#corrain gealai
sunderedazem · 24 days
One Word Writing Prompts
27: Boxes
I think I got that number right.
you got it right!
Prompt: Boxes
Warrior of Light (Corrain) and Alisaie Leveilleur
“What are you doing?”
Corrain looked up from the book he was reading with a slow blink of surprise, ears pricking forward in mixed befuddlement and welcome, the sight of Alisaie silhouetted in the doorway to his current room in the Andron as welcome as ever.  He waved cheerfully, flicking his tail against the fresh pine wood in greeting, and lifted the tome in his hand. She narrowed her eyes at the sight.
“Reading, of course. When in Sharlayan, after all,” he hummed, grinning. “What brings you here?”
“You know what I was asking,” she huffed, and walked over to him, hands on her hips. “Honestly, you have perfectly good chairs! A bed! A window seat! And no, I come to fetch you to accompany myself, Alphinaud, and Krile to a late luncheon at the Last Stand and what do I find? A cat in a box.”
Corrain couldn’t help himself- at the sight of her flabbergasted expression, he burst into laughter and immediately curled up in the crate he’d snuck back into the nap rooms, laying down on the pillows and blankets he’d dragged into the wooden box. Alisaie rolled her eyes.
“A cat in a box,” he confirmed, unable to resist poking fun at his friend. “And it is a very comfortable box, thank you. Would you like to try it?”
“I should put the lid back on and mail you back to Ishgard so your father can see this,” she threatened, but there was a grin on her face now, resigned amidst the disbelief. “Warrior of Light indeed. You’re nothing more than a spoilt housecat.”
“And I am spoilt housecat who is about to demand food quite loudly,” he shot back, reaching up to lightly whack her on the top of the head. “The Last Stand?”
“Oh for the love of- you’re impossible. Come on- and leave your box here.”
Tyvm for the prompt~! this one was really silly and fun, haha! :D
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spitzobsessed · 6 months
The first weeks were the most difficult-
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-- On many days the crew would find him in the corner of his room, tucked in a corner, crying.
@dream-of-tanalorr I know you've moved to other media from swtor but I haven't, so have an art of Corrain sometime-post-rescue having a horrible time
((somehow drawing the sad sad boi was so much fun i almost feel bad for it))
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sunderedazem · 19 days
14 - bitter
Ancients? :)
You KNEW what you were asking for. So have some Elidibus POV of Azem and Emet-selch's break-up before the Sundering.
There are shards of red on the steps, and utter silence in the square. He blinks. Etheriys feels a little like a dream now, with the soft roaring of so many souls dulling his senses- but this sting of sorrow and shame he feels, distantly. It aches in a way he's sure he's forgotten, almost. And yet he and all those within yet remember…
The people are watching (not saved- but soon) stricken, frozen - all but one, whose cowl hangs down his back, whose silver staff is still tight-gripped in white-knuckled fingers. Who is walking away with a snarl on his lips and tears streaming down his bare face. Who has before the entirety of Amaurot denounced the Convocation, who has accused them of forgetting their duty, who has- has accused him of bias- 
They had to save the star. They have to save the star. And He was their answer. Is their answer. The roaring in his ears will never cease, now. He thinks the stretch of his very self was a small price to pay for the blue of the sky. He knows it. He volunteered.
So many had. And yet-
Azem storms out of the city center with his staff aglow in Light, wreathed round himself like a shield against- something, and he does not look back. There is only the sway of his long white braid as he departs, and Elidibus- watches it. Watches the narrow shoulders and frail stature recede into the distance, until shattered and broken and burning buildings obscure him from sight completely. Watches as one of Themis's closest friends turns his back on Zodiark and all the salvation he promises.
Elidibus does not understand it. He- remembers. Azem had pleaded with the Convocation to stay Zodiark's summoning, to give him time to find an alternative. Half the lives of their people was too awful a price for him - and Elidibus cannot condemn him for that love he has for their star and people, cannot condemn him for his dissent. Azem is the Traveler - the Shepherd. It would go against everything his seat stands for to agree. Lahabrea had not agreed - nor had Pashtarot - but in the end, Elidibus could not be partial. And thus Azem was given his time to find another way. But should Amaurot begin to burn- then they would have to act.
But he returned too late. Three days too late. And his solution was…incomplete. An effort commendable, to be sure. A solution worthy of gentle praise, and perhaps use later. But the star had fallen to ruin, and Zodiark could restore it. And then- then the star could restore their people. And Zodiark would save them all. He would save them.
He will. No matter if one man refuses to understand. Elidibus and Zodiark will save him too.
No matter how bitter that salvation tastes.
There are shards of red on the steps. Emet-selch is kneeling among them, his hands shaking, gathering the pieces one at a time. He is not crying, Elidibus thinks. Not yet, at least. He seems more stunned than anything. Of course, he is not the only one, if the way the silence still rings deafening has any meaning.
Azem has always had a temper, though it was not often apparent. But this- this by far had been the worst outburst Elidibus had ever seen from anyone, let alone from Azem. And worst of all, it had been a willful misinterpretation- a cruel misinterpretation, made solely to make a point about their plans to sacrifice the lesser creatures of the star to return those given to Zodiark to life. And- and perhaps Azem even had a point, if a misguided one.
He had always been thin of aether, incapable of all creation magicks no matter how simple, and sickly for it besides. His elevation to the Fourteenth Seat had been long delayed by a discussion of his health and the risks posed to his own wellbeing, rather than any disagreement with regard to his temperament or accomplishment as a researcher and theorist both. But to use his own recurring illness - which Emet-selch had cared for him through countless times - as a bludgeon to say that the Convocation must therefore count him among those lesser creatures-
I too am thin of aether. Weak, sickly- imperfect. Incapable of creation. Are these the only requirements for you to be willing to slaughter living beings in order to undo the willing sacrifice of half our people? I gave you another option! Those who are thin of aether - thinner than me! - may use this dynamis to restore our star, and you dismiss their capabilities save for their worth as livestock? You swore to hearken unto my solution, Emet-selch- you promised me you would have faith I would find a way and now you- you reject what I have found in favor of dishonoring your seat and returning the dead to life? Fine then! I count myself among these lesser beings freely, for I am more akin to them than you. And should you wish to wet Etheriys with their blood, you will start with me. And you will draw the blade across my throat with your own hands.
But even if he had a point- Emet-selch had only stared, utterly lost for words. The entire square had been quieter than death. Even Zodiark had seemed to still. And then, caught in the folly of sentiment, Emet-selch had stepped forward, had reached out a hand, had called- 
Helios- Helios, please-
There had been a whirl of black, a flash of red- and then Azem's mask had shattered on the wall above Emet-selch's head, had shattered into shards of his office even as his sigil had glared red over silver eyes.
I am Azem,  Emet-selch. I revoke the privilege for you to call me by my personal name- not only do I not know this man you have become, but us lesser creations have no names to speak of, now do we?
Elidibus had not known how to stop him. Emet-selch had just dropped his hand, jerking a little as if he had been struck by a physical blow.
And then Azem had gone.
And now he is gone. And Emet-selch is on his knees, gathering the shards of that shattered mask, cradling them carefully, as if he could piece together what was broken. As if he could repair a heart threaded with thorns, or another cracked down the center. As if saving the mask would save the man.
“...he will come back,” Emet-selch whispers then, staring at the bitter, broken ashes of Helios in his hands. “...I- I will have that much faith in him.”
And Elidibus- and in Elidibus, the dark waxes strong, and he lays a hand on Emet-selch's shoulder. 
“Nay- we will save him, my friend,” he promises, and watches as golden eyes behind a red mask snap to him and glaze over. There is weight in his words now - the promise of a thousand thousand souls and the hope of their people. “We will save him, and the star as well. We will.”
The doubt and grief in Emet-selch's eyes disappears, wiped clean by faith. And Elidibus smiles, heart heavy with certainty and the knowledge that in time, Themis's dearest friends will mend the rift born between them here. They will save Azem - they will - and the star he so loves, and all the people too. Elidibus will not allow for any end other than perfect salvation. The bitterness of these sorrowful days will fade, and Azem will smile again, and look upon Emet-selch with that loving mischief in his eye, and this will all be but a distant memory. 
They will. 
He will make sure of it.
Enjoy the angst/keep the change ya filthy animal
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sunderedazem · 2 months
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The Fourteenth Seat, Azem - Helios // Warrior of Light - Corrain
YOWLING a friend of mine (Nimrowen, discord only) sent me and a friend surprise arts of each of our Azem/WoLs and I am on the FLOOR about it.
Anyway - Helios is the name I chose for my Azem, and Corrain is my Warrior of Light, and by god the WHM to DRK slide is so real. augh. I can't stop STARING at this
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sunderedazem · 3 months
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"...Can you see me smile? ...I mean it, these days."
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sunderedazem · 5 days
your reflection, your bitter deception
Series: your boldness stands alone among the wreck (Part 3)
Series Authors: @sunderedazem and @azems-familiar
Rating: Teen
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV
Category: M/M, Multi
Relationships: Emet-selch/G'raha Tia - Crystal Exarch, Past Azem/Emet-selch/Hythlodaeus/Original Character, hints of future WolG'raha/Emetwol, Warrior of Light & Warrior of Light
Major Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply
(Some) Minor Tags: Canon Adjacent, First Meetings, Miqo'te Warrior of Light, Lalafell Warrior of Light, Enemies and Lovers, Emet-selch Needs Therapy, Light Angst, Pining
The Warriors of Darkness and the Scions of the Seventh Dawn meet Emet-Selch for the first time. Emet-Selch and the Crystal Exarch come to an agreement.
Chapter Start:
Crystal Exarch - G'raha Tia The skies are yet dark at night, and those noble souls whom he had summoned across the rift yet do not appear any the worse for wear to his admittedly-amateurish gaze. That marks two Lightwardens now slain by their hands, and countless lesser sin eaters besides. And they hold strong, as he had prayed they would. Lelesu and Corrain both- they hold strong. As he hoped - hopes, will hope - that they would, until the end of such a messy, convoluted plan.  By Thaliak, he hopes they will hold strong, until the end. Until the last Lightwarden falls, until the First knows hope wholly, uncounted amongst the stars. He knows he has summoned them here to bleed for him and his people and their people, all over again, as if they had not given enough of themselves already. As if he does not ask they risk their very being, their souls, for a cause they have little enough choice but to pursue. The Lightwardens they would spawn would be monstrous creatures- and likely spell the doom of the star just as surely as Emet-selch's current plot would. Perhaps an even more inevitable doom than the slow suffocation of the world in purest apathy. In hindsight, he muses absently, staring at a sharp gaze of pale gold, this is why the man himself has deigned to visit. In all his typical theatrical glory and sardonic flair, sharp on every edge. It is the same exact mask he'd worn upon first breaking into one of Syrcus Tower's many control rooms, when G'raha had found him unsuccessfully fiddling with uncooperative controls and cursing about it. 
Click for Ao3 Link!
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sunderedazem · 20 days
Corrain's opinion of Hraesvelgr!
OOOOH oh this is CRUNCHY hehe okay here we go
So....Corrain doesn't really get where Hraesvelgr's coming from at first. Which - given his youth and utter lack of life experience, makes perfect sense. He's not afraid of Hraesvelgr by any means, more just- respectful of his decision to remain apart, especially after learning the truth of Ratatoskr's murder. But he doesn't understand it. He's never had cause to taste a desire for vengeance yet.
Therefore, Corrain has a very...neutral opinion of him at first. It's one part irritated by the fact that of COURSE it wouldn't be this easy, two parts sympathetic, and another two parts just sort of like "I mean it's your choice to be miserable for eternity I guess?"
And then uh. the Vault happens.
and all of a sudden- he understands just how big of a gesture it is that Hraesvelgr hasn't joined Nidhogg in tearing Ishgard apart. he understands that the abstinence isn't apathy, it's the last scraps of kindness that Hraesvelgr can afford to give a people that murdered his sister for no reason. And it makes him respect Hraesvelgr that much more for even agreeing to hear them out, for watching over Ysayle. Because suddenly he's *also* being eaten up by rage and hate and a thirst for vengeance and the only thing he knows how to do about it is to become a dark knight and wipe Thordan off the face of the earth.
But- Thordan is also Aymeric's father. And so- is he cruel enough to kill Aymeric's father in cold blood, or will he spare the man and abstain from exacting his punishement out of kindness? Is he more like Hraesvelgr or Nidhogg?
(it's a choice made FOR him in the end when primal summonings happen. But it's still a question he asks himself)
And so that means - when Hraesvelgr chooses to try and have faith in humans again, when he gives them another chance after SO long, after Corrain exacts his revenge - it means a LOT. And it's an example that- well. Corrain has to take another look at himself, and at the hate in his own heart. and really think about it. And choose whether or not he's more Nidhogg or Hraesvelgr.
So- by the beginning of Stormblood- one of Corrain's role models is a dragon. even if he's not completely cognizant of that. It's a fun switchup, I think.
TY for the ask!!
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sunderedazem · 25 days
lift me higher, let me look at the sun
Series: in the shadow of the sun || ascian azem au (Part 3)
Series Authors: @sunderedazem and @azems-familiar
Rating: Teen Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV Category: Gen Major Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply (Some) Minor Tags: Warrior of Light Is Not A Shard of Azem, Ascian Azem, Teenage Warrior of Light, Yol Preening, Alcohol, Nonbinary Azem, Warrior of Light is a Mess, Azem is even MORE of a Mess, Tempering, Miqo'te Warrior of Light
Azem follows the Warrior of Light through Othard, and observes as Doma is liberated from Garlemald's choking grasp. Sometimes they get too close for comfort. Corrain de Fortemps tries his best to bear the weight of being the hero of two continents. Sometimes, he catches the Ascian paparazzi watching - and tries to see if, just this once- maybe they won't have to fight. Five times the Warrior of Light and Azem of the Unsundered see each other - and sometimes there's a big nuzzly yol involved.
Chapter Start:
CORRAIN He’s not quite sure when, precisely, that the back of his neck began to prickle with discomfort, the fine strands of translucent fur along his hairline stiffening to stand on end. But he knows for certain that it began in earnest shortly after they made landfall amongst the archipelago of islands in the Ruby Sea and went with Soroban to treat with the Confederacy - or, more precisely, to pay the bribe that would allow them to sail the ocean there unaccosted by pirates. Corrain rather thinks he would have been more amenable to the whole thing - and slightly less of a scowling thundercloud of a man - had that strange sensation not begun to set in. But as it was, well. He rather thought Tansui might have been glad to be rid of his glower, however briefly. After all, even petite as he is next to a Roegadyn like Gosetsu  there is something intimidating about a man who carries a blade as long as he is tall and imbued with fire-aspected crystal so the blade will burst aflame when aether is channeled through it besides. No less one who speaks only to snarl obscenities under his breath at the Garlean trespassers they’d briefly run into. Though perhaps that may have kindled kinship instead. He does think he caught an appreciative sigh from Tansui.
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sunderedazem · 1 month
Character Associations: Corrain de Fortemps (formerly Gealai)
Fill out 3 or more symbolic associations for each category! (Thanks to @azems-familiar and @calico-heart for the tag!)
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Loneliness - an orphan from the beginning, who loses his loved ones as he finds them Wonder - at the world, from the smallest of plants to the largest of buildings and the weirdest of creatures Fury - at himself, most of all, for failing to protect everyone. He will next time. He has to. Elation - at the joy of discovering new things, spending time with his loved ones, and executing the perfect prank
Blue, the color of a robin's egg - the luminous hue of a(n un)sundered soul. Light passes through and stains all he touches bright and clear. Burgundy, the color of red wine - grief and sorrow and love, a bleeding heart. The soul of a lover long forgotten, but no less loved. White, the color of Coerthan snow - home and hearth, crisp joy and hope, the color of light magic and lilies. Footprints in the snow will always guide him home again Pink, the color of a just-blooming rose - Dawn skies and a blush on round cheeks. Laughter around the fire after being out in the cold. the color of rebirth
Honeysuckle - sweet and floral, fresh from the earth. Just a quick taste of joy Rusted Iron - the tang of blood in his mouth, the rasp of a blade. something to fight through, to defeat and live on Old Books - Musty and secretive, dust on the pages. He will learn everything this world has to teach.
His Staff - silver and collapsible. Hidden easily in the hilt of a greatsword. The gentle soul of of a healer concealed within the steely rage of a protector Broken Shield - Left for a fallen brother, a reminder of loss. A horrifying memory writ in rent metal. Travel-stained Journal - a record of who he once was. it charts both the growth and the chipping facade. Rosewood Cane - a mobility aid, for after he gives everything. He will have his independence- but he's not afraid to learn new ways to find it.
Coiling Tail - it winds around the people he loves. He's never been able to break the habit, nor does he want to Insistent Headbutt - scritch his ears. scritch his ears. he loves you. he loves you. love him back (you cannot escape) Crooked Smile - He's gotten an Idea. Watch out! Swiveling Ears - he's listening, always, to whatever is needed. He's strong enough to bear your burdens with you.
White Gloves, stained - A nobleman's child, by adoption and choice, and a hero to boot. Surely you won't see the bloodstains. A Candle Flame - a small light to banish the dark. he will burn himself out eventually, but not today Soft Mist in the Morning - Gray sunlight and the cool sprinkle of clouds on skin. A mysterious beginning, and a world to discover.
And...I dunno many other folks who play, so- if you see this- TAG! you're it, mfer! :D
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sunderedazem · 3 months
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Corrain and Lelesu, visiting a friend (a brother, a could-have-been lover)
Lelesu Lesu -> @spyscrapper
(They stayed until Alphinaud came and got them)
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sunderedazem · 1 month
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and bonus yeet
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ft: Lelesu Lesu/Small Seleukos, @azems-familiar's WoL
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sunderedazem · 4 months
Soulshards (Ch 4)
Self-Appointed Sibling (Mid-ARR, Coerthas)
Chapter rating: Gen, No Archive Warnings Apply, Sickfic
Coerthas is a cold place, and its clime is cruel to foreigners used to the sunny warmth of southern Eorzea. Especially if they're the type to push too hard and too fast, and burn the candle at both ends, as is the young Scion now grumbling and feverish in one of Camp Dragonhead's sickrooms.
Haurchefant will see them well, however. It's the least he can do - and Count Edmont de Fortemps agrees wholeheartedly.
(Haurchefant POV. Set just before the Stone Vigil)
Ao3 Link!
Start Snippet: There was only so much the poor lad could take, and if what Haurchefant had heard from the young Miqo’te’s erstwhile companions was true, his troubles had begun far earlier than his arrival in Coerthas, unpleasant as it must have seemed at the time. Nay- the grief he must have carried to this point must have finally worn him through. To no surprise, to be sure – the young man had already been all over Coerthas it seemed, rescuing members of House Durendaire, House Haillenarte, and even his own House Fortemps from both heretics and false accusations of heresy. And while Haurchefant had at first only allowed a passing interest and sympathy for the Scions’ pleas to find their missing airship, Corrain’s single-minded drive and soft-smiling dedication to simply making the world he lived in better had entirely stolen away the hearts of those around him. Lord Portelaine and Lord Drillemont of House Durendaire and the young Lord Francel of House Haillenarte, among many others, all now looked upon him with both respect and the warm affections one would afford to a folk hero. And Haurchefant himself found that he should be included in that number, though not unwittingly. Thus endeared, he’d taken it upon himself to provide for the young warrior and his companions now, both as thanks for unmasking Guillaime as a false Inquisitor and heretic to boot, and as- well, a mere expression of his own gratitude for the pleasure of making Corrain’s acquaintance.
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sunderedazem · 2 months
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just two old friends (back again, twelve thousand years later)
Lelesu Lesu: @spyscrapper
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sunderedazem · 2 years
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YELLING about this commission of Corrain, my Jedi Knight OC, as painted by the insanely lovely @stellorc!! (thank you SO much I'm in love 💙😭💙😭)
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sunderedazem · 20 days
Corrain and Raubhan!
This one is hard to put into words, but I'll try!
Corrain doesn't know Raubahn as well as he does Aymeric or Kan-E Senna (WHM things and being a de Fortemps, you know) but of all of the city-state leaders, Raubahn is the one he views as something closest to the kind of familial role model he finds in Artoirel, Haurchefant, and Edmont. Of course- it's not *quite* like that. Raubahn is a Syndicate member of Ul'dah, after all, and later helps to lead Ala Mhigo to freedom, he's not precisely parental or familial in any way shape or form to Corrain.
And yet- of the three city-state leaders, it's Raubahn who's one of the first to treat him as someone breakable - someone with limits. He's the one to show up when Corrain is struggling out of the still-exploding wreckage of Castrum Meridianum with an unconscious Thancred and several burns and carry both of them to the Conjurers for treatment. And then he actually scolds Corrain for trying to push himself afterward - tells him to rest, and that he's done enough. And that leaves an impression on Corrain. Raubahn is the first of the city-state leaders to tell him that he's done enough to help.
And- well. Since he's the first (aside from the Scions) to say that and then actually follow it up with sternly telling him to "go back and rest, lad. The chirurgeons can only do so much for that burn on your arm at once, and I'll not have you up and about after you've done more than anyone can ask for already," well- Corrain kind of has a soft spot in his heart for Raubahn afterward. Even before the Bloody Banquet and the way he leads the charge in Ala Mhigo, Corrain remembers this, and when Raubahn tells him to rest, he'll actually listen (to some extent).
He has a great deal of respect for Raubahn as a leader and warrior, but also as just- a veteran of life that treats him like a younger colleague, and looks out for him along the way.
Maybe something more similar to a mentor, perhaps? I think that may be the best way to word it.
Thanks for the ask!!!
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sunderedazem · 3 months
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Corrain (Gealai) de Fortemps, Warrior of Light, Age 16
(aka - my WoL's outfit when he first joins the Scions! Ignore the background, I was just taking screencaps in Ishgard - he doesn't get here until the month of his 18th nameday.)
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