#cotf gameplay
fallstaticexit · 3 months
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Can I take a sec to GUSH about the Animated Wings Mod by @sp-creates ✨ Seeing Edin with their accurate wing size and watching them flutter is everything for gameplay. The wings come in three different sizes, which is perfect because canonically, Edin is pretty small for a Guardian, so their wings aren't massive as they should be at their age.
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But that doesn't stop them from trying 🥹. There's a ton of effects too and I believe if you have the Fairies VS Witches Mod, they can't fly right away, they have to develop their powers. *chef's kiss*
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10/10 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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☁️💫CotF Introductory Post💫☁️
Current Chapter Count: 3
Ao3 Link:
I will start by saying this: I LOVED TotK! Gameplay was great and the story made me cry. So why rewrite it?
To give you the simplest answer, it's fun. To give you a more long-winded answer, TotK fell short in certain areas where I felt there was more potential for a story. Obviously, the story was likely not Nintendo's main objective when making the game, but taking these things I believe could have been better gives me a chance to worldbuild and write with my favorite characters!!
Key Changes:
The Memories will be set in The Great Calamity, the battle 10,000 years ago that took place as an aftershock of the Imprisoning War. They follow a previous Princess Zelda, daughter of Sonia and Rauru, and the Ancient Hero as they prepare for Ganondorf's attempt at revival.
Certain plot points will be changed to prioritize the characters rather than gameplay. This reduces the formulaic nature of the Sage segments.
Zelda is not sent back in time. In a sense, this is written where she would be the companion character!!!
Elements from Age of Calamity that I enjoyed will be implemented into the story.
Certain things left unexplained in TotK, such as the disappearance of the Zonai people, will receive at least vague answers.
This post will probably update every so often.
I will be posting art, what I think the rewrite's gameplay differences would be with the changed story, and writing WIPs every so often!!
Asks are always open! :)
As a final note, please keep in mind I have a lot of WIPs so there won't be a consistent upload schedule!
Other Blogs:
@nocturnalfandomartist (Main – Art) | @loz-untold-myths (Fangame Concepts) | @writingnocturne (Writing)
I like making blogs. I like organizing things. Did I make a blog for this on a whim because I wasn't sure where to post art/writing surrounding it? Basically.
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ladyborealiswrites · 2 months
A view of Titans in the current state of Destiny, from a Titan main.
For context, I played Destiny 1 as a Titan from mid 2015 to the launch of Destiny 2, and I’ve played as a Titan in the entirety of the lifetime of Destiny 2, from the beta that launched all the way in 2017.
I’ve always been fond of the differences between the Classes, seeing them as similar to DnD in some way.
I saw Hunters as these lone wolf explorers who know the world like the back of their hands. Bounty hunters who always find their mark and leave it will a hole in its head. Observers who watch from the shadows to gain intel before striking. I saw Hunters being similar to Dungeons and Dragons’ Rogues.
I saw Warlocks as arcane scholars who know the ins and outs of each element. Those who bend these cosmic forces to their very will and decimate their environment. Skilled warriors who take balanced risks and always find a way to succeed. I saw Warlocks as Destiny’s equivalent of Dungeons and Dragons’ Wizards/Sorcerers.
And I saw Titans as war machines. Immovables protectors and unstoppable weapons. The foundation of a protected collection of people, and the enforcers of cosmic retribution. Titans have always been, to me, Destiny’s equivalent of Dungeons and Dragons’ Paladins and Fighters.
But those lines have blurred and blended so much recently, it’s hard to feel like Titans have a place in this current universe. Especially with the introduction of Prismatic. I will not say that Titans have not had their moments to shine; they absolutely have. But it’s always been in niche moments where their gameplay was stifling.
And I feel like that is because Titans have been pigeon-holed into being The Melee Class with how many melee centric abilities, gameplay loops, and exotics there are; all while the other two classes not only get to have other builds that explore their identity, but also have builds that do melee centric better than Titans do in general.
In short, everything a Titan wants to do, the other classes do better and easier.
Breaking this down further, element by element.
First, basic class abilities: the difference between barricades, rifts, and dodges. Barricades are transparent barriers that block damage and damage and disorient enemies who touch them; with one increasing weapon performance. Rifts either provide healing or damage increases. Both barricades and rifts have long cooldowns. Dodges not only have short cooldowns, but quickly move you away from danger, and have a secondary effect: reloading weapons, or refunding melee ability energy completely.
There are three other additional class abilities, one per class. Phoenix Dive for Warlocks, which has the longest cooldown and has to be activated while airborne, but provides Cure and Restoration. There’s Acrobat’s Dodge for Hunters, which simply makes you and nearby allies Radiant. Then there’s Titan’s Thruster, which is, quite simply, a discounted offbrand Hunter Dodge.
Now let’s talk Subclasses:
Arc: Amplified, Blind, Ionic Traces, Jolt, Speed Booster. Easiest way to become Amplified? Be a Warlock with Electrostatic Mind and Arc weapons. Easiest way to create Ionic Traces? Warlock’s Electrostatic Mind and universal Arc fragments. Easiest way to Blind? Universal Flashbang Grenade, Arc Fragments; with Hunter’s Disorienting Blow and Titan’s Seismic Strike and Fists of Havok ground slams being the only other subclass blind sources. Easiest way to Jolt? Spark of Shock, Warlocks’ Lighting Surge or Hunter’s Lethal Current. Okay, so what about melee focus? Combination Blow does everything Knockout does, but for a longer lasting time, and with a stacking melee damage bonus; but requires a charged melee kill to start it. Which isnt too hard to do, considering the insane synergy between Combination Blow and Gambler’s Dodge. What about Supers? Gathering Storm is better than T-Crash damage wise, even with CotFS, and is long range, and Chaos Reach is similar. As for roaming, FoH falls behind the others without a doubt. Basically, Arcstrider is everything Striker should be, but on a Hunter.
Stasis: Frost Armor, Freeze, Shatter, Slow, Stasis Crystal, Stasis Shard. Best way for Frost Armor? Well, all three classes have the same ways to get it, Warlocks just create Shards from Freezing, which is easiest; plus Titans are the only class without an Exotic to make more Frost Armor. Freezing and Slowing? Hunters and Warlocks do that far easier than Titans. Shattering? Every class can do that so easily, especially with Whisper of Rending. Hell, Shatterdive is far safer than Cryosclasm. Titans do create crystals more than the others, with Howl of the Storm, and Diamond Lances paired with CRLC, but even then, Glacial Grenades and Whisper of Shards, plus Headstone creates more than enough crystals for everyone. The only saving grace is that Glacial Quake is a good Stasis Super, in certain situations; but it’s still just an Icy Fists of Havok.
Strand: Sever, Suspend, Tangles, Threadlings, Unravel, Woven Mail. Best way to Sever? Threaded Spike does it from a distance, and up to 4, with aggressive tracking, instead of close range and up to two with Frenzied Blade. Best way to Suspend? Easily Mindspun Invocation and Shackle Grenades; even Ensnaring Slam is more reliable than base Drengr’s Lash. Best use of Tangles? Easily Hunters’ Whirling Maelstrom, which is also the best way to spread Unravel; even Warlocks’ Arcane needle spreads Unravel with more reliability and damage than Flechette Storm. Threadlings? Broodweaver was BUILT around Threadlings. Woven Mail? Sure, Into the Fray makes it with Tangles, but you can make so many more Orbs of Power than Tangles, and with Thread of Warding have more consistent WM. Hell, Hunters’ Cyrtarachne’s Facade makes WM on Grenade activation. Abeyant Leap brings Titans into the running with the WM from any suspension source. Banner of War and Blade Fury are Berserker’s only saving grace, and Banner of War has no verb tie-in, and blade fury is… well, a better FoH with a ranged option too.
Solar: Cure, Firesprite, Ignite, Radiant, Restoration, Scorch. For Cure and Restoration, Healing Grenades and Heal Clip are both a thing, especially paired with Ember of Empyrean; Warlocks have Heat Rises too. Firesprites are exclusively created with Fragments and Dragon’s Breath. Ignitions are more easily made with Gunpowder Gamble and Caliban’s Hand than Roaring Flames and Consecration (Despite how fun Consecration is). Radiant is exclusively paired to Ember of Torches, and Hunters’ Throwing Knife melee, and perpetuated by Ember of Empyrean. And Scorch is applied with every single ability except for Hunters’s Supers, Weighted Throwing Knife, and Throwing Hammer. The only thing keeping Sunbreakers in the running are Sunspots (which could absolutely use a damage buff), and Pyrogale Gauntlets. And even then that’s falling out.
Void: Devour, Invisibility, Suppression, Void Breach, Void Overshield, Volatile, and Weaken. Devour is by far best on Void Walker, but still is better than Solar Cure x2 because it’s a timer than can be refreshed on any kill, and Orb of Power pickup. Invisibility is absolutely Hunters’ speciality, and there is nothing else that comes close, except for maybe Rat King. Suppression is only available via Shield Bash, Suppressor Grenade, Tether, and Tractor Cannon. So far, Titan’s kinda have that lead? Void Breaches are tied to Fragments. Void Overshields are just the weakest protection buff in the game, but are just as easily acquired from Echo of Vigilance and Repulser Brace. Volatile is most easily spread by Titans Controlled Demolition, or Hunters’ Gyrfalcon Hauberk, and Tether, but Volatile really isnt entirely all that great either. Weaken is spread via Echo of Undermining, as well as Hunters’ Snare Bomb/Trapper’s Ambush, or Titans’ Shield Throw melee paired with Second Chance.
Prismatic: Warlocks have Bleak Watcher, Feed the Void, Hellion, Lightning Surge and Weaver’s Call; with Feed the Void and Bleak Watcher being the most popular. Their T-Grenade deals high damage, Suppresses, Slows/Freezes/Shatters. Hunters have Ascension, Gunpowder Gamble, Stylish Executioner, Threaded Specter, and Winter’s Shroud; as well as Combination Blow, and Grapple Grenade. With Stylish Executioner and either Winter’s Shroud or Gunpowder Gamble being the most popular. Their T-Grenade both Ignites, Slows/Freezes/Shatters. Titans have Consecration, Diamond Lance, Drengr’s Lash, Knockout, and Unbreakable. Of which Knockout and Consecration are most popular and have the most Synergy. Their T-Grenade… Suspends… and then Jolts. Which only chains lightning after the target takes damage.
Then there’s the Titans’ Exotics, which are either redundant, incredibly situational, or flat-out underwhelming. Including their Exotic Class Item.
I have made a document going through the changes I’d like to see for all of these issues I have listed above, i will post this later.
I am not a game designer, I just play this game obsessively
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fallstaticexit · 4 months
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Eternal Spring ❀
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fallstaticexit · 4 months
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New challenge- work on next update and stop getting lost in gameplay with the gay werewolves.
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fallstaticexit · 4 months
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Friendly Competition 🪄
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fallstaticexit · 4 months
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Weekends also mean grinding at their stall at the rec center.
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Meanwhile, Dom sneaks off the the local Thrift Tea for some overpriced vintage Tees and potential future bandmates.
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Josie strolls in and Dom does her version of flirting which landed her a spot on the student council??? A win is a win?
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Of course Mila is being a narc, bc anything goes when robux is on the line.
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Another successful day with the Quinn's
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fallstaticexit · 3 months
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Started back working on COTF because I missed my silly magic pixels very very very much 🤗
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fallstaticexit · 3 months
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Mama bears, Lyric and Kris are checking out a new after school program for their son, Mateo. The thing Lyric loves about the city life is all the diversity there. Putting Mateo's needs first is her biggest priority. At first she was concerned if the program would be a sensory hellscape for Mateo but their 9 year old found a way to express his interest in something new. ....and then Lyric got a text from her mother. Great.
Lot Credit 💜 Ty, it’s stunning!
Note: So I've actually decided I am going to make Missing Moments a spin off series of COTF that shows the very human and Briar-esque life of the rest of the Briar family! Some events will tie with COTF appropriately and there may be an easter egg or two but MM is it's own thing. I have no real plan per say plot wise, this is semi gameplay driven like the original Briar Legacy on TikTok was and I plan to update between COTF posts, much like my Quinn save. There will be a lot of flashbacks and filling in gaps for the Briars over their life , hence the Missing Moments. We also see some beloved characters return in these flashbacks as I flesh out their stories. So sit back and relax and enjoy the ride with me! These take very little editing and dialogue so updates may be frequent and I may post twice a day even. Just be sure to check out the Missing Moments tag in my pinned post <3 :)
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fallstaticexit · 1 month
how do you plan out your stories?
Hi there! :) Here's what a day in the life of Tahj looks like (long post w/ dets under the cut!)
First things first, I'm going over my notes. I use google docs mostly and I have a master doc per story (right now, I have 2 active stories- COTF and Missing Moments - not the The Quinns Gameplay because I just make it up as I go). I'm always reviewing my notes because I don't want to retcon anything or there be any continuity errors. My notes are not organized at all. I'm the kind of note taker that only takes notes that makes sense to me lol
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In my notes, I have a ton of things to help me plan scenes/poses etc. It helps me stay on top of cc shopping too, like just recently I was looking for childbirth scenes and if I don't find the one I'm looking for then I use my doc to make note that I may need to look into creating a pose. I also use Pinterest like it's my religion. I spend a good hour sometimes on Pinterest find inspirations, aesthetics, references as well as creating mood boards and even doing quick general research too, it's a really helpful tool IMO.
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Next is Canva time! After gathering 13947574 screenshots for one update (I'm not even kidding, I take ALOT of screenshots. Shout out to my 1TB external hard drive I got for my birthday) I go into Canva to arrange my scenes, add texts and what not. I like to keep things together, so all my Missing Moments scenes are under one project folder, same for COTF and that helps me a ton when I need to quickly reference something again.
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And Canva is a pretty great tool for simple edits but what I can't do in Canva, I'm taking care of in Photoshop.
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Overall, it takes me about 1-2 days to do 1 scene. That's because I'm pretty much working on it most of the day on and off. I have a pretty bad attention span so I'm always yeeting myself away from my computer a million times a minute lol but when I can focus (mostly at night when everyone's in bed) I can knock out multiple updates. Mostly 2.
And all this is able to happen because when I'm not checking notes, playing the game or scrolling through simblr, i'm like obsessively daydreaming about my stories where a good bit of the plot is happening; in my head lolol
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fallstaticexit · 3 months
Thinking about taking a tiny little COTF posting break to work on some other things. Got hit with the inspiration stick to do a mini series I will affectionately call Missing Moments, where I basically provide all the life updates on the other beloved Briars since they have been left in the dust they have been waiting so patiently for me to get back to them 🥹.
Also wanted to do some Quinn gameplay as well 🙂‍↕️☝🏾
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fallstaticexit · 1 year
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Mobile Navigation
Legacy Navigation - Resources - Reblogs -WCIF Friendly :) Also, check out my CC Finds Blog.
Please note: while this blog is not explicitly NSFW, I will post mature content time to time. I ask that minors/ individuals under the age of 18 to please do not follow or interact with my blog. Thank you ✨
Fallen Angel - Completed - Recent ( May contain triggers such as mild blood/death/war/ suggestive nudity/mild sexual content) Follow Simeon Silversweater, the sage of Practical magic, on his journey to heal from his past by raising a faerie child in the Magic Realm. (Prequel to COTF/ Tags: Short Story / Fantasy) - Fallen Angel Chapter Navigation
Fallen Angel Theories & Q/A Tag - Share your theories!
Children of the Forest - On Going- Hiatus - Recent - Adie Briar is no typical 8 year old. She has access to an ancient and powerful magic that has a dark side. Follow her on her journey to learn more about her magical birthright as well as her budding friendship with a gifted faerie child, Edin Silversweater. (Tags: Slow Burn, Fantasy)
COTF Tag • Character Page / addt'l info
Casual Gameplay - The Quinn’s - On Going - Recent - a palate cleansing, gameplay driven story for when I’m between updates on my main story. Meet the Quinn’s ; two retired grandparents who now have temporary custody of their three grandchildren while their eccentric adult daughter experiences a midlife crisis. (Tags: Slice of life, lighthearted)
The Quinns Tag
Missing Moments: A Briar Legacy Series - On Going - Recent -Join me as we explore the moments we missed with our beloved Briar family, past and present. Tags: Slice of life, Family, Any triggers will be tagged appropriately. This series has M rating moments but nothing graphic) - s/o to the anon that gave me the inspo <3
Missing Moments Tag - Extras - Briar Family Tree (Not Updated)
The Art of Being Seen: A Nancy Landgraab Story - On Going - recent - a spin off mini story featuring Nancy Landgraab from Missing Moments. Nancy recalls three moments in her life that change her for better and for worse as she comes to terms with her sexuality and identity outside of being a Landgraab. (Tags: Dark Academia, set in the 90s-2000s, Angst. TW: Homophobia / Religious Trauma / Death via Car Accident/ Drugs / Alcohol / Infidelity / Sex & Nudity) - Backup Blog (pillowfort)
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fallstaticexit · 4 months
Hi, I’m new (followed you from TikTok) and trying to find my way around. Can I read your Briar legacy chronologically from your page?
Love your stuff!!❤️❤️
Hi there! 😊 and thank you so very much!
So I have yet to bring the full legacy to tumblr (it’s a nightmare project I have yet to take on) so for now I’d recommended starting with the pinned “Let’s Meet the Briar” intro video, then jump right into the legacy- The thumbnail looks like this:
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Then once you’re caught up (this is also for any current readers who haven’t caught up on the legacy/ also sorry tiktok removed the sound for some videos , I hate it here✨😭) , you could check out my occult story Fallen Angel which doesn’t center around my Briar legacy but contains the beginnings of plot points that I start to expand on in Children of the Forest and I use to say you could go without reading Fallen Angel but at this point , I highly recommend ✨
I’m at the end of Chapter 6 in COTF so it’s not too far out there but there’s alot of content for it still, its packed with a lot of info and features the tiktok favs from my Briar legacy 😌 once I get this desire for occult storytelling sated I’m definitely going to return to some good old fashion legacy gameplay driven storytelling some point down the line and may even return to tiktok (it’s it’s still around in the US? Idk 😭)
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fallstaticexit · 3 months
helloo there how are you? i was just wanted to ask how you manage playing your sims households whilst posing them for the story? i sometimes like making little stories with poses + screenshots but its always so tedious 😭
Hi there :) I’m pretty ok! Trying to find the will to do some irl work this hot, southern Tuesday morning.
So, I got this idea from herecirmsims but I have two save files, one for gameplay (which for COTF I haven’t done alot of gameplay for lately) and one for storytelling. The storytelling save is CHAOS. There’s sims everywhere, lots everywhere, no order lmao and before Control Any Sim mod got updated I was doing the Sim Household Shuffle , so I had sims who would never meet under any circumstances in the same household at some point. It’s madness lol but unless your story is gameplay driven, I recommend making 2 saves!
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