.
He watches her sleep for a while, admiring how beautiful Soarynn Nightingale is when she's bare-faced, freckles on full display.
A soft purring pulls his attention to what's supposed to be Soarynn's side of the bed, even though she always curls up with him and he finds Petunia padding over to them. He was surprisingly given a rather warm and excited welcome when they finally got home after the banquet. Petunia had been jumping and meowing but maybe that was all for Soarynn.
One can never tell with that cat.
"Thank you for taking care of her," he whispers, reaching out to scratch under Petunia's chin, "even though I said you couldn't come to the train station." Petunia only blinks in response but with how smart Soarynn claims she is, she has to understand a little bit of what he's saying.
Coriolanus can feel his eyes getting heavy, it's been such a long day. He still can't believe he's home, back with Soarynn.
As he drifts off to sleep, he holds onto his most prized possession, his girl, his Soarynn.
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