worldbuildguild · 4 years
Do you have any guides on combining two animals to create an entirely new creature, like, say, a cat and a fox?
There are a plethora of mythologies which has combined a number of creatures to make for incredible beasts, gods or heroes. Most famously perhaps that of egyptian or greek mythology, which sees the fusion between human and animal on numerous ocassions. 
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We’ve always been fascinated with combining animals together ( humans too ) to concieve new, exciting creatures. I am personally a huge fan of this method of designing, and it is one of my prefered, primary ways of working with creature and meta-contextual character design. As much as i’d like to say there’s tricks to be had in designing creatures like this, the fact of the matter is - i don’t know one surefire way to go about it. Just like character design, i believe that one’s best bet is to delve into the matter with curiousity and a willingness to explore the combinations on more levels than just the surface details. Something that goes beyond pallette swaps and switching ears, noses and tails around. And of course: working with your particular style in order to find out how it can accomodate these creatures the best. 
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What i mean specifically by “going beyond surface details” is the swapping and combination of creatures structural and behavioural builds. Well then, what do i mean by that?I want you to look beyond the colour of the fur and the shape of the muzzle. I encourage you to consider the posture of the creature as well. The angle of the spine, the breadth of paws and the placement of the head. Take only the interesting parts of the animals you’re trying to combine, those that make the individual creature distinguished from one another, leave out the rest. A fox might have a pretty red and white/black coat of fur, but is that really what makes the animal itself so distinct from other mammals?
How does that work?
Let’s try to construct a chimera: 
Underneath i’ve collected traits from four animals. Two of which i have referenced. This is a completely random selection of animals that would probably need a lot of anatomical reworking to function in any realistic setting. But for the sake of the experiment, i wanted to mix four completely different animals together. 
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This creature is a mix between a Lion (tail), bull (hindlegs), Bear (torso and front legs) and a pangolin (head). As you can see, i’ve nicked the two humps and the overall build of the torso straight from a prowling bear. These are, next to the bears iconically stumpy tail and specifically shaped head, one of it’s main, structurally defining features. Along with its dense and large paws ( which i’ve included as well to make the creature appear very front-heavy ). Due to the weight distribution being primarily on the front legs, those of the bear, we can assume that its run/walk -cycle will look mostly like that of the bear. With the hindlegs of the ox peddling behind, probably looking rather strange in motion. 
From the pangolin, i’ve taken the distinguishable shape of the head, and will later be implementing scales from the little critter too. 
The lion’s tail was brought in to add some kind of contrast to the otherwise dense and massive limbs; thinking in contrasts and making sure that you have them incorporated in your design can make for great amounts of visual interest, and make your creature look more dynamic. 
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Now, this is mostly a personal preference, but for me, in my style - i like to make the parts of the creature blend as seamlessly as possible in sihlouette. Meaning that i try to smooth out the features of the different creatures into as few coherent shapes as possible. ( See, how the torso of the bear blends smoothly into that of the bull’s legs and pangolins face ). This is mostly due to how i tend to work with creating creatures from the ground up - creatures that are supposed to look alien and unrecognizable to us, yet familiar still. If you want to make it clearer which parts your creature is made up of, making the transitions clearer to dinstinguish feature from feature will help seperate the creature out. Like the classic chimera: 
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When deciding which creatures to combine, it might be a good idea to take a quick look at their bone-structure and muscular anatomy. Like this - you can easier make decisions as to where you’d want the traits to fuse and join. This is especially important if you want your creature’s features to have that seamless blend. Understanding how and why muscles work the way they do on certain animals will give you a deeper understanding of how you can combine these animals together without your design looking crowded or mishapen. 
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Lastly, i’ll always encourage people to try to combine animals that aren’t commonly seen combined, or even commonly seen. If you want to create something unique, then you need to look for unique animals to combine. Or new ways to combine commonly combined animals. The results of a good combination can come out looking wildly interesting.
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- Mod Wackart ( ko-fi ) 
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simplyghosting · 6 years
You're a ghost type
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I boo my best work from the shadows, never been one to enjoy the spotlight    
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Bill Wurtz and Mili, individually
Do I know them already?: yes | no I’ve heard of them and probably just one song so im going to answer with latter half
If I don’t know them:
First song youtube took me to: 
Wurtz:at the airport terminal (i know the history things)
Mili: the first one wasnt a song so i went to “within”
First Impression:
Wurtz lol
Mili p intense
Do I like it?:
Wurtz: its interesting
Mili: yee
Would I listen to more from them?:
Wurtz: Maayybe
Mili: idk
Rate (from what I heard): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Wurtz: 7
Mili: 8
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For the music ask meme: Your crush asks for a song rec and you wanna be flirty but not too forward. It’s the first warm day after winter and you sit on a rooftop looking at the endless sky. Ultraviolet-lighted costume party.
your crush asks for a song rec and you wanna be flirty but not too forward: in reality i would probably spend hours thinking over every detail i know about them and try to pick a song i think they’d like based on their interests/personality/etc., but if we’re going for the hypothetical conceptualized Crush™…. the bodies, the zombies! by mal blum (nothing says romance like talking about small intestines) (one might say that “you can really have my brain and you can really have my heart / it’s yours if you want it” is incredibly forward but i would argue that there’s enough weird shit in the rest of the song to distract from that confession unless the Crush™ was looking for it)
it’s the first warm day after winter and you sit on a rooftop looking at the endless sky: blue skies by noah and the whale, follow the sun by xavier rudd, the first days of spring by noah and the whale, and stay alive by jose gonzales all give me that “i am turning my face towards the sky like a sunflower and basking in the warm light and i think i am going to be okay after all” feeling 
ultraviolet-lighted costume party: lone digger by caravan palace
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lice666 · 4 years
In this next part of my army is my Imperial knight warden
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This was the first model I bought after a friend of mine gifted me the start collecting: skitarii box and a ironstrider ballistarii. As any reasonable person would do, I decided a giant robot was the logical next step. The mechanicus forces I had at that point had no melee so I went with the warden to add some significant smakka but I couldn’t pass on the gatling cannon... the ironstorm missile pod is nice too. This is one of my most complete models paint wise but there are still areas *cough* chainsword *cough* that need work. I use house Taranis as the knightly house. In most games, I use the exalted court strategem to give it the knight seneschal warlord trait.
Lore wise, this warden is known as The Devastator. It’s pilot is named Sir Hugo Jury, who was born on Mars specifically for the purpose of serving as a knight within the secret explorator fleet Nocte Coruscare. As with all members of the fleet, he is dead according to all official records.
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thisbibliomaniac · 6 years
tagged by @turretty <3
The rules: Tag 21 people you’d like to know better! (If you don’t know 21 people in here that’s fine too, just tag who you want)
Nickname: bibi, bibs, emileaf 
Zodiac: pink
Height: About 5′5
Last movie I saw: in the theater, the upside. on my laptop, far from the madding crowd
Last thing I googled: miss fisher’s murder mysteries imdb 
Favorite Musician: the violinist from celtic woman 
Song Stuck In My Head: gorgeous by taylor swift. i dont even super like it, but its there 
Other blogs: @mystoryphotos @livingandactive @wherethelightispink some super secret sideblogs 
Do I get asks: sometimez
Blogs following: im not sure what this is asking 
Amount of sleep: anywhere between two and twelve hours 
Lucky number: 2
What I’m wearing: black yoga pants and black cami 
Dream job: stay at home mom with a couple etsy shops 
Dream trip: europe in general 
Favorite food: shish tawook, anything with buffalo chicken 
Play any instrument: piano, well enough 
Languages: ive taken french, spanish, american sign languate, and i know about five phrases in arabic XD and i have a tenuous grasp on english 
Favorite songs: we could run away by needtobreathe 
Random fact: i am psyched for another princess diaries movie, but only if chris is still in it! 
Describe yourself with aesthetics: I have no idea how to do that XD 
i’ll tag @jessmk93 @aestheticandpolitik @coruscare-games @cladnplaid @maysartcorner @eddis-not-eeddis @agnaeoh @psalmsinthedark @my--darling--dear
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otto-von-stirlitz · 7 years
daffodil, peony
Thanks a lot! ❤DAFFODIL: What’s the most thoughtful present you’ve ever received?Either a plushie of a fish (bc it makes a pun with my last name lmao) or the special edition of Twilight, the one with the genderbent version (a tongue-in-cheek gift from my pals for a known bookworm who has like a lot of books)PEONY: What’s your favorite hot beverage?Black tea, though at work I always make myself a small espresso. I don't like it that much, but caffeine + I love the ritual of grinding beans, pressing them and turning on the big coffee express (that looks like these in Italian bars)
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Requested by @coruscare-games
Fav: Calico (Firefly)
Least Fave: Non exsistant
Mysthical Animal:
Fave: Gryffins
Least fave: not sure
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