#corruption among a prison population. or maybe I'm reaching? who knows. but it is as always a joy to see Alf work
triple-pupil · 2 years
Headcanon dump, exclusive to the Game universe:
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Werner Werman is an unstable, violence fanatic mouse who tried get in the military in an ongoing war between rodents and felines, but his attempt was rejected as he didn't meet the requirements. Maybe he went to the Inkwell Isles trying to find an easier way to get into any conflict at all.
He needed to go to war because it was the only way he could satisfy his hunger to kill and commit violence without being punished for it, he actually was confident that he would turn into a war hero and that the military was missing out. However, because of his upbringing, he used the excuse of patriotism to rodents as motivation, it even got to the point of believing this was his true reason.
As a last resort to participate in the war, he built a giant cat robot to wreack havoc around mice populations. In his mind, this was a twisted way of actually helping his kin, they would need to enlist more rodents to battle, and that's when he, the war hero and untapped potential, would manage to get in. (Maybe he even took the chance to apply his own justice, assaulting prisons or places he deemed corrupted, using the robotic cat to kill all rodents he saw as criminal or evil while also enjoying the chaos he caused)
I'm still not sure when he would reach out to the Devil, but he would go to the casino to speak to him after hearing rumours (He never went to the casino before, as all his addictions were somewhere else). I don't know if he goes to learn to make the robotic cat (Maybe to learn to build machinery in general) or to turn into a war hero quicker, but... I got two options for the results of this.
1) Thanks to selling his soul (and maybe also his plan with the cat) he finally is among the troups, although soldiers greatly doubt the mouse's and the recruiter's sanity when seeing Werman being a freaking lunatic, building crazy machines and just charging into battle with way too much confidence, as well as treating the rest as inferior.
2) The Devil just gives him the illusion of being a war hero by taking advantage of Werner's poor and vague wording (That has nothing to do with his accent, btw, I see Devil as capable of understanding almost any language so he and Werman can perfectly speak to each other in German). To do that, he gives the mouse medals and stuff like that through other mediators so that Werman doesn't realise about the scam, and the mouse just happily goes home, feeding more on his delusions. He even recieves fake letters from supossed military authorities, requesting his inventions and some services made to make him go around, destroy things and kill more to bring more souls to hell. Now he was part of the Devil's machine without realising.
Why is he now a debtor? Maybe he realised about the scam and got angry at the Devil, stealing the soul contract through violent ways. And if he got into the military, he could have been finally kicked out after everyone realised that having him there was a bad idea, he gets angry at the Devil because the big guy couldn't keep him in (Because of course this wasn't Werman's fault- pfff) and steals the contract through violent ways.
Now he doesn't come out of the hole in the wall he calls home, although saying he isn't scared of the Devil and that he would beat him up any day (He wouldn't).
Or maybe-
Headcanon 2: The dude is just an actual war vet who dealt with the Devil to make a mechanical cat that worked as a guard to the house because he doesn't like to have other mice around in his retirement. Tho idk why he'd turn into a debtor but this option is funny. (Thanks random YouTube comment by Shiru Otakuno for the idea of the cat as a guard dog)
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mariocki · 2 years
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Alfred Burke as antagonistic convict (and self-styled tobacco 'baron') Lang in 1962's The Pot Carriers
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