#corona in up
carpwood · 2 months
all yall talk about wanting to breed him i just wanna hold his hand and bring him flowers
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killherfreakout · 3 months
i love her
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robotsafari · 2 months
i had a dream where something was off with riku’s shadow…
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(this art is so sucks i made this when i was tired and less experienced which ended up making riku look so much skinnier than how i normally draw him post-kh2 can you stop engaging it with pretty pweeease)
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harrowharkwife · 6 months
thinking thoughts about how nona was so obsessed with crown, and crown specifically- not coronabeth. crown, with her boots and her cargo pants and her guns and her hair tied back, with all her charm and strength, all her rage and determination.
was that really just nona? or, walk with me here- is there a chance that that was actually alecto, too, bleeding through and rising to the surface?
alecto, seeing a kind of kinship in crown- in this big, tall, strong blonde with a sword strapped to her back, hot and lovely and kind and awful and powerful and perfect. this woman who refuses to give up- on her sister, on saving jody, on BOE's resistance. who's unafraid to throw one hell of a tantrum, if it means being listened to, for once. crown, who everyone thinks of as dumb, who everyone underestimates, who no one ever takes as seriously as they should, even though she's clearly capable of plenty of atrocities in her own right. this woman who's been described over and over again as someone who positively radiates life, and energy, and vitality, and strength. this woman who wanted nothing more than the chance to be herself, to be free, to serve as cavalier and guardian and protector, but was instead sentenced at birth to a life of being a princess and wearing dresses and looking pretty and loving less and staying out of the way and keeping her mouth shut and playing second fiddle to a necromancer obsessed with power and glory. familiar, no? this woman who was betrayed, left behind, left alone, and left utterly in the dark by the one person who's supposed to love her the most- only to then be told that being abandoned was in her best interest, really, for her own safety.
thinking about all the times we've seen ianthe insult crown's intelligence and praise her beauty in the same breath. you big dumb bimbo, what can you do? of all the times we've seen ianthe fussing over crown's appearance. thinking of the sister-lyctor makeover-montage ahead of dios apate minor, and how harrow hated every second of it, and how ianthe treated it like nostalgic second nature. thinking about the third house: fucked-up planet gossip-girl with all its betrayal and espionage and flesh magic and debauchery, three for the gleam of a jewel or a smile. thinking about the pressure that must have come with keeping up the double-necromancer ruse, about ianthe having successfully played the part of two necromancers from the age of six. exactly how much practice must that have taken? thinking about the casual, automatic, possessive, offhanded, violating nature of ianthe playing god and giving harrow a full head of fast-growing hair without asking, without even telling her, just to make harrow prettier, just to piss her off, just because she could. how she did it so easily, and without hesitation, almost as though she's maybe done that sort of thing before.
thinking about preservation. about a perfect body frozen in ice for a myriad, about ianthe spending all her downtime on the mithraeum figuring out how long she can keep an apple core in perfect stasis before the rot sets in.
thinking about corpse puppeting: a deceased world leader here, a trusted cavalier and friend you've known from the cradle there. about i picked you to change, and this is how you repay me? about she took babs. and who even cares about babs? babs! she could have taken me!
thinking about alecto, and hollywood hair barbie, and you have made me a hideousness.
thinking about crown, who's by her own admission boobs and hair and talk and a hell of a swordhand.
thinking about something as simple as stud earrings, and about how much grief ianthe gave her for daring to wear them.
nona loved crown.
something tells me that alecto might, too.
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gummi-ships · 16 days
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Kingdom Hearts 3
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Funniest third house dynamic is that Ianthe genuinely puts Babs through psychological warfare every day and Coronabeth joins in but for her it's just playful banter
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wobubling · 1 year
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ft screencap redraws bc i have no creative energy for other stuff atm ( @fairytail-redraw i owe you my life)
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aceshusky · 1 year
sketch dump because I'm sick
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dorkfruit · 6 months
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quick lil crownpash...i gues
based on this pic
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corona getting punched in the face is therapeutic to me .
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frociaggine · 1 year
Another cool trick of Tamsyn Muir’s POV wizardy is that we all read Nona’s POV of Crown “gives great hugs wears pants with pockets has lovely hair!” and completely forgot that Crown is actually fucking terrifying.
Babygirl went from being the prisoner of a terrorist group to holding rank within said terrorist group, ordering people around, fronting crucial missions, being trusted with explosive intelligence — all in less than a year and a half. She has Done Some Shit.
Remember when Pyrrha tells Palamedes she’d need five years to prepare him to resist Blood of Eden torture methods? These are the people Corona joined. They love her, they embraced her, she’s thriving. She has fully crossed the moral event horizon and I love that for her.
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theriverbeyond · 5 months
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okay so uhhh does anyone remember when i wrote that fic where Coronabeth fantasies about fucking Gideon's corpse during the events of As Yet Unsent? and it didn't include any actual fucking? well. I have now served to rectify that.
3k | Rated E (18+)
written for the 2023 TLT holiday exchange. please be warned: this dove is MEGA dead
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scarlct-vvitch · 3 months
alas. i am thinking about camilla and palamedes again and making myself upset
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Batgirls 015 cover by Jorge Corona and Sarah Stern
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daylighteclipsed · 2 months
TTS Cass being insanely jealous of Gothel abandoning her for Rapunzel when Cass knows Gothel sucked (literally stole Rapunzel and kept her prisoner for almost 2 decades) and when Cass has a loving stepfather is still so fucking stupid. And it doesn’t even make sense in the context of Crossing the Line.
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gummi-ships · 2 months
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Kingdom Hearts 3 - Kingdom of Corona
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expederest · 17 days
It's been a week since I got back from Tokyo, and I'm still disappointed by the Kingdom Hearts Ichiban Kuji. It was supposed to start the 31st of May, the day I was flying home. But I checked like a dozen participating 7/11 stores before I went to the airport, and none of them had started it yet. Sigh...
As a silver lining, I did find a 7/11 that had those chocolate wafers out early, so I grabbed a few.
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Came with that Missing Link pre-registration and everything. Wonder what's going on with that... And while I'm showing stuff off, here's the other KH merch I bought in my limited time!
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