#corona antibody test
cybertriumphllama · 2 years
How Dengue Spreads:
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#A few species of Aedes mosquito (female mosquito) are the primary carriers of the dengue virus. Among these#Aedes aegypti is the main one. There are five serotypes of the virus. Infection with one serotype of the virus results in lifelong immunity#if the patient is infected with a different dengue virus serotype#severe complications may occur.#Dengue fever can also be diagnosed through several tests#such as the presence of antibodies against the virus or its RNA. At the beginning of this decade#dengue fever spread widely in our country#especially in the capital Dhaka. As a result#people become panicked. Even sick person and their families are disoriented. Blood banks struggle to collect blood and blood platelets from#headache#vomiting#muscle and joint pain#and skin rash. Dengue patients usually recover within two to seven days. But in some cases#the disease can take a severe hemorrhagic form called dengue hemorrhagic fever. This results in bleeding#decreased blood platelet levels#and secretion of blood plasma. Sometimes dengue shock syndrome occurs. Blood pressure drops dangerously in dengue shock syndrome. Symptoms#this mosquito-borne disease can reach fatal locations. In this corona period#if someone has a fever#they think they have the coronavirus! Not only if infected with corona#the patient suffers from fever but also due to dengue fever. So#if you have a fever now#do not worry#but consult a doctor immediately. However#if you know some of the symptoms of Dengue#you can determine whether you have Dengue or not.#Know the symptoms of dengue fever:#1. Classical fevers of Dengue:#• Classical dengue fever usually presents with high fever and severe pain throughout the body.#• Fever up to 105 degrees Fahrenheit.#• Severe abdominal pain may also occur.
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runtermitdemblutdruck · 11 months
Nobelpreis Medizin 2023 und mein Blutdruck
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Was macht denn das Nobelpreiskomitee da? Das habe ich mich gefragt, als ich hörte, dass der Preis für das Jahr 2023 an die Forscher Drew Weisman und Katalin Karikó vergeben wird, weil Ihre wissenschaftliche Forschung die Impfung gegen Corona erst möglich gemacht haben soll.  https://youtu.be/GnSdbB5Ub9k Was haben Weissman und Karikó geleistet? Die mRNA besteht natürlicherweise aus vier Basen: Adenosin, Cytosin, Guanin und Uracil. Sie haben die mRNA in eine modifizierte RNA (modRNA) umgewandelt, indem sie das Uracil durch 1-Methylpseudouridine ersetzt haben. Dadurch wird der Abbau der verimpften RNA verringert und die Bildung des Proteins, das die modRNA codiert, erhöht. Also entsteht mehr Spike Protein z. B. bei der Impfung. Was ist aber der entscheidende Schritt bei der Verabreichung von mRNA? Wenn wir mRNA in den Muskel spritzen, wird sie sofort durch das Immunsystem vernichtet und ist wirkungslos. Das gilt insbesondere auch für die modRNA. Wird mRNA in die Vene gespritzt, entstehen schwere systemische Immunreaktionen, Thrombosen, Gefäßverschlüsse und Gerinnungsstörungen. Es ist also erforderlich, die mRNA vor dem Immunsystem zu schützen und sie molekular einzupacken. Egal ob es Weissmans und Karikós modRNA oder normale RNA ist.  Wer hat der mRNA erfolgreich den Weg in die Zelle gebahnt? Robert Malone gelang das bereits im Jahr 1990 ( Science. 1990; 247: 1465-1468 ). Aus meiner Sicht wäre er der würdige Empfänger des Nobelpreises für Medizin gewesen.  Warum hat Robert Malone den Nobelpreis nicht bekommen? Robert Malone hat vor der modRNA Impfung gewarnt, weil die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse aus seiner Sicht mit dieser Methode noch im experimentellen Stadium waren und gegen einen Einsatz außerhalb einer kontrollierten Studie sprachen.  Und Weissman? In seiner Publikation im renommierten Magazin   Nature (Nat Rev Drug Discov 17, 261–279 (2018) sieht er in der mRNA Immunisierung einen deutlichen Fortschritt (A new era of vaccination). Am Ende kommt er aber zu dem Schluss, dass vor dem allgemeinen Einsatz noch wesentliche Nebenwirkungen ausgeschlossen werden sollten: Potential safety concerns that are likely to be evaluated in future preclinical and clinical studies include local and systemic inflammation, the biodistribution and persistence of expressed immunogen, stimulation of auto-reactive antibodies and potential toxic effects of any non-native nucleotides and delivery system components. A possible concern could be that some mRNA-based vaccine platforms54,166induce potent type I interferon responses, which have been associated not only with inflammation but also potentially with autoimmunity167,168. Thus, identification of individuals at an increased risk of autoimmune reactions before mRNA vaccination may allow reasonable precautions to be taken.  Another potential safety issue could derive from the presence of extracellular RNA during mRNA vaccination. Extracellular naked RNA has been shown to increase the permeability of tightly packed endothelial cells and may thus contribute to oedema169. Another study showed that extracellular RNA promoted blood coagulation and pathological thrombus formation170. Safety will therefore need continued evaluation as different mRNA modalities and delivery systems are utilized for the first time in humans and are tested in larger patient populations. Übersetzung: Mögliche Sicherheitsprobleme, die in der Zukunft in präklinischen und klinischen Studien untersucht werden sollten, wie lokale und systemischer Entzündung, die Verteilung im Körper, die  Aktivierung des Immunsystems, die Stimulierung von Autoantikörpern (Antikörper gegen die eigenen Zellen), und die toxischen Effekte nicht körpereigener Nukleotide und anderer Bestandteile des Impfstoffes. Besonders zur Sorge könnte die Aktivierung der Typ I Interferon Antwort sein, die nicht nur Entzündung sondern auch Autoimmunität hervorrufen kann. Dazu sei es erforderlich, im Vorfeld die Menschen von der Impfung auszuschließen, die dazu neigen.  Ein weiteres Sicherheitsproblem ist die Anwesenheit extrazellulärer RNA während der Impfung. Native RNA erhöht die Durchlässigkeit der Innenhaut der Gefäße, was zu Wassereinlagerungen führt. Eine Studie zeigte die Förderung der Gerinnung und Thrombusbildung. Um die Sicherheit zu gewährleisten, ist die kontinuierliche Bewertung unterschiedlicher mRNA, ihre Verteilung im Körper und der Übertragungswege erforderlich, bevor die Methode erstmalig beim Menschen angewandt wird und in größeren Studien untersucht wird Was macht Weissman hiermit? 2018 beschreibt Weissman in dieser Publikation die Nebenwirkungen der modRNA Therapie, die wir seit 2021 erleben. Die Corona Erkrankungen 2020 haben ihn bewogen diese Bedenken, die wissenschaftlich nicht ausgelöscht werden konnten, einfach unter den Tisch fallen zu lassen. Eine explizite Warnung vor den möglichen Nebenwirkungen hat er im Angesicht der Corona Lage nicht mehr ausgesprochen. Meine Schlussfolgerung: Das Nobelpreiskomitee ehrt also ein Forscherpaar, das nur einen marginal kleinen Baustein der Erkenntnis geliefert hat und dem es nicht gelingt, seine wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse unter ethischen Gesichtspunkten einzuordnen. Während der Erfinder des mRNA Transfers in die Zelle Robert Malone leer ausgeht, weil er zum Zeitpunkt der Pandemie vor dem unkontrollierten Einsatz der Technologie gewarnt und damit bewiesen hat, dass er die Auswirkung seiner Entdeckung in den aktuellen Kenntnisstand ethisch einordnen kann. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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khartoumnews · 1 year
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COVID-19 Diagnostics
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic arising from corona virus disease – 19 (COVID-19). Some of the first cases that began from Wuhan (China) in end of 2019 have reached almost 4,347,935 cases causing 297,241 deaths, worldwide (As of 15 May 2020). On one hand the healthcare systems globally have been struggling to manage the COVID-19 patient population and the researchers are racing to find a solution to this problem; while on the other hand, the economic impacts are felt across other sectors. Globally, there has been GDP decline, increase in unemployment rates, and increase in inflation rates. For instance, in the U.S., by end of April 2020, more than 3.8 million people were laid off and roughly 30 million people filed for jobless aid. In the U.K., around 7.5 million people are covered under furlough scheme, a government’s job retention scheme (May 2012). Top countries to have the most number of confirmed cases (As of 15 May 2020) included the U.S., Spain, Russia, the U.K., Italy, Brazil, France, Germany, Turkey, and Iran. Top countries to have most number of deaths due to COVID-19 (as of 15 May 2020) include the U.S., the U.K., Italy, France, Spain, Brazil, Germany, Iran, Turkey, and India.
Key Players
Some of the key players involved in the COVID-19 product development include Roche Holding AG (Switzerland), Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. (U.S.), Abbott Laboratories (U.S.), Becton, Dickinson and Company (U.S.), AbbVie Corporation (U.S.), Gilead Sciences, Inc. (U.S.), Eli Lilly and Company (U.S.), Moderna, Inc. (U.S.), Novavax, Inc. (U.S.), Medicago, Inc. (U.S.), Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (U.S.), GlaxoSmithKline (U.K.), Sanofi S.A. (France), Johnson & Johnson (U.S.), Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc. (U.S.), AstraZeneca Plc (U.K.), Pfizer, Inc. (U.S.), CTI Biopharma Corporation (U.S.), OncoImmune, Inc. (U.S.), Athersys, Inc. (U.S.), Celularity, Inc. (U.S.), Pluristem Therapeutics (Israel), Takeda Pharmaceuticals Company Ltd (Japan), among others.
Scope of the Report:
COVID-19 Product Pipeline                     
PCR Testing
Antibody Testing
Cell-based Therapy
Other Therapies                                       
COVID-19: Impact on Healthcare Industry  
Rapid Test Kits
PCR / Rapid Antigen Testing / Nucleic Acid-Based Tests
Advantages Offered by PCR Testing in COVID -19 Diagnosis
Key Companies
Antibody Testing / Serological Testing
Advantages Over Molecular Tests
Use of Antibody Testing for Herd Immunity Analysis and Easing Lock-Down
Key Companies
Immunotherapies (Antibodies)
Monoclonal Antibody
T-Cell Therapy
Potential Game Changers: Antibodies
Ilaris (Canakinumab)
Sylvant (Siltuximab)
Ultomiris (Ravulizumab-Cwvz)
Potential Game Changers
Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
Cell-Based Therapies
Other Therapies
Plasma Therapy
COVID-19 Industry Impact Assessment, by Geography       
North America
Asia-Pacific (APAC)
Rest of the World (RoW)
𝑫𝒐𝒘𝒏𝒍𝒐𝒂𝒅 𝑺𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 @https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5098?utm_source=Product&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Product&utm_content=16-02-2023
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What is Immunotherapy?
Our body has an immune system that fights infections, viruses or abnormal cells that grow. As a part of its regular function, our immune system is regularly fighting cancer cells. At times it fails due to various reasons and cancer cells unite to grow and cause damage. On the other hand, cancer cells also have ways to trick the immune system by undergoing genetic changes, and changes in protein and cell composition. 
Immunotherapy is a form of treatment that boosts a person’s immunity to fight cancer cells. Immune cells travel throughout the body via the lymphatic system. In this treatment, a patient’s immune system is stimulated with great efficiency through certain drugs, proteins and other medications. 
There are various Immunotherapies
Immune checkpoint inhibitors- Drugs that allow the immune system to respond more aggressively to destroy cancer cells.
T-cell transfer therapy- The most active T cells around your tumour is taken and boosted in a laboratory to attack your cancer cells. It is then administered back into your body intravenously. 
Monoclonal antibodies- These are immune system proteins created in a lab to attach themselves to cancer cells. Some can even mark cancer cells so that the body’s immune system can identify and continue to kill cancer cells even after treatment is over. 
Treatment vaccines- These are different from the regular vaccines we take. They are meant to boost your own immune system’s response to cancer cells. 
Immune system modulators- These enhance specific parts of the body’s immune system.
Which tests are carried out in Immunotherapy?
Biomarkers are tests that determine the level of abnormality. They give a clearer picture of the patient's genetic makeup, behaviour, and interactions with the immune system. Biomarkers in Immunotherapy are easy to obtain. Biomarkers are very important in cancer treatment because they determine the course of treatment. 
Also, for immunotherapy liquid biopsy can be conducted so that results can be obtained easily and quickly. General biopsy for immunotherapy assesses immune cell status rather than tumour characteristics. Which again is very unique to this treatment. 
 IHC- Immunohistochemistry assays are used widely because they can indicate the distribution and localization of specific cellular components within cells and in proper tissue context which doctors can use to provide better treatment. Its specific standards are laid down for immunotherapy. It is also easy to predict responses in patients being administered immunotherapy. 
How is Immunotherapy given?
Immunotherapies are administered into a vein (IV), through an injection, under the skin or into a muscle. Some medications are injected directly into the body cavity where the tumour is located.
Certain medications need to be taken orally. Creams are also used in immunotherapy that is rubbed over the affected area, especially in skin cancer treatment. 
An intravesical method is also used where medication goes directly into the bladder. 
Any side effects of Immunotherapy
This kind of therapy also causes side effects like fatigue, fever, shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, decreased appetite, rash and itching. 
All these side effects can be treated and managed. The patient must report to the doctor no matter how minor the side effect is. 
On the whole, immunotherapy is relatively cost-friendly and promising treatment for cancer. 
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ameymeti2001 · 2 years
COVID-19 Diagnostics
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic arising from corona virus disease – 19 (COVID-19). Some of the first cases that began from Wuhan (China) in end of 2019 have reached almost 4,347,935 cases causing 297,241 deaths, worldwide (As of 15 May 2020). On one hand the healthcare systems globally have been struggling to manage the COVID-19 patient population and the researchers are racing to find a solution to this problem; while on the other hand, the economic impacts are felt across other sectors. Globally, there has been GDP decline, increase in unemployment rates, and increase in inflation rates. For instance, in the U.S., by end of April 2020, more than 3.8 million people were laid off and roughly 30 million people filed for jobless aid. In the U.K., around 7.5 million people are covered under furlough scheme, a government’s job retention scheme (May 2012). Top countries to have the most number of confirmed cases (As of 15 May 2020) included the U.S., Spain, Russia, the U.K., Italy, Brazil, France, Germany, Turkey, and Iran. Top countries to have most number of deaths due to COVID-19 (as of 15 May 2020) include the U.S., the U.K., Italy, France, Spain, Brazil, Germany, Iran, Turkey, and India.
Key Players
Some of the key players involved in the COVID-19 product development include Roche Holding AG (Switzerland), Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. (U.S.), Abbott Laboratories (U.S.), Becton, Dickinson and Company (U.S.), AbbVie Corporation (U.S.), Gilead Sciences, Inc. (U.S.), Eli Lilly and Company (U.S.), Moderna, Inc. (U.S.), Novavax, Inc. (U.S.), Medicago, Inc. (U.S.), Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (U.S.), GlaxoSmithKline (U.K.), Sanofi S.A. (France), Johnson & Johnson (U.S.), Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc. (U.S.), AstraZeneca Plc (U.K.), Pfizer, Inc. (U.S.), CTI Biopharma Corporation (U.S.), OncoImmune, Inc. (U.S.), Athersys, Inc. (U.S.), Celularity, Inc. (U.S.), Pluristem Therapeutics (Israel), Takeda Pharmaceuticals Company Ltd (Japan), among others.
Scope of the Report:
COVID-19 Product Pipeline                     
PCR Testing
Antibody Testing
Cell-based Therapy
Other Therapies                                       
COVID-19: Impact on Healthcare Industry  
Rapid Test Kits
PCR / Rapid Antigen Testing / Nucleic Acid-Based Tests
Advantages Offered by PCR Testing in COVID -19 Diagnosis
Key Companies
Antibody Testing / Serological Testing
Advantages Over Molecular Tests
Use of Antibody Testing for Herd Immunity Analysis and Easing Lock-Down
Key Companies
Immunotherapies (Antibodies)
Monoclonal Antibody
T-Cell Therapy
Potential Game Changers: Antibodies
Ilaris (Canakinumab)
Sylvant (Siltuximab)
Ultomiris (Ravulizumab-Cwvz)
Potential Game Changers
Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
Cell-Based Therapies
Other Therapies
Plasma Therapy
COVID-19 Industry Impact Assessment, by Geography       
North America
Asia-Pacific (APAC)
Rest of the World (RoW)
𝑫𝒐𝒘𝒏𝒍𝒐𝒂𝒅 𝑺𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 @https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5098?utm_source=Product&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Product&utm_content=06-01-2023
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valgasnewsthings · 2 years
5.Myth nr 5, as in vaccination structure enter lots of additional substances as arsenic, salts of hard metalls,
 Mercury, which are bad for organism.
Yes, in  vaccination entering these elements, but they are creating a stable vaccination, stabilizing, and keep for the long time, so as she is having protein, protein part for DNA, RNA,  which without stabilization is ability splitting, and preparation loosing effectivity,  thus these substances in vaccinations also having, but on the small quantities, but not worry, all  are right added, that they are removing from organism by a right way, and not harmful affecting.  Thus, in our ration rice, also having arsenic, and salts of hard metals and mercury are in big concentrations also finding in mushrooms, which are not rare quests on our tables. 
6. Myth nr 6. Vaccination embed virus in DNA of human.
A one from myths, which also worry about teenagers, and who not vaccinating and sure,thst such vaccination is harmful for a reproduction system, but of true, he is carries protein code for virus or his surface proteins, thus embing in chain DNA  is nothing. And reach to her a hard, and DNA a strong protecting by cell, and hide in her nucleus, and thus a worry, that vaccine  harmful effects for a reproductive system a organism is not needing.
7. Myth nr 8. Am I doing a vaccination, thus am not sicking a COVID-19.
And not true, and you can sick after vaccination, but disease staying is not hard, and not lead to hard results, as this is new coronavirus infection, and scientists keeping learning her and manufacturing new material by her, and to say a how immunity will stay after vaccination is hard, but by a last stats, he is keeping till half years, after  a need repeating injection, as in case with an  other virus   is flu.
8.Myth nr 8. Before vaccination, am doing test for antibodies to coronavirus.
And supporters of these facts are having two arguments. And possible own antibodies having, as a human is ability sicked a COVID-19 and his organism manufactured antibodies to corona. And this is true in repeat sicking ,  which will be a harmless less.And  by tests showing, that antibodies level after COVID-19 is faster lowering and staying not enough for effective protect. And of course this test helping to find those, who sicked with COVID-19 to the vaccination time. And an especial meaning here is not having, that of vaccination is a not  staying harmful effect, as on disease time, and in her incubation stage. And vaccination helps for organism effectivity fighting with disease and lows complications risks.
World s recognition.
Vaccination is a protection against dangerous infection, but not an every person, but all population, and chances rising for medics to save more patients. And for those, where vaccination is prohibited. And if bacteria fighting with antibiotics, thus against viruses are having fewer remedies, which are ability stopping theirs. And one method is keeping to form protection for organism by a natural way as to sick or with vaccination. And a small parts of peoples are not sensitive to viruses, as of absence in organism proteins or receptors, to which virus is susceptible. And still peoples groups are not susceptible to vaccinations are ten percents, and a same those, where is procedure for vaccination is not give immune answer, but 90 percent of peoples reacting on her is good. And now in Russia are created three kinds of vaccines Sputnik 5 used  not just in our country, but in foreign countries too, that her recognition by  international  medical and science communities, and press Lancet is a first shared a stats  about a Sputnik 5 effectivity. And am I repeating for you, that vaccination not saving you on 100 percent AGAINST COVID-19 and virus carry, who is a risk for infect an other person, but he is lowering a heaviness for dangerous a life infection displays, and theirs results and possible for lethal result. Today a moment for science developing is a not having a most effective remedy, that ability to stop virus ,  than a vaccination.By Kondrahin, pharmacologist clinical, M.D.
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troughtonmedia · 2 years
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I finally got hit with COVID-19 the Corona Virus so I'll go ahead and write about my experience. Last Tuesday I went to the gym and swam in the pool feeling grand. Wednesday I woke up at the crack of dawn to go duck hunting. I felt a little off. By 9 AM I was crawling out of the marsh feeling like total shit. Corona hadn't crossed my mind yet. On the drive home, I had to pull over and throw up. Basically I just wanted to get back and crawl into blankets.
I was overcome with a massive headache and a constant dry mouth that water just couldn't seem to cure. On Thursday morning I took a rapid test that instantly told me I had contracted the illness. I knew the thing to do was isolate. I notified both my boss and my health provider. I laid in bed knowing I could get through this it would just take some time to get over it.
I had chicken noodle soup and liquid death severed lime. I rested. I got better. Now here I am 5 days later ready to take another test. I'm gonna take it tomorrow. I finally left the house today but it was just for a walk outside. I have done my best to not spread the respiratory illness. It might just be a little overrated it might just not. I am not a health expert by any means but I have felt more sick in the past from other diseases.
Did the government blow it all out of proportion? Not just the United States government but the world. It's been about 2 years and I have not been afraid. I complied with the masks and even got vaccinated so it's just so random to have gotten it now but perhaps I have acquired antibodies to help protect me in the future. People talk about changing the world while something microscopic certainly did!
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miraldna · 2 years
Call quest diagnostics online results
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Call quest diagnostics online results update#
Call quest diagnostics online results trial#
Thomas Arendt at the University of Leipzig that he has completed enrollment and is currently analyzing data from 20 subjects participating in Part 2 of the LymPro vs. The Company has received communication from Dr.
Call quest diagnostics online results trial#
Commissiong continued, “We currently have collected 40 breast cancer patient samples from an ongoing government-sponsored clinical trial in Mexico as we prepare for the CLIA re-validation of our Videssa breast cancer blood test launch in 2023 for women who 1) are below 42 and ineligible for mammograms, 2) have previously had breast cancer and want to monitor for potential recurrence, and 3) with dense breasts for whom mammograms yield inconclusive results, as well as file for regulatory authorization for Videssa in key jurisdictions outside the United States. Aligning our Tollovid marketing around clinically validated, relevant COVID & Long COVID biomarker changes should further separate it from other supplements in the marketplace with data.” The launch of our Long COVID testing partnership with Amerimmune Diagnostics now allows us to collect blood samples through their national Quest Diagnostics partnership, with the expectation that we will ultimately be able to add immune system integrity biomarker data to the SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody data we have reported seeing for Tollovid. We have recently added MonkeyPox PCR testing to our menu and have started early commercialization efforts. Goix has had significant success selling into throughout his career, target clients are healthcare providers who have few genetic testing alternatives available in their markets that can deliver fast turnaround time (TAT) like Provista. With the initial PCR launch focusing on skilled nursing facilities in underserved, geographically remote communities outside major metropolitan areas in which Dr. “Under his guidance, we are now prepared to launch Urinary Track Infection (UTI), Wound, Respiratory, Gastrointestinal and Sexually Transmitted Infection PCR panels for the US market in September. Philippe Goix,” said Gerald Commissiong, President & CEO of Todos Medical. “While the second quarter marked a period of transition for Provista, it made significant progress in preparing to further expand its revenue base beyond SARS-Co-V-2 PCR testing as we head into the second half of the year under the leadership of our new Chief Commercial Officer, Dr. Given that Long COVID patients have no approved therapeutic options and rely almost exclusively on supplementation, we believe that Tollovid has a tremendous opportunity to become the supplement of choice for Long COVID.” Sales of our Tollovid product also became material and more consistent in the second quarter as we identified Long COVID patients as a niche market and looked to initiate our sales and marketing efforts towards the Long COVID community and generate data that could serve as the basis marketing materials and prospective clinicals studies based upon data. “We were able to complete that transition and have seen month-over-month growth in testing revenues at Provista throughout the second quarter of 2022, culminating with over $800,000 in revenue for the month of June 2022. “Todos’ diagnostics focus for the first half of 2022 was really about completing the transition from primarily being a company that generates revenues by selling materials and supplies into 3rd party high-complexity CLIA labs through our Corona Diagnostics business to primarily generating revenues through the sales of testing services through our own Provista Diagnostics CLIA/CAP PCR Testing lab,” said Daniel Hirsch, Chief Financial Officer of Todos Medical. Time: Tuesday, August 22nd, 2022 at 8:30am ET
Call quest diagnostics online results update#
Todos Medical Business Update Conference Call: (OTCQB: TOMDF), a comprehensive medical diagnostics and related solutions company, today reported financial results for the second quarter of 2022 ended June 30, 2022, and announced a business update conference call to be held on Tuesday, August 23, 2022, at 8:30am ET. 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - via NewMediaWire – Todos Medical, Ltd.
Launch of New Suite of PCR Tests at Provista Underway, Including MonkeyPox Saliva Testing.
Preparations for Tollovid™ Phase 2 Trial in Long COVID Now Complete.
Preparations for Tollovir™ Phase 2 Trial Extension to Support EUA Filing Now Complete.
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pathologylab · 3 years
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As there is an indication of an upcoming third covid wave, getting a Covid-19 antibody test right now following your full two doses of vaccination is the best approach. A vaccinated person should take added precautions despite taking the full course of vaccination. Find out if the vaccine has responded effectively in your body. Take the Covid-19 antibody test now.
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vilaspatelvlogs · 3 years
कोरोना के लक्षण दिखने पर कौन सा टेस्ट कराना सही है और क्यों? जानिए ऐसे ही सवालों के जवाब
कोरोना के लक्षण दिखने पर कौन सा टेस्ट कराना सही है और क्यों? जानिए ऐसे ही सवालों के जवाब
भोपालः कोरोना की दूसरी लहर से भारत समेत कई देशों में हालात बेहद खराब हो चले हैं. इस दौरान हम अखबारों पर या टीवी पर न्यूज चैनल्स पर कुछ टर्म के बारे में सुनते हैं लेकिन असल में हमे पता नहीं है कि वो क्या हैं. इसलिए हमने यहां कोरोना टेस्टिंग से जुड़े सवालों के जवाब देने की कोशिश की है कि कोरोना के टेस्ट कौन-कौन से होते हैं और कौन सा तरीका इनमें कारगर है. तो आइए जानते हैं.  ये टेस्ट करवा सकते…
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rockwallrapidcare · 4 years
We provide fairly priced, hassle-free COVID-19 rapid testing and Covid-19 Antigen Testing Dallas in Rockwall, Dallas, Texas. Tests are conducted in your vehicle. Book online or call for assistance.
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adore-gregor · 4 years
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What is Immunotherapy?
Our body has an immune system that fights infections, viruses or abnormal cells that grow. As a part of its regular function, our immune system is regularly fighting cancer cells. At times it fails due to various reasons and cancer cells unite to grow and cause damage. On the other hand, cancer cells also have ways to trick the immune system by undergoing genetic changes, and changes in protein and cell composition. 
Immunotherapy is a form of treatment that boosts a person’s immunity to fight cancer cells. Immune cells travel throughout the body via the lymphatic system. In this treatment, a patient’s immune system is stimulated with great efficiency through certain drugs, proteins and other medications. 
There are various Immunotherapies
Immune checkpoint inhibitors- Drugs that allow the immune system to respond more aggressively to destroy cancer cells.
T-cell transfer therapy- The most active T cells around your tumour is taken and boosted in a laboratory to attack your cancer cells. It is then administered back into your body intravenously. 
Monoclonal antibodies- These are immune system proteins created in a lab to attach themselves to cancer cells. Some can even mark cancer cells so that the body’s immune system can identify and continue to kill cancer cells even after treatment is over. 
Treatment vaccines- These are different from the regular vaccines we take. They are meant to boost your own immune system’s response to cancer cells. 
Immune system modulators- These enhance specific parts of the body’s immune system.
Which tests are carried out in Immunotherapy?
Biomarkers are tests that determine the level of abnormality. They give a clearer picture of the patient's genetic makeup, behaviour, and interactions with the immune system. Biomarkers in Immunotherapy are easy to obtain. Biomarkers are very important in cancer treatment because they determine the course of treatment. 
Also, for immunotherapy liquid biopsy can be conducted so that results can be obtained easily and quickly. General biopsy for immunotherapy assesses immune cell status rather than tumour characteristics. Which again is very unique to this treatment. 
 IHC- Immunohistochemistry assays are used widely because they can indicate the distribution and localization of specific cellular components within cells and in proper tissue context which doctors can use to provide better treatment. Its specific standards are laid down for immunotherapy. It is also easy to predict responses in patients being administered immunotherapy. 
How is Immunotherapy given?
Immunotherapies are administered into a vein (IV), through an injection, under the skin or into a muscle. Some medications are injected directly into the body cavity where the tumour is located.
Certain medications need to be taken orally. Creams are also used in immunotherapy that is rubbed over the affected area, especially in skin cancer treatment. 
An intravesical method is also used where medication goes directly into the bladder. 
Any side effects of Immunotherapy
This kind of therapy also causes side effects like fatigue, fever, shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, decreased appetite, rash and itching. 
All these side effects can be treated and managed. The patient must report to the doctor no matter how minor the side effect is. 
On the whole, immunotherapy is relatively cost-friendly and promising treatment for cancer. 
advanced cancer institute in bhopal
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ameymeti2001 · 2 years
COVID-19 Diagnostics
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic arising from corona virus disease – 19 (COVID-19). Some of the first cases that began from Wuhan (China) in end of 2019 have reached almost 4,347,935 cases causing 297,241 deaths, worldwide (As of 15 May 2020). On one hand the healthcare systems globally have been struggling to manage the COVID-19 patient population and the researchers are racing to find a solution to this problem; while on the other hand, the economic impacts are felt across other sectors. Globally, there has been GDP decline, increase in unemployment rates, and increase in inflation rates. For instance, in the U.S., by end of April 2020, more than 3.8 million people were laid off and roughly 30 million people filed for jobless aid. In the U.K., around 7.5 million people are covered under furlough scheme, a government’s job retention scheme (May 2012). Top countries to have the most number of confirmed cases (As of 15 May 2020) included the U.S., Spain, Russia, the U.K., Italy, Brazil, France, Germany, Turkey, and Iran. Top countries to have most number of deaths due to COVID-19 (as of 15 May 2020) include the U.S., the U.K., Italy, France, Spain, Brazil, Germany, Iran, Turkey, and India.
Key Players
Some of the key players involved in the COVID-19 product development include Roche Holding AG (Switzerland), Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. (U.S.), Abbott Laboratories (U.S.), Becton, Dickinson and Company (U.S.), AbbVie Corporation (U.S.), Gilead Sciences, Inc. (U.S.), Eli Lilly and Company (U.S.), Moderna, Inc. (U.S.), Novavax, Inc. (U.S.), Medicago, Inc. (U.S.), Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (U.S.), GlaxoSmithKline (U.K.), Sanofi S.A. (France), Johnson & Johnson (U.S.), Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc. (U.S.), AstraZeneca Plc (U.K.), Pfizer, Inc. (U.S.), CTI Biopharma Corporation (U.S.), OncoImmune, Inc. (U.S.), Athersys, Inc. (U.S.), Celularity, Inc. (U.S.), Pluristem Therapeutics (Israel), Takeda Pharmaceuticals Company Ltd (Japan), among others.
Scope of the Report:
COVID-19 Product Pipeline                     
PCR Testing
Antibody Testing
Cell-based Therapy
Other Therapies                                       
COVID-19: Impact on Healthcare Industry  
Rapid Test Kits
PCR / Rapid Antigen Testing / Nucleic Acid-Based Tests
Advantages Offered by PCR Testing in COVID -19 Diagnosis
Key Companies
Antibody Testing / Serological Testing
Advantages Over Molecular Tests
Use of Antibody Testing for Herd Immunity Analysis and Easing Lock-Down
Key Companies
Immunotherapies (Antibodies)
Monoclonal Antibody
T-Cell Therapy
Potential Game Changers: Antibodies
Ilaris (Canakinumab)
Sylvant (Siltuximab)
Ultomiris (Ravulizumab-Cwvz)
Potential Game Changers
Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
Cell-Based Therapies
Other Therapies
Plasma Therapy
COVID-19 Industry Impact Assessment, by Geography       
North America
Asia-Pacific (APAC)
Rest of the World (RoW)
𝑫𝒐𝒘𝒏𝒍𝒐𝒂𝒅 𝑺𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 @
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valgasnewsthings · 2 years
Covid-19 are myths about a vaccination.
 Serious and for a long time he attacked us, effective cure is not having, and individual care is vaccination, but a few are negatively refer to vaccinations, that is tied with myths, spreading around are new vaccinations infusions, and let s to sorting out.
With vaccinations, we are met since a baby time, they are not allowing to spent time on diseases and avoid hard effects. And against poliomyelitis vaccination, is hard diseases killing a lot of  peoples, children's or giving disability for children's around a world, but vaccination saving you are staying triumph for humans. And history received a woman from Japan visited Russia as she is a first manufactured this vaccine and given 1000 doses, for protect children's. And created anti corona vaccinations are importance meaning for planet became, thus a time to spend in question and separate seeds from chaffs.
1. Myth no 1, vaccination is faster created, thus she is not effectivity,
 Vaccination done very fast, thus she is not effectivity. 
For to register vaccine, an enough to do are testing on 100 volunteers, if he is shows effectivity to use, thus she receives registration, after doing post registered tests of 1000 till 10 000 volunteers and more, on this stage, material taking about effectivity of remedy in population, such way transfers any vaccine. And very fast created Sputnik 5 Vaccine, by a rich experience  in scientists by past years, where in Russia created vaccine against poliomyelitis, Ebola, and to the close time for us, which success used for vaccination against viruses. As very experience platform with new technologies and good financing for project as a done possible for time shortening for creating preliminary tests ain creating new anti corona infection vaccination.
2.Myth nr 2. Vaccinations against COVID-19 are true imposing, that to get Infection such.
And very false, ridiculous and not logic from an all having on these moments. Think about, why a creating this hardness process, paying are regional moneys on a creating vaccine, opening additional vaccinations  places, creating additional vaccinations brigades, just if for a contagious common as on epidemic time are to cancel all anti-epidemic events, as regime with masks, social distance, limiting all events, self-isolations, and limiting contacts ?
3. Myth nr 3. Vaccination forming thrombus.
And who think about this and agree, that do not know about vaccine and how she is effects. This remedy having  neutralized virus or his part, vaccination using against virus infections, which entering in organism pushing immune system to antibodies forming, proteins, as ability to resist a same harmful virus. Thrombus forming in result for pathologic processes as injury, surgery, blood diseases, in taking part are blood biddies  are thrombocytes, and this is haemostasis system, and thrombus forming and anti thrombus forming, but not to immunity. Antibodies are not blood cells and not ability as those, sticky between itself, thus a vaccine, which provoking theirs manufacturing by organism , not causes thrombosis.
4.Myth nr 4. Vaccination is ability to destroy work for head brain.
Myth this leaves  by roots in long ten years for last century, when are for vaccinations opponents a question raised about theirs affecting on pathologies in a children's  , and adults as autism, Alzheimer, Parkinson. Different countries are tested , and result that not confirmed. ON 2010 exposures falsification for science work, about a tie a vaccination done with a destroys in children's, as autism, published on 1998 in Lancet press, as very popular, and authority in all world by medicine a common press. And found, that methodological work has been done wrong, that in group for tested children's  are entered children's with autism, and this press not published. And what is done, is done, thus against vaccinations warnings are spreaded and fixed in all world by an other press. And today, his is a force having, and lots of nonmedical peoples are trusting for this myth and spreading  on other vaccines.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/u0LVjCa via https://ift.tt/yPNi59H
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