#correcting steet to streets
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jacket progress. i wrote the poem on the back. only a little bit of a shift cipher and some morse code. i tried to do an interesting font but i’ll post photos of all the details on halloween, or the weekend of halloween. this is my costume this year.
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coochiequeens · 3 years
An old man takes something culturally significant from women
A ruling issued by Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar halted a long-standing custom of women, married and single, to immerse in a mikvah ritual bath the day before Yom Kippur to heighten their sense of spiritual purity.
Earlier this week, Amar sent a letter to Rabbi David Banino, head of the Jerusalem religious council’s mikvah department, telling him that mikvah directors and attendants should not allow women to immerse in the mikvaot they operate unless it is the correct night for them to immerse, according to Jewish family purity laws.
This would exclude married women, singles, divorcees and widows who wish to immerse in a mikvah for spiritual purposes ahead of Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar.
The motivation behind Amar’s ruling was what he described as "awful promiscuity." He explained that in current times “we have arrived at a situation so awful that things which we were embarrassed to think about in private and in inner sanctums have become a symbol of freedom and progress.”
Today, he explained, “People who are modest are considered to be mentally ill and oppressed, and people glorify in abomination.”
Amar’s concern regarding promiscuity appears to be a concern that unmarried women who immerse in the mikvah will then justify having sex outside of marriage.
Under Jewish law, married women must immerse themselves in a mikvah following the completion of their menstrual cycle, before they are permitted to have sexual relations with their husbands again.
In recent years, some religiously observant, unmarried women who wish to have sexual relations with their partners have also sought to immerse in a mikvah first, a practice the Chief Rabbinate and some local rabbinates have sought to ban.
Amar’s directive to stop women from immersing for spiritual reasons on Yom Kippur was strongly criticized from several quarters, however, including the Itim religious services advisory organization.
In a letter to Religious Services Ministry director Shimon Ma’atok, Itim attorney Meira Friedman said Amar’s decision was illegal and harmful to the religious traditions of women in Jerusalem who are accustomed to immersing in a mikvah on Erev Yom Kippur, noting that the custom has been in practice for generations.
Friedman argued that closing women’s mikvahs due to promiscuity and not men’s was a form of illegal gender-based discrimination and violated laws regarding freedom of religion.
“It is unfortunate that on the eve of Yom Kippur, a time when Jews unite in reflection and humility, the Jerusalem religious council is choosing to divide Jews,” said Itim director Rabbi Seth Farber.
“The custom to immerse in the mikvah in anticipation of Yom Kippur is well documented in religious sources and the women who wish to practice this custom should not be prevented from doing so because of unfounded fears of ‘licentiousness.’
“Though this decision was taken at the last minute, Itim will consider legal action to ensure that this doesn’t happen in the future.”
Following Itim’s appeal to the Religious Services Ministry and media reports, the ministry decided to open two mikvahs in ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods, one on Minhat Yitzhak Street, on the corner with Ohel Yehoshua Street in the Givat Komuna neighborhood, and the other at Zevin Steet 2 in Neve Yaakov.
Yotvat Weil, 40, from Jerusalem, has been going to the mikvah on Erev Yom Kippur for the last eight years, and sought to go on Wednesday as well with her two daughters but discovered that her local mikvah was shut.
The mikvah attendants said they had been told to say the mikvahs were closed due to coronavirus, despite the fact that men’s mikvahs remain open.
Weil eventually went to a private mikvah outside of Jerusalem to immerse, along with her daughters, since the ministry’s instructions to open the two mikvahs came after she had already found alternative arrangements.
“This is unbelievable. Women immersing in a mikvah is a custom dating back at least to the 9th century. This is an ancient custom, it is a spiritual immersion and one which is about [spiritual] connection before Yom Kippur,” Weil said.
“Immersion in a mikvah is personal, and here they are forcibly preventing women from doing so in this violent manner,” she continued.
“This is something which belongs to women, yet Rabbi Amar with this aggression is essentially saying he is the owner of women’s bodies and the owner of my mitzvot and those of all women.
“Women have freedom over their bodies and freedom to fulfill mitzvot for themselves," she said. "Someone who wants to lock mikvahs can make other decisions and no one stops him.”
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ebaeschnbliah · 5 years
T H E   D O O R
The comments and additions on this post about the famous Baker Street door with the number 221b, got me started on a little research regarding that topic. 
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One of the most striking differences lies in the glossiness of the door. In Series One the door appeares to be painted in matt-black (pic above). A big scratch mark next to the B can be easily seen. 
This changes with ASIB, where the surface of the same door suddenly shines in a brilliant, bright black (pic below). Not the slightest trace of a scratch mark can be detected. 
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But that’s not the only difference. More doors below the cut …..
The unaired PILOT
In this episode the door looks more brownish than black. Maybe this different appearance is indeed due to the special colour used for the filming of PILOT … who knows. BUT there is definitely no scratch mark next to the B.
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Another little but very important detail … the letterbox on the door:
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A Study in Pink
Same letterbox on the matt-black door as in PILOT and there’s a big scratch mark next to the B.
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The Blind Banker
Same matt-black door, same letterbox. Couldn’t find a useful pic of the house number and the scratch mark.
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The Great Game
Same door, same letterbox. Though just barely, the scratch mark can be seen on the enlarged pic.
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A Scandal in Belgravia
The door has become glossy and shiny and the scratch mark is gone. Maybe Mrs. Hudson felt the need for a new paint after the big explosion opposite? And also for a new letterbox, as it seems ….
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The Hounds of Baskerville
Very glossy, definitely no scratch mark next to the B and a plain rectangular letterbox.
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The Reichenbach Fall
Those are the best shots of the door I was able to find. Not much to go on.
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The Empty Hearse
Same door design for Season Three … glossy, no scratch mark, rectngular letterbox.
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The Sign of Three
Glad I was able to find at least one barely useful pic of the door.
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His Last Vow
Glossy, no scratch mark, rectngular letterbox.
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The Abominable Bride
Surprisingly … while whole of London, as well as the interior of Baker Street 221 B, has charmingly turned into the Victorian era for great parts of this episode, the famous door hasn’t much. Only the doorbell is different and the original lock has been removed (compare to THOB pics above).
I would have expected also a subtle change of the house number but most of all … of the letterbox. But this one seems to be still the same plain, rectangular design as used for S2 and S3. 
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Found this pic in an old folder for TAB setlock stuff. Sadly the source is missing.
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Series Four
Not much camera appearance for the door in the whole of S4. Only The Lying Detective provides one blury shot of it. The letterbox - as fas as it can be seen (or guessed) - looks very much plain and rectngular. That’s all I can safely say.
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Some door pics from the Baker Street Set at Upper Boat Studios  2013   (source)
On 21 March, Jean Upton and Roger Johnson, who were in Cardiff to take part in the TV quiz show 'Only Connect', were invited to visit the 'Sherlock' set at Upper Boat Studios. Not knowing that filming had begun on 'The Empty Hearse', they were surprised and delighted to find Benedict Cumberbatch and Una Stubbs there, as well as Sue Vertue and Mark Gatiss. Sue and Mark showed them over the set and allowed them to take photographs, on condition that certain features were not shared until after Series 3 had been broadcast. 
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At North Gower Steet  2016  (source)
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The letterbox  2016  (source)
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The original door in North Gower Street  (Pics from a friend, taken on 13. April 2014. TEH had aired in January of the same year.)
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Not very black and not very glossy. But the letterbox on the original door looks very much the same as the one for the Baker Street door in S2 - S4. 
This leaves the question why the creators decided to change the design of the door after Series One. The big scratch mark is only visible in ASIP, TBB and TGG (not in the PILOT). 
The colour of the door goes from matt-black to very glossy-black. The shiny surface of the door creates not just shadows but almost reflections of People standing in front. Just like on the Instagram pic below, posted by @gosherlocked on 30. June 2019. If the time specification in the pink header is correct, this pic should be from the Baker Street set for Series Four in 2016.
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The changable letterbox
This is even more curious than the change in paint. There are a lot of little, seamingly unnecessary changes from PILOT to ASIP:
Sherlock’s and John’s meeting date - from 14. January to 29. January
Angelo’s alabi from car-jacking to house-breaking
the ‘retired plumber’ into an ‘airline pilot’
Northumberland Terrace to Northumberland Street
the sound of the barking dog moved from the end to the beginning of the episode
changed (mirrored) positions of the characters in almost all the scenes (X)
The letterbox of the famous Baker Street door though, stays the same from PILOT to TGG.. 
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Then, from ASIB onwards, it is replaced by this plain rectangular one. 
Some thoughts going through my mind:
This isn’t just a random door in London. It’s the famous door which leads to the famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Because of this it’s very hard to assume the reason for the sudden changes after TGG should be just some sort of coincidence or even carelessness. After all, the same people are responsible for them who also created this beautiful door for TAB.
For the creation of Sherlock BBC both, the original door in North Gower Street is used as well as an identical studio door. 
The original house number on the North Gower Street door gets replaced with the well known ‘221B’ for filming. What about the letterbox though? Additional to the real door there is also the studio door. This means: change one - change both. Which should rule out a coincidence or a mistake. 
When I noticed the change in painting … from matt to glossy … I first assumed this will happen most likely between TRF and TEH. It could be a reference to Sherlock’s long hiatus. In the time span of three years the chances are high that a door is ready for a new surface. I was surprised to find the point of change actually after TGG. Sure, there are the effects of the explosion opposite, at the beginning of the episode, but later in that ep the door looks cleaned up again. Only the fanlight is covered by a black foil to indicate the damage. Presumed, responsible for the glossy new painting of the door, after TGG, is indeed meant to be the exlosion opposite …. why change the letterbox as well?
Maybe another little mystery to solve. :)  I leave you to your own deductions.
July, 2019
@gosherlocked @sherlockshadow @sarahthecoat @possiblyimbiassed @raggedyblue @thepersianslipper @the-signs-of-two
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tongue-in-cheek · 7 years
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Speak white
il est si beau de vous entendre parler de Paradise Lost ou du profil gracieux et anonyme qui tremble dans les sonnets de Shakespeare
nous sommes un peuple inculte et bègue mais ne sommes pas sourds au génie d’une langue parlez avec l’accent de Milton et Byron et Shelley et Keats speak white et pardonnez-nous de n’avoir pour réponse que les chants rauques de nos ancêtres et le chagrin de Nelligan
speak white parlez de choses et d’autres parlez-nous de la Grande Charte ou du monument à Lincoln du charme gris de la Tamise De l’eau rose de la Potomac parlez-nous de vos traditions nous sommes un peuple peu brillant mais fort capable d’apprécier toute l’importance des crumpets ou du Boston Tea Party mais quand vous really speak white quand vous get down to brass tacks
pour parler du gracious living et parler du standard de vie et de la Grande Société un peu plus fort alors speak white haussez vos voix de contremaîtres nous sommes un peu durs d’oreille nous vivons trop près des machines et n’entendons que notre souffle au-dessus des outils
speak white and loud qu’on vous entende de Saint-Henri à Saint-Domingue oui quelle admirable langue pour embaucher donner des ordres fixer l’heure de la mort à l’ouvrage et de la pause qui rafraîchit et ravigote le dollar
speak white tell us that God is a great big shot and that we’re paid to trust him speak white parlez-nous production profits et pourcentages speak white c’est une langue riche pour acheter mais pour se vendre mais pour se vendre à perte d’âme mais pour se vendre
ah! speak white big deal mais pour vous dire l’éternité d’un jour de grève pour raconter l’histoire de peuple-concierge mais pour rentrer chez-nous le soir à l’heure où le soleil s’en vient crever au dessus des ruelles mais pour vous dire oui que le soleil se couche oui chaque jour de nos vies à l’est de vos empires rien ne vaut une langue à jurons notre parlure pas très propre tachée de cambouis et d’huile
speak white soyez à l’aise dans vos mots nous sommes un peuple rancunier mais ne reprochons à personne d’avoir le monopole de la correction de langage
dans la langue douce de Shakespeare avec l’accent de Longfellow parlez un français pur et atrocement blanc comme au Vietnam au Congo parlez un allemand impeccable une étoile jaune entre les dents parlez russe parlez rappel à l’ordre parlez répression speak white c’est une langue universelle nous sommes nés pour la comprendre avec ses mots lacrymogènes avec ses mots matraques
speak white tell us again about Freedom and Democracy nous savons que liberté est un mot noir comme la misère est nègre et comme le sang se mêle à la poussière des rues d’Alger ou de Little Rock
speak white de Westminster à Washington relayez-vous speak white comme à Wall Street white comme à Watts be civilized et comprenez notre parler de circonstance quand vous nous demandez poliment how do you do et nous entendez vous répondre we’re doing all right we’re doing fine We are not alone
nous savons que nous ne sommes pas seuls.
(Michèle Lalonde, 1968)
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Speak white
It sounds so good when you Speak of Paradise Lost And of the gracious and anonymous profile that trembles In Shakespeare's sonnets We're an uncultured stammering race But we are not deaf to the genius of a language Speak with the accent of Milton and Byron and Shelley and Keats Speak white And forgive us our only answer Being the raucous songs of our ancestors And the sorrows of Nelligan Speak white Talk about this and that Tell us about Magna Carta Or the Lincoln Memorial The grey charm of the Thames The pink waters of the Potomac Tell us about your traditions As a people we don't really shine But we're quite capable of appreciating All the significance of crumpets Or the Boston Tea Party But when you really speak white When you get down to brass tacks To talk about gracious living And speak of standing in life And the Great Society A bit stronger then, speak white Raise your foremen's voices We're a bit hard of hearing We live too close to the machines And we only hear the sound of our breathing over the tools. Speak white and loud So that we can hear you From St-Henri to St-Domingue What an admirable tongue For hiring Giving orders Setting the time for working yourself to death And for the pause that refreshes And invigorates the dollar Speak white Tell us that God is a great big shot And that we're paid to trust him Speak white Talk to us about production profits and percentages Speak white It's a rich langauge For buying But for selling But for selling your soul But for selling out Ah! Speak white Big deal But to tell you about The eternity of a day on strike To tell the story of How a race of servants live But for us to come home at night At the time that the sun snuffs itself out over the backstreets But to tell you yes that the sun is setting yes Every day of our lives to the east of your empires There's nothing to match a language of swearwords Our none-too-clean parlure Greasy and oil-stained. Speak white Be easy in your words We're a race that holds grudges But let's not criticize anyone For having a monopoly On correcting language In Shakespeare's soft tongue With the accent of Longfellow Speak a pure and atrociously white French Like in Vietnam, like in the Congo Speak impeccable German A yellow star between your teeth Speak Russian speak call to order speak repression Speak white It is a universal language We were born to understand it With its teargas words With its nightstick words Speak white Tell us again about Freedom and Democracy We know that liberty is a black word Just as poverty is black And just as blood mixes with dust in the steets of Algiers And Little Rock Speak white From Westminster to Washington take it in turn Speak white like they do on Wall Street White like they do in Watts Be civilized And understand us when we speak of circumstances When you ask us politely How do you do And we hear you say We're doing all right We're doing fine We Are not alone We know That we are not alone
(translated Albert Herring, 2001)
Trying to memorise, Robert Lepage creates this. So warm and beautiful.
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cherryredlove6 · 7 years
Speak White
Speak white il est si beau de vous entendre parler de Paradise Lost ou du profil gracieux et anonyme qui tremble dans les sonnets de Shakespeare Speak white and loud So that we can hear you From St-Henri to St-Domingue What an admirable tongue For hiring Giving orders Setting the time for working yourself to death And for the pause that refreshes And invigorates the dollar Speak white Be easy in your words We’re a race that holds grudges But let’s not criticize anyone For having a monopoly On correcting language
In Shakespeare’s soft tongue With the accent of Longfellow Speak a pure and atrociously white French Like in Vietnam, like in the Congo Speak impeccable German A yellow star between your teeth Speak Russian speak call to order speak repression Speak white It is a universal language We were born to understand it With its teargas words With its nightstick words
Speak white Tell us again about Freedom and Democracy We know that liberty is a black word Just as poverty is black And just as blood mixes with dust in the steets of Algiers And Little Rock
Speak white From Westminster to Washington take it in turn Speak white like they do on Wall Street White like they do in Watts Be civilized And understand us when we speak of circumstances When you ask us politely How do you do And we hear you say We’re doing all right We’re doing fine We Are not alone
We know That we are not alone
- Michèle Lalonde
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abrildenovomagazine · 5 years
Opinião sobre Wall Steet
Opinião sobre Wall Steet
Autopsie de Wall Street La chute que connaît Wall Street n’est pas une simple correction. L’année boursière s’annonçait miraculeuse, mais elle va se terminer sur une baisse calamiteuse des grands indices. Avant de fermer pour cause de fête, le Dow Jones avait lundi en l’espace d’une matinée perdu 2,9% et le Nasdaq 5%. Et, pour prendre d’avantage de recul sur l’année entière, le S & P 500 qui…
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xottzot · 6 years
2018-01(JAN)-Saturday 27th---a POLICE level crime incident occurred today at this hellhole area.
2018-01(JAN)-Saturday 27th---a POLICE level crime incident occured today at this hellhole area.
A Western Australian POLICE level crime incident occured today at this hellhole area.
The deliberate criminal incident was done by the SAME criminal that has been previously responsible for so MANY countless criminal incidents for so long including the ALL the ones below.....
at one household, violentally bashing both boys (at different times),....and in one instance literally at the feet of the drug addict mother.
thereafter forcibly inducting both boys into a life of being criminals reulting in them being arrested at different times (in handcuffs) by Police. ONLY for it all to be repeated again and again. That family was utterly destroyed. What become of them all I have no idea. - A criminal aboriginal 'family' prospered.
trying to set fire to a house with the innocent unsuspecting adult inhabitants still inside (they have since moved out after having been understandably so damned heartily sick of the constant demented criminal abo's that do whatever they like.
EXREMELY violent rages in the streets and all about. (just like all his aboriginal peers)
Massive deranged violent actions involving destruction of things used by himself and others.
Violent threats against ANYONE who dared to say anything about his out-of-control madness.
NEVER going to any school despite feeble attempts by other aboriginals (sometimes).
smashing any and everything...literally....on the road surfaces and elsewhere, smashing fences, bottles, pieces of wood, hurling long pieces of metal at people, hurling all manner of things considered weapons, trying to break into cars, breaking into houses, thefts from shops (resulting in him being banned), and actually wantonly & insanely smashing houses over and over and over again.
violentally assaulting other aboriginals of the same criminal 'households', stealing and even destroying their 'belongings'.
attacking innocent members of the public
threatening innocent members of the public in the most vicious ways and with the most vicious of consequences (female innocent members of the public are not in any way immune to him doing this at all)
truly COUNTLESS incidents over YEARS, all of which was tut-tutted to by his 'responsible' adult aboriginals who leave him to just roam the streets because they cannot stand him for any lengths of time, hence he walks off to other criminal aboriginal housheolds for awhile until they too cannot stand him any longer, and the entire process just repeats itself just as it HAS repeated itself for many YEARS. - For instance, just as it has been the same for a criminal woman aboriginal who is the same, just like a HUGE number of them if not all.
In winter he walks around in completely black clothing so as to be invisible at night when he does crime. This includes riding around on unlit bicycles, wearing black, and with no lights.
In summer he stays in black and wears black shorts (only because it's so HOT temperatures) and black t-shirts and a black cap.
In other times when it rains, he simply walks slowly in the rain and gets wet, or he dashes into innocent peoples yards (and clambers over their fences to do so) if the criminal want takes him.
He peers through innocent peoples windows at night. Literally standing outside and peering in. (this is often a prelude to breaking in later)
He assaults other aboriginals of the same households, of any ages, including aboriginal toddlers.
Whenever cars at any aboriginal household are about to leave, he demands to accompany the vehicle, or he dashes madly after it on a foot scooter, bicycle, or anything he can grab. (this also applies if they are to leave in a public bus.)
He openly steals any innocent peoples bicycles, from anywhere, including the Koongamia shops, the Koongamia school, and ANYWHERE else, then then often sets about disguising them by mixing & matching parts or respraying bicycles with paint to disguise them.
He assaults other aboriginals of any ages including toddlers-in-diapers, and chidlren, and steals their food in the steets and elsewhere where he will spit on the food and 'lay claim' to it for himself.
He considers Western Australian Police and authorities with utter scorn and derision. Yet will feign complete compliance (sometimes with utterly feigned over-politeness) with them only which lasts only until they leave. As soon as they're gone, he returns to whatever he was doing beforehand. - The Police fall for this EVERY time. And have done so for YEARS.
ALL THIS HE DOES...AND SO TOO DOES SO MANY OF THE CRIMINAL ABORIGINALS OF KOONGAMIA WHO HAVE LEARNED TO BE JUST LIKE HIM AS THEY ALL DO. But this one goes OUT OF HIS WAY to keep invading innocent peoples yards and homes. -- Is this what he does immediately after he returns from any stints in corrective services like a dog marking his territory by pissing on it?
ALL this also applies right across the board for ALL the criminal aboriginals too of this hellhole area. Each are criminal, each does the very things they hate of the others andor hates being done to them, by THEM. Each of them will violentally attack each other and yet the very next day will feign uttter 'friendship' only so they can once again predate upon them.
But this one is significant in that he is a prime example of how NOBODY can control this criminal, not the authorities, not the Police, not any 'aboriginal' department or unnamed departmentals, not relatives, not (supposedly) wise aboriginal 'elders', not other households & people who (to their detriment) fall into the trap of treating this criminal as if he is completely innocent all the time (he's NOT and never has been).
Then there's the mistreatement of innocent animals. Any and all animals. He considers everything to be 'prey' to be predated upon, harmed andor killed if the want takes him. He has no compassion for anyone or anything.
There has been times in the past when he has stormed out of one of the criminal aboriginal households and sat down on street kerbs bawling. If anyone else not of the aboriginal criminal households innocently wanders closeby, he quickly goes quiet, and when they are gone, he begins again to get attention. OR he threatens them if they dare to ask him what may be ailing him. - He is soembody you should NEVER approach because he is so unpredictable and violent at ANY time of ANY day or night. If anyone from the aboriginal criminal households tries to become involved, he will launch himself into manic violent outburst and often pursue the person or throw objects at them with the aim or injuring them. Or he will return to an aboriginal criminal household and begin smashing it up, breaking walls and windows before fleeing. He greatly enjoys the sounds of things smashing and being smashed by himself. - The damage is repaired by repairmen who have made countless repairs beforehand over the years over and over and over again. And so it all looks 'normal' and all is considered to be 'normal'.
DO not be fooled by his 'crying' because it's a tactic learned by all the criminal aboriginals right from babies to toddlers to children onwards. As soon as they get what they want, they shut up, and can often be violent & animalistically viciously possessive of anything that they have grabbed including foodstuffs or candy. - The toddlers bawl and they get smacked around the head, the abo children bawl and they get smacked around the head. Any females or any age bawl and they get smacked around the head. This lesson is taught early and is followed by ALL of them and passed down to all of them. - This is all their 'normal'.
IF...anyone dares to try to speak up about any of anything to them, they will suddenly temporarily group-up and act as an animalistic single animal to assault the person to any extreme no matter what ages the target is, from the most youngest to the most elderly. - If Police are the ones they are adressing, they will try to flood around them and try to intimidate them with weight of numbers and closeness. And given that any of them can be violent at any time, it's scenario for vicious physical asaults on Police of any sex that has been borne out in practice in other incidents even in the past several months in Western Australia that has been allowed to make it to the general NEWS.
THIS is the background of this criminal. And THIS is what anyone who encounters him will face now, and in the future until he is shot dead....or run over.....or dies in a stolen vehicle......or dies from an illegal drug overdose........or dies from any number of misadventures brought about purely by his own criminal deeds and company of criminals which he greatly relishes.
And if suddenly dead, that will elicit a litany of standard bullshit coverups by aborignals who will lash out blame to any and everyone but themselves. That tactic has long become the gold standard of utter precictable behaviour and which fools just blindly accept. As do they blatantly REFUSE to listen to anyone dare speak of the criminals past and the criminality he has wrought upon everyone for so long all his life and the suffering to so many he has caused.
And should you dare try to speak about anything, you will be 'religiously' told that the person MUST be salvagebale (at all costs) and that EVERYTHING he has done means nothing and the 'slate should be wiped clean', and other such useless trite bullshit sayings. And that ANY crimes amounts he has done should be reset back to zero. And has often been the case any & all mentions of any criminality is no longer spoken of or revealed, thus giving the utterly false perception (and LIE) that the person is an un-anointed pure saint. -- And any photos are also wiped away from any and all public records. A situation they DEMAND.
It's almost to the point where Police urgent announcements or warnings about any given aboriginal criminal is made without any photograph being permitted, despite the person still being alive. The condition that an aboriginal has to be dead to never show their likeness has extended to also being when they are alive it seems.
All THIS bullshit is what keeps going on in Australia. Where the useless 'do-gooders' outweigh common sense and common decency, let alone law & order & decency to your fellow human being.
At any and all protests they will leap upon them and use them for their own ends, and make strident demands, and try to blackmail todays population of Australia with whatever parts of the history they dish out that will serve their needs. Gone is any of the good that was done in the past, gone is any of the good relations that had ever existed, for all of that is swept aside EVERY time with greater frequency now because one part of the Australian population wants to rule over the other parts and make them suffer and to screw them over for whatever they can get...money, booze, wealth, property, cars, houses......(why not free illegal drugs too?)
The criminal about today might very well have been earlier driven to Perth, or perhaps watched on TV such strident bullshit, and that has invigorated him (yet again) to dash out and suddenly be as criminal as he can....because he no doubt will use an excuse of 'it's my right!'........(to break into innocent peoples houses, and everything else I've already listed about this criminal at the start of this message).
Other times in the past he has come alone out of the main criminal aboriginal household and bizarrely started doing aboriginal tribal 'dancing' in the middle of the street and wielding an invisible spear and throwing it at imagined targets and people. He continues doing that whilst walking towards the Koongamia shops and quite often it is only a vehicle using the public roads forcing him off the road (or be run over) that breaks him out of his crazy actions.
If YOU dear reader think you are a solitary angel-here-on-earth who would be able to handle this criminal, then you are very welcome to try to do so. But you will fail just as so many before you have failed. - By all means take him away and place him into YOUR OWN home and see what happens. I have pity upon you and all those around you if you did. Especially any other children that encounter him.
ANOTHER thing the aboriginals in Australia have been using to explain away their demented, viciously violent behaviour is they state that as unborn chidren they were permanently 'damaged' by their drunken alcoholic mothers, and so using that they have then an 'excuse' to be violent to do any and everything. -- And yet at the same time the aboriginals DEMAND that they are NEVER affected that way by alcohol and they KNOW how to moderate their (over)consumption. (let alone illegal drugs). And they only drink in moderation and are so considerate of all their offspring and relations and mythology and everything.....
And so by DEMANDING and being so strident, they can overdrink and become just as constantly bloated with booze and drugs as everyone else in Australia and be so very criminal. This is considered 'normal'. - Utterly normal......to be criminal.
And yet Western Australia has one of the most highest states in Australia (according to national stats the Northern Territory is the worst) for aboriginal criminals, and Western Australia shows no signs whatsoever of ever getting better, only better at keeping it all hidden and unknown about from the majority of the public.
Now.....re-read all the things (of which is only a tiny listing, and NOT the amounts of toal times it has occurred), of the criminal abo I have been talking about in this message. It is STILL going on YEARS after they rose up in criminal prominence about this hellhole in 2015 but has been going on for YEARS & YEARS & YEARS and shows no sign whatseover that ANYTHING has changed with this particular thug let alone all the others.
YOU can convice yourself, as does other stupid people, that surely things cannot be this way. - BUT THEY ARE.
Despite all your stupid distractions you try to make yourself to believe, this criminal is just like all the other aboriginal criminals of this hellhole area that rely upon YOU to keep them being elevated far beyond any normal person should be into being utterly beyond any & all laws and common decency to any & all people.
And YOU wonder why so much shit and unrest keeps going on and makes gentle peoples lives a misery?
When YOUR home is invaded and broken into and robbed and smashed, when YOUR children are viciously assaulted right in front of you, when YOUR belongings are destroyed andor stolen & destroyed, when YOU feel unsafe in YOUR own home and property, when the very streets in daylight and at night are no longer safe at all right outside YOUR windows............perhaps then you may be so very sorry you have doubted me telling you for so long the unpalatable truth you didn't want to hear or know about. - And that goes for dear Cath in Queensland, Australia. And for dear Fliss in New South Wales, Australia. -- YOU HAVE NO IDEA.
Invite them to live with you. Invite them on a train ride with you. See how long you last and your silly ideas based on crap.
I love my fellow human. I love the strengths and the imaginations and compassions and willingness to forgive.
None of the ones I have spoken of this hellhole are like that AT ALL, nor are they deserving of such.
They prey up all others, even their own families, even their own siblings of ANY ages. - So when they prey upon others, they feel nothing at all, and certainly feel nothing towards YOU should you become a victim of them. - Why do you think such criminals perpetrate such heinous criminal acts all the time......
NEWS:------ NSW--(ILLEGAL DRUGS)--Nine in hospital after suspected drug overdoses at Festival Hall dance party - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
FFS, now they're advocating that people should be careful when taking illegal drugs and only trust 'good' illegal drugs rather than bad illegal drugs.....because the bad ones might kill you !?
NEWS--------Inconvenient fact: Native title can only exist if Australia was settled, not invaded
And to finish up on a more positive note, here below is a Western Australian NEWS item published just before the recent (much touted) free fireworks in Perth city. - At this hellhole the actual aerial fireworks could not be seen, but the VERY loud deonations were clearly heard going on for AGES sounding not like thunder at all but more like artillery fire. - It distresed a lot of dogs in the neighborhood and all about. -- (yes Fliss I've heard actual artillery here before. It used to be fairly common when I was growing up. Vietnam War kind of stuff too. All the things you never wanted to know about Fliss......)
A chance to come together': early birds stake out Skyworks hot spots in Perth
I love you dearst Fliss and want to be with you, just as you promised yourself and me.
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