angel-dust-addict · 2 years
'You went really dizzy there for a second. Can you hear me now?’
"Huh?" Angel didn't quite register the question at first, just the grip on his arm. He almost tried to shake himself loose, but he had a feeling he'd crumple if he did that. After all, the room still appeared to be spinning and his vision was still a little wonky. "Oh, uh, yeah. I'm good, I promise. Just a li'l dizzy spell. No big deal. I should pro'ly eat somethin', though..."
The probably was the issue. He'd been keeping a tight watch on what he ate the last few days at Val's insistance. Angel had a big publicity shoot and a big film shoot coming up in a couple of days and the moth always got like this when he had something major going on. He still hadn't registered exactly who it was who had a hold of him, aside from him not sounding at all like any of the three Vs.
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deepspacevivarium · 2 years
Hi, I have nothing revolutionary to say or anything but I just wanted to tell you that I read your muse pages and I-... love them so much?? Your takes on your muses are very unique and have a really good combo of canon-compatible and canon-divergent and I just love your babies so much oh god
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(Thank you so much! I love my babies, too. Even if I don’t give all of them enough attention. Like, I have SO many of them. Also, I took a peek at your blog and you’re the third person I’ve met so far who was born on April 13th!)
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*tiptoes in* Hi yes hello you're very amazing and your Angel is top notch, but I can't find your rules anywhere, am I missing them? o.o
Also, also, I Need a bio for your Angel because why is "he studied to be a doctor before the mob shit" the best Angel backstory in the universe oh my god??
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[[imma answer both of these at once since you asked both of 'em: i don't have a rules page or a bio! my rules would barely be worth a page, it really just boils down to the typical "don't be a jerk, my muse isn't me, etc etc" that everyone else seems to have and abide by. i figure making a page for it would be a waste of time
and as far as a bio goes, i SHOULD type one up, but my problem is that i get little ideas and barely have half of the picture figured out, and i don't feel it's enough to make a page for it. my concepts and ideas are scattered and vaguely connect to the end product, but they don't make a cohesive timeline]]
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clownturnedkiller · 2 years
"Blitz... may I speak with you for a moment?"
"Uh, sure?" Blitzo replied hesitantly. He wasn't sure what Stolas wanted to talk about. But that phrasing he never boded well for him in the past.
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pentagramcityradio · 2 years
❝ i’ve seen this power in the wrong hands. it corrupts, consumes, lays waste to civilizations. ❞
Alastor listened to the owl speak with a wide, rictus grin. At the comment, he merely tilted his head ever so slightly to the side and replied, "Well, it is a good thing I've no intention of laying waste to anything but the more foul of the overlords currently reigning over Pentagram City. I've no doubt you would agree some of them need consuming, though I don't know that I'd lower myself to that with some of the less savory individuals. We'll stick with laying waste, shall we?"
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hazbinxdisaster · 2 years
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ask memes || accepting
@cosmichoothoot​ asked: "I'll be your victim~" (for Blitz)
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THE DECLARATION WAS ENOUGH TO DISTRACT BLITZO, and the shot he had aimed at his next victim ended up being COMPLETELY off kilter. Well fuck. He stared at the would be killed target bolts, before he presses his hand against his face and groaned in annoyance. Finally he turns his attention to the prince, irritation evident on his face. “Yeah, you’re GONNA be if that guy gets away again. What are you doing here, anyway?”
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radiosdevil · 2 years
"I'm afraid for the calendar, it's days are numbered,"
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Don't mind Alastor as he proceeds to cackle so hard he starts wheezing.
“Oh-Okay, but... That’s not the only reason why you should be afraid for the calendar...”
“After all experts still can’t agree whether or not February can March, but we all know that April May!”
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helluvaxhazbin · 2 years
@cosmichoothoot​ II x
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“Um I guess so?” Despite getting the book his business wasn’t exactly booming yet. Did he wanna hook up again? Maybe if he distracted him well enough he could convince him he couldn’t have possibly stolen his grimoire from him. “What did you have in mind birdy?’
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perfectdcll · 1 year
Oh Lucifer, Stolas was so nervous, he couldn't stop fidgeting! He hadn't been this nervous since the last time he had to guess about what to give Octavia for Christmas... but he had some small confidence, Blitz had seemed sure Esther would like this... "Esther dear? I um... I have a special gift for you," he said shyly, holding the box out to her
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"You do?" Esther hadn't expected any gifts from stolas. Only her daddy. The fact that said gift was being described as special also peaked the girl's interest. "Thank you." She said before taking the present in her hands. After about thirty seconds she began carefully unwrapping it. Rather than tearing open her gifts she liked to be careful in case they were breakable.
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deepspacevivarium · 2 years
[HALT] -thesmilingstag for Angel (if it's not too old ^^;)
[HALT] - sender gently pulls receiver to a halt. 
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It’s almost midnight, but for Angel Dust, the night has just begun. He’s all dressed up and on his way out the door, when all of a sudden, someone is pulling him back by the arm. He looks down and, uh, what? What could Alastor possibly want?
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“Bad timin’, Smiles. I was just on my way out the door. Whatever ya want is gonna hafta wait.”
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alistxr · 2 years
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Headcanons for star, blitz and stolas!
1. The con for dating star for blitz is having a deal with fizz more cause the deer is a big fan. 
2. The con for stolas is having to deal with valentino more cause not only is he star’s boss but he has an unhealthy attachment to this man. Also completely devoted/in love with him. So stolas will probably need to have a serious talk about how toxic that man is for him. 
3. When someone makes him cry stolas being the one to comfort him while blitz tries to kill whoever was fucking with him. 
4. A contrast to blitz star is really nice to moxxie. To a point where he probably makes the imp feel better about himself. 
5. Star and stolas take lots of bubble baths together. 
6. Star likes to pet and knead into the owl’s feathers when they cuddle but especially when the man is upset. 
7. Neither can resist his puppy dog eyes. 
8. From the jump star has given blitz nothing but respect and doesn’t treat him any differently when others talk shit about the imp to him.
9. Star giving both the silent treatment when he’s upset at them and they’re a wreck over it. 
10. Very much his feelings towards blitz are I don’t care who you were before all that matters is the person you are now. 
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helluvaxhazbin · 2 years
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Stolitz when they’ve got their issues pretty much sorted out being super obnoxious with how happy and in love they are. Like moxxie and millie but more perverted. Giving off the same vibes as ozzie and fizzarolli. 
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perfectdcll · 2 years
@the--ass--in-assassin / @cosmichoothoot​
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Some headcanons!
She would call him dad or daddy almost instantly as soon as he tells her she’s allowed to. 
She’s the complete opposite of his relationship with loona. She clings to blitz almost instantly. She’s similar to millie where she gives him all the love and support he could ask for. All she asks for in return is to be cared for and treated as his daughter. 
She’ll call out anyone who pronounces the o in his name. She thinks it’s rude and disrespectful not to use the name he chose for himself. 
Esther’s a talented artist so blitz’s apartment being decorated with her paintings. Some of him and some of them together. When she doesn’t feel like expressing her emotions to his face he can see a bit of how she’s feeling through her artwork. 
Her first thought upon meeting stolas was that perhaps he might be her second dad. She definitely encourages the relationship. 
She likes stolas and his daughter but she senses octavia is not the most comfortable with her and blitz. She doesn’t know why. Isn’t aware of the whole affair thing. 
She’d wanna help blitz with his murder business. Whether he’d allow that or not is a whole other thing. I’m pretty sure he’s chill with her killing but wouldn’t want her getting hurt. 
I think her and stolas could bond over her love for art and music. 
Her way of dress and presenting herself with manners does fall more in line with stolas’s royal family so she could fit right in when it comes to parties and such. 
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a-hazbin-spider · 2 years
Stolas/Angel <3 (Prince Dust???)
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Oh yes! Stolas falling for a closet nerd! They’re soft! And highly chaotic in their own special ways! I love them!
(( @cosmichoothoot, @daddy-hoothoot-the-owl-prince <: ))
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alistxr · 2 years
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Okay so you know how star basically met stolas and they slowly developed a romance when he was on a rough patch with blitz? So how about star developing his romantic relationship with blitz during a time when he’s becoming more and more aware of how toxic and abusive val really is. Internally he’s like wow blitz is everything I crave from val but without all the awful shit that usually comes with it. 
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