#covid19 faq
a-typical · 22 days
Is an mRNA or a protein-based COVID-19 vaccine better?
The vaccine that is best is the one that’s available to you and the one that you’re willing to get!
I’ve heard chatter about some people believing that Novavax provides better protection against COVID-19, and there just aren’t data to support that.
Novavax trials and real-world evidence collection lagged substantially behind the mRNA vaccines, so trying to compare measured vaccine effectiveness is comparing apples to oranges. Approximately 3.2 billion doses of mRNA vaccines have been administered compared to 2.6 million doses of Novavax vaccine.
All you need to know is that all of the COVID-19 vaccines demonstrated over 90% effectiveness in their initial clinical trials. All options protect against severe disease, hospitalization, and death. All of the available options have been reviewed by experts and deemed to be safe, comparably effective, and beneficial.
Novavax may have slightly lower reactogenicity compared to mRNA vaccines. Reactogenicity refers to symptoms that occur from the immune response: low grade fever, headache, lethargy, injection site soreness, lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes), etc.
Will JN.1 vaccine formulation provide measurably different protection than the more closely matched KP.2 formulation that we will see in the mRNA vaccines? It is too hypothetical to know. That will be impacted by how much virus circulates within a community and how much more SARS-CoV-2 mutates as a result of genetic drift because of that spread.
What can reduce the potential mutation and spread of SARS-CoV-2? Getting vaccinated.
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drpedi07 · 1 year
Faqs On Covid-19 Vaccines
Hand hygiene, social distancing, and wearing of masks correctly (if above 5 years of age) when outside is the most important preventive measures one can take to prevent COVID-19.
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thetimeoftomorrow · 4 years
(From Singapore's Ministry of Health: https://www.moh.gov.sg/covid-19/faqs)
[Relevant as of 27 March 2020]
Hello everyone. Firstly I would like to inform you that I am from Singapore, and we are fighting alongside everyone against the Corona virus. Secondly, all the information I present will be taken directly from my country's government and the link has been provided above as I am not a medical student. Thirdly, please do take this pandemic seriously as it is NOT a laughing matter, and I hope that you keep calm and positive througout this situation.
What are Coronaviruses?
Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses causing illnesses ranging from the common cold to pneumonia (a more severe lung infection). A new coronavirus strain has been identified in Wuhan, China. Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19) has caused cases of severe pneumonia in China and cases have been exported to other countries and cities.
How does COVID-19 spread?
There is human-to-human transmission of COVID-19. For now, the evidence suggests spread is mostly via droplets. The virus is carried within droplets emitted from an infected person over a short distance, such as when the person coughs or sneezes. If these droplets come into contact with the eyes, nose or mouth of another person, directly or indirectly through hands that have come into contact with these droplets, the other person may become infected. Members of public are advised to remain vigilant and observe good personal hygiene practices.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
The symptoms of COVID-19 infection are similar to that of regular pneumonia. Typical symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath.
What is the treatment for COVID-19?
Supportive treatment is provided based on the patient’s clinical condition. No proven specific treatment or anti-viral drug for COVID-19 is currently available.
Is the disease deadly? How is it compared to SARS?
The situation is evolving and many characteristics of the virus and how it may affect people are still unclear. However, current information suggests COVID-19 can cause severe disease and death in 2% to 3% of people with the infection, especially among the elderly and those people with underlying health problems or compromised immune systems.
Who should wear a mask?  What kind of mask should I wear? 
For the general public who are not having any symptoms at all and are well, there is no requirement to wear a mask. 
As a good hygiene measure, people who are not well and have respiratory symptoms should wear a mask so that they do not spread any infection to other people. Anyone who has symptoms should see a doctor as soon as possible, to make sure that they remain well. 
In the case of COVID-19, we know that the infection is spread through droplets. Wearing a mask will protect other people when someone with respiratory symptoms coughs or sneezes, as the mask would trap those droplets and prevent those droplets from spreading and disseminating.
As such, a surgical mask is sufficient for this case and fulfils the important function of preventing a spread if worn properly. The mask should be changed if it gets soiled or stained.
Why do healthcare professionals use an N95 mask and don full personal protective equipment (PPE), including goggles, then?
When dealing with infectious diseases, healthcare workers are required to wear the personal protective equipment (PPE), including N95 and goggles, as they are in close contact with patients and their bodily fluids.
As such, the PPE is needed to create a barrier between healthcare workers and the infectious agents from the patients, and to reduce the risk of transmitting micro-organisms from healthcare workers to patient(s).
How long is the incubation period? If somebody travels to cities with confirmed cases, how many days of no-symptoms after the travel, will he/she then be considered clean and disease-free?
Data from cases in China suggests that the incubation period is around 14 days.
Therefore, travellers are advised to monitor their health closely for at least 2 weeks upon return to [home country]. You are advised to seek medical attention promptly if you feel unwell, and to also inform your doctor of your travel history.
Summary for COVID-19 FAQ
I have compiled the FAQ to be useful to an international audience so if you are a fellow Singaporean please head to the website and remain updated as often as possible. If you are NOT from Singapore, you may still check the link for relevant general information if it helps. Please note the relevancy of this information and stay up to date with the latest news.
COVID-19 Personal Experiences FAQ
(Circulated among Singaporean Citizens)
I have compiled a list of relevant information that fellow Singaporeans have been sharing among themselves. I hope people would take the time to read these anecdotes to understand the gravity of the situation, and that it may help in your understanding of this virus. Please do also take the information with a pinch of salt as they have not been confirmed/checked by any authority.
Annecdote from a Singaporean Patient's Family
"Make no mistake. When loved ones are removed from your home by ambulance because the virus has hit them hard, you are not going to be able to follow them there, sit by their hospital bed and hold their hand. You are not going to be able to pop in at 7.00 pm for visiting hours. They are going to have no one other than exhausted and brave hospital staff to see them through days or weeks of barely breathing through a ventilator until they either die or recover. They are not going to be well enough to text you.
You are not going to be able to phone the ward to check in on them regularly (staff will be too busy for that). During that time, they will be completely alone, while you sit at home waiting to hear whether they have made it through.
Imagine that person is someone you love dearly. Because it's going to be a reality for many in the coming weeks.
And if that person in hospital happens to be you, going through that ordeal completely alone, it would be nothing less than terrifying.
Please stay home and only go out if absolutely necessary. Social distancing is imperative right now for your family and mine."
Day by Day Symptoms of COVID-19 from Patients
Day 1-3
Common Cold
Itchy throat
No fever, no fatigue & good eating & drinking seems normal.
Day 4
Painful throat, more itchy/scratchy. The body is weak, & seems intoxicated
Hoarseness (husky voice)
36.5° body temperature
Start to decrease appetite include not wanting to eat & drink water
Mild head pain/headache
Mild diarrhea
Day 5
Inflammation of the throat (You might see white dots or patches in the back of your throat-might be red & swollen). Hoarseness until you lose your voice
36.5°-36.7° body temperature
The body is weak (body malaise) and joint pain(the pain is like rheumatism or gout)
Day 6
37° body temperature (fever)
A dry cough (coughing without phlegm)
Painful throat while eating, worsens when you swallow & when you talk
Body malaise, nausea or recurrent vomiting
Mild breathing problems/shortness of breath
Hand & finger pains
Vomiting (throwing up) and diarrhea (watery bowel movements)
Day 7
High fever from 37.4°-37.8°
Persistent cough with phlegm
Headache/head pain along with diarrhea
Persistent diarrhea
Persistent vomiting
Day 8
Fever 38° above
Breathing problems/Shortness of breath
Persistent cough
Headache, more joint pain, that passes in the lower back like pain in the buttocks (lumbar strain)
Day 9
No relief at all
Fever is getting high temperature
Persistent cough with phlegm
Worsening shortness of breath
If you feel all these, please go to the nearest Hospital's for testing and medication. There is no need to be afraid of having checked on what is being felt to avoid the loss of life for no reason.
I would like to emphasise that this information is NOT checked by authorities so please do not panic unnecessarily. Please do not spread panic or quote this information without citing its lack of source. Remain calm, and please direct yourself to the nearest hospital/clinic if you are unwell. If that is unavailable to you in your country/state and you are sick, please socially distance yourself at home until the medical team's/hospitals call you in.
Concluding Statement
I understand that for some of you information, medical facilities/equipment, and perhaps even basic necessities (such as food/water/shelter) are unavailable, seeing as I am interacting with an international audience. However, I would like to implore you to stay calm while you treat this matter with the utmost seriousness. This is because anxiety among the people would only cause prices in goods to sky rocket, and you will only endanger people when the market starts bidding wars for things such as equipment and medicine.
So please, firstly do not conduct mass-purchase of anything unnecessarily as it would only result in an inflation in prices for important goods. An example would be chloroquine which is NOT a cure for COVID-19, as mass purchase will place/is placing people suffering from lupis and arthritis at a disadvantage. These patients need that medication, unlike some of us who don't even know if it works against COVID-19.
Seccondly, please do not treat social distancing as a joke. Lives are at stake, and this means any form of contact with the virus will infect your immune system. While travelling overseas might seem fun due to the low priced flight tickets or because of spring break, this virus will infect you and your loved ones if you do not take the necessary precaution. This means sharing of food, untensils, clothes et cetera should be avoided to prevent the virus from infecting others and yourself. Some of you might want to die, but others don't so please, mind their consent if you can't be bothered with yours.
Thirdly, (I do apologise if I sound distinctly more annoyed as I type this, seeing how humanity consistently tries my patience) the corona virus is not an excuse for you to be racist or classist. I repeat: the corona virus is not an excuse for you to be racist or classist. While the COVID-19 virus did originate from China, it is not the 'chinese virus' and it was not borne from skin tones or genetics. It was instead born from the unlucky evolution of bacteria/germs that China so happened to win said lottery for.
This is the country that is developing and making the ventilators you need to stay alive. This is the country that has developed a new technique to keep you breathing/blood circulating if you are unable to do so. This is the country that gave the world 42 days to prepare for an enslaught of cases. They have no reason to help you: the virus was not made by them and you are not their citizen. But they are helping, and the least you can do is to be kind. (And if anyone would like to argue I'd like to quote Wu Chuanpu of supply chain Vedeng on ventilators that "the expansion of the production line is very time-consuming and resources-intensive," and "also involves personnel training. It is too cumbersome.")
So please, do not judge, do not be prejudiced and for the love of god be kind. The world is suffering, and people are dying. This is not the time to be fooling around or placing other things as your priority, whether it be your job, your fun, or your god damn xenophobia.
The priority is containment and survival.
To rebuild humanity you need humanity to exist in the first place. Stop being stupid, selfish and a damn ass hole about it. The virus isn't picky about its victims. It isn't going to care how much money you have, what your skin colour is, or what your age is. We have to work together and fight the common enemy. So stop taking sides and pick this one, the one where everybody wins. Don't be a fucking wuss cowering in the face of this virus. Mankind is resourceful, you are resourceful! Focus on what you can do and not what you can't! Take action, even if it seems small, because the small ones definitely count.
Keep yourself safe, signal boost this for people in need of information, and let's fight hard! Cause I'm definitely welcoming 2021 with all you people on this weird blue site.
Hugs and kisses from the fucking little red dot in Asia bitches ♡
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gssprojectsmysore · 3 years
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Post COVID 19 FAQs 
by https://www.gssprojects.in 
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vilaspatelvlogs · 3 years
कोरोना के लक्षण दिखने पर कौन सा टेस्ट कराना सही है और क्यों? जानिए ऐसे ही सवालों के जवाब
कोरोना के लक्षण दिखने पर कौन सा टेस्ट कराना सही है और क्यों? जानिए ऐसे ही सवालों के जवाब
भोपालः कोरोना की दूसरी लहर से भारत समेत कई देशों में हालात बेहद खराब हो चले हैं. इस दौरान हम अखबारों पर या टीवी पर न्यूज चैनल्स पर कुछ टर्म के बारे में सुनते हैं लेकिन असल में हमे पता नहीं है कि वो क्या हैं. इसलिए हमने यहां कोरोना टेस्टिंग से जुड़े सवालों के जवाब देने की कोशिश की है कि कोरोना के टेस्ट कौन-कौन से होते हैं और कौन सा तरीका इनमें कारगर है. तो आइए जानते हैं.  ये टेस्ट करवा सकते…
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asleepinawell · 5 years
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american health insurance companies: sorry to hear you caught the plague, we sent you some soap (fine print: but we aren't paying for anything else unless we have to)
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ka-steve · 4 years
Szingapúri doki összeszedett infói.
Szingapúrban ugye január 23-án volt az első regisztrált beteg, mostanra összesen 631 van, 2 darab halálos áldozattal, és a fertőzöttek jelentős része frissen külföldről érkezett, szóval azon kevés ország egyike, aminek több hónapnyi tapasztalata van, de soha nem terhelődött túl az egészségügyi rendszere a szigorú tesztelésnek és karanténozásnak köszönhetően.
Nekem a pár legérdekesebb tán az volt, hogy 1) ők az alapos tesztelés mellett is nagyon kevés tünetmentesen fertőzőt találtak, ami elég jó hír, 2) viszont azt találták, hogy a vírus legintenzívebben a tünetek megjelenése utáni hétben fertőz, amikor még könnyű azt hinni, hogy ez csak valami gyenge megfázás, ami elég rossz hír, 3) náluk nagyon minimális számban bukkant fel a máshol elég gyakori szaglás elvesztése mint tünet, ami nagyon érdekes hír (és csak tippelem, hogy vagy etnikumok közötti genetikai különbségek, vagy eltérően mutálódott vírustörzsek tehetnek erről).
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House Selling During a Pandemic
Selling your home at any point in time can be a difficult endeavor. The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has not made this task any easier. This pandemic has required rapid change in both, business lives and personal lives of millions, at Communities with Charm we understand that the process of buying and selling your home can be stressful. We put together a list of 3 things you should consider while beginning the process of listing your home.
Home staging may be more important than it has ever been in previous years, social distancing is becoming a new social norm in the midst of the pandemic. Making sure your home is prepared for a showing is critical, when done properly home staging can bring the best out of any property, by emphasizing its strengths and minimizing weak points. Anyone who has purchased a home can attest that the process is a very personal experience, by having the home look both presentable and professional you are leaving potential buyers with a good first impression of their new potential home.
Virtual Touring
New technology has made it possible for touring to be done on a virtual level for potential buyers that are interested in your home. Some potential home buyers may be unable to visit the property for a range of reasons, virtual touring is an engaging form of content that allows home buyers to engage and interact with the property without physically being there. Virtual tours can also increase the total number of people that get to view your property which in turn increases the overall chances of finding a home buyer that will put down an offer on the property if it interests them.
Practice Safety
Stopping the spread by social distancing has been one of the many common phrases we have heard throughout the duration of the coronavirus pandemic. While some may prefer to maintain their social distance and keep interactions online there will still be people who prefer to see the property for what it is themselves. When scheduling private showings of your property be sure to take the proper safety precautions into consideration, keeping masks, hand sanitizers and disposable gloves at the property will ensure the safety of not just the potential home buyers but yourself as the home seller.
The global health crisis does not have to affect all of your life plans. If you’re interested in listing your home for sale during the COVID-19 pandemic, give us a call today to speak with a licensed real estate agent!
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whrejanlstays · 4 years
Doctors Answers FAQs about COVID-19 (Tagalog Updates) | Doc Fate Cunanan
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theclicktimes · 3 years
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The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on this page are intended for the general public or the consuming public. Other audiences may want to see additional FAQs:
Please read the full article on The Click Times:   Frequently Asked Questions And Their Answers About COVID-19 
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a-typical · 22 days
What’s the difference between Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, and Novavax COVID-19 vaccines?
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Were the mRNA vaccines rushed? (TL;DR is no)
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nvgrantoffice · 3 years
Health Updates FAQ’s for Provider Relief Funds
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has published updated FAQ’s for Provider Relief Funds. The FAQ’s include eligible expense calculations, loss revenue, and details on reporting and funding extensions under the CARES Act for recipients. The FAQ’s can be found here. 
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adamhaydenblog · 3 years
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stock-dehko · 3 years
Baricitinib drug: Uses, Side effects? Does it prevent COVID-19 patients from oxygen breathlessness? Your FAQs
Baricitinib drug: Uses, Side effects? Does it prevent COVID-19 patients from oxygen breathlessness? Your FAQs
India oi-Madhuri Adnal | Published: Sunday, May 16, 2021, 9:52 [IST] New Delhi, May 16: Baricitinib, sold under the brand name Olumiant among others, is a drug for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in adults whose disease was not well controlled using RA medications called tumor necrosis factor antagonists. Recently the health department in Goa are working on an additional treatment…
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gssprojectsmysore · 3 years
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Post COVID 19 FAQs https://www.gssprojects.in
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teknoleftde · 3 years
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Für viele haben COVID-19-Impfstoffe Nebenwirkungen https://teknoleft.de/fur-viele-haben-covid-19-impfstoffe-nebenwirkungen/
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