#cough cough issue 150
hishighnesstheprincess · 10 months
I really hate when people bring up the "everything is canon" tweet when engaged in critical discussion about this franchise because a) that tweet was written as a joke about a puyo puyo tetris crossover b) if everything is canon then everything you specifically don't like is canon and you just have to accept that and not levy criticism against it and c) I think we would all prefer if certain things from archie weren't canon
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meowmeowmessi · 1 year
laporta and co orchestrating the most heinous smear campaign known to man against messi and his entourage
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I don't think I have ever encountered pollen counts high enough that are capable of literally making me lose my voice. And it's not even just me. So, my dad was showing signs of some Major issues, so much that we all were like "Holy shit, get tested for covid." He ended up going to a clinic and went through all that shit, and as it turned out. It was literally just allergies. Claritin just stopped working and it had built up so much that he was literally asked to leave work for two days. So. Now here i am, feeling like ass. Everything is in my sinuses. My throat HURTS. I can't talk without a cough drop in my mouth. And I'm starting to suspect that this walmart brand claritin is just garbage.
Because there's pollen counts of 60-85 (85 today), and this cold to hot every other day, which adds the dryness of inside heating (my sinuses already HATE this), and well. It's adding up.
These trees have been confused by the weather and i have too, and now they're too fucking horny to STOP.
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ccoffii · 6 months
Things that I think Might Give Nuance to Eleceed aka I complain
how the fuck has Jiwoo not shown more attachment issues with other characters, like I know he does has at one point with Kayden but it's so infrequent that you forget this kid has basically been neglected his entire life
Can I get a chapter on just his eating habits? Like we don't know much about him other than that he's an overpowered bean. Like can he cook or does he even do it? Does he just live off of takeout and shin ramyun for the majority of his life?? I WANT ANSWERS!!
+ to point 2, failed chance of environmental storytelling but hey if u gotta pump out a new chapter every week that's at least 40 panels I would skip it too.
LET THE BESTIE FUCKING HANGOUT OMFG! never in my life have I seen a friend group as underdeveloped as Subin, Wooin, Jisuk, and Jiwoo... Before u come for my ass I know I'm right because do u remember ANY chapters where their dynamics were explored... and I mean just them I'm srs
Shakes u aggressively The fucking entirety of the payoff of the Jiwoo gets kidnapped and core fucking obliterated arc? Like how the hell is he fine and dandy after that shit? NO, I DO NOT CARE HOW GOOD OF A HEALER KARTEIN IS I WANT TO SEE SOME ANGST!!!
slams papers THEY INTRODUCE CHARACTERS AND SUDDENLY THEY'RE FUCKING DEAD. The fact that some arguably pivotal characters to the plot and world-building cough Sucheon, Arthur, Iseul, etc, etc. cough have not appeared in over like 150 ch tells me WAY too much about the current development and I DO NOT LIKE IT!! Let's explore Sucheon and HIS REACTION TO THE KIDNAPPING THING? Iseul can talk to animals, cool but kayden is a human who basically transfigured into a cat... maybe there is more to those awakened animals... OR FUCKING ARTHUR?? MY GUY HAS NO HARM AND WITNESSED FRAME KILL HIS CLASSMATES AND WAS BETRAYED HOW TF DID THAT FLY UNDER THE BUS
u know what pisses me off is that they aren't actively developing Amyeong (dark) and Jiwoo's relationship and Amyeong's ties to Jiwoo's mother. Also, PERSONALY, I think Jiwoo and his mother should be more awkward around each other considering her job and I've seen videos that the lack of time spent with a parent can rlly just make them a stranger to a child. Plus Kayden knows more about Jiwoo than his mother anyways let me SEE it.
In the end, I just complain out of a slight love for the series, these are things I just personally want to see out of the webcomic that's all. Also, I might have more, I kinda stopped reading it in order after ch 200 something.
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always-music0 · 8 months
Run Rabbit Run.
Hannah would considers herself the unluckiest girl in the world,having being born into a tangled web of murderers and monsters that live in your closet and under your bed. Until one day an unforeseen issue makes its way into her already fucked life and now if she thought her life sucked it’s about to get a whole lot worse.
A Creepypasta/Twilight crossover 18+
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There went many things that made me scared-
— I mean when you grow up with the people I grew up with you get used to the ice cold feeling in your veins when you cut it a little too close to the edge and death himself is only a few inches away waiting to free your soul from this purgatory plane we call earth. But when your friends are friends with the spirit of the dead the sweet relief of becoming stardust fades into the background, and when god turns his back on your soul just because of the people you associate with you kinda don’t even consider heaven an option anymore.
Now you may be asking yourself ‘how in the hell could someone be so unlucky?’ And I should be honest and admit that it’s sorta my fault and I happen to find myself in the wrong place in the wrong time frequently.
Take last week for example jumping from state to state and school to school with the three looneys I call my ‘caretakers’ even though for the most part I take care of them and I just happened to run into a certain organ eating demon on my way home from grocery shopping it took quite a lot of convincing to keep him from taking me with him and making the looneys fucking loose their shit, even though that would be pretty funny for the first ten minutes, but would ultimately get my ass beat but I also had to cough up the fresh liver I had gotten for the dog.
He was not impressed when I came home without a treat for him to sink his teeth in. Anyways my current situation was even worse cause the three fucking losers I lived with didn’t even believe me when I said the school I would be attending for then next ten months was crawling with vampires.
“Look Tim! You have to believe me!” I wined as I followed him outside the dog at me heels.
The house we were living in was pretty secluded besides a few houses a few acres away Tim scoffed and threw his bag into the back of his old ford f-150.
The old thing was partially rusted out and everything had been replaced maybe more that it should have but like Tim it never seemed to die even with the absurd amount of times they both have been thrown off cliffs .
“Listen here, I don’t give a fuck if they were goddamn transformers. We have a fuck ton of work to do around here and not a lot of time to do it. So your gonna take your perky little ass to that school everyday and stay out of our way and stay safe” he snapped
I flinched a little, I could tell he was getting a little annoyed or stressed one of the two
“ ok so you do believe there’s vampires?” I asked and when his eye twitched I smirked
“NO! There’s no creature like the vampires I know around here and if there were the boss would have already let us know!” He yelled walking over to Brian’s 1976 Bronco and thew the back door open. I trotted after him the dog followed me silently
“Well what if they aren’t like the vampires we know?!” I asked and he groaned took a deep breath and pulled out his cigarettes Putting one in his mouth he turned his head towards me.
I immediately fumbled for my lighter almost dropping it twice, if there was one thing Tim and his counter part loved was a well trained bitc- ahem. Lighting his cigarette he inhaled.
“Look” he started blowing out the smoke he just inhaled.
“If there is for some reason vampires at your school they must be harmless otherwise big man wouldn’t have you here” he tilted his head at me as though to say ‘ya even think about that’ I blinked. of course I thought about that, I would have been shipped off to stay with someone else entirely if that were the case.
“Yeah I guess…” I said slowly looking at the dog, his eyes met mine and his tongue rolled out as he started to pant, this Washington mugginess was getting to him.
“Look at me sweetheart.” Tim said and my eyes lifted from the dog to his.
“ we wouldn’t let anyone or anything hurt you, not only is that our job it would kill us if you were hurt by something we didn’t know about” he said stepping towards me and eventually standing right in front of me. I could smell the cologne I had got him for Christmas and the cigarette smoke the reason I got him cologne. I met his eyes and they flashed darker as he switched and I tried not to wince as his hand shot up and griped my chin and squeezed my cheeks not tight enough to be painful but just to keep eye contact.
“Got it princess?” Masky said I nodded the best I could he grinned as Tim took back control patting my cheek
“Good girl” he said and turned back to the bronco reaching for another bag.
“Now be a good little thing and go bother someone else I have to fix the breaks on the ford and I definitely don’t want your annoying ass around when I do it” he commanded and I sighed flipping him off
“Go fuck yourself Tim” and walked away as he laughed at me The dog at me heels.
I suppose it could be worse, I mean the three fucking weirdos did a good job of keeping me safe although I wouldn’t admit that to their faces. What’s the worst that could happen?
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A/N: Thanks for reading if you did! I know it’s littered with grammatical errors and run on sentences and it’s definitely not formatting correctly but I think meh who’s gonna see it anyways so why the hell not. But if you do read all of this thank you! Your wonderful and I will continue to post more parts as I write them<3
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sparkliingdust · 2 years
Guess we didn't learn anything from COVID since everyone at work has been coming in sick - no mask, coughing, sneezing, touching their face and then touching all of the equipment - and me someone who has heart issues and immuno-compromised and fighting off what everyone else has for a month finally having to go to urgent care and pay $150 to get a note because I'm now too sick and exhausted to go into work.
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sa7abnews · 1 month
West Nile death reported in Texas as health officials warn residents to safeguard against mosquitoes
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/west-nile-death-reported-in-texas-as-health-officials-warn-residents-to-safeguard-against-mosquitoes/
West Nile death reported in Texas as health officials warn residents to safeguard against mosquitoes
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A woman in Dallas County, Texas, has died after being diagnosed with West Nile virus.The patient, whose name and age were not released, contracted a severe neuroinvasive form of the disease, according to a Tuesday press release from the Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS).The female patient had “underlying health issues,” officials stated.LISTERIA INFECTION LINKED TO DELI MEATS KILLS 2, INFECTS 28 ACROSS US, CDC WARNSThis was the county’s first West Nile death in 2024.”We are deeply saddened by this loss,” said Dr. Philip Huang, director of DCHHS, in the release.”This heartbreaking tragedy underscores the critical importance of safeguarding against mosquito bites, which can transmit several diseases, including West Nile virus.”Since the West Nile virus first entered the U.S. in 1999, it has become the leading cause of mosquito-borne disease in the country, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).In most cases, the West Nile virus — a flavivirus in the same family as yellow fever, dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis and the Zika virus — is spread when Culex mosquitoes bite infected birds and then bite people and other animals, per the CDC’s website.IN A POTENTIAL OUTBREAK, IS BIRD FLU TESTING AVAILABLE FOR HUMANS? WHAT TO KNOWThe virus is not transmitted through eating or handling infected animals or birds — nor is it spread through physical contact, coughing or sneezing.A vast majority — around 80% — of the people who contract the virus will not experience any symptoms, the CDC states on its website.”It causes a rash and other symptoms, including swollen lymph nodes, which other viruses in its class do not exhibit,” Dr. Marc Siegel, senior medical analyst for Fox News and clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, told Fox News Digital.”It only affects the nervous system 1% of the time and is rarely fatal.”IN COLORADO, PLAGUE CASE CONFIRMED IN HUMAN, HEALTH OFFICIALS SAY: ‘MUST BE TREATED PROMPTLY’Around one in five people will develop febrile illness, which is marked by a fever along with body aches, headache, joint pain, diarrhea, rash and/or vomiting. These symptoms usually go away on their own, but some people may have lingering weakness and fatigue months after infection.In rare cases — about one in every 150 infected people — the virus can lead to serious conditions affecting the nervous system, such as encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) or meningitis (inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord), the CDC states on its website.Those who develop serious illness may experience headache, stiff neck, high fever, disorientation, vision loss, muscle weakness, convulsions, tremors, coma or paralysis, which occur when there is viral infection of the central nervous system. Among people who have this invasive form of the illness, around 10% will die.While anyone can potentially develop severe illness, the highest-risk groups include those over 60 years of age, people who have had organ transplants and those with diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, kidney disease, immune disorders and other certain medical conditions.”The virus’ effects can be quite serious in the elderly,” Siegel noted.Those who think they might have been infected with WNV should be assessed by a health care provider, the CDC states.Diagnosis of the infection can be made based on evaluation of symptoms, recent exposure to mosquitoes and testing of blood or spinal fluid.OUTBREAK OF KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIAE BACTERIA INFECTS 31 PATIENTS AT SEATTLE HOSPITALHealth care providers will typically recommend treating symptoms with over-the-counter pain medications and getting plenty of rest and fluids.Those who experience severe illness may need to be hospitalized for supportive care.As of Aug. 6, there were 103 West Nile virus cases in the U.S. across 26 states, per the CDC.Sixty-eight of those cases were neuroinvasive (severe).There is currently no vaccine for West Nile virus.”The virus can be contained through public health measures including more insect repellent with DEET, longer sleeves and less stagnant water in our backyards,” Siegel said.CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR HEALTH NEWSLETTERTrying to kill adult mosquitoes by spreading too much insecticide can be problematic, the doctor warned. “Animals, people with asthma and insects that would otherwise kill the mosquitoes are affected.”Dallas County health officials are urging local residents to take steps to protect themselves amid high mosquito activity, emphasizing the importance of the “four Ds” outlined below.DEET: When spending time outdoors, people should apply insect repellent containing DEET or other EPA-approved ingredients.For more Health articles, visit www.foxnews/healthDress: Minimize exposed skin by wearing long, loose clothing, officials recommend.Drain: Eliminating any standing water can help prevent mosquitoes from breeding.Dawn to dusk: Those at highest risk can minimize outdoor time during peak mosquito hours (just before and after sunset, and in the early morning before sunrise).
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justjessame · 3 months
Light Through the Darkness: Chapter 27
Abigail's Magic Prison~ Date Irritatingly Unknown
As time passed-
Well, Abigail supposed it passed, for all she knew it was the same day Damon left. Ignoring the twinge of loneliness that thought brought, she focused on a way to get to the garden. Clearly the shadows were important, but they came no closer than the edge of her garden scene.
She believed that since she was able to change things inside the room itself and she had made the garden appear, then she should be able to expand the house. All she really needed was the path from her room to the garden. She tried focusing intently on just that path, but a voice and memory kept intruding.
"Abigail," the voice beckoned. Low and intimate, yet also mocking and monstrous, she knew that her path outside would take her past the terror of the room he'd turned from an everyday visit, to a living nightmare.
Blinking out of her fear and terror, she wanted to scream. Frustration, terror, anguish, everything pent up from one night. One month if she wanted to be fully honest with herself. She didn't scream, she couldn't and wouldn't. Her mother had raised her to be measured in her responses. More decorum was expected of a woman of her station.
Shaking off her irritation, she closed her eyes and tried again.
Mystic Falls, VA Mid to Late September 2009
Damon was annoyed. Perturbed. Irritated. Aggravated. Pissed.
As he sat in the faux dungeon of the Salvatore Boarding House, ironically on the date of his rebirth, he was running through all the synonyms for how he was feeling.
Hungry. Thirsty. Dry. Starving.
Stefan was planning on interring him in the family crypt once he was desiccated. Strike two in the irony column. All because Stefan took offense to him attempting to seduce Elena away from him. And possibly because he was using the head cheerleader as his personal blood bag. And maybe because he was toying with the townsfolk. OK, so they had a laundry list of reasons to put him down for the count, but dammit it still sucked.
Like blood from a ripe young artery. Parched. Cottonmouthed. Burning. Yearning.
He'd obviously picked the wrong walking Happy Meal. Out of an entire school of willing cheerleaders, he'd picked the most aggravating one. Killing her should have happened long before he finally tried, and that brought him back to his current housing situation.
Brought down by your own food. Irony checkmate.
He was close to his goal he could feel it. He shouldn't have made a move on Elena, he knew that it had been stupid. Mostly he'd done it because the cheap fix he'd gotten of Stefan's angst from the news about Abigail hadn't lasted long enough. Guess poking Teen Angst Carebear wasn't smart. Coughing drying, he considered his options. Not enjoying the likelihood of the success of many, he settled on his least favorite. Happy Meal to the rescue.
Damon wasn't aware that he wasn't the only Salvatore with multiple balls in the air. While he wasn't controlled by the obsession for Abigail Morgan he once was, Stefan did feel fear for her.
She'd been locked inside her own head for nearly 150 years, that couldn't be a good sign.
He was also finding himself having to reassure Elena about who he was, and that found him making her a home cooked meal at the Gilbert house. He gave her a backstory with enough history that he hoped would keep her mind calm. He also assured her that Damon was gone. No longer an issue for any of them to worry about.
Elena reassured about him, and feeling happy with how their relationship was progressing. He hoped that he could come clean one day, but not just now. Her being happy with his answers made it easy for him to return to his issues with Abigail Morgan.
After Damon had confirmed that the "ghost story" Caroline shared was true, his memories came back in a flood of blood and terror. He remembered his father's death, the killing of the rest of the staff, but it was Sallie's face- eyes pleading, that surfaced the hardest. Seeing the person closest to Abigail rendered bloody and twisted by his own hands brought him to his knees. And the stage he'd set, blood and organs, of the people she'd known so well-how could he have done that?
The memories were real and hard to face. He had to find a path to free her. To let her know that she was finally safe. That she could finally live a long and peaceful life. A life free from him and Damon. He just had to find a way to make it happen.
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raspberrysmoon · 4 months
you wanna hear about...interests? 😏
okay so. there's this thing in germany called bibi blocksberg - she (bibi) is a little girl and a witch, and there used to be cassettes of her adventures way back in the 70s and now they're STILL making stories about her, just in spotify.
there's also spin-offs, hugely successful movies (animated AND real life), tv shows and like, EVERY young girl in germany loves her. you won't find anyone in this ENTIRE country that has never heard the name bibi blocksberg. i'm not even kidding.
now, i don't love bibi blocksberg! i don't even like it very much. BUT my mom and i ALWAYS listened to it together because she grew up with it and wanted the same for me, so it's like a bonding thing for us
anyway. there's about 150 episodes right now, and for 8 of those, she had a younger brother, boris. UNTIL episode 9 - it starts with her being sad about boris leaving. we don't even get to say goodbye to him! they said he moved to the east sea to their grandparents because of like, lung issues.
which is already pretty fucked up, because we NEVER hear from him again. no "oh, boris called", no surprise visits from him, NOTHING. he is GONE. he was a literal child and they just sent him to live with their grandparents because of a fucking cough?
no, it gets even WORSE.
in multiple episodes after boris left, bibi wishes for a "younger sibling" and her father calls her an ONLY CHILD.
my mom and i have been talking about this for YEARS. where the fuck is he? he can't just be erased from their memory? like, he EXISTED. and now bibi is an only child? did he fucking DIE or did his parents just forget about his existence?
anyway. hope you enjoyed this rant. bibi blocksberg is one of my special interests 😭
bibi blocksberg my love? where the fuck is boris? now im invested. this is so exactly what i wanted zazz tysm this is everything to me
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market-news-24 · 5 months
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has put forth a proposal to prohibit the use of formaldehyde in hair relaxers, citing potential health risks. However, the agency has missed its own deadline to make a final decision on the matter. The chemical, commonly found in many hair products, has been linked to various health concerns including respiratory issues and cancer. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) failed to meet its own deadline to propose a ban on formaldehyde in hair relaxers and straighteners. The proposed ban, set for April 2024, aimed to raise awareness about the dangers of formaldehyde, a toxic gas commonly found in hair products used by Black women. The delay in implementing the ban raises concerns about the FDA's dedication to public health. In a recent email, the FDA stated that officials are still developing the proposed rule, declining to provide further details. This delay comes after a study by the National Institutes of Health in 2022 linked formaldehyde exposure in hair products to an increased risk of hormone-related cancers, particularly in women. Formaldehyde exposure can lead to various health issues, including eye and skin irritation, nausea, coughing, and even cancer. Many hair products on the Market contain formaldehyde, despite claims of being "formaldehyde-free" or "organic." The New York State Department of Health found that over 150 hair products tested positive for formaldehyde, highlighting the need for stricter regulations. Aside from hair products, formaldehyde is also used in a wide range of other products like glues, resins, disinfectants, and building materials. The long-term effects of formaldehyde exposure can include headaches, asthma, dermatitis, and an increased risk of cancer. Overall, the FDA's delay in implementing the ban on formaldehyde in hair products raises serious concerns about public health and underscores the need for stricter regulations to protect consumers, especially Black women who are disproportionately affected by these harmful chemicals. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. What is formaldehyde and why is the FDA proposing to ban it from hair relaxers? Formaldehyde is a chemical used in hair relaxers to straighten hair. The FDA is proposing to ban it because it can be harmful to people's health. 2. Why did the FDA miss its own deadline for banning formaldehyde from hair relaxers? The FDA missed its deadline because they needed more time to gather information and input from the public on the potential ban. 3. Is formaldehyde dangerous to use in hair products? Yes, formaldehyde can be harmful if it is inhaled or comes into contact with the skin. It has been linked to respiratory issues and other health problems. 4. What are some alternatives to formaldehyde in hair relaxers? There are other chemicals and ingredients that can be used in hair relaxers to achieve similar results without the risks associated with formaldehyde.
5. How can I stay updated on the FDA's decision to ban formaldehyde from hair relaxers? You can keep an eye on news sources like NPR or the FDA's website for updates on the status of the proposed ban. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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Help to make sure you Buying Incontinence Products just for Men of all ages
Incontinence is a medical condition that affects millions of people worldwide, regardless of age or gender. While it can be a challenging and sometimes embarrassing issue to deal with, it's essential to remember that you're not alone. Many men face incontinence at some point in their lives due to various factors such as age, medical conditions, or lifestyle choices. Fortunately, there are effective ways to manage incontinence, and one of them includes using products designed to provide comfort and discretion. In this article, we will explore how men can make informed choices when selecting incontinence products and discuss the role of medications like Cenforce 130 in this context.
Understanding Incontinence
Before delving into the selection of incontinence products, it's crucial to understand the condition itself. Incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine or feces, and it can take several forms:
Stress Incontinence: This occurs when pressure on the bladder, such as coughing, sneezing, or lifting heavy objects, leads to urine leakage. It's common among men after prostate surgery or with weak pelvic floor muscles.
Urge Incontinence: Also known as overactive bladder, this condition involves a sudden and intense urge to urinate, often resulting in leakage before reaching the restroom.
Overflow Incontinence: Cenforce 200 happens when the bladder doesn't empty properly, causing it to fill beyond its capacity and leak.
Functional Incontinence: Physical or mental impairments can hinder one's ability to reach the restroom in time, leading to leakage.
Choosing the Right Incontinence Products
The good news is that there's a wide range of incontinence products available, making it possible for men to manage their condition with comfort and discretion. Here are some essential factors to consider when selecting the right products:
Absorbency Level: Different products offer varying levels of absorbency. Depending on the severity of your incontinence, you may need light, moderate, or heavy absorbency products. Always choose the absorbency level that matches your needs to avoid discomfort or leakage.
Type of Product: Incontinence products come in various forms, including adult diapers, pull-up underwear, pads, and guards. The choice depends on personal preference, mobility, and the level of protection required.
Size and Fit: Proper fit is crucial for comfort and effectiveness. Make sure to measure yourself accurately and choose products Cenforce 150 that fit snugly but not too tight.
Material: Consider the materials used in the product, especially if you have sensitive skin or allergies. Look for products with hypoallergenic and breathable materials to prevent skin irritation.
Odor Control: Some incontinence products come with odor-control features to maintain discretion and freshness.
Discreet Packaging: Many brands offer discreet packaging to ensure your privacy when receiving deliveries.
Using Medications like Cenforce
Cenforce is a medication primarily used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men by increasing blood flow to the penis. It contains sildenafil citrate, a well-known active ingredient used in ED medications. While Cenforce is not a treatment for incontinence, it can indirectly play a role in managing the condition.
Erectile dysfunction and incontinence can often coexist due to shared risk factors, such as age and certain medical conditions. Addressing ED with medications like Cenforce 120 can help improve a man's quality of life by boosting self-esteem and confidence.
Improved confidence and self-esteem can, in turn, positively impact a man's ability to manage incontinence. When a man feels more confident, he is more likely to engage in activities that promote overall health, including maintaining a regular exercise routine, which can help with incontinence management. Additionally, better emotional well-being may encourage open communication with healthcare providers about incontinence issues and the selection of appropriate products.
Incontinence can be a challenging condition to navigate, but with the right products and a comprehensive approach to your health, you can regain control and maintain your quality of life. When choosing incontinence products, remember to consider factors like absorbency, fit, materials, and discreet packaging. And if you're dealing with both incontinence and erectile dysfunction, don't hesitate to discuss your concerns with a healthcare professional who can guide you towards suitable treatments like Cenforce 100 for ED while also addressing your incontinence needs. With the right support and choices, you can manage incontinence with confidence and continue to enjoy life to the fullest.
Source: https://www.myvipon.com/post/804810/Help-make-sure-you-Buying-Incontinence-amazon-coupons
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Hello my friends!
If you are in Michigan like me, you probably already know this but our air quality is bad. If looking out your window didn't tip you off we have a nice smoky haze covering everything. And while it may be pretty to look at it is not good to breathe in. Everything has a smoky fragrance, like being around a campfire 24/7 with the smoke constantly in your face.
Personally, this is a first for me. I pay attention to air quality (my sister lived in WA for a stretch and their air quality sucks for a good part of the year. They have a thing called fire season that’s usually in between summer and fall.) but this is the first I’ve ever seen my area have an air quality alert this severe. I have a lot of friends who don’t know what an air quality alert entails. Please add on if you have more information!
The Air Quality Index measures ozone and particulate pollution. Here’s more information on the AQI. Good Air Quality is 50 or less. Moderate is 51-100. Unhealthy is 101-200. Sensitive groups could have issues here with more people having issues in the 150-200 range. Anything over 201 for the Air Quality Index is Very Unhealthy and considered a health alert. We are sitting at a nice 256. Not the worst, but definitely not good. Over 200 means the pm particles in the air can more easily enter your lungs and bloodstream and may cause issues. Healthy people may or may not experience symptoms. Anything over 300 (the scale goes up to 500) is considered dangerous for everyone.
Our air quality alert is in effect until 12:00am Friday which means (not necessarily- please look at your own area!) it will probably get worse before it gets better. It also means that we are looking at more pm particle pollutants which have a 24 hour alert than ozone pollutants which have an 8 hour alert. (These are the two most common out of the top 5 pollutants.)
As it was told to me, doing anything strenuous outside is like drinking a Wendy's frosty made entirely of ash. So I encourage you to stay inside, keep your doors/windows shut and your air on. If you have an air filter or purifier, use that as well.
At the moment, I have a tightness in my lungs/chest and taking deep breaths requires a little more effort so I will be remaining inside. A friend went for a walk earlier in the day and can’t stop coughing now, but I have friends who don’t feel the effects. It’s a judgement call.
I know it's cool outside here, but even if you don’t feel the effects, the air is still not safe to breathe, especially for your pets. Yes, the weather temperature is perfect for running, but please do not do any strenuous activity outside. Remember the ash frosty! There will be other days.
If you do have to venture out and have a car, please use your car's ac and make sure your recirculating button is on. (That's the one with the arrow turning around inside a car.) It will help your car get cool, filters your air and keeps the filtered air inside your car rather than taking more polluted air from outside.
I am not a specialist or expert, so please exercise judgement and do your own research. If I said something wrong, please kindly educate me as I am still learning about this.
I hope this helps and please stay safe my friends!
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filagrafxtplus · 1 year
10 Simple Health Tips to Stay Fit and Feel Great!
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential for overall well-being. Staying fit not only helps us look good, but it also helps us feel good. With so much information available on the internet, it can be challenging to know what to believe and what not to. In this blog, we will discuss ten simple health tips that can help you stay fit and feel great.
Drink     Plenty of Water: Drinking enough water is crucial to maintaining good     health. It is recommended that an adult should drink at least 8-10 glasses     of water a day. Water is essential for various bodily functions, including     digestion, regulating body temperature, and removing waste. Dehydration     can lead to headaches, tiredness, and even kidney stones.
Get Enough     Sleep: Getting enough sleep is essential for our bodies to function     correctly. Adults should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night. A good     night's sleep is essential for maintaining mental and emotional health,     reducing stress, and improving memory and concentration.
Exercise     Regularly: Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining good health. It not     only helps us stay physically fit but also has numerous mental health     benefits. It can improve our mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and even     combat depression. Experts recommend at least 150 minutes of     moderate-intensity exercise per week.
Eat a     Balanced Diet: Eating a balanced diet is essential for maintaining good     health. A balanced diet should include fruits, vegetables, whole grains,     lean protein, and healthy fats. Try to limit your intake of processed     foods and sugary drinks.
Reduce     Your Alcohol Intake: While moderate alcohol consumption can have some     health benefits, excessive drinking can be harmful. Heavy drinking can     lead to liver disease, high blood pressure, and even certain cancers. It     is recommended that women should have no more than one drink per day, and     men should have no more than two drinks per day.
Don't     Smoke: Smoking is a leading cause of preventable death worldwide. It     increases the risk of numerous health problems, including lung cancer,     heart disease, and stroke. Quitting smoking can be challenging, but there     are many resources available to help you quit, including nicotine     replacement therapy and support groups.
Practice     Good Hygiene: Practicing good hygiene is essential for preventing the     spread of germs and disease. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water     for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating and after using the     bathroom. Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze and avoid     touching your face.
Manage     Your Stress: Stress is a normal part of life, but chronic stress can lead     to numerous health problems. Learning to manage your stress is crucial for     maintaining good health. Try deep breathing exercises, yoga, or meditation     to help reduce stress levels.
Stay     Connected with Friends and Family: Social connections are essential for     good mental health. It's essential to stay connected with friends and     family, even if it's just through phone calls or video chats. Having a     support system can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
Take Care     of Your Mental Health: Mental health is just as important as physical     health. If you are struggling with mental health issues, seek help from a     mental health professional. Therapy, medication, or a combination of both     can be effective in treating mental health conditions.
Conclusion: Staying fit and feeling great doesn't have to be complicated. By following these ten simple health tips, you can improve your physical and mental health, reduce your risk of disease, and enjoy a better quality of life. Remember, small changes can lead to significant improvements in overall health and well-being.
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Filagra is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. It contains the active ingredient sildenafil citrate, which works by increasing blood flow to the penis, helping to achieve and maintain an erection.
Filagra comes in several different dosages, including:
Filagra     25mg: This is the lowest dose of Filagra and is typically used to treat     mild to moderate ED. It is usually taken 30 minutes to an hour before     sexual activity.
Filagra     50mg: This is a moderate dose of Filagra and is often prescribed to men     who have tried the 25mg dose but did not get the desired effect. It is     usually taken 30 minutes to an hour before sexual activity.
Filagra     100mg: This is the highest dose of Filagra and is prescribed to men with     severe ED. It is usually taken 30 minutes to an hour before sexual     activity.
Filagra     XXX: This is a chewable version of Filagra that comes in various fruit     flavors. It is available in doses of 25mg, 50mg, and 100mg and is usually     taken 30 minutes to an hour before sexual activity.
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virginiaprelawland · 2 years
Excessively Sized Train Derails In Ohio
By Noreen Karam, University of Virginia Tech, Class of 2024
February 19, 2023
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When Norfolk Southern train 32N derailed in Ohia earlier this month, it was not the first time it had experienced problems on the route. The train, which originated from Madison, Illinois, on the evening of Feb. 1, broke down at least once before derailing in East Palestine, Ohio, on Feb. 3, according to employees familiar with the matter. The employees say there were concerns among those working on the train over what they believed was the train's excessive length and weight — 151 cars, 9,300 feet long, 18,000 tons — before it reached East Palestine, which contributed to both the initial breakdown and the derailment.
In the two weeks since, many residents who were home at the time of the derailment, or who returned after authorities conducted a "toxic release" of the hazardous chemicals on board, have told CBS News they are suffering from headaches, rashes, respiratory problems and painful coughing. "We shouldn't be running trains that are 150 car lengths long," one of the employees said. "There should be some limitations to the weight and the length of the trains. In this case, had the train not been 18,000 tons, it's very likely the effects of the derailment would have been mitigated."
Southern's CEO Alan Shaw declined an interview. In a statement to CBS News, a company spokesperson said, "the weight distribution of this train was uniform throughout" and included a mid-train locomotive "which helps manage the dynamic forces of the train" and reduces mechanical issues. “Assigning a 'reputation' to a train that fluctuates by thousands of tons on a regular basis is inaccurate," the spokesperson said of the observations about the train's length and weight, adding that a "longer and heavier train" used to run the route, before it was "split into two shorter, lighter trains in the past few months as part of a regular review."
Still, the train that derailed is "very long," according to Sarah Feinberg, who served as administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) from 2015 to 2017.  "When I was FRA administrator, I was not happy with the lengths of the trains, and they were 80 or 90 cars long," Feinberg said. "This train was 50% longer." Feinberg said longer trains are more efficient for the railroad companies and its executives, but more challenging for the crews tasked with making repairs mid-route, a job that requires walking the length of the train to identify problems. 
The employees described a system stretched to its limits. "The workers are exhausted, times for car inspections have been drastically cut, and there are no regulations on the size of these trains," said one employee. In East Palestine, 38 train cars derailed, causing a fire that damaged an additional 12 cars. On Sunday, Norfolk Southern gave the Environmental Protection Agency a list of train's contents that showed 11 of the cars that derailed carried hazardous material, including known carcinogens vinyl chloride and ethylhexyl acrylate.
The National Transportation Safety Board is currently investigating the derailment. In a statement Tuesday, the agency said it had "identified and examined the rail car that initiated the derailment," and cited surveillance video that "showed what appears to be a wheel bearing in the final stage of overheat failure moments before the derailment." The derailment has shined a spotlight on Precision Schedule Railroading, or PSR, a strategy that has been widely adopted across the railroad industry and is intended to increase efficiency and reduce costs. Norfolk Southern implemented PSR in 2019.
According to a December report by the Government Accountability Office, PSR led to longer trains and an overall staff decrease of about 28% among the nation's seven largest freight railroads, which includes Norfolk Southern. "The railroads want to decrease costs, and as they are decreasing costs, risks are generally increasing," Feinberg said. PSR has led to fewer and shorter inspections of train cars, like the ones that derailed in Ohio, according to Jared Cassity, the national legislative director for one of the unions that represents Norfolk Southern workers.
"There's a good chance the car that derailed had not been properly inspected for some time," said Cassity, who added that the company says inspections of freight cars need to be completed in as little as 60 seconds.  "You combine that with the added length and tonnage, plus the fact that it had all this hazardous material, and this was predictable. If nothing changes, it will happen again."
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belle-et-inspirante · 2 years
Why No One Is Talking About Marijuana Legalization
Why No One Is Talking About Marijuana Legalization
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Why No One Is Talking About Marijuana Legalization
Marijuana Legalization at a Glance
Anyone 21 or older would have the ability to possess small quantities of marijuana and be permitted to grow a few plants in their house. According to the most recent reports coming out of Colorado, marijuana is a main cause of homicides in the state, and the challenge is simply getting worse. Marijuana is a lesser evil in comparison to opiates, Bennion explained. Legalized marijuana doesn’t mean marijuana can be utilized in public. Legalization isn’t a panacea, but it’s far preferable to prohibition. He will not reduce the need to acquire resources often illegally to purchase a drug. Finally, he will grow the nation’s economy by creating new job and business opportunities and government revenue to cover the budget deficit.
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Your problem might be extremely tough that you deal with and you simply cannot imagine having it to start with, but your counselor has seen almost everything. Some simply don’t want to admit that there might be an issue. Furthermore, it would forbid taxing or regulating using marijuana.
The Secret to Marijuana Legalization
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What Marijuana Legalization Is – and What it Is Not
The initiative is called the Smart and Safe Arizona Act. It would allow the state to issue about 150 licenses for businesses to sell marijuana. Generally speaking, such initiatives have a tendency to follow along with the exact same pattern decriminalization of possession of small quantities, legalization of health usage, and, finally, legalization for recreation. There are three marijuana initiatives that may show up on the 2018 Arizona ballot should they collect the necessary variety of signatures. Any such outreach will probably drive away lots of the white-working class voters Trump energized. The anti-marijuana organizations stress there are different products in the health care market that possess the exact same positive effects of Marijuana with minimal or not one of the negative side results. Therefore, it’s understandable that individuals dealing with a cough or coughing are in need of home treatments for cough.
The state is one of the most conservative to legalize medical marijuana. On Nov. 8, 2016, residents of Arizona are going to have the chance to create their state one of the absolute most cannabis-friendly states in the nation. Some produce deep, unconscious states that may be regulated to last for hours, while some are intended to permit for fast recovery after surgery. In California, among the biggest states in the country, all the large state-versus-federal conflicts are likely to be dramatically increased by what goes on.
Definitions of Marijuana Legalization
When you’re smart enough to find policy coverage by the minute you’re young, you can be certain about receiving the ideal premium rate according to your affordability. If you buy a medical insurance policy as you’re at the youthful age, you won’t require worrying about age limits and thus you can enjoy the advantages of health insurance for a longer period of time. The proposal would permit the personal possession and usage of cannabis for state residents who are 21 decades old or older. The legislation is going to be a lengthy shot under the conservative-led Legislature. Normally, the bill proposes allowing anyone test.com over age 21 to possess as much as an ounce of pot, together with a few marijuana plants. Last but not least, if you don’t plan on using the money for purchasing a new modern vehicle, there are different forms of investments which you can make. The money produced from the sales tax would go toward funding medical care services for veterans.
un nuovo post è stato publicato su https://online-wine-shop.com/why-no-one-is-talking-about-marijuana-legalization-203/
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sa7abnews · 1 month
West Nile death reported in Texas as health officials warn residents to safeguard against mosquitoes
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/09/west-nile-death-reported-in-texas-as-health-officials-warn-residents-to-safeguard-against-mosquitoes/
West Nile death reported in Texas as health officials warn residents to safeguard against mosquitoes
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A woman in Dallas County, Texas, has died after being diagnosed with West Nile virus.The patient, whose name and age were not released, contracted a severe neuroinvasive form of the disease, according to a Tuesday press release from the Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS).The female patient had “underlying health issues,” officials stated.LISTERIA INFECTION LINKED TO DELI MEATS KILLS 2, INFECTS 28 ACROSS US, CDC WARNSThis was the county’s first West Nile death in 2024.”We are deeply saddened by this loss,” said Dr. Philip Huang, director of DCHHS, in the release.”This heartbreaking tragedy underscores the critical importance of safeguarding against mosquito bites, which can transmit several diseases, including West Nile virus.”Since the West Nile virus first entered the U.S. in 1999, it has become the leading cause of mosquito-borne disease in the country, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).In most cases, the West Nile virus — a flavivirus in the same family as yellow fever, dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis and the Zika virus — is spread when Culex mosquitoes bite infected birds and then bite people and other animals, per the CDC’s website.IN A POTENTIAL OUTBREAK, IS BIRD FLU TESTING AVAILABLE FOR HUMANS? WHAT TO KNOWThe virus is not transmitted through eating or handling infected animals or birds — nor is it spread through physical contact, coughing or sneezing.A vast majority — around 80% — of the people who contract the virus will not experience any symptoms, the CDC states on its website.”It causes a rash and other symptoms, including swollen lymph nodes, which other viruses in its class do not exhibit,” Dr. Marc Siegel, senior medical analyst for Fox News and clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, told Fox News Digital.”It only affects the nervous system 1% of the time and is rarely fatal.”IN COLORADO, PLAGUE CASE CONFIRMED IN HUMAN, HEALTH OFFICIALS SAY: ‘MUST BE TREATED PROMPTLY’Around one in five people will develop febrile illness, which is marked by a fever along with body aches, headache, joint pain, diarrhea, rash and/or vomiting. These symptoms usually go away on their own, but some people may have lingering weakness and fatigue months after infection.In rare cases — about one in every 150 infected people — the virus can lead to serious conditions affecting the nervous system, such as encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) or meningitis (inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord), the CDC states on its website.Those who develop serious illness may experience headache, stiff neck, high fever, disorientation, vision loss, muscle weakness, convulsions, tremors, coma or paralysis, which occur when there is viral infection of the central nervous system. Among people who have this invasive form of the illness, around 10% will die.While anyone can potentially develop severe illness, the highest-risk groups include those over 60 years of age, people who have had organ transplants and those with diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, kidney disease, immune disorders and other certain medical conditions.”The virus’ effects can be quite serious in the elderly,” Siegel noted.Those who think they might have been infected with WNV should be assessed by a health care provider, the CDC states.Diagnosis of the infection can be made based on evaluation of symptoms, recent exposure to mosquitoes and testing of blood or spinal fluid.OUTBREAK OF KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIAE BACTERIA INFECTS 31 PATIENTS AT SEATTLE HOSPITALHealth care providers will typically recommend treating symptoms with over-the-counter pain medications and getting plenty of rest and fluids.Those who experience severe illness may need to be hospitalized for supportive care.As of Aug. 6, there were 103 West Nile virus cases in the U.S. across 26 states, per the CDC.Sixty-eight of those cases were neuroinvasive (severe).There is currently no vaccine for West Nile virus.”The virus can be contained through public health measures including more insect repellent with DEET, longer sleeves and less stagnant water in our backyards,” Siegel said.CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR HEALTH NEWSLETTERTrying to kill adult mosquitoes by spreading too much insecticide can be problematic, the doctor warned. “Animals, people with asthma and insects that would otherwise kill the mosquitoes are affected.”Dallas County health officials are urging local residents to take steps to protect themselves amid high mosquito activity, emphasizing the importance of the “four Ds” outlined below.DEET: When spending time outdoors, people should apply insect repellent containing DEET or other EPA-approved ingredients.For more Health articles, visit www.foxnews/healthDress: Minimize exposed skin by wearing long, loose clothing, officials recommend.Drain: Eliminating any standing water can help prevent mosquitoes from breeding.Dawn to dusk: Those at highest risk can minimize outdoor time during peak mosquito hours (just before and after sunset, and in the early morning before sunrise).
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