thisbelongsto-nohbodys · 11 months
Since you seem to like TADC, I got a question that involves it, people have been shipping Pomni and Ragatha together and was wondering if you ship them too?
I mean, it’s gotta b harder to find someone that didn’t like the pilot, lol
I’ve seen ppl ship Pomni x Ragatha (Pomnatha? Ragni?) and while it makes sense as Ragatha was the nicest person to Pomni when she first showed up, however Ragatha seems to have some doormat issues not that Pomni would take advantage of that but still. I’d need to have a few more episodes before I decide on if I ship them or not, once Pomni settles into her new life at the digital circus, it’ll b neat to see how those two interact.
One thing I’ve been thinking about however is if the Queener theories r true then has anyone else from the cast dated or even married one of the others who’d later abstract? How’d it make them feel to see their partner abstract? Would they not want to get into another relationship for fear of it happening again? Or maybe in fear that they’d abstract and cause pain to their partner the same way they felt when it happened to them?
The show pretty much has a built in angst button for shipping, lol
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So after the recent new Chibiverse episode what couples would you want to compete in the Chibi Couple Game?
If we don’t include Sashannarcy (since Disney would never confirm a throuple) or any combo of it, let’s go weird/it’ll never happen and say: Weblena (Webby x Lena), Doof x Perry, and Randy Cunningham x Theresa Fowler
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So did you know that it’s been 4 years since The Owl House premiered?
Saw that in the tags. Crazy how time flies. Tho’ if Disney hadn’t cancelled it, we’d probably be near the premiere of S4…alas, the mouse was afraid of the owl
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thisbelongsto-nohbodys · 11 months
Random question: How many times has Marcy been banned (or at least suspended) from live streaming websites for her and her girlfriends/wives accidentally doing something “naughty” during Marcy’s live streams?
After the first one Marcy spent the time she was banned to fully educate her girlfriends on what is and isn’t allowed on the streaming sites she uses. Then set up some rules, one of which being that if they’re feeling frisky then either move off camera and keep quiet or go to another room. They agreed and since then when chat notices Sashanne giving each other “the look” and then excuse themselves, chat goes crazy for “sexy times” and both tell Marcy to leave and join in, and praise her for resisting temptations of the flesh
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thisbelongsto-nohbodys · 11 months
Scenario: The Calamity Trio are taking the kids trick or treating where they see a house that has one of those take one piece from the bowl sign but the kids of course take handfuls of it, the moms see this and at first the kids will think that there moms will say it’s not right but the trio actually takes the whole bowl and tells the kids to run.
While that'd be funny and in-character for Sasha and Marcy, I feel that Anne would frown upon it and so Sasharcy would start to take it but then laugh and put it back while telling their kids to not take more than asked as Anne is watching.
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thisbelongsto-nohbodys · 11 months
Only a matter of time before Maddi tries a pineapple pizza and she starts to like it too.
Plot twist, Maddi tries it and doesn’t like it and so Anne declares her to be “the best youngest child” (so that the other two don’t get jealous that she’s playing favorites). However Maddi likes a different weird topping instead
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I remember a post you did a long time ago where baby Lily was resting on Anne’s hair since it looks so soft and fluffy and I’m wondering, did Percy and Maddi also do that when they were babies?
No, they weren’t as crazy for Anne’s hair as Lily was. They had their quirks that eventually became part of them, in that Percy needed music (mostly one of the Trio singing) to calm down while crying, it worked every time. Maddi showed signs of her intellect early on and didn’t cry that often except when Lily would leave the room for a bit, she’d calm down eventually tho’.
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2 questions: 1. Have you heard of Twitch’s new “artistic nudity” thing? 2. If you have, would Marcy do the “artistic nudity” and also bring along Anne and Sasha?
I've just recently heard of it and I don't think it'll last that long since advertisers and a good part of the modern internet is puritanical and won't like nudity. As such I doubt that it'd last the 10+ years to get to the Sashannarcy streams, however I could see it being a way to loosen up some of the more ridiculous rules about that stuff and so Marcy wouldn't get a temp ban for making out with her girls but they'd still find a way to cross the line, lol.
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I just thought of this, Azura’s hair is brown right, cause I was wondering has Azura ever dyed her hair green then purple/pink like what her mother Amity did?
She probably had it dyed when she was younger and probably will again when she gets older but idk atm. Def not green, Amity would never allow her daughter to have the same green hair Odalia forced upon her.
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Did ya see the new Chibi Tiny Tales Owlphibia short, what’d ya think of it?
just watched it. It was cute, tho' timeline wise it's an outlier since it couldn't take place when the Trio were at the Plantars as Sasharcy had their powers drained so no calamity powers. I mean, maybe it could be after the defeat of the Core but once again the gem shards didn't have enough power.
Granted that I'm overthinking things and it's likely I won't include it in my AU timeline but still it was a cute crossover.
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thisbelongsto-nohbodys · 11 months
Hey do you remember the Amphibia/Owl House crossover panel with the actors reading their script, did you ever do fan art based around it?
Aye, I remember it and I use it as how Anne and Luz first met.
While I haven't done anything specifically about it, I've referenced it in a few things, such as the Luz meets Marcy comic (and the chibi-tales one) and the Owlphibia countdown sketches with Eda and Hop Pop
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thisbelongsto-nohbodys · 11 months
Disney turns 100, how do you feel about it since your a Disney fan or at least likes it right?
Not 100% a Disney fan, it's just harder to find someone who genuinely dislikes disney stuff tho'.
Just wish that they'd ease up on the public domain stuff and actually allow their older stuff into it. Not to mention all the other stuff they've done wrong I can only hope gets fixed soon™
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With Bluey Season 3 being done how about some more Bluey references with the Sashannarcy family since I kinda like those.
Sure, tho' I don't remember that many references outside of what I've already done/what was sent via asks. I've only watched through it once so far. If I remember/see a good skit I'll try and make a comic or incorrect quote of it
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Are they’re engagement rings the color akin to the gems on the Calamity Box and the powers they had, blue for Anne, pink for Sasha and green for Marcy?
Was thinking they were just gold bands but that could work too. I do know that the wedding rings (which Marcy helped design) have the gems, but the middle one is the person who it belongs too, so Anne’s middle gem is blue with a pink and green one on either side of it, Sasha’s is Pink in the middle with blue and green on the side and Marcy’s is Green middle, pink and blue sides.
I guess the engagement rings could be color bands with gold edges and base
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I know its kinda late for this since this month Splatfest is already over but I actually just thought which team the Calamity Trio would pick, Grass type for Anne since she cares about frogs and natures, Fire type for Sasha since she sometimes acts all cool and tough and Water type for Marcy since she sweet and naive. What do you think?
I think if I remember right that Matt liked a Splatfest post of Anne in Team Grass so this does seem to fit (altho’ ya’d think that they’d go with their colors rather than Anne and Marcy switching colors)
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(Honest Ship Ask Meme)
Not a fan of this ship and while I get the concept of rival to lovers (just look at my love for Sashanne) but Boscha is just too much of a bully when compared to Amity when it comes to Willow. It’s likely that Amity only bullied Willow when others were around and even then only verbally and when alone like in ep3, she was trying to be encouraging but knows that she can’t be too friendly just in case and so was condescending. Boscha was more physical with her bullying which is a bit worse all things considered. If we had more episodes and had some development for Boscha then maybe I might consider it but as it is now, I’mma say no
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