#corpo viridian
theviridianbunny · 1 year
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Date night day - kompeki's spa / pool <3
< a few other shots...from my favourite shoot I have done this year (well so far... it's only January lol) >
happy shippy saturday ^_^
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another-corpo-rat · 1 year
Run Rabbit Run
A little something for the lovely @theviridianbunny 💕💕 Thank you for trusting me with your darling girl! She was a blast to write 🥰
Jackie Welles/OC Summary: A simple job for Wakako almost paints a target on Viridian and Jackie's back.
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She loses herself easily in the lines of codes. Old habits raise their heads; her fingers move quicker than she can think. Eyes darting back and forth, back and forth.
It’s taken longer than usual to spot the pattern, to follow the threads to the knot where she can pull it loose and the laptop’s systems open themselves up to her fully. This one has been full of dead-ends, starting her with an immediately impossible grid more often than naught.
The only constant has been the employee ID on the top left of the screen. Arasaka undoubtedly, but she didn’t make a habit of memorising them. Yet as she sits back, narrowing her eyes at that series of numbers, something about it strikes her as familiar. Dangerously so.
Her fingers pause in their relentless tapping of the keys, hovering over the board as the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. There’s no one behind her aside from Jackie, but she still glances over her shoulder just to be certain. She catches his concern when she does; it wasn’t often that she would stop in the midst of an ICE-break.
“You good, V?”
“I’m—” an easy lie almost slips off her tongue, she catches it between her teeth. “No.” She admits instead, quietly pleased with how easy honesty is with him. It wasn’t like pulling teeth anymore, she didn’t have to worry about him sheathing it like a knife to drive into her back.
But that was a paranoia eased around Jackie and him alone, one she was working to extend to others in her new life. It’s difficult, but she’s trying. Still, she can’t help but ask: “Did Wakako tell you who the client stole this from?”
His lips get that little thoughtful twist to them, one that holds her gaze as he pokes through memories. He’s not happy with what he grasps, she can see that in how those lips press tight before he speaks. “Some self-important corpo, think they had the name of a bird? Can’t ‘member for sure, but she was waxing lyrical ‘bout them being a symbol of luck or something.”
Lead settles in her stomach, the heavy weight threatening to urge her lunch upwards as a chill curdles her blood.
‘Always stay two steps ahead, my dear.’ A rasp of a voice croons, low in her ear, deep in her memory. It wasn’t too long ago, two years, maybe three, that she worked with that woman. Arasaka’s Red Rabbit was known for an efficient brutality, feared for it, but if there was one who could claim the podium for cruelty it was her.
Viridian had delighted in it at the time, having an equal in skill and ferocity. In working alongside another who spared no consideration for things like mercy or morality; there was no right and wrong, just what needed to be done and who they had to cut through to do it.
Two of a kind, sharks circling their hapless prey.
“Crane?” She chances, grasping desperately to the hope she’s wrong.
But Jackie’s eyes alight with recognition, clicking his fingers as he confirms her fear; “Crane! Yeah, that’s the one.”
The name doesn’t coax the same delight it once did, taunting her instead as she slams the laptop shut. He straightens at the action, the light in his eyes gone as his brow furrows. His hands reach for her but hover, palms up in a placating motion. “Cariño?” He says gently, “You know them?”
“I- I know her. I know—” The smell of burning flesh, met with a simple click of the tongue. A dying man’s screams faltering into little more than desperate, rattling croaks.
‘It smells quite a lot like bacon, doesn’t it?’ It was different when she was in the chair. It allowed her a distance, in and out. The rabbit never lingered in fields it set aflame.
But the viper relished, and it made the rabbit look upon the violence it had helped create.
“J-Jac, we- we can’t. If we do this and she finds out—” It would be a rage Viridian might be able to weather, but it’s not her that Crane would target. It’d be Mamá Welles and Pepe, or Viktor and Misty. They’d be the ones to pay the price, a hefty thing only paid in full when they lie dead.
And for what? Some outdated data? A shard of blackmail that’d achieve nothing?
It wasn’t worth it; no amount of eddies would be worth it.
She struggles to get that rationale out; the words sit on the tip of her tongue but refuse to press forward. Jackie knows her well, sees the desperation and rests his steadying hands on her shoulders. The weight of them is familiar, comforting.
“We’ll call Wakako,” he says simply, voice calm to ease her anxieties, “tell her we can’t crack the ICE and hand the thing back.”
And it’s— simple. A reasonable excuse as any, even if she knows Wakako will meet the news with her cutting disappointment. “But you said every gig was a step towards making it big, won’t this be a step back?”
“Eh, could be,” he shrugs but his eyes are warm and a calloused thumb gentle as he trails it across her golden cyberware, “but we’ve no chance of getting there if we piss off the wrong people too soon, y’know. Ain’t gonna hurt if we err on caution now and then.”
It eases her enough to quell that sickening lurch in her stomach. “Alright,” she breathes out, trying to will the tension through her away. It vanishes completely as Jackie smiles and draws her in, tucking her head below his chin.
It’s alright. They’ll be alright.
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baereaved · 3 years
1, 2, 11, 13, 15, 24, 29, for the ask meme, please?
thank you so much for the ask!! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
send me some cyberpunk asks!
1. What’s your V’s/OC’s name?
i have many v's. my main one is named viridian!
2. 3 facts about your V/OC?
he was born in the democratic republic of the congo, which i think is still around in like. the 2050s. moved to south africa when he was very young, stayed until he moved to NUSA for college, then to Night City for a job with Arasaka. worked for 'saka for around seven years.
he met jackie a very, very short time after moving to NC, and they've been best friends for over seven years. they bicker sometimes over v's corpo tendencies, but they could sense the kindness in each other from the beginning.
his hair is synthetic, and his eye and lip makeup are tattooed on. gotta fight to stand out in night city.
11. Are there any characters you genuinely can’t stand? Why?
fuckin' anders. and the lady workin with him who kept giving me that knockoff rubik's cube. and the obvious culprits that everyone hates, e.g. woodman, fingers, scavs.
13. Favourite type of vehicle?
you'll rip my kusanagi from my cold, dead hands!! i really love the bikes in this game and that one's just *chef's kiss*
15. Which radio do you listen to most?
definitely radio vexelstrom. i know morro rock radio is supposed to have the extra lore but i just can't stop myself
24. Who’s a character you wish you could’ve saved or seen more of?
but to be fair. we did see quite a bit of rogue. i really wanted to see rache bartmoss! still hopin for dlc. just more of the oldies really lmao, blackhand, spider murphy.
29. If there were 3 things you could change about the storyline or game structure, what would they be?
okay this is gonna sound beyond stupid, but i found the character creator itself rather... limiting. like i adore the thing but i also can't make a man who looks even remotely like myself, which i was hoping would be doable with all the work they put into making more natural, less stylized facial features.
i wanted there to be more story lol. i feel like every single one of my complaints with this game would've been fixed if they'd just been allowed to release when they were ready. i just wanted the story to be longer, i wanted more extra content, i wanted more detail in the history of the world, etc.
i want more romance options! partially because oh my god, rogue. but partially because (and kerry don't get this wrong, you're a great guy) i felt limited by there being essentially one option for everyone unless you were bi. i did not find the gay lover of my dreams in that game, which i know doesn't sound like a reasonable requirement but i know most of this fandom's played dragon age so you gotta understand i'm coming off that dorian high.
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
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Date night: corpo style <3
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
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Dim all the lights and get close to me
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
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@miss--river was my partner for the lizzie's end of year exchange! She photographed Viridian and Jackie !!!
Look at how gorgeous these are!!!!
Thank you again River, you have made my evening ! 💌
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
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Little headshot sketches of my cp2077 blorbos
Rasmus Sundburg (he/him) on the left
Viridian Miller (she/her) on the right
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
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ARASAKA'S RED RABBIT - late night netrunning
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
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quickly tried my hand at posing some custom props... and playing around with more custom poses in AMM. <3
pride flags are by @pinkydude (they can be found on the nexus here)
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
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Kompeki pool Viridian!! quick pool photoshoot featuring my best girl <3
after seeing that more of the us cracks outfit was available as modded clothing I just knew I had to make an outfit!! I feel like the shorts would double up as bikini bottoms!! I feel like Viridian would be such a fan of the high waisted look!
shorts are by @phrensiedom !! link to the mod is here ^_^
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
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🔺Arasaka’s red rabbit 🔺
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
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partners in crime
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
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quiet moments alone together
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
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Am I worth their sacrifice? Are you?
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
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OC Associations: Viridian
Filled out this template with my best girl, Viridian!
(Plus an extra for her alter ego "arasaka’s red rabbit" )
Template by @holofishes 🫶
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